View Full Version : Serpent's Skull IC (ChaosLord29 & Company)

2013-07-09, 02:30 AM
Thus begins the great adventure of the unlikely (and perhaps unfortunate) souls to board the good ship Jenivere, bound for Sargavan capital of Eleder. Little do they know that more than just the wind and tides will prove treacherous on their voyage . . .

This particular day however has progressed more or less like any other at sea. Smooth sailing, and nary a sight of pirates (or worse) has blessed the voyage thus far, leaving plenty of time for socializing, gossip, and no small amount of speculation in regards to ones fellow passengers. Sitting down to dinner in the galley, one can quickly pick out some of the more colorful character, not the least of whom is the dashing first mate Alton Devers, a charming enough fellow, certainly something of a foil to Captain Kovack's courteous but unrelenting discipline. Both captain and first mate have made their seats at the head of the table, as the cook begins serving tonights spread, apparently something of a special stew, and most everyone begins to tuck in and carry on with conversation all down the long table in the galley.

As the cook excuses himself to make a quick trip to the brig, it is a subtle reminder of the only passenger aboard whom has not been seen above decks, a prisoner by the name of Jask Derindi, fugitive of the Sargavan Government, though neither the Captain nor Jask's Gaoler (conspicuously absent from dinner) have been willing to say more. Certainly not concerning themselves with the plight of others however are Sasha Nevah and Gelik Aberwhinge, each trying to outdo the other in a competition of scarcely belivable boasts and disparaging jibes, much to the amusement of the crew. Sasha's personality has proved as fiery as her red locks, and nearly as fickle, with little enough to say about her own past (or her missing pinky finger). Gelik, a gnome and apparently associate of the Pathfinder Society, speaks of nothing but his previous exploits, mostly in longwinded tales and self-aggrandizing epics.

Somewhat apart from them, at the long end of the table Ishirou, a rather worn looking human man who boarded in Bloodcove eats his dinner rather quietly, and with little appreciation for the fact that tonight's meal is head and shoulders above the usual fair, the cook apparently having opened a fresh cask of something (perhaps for the first time since the voyage began). His silence however is clearly welcomed by Aerys Mavato, the only person on board the ship to make Captain Kovack seem warm and inviting in comparison. A dour woman, she's really quite pretty if not for her near perpetual scowl, though the sailors have learned not to mention it since she laid flat the bosun's mate on her first day aboard. Normally, their end of the table would be joined by the other more silent passenger aboard the Jenivere, a bookish Varisian Scholar by the name of Ieana, but apparently the lady was feeling ill this evening, and the cook made some mention of taking her food to her cabin after finishing with the prisoner.

All together however, the evening is pleasant, the tide and winds fair and all aboard are welcome to be one day closer to the ships arrival in Eleder, and happy to have good company to pass the time which in the mean.

2013-07-11, 04:35 PM
As usual, Tanareth has claimed a seat near the door. It's not paranoia so much as a dislike of enclosed spaces; the journey to Eleder hasn't been nearly as bad as the one from Remesiana to Senghor last year, but the half-elf has still been spending as much time as possible on deck without getting in the sailors' way. She nods approvingly to the cook upon tasting her dinner. "Good job, Mr. Terillo." Tanareth will eat just about anything as long as it's not overtly poisonous or spoiled- having to eat her own cooking on hunting expeditions has drastically lowered her culinary expectations over the years- but a hot, tasty meal is still something to be appreciated.

Sapphire-blue eyes, a legacy of her elven side, scan the others at the table as she eats. Once again, she wonders if Gelik really is a Pathfinder, what the dandyish Ridley is hoping to do in Sargava, what N!Xal is doing outside the Expanse... it seems rude to just come out and ask in front of the entire ship's company. Then again, Ridley hardly seems shy.

Tanareth clears her throat self-consciously. "Um, Ridley? If you don't mind my asking, why are you going to Sargava? You don't have to answer, of course, I've just been a bit curious."

2013-07-11, 05:33 PM
Jalanar was wandering around the deck of the ship, looking somewhat groggy. He enjoyed feeling the ocean breeze through his big beard. Most subterranean dwelling dwarfs could never really enjoy this sensation. He was uttering something about not being able to get a good pint of ale around here when he received the invitation to dinner. He heads down to the galley where he gets himself a big bowl of stew and some bread. He then plops down next to Ishirou because he seems like an interesting enough person. Jalanar wanted to distance himself from the captain and the pathfinder Gellik anyway because they just didn't seem like his sort. He then pulls out a hunk of cheese wrapped in cloth and unwraps it. "Ah cheese. Not a proper meal without it." He says before going to town on his food.

2013-07-11, 06:44 PM
N!Xal does not eat much - or, to be exact, he does not overindulge himself, like some of the others do. The holy tribal warrior is quite talkative, however, always trying to fill the last open spot at a given table just so he has a conversation to listen to and join in. He has once explained that the communal feasts at home were the main time to exchange information and converse since all the other times were filled with the essential tasks of survival.

This time, he has seated himself next to Gellik, listening to the gnome's tales with the knowing smile of someone who can smell hot air a hundred miles away.

" Good friend, there is one thing I have wondered about ever since I heard your story about the six dozen bandits you have slain in Osirion. Is your heart never burdened by your deed? Every death puts a mark on one's soul, after all, even when it is a necessary thing to do."
He smiles as he adresses the gnome, sincerely interested in the man's opinion.

2013-07-12, 03:27 AM
Freeing himself of his tabard, Ridley attended dinner in his olive and white tunic, embroidered in gold atop a white shirt and leggings. His weasel friend Lorras was perched atop his shoulder, leaning and sniffing the meal's odors. Ridley double-takes the wine cask. 'Something other than grog? Thank heavens, I almost had to break into my own wineskin.' He looks the cask over, 'A Chelish vineyard as well, Gods be praised!'

Chelish is mediocre at best

The young half-elf fills a horn, empties half, and fills it back up before even looking for a seat. He sits down about midway along the length of the table with his wine and a bowl of the stew, Lorras leaning over to grab a turnip from the stew to chew on.

Tanareth clears her throat self-consciously. "Um, Ridley? If you don't mind my asking, why are you going to Sargava? You don't have to answer, of course, I've just been a bit curious."

Ridley glances across the table at the other half-elf, then gestures toward the loud gnome at the end of the table, 'My mother and father both belong to the same foolish club as that gnome, and wish for me to follow in their footsteps.' He takes a deep drink of wine, and fishes in his soup for a decent chunk of turnip. Placing his left forefinger on the spoon's end, he flings the turnip up and over his own head. Lorras jumps and snatches it out of mid-air before landing heavily on Ridley's neck, nearly pushing Ridley's face into the soup. Laughing, Ridley grabs the weasel and lays him on the table next to the soup, and begins absentmindedly scratching his belly. Lorras stretches out and emits a tiny burp. Ridley is pulled back to attention as he remembers he's in a conversation. 'Balls to their legacy.' he suggests as he quaffs more wine.

2013-07-12, 03:12 PM
Terrillo, the cook, continues to nod and bow and smile as he leaves the galley to serve the other passengers, and in the meantime the crew eats heartily. Captain Kovack excuses himself after a single bowl however, departing with nary a word, though their are some whispers as to whether he might have gone to check on the Ieana, the Varisian scholar as well. Plenty of rumors have been swirling around the rather mysterious woman, though her taking dinner in her cabin isn't much of an oddity given her rather reclusive manner. Only the Captain seems to have any sort of interaction with her regularly beyond a few passing words, and their has been plenty of speculation even in the last few days as to the exact reason for their repartee. Nor has all of it been purely idle gossip, more than a few sailors have been curious, even skeptical as to their course, even after the 1st Mate Devers took it on himself to question the Captain, and came back with his reassurances everything was well.

