View Full Version : Naruto d20: Life of a Shinobi

2013-07-11, 02:30 PM
The sun barely started to rise over Konoha as the bell from the Ninja Academy chimed, signalling the last day many of these students would need to be inside these walls.

The weekend celebrations and cheer from that Friday's graduation exams have calmed down by Monday morning, and now all the graduates have returned for the last seminar by their teachers. Many of the new students wearing grins as bright as their new headbands as they slowly start to fill the seats in the classroom.

At the head of the classroom sat the instructors from your previous two years of training. Kyou Hotaka, a young man and a Chuunin in Konoha. His short black hair was spiked up, looking like it took hours each morning as usual. He has been with all of you for the years you have been here at the academy and almost the sole man who taught you everything you know.

As he leans back against the blackboard, he slowly begins shifting through the papers in his hands as he waits for you all to take your seats.

Classroom layout: Three rows in the room, each row holding three desk, and each desk can seat three students for a total of 27 seats. Feel free to pick your own spots as you enter.

Kyou Hotaka

2013-07-11, 02:58 PM
Kazuko, a tall, thin boy with a an athletic physique, sharp blue eyes, a prominent nose, and a head of ragged hair walks slowly into the room. He has a straw hat which he is holding under one arm as he enters, having already removed it. "Good Morning," he says as he enters, though to nobody in particular. He settles into the seat on the second row closest to the door, and begins entertaining himself by balancing the hat on various parts of his arms and hands until it inevitably falls and he moves it.

Kazuko doesn't seem to be thinking about much. In reality he is considering his morning at home. He ate with his brother for a change since his father had left early and there would be no conflict at the dinner table. It had been pleasant enough but it had led him to consider how much of a place he really needed to have at the household now that he would be graduating. He didn't want to leave his brother without a sibling, but he didn't need to live in the Nara household to support Shiko. It was something to consider at least.

2013-07-11, 03:29 PM
Just behind the tall boy enters another one, this one quite short actually, thin, with only that much muscle as he was doomed to develop during his years in academy. He has short, shaggy, black hair, often at least partially covering his blue eyes.
Katsuro wears practical clothes in dark colors (dark gray trousers and navy blue shirt today) and a black cloth mask, covering the lower half of his face. As he enters he nods politely to the teacher , although saying nothing.
He chooses a seat in front row, close to windows if there are any, or somewhere in the middle if there aren't any.

smoke prism
2013-07-11, 04:10 PM
Akira a Boy of mide Hight and weigh entered the Ninja Academy and immediately fix his brilliant green eyes with Kyous brown eyes and gives him a small smile, revealing bright white teeth.
Kyou I will make you proud that you thaught me and put faith in me.
Deep in his thoughts Akira walked in a calm easy stride, that spoke to his inner confidence. Akira took a seat at the front of the room and engagede in idle chat with the students sat around him, but he wasn't really intereste in what he was saying.
As he was taking Akira absentmindedly adjusted his headband that was tied around his right thigh.

2013-07-11, 04:21 PM
The morning would start as any other day for Yin with his family literally dragging him out of bed while he complain that he does not want to get up yet. Eventually after some struggling he eventually gets up and puts his clothes on, being the standard white Hyuuga outfit with the clans crest on its back. He would then be sent away towards the academy with his older brother to keep an eye on him while Yin was constantly asking why he would have to go there again when he has already graduated. Tho with his words falling on deaf ears he would sigh and follow his brother to the academy despite being half-asleep.

Entering the classroom Yin would put his pitch black hair in a ponytail that would reach just past his neck before he then would tie the forehead protector around his neck and let it hang lose like a necklace. Dragging his feet on the ground he would take a seat in the far end of the classroom and sit down in the corner by the window, resting his head in his palm as his eyes would close for a moment as he would sigh deeply.

2013-07-11, 05:58 PM
Satorus morning had already started several hours ago, the youth having volunteered for early patrol. Following early morning hours of little interesting events, the boy walks into the classroom bowing to the instructor with a quick accompanying "Good morning." He then proceeded to take the rightmost seat of the leftmost desk in the front row, placing his hands onto the desk, and laying his gaze upon Kyou.

Although slightly fatigued after the early patrol, he shows little sign of it, his robe moving and swaying in rhythym with his slow, deep breaths. Were it not for his good posture, one might have thought he was asleep, his eyes almost closed as they used to be.

