View Full Version : Help me make Sabretooth

Joe Eskimo
2013-07-07, 10:11 PM
Like the title says.
Basically I'd like a character with:
-fast healing/regeneration
-natural claw attacks
I'd like him to be around 5th or 6th level. I currently have in the works a 1st level Lion totem barbarian human half-troll. With LA+4 from the half-troll template making him a 5th level character. Big downside to this is that he only has one hit die which makes him really fragile. Hoping you guys could think of something better. Cheers!

2013-07-07, 10:16 PM
Is homebrew OK? Because I wrote a class (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=240943)that is literally everything you want in a can. Though he doesn't get fast healing until 10th, you can get scent and claws at 1st and pounce at 3rd.

If not, you might want to look at the Totemist. I don't think they can pick up regeneration, but they can get all the natural weapons they want, and I think they can get scent. The Tiger Claw discipline might also be worth thinking about.

2013-07-07, 10:24 PM
Feral template + troll-blooded feat covers most of it. Troll-blooded does make you fatigued in sunlight, though.

2013-07-07, 10:25 PM
you should try getting the feral template form savage species(pg.115)

2013-07-07, 10:26 PM
The class you are looking for is called the Totemist (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=583) and is found in Magic of Incarnum.

2013-07-07, 10:27 PM
It's not regeneration, but warshaper 4 gives fast healing 2, and the ability to heal 10 hit points with a concentration check. Without a level adjustment, this is the best way I know of. However, you'd need to be level 8 overall due to entry prereqs.

Is this character a PC or NPC?

Joe Eskimo
2013-07-07, 10:58 PM
Homebrews are out sadly. Its for a reserve PC. Just had a quick look at the totemist and the sphinx claws stand out which could cover my pounce and natural weapon requirements. Any specific soulmelds I should be looking at for fast healing/regeneration and scent? If I'm going totemist 5 I could only bind to my totem,hands,feet and crown chakras.

EDIT: Feral template is good but doesn't work well with PCs with class levels.

2013-07-07, 11:08 PM
Feral totemist is probably the way to go, then. Because of the way feral works, you technically don't get any of the HD-based benefits (Improved Grab/Pounce/Rake/Rend, darkvision, or Fast healing) unless you actually have one or more racial hit dice, but you could always houserule class hit dice to count (making that template even more overpowered, but meh). Hell, the Feral template basically makes you Sabretooth- you don't actually *need* to be a Totemist, since the template (assuming you allow class hit dice to count) grants you Pounce, claws, and fast healing. Scent can be gotten via the Hunter's Circlet soulmeld, but alternately through two feats- Martial Study (any Tiger Claw) and Martial Stance (Hunter's Sense), the latter of which can be replaced with a 3,000 GP item (Novice Tiger's Claw Bracers) if desired.

2013-07-07, 11:12 PM
Wildhunt Shifter

Martial Study (Twin Wolf Strike) + Martial Stance (Hunter's Stance)
Willing Deformity + Deformity (Tongue)
Planar Touchstone (Catalogues of Enlightenment) for the Bestial domain

Cleric 1 or Divine Crusader 1 for the Bestial domain

Fast Healing
Combat Focus + Combat Vigor
Least Dragonmark + Dragonmark Rage


Ranger 9 (Shifter sub level)
Binder 7 (Buer)

2013-07-08, 01:09 AM
What about: Feral Shifter Ranger 1/Barbarian 3/Warshaper 2/Horizon Walker 1/BloodClaw Master 2/Warshaper 2/Warblade 9

I could probably post a better build in the morning but yeah?

2013-07-08, 01:30 AM
What about: Feral Shifter Ranger 1/Barbarian 3/Warshaper 2/Horizon Walker 1/BloodClaw Master 2/Warshaper 2/Warblade 9

I could probably post a better build in the morning but yeah?
That's 15 levels higher than the OP asked for.

2013-07-08, 08:25 AM
Shameless self-plug: From the War Mind Iron Chef (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=9465019&postcount=96). You can play around with the Feats, GP spent, and Incarnum Binds to gain Scent.

2013-07-08, 04:08 PM
That's 15 levels higher than the OP asked for.

Hmm... Oh my...

What about this then...

Male QuasiWereSabertooth (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/newreply.php?do=newreply&p=15575167) Wildhunt Shifter Ranger 1/Barbarian 1/Warblade 2/Warshaper 1/Horizon Walker 1?
Troll-Blooded [1st], Toughness [Flaw], Endurance [Flaw], Shifter Stamina [3rd], Improved Natural Attack (Claws) [6th]

This will get you:
* BaB +5 and some nice skills.
* The ShapeChanger subtype, minor Disguise Self at will and Dr 10/Silver from the Quasilycanthrope template (+1 LA).
* Track, Favored Enemy, & Wild Empathy from Ranger
* Rage 1/day (swap it out for Whirling Frenzy) & Pounce from Barbarian
* Battle Clarity, Weapon Aptitude, Uncanny Dodge & 4 maneuvers known ( & 1 stance) from Warblade. For maneuvers I recommend: Wolf Fang Strike, Steel Wind, Sudden Leap Hunter's Sense and Mountain Hammer.
* Immunity to stunning & critical hits, and Morphic Weapons (So he can grow out claws, fangs, ect...) from Warshaper
* Immunity to Fatigue from Horizon Walker.

Whenever you are shifting you are immune to damage, thanks to the way that troll-blooded works with Shifter Stamina. You can pounce, sniff, claw, track and heal with the best of them at your level. Thanks to your template you'll have DR 10/Silver which is always nice.

From this build I'd recommend three more levels in Warshaper, two levels in Bloodclaw Master and then just continue in Warblade.

2013-07-08, 04:30 PM
Shifter Totemist 2/Barbarian 4
Consider going into Totem Rager and/or Weretouched Master. Definitely look at the Shifter Savagery feat.

Tanuki Tales
2013-07-08, 04:41 PM
Feral totemist is probably the way to go, then. Because of the way feral works, you technically don't get any of the HD-based benefits (Improved Grab/Pounce/Rake/Rend, darkvision, or Fast healing) unless you actually have one or more racial hit dice, but you could always houserule class hit dice to count (making that template even more overpowered, but meh).

Actually, only the Special Attacks are based off Monstrous Hit Dice. The Special Qualities (Darkvision and Fast Healing) are based off just flat hit dice.

It gains the special attacks indicated in the row corresponding to its monster Hit Dice, plus all those in previous rows.

A feral creature gains additional special qualities depending on its Hit Dice, as shown on the table below.

Bolded for emphasis.