View Full Version : suggestions for increasing speed

2013-07-03, 09:20 PM
hey guys, so i am building an iajutsu focus changeling factotum whose two main out of combat skills are jump and climb. the idea is to go maximum mobility. in keeping with that theme, i also want to maximize his speed. the one thing i don't want to do is dip into other classes. here's what i've got so far:

quick trait (+10 speed for -1 hp/level)
boots of striding and springing
trying to swing a permanencied expeditious retreat

what else would be good?

2013-07-03, 09:38 PM
Permanent Item of Expeditious retreat may work better for you once you get the chance.

CL1*Spell level1*2000*2=4k market cost, 2k if you can have it crafted by a party-member. Making it useable only by someone with your class levels diminishes the cost by 30%, and keying it to also only work if you have ranks in a specific skill (such as those you're focusing on) takes off another 10%; this deduction is from the over-all cost, so 4k market goes to 4000*.6=2,400 base cost, or 1,200 for party-crafted presuming no tip.

Tip: always tip your crafters.

Additionally, there are some maneuvers and stances in the Tome of Battle which can increase your movement speed; I believe there's an Iron Heart stance that grants +10 movement speed and +2 AC whenever you move in combat.

If Expiditious retreat is either too potent for your DM's liking, or is unavailable for other reasons, doing the same with either Permanency or Continuous magic item as above with Longstrider (druid spell) is only a +10, but lasts Hours per level, which reduces the cost greately (1*1*2000 flat instead, no 2x multiplier for trying to extend the duration far past what it was meant to be)

2013-07-03, 10:44 PM
Since many movement speed bonuses you will encounter are enhancement bonuses, you will want to remember that enhancement bonuses to your movement speed don't stack.

The feat Dash [CW97] provides an untyped 5 ft movement bonus in light or no armor/load.
The feat Divine Vigor [CW 108] provides an untyped 10 ft movement bonus for several minutes by spending a turn attempt, which you should have once you reach Factotum 5 and gain Opportunistic Piety.
The fiendish graft Fast Leg (FF210) not only provides an untyped 10 ft movement bonus when not in heavy armor/load, but also grants a +5 competence bonus on Climb and Jump checks. If you aren't good aligned, this may be worth the 4,000gp cost.
If you have access to Forgotten Realms material the Fleet of Foot regional feat (PGtF 38) gives an untyped 10 ft bonus when in light armor and not carrying a heavy load.
The template Dark creature (ToM 158) gives an untyped 10 ft bonus at a cost of +1LA.
The feat Animal Devotion (CC 54) can give a 5 ft (+5 ft/4 character levels) sacred/profane bonus. Plus you can use the feat for a variety of other effects as well.

2013-07-03, 10:46 PM
Don't get an item of Expeditious Retreat, get one of Haste. Haste is a level 1 Trapsmith spell, so if you get a Trapsmith or Artificer to craft one, it's only twice the cost (8000 instead of 4000) with all of Haste's little bonuses, like the +1 to attack, AC and Reflex, the extra attack on a full attack (which you as an Iaijutsu user should like) and the best thing in my opinion, +30 to ALL your movement speeds (as opposed to just land speed). What makes this really good is that if you get one speed based on another, it doubles the bonus. Say you have a land speed of 30 ft, and a fly speed equal to your land speed (like with items or grafts or whatever). Your land speed goes to 60, so your fly speed is 60, with another 30 from Haste, which makes 90.

Another thing is the item Rapid Wrath, a shortspear from Ghostwalk which states that all your speeds are doubled if you carry it (not wield it, CARRY it. RAW, you can just have it on your person, like in a Bag of Holding, and you'll get the benefit.) Now, like Haste with those multiple movement types, I think this has the capability to blow up a lot. Think about the example from before. 30 foot land speed, goes to 60 with Haste, doubles with Rapid Wrath to 120. Fly speed is 120, +30 with Haste, doubles with Rapid Wrath to 300. I think that's a reasonable way to stack the effects, and it really adds up. But check with your DM.

Of course, honestly, minor teleportation effects are probably better for mobility than any kind of movement. An Intelligent Item (like an Item Familiar, which you'll probably have for Iaijutsu Focus anyway) with the Dedicated Power to use Dimension Door on itself and you is costly, but it can feasibly warp you at least 400 ft every turn, and technically since it's the item which uses the SLA and not you, it loses the rest of its actions but you don't.

2013-07-03, 11:00 PM
Clockwork Armor from this WotC webpage on Clockwork Wonders is priced low and increases speed, Str, and Dex.

2013-07-04, 03:38 AM
awesome suggestions guys. thanks a ton. the clockwork armor is great (we're playing in eberron, and where would it fit better?). the haste and expeditious retreat items are awesome too. i didn't know about the feats, although my character may be a little feat starved, but i could probably fit one in, especially with the haste item.

Killer Angel
2013-07-04, 06:08 AM
awesome suggestions guys. thanks a ton. the clockwork armor is great (we're playing in eberron, and where would it fit better?). the haste and expeditious retreat items are awesome too. i didn't know about the feats, although my character may be a little feat starved, but i could probably fit one in, especially with the haste item.

IMO, feats are usually too precious to waste 'em on increased speed.

2013-07-04, 06:28 AM
Armor quality:
Quickness - +5ft enhancement bonus.

Boots of skating (XPH is probably the source) - +10ft enhancement bonus.

Armor augment crystal:
Crystal of alacrity - +5ft morale bonus.

All from Magic Item Compendium. It has some user activated items too.