View Full Version : From the Shadows

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-10, 02:12 PM
North, always north. You cannot explain it, but there was been a pull, a calling just out of hearing range, north, drawing you ever northward. Each of you walk your own path in life, each have seen lands the others have not, but you have not yet met.

But as the moon rises over Banners Hill in the borderlands between the mountians and the sea, chanting can be heard, as shadows twist and dance before a fire, it washing over you ina tougne long forgotten, a feeling of unease and it being somehow unclean are the only things that can be told.

Above your heads the stars sparkle, and the edge of a comet moves slowly into sight as the chanting increases in its dark volume and intensity.

And slaowly the call pulsing inside your heads strengthens, bidding you act, but telling you nothing.

2013-07-10, 03:51 PM
T'aella Avo'tinas Ne'cota looks on, violet eyes narrowed. A noblewoman from the south, she had been travelling with her attendant and childhood friend, An'ansi Clo'ack, for days.

Anyone seeing her wouldn't see a traditional noblewoman, tall, dark-skinned, and leanly muscled with the pointed ears of an elf, a lean but tough build, fangs, and the split pupiled eyes of the dragonblooded. She wears sturdy brown leggings, a dark green tunic, a dark leather belt, boots, and a black cloak with her family crest across the back in silver, faded to white with time.

"An'ansi, keep hidden, try and identify what you can about the ritual while I'm gone," she says as she draws her longsword, "this is likely going to get messy," she heads towards the chanting. She keeps her eyes open for anything unusual as she goes, she didn't want to get ambushed while trying to set up a possible ambush of her own.

2013-07-10, 04:41 PM
Aeramis looked up from his meditation, curiosity and sense of self-preservation finally getting the better of him. He was tall but thin, with green eyes and a terrible burn scar across his face and arm that marred the natural beauty of an elf. He wore simple, homespun leggings and a tunic, with nothing but provisions on his belt and the hairband keeping his hair out of his eyes.

He was on a self-imposed mission to spread the wealth of knowledge that had saved him, and in doing so perhaps bring happiness to those around him. Swallowing through a dry throat and casting a wary glance at the fiery source of light, he made his way toward the chanting, alert for anything.

Do we roll here or in the OOC thread? If here, I'd like to make a spot check: [roll0]

Edit: Not cool, dice roller.

2013-07-11, 09:19 PM
Malion Silverscar walks with determination, neither fast nor slow, but with calm inevitability. He is tall, standing over six and a half feet, and extremly muscular. Scars cross every inch of his pale skin, signs of countless battles fought, but none yet lost. His ghostly snow-white hair flows in the dark winds, and his silver eyes shine coldly. He is a creature of moonlight and nightfall, the lightness of his hair, his skin, his eyes dancing with the utter darkness of his armor.

Steadily he walks on, toward the chanting. His hand moves up, drawing the enormous blade fastened on his back. It is a thing of ugliest brutality and most disturbing beauty, a malicious monstrosity of black steel and screaming edges, barbaric and yet elegant. It calls for blood.

It will find it soon, he thinks as he walks, steady as the mountains, determined as death.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-11, 09:48 PM

As you continue your march, you almost go through the chanting ring of what seems to be elven men and women in robes. Crying, and tied on the ground, appears to be a human woman of no more then 16 years of age.

One of them, as the others continue chanting, turns to you and speaks in elvish.

"Brother, why do you come here on this night? We have not seen you before, and you inntrupt the rite."

T'aella and Aeramis

As you move forward, you see a pale elf in heavy armor with a massive sword come up from the south and almost just go through the ring. One of its members, one of the few that is watching something on the ground and was not chanting, speaks with him, apparently puzzled.

2013-07-11, 10:22 PM
Seeing two of his brethren elves ahead, Aeramis quickened his gait. He was anxious to discover the reason for his anxiety, and so he craned his neck to get a closer look at the circle.

I'll try a spot check to see if I can see inside the circle.

Spot: [roll0]

2013-07-12, 01:57 AM
T'aella's peers down, a passive expression on her face, before she walks down herself. Longsword held point down to not be immediately threatening.

2013-07-12, 05:23 AM
Malion was in a strange place between wakefulness and sleep. The unseen force at the back of his mind was pulling him and, as always, his attention was focused inward instead of out.

