View Full Version : Let's Play: Civilization for the SNES!!

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-03, 08:58 PM
In a galaxy, much like our own (in fact, pretty much OUR own)...

...in a little blue planet much like ours...heck, it might just be OURS...

...something is very...VERY...different.

Here is a tale of how, by making different choices, things could have been very different for...our...
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0002_zps56deb2f3.png (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvSBWwNh9kI&t=12)

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, to my first attempt at a LP. By the magic of snapshots and Youtube (but not videos; please respect this small choice), we can weave a tale where, through the wisdom of the collective, we can alter the fate of a specific civilization and make it the most prosperous, or perhaps...just a stain in the ever-moving wheel of time.

As with most LPs where the author requests collaboration, YOU are free to give your votes regarding what'll be the next steps.

To give a brief primer: Civilization (or rather, Sid Meier's Civilization) is the first of a line of wonderful strategy games which combine sandbox (a la Sim City) and conquest (such as, say, Age of Empires). In essence, you're one of the great (and for what it seems, immortal) leaders of the world, and you guide your civilization towards greatness. You need to gauge your resources, guide your scientific developments, and eventually choose...well, whether you'll rule the world with an iron (or gentle) fist, become the most advanced civilization and win the Space Race, or be the most wondrous civilization of the entire world once a specific time is met.

The game was first developed by MicroProse corporation, but the version that'll be used for this LP is the port made by Koei. Yes, the same Koei that's known for its Romance of the Three Kingdoms series of games, made a port to the Super Famicom, and thus to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It was one of the games that managed to use the mouse meant for the SNES, and for a 1991 game made for the DOS, it's quite the port. Note, curiously enough, that the original game was essentially a port from a board game coincidentally called Civilization (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civilization_(board_game)), but while the original game focused on trading and scientific advancement, the video game added elements from another popular game (namely, RISK). However, it pioneered the now-common "tech trees", where technology advances based on tiers and combinations of existing technologies.

Also, it has a spin-off: Alpha Centauri. Which, of course, is one of the "win" objectives (aside from world domination, the creation of multiple wonders, and controlling the United Nations), and which is essentially "Civilization in a new world".

The objective here is that you become, in essence, the "ministers" that define the path of our chosen Civilization. Thus, you'd be the dictator's "voices", the monarch's aides, the Supreme Commander's politburo, the Senate, or...if we choose democracy, the People. I, of course, will be the Dictator/King/Supreme Commander/Prime Minster/President, but I'll have as much control as you allow me.

Before we start, though...
The first thing we must do is define our "game world". There's one of three choices:

Game Start creates a randomized world; in essence, an alternate Earth, where the continents and the lands have been completely rearranged. In essence, it's meant to start a game almost immediately.

Customize World allows you to create a semi-customized world, where you define the size of the landmass, the general climate of the world, and the starting age:

Land Mass determines the size of the world. Small creates a world with small islands, Normal has a balance between land and ocean, and Large involves a gigantic landmass, but few sources of water.

Temperature determines the general climate of the world. A Cold climate will have loads of "tundra" tiles, which have to be defrosted before continuing; a Warm climate will have loads of "jungle" tiles instead.

Climate determines the amount of water in the world. An Arid landmass will contain lots of "desert" tiles, making food production more difficult. A Wet landmass will contain lots of "marsh" tiles instead.

As you may have noticed, Temperature and Climate work in conjunction. For example, a "Cold" and "Wet" landmass won't have many (if any) "tundra" tiles, but it'll have lots of "frozen" tiles (because tundra, if you recall Geology, is generally arid and desertic). Alternatively, a "Normal" and "Wet" landmass will have "jungle" tiles, but it'll have more "forest" marshes instead; had it been "Warm", it'd be jungles and marshes instead.

Why the mention of "tiles"? Well: resources in cities change based on the surrounding tiles. Playing with tiles is really important: "river" tiles increase food production; "mountain", "hill" and even "desert" tiles are needed for materials, and "ocean" tiles are needed for trade. All three are important if you want a balanced civilization. On the other hand, "marshes" might allow to find oil (more resources), and "forests" reduce pollution (which is important in the future), so every time (even grass!) is important.

Finally, Age determines the moment in time where you start. This is important, because it determines the number of turns you have available before reaching 2050, which is the moment where your score is defined (unless you conquer the world before, or reach Alpha Centauri first). You can start at 3 billion AC, 4 billion AC or 5 billion AC.

There's one last option: EARTH. As you may have figured, that means you're playing on an alternate version of planet Earth, with the same (or at least, the best approximation of) continents, and you start much earlier (4000 BC), approximately in the same area where the actual civilizations started (some differences are made).

Then, once that option is chosen, you must define other things:
First, we must choose the Difficulty of the game:

Chieftain is the easiest setting. You start with two settlers (a VERY important unit), and you're guided to the best options every turn.

Warlord is the "normal" setting. You start with one settler, and you're on your own.

Prince, King and Emperor are artificial difficulty settings. You see, you always play under the same rules, so in order for the computer to settle difficulty, it has to cheat. Under the Prince setting, you might see that buildings take longer to be made, while on the Emperor setting, the odds are completely against you. Completely. As in, "the computer can create multiple things at once".

I have to mention that, even in the "Chieftain" setting, the computer cheats against you. It's just that, in more difficult settings, you're playing in handicap, while the computer will cheat even more than before.

Afterwards, we have to determine the number of civilizations that'll be in play:http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0005_zps4fafd46a.png

Aside from you, the computer will play up to 3-7 civilizations at once. Generally, the more civilizations there are, the faster they'll crush each other, so generally you'll end up with 3-5 other civilizations.

Finally, you must choose which civilization you'll play with:

Each civilization is represented by a specific individual, the most representative individual of each civilization:
The Romans are ruled by Julius Caesar, who became the first Roman Emperor
The Babylonians are ruled by Hammurabi, the sixth king of Babylon and the first Babylonian emperor, best known for creating the first set of written laws in history
The Germans are ruled by Frederick, most likely Frederick the Peaceful, ruler of the Holy Roman Empire betweeen 1452-1493.
The Egyptians are ruled by Ramesses II the Great, the greatest and most powerful pharaoh, and the basis for the famous poem Ozymandias, by Percy Bysshe Shelley
The Americans are ruled by Abraham Lincoln, president of the United States during the Civil War.
The Greeks are ruled by Alexander the Great, king of Macedonia, but known for conquering most of the known world thus far and creating the Hellenistic Empire. In essence, you're playing as the Hellenes, rather than the Greeks.
The Indians/Hindis are ruled by Mohandas K. Gandhi, promoter of Indian independence from the British Empire and one of the greatest pacifists.
The Russians are ruled by Joseph Stalin, Supreme Commander of the Soviet Union (thus, you're essentially playing as the Soviet Union). His government was considerably harsh, but he expanded Communism as a political force.
The Japanese are ruled by Tokugawa Ieyasu, the warlord by which Japan was unified under a sole ruler. Under the Tokugawa shogunate, Japan ended a period of war between various states, and the rule of the Emperor was reduced.
The French are ruled by Napoleon Bonaparte, a military officer that became the first Emperor of France, after the French Revolution that deposed Louis XVI, and nearly conquered all of Europe.
The Aztecs are ruled by Moctezuma, the tlatoani of Tenochtitlan, that ruled at the moment the Spaniards began their conquest of the New World.
The Chinese are ruled by Mao Tse Tung, Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party, who ended the Japanese rule of China and took power, reforming the country as the People's Republic of China.
The English are ruled by Queen Elizabeth the First, the first woman to rule the British Empire and one of the most influential and important rulers of the age.
And finally, the Mongols are ruled by Genghis Khan, the warlord that conquered most of Europe and the Oriental world.

An important thing to notice is that, while this is a short description of each ruler, that doesn't mean they'll behave as their real-life counterparts. Thus, Genghis Khan can be a great pacifist, and Gandhi can be a fierce warlord. That, of course, will be your decision.

Now, I request only a few things of you. As your first examples of rule, I request advise on:
Which shall be the state of the world? Randomized, semi-customized, or straight in Earth?
What shall be the threat of our enemies? Will we face simple Chieftains, or cruel Emperors?
How many civilizations will share the world?
And finally, which will be the civilization that'll achieve greatness?

The ballots are open! Who will receive the blessing of Gaia? You decide!

2013-07-03, 09:48 PM
7 Civilizations. More conquest for the conquest king!

As for difficulty, well what level would you feel comfortable at?

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-03, 10:11 PM
7 Civilizations. More conquest for the conquest king!

As for difficulty, well what level would you feel comfortable at?

I've played Chieftain and Warlord, but since this is a collaborative effort, difficulty isn't really a problem. Obviously, because of how the Emperor setting works (other civilizations basically make what it needs in one turn while I take about 20), that'd be a brutal challenge. However, that doesn't mean it's impossible.

I'd like to attempt Warlord once again, if only because it's a workable setting (just finished a game in Warlord setting, and managed to keep competitive in terms of technology and resources though my territorial extension was somewhat lacking), but still a challenge. Might also consider Prince, which is slightly more difficult.

Note that, no matter the choice, you'll end up with 7 different civilizations (not counting yours) in the end. Basically, once a civilization is defeated, there's a chance another sprouts. 7 Civilizations means you reach the top limit, so there'll be no other civilizations sprouting afterwards.

But, if what you want is conquest...let's see what the others wish for!

2013-07-04, 01:59 PM
Now, I request only a few things of you. As your first examples of rule, I request advise on:
Which shall be the state of the world? Randomized, semi-customized, or straight in Earth?
What shall be the threat of our enemies? Will we face simple Chieftains, or cruel Emperors?
How many civilizations will share the world?
And finally, which will be the civilization that'll achieve greatness?

The ballots are open! Who will receive the blessing of Gaia? You decide!

First a question in two parts. Is ICS a viable strategy in this iteration of Civ? If so, are you comfortable playing it, or would it just distract from the storytelling aspect of it.

If ICS is acceptable (not accepted, since that would require of vote of the council, just a viable strategy), semi-customized with whatever settings lead to the greatest degree of isolationism. If ICS is unacceptable, Earth.
Let's go with Warlord. I'm not a fan of fake difficulty.
Let's go with 5 so two more civs pop up later if we defeat them.
Since Casimir III isn't available, let's go with good old Abe.

So concludes the report from Science Adviser Fizz

2013-07-04, 02:05 PM
Russia, Large, Cold, and Wet. Warlord difficulty, with 7 other Civilizations. Cultural advisor Flickerdart recommends maximum depressing climate in order to produce the greatest works of art!

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-04, 03:03 PM
First a question in two parts. Is ICS a viable strategy in this iteration of Civ? If so, are you comfortable playing it, or would it just distract from the storytelling aspect of it.

If ICS is acceptable (not accepted, since that would require of vote of the council, just a viable strategy), semi-customized with whatever settings lead to the greatest degree of isolationism. If ICS is unacceptable, Earth.
Let's go with Warlord. I'm not a fan of fake difficulty.
Let's go with 5 so two more civs pop up later if we defeat them.
Since Casimir III isn't available, let's go with good old Abe.

So concludes the report from Science Adviser Fizz

It's the first time I hear about ICS, so I can't assure it'll work, but it's certainly doable. There's the Coliseum building, which is the key component, and there's several Wonders that boost happiness, so it's possible. That said, it's a risky procedure that has to be considered (but that'll be something for when we build the first city).

Might start when I get five advices or until Friday. Want to hear more opinions.

2013-07-05, 09:31 AM
Greece, and what Cultural Advisor Flickerdart said. As Military Advisor, I recommend rushing for tanks and conquering everyone beneath our iron treads. :smallamused:

Rob Roy
2013-07-06, 10:51 PM
Babylon as our civilization. As Religious Adviser, I third Flickerdart's what Flickerdart said. May we conquer the world and the stars in the name of our generic nondescript pantheon!

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-07, 12:50 AM
Well, the world has been defined, but there's still some things to work out.

By overwhelming decision, the world will be Large, Cold and Wet, and it shall be played on the Warlord difficulty with 7 other Civilizations.

However, the Civilization we'll be playing...is yet to be decided. Thus, I ask the...well, since the game starts with you as Dictator...I ask the voices to concord on one of the following options, as determined by the Council of Voices in My Head (henceforth known as the CoViMH):

Will we play as the Americans, independent from British civilization?
Will we play as Mother Russia, who would feel like Rome?
Will we play as the Hellenes, and give Alexander Magnus a second chance at conquering the entire world?
...Or we will play as the Babylonians, far from a warm and fertile land?

Also, as defined by the CoViMH: Fizz will head the Ministry of Sciences, Flickerdart will head the Ministry of Culture, Wookieetank will head the Ministry of War, and Rob Roy will head the Ministry of Faith. Note that, depending on the Civilization chosen, these may take different names, and will merely be "ceremonial" (as in, if I am to ask opinions to ministers, your name will be the one to come). Of course, the names will be suitably altered to fit the Civilization.

2013-07-07, 01:48 AM
Well, the world has been defined, but there's still some things to work out.

By overwhelming decision, the world will be Large, Cold and Wet, and it shall be played on the Warlord difficulty with 7 other Civilizations.

However, the Civilization we'll be playing...is yet to be decided. Thus, I ask the...well, since the game starts with you as Dictator...I ask the voices to concord on one of the following options, as determined by the Council of Voices in My Head (henceforth known as the CoViMH):

Will we play as the Americans, independent from British civilization?
Will we play as Mother Russia, who would feel like Rome?
Will we play as the Hellenes, and give Alexander Magnus a second chance at conquering the entire world?
...Or we will play as the Babylonians, far from a warm and fertile land?

Also, as defined by the CoViMH: Fizz will head the Ministry of Sciences, Flickerdart will head the Ministry of Culture, Wookieetank will head the Ministry of War, and Rob Roy will head the Ministry of Faith. Note that, depending on the Civilization chosen, these may take different names, and will merely be "ceremonial" (as in, if I am to ask opinions to ministers, your name will be the one to come). Of course, the names will be suitably altered to fit the Civilization.

Let's go with America.

2013-07-07, 01:58 AM
I will accede to America, but only on the condition that we play it as Eagleland. :smalltongue:

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-07, 05:22 AM
The CoViMH hath spoken! Let the games...BEGIN!!



???: Oh, for the love of Me, what is this madness!?


???: Oh, I honestly expected the last component was Heart... I thought that with those powers combined, you called a...nevermind. Keep going.


???: Sometimes I believe that "Intelligence" is overrated. But that's me.


???: Oh, do tell! Keep going, please; this history lesson is VEEERY interesting...


???: "Civilization", huh? Talk about ambition...but that's clearly a trait possessed only by Man. I look forward to see this.

Now, then...

Do ya feel lucky, punks...?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0084_zps91eb2e23.png (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUztmw5s4X4)

Chapter 1: The (as of yet undeveloped) Land of the Free (to act as its voices dictate)


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Greetings and salutations! My name is Gaia, and I am the spirit of the Earth. You may know me as "Mother Earth". I shall grant a legendary leader the chance to build a Civilization that trascends time, and I ask for your help to do so.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: So first...in which kind of world will this Civilization begin? Let's see...people have asked for a world with Large landmasses, a Cold temperature and a Wet climate...truly a harsh world to live. I presume something like...this, right?


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Allow me, then, to use my handy-dandy Gaiamorpho-tron 2000 and set the dials as intended. Oh, I noticed no one indicated a specific time period! Let's see...perhaps 5 billion will suffice?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Now, I see you have requested to be a Warlord, and to share this world with seven other civilizations... Very well, it shall be done!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Finally...which Civilization shall be the one I bless? Let's see...the Babylonians?


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Let's see... "King of Babylonia, he is most noted for his code of laws, one of the earliest known. His empire encompassed the eastern part of the Fertile Crescent, centered on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. A competent ruler and builder of civilization, his empire was eventually destroyed by raids from Asia Minor. The Babylonians are generally more concerned with building and growing, rather than continual expansion." Seems like a nice fellow. I'll have him under consideration. Now...the Greeks?


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Ah, home! But wait...he is no Hellene! Let's see... "Alexander inherited the throne of Macedonia in 336 BC and quickly gained control of all Greece. At the head of an allied Greek army, he set out on one of the greatest military campaigns of history. Within twelve years he had conquered the enormous Persian empire to the east, Egypt to the south, and the western part of modern India. Only the reluctance of his men to continue ended the conquests. He died prematurely of fever at the age of 33, but in this short span established himself as one of the greatest generals of all time. If you encounter Alexander and the Greeks, they can be expected to expand aggressively." Reminds me of Leonidas; always with his mind at war, never on his wife. Aggressive and inclined towards expanding...no, I'll pass. Now...let's continue. The Russians?


