View Full Version : A little help for a fighter build!

2013-07-09, 06:46 AM

I'm swapped sides, i was a caster and now for the first time in FIVE YEARS i'm doing a fighter. So far I'm loving it! (quicker combat rounds! weeeeeee!) But i would LOVE some input of how to build a good fighter and not fall into pitfalls. so the basic's are:

STR 18
DEX 14 (+1 for lvling to 4)
CON 15
WIS 10
CHA 12

Improved unarmed combat
intimidating prowess
weapon focus (long sword)
two weapon fighting (short sword in the off hand, if i can my lvl4 point in DEX)

I'm in the 'toss up' stage, the DM allows a few minor tweaks at this stages if things aren't working out we get a one and only chance to improve at lvl 4, which is now!
I'm still in two camps to even go down either the quick two weapon fighting style (thou that may be two similiar to my old rogue) OR a brawler. Playing a very zesty character with a big mouth.
I understand that dex can be great for your AC and like the idea of being quick and lethal. Goes with the very rash character.

Seen some future feats i like; bleeding attack, catch off guard, death or glory as well as some increasing my critical range and threat gain (improved critical & critical focus).

your thoughts?

2013-07-09, 07:13 AM
I personally don't play fighters very often, but I think you are doing well so far (assuming you aren't trying to go for a super-optimized build). Keep in mind that if you plan on being a two-weapon fighter, you probably shouldn't take a feat like Improved Unarmed Combat. Unless you plan on being disarmed or getting into fist-fights, as a two-weapon fighter you need your feats more than a normal fighter. Remember that every time you get a longsword feat, your offhand shortsword is getting weaker by comparison.

PS: I'm certainly no expert on fighters, but I'm sure if I erred then someone will correct me :)

2013-07-09, 11:24 AM
I'm making a new pf Fighter myself and I saw your build...

You seem to be going all over the place with what you want to do.

Two Weapon Fighting


Unarmed Combat

Fighters really start lagging when you spread your resources to thin, casters can afford to do a lot. Mundanes can not.

If you want to intimidate... Dazzling Display is the feat you want. I'm taking it to have tons of fun >:]

2013-07-10, 03:50 AM
yeah, thats my worry of going too all over the shop! It such a change I've kinda gone giddy like a kid in a candy store.

To give some bg info first 2 sessions I intimidated a whole goblin gang to runaway in round one. They set up an abandoned cart on a bridge saying 'free food' knowing it was a trap i ran in screaming, they fled. Later I was watching over a little girl for her protection, but due to have 0 in perception a band of mercs got the drop on me and held me a 'gun point' (actually it was a crossbow) our unseen rogue/magus distracted them and I punched the leaders lights out (glad i took unarmed combat for his reason) and with a few swipes took out half the crew and intimidated the rest to flee.

This is why I'm thinking of an intimidating style. I'm thinking of ditching the two weapon fighting.

I think the DM (my fiancee) is concerned i might be treading on the other fighters toes if I go for massive damage. The other fighter is a old player who hasn't played in years and has rejoined but i cant see it being too much of a problem since i think he's specializing in axes.

Looked up dazzling display, seems quite cool!

2013-07-10, 04:06 AM
There's a fear handbook floating around somewhere. It's high-op, but there's a few neat tips in there.

Most useful for an intimidate build is the feat Imperious Command from Drow of the Underdark. Any demoralized enemy cowers for 1 round and is shaken for another.

Also there's the Never Outnumbered skill trick in Complete Scoundrel. Intimidate everyone in a 10ft radius (20ft? I forget). Pretty fun.

2013-07-10, 04:43 AM
Ditch TWF. I am almost always some sort of tank and love TWF because it 'looks' really cool, but it is not really that efficient and because of all the penalties for off hand fighting you have to spend extra feats in order to make it effective. I've honestly ever only made it work with a gnome using hornblade weapons.

Anyway, found this build, (http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2m0bk?Intimidating-FighterRogue-Build) looks like it could be what you're going for. It's pathfinder, but inspirational.

One thing though:

I think the DM (my fiancee) is concerned i might be treading on the other fighters toes if I go for massive damage. The other fighter is a old player who hasn't played in years and has rejoined but i cant see it being too much of a problem since i think he's specializing in axes.
mmm ... you are building a fighter, which is a TANK, of which the overall idea is exactly the massive damage. Trying to make your tank 'not-so-tank-afterall' out of concern for another PC makes no sense to me. If the DM (fiancee or not) doesn't want two tanks in one game, he should have asked you to make something else entirely.

(Never outnumbered is 10 ft. And cool. (http://dndtools.eu/feats/complete-scoundrel--60/never-outnumbered--3295/))

2013-07-10, 04:44 AM
yeah, thats my worry of going too all over the shop! It such a change I've kinda gone giddy like a kid in a candy store.

To give some bg info first 2 sessions I intimidated a whole goblin gang to runaway in round one. They set up an abandoned cart on a bridge saying 'free food' knowing it was a trap i ran in screaming, they fled. Later I was watching over a little girl for her protection, but due to have 0 in perception a band of mercs got the drop on me and held me a 'gun point' (actually it was a crossbow) our unseen rogue/magus distracted them and I punched the leaders lights out (glad i took unarmed combat for his reason) and with a few swipes took out half the crew and intimidated the rest to flee.

This is why I'm thinking of an intimidating style. I'm thinking of ditching the two weapon fighting.

I think the DM (my fiancee) is concerned i might be treading on the other fighters toes if I go for massive damage. The other fighter is a old player who hasn't played in years and has rejoined but i cant see it being too much of a problem since i think he's specializing in axes.

Looked up dazzling display, seems quite cool!

Okay, here is my suggestion.