2013-07-13, 03:38 AM
For Arashi, the morning was much like the rest. He was up long before his brother bothered with the struggle. He had to get up early to braid his hair, which reached nearly to the small of his back. After getting dressed, his outfit nearly matching his brothers, save for the choice of color, he shook his brother awake several times and eventually managed to get them to the academy. Arashi ties his headband across his forehead, as is customary.

He nods at Kyou when he walks into the classroom and takes a seat in an empty row closest to a window. He makes it a point to look out the window and not at any of the other students while they waited for the others came in. Anyone looking closely would notice him mouthing something, but with no actually sound coming out, it would be difficult to tell what he was saying.

Princess Tracy
2013-07-13, 12:53 PM
She had woken up pretty lively that morning. She hadn't slept much the night before. Her newest adopters had smiled and nodded when she'd asked them if it was really true, that she wasn't just dreaming she was graduating. 'Dad' even pinched her to make sure, and 'Mom' positively insisted on her eating some meat this morning, getting her ready, even if they eventually had to concede her some quick Ninja Puffcakes (TM)

Kanuro Len struts into the room, more cheerful than ever, seeming to almost ballroom dance with joy as she sweeps into a middle seat. She worse green short-shorts, and a strange top with the shoulders cut out and long, bell-like sleeves, a few bangles dotting her arm, with fluffy leggings sprouting from her heart-shape stitch-patterned combat boots. Her hair is short and spiky (this week), and she carries a pouch of shuriken and kunai on her thin belt - she travels pretty light today, no books or scrolls to study, of course

She had her headband tied around her arm, and thoroughly polished to catch the sunlight from the nearby window, giving quite the eyegrabbing glare. A smile pains the blonde's face as she teeters from side to side in her chair, waiting semi-patiently. Aged 12, the lithe and fashionably blue-dressed Len hums a tune, looking around. "Hey, sensei," she greets Kyou. "You're not gonna pair me with anyone weird, are you?" she jokes.

Inside, she was less anxious about her team and more about her trial in progress. She had to prove herself a ninja to find her true family and rejoin her clan. Whoever they were... Feeling a bit huffy, she turns her attention to those gathered already and finds herself not that far from the Hyuuga kids. All gathered near the windows. She wonders what they're thinking... She whistles and tosses a spare rubber left on the desk towards Yin. "Yo, look alive, Hyuuga," she orders like a girly drill sergeant. Shoichiro wasn't around yet so she had to get on SOMEONE's nerves. She somehow seemed more giggly than usual

Most thorough character description I've done in a while - but I figured I'd give her more of a feel of a kind of fashion-loving character if I described her the way that she might, though I spared you any bogging down details

2013-07-13, 02:41 PM
Yin would have his eyes closed and was trying to get away with a short nap only to have Len throw a rubber at him, hitting him straight on his forehead. He would not react all to much tho as he was way to tired to bother with anything really, brushing off the rubber from his desk he would look over to Len with his eyes half open. "Well it's their fault that we have to go up so early...Good to see you, Len-chan..." He said in a tired manner but with a friendly smile before he would sigh once more and rest his head with both his hands. "Hey..Nisan...will we be able to go home after this?...I want to go back to sleep..." He called out to his brother, loud enough so he could hear.

smoke prism
2013-07-13, 05:03 PM
Seeing (and hearing) Len , Akira realized how bored he is, so he went to go sit with her, because Len always had something entraining to say.

"Hey Len can I sit hear?" As he says this Akira taps his Chisa gatana against a chair next to Len.

If no Akira gose beck to his former set, in a carm and cool manner. If yes Akira sits down and waits for Len to speak to him.

2013-07-13, 05:09 PM
Kazuko looks up as each student enters, then immediately returns his attention to what he is doing. The action is systematic, almost as if he were checking each off a list, or performing a duty of some sort. Yet his expression as he notes each other student is relatively uninthusiastic, even disinterested.

Princess Tracy
2013-07-13, 09:39 PM
Len nods with some enthusiasm, glad to have any sort of company as the anemic little Hyuuga largely ignores her. Heh, I hope that kid at least freshens up for meeting whoever has to be his team mates. She eyes up Akira as he pulls up his chair. "Hey, you graduated too! What's happenin' then?" She looks around the room, tapping her foot. "There's gotta be more people graduated than this, right? I swear if that bozo doesn't show, I won't let him live it down."

