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2013-07-21, 02:47 AM
The awesome pony news just keeps coming (http://youtu.be/3rKZeHkcg8o)

Anyway, the effective and extreme adventures of Comet Kicker continue!

This session was both short and extremely combat focused so there's not a huge amount to tell. Last session had ended with us on a raider base suspended above a vast chasm with a blown up and radioactive military base at the bottom. This session opened with the Enclave showing up with lasers from the sky! Radical!

"We should kill them all," said Rock Solid as he watched the Enclave descend.
"I didn't kill your raider friends!" Comet Kicker retorted.

Comet Kicker then walked on into the raider hospital, grabbed all their radiation supplies, and we hoofed it down to the pit in the chaos. This place was Serious Business radioactive and we'd be dead in minutes without our looted radiation supplies.

The pit was full of ghouls; disgusting amounts of ghouls. Fortunately, if there's any enemy that Comet Kicker's Area-of-Effect combat style is shockingly good at dealing with it's masses of unarmoured, mindless ghouls. In one round she killed seventeen ghouls with two grenades and one Contrail Strike. She then landed, walked over to a disused vending machine, put a bit in and drank some Sparkle-Cola, all nonchalant-style.

Comet Kicker did have an unpleasant surprise, though, when six pegasus ghouls took wing and came after her. "Hmm," Comet Kicker said. Then, "Holy crap, they can fly, aaaaaaaaaaa". She frantically scrambled to and fro, trying to remember her dogfighting training and loudly complaining that she was a air-to-ground specialist damn it.

But we butchered our way through them and scampered across to the administrator's office, hoping we'd find the code we were looking for there. We encountered another group of ghouls, shuffling in a military formation. Comet Kicker, thinking fast, shot them a salute and barked "As you were, soliders!". Comet Kicker is also really good at Speech, so the ghoul saluted back, gurgle-rasped something barely coherent, and marched his squad on. Comet Kicker was inordinately proud she'd pulled that off.

Administrators Office! We ploughed through more ghouls on the way in and reached a computer terminal that indicated the general who'd had the code we were looking for had been in the silos the day the bombs fell. So it was to the disused nuclear missile silos that had been leaking radiation everywhere for the past 200 years! Awesome! Comet Kicker finally got to see a Baelfire Bomb for realsies!

When they got in, though, we found an intelligent ghoul who seemed surprised and happy to meet some sentient creatures for a change. He warned us that the security robots had gone mental, though, and to get to the general's Pip-Buck we'd need to go through them. And since this is going to be close-quarter fighting on the scaffolding around nuclear ICBMs Comet Kicker was going to have to rein in her explosives use. On the plus side the Sentry Bots weren't going to fire their missile launchers.

That was where the session ended, with us preparing to break into a nuclear missile bunker to rob the corpse of an Old Equestrian general, with the Enclave rapidly kicking down the door. It's amazing, basically, Comet Kicker couldn't be happier.

2013-07-21, 03:11 AM
Here, forget season 4, have a new Magical Girl pony.


Aaaah, those are so awesome, even if the story is maybe slowing down a bit.

Rainbow Dash has it so rough though. There's a certain irony that the element of loyalty is the one that all the villains try to break off from the group.

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-21, 06:37 AM
That applies to popularity not creativity.

Which is the problem. "Professionals" are being paid to make things that make money. Even when they have passion for what they are doing, by the time it goes through the rigmarole if editor mandate, corporate mandate, "the brand", etc you are lucky if what comes out is any good.

If someone is putting something up on FIMfiction, most of the time it's because they have a passion for it. Their ideas could be terrible, they could lack the skill needed to make their vision a reality... but at least they have something to say, even if it's just "hey wouldn't it be cool if..." (and really some awesome stuff has come about because someone said "hey wouldn't it be cool if..."

For that matter, in some cases, what is produced by essentially hobbists is better than what industry can out out because industry can't always afford that kind of brain power/skill on their time investment. (Manouvre Group was written over the course of about seven years by two chaps who are senior engineers - even Wizards of the Coast, for example, very probably couldn't afford to pay for that kind of professional time (or, I suspect, folks like the legendary Tempest Stormwind and co).)

Hobbyists have the luxary of time to make sure what they put out is right. While only a fraction of them actually do, let's remember that also 99% of everything produced "professionally"/industrially is also a steaming pile of crap. Being "canon" (which for the sake of this argument means "made by the owners of the property") is one thing. Being good is another, one that is completely unrelated to canonicity and/or lack thereof.

Saying, "yeah, well all fan [whatevers] aren't really as good as the real show people because they aren't being paid by Hasbro to do it" is a really stupid arguement, because quality has nothing to do with legitimacy. Pony merely has a very high standard to live up to.

(Naruto, for example, much as I like it, has a much lower threashold in terms of beating the main story quality, because the main story quality is steadily becoming more and more silly and contrived. For that matter, if you wanted to make an arguement that the Naruto movies are a form of noncanon fanfic, then Will of Fire's writer, Junko Takeuchi is better at writing Naruto than Kishimoto anyway. Also, the fact that she is Naruto's Japanese voice actress is both a bit surprising and rather delightful.)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-07-21, 06:54 AM
Season 4 spoilers
YEEEEEEEEESSSSSS! This is gonna be a good season!

A NMM history episode? I'm sold! I'd prefer to learn more about Celestia and Luna vs. Discord, or how they became princesses in the first place, but I figure that will never be shown.

AJ song was quality. I'm guessing that Big Mac will be singing along too in the final version, which is awesome.

Scootaloo can't fly episode... ehhh. Will probably be good but I must admit that the premise doesn't really interest me.

Superhero episode? Sweet! Looking forward to it!

Q: What was Derpy reading in Equestria Girls to cause her to blush?
A: My Little Pony Fanfiction

2013-07-21, 07:16 AM
I kinda disagree with this, I mean the actors certainly have their own ideas about who the characters are, and it certainly effects their acting. However they very much can be wrong. The actor who played Derpy thought she wasn't a mare and when she was told that she mentioned that she would have done the voice completely differently if she had realized that beforehand.

Similarly a portrayal can be forced to change as new aspects of their characters are revealed. That may cause a jarring moment as they adjust but ultimately they must adjust. That is their job, and their role in the show. To portray the characters the best they can with the information they have.

Really it is the writers who decide what information the actors have and thus in a way they manipulate what the actors to believe to be true about the characters or not. The actors are doing their best to reveal the writer's vision of the characters, not who they think the characters are.

As a professional stage actor, I felt the need to comment on this. You have the right idea in saying that the actor's knowledge of the character factors greatly into their performance, but to use the word 'wrong' in reference to their performance simply isn't fair to the actor or the director.

An actor learns about and develops their character through the script, and through discussions with the director and other actors, and especially through individual thought and consideration. Directors and writers are often extremely careful about what specific information actors are given. An example of this would be in Star Wars, where James Earl Jones was not told about the "I am your father" line until he was in the studio to record it. The script he was given to rehearse had a different line in it's place.

Another example I can speak on that relates to this is from a play I ended up stage managing, but I did audition for the lead role. The play was entitled 'Doubt: A Parable', and told the story of a priest teaching at a Catholic school. This priest had been accused of, ah, 'inappropriate contact' with a student. He's confronted by other teachers, as well as the head nun, and ends up moving to another school. It's a very good play, and was a lot of fun to work on.

Here's the thing: At no point in the script is it explicitly stated whether or not he is guilty. The director doesn't know for sure, the actor doesn't know for sure, and in the end the audience is left in doubt. This led to a situation where the director and the actor disagreed, with the director thinking he's innocent, and the actor playing the priest being sure of his character's guilt. We were very proud of the fact that when we asked the audience for their thoughts, we got a pretty much even 50/50 every night (not counting those who abstained).

Acting, directing, and writing are all forms of art, and thus it all comes down to the interpretation of the individuals doing those things. A writer may compose a script with one idea in mind, then see a director create something with it that he never thought of, and then eventually see the result on stage. After it's been through choreographers and lighting designers and costumers and set designers and actors, it will stand in stark contrast to his original idea. He may like it, he may hate it, but that's what happens when you allow your ideas to be used by others. It's not wrong, it's someone else's interpretation.

I would argue that having other people to look at and at least comment on your work is a very, very necessary thing, otherwise you end up with something like the Star Wars Prequels. And nopony needs more of that. :smalltongue:

2013-07-21, 08:38 AM
Why is there a platypus in the punch bowl?

Because she got there before Gummy. :smallsmile:

2013-07-21, 10:18 AM
Here's the thing: At no point in the script is it explicitly stated whether or not he is guilty. The director doesn't know for sure, the actor doesn't know for sure, and in the end the audience is left in doubt. This led to a situation where the director and the actor disagreed, with the director thinking he's innocent, and the actor playing the priest being sure of his character's guilt. We were very proud of the fact that when we asked the audience for their thoughts, we got a pretty much even 50/50 every night (not counting those who abstained).
I...I think I'm in love.

2013-07-21, 10:35 AM
Being "canon" (which for the sake of this argument means "made by the owners of the property") is one thing. Being good is another, one that is completely unrelated to canonicity and/or lack thereof.

just ask any Battletech fan about that
the animated series......gah........
though to be fair the people in charge did say afterwards that they wish they hadn't said what happens in the animated series is Canon without first having SEEN the animated series

Forum Explorer
2013-07-21, 11:01 AM
For that matter, in some cases, what is produced by essentially hobbists is better than what industry can out out because industry can't always afford that kind of brain power/skill on their time investment. (Manouvre Group was written over the course of about seven years by two chaps who are senior engineers - even Wizards of the Coast, for example, very probably couldn't afford to pay for that kind of professional time (or, I suspect, folks like the legendary Tempest Stormwind and co).)

Hobbyists have the luxary of time to make sure what they put out is right. While only a fraction of them actually do, let's remember that also 99% of everything produced "professionally"/industrially is also a steaming pile of crap. Being "canon" (which for the sake of this argument means "made by the owners of the property") is one thing. Being good is another, one that is completely unrelated to canonicity and/or lack thereof.

Saying, "yeah, well all fan [whatevers] aren't really as good as the real show people because they aren't being paid by Hasbro to do it" is a really stupid arguement, because quality has nothing to do with legitimacy. Pony merely has a very high standard to live up to.

(Naruto, for example, much as I like it, has a much lower threashold in terms of beating the main story quality, because the main story quality is steadily becoming more and more silly and contrived. For that matter, if you wanted to make an arguement that the Naruto movies are a form of noncanon fanfic, then Will of Fire's writer, Junko Takeuchi is better at writing Naruto than Kishimoto anyway. Also, the fact that she is Naruto's Japanese voice actress is both a bit surprising and rather delightful.)

Even pony can fall into this as I consider the episode The Mysterious Mare Do Well to be so bad that it should essentially just be ignored.

As a professional stage actor, I felt the need to comment on this. You have the right idea in saying that the actor's knowledge of the character factors greatly into their performance, but to use the word 'wrong' in reference to their performance simply isn't fair to the actor or the director.

An actor learns about and develops their character through the script, and through discussions with the director and other actors, and especially through individual thought and consideration. Directors and writers are often extremely careful about what specific information actors are given. An example of this would be in Star Wars, where James Earl Jones was not told about the "I am your father" line until he was in the studio to record it. The script he was given to rehearse had a different line in it's place.

Another example I can speak on that relates to this is from a play I ended up stage managing, but I did audition for the lead role. The play was entitled 'Doubt: A Parable', and told the story of a priest teaching at a Catholic school. This priest had been accused of, ah, 'inappropriate contact' with a student. He's confronted by other teachers, as well as the head nun, and ends up moving to another school. It's a very good play, and was a lot of fun to work on.

Here's the thing: At no point in the script is it explicitly stated whether or not he is guilty. The director doesn't know for sure, the actor doesn't know for sure, and in the end the audience is left in doubt. This led to a situation where the director and the actor disagreed, with the director thinking he's innocent, and the actor playing the priest being sure of his character's guilt. We were very proud of the fact that when we asked the audience for their thoughts, we got a pretty much even 50/50 every night (not counting those who abstained).

Acting, directing, and writing are all forms of art, and thus it all comes down to the interpretation of the individuals doing those things. A writer may compose a script with one idea in mind, then see a director create something with it that he never thought of, and then eventually see the result on stage. After it's been through choreographers and lighting designers and costumers and set designers and actors, it will stand in stark contrast to his original idea. He may like it, he may hate it, but that's what happens when you allow your ideas to be used by others. It's not wrong, it's someone else's interpretation.

I would argue that having other people to look at and at least comment on your work is a very, very necessary thing, otherwise you end up with something like the Star Wars Prequels. And nopony needs more of that. :smalltongue:

Now I admit that I'm coming from the writer's prespective, since I very much am a writer. The little acting I've done in my life has been silly stuff never beyond the level of a party game. So perhaps using the word wrong was a poor choice of words. However I can't think of a better one. I'm not saying they are always wrong, just that they can be flat out wrong, and thus their performance shouldn't be the end all decision on what is canon.

To reiterate; an actor can have the wrong idea about a character. They aren't working with perfect information about who the character is and they can make assumptions that later are proven wrong. Thus the idea that they use in their performance should not be considered canon. With canon meaning explicit facts of the show/performance/movie.

So for things that are deliberately left up to interpretation, like that play you mentioned? Then it's down to the audience to decide what exactly they saw with the facts at hand. And even though the actor thought the character he was playing was guilty, a good 50% of the people thought he was innocent. And just because they're interpretation was different from the actor's, well that doesn't mean their interpretation was any less valid. And if it comes down to it I think that it's the writer whose interpretation is most valid, though a good writer would say something like "I left it vague on purpose, and thus I'm not telling you what I think." or "I couldn't decide one way or the other" in order to maintain the effect his vagueness actually had.

Of course, that's basic editing. Another good rule is to never go back and change a scene that already works as well as don't contradict yourself. Oooh and one that I had to learn and it's a biggie, don't make needless references and you better make sure they fit the characters, world, and plot when you do.

2013-07-21, 11:14 AM
SDCC Clip thought:

EP 405: Poor Scoots, Were you cast down from Spartan Cloudsdale society? Therefore parentless without actually being parentless?

EP 406: I can do without Superhero settings in ponies but will have to see the context before I make full judgement .

EP 409: Song is good I guess... I guess AJ's song will always carry a country-feel to it and I am not sure if that's not just typecasting.

EP 401: OMG doesn't this just blow people's minds? Did that girl/boy? just did the Dashie "awesome" voice?

Wait.... What if "There can only be ONE Princess in Equestria" was not just a declaration but an actual prophecy?.....

Here we are, small equines
we're princesses of Equestria
Here we belong, fighting to survive
In a world with the darkest powers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEJ8lpCQbyw)

My mind goes to strange places......

2013-07-21, 11:16 AM
To reiterate; an actor can have the wrong idea about a character. They aren't working with perfect information about who the character is and they can make assumptions that later are proven wrong. Thus the idea that they use in their performance should not be considered canon. With canon meaning explicit facts of the show/performance/movie.
In the absence of perfect information, an actor in their preparation (which takes place not only alone, but also in rehearsal, in collaboration with other actors and the director) must imagine specific and explicit circumstances to fill in the blanks left by the writer. For purposes of the actor's performance, those specific circumstances are true. A good playwright or screenwriter will know this, and when they leave things vague they will expect that the actor will fill in their blanks. A good playwright or screenwriter who wants something specific will make damn sure it's there for the actor to find without much searching. With respect to Doubt, the playwright expected that the actor playing Father Flynn would have some idea in his head about whether Sister Aloysius' accusations were true. There is no truth to be found in the text, but the trick of acting is that the events of a play, movie, or TV episode are lived, as were the circumstances leading up to them. The backstory must be treated as if they has happened. Once it is, it becomes truth for that specific performance.

So for things that are deliberately left up to interpretation, like that play you mentioned? Then it's down to the audience to decide what exactly they saw with the facts at hand. And even though the actor thought the character he was playing was guilty, a good 50% of the people thought he was innocent. And just because they're interpretation was different from the actor's, well that doesn't mean their interpretation was any less valid. And if it comes down to it I think that it's the writer whose interpretation is most valid, though a good writer would say something like "I left it vague on purpose, and thus I'm not telling you what I think." or "I couldn't decide one way or the other" in order to maintain the effect his vagueness actually had.
What the audience decides doesn't matter, because they don't - or shouldn't, if the actor is competent - have any influence over how the piece turns out. Once a play leaves rehearsal and starts being performed, what the director thinks doesn't matter either, because he's relinquished his control to the actors. Television and film are a little more complicated, as directors have much more control over the final product...but on the other hand even film directors know that it is a waste of time trying to win an argument over vision with actors.

2013-07-21, 11:32 AM
My prediction for season four:

At some point rarity will fall from a great height, with all of ponyville falling with her, only to be rescued at the last second

Forum Explorer
2013-07-21, 11:50 AM
In the absence of perfect information, an actor in their preparation (which takes place not only alone, but also in rehearsal, in collaboration with other actors and the director) must imagine specific and explicit circumstances to fill in the blanks left by the writer. For purposes of the actor's performance, those specific circumstances are true. A good playwright or screenwriter will know this, and when they leave things vague they will expect that the actor will fill in their blanks. A good playwright or screenwriter who wants something specific will make damn sure it's there for the actor to find without much searching. With respect to Doubt, the playwright expected that the actor playing Father Flynn would have some idea in his head about whether Sister Aloysius' accusations were true. There is no truth to be found in the text, but the trick of acting is that the events of a play, movie, or TV episode are lived, as were the circumstances leading up to them. The backstory must be treated as if they has happened. Once it is, it becomes truth for that specific performance.

What the audience decides doesn't matter, because they don't - or shouldn't, if the actor is competent - have any influence over how the piece turns out. Once a play leaves rehearsal and starts being performed, what the director thinks doesn't matter either, because he's relinquished his control to the actors. Television and film are a little more complicated, as directors have much more control over the final product...but on the other hand even film directors know that it is a waste of time trying to win an argument over vision with actors.

I'm not an actor, so I'm not going to argue with that. It sounds wrong though. I think because I imagine there are a lot of things that the actor simply hasn't/doesn't think about. Also you used the word truth, something I get leery about. I do agree with the line I bolded however. If the writers want something to be explicit they better bloody well make it explicit.

Except ultimately it's the audiences opinion that matters. Once the finished product is released to the public it's the audience who interprets what they see, and they come to a decision on what the actors have presented to them. If they come to a conclusion about the characters that's completely contrary to what the actor intended, well then the actor's point of view isn't worth anything. And that applies to writers too. If they want their interpretation to shine though then they have to make it obvious. The annoying thing about the audience? They are huge. Generally there is a small number of writers and editors, one director, and one actor per role (or less). They may all have different views, but thousands perhaps even millions of people are going to come to their own interpretation, just looking at what was presented. And they are going to do that in different ways. Some will look closely at what the actors are doing, while others will look closer at background events. Others will go for a mixed approach.

Now I maintain that the writers have higher control over what is presented, and thus it's easier for them to make their interpretation shine through. They are the source of the story and they can make their vision explicit and I doubt they are taking much feedback from the actors on what happened/will happen.

Imagine this scenario. There is a FlutterDash writer on the team who is putting in hints and clues of their supposed relationship. Nothing explicit though. Now let's say that Ashleigh Ball thinks that Rainbow Dash thinks of Fluttershy as a sister figure instead. So she acts under that interpretation and that's fine. She does a good job, but we the audience pick up on both interpretations, and we have fun talking about it and stuff like that. Later though the writer gets to write an episode where Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash get married. (Unrealistic but hey hypothetical) Ashleigh might not like it, but she can't do much to stop it besides walking off the stage. So she's forced to abandon her interpretation to go with the writer's because that interpretation has become explicit. If she's a really good actor it won't affect her performance too badly as she adjusts her own interpretation with the new information.

2013-07-21, 12:10 PM
I'm not an actor, so I'm not going to argue with that. It sounds wrong though. I think because I imagine there are a lot of things that the actor simply hasn't/doesn't think about.
I hate to be blunt, but you're wrong. Most of an actor's preparation, both in and out of rehearsal, consists of imagining, internalizing, and honing to great specificity a set of circumstances. Does this set of circumstances include every event of a character's life? In most cases, of course it doesn't. That would take years upon years of preparation. Only actors playing very long-running characters (I'm thinking of Kelsey Grammer's performance as Frasier Crane here, which went on for decades) might get that chance. But it does include everything important to the performance the actor must give. In the case of Nightmare Moon, I think the specific circumstances of her fall would qualify as important. Wouldn't you agree?

Except ultimately it's the audiences opinion that matters. Once the finished product is released to the public it's the audience who interprets what they see, and they come to a decision on what the actors have presented to them. If they come to a conclusion about the characters that's completely contrary to what the actor intended, well then the actor's point of view isn't worth anything. And that applies to writers too. If they want their interpretation to shine though then they have to make it obvious. The annoying thing about the audience? They are huge. Generally there is a small number of writers and editors, one director, and one actor per role (or less). They may all have different views, but thousands perhaps even millions of people are going to come to their own interpretation, just looking at what was presented. And they are going to do that in different ways. Some will look closely at what the actors are doing, while others will look closer at background events. Others will go for a mixed approach.
Here's where your leeriness of truth and my embrace of it comes in. For the audience, I agree, there is not such thing as truth. But the actor cannot act in an ambiguous way, cannot act as if there is no truth. Vagueness kills performances. Nor, if I may step outside my area of expertise for a moment, can a writer write as if there is no truth to the story. It's an interesting tension in art.

Now I maintain that the writers have higher control over what is presented, and thus it's easier for them to make their interpretation shine through. They are the source of the story and they can make their vision explicit and I doubt they are taking much feedback from the actors on what happened/will happen.
Really the one person with the most control over an episode of Friendship is Magic is the director, since it's their job to reconcile all the visions that go into an episode with each other and with their own. And even if the writers and actors don't talk to each other (something I doubt, because a reality of showbiz is that actors do get some input into the script, especially once they get to be well-known) they both talk to the director.

So she's forced to abandon her interpretation to go with the writer's because that interpretation has become explicit. If she's a really good actor it won't affect her performance too badly as she adjusts her own interpretation with the new information.
Not quite. She's forced to let Fluttershy change. She's forced to imagine circumstances where - taking this specific example - sisterly love can transform into romantic love. She's forced to reimagine events in such a way that this transformation is the only and inevitable consequence of everything that has come before and reconcile this new action with all her previous actions. This will absolutely affect her performance, because she'll be doing something she's never done before. It won't necessarily be bad if Ball does her preparation well, but it will certainly be different, and the difference will be perceptible.

2013-07-21, 12:20 PM
Nice little shortfic for people tired of Twilight bemoaning her immorality. (I'm glancing in your general direction Commodore) Gateway to Happiness (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/118933/gateway-to-happiness) by spacecowboy.

Crimson Doom
2013-07-21, 12:35 PM
Nice little shortfic for people tired of Twilight bemoaning her immorality. (I'm glancing in your general direction Commodore) Gateway to Happiness (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/118933/gateway-to-happiness) by spacecowboy.

I am choosing to believe that this typo was intentional. :smallbiggrin:

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-21, 01:04 PM
Here, forget season 4, have a new Magical Girl pony.


This...This is a good example of how limited fanwork is.

Oh Mauroz there knows his way around character art. But the backgrounds are horrible blurs that look to be cooked out of some program somewhere not drawn in. And then his actual art is just pasted in. And the gaps between frames just make this worse, and also suggest he doesn't have how to space/scale things or whatever all that well with dialogue bubbles breaking the frame to not get in the ways.

Its more then just more technical errors. One person simply has a limited amount of time and energy they can expend on a project.

There's a certain gap in storytelling. Hey look I'm going to take time out of this important meeting to run my mouth about these awesome characters that aren't actually here and everyone probably knows. Its the sort of thing that sometimes works as a gag about someone running their mouth, but here it falls into the pit of thinking you can tell people how awe-some your nerd-crush is. Which is really more like showing off your family vacation photos, only those there can really appreciate it. (That's on both sides of the fourth wall there)

The whole comic comes across as trying way way way too hard to be taken seriously and just as importantly as cool. Even the comedy bits, maybe especially the comedy bits. Except its so derivative (aside from pony) it ends up feeling more like a storm of cliches then the (probably) intend collection of awesome because the creator doesn't know when to stop. Or the sort of show I watch for the fanservice, without the fanservice.

But I'd never accuse Hyakka Ryoran Samurai Girls or whatever of taking itself too seriously.




I held a fan work up to the same scrutiny I would anything else and found it wanting.

2013-07-21, 01:39 PM

So, this specific fanwork is bad in your opinion because the author is just one guy who is not good at everything, thus fanwork is inherently limited? That seems like a bit of a nonsequitor to me. Besides, have you read some of the professional comics out there? At least this guy doesn't charge money for what he draws. Then again, I haven't read it, so what do I know? :smalltongue:

All joking aside, I get your point. Don't correct me about what you are trying to say. Really, I get it. I'm only being silly, and don't want to be dragged into a discussion. I'm not good at those. :smalleek:

On a more personal note, after about 3 years, I have finally made the aquaintance of a fellow brony in real life. Joy of Joys. Now my life won't be quite as empty.



there is a Chrysalis figurine. My levels of WANT are through the roof.

2013-07-21, 02:01 PM
This...This is a good example of how limited fanwork is.

I can cite some crappy Adult Swim flash shows like Tom Goes to the Mayor as examples of the limitations of professional work too you know. Or just *shudder* the G3 MLP cartoons.

Or if you want comics, two words: Rob Liefeld.

I agree that that comic is not that good. The fact that I don't think the author is a native English speaker doesn't help, some of the dialogue is really bad and even the okay stuff is stilted.

Heartstrings (http://heartstringscomic.tumblr.com/), Dash Academy (http://sorcerushorserus.deviantart.com/gallery/32539544), and Discord Whooves are much better.

The entire Jitterbug oeuvre is an excellent example because it all comes from something the author feels they have to express somehow. Which is something you rarely get in processed mass media.