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh...this man. Let's see... "A long-time Bolshevik, he emerged from the power struggle following Lenin's death as the new leader of the Soviet Union, contrary to Lenin's wishes. He quickly implemented plans for the forced collectivization of agriculture, rapid industrialization, and a huge military buildup. These policies were made possible by a reign of state terror that led to millions of deaths. After repelling the Nazi invasion of World War II, which killed 20 million more Russians, Stalin was able to establish a hegemony over most of Eastern Europe that lasted nearly half a century before disintegrating Under Stalin, the Russians are a dangerous opponent. They are capable of aggressive expansion, but may fall behind in the development of cities and technology." I have this perverse idea to drag him from the bowels of Tartarus and drive him through his own personal torment. Hmm...it seems the voices have agreed on someone. Let's see...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, what a handsome man! No wonder why the voices agreed! To wit: "From humble beginnings and largely self-taught, Lincoln rose to become one of America's greatest Presidents. Directing the nation through the Civil War, his will, intellect, and political skill were critical for the survival of the fledgling democracy. Most often associated with the emancipation of slaves, the reunification of the country and the preservation of democracy are his lasting contributions. Abraham Lincoln and the Americans are most likely to become a democracy. While they look to expand, they are not overly aggressive." Ah, I seem to like this fellow already! Very well, I have made my choice...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: The "beautiful goddess" is me, of course. And I forgot to mention that, as part of my boons, Abraham Lincoln shall be immortal...or at least, as long-lasting as his Civilization does. His life is bound to that of his Civilization.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ohhh...my head. Feels like I've been shot in the head.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: As a matter of fact, you were.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I...see. Then I presume you must be God, then?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Goddess, thank you very much. You may know me as Gaia.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Interesting...who would have imagined that God had such a common name...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I beg your pardon?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Of course! Haven't you told me your name is Sarah?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Goodness gracious, no! I said my name is Gaia, not Sarah.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: So, miss Sarah...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I believe I mentioned my name is...oh, well. Must be the chunk of lead on your thick skull... What did you want to ask me?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Is this Heaven? It seems...exactly the opposite as the preacher says...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: That is because this isn't Heaven. We are in my domain, of course, because I wish to give a mission to you.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Then, pray tell, goddess Sarah, what is your need of me?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I SAID MY NAME IS...!!! URGH!! Anyways, what I want of you is to spread Civilization through the world...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And how do you expect me to spread Civilization that already exists, if I am dead?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Must you be so daft!? I will return you to life, and give you my boons to spread the blessing of Civilization to the world. Can you have some faith in me for once in your life?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Forgive me if I sound rude, great mistress Sarah, but I prefer to keep my neatly trimmed beard. I believe I have no use for boobs--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: BY THE LOVE OF ME, ARE YOU HEARING-IMPAIRED!? I said "boons", not "boobs", you boob-headed fool!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Though I can attempt to use them for interoceanic transportation. I would prefer more help than just a flock of birds, though.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Flock of...? I begin to regret the Civilization I have chosen to bestow my boons, and I very clearly said BOONS, no BOOBS nor anything that may sound likewise, Mr. Lincoln!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And I thank you, mistress Sarah, but I have yet to find use for boobs...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: This is the moment I regret being immortal... Listen well:


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: The building blocks of civilization...though I would prefer some more assistance than creating canals, roads, mines, and a flock of birds.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: No wonder why you need so much help. I would take you for a cheapskate, but you work in mysterious ways, mistress Sarah. No offense.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: None taken. Your very existence is an offense, but I have made my choice and I won't back off...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Very well. I shall take my leave...though I have no idea how...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Worry not! All you need...is a little push!


Alright, so that's our map. We have one Settler, which is the unit that builds roads, canals, mines, and is required to create new cities. We have only ONE Settler, so we have to use it wisely.

These are the surrounding tiles in the map:


This is the River tile. Note the three symbols: the sprigs are Food (required to increase city size and maintain units), the shields are Resources (needed to create new buildings and make money), and the arrows are Trade, (which are required to make money). The top left tile in each column indicates the unaltered tile; the rest are altered tiles. The numbers, of course, imply what a city that has control of that area gains. In this case, an unaltered River tile grants 2 units of Food, no Resource units and 1 Trade unit. If I were to make a canal, I would get 1 unit of Resources.


This is a Swamp/Marsh tile. Note the upper right numbers: MV is the amount of steps required to move through a swamp, and DF is the modifier to defense given to units on the tile. Also: note the little stain on some of the shown tiles? That's an Oil reserve; if I control a swamp with Oil, I get 4 Resource units. Keep note of that.


This is a Jungle tile. The special tile includes Jewels, which increase Trade units. Note how there's a difference between one tile and another (one special Jungle tile grants 3 units, another grants for)? Well, that's because, if you build a road, you improve that tile benefit. Roads are needed not only to move fast, but also to improve trade.


Finally, this is a Grass tile. This is the most common tile. The special "small shield/hut" tile grants more resources.

Noticed, as well, how there's mention of all six forms of government? Well, depending on your type of government, you gain a boost to resources. For example: the River and Jungle tiles grant more resources if you're under a Monarchy, a Communist regime, a Republican or Democratic government. But, that'll come later.

Lot to think about, right?

So, Lincoln asks to the CoViMH: what shall be our next step?
Build a city in that spot (or a nearby spot)? That gives us a head-start, but we depend on our surrounding resources.
Explore the area a bit? That way, we can find a better spot to establish our first city.
Prepare the area for establishing a city? If so, what should we do: make a road, or a canal?

2013-07-07, 09:10 AM
As far as I remember the first Civilization is pretty much just like Civilization 2 except a little less expanded. Kind of like the Heroes of Might & Magic games.

Since I've beaten Civ2 numerous times on Deity, and some research on Civ1 tells me I'm right, it seems like the best strategy to conquer all enemies is to spam a ton of small cities with no infrastructure and have them work the land. The cities having a ton of overlap between each other.

I'm not sure if Civ1 has Caravans that can boost building Wonders, but I do recall Civ1 having even better wonders than Civ2.

Also, lol Gaia the spirit of Earth. Our first five units should get magical rings from her to summon Captain Planet. (if you could cheat in this game, Captain Planet would be a freaking Tank.)

Settle the city in place IMHO. Due to the implications of the old Civs' economical model the quality of the land doesn't matter that much, what matters is pumping out Settlers ASAP and settling new cities.

Rob Roy
2013-07-07, 12:43 PM
I vote we explore the area for a bit. A Let's Play is only as fun as the constant stream of bad advice given.

2013-07-07, 04:23 PM
Let's settle in place. The sooner we have a city, the sooner we can start researching.

Also, there are caravans in Civ 1 so we can quickly build wonders.

Lastly, does anyone have a nice tech tree for civ 1? I've only found one and it is so ugly as to be unusable.

2013-07-07, 05:39 PM
Lastly, does anyone have a nice tech tree for civ 1? I've only found one and it is so ugly as to be unusable.

You probably mean this one, (http://www.civfanatics.com/civ1/refcharts/tech.htm) but on the forums of the same website I also found this (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=181540) and it looks much better.

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-07, 06:43 PM
Since I've beaten Civ2 numerous times on Deity, and some research on Civ1 tells me I'm right, it seems like the best strategy to conquer all enemies is to spam a ton of small cities with no infrastructure and have them work the land. The cities having a ton of overlap between each other.

I recall seeing a similar strategy where you can have four cities tied to each other (and more), and take them to a population level of 20 without developing them that much.

I also tried once an almost completely pacifist approach (with Gandhi, of course), and one that unexpectedly turned pacifist (with Moctezuma, of all people) because I developed technology fast enough, and despite not having the Great Wall, eventually ended with the United Nations.

I'm not sure if Civ1 has Caravans that can boost building Wonders, but I do recall Civ1 having even better wonders than Civ2.

Oh, that's for certain. When I need to build Wonders faster, I set all cities to create Caravans (and since I usually build for maximum manufacturing, Caravans drop in between 1-3 turns), and reduce enough to buy the Wonder.

Also, lol Gaia the spirit of Earth. Our first five units should get magical rings from her to summon Captain Planet. (if you could cheat in this game, Captain Planet would be a freaking Tank.)

"Our world is in peril. Gaia, the Spirit of the Earth, cannot withstand the lack of Civilization plaguing our planet. She sends five rings to five six historical leaders:
George Washington Carver, from Diamond, Missouri, with the power of Earth Botany...
from Milan, Ohio; Thomas Alva Edison, with the power of Fire Invention...
from Dayton, Ohio and Milville, Indiana; Wilbur and Orville Wright, with the power of Wind Flight...
from Newport, Rhode Island; Commodore Matthew Perry, with the power of Water Exploration...
and from Boston, Massachusetts, Benjamin Franklin, with the power of Heart Diplomacy.

With the five powers combined they summon America's mightest champion...Captain America!!!"

2013-07-07, 07:52 PM
You probably mean this one, (http://www.civfanatics.com/civ1/refcharts/tech.htm) but on the forums of the same website I also found this (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=181540) and it looks much better.

No, I meant this one (http://home.comcast.net/~pmm1/games/Nethogs_Civ1_Tech_Tree_v100.gif). Thanks for that one. It's much better.

2013-07-08, 08:28 AM
As military advisor, I recommend settling in place so that we can get our research off the ground and on its way to catapults, the better to "requisition" land from the natives.

2013-07-08, 09:31 AM
Nothing inspires art more than wandering in the untamed wild in search of an impossible idea! We should find the perfect place before settling.

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-08, 05:49 PM
Alright, so the CoViMH has spoken, and...we shall settle in the spot we are, immediately!

Before the next chapter is ready, though, I need to ask all councilors one small thing: what shall be the name of the first city? The default name, of course, is "Washington", but you're free to call it as you want.

To pad this up, here's an intelligence report detailing how president Lincoln would appear if we hadn't chose him:


That screen is our "Intelligence Report", and it details the information of all current civilizations we have information on. Since we're at Warlord difficulty, we have the hard task of using Diplomats to establish embassies and gather intel from them.

Normally, Abraham Lincoln would be a Friendly and Civilized leader. That means America, as a general rule, isn't aggressive, and thus won't extort other people for money or harass you. As well, America will focus on self-improvement, creating less military forces and more buildings; likewise, it'll probably be one of the first (if it survives the initial barrage of Civilizations) to create Wonders and find new technologies. The blank spot in the middle indicates whether they're focused on expanding like crazy or create small, complex cities. America is right in the middle: it's willing to expand, but also dedicate to create large cities.

The other bits are also good guides: the Capital indicates the city that has the Palace (and hence, the most important city), the Government type is self-explanatory (all rulers begin as Despots, BTW), the Treasury is the amount of money they have at hand, and the Military is the amount of units deployed by the Civ.

Another bit: I've noticed that most people are interested in the general direction our Civilization will take, and I wanted to focus first on the building blocks. You'll have your time to determine the direction of America, so in case you wish to change your mind, you still have time (specifically, after our next chapter, when we have our first city). One thing's for certain: I always play with the TV Tropes page for Eagleland open, so it's your choice whether it goes Type I, Type II, or a mix of both.

2013-07-08, 06:05 PM
Obviously our first city should be named Eagleland.

Rob Roy
2013-07-08, 07:03 PM
And so we see the founding of the fair American city of Lenningrad.

2013-07-09, 12:27 AM
And so we see the founding of the fair American city of Lenningrad.
Lennongrad, surely?

Our first building should be a Temple, if this Civ does the whole temple = culture = expansion thing.

2013-07-09, 07:39 AM
Eaglelandia, just to be difficult :smallwink:

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-10, 02:37 AM
Chapter 2: America the Beautiful...once it's made, of course
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Jumpin' Jehosaphat! What in heavenly blazes was that!? And why it seems I'm on a recreation of the Oregon Trail expedition?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: HAU.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...and by the looks of it, the developers of this recreation have an interesting sense of humor...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Man with long beard and black raiments, talk in strange way. Not one of our tribe.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...not to mention an uncanny ability to state the obvious.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I see you have met your subjects.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Subjects? I beg your pardon, mistress Sarah, but I have no subjects. Else, I would require to be a king, a monarch of any kind.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: To be precise, a god-king. But that's mostly semantics. If you wish, you can call them your citizens, your compatriots, your constituents.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: And talks alone. Not clear of mind, either.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: God-king? Why, that's absurd!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Alright, then god-president, or god-citizen. Call it as you want. Thing is, you're gonna build a Civilization, and these are the people you are destined to lead.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ah, so I shall lead the Dakotas to Civilization! Or is it the Sioux? Or the Cherokee..?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Ahcheemeneechooees.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Bless you.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I believe they tell you that their tribe is the "Ahcheemeeneechooees"...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I would have thought that goddesses caught no colds. You learn something new.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I should have chosen Hammurabi...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Beg your pardon?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: What I meant is that the tribe has that term to refer to themselves.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Which term, again?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Ahcheemeeneechooees.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...it is certainly cold in this area. Can't you make it somewhat warmer? I would not like to catch a cold...I would not like to perish due to a vicious pneumonia.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: It only sounds like a sneeze, but... Sometimes I wonder how I may reason with you.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: So these are my fellow Americans. It is a monumental task you have given to me, oh goddess Sarah.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: At least you have flashes of insight. Indeed, I have placed this monumental task upon you because I have faith in you. A faith I'm regretting with each passing moment, but...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Well, with this infernal cold, it may not be long before you need to ask someone else.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I would certainly wish so...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Beg your pardon?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: What I meant is that you should not worry about this cold climate. It seems I have skipped over a small detail, and a very important as well. You should not worry about mere sickness, the ravages of age, or...even a swift projectile of lead piercing your thick skull. You see, one of the traits of being a "god-whatever-you-wish-to-call-it" is that you're effectively immortal.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Immortal? Why, that is certainly interesting! All the time in the world to build the foundations of the American civilization...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...or as long as your Civilization lasts. You see, you are bound to your Civilization. If every single one of your cities is exterminated, you will cease to exist. I expect you will lead your country wisely so that it may last throughout the ages. But, I believe we have spoken too much.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: A wise decision. Very well, I believe it is time to give this a good start. We need to find the best place to create our first city.

???: We're sorry, Abe. We're afraid we can't let you do that. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARJ8cAGm6JE)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Blazes! Who dares to oppose my wise choice, and dares to call me "Abe" without affixing the title of "Honest" beforehand?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I was expecting they'd appear one time or another. I have summoned from the nether a selection of wise people to assist you on your lead.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I had the impression that you needed me to build this Civilization, but you neglect to mention that I have the assistance of a multitude of voices in my head to do so?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: It is...a bit more complex than that. You see...you issue the orders, but you must acquiesce to the orders of the majority of the voices. I don't need to mention that you come from a democratic country, right?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Very well. So, I ask the Council of Voices in My Head: what is our next course of action?

CoViMH: We have decided...to build the first city of America on the spot you currently are!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ah, certainly! Then...settlers, we will found the city of Bost--

???: Eaglelandia!!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: --Eaglela--

???: Lenno/ingrad!!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Why does it feel like I heard George Washington and co. vouch for "Eagleland...ia" while William Penn and co. vouched for "Lemmingrad"? Tell me, o mistress Sarah; is my condition of immortal involves devolving into madness?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Definitely it's not the immortality. I'm starting to think you were mad right from the start, but...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Beg your pardon?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: But you most definitely heard George Washington and William Penn. You see, to...erm...*coughcoughpunishyoucoughcough*--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I still can't believe a god can catch a cold...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Yeah, you're absolutely right... What I meant was that, to assist you, I summoned from their rest the wisdom of great Americans. However, only you and I can hear them. They conform the voices you hear, and that you have just named the Council of Voices in Your Head.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Very well. We shall name our first city...Lemmingrad!! Settlers, ahoy!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Lemmingrad?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Why yes, your exalted highness Sarah. I clearly heard your beloved priest William Penn--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I think he wants to be called Rob Roy now...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: --that he wished for our first glorious city to be named for the wise lemming.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: The wise...lemming? How can a rodent known for its...oh, I see...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Indeed, for how awesome they are! William Penn got it right, the "lemming rad" should be the glorious name of our capital.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I refuse to be surprised any further.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Congratulations, chosen one! Your first city has been finally built! With this, America will give its first steps to become a prosperous nation! Your next step will be important. Will you choose to defend your city by creating soldiers, or will you create barracks to form stronger soldiers?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Was that a rhetorical question? I believe we both know I only give the order, but I have no control of my decisions.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: And what made you think I was speaking to you...? *wink*

With this, we've founded our first city! Give yourselves a big pat on your backs.

Now, we're capable of building our first units. Normally, you only have access to two units and one building, which require no technology to build:




However, curiously enough, we started with one technology. And, Gaia gave us the gift of...


Riding is an independent technology, but it's not a very useful one as it only unlocks one other kind of technology. However, knowing that you wish to fully expand, this gives us one other unit to build:

Light Cavalry

So, we have a more powerful (and faster-moving) unit right from the start, but we have a technology that only advances one thing (Chivalry). Furthermore, to get to Chivalry, you need to reach pretty far into the tech tree to unlock Feudalism. However, if unlocked fast enough, we can get Knights, which are a very good early-game defensive unit (and a pretty strong offensive unit) which lasts very well until we develop Riflemen.

So, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:
Should we build Militias, or spend some more time for a Light Cavalry and risk being crushed?
Should we build a Barrack instead and automatically get Veteran units?
Should we instead focus on making a Settler?
Speaking of Technologies: which should be the first technology to develop? Alphabet, (Ceremonial) Burial, Bronze Work(ing), Masonry, Pottery, or The Wheel?

Here's the deal on all technologies:
The Alphabet might not seem as much first, because it doesn't unlock any new unit, but it unlocks A LOT of technologies, such as Writing (Diplomats! Libraries!), Mathematics (Catapults!) and many others.
Ceremonial Burial (here called only "Burial") is pretty deceptive; it allows the building of Temples and it may seem at first to lead only to religious-inclined abilities, but it's a key component for Philosophy, which unlocks...Communism!! With that, you unlock Mass Production, in case you wish to make things faster. It also helps to unlock Monarchy, just in case.
Bronze Working (here called "Iron Work") is one I recommend a lot, for many reasons: it unlocks Phalanxes (THE defensive unit at early level, only surpassed by a Knight in terms of defense), but most importantly it allows developing the Colossus of Rhodes, a very useful Wonder as it boosts Trade in ALL Cities until the advent of Electricity (which is a late-game technology). Finally, it unlocks Currency, which is the way to make more money (Marketplaces, Caravans, the works).
Masonry provides the ability to create City Walls (important for defending cities), the Palace (to change the capital from place), and unlocks two Wonders: the Pyramids which allows us to change governments in the blink of an eye until the advent of Communism, and the Great Walls, which causes EVERY Civilization to vie for peace until the advent of Gunpowder.
Pottery unlocks nothing, but is nonetheless pretty useful for the growth of cities because it unlocks the Granary. Each time a city grows by 1, the amount of stored food goes to 0; with a Granary, the amount of food is merely halved. It also allows building the Hanging Gardens; with this, all built cities start with 1 Happy citizen, but becomes obsolete with the advent of Invention.
The Wheel unlocks one of the early world strongman units (the Chariot), and is also necessary for gaining stuff like Engineering.

