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Dumbledore lives
2013-07-06, 12:38 AM
A large crowd has gathered as the leader of the town, a tall dwarf named Ruwin, has called a meeting to discuss various changes that have been going on in greater politics and what affect it might have on the town. I'm sure either by traveling merchants or minstrels you have heard the news that their is new leadership arising for the area. Of course you figured this would not affect you, not affect this little town. Unfortunately that is not the case, as according to his new doctrine our village is in the way of progress. Apparently there is not enough farmland where they are, and they need ours. Unfortunately we do not have enough to feed a whole kingdom, so this whole village will be destroyed if we do nothing to stop it. At this there is a large muttering from the crowd and some shouting. I however will not let this happen. We don't have a town guard, we are not a warrior town, and I am not a fighter, but surely amongst all of you there are some who are willing to help?

2013-07-06, 01:46 AM
Politics, bah. Gurren Kiryuu thought as he waited for the town's leader to speak. Manly men of action, like me, have no time for idle chatter! However, despite this opinion, Gurren had a feeling he should not skip this meeting, and find out what was happening in the wide world. He was glad he did.

When the dwarf had finished, Gurren kicked over a barrel, and leaned his weight onto the one foot he had still resting on it. Ruwin, I've know you a long time now, you're a great sort, but a mite not mighty enough. You should be more bold! Of course I'll save the town for you! You didn't need to put on such an air, and gather so many people, I didn't need all this recognition! As a man, I would be despicable if I didn't help the village I came from. Spreading his arms wide to gesture at the whole crowd, Gurren continued. Look at all these great people! Our great village! We have the will to persevere! The will to succeed! We will triumph over any adversary, be they domestic or foreign, and we will rise up above all others to become the mightiest and proudest of all villages!

Dropping his voice, he pressed on: True we are a humble people; a farming community, but what's that? A community! A strong community and our communal ways and values synergize us all into impossible heights! Working together we are a mighty horde of hard working industrious people! No petty decree can break us, no little rules can take from us who we are! And that, my friends, that is what makes us mighty!

Gurren leapt onto the stage next to Ruwin. Should any come to stop us, I will gladly lead us against them! We have farmers who will the earth to grant us huge bounties of food, merchants who damn near rob the big city folk of their gold with their cunning ways, and bless us with kinder prices! We have smithes who forge the fiercest of weapon, and the strongest of armors! Tailors and hunters, mages and herders, we are a diverse and yet united people! Together we can defeat any adversity! Who's with me?! Who is willing to give back to our fair village, and pledge ourselves to pay back our friends, our loved ones and our respected leader?! Who wants to save our town?!

Perform Oratory: [roll0]

2013-07-06, 05:15 AM
As Gurren finishes his rousing speech, Mafalma has to suppress a small chuckle. The lad's certainly a bold one, no disputing that! And it was inspiring to see someone so young speak so passionately. But was he prepared for the tough job ahead? Mafalma stands to speak.

"Garrun my lad, if there were a voice in all the town that could talk the birds out of the trees it's yours. And aye, I agree- we are a strong people, grafters who make our living through the work of our own hands. But the rulers of this land are strong, and may not take kindly to resistance. It will take more than fire in the belly and smoke up the backside to deter them. We need a plan, we need leaders, strong men and women to make known that we will not move aside. We must send representatives to this new leader to protest, and I volunteer myself to lead. Who will come with me to address our new liege?"

2013-07-06, 05:46 AM
Sitting somewhere near the front of the crowd was Viola; perched on a nearby crate with her legs danging off of the sides and a few pieces of bread scattered across her lap, as she disinterestedly listened to the speech that the mayor probably spent a few boring hours preparing. Beside her crate sat Carver, her St. Bernard, catching pieces of bread thrown to him and looking just as bored as his owner in the proceedings. The attention of both was caught, however, as the loudmouthed Gurren kicked over a barrel and began to make his inspiring speech.

Behind the silver mask that covered her lips, Viola began to smirk at the words and confidence that flowed from the man she'd known for quite a while. Although his ideals were a bit wonky, and his speech filled with words that were inspiring, but ultimately meaningless, she couldn't help but enjoy the speech and feel encouraged to join him on the expedition. It meant all manner of possibilities for her, and gave her an excuse to take advantage of them; meeting new women she might actually have a chance with in cities they'd surely visit, which meant advancing in power more quickly and getting to stay a beautiful young lass for the rest of her years! She'd even heard of a few places that would welcome her with open arms, with all sorts of exotic creatures to spend her time with.

She didn't have much to add to leading, as it really wasn't her strength, but she could at least make a show of it and encourage others to join. Climbing to her feet on the crate, while her good friend Mafalma introduced him to the real dangers of leading a rebellion, Viola stretched out her arms and punched the air. "You have my magic!" She yelled for the benefit of the townsfolk, followed by Carver letting out a loud bark as though to say "This sentiment is quite agreeable."

2013-07-06, 07:43 AM
Though a stranger to this town, Erik finds himself drawn to its plight. Almost without thinking, he rises from his place at the rear of the assembly to speak: "I may not be from your fair village, but I will not countenance tyranny. I would be more than willing to join you in negotiations—and in battle, should it come to that unfortunate end."

At this point I don't think it should be apparent that Erik is a sorcerer, since his visible equipment is just light leather armor and a longsword.

2013-07-06, 07:54 AM
Lord Garrickson staggered out of the crowd, and weaved a drunken path up to the stage, the townsfolk giving him a wide berth. "An ya have my... wha'? Wha wossit 'gain? Can' rememblatarr. It's... woah." So saying, he sat down on the ground and began singing a rude song at the top of his lungs.

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-06, 05:02 PM
The mayor looks slightly staggered at this response from the people. In all likelihood he expected a few of the old timers to mutter something then go along with their business. Yes hmm, that's very good. I see we have a smattering of, mhm, adventures. Well if you are to do something about it hmm, I've heard tell that there is a large force coming this way from the north. I would not suggest taking them on with your current numbers, for they have some dozens of men. I am not a man of battle so I would not dare suggest a plan, but I'm sure you can come up with one, you are certainly better at this than I am. With that he steps down from the podium and gestures for someone else to step up.

2013-07-06, 05:29 PM
Mafalma jumps up onto the stage and waves over those who have volunteered their services.

"If we move quickly we should be able to intercept them on the way here. We can borrow some horses from Hobbs' stable, I'm sure he'll lend them for something as big as this. We can ride out until we encounter them, then ask to speak to whoever is in charge. Hopefully we can buy some time for ourselves. Maybe our lad Gurren can have a florid word or two with them, aye?"

2013-07-06, 06:06 PM
With a quick leap, Gurren jumped onto the pedestal, refusing to stand by or behind his rival for leadership. People! Tonight, we will ride! The mighty warriors of Gip will ride out to this army of poor misguided fools, and realign them to the way they should be! We will conscript this army, or defeat it in combat if we must, but no army shall march here and disturb you! For no man, no marshalled force, can stand against the tides of justice the emanate from just a pure hearted community such as ours!