It takes him a second to snap out of the beginning of his combat trance and he looks at the other elf blankly, almost feeling betrayed. He feels a cold anger creeping up inside him, a nonsensical feeling of dislike for the fact that that man hat approached him with words and not a weapon. Fighting was easy. You killed or got killed. The rules were clear and everybody knew where they stood. He liked fighting. You didn't have to think, just act. It made the world simple, easy to understand. And that was a rare feeling for Malion. He craved that feeling. He did not understand much anymore since the call from the north started.

He leans on his massive blade, a deceptively relaxed position.

"What is going on here 'brother'? Has the weakness of our people reached new lows? What are you doing with this human child?"

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-12, 04:28 PM
The elf in his black robes snarls at the sight of T'aella, even as the others seem to reach a cresendo, the words, though unkown, carring a almost physical sense of hatred and malice.

"You brought one of them there! Well 'brother'," he vemomusly spits out, "this is the first step for our race to reclaim what is ours from these theives and usurpers! To take back what is rightfully ours! This 'child' as you call it is only human, little more then an animal, but its blood is good enough. Join us brother, and kill any of the things that intrude on this rite!" His voice is equal parts hateful, cajoling, and proud, almost alternating between them.

Aeramis; Spot check results- The human woman of 16, tied on the ground, in the center of a circle with many runes around and in it.

2013-07-12, 04:38 PM
"You know I'm part elf, right?" T'aella asks the robed elf, then looks to Malion, "do you agree with him?" she asks with a raised brow.

2013-07-12, 04:59 PM
Aeramis, hearing the elf's mad rant, was aghast with dismay and revulsion. "Stop this at once!" He cried, rushing to the spokes-elf. Stay this madness, brother. The sacrifice of sentient creatures is far beneath us. Do not let your desperation make you lose your conscience!"

As he spoke, he walked closer to the elf, hands raised in beseechment. In the back of his mind, he mentally prepared himself to break past him should the need arise.

2013-07-12, 04:59 PM
Before the elf had finished speaking, Malion had made the decision to kill him.

He could have explained to the man that he was all for reclaiming their people's place in the world, that he was glad to see some of their race not having given in to despair, but that this was the wrong way to go about it. He could have futilely tried to convince him of letting the human go and seeking for another path to reach their goal.

But he didn't. The time for words had ended, the time for killing begun.

In a great sweeping motion his dark blade comes up without a moment's hesitation, a steely black claw reaching for the elf's life.

Sorry guys, Malion is .. peculiar.:smallbiggrin:

@Matt Note that I switched one of my maneuvers out last minute because I had the wrong one listed on my sheet (got the names confused). Hope that's ok since we didn't have any fights yet.

Malion attacks the elf with Sapphire Nightmare Blade.
Concentration check vs his AC: [roll0] If the concentration check hits his AC he counts as flat-flooted vs my attack and takes an extra 1d6 damage. If the concentration check doesn't hit his AC I take -2 on the attack roll.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] = 18
If concentration check hits + another [roll4] for a total of 21

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-12, 05:34 PM
The blade falls, the the elf, still ranting about how T'aella is even worse due to the scared elven blood being profaned by other races, comes to a complete and sudden stop. Hard not to when you are litteraly cut in half.

But, as the half-elves fall, blood falls onto the girl, and more importantly, onto the now glowing runes.

Their chanting disrupted, the five remaining elves seem to be drained, and all but one falls, unable to stand. The remaining one, looking at you with an expression of near abject terror, faces you.

"Do you have any idea of what you have done! It won't be controled!"

2013-07-12, 05:43 PM
T'aella dashes passed the bissected elf to the human, then turns, looks at the human girl, and sees what caused it, the blood falling... she looks at her sword, then cuts herself on the edge and tries to use her blood to reduce the effects of whatever was about to happen... or make it a lot worse since her heritage included dragon and angel as well. She was hoping the angel would help reverse this at least, and dragon blood was supposed to have healing properties to it, or so she was told.

If I need to roll something here, please let me know and I will in the OOC

2013-07-12, 05:56 PM
Dartari Blacksteel emerges from his hiding spot, taking note of what has been going on. As much as he would have loved to immediately rescue the distressed damsel, there was too much unknown. After seeing the conflict between that giant elf and these cultists Dartari hopes that the girl can still be saved. Hopefully those other two won't be making things worse the thought. He doesn't know that much about magic but is hopeful that Ross will be able to explain everything later.

