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View Full Version : Knifin' Around (soulknife remake)...

2013-07-10, 04:59 PM
I seem to be on a roll treading down paths others have worn in to canyons, but I had to throw this Soulknife rewrite up here. Any constructive criticism is welcomed and thanked for in advance!

{table=head]Level|BAB|Fort|Ref|Will|Special|PP's|Max Enhancement Bonus

+2|Mindblade, mindblade augment|0*|+0

+3|Awaken mindblade|1|+0

+3|Enhanced mindblade|2|+1

+4|Psi-like abilities (3, 1st), uncanny dodge|3|+1

+4|Quick draw|4|+1

+5|Initiative Boost (Wis to initiative)|6|+2

+5|Bonus feat, psi-like abilities (3, 2nd)|8|+2

+6|Improved uncanny dodge|10|+2


+7|Psi-like abilities (3, 3rd)|14|+3

+7|Bonus feat, mind blade augment (2 at once)|18|+3


+8|Initiative Boost (Take 10 on the check 3/day), psi-like abilities (3, 4th)|26|+4

+9|Slippery Mind|30|+4

+9|Bonus feat|35|+5

+10|Psi-like abilities (2, 5th)|40|+5


+11|Mind blade augments (3 at once)|50|+6

+11|Bonus feat, psi-like abilities (2, 6th)|55|+6

+12|Mindblade mastery|62|+6[/table]

Abilities: Strength is an ideal ability for a soulknife, augmenting his melee prowess. Dexterity provides better defense and bonuses on ranged attacks, and is useful in the arts of stealth, at which many soulknives excel. Constitution upgrades the soulknife’s toughness.

Alignment: Any.

Hit Die: d10.

Class Skills
The soulknife’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are : Autohypnosis (Wis), Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Escape Artist (Dex), Hide (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (Arcane) (Int), Knowledge (Planes) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silent (Dex), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str) and Tumble (Dex).

Skill Points Per Level: 6+Int Mod (x4 at 1st level).

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the soulknife.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A soulknife is proficient with all simple weapons, their mind blade (regardless of form), light and medium armor and all shields except tower shields.

Mind blade (Su): As a move action, a soulknife can form a semi-solid weapon composed of psychic energy distilled from her mind.

A soulknife must choose the form of her mind blade at 1st level. She can either form it into a light weapon, a one-handed weapon, or a two-handed weapon. Once chosen, her mind blade stays in this form every time the soulknife forms her mind blade. The light weapon deals 1d6 points of damage, the one-handed weapon deals 1d8 points of damage, and the two-handed weapon deals 2d6 points of damage. All damages are based on a Medium-sized creature wielding Medium-sized weapons; adjust the weapon damage as appropriate for different sized weapons. In all forms, the mind blade has a critical range of 19-20/x2. A soulknife with powerful build or any similar ability forms an appropriately-sized mind blade dealing the size-appropriate amount of damage. If the soulknife's chosen form is a light weapon, she may choose to form two light weapons when forming her mind blade if she so chooses, but she suffers the standard penalties for two-weapon fighting.

Regardless of the weapon form a soulknife has chosen, her mind blade does not have a set damage type. When shaping her weapon, and assigning abilities to it, the soulknife chooses whether it will deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. The soulknife may change the damage type of an existing mind blade, or may summon a new mind blade with a different damage type, as a full-round action; otherwise, the mind blade retains the last damage type chosen every time it is summoned.

The blade can be broken (it has hardness 10 and 10 hit points); however, a soulknife can simply create another on her next move action. The moment she relinquishes her grip on her blade, it dissipates (unless she intends to throw it; see below). A mind blade is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction; is considered to be crafted from deep crystal (even if its form would prevent that); and is considered a masterwork weapon.

A soulknife can use feats such as Power Attack or Combat Expertise in conjunction with the mind blade just as if it were a normal weapon. She can also choose her mind blade for feats requiring a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Focus and Improved Critical. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a mind blade. The soulknife can use feats such as Weapon Finesse that work on light weapons with her mind blade, but such feats only work on mind blades in a light or one handed weapon form.

Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), a soulknife can attempt to sustain her mind blade by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful save, the soulknife maintains her mind blade for a number of rounds equal to her class level before she needs to check again, although the mind blade is treated for all purposes as a non-magical, masterwork weapon while in a place where psionic effects do not normally function. On an unsuccessful attempt, the mind blade vanishes. As a move action on her turn, the soulknife can attempt a new Will save to rematerialize her mind blade while she remains within the psionics-negating effect. She gains a bonus on Will saves made to maintain or form her mind blade equal to the total enhancement bonus of her mind blade (see below).