Jumping into the crowd, he put his arms on the shoulders of two men. Fear not, my kindred spirits! Toil away, hard at work for your families, and know that everything will be good and right in the world. Your pal Gurren will lead your own personal army of passion and justice to sway those big city fools into realizing that they are on the wicked side of thieves and brigands. Surging over to his drunken friend, he raised the man's right arm and shouted We all know the pain of this fist, but he is an ally this day, and we know a simple one-two punch from him alone could take out a dozen big city men, who are weakened by the easy and cushioned life of luxury and waste!

A quick hop brought him to Culver, And this dog, has the tenacity, the willpower, the sense of pride and valor to stand against the misguided and oppressive. And her pet Culver can help! Gurren grinned and patted his friend Viola on the leg before taking off to avoid her wrath.

Back at the stage, Gurren put his arm around the Mafalma, Hell, what do we have to fear when even our bartenders are primal, manly forces of justice? I bet even this old coot could take down four or seven of their finest! But, even better, despite our raw, powerful, manly army, we will need nothing but the voice of reason, justice and honor! No big city man can forget the love even they harbor for their kin! We shall remind them that our people are the sons, daughters, wives, husbands, brothers, sisters and in this old fart's case, grandpas of the same kind as them! They need to be reminded that we are people, struggling to find our way through this world just as they are. We are taking care of the generation that raised us while raising our own, newer generation. I will ask them if they would stand for this should it be their sisters who were left homeless, their mothers who starved. The just manliness that lays dormant in many of them will explode into awakenedness and triumph over the command of the wicked! And those whose courage has died will not be able to stand against us! We will ride out tonight to glory!

Panting, and just starting to break a sweat, Gurren stepped beside Mafalma. Leaning in he whispered to Mafalma:

bring a picture of your kids if you've had any painted. I could use the illustration during my speech to persuade the army.

Perform Oratory again:

2013-07-06, 06:31 PM
"If you try to seduce him, you'll end in a fix/His prickles defend him from rampant-" Lord Garrickson broke off his drunken roar. "I'm gon' come. Ya pansy swordsmen couldn' face an escaped chicken withou' wettin yer pants. Barman!" he shouted at Mafalmas. "A tankard of yer strongest ale! Need to fortamafy meself."

2013-07-06, 06:34 PM
As yet another speech erupted from Gurren's lungs, Viola couldn't help but roll her eyes and chuckle to herself, as she weaved her way through the crowd and made a few lovely comments to the wives of the people there. She certainly wasn't a valorous warrior, but she could burn a man's face off from thirty feet away, and that, to her, was good enough. It would certainly have done a number on her morale to see their leader with their face melting, but, luckily, Gurren came along to remove that horrible mental image from her mind and make a crude attempt at flirtation; though both knew he was more likely to get somewhere with Carver than her, so she shrugged it off and continued on her way to the stage, with Mafalma and Gurren, and Carver at her heels, eating up the last of the breadcrumbs that had slipped off of the young woman's skirt.

She didn't have much to add to either of their speeches, so she simply smiled and waited until Gurren was close enough for her to whisper into his ear, noticing that he'd already almost ran out of energy. "If that wears you out, I think I'll easily be able to outperform you in the whispers of the ladyfolk." She snickered, winking at a random wife from the audience before straightening herself out again and, ignoring the yells of the half-orc, turned to Mafalma. "What should I do? I can talk the night away, but perhaps it'd be best for me to be just around the corner, if this meeting of yours goes awry. Fair?"

2013-07-06, 06:47 PM
Gurren was obviously taken aback for a moment, then his rival for ladyfolk left before he could reply. So, instead he slammed his hand on the podium and shouted Damn it, Viola! I'm not worn out! I am just getting excited! I could go for hours longer! A stray thought floated through his head, an alternate meaning, and he grinned then winked at the more female section of the crowd. But as for the plan, we need all of us there! We'll meet in the plains of destiny, and there will be no where to hide from our fervor! Besides, if anything goes wrong, I would rather have you right there ready to spew acid on the face of the first man to draw his sword.

2013-07-06, 08:49 PM
Mafalma steps forward, still slightly put out by having Gurren's arm draped around him like an over-familiar merchant.

"Then it is settled! The day is young, we can ride out immediately. I suggest everyone stop by at their homes to pick up what supplies they need, and then we shall meet at the city gates in an hour, unless anyone has anything to add." He permits himself a small chuckle too.

"And if, during our negotiations, Gurren could refrain from seducing every enemy soldier while reciting the complete works of Rattleranseur the bard, that would be magnificent. Come on then you lot, the plains of destiny are calling!"

2013-07-06, 09:13 PM
"Gon' go now. Barkeep, bring... uh..." Lord Garrickson sways for a moment, then collapses in aheap of silk and velvet. He stays there for a while, then staggers to his feet and makes his roundabout way to the gates.

2013-07-06, 09:29 PM
With a short laugh, Gurren pats the barkeeper on the back. Alright, not every soldier, just more than Viola then. Striking a brief heroic pose, he flashes a grin at the audience, then leaps from the stage and runs to his room at the Inn that he had been paying to live at, and grabbed his backpack. The room was empty, devoid of any material possessions beyond the single backpack that lay at the foot of the bed, and the drill that leaned against the opposite wall.

Gurren kept all of his thing in that backpack, and, for the most part, avoided owning many items that weren't functional. Getting ready to leave was never a problem, and as soon as he was in his room, he was back out of item. He rushed city gates only to realize that other people would take longer and now he had to wait. And how do manly men wait? Push-ups.

2013-07-06, 09:45 PM
Garrickson, already there, decided to act as Gurren's drill seargent, shouting orders and insults at the top of his lungs. He had purged his system of some of the alcohol before Gurren arrived, and was about as close to sobriety as he had gotten these last few weeks.

2013-07-06, 09:53 PM
Not having any equipment except what he's already carrying, Erik immediately departs for the town entrance to join the others.

2013-07-06, 10:32 PM
Mafalma has not packed for a journey, so goes back to the bar to gather some supplies together: likely adventuring supplies like rope and a crowbar, a couple of importants like soap and food in case he's away for a while. It might just be a diplomatic mission, but you can't be too prepared! Which just leaves one job... he looks around his inn at all the weapons and trophies left by various adventurers who visited here, and picks a couple that take his fancy, either for being practical, or because the original owner was a good friend to him. Then he slings his giant red coat over his shoulders, kisses Ellie and the kids, and heads off to the city gates, stopping by the stable to get horses on the way.

If you want me to roleplay asking/paying for the horses we can do that, though I was hoping I'd be able to persuade the ostler that we can have them free of charge, in the interest of saving the city! Otherwise, it's on to the gate!

He arrives at the gate leading the horses.

"Hope you lot didn't forget anything important! Packed lunch? All been to the toilet? Let's get moving, shall we?"

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-07, 12:55 AM
Re: Horses
I think with the perform checks and such the horses are free of charge.