1. On the next level, if you aren't lawful, pick up a single level of spirit lion totem barbarian. It will get you pounce. With pounce, you don't have to worry about not being able to full attack, just because you moved. It's one of the strongest 1 level dips out there. Plus it scores you rage, which even for it's first form is pretty good.

2.Forget 2 weapon fighting.
It isn't even good. It spreads out your attacks way too thinly, lowering the BAB drastically for each new attack. If you hit, it's awesome. If not, a waste.
Secondly, to really work well, you need pounce. Otherwise you only get one initial hit. The quicker they die, the better.

3. Intimidation can work very well...
Now, I have suggested that you pick up that level of barbarian.
With the first level you can qualify for... RAGE FEATS:smallfurious:
Intimidating rage is a good one. As long as you rage, one foe you pick stays under a fear effect. Excellent.

4. MOAR RAGE:smallfurious:
Mad foam rager, Instantanous rage, extra rage, and extend rage are four that kick some ass. Righteous wrath if you are a "good guy".
Perhaps using your level feats for these and fighter bonus feats for your style.

Unless your DM allows you to use fighter bonus feats to buy rage feats. then it just got real.

5.Imperious command.
Combined with intimidating rage, it extends the shaken state for one enemy for a whole duration of a rage. Get this feat as well. To do so, you will need to buff CHA, but that's okay.

6. Daunting presence.
This one is really good. Standard action to cause shaken for 10 MINUTES.
not bad at all. It may be the coolest one you can get.

7.If you can get righteous wrath to work with frenzied berzerker, that would melt faces right off. with the line (Frenzy stacks on any effects from rage) should make it work, since it adds the effect that you can be merciful and distinguish enemies.

8. If not, try to get yourself a runescarred berserker.

And wield a polearm for extra win. a halberd or spear if you wish.
Got it?

Intimidating, raging, pouncing, pole-arm wielding fighter.

2013-07-10, 05:13 AM
Harlot: that build looks pretty good and right up my alley (minus the rogue stuff) plus our system is pathfinder so all the better~!

my partner/DM is just a people pleaser to a fault and TBH the other fighter is a big boy, took home the PF manual and wouldn't be surprised if he comes back with an awesome build. he likes his tabletop games, he'll re-learn quickly.

DMVerdandi: Barbarian .... I'm true good, soooooo yeah, lets do it. I've been thinking of splicing some barbarian in there for a while, might give me the edge i'm looking for. I'll talk to my DM to re-fluff the lore bits thou but keep the stat the same. This fighter is a farmer daughter on the run.

2013-07-10, 05:18 AM
actually this might help, visual prop always help me explain stuff :)

source (my tumblr): http://sugarfiendgfx.tumblr.com/post/54861324772/new-art-by-moi

2013-07-10, 05:37 AM
Harlot: that build looks pretty good and right up my alley (minus the rogue stuff) plus our system is pathfinder so all the better~!

my partner/DM is just a people pleaser to a fault and TBH the other fighter is a big boy, took home the PF manual and wouldn't be surprised if he comes back with an awesome build. he likes his tabletop games, he'll re-learn quickly.

DMVerdandi: Barbarian .... I'm true good, soooooo yeah, lets do it. I've been thinking of splicing some barbarian in there for a while, might give me the edge i'm looking for. I'll talk to my DM to re-fluff the lore bits thou but keep the stat the same. This fighter is a farmer daughter on the run.

I am liking that character description so far.
It's humble, yet ripe with a bunch of storytelling potential.

Right now, I suggested two berserker classes to you. Runescarred and frenzied.
Frenzied works well, so long as you get rigteous wrath to work. She can be just prone to, well frenzy, yet it would be an anger that is controlled. she would be MEAN as hell in a fight, and just a whirlwind of power and destruction.

Runescarred goes on a different tangient. This would be a more... magical build. You can go either gaelic or norse with this one... But those runes could be from a totally fictional standing as well. Anyhow, it's all about ritual scarring, taking on pain, and being empowered by it.
She wouldn't be as lovely, but any real farmer's daughter has enough scars to paint a portrait.

2013-07-10, 06:40 AM
Gerda means 'The Spear of the Gods.'
Go kick ass :-)

2013-07-10, 07:39 AM
actually this might help, visual prop always help me explain stuff :)

source (my tumblr): http://sugarfiendgfx.tumblr.com/post/54861324772/new-art-by-moi

I just wanted to say I love this picture. I wish more people I knew drew their character.

2013-07-10, 09:27 AM
thanks! people at da tend to commission me a LOT for profiles, love hearing other characters stories and stuff.

anyway, back to the build.

i couldn't find the frenzy rage powers but they may been renamed in PF, heres the SRD link: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/barbarian#TOC-Rage-Ex-

2013-07-10, 09:56 AM
actually this might help, visual prop always help me explain stuff :)

source (my tumblr): http://sugarfiendgfx.tumblr.com/post/54861324772/new-art-by-moi

First thing I noticed about this is that she is left handed. When people punch into their hand like that they use their dominant hand.

Also this picture makes me think Viking Archetype Fighter. I blame movies for this.

2013-07-10, 10:07 AM
Yeah, I was poring over a melee boss build and tripped over the combo of Power Attack and Cornugon Smash (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/combat-feats/cornugon-smash-combat) for a 2H attacker. That looks like it would work well with your intimidation ideas. Can't use that combo with TWF.
Accordingly, you might want to look at a bigger weapon. There's several good ones at the 2H level; the standouts in Martial are (imo) the Guisarme, Heavy Flail, Greatsword, Lucerne Hammer, Earth breaker, Scythe, and Falchion. Those all have a mixture of lots of damage with particularly useful properties.
Dodge is also considered 'meh' unless you're using it as a prerequisite for something.