All the same, the weather had been kind thus far and the meal tonight may have been just what was needed to raise everyone's spirits!

In response to N!Xal's question, Gelik does pauses only briefly, flashing an impish smile, "Surely a warrior such as yourself has slain heathens and transgressors in the past? It is hardly a matter of blots upon the soul as it is the thrill of exacting justice and victory over wrongdoers! Besides, 'slay' is simply an embellishment over the niceties of involved combat, wouldn't you agree?"

2013-07-12, 04:26 PM
William stumbles into the galley, dragging behind him a small box that was about a third of his size. Despite the obvious difficulty he was having in moving the object, He didn't seem to mind a bit. In fact, he has quite the smile as drags the box to the table.

"Hi! Hello. Excuse me." He speaks to the back of a pair of sailors, who after a few more tries do notice him, and scoot over just enough for the little one to squeeze in. As the sailors move, William then uses all his might to hoist up the box and set it on the seat. He clambers on top of the box and sits atop it like a booster seat for a child. Someone pities the halfling enough to pass him a bowl, and after a quick "thank you," William dives into the stew, eating like he hasn't in days - even though he had been eating plenty.

"Oooh by the light of the north star this stew is amazing!" Willie exclaims to no one in particular, "It reminds me of my great-granny's rabbit stew, minus the rabbit of course. And if you've ever been to Varisia, then you know those tall-grass rabbits are some of the hardest things to catch, and you can't pop them with an arrow or anything because there's so little meat you'll ruin it, so you have to either hit them with a rock - which, even for halflings is a tall order - or you had to scoop them up with your bare hands. Now, after you take all the trouble to grab one of them little fellas, you find out that they are the absolute cutest creatures this side of the astral plane that you can't bring yourself to kill them... So my great-granny's rabbit stew was very rare, especially when they tried to get me to be the one to catch them...." Willie continues to rattle on, speaking to no one in particular, having himself a nice little time.

(Sorry for taking so long to post - totally forgot to subscribe to the thread the first time I looked, and I just thought no one was posting... ha.)

2013-07-12, 05:50 PM
Jalanar raises an eyebrow. "Huh you think someone so small wouldn't eat so much."He looked over at the captain and briefly considered tailing the Varisian woman but it didn't seem worth interrupting dinner. "Anyway ya balls to 'em. That's what I say." he proclaims to Ridley between spoonfuls. The dwarf motions the chef to come closer. "Ay! Cook! This is surprisingly okay. What is this? It ain't rat or somethin' is it? Figure that'd be the only way you'd get fresh ingredients round here." He says with a chuckle.

2013-07-12, 06:53 PM
N!Xal shakes his head with a gentle smile. " I disagree, friend. While pride can fire the heart and rouse a warrior's spirit, it should only be the pride that comes with a task well achieved. But a true warrior does not relish combat. He does not seek the death of his enemies. If he is forced to act, then his blade and spear will find their target. But he is never happy or proud of the scarlet deeds he has done, the lives he has ended."
The dark-skinned man takes another bite and chews thoughtfully before continuing, " And I fear that anyone who thinks combat is a neat, clean thing has never been in one. Blood, screams and pain, that is what battle brings. Nothing less, but also nothing more."

2013-07-12, 09:17 PM
Tanareth raises an eyebrow at Ridley, her mental estimation of him dropping like the ship's anchor at night. "I see." She takes another bite of stew. Now, be fair to him. The Pathfinder's life is a dangerous one; if someone would rather not endure hardship in the search of knowledge, better that he not join. Still, one shouldn't disrespect one's parents that way.

Catching the tail end of N!Xal's conversation, the ranger nods in agreement. "Indeed, N!Xal." She pronounces the name almost perfectly. "If killing is necessary, it should be done as fast as possible. That being said... there is a certain thrill to the hunt, stalking one's prey and bringing it low with a well-placed shot. I prefer to hunt animals, but if something intelligent that cannot be reasoned with is threatening a village or tribe - derro, for example- I hunt those as well."

2013-07-14, 05:53 AM
" And that is a noble deed. I am just speaking of those who feel proud for the act of killing and who get addicted to battle. I take it you are a hunter, then?"

2013-07-16, 03:03 PM
A sudden lull around the table is punctuated as one of the larger members of the crew collapses bodily from their seat. A few of the nearby sailors laugh, something about an extra portion of grog, but more than a few others are already clutching their heads, and more than a few are woozy in their seats. Then you feel it begin to grip you, the cloying darkness that eats away at your senses, everything going numb from your extremities upwards, slowly your limbs growing heavy, then dead as you struggle to grasp on to something, anything to keep from falling down from the benches. The gentle rocking of the ship begins to grow, your mind begins to spin, your skull feeling two sizes to big as every last crew and passenger aboard the Jenivere slips into unconsciousness.


The sand is warm, the salt spray cool, and the gentle lolling of the tides would almost be idyllic, if it weren't for the fact that you've no idea how you got here. Sensation is seeping back in all over, but everything is still blurry, and all you know is that this is not where you were the last time you remember going to sleep.

This may very well be the worst hangover you've ever had, which is saying something. Of course, the stiffness and headache being punctuated by a sudden pinching sensation in your left boot is entirely new. Suddenly, your conscious and it's all coming back to you. However, just about everything else takes a back seat to the fact that you've now got what looks like the bastard offspring of a lobster and a scorpion clawing at your legs. The devilish thing is about the size wild boar and just as mean looking. It's pincers clack and its stinger is raised and it looks hungry . . .


2013-07-16, 03:31 PM
'Heh, lightweights' Jalanar thought to himself for a second before everything went to hell. His mighty constitution must have been good to him. Though that didn't change the fact that he woke up next to something horrible "Aargh, get away from me ye ugly little bastard!" Jalanrar screams as he brings his boot down on the nasty looking critter.

attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

5ft to S10 if you're reference the critter I think you are

2013-07-17, 11:00 PM
Jalanar's boot goes right through the face of the sea vermin with a sickening squelch, leaving it's tail twitching in the air before it falls flat. The arthropod's innards leave a sticky gunk on the soul of the sturdy leather, and the tied quickly begins to wash the remainder of the body away. The sound and sudden infusion of invertebrate ichor into the water though is enough to draw the attention of the other two clacking, snapping creatures and they quickly scurry over attack as well!

Only one of their pincers manages to find its mark scything through Jalanar's breeches at the ankle, drawing a quick slack of blood; fortunately the wound is not terribly deep.

The sound of the tide being interrupted by the sudden squelch and a clacking being quite at odds with the otherwise peaceful atmosphere, William Lightfoot begins to come round, the sea breeze and sun rousing him to his senses . . .


2013-07-18, 03:10 PM
Little Willie, just waking from whatever happened to him and apparently the rest of the people on board, looked around to find what looks like the only other awake person being attacked by a group of crab-like creatures.

William knew being as small as he was, and completely without weapons, he would be no use in fighting the creatures off. So, instead, he scrambles over to the nearest person he knew could help - Tanareth.

Standing over Tanareth's unconscious body, William calls upon the favor of his deity. Suddenly, about a gallon of water appears over Tanareth and immediately splashes unto her face.

"Please wake up miss Tanareth! We need your help!" William shouts, hoping the combination of cold water and loud noise would wake the Hunter.

Mechanical explaination - move action to stand, free action to move five feet to the block south of Tanareth and west of Ridley. Standard action to cast "Create Water." Free action to speak.

2013-07-18, 08:34 PM
"Will ya git! Stop messin' about and toss me my hammer or something! I'm getting insect on me nice boots!" Jalanar called out as he put his boots to the one of the creatures' faces. He takes a step back towards N!xal, and stumbles as he tries not to step on him while he carries on stomping.

5ft backwards to 11S and unarmed attack on the monster at 11R

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

2013-07-19, 10:40 PM
Jalanar manages to catch the one of creatures offguard as it hesitate a moment between confronting the obviously threatening dwarf or the apparently easier meal of the unconscious N!xal. In that moment, Jalanar's boot nearly crushes the thing in half, each end of the creature twitching out it's death throes for a moment longer. The remaining aquatic arachnid decides to make an easier meal of the still groggy Tanareth, and while roused by Will's sudden divine gout of water, isn't quite aware enough to avoid the pincer which clips her at the ankle, causing scant damage, but rousing her to full wakefulness.

The blood and sea vermin guts have sufficiently chummed the waters to attract another three of the vicious lobster-things, and they scuttle onto shore clacking their claws and making to join the buffet, despite the increasingly wakeful state of their intended prey. Tanareth's stirring and start at being attacked by the vermin brings round Ridley nearby, and now only N!Xal and the second party further up the shore remain unconcious.


2013-07-20, 12:37 AM
The altercation punctuated by a spray of water rouses Ridley from his sandy bed.
'What in the hells happened...' he begins but is cut off as the salty dwarf puts his boot through some small monstrosity. 'Jallinol, was it? Might you know what happened to our seemingly pleasant voyage, good sir?' Looking to his left, he sees a lobster monster clawing at the other half elf and jumps over, doing his best to scare it off.

Move + Handle Animal to scare the lobster thing away
Move from P13 to Q11
Handle Animal[ROLL]1d20+9 rerolled in OOC

2013-07-20, 01:35 PM
"Yes sir Mr Jalanar!" William replies, and scouts the beach quickly for where he thinks he might find some weapons. After spotting the crates a little ways past the dwarf, he begins to sprint toward them, hoping to find something of use.

However, seeing the still unconscious warrior laying on the sand, Willie stops for just a moment to summon a second gallon of water which once again immediately falls, landing on N!Xal's face. Hoping the water does the trick, William turns to continue moving to the crates.

Free action to speak
Move straight east to block T-13.
Standard action to cast Create Water above N!Xal.

2013-07-20, 02:35 PM
"That's not my name!" the dwarf yelled back as he ran up to another lobster thing and punted it like a child kicking a can. "We got poisoned ya hoity-toity talking too-tall. The ship crashed I'm guessing, and we're being swarmed by a bunch of 'orrid little lobster bastards. Why when I get my hands on the welp responsible for this he's gonna wish he'd drowned instead." He rolled his neck and shoulders. "Alright, just a few of 'em to go. Maybe then we'll see about drudging up the remains of this disaster of a voyage."

charging unarmed attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]

run up to Q11 and attack on creature to the left

2013-07-22, 06:59 PM
The number of the vermin and their apparent frenzy now that there's blood in the surf is more than enough to override Ridley's attempts to drive them off, but the next downpour of divinely created water rouses N!xal to the imminent danger they pose and as he groggily comes round. Of the newly arrived creatures, a pair make towards Tanareth and Ridley, while the last decides to make good on the apparent feast presented by the second set of still unconscious bodies a bit further up the beach, next to the second stack of crates. The man closest to the surf receives what must be a painful snap from it's claws, but does not rouse.

Jalanar's boot finds another one of the creatures, bowling it over, but it springs back onto it's many legs and gives him a sting with it's tail for his troubles. The other two are not so lucky however, as Ridley and Tanareth manage to dance around their pincers and tails on the sand.

Jalanar, 1pt of Damage and a Fort Save if you please.


2013-07-22, 08:47 PM
Tanareth splutters as the water hits her face. What... where am I? Something nips her leg, and she yelps, staggering to her feet. "What in the name of all the- my bow!" Her beloved longbow, the one her father gave her when the stupid village elders wanted them to give her a puny shortbow! Anger and the adrenaline of a fight clear the cobwebs from her mind. Reaching down, she finds that whoever poisoned them and took their gear didn't bother with a full search; her hunting knife is still in her boot. "William, go wake up the others!" The hunter draws her dagger and stabs at one of the sea-things next to Ridley in one smooth motion.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage if applicable: [roll1]

Knowledge: nature check to see if she knows what the critters are: [roll2]

EDIT: Attacking the monster at P11, just to be clear. Although it hardly matters with those rolls...

2013-07-23, 12:27 AM
Tiny warm fingers prodded the back of Ridley's mind.

'Lorras!' he cried, as he had nearly forgotten. The weasel poked his head out of Ridley's tabard laying next to where he awoke. Ridley pointed toward the people laying down as he impressed a feeling of great concern for them toward Lorras.

'Alright Javronelle, I'll try to distract this monster. Kick it where it counts!' Ridley spouts as he attempts to jump over and flank the lobsterines.

Free action to share empathic impression with familiar + swift action to talk to Jalanar + move action to jump to P-10.
Lorras will try to wake up one of the four NPCs, his speed is 20 ft
Acrobatics check to jump and flank foes:[roll0]

2013-07-23, 11:11 AM
The paunchy dwarf growls. "Jalanar. It's Jalanar." He never could fathom why most humans (or half humans) found dwarven names so difficult. He heartily obliges to the new strategy and tries to bury the heel of his boot into the creature's head. "While I wish I had me mallet, best we keep the..."holy warrior" safe for know till he gets his bearings." He says grudgingly

Attack on monster to the left, assuming flank was set up.

attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
sneak attack: [roll2]

2013-07-23, 12:48 PM
William hears Tanareth shout out to go wake the others, clear on the other side of the beach. The Dwarf had just prior instructed him to find weapons, and seeing that Willie is such a small guy, if he were going to help in removing the monsters, he has to find something to use against them first.

"Will do miss Tanareth, one moment!" He did not want to seem as though he were disregarding her orders, so he shouts his reply as he clambers up the stack of crates to get a decent view. From there, he views the entire beach landscape, hoping to find where some suitable weapons may be found.

Swift Action to speak
Move Action to move from T-13 to W-13, on top of the crate stack
Use my Standard Action as another Move Action to make a Perception Check

Perception Check to see weapons: [roll0]
and if I can get any kind of bonus from a height advantage that'd be awesome.

2013-07-25, 05:02 PM
As Ridley vaults over one of the arthropods, it's pincers reach up but succeed only in scything through the air where he has just been, and the distraction gives Jalanar the opening he need to smash several of the creature's legs into a useless ruin, causing it to canter and hobble about. Lorras the weasel rushes off to where the lone sea scorpion is attempting to make a meal of their unconscious companions.

Tanareth has less luck however as the creature deflects her knife blade with it's pincers, but the attack gives William the opportunity he needs to make his way to the crates stacked nearby. He is rewarded when he finds that the crates are full of the very gear they had stowed away aboard the Jenivere, and after a moment of shuffling about, finds Tanareth's bow and quiver inside.

N!Xal too is able to identify that the crates contain a smattering of the equipment they had on their journey, and their are several pieces of driftwood on hand which might serve as an improvised club or stave. It takes him only a moment to realize that the number of pieces and their relative 'freshness' to more seasoned driftwood means they must have come from a recent wreck.

Battlemap (mid-round):

2013-07-25, 09:52 PM
Relieved that he might still own some items, Ridley jumps back between the lobster things and runs to the crates, hoping to find daggers, darts or his bow. Lorras reaches an unconscious Sasha, and runs around on top of her to rouse her.

Acrobatics check + Move to crates
Acrobatics check: [roll0]
Double move action to get to crates, then looking inside.

Lorras uses a double move action, with 5 squares to reach Sasha, and 3 remaining squares of movement worth of running all over her to wake her up.

2013-07-25, 10:49 PM
"Only a couple more to go." said Jalanar as he moved up to attack one of the not-scorpions near Tarenth. He drove his foot down on yet another one of the foul creatures.

Moving to P10 to set up a flank. Attack on the creature on the square below

Attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
sneak attack damage: [roll2]

2013-07-26, 05:02 AM
N!Xal decides not to waste time searching for his equipment, not as long as there are lives at stake. Instead, he runs towards the nearest large piece of driftwood, picking it up and weighing it to see if it's useful as a club, then moves towards the nearest crab-thing.

I reckon all of this takes a full action, if it doesn't, I'll attack the crab that is in battle with Tanareth.

2013-07-26, 03:52 PM
As Jalanar moves up to flank one of the lobster-things, Ridley manages to find a handful of darts in the crate, quickly accumulating his whole set whole set, even as N!xal leaps into the fray armed with a thick piece of broken sparring which serves him as an effective club. Jask manages to move himself backwards, away from the pincers of the arthropod, even as Lorras rouses Sasha, who is quickly on her feet and moving into stab at the creature with a small dirk she produces from her boot. With so many threats now presenting themselves, the creatures seem hesitant, their attacks less decisive as they begin to feel the weight of numbers turning against them.

Not one of the creatures managed to hit this round. Next round starts.


2013-07-26, 10:00 PM
With a triumphant grin on his face, Ridley turns and concentrates on the lone lobsterine Sasha is stabbing. He jogs halfway and let's a dart fly, it's brightly colored fletching glinting in the sunlight as it streams toward the crustacean.'Agh!' he grunts as he releases. Followed by, 'Die you bastard!'

Move + Throw weapon
Move to N13
Attack Roll: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-26, 10:37 PM
"Oh would ya look a' that. Another's up." said Jalanar as he glanced over at the woman. He continued on stomping despite the venom starting to make him just a little bit dizzy. He stomped at the lobster yet again. "See ya in the lobster hells!"

Flanking away. Same target below Jalanar.
attack: [roll0]
damage: [roll1]
sneak attack: [roll2]

2013-07-27, 02:20 PM
Hitting paydirt in the form of weapons, William continues to dig through the stack of crates, looking for anything that can help the group.

Using all my actions to search for weapons. I'd like to also announce to the group when I find that person's weaponry specifically.

2013-07-28, 10:52 PM
Tanareth turns and stabs at the sea scorpion (ochre eurypterid, fast and venomous but otherwise weak; get N!Xal and William to check any wounds for poison) next to her, as Jalanar and Ridley have the other one in this group well in hand. Oh, what she wouldn't give for her battleaxe... but at least most of the castaways are awake and moving, and it looks like Sasha had the same idea Tanareth did about the proper place of knives on one's person. It's not paranoia if someone really is out to get you!

Attacking the sea scorpion in O12.

Stabbity stab stab: [roll0]
Damage if applicable: [roll1]

2013-07-29, 02:16 AM
Grabbing his improvised weapon firmly, N!Xal charges into the fray, swinging down hisclub in a mighty arc. The weapon is not exactly as versatile as his spear, but for the moment, it will do. Staring at the creature, he narrows his eyes, letting the grace of his goddess wash over him, opening his senses for the signs of spiritual corruption.

Using Detect Evil.
Also attacking the beast near Tanareth with the greatclub: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-07-29, 11:06 AM
Engaged in a graceful but somewhat manic dance between dagger and claws, the eurypterid has no warning of Ridley's attack (caring little for his words) until his dart plants itself firmly between the armored plates of it's back. The creatures screams in pain, twitching it's limbs upwards, and Sasha seizes the opportunity to plant her dagger as the base of it's head, and with a twist and a flourish eviscerates the creature wholly letting it's dark ichor spill out on the sand. She grins madly towards Ridley, wiping her blade clean on her boot and winks at him.

You can be fair certain that your attack was lethal, Sasha's actions hastened it's death, but were no less gratuitous.

Jalanar meanwhile manages to stomp down on the tail of the ochre eurypterid, causing it to hiss and round on him, but otherwise causing no damage. This however gives Tanareth the chance needed to stab her blade downwards through the creature's abdomen, the blade coming out the other end and pinning it to the sand in it's death throws. N!Xal has similar luck, bringing down the broken piece of sparring directly onto the sea scorpion's body with a now familiar Crunch! and a brief dusting of sand, that when settled, reveals the creature to have been as thoroughly smashed as one of it's smaller cousins beneath a shoe.

William turns back on the scene, arms laden with an array of weapons as well as shovels, belaying pins and a host of other improvised items, only to see the skirmish on the sands is finished. Groggily the other castaways are beginning to stir from the commotion.

2013-07-30, 12:16 AM
Tanareth wrenches her dagger free of the carcass, grimacing. "Ugh, eurypterids. Be careful of the bodies, the stingers on their tails are venomous." The hunter walks over to the waterline, cleaning her blade in the surf and drying it on her cloak. Making a mental note to rinse any residual salt off once they find fresh water, Tanareth returns the knife to her boot sheath and makes her way over to the crates.

A welcome sight awaits her. "My bow! And arrows, too!" Smiling for the first time since waking up, the half-elf puts her quiver back on and strings her faithful longbow with practiced ease. Now she feels a bit safer. Looking up, Tanareth sees that the other castaways are returning to consciousness. Good, hopefully we'll have a bit of breathing room before the dead eurypterids attract scavengers. She returns her attention to the box, hunting for her axe and backpack.

2013-07-30, 12:27 AM
"Hm if I got stung as I was putting me boots to them, is that bad? Eh, whatever, I feel fine. Well, good work crew. Seems the sleeping beauties are finally up. Good nobody got hurt. Except me sting of course." He walks to around where Ishirou is and observes the wreckage around him.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-07-31, 03:04 AM
'Does anyone know what in the hell we are doing here?!?' the half-elf screams, his voice cracking.

He ambles over to the monster's corpse, taking in the beach and surrounding area. 'If none of us woke up, it's likely these monsters would have eaten us.' Ridley muses as he pulls his dart out of the stinking eurypterid corpse. He lurches back in revulsion, a scowl on his face, 'Lorras! Don't you go eating these fowl creatures. They'll likely poison you.'

The weasel dashes across the sand and climbs upon Ridley's shoulder as quick as a snake. 'We'll find us all something more appetizing, I'm sure. Is everyone alright?'

2013-07-31, 03:51 PM
Quickly, the holy warrior gathered his spears and his shield, all the time keeping an eye out for further threats. " I am fine, but what about the rest? I fear this might have been a plot. We have obviously all been poisoned and left to die."

2013-07-31, 10:16 PM
As the others gather up what belongings and equipment appear to have been stacked in the crates and casks along the beach, it quickly becomes apparent that someone must have gathered together their gear in a hurry, for none of it is organized and unfortunately, some must have been left behind or otherwise lost (for full list (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15733586&postcount=80), see OOC). Ishirou, the somewhat haggard man with the graying beard, looks up at Jalanar, hacking and coughing not just seawater, but proceeds to dry heave onto the sand, before inclining his head apologetically. Sasha saunters towards Ridley eyeing the weasel as she slips her knife away into some hidden pocket.

