View Full Version : Permanent planar gateways

2013-07-12, 07:29 PM
Okay, in one of my games I have a player who has been tirelessly using Genesis in his downtime to create multiple demi planes. I didn't think too much about it as he expressed that he was creating a place to retire after the current campaign was over. So he has been going to great lengths making structures, bringing in livestock, using his followers from Leadership to help basically terraform the planes and populate them. He has gone as far to craft create food/water items and summon monster traps to help train those in the planes to be competent warriors in case of invasion.

All of this is fine and good, as he is motivated in it and going to extreme pains to try and make bountiful and peaceful places for people to live at his own cost.

Then he asked me about making permanent portals or bridges to connect them all to one another...and I drew a massive blank. I know of various spells to port one from a single plane to another, but nothing about players creating permanent structures to allow the travel freely.

So, I ask you, the playground...what ways are there for a PC to create permanent stable means of transportation from one plane to another?

2013-07-12, 09:41 PM
Page 83 of the Planar Handbook has Planar Ring Gates. While they are a bit pricey, these do create a portal easily usable for someone up to medium size, and usable in a tight squeeze for someone of large size.

2013-07-12, 10:08 PM
Thank you for that. I forgot about those, but I don't think they will function completely to suit his needs.

The way he made it sound was that he was looking for something akin to a permanent gate as if someone had permanancied the gate spell at its maximum radius 20ft. Or some way to make a solid bridge structure between them all to connect them.

He made it sound as if he wanted entire caravans to be able to move freely between the planes that way they could establish supply routes with one another.

2013-07-12, 10:33 PM
Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting page 34, the Create Portal feat. Works just like any other Magic Item Creation feat except it creates immobile, invulnerable Portals to other planes or places within the same plane.

Now that I think about it, as of the Artificer class it might be possible to Retain Essence on one and turn it into delicious crafting xp. Hmmmm...

2013-07-12, 10:58 PM
I still don't understand why create several smaller planes, when he could've created one massive plane.

I mean, a larger plane would be much more useful and easy to manage if you want to create a small village or town for people to live in.

2013-07-12, 11:01 PM
Planes take time to grow. Like 1 foot per day or something like that.

Multiple planes lets him get straight to the populating and trade right away.

Not to mention the potential to recreate the feel of a browser based settlers kind of game.

2013-07-13, 08:56 AM
Stronghold Builder's Guide has the Create Portal feat on page 50. I don't know if it is identical to the version in Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting.