View Full Version : Like Dungeon Crawl Classics? At least 21 years old? Like getting trashed?

2013-07-04, 09:06 PM
Then get a free Roll20 account and join my event, Ratassed Role-Playing! Look, I don't know what you guys think about Roll20 or shameless player soliciting; so I dunno whether or not to expect a warm welcome here. That being said, I also know how most good people feel about beauty, and chaos, and whimsy, and also intoxication, and that's what this is all about. So whether you want to hate or participate, here's the link --> https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/6481/ratassed-role-playing The idea is to hold this event on a monthly basis with alternating game masters and systems--we're either doing Call of Cthulhu or Mutants and Masterminds next month. Let me know what you think!

Here are the details--

Playing Dungeon Crawl Classics/D&D 3.5 (21 and up) Next game will be Sunday July 14 6:00PM (1 week from now)

You may have a couple of questions right off the bat, and I plan to answer them--

"Do I have to be drunk?"

No, but you do have to be any kind of inebriated that's legal where you live for a person of your age.

"How inebriated do I have to be?"

You must be visibly and/or audibly slaunced, depending on whether or not you want to be seen on a webcam. It doesn't matter if your intoxicant's effects render you goofy, depressed, or belligerent; the only parameters are that your loss of mental faculties must add to the game's overall hilarity and ambiance.

"Do I have to use a mic?"


"Wait, you're going to be drunk too? If our DM's slizzed, how's the game gonna progress?"

Don't worry about it! I was thinking about leaving it up to the players to regulate my levels of sobriety, or vice versa, but I haven't thought of a good drinking game mechanic to work in yet. If anyone thinks of anything good, post your ideas in the forum.

"Will there be girls there?"

Probably not.

Just to let you know, I'll be asking anyone who signs up for this game to check in with me at least a couple of times before gameday so that I really have a handle on who I can rely on to show up. The two games I've played on roll20 so far have had a few no-call no-shows, and from what I understand that's a bit of a trend here. I'm not a hardass GM by any stretch, (obviously), but I will be a bit of a stickler about trying to make sure that people show up when they're supposed to.

I'm looking for five players! Draw up an eighth level character and send it to me at least 48 hours before gametime. Any I'll accept any class or race from the standard players handbook--if you have some wackadoo **** you wanna play from one of the supplements, shoot me a message and I'll prolly let you do it! All alignments are also okay, just to spice things up. I'll be in charge of equipping your characters. That's it. That's all there is.

2013-07-04, 09:15 PM
Generally no, this should be in the pbp forum not here.

2013-07-04, 09:30 PM
Sorry about that, I moved the post to the right forum but I can't figure out how to delete this one. Little help?

2013-07-04, 09:59 PM
You can ask the great and powerful MOD to delete it :smallwink: