View Full Version : Help gearing NPCs

2013-07-09, 07:51 AM
Hey all, I have a bit of a an issue gearing up some of my NPCs for the next leg of a campaign.

My players are heading to climb a giant mountain covered in woods and jungle to reach a giant tower at its peak. They think the tower is an old mage's tower full of lost arcane secrets and magical loot. In reality it is a spire connecting the Celestial plane, Material Plane, and The Abyss. Though that isn't truly relevant right now.

The mountain is inhabited by a nation of "savages" according to most. It's inhabitants are human, elf, half elf, fey touched, and half fey versions of the other races. I have stated out most of the NPCs and the mountain, but am having trouble with finding good nature themed items to give them to use. I am looking primarily for limited use and one shot items. Weapons and armor I have mostly covered, but will still take into consideration any items mentioned. The items don't necessarily have to be combat focussed either, just nature themed or something you think a hunter gatherer civilation would find value in. I have no problem homebrewing specifics for items if all you have is an idea.

Their culture is also similar to Native Americans, Mayans, and Incans to give an idea to the type of "savage" they are considered. Also, the people are used to hunting and killing Dire versions of most big game predators, dealing with Fey on both friendly and unfriendly terms, and even raids on their mountain by "civilized" cultures.

Also, party is level 10 and may be 15 or 16 by the time they reach the top.

2013-07-09, 09:04 AM
From the mundane gear in the Arms and Equipment guide you could include some of the following: animal call, tiny & diminutive cage, insectbane candle, fishing tackle, fowler's snare, holy text, insect netting, leash & muzzle, hand mill, butterfly net, pestle & mortar, elven rope, silent shoes, shriek rock, stilts, tepee, farming tools, elven tree tent, animal trainer's kit, scryer's kit, restful candle, clearbreath, darkvision powder, defoliator, fleetfoot, gravebane, hawk's ointment, longbreath, nature's draught, signal torch, verminbane, vicious bleeder, animal training pole, forester's cloak, gray whinnis, and scorcher fumes.

From the magical gear in the same book you might include any of the following: feathered armor, skin paint armor, arrow of eyes, claws of the leopard, dart of pinning, elven leaf arrow, fey arrow, gray snare, guardian bow, guerrilla spear, halfling's exit, javelin of precision, living net, sapling club, spear of the hunt, weaponeater, potion of animal senses, beetle elixer, porcupine elixer, rhino elixer, hive mind ring, rod of embassy, rod or trees, boots of tracklessness, boots of woodland striding, dragonfly medallion, gloves of brachiation, idol of false vision, mask of the feather queen, necklace of the wild beast, oracle beads, pelt of animal senses, and seeds of the treant.

2013-07-09, 11:11 AM
Something from this thread might help you:

Races of the Wild has some Elf-ish items.
Dragon 331 has Alchemical Charms - "...nonmagical items that protect their wearer from certain creatures..." + archaic Barbarian weapons (just a handful).
You should also look into some alchemy items in general.

2013-07-09, 11:56 PM
Bump... anyone else have ideas?

2013-07-10, 01:03 AM
If they have a shaman with the Brew Potion feat, he could craft oils of magic weapon, shield, and magic armor for them. Cure light wounds and +4 stat buff spells would also be common. Obviously such items would be made of all-natural materials, and therefore smell awful. Use that as their treasure.