View Full Version : Dr.Pepper vs Coke

2013-07-13, 08:31 PM
Which do you find most satisfying? The straight syrup taste of coke? Or the 20 something flavours of the mysterious Dr.Pepper?

The choice is yours!

2013-07-13, 08:42 PM
I can't really drink coke anymore - it just tastes bad to me after not drinking it regularly. Still doesn't taste as straight up terrible as Dr Pepper, so it still wins.

2013-07-13, 08:46 PM
I dislike the spicy taste of Dr. Pepper, so Coke wins. But Cream Soda beats them both. :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-13, 08:58 PM
I'm a fan of Dr. Pepper but the two aren't really comprable. Cherry Coke and Dr. Pepper may be however but still I'd go for Dr. Pepper. It's the only soda I've found that tastes differntly depending on how you drink it. Room template's Dr. Pepper tastes different than chilled. From the fountain always tastes different than the bottle and can.

2013-07-13, 09:05 PM
I like dr pepper more, but I can only drink a little of it before it gets to be too much while I could have multiple cokes. But I am a pepsi man through and through, pepsi > all. Code red is another good one that I cant drink a ton of.

Mutant Sheep
2013-07-13, 09:05 PM
I say Pepsi is better.

2013-07-13, 09:06 PM
I'm a fan of Dr. Pepper but the two aren't really comprable. Cherry Coke and Dr. Pepper may be however but still I'd go for Dr. Pepper. It's the only soda I've found that tastes differntly depending on how you drink it. Room template's Dr. Pepper tastes different than chilled. From the fountain always tastes different than the bottle and can.
Really? Coke tastes differently depending on serving method as well, at least it always has to me. Personally, I prefer glass bottle Coke and fountain Dr. Pepper.

Also, is this really an appropriate "vs" competition? There's a reason the traditional contest is Coke vs Pepsi, they're much more similar than Coke and Dr. Pepper. I think there's room enough in the human heart to love them both (Coke and Pepsi though... :smalltongue:).

2013-07-13, 09:07 PM
Coke always has the citrusy syrup taste for me regardless of temperature.

2013-07-13, 09:11 PM
Mexican Coke will always be my one true love. Go Coke!

2013-07-13, 09:29 PM
I don't drink Coke any more, after liking it a bit too much and deciding it was probably going to kill me, and I haven't had Dr Pepper in a while either. It has to be Coke for me, though. Except, you know, not.

Mando Knight
2013-07-13, 09:41 PM
Coke always has the citrusy syrup taste for me regardless of temperature.

When it's cold and in a glass container, the cinnamon comes out more, in my experience.

Coca-Cola is my preferred soda/pop/soft drink, by quite the long shot (never Pepsi. Ever). I don't usually spend the extra money for Mexican Coke, however...

2013-07-13, 09:44 PM
I buy it for the bottle caps. Fallout here I come!

2013-07-13, 10:24 PM
When it's cold and in a glass container, the cinnamon comes out more, in my experience.

Coca-Cola is my preferred soda/pop/soft drink, by quite the long shot (never Pepsi. Ever). I don't usually spend the extra money for Mexican Coke, however...
Everything this man says is made of truth and justice.

Chainsaw Hobbit
2013-07-14, 12:00 AM
I don't generally drink cola, or any sweet beverage, but Coke displeases me less than Doctor Pepper.

Amidus Drexel
2013-07-14, 12:25 AM
It's not really a fair comparison, because they're different types of soda. Coke is a cola, Dr. Pepper is a spiced (cherry?)ish soda. A better comparison would be Dr. Pepper and Pibb.

Dr. Pepper still wins for me either way. If we're comparing colas, though... Coke wins if it's in a glass bottle, otherwise RC is better. :smalltongue:

I say Pepsi is better.


2013-07-14, 12:42 AM
Coke is a cola with coca leaf flavor, it's not 'straight' anything.

2013-07-14, 12:54 AM
Dr. Pepper is strange and Coke tastes like my insides are melting. Diet Coke, regular Pepsi, Shasta cream soda, and most lemon-limes are my preferences.

