View Full Version : Crowd-sourcing question about miniatures

2013-07-10, 12:22 PM
I've recently started running a father-daughter game of D&D. I love miniatures, but I had to give away my entire collection due to lead content when my girl was born. My family lives in a lead-mitigated house. We're happy with it, but we went through weeks of scrubbing on our hands and knees, painting, and other efforts to make it liveable.

Lead was removed from minis back in the early 90s, or so I thought. Modern minis have since largely moved back to lead-based alloys.

Plastic minis may be an option, but the ones I've looked at have an irritating marketing scheme (scam) where you buy packs and get random content.

One last nit to pick -- this is a father-daughter game with a not-quite-six-year-old girl. Using female minis that are about to fall out of their tops would be grounds for divorce, and possibly justifiable homicide.

So, does anyone know where I can find minis that don't have lead, and aren't oversexualized?

2013-07-10, 01:05 PM
Do you need actual miniatures, or would the cardboard minis work? You can print your own on cardstock and stick them in slotted bases (or use the versions that fold into an acute triangle, using flaps for the base). That allows you to completely control the look of the minis. Paizo puts out tons of paper minis, as did Steve Jackson (for GURPS). And you can have fun cutting and gluing together.

2013-07-10, 01:31 PM
If, as Epinephrine suggested, cardboard (aka printable) minis are something that would work for you, take a look at http://iheartprintandplay.blogspot.com/p/downloads.html. Full disclosure, it's my blog, but I've spent the last year creating a library of free printable OOTS-style D&D minis and there definitely aren't any "oversexualized" minis among them.

2013-07-10, 03:04 PM
I'd go ahead and concur with those recommending tokens for most mini needs, especially the monsters and such for the DM's side. They're typically less expensive and easier to store for the space concious.

For actual minis, there are specific plastic minis out there, you just have to hunt for them. Reaper just made up a series called "Bones" that is really well done, but you have to paint them (or use them unpainted I suppose).

Mantic has some, but they're really designed to go with their game Kings of War, so not a great option unless you really like them. Great way to get a thousand goblins on the cheap though.

2013-07-10, 04:22 PM
Thanks for the advice, all. I may well end up going with the carboard tokens.

On the off chance someone knows of such a thing, has anyone come across any modestly-clothed, non-lead female ranger figures? I'm looking for specific manufacturer and product code, or name. A link to an online catalog would rock as well, for that matter. My wife and I each spent an hour on our PCs looking online. Since that didn't pan out, I'm asking enthusiasts in the online community who may actually own what I'm looking for.


2013-07-11, 12:14 AM
Thanks for the advice, all. I may well end up going with the carboard tokens.

On the off chance someone knows of such a thing, has anyone come across any modestly-clothed, non-lead female ranger figures? I'm looking for specific manufacturer and product code, or name. A link to an online catalog would rock as well, for that matter. My wife and I each spent an hour on our PCs looking online. Since that didn't pan out, I'm asking enthusiasts in the online community who may actually own what I'm looking for.


How about this:http://www.reapermini.com/figurefinder#detail/02442
I'm 80% sure it's not lead-the website says only their p-65 line has lead, and everything else is tin.

2013-07-11, 12:59 AM
How about this:http://www.reapermini.com/figurefinder#detail/02442
I'm 80% sure it's not lead-the website says only their p-65 line has lead, and everything else is tin.

Nice! I'll check into it.