The soulknife chooses the appearance of her mind blade, although its shape must reflect the selections the soulknife has chosen: a bludgeoning mind blade would be blunt; slashing would have an edge, etc.

The soulknife's mind blade retains the last chosen form every time it is formed until the soulknife reshapes it. If the soulknife chooses to reshape her blade, it requires a full-round action to do so. She may also re-assign the type of damage dealt as part of reshaping her mind blade if she so chooses. A soulknife can reassign the ability or abilities she has added to her mind blade; see below. To do so, she must first spend 8 hours in concentration. These cannot be the normal 8 hours used for rest, even if the soulknife does not require sleep. After that period, the mind blade materializes with the new ability or abilities selected by the soulknife.

All soulknives have some knowledge of how to throw their mind blades, though the range increment varies by form and the largest of blade forms cannot be thrown. Light weapon mind blades have a range increment of 30 ft. One-handed weapon mind blades have a range increment of 20 ft. Two-handed weapon mind blades cannot be thrown without the Two-Handed Throw augment. Whether or not the attack hits, a thrown mind blade then dissipates.

Mind blade Augment (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, a soulknife can augment with power points, a soulknife cannot spend more total power points than her manifester level on any single mind blade augment. A soulknife can use her mind blade augments a total number of times per day equal to her soulknife level + her Wis modifier. The base save DC for any augment that allows a save is 10 + 1/2 manifester level + Wis modifier.

At 11th level, a soulknife can choose two augments from the list in the same swift action. Both augments count against her daily total. The total power points spent on the augments is still limited to her manifester level. For example, an 11th-level soulknife could choose to include a mental assault and a solid strike in her attack, and spend a total of 11 power points between the two abilities.

At 19th level, a soulknife can choose three augments from the list in the same swift action, which counts as three against her daily limit. The total power points spent is still limited to her manifester level.

Power Points/Day: A soulknife’s ability to manifest augments is limited by the power points he has available. His base daily allotment of power points is given on Table: The Soulknife. In addition, he receives bonus power points per day if he has a high Wisdom score (XPH, p18). His race may also provide bonus power points per day, as may certain feats and items. A 1st-level soulknife gains no power points for his class level, but he gains bonus power points (if he is entitled to any.

Awaken Mind blade (Su): A 2nd level soulknife gains the ability to invest their mind blade with fragment of a psionic character’s personality and a semblance of life. See the sidebar below for further details.

Enhanced Mind blade: A soulknife's mind blade improves as the character gains higher levels. At 3rd level and every odd level thereafter, the mind blade gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus that she may spend on an actual enhancement bonus or on weapon special abilities. A soulknife's level determines her maximum enhancement bonus (see Table: The Soulknife). The soulknife may (and must, when her total enhancement is higher than her maximum bonus) apply any special ability from the PHB, SRD, or MIC that can be applied to a “weapon” instead of an enhancement bonus, as long as she meets the level requirements. A soulknife can choose any combination of weapon special abilities and/or enhancement bonus before assigning any special abilities. If the soulknife shapes her mind blade into two items, the enhancement bonus of her mind blade (if any) is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If this would reduce the enhancement bonus on the mind blades to 0 and weapon special abilities are applied, the soulknife must resh her mind blade to make the options valid. Both mind blades have the same selection of enhancement bonus that does not exceed the total allowed by the soulknife's level, but she must assign at least a +1 and weapon special abilities (if any).

Psi-Like Abilities: A 4th level soulknife further unlocks their psionic potential. They may choose 3 1st level powers from the Psychic Warrior List. At 7th, 10th, 13th, 16th, and 19th levels they gain access to the number and level of powers listed that they can add to their repertoire.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 4th level, a barbarian retains his Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if he is caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, he still loses his Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized. If a barbarian already has uncanny dodge from a different class, he automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead.

Quick Draw (Ex): A 5th level soulknife may manifest her mind blade as a free action, though she may still only attempt to do so once per round (unless throwing the weapon multiple times using iterative attacks.

Initiative Boost (Ex): At 6th level and higher, a soulknife can add her Wisdom bonus on her initiative checks. When the soulknife reaches 13th level, they may take 10 instead of rolling initiative. This can be done 3 times per day; but only once per encounter.