As the group assembles at the gate you notice a few others coming to meet you. The most distinctive is a short man carrying an enormous pack on his back, with a number of attachments such as cups and saddlebags, as well as several masks from a variety of cultures. He wears a vibrant purple cloak and seems to move slightly at odds with the rest of the world. Those who live in the town will have seen him a few times, and he seems to come and go every couple of years, only staying for a day or so.

Arriving from a different direction is an extremely wizened looking orcish priestess who is wearing a white robe and the distinct sign of a member of the healing order of the continent, the Miria. She has helped the town with any number of minor ailments and injuries, though nothing major. Beside her is a tall and broad orc wearing chainmail and a long cloak. He seems to be about middle-aged and you remember him from a few fairs where he painted portraits.

The small strange man arrives and speaks first, seemingly talking to all of you at once, individually. Hello dear compatriots. It is wonderful to see you departing for what may be your last journey. I do hope you have a good time. Now I have a vested interest in this town staying here, I quite like the location you see. It would be awfully terrible if anything would happen to the town, or you for that matter. With that said I offer you a reward of sorts. Do this well and I will allow you to work with me, to reap great rewards. In fact I will reward you now for ever daring to embark on this mission. He rumbles through his pack and comes out with five small stones and hands them to each of you, near instantly. So is there anything you want to say?

2013-07-07, 01:03 AM
Rocks? The crazy old coot gave us rocks? No matter, a man is thankful for any gesture! Gurren switched which hand the rock was in quickly, and grabbed the man hand, give it a firm shake. Thanks old man! He said earnestly, and with a grin. I'll do my best to save our city, and return to you! As a man, I pride myself on where I've come from, and I refuse for it to disappear! Don't worry, your retirement home is safe with us!

2013-07-07, 01:17 AM
Mafalma holds the stone up to one eye and inspects it closely, but if it is anything more than just a simple stone, he is powerless to tell what it does.

"Thankyou sir, for your good wishes. Might I ask what these gifts do, and how we might use them?"

2013-07-07, 08:06 AM
"Small animals don't count as soldiers, my friend." Viola said to Garren before departing the stage with Carver at her heels; heading swiftly towards her home that, in all honesty, didn't hold very much within its walls. Most things of worth had been taken with her parents, and she hadn't had any need of them, while most of her own money was spent on drinks and, of course, weaponry to held defend herself should the town need defending; and such a moment was this one. Viola, packing her adventuring kit and all the things necessary to keep herself prim and not-so-proper, departed her home, armed with a dagger tucked into her boots, a hefty morningstar strapped to the small of her back, and both parts of a crossbow hanging from the belt at her belt, though fairly hidden by the shield she hefted on one forearm.

She came to the gates of Gip, only to have her path waylaid by the curious man and his curiouser companions. She didn't think much of whatever he said, narrowing her eyes at him and working her wily ways into her sight itself. She would see something of the way these people led their lives, for better or worse. Viola took the offered stone warily, tossing it into the air and dropping her silver mask for a moment, the spiritual threads of the object unraveling as she spat a huge gob of acid at the object while it was in the air. If it was just a rock, it would melt. If it had some other, magical property, it would easily be able to resist the damage and would land safely back in her hand.

Viola casting Detect Opposition here.

2013-07-07, 08:31 AM
Seeing Viola test her stone makes Erik think to do the same. While Gurren and Mafalma are occupied talking to the strange man, Erik attempts to use his magic to steathily determine the nature of the stones.

Casting Detect Magic, with my eyes aimed at the rocks. If I detect a magical aura, then I'll concentrate for the 18 seconds necessary to figure out what is producing the aurae.

Just in case, here's the Spellcraft check to determine school of magic:

2013-07-07, 09:17 AM
Unlike the others, Lord Garrickson did not question the gift, but bowed deeply, doffed his hat to the man, and placed the stone carefully in a coat pocket. Spreading his tattooed hands, he said, "We thank you mightily for your gift, good sir, and as my compatriots have stated, we will endeavor to protect this fair village from all threats to the safety and happiness of its occupants, which, we are honored to say, includes you." Replacing his top hat on his head, he put one foot in the stirrup of one of the horses and swung himself over and up.

2013-07-07, 08:39 PM
Gurren sees several of his friends playing with their rocks, then shrugs. I didn't think adults would get so excited to play with rocks. Our crazy acid spitting lady is going to ruin hers with sticky goo, and our swordsman is transfixed. I must be missing out! Gurren then balances the rock on his nose. Wow... it is fun!

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-07, 08:49 PM
What do these stones do? Can you not tell from the glowy green that absolutely radiates from them? Or is that just me, hmm, well alas there is little I can tell you if you can't see it yourself, but they should assist you should you find yourself in dire need of help. After he finishes talking the man turns around and promptly skips off, pack jangling as he does so. You notice that though he is taking large leaps the dirt around his feet does not seem to move with him.

As the other two approach the older one approaches and turns to speak with Gurren. Hello, my son and I have come to offer any assistance we came, your speech was so rousing. Unfortunately the other layabouts of the town have neglected to come, but we are still willing to fight! She stifles a cough before continuing. I am not much of a fighter, not nowadays anyway, I used to be quite feisty but that's a story for another time. Anyway, what was I saying, ah yes my boy here is quite a fighter, well he was at least, and still is in good enough shape to roll with the punches. We will come with you, and do whatever you want, and never run from danger right!

2013-07-07, 09:03 PM
Viola stares after the crazy old coot for a while, ignoring the attempts at teasing that Gurren made at both her and the new fellow, before shaking her head. "I'm not going to let some crazy old mage poison me with his magic rocks." She mutters under her breath, letting the rock slip from her hand before kicking it as it falls, sending the small thing flying across the path. She secretly hopes it would hit the jangling man in the head, but doesn't believe her aim is really that good. She stays out of the orc recruitment business, instead approaching Mafalma. "How long will the trip take, do you think? If I can get some rest in along the way, I could prepare myself better for if things go awry."

2013-07-07, 09:41 PM
Mafalma shrugs to Viola's question.

"No idea, I'm afraid- all our town leader said was that they were approaching from the north. Now you mention it, it might have been a good idea to ask that. Maybe our friends here will know"

He approaches the priestess and her son.

"As far as I am concerned, you are both welcome to join us- in this case, any ally is a bonus. I don't suppose you know how far the impending force is? The more prepared we can be for the situation, the better"

2013-07-07, 10:44 PM
Gurren moves in front of Mafalma, and shakes the younger man's hand, then turns to address the woman. You're both welcome of course! This is a trip of honor and loyalty, and all those who are devout to the ideas of right triumphing over wrong are welcome to join us on our quest! Wheeling back to the man, he clasps his other hand over the other side of his hand he is holding and shakes it again with both hands. A man seeking to become more manly, perhaps? Seeking the glory of a proud exemplar? I cannot say I know your reasons for coming, but courage and pride drip from your pores, and it would be my honor to lead fine people such as the pair of you on this mission!

Releasing the ensnared hand, Gurren turns to Mafalma. I thank you for the horses, but it appears we are short two of them now. We best go and inform the good man who loaned us these fine beasts that we require a couple more for our courageous allies!