"Cute critter." says the fiery haired human woman, eyeing first Lorras with a smile then looking his master dead in the eyes with a glare that could slice through stone. "The next time he touches me, I'll make you eat him. Just be lucky I haven't decided how to season him yet." Her tone is icy cold, but as soon as she finishes she stalks off towards the other crates with her usual carefree canter and begins to shuffle through them for her own gear.

Gelik, the rather flamboyant looking gnome rolls over, clutching his stomach dramatically, bemoaning their collective misfortune in between most theatrical gagging and writhing. That is, until he sees Sasha begin to rummage through the crates at which point he's on his feat and onto the top of the crates as quick as his feet will carry him. "Hey now! Don't just go shuffling through other people's stuff! We're all in this together, we each need what's here, so I'll be taking mine first!" Sasha ignores him right up until the point where he drops down onto the crate in front of her, whereupon she flicks him on the forehead with her finger, not even looking up but causing him to roll backwards off the crates. By the sound of the wretch that follows, it appears his talk of sickness was not all for show.

Aerys Mavato, doesn't look much worse for the wear, possibly thanks to the swig she proceeds to take from a small flash produced from some pocket on the brooding half-elf's person. She does remark however that if it's hangover, it's the worst she's ever experienced, though the comment is mumbled and doesn't appear to be said for anyone's benefit but her own.

Only the shackled man, Jask Derindi, remains calm. Breathing deeply, is letting the tide wash over his feet, and wriggles his toes in the sand in a manner that might be considered appreciative. It's clear that in his present condition he certainly wasn't able to swim to shore from the Jenivere, but beyond that, it's difficult to make anything more of your situation. That is, until Jalanar is able to spot a familiar silhouette of the Jenivere! Albeit, listing to port, partially submerged, and with her hull a gaping ruin as she leans against a jagged cliff side among several sharp rocks.

2013-08-01, 12:31 AM
Bow and arrows, check. Flint and steel, check. Axe, check. Backpack... well, it appears that both her backpack and belt pouch have gone walkabout. It could be worse. I've got the bare essentials for survival here. Tanareth puts her axe into the belt loop where it belongs, finding a pocket for the flint and steel. "Poisoned, yes; left to die, yes. But it also appears that we had an ally among the plotters, otherwise these crates wouldn't be here. If you want someone to die on a desert island, you don't give them weapons." She squints into the distance. "What say we go search the wreck? Hopefully the rest of our gear will be there, and maybe even some clues as to who's responsible for this mess."

2013-08-01, 12:41 AM
'I'll remember that next time flesh eating monsters aren't stopping to think of what to season you with.' Ridley retorts with an incredulous look on his face. He starts to dust himself off and glimpses something lying in the sand. 'My lovely new tabard, what have they done?!' He cries as he shakes and slaps it clean before slipping the soiled tabard over his head to wear. 'I suppose it'll have to do for now.'

Ridley walks over to the crate with the crew, Lorras easing himself into a pocket in the tabard to rest. At the gathering Ridley found a few of his items and stored them in the backpack which was among them.

2013-08-01, 01:16 AM
"I don't suppose any of you would happen to know exactly where we are." He rifled through the crates. "Ach. No hammer." Jalanar grumbles as he takes out his backpack and and puts most of his stuff in it. He puts a very small axe of dwarven design on his belt. "I don't suppose you'd be willing to trade for that larger axe." He says to Taraneth. He looks off to the distance for a second and sees the wreck of the Jenevier. "Stand tight darlin'. Jalanar's coming." the dwarf says as he sprints off in the direction of the wreck. Once the dwarf got a couple yards ahead he yelled back. "Keep up crew. I found tha ship."

2013-08-01, 02:08 PM
William has been quiet for most of the time, simply instead diving into crates helping people find their equipment. William himself finds a portion of what he believes is his own items, and didn't really worry about the ones he lost. It was already lucky enough for him to have survived what was some sort of crash as well as have so many friends nearby - he isn't too worried about the little things.

There is the issue of food, however. William decides that between the lot of them, surely there were a few good hunters or scavengers around, or if Desna willed it they'd be lucky enough to find a barrel or two of foodstuffs washed up on shore as well.

At Jalanar's direction, William followed alongside him as they both march toward the remnants of the ship.

"Don't guess it can be repaired, huh?" half-jokingly asks William to Jalanar, "What do you think happened? Last I remember I was about to challenge you to a drinking match.... Did you win?" William speaks while trying to hold a bit of a smile. He knows that things look rather bleak at the moment, but he wants to keep the group's spirits up if he could help it.

They might not had realized it, but Willie knows that Desna bestowed good luck upon them, for they'd most surely be under the waves had it not been for her guidance.

2013-08-02, 07:38 PM
"I dunno. I guess nobody was there to steer it so it veered of into them cliffs thar." he said between pants as he was running. He stopped to catch his breath for a second. "And of course I won the drinking match" he scoffed jokingly. "Challenge a dwarf. Some people never learn."

Jalanar knew things were bad, but if he could get some of his stuff back and get these castaways to work like a decent crew, maybe, just maybe they had a shot.

He looked ahead. "If we could get to that ship, who knows what we can salvage. If I can get me ol' skullcracker, I'll sure be in a better mood. Even better if we get me secret stash of fine cheeses. "

2013-08-03, 03:35 PM
Ridley sees a couple of the crew running toward the shipwreck. He pulls out his wineskin and drinks, I should have kept to my own wine aboard the ship. How will we get out of here?

He glances around and decides to follow the halfling and dwarf back to the Jenivere.

2013-08-04, 01:01 PM
Following Tanareth's questions, Sasha appears to have been busying herself by the surf and after a few moments of walking back and forth along the waves, clasp her hands together and gives the rest of the assembled survivors a look proclaiming the proverbial I-Know-Something-You-Don't-Know. "There was someone else here, someone who rowed back into the surf, almost certainly towards the Jenivere, after depositing you lot here." She gestures to indicate Tanareth, William, Ridley, N!Xal, and Jalanar. "Looks like that was a few hours ago though, so you may find them on the ship or else along the beach somewhat worse for the wear on their last trip." The woman smiles almost manically as she gives her proclamation, clearly quite pleased with herself despite having just declared someone dead and themselves lost to the mercy of wherever we are.

"Wish that were more of a surprise," Mutter Aerys, the half-elf as she tips up her tricorner hat, finally able to stand some of the glare from the surf it seems. "But seeing as this island is almost certainly the Smuggler's Shiv . . . well, Jenivere's not the first victim of those reefs and shoals, not even the hundred and first, or the thousand and first if you believe half the tales about the Shiv . . ." She trails off, muttering more to herself now as she takes another swig from her flask then looks dejectedly at the empty pouch and tosses it into the surf.

Her mentions of the shiv causes Gelik's face to pale, and Ishirou nods knowingly, seemingly in agreement with Aerys's guess at where they are, and the dark tales surrounding this place. "Only the souls of the damned and the dead or the soon to be call the Smuggler's Shiv their home." The weathered Tian man speaks for the first time in a gruff voice, but with a quiet humility.