2013-07-21, 02:17 PM
though to be fair the people in charge did say afterwards that they wish they hadn't said what happens in the animated series is Canon without first having SEEN the animated series

I'm amused how often that kind of thing happens- Where those who make the production don't usually sit to watch it afterwards in the general audience. One of my cousins is an actor and he generally doesn't watch the things he's in. Not that I'm immune to this. I rarely go back to look at my artwork once it's complete and uploaded. :smallbiggrin:

Speaking of seeing your own work, Scootaloo regrets looking in that mirror~

Forum Explorer
2013-07-21, 02:18 PM
I hate to be blunt, but you're wrong. Most of an actor's preparation, both in and out of rehearsal, consists of imagining, internalizing, and honing to great specificity a set of circumstances. Does this set of circumstances include every event of a character's life? In most cases, of course it doesn't. That would take years upon years of preparation. Only actors playing very long-running characters (I'm thinking of Kelsey Grammer's performance as Frasier Crane here, which went on for decades) might get that chance. But it does include everything important to the performance the actor must give. In the case of Nightmare Moon, I think the specific circumstances of her fall would qualify as important. Wouldn't you agree?

Here's where your leeriness of truth and my embrace of it comes in. For the audience, I agree, there is not such thing as truth. But the actor cannot act in an ambiguous way, cannot act as if there is no truth. Vagueness kills performances. Nor, if I may step outside my area of expertise for a moment, can a writer write as if there is no truth to the story. It's an interesting tension in art.

Really the one person with the most control over an episode of Friendship is Magic is the director, since it's their job to reconcile all the visions that go into an episode with each other and with their own. And even if the writers and actors don't talk to each other (something I doubt, because a reality of showbiz is that actors do get some input into the script, especially once they get to be well-known) they both talk to the director.

Not quite. She's forced to let Fluttershy change. She's forced to imagine circumstances where - taking this specific example - sisterly love can transform into romantic love. She's forced to reimagine events in such a way that this transformation is the only and inevitable consequence of everything that has come before and reconcile this new action with all her previous actions. This will absolutely affect her performance, because she'll be doing something she's never done before. It won't necessarily be bad if Ball does her preparation well, but it will certainly be different, and the difference will be perceptible.

To a certain extent sure, but at the same time not every role gets the same attention. Again I'd like to point to Derpy. I doubt whoever played her gave her nearly as much attention as she would for one of the more major roles.

Fair enough, however a writer can write as if there is no truth. Or rather, that they don't know what the truth is. To put it another way, they don't have to decide. And this applies not just to characters but extends all throughout the setting and plot. For example for my ship fic There's Something About Twilight Sparkle? I have only a vague idea on how it's going to end, and for Luna in particular I haven't decided exactly how she feels about Twilight. That's kind of a bad example because a truth will emerge eventually, but there are other things that I haven't addressed and that I won't address. Other things I have a clear 'truth' in mind for but I'm not going to explicitly address. The vagueness can hurt but what I'm aiming for is to let the audience decide for themselves on what the truth is.

There's a certain gap in storytelling. Hey look I'm going to take time out of this important meeting to run my mouth about these awesome characters that aren't actually here and everyone probably knows. Its the sort of thing that sometimes works as a gag about someone running their mouth, but here it falls into the pit of thinking you can tell people how awe-some your nerd-crush is. Which is really more like showing off your family vacation photos, only those there can really appreciate it. (That's on both sides of the fourth wall there)

this paragraph is kinda confusing. I'm not entirely sure what you mean and how it addresses the story. As for the story, well besides the pony I haven't noticed too many references (there's been a fair bit of course) but that could be an unfamiliarity with anime cliches. (I tend to avoid High School animes to a certain degree.)

Also you pick up on cliches and similarities way more then me. I've noticed that in the past. But that's just a difference between us. :smallsmile:

2013-07-21, 03:40 PM
Regarding the writer vs. actor distinction, I would weigh in with the following couple of thoughts.

1. Writers, editors, and directors get first crack at things. They make and edit the script, so they get to decide what they want. They're also the ones most generally responsible for the shape of the world and its characters. They decide whether there is a quills and sofas store, that Rarity owns a fashion boutique, that there's going to be a story about the CMC being bullied, etc.

2. Actors, both by themselves and in consultation with the rest of the staff, decide how they want to play their characters. They get almost total control over tone, pacing, and mood. They can also affect accents and be more or less dramatic in various circumstances. Since it's impossible to speak with zero emotion (as emotionless is, itself, an emotional state) the actor must have an opinion about how the character feels in a given scene.

3. That said, Zimmerwald, I would guess that you might be disappointed if you look into what some of the actors are thinking about. I'm sure that When Tabitha played Nightmare Moon, she had an idea about the character's jealousy and desire for revenge because the myth from the script had been explained to her. But I'm not so certain that she made any decision about the history of Luna's corruption, for much the same reason that Lauren Faust and the writers never made that decision. It's enough to understand the character's emotions and personality to know that she was good, felt neglected, and is now corrupt and evil. The details of the process aren't necessary.

To a certain extent sure, but at the same time not every role gets the same attention. Again I'd like to point to Derpy. I doubt whoever played her gave her nearly as much attention as she would for one of the more major roles.

That one happens to be factually untrue. Indeed, part of the reason that Derpy was poorly received is that Tabitha chose to portray her original voice in a way that matched a young boy that lived near her and who was always getting into things and making mistakes. As it happened, that voice unintentionally sounded like someone with a mental illness when applied to a character that most people thought was female, which is a big part of why there was a fiasco around it.

It was precisely because she thought about it and thought about it in a way that had some unintentional consequences that there was an issue.

2013-07-21, 04:07 PM
So, regarding season 4....
Careful, manically insane guessing ahead.

Do you guys think the scotaloo episode will actually be about disabilities as some have guessed , or that it will be some standard late-bloomer finding hidden strengths thing?
I personally am somewhat hoping for the former, mostly because FiM is one of the few shows that I'd trust with pulling this thematic off well enough. (Depending on the writer, of course. Who wrote 'A Friend in Deed' again?)
Then again, that's just wishful thinking and has little grounding in actual evidence. It's probably more likely that they go with the 'safe' route in regards to scootaloo.

2013-07-21, 04:25 PM
So, regarding season 4....
Careful, manically insane guessing ahead.

Do you guys think the scotaloo episode will actually be about disabilities as some have guessed , or that it will be some standard late-bloomer finding hidden strengths thing?
I personally am somewhat hoping for the former, mostly because FiM is one of the few shows that I'd trust with pulling this thematic off well enough. (Depending on the writer, of course. Who wrote 'A Friend in Deed' again?)
Then again, that's just wishful thinking and has little grounding in actual evidence. It's probably more likely that they go with the 'safe' route in regards to scootaloo.

A:Amy Keating Rogers wrote A Friend in Deed (And she has returned for Season 4.)
B: We already know there will be an episode about disabilities, and the Scootaloo clip seems to fit the bill.

2013-07-21, 04:29 PM
So much ponythread, so many spoilers, so little time.

Have some art instead!

http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/199/e/a/the_beginning_of_a_beautiful_friendship_by_harwick s_art-d6e4bzu.jpg



2013-07-21, 04:44 PM
A:Amy Keating Rogers wrote A Friend in Deed (And she has returned for Season 4.)
B: We already know there will be an episode about disabilities, and the Scootaloo clip seems to fit the bill.

A. Thanks for reminding me. Rogers is a genius, just gonna state that right here.
B. Huh. :smallconfused:
When was that announced? Did I miss it when reading through that Q&A?
Hrm. I have conflicted feelings about this. This episode has some potential to be really good. 'Hurricane Fluttershy' or 'A Friend in Deed' level quality, even. I just do hope they handle it well.

One Tin Soldier
2013-07-21, 05:26 PM
I drawed something cute, because apparently I haven't drawn Sweetie or AB in more than a year.
http://th09.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2013/200/9/9/weathering_the_storm_by_adcoon-d6e6f7b.png (http://adcoon.deviantart.com/art/Weathering-the-Storm-386611319)

How very cute. Good work, Deadly!


More ponies from the brotherhood;

Have some more then;
Linked for Size (http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDMvMTIvMjBfNTVfNDNfNDg1XzI2OTEzNF 9fVU5PUFRfX3NhZmVfZGVycHlfaG9vdmVzX3Bhcm9keV9hc3Nh c3Npbl9xdW9fc19jcmVlZF9hcnRpc3Rfdm9pZHNfZWRnZS5wbm ciXV0/269134__safe_derpy%2Bhooves_parody_assassin%2527s% 2Bcreed_artist-colon-voids-dash-edge.png)

Also Linked for Size. (http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDMvMTIvMjBfNThfMTRfNDY1XzI2OTEzNV 9fVU5PUFRfX3NhZmVfZGVycHlfaG9vdmVzX3Bhcm9keV9hc3Nh c3Npbl9xdW9fc19jcmVlZF9hcnRpc3Rfdm9pZHNfZWRnZS5wbm ciXV0/269135__safe_derpy%2Bhooves_parody_assassin%2527s% 2Bcreed_artist-colon-voids-dash-edge.png)

Size Related Linkage (http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDYvMTUvMTFfMDFfMDJfNzc1XzM0ODk4MV 9fc2FmZSJdXQ/348981__safe_solo_trixie_magic_gun_moon_night_alic orn%2Bamulet_knife_monocle_sniper_assassin%2527s%2 Bcreed_assassin_wanted%2Bposter_artist-colon-yakovlev-dash-vad.png)

More Size Related Linkage
(http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDMvMTQvMDFfNDBfNTlfNjQ4XzI3MDEwNF 9fVU5PUFRfX3NhZmVfdHdpbGlnaHRfc3BhcmtsZV9yYWluYm93 X2Rhc2hfZmx1dHRlcnNoeV9yYXJpdHlfYXBwbGVqYWNrX2Rlcn B5X2hvb3Zlc19wYXJvZHlfYXNzYXNzaW5fcXVvX3NfY3JlZWRf bW9udHlfcHl0aG9uX2FuZF90aGVfaG9seV9ncmFpbF9hcnRpc3 RfZGFuaWVsX3RoZV9ncmVhdC5qcGVnIl1d/270104__safe_twilight%2Bsparkle_rainbow%2Bdash_flu ttershy_rarity_applejack_derpy%2Bhooves_crossover_ parody_assassin%2527s%2Bcreed_monty%2Bpython%2Band %2Bthe%2Bholy%2Bgrail_artist-colon-daniel-dash-the-dash-gr.jpeg)

And for good luck;


Rater02 - It's...just an expression, dude.

I continue to be both amused and bemused that this is a thing. A good thing, don't get me wrong, but a odd thing nevertheless.

Watched the low-quality camera version of the video
I'm guessing the super hero thing is a dream or some sort of fiction. Possibly Spike reading too many comic books? It sort of had that feel to it, at least, but who knows?

I'm not sure at all what to think of Evil Luna/NMM all over again. I guess we'll have to wait for more context.

Edit: Oh, and that was a nice and catchy song, I must say

Editx2: A comment on EQD suggest that Twi is experiencing one of Celestia's memories of the time when Luna became NMM. That actually makes sense based on the "they all bask in your light" line she speaks. I think that might be interesting, if true

S4 spoiler discussion time!
Disclaimer: I haven't read the past couple pages yet, so I might have missed some relevant bits of discussion.

First off, I like what I've seen. Songs are good, another musical episode is good, and the clips from the video are good. I am willing to start feeling hyped.

The biggest bit here, obviously, is the Nightmare Moon clip. I wholeheartedly agree with the flashback theory. It just makes more sense than Luna going evil again. Also, what little we did see makes it look like Nightmare Moon is actually some sort of possessing spirit. Yes, Luna clearly wished to depose Celestia of her own volition, but she looked surprised when the transformation started. This makes me think that something took over when the jealousy built up enough for her to act on it. Of course, this is based on a brief expression in a storyboard, so I might be wrong.

Oh, and I can't wait for that episode. It looks like it's going to be awesome.

As for other thoughts, the wording on one of the points made it sound like there will be a Vinyl Scratch song? That seems unlikely to me, and the wording was vague, but I'm curious about how that would come up.

It seems that we are, in fact, getting a "Scootaloo flying lessons" episode. And it has something to do with Ms. Harshwhinny. I look forward to it.

2013-07-21, 05:32 PM
If Harshwhiney is in a Scootaloo episode...

Calling it now, they are related.

Crimson Doom
2013-07-21, 05:35 PM
Calling all fanfic writers and readers for advice.

Specifically, if I was doing a first-person fic in Applejack's voice (as I'm thinking of doing), how much should I render her accent? I admit that this might be a bit vague, so if instead you know fics where her accent is done tastefully, please link me to them so I can read and learn.

2013-07-21, 05:41 PM
Calling all fanfic writers and readers for advice.

Specifically, if I was doing a first-person fic in Applejack's voice (as I'm thinking of doing), how much should I render her accent? I admit that this might be a bit vague, so if instead you know fics where her accent is done tastefully, please link me to them so I can read and learn.

Mr. qordath does the best applejack accent i've read.

Try my little denarians, cause there is not a winningverse story with jackie as the POV char yet.(and you probably wouldn't read it if there was, cause shipping)

Crimson Doom
2013-07-21, 05:47 PM
Mr. qordath does the best applejack accent i've read.

Try my little denarians, cause there is not a winningverse story with jackie as the POV char yet.(and you probably wouldn't read it if there was, cause shipping)

For fun, I won't read shipping. But for research? I'll do it.

But in any event, you said My Little Denarians? Got it.

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-21, 05:48 PM
just ask any Battletech fan about that
the animated series......gah........
though to be fair the people in charge did say afterwards that they wish they hadn't said what happens in the animated series is Canon without first having SEEN the animated series

Well, for it's sins, it was what got me into BattleTech.

(House ruled and modified of course...)

It wasn't that bad...

It was certainly better than some of the BattleTech novels I later read, at any rate.



there is a Chrysalis figurine. My levels of WANT are through the roof.

Screw that, there's a Derpy!

Though what I really want is a Blind Bag Derpy.

Nice little shortfic for people tired of Twilight bemoaning her immorality. (I'm glancing in your general direction Commodore) Gateway to Happiness (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/118933/gateway-to-happiness) by spacecowboy.

Noted and read: short but to the point.

2013-07-21, 05:49 PM
If Harshwhiney is in a Scootaloo episode...

Calling it now, they are related.

Season 4~
Nah, I can't see that connection fly.

Calling all fanfic writers and readers for advice.

Specifically, if I was doing a first-person fic in Applejack's voice (as I'm thinking of doing), how much should I render her accent? I admit that this might be a bit vague, so if instead you know fics where her accent is done tastefully, please link me to them so I can read and learn.

Yo. Ponies in the Attic (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/113531/ponies-in-the-attic). :smallbiggrin:

Here's the cliff notes on how I do AJ's accent (Because I love AJ's accent)~

1. Verbs ending in '-ing': Replace the g with an apostrophe. Talking becomes Talkin'.
2. Make use of the contractions ain't and y'all.
3. Done!

It's really that simple. See, I've found that most readers will be familiar with AJ's accent so they'll provide the rest of the work in their head. :smallcool: Though, if you want the bonus points, you could also sprinkle a few old western phrases (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~poindexterfamily/OldWestSlang.html) for her.

Just go easy on them. They spice like paprika. :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-21, 05:53 PM
I don't actually remember AJ saying y'all that much. Wasn't it a point on Ashley Ball's part about authenticity or something?

Crimson Doom
2013-07-21, 05:54 PM
Here's the cliff notes on how I do AJ's accent (Because I love AJ's accent)~

1. Verbs ending in '-ing': Replace the g with an apostrophe. Talking becomes Talkin'.
2. Make use of the contractions ain't and y'all.
3. Done!

It's really that simple. See, I've found that most readers will be familiar with AJ's accent so they'll provide the rest of the work in their head. :smallcool: Though, if you want the bonus points, you could also sprinkle a few old western phrases (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~poindexterfamily/OldWestSlang.html) for her.

Just go easy on them. They spice like paprika. :smallbiggrin:

Perfect! I had always had the feeling that I was overdoing her accent, but I couldn't figure out what to keep. Thanks! :smallbiggrin:

Forum Explorer
2013-07-21, 05:57 PM
Regarding the writer vs. actor distinction, I would weigh in with the following couple of thoughts.

1. Writers, editors, and directors get first crack at things. They make and edit the script, so they get to decide what they want. They're also the ones most generally responsible for the shape of the world and its characters. They decide whether there is a quills and sofas store, that Rarity owns a fashion boutique, that there's going to be a story about the CMC being bullied, etc.

2. Actors, both by themselves and in consultation with the rest of the staff, decide how they want to play their characters. They get almost total control over tone, pacing, and mood. They can also affect accents and be more or less dramatic in various circumstances. Since it's impossible to speak with zero emotion (as emotionless is, itself, an emotional state) the actor must have an opinion about how the character feels in a given scene.

3. That said, Zimmerwald, I would guess that you might be disappointed if you look into what some of the actors are thinking about. I'm sure that When Tabitha played Nightmare Moon, she had an idea about the character's jealousy and desire for revenge because the myth from the script had been explained to her. But I'm not so certain that she made any decision about the history of Luna's corruption, for much the same reason that Lauren Faust and the writers never made that decision. It's enough to understand the character's emotions and personality to know that she was good, felt neglected, and is now corrupt and evil. The details of the process aren't necessary.

That one happens to be factually untrue. Indeed, part of the reason that Derpy was poorly received is that Tabitha chose to portray her original voice in a way that matched a young boy that lived near her and who was always getting into things and making mistakes. As it happened, that voice unintentionally sounded like someone with a mental illness when applied to a character that most people thought was female, which is a big part of why there was a fiasco around it.

It was precisely because she thought about it and thought about it in a way that had some unintentional consequences that there was an issue.

1. Agreed

2. To my understanding the director is supposed to correct the actors if they are exhibiting the wrong emotion.

3. Agreed

Derpy: Huh, well that's cool. :smallcool:

Here's the cliff notes on how I do AJ's accent (Because I love AJ's accent)~

1. Verbs ending in '-ing': Replace the g with an apostrophe. Talking becomes Talkin'.
2. Make use of the contractions ain't and y'all.
3. Done!

It's really that simple. See, I've found that most readers will be familiar with AJ's accent so they'll provide the rest of the work in their head. :smallcool: Though, if you want the bonus points, you could also sprinkle a few old western phrases (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~poindexterfamily/OldWestSlang.html) for her.

Just go easy on them. They spice like paprika. :smallbiggrin:

I also use "Ah" instead of "I" and "Mah" instead of "My"

Putting an apostrophe would look so much better for my Applejack writing. I need to start doing that.

2013-07-21, 06:02 PM
If Harshwhiney is in a Scootaloo episode...

Calling it now, they are related.
What makes you think that? If it's the coat color, ponies don't seem to share the same coat color with their relatives that much.

Season 4~
Nah, I can't see that connection fly.


2013-07-21, 06:06 PM
What makes you think that? If it's the coat color, that doesn't seem to be an indicator.

It is based entirely on the theory that One makes a major apearance in an episode centered on the later. if it turns out that that guess(not mine btw) is wrong, then I got nothin'

Coat color may have had something to do with it.

2013-07-21, 06:10 PM

I held a fan work up to the same scrutiny I would anything else and found it wanting.


Define the difference between 'fan work' and 'professional work'.

Is it 'number of people involved in the production'? Because as far as I'm aware Dresden Codak is just one guy.

Is it 'charges money to experience it'? Because Transformers was terrible.

Is it 'uses pre-existing IP'? Because by that definition the Lord of the Rings movies are a fanwork of the books.

Is it 'fanwork within the context of this particular fandom'? Because that comic is by far not the best thing to come out of the Pony Fandom.

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-21, 06:13 PM
this paragraph is kinda confusing. I'm not entirely sure what you mean and how it addresses the story. As for the story, well besides the pony I haven't noticed too many references (there's been a fair bit of course) but that could be an unfamiliarity with anime cliches. (I tend to avoid High School animes to a certain degree.)

Also you pick up on cliches and similarities way more then me. I've noticed that in the past. But that's just a difference between us. :smallsmile:

In the latest part of the comic our second pseudo panel is Dashie going off on an info-dump tangent about the Wonderbolts with art of them. Now info dumping has its place but this is unnecessary and ham-fisted in delivery. Its a whole speech in the middle of a conversation that could have been handled with a line like "I know everything about the Wonderbolts, Soarin is the reason I love Parkour" and move along

And even if were going for more lavishing description... Dashie just reads off a fact sheet. That's not adding anything real, its reading off some specs. Maybe that space could be a quick story of when Dashie saw them in person or something, to sell the emotional description.

Instead I get feeling all kinda awkward. Like my friend is telling me about how awesome his trip to Cabo was and look at that picture, but because I wasn't there and don't have context I simply am incapable of appreciating whats so awesome.

In short this is all a show don't tell thing. And do it when its relevant not a side bar NOW.

And I find fandom/nerd work has a very bad habit of detail/fact obsession and telling you about it rather then letting it emerge naturally.

As for cliches, well yeah that's kinda where my entire frame of mind is coming from.

The more I watch the more I pick up on the idea that good or bad what interests our demographic isn't some transcendent new but unappreciated media form... but just exchange a whole different set of tastes and fetishes.

Which is all well and good but people should really not be claiming its somehow "better" because its really just stroking their sensitive spots.

2013-07-21, 06:21 PM
**Saying lots of things that are correct**

I like you.

3. That said, Zimmerwald, I would guess that you might be disappointed if you look into what some of the actors are thinking about. I'm sure that When Tabitha played Nightmare Moon, she had an idea about the character's jealousy and desire for revenge because the myth from the script had been explained to her. But I'm not so certain that she made any decision about the history of Luna's corruption, for much the same reason that Lauren Faust and the writers never made that decision. It's enough to understand the character's emotions and personality to know that she was good, felt neglected, and is now corrupt and evil. The details of the process aren't necessary.

I guess that this is where TV acting, particularly voice work, mainly differs from stage work. When you look at an actor on a stage, they will have likely spent months developing their character. The director for Doubt, who also directed other shows I acted in, had an exercise he would have actors do wherein they would come in periodically and, in character, tell their life story. So much effort is put into understanding exactly who your character is, learning where they come from, and applying that knowledge to the events occurring around them, just as you would react based on your own life.

The voice actors playing main characters have the luxury not only that they are given lots of information about their characters, but they've had the time to completely understand and fill in the blanks. They don't have the opportunity to do the same for a supporting character, especially one who's just been introduced.

I suppose that's part of why I love stage work so much. I have the opportunity develop the character to the point where they still occupy a little corner of my mind. There are some characters that are still hanging around up there, despite the fact that I haven't played them in years.

2013-07-21, 07:43 PM
It wasn't that bad...

what was bad about it was that for years it had been established that only one planet had been liberated from the clans during the Crusade
--this came out when the Canon storyline had gone a year-year and half PAST the battle of Tukayyid which ended the invasion
suddenly this cartoon decides that a 2nd planet has been liberated
(and since the powers that be had declared before it was made that it was Canon...they had to go back and change history)

--introduced out of the blue the enhancement tattoos

--more importantly the WAY it was done...5 or 6 spheroids take on a whole CLUSTER of Jade Falcon? and win?
and the Falcons? one of the most hidebound Clans? regularly sent 8-12 mechs (using inner sphere organization) against them when bidding would have put it at 2-4 mechs with some elementals

but as horrible as this series was..its STILL not the worst hackjob of source material...that "honor" goes to the french made Conan series

2013-07-21, 10:37 PM
what was bad about it was that for years it had been established that only one planet had been liberated from the clans during the Crusade
--this came out when the Canon storyline had gone a year-year and half PAST the battle of Tukayyid which ended the invasion
suddenly this cartoon decides that a 2nd planet has been liberated
(and since the powers that be had declared before it was made that it was Canon...they had to go back and change history)

--introduced out of the blue the enhancement tattoos

--more importantly the WAY it was done...5 or 6 spheroids take on a whole CLUSTER of Jade Falcon? and win?
and the Falcons? one of the most hidebound Clans? regularly sent 8-12 mechs (using inner sphere organization) against them when bidding would have put it at 2-4 mechs with some elementals

but as horrible as this series was..its STILL not the worst hackjob of source material...that "honor" goes to the french made Conan series
I watched it too but the cgi part of the series was what bugs me the most. If it had continued longer and with good writers, it would be Saturday morning version of game of thrones (up to word of Blake jihad at least). I also got mistaken draconis combine as Russian or German faction due to accent of the bearded guy (turns out they are Japanese).
Edit: oh, pony version of battle tech (not a certain crossover Tim fix)
Capellan Confederation (queen chrysalis and changelings+ pinkie pie as Maximilian Liao)

2013-07-22, 12:05 AM
as of a few minutes ago, I am twenty years of age, which meens I can buy alcohol in every country(were it's legal) except the one I live in.

Sorry Berry Punch, you would not enjoy my party.

Not that I would want to, I got enough of that stuff when I was four and accidentally drank my grandma's whiskey

2013-07-22, 12:12 AM
Hey congrats! Means our birthdays are less than a week apart!! :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-22, 12:13 AM
The more I watch the more I pick up on the idea that good or bad what interests our demographic isn't some transcendent new but unappreciated media form... but just exchange a whole different set of tastes and fetishes.

Which is all well and good but people should really not be claiming its somehow "better" because its really just stroking their sensitive spots.
Preach it, bruh. I agree 100%. It's why there is such general disdain for creative media using "un-original" characters. You don't see that in other countries (well, Japan).

It seems you just noticed this about fan works (fanfic, fanart, etc)?? Perhaps because MLP is your first serious fandom that produces so much fan material?

Or more likely it's just an opportunity to drag out the old soapbox, lol?

2013-07-22, 01:23 AM
as of a few minutes ago, I am twenty years of age, which meens I can buy alcohol in every country(were it's legal) except the one I live in.