When I refer to "advent" (this is the term the game uses), I refer to the moment where any Civilization (it can be ours, or another) discovers the Technology for the first time.

Ah, one very important question: which shall be our distribution?


If you notice on the screen, right at the middle on the upper screen, there's a number that appears like this: 0.5.5 As you can see, it refers to the importance given to Luxuries, Taxes and Science

Luxuries influence the happiness of people; each point we add to Luxury increases the amount of "Happy" citizens we have. It also increases the amount of rich citizens in each city; this allows us to unlock "specialists" in each city if we're prosperous enough.

Taxes influence the amount of money going into our coffers. Each point is essentially a 10% increase to the amount of money we gain each turn, basically. If we have low taxes and our upkeep is too high, we'll start losing money, eventually forcing us to sell buildings.

Science influences the speed at which we develop new technologies. This is also influenced by the amount of Libraries and Universities around. Each point corresponds, roughly, to a 10% increase in "lightbulbs". Each technology has a required amount of lightbulbs to fill, which increases with each new technology we develop; thus, if we get more lightbulbs, we develop new techs faster than ever.

One final thing: we have 10 points to distribute between each. Thus, if we want 1 point of Luxuries, we need to remove 1 point on either Taxes or Sciences.

As it currently stands, Distribution isn't important now, but it will become more important later on. Right now, we don't have any unit, so we're not consuming resources; hence, money will come somewhat slow. Science-wise, our first technology always costs 10 lightbulbs, so we might get our first technology in about 5 turns. And, since we only have one citizen, we won't have rich people living around, so there's no need for luxuries. However, you can distribute numbers as you wish.

Also: now is a good moment to determine our "standard A.I." For example: since there was a tie between all options, but they gravitated towards "Eagleland" and "Leningrad/Lennongrad", I went for the Cloudcuckoolander choice (but, nonetheless, it's a meaningful pun). In cases like this, regarding ties, my choice will be influenced by the "standard A.I.". I know most of us want to be Expansionistic and Militaristic, but I want to prove that.

So, as a final question, which shall be the standard A.I., based on the stuff on the Intelligence Report?
Regarding Aggression, should we incline towards being Aggressive (looking for fights with everyone), Balanced (looking for fights whenever convenient), or Friendly (fighting only if necessary)
Regarding Development, should we be Expansionistic (loads of cities), Balanced (many good cities), or Perfectionist (few cities, but they're completely developed)
And regarding Militarism, should we be Militaristic (i.e. we'll build for the best weapons around), Balanced (striking a balance between Military and Development), or Cultured (focusing on pumping technology ASAP)?

I get the vibe America will be Aggressive, Expansionistic and Militaristic, but you might be able to surprise me. Lots of choices, everyone! Next update might be Friday, unless everyone answers at once and surprises me with all the answers I need.

2013-07-10, 03:41 AM
Lennongrad, surely?

Our first building should be a Temple, if this Civ does the whole temple = culture = expansion thing.

afaik it doesnt, its been quite some while though since I played civ1.
The only thing temples do is make 1 person happy, which is really only needed for equalizing one unhappy person, and building up the palace (which is fun^^).
ie the even that lets you add triggers more often if your civ is happy afaik.

As for what to build, a militia to scout is a worthwhile investment, after that a settler to expand.

2013-07-10, 08:32 AM
Build: Militia for scouting, how else can we crush those who oppose us if we don't know where they are

Tech: Alphabet ~> Maths: Catapults, nuff said :smallwink:

Distribution: 0.3.7, More tech = more might

AI = Aggressive, Expansionistic and Militaristic

~Military Advisor Wookieetank

2013-07-10, 08:40 AM
I'd probably grow the city to 2 while having Militia built and then immediately Settler once city is 2.

2013-07-10, 12:14 PM
Militia is a good idea - we should protect our glorious nation from the many enemies who are jealous of its achievements (or will be once we have some). I hereby declare this day, 4000BC, to be Lemming Day, in honour of our slightly deaf leader's founding of the city.

2013-07-10, 01:34 PM
Agressive, Expansionist, and Militaristic!

Crush your enemies beneath your heel.

2013-07-10, 04:42 PM
???: We're sorry, Abe. We're afraid we can't let you do that. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARJ8cAGm6JE)

That was my UAC sound for the past several years.

So, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:
Should we build Militias, or spend some more time for a Light Cavalry and risk being crushed?
Should we build a Barrack instead and automatically get Veteran units?
Should we instead focus on making a Settler?
Speaking of Technologies: which should be the first technology to develop? Alphabet, (Ceremonial) Burial, Bronze Work(ing), Masonry, Pottery, or The Wheel?

Ah, one very important question: which shall be our distribution?

I believe that the speed of a cavalry unit will make it more worthwhile, but this is not my area of expertise, so I shall defer to the appropriate advisers for that decision. However, what I wanted to bring to your attention was that our people have discovered a mineral that they call bronze. It seems to have many amazing properties, but our people do not know how to utilize it. You should order some of our skilled men to try to unlock the secrets within this bronze. Furthermore, it would be nice if you could redirect tax revenue to this venture... as in, all of it.

(L-Cav, Bronze, 100% science)

Regarding Aggression, should we incline towards being Aggressive (looking for fights with everyone), Balanced (looking for fights whenever convenient), or Friendly (fighting only if necessary)
Regarding Development, should we be Expansionistic (loads of cities), Balanced (many good cities), or Perfectionist (few cities, but they're completely developed)
And regarding Militarism, should we be Militaristic (i.e. we'll build for the best weapons around), Balanced (striking a balance between Military and Development), or Cultured (focusing on pumping technology ASAP)?

We should spread our civilization far and wide while creating a center of culture here in Lemmingrad. I believe it would be best to expand into unclaimed territory first, but we shouldn't be afraid to take land that rightfully belongs to us (which is all of it) back from other tribes when our momentum brings us to them. The longer we can put off unpleasant interaction with other tribes, the more time we have to develop our knowledge of this world.

Standard AI = (Expansionistic (but with a well developed capital and a core of caravan producers), Balanced (Generally avoiding combat until expansionism forces us into conflict, or when we can easily crush a neighbor without slowing down too much, but also willing to abuse the Phalanx on a mountain trick to make neighboring AIs go crazy.), and Cultured (again until interaction with others forces us to be more militaristic.))

Lastly, if my fellow advisers would please take a look at this.

I also found this (http://forums.civfanatics.com/showthread.php?t=181540) and it looks much better.

And compare it with this (http://img580.imageshack.us/img580/6164/8kjc.png). (RAM Warning. 1MB image will unpack to several hundred MB when viewed). Specifically, I direct your attention to Chivalry on the bottom towards the left side.

Edit: I found a mistake in the tech tree. Take a look at the Literacty > Philosophy > Democracy chain. That redundancy will be corrected when I update I techs next time.

Edit 2: And also Writing > Religion.

Edit 3: Shows you how little information was in those two lines and how good PNG compression is. The picture was reduced from 1150KB to 1148KB after I got rid of them.

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-13, 01:18 AM
Chapter 3: We Built this Civ-vy on Rock & Roll!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5_EdzOSSDV0)
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: So, what have you chosen?

CoViMH: *multitide of voices*

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Are you speaking about me, or speaking about the other people you were referring?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Take a wild guess.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I believe that would be me. I doubt you're asking the unruly mob of voices, who can't seem to make up their minds. Are you certain that I have to follow their recommendations?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Those are the rules of the game.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And yet, I'm supposed to be a despot.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Says where?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Are you suggesting the report here is wrong?


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I see... Well then, I'll let you choose how to work this out first. Mr. God-President, what do you want to ask the council first?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Something practical. Information...but this is something I must ask my people. Or a god...dess, maybe.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Information...interesting. Didn't thought you had it in you to ask for directions...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I have heard from someone that "he who knows himself shall defeat his opponent a thousand times over".

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Wise words. It seems you're not as foolish as I thought. What do you want to know, then?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I have asked my people, and they seem to lack knowledge of multiple things. They know how to create canals, mine for materials and build roads, but little else. My people are illiterate, yet they are master horsemen! I have asked if they can work lead, and their response...quite frankly, surprised me. Apparently, they're wise, saying that "leadership is something that has to be worked"...but a bit daft, as when I asked them about how to work metal, they were asking what metal was. They know how to gather valuable resources such as gold and crude iron, but they don't know how to work it! Every time, they tell me "ask the sages", and when I ask them, they are as dumbfounded as my people.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: They are a primitive tribe, one that you must build through the fires of Civilizaiton into a mighty nation. Part of it is to direct the knowledge of your nation.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ah, and I have full power to lead my nation's wealth of knowledge?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Yes...as with everything else. The Council speaks, and you lead.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: How disappointing. Yet...I've seen an interesting distribution of public officers. Half of my public officers are in charge of storing resources, and the other half are scholars. With such little need for resources, I believe that distribution is a bit exaggerate. Thus...I believe the first thing to ask to the council is how they think I should distribute my public officers.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You are full of surprises, Mr. Lincoln. Focus on that question...and you shall hear the answers...

George Washington: More tech = more might.

???: [...]it would be nice if you could redirect tax revenue to this venture... as in, all of it.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Which venture? And why does he sound like Thomas Alva Edison?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: That is because that voice IS from Thomas Edison. Though, by the time of your...departure, he was--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: --a part-time distiller of spirits. He always called himself the "Fizz-Meister". Good times. What happened to that young man?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: He became the most prolific inventor of American history. That is why he has been summoned as your advisor in scientific concerns. The venture he speaks is related to devote all your resources to science.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Science? The ol' Fizz became a scientist? Didn't he drop out from school?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: True, but--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And how exactly science shall make us a diplomatic power? There must be a careful balance between peacekeeping power and peacekeeping knowledge!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Are you selectively deaf, or does the non-existent pellet of lead in your brain makes you selectively retarded!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: That's it!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Truly, your wisdom knows no bounds...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: The wisdom of the Founding Fathers! More technology will become greater peacekeeping potential!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: At times, you act like a buffoon, and yet your path towards a bright Civilization involves peace...such a cultured man!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I shall speak with my public officers, then. A ten percent of all officers will remain on recollection duties, while the remaining shall assist our current sages in the discovery of technology.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Interesting choice...then, what shall be your next action?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: The Council has full control over the creation of buildings and units...and thus, we should ask them what to build.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Magnificent! Again, focus on the question, and you shall hear the answers. I hear them coming...

???: As for what to build, a militia to scout is a worthwhile investment, after that a settler to expand.

George Washington: Militia for scouting, how else can we crush those who oppose us if we don't know where they are?

???: I'd probably grow the city [...] while having Militia built and then immediately Settler [...].

???: Militia is a good idea - we should protect our glorious nation from the many enemies who are jealous of its achievements (or will be once we have some).

Thomas "the Fizzmeister" Edison: I believe that the speed of a cavalry unit will make it more worthwhile, but this is not my area of expertise, so I shall defer to the appropriate advisers for that decision.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: It seems the Council has been clear in that regard. I shall ask the best hunters of the land to form the first Minutemen, to protect the city of Lemmingrad and the borders of our nation from invaders.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...Well, that is...a wise choice. An unprotected city will fall prey to the ravagers. Then again, there's so little choices...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And now?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: And now...we wait.


20 years later...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Is it so difficult to create effective peacekeeping forces in less than a year? I'm surprised that no one has chosen to attack us at this date...

???: HAU, Master Lin-Kon.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Speak now, or forever join the Militiamen!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Which new discovery, then? I would prefer to have you learn how to work bronze, but...I need to hear the "wisdom" of the Council...

???: What council, Master Lin-Kon? Your Rugged Beardedness rules unopposed...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: For once I wish that was the case! Allow me to consult the Council and then I shall make my decision.

???: Oh, that "counsel". Shall I prepare the ritual room, then?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What ritual room? I only need a few seconds! Very well...what would the Council prefer our next discovery to be?

George Washington: Alphabet ~> Maths: Catapults, nuff said

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh, you ol' great tanky Wookiee! Catapults...hilarious! Why not cannons, then? Oh, right...because it takes twenty years for our great hunters to form into a single militia, and our sages know nothing! Let's see what else...

Thomas "the Fizzmeister" Edison: I wanted to bring to your attention was that our people have discovered a mineral that they call bronze. It seems to have many amazing properties, but our people do not know how to utilize it. You should order some of our skilled men to try to unlock the secrets within this bronze.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Good ol' Fizz...no wonder why he got into Scientific Advisor...

???: Why the great Mother Earth cursed us with this ravenous lunatic...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What you speak?

???: Nothing, your Rugged Beardedness; I was purging stray thoughts from my-self. Have you reached a decision after consulting the Council?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Let's see what Bronze has in store for us. Tell the sages to devote their task on mastering Bronze Working!

???: As you wish, your Rugged Beardedness...



http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Have the men formed into Minutemen?

???: Not yet, your Rugged Beardedness...


???: I estimate about eighty more years before they become a cohesive warrior unit.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Is there no way to make it faster?

???: None that we know of, your Bearded Ruggedness.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Had we took twenty years to form our first Minutemen in the era of the Civil War, the Redcoats would have crushed us! And where is Sarah!? I haven't heard of her for twenty long years!!!

Eighty years later...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Company, alert!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Finally! On the hundredth day of the glorious foundation of Lemmingrad, during our beloved Lemming Day, we see the first batch of defenders willing to risk their lives in the name of peace. People of America, present your honors to the Centennial Minutemen Brigade!

Lemmingrad: *crickets chirping*

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Are you not happy that your city is finally well defended?

Lemmingrad: *crickets chirping*

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: *sigh* It will take some time to spur the approval of these citizens...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I repeat; my favorite creation is definitely Karma. Such a sweet little b...eautiful doggy... :smallwink:

So, we have our first unit: the Militia (henceforth known as the 1st Centennial Minutemen Brigade). Furthermore, we're very close to uncovering our first new technology!

Based off our Aggressive, Expansionistic, Militaristic AI, Lincoln broke the tie by choosing Bronze Working over the Alphabet, as that gives us the Phalanx, a potent defensive unit (though not very cheap). Most of the ties will be broken focused on having the most effective military powerhouse available, and with so little tax resources around, it's best to find ways to develop money ASAP.

So, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:
What should be the actions of the 1st Centennial Minutemen Brigade? Patrol the area, or defend the capital city of Lemmingrad?
Should we be creating more Militia...erm, Minutemen, or should we focus our resources on creating Phalanxes?
Once Bronze Working is finished, what should be our next discovery?

We're currently at Turn 5, but fret not; as we reach a new era, the number of years per turn gets reduced (10 years, then 5 years, then 2 years, and finally 1 year), so don't worry if we seem to take so much (though a hundred years to make our first Minutemen is completely ridiculous). Also, note that we haven't made any money, so there's a chance that if we build too much, some of our units will disband or be sold to generate money. Might want to think about that in the future...

2013-07-13, 02:14 AM
Send the first Minutemen to bring culture to our enemies, by means of the sword. Their fearsome reputation will keep barbarians away from our glorious city until we've raised a second troop of Militia. Phalanxes would simply take too long.

2013-07-14, 03:52 AM
What the tech tree (http://img607.imageshack.us/img607/661/noox.png) will look like once Bronze Working is researched. Tom will give his recommendations in narrative form when it's no longer the middle of the night.

Edit: Now the actual post.

Mr. Lincoln! I have great news from our wise men! They say that they have nearly mastered the art of working with Bronze! In fact, one of them has nearly figured out how to use this as armor, and another one has figured out how to shape it to resemble something. Also, my team is already thinking of expanding on our work by finding a way to use bronze as a means of trade, and how to work with another local metal, iron. However, as much as I'd like to pursue these topics, it has been incredibly annoying trying to work with illiterate "wise men." I propose that my research team temporarily puts aside it's immediate technological goals and work on creating an alphabet.

As for your other question, I think we should send this minuteman on patrol and create another one for the defense of our great city.

(patrol, militia, alphabet)

T.G. Oskar
2013-07-24, 04:24 AM
Chapter 4: The First March of the 1st Centennial Minutemen Brigade
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Orders, commander!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I almost forgot...in my time, I was called Commander-in-Chief, but this is the first time I can command them! And without pesky--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Pesky what?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Pesky staff that recommends orders. Or you don't mean...?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Indeed. The CoViMH also recommends how military forces will act.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And I'm supposed to be a despot, but it turns out I'm only a--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: TOOL FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN CIVILIZATION!!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Interesting. I agree somewhat with your proposal...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Orders, commander!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Please wait until I...consult with the Council.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Has our illustrious leader gone mad? There is no Council...our Bearded Ruggedness has absolute rule!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: My dear, I believe our Bearded Ruggedness is short of a few screws up his noggin'...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Hubby, what are screws?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Yes, m'dear, yes...

And, in the "Ritual Room"

???: Send the first Minutemen to bring culture to our enemies, by means of the sword. Their fearsome reputation will keep barbarians away from our glorious city until we've raised a second troop of Militia.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I have wondered, oh Glorious Mistress Sarah--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I would like to point for the umpteenth time that my name is Gaia, but I'm starting to believe you either have a twisted mind or you're trying to mock me...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: This voice...I haven't ever heard one like that. Who might that voice be?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: That would be your Minister of Culture.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Sounds Canadian...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Well, it seems the Minister IS Canadian...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: It matters not. After all...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You believe in the concept of a sole Civilization, undivided by cultural barriers?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: No, that wasn't it...what I meant was that Canada is America's backyard.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Well, if we want to be technical, Canada is really part of the British monarchy--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: The...British...? DEATH TO THE BRITS!! AMERICA WILL LIBERATE CANADA FROM THE OPPRESSING YOKE OF THE BRITISH EMPIRE--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: For the love of me...how can you declare war on a Civilization you don't even know it exists!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Pre-emptive decision.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, by the...NEXT!!

Thomas "the Fizzmeister" Edison: [...]I think we should send this minuteman on patrol[...]