2013-07-14, 01:15 AM
Dr. Pepper, unquestionably--I prefer its somewhat smoother taste (Cherry Coke, the closest thing Coke has to it, still has that sharp Coke twang in the background). I also find it's less prone to making me visit the lavatory, despite having *more* caffeine in it than Coke--never have quite understood that, guess I'm just weird! :smallsmile:

2013-07-14, 02:53 AM
I'd take Cherry Coke over either. Dr. Pepper goes flat WAY too fast in my experience and regular Coke is just awful, I say.

2013-07-14, 05:51 AM
Dr. What??, i only know coke so i choose coke.

2013-07-14, 05:58 AM
All colas are gross. Coke slightly less so, small independent colas slightly less gross again.

2013-07-14, 06:52 AM
Coke for me. I went through a fad of drinking Dr Pepper, but haven't drunk it in years and can't even really remember what it tastes like. Dr P do make funnier adverts, though.

2013-07-14, 08:03 AM
Dr.Pepper, 23 flavors and mixing in other stuff as well never hurts so in a way, I can have my Coke and drink it too~! :smallwink:

2013-07-14, 08:42 AM
Pepsi :smallbiggrin:

oh that wasnt a choice hmm well Dr.Pepper then:smallwink:

2013-07-14, 09:04 AM
I prefer Pepsi to Coke, and Dr. Pepper tastes horrific.

2013-07-14, 09:31 AM
Small problem with this vs. thread. Coca Cola is sweetened differently based on where it is bottled. So a bottle of Coke from the US might taste different than a bottle from France. Dr Pepper has a similar issue but it isn't as widespread.

2013-07-14, 09:39 AM
Small problem with this vs. thread. Coca Cola is sweetened differently based on where it is bottled. So a bottle of Coke from the US might taste different than a bottle from France. Dr Pepper has a similar issue but it isn't as widespread.

... Congratulations! You've just kick started a new goal on my bucket list! Try a coke from everywhere in the world! :smallwink:

2013-07-14, 01:39 PM
They're very different, I don't know how to compare the two. But of them I probably drink Dr. Pepper more because it really doesn't taste like anything else.

2013-07-14, 07:18 PM
First off, this is the first time ever that a thread I created got more then one response. So heck ya.

Second I was comparing the two based on taste alone. Though you all bring up great points I'd still have to go with Dr.Pepper due to the flavor being much more complex and to me refreshing.

2013-07-14, 08:52 PM
... Congratulations! You've just kick started a new goal on my bucket list! Try a coke from everywhere in the world! :smallwink:

Go to Atlanta, it's got the Coke Museum where you can get every flavor from the fountain. Life goal finished.

Dark Elf Bard
2013-07-14, 09:26 PM

Oh yeah, also I LOVE Mexican Coke.

2013-07-14, 09:35 PM
I didn't even know that different regions had different flavor cokes. Learn something new everyday hahaha

2013-07-14, 11:40 PM
Go to Atlanta, it's got the Coke Museum where you can get every flavor from the fountain. Life goal finished.

Oh. Sweet. Christ. :smallbiggrin:

Xuc Xac
2013-07-14, 11:44 PM
I didn't even know that different regions had different flavor cokes. Learn something new everyday hahaha

There aren't that many different varieties. America uses High Fructose Corn Syrup. Other countries use cane sugar because they don't have to kowtow to Iowa's corn lobby.

2013-07-15, 06:13 AM
Ok, we currently did quite some testing as we decided to live vegetarian at home. Coca Cola is out because there is Animal in it(according to the last information we read). Don't know about Dr.Pepper but afaik we don't have that here in Germany.

From what we tested:
Fritz Kola
Club Mate Cola
Bionade Cola (taste horrible)
Sinalco Cola
and earlier Pepsi and Coca Cola

I have to say Club Mate and Fritz win by a very large margin. If you have the chance to try them DO IT. They are so much better and contrary to Coca Cola you can feel the coffein in both of them and not feel guilty for drinking animal (for those that care about that).