Sorry Berry Punch, you would not enjoy my party.

Not that I would want to, I got enough of that stuff when I was four and accidentally drank my grandma's whiskey

Hey, man. I turned 19 about a month ago. That meant I had spent a year in this maaaaagical time where I could vote and join the military and run for public office, but I couldn't even set foot in a pub. Canada's weird. You're legally an adult at 18, but still a minor until 19.

2013-07-22, 02:42 AM

Define the difference between 'fan work' and 'professional work'.

Is it 'number of people involved in the production'? Because as far as I'm aware Dresden Codak is just one guy.

Is it 'charges money to experience it'? Because Transformers was terrible.

Is it 'uses pre-existing IP'? Because by that definition the Lord of the Rings movies are a fanwork of the books.

Is it 'fanwork within the context of this particular fandom'? Because that comic is by far not the best thing to come out of the Pony Fandom.

I'd define the difference as "did it for money" vs. "did not do it for money." That often has very little to do with quality.

That said, the big difference between most things that are fan works and most things that are done professionally is the size and skill of the team involved. People can complain about Hasbro all they want, but having multiple rounds of editing usually makes a work way better than it was before the editing.

I like you.

I guess that this is where TV acting, particularly voice work, mainly differs from stage work. When you look at an actor on a stage, they will have likely spent months developing their character. The director for Doubt, who also directed other shows I acted in, had an exercise he would have actors do wherein they would come in periodically and, in character, tell their life story. So much effort is put into understanding exactly who your character is, learning where they come from, and applying that knowledge to the events occurring around them, just as you would react based on your own life.

The voice actors playing main characters have the luxury not only that they are given lots of information about their characters, but they've had the time to completely understand and fill in the blanks. They don't have the opportunity to do the same for a supporting character, especially one who's just been introduced.

I suppose that's part of why I love stage work so much. I have the opportunity develop the character to the point where they still occupy a little corner of my mind. There are some characters that are still hanging around up there, despite the fact that I haven't played them in years.

This is really interesting, and I think you're right in pointing out that this is a difference between TV and stage work. In the case of pony we can probably be even more specific. John De Lancie, for example, didn't even remember his Discord performance until he started getting contacted by bronies about it (he's told the story about having to ask his wife to even remember what it was at several conventions).

Now, I suspect that the voice actors for the mane 6 have spent considerably more time than De Lancie, but all of them also do other jobs and have to crank out either 13 or 26 episodes of pony per year. So their time with any one particular scene or aspect of a character is going to be much shorter than someone who is going to portray a particular character on stage repeating the same performance many times.

However, I do think that, going into 4 years at this point we are starting to see the actors give more life to their characters. Tabitha is comfortable with Rarity's nature and hopefully is becoming progressively more at ease with Luna's given her limited screentime. Andrea Libman is getting better and better at playing up Pinkie and playing down Fluttershy, etc.

as of a few minutes ago, I am twenty years of age, which meens I can buy alcohol in every country(were it's legal) except the one I live in.

Sorry Berry Punch, you would not enjoy my party.

Not that I would want to, I got enough of that stuff when I was four and accidentally drank my grandma's whiskey

Happy birthday! Don't give up on whiskey because of a bad experience. It's great stuff. But do wait until you can legally buy it before trying it out. :smallwink:

2013-07-22, 03:08 AM
Happy birthday! Don't give up on whiskey because of a bad experience. It's great stuff. But do wait until you can legally buy it before trying it out. :smallwink:
I never liked Whiskey :smallyuk:. I tried that when I was 18, which is legal drinking age in Burma. But I do like Wine, Beer (2 or more bottle => rashes on my arms and legs), and Daquiri.
Edit: Korra Season 2 is coming but I just got hooked on a show about baby horses while waiting for it.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-07-22, 04:46 AM
Pretty pony portraits

Though, if you want the bonus points, you could also sprinkle a few old western phrases (http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~poindexterfamily/OldWestSlang.html) for her.

Just go easy on them. They spice like paprika. :smallbiggrin:
Some really interesting ones here, though I can't help noticing that some of them are (to me, at least) rather common. Shoddy or stumped, for example, are words that are quite common where I am.

as of a few minutes ago, I am twenty years of age, which meens I can buy alcohol in every country(were it's legal) except the one I live in.


As per Ponythread official guidelines, I present you with pony and cake. Enjoy!
http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDcvMjAvMTVfNDNfNDRfMTA5XzM3OTQzNF 9fc2FmZV9waW5raWVfcGllX3ByaW5jZXNzX2x1bmFfdGV4dF90 cmFkaXRpb25hbF9hcnRfbWFnaWNfY2FrZV90ZWFfdGFibGVfdG VhX3BhcnR5X3RlYWN1cF9hcnRpc3RfY29sb25fb2JsaXZpdXNt b29uX3RhYmxlX2Nsb3RoIl1d/379434__safe_pinkie%2Bpie_princess%2Bluna_text_tra ditional%2Bart_magic_cake_tea_table_tea%2Bparty_te acup_artist-colon-obliviusmoon_table%2Bcloth.jpg

2013-07-22, 05:08 AM
Largely, yes.

Or at least the flagship of Winningverse is centred around her (and Derpy/Sparkler/Dinky, Dash and Blossomforth) and most of the rest of the stories weave into and through the main one (or the sadfic side universe pin-off).

Interesting. Not sure if I'm willing to give it a go, but why not if I have time?

/snerk isn't it ALWAYS dead for you?

Yeah, glad somepony caught that.

Guys, you are misspelling Owlowiscious all over the place.


'tis a pune on Aloysius, tis pronounced identically,and tis apparently a legitimate name.

/) !

2013-07-22, 06:07 AM
Ponythread: Where we discuss grammar and ancient languages.

You guys haven't changed a bit. <3In other news I know this is even less pony related but I just got my ticket for the Black Flag concert tomorrow and I am SO STOKED. Just needed to share that. >.>

We are the best, aren't we?

Popping in to say thirded. Now, just remember it in a couple weeks when we need to make a new thread.

Can do.

Cool. Not my cup of tea, but there have been plenty of pony games running around, and it's nice of you to point it out.

Aye, kinda full-up right now >_>

So this is a thing... (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/07/animation-fantasy-anime-mlp.html)

Is MLP on the same network as Cartoon Cartoons and Animaniacs in Japan or something? Because then this would at least make a little more sense.


Anarion, you Japanese sometimes. Was this funny? Should I laugh?

Shameless self-promotion from basically a lurker...

The Return of Tambelon (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/116325/the-return-of-tambelon).

The Lunaverse, Season 2, Episode 1. It's been heavily inspired by Conan the Barbarian stories, and hopefully will be a fun read.

That's the best pitch ever.

Ponan... The adventurer...
Ponan... Pony without peer!

Lazy Day? Lazy Day!

Stephanie no
Wake up
Get to work

I'm trying to imagine how that birth even worked.

Doctor: "Congratulations Vinyl, it's a healthly baby... cassette tape?"
Baby: **Transformer sound effect**
Doctor: "...cassette colt?"
Soundwave: "Colt adorable. Soundwave is pleased with offspring."
Vinyl: "Aww yeah, he's going to totally rumble the ladies."
Soundwave: "Logical conclusion- he shall be named Rumble."

Fund it!

Apparently my daughter's Pony OC is a light blue pegasus with shades and a yellow curly mane with the name of "Awesome McCoolName". I just got a hold of some of her Pony artwork so maybe I'll scan that in to show interested parties.
Granted it's stick figures from a 5-year old, but how can I not be proud of my daughter's imagination? :smallbiggrin:


Don't know why I thought of this but I think it might make a good discussion topic.

What exactly was the point of Chrysalis' plan? According to Cadence, Changelings feed off of love. They do this by masquerading as someone you care about. So why did Chrysalis want to dramatically take over Canterlot? How would the Changelings feed if everybody was getting attack by them?

Dunno why I thought of that but there you go. Also I'm going to be gone camping for a week, farewell.

They feed on emotions, I thought, not just love (Cadance was speaking circumstantially). And the reason the plan failed is Chrysalis was psychologically unable to appreciate her food as people. She's a straight vampire analogue in that regard.

The crystal Empire had not yet returned at that point in time.

and she did not intend to rveal herself until after The real cadance arrived.

and seeing as how she was loudly singing about her plans in a castle with Stone Walls(Echo anybrony), she probably was not that bright to begin with.

Yeah. She wasn't exactly crazy, but definitely did not subscribe to the standard sanity system.

2013-07-22, 06:35 AM
http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iLb8zt1thO4&feature=plpp (The Last of Us Spoilers)
0:43- pony reference!

2013-07-22, 06:56 AM
I don't actually remember AJ saying y'all that much.

She doesn't, but then nor does she use it much when I write for her because I don't often have a moment where she's addressing "you all". I think it only came up twice when I wrote her story.

Perfect! I had always had the feeling that I was overdoing her accent, but I couldn't figure out what to keep. Thanks! :smallbiggrin:

You are welcome! :smallsmile: The trick is not to overdo it to the point you can't read her lines anymore because every other word has been muddied up in accents. Just pick a couple things to change and keep consistent.

as of a few minutes ago, I am twenty years of age, which meens I can buy alcohol in every country(were it's legal) except the one I live in.

Hippo Birdie!

Drinking is a lot of work anyway. At least it is for me since I'm short and skinny.

Pretty pony portraits

Oooh, not often I see non-digital Pony work. Nice finds!
I particularly like Apple Bloom's portrait. I think the artist captured her spirit quite nicely.

Some really interesting ones here, though I can't help noticing that some of them are (to me, at least) rather common. Shoddy or stumped, for example, are words that are quite common where I am.

Indeed, in the other Western lingo site (http://www.legendsofamerica.com/we-slang.html) I use, I've made note of words and phrases that are aren't completely out of style yet. Those I think make better choices since the average reader will pick up on their meaning more readily.

Then again, part of the humor with Outlaw Mares is having Trixie lampshade some of the really odd expressions that the westerners use with her. :smallbiggrin:

Ponan... The adventurer...
Ponan... Pony without peer!

The final 30 minutes of the Conan movie was playing in the employee break room last week.
Last night I saw a piece of art from artist Jolly Jack that was a pony Conan and Fluttershy (NSFW though). Though he called it "Bronan" because of a potentially embarrasing mispronounciation.

2013-07-22, 08:59 AM
Hey congrats! Means our birthdays are less than a week apart!! :smallbiggrin:
Thank you.

Happy birthday! Don't give up on whiskey because of a bad experience. It's great stuff. But do wait until you can legally buy it before trying it out. :smallwink:Thank you, and it was really Cheep Whiskey(the deressed Alcoholic Whiskey, grandma was in a bad place for a while after great grandma died)


As per Ponythread official guidelines, I present you with pony and cake. Enjoy!
http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDcvMjAvMTVfNDNfNDRfMTA5XzM3OTQzNF 9fc2FmZV9waW5raWVfcGllX3ByaW5jZXNzX2x1bmFfdGV4dF90 cmFkaXRpb25hbF9hcnRfbWFnaWNfY2FrZV90ZWFfdGFibGVfdG VhX3BhcnR5X3RlYWN1cF9hcnRpc3RfY29sb25fb2JsaXZpdXNt b29uX3RhYmxlX2Nsb3RoIl1d/379434__safe_pinkie%2Bpie_princess%2Bluna_text_tra ditional%2Bart_magic_cake_tea_table_tea%2Bparty_te acup_artist-colon-obliviusmoon_table%2Bcloth.jpg
Thank you.

Interesting. Not sure if I'm willing to give it a go, but why not if I have time?

Yeah, glad somepony caught that.

1. fair warning, it's like futurama. it's advertised as a comedy, but parts will make you cry like a bitch

2.the Undead still live. Un-dead= no longer dead, as in Not Dead. we meet all the prerequisites for beiing considered alive. Undead's a bit of a misnomer any way, I Prefer Negatively Alive

We are the best, aren't we?

Hippo Birdie!

Drinking is a lot of work anyway. At least it is for me since I'm short and skinny.
Thank you.

And I kinda swore off the stuff. I'm crazy enough with out it.

2013-07-22, 09:07 AM
Speaking of birthdays mine's today too!

...minus about a week and a half. I was sick for the actual day, so my family decided to collectively postpone the celebration. :smalltongue:

2013-07-22, 09:12 AM
Speaking of birthdays mine's today too!

...minus about a week and a half. I was sick for the actual day, so my family decided to collectively postpone the celebration. :smalltongue:

That sucks. feel better Hugs?http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/178/7/5/pinkie_hug_by_tj_korran-d4zomzo.png

anyway, this picture made me think of Pinkie. I do not know why.

2013-07-22, 10:58 AM
Speaking of birthdays mine's today too!

...minus about a week and a half. I was sick for the actual day, so my family decided to collectively postpone the celebration. :smalltongue:

Hippo birdies to ewe too!

Postponing isn't a bad idea. No pony should celebrate when they're feeling ill and icky. You still get your birthday cake, yes?

Anyway, this picture made me think of Pinkie. I do not know why.

The way her face looks and how she wears that hat, I actually pictured her to be Pinkie's mom after their first party. :smallbiggrin:

"Pinkamena, be a dear and fetch mommy the tums."

2013-07-22, 11:15 AM
Anarion, you Japanese sometimes. Was this funny? Should I laugh?

First off, the subtitles in that actually went by too fast for me to read them and I didn't feel like going back and slowly going over each character. Second, of the 35% or so that I got (most of which was names and some verbs), it didn't make that video make any more sense.

Crimson Doom
2013-07-22, 11:18 AM
Want a hilariously stupid abridged series? Watch Ultra Fast Pony (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DhPBcO8v7c&list=PLX113_fWui8qzNrGtCEJIKr7eHEEnCCzT).

That is all.

One Tin Soldier
2013-07-22, 01:38 PM
as of a few minutes ago, I am twenty years of age, which meens I can buy alcohol in every country(were it's legal) except the one I live in.

Sorry Berry Punch, you would not enjoy my party.

Not that I would want to, I got enough of that stuff when I was four and accidentally drank my grandma's whiskey

Happy birthday, rater! As someone who just reached the magical drinking age, I will also say not to give up on alcohol completely. Drinking reasonably with good friends is very fun. Also, I don't like whiskey either. Its just way too bitter. I like rum and vodka though, at least when they have sweet flavoring.

Once I'm back to my computer, I might go find some alcohol-related fanart to make this a tad more relevant.

2013-07-22, 01:45 PM
Second, of the 35% or so that I got (most of which was names and some verbs), it didn't make that video make any more sense.

Ah, then it must be authentic Japanese fanwork! :smalltongue:

Speaking of fanwork, I finished reading "The Crystal Heart Spell" for my daughter. I'm still not sure if my daughter was happy that everything turned out well for Twilight, or if my daughter was just glad the story is over. :smallbiggrin:
What I want to know is...
...did Trixie's show go on and was well received or not? Those Crystal ponies are 1000 years out of date from any stage show! :smalltongue:

I did finally get Pony comic #8 (The one with Trixie on the lower-right part of cover). ...unfortunately I don't have #7 yet so I don't want to read this one. Payday can't come around fast enough! Also, I haven't gotten a lot of my expected mail lately.

Derpy must be on vacation. :smallfrown:

2013-07-22, 02:03 PM
Happy birthday, rater! As someone who just reached the magical drinking age, I will also say not to give up on alcohol completely. Drinking reasonably with good friends is very fun. Also, I don't like whiskey either. Its just way too bitter. I like rum and vodka though, at least when they have sweet flavoring.

Once I'm back to my computer, I might go find some alcohol-related fanart to make this a tad more relevant.

This is the only Alcohol related fanwork anypony needs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u5igvzNXJk)

2013-07-22, 02:53 PM
That sucks. feel better Hugs?http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/178/7/5/pinkie_hug_by_tj_korran-d4zomzo.png

Much appreciated. I'm feeling much better now.


Hippo birdies to ewe too!

Postponing isn't a bad idea. No pony should celebrate when they're feeling ill and icky. You still get your birthday cake, yes?

If by "birthday cake" you mean "birthday steak", then yes. :smallbiggrin:

To be honest, I can't recall the last time my family did a proper birthday cake. None of us are particularly good cooks - but I'm learning! - and we figure going out for dinner and getting ice cream later is a good substitute.

2013-07-22, 04:22 PM
Hmm, the Fan Favourite poll (http://www.hubworld.com/hubworld/specials/mlpfim-fan-favorite/?adFree=true)over at the hub has short election videos for each pony. But who to vote for? Rarity or Applejack?


EDIT: Huh, interesting. Voting puts you through a 10 question questionnaire about show facts. It's not hard, but each correct answer nails you an extra vote.

Which means half my votes go to Rarity and half to AJ. Problem solved! :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-22, 04:23 PM
If by "birthday cake" you mean "birthday steak", then yes. :smallbiggrin:

To be honest, I can't recall the last time my family did a proper birthday cake.

D: You poor soul....
Anyway, happy birthday.

Want a hilariously stupid abridged series? Watch Ultra Fast Pony (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DhPBcO8v7c&list=PLX113_fWui8qzNrGtCEJIKr7eHEEnCCzT).

That is all.

Eh. That was...something. Not quite sure why, but it was more miss than hit for me. Though it had its moments. Pinkie's Yorkshire-accent (Correct me if it actually isn't a Yorkshire one.) I enjoyed greatly.

Hmm, the Fan Favourite poll (http://www.hubworld.com/hubworld/specials/mlpfim-fan-favorite/?adFree=true)over at the hub has short election videos for each pony. But who to vote for? Rarity or Applejack?


Comeon, you know you want to choose Rarity. Who could resist such a fabulous pony?


2013-07-22, 04:30 PM
Speaking of birthdays mine's today too!

...minus about a week and a half. I was sick for the actual day, so my family decided to collectively postpone the celebration. :smalltongue:
...Uh, happy birthday-minus-a-week-and-a-half? :smalltongue:

as of a few minutes ago, I am twenty years of age, which meens I can buy alcohol in every country(were it's legal) except the one I live in.

Sorry Berry Punch, you would not enjoy my party.

Not that I would want to, I got enough of that stuff when I was four and accidentally drank my grandma's whiskey
Happy birthday!

Hmm, the Fan Favourite poll (http://www.hubworld.com/hubworld/specials/mlpfim-fan-favorite/?adFree=true)over at the hub has short election videos for each pony. But who to vote for? Rarity or Applejack?


EDIT: Huh, interesting. Voting puts you through a 10 question questionnaire about show facts. It's not hard, but each correct answer nails you an extra vote.

Which means half my votes go to Rarity and half to AJ. Problem solved! :smallbiggrin:
I screwed up the question about Owlwhatshisname, it seems Twilight sparkle is getting a mere nine extra votes. :smallfrown: :smalltongue:

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-22, 04:32 PM
as of a few minutes ago, I am twenty years of age, which meens I can buy alcohol in every country(were it's legal) except the one I live in.

Speaking of birthdays mine's today too!

...minus about a week and a half. I was sick for the actual day, so my family decided to collectively postpone the celebration. :smalltongue:

Happy Birthday!

Not that I would want to, I got enough of that stuff when I was four and accidentally drank my grandma's whiskey

I was two and it was my Dad gave me a taste of his whiskey, but yeah, pretty much what happened to me.

(Didn't work on either of my sisters, though.)

Haven't willing touched alcohol since. (Can't stand the taste on top of everything else.) Nor do I want to be around drunk people anyway and I like my inhibitions and my mind exactly the way it is thank you very much. As I don't pub, though, it saves me a freaking fortune to spend on starships.

Penultimate boss was doing so well, until the moment the cleric, having wasted one Heal on himself due to being deafened before curing himself, a bi fracked off, by this point, stood up and hit him with a Disintegrate.

Critical hit.

Failed Fort save.

32D6. Times TWO.


I lose more boss monsters that way this module...!

2013-07-22, 04:36 PM
the quiz it offers after you vote confirms zecora has magical powers.

2013-07-22, 04:39 PM
Must be different questions for each attempter. I got one of mine wrong too by accidentally answering true to the question without reading it all.

True/False. Rainbow Dash magically got her friends' cutie marks back after they were mixed up by a spell.

2013-07-22, 04:39 PM
Happy Birthday!

I was two and it was my Dad gave me a taste of his whiskey, but yeah, pretty much what happened to me.

(Didn't work on either of my sisters, though.)

Haven't willing touched alcohol since. (Can't stand the taste on top of everything else.) Nor do I want to be around drunk people anyway and I like my inhibitions and my mind exactly the way it is thank you very much. As I don't pub, though, it saves me a freaking fortune to spend on starships.

Penultimate boss was doing so well, until the moment the cleric, having wasted one Heal on himself due to being deafened before curing himself, a bi fracked off, by this point, stood up and hit him with a Disintegrate.

Critical hit.

Failed Fort save.

32D6. Times TWO.


I lose more boss monsters that way this module...!

well, that was anticlimactic.

not as anti climctic as having a BP 1 V:tr char get shot in the head by a mortal cop seconds after killing a BP 10 Methuselah, but still.

2013-07-22, 04:39 PM
Must be different questions for each attempter. I got one of mine wrong too by accidentally answering true to the question without reading it all.

True/False. Rainbow Dash magically got her friends cutie marks back after they were mixed up by a spell.
Huh, all of mine were multiple choice. :smallconfused:

Beacon of Chaos
2013-07-22, 04:52 PM
Speaking of birthdays mine's today too!

-wait a sec!

...minus about a week and a half. I was sick for the actual day, so my family decided to collectively postpone the celebration. :smalltongue:
...hmm. Okay, I'll let it slide this time.


Pony + cake = a happy birthday.

2013-07-22, 04:53 PM
11 votes for Rainbow Dash because Lyra is not an option

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-22, 06:05 PM
An "official" Best Pony Poll?

This is going to end well isn't it?

2013-07-22, 06:08 PM
I just voted randomly. Being a wild card is fun! :D
Though actually most of my votes did deliberately go to Rarity, so I'm not as random as I'd like. Bugger.

Also, one of the possible answers for 'what did Celestia turn Discord into?' was a duck. I demand that a tumblr be made about that.

2013-07-22, 06:27 PM
I couldn't seem to use my 10 extra votes, I clicked the vote button and nothing happened, so Rainbow Dash only got one vote from me :smallfrown:

2013-07-22, 06:31 PM
Also, one of the possible answers for 'what did Celestia turn Discord into?' was a duck. I demand that a tumblr be made about that.
Does Discord float in water?

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-22, 06:34 PM
Does Discord float in water?

Only if he's made of wood I think.

2013-07-22, 07:18 PM
After voting on the Hub website's "Best Pony", it's nice that it tells you the TV premiere date for Equestria Girls!

So, for those still waiting to see it, there's your date. :smallsmile:

If by "birthday cake" you mean "birthday steak", then yes. :smallbiggrin:

Ah yeah, that is totally an acceptable substitution.

Hmm, the Fan Favourite poll over at the hub has short election videos for each pony. But who to vote for? Rarity or Applejack?

I let my daughter vote and she did 9 for AJ and 2 for Rarity (the latter two votes to make me happy since she knows I like Rarity).

Edit: Adorable Trixie is adorable~

2013-07-22, 08:06 PM
An "official" Best Pony Poll?

This is going to end well isn't it?

Don't worry, everypony will still find a variety of ways to dismiss it no matter what result ensues. Or better yet, there will be a 6-way tie.

Only if he's made of wood I think.


2013-07-22, 09:12 PM
Don't worry, everypony will still find a variety of ways to dismiss it no matter what result ensues. Or better yet, there will be a 6-way tie.
Official websites are not canon!

2013-07-22, 09:15 PM
Official websites are not canon!
HamHam's calling out the sampling bias is a better rationale.

2013-07-22, 09:15 PM
Official websites are not canon!

Yes, canon is only things in the show, and possibly stuff the writers said that has not been contradicted by the show.

2013-07-22, 09:24 PM
Also, one of the possible answers for 'what did Celestia turn Discord into?' was a duck. I demand that a tumblr be made about that.

I got (words to the effect of) "who's that taking the full brunt of Fluttershy's Stare?". The correct answer was Discord, but one of the other options was Gummy. I think we need a bunch of alternaDiscord tumblrs.

2013-07-22, 09:30 PM
HamHam's calling out the sampling bias is a better rationale.
Well, true, but as Rater202 showed, there's some grounds to stand upon. Granted, they may be initially silly, but they're there. :smallwink:

Reminds me of when I saw The Last Roundup the other day. Even though it was the "cut" version, it still had the closed captions from the original version. Of course, closed captions are usually added by another party that has nothing to do with the actual show, so there's no real breakthrough there.

Season 4 gag.
The episode with the Applejack song better be called "The Last Roundup 2: Roundup Laster."

2013-07-22, 09:33 PM
Well, true, but as Rater202 showed, there's some grounds to stand upon. Granted, they may be initially silly, but they're there. :smallwink:
I think the "silliness" factor is important here. The sampling bias callout, after all, has the distinct advantage of not opening up the "what is canon" can of worms again, less than two pages after it was closed. :smalleek:

2013-07-22, 09:36 PM
Well, true, but as Rater202 showed, there's some grounds to stand upon. Granted, they may be initially silly, but they're there. :smallwink:

Reminds me of when I saw The Last Roundup the other day. Even though it was the "cut" version, it still had the closed captions from the original version. Of course, closed captions are usually added by another party that has nothing to do with the actual show, so there's no real breakthrough there.

Season 4 gag.
The episode with the Applejack song better be called "The Last Roundup 2: Roundup Laster."

what was it I showed?

2013-07-22, 09:52 PM
what was it I showed?

Yes, canon is only things in the show, and possibly stuff the writers said that has not been contradicted by the show.

Of course even stuff in the show can contradict itself (Fluttershy's flying speed, for example) but for the sake of silly ponies being silly, ponies.