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-08, 06:25 PM
I'm afraid we don't know where these invaders are, we only heard what the mayor said. Hmm, there is a town only a short while west that has a few tad more adventurous types however, it's possible they would be willing to help, and might have some more information as to these brigands. Of course they might also want something in return, and it could take some time to get there, hmm. Well it is not my choice is it now? It's not his either. She gestures at her son He doesn't do too much thinking, though as you say, hmm, Gurren was it, he does seek to make himself more 'manly'. A fat lot that will do but he still wants to try. As far as horses I have a small horse that will suit both me and this one. I don't like to keep it in the stables with all the other dirty animals.

2013-07-08, 08:08 PM
"Best keep it away from Gurren, then." Viola says to the elder orc, grinning as she climbs aboard her own horse and gently strokes its mane, before leaning down and helping Carver onto the horse's back. She'd make sure to keep him safe while they rode off into the sunset, even if he was a heavy thing.

2013-07-09, 08:58 AM
I bathe! Gurren protested when it was implied he was a dirty animal. But whatever, if there are adventurer's to the west, we will go to the west and tell them about our quest of manliness. Hopefully some will be eager to help righteousness, and seek out their own honor, letting the pride of knowing themselves men be payment enough. And you! He said, pointing at the old orcish woman, You cannot understand what it means to strive for greatness if you can so easily insult those who do! How could you put down your own son's desires to be a man of strength and honor? He will become more manly, and you will be ashamed of having ever implied he wouldn't!

Gurren leapt onto his horse, and lead it a ways forward. Now, who knows which way west is? We ride to that city!

2013-07-09, 09:10 AM
"We'd better move fast then. We don't know how far away this approaching force is, and we might have to take a while at the town nearby. So move out then you slobs, snap to it!"

And with that Mafalma mounts up, and starts to ride west.


With Survival +4, I'm hoping I know which way west is, though I can't remember if there's a DC to check it.

2013-07-09, 03:51 PM
Lord Garrickson, already mounted, kicked his horse and swept off to the west. He adjusted his bow tie with one hand and held the reins with the other, calling for the rest of the group to join them.

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-10, 09:36 PM
The group sets out to the west searching for more intrepid heroes to assist them on their quest. After traveling for several hours the group comes upon an interesting scene; lying in the center of the road is a large wagon with a dead horse in front of it. Unfortunately it is difficult to see the contents of the wagon as it is covered with a cloth. Lying in front of the horse seemingly weeping is a humanoid form. You know that you're about three quarters of the way to the town.

2013-07-10, 09:39 PM
Being a man, Gurren sweeps his legs up and jumps off his horse. Your horse! Gurren announces, as he approaches, What unsightly bastard killed your poor horse? He grabs his drill, and readies it against potential unseen threats.

2013-07-10, 10:34 PM
Erik follows suit, unsheathing his sword and rushing heedless towards the figure by the horse.

2013-07-10, 10:37 PM
Lord Garrickson remained mounted haughtily on his high horse. "I say, my good man. What in the Nine Hells happened here?"

2013-07-10, 11:23 PM
Mafalma is quick to take action. "Priestess, my lady, can you tend to this man's wounds? Everyone else, keep back, let's see if we can find out what attacked this man. Keep your eyes peeled and weapons ready!"

He examines the area around the cart for tracks or signs of the attackers.

Survival: [roll0]

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-11, 09:22 PM
For HuskyBoi

It seems like there are a number of tracks around, from probably four or five different sources. It's quite muddled so it's difficult to tell attackers or anything like that.

The man quickly turns around, glaring at all of you. Suddenly he reaches into the folds of his clothes and shouts You're the ones who did this! You killed them. He then thrusts a dagger into the one nearest to him, Gurren. The dagger slashes at your side but you manage to dive out of the way of most of the attack, taking only a scratch.

Attack Roll [roll0]
Damage roll [roll1] + [roll2]

And I will ask for initiative from everyone

2013-07-11, 09:57 PM
"I say!" exclaimed Lord Garrickson again, sliding down off his horse. "I'm afraid we may have to restrain you before you hurt yourself, good sir. I assure you that you will not be hurt." The damned madman probably killed his horse himself, he added silently.

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-12, 07:18 AM
The man looks confused and frightened as the others turn to look at him. He looks around unsure of what to do, then precedes to continue stabbing the nearest fleshy object. This time it seems to find its home, sticking a few inches deep in Gurren's side.

Attack [roll0]
Damage [roll1]+[roll2]

2013-07-12, 09:12 AM
"Calm down man, blast it!" Mafalma says, and tries to restrain the man by grabbing hold of his arms and stopping him from attacking everyone.

Grapple check: [roll0]
If that works I'll try to pin him next time and hopefully we can disarm him.

2013-07-12, 09:30 AM
In a few quick strides, Lord Garrickson is by the struggle, ducking under and deflecting the madman's flailing arm with one hand and his other flying towards the man's stomach.

Tumble Check (if the guy has Combat Reflexes, since Mafalma provoked with his grapple check): [roll0]
Attack Roll (including the -4 penalty for attacking for subdual): [roll1]
Subdual Damage: [roll2]

2013-07-12, 09:38 AM
Viola passes along the trip without much to say or do, boredly staring along the road for most of it, whenever nobody else was talking, or looking over her fingernails for dirt. The scenery can do little to ease her boredom, what with having lived in similar scenery for most of her life, but she soothes herself from complaining with thoughts of what might soon come. That is, until she realizes that there's an excellent potential flirtee riding nearby! Just as she's about to allow her horse to move backwards, the man and the wagon come into view and distracts her immediately.

Sadly, the following events couldn't have gone as she hoped, as Gurren gets brutally stabbed twice and makes her gasp. The bastard! Given her companions' reluctance to go straight to murder, she doesn't choose to melt his stupid sad face off right away; she'll give them some more time to subdue him, but if she sees him get another swipe off, he'll get a faceful of the acid building up in her mouth.

Readied action to Dissoling Spittle the crying man if he attacks again:

Attack: [roll0] Vs Touch AC
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-12, 03:31 PM
Erik tries to neutralize the man by bashing him with the flat of his sword.

Attack (-4 penalty): [roll0]
Non-lethal damage: [roll1]

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-12, 06:44 PM
The entire party rushes in to knock the man unconscious, crowding around and trying to wrestle his dagger away from him. Mafalma tries to grab him but unfortunately trips over a fallen wheel and lands just to the side of him. Lord Garrickson then throws himself at the downed man, just barely missing and landing to the other side of Mafalma. Finally Eric comes and smashes his longsword down splintering the wagon just to the side of the man, but unfortunately missing the actual target.

2013-07-13, 11:09 PM
Gurren took a step back. Whoa whoa whoa! Whoa! No! Gurren said, slamming his drill into the ground, then leaning on it heavily. A man doesn't freak out about slight misunderstandings. A man reacts to any situation with honor! Stop this assault! The man is clearly confused. With a ferocious glare, Gurren fixes his gaze upon the pitiful cretin.

