View Full Version : Multiple questions for a mashup.

2013-07-07, 05:03 AM
Howdy there everyone! I'm new and gonna introduce myself by bombing you guys with some questions.

I'm quite new to DMing, and need all the help I can get. I never had the chance to play before, and still don't have the chance to play unless I'm DMing. I don't want to fail.

Alright, the campaign I'm running is effectively Pathfinder meets d20 modern. I plan on running just about everything from Pathfinder. The main exceptions being that the location is a post apocalyptic modern world (nothing as extravagant as zombies or anything) and limited modern weaponry with the required feats from the d20 modern book.

First question: How to modern weapons affect CR. You give an orc a weapon that can hit 2d8 at ninety feet and surely his CR must go up. I'm just not sure how I would do this. I was thinking that maybe I'll use the Wizard spell list to find the lowest level a Wizard would be able to cast a spell that can deal that much damage, and bestow upon the creature that CR. Maybe adding one, or a half, CR for each HD upgrade (d6 to d8, for example) that creature gets.

Second question: Due to the bizarre schedules of everyone involved's jobs we're a person short. For that reason I'm playing a druid to kind of fill the spot. And despite how new I am to this, I've put some effort into making my character overly complex, and now I need help balancing it. Instead of an animal companion he gets a plant companion. Paizo has a thing up on that which was very helpful, but I, of course, changed what they had a bit. The main change being that since it's a plant, it can't move. At fifth level the plant is a large plant. I've decided to transport it in a Backpack of Holding. The reason is it's much too large (not even considering the dirt) for my character to move about with. Now the issue is that I have a thorn covered vine monster with a large template that is centered on me. I've practically made myself immune to regular melee unless I decide to swarm myself. To balance this I was thinking about maybe making movement (once the companion comes out of the back to fight and weighs me down) a full round action so I don't trip over the plant, as well as losing my dex bonus when it's out and not being able to take any reflex saves. Does this do it?

Third Question: I had one when I started, but now it's gone... Most unfortunate.

Anyway, I look forward to participating. I've been here on my research a billion times and think I'm going to like it here.