2013-07-22, 09:58 PM

Of course even stuff in the show can contradict itself (Fluttershy's flying speed, for example) but for the sake of silly ponies being silly, ponies.

wasn't the problem with her flying speed revield to be an confidence thing?

the only time before Hurricane Fluttershy that she flew fast was in return of harmony, in which she was very well motivated.

something comes to mind.

the only time Shy ever said anything bad about anyone(Ignoring "new Fluttershy") was when she called Discord a "Bid. Dumb. Meany", which was a serious understatement. Then later on she makes Friends with him.

what does this say about her character.

2013-07-22, 10:36 PM
wasn't the problem with her flying speed revield to be an confidence thing?

the only time before Hurricane Fluttershy that she flew fast was in return of harmony, in which she was very well motivated.
She flew fast in Friendship is Magic Part 2 (granted, it was a life or death situation) and also to get away from Pinkie Pie in Party of One (Pinkie, in turn, has been known to outrun Rainbow Dash flying, but that's just our Pinkie Pie). Secret of my Excess, too. Confidence might be a factor, but even in Hurricane Fluttershy, overcoming that problem only got her a quarter as fast as Thunderlane.

something comes to mind.

the only time Shy ever said anything bad about anyone(Ignoring "new Fluttershy") was when she called Discord a "Bid. Dumb. Meany", which was a serious understatement. Then later on she makes Friends with him.

what does this say about her character.
That she is the best pony. http://i.imgur.com/HhIbn.png :smallwink:

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-22, 11:20 PM
Don't worry, everypony will still find a variety of ways to dismiss it no matter what result ensues. Or better yet, there will be a 6-way tie.

Previous polls I can recall showed a consistent Best Pony from a statistical perspective... but the Herd has also become more skittery.

2013-07-22, 11:31 PM
That reminds me, I still have the Ponythread Boat Race script around, I should look at doing another one of those.

2013-07-23, 12:03 AM
Pinkie Pie + a cupcake(don't worry..its a good cupcake)

Book Bending? Book Bending!

Smile Smile Smile(Filly Version)
http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/202/7/8/fwom_t_ese_habby_fwiends_o__mii_ine__by_beavernato r-d6eez4t.png

Fluttershy has gotta catch em all

Rarity w/ Spiked teeth..as in she is a Vampire..Don't look Commodore!

2013-07-23, 12:15 AM
Smile Smile Smile(Filly Version)
http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/202/7/8/fwom_t_ese_habby_fwiends_o__mii_ine__by_beavernato r-d6eez4t.png
I have diabetes now.

I hope that you are happy.

2013-07-23, 12:38 AM
Previous polls I can recall showed a consistent Best Pony from a statistical perspective... but the Herd has also become more skittery.

Pretty sure the adult/male community heavily favors Rainbow Dash, but I could be wrong.

2013-07-23, 12:40 AM
a good cupcake

Pinkie why must you be so adorable >.<

Colonel Fedora
2013-07-23, 12:57 AM
Stallions and gentlemares, behold! (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/07/super-lesbian-horse-rpg.html#more)

Super Lesbian Horses RPG, the closest to canon you're ever going to get.

(Except that it ships Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy, despite the fact that Pinkiedash is clearly canon.)

2013-07-23, 01:10 AM
Stallions and gentlemares, behold! (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/07/super-lesbian-horse-rpg.html#more)

Super Lesbian Horses RPG, the closest to canon you're ever going to get.

(Except of course for the fact that it ships Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy, despite the fact that Pinkiedash is clearly canon.)

That looks pretty darn amazing. Love the title.

Forum Explorer
2013-07-23, 01:16 AM
Pretty sure the adult/male community heavily favors Rainbow Dash, but I could be wrong.

I'd have figured Twilight actually. Anyways I voted for all of the Mane 6 except for Rarity. Because she is the worst pony. :smalltongue:

Stallions and gentlemares, behold! (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/07/super-lesbian-horse-rpg.html#more)

Super Lesbian Horses RPG, the closest to canon you're ever going to get.

(Except that it ships Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy, despite the fact that Pinkiedash is clearly canon.)

I recommend taking a look at his tumblr if you like the art style and FlutterDash
Fluttershy Replies (http://fluttershyreplies.tumblr.com/)

2013-07-23, 02:27 AM
Must be different questions for each attempter. I got one of mine wrong too by accidentally answering true to the question without reading it all.

True/False. Rainbow Dash magically got her friends' cutie marks back after they were mixed up by a spell.
I think that was supposed to be from Season 3 Finale, instead of Cutie Mark Chronicle :smallyuk: I hate that episode.
P.S- I gave more votes to Rarity and Pinkie Pie.
P.P.S- It won't be fair in my opinion on my extra votes.

2013-07-23, 02:36 AM
Crimson: it's an issue of legitimacy and entitlement.

I just want people to not see the show as the final word on pony, to accept that discussing pony or writing about pony does not have to follow the script of the show all the time. Especially discussions, which often seem to focus too much on what the show says rather than what it could say instead, so to speak. Basically, I think people tend to try to win discussions through Word of Canon instead of having an interesting debate about all the endless possibilities, some of which may be contradicted by the show.

When discussion is about canonicity, yes. That's the issue. Most discussions are issues of what is/not canon. That's the key behind my seemingly schizophrenic behaviors.

That's not what I quoted you to say, but I forgot what I wanted to say :smallredface:

I'm not going to say you're dangerously insane, Deadly. But sometimes it almost seems like you are one bad day away from having the weirdest origin of any Supervillain I know. :smallwink:

Seriously though, I think I see what you are saying, i just can't recall ever seeing it actually happen.

Pony astrophysics.

and know one wants to know haw you got those scars.

I do! Scars are hot.

I don't disagree with that. Obviously discussing within the strict confines of the show is perfectly fine, just as discussing outside these confines is. The problem is that the default assumption is always that any discussion is within the strict confines of the show, and if you try to go against this assumption you should expect arguments and trouble, and that's not right.

Set parameters from the get go, luv. You'll find that people argue against ponies who ignore parameters more than anything; if the question is "assuming X is true, then what?" An someone says "X can't be true!" I'll argue them down hard because they're being donks.

Establish the facts going forward, and most folks will accept those confines. :smallsmile:

This is the ideal, but I don't see it in practice. This is what people like to believe is how discussions work, but it's not my experience. My experience is that people cling to the show almost religiously in discussions and are very reluctant to let go of that thinking sometimes. Not always, but often enough.

There is a certain elegance in the work. Sure, one could change history and fact to achieve what they want, but doing it only by changing very little – by moving the lighting, and nothing more? That's a challenge. We respect those who achieve much through little tweaks. Hence, leaving most of canon alone and nudging only slightly.

It's not the only form of art, but it is one.

Well particularly so in pony there the issue that "canon" is rather delusional. And "fanon" of course is too.

Just look at how they've mixed.

On the other hand there is a certain common frame of reference, hard to define but there. Be it the lowest common denominator or a form of soft democracy on what are actually good ideas, or because those ideas with the most traction actually do tend to be pretty good end of story.

Now violating that isn't the worst things on the face of it... but the farther you go the more dissonance you have to overcome.

I also think that while a lot of people are too polite to say it or even maybe think it... this is also related to how most fanwork (when it comes to storytelling at least) just isn't very good. Its high watermark tends towards still generic, then just pastes that over with source material to set up a predisposition to be appreciated. When you deviate from "canon" it leaves the material less able to cover the "original" ideas. But its not polite to say too a peer's face "your work sucks" since it tends to cause offense so its easier to lash on to something more factual like "that's not like the show" or whatever.

If actual creativity and good storytelling were all that common we wouldn't need a whole class of professional subcontractors to provide it for us.

Oh man. I agree with Soras. What a day XD

Reductionism like that is useful only if used wisely. A hero cycle analysis of Madoka Magica might grant you some insights, but it is not a complete understanding of the work by any means.

Tell that to the Tropers.

SDCC Clip thought:

Wait.... What if "There can only be ONE Princess in Equestria" was not just a declaration but an actual prophecy?.....

Here we are, small equines
we're princesses of Equestria
Here we belong, fighting to survive
In a world with the darkest powers (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEJ8lpCQbyw)

My mind goes to strange places......

You're the best~ XD

In the absence of perfect information, an actor in their preparation (which takes place not only alone, but also in rehearsal, in collaboration with other actors and the director) must imagine specific and explicit circumstances to fill in the blanks left by the writer. For purposes of the actor's performance, those specific circumstances are true. A good playwright or screenwriter will know this, and when they leave things vague they will expect that the actor will fill in their blanks. A good playwright or screenwriter who wants something specific will make damn sure it's there for the actor to find without much searching. With respect to Doubt, the playwright expected that the actor playing Father Flynn would have some idea in his head about whether Sister Aloysius' accusations were true. There is no truth to be found in the text, but the trick of acting is that the events of a play, movie, or TV episode are lived, as were the circumstances leading up to them. The backstory must be treated as if they has happened. Once it is, it becomes truth for that specific performance.

What the audience decides doesn't matter, because they don't - or shouldn't, if the actor is competent - have any influence over how the piece turns out. Once a play leaves rehearsal and starts being performed, what the director thinks doesn't matter either, because he's relinquished his control to the actors. Television and film are a little more complicated, as directors have much more control over the final product...but on the other hand even film directors know that it is a waste of time trying to win an argument over vision with actors.

This is a thing that other people are aware of?

I think I've just awoken :smalleek:

I am choosing to believe that this typo was intentional. :smallbiggrin:

That slattern!

So, this specific fanwork is bad in your opinion because the author is just one guy who is not good at everything,


Standards are objective. If a fan work meets exceptional standards in one area and fails to meet mediocre in the others, then it is crap. This is the usual expectation for fan works, too.

You can say "he's just one guy" but it's still crap. Effort doesn't matter, end product does. Sure, he could have done better with more help, and you can discuss that possibility, but when judging a final work, you go off that final work and nothing more.

A 3 year old's water color doesn't hang next to the Mona Lisa under guise of "well he's just a young kid, it's masterpiece quality compared to what he's capable of".

Hey, man. I turned 19 about a month ago. That meant I had spent a year in this maaaaagical time where I could vote and join the military and run for public office, but I couldn't even set foot in a pub. Canada's weird. You're legally an adult at 18, but still a minor until 19.

If you join the military, your military ID could get you alcohol!

You should be free enough from training to use it about around when you turn 19.

I'd define the difference as "did it for money" vs. "did not do it for money." That often has very little to do with quality.

With the implicit "allowed to use the property for money" being in there, of course.

Happy birthday! Don't give up on whiskey because of a bad experience. It's great stuff. But do wait until you can legally buy it before trying it out. :smallwink:

For true! Don't like, take it up again because of some Internet ponies though. The lesson is 'be mindful in your deliberations' really.

I never liked Whiskey :smallyuk:. I tried that when I was 18, which is legal drinking age in Burma. But I do like Wine, Beer (2 or more bottle => rashes on my arms and legs), and Daquiri.
Edit: Korra Season 2 is coming but I just got hooked on a show about baby horses while waiting for it.

Heh. That's like saying you don't like all beer because someone gave you Budweiser!

Budweiser man. Terrible.

Some really interesting ones here, though I can't help noticing that some of them are (to me, at least) rather common. Shoddy or stumped, for example, are words that are quite common where I am.

Yeah, I'm like "what is this? Where's the cotton-pickin' slang? I've been plum lied to!"

2.the Undead still live. Un-dead= no longer dead, as in Not Dead. we meet all the prerequisites for beiing considered alive. Undead's a bit of a misnomer any way, I Prefer Negatively Alive

I dunno. That's pretty binary essentialist. What do you think, Tomas?

What, I'm allowed in the horse thread now?

Ponies. Different species, similarities serendipitous.

Ah! My apologies, dear equine-likes.

The inherent trouble with the statement given is that it presupposes that dead and alive are binary states between which one can switch, and usually naturally only in a single direction. This is demonstrably false though a valid heuristic for those not in my line of work.

Ignoring for the moment the accretion of forces which is the body-soul compound, we can say for a certainty that the 'soul' as we know it an tend to think of it is a charged positively imbued form of energy which is bound to the body (again, ignoring the... Well, if you're interested in the full dissertation you'll let me know) by a positive energy effect. This bonding is what we call 'life' in that it allows the soul to provide the body with animate force.

The undead, or those which are not merely elemental puppets, at least, who gain consciousness through the records of gross matter in a manner akashic, are those who are bound, positive soul, into the body by a reversed polarity of negativity. The... Intricacies of this interaction are where the peculiarities of undeath emerge.

Now, unlife has been created! It was an interesting process, and they called me mad, an abomination, and a defined of nature, but it was done despite their nagging, the fools!

... Ahem. Anyway, unlife, that is, reversed life, a negative soul charged into the material body by negative energy, does exist. We are still studying it however, as it has been around only for about two centuries, and for most of that the process was co-opted by some demoniac force who contaminated the reincarnation process.

And I kinda swore off the stuff. I'm crazy enough with out it.

There is that, yes.

Speaking of birthdays mine's today too!

...minus about a week and a half. I was sick for the actual day, so my family decided to collectively postpone the celebration. :smalltongue:

Bangerang. Happy olderness!

First off, the subtitles in that actually went by too fast for me to read them and I didn't feel like going back and slowly going over each character. Second, of the 35% or so that I got (most of which was names and some verbs), it didn't make that video make any more sense.

I'm going to go with "yes", then.

Ah, then it must be authentic Japanese fanwork! :smalltongue:


Speaking of fanwork, I finished reading "The Crystal Heart Spell" for my daughter. I'm still not sure if my daughter was happy that everything turned out well for Twilight, or if my daughter was just glad the story is over. :smallbiggrin:
What I want to know is...
...did Trixie's show go on and was well received or not? Those Crystal ponies are 1000 years out of date from any stage show! :smalltongue:

Summary plz?

This is the only Alcohol related fanwork anypony needs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5u5igvzNXJk)

Needs techno remix.

If by "birthday cake" you mean "birthday steak", then yes. :smallbiggrin:

To be honest, I can't recall the last time my family did a proper birthday cake. None of us are particularly good cooks - but I'm learning! - and we figure going out for dinner and getting ice cream later is a good substitute.


You live in Texas, right?


2013-07-23, 02:49 AM
Heh. That's like saying you don't like all beer because someone gave you Budweiser!

Budweiser man. Terrible.

What am I trying to say is that I don't like Whiskey since I first tasted it (with or without water mixed in it). But that doesn't mean I hate beer, wine, and Daquiri cocktail.
I don't drink Budweiser, it's either Tiger or Myanmar (http://www.myanmarbeer.com/).

2013-07-23, 03:10 AM
Stallions and gentlemares, behold! (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/07/super-lesbian-horse-rpg.html#more)

Super Lesbian Horses RPG, the closest to canon you're ever going to get.

(Except that it ships Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy, despite the fact that Pinkiedash is clearly canon.)

That reminds me, Pony Chronicles was cancelled :( the only pony game I cared about.

2013-07-23, 03:11 AM
Previous polls I can recall showed a consistent Best Pony from a statistical perspective... but the Herd has also become more skittery.

I'm pretty sure EQD has proven scientifically that Luna wins all polls she's in.

Tell that to the Tropers.

I think the TvTropes community by and large does understand that there are good tropes, bad tropes, good ways to use tropes, bad ways to use tropes, etc. And making a systemic attempt to catalog these common elements is important because for a lot of reasons, such as making you aware of harmful elements of the zeitgeist that you might otherwise not question.


Standards are objective. If a fan work meets exceptional standards in one area and fails to meet mediocre in the others, then it is crap. This is the usual expectation for fan works, too.

You can say "he's just one guy" but it's still crap. Effort doesn't matter, end product does. Sure, he could have done better with more help, and you can discuss that possibility, but when judging a final work, you go off that final work and nothing more.

A 3 year old's water color doesn't hang next to the Mona Lisa under guise of "well he's just a young kid, it's masterpiece quality compared to what he's capable of".

This is a very narrow stance to take and ultimately not that productive. It does not apply in all cases. For example plenty of fans of B movies would not consider the fact that they don't have blockbuster special effects to be at all a negative. To a certain extent the more knowledgeable you are about a medium the less important pure technical quality becomes because you can understand the effort that went into something and understand the limitations the creators are working in.

Watching what Spoony or Linkara can pull off using homemade costumes and props and a green screen on a comparatively minuscule budget is impressive in it's own right. Dr. Horrible is another good example.

Or all the webcomics where you can look back and compare the first page to the current and the improvement is just mindblowing. That's an accomplishment, and it's something for which I respect the artist.


So, I'm not sure, but I think there might be a story in the featured box based on the season 4 clip. That's... impressive.

2013-07-23, 03:19 AM
I think the TvTropes community by and large does understand that there are good tropes, bad tropes, good ways to use tropes, bad ways to use tropes, etc. And making a systemic attempt to catalog these common elements is important because for a lot of reasons, such as making you aware of harmful elements of the zeitgeist that you might otherwise not question.

That does not change or even touch on the point I made, about Tropers using tropes as if they were points in and of themselves, which directly relates to the thing I quoted.

This is a very narrow stance to take and ultimately not that productive. It does not apply in all cases. For example plenty of fans of B movies would not consider the fact that they don't have blockbuster special effects to be at all a negative. To a certain extent the more knowledgeable you are about a medium the less important pure technical quality becomes because you can understand the effort that went into something and understand the limitations the creators are working in.

Not equivalent. Shiny effects != quality. Gaudy is expensive, and not quality.
The words I used were "standards are objective". A good B movie meets the standards set out for good B movies, even if it is a B movie because it failed the A movie qualifications, which is implicit in the title.
You story can be an excellent, quality romance and still fail as satire. And if you bein it up as satire, I will call you a failure for it. What you're doing is trying to attribute concrete standards to me (and by extension, everyone) and shoot those down, when I never mentioned specific standards. That's a straw man, is it not?

My point is that when judging art, there is a very real manner in which no, you don't get an A for effort, you get an A for succeeding. If you don't succeed, you don't get an A. This is so that standards can be met, discernment can be utilized, and you can parse base on the qualifications you set out because you can trust there is an objective measure to look at. This is true of judging all things.

[Quote]Watching what Spoony or Linkara can pull off using homemade costumes and props and a green screen on a comparatively minuscule budget is impressive in it's own right. Dr. Horrible is another good example.

Or all the webcomics where you can look back and compare the first page to the current and the improvement is just mindblowing. That's an accomplishment, and it's something for which I respect the artist.[/auote]

Yes. It is an accomplishment. And when judging whether they accomplish something, A!

When judging whether they meet other criteria, not so much.

2013-07-23, 03:39 AM
I'm pretty sure EQD has proven scientifically that Luna wins all polls she's in.

Interesting that a poll would reveal that the fandom's favorite character is fan-created (mostly)

2013-07-23, 03:57 AM
So I read The Lunar Rebellion (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/77470/the-lunar-rebellion) today. Damn that's good stuff. Chengar Qordath is seriously goddamn intimidating as an author.

2013-07-23, 04:01 AM
That does not change or even touch on the point I made, about Tropers using tropes as if they were points in and of themselves, which directly relates to the thing I quoted.

I'm not clear on what your point is. Tropes are highly information dense.

Not equivalent. Shiny effects != quality. Gaudy is expensive, and not quality.
The words I used were "standards are objective". A good B movie meets the standards set out for good B movies, even if it is a B movie because it failed the A movie qualifications, which is implicit in the title.
You story can be an excellent, quality romance and still fail as satire. And if you bein it up as satire, I will call you a failure for it. What you're doing is trying to attribute concrete standards to me (and by extension, everyone) and shoot those down, when I never mentioned specific standards. That's a straw man, is it not?

My point is that when judging art, there is a very real manner in which no, you don't get an A for effort, you get an A for succeeding. If you don't succeed, you don't get an A. This is so that standards can be met, discernment can be utilized, and you can parse base on the qualifications you set out because you can trust there is an objective measure to look at. This is true of judging all things.

That is an arbitrary distinction. One could easily claim that your spaceship looking like a spaceship and not a dinner plate on a string is "quality".

The point is you have to consider context. If I see a typo in a published book, I'm going to consider that a greater fault than if I find the same in a fanfiction because someone was paid to edit one of these and not the other.

I'm not sure exactly what an equivalence would be for a comic or other visual medium, but the general point applies.


So new Study of a Winning Pony. Did not see that coming.

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-23, 04:24 AM
Yes. It is an accomplishment. And when judging whether they accomplish something, A!

When judging whether they meet other criteria, not so much.

The likes of channel awesome, and Linkara and Spooney in particular manage FAAAAR better quality of entertainment than 99% of TV shows. On top of , as HamHam says, the creativity they use for finding stories they can tell with a budget that would make Blake's 7 blush. They get an A+ for effort and an A for the rest.

For that matter, a lot of the top-tier pony fanfic authors are far and away better than a great deal of writers, even considering only those who write stories for established IPs (see Star Wars/Star Trek etc etc); very few of the latter are Timothy Zhan or Peter David.

Again, "canonicity" or legitimacy and lack thereof is completely unrelated to quality. Hell, even technical accomplishment does not garentee anything is actually good (you can see that even with pony). You have have a film/show with the best technical acting in the world and it can still be crap. The worse the basal property is, the easier it is to top by anyone, be it fan work or otherwise.

Like I said before, pony merely has a very high standard to live up to.

2013-07-23, 04:41 AM
The likes of channel awesome, and Linkara and Spooney in particular manage FAAAAR better quality of entertainment than 99% of TV shows. On top of , as HamHam says, the creativity they use for finding stories they can tell with a budget that would make Blake's 7 blush. They get an A+ for effort and an A for the rest.

I avoided specific examples because "some dude succeeded on a low budget, therefore saying quality is objective is wrong" is not something I need to deal with.

Quality != budget.
Effects != quality.
Hype != meets standards.

Yes, Linkara can probably do something awesome. That proves nothing except my point, that he objectively meets quality standard and everyone can agree. But no, a relative fringe case which is a statistical outlier of sorts does not disprove the whole of the statement. No, that's not what you're saying either, but you're the springboard for the statement.

I said quality is objective, and if your work sucks I'm not going to coddle you "because you tried".
Ham^2 said "but some good things happen despite money! So quality can't be objective!"

I trust I don't need to actually address that.

Again, "canonicity" or legitimacy and lack thereof is completely unrelated to quality.

Certainly, and I never made that argument. Springboard?

Hell, even technical accomplishment does not garentee anything is actually good (you can see that even with pony). You have have a film/show with the best technical acting in the world and it can still be crap.

This gets into technicalities. I dislike those, but..
The movie is bad. The acting can be good despite it but it proves my point because the movie is rated objectively bad, and the acting must e called out as an exception. Same with fan work. Double Rainboom sucked, but individual parts can be good regardless. And how good something is by an objective measure doesn't really affect whether or not anyone can like it. As seen by you liking Double Rainboom and specifically not caring about its listed faults.

The general idea is one of 'stop coddling people'. I've witnessed too many incidences of 'trying' just hard enough that she. You stop people don't hold it against you. Failing on purpose after looking good to avoid responsibility?

Get that **** the **** off my planet.

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-23, 04:59 AM
If you want to do get right down to it, nothing in entertainment media is objective.

No, not even then.

(See debate a couple of weeks ago on whether Star Wars original trilogy was objectively good.)

The best you wil EVER achieve is a large group concensus, as there is NO metric outside of opinion with which to work on. There is a reason no-one has yet invented a magical machine that can grade things in a true objective scale; it's impossible because whatever angle you approach it from, it's a product of its own bias.

2013-07-23, 05:04 AM
If you want to do get right down to it, nothing in entertainment media is objective.

No, not even then.

(See debate a couple of weeks ago on whether Star Wars original trilogy was objectively good.)

The best you wil EVER achieve is a large group concensus, as there is NO metric outside of opinion with which to work on. There is a reason no-one has yet invented a magical machine that can grade things in a true objective scale; it's impossible because whatever angle you approach it from, it's a product of its own bias.

That's really a question of the validity of the judge or criteria, though. I'm my saying judgement isn't arbitrary. But if someone always uses the same standards every time they judge media, you can trust their judgement and they are objective standards.

Really, we are talking two different things with the same words. I don't disagree with you, I'm just exercising the very principle I'm using; I'm using a narrow set of requirements and definitions to parse Thing from Not Thing.

Totally different tack, how well would AccAtt work for non-space combat stuff? I remember you said once upon a time that it could feasibly even be adapted (albeit potentially poorly) to like, single unit melee scale.

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-23, 05:36 AM
Totally different tack, how well would AccAtt work for non-space combat stuff? I remember you said once upon a time that it could feasibly even be adapted (albeit potentially poorly) to like, single unit melee scale.

I would have said Manouvre Group could be (and has been on occasion) be adapted to single unit melee scale. AccAtt could be adapted with not much effort for surface naval or dogfight scale. But definately not ground combat. The movement and command and control is just completely different (and that's the only part of importance, but even the combat engine isn't suited to that.)

It'd be less fitting than trying to make D&D (not "D20 system", D&D) into a starship game. (Less because starships would require taking stuff out.)

You might - barely - argue you could heavily modifiy AccAtt for ground vehicular combat and just barely treat infantry very abtractedly like fighters... If you spend ages making up terrain rules. But best case is you'd end up with something like BattleTech, which is really only any good for BattleMechs (and and even then, it's a fairly sub-par mechanical system when you get down to it.)

Honestly, MG is just so much better in that regard there's not even distant contest.

2013-07-23, 05:38 AM

Standards are objective. If a fan work meets exceptional standards in one area and fails to meet mediocre in the others, then it is crap. This is the usual expectation for fan works, too.

You can say "he's just one guy" but it's still crap. Effort doesn't matter, end product does. Sure, he could have done better with more help, and you can discuss that possibility, but when judging a final work, you go off that final work and nothing more.

A 3 year old's water color doesn't hang next to the Mona Lisa under guise of "well he's just a young kid, it's masterpiece quality compared to what he's capable of".

You completly missed my point. I did not want to excuse this comic's quality because only one guy worked on it. What I said is that Soras attributed the comic's lack of quality to the fact that only one guy worked on it, while I was trying to follow his trail of logic. Nothing more.
Heck, I haven't even read the damn thing, so how can I argue its quality?