You, are being a fool. We have just ridden in from nearby and stopped to rescue you from your misfortunes, and you paniced. Real men keep a level head no matter what, and not wildly flail knives at handsome heroes who arrived just too late to save the day. If you stop now, and to the women for scaring them, I'll forgive you. If not, may the Gods have mercy on you, because I will not. Maybe you don't recognize me!

Gurren kicked his drill into the air and caught it, pointing it straight up. When they talk about the crimson cloaked terror of the vale, the ferocious hound who hunts evil back to its den, the mighty warrior who defend the great city of Gip, they are talking about me! Aiming the drill directly at the man he finished: GURREN!

With a quick swipe to the side he continued, A man of action, but a man with a clear and sharp mind. A hero of the people, and a terror to villians. I am the mighty Commander Gurren Kiryuu! Tremble in admiration or fear! Surrender now and you will be spared the fate of an embarrassing defeat. If you ask nicely, I'll even make you my henchman! But clutch that tiny dagger any longer, and the fine men and women of Gip will rain doom down upon you like a wraithful host of angels, seeking to purge the world of demons!

5t Step, Free action drop my drill, standard action to use social skill, move action to pick up drill.

I'm not sure what kind of check you want, so I will post my roll and possible modifiers.

+11 for Speech Giving
+7 Diplomacy
+7 Intimidate
Extra d20 rolls incase you want it to be more than one.

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-15, 12:40 AM
The frightened man retreats back to by the cart and looks confusedly up at the imposing figures. I didn't mean to, I mean I'm sorry, they were so big, and so many, arrows everywhere. He starts trailing off and mumbling to himself.

The elderly orc dismounts her horse and walks over to Gurren, laying a comforting hand on his shoulder. The wound on his side begins to stop bleeding and he notices that the pain has dulled to a low throb. There, you feel better now. Always complaining with the bleeding and such. Suddenly several arrows shoot out of the trees on the side of the road. One hits her right in the side of her head, immediately downing her. Another hits the rogue right in his chest, pinning him to the wagon. A final arrow hits Viola in the side as she cries out in pain.

Intimidate/Diplomacy opposed check [roll0]
Heal [roll1]
Attack roll [roll2]
Damage [roll3]
Attack [roll4]
Damage [roll5]
Attack [roll6]
Damage [roll7]
Attack [roll8]
Damage [roll9]

2013-07-15, 03:42 AM
"Blast it, what happened there? Get in cover!" Mafalma shouts in surprise and quickly dives behind the cart. He peers around the edge to try and see the attackers, and draws his bow. Now is no time for grappling.

Move action to get behind the cart. He would ideally like to be able to crouch down behind it and stand up over the top to return fire, but that all depends on the size and shape of the cart. Basically, he's looking to get cover. He draws the bow as part of his move action, and if he can see the enemy, he'll return fire.

Spot check to locate the attackers: [roll0]
Attack roll with the longbow: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-15, 04:02 AM
Mafalma jumps behind the cover of the cart and pokes his head up over looking for the source of the arrows. Through the trees he can barely see three shapes holding bows. Quickly notching and launching an arrow it ends up wildly off course, flying into the dead horse.

2013-07-15, 07:54 AM
Viola grits her teeth past her initial squeal as the arrow tightly pierces her side, her horse carrying her forward and allowing her to simply slip off of the animal, colliding with the ground in an ungraceful heap. But at least she has cover from the arrows. Carver hops down after his master, giving her a pained whine as he's unsure how to react to the very lucky shot. "What a small prick." She mutters to herself with half a grin, leaving the arrow in for the moment. "Carver, fetch." She says, pointing to the downed orc woman. Carver obeys readily, moving out of cover to grasp the orc by her armored arm and drag her back behind cover, to Viola.

"Can somebody help me with stopping her bloodloss, please?" Viola asks, quite worried for her own chances should she pop her head out against.

If the orc woman has any healing supplies on her, Viola will use them to aid her check.

Heal: [roll0] + Item bonus, if the orc woman carries any healing kits.

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-16, 03:45 AM
The orc woman looks up at Viola, eyes dim but still alert. It's alright lass, it's not quite lethal. She sputters out a cough. Just a flesh wound really. Ignore me and help the others, I should be fine for now. Thank you though, you tried, even if it was a feeble attempt. The woman then laughs, before collapsing unconscious.

2013-07-16, 04:22 AM
I'm not sure how far away our attackers are; you said the road was about fifteen feet wide and I'm guessing we're somewhere near the middle of it, so I'm thinking they might be within my 30 foot move distance.

So, I guess a spot check to see if I can see them, and if I can and they're within 30 feet, then:
Spot: [roll0]
-Move to close with the nearest attacker
-Swift action: Blade of Blood.
-Standard action to attack the nearest enemy.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3]

If I can't see them or if they're too far away, then Erik runs for cover.

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-16, 08:33 PM
Erik looks around for the attackers, but finds nothing, only trees. In somewhat of a panic he runs behind the wagon.

2013-07-20, 11:13 AM
Lord Garrickson curses and then apologizes politely as he ducks past the cart, scans the woods and runs for the likeliest spot, preparing to punch the cowardly bowmen.

Spot Check: [roll0]
If I see them, I move towards them and attack if I can get adjacent: [roll1] and damage: [roll2]
If I can't see them, I'll move to the edge of the road and ready an action to move towards the place where the arrows come from if they attack again. If they're more than 30 feet away from me, I will spend a full-round action to run towards them which should be easily enough to get me adjacent to one of them.

2013-07-21, 01:27 AM
Gurren runs into the woods yelling: A real man doesn't cower behind trees, a real man attacks head on! Fight me you little girls!

Basically, I do the same thing as Lord Garrickson.

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-21, 09:09 PM
Lord Garrickson with eyes like a hawk scours the landscape for the would be interlopers. Upon seeing a bow sticking out of the trees he sprints and dives at the likely aggressor. In a slight clearing in the woods are three quite hairy men with longbows, wearing light leather armor. The good lord punches the front-most one in the face, immediately downing him, and echoing a resounding crack as he collapses to the ground.

Gurren charges in to where his compatriot dived in and finds himself in a similar situation, leaping at the nearest one unfortunately the man deftly leaps out of the way.

The middle-aged orc immediately runs to his mother, holding her delicately. Weakly she speaks upDo help them dear, I'll be fine. As if electrocuted he jumps up and begins waving his sword around in a vaguely threatening manner.

The two men in the clearing look at each other and then begin changing, arms growing and additional hair covering their biceps and forearms. They both drop their bows and draw out longswords, each one attacking the party member nearest them. Both collide and leave significant slashes on both mens' sides.

Attack on Gurren [roll0]
Damage on Gurren [roll1]

Attack on the Lord [roll2]
Damage on the Lord [roll3]

2013-07-21, 09:22 PM
Lord Garrickson laughs derisively at the swordsmen, ignoring the slash in his side. "Ha! You think you can defeat me with swords?" He then punches the man who attacked him as hard as he can.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-21, 10:22 PM
"Blast it, how can we shoot if you're charging into combat Gurren!" Mafalma drops his bow to the ground and draws his hammer, running forwards from behind the cart to attack the creature facing Gurren.