Following the exchange, Gelik goes back to bickering with Sasha about what belongs to who and where it should be stored for now, and Aerys tips her tricorner hat forward over her comely features and makes as if to rest. Ishirou looks to each face in turn but decides there's nothing for it in the end but to see to it his own worn belongings are still serviceable, clutching the surprisingly well crafted katana in both hands as he makes for the crates to begin cleaning it. Only Jask pipes up as the rest of you make to leave for the wreck, managing to stand despite his chains. "Please! Wait!" he calls stumbling as quick as he can to make sure you don't leave. "I realize you have no reason to trust me, but I can be of help to you, I promise!" There are tears in the man's eyes, but as he speaks his smile only grows and grows and it is soon apparent he is weeping and giddy with joy. "I was being taken to Sargava for trial, for a crime I did not commit. But now . . . Now, it would seem, I have another chance. Please, on the Jenivere are the keys to my manacles, and the holy symbol of my practice; Retrieve them for me and I will be all the more indebted to you."

Following Jask's outburst, he nods and bows and takes his leave, and you are free to make your way down the beach towards the wreck of the Jenivere. It's barely a quarter of a mile's walk down the beach before the Jenivere looms into view, and the sight is not an encouraging one.

Even a cursory glance is enough to confirm that the Jeniverewill never sail again. Only the fortuitous presence of a sharp ridge of rock near the side of the sheer cliff wall has prevented the wreck from sinking entirely into the sea, for only the ship’s stern seems to have survived the wreck. This portion is wedged at an angle between the cliff and the rocks, and each wave shakes and tosses the wreck alarmingly. It won’t be long before the constant pounding of the waves dislodges the wreck and allows the hungry sea to claim the last of this once-fine ship.

The tide is just low enough to allow some persons to reach the wreck via the exposed rocks along the cliff's base, but the tide is rising, and you can't be sure how much longer they'll make a viable path. The cliff itself offers access to the prow of the ship, but it is a sheer, steep climb and the rocks below are sharp and constantly pounded by the waves. It might be possible to swim to the ship of course, but the currents and tides which were as cruel to the Jenivere would likely be no kinder to a person attempting such a feat.

2013-08-04, 01:35 PM
Looking over the wreck, Ridley posits an idea, I manage to still have some rope. If someone could secure the line on the cliff, it would create a safety harness for whoever is most capable to look through that death trap.'

2013-08-05, 08:37 AM
After thoroughly observing the ship, Jalanar walks up to Ridley "Look no further. I don't think you'll find a more capable swimmer here than I." He dropped his chain shirt to the ground with a big thud and stretched out. He also gently put down his bagpack, only carrying his handaxe on his belt. "A swimming dwarf, there's a joke in there somewhere." He then ran to where he was within shouting distance of Jask and called out "I want to make this clear. I'm not doing this for some kind of misplaced belief of yer good intentions. I'll do it cuz with them manacles ye be not as much use as a crewmember, but if ye do somethin' stupid like even think about messin' wit me or any of this crew I swear on Besmara I will end you."

Sense motive on Jask: [roll0]
He then took one end of Ridley's rope and tied it around himself and threw the other end to Ridley. "Ridley if the current gets to strong, pull me in. If I want ye to do bring me in, I'll tug on the rope three times." And with that, the dwarf jumps into the water and swims to the wreck.

Armor's off to avoid ACP. Swimming in a chain shirt seemed implausible anyway.

Swim: [roll1]

2013-08-06, 02:55 PM
By both Tanareth's and Jalanar's estimation, the wreck of the Jenivere is stable enough for the moment for exploration. Though much of the lower rear of the hull has been shattered and washed away, the upper deck of the hulk is still in more or less the same condition as when they were last on it, having only been weathered by the surf and rain for a day or less. The tide is low, and the wind is steady; it will take sometime yet before the combination of rising tides and constant surf tear away at the rest of the ship, causing it to collapse completely, or else, a significant storm, and there is no such sign of any yet on the horizon.

Jalanar is readily able to navigate the surfs right up to the wreck of the Jenivere, and notices straight away that the damage has wrecked most of the bow in addition to what of the ship has been shorn away from underneath. The maindeck, quarterdeck and a portion at least of the captain's cabin appear in tact, and the hatch leading down to the galley and the brig look to be serviceable as well.

Someone appears to have tied up the Jenivere's only lifeboat at the maindeck, though only the front portion of the boat remains.

2013-08-07, 12:01 PM
Ridley looks back toward the shipmates arguing over valuables, 'Can any of you spare some rope? We seem to need another twenty meters.'

2013-08-08, 08:08 AM
Jalanar heaves himself up onto the decks and yells out to the others.

"I made it!"

He proceeds to search the decks for anything he could use.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-08-08, 02:06 PM
Jalanar quickly discovers enough rope amongst the rigging of the ship to provide a secure line which the others can use to reach the ship in safety. There is however little else above decks, having been washed clear by the intermittent but inexorable breakers and winds.

2013-08-08, 04:14 PM
Staying behind with the rest of the group, William looks around the group to see if he can be any use, after offering up his rope.

"Hope there's none of those crab-scorpion things on the boat." William says, trying to keep everyone's minds focused on the present so as to help them not think of how desperate of a situation they are in.

"Anyone good at gathering food?" he asks, thinking about the group's long-term well being. "Not suggesting we go find food right now, but it'd be good to know who would be leading the food gathering campaign when it comes time for that."

2013-08-08, 05:18 PM
Tanareth nods to William, slinging her bow across her back. "I am skilled in wilderness survival. Granted, I have never been this far south before, but I spent about a year in the Senghor area." Satisfied that her weapons are secure, the ranger grabs onto the rope and swings down to the ship hand-over-hand. She drops down onto the deck in a near-perfect landing, looking around at the wreckage. "Thanks for the line, Jalanar."

2013-08-10, 12:08 PM
Tanareth's arrival on the deck of the Jenivere is succeeded by the sounds of some sort of perturbance below decks, emanating from below decks, the sounds of the waves not quite covering what sounds suspiciously like someone or somethings attempting to tear into the seasoned wood of the ship. Overhead, gulls and other creatures circle the crow's nest, including a few flying reptiles with leathery wings, one of which sits perched on the crows nest tearing into the feathered form of one of the smaller gulls, apparently predatory enough not to wait for whatever scavenging the Jenivere might yield.

2013-08-11, 03:12 AM
N!Xal follows the others. Since the ship is not salvageable, his interest in the remaining supplies is not that great. However, the others might need protection...and, judging from the sounds emanating from below decks, that is only too true.
" There is something below us...and it sounds big. Allow me to take the lead", he mutters. Holding up his shield and spear, he heads for the nearest entrance below deck.

2013-08-11, 11:08 AM
Jalanar grins as N!xal and Tanareth decide to join him on the decks. "Now that's more like it! Alright, lad, lead the way into the capin's cabin. We don't got much time before this whole thing goes down. Maybe I can swim down and hold me breath to get at some of the stuff, but I can only do tha so long. I brought this lil' axe in case we needs to hack our way underneath the planks."

2013-08-12, 01:31 AM
The hatchway is narrow and steep enough that by the time N!Xal has reached the bottom, there's scarcely enough room for Jalanar to be seen behind him and Tanareth is still at the top of the stair to keep from crowding them. As N!Xal's boots reach the deck of the midships however, he is greeted by the sight of a pair of the ochre colored sea scorpions scuttling back and forth, wrestling over some bloody scrap of fabric, while another of the creatures, at least twice as large and fearsome looking as it's cohorts desperately clacks and tears at a partially ajar hatchway, blocked by some fallen sparring from the motion of the ship against the rocks. The pair of creatures hiss a warning and their larger cousin rounds to clack and growl out a challenge to N!Xal, spear and shield thankfully already brandished in the close quarters.