Now is the time for action.

Initiative [roll0]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-12, 06:26 PM
The runes glow an even darker and more baleful red, and the bonfire roared to even greater life. And from it emerges three figures, small, not the great beasts of destruction that you were half expecting, nor a parlor trick like you were half hoping.

Instead, a dark violet shadow wings west, darting past you, slipping past your guard. The second one stays for a second, a fell and unnatural heat emenating from it, as if the fires of hell were forced inside its small frame.

But alas, it is the one that looks like a winged lizard made partily of magma that is eating the ritual leaders face that you might have to be worried about, at least in the short term.

Your move.

It spends its turn eating the guys face. So, your turn.

2013-07-12, 06:47 PM
Eyes wide with a mixture of anger and shock, Aeramis nonetheless was quick to react. "Have at you, monster!" he cried as he closed the distance between them. Taking quick aim, he lashed out with his foot.

Fingers crossed: [roll0]

Potential damage: [roll1]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-12, 06:59 PM
Aeramis kicks the little beast, which is still eating the persons face as hes screaming, and the force is enough to dislodge it. Turning its head towards you, it hisses balefully, preparing something...

Then unleashes a stream of molten fire, almost liquid, wanting to burn you ever so much.

2013-07-12, 07:22 PM
T'aella grits her teeth at the almost liquid flames, but works through the burns to make a slash at the little magma dragon thing.

AC: [roll0] - Crit on 19-20, x2 Damage on a Crit.
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-12, 07:26 PM
A scratch, barely making its way through its suprisingly tough scales darws blood. Screaming in pain, it focuses its hate filled eyes on the princess, eyes that promise a painful, burning death.

2013-07-12, 07:32 PM
The situation has changed, the enemy is different, but the essence of the fight remains the same. Kill or be killed.
The blade rises again, rivers of crimson blood dripping from its edge, before it falls with determined force.

Swift action: refresh maneuvers
Standard attack: [roll0] (Crit 19-20x2)
Damage: [roll1] + [roll2] = 15

Crit confirmation if needed: [roll3]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-12, 07:35 PM
Screaming in agony, the dark blade reaves through the beasts wings and its fron leg, almost causing it to fall to the ground. alternating between whimpering and snarling, it is to stupid to run, not that it could in this state.

2013-07-12, 08:31 PM
Wincing in pain from the blaze that the monster had spat out, Aeramis persevered and aimed to strike it again.

Potential damage: [roll1]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-12, 08:33 PM
Your fist aches from its hard scales, as this time, your blow lacks enough force behind it to crush any bones.

Narrowly missing the dark blade, the little hellspawns teeth snap shut on Malion's leg armor, and in fact, is trying to gnaw it off.

2013-07-12, 08:46 PM
"Otherworldly monsters now, eh?" Dartari mutters to himself, unable to conceal a smirk. Having his Reaver at the ready he rushes towards the magma beast.

Double move or run. What ever I need to.

2013-07-12, 09:11 PM
T'aella swings her blade once more at the dragon.

AC: [roll0] - Crit on 19-20, x2 Damage on a Crit.
Damage: [roll1]
Crit Confirm: [roll2]

2013-07-13, 06:56 AM
Seeing the creature clamped on his leg, Malion pins it in place with his other foot's steel boot and tries to skewer the thing by stabbing downward hard with his black blade.

Sapphire Nightmare Blade.
Concentration check vs his AC: [roll0] If the concentration check hits its AC it counts as flat-flooted vs my attack and takes an extra 1d6 damage. If the concentration check doesn't hit its AC I take -2 on the attack roll.
Attack: [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] = 26
If concentration check hits + another [roll4] = 31

Edit: Jeez, almost max damage on all 4 damage dice. Too bad it'll likely miss.:smallwink:

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-13, 12:21 PM
The Black blade falls, but its scales prove equal to to the task. Maimed, inujured, it fights to the death, maybe at least partialy out of fear?