Bonus Feat: At 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th levels, the soulknife gains a bonus feat for which they meet the prerequisites.

Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex): At 8th level and higher, a barbarian can no longer be flanked. This defense denies a rogue the ability to sneak attack the barbarian by flanking him, unless the attacker has at least four more rogue levels than the target has barbarian levels. If a character already has uncanny dodge from a second class, the character automatically gains improved uncanny dodge instead, and the levels from the classes that grant uncanny dodge stack to determine the minimum level a rogue must be to flank the character.

Evasion (Ex): At 9th level and higher, a lurk can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility as per the rogue ability. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.

Slippery Mind (Ex): At 15th level and higher, if a lurk affected by an enchantment spell or effect fails her saving throw, she can attempt it again 1 round later at the same DC. She gets only one extra chance to succeed on her saving throw.

Mind Blade Mastery (Su): At 20th level, a soulknife reaches the pinnacle of her art and her connection to her blade is so strong it cannot be severed. She no longer requires a Will save to maintain her mind blade in a null psionics field, although it still loses any enhancement bonus and special abilities. In addition, she may change the configurations of her mind blade's special abilities at will as a full-round action.

Because it is an extension of its creator’s personality, a soulknife’s mind blade is in some ways a part of him. That’s why, for example, a soulknife under the effect of a spell or power can share the effect with his mind blade.
A mind blade is treated as an object for the purposes of all effects that depend on its type.

A mind blade grants special abilities to its soulknife, as shown on the Mind blade Special Abilities table below. In addition, a mind blade has a personality (being a fragment of the soulknife’s personality), which gives its soulknife a bonus on certain types of checks or saving throws, as given on the Mind blade Personalities table below. These special abilities and bonuses apply only when the mind blade is manifested.

Mind blade abilities are based on the soulknife’s levels in psionic classes. Levels from other classes do not count toward the soulknife’s level for purposes of mind blade abilities.

A mind blade can speak one language of its soulknife’s choice (so long as it is a language the soulknife knows). A mind blade can understand all other languages known by its soulknife, but cannot speak them. This is a supernatural ability.

A mind blade grants special abilities to its soulknife, as shown on the Mind blade Special Abilities table below. In addition, a mind blade has a personality (being a fragment of the soulknife’s personality), which gives its soulknife a bonus on certain types of checks or saving throws, as given on the Mind blade Personalities table below. These special abilities and bonuses apply only when the soulknife is holding the mind blade.

Mind blade abilities are based on the soulknife’s levels in psionic classes. Levels from other classes do not count toward the soulknife’s level for purposes of mind blade abilities.

Mind blade Basics: An awakened mind blade has the following statistics.
Saving Throws: A mind blade uses its soulknife’s base saving throw bonuses and ability modifiers on saves, though it doesn’t enjoy any other bonuses its soulknife might have (from magic items or feats, for example).
Abilities: A mind blade has no Str, Dex or Con score. Two of the mind blades mental abilities start at 10; and the other at 12.

Skills: A mind blade has the same skill ranks as its soulknife except that it has a minimum of 4 ranks each in Spot, Listen, and Search. (Even if its soulknife has no ranks in these skills, a mind blade has 4 ranks in each.) A mind blade has no access to skills linked to physical ability scores. A mind blade uses its own ability modifiers on skill checks.

{table=head]Level|Hardness Adj.|HP Adj.|Int/Wis/Cha Adj.|Special

+0|Alertness, improved evasion, personality

+1|Mind blade containment, sighted

+1|Telepathic speech

+1|Improved senses


+2|Power resistance

+2|Greater senses




Mind blade Ability Descriptions: All mind blades have special abilities (or impart abilities to their soulknife) depending on their soulknife’s manifester level, as shown above. The abilities shown are cumulative.

Hardness Adj.: Add this number to the mind blade’s hardness while it is formed. The soulknife gains DR/— equal to this amount for the same length of time.

Hit Points: A mind blade normally has 10hp. As its soulknife increases in level, its hit points increase by +2 for every two manifester levels the soulknife has.

Int/Wis/Cha Adj.: Add this number to the awakened mind blade’s Int, Wis, & Cha scores.

Alertness (Ex): The presence of a mind blade sharpens its master’s senses. While a mind blade is held, its soulknife gains the Alertness feat.
Improved Evasion (Ex): If a mind blade is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.

Personality (Ex): Every mind blade has a personality. See Mind Blade Personality, below. At 2nd level, the mind blade gains one personality trait. At 9th level, it gains a second trait.