Hoping that I can get from behind the cart and close enough to attack the creature in one move- if aye, I'll make an attack, if not, then I'll make a double move and attack next round.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1] (using the hammer in two hands)

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-23, 10:23 PM
Mafalma sprints into the trees and lunging at the nearest foe slams his hammer into the side of its head. It rocks back, but turns its gaze towards him and makes a bestial roar.

Lord Garrickson smashes his fist into the man's head, leaving him on the brink of consciousness.

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-26, 01:01 AM
The two bandits exchange a look. The one who looks most injured drops his weapon and puts up his hands, the other continues to attack, swinging his sword at Gurren.

Attack 18 (My god they're getting lucky)

2013-07-26, 08:08 AM
Lord Garrickson snarls and leaps past the surrendering bandit to try to smash in the face of the one still attacking.

Taking a 5-foot step to get to the attacker if he's adjacent, otherwise making a Tumble check: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

2013-07-26, 09:27 PM
Good. surrender and we won't hab t-- Gurren starts to say as the second man cuts him off with a swing of steel into Gurren's ribs. As the blade leave's Gurren, he staggers, holding his side. Bas...tard... He mutters as he falls to the ground. Blood flows freely from his wound for a moment, but quickly coagulates.

Autohypnosis: [roll0] 20 or higher and stabilize.
[roll1] 10 or lower and stabilize. WINNER IS ME!

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-28, 05:40 AM
Garrickson pumps his fist in victory after sinking it into the man's face, driving him down to the ground for a count of some kind. The other man looks on in moderate horror and his face and body shrink back down to normal humanoid proportions, and with less hair to.

2013-07-28, 12:54 PM
"And once again, I have proved the superiority of the fist to your yielding arts of metal," declares Lord Garrickson triumphantly. "You have any more weapons? Give 'em." he demands, turning to he last conscious man. "You disobey me, I rip out your eyeballs." He then gathers up all the fallen weapons the bandits were using and hands them to Mafalma, asking him to put them in the saddlebags while he searched the unconscious bandits.

I'm not sure an Intimidate check is neccessary.
Search check for anything that I might not find wih a thorough search of the bodies: [roll0]

2013-07-28, 07:20 PM
Mafalma takes the weapons back to the horses and stores them, checking for anything he might find useful himself. Having done that, he returns to join Garrikson in interrogating the remaining bandit.

"Right then man, who are you? And where are you from?Are there more of you nearby?"

Mafalma WILL make an intimidate check. No bonus, but I'm hoping for a circumstance modifier since we did just trounce this fella and his allies ;) I suppose really I'm aiding Lord Garrikson's attempt.


Dumbledore lives
2013-07-29, 05:26 AM
The man looks at both of the imposing men fearfully. Alright, fair is fair. Um, you promise you won't kill me right? Of course you will, you're good people. Well we were sent, well went off on our own more like, from the camp up north. That fellow over there. He points to the unconscious man. Was the one leading us, said we could get some good gold and stuff if we just followed him. Anyway we came from the um, army I guess, up north. Was watching the entrance of the town you came from. Saw you going this way. We went up ahead and found some bandits, so we dealt with them and took their stuff, helped out that guy in the cart. Course he going to blab about us and we couldn't let that happen. Sorry if this is all jumbled, I mean I don't want to hurt you. He looks pleadingly at you.

You find about 50 gold worth of copper, silver, and platinum pieces in one of the guy's money pouch. Besides that they have three spare daggers in addition to the longbow and longsword on each of them. Beyond that it's basically just their clothes and armor.

2013-07-29, 06:42 AM
Mafalma glances sideways at Lord Garrikson.

"You believe him? It's a pretty odd lie if it is a lie. And it would make sense to have scouts watch the village to judge it's preparations."

He strokes his beard thoughtfully while staring at the man, trying to gauge whether he could be deceiving them.

"I suppose really what we need to do is keep riding to the village nearby. This man can be turned over to their guardsmen. If he's acting on the orders of the new leadership in this area, then we ought not to enact our own justice, particularly since he's surrendered."

For what it's worth, a sense motive check:

2013-07-29, 09:42 AM
"I doubt he's stupid enough to want to deceive me. Right?" he asks the man as he searches the body, grinning fiendishly. "They've got some gold on them, and they each have a spare dagger. I'll put them in the pouches with the swords and bows," he states, turning to Mafalma. "It would seem that riding to the nearest town is our best option. That way we can turn these fellows over to law enforcement and hopefully find someone to heal this one," he nudges Gurren's unconscious body with a toe of his boot, "and of course your mother," he says to the orc. "But how will we bring these four bodies all the way?"

2013-07-31, 12:09 AM
"Sling the bodies on the horses, we should still be able to make good time. If they slow us down to much, we'll just have to leave the unconscious ones. Come on, young lad! Mafalma leans down and hoiks Gurren up over one shoulder, slinging him not too delicately onto the back of one of the horses.

"Milady, can you stand up?" He asks the priestess. "If you are able to heal yourself, and some of our company, we need to keep moving" With that, he mounts up onto the horse behind the unconscious Gurren.

"Right then! Move out! We need to keep this moving!"

Dumbledore lives
2013-07-31, 10:03 AM
The orc woman manages to heal herself, as well as Gurren and Viola. You travel expeditiously to the near village, arriving only a few short hours after you left the downed wagon. Standing in the middle of the road are two well armored men holding halberds, blocking the way. What is going on here then, looks like you lot are in a might hurry.

2013-07-31, 12:33 PM
Lord Garrickson looks down his nose at the men disdainfully. "Sirs, several of our company have been most grievously injured by a bandit attack. We managed to strike down the bandits who did this cowardly action, and luckily we had a priestess capable of returning them to consciousness, but we are in need of further healing. We understand you two, as good and honest men, are required by your duty to stop us, but I hope you can understand out urgency."

2013-07-31, 04:48 PM
Having been healed, Gurren rides his own horse, and nods at the dapper man's words. Yes, it is as he said. We got in a bit of a scrap, and now the women are injured. Patting his ribs with a wince he smiles happily. Luckily I was able to distract the bandits so my associates could taken them down, though. But the two ladies with us were taken out of the fight before we even realized we were being ambushed. The cravens! But, ho, what news do you have of the fine city down the road? Do the men's blood boil with restlessness? It is a tumultuous time! Our land is undergoing much change. Surely even a great and mighty neighbor such as yourself feels the shifting tides. How fairs our friends in yonder village? Is there such a great distress that the roads are guarded by manly yeomen? Perhaps our incident with brigands is a symptom of a much larger issue? Tell me man, what ails the Land so greatly that send would have need of such fierce warriors such as you to guard the path from two peaceful towns.