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: It seems they wish the Minutemen to patrol our territory... Let's hear what else...?




http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: It seems the Ministers have gone on vacation...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Orders, commander!!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Explore our surrounding terrain and expand the knowledge of our lands. Reveal your findings.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Aye aye, commander!!

20 years later...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Finally! Let's see what these findings give us...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes...different units...our power shall increase furthermore!! Now, create more--!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: *clears throat*

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh, right... Pretentious know-it-all b--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You were saying?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: To the Ritual Room!

Tom "the Fizzmeister" Edison: [...]create another one for the defense of our great city.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Seriously? Seriously!? Why, we have units more advanced than mere militias, and you insist on more Minutemen? Why not Protectors or Dragoons--?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You do not want to incur the wrath of the CoViMH, do you?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh...well... More Minutemen, then.

???: Sire, that was not the question...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Wait, wait, wait... Last I recall, our research plans consisted only of the Alphabet, Masonry, the ritual to bury the dead, Pottery, and the Wheel. How do the "wise" men ended up figuring how to investigate the nature of Currency and how to work Iron?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Such is the nature of the wise men. Some technological advancements require knowledge of previous technologies. The more advanced ones require knowledge of multiple technologies before they are even conceived by the wise men...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Now I know...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: And knowing is half the battle! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FFqc9-2QTOo&t=25)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: That seems like a very American motto...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh...curses!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: So, we've finished study on Bronze Working...any new ideas?

Tom "the Fizzmeister" Edison: [...]my team is already thinking of expanding on our work by finding a way to use bronze as a means of trade, and how to work with another local metal, iron. However, as much as I'd like to pursue these topics, it has been incredibly annoying trying to work with illiterate "wise men." I propose that my research team temporarily puts aside it's immediate technological goals and work on creating an alphabet.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: The Alphabet...? It seems Tom and I agree on...wait a second! Glorious Mistress Sarah! Why haven't you told me that Tom Edison walked amongst us!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Beats me. I'm still wondering how a Canadian got as Minister of Culture, and yet is more bloodthirsty than...anyways, you must command your wise men in their pursuit of new technologies.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Indeed... Wise men, pursue knowledge of the Alphabet!

???: Yes, your Rugged Beardedness!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Minutemen, report!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Nothing of interest, sir!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Hopefully the next century isn't as boring...


And before the century is over...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I really shouldn't have said...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Orders, commander!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Have you given on patrolling yet!? Go forth and patrol!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: We have never stepped foot outside the city, your Bearded Ruggedness!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Whatever do you mean!? Didn't I sent you to patrol our lands a hundred years ago?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Sir, that was the 1st Centennial Minutemen Brigade, sir!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh...you're right. I forgot...so, you're officially named the 2nd Centennial Minutemen Brigade. Lemme go to the Ritual Room and consult with the Council. Oh, and if you see Tom, tell him hide and seek is a game for children.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Uh...yes, sir! Whatever you say, your Bearded Ruggedness!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: So, since I can't seem to command the troops of my country as Commander-in-Chief, what does the CoViMH--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: It seems the CoViMH has already taken the decision that it shall protect the land. Seriously, can't you read the records for once?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ah, correct. 2nd Centennial, you will be tasked with the defense of Lemmingrad!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: The feeling that overcomes us is something we cannot describe, but we are full of it, your Bearded Ruggedness! We shall follow this task dutifully!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What, are these people unaware of the concept of honor?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I'd say that feeling is really sh--but they won't know the concept of "honor" until your Civilization discovers Chivalry.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...Seriously, America needs to discover the meaning of Chivalry just to have our units understand the meaning of honor!?


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: We have a report, your Bearded Ruggedness!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: By our Mistress Sarah! Minutemen, don't scare me! You're supposed to protect the glorious city of--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: That is the task of the 2nd Centennial, sir! This is the 1st Centennial, sir!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh, that's correct. Minutemen, report!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: We have found a tribe of people on the outskirts of Lemmingrad, sir! What are your orders, sir!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Wait until I consult the--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Not like it'll help, actually. Let them engage. Give the order.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Really? No consultation from the CoViMH!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Nope. The tribes will decide whether they'll attack you, give you valuable materials, support your military forces, or if they'll found a new city.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Excellent... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKUOB8MN4Kc) 1st Centennial, engage!

And so, the fourth chapter is done!

America now has two Militia (the 1st and 2nd Centennial Minutemen brigades), and we're about to see what the tribes will offer us. That's something we can't control, but it ranges on what Gaia mentions. There's a chance the tribes will be barbaric, releasing two or three Militias. If they give us "valuable materials", that means some currency. If they give us support for our military forces, that means we get a free Legion unit, and of course, they might decide to found a new city. That, however, will be on the next turn, unless the CoViMH chooses not to engage them.

We also unlocked Bronze Working, which gives us a new unit:


...and our first Wonder!!

The Colossus of Rhodes

As mentioned before, the Colossus of Rhodes increases Trade counters by 1 for every city you have. That means one thing: if we have lots of cities, each city will have 1 Trade counter, which will increase overall money.

Also, Lemmingrad is a size 2 City. Here's how it looks:


And here's an info dump, in case you wish to know:


So, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:
Should we create more Militias, or should we finally build Phalanxes, Light Cavalry, or even a Settler?
Once the Alphabet is finished, what should be the next tech to follow?
As you can see, two villagers have chosen to give their opinions regarding His Bearded Ruggedness. What shall be their names? They'll be your typical American couple, even though they don't sound like such.

Oh, and Gaia's wondering: Flickerdart, what historical character would you wish to be? It doesn't have to be American, and she's pegging you as Canadian, so...

2013-07-24, 08:37 AM
•Should we create more Militias, or should we finally build Phalanxes, Light Cavalry, or even a Settler?
Much as I enjoy a good military unit, I recommend creating a settler next. More infrastructure and more cites = more troops!

•Once the Alphabet is finished, what should be the next tech to follow?
Maths, for hurling rocks at those who oppose us from giant machines of war.

•As you can see, two villagers have chosen to give their opinions regarding His Bearded Ruggedness. What shall be their names? They'll be your typical American couple, even though they don't sound like such.

I put forth Aerith and Bob (http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/AerithAndBob) as our vocal villagers. :smallwink:

Military Ministery George "Wookieetank" Washington signing off.

2013-07-24, 12:37 PM
So, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:
Should we create more Militias, or should we finally build Phalanxes, Light Cavalry, or even a Settler?
Once the Alphabet is finished, what should be the next tech to follow?
As you can see, two villagers have chosen to give their opinions regarding His Bearded Ruggedness. What shall be their names? They'll be your typical American couple, even though they don't sound like such.

Oh, and Gaia's wondering: Flickerdart, what historical character would you wish to be? It doesn't have to be American, and she's pegging you as Canadian, so...
We should build a third Minutemen (honestly, given that we're dealing with barbarians, anything more would be overkill right now) and then a Settler, which the Minutemen will protect as it founds a second city. That is, unless the Hut makes some or all of these plans moot.

We should research Ceremonial Burial after Alphabet; it will go quickly as a bottom-tier tech and give us some much-needed Culture buildings to expand the borders of our new city.

The couple should be called Kate and William, and then we can flip out when they have a kid.

As for my historical persona, let's go with Billy Bishop.

2013-07-26, 09:31 PM
As you ordered, our wise men started working on codifying the sounds of our language into symbols after they finished learning how to work with bronze. Now that we're approaching the conclusion of our research into an alphabet, our wise men have come up with several ideas for new projects. The logical progression is for us to continue and work on language and master WRITING. Another proposal was for us to learn the art of making and reading MAPS so that we can explore past the sea. Still another member of the team proposed that we standardize our legal system with a CODE OF LAWS to make it less capricious. One of the more creative members of them team was dreaming about a BRIDGE that would let us cross the nearby river easily, but we don't have the building ability to do it yet. I have also tried teaching my team mathematics, but they don't have the knowledge for it to stick.

Once my team masters the alphabet, I propose that we shift our focus on figuring out something to do with our dead, rather than simply tossing them into the meat pile.

As for matter more mundane, I believe that we should build a settler and expand our territory.

2013-08-05, 01:40 PM
Did this die already? I mean seriously... it's been one a week and a half with no posts... >.>

I kinda liked it too... am not a big Civ guy (only played a little Civ 5), but I was kinda into this.

2013-08-05, 04:09 PM
Did this die already?

No idea, but here's (http://img855.imageshack.us/img855/9324/1cso.png) what the tech tree will look like once alphabet is researched.

Also, I just realized that I didn't answer Abe's question of whether Tom has a physical body. No, Tom just lives in one of the "wise men" (more like wise guys) as well.

T.G. Oskar
2013-08-05, 06:00 PM
Oh, it's not certainly dead. I've been...distracted.

Darn FreeCiv...the PC version is just too darn hard for me (even in Novice...though I've been making some progress with it (using the Mod that lets you play as the Knights Templar). The Android version, on the other hand, is...slightly easier, but it's the Tutorial scenario, so it's more than expected.

But don't worry: I should update on this week. Things aren't gonna be that fun until later on.

T.G. Oskar
2013-08-07, 03:23 AM
Chapter 5: In Where Our Intrepid God-President Remembers An American Spoke Of The Manifest Destiny

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Commander, report!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What boon have we received from these noble savages?


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Commander, these mercenaries are skilled with weaponry stronger than our bronze tools! They are willing to offer their services to glorious Lemmingrad!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Magnificent! Bring them here while I consult the CoViMH what'll be their fate.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You are somewhat fortunate to have these gentlemen offer their services to you. Had your rhetoric changed a bit to...I dunno, something less belligerent, they might have been convinced to make a new city.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Nonsense! What if foul savages-that-are-not-them, or wild animals, or aliens from beyond our earthly sphere were to overcome our Minutemen!? With these powerful reinforcements, we'll overcome two of the three threats to our throttling way of life!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: And what if you are overcome with aliens from "beyond our earthly sphere"?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Then we fall into your bosom to protect us, my lady.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Give me one good reason why I should do this. ONE.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Aren't you the Goddess who created this world? Are you willing to let people from outside your realm to conquer this world in the name of whatever deity they follow?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Still doesn't convince me. Why would you be intolerant to aliens from outer space?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Why, what if they despoil the land, taint it with their strange-o-forming machines, and steal our jobs from our hard-working people?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...why would they want to steal your jobs? Still...you make a strong point. I will keep them out of this earthly sphere...for a while.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And then, what?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You hope that a Jewish-descended cable repairman cracks their code and blasts their mothership with a skilled, tough Black captain and pilot of advanced aerial aircraft. He can be MY Captain Planet any time...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I would have thought that a Goddess of all beings wouldn't be drooling for a mortal. Now I've seen all... 1st Centennial, tell these skilled mercenaries to report to the capital ipso facto!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: At your orders, Commander! Explain what your Rugged Beardedness means by your second order, Commander!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I meant that they should report to the capital ipso facto; that means "right now".

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Do not give confusing commands, Commander! It will be as you commmand, Commander!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: For once, I agree with your goons. I don't believe that means what you think it means...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: We would like not to be called goons, Solemn Lady!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: D-did I spoke that out loud!?

80 years later...
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0143_zps17a4ffac.png (http://s237.photobucket.com/user/Osky-kun/media/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0143_zps17a4ffac.png.html)http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0144_zpsc882c816.png (http://s237.photobucket.com/user/Osky-kun/media/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0144_zpsc882c816.png.html)

???: Milord, I have a new and interesting song for your entertainment!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Song? What kind of song...?

???: One that exalts the great discovery made by our wise men! Allow me to begin...A, B, C, D, E, F, G... (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpIhzFh0yw8)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: While I wait for the song to finish, what should be the next discovery we make...? To the Ritual Room!


Billy Bishop: We should research Ceremonial Burial after Alphabet; it will go quickly as a bottom-tier tech and give us some much-needed Culture buildings to expand the borders of our new city.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: By the way, Mistress Sarah, have you figured out which American is supposed to be the Minister of Culture?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: As a matter of fact, I do! It seems he's William Bishop, Air Marshal for the Royal Canadian Air Force, and a decorated "flying ace" honored for his exploits in the two World Wars.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: World Wars? You mean, America was forced to fight aliens twice?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Erm...how did you reach that conclusion?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: It is logical, my lady. You mentioned something about a World War; hence, it must refer to a war between Worlds.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: And I take the Civil War was a war between Civils, right?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...Point taken. Though I doubt the entire World would wage war: it's mostly those Europeans and their warlike ways...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Actually...indeed, it's a very European thing. The first World War was almost entirely in Europe, and then the United States intervened. The second one, though, involved Japan.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Japan? What's that?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Zipango.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh, you mean that backwater country?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Yeah, though they never were a "backwater" country.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I still wonder why a former military officer would become my Minister of Culture, though...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Beats me...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Kind of like a dart that Flickers away from its target...

George "Wookieetank" Washington: Maths, for hurling rocks at those who oppose us from giant machines of war.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I love a man that has a one-track mind on what it wants. In a non-amorous, but rather admiring, way.

Tom "Fizz" Edison: As you ordered, our wise men started working on codifying the sounds of our language into symbols after they finished learning how to work with bronze. Now that we're approaching the conclusion of our research into an alphabet, our wise men have come up with several ideas for new projects. The logical progression is for us to continue and work on language and master WRITING. Another proposal was for us to learn the art of making and reading MAPS so that we can explore past the sea. Still another member of the team proposed that we standardize our legal system with a CODE OF LAWS to make it less capricious. One of the more creative members of them team was dreaming about a BRIDGE that would let us cross the nearby river easily, but we don't have the building ability to do it yet. I have also tried teaching my team mathematics, but they don't have the knowledge for it to stick.

Once my team masters the alphabet, I propose that we shift our focus on figuring out something to do with our dead, rather than simply tossing them into the meat pile.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: As usual, the Fizz solves my predicament. Very well, I have made my choice!

???: "...know my ABCs, won't you want to sing with me?" So, your Rugged Beardedness, how was the song?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Bury...

???: Y-Your Bearded Ruggedness? Is it so bad?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: No, I meant that you should tell Tom that he should make his Wise Men research the ceremony of Burial.

???: A-As you wish, your Bearded Ruggedness...

100 Years Later

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Kate! Kate! KAAAAAATE!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Wait just a goddess-durned second, ya ol' git!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Woman, get over here this instant!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Why should'a be there this durned instant, ya old fart?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: The expedition's gonna leave! Come quick!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: William Robert Humperdinck, are ya wasting yer stinky breath on sumthin' so meaningless as seein' some peoples go 'way? Let 'em go, and good riddance!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Don't ya wanna wish 'em goddesspeed?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: An' hear that dim-witted ruler o' us? Why, I'd rather waste my time doin' somethin' pro-ductive! Like makin' a family!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Katherine Aerith of Humperdinck! Why ya done gone speakin a'out our marital problems!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: 'Cuz that'd be more interestin' than hearin' the load o' rubble comin' from our Loaded Rubbishness' mouth!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Silence! Our fearless leader'll speak!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Citizens of Lemmingrad! Some of our citizens have chosen to risk their limbs and their lives to improve the quality of life of our people, and to extend the reaches of our glorious American Civilization beyond our humble frontiers! Bid them good-byes and the best of fortunes! Onward, my braves!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Now that's a leader's speech! Though it seems like your citizens are not that happy...in fact, I believe the people in the carts are happier to leave the city.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Happy to extend the limits of our Civilization beyond our borders!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, bother...

So we've got our first Settler! I skipped the moment where Lincoln consulted the CoViMH, to make it "lighter" to read (a difficult proposal, I know), but just about everything is there.

We were pretty fortunate to get a free Legion from the tribal hut. Legions have a stronger attack rating than Militias, but that's about it. Fortunately that means we don't need to build more Militias, so go wild!

If you noticed, building a Settler reduces the size of our city by 1. Building more Settlers will take some time (40 hours, so it'll take 800 years; this may be reduced as Lemmingrad grows), so you're free to change to another unit if you want. Note, also, that we can build the Colossus, so that's one option.

By the way, our map currently looks like this:


...and Lemmingrad looks like this:


As you can see, the female Citizen is gone (that doesn't mean Kate is actually gone, if her appearance means something), leaving only one Citizen. Each Citizen represents 10,000 people, so Lemmingrad has only 10,000 people (but it'll grow). The city will take some time to grow (more than 10 turns, probably), so take this into consideration as Lincoln asks the CoViMH:

What should the Settler aim to do? Irrigate, build roads or build a new city? Also, indicate the spot on the map the Settler should move at.
What are the orders for the Legion unit? Should it remain protecting Lemmingrad, or should it replace the 1st Centennial Minutemen in exploring the world?
What should we build next? More Settlers, more Militias, Phalanxes, or Light Cavalry? While at that, should we begin building the Colossus?
After we discover the Ceremonial Burial tech, how we should progress?

T.G. Oskar
2013-08-24, 02:07 AM
...I hope the Councilors were just taking their break, because after the last update, everyone went...oddly silent.

Two weeks, actually.

Thus...I'm forced to grant Lincoln the reins of advancing Civilization. What madness will he bring? Let's see how an Aggressive, Expansionistic and Militaristic Lincoln will handle this, in the next chapter of Let's Play: (Super) Civilization!

Chapter 6: Congress in Recess shall not detain Progress; it only invites to Excess
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You're quiet. Is there something bothering you?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I have a question. I was hoping you could answer it.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Hopefully it's nothing as inane as your recent antics.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: A serious one, actually. What would happen if...if the Council was suddenly...gone?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Gone? What do you mean by that?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I was just musing upon the desperate thoughts of a philosopher, most likely an American philosopher, reacting to genocide. "It is, as if millions of voices were crying in anguish...and were suddenly silenced."