2013-07-23, 06:30 AM
That reminds me, Pony Chronicles was cancelled :( the only pony game I cared about.

...which one was Pony Chronicles?

So, I'm not sure, but I think there might be a story in the featured box based on the season 4 clip. That's... impressive.

Nah, that's about average of any given fandom. Now, if the story turns out to have predicted canon with 100% accuracy, maybe then... :smallbiggrin:

Season 4 gag.
The episode with the Applejack song better be called "The Last Roundup 2: Roundup Laster."

Season 4 Gag
I wanted to propose "Apple Family Reunion 2: Electric Derpaloo" :smallbiggrin:

the only time Shy ever said anything bad about anyone(Ignoring "new Fluttershy") was when she called Discord a "Bid. Dumb. Meany", which was a serious understatement. Then later on she makes Friends with him.

what does this say about her character.

Considering my local circle of friends call each other names like that, but remain best friends, I think it just says that she has a believable character.

Rarity w/ Spiked teeth..as in she is a Vampire..Don't look Commodore!

At first I didn't see the white text and still got a pun out of it when I thought about the Buffy character Spike who is a vampire and since Rarity here is a vampire... something something, you know the rest. :smalltongue:

Super Lesbian Horses RPG, the closest to canon you're ever going to get.

Now there a title that fits the old SNES naming scheme...

I'd have figured Twilight actually. Anyways I voted for all of the Mane 6 except for Rarity. Because she is the worst pony. :smalltongue:

Humph! :smalltongue:

I recommend taking a look at his tumblr if you like the art style and FlutterDash
Fluttershy Replies (http://fluttershyreplies.tumblr.com/)

This post (http://fluttershyreplies.tumblr.com/post/51855661781) from that Tumblr made me LOL.

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-23, 08:16 AM
Oh man. I agree with Soras. What a day XD

Two days I guess since I posted that a few days ago but more importantly...

WARNING WARNING: Code:Ragnarok is in effect, the lamb has the scroll, Yellowstone is erupting, a man jaywalked, zero has been divided, and Pinkie Pie has breached the Fifth Wall. DON'T WALK... RUN

I'm pretty sure EQD has proven scientifically that Luna wins all polls she's in.

She isn't on this one though. And I was referring to some of the more nominally scientific survey's of the Herd that have been done.

I think the TvTropes community by and large does understand that there are good tropes, bad tropes, good ways to use tropes, bad ways to use tropes, etc. And making a systemic attempt to catalog these common elements is important because for a lot of reasons, such as making you aware of harmful elements of the zeitgeist that you might otherwise not question.

I think the salient point is that analysis of media is all about making common connections between works. So dismissing analysis of Madoka in the frame of the Monomyth as reductionist is rather missing the point because that's the only place insight is going to happen. Obviously one doesn't consider any one factor... but it all rests upon comparison.

Particularly so here, since if you don't consider all the other Magical Girl series a bit of the point of Madoka is just not there since the deliberate contrast disappears.

2013-07-23, 08:57 AM

You live in Texas, right?


Woah wait what challenge where now? :smalleek:

Though the Birthday Steak concept certainly does sound Texas-like, I actually live in the middle of the East Coast somewheres.

2013-07-23, 09:00 AM
So I just finished the hard reset trilogy on fimfiction.


I liked it. Kinda sad there at the end, but I liked it.

2013-07-23, 10:24 AM

Don't panic every pony!!~

2013-07-23, 10:31 AM
I dunno. That's pretty binary essentialist. What do you think, Tomas?

What, I'm allowed in the horse thread now?

Ponies. Different species, similarities serendipitous.

Ah! My apologies, dear equine-likes.

The inherent trouble with the statement given is that it presupposes that dead and alive are binary states between which one can switch, and usually naturally only in a single direction. This is demonstrably false though a valid heuristic for those not in my line of work.

Ignoring for the moment the accretion of forces which is the body-soul compound, we can say for a certainty that the 'soul' as we know it an tend to think of it is a charged positively imbued form of energy which is bound to the body (again, ignoring the... Well, if you're interested in the full dissertation you'll let me know) by a positive energy effect. This bonding is what we call 'life' in that it allows the soul to provide the body with animate force.

The undead, or those which are not merely elemental puppets, at least, who gain consciousness through the records of gross matter in a manner akashic, are those who are bound, positive soul, into the body by a reversed polarity of negativity. The... Intricacies of this interaction are where the peculiarities of undeath emerge.

Now, unlife has been created! It was an interesting process, and they called me mad, an abomination, and a defined of nature, but it was done despite their nagging, the fools!

... Ahem. Anyway, unlife, that is, reversed life, a negative soul charged into the material body by negative energy, does exist. We are still studying it however, as it has been around only for about two centuries, and for most of that the process was co-opted by some demoniac force who contaminated the reincarnation process.
Are you seriously going to argue the definition of Undeath with a (Part)vampire, who is also a master necromancer?

Granted I acknowledged that it may work differently in different dimensions.Holy magic, unholy magic, negative energy, and positive energy? None of it exists on Lore.

Instead we have what is called Anima magic, which creates of manipulates anima, or Life force. Positive Anima analogs closely to positive energy and Holy magic, while the opposite is true for Negative anima. note that Neither of these energies is considered good or evil.

Anything that has a personal anima, is alive. Biological organisms, most animate constructs, and most Elementals have a positive Signature, while the Undead as well as Necrotic organisms(think naturally occuring undead that reproduce, age and die like biological beings) have a negatively charged anima.

There are Also rare beings that are Neutrally Alive, and thus register as both living and Undead to most effects that discriminate. My Shadow Pony companions are an example of such creatures as are the rest of the denizens of the shadow universe.

And what we recognize as the soul on lore has no charge, though beings with souls usually have a stronger anima than one with out souls.

So yeah we are probably using the same word for two things that are only superficially similar.

and to keep this rellavent to ponythread, Have a Zombie Fluttershy, and Vampire Dash and Rarityhttp://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTIzfjO00tge8nwcGe-VI4094fs-J_oGZ2Rn7df1chtujmhObT7Mg


http://images.wikia.com/mlpfanart/images/6/63/Vampire_blank_flank_Rarity_and_Fluttershy_by_artis t-scootscoots.png

Beacon of Chaos
2013-07-23, 11:28 AM
My Neighbor Celestia (large gif)

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-23, 11:40 AM
Regarding Applejack mini series comic:

Granny Smith is best troll.

2013-07-23, 12:09 PM
I think the salient point is that analysis of media is all about making common connections between works. So dismissing analysis of Madoka in the frame of the Monomyth as reductionist is rather missing the point because that's the only place insight is going to happen. Obviously one doesn't consider any one factor... but it all rests upon comparison.

Particularly so here, since if you don't consider all the other Magical Girl series a bit of the point of Madoka is just not there since the deliberate contrast disappears.

Not all of it. You also need consider the work in itself. The show has a message that has nothing to do with anything else except like the human condition itself.

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-23, 12:58 PM
Not all of it. You also need consider the work in itself. The show has a message that has nothing to do with anything else except like the human condition itself.

That is precisely how you consider the show in itself.

Total isolation (what you'd need to avert that) is a delusion.

2013-07-23, 01:05 PM
Skype did a stealth-update and decided to enable an automatically-correct-your-spelling-as-you-go option on me.

The first time I tried to type "Brony" it came out as "Briny."

I think the crabs are trying to regroup.http://i.imgur.com/UwGCn.png

2013-07-23, 01:09 PM
That is precisely how you consider the show in itself.

Total isolation (what you'd need to avert that) is a delusion.

Being able to say compare Homura's journey to Sisyphus is useful cultural short hand but you can break it down to first principles and make the exact same point.

2013-07-23, 01:09 PM
No idea if this has been posted yet, but Josh Scorcher has done his review of the fan episode Double Rainboom (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFp70gyWepY).

2013-07-23, 01:29 PM
My Neighbor Celestia (large gif)

I saw one of Fluttershy and Totoro recently, but this one is WAY cuter with Philomena keeping Celestia dry while Celestia keeps Twi dry. :smallbiggrin: Also, animated rain counts for something.

No idea if this has been posted yet, but Josh Scorcher has done his review of the fan episode Double Rainboom (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFp70gyWepY).

Did I see this? I don't remember... I might not have, so thanks for the link!

2013-07-23, 02:02 PM
Being able to say compare Homura's journey to Sisyphus is useful cultural short hand but you can break it down to first principles and make the exact same point.

No you can't. Well, you can I guess, but the word count would ensure that nobody would ever read it. The amount of space that you save and the amount of cultural knowledge that you tap into by making a comparison to something like the Odyssey is incredibly vast. Even ignoring the fact that every high school student has to write an essay about the hero's journey at some point or other, the number of theses, dissertations, and the general level of blatant cultural stealing that comes from the Odyssey make it a common point of comparison for almost everyone.

If you wanted to derive the hero's journey from first principles instead, you'd need hundreds, if not thousands of pages to properly derive it before even getting to the actual point you wanted to make.

Oh and jumping back a bit to the discussion from SiuiS. SiuiS, you've managed to put yourself in an interesting, but incredibly difficult position. See, your argument about how we rate most works by the quality of their end product and how good it is works pretty well. But the argument about being able to establish objective standards is a losing one because if you dig deeply enough, you find that there are no objective standards at all due to the fact that everything must be filtered through individual perception.

It's better to say that there are a myriad of subjective standards, some of which a large majority of the population happens to agree on. And many of the most widespread subjective standards are treated almost like they're objective (e.g. proper grammatical editing and logical word choice in a written work).

2013-07-23, 02:34 PM

You live in Texas, right?


Woah wait what challenge where now? :smalleek:

Though the Birthday Steak concept certainly does sound Texas-like, I actually live in the middle of the East Coast somewheres.

A shame. I'll think of you while I'm eating your cake on my birthday if it makes you feel any better. After all, I'm going to actually be in Texas. :smalltongue:

2013-07-23, 02:50 PM
...which one was Pony Chronicles?

I can't find the videos of it for some reason, but it was a classic top-down turn-based RPG.

2013-07-23, 03:41 PM
I would have said Manouvre Group could be (and has been on occasion) be adapted to single unit melee scale. AccAtt could be adapted with not much effort for surface naval or dogfight scale. But definately not ground combat. The movement and command and control is just completely different (and that's the only part of importance, but even the combat engine isn't suited to that.)

That must be it. Forgot about maneuver group. No, I'm not gonna try to spell it right. XD

You completly missed my point. I did not want to excuse this comic's quality because only one guy worked on it. What I said is that Soras attributed the comic's lack of quality to the fact that only one guy worked on it, while I was trying to follow his trail of logic. Nothing more.
Heck, I haven't even read the damn thing, so how can I argue its quality?

That's cool. I've made my point, so I'm not gonna really worry about it anymore. :smallsmile:

Woah wait what challenge where now? :smalleek:

Though the Birthday Steak concept certainly does sound Texas-like, I actually live in the middle of the East Coast somewheres.

Then I guess I'll visit Raz and maybe like, Phoe before I route back over!

Are you seriously going to argue the definition of Undeath with a (Part)vampire, who is also a master necromancer?

Yes. In fact, I would go so far as to say any necromancer who declares themself a master is more likely to be closed off from innovation in the field than to truly be a master.

And what we recognize as the soul on lore has no charge, though beings with souls usually have a stronger anima than one with out souls.

So yeah we are probably using the same word for two things that are only superficially similar.

It seems that way. Do you know what souls are made of? Does the word Incarnum mean anything to you?

Skype did a stealth-update and decided to enable an automatically-correct-your-spelling-as-you-go option on me.

The first time I tried to type "Brony" it came out as "Briny."

I think the crabs are trying to regroup.http://i.imgur.com/UwGCn.png

Man, that explains a lot :smalleek:

Even ignoring the fact that every high school student has to write an essay about the hero's journey at some point or other

Man, my education apparently sucked...

Oh and jumping back a bit to the discussion from SiuiS. SiuiS, you've managed to put yourself in an interesting, but incredibly difficult position. See, your argument about how we rate most works by the quality of their end product and how good it is works pretty well. But the argument about being able to establish objective standards is a losing one because if you dig deeply enough, you find that there are no objective standards at all due to the fact that everything must be filtered through individual perception.

It's better to say that there are a myriad of subjective standards, some of which a large majority of the population happens to agree on. And many of the most widespread subjective standards are treated almost like they're objective (e.g. proper grammatical editing and logical word choice in a written work).

Yeah. It's a function of technicality. I dislike those, but can grok it well.

A shame. I'll think of you while I'm eating your cake on my birthday if it makes you feel any better. After all, I'm going to actually be in Texas. :smalltongue:

And apparently this guy too, on my visit list?

2013-07-23, 03:56 PM
Previous polls I can recall showed a consistent Best Pony from a statistical perspective... but the Herd has also become more skittery.

Pretty sure the adult/male community heavily favors Rainbow Dash, but I could be wrong.

I'd have figured Twilight actually. Anyways I voted for all of the Mane 6 except for Rarity. Because she is the worst pony. :smalltongue:

IIRC, Twilight Sparkle tends to consistently win in Best Pony polls. However, all the polls I can remember off the top of my head were before she became a princess.

Stallions and gentlemares, behold! (http://www.equestriadaily.com/2013/07/super-lesbian-horse-rpg.html#more)

Super Lesbian Horses RPG, the closest to canon you're ever going to get.

(Except that it ships Rainbow Dash with Fluttershy, despite the fact that Pinkiedash is clearly canon.)
Move over Wasteland 2, I've got a new Most Anticipated RPG This Year :smallbiggrin: :smalltongue:

/Mostly joking

So I just finished the hard reset trilogy on fimfiction.


I liked it. Kinda sad there at the end, but I liked it.
I didn't notice the names of the last three chapters, so I spent most of the actual ending worrying that some double cross would happen. But yeah, it was a pretty awesome trilogy.

My Neighbor Celestia (large gif)
I really need to get around to watching this movie sometime.

Regarding Applejack mini series comic:

Granny Smith is best troll.
Indeed. :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-23, 04:14 PM
That's cool. I've made my point, so I'm not gonna really worry about it anymore. :smallsmile:

To be honest, it was somewhat interesting to see a small misunderstanding like that snowball into the discussion that covered the last page. Maybe I should be unclear more often. :smalltongue:

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-23, 04:22 PM
IIRC, Twilight Sparkle tends to consistently win in Best Pony polls. However, all the polls I can remember off the top of my head were before she became a princess.

Finally somepony remembers.

It also says a lot about the Brony demographic if you consider self-identification an important factor in these things. Of course now she's had to do something very un-nerd (grow up!) so it is an interesting question if this will effect her geek-cred.

I really need to get around to watching this movie sometime.

You really really really do. And don't stop there.

2013-07-23, 04:41 PM
Yes. In fact, I would go so far as to say any necromancer who declares themself a master is more likely to be closed off from innovation in the field than to truly be a master.

It seems that way. Do you know what souls are made of? Does the word Incarnum mean anything to you?

Master Necromancer is a Title granted to any practitioner of Lorian Necromancy(As apposed to Shadow necromancy or Torilian necromancy) who knows enough of the four basic Subschools of necromancy(Undead creation, negative healing, Necrotic reversal[undoing someone elses necromancy], and hexing) To successfully transform themselves into a Lich. Weather they have or not s irrelevent to the title(Obviousely I have not done so as I already posses every advantage it could give me)

The Title was given to me by the master who taught me and says nothing on my own opinions of my abilities(There are still huge gaps in my knowledge, I don't know how to create undead that are aligned to elements other than darkness, for example.)

as for what souls are made of, well from my knowledge, they seem to be made from a metric frack ton of an even mixture of Positively and negatively aligned Life force, mixed with Pure Mana and Hyper Compressed into a form that is semi solid to anyone with the ability to perceive magic(such as literally everyone on lore). At least that's what they are to anyone with the ability to created them artificially.(Such as a Master necromancer, or a
Expertly Skilled Golemancer, by the way it is Fracking hard, and they need to be put in a shell of some kind ASAP or they will dissipate)

According to the Library in the Isle De Orleans, incarnum is the name used for naturally occurring examples of this Substance, but it is not possible to manipulate it on lore.

2013-07-23, 04:47 PM
Skype did a stealth-update and decided to enable an automatically-correct-your-spelling-as-you-go option on me.

The first time I tried to type "Brony" it came out as "Briny."

I think the crabs are trying to regroup.http://i.imgur.com/UwGCn.png

Hmm, the Crabs are back you say? (Long comics)


Only one mare can fix this problem.


2013-07-23, 06:40 PM
Classic Trixie vs Twilight Banter~

I can't find the videos of it for some reason, but it was a classic top-down turn-based RPG.

Ahhh, I think I know which one now. Dang, that's disappointing. My daughter likes Final Fantasy games for their look, so she'll be sad to. I was thinking seriously of doing one, but it wasn't going to star the Mane6.

Man, my education apparently sucked...

I did a lot of essays on American history instead. :/

Only one mare can fix this problem.

Mare of War? Wow that's an epic look for Rarity...

2013-07-23, 06:56 PM
Classic Trixie vs Twilight Banter~

Where did you find this one? o___o I think I should recognize the artist.

2013-07-23, 06:57 PM
Where did you find this one? o___o I think I should recognize the artist.
It's from Joey Darkmeat. (http://joey-darkmeat.deviantart.com/)

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-23, 07:11 PM
That must be it. Forgot about maneuver group. No, I'm not gonna try to spell it right. XD

Dude, that's one of those word that you can spend years trying to spell before getting it right.

Doesn't help how many legitiamte ways to spell it there are (maneuver, manoeuvre, manoeuver, manœuver...)

Let you into a secret, though...

*looks both ways*

The boarding action results table in AccAtt? Cribbed directly from MG's close assault table.

Also, because Evil, I'mma just going to link this little game (that was referrenced as being like a PS:T dialogue-style game) Choice of the Dragon (https://www.choiceofgames.com/dragon/#). Why it is Evil for me to link you to that...?

Tell you what, get back to me after you play it.

2013-07-23, 07:31 PM
OMG Culture MLP crossover. Will post more once I actually read it. (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/118800/outside-context-problems)

2013-07-23, 07:38 PM
Tell you what, get back to me after you play it.
There is no "after", is there?

2013-07-23, 07:42 PM
There is no "after", is there?

It ends eventualy. but it is very addictive.

And the Lich shall be punished for providing such an addictive adventure game
Casts Necro bomb on AOTRS Commander

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-23, 07:56 PM
There is no "after", is there?

It ends eventualy. but it is very addictive.

And the Lich shall be punished for providing such an addictive adventure game

Light Immunity True. Holy Immunity True. Thaumic Dispersion Sphere V. Shield XX.




Casts Necro bomb on AOTRS Commander


Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-23, 08:27 PM
Classic Trixie vs Twilight Banter~

Oh Myyyyy!!!

2013-07-23, 08:33 PM
Light Immunity True. Holy Immunity True. Thaumic Dispersion Sphere V. Shield XX.





You cast anti-light and anti-holy spells, to protect yourself from a necromancy effect?

here's the thing, I was a necromancer well before I was a Paladin.

Remember how I mentioned how what my worlds version of Shadow energy was a perfect combination of light and darkness?

Yeah you specifically need Shadow resistance to block that, and since you call darkness energy shadow, you probably don't have it.

Did you read up on how I mentioned that Shadow beings were alive neutrally? which basically meens that they register as undead and living, depending on what is most beneficial for them.

and as Elementals, killing them when they are off world just sends them back to their world of origin.
Dimensional Coordinants aquired, master

*opens portal to the commodores location*

Oh Gi~irls Lichy Needs a HUG!

Go my Poorly PhotoShoped Minions, Hug the scary Skeleton made of metal!

2013-07-23, 08:38 PM
It's an entertaining game. Though I have the feeling the final outcome would be similar no matter what choices you pick.

Also, this browser tab is weird and doesn't scroll for some reason. I guess no one else has that problem.

2013-07-23, 08:41 PM
Ponies in the Attic updated with it's final chapter~ Chapter 7: Time Rewound (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/113531/8/ponies-in-the-attic/chapter-7-time-rewound).
I felt like I just said goodbye to a good friend.

Where did you find this one? o___o I think I should recognize the artist.

It's from Joey Darkmeat. (http://joey-darkmeat.deviantart.com/)

And there you have it. I won't even bother getting Pinkie'd :smallbiggrin:
Gamelord is on the ball!

OMG Culture MLP crossover. Will post more once I actually read it. (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/118800/outside-context-problems)

OMG, is this based on Excession?! I really enjoyed the "Outside Context Problem" that story had. :smallbiggrin:

It ends eventualy. but it is very addictive.

It does end eventually... I got a 92% finesse and 90% disdain. Needs more Pony.

2013-07-23, 10:00 PM
So I've been browsing through fimfiction lately, and just discovered that there's no need for me to bother writing metafiction in the first place, since this already exists:


2013-07-23, 11:50 PM
So I've been browsing through fimfiction lately, and just discovered that there's no need for me to bother writing metafiction in the first place, since this already exists:


I have to disagree with Twilight's conclusion. Humor has some definite rules.

2013-07-23, 11:56 PM
OMG, is this based on Excession?! I really enjoyed the "Outside Context Problem" that story had. :smallbiggrin:

The name is certainly a reference to it. The character of Diziet Sma is from Use of Weapons though. Hard to comment on the quality from such a short first chapter, but I'll be following it.

2013-07-24, 12:45 AM
I didn't notice the names of the last three chapters, so I spent most of the actual ending worrying that some double cross would happen. But yeah, it was a pretty awesome trilogy.

Indeed. Kinda wondering what happened afterward but continuing it at this point would feel kind tacked-on. Maybe some slice-of-life one-shots.

That last chapter with Princess Sparkle, though... Sad but beautiful, ya know? :smallfrown:

2013-07-24, 12:47 AM
Why have I never seen this artist until now? This is incredible stuff (http://tsitra360.deviantart.com/)



2013-07-24, 03:38 AM
I do! Scars are hot.

I would think there hotness varies from person to person. Sure, a scratch or two across the belly helps a bit, but small one's tend to mar other features than add to them.

So I read The Lunar Rebellion (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/77470/the-lunar-rebellion) today. Damn that's good stuff. Chengar Qordath is seriously goddamn intimidating as an author.

Oh, why can't I write decent culture-clashing...!

Also, Thanqol, I recently revised my story (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/74941/fallout-equestria-taking-life-by-the-horns) and culled what are hopefully most of the errors in it, and I recalled you would read it once such a thing was done to squish the pesky grammer issues.

My Neighbor Celestia (large gif)
Twilight looks a little...cat like?

2013-07-24, 03:40 AM
Pretty pony portraits


That Octavia is amazing.

Are you seriously going to argue the definition of Undeath with a (Part)vampire, who is also a master necromancer?

...On Lore.

Hmm, the Crabs are back you say? (Long comics)


Only one mare can fix this problem.


I love the look on that crab's face. It knows just how screwed it is.

Also, because Evil, I'mma just going to link this little game (that was referrenced as being like a PS:T dialogue-style game) Choice of the Dragon (https://www.choiceofgames.com/dragon/#). Why it is Evil for me to link you to that...?

Tell you what, get back to me after you play it.

Your death will be slow and painless, since no-one here actually has the power to affect you.

[Lorian Boasting]

Hah. Hahahaa. HAH. You know, I'd go on about the setting of Lore, and how much sense it makes, but I don't think it'd work.

Anyway, today is my birthday! Shower me with cake, ponies, and Cake ponies!

2013-07-24, 03:44 AM
Oh, why can't I write decent culture-clashing...!

It's all about biased narration. If this was from Celestia's perspective they'd all be squabbling idiots.

Also, Thanqol, I recently revised my story (http://www.fimfiction.net/story/74941/fallout-equestria-taking-life-by-the-horns) and culled what are hopefully most of the errors in it, and I recalled you would read it once such a thing was done to squish the pesky grammer issues.

On it.

2013-07-24, 03:47 AM
Anyway, today is my birthday! Shower me with cake, ponies, and Cake ponies!

http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Mfnj8GxXehQ/TmQSRBiA5UI/AAAAAAAALkA/Qzs49Qmm8DM/s1600/53231+-+Cup_Cake+Mrs_Cake+ponies_in_real_life+real_life.j pg

2013-07-24, 04:27 AM
@ Life By The Horns

The wasteland is a terrible place. Filled with monsters, robots, and even ponies, it offered nothing to me or my people.

No comma before an and.

The brave few who would stand guard against it themselves are to be valued by their people, and are often held up high as bright lights in a vast dark sea.

Avoid repeating the same word two sentences in a row as you do here with 'people'.

Well, if there was anything to guard from, anyway, I might feel accomplished.

them against

[I guard] dead, cracked highway leading to nowhereville surrounded by dead, ashy cracked ground under a dead, ash-colored sky. means that almost no living thing actually wants to end up this far away from their apparently cozier huts, holes, and hovels south.

Rephrase sentence.

Well, the minor radiation saturation in the south might be the issue,

The issue? What issue? I thought nopony came here.

but minotaurs are slightly resistant to it, or that was the story I have been told over and over again. We can handle it better than ponies, anyway, and it could be that ponies are just weak to it. Makes one wonder if other creatures are harmed by it as bad as they are. I mean, Hellhounds are probably highly resistant to it, and donkeys seem to be effected by it less.

Resistance is a very gamerism word. What is radiation? This is basically a step away from character sheeting.

Remember radiation in this setting is leftover Necromancy. Think about that. Don't tell us that minotaurs are resistant to radiation, tell us a story about a pony who melted and twisted into a ghoul and a minotaur who lived through it and worse. Perhaps an apocryphal story about a minotaur that survived one of the Bombs.

It's fitting, I suppose, that the ones who caused this mess suffer from it the worst.

Tell your story like I ain't never read FoE.