She looks around the room, finger to her lip as she thinks. "I heard a rumour they let us choose our own teams, but none of the ninja I know confirmed that. Most laughed at me," she remarks, thinking who she would have chosen

2013-07-13, 09:47 PM
Kazuko smiled. "That's a silly rumor" he says blankly, but without taking his eye off of the straw hat he is playing with.

2013-07-14, 04:10 AM
Arashi leans backwards in his chair far enough to look behind him at Yin. "No, you can't go back to bed. After this we're going to go train." Arashi says shaking his head. "You really need to sleep less." He let's his legs down and the chair falls rapidly forward, clacking hard against the floor. He mutters to himself and goes back to staring out the window.

2013-07-14, 07:28 AM
Shoichiro awoke at the crack of dawn with an eager stretch and a yawn; before hurriedly working through his morning routine with gusto, even if todays session would be shorter than usual. Today was a grand day, fore this day would be his first day as more than just a kid. This day would be his first day as a genin, and the sheer amount of changes this day would bring made the young boy ecstatic.The newly christened shinobi eagerly devoured his breakfast that morning before parting ways with his family for the day; setting off to the academy with a skip in his step and whistling a familiar tune.

"Good morning Mr.Hotaka!" he chirps merrily with a bright smile as he finally arrives at the class room, the boy rather pleased that he seemed to be neither the first nor last to arrive, before homing in on Len; greeting the other students as he passed by.

"What's up fellas?" he finally inquired as he sat down directly behind the happy kunoichi.

2013-07-14, 07:37 AM
Satoru first took a glance over his shoulder, before turning in his chair slightly to better see what the commotion was about, a slightly amused expression spreading on his face.

2013-07-14, 07:56 AM
"Aaaah dammit!...Is not forcing me to get up this early torture enough?!...I thought graduating would give me more time to rest not shorten it! Can't I just die and be done with it!?" Yin complains as he would let his arms slide forward so his head would hit the desk slightly. Yin usually complained like this, tho this was no surprise to those that knew him, especially to his older brother. He was always like this in the mornings and it could take him a while before he would get moderately alert. Right now he was more or less a zombie. "Stupid training.." He mutters lowly, lying down on his arm as he would look around in the classroom a bit.

Seeing Shoichiro now enter he would watch him as he walked over and took his own seat behind Len tho not replying to his questions as he was still trying to fight his ever growing tiredness, still having trouble to keep his eyes open. With a deep sigh and a groan he would finally sit up and rub his face with both his hands, looking up at the ceiling for a moment. "Hey Len from who did you hear this rumor? I mean, it seems improbable that they would let us choose our teams...But again you can never be sure..."

2013-07-14, 11:13 AM
Hana Arano woke up later than he would have liked that morning, but his grandmother still made him go through their morning ritual. Every morning, like clock work, after they got dressed and cleaned up, the pair would go to the main room and share a pot as they discussed their dreams of the previous nights. After all, his grandmother always said, sometimes an odd dream can tell you a good physical.

After the ritual, Hana bolted to class. It wouldn't do to be late at all, no it would not do. Thankfully he lived close to the academy, so it didn't take long for him to get there. With a small bow to the chunin, he scans the room and finds that many of these genin he doesn't know.

With a sigh, he finds a seat on the edge, near the aisle, and sets himself down, waiting for the announcement

smoke prism
2013-07-14, 02:08 PM
"Hi Kimura ." Akira said giving Kimura a large smile.
After saying this Akira turned to Len to tell her what he knew about team selection:

"As far as I know they are 3 people to a team, and those people are selected in such a way that each individuals skill sets compliment each other, for example take this setup: you, Kimura and me. You're focus in Genjutsu would mean that the team could bypass enemies without engaging in a direct fight, Kimura focus in Taijutsu could save our lives in a fight against a physically strong opponent and my focus in Ninjutsu allows me to take out opponents that we may be unable to engage in meela combat. "

To make it clear, I am not saying that this team should be made, I'm just using it as an example.

2013-07-17, 03:29 PM
Kurokumo Ki

Having woke up early in the morning Kuro walked briskly from his house as he strapped on his diakunai and other pieces of gear. "Hey Sensai" he said as he watched the teacher unlock the door "you mind telling me who your setting me up with?" he continued with a grin. Knowing what the answer would be he slipped in as the door opened and headed for a seat far in the back.

Least this way I can see whats going to be my competition.