Dumbledore lives
2013-08-01, 10:19 AM
The guard looks between the two men who talked. Well ain't you particularly verbose now. Say it's urgent do ya, no reason to stop you and such. How do we know you aren't bandits or some such? Been having troubles with them lately, wouldn't be on the side of good if we let a bunch into our fair city. Course we could take you down, but you could cause quite some commotion. Here we go though, got a fair barter of sorts. You give us your weapons and we let you through. We'll give 'em back come you leaving, but as a sort of precautionary measure you can leave them here. He looks expectantly at the group.

2013-08-01, 10:46 AM
"I have no weapons on my person, sir- as I'm sure you can tell, I have always been a promoter of peaceful solutions to problems. These three bandits, on the other hand, are not. We already took their weapons from them, and we had been hoping to sell them here. Other than that, I have no problem with this solution." Lord Garrickson chuckles a bit to himself. "How about this: We leave our personal weapons with you, but take the ones we plan to sell in. I'm sure you can find out if we do not sell them, and I believe this group would have no problem giving you our solemn oath that we plan to make no trouble unless someone attacks us first. Oh, and this bandit here-" he nods to the bandit who surrendered to him- "-can tell you how he and these other bandits attacked us, and we left two of their company unconscious. We had actually been hoping to turn them over to you, as we can't carry three more bodies on our journey. Truthfully, man, I think having us in your town might make it a bit more safe."

I'm not bothering to make a Bluff check, as Lord Garrickson doesn't really care whether they know why he carries no weapons or not.

2013-08-01, 07:38 PM
Mafalma has no problem whatsoever with handing his weapons over. Time is of the essence, and we need to get down to business.

"Here you are sir. Keep a good eye on them, I suspect we'll be back before the day is out. Now quickly, into the city. And aye, m'lord Garrikson speaks true- we'll leave these with you too."

He flings the bandits rather unceremoniously off his horse, leaving the guards to deal with them. No time to waste.

2013-08-01, 08:13 PM
Excellent. They can hand over the weapons they have, we'll keep the bandit's weapons for selling, and move on. I give you my word as a man that we shall do no harm in our neighbor city, save if it is for the good of our neighbor city. Lest ruffians or brigands assault the city walls, or their ilk make their presence known, our fellowship of justice will abstain from violence and conduct our business properly.

Gurren nods to the man. Just as you are guardians of this road, we too are guardians, but our scope is all of this fair land, and we strike out now to find and defeat anything that ails it. I can understand your hesitation in our passage allowance, as we are unheard of justiteers, but by all the honor collectively held between us, I vow to you that you shall not reject placing your trust in us, good sir. Nay, brother of the aegis, our bounds of kinship through sworn duty make us of closer affinity than mere blood ever could.

Diplomacy [roll0] (To raise attitude)
Speech [roll1] (To raise attitude)

Dumbledore lives
2013-08-04, 12:34 PM
The guards accept your weapons and let you in to town. Traveling through you see what seems to be a fairly wealthy town, with many houses with windows and doors, as well as a selection of businesses. There are a fair number of people around but no one sticks out to you or really pays much of any attention to you. Not too far from the entrance to the town you come upon the central square of the town, which is actually more of a circle.

Here there are a number of shops like blacksmiths and general stores, as well as a number of criers in the center of the area. Some praise their own religion, others cry out about the doom that is mounting. Typical of a city of this size. There are several dozen people milling about, doing their daily activities.

2013-08-04, 12:50 PM
Lord Garrickson slides down off his horse, grabbing the bag with the bandits' weapons off the other horse and calling "I'm going to go sell these and try to find a healer. Meet you back here in a few hours." First, though, he tries to find a moneychanger and exchanges a few of his platinum pieces for gold. Then he looks for the largest weapon-seller and asks the merchant if he'd appraise the value of the bandit's weapons for a few gold pieces, offering platinum for the service if the gold is turned down.

In case some kind of Charisma-based check is neccessary: [roll0]

2013-08-04, 10:06 PM
Mafalma knows exactly where he is heading, to the environment he knows best: the taverns of the town. Always an excellent place for news, adventurous types, and esoteric people with esoteric skills. Like identifying the magical properties of suspicious rocks, for example.

"Right, it's time to go and ask around for help and information. Gurren, care to join me? We might need someone to make a rousing speech, after all. And everyone, remember our priorities: find out where the army might be coming from, and does anyone know how we might stop them? Every minute brings the closer to Gip, so there's no time to waste!"

2013-08-05, 01:45 AM
With a hearty laugh, he pats Mafalma on the back. After that recent adventure, I'd like to get a pint! So, let's be off to a bar! Just one pint mind you, I need to stay sharp, but dulling the world a little might be nice. Between the two of us, the ache in my side is distracting. So off we go! With that, he took off. Stopped. Turned back and smiled. Where's the pub?

Dumbledore lives
2013-08-06, 08:35 AM
Lord Garrickson walks into the first blacksmith he can find and offers up the weapons. The stout elf who runs the place looks them up and down and says. I don't know where you got these weapons but they are of particularly poor quality. There are dents and dings and signs of rust, it's really a bit of an awful sort. I'll take these off your hands for five gold pieces, and no more, for I can only melt them down and make something better.

The rest of the group heads to the nearest tavern, just off the side of the square. There is headboard reading "Ogre Slayer's Tavern". Inside the air is musty even so early in the day, and there are a couple of dozen people at the five or so tables scattered around the room. It seems that even in such trying times people still find time to drink and smoke.

2013-08-06, 09:25 AM
"Alright then lad, stage is yours..." Mafalma whispers to Gurren. Fully expecting a speech, he walks over to the bar and orders a pint of good ale- and as a barman himself, he knows good ale. If the fella seems responsive, Mafalma might start conversing as one barman to another about good beers and so on. Eventually the conversation can swing around to the approaching army, but for now there's a show to behold.

2013-08-06, 10:17 AM
"Very well," Lord Garrickson says, giving the weapons a quick glance to make sure the man's not cheating him and handing them over. Then he strides out of the place and finds a merchant selling bows, offering him the three longbows they took from the bandits.

Appraise check: [roll0]. So my moneychanging attempt was successful and I now have 21 pp and 30 gp, right?

2013-08-07, 02:24 AM
Just before they entered, Gurren, tapped Mafalma on the shoulder. Be a good wingman, cheer just after I leave.

Gurren snagged the beer Mafalma ordered, dashed to a chair, spun it so it faced him, stomped his foot on top of seat, chugged down his pilfered beer and slammed it on the table. GENTLEMEN! He shouted, spreading his arms wide.

Brothers! Friends! Esteemed colleagues and valued associates! Long and far has the winds of fate swept me about and finally they have landed me so close to home, close to my beloved family, and kindred spirits! Gurren made direct and deliberate eye contact with each person in the room. I recognize some of you, and some of you are new to me, but all of you are my countrymen, my brothers! Fellow warriors at heart who would gladly raise steel to protect their homes. Honorable, brave men. Men who work the fields, the mines, the shops of our fair cities. I look upon your city, and see a reflection of my own hometown. Just like you, Gip has loyal men, struggling through bitter times, feeding their wives, their children, their elderly mothers. Digging deep into this world of ours, and carving out a life. For themselves, for their loved ones, for others if they can.