Sighted (Ex): Even without physical sensory organs; a mind blade can sense its environment telepathically. Darkness (even supernatural darkness) is irrelevant, as are areas of supernatural silence, though a mind blade still can’t discern invisible or ethereal beings. A mind blade’s sighted range is 40 feet.

Mind Blade Containment: A 3rd level or higher soulknife may, as a full-round action, attempting to psionically focus your mind blade. At any time when you need to expend your psionic focus, you can expend mind blade’s psionic focus instead. Psionically focusing your mind blade works just like focusing yourself. The mind blade cannot focus itself—only the soulknife can spend the time to focus the blade.

Telepathic Speech (Ex): If the soulknife is 5th level or higher, the mind blade can communicate telepathically with any creature that has a language and is within 30 feet of the mind blade, while the mind blade is manifest.

Improved Senses: A mind blade, with a soulknife of 7th level or higher, gains darkvision out to 60 feet.

Power Resistance (Ex): If the soulknife is 11th level or higher, the mind blade gains power resistance equal to the soulknife’s level + 5. To affect the mind blade with a power, another manifester must get a result on a manifester level check that equals or exceeds the mind blade’s power resistance.

Greater Senses (Ex): Once a mind blade’s soulknife reaches 13th level, the mind blade gains blindsense out to 30 feet.

Mind Blade Personality (Ex): Each mind blade has a distinct personality, chosen by its wielder at the time of its creation from among those given on the following table. At 1st level, its wielder typically gets a feel for a mind blade’s personality only through occasional impulses, but as the wielder increases in level the mind blade’s personality becomes more pronounced. At higher levels, it is not uncommon for a mind blade to constantly ply its wielder with observations and advice, often severely slanted toward the mind blade’s particular worldview. The wielder always sees a bit of him in his mind blade, even if magnified and therefore distorted.

Artiste|+3 bonus to Craft checks
Bully|+3 bonus to Intimidate checks
Coward|+3 to Hide checks
Friendly|+3 to Diplomacy checks
Hero|+2 bonus to Fort saves
Liar|+3 bonus to Bluff checks
Meticulous|+3 bonus on search checks
Nimble|+2 bonus to initiative checks
Observant|+3 to spot checks
Poised|+3 to Balance checks
Resolved|+2 bonus to Will saves
Sage|+3 to any one knowledge skill you have ranks in.
Single-minded|+3 bonus to concentration checks
Sneaky|+3 to Move Silently checks
Sympathetic|+3 bonus to Sense Motive checks[/table]

Personality Descriptions
Artiste: This splinter personality notes without humility that it is wonderfully talented in almost any “cultured” occupation, be it dancing, opera, or cooking. Equal parts truth and pretension make up this claim.

Bully: Sometimes bad seeds are still good for something. The bully splinter personality’s overbearing harangues and constant insistence on getting its way can be trying, but its influence is sometimes handy for the wielder.

Coward: Buried deep in everyone is a healthy dose of self-preservation. When captured and magnified, the essence of cowardliness aids the wielder in finding safe harbor in dangerous situations. However, this mind blade is far too eager to urge the wielder to run and hide, even in not seriously dangerous situations.

Friendly: This splinter personality is disposed to promote the well-being of others—even of reviled enemies. The wielder puts up with lectures on his hard-hearted ways, but in return he is better able to deal with creatures in a nonviolent manner.

Hero: We all want to be heroes, and the mind blade with this implanted splinter personality is that desire personified. Given to urging the wielder into dangerous situations, it pays back its wielder with fortitude in moments of difficulty.

Liar: This mind blade just can’t help telling falsehoods, even to its wielder—who knows all too well when it is prevaricating and when it is communicating truthfully. This inability to mislead its wielder doesn’t stop the mind blade from lying anyway—and its lying ways can serve its wielder in good stead when he is forced to stretch the truth himself.

Meticulous: A meticulous mind blade has a hard time discerning between important details and those that are irrelevant. In describing itself, it would say it is “punctilious in its attention to the rules of etiquette, and furthermore marked by extreme care in the treatment of details.” Sometimes maddening, this trait is at other times useful to the wielder who attempts a precise study of his environment.

Nimble: Quick and dexterous, a nimble mind blade is the perfect companion in any situation where reaction must follow on the heels of action. If anything, this splinter personality is a little too prone toward seeing potential danger in every shadow.

