View Full Version : Building a villain Dread Necro//Incarnate

Octopus Jack
2013-07-05, 02:30 PM
Hey Playground, long time no see. I've started running a campaign and need a little assistance on a planned mini-boss which I may have left to the last minute to stat up. It needs to be a decent threat on it's own for a party of four level 10s to take on and have a little bit of trouble with. The last boss they faced managed to drop the entire party to single digit hp and downed one of them and I'd like to recreate something similar as they enjoyed the sense of achievement from the fight.

The party is as follows: (they got one free point of LA to play with and all have taken advantage of it)

Hobgoblin Fighter /Barbarian /Exotic Weapon Master : Fairly typical Kukri, Lightning Maces, Blood on the Water, Pouncy, Crit Fisher build. When he can get stuck in he's the party's primary damage dealer and has demolished several encounters so I'm going to try to make the rest of the party shine a little bit more. Thinking Mantle of Flame may stymie the masses of attacks and might deter him from going all out against the target and Dread Necromancer's natural fortification will negate some crits.

Tiefling Wizard/Unseen Seer: Good choice of spell selection, but not great at tactically thinking during combat. Want to bring him out into the spotlight a little bit more over time but he just generally doesn't seem that interested.

Aasimar Cleric with Travel and Pride domains. DMM Persist Frontline fighter, support caster and general party savoir. Thinks tactically and sensibly about engagements and a timely dimension door allowed them to triumph last boss fight instead of being smacked into the floor.

Poison Dusk Lizardfolk Ranger. The newest player to the group, been given a slightly modified version of Sword of the Arcane order and a variety of magic arrows, generally casts a few buff or no save spells and then plinks away with his bow from a safe distance.

As said before I want this villain to be a challenge to the above party on their own with possibly some minions in the fight so would appreciate any suggestions on magic items, spells, soulmelds and tactics in general to be used against the fairly optimised party of four.

Thanks in advance, hopefully I can deliver to them a fight to remember.

2013-07-05, 02:46 PM
When I first read you title I thought you wanted a villain Judge Dread. Probably best represented as a lawful neutral warblade/incarnate.

Of course on rereading it I see what you want is more similar to judge death: a lawful evil necropolitan incarnate/necrocarnate with zombie followers (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/ex/20050907a&page=6)

I am sorry I can't help you with anything more than basic ideas.

Octopus Jack
2013-07-05, 02:49 PM
When I first read you title I thought you wanted a villain Judge Dread. Probably best represented as a lawful neutral warblade/incarnate.

I am sorry I can't help you with anything more than basic ideas.

Aaaand that's my next character for a gestalt game sorted.... :smallbiggrin: