View Full Version : 3.5 Magic Crafting Question

2013-07-02, 10:12 AM
Which is:
How many enchantments can one stack in one slot? Discussing with a fellow co-player and DM, he thinks you can only stack two, for example, Gloves of Storing and Dex enhancement.

My reading in the MiC, and DMG is that you could add Ghoul Touch , and then add more Dex without incurring extra cost.

Some online reading seems to indicate people add several enchantments in one slot willy nilly.

So is there a hard fast limit? Just two? Three? or as many effects, as long as you can afford it?

2013-07-02, 10:17 AM
You can add as many enchantments in a single slot as you can afford. Do remember that every one beyond the most expensive gets hit with a 50% price increase, though.

2013-07-02, 10:42 AM
You can add as many enchantments in a single slot as you can afford. Do remember that every one beyond the most expensive gets hit with a 50% price increase, though.

Yup, that's my reading as well. However, my understanding is that you can't have two or more standard buffs (+2, +4, or +6 to attributes, +1-5 natural armor bonus, etc.) occupying the same slot. The original reasoning behind allowing Gauntlets of Dexterity to also have Gloves of Lightning (+50%) is so characters can still have unique items without taking the opportunity cost to an attribute bonus item. So no Gauntlets of Ogre Strength and Dexterity. Or an Amulet of Natural Armor (+1) and Endurance (+2 Con).

Remember, the rule is optional. GMs can always say no, we are sticking to SRD/Core.

2013-07-02, 12:37 PM
From my reading of the MIC, adding the "common item effects" like stat boosts, deflection ac, natural ac, resistence, etc do not incur the +50% cost.

2013-07-02, 01:07 PM
Thanks for the replies. There is no disagreement over the stat/ac/st/ bonus being added, that's pretty clear in the MiC. The murky part was over how many "items" one can stack at 50% mark up. We're not even trying to figure out putting items in non-standard slot. I think I have a citation that may satisfy my friend; DMG page 288, under adding new abilities, "A creator can add new magical abilities with no restrictions."

Now I have to convince him that the MiC part of not costing extra for common item effects, doesn't somehow contradict that. He doesn't think a slot should have too much magic in it.

2013-07-02, 01:32 PM
It's not a hard limit but anything that pushes the price above 200,000gp gets the markup for epic items and requires the epic crafting feat.
That's the only restriction on magic items i'm aware of.
There's examples of items with a bonus to more than one stat in core, too.

Personally, i wouldn't be too worried about it. WBL is generally enough of a restriction on power from equipment.
If your DM thinks it's a problem he might be giving out too much treasure.

2013-07-02, 01:41 PM
Well, it's possibly a problem for her (the DM), and the by-the-book friend, not me. :) We seem to have hit a jackpot and now have a LOT of money (we're double checking the figures, if its right the high end is 500 grand apiece). Even so, my Jade Phoenix Mage and the Druid are planning to do some crafting, and looking to double barrel some nifty items we've acquired.

My other thread about making a new polearm is somewhere in the depths of page 4 or 5 now, but there's no dispute one what one can stack on a weapon. Just what I think will be the most helpful.

The other thing we're debating is the cost to add weapon effects on amulets for my character's unarmed strike, and another's natural attacks.

This on top of all the complications of being in the mid teen levels now.

2013-07-02, 02:03 PM
Well, it's possibly a problem for her (the DM), and the by-the-book friend, not me. :) We seem to have hit a jackpot and now have a LOT of money (we're double checking the figures, if its right the high end is 500 grand apiece). Even so, my Jade Phoenix Mage and the Druid are planning to do some crafting, and looking to double barrel some nifty items we've acquired.

My other thread about making a new polearm is somewhere in the depths of page 4 or 5 now, but there's no dispute one what one can stack on a weapon. Just what I think will be the most helpful.

The other thing we're debating is the cost to add weapon effects on amulets for my character's unarmed strike, and another's natural attacks.

This on top of all the complications of being in the mid teen levels now.

Not that I have anything useful to add but I feel your pain.
I have DM approved infinite gold and am only level 9. We've put every stopgap measure in place that we can think of to slow the hemorrhage of gold from me to the marketplace but it's still overwhelming.
On top of that I have about 5 constructs to equip as well.

- I'm limited to only non-epic items (no single purchase above 200,000gp)
- buying only 1 magic item per day instead of MICs suggested 1 per hour. The extra time is spent on Gather Info checks to be sure of whose coffers I'm filling.
- I can only buy items as is from the books
- Custom items (including stacked items) are researched like new spells replacing Spell Level with Caster Level. (that 1000gp and 1 week per CL is a killer)
- Buying spellcasting is akin to buying an item, takes the same amount of time and has the same under epic limit.

One limiter we're not making use of, not sure if we should or not, is the "maximum cost for a single item as a limit." option from Magic Items As Gear paragraph on page 199 of the DMG. It states that no single item a PC owns can cost more than 1/4 heir suggested Wealth By Level.

2013-07-02, 04:04 PM
Well, it's possibly a problem for her (the DM), and the by-the-book friend, not me. :) We seem to have hit a jackpot and now have a LOT of money (we're double checking the figures, if its right the high end is 500 grand apiece). Even so, my Jade Phoenix Mage and the Druid are planning to do some crafting, and looking to double barrel some nifty items we've acquired.

My other thread about making a new polearm is somewhere in the depths of page 4 or 5 now, but there's no dispute one what one can stack on a weapon. Just what I think will be the most helpful.

The other thing we're debating is the cost to add weapon effects on amulets for my character's unarmed strike, and another's natural attacks.

This on top of all the complications of being in the mid teen levels now.

Well you can't just nearly triple WBL and then expect the system to hold up.
WBL is the assumed method of regulating magic items so other restrictions are usually not necessary.

For weapon effects on amulets, you could use Amulet of Mighty Fists (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/wondrousItems.htm#amuletofMightyFists) as a baseline. It cost 3x as much as upgrading a weapon though so it's only worth it if you have 3 or more natural attacks to enhance.

2013-07-02, 04:26 PM
Do remember that every one beyond the most expensive gets hit with a 50% price increase, though.That is not true:

If the item is one that occupies a specific place on a character’s body the cost of adding any additional ability to that item increases by 50%. For example, if a character adds the power to confer invisibility to her ring of protection +2, the cost of adding this ability is the same as for creating a ring of invisibility multiplied by 1.5.So the cost of every ability beyond the stock ability is multiplied by 1.5 not every one except the most expensive one. So the order is relevant.