2013-07-13, 12:34 PM
Aeramis sighs in frustration as he sees his unlikely ally's blade fail to pierce the scaly hide. They were so close! He positioned himself to be opposite the swordsman; perhaps working together they could better fight it. With a shout to focus his strength, he lashed out once more.

Flanking attack: [roll0]
Potential Damage: [roll1]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-13, 01:43 PM
The beast crys out, whimpering, bones breaking, trying to curl itself into a ball, and... is it crying? Yes, tears, along with whimpers of pain are coming from it, and anyone who can understand dragonic is able to catch it whimping for its mother.

Apperantly, that made it lose any will to fight.

2013-07-13, 02:43 PM
T'aella sighs then picks up the creature, gently, "next time don't eat someone's face off and you won't be attacked. Now, behave and I'll help get you patched up," this is spoken in slightly accented draconic, then she turns to the others, "I think we can safely stop fighting for now, unless he tries to bite me. An'ansi, I know you're around here, come over here and see if we can't help this dragon," she calls out. Obviously she didn't have any idea how strange that sounded, esspecially after fighting said dragon.

Diplomacy: [roll0] - ...forgot you could take 10, can I do that instead?

And yes, T'aella speaks draconic, it was originally dwarven but I switched it just after the OOC was made before I realized it was up.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-13, 02:54 PM
With a long suffering sigh, the family servent moves into the camp, and mutters things under his breath. Seeing the dragon snuggling into T'aella's arms, he sighes once more.

"My lady, I have several bandages. May I assume that the gentlemen that are standing near you also require medical attention?" He speaks softly, but firmly, in a nutral voice with a healing salve already in his hands, with the almost sterotypical bulters drawl.

The elves are begining to stir, and most of their leaders nose is missing, and hes glaring at everyone there. The human girl has been freed from his bonds, and curtsys to you, thanking all of you so very much yer lordships.

2013-07-13, 03:09 PM
Malion cleans the blood of his sword with what remains of the dead cultist leader's clothing, while looking at the remaining elfs.

"Stay down if you know what's good for you!" , he snarls with contempt in his voice.

Then he turns toward the wyrmling.

"Where did you come from, little dragon?" he asks in Draconic.

2013-07-13, 03:10 PM
Dartari sighs in disappointment that this is already over. He slows his pace as he enters the encampment. "Greetings. My name is Dartari Blacksteel and I don't suppose you have an explanation for what just happened here?"

2013-07-13, 03:12 PM
"I think it was just us," she points to herself, the monk, and the elf on the ground, "that were hurt. Start with the little guy," she pets the dragon where it isn't hurt, then looks to the lady, "you should be thanking him," she points to the armored elf, "he's the one that stopped you from being sacrificed," she then turns to the elf with the missing nose, "we'll tie these ones up and take them to the next town, let the locals deal with them."

She turns then addresses Datari, "T'aella Avo'tinas Ne'cota," she says, introducing herself, then continues, "as for what happened, an interrupted cultist summoning ritual."

2013-07-13, 03:17 PM
Turning toward the arriving dwarf, Malion grins.

"I'm Malion, some call me Silverscar. These fools here wanted to play with forces beyond their understanding. We cured them of their delusions."

Seeing the dragon being taken care of, Malion looks at the human girl.

"You're safe now. This scum can't hurt you anymore. What's your name and from where did they take you?"

2013-07-13, 05:55 PM
"My name is Aeramis, a wandering monk," Aeramis introduced himself with a bow. "Worry not for my wounds, they will heal in time. Worry for the little dragon, and for Miss T'aella; she was injured more than I."

Turning to the heavily armored elf, he frowns slightly. "I must profess my disapproval of your initial choice in killing in cold blood, brother Malion. Such actions should be avoided no matter what."

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-13, 08:55 PM
The woman, bowing deeply to the noblewoman, and again to armored elf, speaks in a somewhat cultured accent. An accent normally found in one of the "Bandit Courts" of the interior plains.

"Thank you kind sir, I am Eldrith Agricola'sanguis, younger sister to Burtrum Agricola'sanguis. I was with some of my brothers men, on our way to do some business with the ferrum dominorum of tenebris when these elves jumped us. We fought back, but.. When I woke, they had begun chanting. I had seen the knife, and my brother would reward you greatly for my return."

Agricola'sanguis- Blood Farmer
ferrum dominorum- Iron Lords
tenebris- Dark Depths.