The Succubus
2013-07-15, 06:18 AM
Now of course, if you're looking to decide which is best between Coke and Pepsi, the winner is Barr Cola (available in the UK) closely followed by Marks and Spencers Cola and organic colas.

Coke and Pepsi taste frigging awful. :smallyuk:

2013-07-15, 08:34 AM
I will admit that I have actually come to prefer the taste of diet Coke over regular. I will occasionally switch this up with a diet Dr Pepper or diet Mt Dew. My first grab (when there's not coffee) is diet Coke.

2013-07-15, 10:20 AM
There aren't that many different varieties. America uses High Fructose Corn Syrup. Other countries use cane sugar because they don't have to kowtow to Iowa's corn lobby.
There'll be a few other differences too, mind: not only different types of sugar, but different proportions of sugar depending on local taste, and made with different water which will also have an impact.

The Atlanta Coke Museum will have every different flavour but not every different variation on those flavours, because it'll be bottled locally using "local" water and sweetener. Unless every franchisee is shipping their stuff back to Atlanta in sufficient quantities to have it on tap, the chances are you'll have to travel around a bit to get some.

If you keep an eye out, though, you can quite often find foreign Coke in local shops. I've had Polish Coke and some sort of Arabic-speaking Coke (I couldn't read the Arabic to work out where) from shops in London.

2013-07-15, 12:35 PM
Canada Dry Ginger Ale > Root Beer (A&W tap) > Mountain Dew > Dr. Pepper > Coke

I love good Ginger Ale...

2013-07-15, 01:51 PM
Blood Orange Soda > Pink Grapefruit Soda > Ginger Ale > Fresca > Dr Pepper > Root Beer > Pepsi Lime > Cherry Coke > Mexican Coke > Mexican Pepsi > Pepsi > Coke.

Blood Orange Soda + Blood Orange Sorbet makes the worlds greatest float. Exactly sour enough, exactly sweet enough, fizzy and foamy and bubbly and smooth and delicious. Blood Orange Soda + Passion Fruit Sorbet or even Lime Sorbet are also quite tasty.

Back when they had a Marks and Spencer here in Canada (specifically, here in Calgary), I remember having their Cola. I was maybe all of 4 years old, it's been 26+ years since. But I do remember it tasting different, and enjoying it.

2013-07-15, 01:52 PM
Ok, we currently did quite some testing as we decided to live vegetarian at home. Coca Cola is out because there is Animal in it(according to the last information we read). Don't know about Dr.Pepper but afaik we don't have that here in Germany.

At least her ein Bavaria, REWE carries it. But it's rare, yes. I'd go with Coke myself, but Dr. Pepper is certainly different enough that it fills another slot in my inventory of taste.

2013-07-15, 02:01 PM
I'm different. I prefer Dr. Pepper-type drinks to Cola-type drinks. I don't care what brand (although I've only had Dr. Pepper and Doc). What I like about Dr. Pepper is that it really does taste different every time

2013-07-15, 02:12 PM
I still maintain that the best soft drink is Sioux City sarsaparilla ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sioux_City_sarsaparilla).

Although a solid runner up would be Dr. Pepper.

2013-07-15, 02:28 PM
Ok, we currently did quite some testing as we decided to live vegetarian at home. Coca Cola is out because there is Animal in it(according to the last information we read).

There isn't (http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/faq/ingredients/coca-cola-drinks-suitable-for-vegans-vegetarians.html). At least in the UK.

2013-07-15, 06:28 PM
Coke hasn't been the real thing since about 1910. I could give you the genuine recipe, but it's almost certainly illegal.

I don't like either of them, I much prefer lemonade, or Grapefruit Juice and Lemonade, or Drinking Yoghurt, or a Banana and Berry smoothie.

2013-07-15, 09:08 PM
It's funny, I remember that I used to think both of them were the beverages of the gods at one point or another, and now well... If you forced me to drink Coke I wouldn't gag or anything, but that's the best I can say for it. Dr. Pepper is a horrible concoction though. Pepsi isn't as bad as Dr. Pepper, but it is also quite a terrible thing.

The lemon-lime type drinks are alright.