Combat begins, starting order is N!Xal, Ochre Eurypterids, Tanareth, Jalanar, Medium Sized Eurypterid. As yet the enemies are still only aware of N!Xal.

2013-08-13, 06:02 AM
" We are under attack", N!Xal exclaims as he steps towards the nearest creature, shield at the ready. These things looked like animals, albeit fierce ones. Maybe he could scare them off. Taking another determined step forward, he slammed his spear against his shield and let out a threatening bellow.

Shall I roll Intimidation or Handle Animal? Also, N!Xal never wears boots :)

2013-08-14, 12:21 AM
Tanareth moves as close to the hatch as she can, bow in hand. "Make some room so I can shoot! What is it, more eurypterids?" Figures. She turns toward the cliff and takes a deep breath. "GET DOWN HERE AND HELP!"

2013-08-14, 03:25 AM
Ridley stands on the beach looking out at the shipwreck and holding the other end of the rope. He hears yelling coming from inside. 'Be careful in there, will you?! he shouts back as he gives a disdainful look across the water.

2013-08-14, 06:11 AM
Intimidate check: [roll0]
Oh boy...I reckon that's a fail

2013-08-14, 07:39 AM
"Eh alright, erm, lad, maybe take a step forward and to the right, and maybe I'll go forwards and to the left, and that way I can search tha floor while you two fight the lil' bastards off." Jalanar whispers with the all of the intensity of a furniture mover.

Psst G.C, 5 ft to C5 before your turn ends

J will go to B2 on his turn

2013-08-15, 01:05 PM
Despite N!Xal's attempts to make himself an imposing and therefore less than easy meal, the two smaller sea scorpions scuttle up towards him, some base animal cunning urging them to split their advance, approaching cautiously in an attempt to cut off escape to either side.

N!Xal's intimidate check failed, but feel free to make a move action before the other enemy's round. Tanareth, Jalanar, make your actions, no order necessary, Jalanar you've already used up a bit of your move but feel free to use more as you see fit.

2013-08-15, 05:14 PM
William hears the shouts from the wreckage, and clambers his way to what's left of the boat.


How many rounds will it take for my character to make it on board?

2013-08-16, 09:38 AM
Jalanar, keeps his mouth shut, crouches down to avoid notice and searches the debris for any clues or items he can use.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2013-08-16, 10:40 PM
Tanareth makes her way down the ladder, stepping to one side to get a clear shot. She draws her trusty longbow, aims... and fires!

Moving to B5, aiming for the eurypterid in F6. +1 attack & damage from Point-Blank Shot.
Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-17, 02:31 AM
Jalanar crouches behind a few wrecked crates and some piled flotsam in the corner, the whole of the deck is ajar from the angle at which the waves have forced the Jenivere onto the rocks. From his covered position, he can see directly into the galley where there's signs of the last meal they took together, apparently no one having cleaned any of it up. Apart from a few pieces of loose timber and sparring which might serve as clubs against the amphibious arthropods, he sees little of value or interest.

Tanareth's shot from her bow is thrown off as the ship suddenly lurches beneath them, sending the arrow a good foot clear of the eurypterid she had been firing at, but the sudden motion also appears to have thrown the creatures themselves off balance. The largest of the trio now rounds on whatever held its attention behind the wreckage and scuttle forward, only to find itself slipping and sliding over the surface of the deck as the rolling of the waves seems to have risen enough to cause the deck to roll as if the Jenivere were partially afloat.

Top of the order: All PCs act and then the monsters will go again. Everyone please make your choice of an Acrobatics Check, Reflex Save, or Profession: Sailor in order to retain your balance against the shifting of the deck, or else make your attacks at a minus 2 modifier and treat all movement as if in difficult terrain.

2013-08-17, 09:15 AM
Jalanar breathes deeply and draws out his handaxe while he tries to keep his balance on the ship. He had to make it as far as possible before this whole thing collapsed. He moved across, keeping light of tread, participating in the battle only when the time was exactly right.

Reflex: [roll0]

double move to F2

2013-08-17, 03:28 PM
Tanareth swears in Polyglot as the ship's movement throws her shot wide. If the wreck is moving, they won't have much time to search the place and return to shore before the remains of the Jenivere sink for good. Bracing herself against the crate next to her, the ranger nocks another arrow and fires at the closest eurypterid.

Reflex save: [roll0]

Attack vs. eurypterid in D6: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

(subtract from the above as necessary if she fails her Reflex save)

2013-08-17, 06:14 PM
Seeing the largest creature as the greatest threat, N!Xal advances upon it, throwing one short spear at it, then closing into melee, shield at the ready.

Throwing one shortspear, then advancing towards the Common Whatsitsname. Attack: [roll0], if it hits, [roll1] damage

2013-08-19, 04:03 PM
The increasing roll of the deck as it's further battered against the waves is enough to send smaller Eurypterid on the port side lolling about in a small circle, more than the opportunity Tanareth needs to loose an arrow from her bow at the befuddled sea scorpion. The shaft flies straight and true impaling the chitinous creature directly through it's chittering maw, the force of the arrow at close range nearly bifurcating it from head to tail, leaving only it's partner and larger cousin to advance. N!Xal's spear however glances off the largest of the Eurypterid's as they advance towards one another, the not-quite-lumbering creature raising a claw to deflect the blow before it moves in to gouge at the Zenj paladin with it's claws. Jalanar's ungainly gait on the rolling deck manages to draw the attention of the remaining smaller sea scorpion, who rounds on him and moves into the fray with clacking claws and whipping stinger, looking intimidating despite it's lack of successful blows.

Outside, William has made it a good ways along the safety line, with Ridley watching encouragingly from the rocky shore, when a sudden weight descends upon the line to his left. Glancing, a rather brightly colored reptilian looking beaked creature has alighted upon the rope, looking at him with cold, curious eyes and baring a maw filled with needle teeth as it cautiously begins to scoot along the line towards him. William can see clearly as another pair of the leathery winged creatures alight on the line behind their friend with a chirp. The combined weight of all three of the smallish creatures is enough to cause the line to bow, but as yet the creatures remain only curious.

Full Attack by Ochre Eurypterid (E,3) misses against Jalanar
Full Attack by Common Eurypterid (H,5) misses against N!Xal


Back on the shore, William has made it out 30ft, but now there's a trio of pterasaurs like creatures bowing the line where they sit on it between him Ridley back on the rocks above the tide. No initiative yet, the creatures are merely curious.

2013-08-19, 04:20 PM
Jalanar growls at the lobster creature. He backs off from the smaller one, instead flanking it's larger cousin and attempting to embed an axe. It was becoming increasingly apparent that these lobsters were not the kind of critter that would just fly away if you opened a window.

Move to I5 and attack.

Reflex: [roll0]
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak attack: [roll3]

:smallfurious: *flips table*

also forgot to add flank bonus, which probably doesn't matter

2013-08-21, 01:29 AM
Ha! Tanareth grins as she nocks another arrow to her bow. Now that's more like it. N!Xal seems like a skilled melee combatant, he can probably handle himself against the larger eurypterid long enough for Tanareth and Jalanar to kill the weaker one. (And hopefully long enough for someone to get to the ship from shore, if anyone heard her call.) Pick off the weaker enemies first, just like wolves with a herd of deer. She aims at the small sea scorpion and fires.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-21, 02:14 PM
In one fluid motion, N!Xal draws another spear from the sling over his back, feinting a swing before performing a quick stabbing motion at the creature, keeping his shield up.