As she speaks, An'ansi is applying bandages and healing salve to both the little dragon, which seems to preen a bit, and to his charge, the slightly iresposible noblewomen he is sworn to serve. Oh why did she have to be some sort of warrior-woman?

You heal 6 Edro.

2013-07-13, 11:19 PM
T'aella glances at the current gathering, she had little need for a reward, not in the traditional sense anyway, but she wouldn't decline resources unless she got a bad read on the source, speaking of, "what sort of business?" she asks genuinely curious as she tries to get a read on the woman.

Sense Motive: Take 10 for 16

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-14, 03:40 PM
Eldrith bows to T'aella, and puts on a saleswomans smile.

"As many may know, my family serves as one of the primariy transport and shipping intrest in the interior plains amongst the other well established courts. The business itself was simple enough, the ferrum dominorum had aquired a few crates from dwarven lands, and our largest client, the Fellsons of Xazis, tasked us with procuring it. My brother would pay well, and its always nice to have friends among the intierior, don't you say?"

Transport and Shipping; Read smuggling and Weapons dealers.

2013-07-14, 08:55 PM
Listening to the woman espouse her family's dealings, he began to suspect, and then become sure, that their work was less than reputable. For now, though, he felt confident that they were not necessarily dangerous to his newfound allies nor to the innocent, so he did not feel the need to speak up about it.

He winced as a sudden stab of pain rushed up his side, and he looked down and realized that his side was singed. He had managed to avoid the brunt of the flames, but had still gotten burned.

The pain brought back to his mind the memory of the flames from so long ago...the flames that had taken his parents. The stench of smoke and burning flesh was suffocating, and the sound of rushing air filled his ears.

With only a strangled gasp cut short, Aeramis fell in a boneless faint to the ground.

Matt, sorry, but I completely forgot about my pyrophobia flaw; as such, I took myself out of the action as recompense. I'll remember later on.

2013-07-14, 10:00 PM
T'aella nods, right before Aeramis faints, she blinks at him, "Guess he needed treatment more than he let on," she said then sighs, "I'm not sure about everyone else here, but An'ansi and I are heading north. Don't expect an easy journey, you'll be expected to fight and help in setting up camp when we settle for the night. To start, though, help us tie these elves up so we can take them to town."

2013-07-14, 10:24 PM
Dartari perks up, "Well that's a coincidence, my friend and I are heading north as well. I left him a ways away to guard the rest of our belongings." He gives a contemptuous smirk. "Heh. I didn't set off for an easy road, I'm seeking the challenging path. And I would be more than happy to join you on your journey. Can't say much about my friend, but he'll probably come along as well to avoid staying in one place for too long."

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-15, 09:35 AM
Everyone but Silverscar;

You see a hulking shadow in the darkness, shuffling around on all fours, its approch stealthy. It seems to be waiting for something.

2013-07-15, 09:44 AM
When the monk was admonishing him for killing the cultist leader, Malion just shrugged.

"That one's no great loss."

A bit later the pale elf already seems to have directed his attention inward again, seeming to barely notice the monk fainting and only perking up again when the conversation turns to traveling arrangements.

"North yes. My goal is north." Pointing toward the elves on the ground he adds "Is it really worth bothering to take this scum alive? The town will probably just execute them anyway."

2013-07-15, 01:05 PM
"I don't think they're the biggest of our worries at the moment," T'aella says, "An'ansi, now would be a good time for you to try and get the horses. We've got something big in the woods," she looks at the little dragon, and says in Draconic, "I'm going to have An'ansi take you to a safer location so you won't get hurt again. Behave for him okay? He's a friend," she'll wait for a confirmation before handing the wyrmling to An'ansi unless this thing decided to attack now.

The horses are just fluff, they could have been eaten, run away, or whatever. It's mainly just to have An'ansi away from the fight until it's over.

2013-07-15, 01:58 PM
Aeramis groaned in pain as he opened his eyes blearily. The memory of his fainting spell rushed back to him, and he grimaced in both phantom and real pain. The adrenaline rush of battle must have made him forget his past trauma, but it was bound to affect him sooner or later.

Pushing himself to a sitting position, he looked around to try and find something to distract himself from the pain. Narrowing his eyes, he thought he could see something in the shadows of the trees.

