View Full Version : [3.5] Goblin Barbie/Sorc because ... REASONS

2013-07-06, 08:26 AM
I need some ideas for a intriguing characters and tips on how to pull it of. mostly i want something that will be fun to RP but not totally useless for everything else. The campaign is the core 3 books only (I scrapped the 'thrower' idea). I have played the core classes to death then beat their dead bodies with that of multiple dead horses so I need to make them fun.

I scrapped my thrower idea because it was decided the only real way to make it work was to use the rogue. The party already has a rogue and this will be that players 1st campaign so I don't wan to step on his toes or accidentally 1 up them.

to the best of my knowledge the party will be
1) Rogue (new player)
2) Sorcerer
3) Paladin(possibly)
4) (me)
5) ????

My rolls for stats are 16, 16, 14, 12, 9, 8

probably the dumbest idea is floating around my head right now. A goblin Barbie/Sorc. I picture this guy dragging around and over sized greatsword(made for a medium character so it would become large wiht the spell), and when it comes to combat he casts enlarge( or "accidentally" reduce)person on him self then goes in to rage beating on things (I see going in to a rage because I imagine enlarge/reduce causing him severe pain while changing size). Being a Barbie he is sorta confused by his own magical abilities thus the mis-casting of spells.

any thoughts about how to pull off this idea or something even better?

This is probably the stupidest idea ever feel free to shoot it down.
Thank you alot in advance for all your helps.
(remember only CORE well i may be able to swing for some variants off the SRD)

2013-07-06, 08:31 AM
Hmm. You are not set with this goblin guy?

I'd play him where you have to make an intelligence check to cast the correct spell. Ask your DM if you can get that as a flaw. Otherwise you cast another spell of the same level.
Play it up that he is 'really just a barbarian' He has absolutely no idea where his magic came from, and for the longest time he didn't have it.

Otherwise, my favourite are always characters with tragic backstories, like an amnesiac.
Maybe they lost their memories only yesterday, so they have no idea what is going on.
Play an even funnier amnesiac. Because of a curse he loses his memory at the beginning of each day, and can only remember one thing from the day before. So that can be his companions, or some specific piece of information, or whatever.

Or were you looking for build ideas?
if so, then I have no idea. I'd say druid or cleric to get your heal on :smallcool:

Fouredged Sword
2013-07-06, 08:39 AM
If you are going to kill your spellcasting anyway, consider an alternative.

There is a class that lets you count as a goliath for everything you want. Stonesomething, look in races of stone.

Be a cleric with domain spontinaity and the strength domain.

Then go cleric X / Stonesomething X / Barbarian X with the goliath ACF that makes you large when raging.

So you enlarge person, then rage for a huge goblin. Fun times.

2013-07-06, 08:48 AM
@Kreenlover - I love this goblin guy but pulling it of with out being a total gimp will be tricky. I love your idea for it being a flaw I would probably need to give my DM a stack of spell cards for when I fail the check she picks the spell so it is totally unknown to me. LOL my goblin would need to make a spellcraft check to figure out what he did. that would just be funny. We will probably be starting at level1 so maybe level 1 and 2 will be barbie would be the first sorc level. adding to the feel of "What did i just do" to my character. :( My oversized greatsword won't work i need a different weapon.

@Fouredged Sword - It is a core only campaign so your stonesomething class isnt allowed sorries. and I'm not focusing on power for the class I want it not be useless and be fun to play.

2013-07-06, 10:56 AM
Core three books and you've played all the character classes to death. OK, you could play a monster if the game starts high enough level. It must be at least second if you want to be multiclassed from the start. Care to throw out a number?

BTW, enlarge person enlarges your equipment also in 3.x.

2013-07-06, 11:10 AM
I'd go Druid, or even better, Monk 2/Druid X. Sure, Lawful Neutral is a bit of a hassle to roleplay, but one could argue that such monk (or maybe an ex-monk) would 'search inner balance from the outside world'.

2013-07-06, 11:11 AM
@avr - the campaign will be starting low 1-3 because we have a brand new player and throwing him in to the deep end of the pool is a move that might scare him away for good. I don't mind if I play any of the core classes i just want it to be interesting. I'm looking for unique ideas for characters a mybe some points to focus on for RPing and possibly a starting point for a build.

I know that enlarge person enlarges the equipment as well but My small goblin can not weild a medium greatsword.

Inappropriately Sized Weapons

A creature can’t make optimum use of a weapon that isn’t properly sized for it. A cumulative -2 penalty applies on attack rolls for each size category of difference between the size of its intended wielder and the size of its actual wielder. If the creature isn’t proficient with the weapon a -4 nonproficiency penalty also applies.

The measure of how much effort it takes to use a weapon (whether the weapon is designated as a light, one-handed, or two-handed weapon for a particular wielder) is altered by one step for each size category of difference between the wielder’s size and the size of the creature for which the weapon was designed. If a weapon’s designation would be changed to something other than light, one-handed, or two-handed by this alteration, the creature can’t wield the weapon at all.

2013-07-06, 11:12 AM
One of my favorite was a cleric of any god you want but refused to heal anyone who did not worship his diety and was within one alignment step of his (this actually helps the dm of you are good

2013-07-06, 02:34 PM
My DM doesn't want me to be the cleric (something about abusing turn undead pointing to lots of candy coated zombies) I do believe that is what player 5 will be or at least something with a heal-ly after taste. XD

the current 'goblin bob' stats are
str 14, dex 14, con 14, int 9, wis 8, cha 14,
AC: 16, Touch: 14, Flat-footed: 13
Saves: Fort: +4, Ref: +2, Will: -1
Attack: +2 (med) longsword 1d8+3
Skills: Climb: +6, Hide: +6, Jump: +6, Listen: +6, Ride: +6, Survival: +3
Feats: Dodge
Abilities: Darkvision 60ft, Fast movement, Illiteracy, Rage 1/day