With a rehearsed sigh, he paused and shook his head. Honorable. Another short sigh. Honorable men. His eyes revisited each other man's. The great nation we live in is proud and fierce because of men like you, like them. But the winds of change smell sickly. A powerful malady dances among us, and marches towards your brothers. Gip, a city of men just as yours, filled with hard working men, doting wives, and blissfully ignorant children, a city filled to the brim with hard work, dedication and love! Gip, a city filled with boys who watch their father work, yearning to become the man before them, filled with young girls dressing up to impress their crushes. A city identical to yours in spirit! A city filled with your kin! A city marched on by ignorant militants! Up in the capital some grave, grave error has been made. Some farce has been perpetrated, some diseased idea spread. Some wicked thought has sent these men who know nothing of us, nothing of our people. Nothing of the trials and tribulations of the common man. They come to pillage and destroy the hopes of women and the dreams of our children.

Gurren kicked the chair over and curled his lip in disgust. A young boy, on the cusp of being a man, not yet ready to lift his father's heavy pick, not quite strong enough to man the mines is waiting for the day he can make his father proud. A beautiful little girl watches her father work the fields daily, toiling for her sake, and can't wait for the break after the harvest season so he will play the banjo for her. Those four notes he knows, the little skill he has, means the world to her. And yet in comes some ill-informed fools! They wish to march in and steal that boy's pick, and crush that little girl's dreams. Should no one stand before them, there will be no music, and no pride in their lives any longer. Just the dull drudgery of a life not quite worth living. That is not what I see in the future for my kin! That is not what I will allow to come to pass! Tomorrow we ride to meet these barbarians our leadership has sent and convince them of their error, or drive them from our lands! Gip has long been a place that considered you its friends. Gip would not stand for you to fall on your knees, for your children to be ripped from their homes and thrust into the streets!

Gurren shook his head, clearly enraged and slammed his fist on the table. And do you think this fair? Is our love for our brother unrequited? With a humorless chuckle, Gurren sighed and shook his head again, slowly this time. Or do you hope that the fair new leaders won't do the same to you? Our cities are nearly identical, our people are the same. Know this, if one village falls, we all fall. We must stand together against this tyranny, or cuff ourselves in the manacles of the brutal tyrant who thinks us worms. I will not see this land enslaved by its leadership. I will not standby and watch dreams crushed, homes wrecked and lives ruined. I will stand up and say no! NO! To these brutes. I plan to bring a small army of protestors, and if that fails, some may stand with me to fight, while others hide in cowardice, I care not! Even if I stand alone, I will stand! I will fight! I know what is right and what is wrong and this cannot be allowed to pass! Tomorrow at dawn we ride from the southern gate. I challenge you to muster the honor and courage I know lurks within you. I beckon your love for your country men, and your loyalty to your country. I know in my heart some of you still have the bravery of men, and will come with me. Tomorrow I ride, and those still loyal to their countrymen will ride with me.

With that Gurren turned, grabbed a silver piece and slapped it on the bar before exiting the establishment and heading out to find another local gathering.

Whew. I literally spent an hour writing that.

[roll0] Speechcraft!

Dumbledore lives
2013-08-07, 11:35 AM
The crowd is dumbfounded after Gurren's speech, and nearly a minute after he is finished a good chunk of them leave the bar and head outside, looking for some sort of army or direction. There are about fifteen men and woman looking to help the good fight.

For Lord Garrickson
Yes that money is correct, and the longbows are of decent quality and net you 75 gold pieces.

2013-08-07, 11:48 AM
After selling the bows, Lord Garrickson makes his way to a near temple, to see if they have any blessed bandages that they would give his party in exchange for a monetary aid to the mission of the church. He also asks them to heal him and the other injured members of the party, after making a generous donation.

I'd like to buy three Blessed Bandages (magic item from the MiC that automtically stabilizes a dying person) for 30 gp and offer the church a donation of 20 gp in exchange for healing myself and the rest of the party up to full health. If they want more, I'll give it to then, but that seems like a fair price.

2013-08-07, 11:39 PM
Gurren finds the market place, leaps onto the well that is always at the center of such places, and gives basically the same speech, again indicating that the force of righteousness he is forming will ride out of the south gate at dawn, and which point in time he leaves to go find a place to rest, exhausted from recent combat and giving his all to speeches.

I did indicate before that he expects his newly formed army to ride out with him at dawn from the south gate, right? No? I meant to. South gate. South gate. Also, I assume I have over exerted my recently unconscious self from getting up from nearly dead, riding a horse, and then shouting my head off.

So... I find a place with few people and sit to rest.

Oh. And speech craft for my market visit.

[roll0] So for now recrafting a speech, tired today, and it was coming out identical to the old one anyways.

Dumbledore lives
2013-08-09, 10:33 AM
After a few more rousing speeches and some kind donations from the church the party is ready to set out. Assembled at the south gate is about thirty fellow warriors, as well as the party. All are mounted and are of various different races and have varying qualities of armament. The whole process took a little over an hour, but you seem happy with your forces.

2013-08-09, 10:36 PM
Gurren surveys the army. Gentlemen, gentlewomen, your ancestors sing praises of your courage and steel. With a content nod, Gurren smiles. I have no words which would adorn the sense of pride I feel for my countrymen. So, with no more ado, let's ride.

Gurren gestured at Mafalma, Lead the way, I've got my way with words, but I've no head for directions.

2013-08-13, 12:27 AM
Mafalma grins to himself, and to Gurren. Well there you have it, he thinks to himself. The boy's done good after all! Best get started then.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Move out!" he barks at the crowd. And he turns his horse to march back out of the city- being sure of course to stop at the guard and reclaim his weapons. Then it's out onto the fields, and begin marching back towards Gip. As they ride, he leans over to talk to Gurren.

"It's a strong force we've mustered, for sure, but we have to be careful. We don't want to start a war if we can avoid it. I suggest we head back to Gip and then send outriders to try and locate the approaching army, then we can ride to meet and negotiate with them. What do you think?"

2013-08-13, 12:54 AM
Gurren gives Malfama a look of tireless, adventuresome youth, and grins wildly. Glancing around, he leans in and says quickly, and quietly, You're an honorable man, and likely wiser than me. I'll let you decide. I'd think it'd be easy to find them, after all we know where they are headed and where they are coming from. But a force this large might taxes out cities resources, although it would also give the men a look at what they are here to protect. I see arguements for many strategies. So, here's my plan: I appoint you to the role of head strategum! Now you get to decide. As long as we do what's right, and honorable, the details are up to you. You don't want someone as headstrong as me making brash decisions about where to camp. Because I would say something dramatic like: "Let us camp in the Fields of Victory!" and everyone would cheer, but nobody would get any sleep.

Gurren laughed heartily, then sighed. Malfalma, I've seen the love you have for your family. You have nothing but good reasons to help us succeed. And I trust your council. But if you tell anyone this, I'll deny it, and defame you before all! With a pat on the back, Gurren straightened up, grinning again.