2013-07-16, 03:07 PM
"It might be best for you to find someplace to hide as well Miss Eldrith. Whatever that beast over there is, I doubt it's friendly." Dartari raises his gun and braces it on his forearm, ready to shoot should the creature prove hostile.

Ready an action to shoot it if it attacks.

2013-07-16, 03:36 PM
Malion, listening to the others, raises his blade and looks around, muscles tensing in anticipation. Apparently it was not over yet.

"Where is it?"

Ready Action: Charge

2013-07-16, 03:47 PM
Seeing the pale, armored elf bunch his muscles in preparation for another deadly attack, Aeramis got hastily to his feet and held his hand out. "Please, brother, peace," he pleaded. Walking slightly further out without dropping his guard, he called out, "If you can understand me, I ask that you reveal yourself, whether you be man or otherwise; I mean you no harm."

Diplo check (fingers crossed) [roll0]
Moved up and to the side of Silverscar a bit, and then took a standard action to take a full defense-my AC is now 21.

2013-07-16, 03:54 PM
T'aella looks at the monk, then shakes her head, "you should still be prepared to fight if it turns out to be hostile," she says to the elf. Then uses some of her court experience to relax her body language so as to not be immediately threatening.

Aid Another: Diplomacy. Take 10 for 16 to grant +2 to Aeramis's Diplomacy Check.

2013-07-16, 04:11 PM
"Of course, milady," Aeramis nodded, arms still outstretched in a nonthreatening manner toward the shadow. "But until it has proved itself a danger to myself, I will not threaten it. That is just my way."

Still in total defense-AC still 21.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-16, 08:54 PM
Its a bear. Sure, its a bear almost three times bigger then a regular bear, but still an ordinary laughing black bear.... wait, laughing?

"Little fools, I am not here for you. Rather, the elves here did something a bit.. naughty. My master loaned me to assist them in procuring the center peice of their rite, but it is what they did that offends my master."

Its eyes turn from amused, to slightly cruel, even as they still sparkle.

"Now, I am just to take them before my lord before explaing why they who placed themselves in dept to one such as he would use one of his rituals. Trust me, they will be appropritaly... punished."

The one word is spat out, as if the bear-thing really does not like whoever it is speaking off. And while speaking of him, it gives a noticable glare towards your little dragon...

2013-07-16, 09:07 PM
"I don't mind you taking them," T'aella replies, "however, the dragon stays with me," she keeps the dragon close, "I will take responsibility over it's actions in the future. Is this agreeable?"

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-07-16, 09:21 PM
Aeramis' mind spun a mile a minute. The elves needed to be rehabilitated, yes, but he could tell that the "punishment" this bear's master had in plan was beyond what he was comfortable with. Thinking quickly, he said, "What these men did is unconscionable, but surely they don't all need to be punished as severely as your master no doubt intends. Would your master perhaps be content with just their leader?" he asked, gesturing to the elf with the gnawed-on face. "Responsibility should fall with the commander, should it not?"

Sorry if my guy's seemingly Lawful Stupid, but he's trying to get out with as little death as possible.

Diplo check: [roll0]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-16, 09:30 PM
The bear seems to smile. There are just a few to many teeth for some people to feel comfortable with. They also happen to be big ones..

"Oh, you want to keep the whelp? It is none of my affair, and I do not care. Do what you like with it. And little Aeramis, it is so good to see you again. But worry not little monk, they will not die, but all of them have broken an accord with a member of the Dark Court. My master could have merely killed them with a thought, but other things preculde that. Instead, they will merely face a mild period of forcibal confinement."

2013-07-16, 10:02 PM
T'aella bows slightly to the bear familiar, "Then I see no reason to hold each other up, we'll be on our way," she says, meaning An'ansi, herself, and the Dragon. She pets the dragon gently to make sure it's comfortable, "I think it best we all leave," this was aimed at everyone else that was there besides the bear and elves.

