View Full Version : Sharknado The Adventure!

2013-07-13, 01:32 PM
Inspiration : Sharknado Scyfy movie
http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BOTE2OTk4MTQzNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwODUxOTM3OQ@@._ V1_SY317_CR6,0,214,317_.jpg

Setting : Forgotten realms

Cause: Umberlee and Sekolah are at war with the surface and have teamed their powers to create a giant storm A giant supernatural hurricane has come crashing against Waterdeep's coastal shores, carrying with it, sharks with unusual abilities to levitate and rip through buildings.

Player Interaction: You and your party are stuck in waterdeep, and the storm is messing with all abilities to teleport inside the city.You must make it between the roving looters, the water surges , and the flying sharks to the safety of inland shore , or take your risks in the city itself and try to outlaws the storm, while the blackstaff tries to dispel it.

Challenge rating 5-7, keeps the bandits easy to build and low Dm time for creation , random interaction table , and sharks will be between medium to dire varieties, with scripted interactions based on how the party decides to survive the adventure.

So what do you folks think of it?

2013-07-13, 01:47 PM
Hilarious if you are aware that someone actually made a movie like this.

Otherwise probably looking just really stupid. :smallcool:

2013-07-13, 02:05 PM
Hilarious if you are aware that someone actually made a movie like this.

Otherwise probably looking just really stupid. :smallcool:

Yeah, he's referencing the syfy movie. Hence the first line. :smalltongue:

2013-07-13, 02:36 PM
I would play in that adventure, but I want a chainsaw...

Would it be a tumble check or a jump check to leap into a shark's mouth and straight down its throat?

2013-07-13, 02:40 PM
Hilarious if you are aware that someone actually made a movie like this.

Otherwise probably looking just really stupid. :smallcool:

I think it would be awesome even if the movie hadn't been made. It's not like there aren't things of that level of silliness in dnd already.

2013-07-13, 03:37 PM
Well in reality probably around level 6 is where I would start PC's, give folks enough variety to dip into a PRC, and provide paths for folks who do this as a online game.

Blackstaff would be dispelling it, the basic idea of this game is that you are not a hero, but just some random fools stuck in the middle of something way above your head and your jut trying to wait out the storm or reach the "safety " zone.

Waterdeep is a well published city, so mapping it is very easy, as it has been broken down to the city and alley level , so not as much custom work needed.

2013-07-13, 05:16 PM
Well in reality probably around level 6 is where I would start PC's, give folks enough variety to dip into a PRC, and provide paths for folks who do this as a online game.

Blackstaff would be dispelling it, the basic idea of this game is that you are not a hero, but just some random fools stuck in the middle of something way above your head and your jut trying to wait out the storm or reach the "safety " zone.

Waterdeep is a well published city, so mapping it is very easy, as it has been broken down to the city and alley level , so not as much custom work needed.

God I wish this could be a videogame made by naughty dog ... Maybe naughty dog and square enix...

2013-07-19, 03:44 AM
...I'm still caught up on Umberlee and Sekolah reading to me like Umberlee and school.

2013-07-19, 07:45 PM
Well school is throwing a giant books based on sharks at you

Killer Angel
2013-07-20, 04:48 AM
Sharknado. It's the proof gods hate you! :smallbiggrin:

But I agree, it will be a great adventure. I would definitely play it.

2013-07-20, 10:23 AM
I just watched the movie. It's as ridiculous as I've heard. The premise was entirely not plausible. The acting was mediocre at best. The plan the group came up with was insane. The ending was predictable.

Of course it would make a great adventure!

CyberDrag's backdrop is perfect for a Forgotten Realms scenario.