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View Full Version : Dragon Kings: Dark Sun with ROCK N ROLL!

Scowling Dragon
2013-07-11, 08:30 PM
Dragon Kings is a Project by Tim Brown, Guy who worked on the original Dark Sun.

Short Summary: A more personalized "Re-boot" of the Dark Sun setting. Taking many similar elements, but combining them in different ways. The major theme this time isn't going too be "The Dangers of Squandering Resources" but "The Dangers of Complacency". Also the creator is a musician and wants too make a soundtrack too support the game. Sounds kickass.

Long summary: Here is an Interview. (http://athas.org/articles/interview-with-tim-brown-about-dragon-kings)

Kewl Pic:


2013-07-12, 12:41 AM
Sounds awesome. When's the Kickstarter going to happen? (You know there's going to be a Kickstarter, after all.)

2013-07-12, 08:51 AM
I'm sold on the picture alone.

Sounds awesome. When's the Kickstarter going to happen? (You know there's going to be a Kickstarter, after all.)

You say that like its a bad thing. Honestly, the ability to kick-start something good means that you can get actual quality products up and running much, much sooner. I'm surprised companies aren't doing this; imagine if, say, D&D 4th edition had used kick starter? Guaranteed product for guaranteed sales, quality assurances, and being able to take more time because they got extra and wanted to use it. We would have a much cleaner system with etter press and probably less of the eccentricities that turned so many people off of it.

2013-07-12, 08:57 AM
I don't think Hasbro needs to get donnations by fans to raise the capital neccesary to develop their products.

This actually looks quite interesting. Being a system-free setting, it will probably have good value just as a read, without unneccessary clutter.
And it seems to go into a similar, but different direction of the stuff I am working on, so it will be interesting to see how certain things are adressed and what lessons to take from it.
I'll certainly be watching this one in the future.

2013-07-12, 09:40 AM
Sounds awesome. When's the Kickstarter going to happen? (You know there's going to be a Kickstarter, after all.)

He doesn't say, just that 'We will almost certainly crowd source this project at some point'

Could be good, tho' I have no particular interest in the music soundtrack he's so enthusiastic about.

Scowling Dragon
2013-07-12, 09:50 AM
Yup. At this point its still in development.

Im actually quite interested in a soundtrack. Cause often times the best way for players to feel the way the setting feels is through moosic.

2013-07-12, 10:00 AM
I don't think Hasbro needs to get donnations by fans to raise the capital neccesary to develop their products.

No, but they might want assurances since WotC's sales goals make WotC happy and make Hasbro, literally, wonder why they bother i try are pulling in pocket change.

2013-07-12, 07:33 PM
You say that like its a bad thing. Honestly, the ability to kick-start something good means that you can get actual quality products up and running much, much sooner. I'm surprised companies aren't doing this; imagine if, say, D&D 4th edition had used kick starter? Guaranteed product for guaranteed sales, quality assurances, and being able to take more time because they got extra and wanted to use it. We would have a much cleaner system with etter press and probably less of the eccentricities that turned so many people off of it.

Don't misunderstand me. I love Kickstarter. Kickstarter (and IndieGoGo, for that matter) is a very good platform for bringing our 20th century economic models into the 21st century. I just hate it when people use it to fund projects they could easily pay for out of pocket.

Mr. Tim Brown? He appears to be the kind of person Kickstarter was made for. Still, I just know there's going to be a Kickstarter.

Craft (Cheese)
2013-07-12, 08:38 PM
Don't misunderstand me. I love Kickstarter. Kickstarter (and IndieGoGo, for that matter) is a very good platform for bringing our 20th century economic models into the 21st century. I just hate it when people use it to fund projects they could easily pay for out of pocket.

Eh, I disagree: Kickstarter lets you start projects with much less risk than there otherwise would be, regardless of how much risk you're able to financially tolerate in the first place. Innovation in the creative business is limited by risk, and lowered risk means more innovation from everyone. I see nothing but potential in the idea that large entities like Hasbro can try off-the-wall experimental ideas with less risk.

2013-07-13, 05:57 AM
Don't misunderstand me. I love Kickstarter. Kickstarter (and IndieGoGo, for that matter) is a very good platform for bringing our 20th century economic models into the 21st century. I just hate it when people use it to fund projects they could easily pay for out of pocket.

Mr. Tim Brown? He appears to be the kind of person Kickstarter was made for. Still, I just know there's going to be a Kickstarter.

That's fair. I am actually the opposite though; I think the trend for everyone and their mom to make a kickstarter for something misses the real point, because it allows them to 'cut corners' and get onto the market (read: feel fulfilled and self-satisfied because they succeeded), without having to actually earn that benchmark from the quality of their product. I would prefer the middle ground, like with Autarch. Not rich, but an actual, seemingly professional cpompany capable of professional level products.

Otherwise, it's just another form of vanity press, isn't it? Except this time, we are all the suckers.


I am rather interested in the album, truth be told. I'd love to hear what sounds contain a chronicle such as this!