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Truly a deep thought...but I can't help thinking that I heard that before. What's the name of that philosopher again?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Heard his moniker was "Old Ben", so I presume it must have been ol' Ben Franklin, under the moniker of Ben Kernobly.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Kenobi.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Exactly! When did old Ben adopted that nom de plume?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...For a moment, I thought you were speaking seriously... Sometimes, I wish I got saddled with someone smarter...like Robert de Creon, or Pedro Albizu Campos, or...by my Terrestrial Sphere, even Monty!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Who's Monty?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Nevermind. That wasn't your Ben; that's another "Ben", and he's not Ben, but Obi-Wan, and he's a character in a movie! And he's not even American! The actor is British!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: British!? Then, he must have been pondering about our extermination! How was I deceived by the thoughts of a British?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Wh-- *sigh* I wish I knew if I should be relieved he's acting like the same fool, or frightened by the idea...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: But enough of that confusion. What would happen if, for some reason, I didn't hear the will of the Council?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You cannot hear them? Oh, candidly caress me...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: You were saying?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Well...if the Council is absent for some time... like these two and a half weeks... then you are free to take your decisions.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: H-have I heard right? Are my ears not deceiving me?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Indeed not. To my dismay...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Does that mean I have full control over my actions!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You are correct. And I hope it happens only this once...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Finally...free from the yoke of the Council! Free from their shackles! True power...true control!!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, myself...I expect not to have created a monster...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Finally, the glory of 'Murica will resonate throughout the lands! First Centennial! Explore the southern territories, and report of suitable places for the creation of new cities!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Aye-aye, your Bearded Ruggedness!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Expeditionary Settlers of Lemmingrad! Travel forth to the North and West, and find a suitable territory so that we may found our second city! Keep it close in sight, so that we may send our armies to defend you in case of invasion by evil British, giant space monsters, malevolent aliens, and the agents of the Dark Gods!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Go rot in the holes our Illustrious Sages will discover in years' time!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Grand workers of Lemmingrad! Build barracks so that we may reinforce our armies!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Methinks that'd be you, Billy Rob.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: T'seems our Rugged Beardedness is mightily happy... That'll mean you be workin' the kitchens wit' the wimmins. Tryn't cook the stew wit' those herbs y'found lying around; last week, I was 'bout to make friends wit' the latrine b'cuz of th' runs...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Y'tell one more word, and there'll be no more of th' coochies this night!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Then why'd think I repeated, woman!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And finally, Illustrious Sages!! ...I'll speak to you when you're finished.

40 years later...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: This seems like a good place to set a new city. Close to water, surrounded by forests, and stepping on a wealth of resources...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Then build the city instantly, proud settlers!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Agk! We thought we had left your hopelessly lunatic Bearded Ruggedness back in our capital city of Lemmingrad!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Perhaps I am still in our glorious city of Lemmingrad! Perhaps I follow you in spirit, guiding your steps and actions for the glory of our Civilization!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: By the grace of our goddess Gaia, how can she withstand this lunatic...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Well, you might as well try to rule with a multitude of voices in your head!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Should we feel vindicated that our "Illustrious Leader" has accepted its lunacy, or worried that his lunacy becomes contagious?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Speak less about lunacy and more about foundation! When will you start the foundation of the city?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: In about twenty years time, your Bearded Ruggedness!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Good! And how you shall name it!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: A-are you giving us that--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Actually, no. I believe the correct term is "psyche'd"!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: And here we thought we had rights...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Tell me that again when we're a Democracy. The name of this illustrious new city shall be--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: Your Bearded Ruggedness!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I don't think that'll fit in the name case...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: We are to report about your standing orders, your Rugged Beardedness!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ah, of course. Have you news about good places to lead our settlers on?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif: See for yourself, your Rugbeard Nessedness!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I hope the future of our Civilization isn't at risk... Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi; you are my only hope...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Never fear, my esteemed mistress Sarah--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I wasn't talking to you...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And then...to whom...?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Who else...*looks at the readers*

:elan:: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN!!! (http://youtu.be/a1Y73sPHKxw)

So yeah, this is a pretty short (in terms of turns) update, and is as Aggressive (well, considering we haven't found any other Civilizations...), Expansionistic (this should be pretty obvious) and Militaristic (Barracks, ahoy!) it can be. We're at a point where we can build a second city next turn, and not so far away from the first (essentially, we can send units in two turns).

I could have chosen to build a Light Cavalry to explore the world faster, or a Phalanx; I like building two Phalanxes per city, which alongside with City Walls provides all the protection you need until you get Knights, then Musketeers, then Riflemen, and finally Armor(ed Tanks) and Mech(anized) Inf(antry). However, we're Militaristic, so why not start DARPA right about now? Since Barracks automatically turn our units into Veterans once constructed, that means we can make cheaper and stronger units until we can develop City Walls.

Finally, we're still not producing any money. We have enough Science, but Barracks cost to maintain. We'll either have to create Caravans, shift some of our resources to taxes, or find a way to build the Colossus ASAP.
What are the orders for the Legion unit? Should it remain protecting Lemmingrad, or should it replace the 1st Centennial Minutemen in exploring the world?
After we discover the Ceremonial Burial tech, how we should progress? (In case no one decides, Militaristic and Aggressive means we'll build for Math, as George has always suggested)
What will be the name of our second city? Otherwise, we'll use the default name, and I bet you don't want that.

2013-08-24, 04:06 PM
Here's the tech tree once we learn burial. (http://img10.imageshack.us/img10/5333/x19b.png)

Tom has been away due to a headache (do voices in people's heads have heads of their own that can ache?); my wise guys never cease to amaze me with their insanity.

Wise Guy E: What if we take the meat pile, and put it underground?
Tom: Ow!
Wise Guy B: What if each dead guy has their own meat pile underground, and we cover it with dirt each time we finish the meat pile?
Tom: That's the most obtuse way of describing a burial I've ever heard!
*End Flashback*

Now, once my intellectually challenged wise men figure out how to bury a corpse, I think we should continue learning about metalworking. Our civilization must uncover the secrets of IRON.

Finally, we're still not producing any money. We have enough Science, but Barracks cost to maintain. We'll either have to create Caravans, shift some of our resources to taxes...
No! You'll never pry my budget away from me! Build caravans if you must I shall not allow you to waste this pure liquid science on such petty things as tax revenue!

or find a way to build the Colossus ASAP.
Actually, if you plan on building a monument to your colossal greatness, I can accept a short term reduction in the science budget. The masses will be compelled to work harder when they see a bronze giant made in your likeness watching over them day and night, and they will produce more liquid science for me.

What are the orders for the Legion unit? Should it remain protecting Lemmingrad, or should it replace the 1st Centennial Minutemen in exploring the world?
After we discover the Ceremonial Burial tech, how we should progress? (In case no one decides, Militaristic and Aggressive means we'll build for Math, as George has always suggested)
What will be the name of our second city? Otherwise, we'll use the default name, and I bet you don't want that.

Recall the minutemen, send out the Legion to continue the great call of exploration and expansionism. No preference on the name.

2013-08-26, 10:55 AM
I could have chosen to build a Light Cavalry to explore the world faster, or a Phalanx; I like building two Phalanxes per city, which alongside with City Walls provides all the protection you need until you get Knights, then Musketeers, then Riflemen, and finally Armor(ed Tanks) and Mech(anized) Inf(antry). However, we're Militaristic, so why not start DARPA right about now? Since Barracks automatically turn our units into Veterans once constructed, that means we can make cheaper and stronger units until we can develop City Walls.

Finally, we're still not producing any money. We have enough Science, but Barracks cost to maintain. We'll either have to create Caravans, shift some of our resources to taxes, or find a way to build the Colossus ASAP.
What are the orders for the Legion unit? Should it remain protecting Lemmingrad, or should it replace the 1st Centennial Minutemen in exploring the world?
After we discover the Ceremonial Burial tech, how we should progress? (In case no one decides, Militaristic and Aggressive means we'll build for Math, as George has always suggested)
What will be the name of our second city? Otherwise, we'll use the default name, and I bet you don't want that.

~For build order: Light Cavarly > Colossus > Caravan
~Legion should stay in Lemmingrad
~As per usuall: MATHS! and then the entire build order of mine is thrown out the window for Catapults
~Second City name ideas: Expansion Ho!, Beta Complex, or Doom Cliffs (in keeping with the Lemming motif).

T.G. Oskar
2013-09-05, 06:00 PM
Chapter 7: Proof Positive America has a Secret Order of Freemasons


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: So...we're about to start anew in this land. How...how do we do it?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Why, give it a name and break the ceremonial band, of course!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: In that specific order?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes, in that order.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: *sigh* Oh well, time to find the ceremonial band...by the way, what is a ceremonial band?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: A long band made from red ribbon, which you cut with scissors.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Well, we have a long strand of red cloth we can use, but...what are scissors?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Why, how can't you know about scissors? What do your weavers use to weave clothing?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Tearing the cloth...and knives, of course.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I see, Katherine Aerith.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: I'm not missus Kate.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Then, who are you?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Diana...Celes?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Alright, Lana Velez, thanks for your assistance. Brave citizens, use a knife or a blade and cut the strip of cloth after uttering the incantation that gives your illustrious American city a name! Are...You...REAAAADYYY!!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Alright, whatever you say, your Bearded Ruggedness. Go ahead and speak the incantation.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Indeed. Repeat after me. Oh, great mistress Sarah!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes, the goddess you worship.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: What's worship?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Your lovely citizens don't know about me yet. Wait about 20 or 40 years. Then again...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Wht is that flowing from the earth!? Such a beautiful presence...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Rejoice, peoples of the American Civilization! My name is Gaia, and I protect and bless your lands!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: ...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Do not be speechless. Speak your hearts.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: ...We thought you were a n-

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Perhaps you should focus on founding your new city instead of being so eager.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Mistress Sarah, why the sudden interjection.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Something you wouldn't understand. Carry on.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Very well. As I was saying... Oh, great Mistress Sarah!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Oh, great Mistress Gaia!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: At least these people aren't as dumb as Lincoln...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Spread your blessings upon this new city we have built!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Spread your blessings upon this new city we have built!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Accept this new child into your bosom!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: If it were at least in some mountains...I don't think I can hold them right here...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Figuratively speaking, of course.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, I thought it was another of your insane rantings.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Accept this new child into your bosom!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Accept your new child, ...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Accept your new child, ...!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And then you scream the name of the city aloud.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: New York!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Medium_phoenix_wright_objection__zps2737a050.gif (http://youtu.be/W8QRExBfQhs)



http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Hmm, now that you think about it... the name could be Largehamington... I have the name, at last! It shall be a name that, when you utter it, it will represent the ardent spirit of the American Civilization! For who the Hell do you think we are! We are...the American Civilization! Expand, HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: Oh, Great Mistress Gaia!
Spread your blessings upon this new City we have built!
Accept this child into your bosom!
Accept your new child...!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Wait! The name was supposed to be Largehamington!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/SettlerPic_zpseba25ac7.gif: REJECTED!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: How can this be possible!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, I'LL allow it!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: And now, we shall build a glorious City, away from the influence of God-President Chipmunk...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh, no you don't! First Centennial, impose order in Largehamington!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif We are far down south to obey, Your Bearded Ruggedness! Ask the Second Centennial!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Second Centennial, impose order in Largehamington! Tell them to build what I tell them!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif Yes, your Bearded Ruggedness! Off we go! Expand, HOOOOOOOOH!!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: GAAAH!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Who would have thought that getting in would be so fun... Maybe I should replace Lincoln...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Then you'd have to play by the rules, and I'd be free from the Council of Voices in My Head...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Damnations! You're right... You win...this time.





Several Years Later...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Kaaate! KAAAATE!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Yes, Billy Bob!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Have you heard the news? Old John Methuselah choked on a black pretzel and has returned to the fold of our Mistress Gaia... Her Exalted Presence will be there to inaugurate our first cemetary.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Lots of work to do, the Barracks are nowhere near complete, and you're spending that precious time to loiter around watching a dead carcass burial!? I swear, our Illustrious Sages can't think of anything worthwhile...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Why, but John Methuselah was one of our first-born Lemmingraders! He was there when the First Centennial Minutemen were founded! And the second! And the chaotic foundation of our twin city, Expand, Ho!!! How can't you show some respect for such an illustrious individual!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: You saw that, too!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Oh, just because our Bearded Ruggedness mentioned you by name forty years ago...you feel special...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Are you daft, Billy Bob!? The fool thought I was the woman with the name I had given him! And that's supposed to be our fearless leader!

Neeeeeeeeeighbooooooooors!! :http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/e2ee51c9-22b4-48da-9328-9781d83d852b_zps24019d11.jpg

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: And speaking of abortions of nature...what is your business here, Diana?

Oh, Tate! Always with your shark! :http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/e2ee51c9-22b4-48da-9328-9781d83d852b_zps24019d11.jpg

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Snark.

What, ever!!! Still, you always have my name wrong. It's Laura. LAURA. And my surname is Velez. VELEZ. VEH-less. :http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/e2ee51c9-22b4-48da-9328-9781d83d852b_zps24019d11.jpg

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: I wish my plan didn't backfire...why is it that my name is the only one our esteemed Bearded Ruggedness got right...?Is this some kind of cosmic joke, some unknown sin for which I must pay by living in this hell-hole!? AND WHERE THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE GOING, HUBBY!?

I'll steal him from you for a while, to see the burial of Old Joan Metal Seller. Be back in a bit! :http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/e2ee51c9-22b4-48da-9328-9781d83d852b_zps24019d11.jpg

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Be back in a bit, my dear Kate! Have dinner ready for when I return.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Why of course, my dear husband! I'll have a hearty slice of hot Marble Dirt Pie ready for you when you return~~

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: Marble Dirt Pie! My favorite! Mrs. Velez, you have to taste her Marble Dirt Pie! It's famous around these lands! Nobody does it better than her!

Why, certainly, Robbie Tim! I wish to taste Tate's Famous Gargle Mint Pizza! See you in a bit, Tate! :http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/e2ee51c9-22b4-48da-9328-9781d83d852b_zps24019d11.jpg

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenFPic_zpsd2db9180.gif: Bye!!! ...When he'll learn to figure "Marble Dirt Pie" is just a mud cake from our backyard that I place on the oven... Perhaps that's why he's so dumb. Oh, if he weren't so adorable...!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: So, Illustrious Members of the CoViMH, are you gonna appear this time, or should I make my own orders once again? What do you suggest our Illustrious Sages look after?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif: My wise guys never cease to amaze me with their insanity...

Flashback: 40 years ago...
What if we take the meat pile, and put it underground? :http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPicR_zpsf3004728.gif[
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif: Ow!
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AmStoneCitizenMPic_zps8be00515.gif: What if each dead guy has their own meat pile underground, and we cover it with dirt each time we finish the meat pile?
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif: That's the most obtuse way of describing a burial I've ever heard!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif:Now, once my intellectually challenged wise men figure out how to bury a corpse, I think we should continue learning about metalworking. Our civilization must uncover the secrets of IRON.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes...Iron will create Legions, the very same legions which will help our Civilization ex...I mean, transcend our feeble origins. What say you, Washingtank?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: As per usuall: MATHS!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Right...but how shall we reach this technology!? Why the Council is half-empty? No, I must find more opinions... Secretary of Traffic Jim! What should our Illustrious Sages build?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: WE MUST ENDEAVOR TO BUILD RAILROADS, TO CONNECT OUR CITIES. TELL THE SAGES TO MAKE RAILROADS.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Sometimes I wonder why the CoViMH is here... I've promised Wookie that I'd build for Math, and by the Mistress Sarah's sebaceous spiels, I will build for Maths! Secretary of Traffic Jim! Tell our Illustrious Sages to build for Math!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: YOU CANNOT BUILD FOR MATH!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: You cannot build for Railroads yet, and I think you need Math for that. Build for Math.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: THE SAGES HAVE NO IDEA HOW TO DEVELOP MATH.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ugh. Saddled with such inefficiency... Tell the Sages to build for...Masonry!! *thunderclap*

:elan:: DUN DUN DUUUUUUUUUN!!! (http://youtu.be/a1Y73sPHKxw)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Stop with the repeated jokes! Anyways...Secretary of Traffic Jim! You know what you must do.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: BUT YOU MUST BUILD FOR RAILROADS LATER! OR ELSE! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Not like we'll actually be capable of paying for it, but...


And several more years later...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif Your Bearded Ruggedness!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes, Second Centennial?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif We have found a tribe living within our lands, Your Bearded Ruggedness!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I see. Negotiate their surrender.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Surrender!? But...they have done nothing to you!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Right; this is a pre-emptive measure. Perhaps if my country had known the virtue of Diplomacy, or Trade, we would be a bit more cultured, but...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Don't give me excuses for your megalomania!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif Your Bearded Ruggedness, the clans are friendly towards us! In fact...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Magnificent! The city of Largeha--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif The clans request they choose their own name, your Bearded Ruggedness. They have made the Ritual of Naming and have chosen to be called...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif ...Beta Complex.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: --might I have a chance of actually governing my domains, for a while!? Stand guard in our new city, post-haste.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/MinutemenPic_zps7c3fd199.gif Aye-aye, Bearded Ruggedness!