I spent much of my free time then wondering if the next thing that passes through our little neck of the woods would be a traveler,

Full stop.

it's always nice to get some stories out of them about the world and what it is like beyond my home. Could be that, a few days travel from here, the ground is a different color than the sky and there's actual grass instead of weeds.

I think that you've got this great image of this silent, ever-watchful minotaur sitting in this empty spit of highway, never moving. You're not doing enough with it. I want you to drive out into the middle of nowhere, sit by the highway, and stay sitting there for just one hour. Maybe more if you can hack it. Once you have that experience, tell me how it feels.

Bah, who was I kidding. I was bored.! Horribly so. Such was life in a out-of-the-way town with little to trade and little need for it, but even this was more boring than usual.

What does he have to compare it to? He's never been anywhere else.

No, this was the “Oh gods, please, send the Steel Rangers or something to make me feel alive! Pan, Prancing Pink Pony Princesses, anyone! Come on Discord, you owe us!“ sort that was dreaded by those whose only job was standing very still and watching something.

How does he know any of these names? I thought this was the middle of nowhere. How has he heard of Discord or a Steel Ranger?

Like, if he's going entirely off stories his fantasies should all be based off stories.

I mean, yes, the Elder always told us to keep ourselves watchful of the world, because a strong mind kept the body strong. I, for one, thought that was utter trash, and is no excuse for making the younger members of the commune watch cracked roads for half a day, but the Elder also had a minigun that shot lasers.

Telly-telly-telly-telling. Show us stuff.

If this is one guy's personal narration about his boring life then he should tell a bunch of small stories that, taken together, paint a complete picture. In the Lunar Rebellion they don't just say 'clipping is a thing', Shadow's daughter tells her a really uncomfortable story about how she heard of it happening one time and we can see how or why it's a thing.

Wait, ****. They did. Then one of them split up power between a few other ponies, and suddenly the world blew up in there faces. Heh. Stupid ponies.


While I was pondering the meaning of life in a dead world, the secrets of the universe, and the true purpose of existence itself,

Really? You didn't strike me as a philosophical guy. You strike me as a bitter, lazy cynic which is the natural result of being told all this information.

Your name is ever watchful. Stop passing judgement - give us observations. If you just give the correct observations, little things you witnessed that tell us the true character of the world, then we'll respect you as really smart and insightful.

And female, if her voice was anything to go by, as well as far too innocent-sounding for there to not be a gang of raiders right behind her.

What's a raider?

Giving another look at the pony, I guessed that she might be a stable-dweller.

What's a stable? And how do you, sit-around-all-day-sentry, know about them?

“Are you here to trade or to pass through, little pony? There's a toll you need to pay.” I said boredly.

A toll? Without even a bridge?

I was slightly confused. No one came to a place like this with any real intent to trade, but few actually took the offer to come into my people's domain willingly.

hwat? No one comes here to trade? Also what the second half?

The fact is, in order to get to the compound where my people live, you have to find the hidden stairs. Now, this might sound silly to some, but the craggy hills where the stairs are have enough old bones at the bottom to prove that ponies are not suited to climb things. Apparently, they can launch doom-missiles to obliterate civilization, but cannot climb stairs without tripping.

Minotaurs have hooves too, man?

I had been more than a day's travel away from it for most of my life, but I was always surprised at how the few visiters we had talked about it's supposed sophistication, considering that it was pretty bare-bones with what it had. But the important thing, I suppose, was that it was home.

This entire paragraph

Now, the reason I mention this was that the small blue pony, looking positively clean and very un-wastelanderish,managed to walk more than thirty minutes uphill without even looking tired u

tired u

“Is this it?” she inquired, looking at the set of stairs that wrapped around the hill that the commune was behind, doubt dripping her voice.

Doubting what?

She gave me a questioning glance, one that made me shudder a little. Pony eyes were simply too big for there heads.


“Err, so what is your name, little pony.” I said with my best attempt at eloquence.

Question mark

“It's Blueberry Cream."


" But it's not really nice to ask for someone else's name before one gives there own.”

Their. Somepony.

I looked at the mare again, wondering if I should give her my actual name. Eventually, I decided it would do no harm if I did.

Why would this concern him ever? Are the cops coming for him?

“You’re going to have to carry me up there, arn't you? You’re just asking for permission before you pick me up.”


“Yes.” I said, nearly snorted at the glare she was giving me.


After an amusing conversation, a very hasty climb, and a quick dusting off, I continued to walk up the compound with the supposed trader right behind. It was far easier to see when your on the high part of the hill-scape, considering that you can see the telltale signs of life in it. I also saw two familer faces;


both of whom were apparently back from hunting and were standing around near the old, rusting gate to the compound.

but looking at the slightly...jiggly

Spacebar after ellipses

who somehow got her hands on a super-sledge from a trader one time

What's a super sledge?

Also gatling laser and super sledge in a nowhere sticks town, what?

Copper, who was another, far younger bull who knew exactly what I had to do just from the look on my face, gave me a grin and a thumbs-up. I glared at him for his weird behavior, which just made him laugh. Brass, however, just looked at me like I grew two heads and began mooing.


“Yes” said Blueberry, to everyone else’s surprise, sans myself.

What? Why is this surprising?

The Elder was a huge old bastard, still huge even as he stooped a little from what I half-suspected from the shear

Sheer. Shearing is what you do to sheep.

and I was sure he could wrap his fingers around Blueberries midsection with one hand, or, perhaps a more apt metaphor, my neck.


“I suppose you are here to trade?” The Elder spoke in a hushed tone, like how he would get all fatherly with a child, but the little pony who was a quarter of his size

Blueberry looked like she was echoing the second part of her name. “Err..well...yes?”

The great grey bull grinned, gold teeth shiny in the light. Blueberry gulped.

Stranger danger! Stranger danger!

Why do people keep asking her that?

In essence, I was in slumberland,


I sighed. Crap. The hunters found some booze. As in, the well-armed, trained, mildly crazy minotaurs found some mind-altering drink and are still awake. This could only end well.

Where the hell did you grow up? It doesn't sound like here.

I attempted to wait out the night, but the thought of what could happen if I did go was playing through my head. Yes, you could end up exiled or killed if you were caught doing anything against the rules, but still, alcohol! There’s only so much one could do here, and a break from the norm, anything, was welcome no matter the risk. Well, sans death.

Wait what? You were all NO THE RULES like a second ago

And so on and so forth. General diagnosis is that while there are some cool images in this story and occasional flashes of wit that show you've got a soul, and the fact that the story is 26 chapters long shows that you've got dedication, the fact that I'm thrown out of the story line by line due to error following error prevents me from progressing.

You need to buckle down and focus on fundamentals. Open up books and research them, research the structure of individual lines. Study openings and effective ways to introduce new characters. Look at sentence structure. Think about timing, beat, and really effective, vivid characters and how they talk.

And ultimately, verbal speech is one of your most effective tools here. Say stuff out loud. Listen to TV shows and how people talk in those. Listen to how people talk in real life and how it's different. Flex your vocal muscles and sing, stomp and swing your way from word to word. Apply a little poetry! Learning how to mix poetry and prose is the challenge of the master.

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-24, 04:29 AM
Your death will be slow and painless, since no-one here actually has the power to affect you.

Yeah... Yeah, let's go with th- I mean damn straight!

Anyway, today is my birthday! Shower me with cake, ponies, and Cake ponies!

Happy Birthday!

You cast anti-light and anti-holy spells, to protect yourself from a necromancy effect?

I cast all four of those a my standard combat protection. Feel honoured, it's not often I actually bother to break those out for ponythread... Point being, I am not sure what your spells are going to do, to caution is advisable. (That said, between natural Lich shadow energy absorbtion and Light Immunity, there is a fairly good chance between them they'd catch you shadow attacks, but I'm not prepared to put it to the test.)

Mostly though, Thaumic Dispersion Sphere. Which, y'know, disperses thaumic (i.e. magical) effects). It's like a sphere of Epic Dispel Magic (at my caster level, anyway).

And Shield XX, which works not even slightly like the spell in D&D and exactly like our starship and vehicle shield technology1.

And it means no-one can actually get with about two feet of me while it's up...

1I.e. a one-way permable bubble of force, which doesn't block specific things, but blocks virtually everything all at once, especially all kinds of direct attacks (which obviously includes nonmagic energy attacks) that cannot punch through with main force, whether we know what it is or not, aside from specific exceptions (i.e. light and sound at or below certain power output levels.) Top tech level shields (as, say, the Shardan Marauders have) beyond our level block everything that doesn't have the power to punch through them. And I do mean everything, from deity level on down2.

2A diety might be able to drop the shields with attacks and sheer power output (strength of shield depending), but even a (theoretical) greater god of teleportation couldn't actually teleport through them while they're up. Ours aren't quite to that level, of course.

2013-07-24, 04:37 AM
Also happy birthday Balmas. As your birthday gift, I promise that nothing bad will happen to you in my next FOE post.

Speaking of, one more question Pokonic; you said you were using some of my OCs; what chapter do they show up in?

And a corollary; if anypony here is interested in lurking a Fallout Equestria PBP I'm running - Pokonic you might learn something - there's an IC thread for The Tea Party For the Post Apocalypse here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287952).

2013-07-24, 04:48 AM
Also happy birthday Balmas. As your birthday gift, I promise that nothing bad will happen to you in my next FOE post.

It is my duty as a munchkin to inform you that I will abuse this as much as possible. :smalltongue:

What does it say about established characters that when the lich says that he has basically a catch-all, Neener-neener defense of invulnerability, I don't blink an eye, yet when I see Rater's Lorian arch-deity necromancer-paladin-avatar-of-the-creator-werewolf-vampire-dragonling, I can't help but say, "This can't be real?"

No offence meant.

2013-07-24, 04:51 AM
It is my duty as a munchkin to inform you that I will abuse this as much as possible. :smalltongue:

I'm genuinely interested in seeing you try.

What does it say about established characters that when the lich says that he has basically a catch-all, Neener-neener defense of invulnerability, I don't blink an eye, yet when I see Rater's Lorian arch-deity necromancer-paladin-avatar-of-the-creator-werewolf-vampire-dragonling, I can't help but say, "This can't be real?"

No offence meant.


2013-07-24, 05:14 AM
To be honest, it was somewhat interesting to see a small misunderstanding like that snowball into the discussion that covered the last page. Maybe I should be unclear more often. :smalltongue:

Oh, no worries. If I feel I have a point to make, you can be as clear as crystal and I'll misconstrue as necessary :smallwink:

Finally somepony remembers.

It also says a lot about the Brony demographic if you consider self-identification an important factor in these things. Of course now she's had to do something very un-nerd (grow up!) so it is an interesting question if this will effect her geek-cred.

I think Nerd Fitness dot com has something to say about that, actually.

Master Necromancer is a Title granted to any practitioner of Lorian Necromancy

Oh, it's a title. Yes, yes. Well, when I say necromancer I mean one specialized in the arts of magic which relate to life, death, undeath, and transitional actions between them, as well as the divination methods originating with the nomenclature; a scientist, if you will.

He's even funnier in person. Like, when he coined the word "Scientic" from the same root because science as such doesn't quote exist in his milieu.

Dude, that's one of those word that you can spend years trying to spell before getting it right.

Doesn't help how many legitiamte ways to spell it there are (maneuver, manoeuvre, manoeuver, manœuver...)

Yeah. All I can routinely remember about maneuver is "I always second guess how to spell maneuver". I'm only doing as well as I am now because I recently relearned bureau and restaurant.

I prefer maneouvre though.

Oh Gi~irls Lichy Needs a HUG!

Go my Poorly PhotoShoped Minions, Hug the scary Skeleton made of metal!

I think this is the real point and all the buildup was to justify poorly photoshopped minions. As such; well done!

Your death will be slow and painless, since no-one here actually has the power to affect you.


Hah. Hahahaa. HAH. You know, I'd go on about the setting of Lore, and how much sense it makes, but I don't think it'd work.

Eh. I think he's contractually obligated to explain these things. This repartee is about the same as two distant cousins at a reunion. One tries to lightly punch the other, the other puts up an arm. Exasperated, the first pushes down the arm, the second puts the other up... I don't think any actual animosity exists here. Being a super powered anything involves a certain amount of going through the motions. If either really wanted to do anything, they both know enough to accomplish it. This is, like, "it's Saturday. Lets shoot lasers at each other until my soaps come on". :smallbiggrin:

Anyway, today is my birthday! Shower me with cake, ponies, and Cake ponies!

I had a pony cake instead of a cake pony, but I'm not allowed to being it into the thread without a parental advisory warning :(

It's all about biased narration. If this was from Celestia's perspective they'd all be squabbling idiots.

For reals.




1I.e. a one-way permable bubble of force, which doesn't block specific things, but blocks virtually everything all at once, especially all kinds of direct attacks (which obviously includes nonmagic energy attacks) that cannot punch through with main force, whether we know what it is or not, aside from specific exceptions (i.e. light and sound at or below certain power output levels.) Top tech level shields (as, say, the Shardan Marauders have) beyond our level block everything that doesn't have the power to punch through them. And I do mean everything, from deity level on down2.

2A diety might be able to drop the shields with attacks and sheer power output (strength of shield depending), but even a (theoretical) greater god of teleportation couldn't actually teleport through them while they're up. Ours aren't quite to that level, of course.

Yeah. Cost effectiveness; getting behind them involves going through the nightmare dimension, and like, seriously, screw that!

The fourth might work, being the dimension of sympathy and relational distance, but then you have to be at the right area and its weird.

What does it say about established characters that when the lich says that he has basically a catch-all, Neener-neener defense of invulnerability, I don't blink an eye, yet when I see Rater's Lorian arch-deity necromancer-paladin-avatar-of-the-creator-werewolf-vampire-dragonling, I can't help but say, "This can't be real?"

No offence meant.

We had the same reaction to Bleakbane, honestly. I've gone under the radar by being a kook and quote possibly lying through my teeth.
Also I was stabbed to death by Dora the Explorer. Best. Cover. E'er.

I think SMirrsen and Lixie had a tussle, too, but time shenanigans and all...

2013-07-24, 05:40 AM
Some responses to some of the more story-based questions/responses.

Resistance is a very gamerism word. What is radiation? This is basically a step away from character sheeting.

Remember radiation in this setting is leftover Necromancy. Think about that. Don't tell us that minotaurs are resistant to radiation, tell us a story about a pony who melted and twisted into a ghoul and a minotaur who lived through it and worse. Perhaps an apocryphal story about a minotaur that survived one of the Bombs.

I sort of approached the whole "minotaur's don't have to worry 'bout radiation" as it being the same way that Hellhound's have some amount of "resistance" to radiation, implying a sort of hardiness or actual immunity. I agree that "resistance" isn't the best word for it, but it's the only one I could think of to show that he probably wouldn't have to worry about it like some other protagonists do unless he's standing in a spot that ghouls would find refreshing.

I think that you've got this great image of this silent, ever-watchful minotaur sitting in this empty spit of highway, never moving. You're not doing enough with it. I want you to drive out into the middle of nowhere, sit by the highway, and stay sitting there for just one hour. Maybe more if you can hack it. Once you have that experience, tell me how it feels.

Interesting note.

What does he have to compare it to? He's never been anywhere else.

How does he know any of these names? I thought this was the middle of nowhere. How has he heard of Discord or a Steel Ranger?

Like, if he's going entirely off stories his fantasies should all be based off stories.

What's a raider?

There's a singular modified Sprite-bot that's tethered in front of the Elder's house that functions a bit as a backwards radio in the second chapter, and it's literally the only real connection to the outside world. Steel Ranger's just seem to be a omipresent feature in the wastelands, along with raiders, but it's true that his view of them should be skiewed.

As for Discord and Pan, it's not like minotaur's are entirely culture-less, it's just that "oh hai we have a few hero figures that no one talks about" wouldn't fit in the initial narrative. On that note, however, I am cribbing a bit off Heroes in that the local minotaur's honer Discord in a sort of vague creator-deity sort of way. Pan and other's, mainly Tirek and Grogar, get peppered around a bit, and they do get explained later. The explinations will probably not make Blueberry happy. (Also is the difference between Tartarus and Tartaurus. One's pony hell, while the other is the minotaur afterlife...where they are the guards of what might as well be the exact same cosmic prison ponies believe in.)

Telly-telly-telly-telling. Show us stuff.

If this is one guy's personal narration about his boring life then he should tell a bunch of small stories that, taken together, paint a complete picture. In the Lunar Rebellion they don't just say 'clipping is a thing', Shadow's daughter tells her a really uncomfortable story about how she heard of it happening one time and we can see how or why it's a thing.

I might try that, actually. I loath prologues, or at least typical ones, but I suppose one would fit here.

A toll? Without even a bridge?

hwat? No one comes here to trade? Also what the second half?

It is in the middle of Nowhereville tm and it's very isolated for two main reasons: It occupies a station similar to that of Jacobstown, in that it's surrounded by nothing but an endless expanse of nothing and is populated by a race of creatures that make some "normal" entities scared if they were sitting down very quietly in the middle of a room. A Minotaur, pound for pound, sit's in that sort of class of species in the wasteland shared like things like Hellhounds and Buffalo that could very easily beat a pony to a pulp in a physical fight and still can think on there level.

Really, they toll if they can, but there's not much north of it besides grey wastes. Oh, sure, there's towns beyond there neck of the woods, but by then your really in the Northern wasteland and it's rare that any one from it goes back down the road.

Minotaurs have hooves too, man?

But they are smaller, and, perhaps far more importantly, seemingly nimbler-looking. For a more in-story reason, there was some actual mild debate if (one must consider that the Minotaurs are all self-discribed chimerical entities) if the stability there leg's possess have anything to do with a connection to goats.

What's a super sledge?

Also gatling laser and super sledge in a nowhere sticks town, what?

The former makes as much sense in context, at least compared to what everyone else works with. Most minotaur's don't have much in personal wealth, and her choosing to spend what might be her life savings on a mechanical hammer is pretty odd. The latter...get's explained in the third chapter. In essance, the Elder's not what he seems, like, at all.

What? (Copper Pot in general)

Hmm, something I can explain about a charecter without it being too plot-breaking. Copper wasn't born in the commune, a fact of which Watchful doesn't know and probably won't for a while (which shows just how "personal" childhood is in this place) and in fact was raised himself among ponies. Hence, much of what he says is filtered though a general bit of "wasteland know-how" and has a tendency to seem really weird to our dear protagonist who thinks he knows what the wasteland's like. IE: besides one other minotaur there, he's the only other one who would know that a "turkey" is slang for pegusi.

Stranger danger! Stranger danger!

Why do people keep asking her that?

At least they didn't bear her inside the place on a litter while singing "Be Our Guest." Yet.

Wait what? You were all NO THE RULES like a second ago

It's the "life is boring and I can change that" factor, really.

Speaking of, one more question Pokonic; you said you were using some of my OCs; what chapter do they show up in?

A good few more chapters, actually. Here's a general run-down of how they would function:

Comet Kicker actually shows up with a few other ex-Enclaver's (Caledonia, being not-Canada, has little in the way of the cloud cover of Equestria, so there's actually a small population of pegusi around) who have a sort of "friend of friends" settlement set up in somewhat civilized area of Tauronto, the two other individuals of any plot-worthy note being Dive Bomb (Enclave Scientist too crazy for the Enclave) and Clockwork (a ground-born pegusus with cybernetic wing).

Naturally, she's not enthused at all about spending time with "true" traitors, so she spends most of her time doing jobs around the city, having yet to "fall in" with any individual group. Well, besides Charger, who she somewhat tolerates.

Charger might show up pretty soon, actually. She might end up being the straightest example of a "inscrutable wasteland hero" that would show up in the fic, which pretty much shows exactly where this fic lands on the morality scale. She's also a decent example of a vaguely neutral character that it wouldn't be hard for a good guy to fight and not feel bad about.

Mask is going to be a associate of the Reaver Movement, the local sort-of organized group of militant ghouls clustered the setting's stand in for the CN Tower, which contained a vast amount of tourists and such during the end of days, most of which ended up ghouled, up and to a little fake fortune teller.

She spends her time between messing with ponies and generally acting like a spiteful old mare who has also fallen into the typical ghoul rut of not really wanting to do anything else. She doesn't mind her ghouldom, but she likes wearing the outfit during Nightmare Night because she can, which is the exact same reason she sometimes bullies young ponies to spray-paint the words "Mask of Lies" on random buildings. She almost sort of reviles in it.

2013-07-24, 05:51 AM
Some responses to some of the more story-based questions/responses.

I do not need to be told the answers. I can invent my own answers to all of these, not the issue at stake.

The problem is that I'm pulled out of the story to ask all those questions. Even if they're answered later I'm asking them now. That is bad for immersion.

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-24, 06:22 AM
What does it say about established characters that when the lich says that he has basically a catch-all, Neener-neener defense of invulnerability,

Not really invulnerability, per se, so much as "have to use right amount of force..." Unlike D&D in the real world, the equivilent of save or die is actually the easist thing to block and direct damage is actually generally more all-round useful. Hit something with enough energy and resistances don't matter. You could electrocute a lightning elemental with a truly monumental electrical attack (Howling Void Battlecruiser's primarily electroblaster maybe? Never tried it so I'm not sure of the right numbers, only that the general rule is, "at high enough levels of energy output, nothing is immune." (Admittedly, the true practioners of that are well beyond our level, save perhaps Lord Death Despoil in single combat...)

I mean, my Shield XX spell won't hold up to heavy vehicular-scale weapons (let alone starship-sale weapons) for much of an extended burst or anything; I ain't brawling with Cybertanks one-to-one in an open space! Point is, though, you are having to get that sort of level, which is kind of beyond the level of force we typical employ in ponythread shanigans...

And why generally, why I don't spend the mana on it. But as Rater and his powers are still a relitively unknown quantity... Well, you don't get to my level without being paranoid...!

Yeah. Cost effectiveness; getting behind them involves going through the nightmare dimension, and like, seriously, screw that!

The fourth might work, being the dimension of sympathy and relational distance, but then you have to be at the right area and its weird.

Yeah, not quite impermable - very high tech teleporters for example, but it's pretty hard for most.

2013-07-24, 06:25 AM
Anyway, today is my birthday! Shower me with cake, ponies, and Cake ponies!

I think this vid (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lnRsZ6LO7r8)has pretty much all of the above.

But I had Celestia get you a cake too, just in case!


It is my duty as a munchkin to inform you that I will abuse this as much as possible. :smalltongue:

I'm almost interested to see just what you could get up to, but do bear in mind that Thanqol only specified his next FO:E post.

It would be well within the bounds of that promise to have:

Post #1. Cmdr White Noise: "Hey guys, what season is it?"
Post #2 Enclave: "Griffon season!!" *pew pew pew*

2013-07-24, 06:38 AM
So I've been browsing through fimfiction lately, and just discovered that there's no need for me to bother writing metafiction in the first place, since this already exists:


No, see, that is the opposite attitude you should have. When you get an idea, and you see that someone has made a simple one-chapter short story of the idea prior... then you go all out and make yours a Broadway Production! :smallbiggrin:

It's pretty much how Ponies in the Attic came about. I saw a one-page short talk about Applejack's parents, but I said to myself "You know, I could make a full-length 7 chapter book on this idea with epic adventures, imaginative creatures, ancient magic, and a zebra shaman."

So I did.

The name is certainly a reference to it. The character of Diziet Sma is from Use of Weapons though. Hard to comment on the quality from such a short first chapter, but I'll be following it.

*Looks at your name* Haha, well played!

Anyway, today is my birthday! Shower me with cake, ponies, and Cake ponies!

Cake ponies, you got it!



Yeah... I'm kinda itchin to draw a human version of Mrs. Cake now. :smallbiggrin:

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-24, 07:50 AM
I think Nerd Fitness dot com has something to say about that, actually.

They say a link is worth a thousand mentions.

Beacon of Chaos
2013-07-24, 09:08 AM
You cast anti-light and anti-holy spells, to protect yourself from a necromancy effect?
Surely using necromancy on a Lich Necromancer won't do much anyway. Unless it's like a ghost/dragon-type pokemon thing? I don't know how it works with undead to be honest.

Anyway, today is my birthday! Shower me with cake, ponies, and Cake ponies!


Please find enclosed pony and cake, as per your request.
http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTMvMDYvMDMvMTNfMzVfMzFfMTYxXzMzOTc4Nl 9fVU5PUFRfX3NhZmVfcGlua2llX3BpZV81MTNkYjRkYWE0Yzcy ZGNkZTEwMDA3OGMucG5nIl1d/339786__safe_pinkie%2Bpie_solo_muffin_cake_balloon s_cupcake_party%2Bhat_streamers_artist-colon-tatugon.png

Cake pony was much harder to find, but I did it.
http://derpicdn.net/media/W1siZiIsIjIwMTIvMTIvMTcvMDhfMTZfMzBfOTE0XzE4NTI0MV 9fVU5PUFRfX3NhZmVfb2NfdW5pY29ybl9jYW5keSJdXQ/185241__safe_oc_unicorn_candy_food-pony_artist-ponywoona.png

Also I was stabbed to death by Dora the Explorer. Best. Cover. E'er.
Wait. Waitwaitwait.






2013-07-24, 09:42 AM
Then I guess I'll visit Raz and maybe like, Phoe before I route back over!

Darn. Almost makes me wish I did live in Texas. Or that my plans for a mag-lev train powered by jelly toast and cats would get off the ground...

Anyway, today is my birthday! Shower me with cake, ponies, and Cake ponies!

Happy Birthday!

Inspired by Thanqol's astounding gift of kindness, I shall promise that Crown Cork will not annoy Dive Bomb in my next RiM post.

And a corollary; if anypony here is interested in lurking a Fallout Equestria PBP I'm running - Pokonic you might learn something - there's an IC thread for The Tea Party For the Post Apocalypse here (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287952).

Ya'll should lurk this mess if you have any interest in FOE. It's a good show.



2013-07-24, 09:44 AM
They say a link is worth a thousand mentions.

They say something along those lines.