Observant: “Did you see that?” is the most common communication between an observant mind blade and its wielder. Sometimes a mind blade with this personality enables its wielder to note details he might have otherwise passed by.

Poised: The ability to be constantly aware of your body and how it interacts with your surroundings is something often lost in the welter of more important thoughts. Not so for this mind blade; it is perfectly poised and sure of itself—if not its wielder. It often preaches the importance of equilibrium and readiness for action.

Resolved: Resolution is a quality everyone wishes he or she had, and this mind blade has it in spades. It is firm in purpose and belief, and its advice and observations are characterized by fierce determination. Or, as its wielder might say, it is a stubborn so-and-so. Still, this unshakable faith aids the wielder in all contests of will.

Sage: This splinter personality attempts to be a mentor to its wielder, even though it is drawn from the wielder’s mind. Still, unfettered by any other personality type, the sage sees itself as the be-all, end-all master of all spiritual and philosophical topics (not to mention the area of knowledge in which it is especially skilled). Outside the scope of its particular area of expertise, the sage mind blade’s advice is sometimes suspect.

Single-Minded: A mind blade with this personality has the ability to focus on the task at hand, ignoring all other environmental and emotional factors. Sometimes its wielder has a difficult time getting the mind blade’s attention, but its influence also magnifies its wielder’s ability to concentrate.

Sneaky: Why announce your presence with loud footfalls when you could just as easily glide in with less noise than a breath of air? Or so asks the sneaky mind blade, who believes wholeheartedly in the adage that silence is golden. It is given to hushing its wielder—and its wielder’s companions. Still, its expertise in the area of quiet locomotion can’t be denied.

Sympathetic: This personality allows a mind blade to see into the hearts of other living things by putting itself in their shoes. Unfortunately, the mind blade also spends a lot of time analyzing the wielder and his companions, commenting on their mental states, and making pronouncements about the fitness of their actions. This personality can be useful, though, when the wielder wants to determine the motives of a potential enemy.

{table=head]Augment|Min Level
Dazzling Blade|1st
Disrupting Strike|1st
Psychic Strike|1st
Two-handed Throw|1st
Solid Strike|3rd
Stunning Attack|3rd
Weapon Special|3rd
Ignore Concealment|5th
Knife to the Soul|5th
Withering Assault|5th
Deceptive Strike|8th
Psychic Strike Undead|8th
Wing Clip|8th
Aligned Attack|11th
Hungry Blade|11th
Power Drain|11th
Psychic Strike Constructs|14th
Stygian Weapon|14th
Planar Attack|17th
Synaptic Disconnect|17th
Greater Power Drain|20th[/table]
DescriptionsAligned Attack: The soulknife's next attack is treated as either good-aligned or evil-aligned (depending on the soulknife's alignment) for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. A neutral soulknife can choose either good or evil when she activates this ability.

Bladestorm: As Bladewind; except your attack is made against all opponents in a 30ft radius burst (centered on you), 30ft cone, or 60ft line.

Bladewind: The soulknife gains the ability to momentarily fragment her mind blade into numerous identical blades, each of which strikes at a nearby opponent. As a full attack, when wielding her mind blade, a soulknife can give up her regular attacks and instead fragment her mind blade to make one melee attack at her full base attack bonus against each opponent within reach. Each fragment functions identically to the soulknife’s regular mind blade. When using bladewind, any other augment applied to the mind blade also apply. When using bladewind, a soulknife retains any bonus or extra attacks granted by other feats or abilities (such as Cleave or haste). The mind blade immediately reverts to its previous form after the bladewind attack.

Dazzling Blade: The soulknife may channel psionic energy into her mind blade, dazzling all creatures within 30 feet for one round. A successful fortitude save negates this effect. For every 2pp spent on this augment, the save DC or number of rounds increases by 1.

Deceptive Strike: The target of the soulknife's next attack is denied his Dexterity bonus to AC for that attack. This ability works against a target with uncanny dodge, but only if the soulknife's class level is at least four levels higher than the target's effective rogue level.

Disrupting Strike: A soulknife can make one melee attack; against each enemy adjacent to them. If she hits, the attack deals no damage, but each enemy hit takes a -5 penalty to all melee and ranged damage rolls

Greater Power Drain: The soulknife's next attack drains a number of power points from the target equal to the damage dealt by the attack. Drained power points are available for the soulknife to use in the following round, but expire at the end of her next turn.