20 years later


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Finally! Now, our units will be trained as they should! With fully trained and armed units, our soldiers shall spread American values and forge peace through the land! Now, what should we build next...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I think your plan has a slight flaw...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What flaw!? It is flawless!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I have noticed that your coffers are somewhat empty. Barracks require some maintenance to exist, and sometimes take from your coffers when revenues aren't enough. And...since you have focused on advancing your science, your taxes are somewhat lax. Between your First and Second Centennial Militiamen, your Legions, and now your Barracks, you will need to spend something on it. Thus, either you raise taxes...or your shiny new Barracks will be lost.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Nonsense!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Yes, it makes sense.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Curses! That means we must shift our resources somewhat... An unfortunate raise in taxes will emerge...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif:No! You'll never pry my budget away from me! Build caravans if you must I shall not allow you to waste this pure liquid science on such petty things as tax revenue!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: But, Tom! Fizz! If we don't, our soldiers...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: OR ELSE...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif:http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: YOU WILL PAY...!!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: But, our soldiers!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You're gonna need a miracle to solve this one, my dear Lincoln. Why, you'd need a miracle, or be some sort of wonder--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Why, but of course!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: What course?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Tourism! It rhymes with Wisdom, so it must be good.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I refuse to acknowledge how you arrived to that idea, but...how do you plan to build tourism if this place is cold, damp and unforgiving?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Our builders are skilled at working bronze. And are proud of their leader. Thus, why not craft a gigantic statue made out of bronze, depicted on my Glorious Image, so that it may be seen in all corners of the world?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Only your tainted mind could have thought of such a terrible idea...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Why, then you claim your mind is tainted, then?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: What do you mean by my mind...?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: It is based on your idea, of course. We need a miracle, or be some sort of Wonder. Thus, I thought; how about we create a magnificent Wonder, showing how marvelous and wonderful I am, so that everyone may come and see, and visit, and spend on our shops, and enjoy that delectable Marble Dirt Pie made by Mrs. Katherine Aerith.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, NOW it makes sense! Marble Dirt Pie! I should have known!

Actually, if you plan on building a monument to your colossal greatness, I can accept a short term reduction in the science budget. The masses will be compelled to work harder when they see a bronze giant made in your likeness watching over them day and night, and they will produce more liquid science for me.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, not you too, Edison! Don't eat Marble Dirt Pie! Not anymore!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: It's settled, then! Citizens of Lemmingrad! Build the Colossal Monument to Lincoln!


And thus, we reach the year 3,380 BCE. That's 620 years that have passed, and thus we've spent 31 turns so far. America now has Lemmingrad as its capital city, and its new cities Expand, HOOOO!! and Beta Complex, which are churning Light Cavalry units.

Pretty nice, no? That sudden city built right within a river appeared out of nowhere, and pretty close to both cities to boot.

The Colossus will take 50 turns, perhaps a bit less if Lemmingrad grows, but without Caravans to boost buildup, it means Lemmingrad is out of the equation for several turns (coincidentally, the only place with a Barracks...) From what I've seen, Beta Complex builds twice as fast as Expand, HOO!!!!, and thus can be turned into a second Barracks unit.

Oh, and this is the progress on Masonry, thus far:


This means we'll end up discovering Masonry in 1-2 turns, at most.

Lastly, I want to place this little capture regarding the best 5 cities in the world...


Yes, Lemmingrad is the best city in the world. Apparently. And I spoil it because...it reveals with which other Civilizations we're playing with.

So far, we have Mohandas K. Gandhi for India, Alexander Magnus for Greece, Julius Caesar for Rome, and Tokugawa Ieyasu for Japan.

The biggest threat we're facing is Greece, which is not very aggresive but will want to expand quickly and have a lot of strong units. Ieyasu and Caesar are also pretty serious opponents. Gandhi, on the other hand, should focus on smaller, better built cities, so there's chances that India will be annihilated first.

So, Lincoln will ask the CoViMH:
Is it viable to keep our budget as-is? I know Fizz (I mean, Tom) agreed to lower the budget, but the rest of the CoViMH might agree to stop that, or define by how much.
What should we discover after Masonry? Trade allows for Caravans, while Math allows for Catapults.
Aside from Lemmingrad, what else should we build after the Light Cavalries are finished? Remember that it all depends on the next discovered technology, and we can build Temples now.

2013-09-06, 08:04 AM
So, Lincoln will ask the CoViMH:
•Is it viable to keep our budget as-is? I know Fizz (I mean, Tom) agreed to lower the budget, but the rest of the CoViMH might agree to stop that, or define by how much.
•What should we discover after Masonry? Trade allows for Caravans, while Math allows for Catapults.
•Aside from Lemmingrad, what else should we build after the Light Cavalries are finished? Remember that it all depends on the next discovered technology, and we can build Temples now.

~Once we have Math the budget can be changed however
~I'd work towards infrastructure after the Cavalries are finished. Barracks > Granaries > Temples

Also finding out where this Ghandi fellow is at should be a priority, I hear he has tasty cities.

2013-09-17, 03:13 PM
Go for math. I'd say more, but I don't really have time for my usual posts.

T.G. Oskar
2013-09-17, 06:46 PM
Chapter 8: Where the only interesting points is that America broke a record of inhabitants

3340 BC

???: Hear ye, hear ye, citizuns of 'Murica!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Mistress Sarah, who's that obnoxious loud man?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Loud? Obnoxious? Do you feel threatened by this man, or is it perhaps...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Never, in the six hundred and sixty years I have in power, have we heard a man so loud and obnoxious in my life!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Surely you haven't heard yourself, Your Bearded Ruggedness?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What? Preposterous! I speak in an energetic, but poised tone. Still; who is that loud and obnoxious man?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Homer Simpson, one of your lackeys from Lemmingrad. He seems to...act as the town crier ever since your Civilization developed the Roma--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Surely you mean the AMERICAN Alphabet, right?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Right, the AMERICAN Alphabet... And then you cringe when someone with a bigger mouth than yours suddenly appears...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Hear ye, hear ye, citizuns of 'Murica!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Sampson, eh? Tell him I request his presence here.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I reckon I'm not your personal messenger, but rather you owe some tasks to me...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What, you suddenly appear before the people, they start worshipping you and now you feel important? Besides, I didn't said this to you, I said this to my royal messenger!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Last I recall, you have no royal messenger.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Right...you think this Orange Sampson is willing to work as a royal messenger?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: What!? Oh, whatever... *grumble* Should've picked Alexander...

City of Lemmingrad, 13:40 PM, 3340 BC (http://youtu.be/-8lDYrvTILc)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Holy...MOLY! His Beardy Ruffleness called for ME!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Yes...I fear... He seeks you as the Royal Messenger and Town Crier for all of America... Like begets like, I'm starting to believe...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: WOO HOO!! Wait 'til I tell that stupid Flanders that I got the position of Town Crier...!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Fland...hey, watch out, sir! We all know this is a parody, but you're taking things too far. Alright, from now on, your obnoxious neighbors will be Billy Bob and Kate Aerith, you hear me?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: YEEES, MA'AAM! Wait 'til I tell that stupid Billy Bob I got to be the Town Crier!!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Whew, dodged that one!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Um...who're you talkin' to, Mistress Sarah?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, for my own sake! None of your business! Go to the Roya...I mean, the White House immediately!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: YEES, MA'AAM! Hear ye, hear ye! Homer Simpson is made Townie Crier of 'Murica! Hear ye, hear ye!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Goodness gracious, I hope we don't see any other copyrighted character here! Fair Use and Parody laws can only take us so far...

Royal Pala...I mean, the White House, 14:50, Lemmingrad, America (http://youtu.be/-8lDYrvTILc)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: So, citizen. What's your full name?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Homer Jay Simpson, sir! It's an honor to meet you!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Orange Julius Sampson, you say?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: No, sir, it's...now that I think of it, I like that name! Yes, sir! Orange J. Sampson, at your service!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Tell me, what was the thing that made you so excited that you started crying out loud for it?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Oh, it's...um...ah...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif: The secrets of Masonry have been found.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Yeah, whatever Professor Frink said.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Frink? Who's a frink? That was my esteemed friend, Fizz?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Aww...I got it all wrong... Yeah, whatever Professor Fizz said.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Hmm...professor Fizz... Now that's something interesting.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Wonderful! Fortified cities! Portable palaces! Solid construction! ...Say, Fizz, now that you're here, what do you want us to construct next?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif: Go for math. I'd say more, but I don't really have time for my usual tirade.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Sure, sure...you're always occupied. Say, what does the rest of the CoViMH would say?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: Math. Once we have Math the budget can be changed however.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes, I agree. No one else to dispute this? No one? Fine... We'll settle for Math.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And then...catapults! Yes! Yes! YES!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: What's got your pantaloons in a rush? Daniel Bryan...or Bryan Danielson, whatever he wants to call himself, and his catchy tune? M. Bison? The chicks from the Herbal Essences commercials?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Catapults!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Should have figured. Instead of getting excited for things like culture or science, you get excited by big boy toys...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Don't fret, mistress Sarah! With this, the power of America will be unrivaled! Even space aliens shall not overcome us! I am a man of my word, and if I may, I believe this will help us immensely.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: Also find out where this Ghandi fellow is at should be a priority, I hear he has tasty cities.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Brandy? Who's Brandy?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, a ferocious warlord! Follower of Kali, a fellow goddess, but she deals with destruction and purification! Even your feeble catapults will be nothing if you face this man!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Curses! If our catapults won't be enough...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: But I heard that if you ask nicely, he's merciful--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Then we shall build cannons! Yes, cannons!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Should have bit my tongue...

America, 3240 (http://youtu.be/-8lDYrvTILc)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Hear ye, hear ye! Citizuns of 'Murica!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, by me! How can so many idiots congregate in one place?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Behold, the power of Tourism!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Tour-what?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes, news of my magnificent statue have reached the ears of tribes around the world, and with our unparalleled breeding program, we have reached an incredible population rate!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Your incomplete statue, you mean.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: The promise of magnificence is but enough! Bear the fruits of my labor, Mistress!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Gotta admit...you're an insufferable moron...but at least you do your job right... So...congrats?

Yep, America has now over a hundred thousand inhabitants. In case you noticed with the pic that indicates the three cities, Lemmingrad is a Size 3 city, Expand, HO!!! is a Size 2 city and Beta Complex is still a Size 1 city. Lemmingrad is just short of reaching size 4, and because of its size, the Colossus is constructed slightly faster than before (about 2/3rds of advance every turn). Beta Complex is close enough to finish its first Light Cavalry, and only ONE turn to finish Math (so yes, the next turn means we can build Catapults!)

That said, here's how the top 5 cities stand, spoilered for reveals:


As you can see, there's our sixth competitor: Egypt. Thus, not only we have Alexander the Great as ruler of Greece, but Ramesses II as ruler of Egypt. With Ieyasu as ruler of Japan, that means we have three really threatening warlords here. I fear we won't reach Gandhi before these three guys beat them up, and not sure if Caesar will survive.

So, out of 7 other Civilizations, we've found 5: Egypt, Greece, India, Japan and Rome. That means we still don't know the other two remaining Civs. Also, while all other Civs' cities are essentially on equal ground, once the first of them builds a Wonder, it doesn't matter the level, it'll go ahead. Thus, if we finish the Colossus on time, Lemmingrad will be the first city over all for quite some time.

And here's some nice infodump for you guys:


The Colossus will take 35 turns to complete, or more depending on the growth of Lemmingrad. With Caravans, completion will be faster.


Here's what Masonry lets us build.

Obviously, the Palace defines which of your cities is your Capital. This is in case you wish to change your capital "manually", though if you have embassies, that move will be revealed to your enemies.

City Walls are a definite advantage. With this, any of your units counts as if they had a Defense value three higher. To put this in layman terms: your units are harder to kill. On less simpler terms: Militias increase their Defense value from 1 to 4, which means they have four chances to win a battle, compared to the enemy. Against another Militia, that means a 4/5 chance of winning (80%). Obviously, City Walls are important defensive measures, but until we can secure faster construction (or resources), it's best to keep building better soldiers. If anything, Lemmingrad can be the first with a City Wall, though the outward cities are better for this.

The Pyramid is another Wonder, and a very useful one until anyone finds Communism. With this Wonder, you spend no time in Anarchy as you change government types. Usually, periods of Anarchy means everything is halted (or at least, production and trade is halted), which is bad; this helps a lot. Eventually, another Wonder replaces this.

The Great Wall is yet another Wonder, and trust me when I tell you this is one of the first Wonders we'll probably never build. Not because it's unsuitable to our Aggressive, Expansionist and Militaristic America, but because the enemy will build it first. That, and the Hanging Gardens. It lasts until Gunpowder, but there's another Wonder that does the same late game.


This is what we produce, and our costs. Right now, despite the Barracks supposedly costing something, we generate no cost nor income. On the other hand, we generate 6 bulbs (the unit that defines Science) per turn (basically one unit per Citizen).


This is our current known Techs, and how much is necessary to learn Masonry. Trust me: we'll do this in one or two turns. This is because, while we have 6 bulbs per Turn of Science production, the Tax rate further increases this. Thus, we build things faster. However, we can't rely on building new things at this rate.


And finally, our demographics.

Now, with all that info placed on your hands, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:

Should we remain with Wookiee's plan, or are there some changes made?
What should we learn next? Maths are finally learned, so go wild. I'd insist on Trade, because of Caravans.
What will be the unit name for the Light Cavalry? Militias have a historical ground on the Minutemen, but not sure if America will like Dragoons on their midst.

2013-09-18, 10:22 AM
•Should we remain with Wookiee's plan, or are there some changes made?
Stay the course!

•What should we learn next? Maths are finally learned, so go wild. I'd insist on Trade, because of Caravans.
I heard cannons... :smallwink:

•What will be the unit name for the Light Cavalry? Militias have a historical ground on the Minutemen, but not sure if America will like Dragoons on their midst.
1st Mounted Pointy Stick Brigade of Lemmingrad
or for shiggles
Mobile Lancers Patroling Fields in Murica (MLPFiM) :smallbiggrin:

2013-09-19, 12:30 AM
New poster chiming in! This is pretty cool to read. :smallbiggrin:

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-08, 09:20 PM
Chapter 9: Close Encounters of the Hellenic Kind
Lemmingrad, America, 3200 BC
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Hear ye, hear ye! Citizuns of 'Murica!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Now I know that two plus two is five!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Thank you, O.J.; now I know that we have trusty Catapults to spread the knowledge of America through the World!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Catapults? Do...they only throw cats, right?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Why, of course not! Cats are a waste of resources! They throw things that go cat-a-ploom! on the baddies.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Oh...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Town Criers are also a waste of resources.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Phew! That means I won't get thrown!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Why, of course we won't throw you! Why would we? We'd throw things many times as heavy as yours! Not twice, nor thrice, but two- to four-score times as heavy!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Two-score? Whut's that, Beardy Ruggedness?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: That means two times twenty, which is forty. Which you know because...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: We know Maths! Woo-hoo!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Indeed! Keep spreading the word!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Yes, Beardy Ruggedness! Hear ye, hear ye!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: That was very noble of you.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What, you take me for an insensible fool? Of course not; I am a noble leader of men, after all.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I thought you were something dumber...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: You were saying?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: That I thought you were something else. Speaking of which, now that America knows even the most basic Mathematics... what should its sages learn now?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I'm partial towards learning how to establish our economy, so...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Spoken like a true American.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I thought what made a true American was ensuring liberty and rights for its citizens no matter what.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Sometimes I doubt even that... But remember, you must listen to the...wise...counsel of your CoViMH.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Right, right...let's hear the details.

Lincoln's Hea...d Room, Lemmingrad, America, 3200 BC

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Well, make this swift and quick.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: I heard cannons... :smallwink:

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Of course; that is the natural progression of our military power. I'd like to hear Professor Fizz's opinion on the matter.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: PROFESSOR EDISON IS NOT HERE.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Secretary of Traffic Jim! You're good enough to take counsel of. General Wookietank wants to develop Cannons, but it seems our sages cannot do so. I wish to establish trade with our neighbors, but I can't find that. Here is the scroll with our options...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Based on your speaks with the Sages, what should we study next?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: IRON WORKING, OF COURSE. THAT IS THE MOST EFFICIENT WAY TO BUILD CANNONS. BUT, YOU CAN...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Of course you want Railroads to be built first, right?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: YOUR WISDOM IS MOST EXCELLENT, YOUR BEARDED RUGGEDNESS. SURELY, WITH MORE ROADS, OUR CIVILIZATION...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes, but that's later. How can we build Cannons or trade with our neighbors, if you please.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: BUT YOU PROMISED! YOU WILL--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Pay when Lemmingrad can sustain itself enough. Which can be done with Trading, of course. But not now.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TrafficAdvisorPic_zpsa8bdfdd9.gif: YOU NEED THE WHEEL AND IRON WORKING TO MAKE CANNONS. YOU ONLY NEED CURRENCY TO START TRADING.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Most grateful, Secretary of Traffic Jim. We shall, then, build our own money, so we may end up trading in a future!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Hear ye, hear ye, Citizens of 'Murica! The training of riders-with-clubs-and-pointy-sticks has finished!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Excellent! Our first Light Cavaliers! With them, we shall explore this continent ever further! Say, Wookster, what should we name these brave warriors?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: 1st Mounted Pointy Stick Brigade of Lemmingrad. Or for shiggles,
Mobile Lancers Patroling Fields in 'Murica

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: As always, a poetic choice! Our brave warriors will now be named the First Mobile Mounted Pointy Stick Brigade of Field Patrolling of America! 1st MMPSBoFPoA, ride on! For our country!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/LCAVPic_zps3c7b0640.gif: *whinny*

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...Why don't they talk? Why do they sound like horses...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: They're very disciplined. They don't speak unless ordered, or...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Someone should teach that discipline to their horses.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Actually, that was the horse-salute to you.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Should have explained that before...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/LCAVPic_zps3c7b0640.gif: Your Bearded Ruggedness! We have found invaders speaking a strange language in our terrains, near Beta Complex!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Invaders!Who they may be...!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GrkSettlerPic_zpsf644d9be.gif: Ο επιφανής Αλέξανδρος ο Μέγας θέλετε να μιλήσετε με τον ηγέτη τους

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: By Mistress Sarah's Serene Sapience! What are these barbarians speaking?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: They wish to speak to you, Lincoln.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: You speak their barbarous tongue?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Κρατάτε λέγοντας ότι η λέξη, «βαρβαρική». Αυτό δεν σημαίνει ότι νομίζετε ότι σημαίνει.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: What...? What is this betrayal!? Who are they, Sarah!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Be careful. The Greeks are here.

:elan:: DUN DUN DUUUUUUU-- (http://youtu.be/a1Y73sPHKxw)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: SHUT! UP! (http://youtu.be/mgJ8mTQc_cE)

Yes. It's on. The Greeks are here. They're our neighbors.