But let be honest. If you aren't going to type in a url that has the word fitness in it, a link there is not for you. Not gonna waste my time. :smallwink:

Surely using necromancy on a Lich Necromancer won't do much anyway. Unless it's like a ghost/dragon-type pokemon thing? I don't know how it works with undead to be honest.

It also depends a lot on what necromancy even is. There's a school of thought that says asking Bleakbane what the weather might be like tomorrow is necromancy. Or that a magi user who has achieved the 10th level of experience is a Necromancer (or Seer at 2nd or Warlock at 8th). Or apparently a paladin of a shady mystery cult.

Wait. Waitwaitwait.






I don't wanna talk about it.

2013-07-24, 09:49 AM
Wait. Waitwaitwait.


Yeah, I'm with you here. I want to know the contex-

I don't wanna talk about it.

-awww pony feathers!

Tiki Snakes
2013-07-24, 09:52 AM
Ya'll should lurk this mess if you have any interest in FOE. It's a good show.



It is a kind of awesome show/game/thing, I must say.
But then I am biased.

Still, it's where my avatar comes from, so if you wanna know what the hell is going on with this;
Then you know where to lurk.

Crimson Doom
2013-07-24, 10:02 AM
Not really invulnerability, per se, so much as "have to use right amount of force..." Unlike D&D in the real world, the equivilent of save or die is actually the easist thing to block and direct damage is actually generally more all-round useful. Hit something with enough energy and resistances don't matter. You could electrocute a lightning elemental with a truly monumental electrical attack (Howling Void Battlecruiser's primarily electroblaster maybe? Never tried it so I'm not sure of the right numbers, only that the general rule is, "at high enough levels of energy output, nothing is immune." (Admittedly, the true practioners of that are well beyond our level, save perhaps Lord Death Despoil in single combat...)

I mean, my Shield XX spell won't hold up to heavy vehicular-scale weapons (let alone starship-sale weapons) for much of an extended burst or anything; I ain't brawling with Cybertanks one-to-one in an open space! Point is, though, you are having to get that sort of level, which is kind of beyond the level of force we typical employ in ponythread shanigans...

And why generally, why I don't spend the mana on it. But as Rater and his powers are still a relitively unknown quantity... Well, you don't get to my level without being paranoid...!

Yeah, not quite impermable - very high tech teleporters for example, but it's pretty hard for most.

If you're being paranoid, why on Earth are you revealing the weaknesses in your position? For all you know, there are several well-hidden dieties on ponythread just waiting for a good opportunity to attack!

I mean, yes, you're a lich and as such are extraordinarily difficult to kill, but really, when you say I'd need heavy vehicular-scale weapons to penetrate your shield if you're not in your ship, all that tells me is that I need to procure some heavy vehicular-scale weapons! True paranoia is when you tell nobody anything that could possibly be useful. Heck, you might even feed them completely false informat... oh, is that what you're doing?

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-24, 10:07 AM
They say something along those lines.

But let be honest. If you aren't going to type in a url that has the word fitness in it, a link there is not for you. Not gonna waste my time. :smallwink:

Pfft I had already clicked the link from the Buff Thread to the site. I was hoping you would provide a specific article link to what was most relevant.

(Also more for the benefit of those that aren't the element of wiki and don't specialize in casually grazing the web for info)

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-24, 10:32 AM
Aaand it seems we have once again hit a downswing in good pony fics since the last glut...

If you're being paranoid, why on Earth are you revealing the weaknesses in your position? For all you know, there are several well-hidden dieties on ponythread just waiting for a good opportunity to attack!

I mean, yes, you're a lich and as such are extraordinarily difficult to kill, but really, when you say I'd need heavy vehicular-scale weapons to penetrate your shield if you're not in your ship, all that tells me is that I need to procure some heavy vehicular-scale weapons! True paranoia is when you tell nobody anything that could possibly be useful. Heck, you might even feed them completely false informat... oh, is that what you're doing?

'Cos I'm not telling anyody anything that isn't already common galactic knowledge. (You'll note I NEVER give specifics.) Or couldn't be found out by a the galactic equivilent of a wikipedia search. (And I still didn't tell ponythread what damage actually hurts until they found it out emprically.)

As we've mentioned before, knowing what you need and getting it and dealing with everything else to use it is are very different things.

You literally can't buy that sort of technology (nor steal it, since that would merely get you on the hit list of the people who own said technology.) If it was easy to do, everyone would have already done it.

(Not to mention to get me with vehicle weapons, you'd have to have a vehicle, and that means you'd have to that vehicle past all of our vehicles, because as SiuiS has pointed out before it is never, ever, ever just me you have to deal with...)

Besides, as ponthread are strictly speaking my enemies (on account of you are still aliveand such), the entertainment value of me going "nuh uh" and wagging a finger everytime is limited. And if I don't explain, how will you ever learn.

That said, you are wise to bear in mind all the things I don't tell you...

2013-07-24, 10:33 AM
What does it say about established characters that when the lich says that he has basically a catch-all, Neener-neener defense of invulnerability, I don't blink an eye, yet when I see Rater's Lorian arch-deity necromancer-paladin-avatar-of-the-creator-werewolf-vampire-dragonling, I can't help but say, "This can't be real?"

No offence meant.That you don't know how any of that works, and you think I am A thousand times more powerful than I am.

Never have I said that I was an Arch Deity(or extra greater Power, to use the Lorian term) far from it, as far as Divine rank Goes, I am functionally a Mortal.

Most of My Power comes from Being Chosen, Which meens that I am Destined for Greatness, and has the Perks of Resistance to reality Warping(a few Aprils ago, when the God Loco reversed the Gender of everyone on lore, I was not affected) and that Death can not claim my soul till I am Good and Ready to Die(hence the Auto rez)

And the Avatar of the Creator thing? that meens that I am Slightly better at Wielding Creation energy(Anyone can do that with enough training) and that my Lady can Posses me to act on lore with out binding her power. it also meens that unless she forsakes me, I can not be excommunicated from the temple of hope. ever.

and about Draconic Lycho-vampirism, I am actually Slightly weaker than a pure blooded Vampire/Lycan/Half dragon(not dragonling, huge difference there:smallwink:)

the trade off of course is that I am gaining power by age at roughly 2.5 times the Normal rate of a pure blood vampire or half dragon would.

I think this is the real point and all the buildup was to justify poorly photoshopped minions. As such; well done!
Actually if you go to my Deviant Art page, and Check the Time Submited, I made that to go with the post.(Don't let anypony tell you I am not willing to go the extra mile for a joke)

Eh. I think he's contractually obligated to explain these things. This repartee is about the same as two distant cousins at a reunion. One tries to lightly punch the other, the other puts up an arm. Exasperated, the first pushes down the arm, the second puts the other up... I don't think any actual animosity exists here. Being a super powered anything involves a certain amount of going through the motions. If either really wanted to do anything, they both know enough to accomplish it. This is, like, "it's Saturday. Lets shoot lasers at each other until my soaps come on". :smallbiggrin:
Exactly, someone Gets it. If I wanted to actually Kill the Commodore, I would not announce it here, but would Portal to his location with an army of Shadow Ponies and Deadeyes while Wielding The Tarnished Caliburn. Preferably While he is Meditating and Vulnerable, and the Battle would be Epic enough that you all would see here and feel it in your dimensions of origins.

Surely using necromancy on a Lich Necromancer won't do much anyway. Unless it's like a ghost/dragon-type pokemon thing? I don't know how it works with undead to be honest.

The Spell in Question is Called NecroBomb, basically it make any undead being it is cast upon explode with kinetic force, while leaving them with exactly 1 hit point left. the more hit points they lose take, the bigger the boom.

With the Commodores impressive rejuvenation abilities, it would have hurt like hell, but would have ultimately been harmless, a perfect punishment for linking such an addictive adventure game, no?

Crimson Doom
2013-07-24, 10:34 AM
'Cos I'm not telling anyody anything that isn't already common galactic knowledge. (You'll note I NEVER give specifics.) Or couldn't be found out by a the galactic equivilent of a wikipedia search. (And I still didn't tell ponythread what damage actually hurts until they found it out emprically.)

As we've mentioned before, knowing what you need and getting it and dealing with everything else to use it is are very different things.

You literally can't buy that sort of technology (nor steal it, since that would merely get you on the hit list of the people who own said technology.) If it was easy to do, everyone would have already done it.

(Not to mention to get me with vehicle weapons, you'd have to have a vehicle, and that means you'd have to that vehicle past all of our vehicles, because as SiuiS has pointed out before it is never, ever, ever just me you have to deal with...)

Besides, as ponthread are strictly speaking my enemies (on account of you are still aliveand such), the entertainment value of me going "nuh uh" and wagging a finger everytime is limited. And if I don't explain, how will you ever learn.

That said, you are wise to bear in mind all the things I don't tell you...

Common galactic knowledge? Maybe in your galaxy. Not mine. Or most of the ones I visit.

That being said, if you've got a fleet that big staffed with potent mages...

Screw it, if I want you dead, I'll just point the Anti-Monitor to your universe and be done with it.

2013-07-24, 10:40 AM
beyond the level of force we typical employ in ponythread shanigans...

Really now? I suppose it has been a while since Boffinspark's been here...

Also, the dragon thing keeps crashing on me. You truly are Evil.

2013-07-24, 10:50 AM
It is a kind of awesome show/game/thing, I must say.
But then I am biased.

Still, it's where my avatar comes from, so if you wanna know what the hell is going on with this;
Then you know where to lurk.

I haven't been keeping up recently, but now I'm interested to find out how she repaired he poncho and got sunglasses. Good work Tiki.

Tiki Snakes
2013-07-24, 10:53 AM
Poncho's exact amount of scraggyness may vary from depiction to depiction depending on the effort put in. Not indicative of state of actual poncho/cloak.

Results may vary, please consult your pharmacist before use. etc etc.

2013-07-24, 11:10 AM
And when people start shielding like this is where I get out the portal blades. What sharper than a portal closing on you I don't know, so I made ones that can act like swords, it's like a lightsaber only most energy shields can't block it because it's a portal, things go through it.

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-24, 12:11 PM
You know I don't actually have hit points, right? That I use D&D terminology and a convienance to explain things? That at no point has there ever been a character sheet with "Bleakbane" written on it?

Also, portals are a form of teleportation. the whole entire point of shields is the block anything passing through them, including teleportating and stuff from non-material plane dimensions. (And only really advanced stuff that can actually can detect how to punch through (no I have no idea how that works, way above our tech level, remember).) They'd be pretty useless otherwise or opening up gates to hyperspace would be a weapon and sorcerors would be used instead of starships. It just plain ol' don't work that way...

2013-07-24, 12:21 PM
Still, it's where my avatar comes from, so if you wanna know what the hell is going on with this;

Interesting cutie mark there. Does that represent her ability to make stuff from scraps?





Portal blades

Why can't weapons of mass destruction be cute and huggable? :smallbiggrin:



Tiki Snakes
2013-07-24, 12:27 PM
It might do. She's a mechanic, and her special talent is mechanics with an eye towards vehicles. (Or something like that, at any rate. Concept of what constitutes a Vehicle may have something of a mad science filter).
It might also be something along the line of the beauty of machinery, or mechanics as art or something. Luckily, Cutie Marks don't necessarily have to be overly literal or explainable. It's a steel flower.

Also, a Poncho is a weapon of mass destruction now? I'll have to remember that, it could come in handy.

2013-07-24, 12:28 PM
You know I don't actually have hit points, right? That I use D&D terminology and a convienance to explain things? That at no point has there ever been a character sheet with "Bleakbane" written on it?

Also, portals are a form of teleportation. the whole entire point of shields is the block anything passing through them, including teleportating and stuff from non-material plane dimensions. (And only really advanced stuff that can actually can detect how to punch through (no I have no idea how that works, way above our tech level, remember).) They'd be pretty useless otherwise or opening up gates to hyperspace would be a weapon and sorcerors would be used instead of starships. It just plain ol' don't work that way...

I was just giving an example of what the spell does.

It leaves the undead in question severely injured but still functional.(it's easier to repair an damaged undead than to reanimate a dead one)

Lore runs on RPG logic, So I used an RPG term to describe the effect of a Lorian Spell.

Lix Lorn
2013-07-24, 12:59 PM
What does it say about established characters that when the lich says that he has basically a catch-all, Neener-neener defense of invulnerability, I don't blink an eye, yet when I see Rater's Lorian arch-deity necromancer-paladin-avatar-of-the-creator-werewolf-vampire-dragonling, I can't help but say, "This can't be real?"

No offence meant.
You can get away with way more power if you're careful about how you rub it in people's faces. :smallwink:

Also hi I don't think I was subscribed.

Also, since I doubt he admitted to it, I hugged the lich on saturday >:3

2013-07-24, 01:01 PM
Why can't weapons of mass destruction be cute and huggable? :smallbiggrin:

I like the way you think and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

2013-07-24, 01:05 PM


that is all.

2013-07-24, 01:13 PM
Does this count?

Also for fighting really big things with portal blades, link the other end to a star, make sure your heat and light proof first, or your going down much faster than the spaceship.

2013-07-24, 01:20 PM
Does this count?

Also for fighting really big things with portal blades, link the other end to a star, make sure your heat and light proof first, or your going down much faster than the spaceship.

Are you aware of just how much power you would waste maintaing such a portal?

It would be easier to just throw the star at the ship.

2013-07-24, 02:09 PM
strange crossover...
could TOTALLY see Tara going for it though

You can get away with way more power if you're careful about how you rub it in people's faces. :smallwink:

Also hi I don't think I was subscribed.

Also, since I doubt he admitted to it, I hugged the lich on saturday >:3

ahhhh, that probably explains why he hasnt mentioned the picture of
Rarity w/ Spiked teeth..as in she is a Vampire..Don't look Commodore!
he was still Discombobulated probably

2013-07-24, 03:04 PM
Ah, this does help clear up how pony wings work...


2013-07-24, 03:36 PM
It might also be something along the line of the beauty of machinery, or mechanics as art or something. Luckily, Cutie Marks don't necessarily have to be overly literal or explainable. It's a steel flower.

Also, a Poncho is a weapon of mass destruction now? I'll have to remember that, it could come in handy.

I was thinking the steel flower was made from scraps and it was like building beauty from junk or something like that... but yeah, cutie marks can be vague. Mechanics is a fine skill to have in any Fallout wasteland. :smallbiggrin:

And yes, Ponchos are that dangerous.

that is all.

Wow that was disappointing, wasn't it Dash? Loved her expression in that second to last panel.

It would be easier to just throw the star at the ship.

Just don't throw the sun.

Ah, this does help clear up how pony wings work...

Now I'm remember how Freakazoid "flew".

2013-07-24, 03:40 PM
Hasbro toy shop calls Vinyl a male (http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/exclusives-my-little-pony-2013-special-edition-pony?CD=96&ST=SO&PG=1)

I remember thinking that for the longest time, but that is most definitely an error on their part.

Tiki Snakes
2013-07-24, 05:09 PM
I was thinking the steel flower was made from scraps and it was like building beauty from junk or something like that... but yeah, cutie marks can be vague. Mechanics is a fine skill to have in any Fallout wasteland. :smallbiggrin:

And yes, Ponchos are that dangerous.

It is clearly made from reclaimed metal, (in as much as it only actually exists as an abstract idea manifesting on the side of a pony's bottom, anyway) so there is that.

I'd say between the wasteland and the resource-limited environment of the Stable, the idea of not building things out of scrap/reclaimed material is a pretty foreign one whichever way you look at it.

2013-07-24, 05:36 PM
Yeah, I'm with you here. I want to know the contex-

-awww pony feathers!
Seriously? No one remembers but Thanqol? *feels old*

If you're being paranoid, why on Earth are you revealing the weaknesses in your position? For all you know, there are several well-hidden dieties on ponythread just waiting for a good opportunity to attack!

I mean, yes, you're a lich and as such are extraordinarily difficult to kill, but really, when you say I'd need heavy vehicular-scale weapons to penetrate your shield if you're not in your ship, all that tells me is that I need to procure some heavy vehicular-scale weapons! True paranoia is when you tell nobody anything that could possibly be useful. Heck, you might even feed them completely false informat... oh, is that what you're doing?

The real trouble there is the unspoken "I am small fry, go ahead, pick on me >;D". It's not overcoming Bleakbane in combat that's hard. It's the entire "you are now playing on the intergalactic warfare level, and starting with enemies!" That's hard.

Pfft I had already clicked the link from the Buff Thread to the site. I was hoping you would provide a specific article link to what was most relevant.

(Also more for the benefit of those that aren't the element of wiki and don't specialize in casually grazing the web for info)

Don't need a specific article. The concept of a dedicated community of nerds getting fit while still being nerds is all I need to fly in the face of "nerds can't self identify with twilight because growing up".

Actually if you go to my Deviant Art page, and Check the Time Submited, I made that to go with the post.(Don't let anypony tell you I am not willing to go the extra mile for a joke)

That's what I meant, aye. That this whole exercise was an excuse to photoshop ponies. It's a statement about silliness, irreverence and causality.

Common galactic knowledge? Maybe in your galaxy. Not mine. Or most of the ones I visit.

Undead hurt by anti-undead/evil hurt by holiness is not common?!
You poor soul.

You know I don't actually have hit points, right? That I use D&D terminology and a convienance to explain things? That at no point has there ever been a character sheet with "Bleakbane" written on it?

Also, portals are a form of teleportation. the whole entire point of shields is the block anything passing through them, including teleportating and stuff from non-material plane dimensions. (And only really advanced stuff that can actually can detect how to punch through (no I have no idea how that works, way above our tech level, remember).) They'd be pretty useless otherwise or opening up gates to hyperspace would be a weapon and sorcerors would be used instead of starships. It just plain ol' don't work that way...

A portal blade would basically be a focused and contained wave of molecular/particle disintegration, luv.

Ironically, something you would actually have to worry about – that can't get through the shield. Heh.

You can get away with way more power if you're careful about how you rub it in people's faces. :smallwink:

Also hi I don't think I was subscribed.

Also, since I doubt he admitted to it, I hugged the lich on saturday >:3




Is his holographic cover as good as he says? Does he have a pleasant accent? Was it risible?

Are you aware of just how much power you would waste maintaing such a portal?

It would be easier to just throw the star at the ship.

Waste? No, no not really. I suppose that's a matter of context though, in that in settings were that's common, either the progenitor has a natural talent which enables the wasteful thing or every use of energy is equally wasteful, rendering it a still-worthwhile option.

2013-07-24, 05:41 PM
Hasbro toy shop calls Vinyl a male (http://www.hasbrotoyshop.com/exclusives-my-little-pony-2013-special-edition-pony?CD=96&ST=SO&PG=1)

I remember thinking that for the longest time, but that is most definitely an error on their part.

Mmm. It's also probably a separate creature. Happened in the MLP gamelofting game, too. They added Canterlot, and moved Octavia to Canterlot (no more Octavia & Vinyl getting into hijinks working at the hospital together :smallfrown:) and then they were all "new pony! Vinyl scratch!" And I was like whuuuuuuh? And it turns out this shiny, blue-hoof'd and diamond eyed pony is separate from regular Ponyville dJ PON-3.

I suspect one of them is a changeling. But which? The over-glitzy Canterlot resident? Or the down-to-earth backwater Ponyville resident? You write the fanfic, YOU decide!

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-24, 05:54 PM




I was doing so well, and then as I was backing my RPG data to my flash drive, the fraking iron idiot decided to copy the old files over the newer ones. Fortunately, the damage was relatively contained as I was doing it folde by folder (though had I just done it all as one it probably wouldn't have happened).

Net result, after about three solid hours, I'm back to where I started, less a couple of paragraphs of one PCs background I'm going to have to write again.




ahhhh, that probably explains why he hasnt mentioned the picture of
Rarity w/ Spiked teeth..as in she is a Vampire..Don't look Commodore!

I was just deliberately ignoring that, actually...

Is his holographic cover as good as he says? Does he have a pleasant accent? Was it risible?

'Course it is (it's a full five sense illusion, not a hologram)! You haven't heard people screaming on the news, have you?

Tiki Snakes
2013-07-24, 05:57 PM
'Course it is (it's a full five sense illusion, not a hologram)! You haven't heard people screaming on the news, have you?

Not recently. And, well, not about that at any rate.

2013-07-24, 05:57 PM
Does the Lich have something agaist Vampires?

Or is it specifically Vampire Raritys?

Tiki Snakes
2013-07-24, 06:00 PM
Yes, Rater02. The Lich has something against Vampires.

He's also very much a Rarity/Spike person, so, let's just say that Vampire Rarity is a subject best left alone. (Even if I did once have an excellent trollishly sadfic idea for a Rari-Spike Vampire thing. Luckily, I'm lazy enough to ensure it will never even reach draft stage!)

2013-07-24, 06:06 PM
Is there a more in-depth explanation, or do i have to go digging through older threads for that?

2013-07-24, 06:18 PM
PONIES!!! #52, Wherein Trixie Has Another "Moment"~

And a really creepy Fleur de Lis (http://edowaado.deviantart.com/art/Mare-in-Red-387674450)...

2013-07-24, 06:32 PM
Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^

2013-07-24, 06:33 PM
Seriously? No one remembers but Thanqol? *feels old*

'Dora remembers. It's just that you didn't want to talk about how the inner pony became the outer pony, aye?

2013-07-24, 06:35 PM
Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^

Wait, really?! I mean ... really really??? :smalleek:

*goes off to watch*

EDIT: Ooooooooooooo.

2013-07-24, 06:48 PM
So I finally watched Equestria Girls

Yes, the plot was bad, and there were plenty of plotholes. If Sunset Shimmer JUST entered the alternate world, how could she be princess of the formal the past three years, and how did she know how to act "human"? Since when does the Element of Magic give powers to anyone willing to wear it? Does anyone really believe all that mumbo-jumbo at the end that resolved everything? I actually found myself predicting the plot, because I knew the characters well. I KNEW Dash was going to help Twilight even after beating her.

Eh, but ya know....who cares? I laughed more watching this movie than any regular episode, and probably any other show I watch nowadays. The allusion to specific episodes were great. Fluttershy meeting Twilight and Spike. Twilight trying to teach the CMC a lesson. Pinkie wishing she had "some sort of party cannon". Pinkie's hair going from flat to poofy while preparing for the dance. Spike trying on mustaches. It's always fun to watch a character try to blend in in another world. Remember the TV show Third Rock From the Sun? There's a reason it was rather successful. The entire scene early on in the gym with Pinkie was hilarious. The best line had to be "wait, are you psychic?" "No...unless that's something that you are here". Or something like that. Pinkie guessing correctly who Twilight really was. Just a hunch. And then back in Equestria, Pinkie guessing who the guard was. All that crazy stuff happening, and then the guy freaking out because Spike can talk. Rarity finding Spike adorable. It was all good, and really funny.

I think the one specific complaint I have, is the aforementioned scene with the CMC. I understand the world is supposed to be a human world, but seeing what amounts typical Youtube comments was kind of a little over the line. And the fact they're playing the same song they sang in the show. The writers cut it at the right spots where there wouldn't be any pony references, but you still have to wonder, what differences are in the lines to make it human? What would be a "human" cutie mark?

Oh, and I didn't really like the songs. They didn't grab me as much as songs from the show would after only hearing them once. But I didn't find them as intrusive as I had heard they would be. It wasn't so much a musical.

What was with Trixie's obsession with the snack machine? She's shown twice at it, in her only two appearances (that I'm aware of)

I don't know why, but Luna's face doesn't feel like it matches her voice. I mean, less so than anyone else, given they're all completely different than normal.

The changes to the characters at the end really solidified the fact that the show really has a relation to anime and its fans.

2013-07-24, 06:59 PM
So I finally watched Equestria Girls

Yes, the plot was bad, and there were plenty of plotholes. If Sunset Shimmer JUST entered the alternate world, how could she be princess of the formal the past three years, and how did she know who to act "human"? Since when does the Element of Magic give powers to anyone willing to wear it? Does anyone really believe all that mumbo-jumbo at the end that resolved everything? I actually found myself predicting the plot, because I knew the characters well. I KNEW Dash was going to help Twilight even after beating her.

Eh, but ya know....who cares? I laughed more watching this movie than any regular episode, and probably any other show I watch nowadays. The allusion to specific episodes were great. Fluttershy meeting Twilight and Spike. Twilight trying to teach the CMC a lesson. Pinkie wishing she had "some sort of party cannon". Pinkie's hair going from flat to poofy while preparing for the dance. Spike trying on mustaches. It's always fun to watch a character try to blend in in another world. Remember the TV show Third Rock From the Sun? There's a reason it was rather successful. The entire scene early on in the gym with Pinkie was hilarious. The best line had to be "wait, are you psychic?" "No...unless that's something that you are here". Or something like that. Pinkie guessing correctly who Twilight really was. Just a hunch. And then back in Equestria, Pinkie guessing who the guard was. All that crazy stuff happening, and then the guy freaking out because Spike can talk. Rarity finding Spike adorable. It was all good, and really funny.

I think the one specific complaint I have, is the aforementioned scene with the CMC. I understand the world is supposed to be a human world, but seeing what amounts typical Youtube comments was kind of a little over the line. And the fact they're playing the same song they sang in the show. The writers cut it at the right spots where there wouldn't be any pony references, but you still have to wonder, what differences are in the lines to make it human? What would be a "human" cutie mark?

Oh, and I didn't really like the songs. They didn't grab me as much as songs from the show would after only hearing them once. But I didn't find them as intrusive as I had heard they would be. It wasn't so much a musical.

What was with Trixie's obsession with the snack machine? She's shown twice at it, in her only two appearances (that I'm aware of)

I don't know why, but Luna's face doesn't feel like it matches her voice. I mean, less so than anyone else, given they're all completely different than normal.

The changes to the characters at the end really solidified the fact that the show really has a relation to anime and its fans.

She had been Hiding in the human world since she stopped being Celestia's student years ago. Plenty of time to win a few awards and "go native" so to speak.