Hungry Blade: The soulknife may have her mind blade absorb a spell, spell-like ability, power, or psi-like ability that would affect her. To do so, the soulknife, as an immediate action, rolls an opposed manifester/caster level check against the effect. Failure means the effect goes off as normal.

Effects that are not subjected to spell resistance or power resistance cannot be absorbed in this fashion. Effects that target an area or multiple targets are only absorbed for the soulknife; other affected targets are still affected normally.

Ignore Concealment: The soulknife's next attack ignores the miss chance provided by concealment or total concealment. The soulknife must still attack the correct square when attacking an invisible creature.

Knife to the Soul: The soulknife's next attack deals 2 points of Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma damage in addition to its normal damage. The soulknife chooses which type of ability damage to deal when activating the power. For every 2 power points spent, the ability damage increases by 1.

Planar Attack: The soulknife's next attack deals an extra 2d6 points of damage to either good or evil creatures (soulknife's choice). For every power point spent, the damage increases by +1d6 points.

Power Drain: The soulknife's next attack drains a number of power points from the target equal to half the damage dealt. Drained power points are available for the soulknife to use in the following round, but expire at the end of her next turn.

Psychic Strike Constructs: The soulknife's psychic strike can damage constructs, if psychic strike damage would otherwise apply on the soulknife's attack (for instance, if the construct is flanked or flat-footed).

Psychic Strike Undead: The soulknife's psychic strike can damage undead creatures, if psychic strike damage would otherwise apply on the soulknife's attack (for instance, if the undead is flanked or flat-footed).

Psychic Strike: a soulknife can imbue his mind blade with destructive psychic energy. This effect deals an extra 1d8 points of damage to the next living, non-mindless target he successfully hits with a melee attack (or ranged attack, if he is using the throw mind blade ability). Creatures immune to mind-affecting effects are immune to psychic strike damage. (Unlike the rogue’s sneak attack, the psychic strike is not precision damage and can affect creatures otherwise immune to extra damage from critical hits or more than 30 feet away, provided they are non-mindless creatures not immune to mind-affecting effects.) For every 2pp spent, the damage increases by +1d8.

Solid Strike: The soulknife's attack deals an extra 2 points of damage. For every power point spent, the damage increases by 1.

Stunning Attack: A creature hit by the soulknife's attack must make Fortitude save or be stunned for 1 round in addition to taking the damage from the attack. For every 2 power points spent, the DC increases by 1.

Stygian Weapon: A creature struck by the soulknife's next attack gains 1d4 negative levels for 1 round, as the stygian weapon psionic power (CPsi, 102). For every 4 power points spent, the duration of the negative levels is increased by 1 round.

Synaptic Disconnect: A creature struck by the soulknife's next attack cannot cast spells, manifest powers, or use spell-like or psi-like abilities for 1 round unless it succeeds on a Will save. For every 2 power points spent, the DC increases by 1.

Two-Handed Throw: The soulknife gains the ability to throw her mind blade if it is in two-handed form, with a range increment of 10 ft.

Weapon Special: The soulknife may assign one of the following specials to her mind blade when she shapes it: brace, trip, or disarm. She may change the assigned ability by reshaping her mind blade. This augment may be manifested more than once, allowing the soulknife to assign multiple abilities at once.

Wing Clip: the soulknife may make a single melee attack against a single creature. If she hits, instead of dealing damage, the vibration in her mind blade damages the creature’s ability to move, rendering it immobilized for a number of rounds equal to the soulknife’s Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). A successful Fortitude save negates the effect.

Withering Assault: The soulknife's next successful attack deals 2 points of either Strength or Constitution damage in addition to its normal damage. The soulknife chooses which type of ability damage to deal when activating the power. For every 2 power points spent, the ability damage increases by 1.

2013-07-15, 03:41 PM
Overall it's stronger than the original, but it lacks a damage steroid and some out-of-combat options.
Nevermind, read the augments.
You may want to clarify how you can change the mind blade's enchantments.

I'd give it a power pool equal to the PsyWar's one, a paladin-like power level progression, powers chosen from the PsyWar list.

Have you seen the Pathfinder remake (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/soulknife)? You may want to steal some ideas from there.

2013-07-16, 09:35 AM
Okay, made a few corrections/changes and added some "manifesting". Any other thoughts? I love me some PEACHes!!

2013-07-24, 12:28 PM
Bumpin' this in hopes for some PEACH-es! Pretty please with a natural 20 on top?!?!?!