May Sarah protect us.

So, we have our first Light Cavalry, which we've ceremoniously named the First Mobile Mounted Pointy Stick Brigade of Field Patrolling of America, which represents exactly what they're meant to do. Well, in fact, Light Cavalry works well as both scouts and attackers, but they're not the best defenders. Since they can move 2 spots, they can cover good terrain, and they can take most early units, so they're pretty good. If they become veterans, they'll be definitely good for taking cities.

On the other hand, we have this: Intel (http://www.civfanatics.com/civ1/cia/greeks.htm) mentions that the Greeks like to expand aggressively and that they develop their military pretty strongly, so our best chances are...to develop our military forces furthermore. Fortunately, we have at least one Light Cavalry unit around, and we can build Phalanxes and Catapults, so we're somewhat ahead.

By the way: their first meeting? They're asking to trade Pottery for...Sarah knows what. I fear they may want to trade for Math. Lincoln, personally, doesn't like trading techs, but Pottery grants access to Granaries easily.

So, in this time of dire need, when America is at DEFCON 3, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:
Do we flat-out reject their audience, or do we accept? If we accept, do we agree to trade Techs, or not? And, if they suggest a peace treaty, do we accept, or not? The default answers will be no trading tech, accept peace treaty, demand a tribute.
What shall we do with Gaia? We know that Gaia is originally Greek, but she's more of a worldly goddess. However, because she was known in Greece, she obviously knows Greek. Thus, should America abandon Saraism, or do we give her the benefit of the doubt?

Oh, and Gaia asked me to allow her to speak on her behalf:
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Hi guys. First, hello to Ith, if he's still there, for becoming a fan. It's hard to lead Lincoln through the right path, and sometimes I resent not choosing Alexander, but I play the cards you've dealt me.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: As you know, I am known by many names. The Greeks knew me as Gaia, the Romans as Terra, and you guys as "Mother Earth". Thus, I'm important to all Civilizations, and thus I know many languages. It just happened that Lincoln met the Greeks earlier, and he's so disturbingly paranoid, he's angry at me. But, he listens to you...if you speak loudly. Thus, if you consider my presence entertaining, please stand before me. Speak it loudly, and speak it strong. The CoViMH must be strong in this moment.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Also, if you could convince him not to rush heedlessly against Alexander, I'd appreciate it. The last thing I want is for America to perish because we entered into a needless war.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: So yeah: I want to see you a bit more active. You can do that for me, no? And if you feel this Let's Play is going too slow, tell that to the lazy player/author/fellow poster you have. He has a duty, you know!

So yeah, I gave her that chance to speak. Once that finishes, I'll post the benefits of Catapults and the state of the Civilization next update. This is the first time I make a save-state, in order to allow you to choose whether to accept or reject the meeting. You'll know a bit more about Alexander and the Greeks one way or another.

2013-10-24, 08:08 AM
•Do we flat-out reject their audience, or do we accept? If we accept, do we agree to trade Techs, or not? And, if they suggest a peace treaty, do we accept, or not? The default answers will be no trading tech, accept peace treaty, demand a tribute.

~Accept Audience, trade techs ONLY if they want non-military techs, Yes to peace, if only to provide more time to make more catapults.

•What shall we do with Gaia? We know that Gaia is originally Greek, but she's more of a worldly goddess. However, because she was known in Greece, she obviously knows Greek. Thus, should America abandon Saraism, or do we give her the benefit of the doubt?

~Get a squad of armed guards to follow her, and at the first sign of treachery throw her out of the country. Otherwise keep on keeping on with Saraism.

Edit: As advisor warmonger I demand more war and less idling :smalltongue:

T.G. Oskar
2013-10-24, 12:33 PM
Chapter 10: Γνωρίστε τους Έλληνες (Meet the Greeks)
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Mistress Sarah! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XhsqVXtqvaE) Your betrayal is most disheartening, disgusting... disparate!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: What...madness are you speaking about, Lincoln!? I haven't betrayed anybody; it just happens that I'm a polyglot and I happen to know about the Hellenic Civilization because they worshipped me a long time ago.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And yet you tell me that now!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Well...what would I have known that the Greeks would share this world with you? I may be a near-omnipotent polymath with sun-bathed golden locks and fair skin and emerald green eyes, but that doesn't mean I don't play by the rules. And I didn't knew the Greeks were part of this world because one of the rules was that; I wasn't supposed to know who else would share your world, except that you share it with seven other Civilizations. It happens that Greece is one of them.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Greeks? Hellenes? Americans? Make up your mind, woman!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Stop being so insensible, Lincoln! Else, I will send up a terrible famine that will condemn your land!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Well, if you do so...then you won't be the deuteragonist of this story!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: H-how dare you!? If the Americans do not follow me, then whom will they follow? O.J.? Secretary of Traffic Jim? The CoViMH? ...You?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/CoyotePic_zps00bae5ff.gif: ...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/RoadRunnerPic_zps81482bc7.gif: *meep meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: These two funny-looking animals! They are native spirits of this land, and thus they could easily steal your spot!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...Really. Seriously. A mute coyote and a *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)ing roadrunner!? And for THIS you attempt to replace me?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: The Coyote spirit is actually a genius. Most of the Illustrious Sages follow him already.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: And the *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)ing roadrunner?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: His foil. You see, the Coyote spirit has explained to me that the Roadrunner is his meal; however, the Roadrunner has explained to me that the Coyote is a complete idiot, and thus will never catch him. They represent the advance of technology and the good ol' street smart in fierce competition; a fierce competition between two forms of intellect, the technologically advanced predator and the unusually savvy prey, in eternal conflict, until the predator devours its prey or the predator dies of famine.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Wow...I am definitely impressed...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Thank you, Mistress Sarah, but may I ask why?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I'm not sure, actually. Maybe it's because you believe all the *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)ing *meep* you just spoke, or that the *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s) you said sounds so *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)ing philosophical and actually SMART, or that you attempt to replace my bountiful presence with two *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)ing cartoons.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Mistress Sarah, are you sure you wish to keep this at a PG-rating? That potty language is sure to raise it to a R, at least.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Why do you think the...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/RoadRunnerPic_zps81482bc7.gif: *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ..ing Roadrunner always makes his onomatopoeic sound when I speak? I think of our audience, you know.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Thank...well, you! But still; consider that, if you are to betray us, we have a complete new faith ready to replace yours. In fact, to test your loyalty, I shall speak with the leader of the Greeks, or Hellenes, or whatever they desire to call themselves, and you will come to me. While at that, the 1st Mobile Mounted Pointy Stick Brigade of Field Patrolling of America will be watching your every step. Every breath you take, every move you make, every bond you break, every step you take, THEY'll be watching you. And every single day, every word you say, every game you play, every night you stay, I'll be watching you. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMOGaugKpzs)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/LCAVPic_zps3c7b0640.gif: Oh say, can't you see!? You belong, to America! How our poor heart, aches! With every betrayal, you make!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Every move you make; every vow you break; every smile you fake; every claim you stake... Ill be watching you...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You never cease to amaze me...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Thank you, o traitorous Mistress...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...using the song of a BRITISH to state your threat...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Brits!? Where!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh, by the love of me! Stop that! Fine, let's go, and we'll have the Light Cavalry...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Actually, it's the 1st Mobile Mounted Pointy Stick Brigade of Field Patrolling of America.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/LCAVPic_zps3c7b0640.gif: Sir, we would like to be known as Roadrunners...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: We'll speak about that once your mission is finished. Wookie can decide on that.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: As advisor warmonger I demand more war and less idling.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Well said, Wookie.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/LCAVPic_zps3c7b0640.gif: General Wookietank! We are honored to serve directly under you! Please give us your blessing and let us call ourselves the Roadrunners!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: That shall be decided on private audience. Now, on public audience, what do you believe should be the destiny of Mistress Sarah?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: Get a squad of armed guards to follow her, and at the first sign of treachery throw her out of the country. Otherwise keep on keeping on with Saraism.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Very well, that shall be done! By our treacherous Mistress; you have turned out to be reliable! I would like to hear from Billy and the Fizz once again...


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Tell your retinue that we are to speak with your leader.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GrkSettlerPic_zpsf644d9be.gif: At once. Αηδιαστικός βαρβάρους...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0216_zpsb5270cae.png (http://youtu.be/JyH2-qgESng)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Χαιρετισμούς, ο αυτοκράτορας Λύνκόνος! Εγώ, ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος, είμαι βλέποντας τα άκρα των εδαφών μου και φαίνεται ότι έχετε σκοντάψει επάνω.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Translation, please! And remember; you are under watch!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: He bids you greetings, and says that...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: ...Oh, I see YOOOU don't speak our language. Αηδιαστικός βαρβάρους... How uncool of me. You may know me as Alexander the Great, Alexander Magnus, or as I say to my Citizens, Alexander the Totally Radical! I was just saying that it's rad to meet another Emperor, and that your territories are totally gnarly, dude!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ah, I see. Uncivilized Surfer Dude... It is our pleasure to meet you as well. As pleasant as a bottle of laxative, but diplomacy IS diplomacy.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Totally didn't catch you, dude...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh, where are my manners! Allow me to introduce the rest of my retinue. The lovely young lady you see over here is our...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Γη Μητέρα Γαία! Γιατί έχετε επιλέξει αυτά τα ακαλλιέργητα βαρβάρους ως χορηγός σας?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: κόπρανα συμβαίνει.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: English please; not everybody speaks your darn language!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Oops, sorry dude; it's just that you know Earth Mother Gaia.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Eh? Not sure if I know your "Gia", but if you refer to her, that's Mistress Sarah, goddess of the Americans.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Για την ατυχία μου.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Αισθάνομαι τον πόνο σας.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Haven't we agreed on something first?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Right on, dude... Go ahead and show me all your pals.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: The man to my right is General George "Wookietank" Washington, general of the American Armies, and my military advisor.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: So he's, like...uh...your god of war?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Totally not, "dude".

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Not cool, dude!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: If I may ask...since you are present in this world as well, and all Civilizations need a sponsor...who is sponsoring you?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Oh, right, our Main God! Right, right... Master, the Americans and their Main God demand your totally radical presence!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AresPic_zpsbd319e37.gif: Hellllllllooooooo there... Μεγάλη γιαγιά!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Seriously, Alexander, of all gods...couldn't you have gone for...I dunno, the Brainchild or even the one goddess that inherited my dashing good looks?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I don't know, Mistress Sarah...I believe most American women would find him irresistible... Say, why did he call you "Magaly"?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: *sigh* No, it's not "Magaly"; it's "megali". Megali yiayia; that translates to "great-grandmother". Because it happens that I'm his great-grandmother by...virtue of father and mother. It's a long story, and I don't want to expand on it...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: So the great god of the Greeks is a son of a hick?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Who in the fiery bowels of Tartarus are you calling a hick!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: The amusement this is causing me makes me less inclined to throw you away. But, we came here for business, and business we're gonna make. You called us, Alexander; what do you want...?


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Hmm...tempting. We could end up with the power to create pots and handle clay. That would alleviate our Sages. On the other hand, they might end up choosing something we don't like. Wookie, what do you recommend?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: Trade techs ONLY if they want non-military techs.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: That's fair... Alexander, if we are to accept your treaty and share with us the secret of Pottery, what would you feel is the best trade?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Bronze Working, dude! Totally!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: That would give them the knowledge of making Phalanxes... Exactly what Wookie was against.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: We could totally give you tips on how to make your own Code of Laws instead, dude!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Veeery tempting...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Lincoln, if I may... I know I can't pass my judgment, but if you are to accept their proposal of a Code of Laws, you would be capable of fortifying your control over the land. Furthermore, once you finish studying Currency, you will be capable of researching how to Trade, and thus may end up your statue faster. Furthermore, you may end up trading with them, and generate enough money for whatever you want! It is a very strong and fair bargain...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Couldn't you have said it a little bit more loud!?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You brute! I speak into your mind!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Oh, so the Earth Mother is totally speaking into your mind! I respect your privacy, dude!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ah, so you didn't heard that... Very well, I like the proposal of a Code of Laws...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Aaawesome!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...but I feel my scientific advisor, the Fizz, will make short work out of it. Therefore, I'm afraid we may not share technological advancements for the moment.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Awww...bummer, dude! Αυτό το χάρακα είναι πιο έξυπνος από ό, τι είχα σκεφτεί! Πρέπει να ξέρω ότι επιθυμούν να δημιουργήσουν τον Κολοσσό στη Ρόδο και να γεμίσει τον κόσμο μου με φάλαγγες!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I hope you made the wisest decision, Lincoln. With your scientific advancement, you could have overpowered him...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I have Catapults. Your worries are unfounded.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I'd like to see you try, Surfer Dude.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: ...but you're smarter than you seem, Dude. Total respect, man. Totally.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Darn right.


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Hmm...you combine threats with peace. Allow me to consult my Military Advisor on those details. Wookie, do you think we should make peace with the Hellenes?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: Yes to peace... if only to provide more time to make more catapults.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I see your line of thought, Wookie. Very well...from this day forward, the Greeks and the Americans are at peace.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Cool! We're totally gonna send you an invitation to the Olympics in Athens, dude!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: And I thought Lincoln was a moron to call his city "Lemmingrad", but Alexander names his capital based on the Brainchild he doesn't follow! I'd expect him to call his capital "Aristia" or something...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Will do the same when we do them in Lemmingrad!


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Hmm...this should be interesting. Since we are now cooperating Civilizations and your deity is the great-grandson of our deity, I believe you must make your dutiful donation to the temples of Mistress Sarah.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Wow, dude! I'm, like...I dunno. Master Ares, what we should do? ...Autokratis Linkonos, if I may, I'd like to speak with my deity totally in private.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Sure. Go ahead.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Αυτό το δεσπότη απαιτεί αφιέρωμα από τα ταμεία μας! Έχω μισό μυαλό να αρνηθώ τέτοια! Ωστόσο, ισχυρίζεται ότι πρέπει να τοποθετήσετε αφιέρωμα στους ναούς της Γαίας Μητέρας Γης, και αν δεν συμμορφωθεί, μπορεί να καταλήξετε με μια εισβολή επίφοβη τους καταπέλτες. Ποια πρέπει να είναι το επόμενο βήμα μας, ο ισχυρός θεός του πολέμου?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AresPic_zpsbd319e37.gif: Γεμίσει τα ταμεία του με το χρυσό. Εάν τα σχέδιά μας να καρποφορήσουν, θα έχουμε έναν ισχυρό στρατό που θα τους καταστρέψει. Μαζί μου στο τιμόνι, ο στρατός μας θα είναι ανίκητος. Ο φόβος δεν είναι καταπέλτες τους; Από τη στιγμή που την ολοκλήρωσή τους ... θα έχουμε τη δική μας έκπληξη ...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/AlexanderPic_zpsa60b3f41.gif: Στηρίζω τις ελπίδες μου σε σας, ισχυρός θεός του πολέμου. Αυτό το Λύνκόνος θα είναι ένα πιο τρομερός αντίπαλος ...


And, in the year 3060 before...the Common Era? What's the Common Era anyways?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0226_zps43e461be.pnghttp://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civilization0227_zps3447900a.png (http://youtu.be/jdOZZp1vBHY)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/TownCrierHomer_zpse8162c91.gif: Hear ye, hear ye! Citizens of 'Murica! The Smartypants claim that they can make coins out of the shinies of the Surferdudes! A new age comes to 'Murica! Hooray! Hooray!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Magnificent! Fair and loyal Crier! Send this edict to the cities of America!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I get the *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)ing indirect, you know...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: From now on, all transactions of food, supplies and others will be done with the use of the "dollar", a fair and effective source of procuring goods! The 1 dollar coin will have General Wookietank's face, while the 5 dollar coin will have my face. The ten dollar, twenty dollar and fifty dollar coins will be etched with the faces of Professor Fizz, High Priest of Culture Flickerdart, and...I have no idea which else! Maybe we'll make a Random Inhabitant contest to adorn our one-hundred dollar coin! The coins will have inspiring phrases, such as "I'll Be Watching You", "In Mistress Sarah We Trust, So As Long As She Is Loyal Only To Us" and others! And to prove that the name of our coin should be a Dollar, I'll place this to common vote!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Common vote? But your subjects don't know how to vote! Democracy has not been discovered yet!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Really? Then, let the CoViMH decide!

That...I didn't expect. The Greeks gave us money!? Anyways, we start with 50 units with which we can create new stuff. America has three Light Cavalry units, so we can explore at our leisure now, and Catapults are definitely on their way.

Thing is...Catapults take a LOT of time to make. Our best hopes are Beta Complex, which seems to have a lot of resources to make, and even then it'll take about 14 turns to make one. Thus, it'll take some time to build up our early siege units, unless we spend some of the tribute we acquired from the Greeks.

By the way: had we traded, we'd have given up Bronze Working for the Code of Laws, which gives us Courthouses and would have unlocked Trade really, really fast. On the other hand, our technological advancement is pretty solid, so we may end up discovering Laws and Trade in about...10 turns? 14 turns?

Also, here's a map of how the American territory is around 3060 BC:


As you can see, the Greeks have a Settler, a Militia and a Legion...much like us. Since Legions are weak defensively, our Light Cavalry might have a chance against them, but Legions have stronger attack (3 against our LCAV's 2). As you can see, our Cavaliers are best to explore and cut their terrain, since the lower LCAV was placed there to prevent them from building a city right below us.