2013-07-16, 10:03 PM
Aeramis could tell that he would not be saving the elves from their fate, and then blinked in confusion. "Have we met?" he asked warily. "How do you know my name?" He glanced at the elven princess, but turned his gaze back to the bear. "Answer me," he demanded.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-16, 10:13 PM
"Do not demand anything of me little monk. But how sad I am that you do not remeber, as we had such fun when last we met in the shadowed wood. But maybe, you do not remeber? Do you even know what you are little elfling? Or, do you hide it from yourself, afraid? Do you fear it when it flickers? But can you not hear it crooning to you, wispering to you? Or do you turn deaf ears on its pleas? Rest little elf, and dream of fire."

With that, you seem to fall into a world of fire, one that you cannot escape. Beings of fire tear you apart, but you cannot die. Women of fire touch you, kiss you, searing flesh and burning blood, but you cannot die, it will not end. The water is flame, the earth is flame, the air is flame, all that is is flame.

"Know that little Aeramis has learned his lesson in respecting his betters, I will take them now." With suprisingly dextrous paws, he graps the elves, as they cry and scream, and vanishes into the night, headed east, to the Darkwood.

2013-07-16, 10:29 PM
His world is flame, like that time some years ago. It sears his eye fluids, yet they do not dry out; it roasts his flesh, yet it remains stuck to his bones; it sets his blood to boiling, yet it does not evaporate out of his pores. All that he is, and it seems all that he ever will be, is fire. Hidden among the pain, a dull throbbing is centered on the mark between his eyes.

"I...must not...give in," he thought. "It's not real, I'm not really on fire! This isn't real!" he told himself desperately. "Wake up!"

Coinciding with his strangled mental cry, a shadowed figure emerged before him. It had two pinpricks of light on top, mockeries of eyes, and a twisted line of a smile underneath. Holding up its facsimile of an arm, Aeramis saw that it was dripping with molten lava and flame. Before he could scream, before he could even blink, the figure drove the fiery arm through his head.

Without even a cry of pain, Aeramis' body fell limp to the ground once more. The only sign that anything had happened was a slight singe of smoke on the mark on his forehead.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-18, 09:43 PM
The night is clear, and the only obstecle that Edrith would have in leading you to her brother would be the limp body of Aeramis, still locked in the dark illusion of the Bear. The moon is full, the stars are out, and the owls are hooting, a peaceful night.

2013-07-19, 11:51 AM
T'aella shakes her head and sighs, "we'll definitely need horses now," she says. She repositions the dragon in her arms then lifts up Aeramis, "let's find a good spot to camp, preferably one that isn't covered in blood."

2013-07-19, 11:59 AM
Malion has been standing quietly in the background, observing the conversation with the strange creature wordlessly.

"That elf really needs to work on the whole fainting situation." is his only comment on the matter.

Afterward he looks around at everyone present.

"Finding a spot to camp sounds fine to me, though I normally just sleep wherever I happen to get tired. Choose whatever place you like."

He looks at the noble juggling both the wyrmling and the elf in her arms with a grin. "Want me to carry the do-gooder?"

2013-07-19, 06:17 PM
T'aella looks over, "it would be appreciated, thank you," she says, letting him take Aeramis off her shoulder, literally, "An'ansi and I have a camp not far from here, we were setting up before this little incident, the clearing should be big enough for all of us."

2013-07-22, 01:36 PM
Dartari watched the beast come and go partially wishing he did pull the trigger on it, but knows that it probably would only waste bullets trying to bring it down.

"If I may get my comrade, I'll be back shortly. He may even be able to explain what those elves were trying to do."

2013-08-22, 04:52 PM
~~~~~Gilligan Cut~~~~~~~~

Dartari returns to the campsite with a man covered head to toe in bandages underneath robes. "This is comrade Ross. Say hello to new people Ross, I promise they won't break out stakes and torches on you." The robed man just nods silently and moves to sit down near the campfire. "He doesn't speak much to new people, but he'll see that you all are alright. Then he'll never shut up."

Relieved to see Aeramis among the waking again though still in a slight case of shock, Dartari's only comment to him is, "You should eat more meat. If you did you probably wouldn't be fainting so often."

"And how is our little friend doing?" Dartari says to T'aella as he looks down towards the wyrmling.

2013-08-22, 05:12 PM
Aeramis waves idly at Dartari, not in the mood to answer verbally. His mind is still reeling from the earlier mental assault, and he constantly feels seconds away from throwing up. He simply places his head between his knees, and waits for the sickness to pass.