View Full Version : What are some events you have done?

2013-07-10, 09:24 PM
I am currently attempting to setup some events that are happening throughout the city and the surrounding area. Some can be random events that they stumble upon while adventuring, others can simply be events in the city. I am curious as to what other people have done for events, what items have been rewards, and the difficulty setting you have done them at?

I know a lot of people have done battle arenas, possibly fishing tournaments, and other things like that. But I would love to know what events you have done!


2013-07-10, 10:16 PM
I had a meeting of the Royal Botanical Society for a PC once. The PC was wizard who sidelined as a botanist. His personal goal was to publish a book on exotic flora of the continent that would be presented at a meeting of the RBS. He actually got quite a kick out of meeting people whose names were associated with various tomes of botany he had encountered during the campaign. It was especially gratifying that he had thought to bring samples of a carnivorous plant the party had defeated and the dignitaries at the meeting all oohed and aahed over it.

It really depends on your party members. If you can hit the right tone with a PC it can be really fun for the players, even if it is a stuffy, boring academic meeting.

2013-07-10, 10:20 PM
I really love that idea for an event. Definitely is amazing, I've done a few events for certain PC's, or just done a personal legacy quest for them. Just curious what others have come up with :)

2013-07-10, 10:25 PM
A staple that is sure to get most PCs is a seasonal festival filled with various games, competitions, and the like. Even better when changed around depending on what race's territory you are in.

I remember PCs who loved an elven mid summer festival that had wine tastings, hunts, various strategy games, and contests of skill with weapons (similar to weapon drill performances).

That same party nearly died at autum's end when in a Dwarven village that was celebrating its harvest. The drinking competitons, eating competitons, wrestling matches, and forge master events had them puking and sick for a week.

2013-07-10, 11:21 PM
Love it! Keep the posts coming! :)

2013-07-11, 06:31 AM
I did a revolution once.

Set in a metropolis:
A foreign empire was threatening an invasion so the army was mobilised and marched off to the north. The players didn't think worry too much about these events. Then the priests of a god of revolutions raised a mob and tried to storm the citadel, all based on the Paris Commune.

Jett Midknight
2013-07-11, 07:29 AM
I did a revolution once.

Set in a metropolis:
A foreign empire was threatening an invasion so the army was mobilised and marched off to the north. The players didn't think worry too much about these events. Then the priests of a god of revolutions raised a mob and tried to storm the citadel, all based on the Paris Commune.

Haha, I literally just did this with a city my PC's were in. They left before things got too out of hand. Which was good for them, because a necromancer was just about to attack the city with his army of undead trolls and giants.

2013-07-11, 11:56 AM
In my Carrion Crown game two players used Eastern weapons despite that campaign being essentially in Transylvania. In order to get them their katanas and what-not I introduced a Tengu merchant who roped them into saving him from robbers and then sold them blades at a discount as an apology. Amusingly I always did my best sleazy merchant voice with him despite the fact that he was perfectly honorable and never cheated them out of a copper. I plan on having him show up whenever they need weapons.

Unusual Muse
2013-07-11, 11:58 AM
A staple that is sure to get most PCs is a seasonal festival filled with various games, competitions, and the like. Even better when changed around depending on what race's territory you are in.

I remember PCs who loved an elven mid summer festival that had wine tastings, hunts, various strategy games, and contests of skill with weapons (similar to weapon drill performances).

That same party nearly died at autum's end when in a Dwarven village that was celebrating its harvest. The drinking competitons, eating competitons, wrestling matches, and forge master events had them puking and sick for a week.

I'm curious as to the best way to set this up mechanically as encounters: A set of skill checks? Saving throws? Ability checks? And how do you make rolling a set of skill checks be more fun than just "Roll a skill check?"

2013-07-11, 12:19 PM
CW 130 has rules for Jousts, Gladiatorial Matches, Archery Contests, Conjurer's Chess, and something called the Alabaster Cup.

2013-07-11, 12:36 PM
In a game I am currently working on there's a wedding planned in the future, and the players have the option of working on various tasks in town that will impact the town's perception of the wedding.

For example:

If they can find a source of a rare type of honey and bring some back, a local brewer can use it to make some extra special mead.

An ogre is currently preventing people from making it over the mountains, so guests wont be able to come to the wedding or ship materials/supplies for it.

A local boy who was supposed to take part in the ceremony was kidnapped.

Stuff like that.

So, depending on what they get done, different things will take place during the wedding.