View Full Version : E6 Deity Campaign

2013-07-10, 12:08 PM
I'm planning an E6 campaign where the players are the only "special" (ie PC classes) born in centuries, and the "gods" are more like sorcerer-kings... extremely powerful entities compared to the low-level NPCs that inhabit the countryside. The gods were once good but now are corrupt.

I plan to start the PCs at level 6. As they defeat each god they gain a divine rank (starting at DR 0, progressing eventually to DR 6), so that they become the new (hopefully more benevolent) pantheon.

I'm attempting to swing this so that each DR will add 1 to the ECL of the PCs, as well as 1 to the CR of the current gods. As such I've reduced the crazy amount of power that divine rank normally gives, but it may still be overpowered. Is this priced too low at +1 ECL for what you're getting?

• Bonus hit points 10 per rank.
• Divine AC bonus equal to divine rank.
• Add divine rank to attack rolls as divine bonus.
• Add divine rank to saving throws as divine bonus.
• Add divine rank to skill checks, ability checks, caster level checks, and turning checks as divine bonus.
• Damage Reduction equal to divine rank. - DR will now be a salient divine ability
• Spell Resistance equal to 10+divine rank. - Ditto.
• One salient divine ability per divine rank (must still qualify).
• One domain per divine rank. Able to use each domain spell up to 3rd as a spell like ability once per day, and use the domain power as normal. Effective cleric level = actual cleric levels + divine rank.
• Naturally immortal. Don’t need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe.
• Any one feat for which they qualify.

I've sort of tried to balance it with what you would get from a class level: HP, BAB, base saves, skill points, increase in caster level/class level, and a special ability or two. It still seems quite powerful. What would you drop or change?

2013-07-10, 12:15 PM
With the addition of domain powers and spell-like abilities, I feel like the Salient Divine Abilities are a needless headache.

I think it would be much cooler to work with each player individually, and design a unique power for them upon attaining Rank 0 or 1, which scales with their Rank (becoming something totally awesome at Rank 5 or 6, depending on where you want to end things, so they get it in time for the final epic showdown), and is tailored to the kind of deity they want to become.

edit: I also wouldn't give bonus Epic/Divine feats. Just go with the standard E6 bonus feat system.

2013-07-10, 12:35 PM
With the addition of domain powers and spell-like abilities, I feel like the Salient Divine Abilities are a needless headache.

I think it would be much cooler to work with each player individually, and design a unique power for them upon attaining Rank 0 or 1, which scales with their Rank (becoming something totally awesome at Rank 5 or 6, depending on where you want to end things, so they get it in time for the final epic showdown), and is tailored to the kind of deity they want to become.

edit: I also wouldn't give bonus Epic/Divine feats. Just go with the standard E6 bonus feat system.

Thanks for the feedback. You might be right about the salient divine abilities. I may scale back on the amount of domains, giving them 1-3 only, and letting them take extras as a salient ability choice.

As for epic/divine feats, I meant epic in E6 - ie any feat they normally qualify for plus those that can be taken as bonus feats after level 6 - not standard D&D [Epic] feats (which they would never qualify for anyway). They'd still need to meet any prereqs. I'll edit that part of the OP.

In fact I might make DR and SR salient abilities as well.

Fouredged Sword
2013-07-10, 12:35 PM
I, personally, wouldn't complicate things.

Add 1 class level to the characters each time they kill a god (max level 12). Characters can sacrifice a level to come back from the dead.

The gods should all start at level 7-12 per their ranks, and come back when killed at level-1.

To finally kill a god for good, you must track it down and kill it over and over as it reincarnates. (it teleports to a temple of it's choice when killed)

You gain no ranks for killing a god with less ranks than you.

Now players gain character levels though the story, and feats through experience.

2013-07-10, 12:42 PM
There's no need to balance it against regular levels. It's a system in use only for the PCs in a specific campaign revolving specifically around it. You've reduced the spell resistance so they can actually be hit with spells, and that's the only major issue I can see.

2013-07-10, 12:50 PM
I, personally, wouldn't complicate things.

Add 1 class level to the characters each time they kill a god (max level 12). Characters can sacrifice a level to come back from the dead.

This is a fine idea, and doesn't require E6 at all, but it isn't really where I'm aiming. I want to incorporate some different, "god-like," powers (aka salient abilities) into a low-level world. I can see how this has merit, but not what I want.

The gods should all start at level 7-12 per their ranks, and come back when killed at level-1.

To finally kill a god for good, you must track it down and kill it over and over as it reincarnates. (it teleports to a temple of it's choice when killed)

You gain no ranks for killing a god with less ranks than you.

Now players gain character levels though the story, and feats through experience.

This is a really cool idea, and I would use this if there were less gods in my world. However, I'm dealing with a 7-god system, a take on the 7 deadly sins - each of which conveniently has a domain.

There's no need to balance it against regular levels. It's a system in use only for the PCs in a specific campaign revolving specifically around it. You've reduced the spell resistance so they can actually be hit with spells, and that's the only major issue I can see.

While this is partly true, I want to make sure I don't send the PCs up against something that's too easy or completely overpowering. If I have an idea of what a divine rank is worth I can more easily balance the enemies with the PCs.

2013-07-10, 12:55 PM
With the addition of domain powers and spell-like abilities, I feel like the Salient Divine Abilities are a needless headache.

I think it would be much cooler to work with each player individually, and design a unique power for them upon attaining Rank 0 or 1, which scales with their Rank (becoming something totally awesome at Rank 5 or 6, depending on where you want to end things, so they get it in time for the final epic showdown), and is tailored to the kind of deity they want to become.

edit: I also wouldn't give bonus Epic/Divine feats. Just go with the standard E6 bonus feat system.


Fricken awesome