Again, I used savestate to define which Technology we should build towards. I would have done a save before, but the 50 units of gold really caught me, so I left the choice right there. These are your choices, people, so choose wisely:


And thus, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:
What technology should we strive for next? By default, as I'm aiming for Trade, it will be Code of Laws. For those interested in Cannons, we need both Iron Working and the Wheel; both give out good units, particularly the Wheel that gives out Chariots.
We have 50 units of Gold. Should we save them, or should we spend them to accelerate the construction of one unit or building? Most likely, the use will be to buy up a Catapult in Beta Complex, since it'll be the cheapest. It can also be used to buy up the Colossus, but only after several turns. If saved, we can create more buildings without worrying about their upkeep cost for around 20-50 turns.
What shall be the name of America's currency? By default, it'll be the Dollar, but it can be anything you want, really.
What will be the face of the 100-Dollar coin? The choices are: Town Crier O.J., Secretary of Traffic Jim, Billy, Kate, Mistress Sarah, or one of the Posters I haven't mentioned yet.
As a last one: should the First Mobile Mounted Pointy Stick Brigade of Field Patrolling of America, and also the Second and Third, retain their name, or be renamed the "Roadrunners"? Anyone can make a vote, but Wookietank's vote gets double weight because he's Military Advisor.

Hope I see more participation here. Time will tell when the Greeks are exterminated, but for now, we bide our time. Trust me; if the Greeks are exterminated by us, we'll still see Alexander and Ares around.

2013-10-24, 02:30 PM
The coins will have inspiring phrases, such as "I'll Be Watching You", "In Mistress Sarah We Trust, So As Long As She Is Loyal Only To Us" and others!

Love it. :smallbiggrin:

And thus, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:
•What technology should we strive for next? By default, as I'm aiming for Trade, it will be Code of Laws. For those interested in Cannons, we need both Iron Working and the Wheel; both give out good units, particularly the Wheel that gives out Chariots.
•We have 50 units of Gold. Should we save them, or should we spend them to accelerate the construction of one unit or building? Most likely, the use will be to buy up a Catapult in Beta Complex, since it'll be the cheapest. It can also be used to buy up the Colossus, but only after several turns. If saved, we can create more buildings without worrying about their upkeep cost for around 20-50 turns.
•What shall be the name of America's currency? By default, it'll be the Dollar, but it can be anything you want, really.
•What will be the face of the 100-Dollar coin? The choices are: Town Crier O.J., Secretary of Traffic Jim, Billy, Kate, Mistress Sarah, or one of the Posters I haven't mentioned yet.
•As a last one: should the First Mobile Mounted Pointy Stick Brigade of Field Patrolling of America, and also the Second and Third, retain their name, or be renamed the "Roadrunners"? Anyone can make a vote, but Wookietank's vote gets double weight because he's Military Advisor.

~Trade sounds alright to me. More gold = units produced quicker. 'sides we have catapults already, cannons can wait
~I'm okay with gold plated catapults.
~Currency name should be BMU (Basic* Monitary Unit)
~Town Crier O.J. for the 100-BMU coin
~I'm okay with the renaming to Roadrunners, only so long as the catapult units are calle Coyotes

*pH of 8 or greater :smallwink:

2013-10-24, 06:14 PM
I'm highly amused by Alexander the Great, emperor of Macedonia, conqueror of Persia, being a California surfer dude.

-Code of Laws -> Trade. Now that we know what dollars are, lets get more of them!
-Speaking of dollars, let's save them, either for the Colossus or for emergencies.
-Stick with the dollar.
-Town Crier O.J. seems like a suitably amusing choice.
-Definitely rename them the Roadrunners. *meep meep!*

2013-11-02, 02:31 AM
Why is this head so hard to find!? I'm running around trying to find the dimmest bulb in an sea of light.


And thus, Lincoln asks the CoViMH:
What technology should we strive for next?
I think we should unlock the secrets of the stars, that is where our answers will come from, but it should wait until the statue to your greatness is complete. Until then, I think we should pursue trade. Anything to restore the funding that rightfully belongs to me... I mean my sages.

We have 50 units of Gold. Should we save them, or should we spend them to accelerate the construction of one unit or building?
Such a tough decision, crushing enemies or investing in more money. I like the sound of more money.

What shall be the name of America's currency?

The Edison. With a frowning Tesla on the face. The phrase should be "Ha-ha!"

I think I'm getting too much into this. I seem to be channeling Edison's pure jerkitude quite well.

2013-11-02, 01:04 PM
That...I didn't expect. The Greeks gave us money!?

Aaaah, carrefull your magificiently bearded Schyzophrenia ! Remember, Timeo Danaos et dona ferentes !
At least watch out for any wooden animals

If our economy is still weak, Trade seems a good choice.

Otherwise, now that we have a code of laws, we must search the wheel. I forsee great applications (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaking_wheel)
Oh and I guess it could be usefull for engineering and make rolling things too.

or be renamed the "Roadrunners"?

Only if our first catapults are called "Acme" and throw anvils at the enemy

2013-11-02, 03:26 PM
Also, since I'm back. I might as well give you guys the updated tech tree (http://img405.imageshack.us/img405/9643/bbsl.png).

T.G. Oskar
2013-11-03, 03:33 AM
Chapter 11: Pimp My Catapults: the "rolling with the Edisons" edition.
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: And, dear Lincoln...have I earned your appreciation, worship, or grace once again?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: We will grace you...for the time being. Consider your extension probed.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You mean my probation extended.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: No, your extension probed. You have probed your extension towards your faithful Americans; that demonstrates loyalty.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Probe my... You probably mean proved my...extension, whatever you mean. Prove my exemption? Prove my...aversion? Lincoln, at times you're funny mad, but this time, I simply can't understand you. This is a level of cuckoo from Cloudland that I never expected you to reach.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Cuckoo from Cloudland? What in your bountiful bosom are you speaking about?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...Nevermind. Has the CoViMH decided what to name our new currency?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Indeed, our Lovely Mistress. It seems I caught the CoViMH in session, because I even heard new voices...!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Gentlemen, the Department of the Mint, or as I like to call it, the Freshmakers (http://youtu.be/t4y7RUQDBvw), are in operation, and we're about to create our first coins. However, I would like to hear your opinion on the matter. I prefer to call it the "dollar", but I'm contractually obliged to ask you for any important opinion. Therefore, how should we call our new coiins?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: The name of our currency should be the "Basic* Monetary Unit", or "BMI"

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Generic, but effective. It will be, of course, our "base" monetary unit.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: Only on a pH of 8 or greater :smallwink:

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: How...caustic, Wookie. Forgive me if I'm too bitter to enjoy your washed-down joke. Next!

[???]: Stick with the dollar.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Hm? Well...I agree to it...whomever you may be, good sir. Good to have you here. Anyone else wishes to speak?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif: The Edison. With a frowning Tesla on the face. The phrase should be "Ha-ha! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MDtSf9pseOw)"

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I thought you'd enjoy being the ten-dollar coin, Fizz... Say...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Who's that Tesla guy, anyways?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Nikola Tesla, a very important, yet underappreciated Serbian genius.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Serbian? What's a Serbian?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Serbians are an ethnic group from Southeastern Europe, part of the Austrian Empire by the time you existed, hailing from the Balkan Peninsula. They are mostly Orthodox Christians, and known for their arts.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh...alright, you could have said "not-Americans" and that would have sufficed. Any reason why this Serbian Tesla is so important, and why would Professor Fizz would dedicate our entire currency to him?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You see, Tesla was one of Edison's workers, but a financial dispute over his work made him resign. He ended up becoming one of the most important inventors of your world, but he competed directly with Prof. Edison, or Prof. Fizz as you know him.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Edison's designs won over Tesla's. Hence, why he's mocking Tesla with the childish laugh. Honestly, they were both important inventors, and...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: That's my man! Proving the worth of American invention to non-Americans!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You do know Tesla nationalized into an American, didn't you? Besides, what if he appears and offers you a directed energy ray weapon?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Ooo, tempting! Right where I like it the most! That's why I have you as my favorite deity...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You didn't say the same twenty years ago...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...but I trust my Fizz in doing a better job, just as he humiliated Tesla. Anyways, our Basic Monetary Unit will be called a "Dollar", though I will spread the rumor that the 10-dollar coin should be known as "the Edison". Thus, spending ten Edisons would be the same as spending a hundred dollars.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: So that means you have five Edisons in the Treasury?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: No, I only have one Edison in my head, but if I can make him spread into our Treasury...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: By badly misbehaving me, what have I done to deserve this! ...Speaking of something else: what knowledge have you asked the Illustrious Sages?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I said that I'd tell Fizz to figure out a proper Code of Laws, so might as well create the foundations of our American Constitution.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Ah, one of the pillars of the American Civilization! It was a code of laws that had Freedom, Equality, Justice, the Pursuit of Liberty...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: And no mention of God whatsoever.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...Right. You're going to rectify that mistake this time, right?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Maaaaybe. Gonna ask Wookie. He was one of the original signers, after all.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Great! Perhaps with this, we shall extend the virtues of Liberty, Freedom and Equality for all through the Written Code! Such a glorious day!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Indeed, through the gently caressing hand of our pristine Government, of course!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Is that an euphemism, Lincoln? You're all but gentle...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Of course I can be gentle! I at least advise whenever I waste the gently caress out of those who oppose our mighty Civilization, after all!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Oh...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/RoadRunnerPic_zps81482bc7.gif: *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...this. And you better shut the *meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s) up, bluebird, or I'll make soup out of you!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/CoyotePic_zps00bae5ff.gif: *slurp*

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: ...Still, I wonder how you managed to choose the Code of Laws? I thought the CoViMH was contaminated with your warmongering ways...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes, about that...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Second point in our session: the next advance to study. What should we pursue next? I would like to create caravans to further our goals, but cannons sound very nice. What path should we follow: economical power, or warfare supremacy?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: Trade sounds alright to me. More gold equals more units, produced quicker. 'Sides we have catapults already, cannons can wait.

[???]: First the Code of Laws, then proceed with Trade. Now that we know what dollars are, lets get more of them!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif:I think we should unlock the secrets of the stars, that is where our answers will come from, but it should wait until the statue to your greatness is complete. Until then, I think we should pursue trade. Anything to restore the funding that rightfully belongs to me... I mean my sages.

[???]: If our economy is still weak, Trade seems a good choice.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: This voice... Well, I am quite appalled! Everyone, even those new voices that I don't know, have agreed to advance towards an economic powerhouse! Very well, I shall...

[???]: Otherwise, now that we have a code of laws, we must search the wheel. I forsee great applications

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Hmm...great applications? I would like to see them...

[???]: Oh and I guess it could be usefull for engineering and make rolling things too.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Hmm...something to consider. However, the overwhelming majority has spoken. We shall pursue the means to create our first draft of the Constitution of America, and then strive forth towards taking the economy by storm!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: So, you have a tactic for this. And it involves more money...predictably.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Well, a strong economy creates a strong Civilization.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Spoken like a true American.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: But of course, your Most Excellent Glory Amidst the Living & Inspired!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: It must feel great to have gold in your hands. What shall you do with your first five Edisons?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: But Mistress Sarah, there is but ONE Edison? If you speak about our fifty dollars, well...I've decided to store them in the Treasury until the time is ripe. It may help us greatly, should we need to generate something in advance.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Aren't you the one that's meant to spend the rumor about...oh, well. I wonder how you got that idea...I thought you'd make...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: I'm okay with gold-plated catapults.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Far it be from me to deny such a grandiose idea, but...it is in our best interests to save this money, Wookie. Else, how are we going to pay for the upkeep of our barracks? Yet, if everyone else agrees...

[???]: Speaking of dollars, let's save them, either for the Colossus or for emergencies.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/ThomasEdisonPic_zps4aa19763.gif:Such a tough decision, crushing enemies or investing in more money. I like the sound of more money.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I believe that's a settle, then. I still can't believe the Greeks and that weird dude that rules them were so naive so as to give us money...

[???]: Aaaah, carrefull your magificiently bearded Schyzophrenia ! Remember, "Timeo Danaos dona ferentes" ! ...At least watch out for any wooden animals

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: That voice sounded so ominous...I wonder what he meant...?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: It means "I fear the Greeks that bring gifts". It is a voice of warning.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...How do you know--?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: YES, I KNOW LATIN. THAT STILL DOESN'T MEAN I CONSORT WITH THE ROMANS.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: But...the Romans are nice guys... They actually create the concept of Law as we know it.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Sure, in the otherworld they developed the basics of judicial procedures, but in this case, perhaps you may end up being the first to develop them. Not to mention that they only worked with procedures; codes of laws already existed, if the code of Hammurabi sparks to mind.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Mistress Sarah...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Yes? I already dread the answer, but speak your ill.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I would have thought of you as a deity, not a history teacher. If I need a history lesson about our world, I will ask that. Otherwise, limit yourself to making the sun appear in our horizon every day and act as my personal translator.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Were I a more vengeful deity, I would have smitten you this instant. You are lucky I am so lenient...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: I was just saying, milady. Note that we still have Coyote and Roadrunner ready to take over your temples whenever I snap my fingers. And...speaking of the Roadrunners...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Roadrunners?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Yes. The CoViMH overruled my inspired name for the Mobile Mounted Pointy Stick Brigades of Field Patrolling of America, and gave a word of reason to the soldiers...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Gentlemen, it is a pleasure to have heard your counsel. I presume there is NO MORE to speak, thus I leave you to your--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/RoadRunnerPic_zps81482bc7.gif: *meep meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: As I said, there is NOTHING ELSE TO SPEAK ABOUT, SO YOU MAY--

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/RoadRunnerPic_zps81482bc7.gif: *meep meep* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Esteemed Totemic Animal, I shall not provide the Mobile Mounted Pointy Stick Brigades of Field Patrolling of America with a new name. There is nothing more to speak, you may--

[???]: Definitely rename them the Roadrunners. *meep meep!* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/RoadRunnerPic_zps81482bc7.gif: *meep meep!!!* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Oh, for the love of the Mistress! Let's make this quick, then: shall we give them the common name of "Roadrunners", or keep their inspired name of Mobile Mounted Pointy Stick Brigades of Field Patrolling of AMERICA!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GeorgeWashingtonPic_zpse28fdb1b.gif: I'm okay with the renaming to Roadrunners, only so long as the catapult units are calle Coyotes.

[???]: Sure, but only if our first catapults are called "Acme" and throw anvils at the enemy

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: ...Motion seconded. Thanks for nothing...jerks...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Y-you called the members of the CoViMH "jerks"!? Lincoln, what will they think of you!? Differences such as these are natural, and should be solved amicably! You cannot win everyone, after all! Shame on you, Lincoln!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: But, but...the MMPSBoFPoA! That was such a MANLY name!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: About time you felt what I feel...*jerk*...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: M-Mistress...are you... I...I guess I must...say...I'm...

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/LCAVPic_zps3c7b0640.gif:*meep meep!* (http://youtu.be/QKnHYcSG9Po?t=1s)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gifhttp://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: OH, NOW WHAT!?


http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: Tell them that we accept their proposal. I know how to handle this.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Now stop right there, you despotic maggot! You will consult the CoViMH, and you will follow their advice, as previously agreed upon!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/lincoln2_zps83498e87.gif: B-but I know already what they'll say! Accept, give no technologies that may give them a martial advancement, sue for peace and demand tribute! What's the difference this time?

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: You owe them an apology.

Eep. Gaia's angry at Lincoln! But he deserves it; calling you guys jerks? You are a most gracious audience! Goes to show you that Lincoln will not always agree with you.

So, we've met the second enemy Civ, the Germans (http://www.civfanatics.com/civ1/cia/germans.htm), led by Frederick Wilhelm the Great. Yes, we have Alexander the Great and Frederick the Great as neighbors. Definitely will take the title "Lincoln the Great" once we vanquish them. As you can see from the Intel, they are Aggressive, but also Perfectionist and Civilized; thus, they'll focus into small but well-built cities, and will bide their time.

With the Code of Laws underway, we're one step close to Trade, so this time I won't ask for the next Tech; we'll finish Trade and then step up to the next tech.

Also: with Ith and smuch providing their opinion, they've appeared officially on the LP. Thus, you're free to choose from the remaining positions (anything but the Army, Culture, Science, and Gaia's Faith; ergo, the Secretary of Defense, the Hierophant, the Minister of Culture and the Secretary of the DARPA are chosen). Also, choose which historical character to be known as.

Finally: in a few turns, Beta Complex should finish its first Catapult, so we'll have our first siege engine. Still, it will take about 10 turns, and we have only 3 Light Cavalry units around.

That said, I force Lincoln to ask the CoViMH:
What shall be the course of action with the Germans? Since it's fun to hear the other leaders, we'll automatically accept their audience; else, the defaults are trade no techs, stand our ground if opposed, sue for peace, demand tribute.

Oh yeah, and Gaia wishes to speak to you once again:
http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: First and foremost, thanks to all of you who supported me...even if they were few. You have my appreciation. Also, hello there, smuch; hope you enjoy this...spectacle.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: I'm deeply sorry for what Lincoln said to you guys. You don't deserve this; he deserves being overruled every now and then.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Because of this, I'll use some of my omniscience to help you make a choice. The Germans want the secret of Ceremonial Burial, and are willing to offer us Pottery for it. Pottery offers many things, and is necessary for Masonry, in order to create larger cities. It also provides America with the chance to create the Pyramids and the Great Wall.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Frederick believes America is weak, and I know you are...inclined towards warmongering, so he'll offend you just like Alexander did. Seems to come with the "great" appellative. However, if you decline, he'll sue for peace.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: If he asks for peace, and you agree, he will not give tribute. Don't even try to ask; he'll find it funny, actually. Thus, the two remaining options are to make an alliance against another (most likely the Greeks), or be thankful. A little diplomacy goes a long way, I say!

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Anyways, I'm sorry once again for Lincoln's erratic behavior towards you, esteemed guests! I will set him in place, as I should. Teach him a lesson for me, willya? *wink*

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff312/Osky-kun/Civilization%20snapshots/Civ%20LP%20Chars/GaiaPic_zps5ea7015c.gif: Ah, and one final thing. The god of the Germans is pretty popular right now... But also an ally of the Americans. Make of that what you will.

2013-11-03, 04:13 AM
Miss Gaia, Pottery isn't necessary for anything except for Granary and hanging gardens. It isn't necessary for masonry, great wall, or pyramid; we already have masonry and can build the other two whenever we please.