View Full Version : Where can you cast Consecrate?

2013-07-06, 10:44 PM
Question, can Consecrate only be cast on areas, such as on land, building, places that are immobile, or can you cast consecrate on a ship and consecrate the ship?

2013-07-06, 11:01 PM
Question, can Consecrate only be cast on areas, such as on land, building, places that are immobile, or can you cast consecrate on a ship and consecrate the ship?

It's an area so you couldn't cast it directly on the ship only the area the ship happened to be in.

2013-07-06, 11:17 PM
Question, can Consecrate only be cast on areas, such as on land, building, places that are immobile, or can you cast consecrate on a ship and consecrate the ship?

it really comes down to what the dm thinks and how they think of the point of reference for spells. With one dm, one set thing is always the point of reference. With another you could set the point of reference however you like. Most dms fall into the first simply cause they are used to the ground always being the point of reference though some simply default to the ground and are willing to use others if needed.

2013-07-06, 11:22 PM
Points of reference are important, otherwise you get things like the truly immovable rod. You do not want the truly immovable rod.

2013-07-06, 11:27 PM
Ask the DM, of course! It's a pretty big area, albeit moving, so as long as you don't try to use it to cheat the game, he might be fine with it.

Jeff the Green
2013-07-06, 11:34 PM
Points of reference are important, otherwise you get things like the truly immovable rod. You do not want the truly immovable rod.

It's only bad in a non-geocentric setting.

2013-07-07, 01:09 AM
You do not want the truly immovable rod.

You underestimate my power. ;)

Alright, thank you.

2013-07-07, 01:22 AM
You underestimate my power. ;)

Alright, thank you.

Really??? You figured out how to calculate the direction every particle in the universe is going and determined the single universal constant point? Allowing you to know which direction the thing will go relative to you so you don't accidentally decapitate yourself or destroy your very expensive castle?

Ok, I've had my fun. Ask the DM. The size of the ship might make a difference. Like a DM will be more willing to let it work if the area is on what amounts to a moving island than say a dingy. I actually made a moving island flagship once. It was bigger than iceland. The hardest part isn't making it float but convincing dwarves that it is indeed buoyant.

2013-07-07, 01:28 AM
Cast concentrate twice, so you cross the beams, and create holy radiation.