Attacking the creature. [roll0], damage [roll1]

2013-08-23, 11:21 PM
Ridley Rysewell

'Don't look behind you, Bill!' Ridley calls as he retrieves a dart from his tabard. He walks just a bit closer and throws it at the winged monster.

Move action to move up to 30 ft closer
Draw weapon as a part of move action
Attack with dart: [roll0] (+1 if in Point Blank range) 20 ft range increment
Damage: [roll1] (+1 if in Point Blank range)

2013-08-24, 12:25 PM
Moving jauntily away from his current dance partner, the Sea Scorpion makes to pinch at his calve as he does, only to find one of Tanareth's arrows protruding through it's back just above the head as it suddenly goes limp, claw still reaching for Jalanar's heel. Jalanar however finds the heaving of the deck nearly sending him sprawling and while he's able to make his way up behind the larger sea scorpion, it rounds on him, clacking it's claws and posturing it's tail up over it's head. The action catches N!Xal off guard as the rise of it's tail knocks the spear he had been about to use from his hand, leaving him unarmed as the creature lashes out at Jalanar, it's claw and stinger gouging into his flesh.

Meanwhile outside, Ridley's dart manages to topple one of the creatures off the rope, encouraging it to fly away off to whatever nest it came from. It's partners however now split off, one making for Ridley along the rope before it wheels into the air above his head, snapping and chirping at him, while the other sidles closer to William, till it is directly next to his hand.

3 damage for Jalanar, and make a fortitude save please.
Kydell, no damage, but the dart you just threw is lost.


2013-08-24, 02:01 PM
Jalanar grunts as the creature's tail sunk into his exposed flesh. At least he'd die a free man. "I'm...not sure how much longer I can make it." He said as he slumped slightly, only to raise his axe again and swing it at the critter.

Damn, J might need to sit the next one out after taking on one group of them unarmed and now another unarmored.

Fort save: [roll0]

Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]
Sneak: [roll3]

2013-08-24, 06:18 PM
Thank the light that he still had more spears in his sling. Quickly, knowing that the fight would have to end soon, N!Xal drew another spear and thrust it at the creature!

Attacking the beast: ...[roll0], damage is [roll1]

2013-08-25, 06:43 PM
Tanareth takes another arrow from her quiver as she moves forward to get a better shot at the larger beast. Her expression is grim; it's much harder to hit a foe engaged in melee, given that she doesn't want to accidentally hit N!Xal or Jalanar. "Hold on, Jalanar!" She stops next to the latest sea scorpion corpse and draws her bow. Wait for it... wait for it... now! The arrow speeds toward her target.

Moved to F3.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

2013-08-27, 12:28 AM
Accosted from both sides, the largest of the trio of eurypterids is suddenly finding it's supposed easy meal no common sort of prey, as in a a fit of vengeance, the dwarf brings it's axe crushing down on the armored arthropod, splitting it's chitinous plates beneath the bit of his axe, even as N!Xal produces another spear from his quiver and drives the pointed head through the segmented portion of it's tail. The rending force of each blow in counter directions causes the creature to be torn near in two, even by it's own death throes, spilling it's black ichor over the deck like a fresh coat of tar, even as Tanareth's final arrow buries itself in the already lifeless husk of the creature. The sea scorpions defeated, their is only the lulling motion of the waves rocking the ship against the jagged coast, and without the press of combat they find their sea legs returning most readily. Debris is still scattered about the middecks, and the two hatches can now be observed leading off towards the galley and the brig respectively, while the larder which the eurypterids had originally trying to break in to remain barricaded by a shattered spar, but not wholly beyond reach.

Combat is ended for you folks on the Jenivere, Kydell, Pyrocide, it's your action in dealing with the birds.

2013-08-28, 11:52 AM
Jalanar sat down for a second. He poked the critter with his axe a couple times to make sure he was dead. He then stood up again and trudged towards the hatch of the brig. "Well, guess to go get one of tha tings I came here fer." He opened the hatch and descended down into the brig.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-08-28, 07:27 PM
There's little time to waste. Tanareth checks the corpses to see if any of her arrows are salvageable; she needs to make her ammunition last as long as possible. With that done, the ranger begins a methodical search of the area for anything that might prove useful.


2013-08-29, 02:22 AM
Ridley Rysewell

'Bastard bird get back here with my dart!' demands Ridley as he chases it across the beach. He pulls out another dart as he runs and nearly stumbles as he glimpses the one coming at him. He throws the dart instead at this new threat.

Move action to run after the bird
Take out a dart as a part of the move action
Standard action to attack oncoming bird
Attack roll: [roll0] (another +1 in Point Blank)
Damage: [roll1] (another +1 in Point Blank)

2013-08-29, 03:02 PM
William backs from the creatures on the line, hoping not to rile them.

Withdraw action for 30 ft back the way I came... should put me back on the beach.

2013-09-03, 12:09 AM
The swooping pterasaur catches Ridley's dart directly in it's open maw, the point of which splits it's simple skull asunder, causing it to fall out of the air and land on the rocky shore line, stone dead before it even touches the ground. Backing along the rope line the way he came, William is pursued by the curious, brightly colored creature, as it continues to hop faster and faster towards him, squawking and hissing in greater and greater anticipation, right up until the point where he's able to scramble back onto the stony shore, where it catches sight of it's fallen friend. Deciding on discretion with this particular choice of prey, it wings off into the air, and the other injured pterasaur skips along a few feet on the shore till it's able to remove the dart from it's leg before taking wing.

Back on board the Jenivere, the thick ichor of the Eurypterid's grows increasingly slick, running through the grooves of the deck as it mixes with the seawater. It pools in the scuppers to either side, punctuating the strange angle at which the Jenivere sits in this, it's final berth, till the crushing waves rend it to splinters against the rocks. Inside, the middle deck is lit by shafts of light from the port holes, and a quick search reveals them deserted apart from the recently slain arthropods. Besides the blocked supply room and the locked captain's cabin, which are locked, the galley's larder is open and seemingly still well stocked, though it'll take some straightening out before a full inventory can be made though. A somewhat more grisly discovery is made as well though, as the body of the ship's cook is found here as well, pale and bloated from the sea water and spray.

2013-09-04, 05:31 AM
N!Xal grimaces in disgust.
" We should take every piece of food that has not been touched by the water. The corpse will have poisoned all the other stuff", he says, using the pole end of one of his spears to nudge the dead cook out of the way.

2013-09-04, 07:12 PM
Some of Tanareth's arrows were broken, but she picks up the pieces anyway; perhaps she can fletch new ones with the heads. That done, she shoulders her bow and draws her axe. "We need to get out of here as soon as possible. I can probably clear the debris blocking the supply room with my axe; I'll get to work on that while you take whatever wholesome food remains." This kind of situation is one of the reasons why Tanareth prefers an axe over the traditional sword. Axes are useful outside of combat.

The ranger makes her way over to the blocked door, eyeing it critically. She can't chop too much for fear of dislodging some crucial part of the wreck. This will be tricky, but they really need more gear than what they have.

2013-09-10, 01:28 PM
After searching the brig, Jalanar comes up to where Tanareth was, with his axe handy. "I figured somethin' like this would happen. Two's better than one, so allow me to assist." He took six swings at the door with his small axe to help the girl with the big axe.

Handaxe damage: [roll0]
Handaxe damage: [roll1]
Handaxe damage: [roll2]
Handaxe damage: [roll3]
Handaxe damage: [roll4]
Handaxe damage: [roll5]