View Full Version : [3.P] Summoning Blind

2013-07-08, 01:35 AM
So consider the following scenario: you are waiting in a room, knowing the enemy is approaching your position. The door is shut but not locked. Suddenly the enemy bursts through the door, ready to fight. You both roll initiative, and you win. You decide to summon a monster, but would like to wait for the enemy to move up so you can use it to give your rogue a flanker, and slit the enemy forces in two, so you ready an action to summon a creature in a specific space, once the opponent takes offensive action. However, instead of moving up your foe casts glitterdust. You fail your save and are blinded, but you make your concentration check to keep the spell, and since the opponent took offensive action you can cast your spell. Or can you? Since line of sight is broken (as you are blind) and as "A creature or object brought into being or transported to your location by a conjuration spell cannot appear inside another creature or object, nor can it appear floating in an empty space. It must arrive in an open location on a surface capable of supporting it", what happens? You know the space was open before you were blinded, but any number of things could have changed. Creatures could have dropped large objects in the space, your memory of the room could be off, you would accidentally summon it in the floor, or inches above it. You don't know that the space is free. So can you still summon a creature there?

Note: Ignore the horrible tactics featured in the description. Yes, you shouldn't have ceeded the first action to the opponent Yes, if you were going to summon a monster, you should have just summoned it the creature on your round, or before the enemy even got there, and yes, you should have done many things differently. This is not the question, nor one I can answer, as in the example I am taking this from, I was the one casting glitterdust.

Note: I know summoning normally takes a full-round action, and therefore cannot normally be readied. Assume in this case that the caster in question took the appropriate ACF/Feat/PrC/Equiptment to do so.

2013-07-08, 07:58 AM
You are free to attempt a summon - you need line of effect, not line of sight. If it turns out the square you have chosen is obstructed, the spell will fail, but you will not fail simply due to being sightless.

undead hero
2013-07-08, 01:19 PM
Caster McSummon: Rogue McStabby where should I place the beast I'm about to summon?

Rogue: 10 feet in front of you and 5 feet to the left.

Caster using the insane intellect can easily aim there while blinded AND their eyes closed! And all the other casters thought math was obsolete!

The summon is placed away from the enemy, it then charges the enemy. Rogue then knocks sneak attacks the enemy.


2013-07-09, 04:29 AM
You are free to attempt a summon - you need line of effect, not line of sight. If it turns out the square you have chosen is obstructed, the spell will fail, but you will not fail simply due to being sightless.

I see. I was under the impression that in order to target a free space, you needed to be able to see it. Still, this would seem to make sense. Thanks for the help.