Lix Lorn
2013-07-24, 07:00 PM



Is his holographic cover as good as he says? Does he have a pleasant accent? Was it risible?
It was and yes! xD

'Course it is (it's a full five sense illusion, not a hologram)! You haven't heard people screaming on the news, have you?
It was even a decent hug. :smallwink:

2013-07-24, 07:07 PM
She had been Hiding in the human world since she stopped being Celestia's student years ago. Plenty of time to win a few awards and "go native" so to speak.

I must have missed that part while I was looking around for background humor. Either that or I just got bored of the exposition. I do that a lot.

2013-07-24, 07:18 PM
Cant find your post at the moment, but happy birthday Balmas! :smallsmile:

Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^
Damn, that's pretty. 0_0

So I finally watched Equestria Girls

Yes, the plot was bad, and there were plenty of plotholes. If Sunset Shimmer JUST entered the alternate world, how could she be princess of the formal the past three years, and how did she know who to act "human"?
Well, if the backstory comic from the SDCC is any indication...
Sunset Shimmer left for Canterlot High when Twilight was still a filly.

2013-07-24, 08:37 PM
Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^

That is a very pretty animation. It's good to have reminders of why I stay, despite all the drama. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54497831/WWPonyMotes/WhiteWindS09.png

2013-07-24, 08:49 PM
I suspect one of them is a changeling. But which? The over-glitzy Canterlot resident? Or the down-to-earth backwater Ponyville resident? You write the fanfic, YOU decide!
I think it's pretty obvious that they're both changelings, in fact, the only non-changeling in Equestria is Chrysalis. :smallwink:

2013-07-24, 08:53 PM
Well, if the backstory comic from the SDCC is any indication...
For those of us who couldn't make it San Diego, is there any way to view this?

Soras Teva Gee
2013-07-24, 08:55 PM
Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^

OmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshO migoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOm igoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmi goshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmig oshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigosh

So beautiful I teared up.

2013-07-24, 08:57 PM
Well, if the backstory comic from the SDCC is any indication...
Sunset Shimmer left for Canterlot High when Twilight was still a filly.

Does that mean Twilight's only about 12 or something? Since Sunset's only been there thirty moons. Or is time really screwy between the portals and Sunset's really been gone from Equestria alot longer?

Ok I think I got a workable hypothesis. Equestrian time is faster, maybe say three times so. So in human world 2.5 years pass but in Equestria it's 7.5, this would mean that the mirror has actually gone through 3 cycles of opening and that Sunset actually visited Equestria every 10 months to check how things were going. It would also mean that Twilight wouldn't have to wait that long on her end, but her friends would have to wait 30.

Still weird to work out but it would work better than to assume Twilight matured from a filly to a mare in the 2.5 years it took to get her cutie mark. Unless ponies just have a lifecycle similar to real ponies, but that just invites more questions about things like the age of Granny Smith and Ponyville.

2013-07-24, 08:57 PM
Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^


Well, if the backstory comic from the SDCC is any indication...
Sunset Shimmer left for Canterlot High when Twilight was still a filly.

Makes one wonder what the season opener threat is going to be like, considering the villain archtypes that's been used. Or, as a subversion, it's going to be that flashback episode?

2013-07-24, 08:57 PM
awww, i thought it was rather good...guess i have exceeded my allowance of headdesks this month

Does the Lich have something agaist Vampires?

Or is it specifically Vampire Raritys?

Yes, Rater02. The Lich has something against Vampires.

He's also very much a Rarity/Spike person, so, let's just say that Vampire Rarity is a subject best left alone. (Even if I did once have an excellent trollishly sadfic idea for a Rari-Spike Vampire thing. Luckily, I'm lazy enough to ensure it will never even reach draft stage!)
oh come on Tiki...if the commodore could write Mourning Sickness and i could manage to write the Gummy/Opal fic masquerading as Spike/Rarity then you can do that

Is there a more in-depth explanation, or do i have to go digging through older threads for that?

i am sure the Commodore will be happy to copypasta one of his anti-vampire rants discussions
--but one of his biggest triggers is Vampire Jubilee from x-men

2013-07-24, 08:58 PM
Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^

Awesome! I was afraid this might become vapourware, but my fears were unfounded. It's wonderful, but the lip-sync is a little off it seems.

For those of us who couldn't make it San Diego, is there any way to view this?

It's the internet. You can find a way.

2013-07-24, 09:00 PM
It's the internet. You can find a way.
Conversely, it's the Internet. I can find someone to find a way for me :smalltongue:

2013-07-24, 09:02 PM
Does that mean Twilight's only about 12 or something? Since Sunset's only been there thirty moons. Or is time really screwy between the portals and Sunset's really been gone from Equestria alot longer?

Ok I think I got a workable hypothesis. Equestrian time is faster, maybe say three times so. So in human world 2.5 years pass but in Equestria it's 7.5, this would mean that the mirror has actually gone through 3 cycles of opening and that Sunset actually visited Equestria every 10 months to check how things were going. It would also mean that Twilight wouldn't have to wait that long on her end, but her friends would have to wait 30.

Still weird to work out but it would work better than to assume Twilight matured from a filly to a mare in the 2.5 years it took to get her cutie mark. Unless ponies just have a lifecycle similar to real ponies, but that just invites more questions about things like the age of Granny Smith and Ponyville.

It's probably just some wonky time hijinks, it being a magic portal and all. Really, assuming that it's a demension thats always high school, all the time, it would be more of a issue if funky time wierdness wasn't a thing.

2013-07-24, 09:24 PM
For those of us who couldn't make it San Diego, is there any way to view this?
There have been some scans uploaded to various parts of bronydom, but I'm pretty sure I can't link them without breaking the forum rules.

Does that mean Twilight's only about 12 or something? Since Sunset's only been there thirty moons. Or is time really screwy between the portals and Sunset's really been gone from Equestria alot longer?

Ok I think I got a workable hypothesis. Equestrian time is faster, maybe say three times so. So in human world 2.5 years pass but in Equestria it's 7.5, this would mean that the mirror has actually gone through 3 cycles of opening and that Sunset actually visited Equestria every 10 months to check how things were going. It would also mean that Twilight wouldn't have to wait that long on her end, but her friends would have to wait 30.

Still weird to work out but it would work better than to assume Twilight matured from a filly to a mare in the 2.5 years it took to get her cutie mark. Unless ponies just have a lifecycle similar to real ponies, but that just invites more questions about things like the age of Granny Smith and Ponyville.
Yeah, I think it's safe to assume time flows differently between worlds.

Makes one wonder what the season opener threat is going to be like, considering the villain archtypes that's been used. Or, as a subversion, it's going to be that flashback episode?
I vaguely recall something from a writer panel at The Last Unicon about the season opener being about Twilight coming to terms with being a princess. It could be that the flashback (Which we know is the first episode) is some kind of lesson or example for her on What Not To Do When You Take Power.

Tectonic Robot
2013-07-24, 10:17 PM
I think that of all the ponies, I like Fluttershy's voice the best.

2013-07-24, 10:34 PM
Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^

Well, that was beautiful. With some wonderful slightly creepy undertones, too. And to think I actually had forgotten that this was even in development.

I think that of all the ponies, I like Fluttershy's voice the best.

Are we doing favorite pony voices now? :smallconfused:

Okay, I'll choose...uh...Rarity. Yeah. Can't go wrong with St Germain.

Tectonic Robot
2013-07-24, 10:46 PM
St. Germain is pretty great, yeah. She's got a ton of vocal talent.

I just like the soft-spokeness of Fluttershy, y'know? It's nice to listen to.

Crimson Doom
2013-07-24, 10:49 PM
I am personally the sort to favor the voice of the GRRRREAT and POWERFUL TRRRRIXIE! Simply because it's so delightfully hammy. Similarly, Tabitha St. Germain as Luna, and Rarity to a lesser extent.

2013-07-24, 11:04 PM
Dashie all the way.

her voice fits perfectly with the "tough with a soft center, Cool and cute" thing she has going.

which is of course why she is best pony.:smallbiggrin:

2013-07-24, 11:32 PM




I was doing so well, and then as I was backing my RPG data to my flash drive, the fraking iron idiot decided to copy the old files over the newer ones. Fortunately, the damage was relatively contained as I was doing it folde by folder (though had I just done it all as one it probably wouldn't have happened).

Net result, after about three solid hours, I'm back to where I started, less a couple of paragraphs of one PCs background I'm going to have to write again.




Oh, man. Yeah. That sucks. I've abandoned whole projects because of that. I'm sorry, mate :(

'Dora remembers. It's just that you didn't want to talk about how the inner pony became the outer pony, aye?

Yeah, that wa—





So I finally watched Equestria Girls

Yes, the plot was bad, and there were plenty of plotholes. If Sunset Shimmer JUST entered the alternate world, how could she be princess of the formal the past three years, and how did she know how to act "human"? Since when does the Element of Magic give powers to anyone willing to wear it? Does anyone really believe all that mumbo-jumbo at the end that resolved everything? I actually found myself predicting the plot, because I knew the characters well. I KNEW Dash was going to help Twilight even after beating her.

Eh, but ya know....who cares? I laughed more watching this movie than any regular episode, and probably any other show I watch nowadays. The allusion to specific episodes were great. Fluttershy meeting Twilight and Spike. Twilight trying to teach the CMC a lesson. Pinkie wishing she had "some sort of party cannon". Pinkie's hair going from flat to poofy while preparing for the dance. Spike trying on mustaches. It's always fun to watch a character try to blend in in another world. Remember the TV show Third Rock From the Sun? There's a reason it was rather successful. The entire scene early on in the gym with Pinkie was hilarious. The best line had to be "wait, are you psychic?" "No...unless that's something that you are here". Or something like that. Pinkie guessing correctly who Twilight really was. Just a hunch. And then back in Equestria, Pinkie guessing who the guard was. All that crazy stuff happening, and then the guy freaking out because Spike can talk. Rarity finding Spike adorable. It was all good, and really funny.

I think the one specific complaint I have, is the aforementioned scene with the CMC. I understand the world is supposed to be a human world, but seeing what amounts typical Youtube comments was kind of a little over the line. And the fact they're playing the same song they sang in the show. The writers cut it at the right spots where there wouldn't be any pony references, but you still have to wonder, what differences are in the lines to make it human? What would be a "human" cutie mark?

Oh, and I didn't really like the songs. They didn't grab me as much as songs from the show would after only hearing them once. But I didn't find them as intrusive as I had heard they would be. It wasn't so much a musical.

What was with Trixie's obsession with the snack machine? She's shown twice at it, in her only two appearances (that I'm aware of)

I don't know why, but Luna's face doesn't feel like it matches her voice. I mean, less so than anyone else, given they're all completely different than normal.

The changes to the characters at the end really solidified the fact that the show really has a relation to anime and its fans.

Trixie is a hobo. She wanders. She works. She wanders again. She was obsessed because its food, man. Also, she was totally trying to get something free, too.

That is a very pretty animation. It's good to have reminders of why I stay, despite all the drama. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54497831/WWPonyMotes/WhiteWindS09.png

Eeeeeee White Wind~!

OmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshO migoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOm igoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmi goshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmig oshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigoshOmigosh

So beautiful I teared up.

That's a recommendation right there~

I think that of all the ponies, I like Fluttershy's voice the best.

Rarity, for me.

St. Germain is pretty great, yeah. She's got a ton of vocal talent.

I just like the soft-spokeness of Fluttershy, y'know? It's nice to listen to.

Nah. I get tired of soft-spoken-ness, because its almost universally an affectation. Fluttershy is nice, but I much prefer people who will speak their mind and work to resolve issues. I like Fluttershy despite a lot of her traits.

2013-07-24, 11:51 PM
I think that of all the ponies, I like Fluttershy's voice the best.

you would probably enjoy this then

2013-07-24, 11:52 PM
I like Rainbow Dash's voice for pure cuteness. Rarity because she's so over the top and just fun.

Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^

That was really cool. I really liked that it was set as being written by the child when she was older and speaking about her eternal loyalty to Luna. It changes the context of the whole thing from being a part of the pre-Nightmare Moon bitterness (which it is) to also making a small group of special ponies who appreciate what was done for them, even if they didn't get any choice in the matter when Luna did it.

Tectonic Robot
2013-07-24, 11:57 PM
I am personally the sort to favor the voice of the GRRRREAT and POWERFUL TRRRRIXIE! Simply because it's so delightfully hammy. Similarly, Tabitha St. Germain as Luna, and Rarity to a lesser extent.
I dunno, it can be a little harsh to hear sometimes. It's pretty hammy, though.

Dashie all the way.

her voice fits perfectly with the "tough with a soft center, Cool and cute" thing she has going.

which is of course why she is best pony.:smallbiggrin:
Rainbow Dash has a pretty good voice, yeah.

Nah. I get tired of soft-spoken-ness, because its almost universally an affectation. Fluttershy is nice, but I much prefer people who will speak their mind and work to resolve issues. I like Fluttershy despite a lot of her traits.

Well, to each their own. What do you like about Fluttershy?

2013-07-25, 12:00 AM
On the note of Rainbow Dash voice: All the voice cracks from Season 2. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf70nk8I_jc) So many cracks.

2013-07-25, 01:51 AM
Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^

That's seriously amazing but now I desperately want a fic to fully explore this idea.

2013-07-25, 01:54 AM
Well, to each their own. What do you like about Fluttershy?

Her sincerity. What allows me to forgive and to like Fluttershy is that she honestly means it. Her responses to Discord are ur-Fluttershy, and utterly typical of her behavior. She knows nature. She knows her place in nature. But rather than consider it merely an animal hierarchy to be obeyed, she humanized it. She loves and is loved. She is so Thyrsus it hurts.

Also, she is totes best filly for Dashie.
Not that I wouldn't mind seeing/reading a fling with L. Dust, mind.

2013-07-25, 02:20 AM
Cake ponies, you got it!


http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Mfnj8GxXehQ/TmQSRBiA5UI/AAAAAAAALkA/Qzs49Qmm8DM/s1600/53231+-+Cup_Cake+Mrs_Cake+ponies_in_real_life+real_life.j pg

Cake ponies are awesome. Now I just need to figure out how to post from this new Kindle. Siuis, I find a new admiration for your quoteposts.

Forum Explorer
2013-07-25, 03:27 AM
So I finally watched Equestria Girls

Yes, the plot was bad, and there were plenty of plotholes. If Sunset Shimmer JUST entered the alternate world, how could she be princess of the formal the past three years, and how did she know how to act "human"? Since when does the Element of Magic give powers to anyone willing to wear it? Does anyone really believe all that mumbo-jumbo at the end that resolved everything? I actually found myself predicting the plot, because I knew the characters well. I KNEW Dash was going to help Twilight even after beating her.

Eh, but ya know....who cares? I laughed more watching this movie than any regular episode, and probably any other show I watch nowadays. The allusion to specific episodes were great. Fluttershy meeting Twilight and Spike. Twilight trying to teach the CMC a lesson. Pinkie wishing she had "some sort of party cannon". Pinkie's hair going from flat to poofy while preparing for the dance. Spike trying on mustaches. It's always fun to watch a character try to blend in in another world. Remember the TV show Third Rock From the Sun? There's a reason it was rather successful. The entire scene early on in the gym with Pinkie was hilarious. The best line had to be "wait, are you psychic?" "No...unless that's something that you are here". Or something like that. Pinkie guessing correctly who Twilight really was. Just a hunch. And then back in Equestria, Pinkie guessing who the guard was. All that crazy stuff happening, and then the guy freaking out because Spike can talk. Rarity finding Spike adorable. It was all good, and really funny.

I think the one specific complaint I have, is the aforementioned scene with the CMC. I understand the world is supposed to be a human world, but seeing what amounts typical Youtube comments was kind of a little over the line. And the fact they're playing the same song they sang in the show. The writers cut it at the right spots where there wouldn't be any pony references, but you still have to wonder, what differences are in the lines to make it human? What would be a "human" cutie mark?

Oh, and I didn't really like the songs. They didn't grab me as much as songs from the show would after only hearing them once. But I didn't find them as intrusive as I had heard they would be. It wasn't so much a musical.

What was with Trixie's obsession with the snack machine? She's shown twice at it, in her only two appearances (that I'm aware of)

I don't know why, but Luna's face doesn't feel like it matches her voice. I mean, less so than anyone else, given they're all completely different than normal.

The changes to the characters at the end really solidified the fact that the show really has a relation to anime and its fans.

Once again praise for the film that makes it sound worse. :smallamused:

2013-07-25, 03:33 AM
I think that of all the ponies, I like Fluttershy's voice the best.
Pinkie Pie and Rarity for me. Ironically, pinkie was one of my disliked ponies during my early days of brony.

2013-07-25, 04:04 AM
Huh, wow. I don't know if i could pick a favorite voice. Fluttershy is a good choice. So is Rarity. As much as I disliked her, her voice is one of things that kept me interested in the show early on.

I'm actually not a fan of Pinkie Pie's voice though. Probably the worst of the group. Twilight's is just plain and forgettable. But I think we are forgetting one character who you have to at least consider: Sweetie Bell! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLTdueVxwk4)

Beacon of Chaos
2013-07-25, 04:16 AM
Seriously? No one remembers but Thanqol? *feels old*
I have a poor memory. D:




Is his holographic cover as good as he says? Does he have a pleasant accent? Was it risible?
'twas very good. He even had the courtesy to briefly lower his draining aura so I could give him a handshake and it certain felt like a human hand. :smallwink:

Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^
Was... nice. I don't care for the song, but the animation was superb.

That is a very pretty animation. It's good to have reminders of why I stay, despite all the drama. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/54497831/WWPonyMotes/WhiteWindS09.png
That's a very cute pony! Your OC?

Also, drama?

I just like the soft-spokeness of Fluttershy, y'know? It's nice to listen to.
Flutterguy is best voice. (http://youtu.be/2TkOfhCK4Zo)

Image dump!

Vaguely anthro fillies

Pre-Canterlot Equestria (wide image)

Ponyville Drift

MLP video game cosplays- name them all! (wide image)
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/203/d/8/mane6_cosplay_as_my_favorite_game__by_corruptionso lid-d6em52x.jpg

Aotrs Commander
2013-07-25, 04:21 AM
'twas very good. He even had the courtesy to briefly lower his draining aura so I could give him a handshake and it certain felt like a human hand. :smallwink:

'Course. While out and about on Earth, until I have leave to lay waste to everything, one has to maintain plausible deniabilty; if I didn't remember to deactivate all my auras and touch effects, the number of suddenly inexplicably dead frozen people would rather raise suspicion, wouldn't it?

2013-07-25, 06:35 AM
Children of the Night (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jW5n3k2VgZE&feature=youtu.be) is out, and it is truly a beautiful thing! ^^

If only you were 14 minutes faster posting this. :smalltongue: Now I have to wait until late tonight to see it.

So I finally watched Equestria Girls

Yes, the plot was bad, and there were plenty of plotholes. If Sunset Shimmer JUST entered the alternate world, how could she be princess of the formal the past three years, and how did she know how to act "human"?

What was with Trixie's obsession with the snack machine? She's shown twice at it, in her only two appearances (that I'm aware of).

Celestia said Sunset was her student just before Twilight was, and Twi was a filly when she became Celestia's student... so... my theory is that Sunset was a bratty little filly when she ran away from home dimension into the human world. That gives her lots of years to get aclimated to the new world and learn about it's customs (including homecoming royalty titles).
How a small child survived in the human world is a different issue, but not entirely impossible. :smallbiggrin:

Trixie doesn't seem obsessed just based on two sightings. She probably just needs a couple snacks to get through a long day of Algebra and World History.
I think the fandom is what makes her seem obsessed. :smallwink:

Makes one wonder what the season opener threat is going to be like, considering the villain archtypes that's been used. Or, as a subversion, it's going to be that flashback episode?

Season 4~
I think it's going to go flash-back and give us a little history lesson. Would be a nice change of pace I think.

I think that of all the ponies, I like Fluttershy's voice the best.

I'm partial to Applejack's southern accent. I find it too adoring to ignore and the fact my daughter learned how to do it just makes me feel like I've done parenting right. :smallbiggrin:
I also like the hammy style of Rarity and Trixie (My two faves apparently if going by the figures on my computer desk). Just imagine how much of the scenery those two could chew up if they had to work together. :smallbiggrin:

Once again praise for the film that makes it sound worse. :smallamused:

Mine was good praise, as was some pony elses around here. Can't remember whose...

MLP video game cosplays- name them all! (wide image)
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/203/d/8/mane6_cosplay_as_my_favorite_game__by_corruptionso lid-d6em52x.jpg

Let's see, my guesses are...
1. Not sure
2. Alucard from Castlevania
3. A nurse from Silent Hill 2
4. Samus Aran from Metroid
5. Claire Redfield from Resident Evil 2
6. Master Chief from Halo
7. Not sure

2013-07-25, 06:38 AM
'twas very good. He even had the courtesy to briefly lower his draining aura so I could give him a handshake and it certain felt like a human hand. :smallwink:

I actually forgot you would attend! I couldn't for the life o me remember his (or your) stance on meet-ups!

Was... nice. I don't care for the song, but the animation was superb.

I love the song, personally. But I'm a sucker for fairy romance.

I also like that it gives Starry some backing, being a Lunar pony themself. I kinda wished I had just saved in instead of toning it down; Starry Notions was supposed to be an earth pony, but I predicted – based on all the "OMC your OC is OP!!1!" – a firestorm of nerdrage and went with unicorn.

MLP video game cosplays- name them all! (wide image)
http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/203/d/8/mane6_cosplay_as_my_favorite_game__by_corruptionso lid-d6em52x.jpg

Lessee. Elizabeth, Alucard, can't remember the picture, butts. Okay, hold on.
Silent hill nurse, Samus Aran, Isaac Clark (took a while, plasma cutter looked like a sword and the armor doesn't gel well), Lara Croft, Derpy as Herself.

'Course. While out and about on Earth, until I have leave to lay waste to everything, one has to maintain plausible deniabilty; if I didn't remember to deactivate all my auras and touch effects, the number of suddenly inexplicably dead frozen people would rather raise suspicion, wouldn't it?

With our governments?



Hey, folks. An announcement of sorts.





Needless to say, My Face When;


So yeah. That's why the signature. :smallsmile:

2013-07-25, 06:41 AM
Yeah, that wa—


Shh... *huggles*

Eeeeeee White Wind~!

That's a recommendation right there~
Best kind of recommendation. :3

That's a very cute pony! Your OC?

Also, drama?
Yes, she is! White Wind's a weather pony, out of Cloudsdale; runs weather from the weather factories all over the place, riding herd on cloud convoys. (I'd give her a cowboy hat, but I don't think she'd let me take the fez away. :smalltongue:)
Wind's a very preparation based pony. She'd do just fine at a party with ponies she didn't know at all, as long as she had time to get into 'meet ponies' mode; or negotiating a contract for a weather order, as long as she can get into business mode; but have her closest friends throw her a surprise party when she just thinks she's there to drop off a dish and she'll likely flee.
Sadly, I seem to have lost her voice, so I don't know how much use I'll really get out of the emote set I got from Inkwell (http://inkwellsartworks.tumblr.com/post/44530369883/woops-forgot-the-vest-easy-enough-to-add), but I still love my little pony.

As for the drama, well, there've been the five or six times that everything's been 'ruined forever,' as well as the personality clashes. I'm here mostly for the people, I think, but dang if the fandom can't produce some beautiful things.

Hey, folks. An announcement of sorts.





Needless to say, My Face When;


So yeah. That's why the signature. :smallsmile:
Hee! Congratulations again, to the both of you! :smallsmile:

Tectonic Robot
2013-07-25, 08:45 AM
Her sincerity. What allows me to forgive and to like Fluttershy is that she honestly means it. Her responses to Discord are ur-Fluttershy, and utterly typical of her behavior. She knows nature. She knows her place in nature. But rather than consider it merely an animal hierarchy to be obeyed, she humanized it. She loves and is loved. She is so Thyrsus it hurts.

Also, she is totes best filly for Dashie.
Not that I wouldn't mind seeing/reading a fling with L. Dust, mind.
Heh, yeah, her sincerity is pre--WAIT WHAT'S THAT WHITE TEXT

I actually forgot you would attend! I couldn't for the life o me remember his (or your) stance on meet-ups!

I love the song, personally. But I'm a sucker for fairy romance.

I also like that it gives Starry some backing, being a Lunar pony themself. I kinda wished I had just saved in instead of toning it down; Starry Notions was supposed to be an earth pony, but I predicted – based on all the "OMC your OC is OP!!1!" – a firestorm of nerdrage and went with unicorn.

Lessee. Elizabeth, Alucard, can't remember the picture, butts. Okay, hold on.
Silent hill nurse, Samus Aran, Isaac Clark (took a while, plasma cutter looked like a sword and the armor doesn't gel well), Lara Croft, Derpy as Herself.

With our governments?



Hey, folks. An announcement of sorts.





Needless to say, My Face When;


So yeah. That's why the signature. :smallsmile:

:O O: :O O:

So, you guys remember that Little Witch Academia thing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RBlqxEIJ_Cg)? Well, I built an OC who's heavily inspired by Sucy from that show, and I got fc to draw her! =D =D =D =D =D =D =D



And here's a link to the tumblr page, if any of you tumblr ponies want to rebagle it. (http://tectonicrobot.tumblr.com/post/56410927734/fcinerate-spicy-brew-also-perfectioooon)

Tiki Snakes
2013-07-25, 08:47 AM
Hey, folks. An announcement of sorts.





Needless to say, My Face When;


So yeah. That's why the signature. :smallsmile:

Your Face When the Gif is Fixed

Also, two things;
Congratulations all round.

But if there are fins involved in about nine months time, you have only yourself to blame for tempting fate. :smallwink:
Shoo Bee Doo.

2013-07-25, 08:52 AM
So yeah. That's why the signature. :smallsmile:

Do not name your kid something boring.

I mean, uh, the congratulations thing.