View Full Version : [3.5] Core Master Thrower?

2013-07-04, 02:52 PM
I have seen a few "Master Thrower" threads around here. My only problem with them is for the campaign I will be joining the DM has limited us to the core 3 books. How would you best go about making a Master Thrower with that restriction? Making it a halfling is a no brainer. I am torm between the fighter and rogue for my class possibly even multiclassing the 2. I also have no idea what weapon would be better to throw a dagger or a dart. One has a better range increment and the other has better crit range. after that I'm totally lost for feat progression.

2013-07-04, 03:02 PM
I have seen a few "Master Thrower" threads around here. My only problem with them is for the campaign I will be joining the DM has limited us to the core 3 books. How would you best go about making a Master Thrower with that restriction? Making it a halfling is a no brainer. I am torm between the fighter and rogue for my class possibly even multiclassing the 2. I also have no idea what weapon would be better to throw a dagger or a dart. One has a better range increment and the other has better crit range. after that I'm totally lost for feat progression.

Master Thrower is a named prestige class. If you want to be a competent thrower in core, you have a few things to do.

1.) Be a halfling rogue/fighter
2.) Get a Wizard or Sorcerer to cast Grease. LOTS OF GREASE.
3.) Look into these feats:

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Two Weapon Fighting
Rapid Shot

And throw Alchemist's Fire and such at the Touch AC of enemies, flat footed since they are on Grease without 5 ranks in balance, for sneak attack damage.

2013-07-04, 05:36 PM
I knew it was the name of a prestige class but it seemed like the best way to describe what I was aiming for.

I'm trying to figure out how exactly i would need to stat it out to make the most of thrown weapons and what would be better daggers or darts?

2013-07-04, 06:27 PM
What Gavinfoxx said. Also, as a rogue, you can just UMD a wand of grease yourself, if necessary.

Get yourself 14 str, if you can, and max your dex. As a ranged character, I can't stress the importance of stealth/perception/initiative enough, so maybe try not to dump wis.

As for weapons, use javelins in your right hand, darts in your left. Save daggers for when you're not sure if you'll be in melee or not.

It's hard to get feats in Core-only. If you're going to multiclass, I actually suggest ranger over Ftr, since it gives you TWF at 2nd level, doesn't hurt your ref save or skills that much, and gets you a favored enemy and track while you're at it. That said, I'd rather just eat the loss of feats and stick to just rogue.

Progression might be:
3-Quick Draw
9-Imp TWF
12-Precise Shot
15-Far Shot
18-Imp Init

You can use your rogue special abilities for extra feats, and you may want to to grab Greater TWF at higher levels, but I would grab Crippling Strike immediately before anything else.

2013-07-04, 07:24 PM
Throwing is weak, and core only makes things very hard. Especially if starting at low levels.

You would want to be a rogue, or arcane trickster. Using flasks of acid sometimes and other times daggers, clubs, or javelins (nice range increment). You would rapid shot and take the TWF tree, and try to get Far Shot in the build where possible. You want to use the Blink spell to make all attacks sneak attacks. Going Arcane Trickster murders your BAB and hurts your SA progression, but lets you cast blink on yourself and lets you make your own acid flasks during downtime (need a CL for alchemy). Otherwise, the ring of blinking s a critical need.

EDIT: I don't think using grease is worth it for the set up time. But having a familiar to use a wand of it for you is fine.

2013-07-04, 07:46 PM
It's also feat intensive so don't discount human for the extra 1st lvl feat over Halfling bonuses.

Far shot should should be picked up fairly soon as well as most thrown weapons have abysmal range and throwing provokes AoO iirc.

2013-07-05, 01:10 AM
If the DM has restricted it to 3.5 core only, he may be trying to achieve a 'classical' flavour, ie no weird stuff.

Throwing is hard enough to do in core that it is probably creeping up to that line.

You need to talk to the DM and say "hey, I want to do throwing like X (use example of cool knife thrower from a movie the DM likes)" are you down with that?

Then when you get to the point where you have +5 BAB go to the DM and say, "hey, you know how I do essentially nothing in each battle, can I take this one little prestige class? Eet ees waffer theen ... "

If he says no, then reroll as a Druid and stomp the crap out of his stupid campaign. (Alternative, play as a Drud who throws stuff. At least you'll have some class features then*)

*No, they won't make you a good thrower, but in core nothing will anyway

2013-07-05, 02:39 AM
Well, the best core "thrower," other than the "flasked avenger" rogue would be a dude who polymorphs into a really strong form that is still capable of picking up and throwing weapons. Which would be Wizard or Sorcerer (into Eldritch Knight)...

2013-07-07, 11:39 AM
what would be better daggers or darts?

Neither, alchemical pots.

2013-07-07, 04:08 PM
Neither, alchemical pots.

And after that, Javelins. 30 ft vs. 10 ft is a huge difference. And in core, all the splat goodies that boost daggers or other little weapons (Shadow Blade feat; Palm Throw master thrower trick, etc...) simply don't exist.