Rain Dragon
2013-07-15, 10:45 PM
Neither of these go well in my tea. Blech.

By themselves, the edge goes to Dr Pepper though.

2013-07-16, 04:11 AM
Neither of these go well in my tea. Blech.

I'd hope that you wouldn't put coke or dr.pepper in your tea... I feel that,that would defeat the entire purpose of drinking tea :smallconfused:

2013-07-16, 04:25 AM
Both are repulsive poisons. I'll just stick to milk, tea & mineral/tap water with a side dish of various beers and wines, thank you very much.

Rain Dragon
2013-07-16, 05:49 AM
I'd hope that you wouldn't put coke or dr.pepper in your tea... I feel that,that would defeat the entire purpose of drinking tea :smallconfused:

Well, no of course not. I don't usually sweeten my tea. It was meant in jest as I do not feel coke or dr pepper would go very well with most of the teas I enjoy. I suppose it was not a very useful comment for me to have made. It is rare I drink a can of soft drink anyway, and Dr Pepper is not easily found in my local area. There is the Central station of my state's capital city and a little shop next to where I work where Dr Pepper can be found, but I have not seen any otherwise. Coke however can be found most anywhere.

What do you feel is the 'purpose' of drinking tea?

Killer Angel
2013-07-16, 05:53 AM
Coke is usually used as touchstone and is the main subject of historical rivalries. So, coke wins by definition. :smalltongue:

The Succubus
2013-07-16, 06:04 AM
Coke wins. Have you ever tried smelting iron with Dr Pepper?

2013-07-16, 06:40 AM
What do you feel is the 'purpose' of drinking tea?

Given how revolting it tastes, probably to satisfy some sort of deep-seated masochistic urge. :smallwink:

2013-07-16, 07:53 AM
Given how revolting it tastes, probably to satisfy some sort of deep-seated masochistic urge. :smallwink:

Please proceed to Liverpool passport office, hand over your passport and explain to them you are no longer a British citizen by virtue of disparaging tea. The will be happy to deport you to some coffee loving hell hole like Seattle or Brazil. Count yourself lucky we no longer transport people like you to Australia. Your type has no place in the UK :smalltongue:

2013-07-16, 01:42 PM
I'll betray my English roots and go with Irn Bru.#

Please proceed to Liverpool passport office, hand over your passport and explain to them you are no longer a British citizen by virtue of disparaging tea. The will be happy to deport you to some coffee loving hell hole like Seattle or Brazil. Count yourself lucky we no longer transport people like you to Australia. Your type has no place in the UK :smalltongue:

But I like neither tea nor coffee, where should I be deported to?

2013-07-16, 02:28 PM

I was joking as well, I didn't seriously assume that you were mixing coke into your dr.pepper. :smalltongue:

What do you feel is the 'purpose' of drinking tea?

Hydration. Seriously though, I drink tea for peace. It is my private time to sit and calm my self down.

2013-07-16, 02:31 PM
I'm personally not a fan of either... I drink root beer (can or glass bottle) and lemon-lime sodas (plastic bottle or fountain preferred) instead.

2013-07-16, 02:52 PM
Coke is my favorite drink. Never was a fan of Dr Pepper.

2013-07-16, 04:52 PM
Well, I prefer to widen my tastebuds' horizons beyond these choices...

The "everyday" draught for me is Pepsi Max since I prefer Pepsi to Coca Cola by a wide margin, and I prefer potentially inducing myself with another carcinogen compared to an intake of 500+ kCal more or less daily.

Dr. Pepper is nice every now and then but it costs too much around here in comparison to colas.

The aforementioned rare (at least in here) brews like Club Mate Cola, Irn Bru and Curiosity Cola are nice every now and then. Ginger Ale sits with them here but receives a special mention for being my preferred drink besides water when club-hopping (although I prefer not to actually hop a lot). Root Beer is complete poison to me, though. OKF's Aloe soda is honestly among the worst things I have tasted (and the texture definitely made it worse). Cream Soda is nice but nothing special.

However, my draughts of choice for special occasions such as parties and RPG- or MtG-sessions are energy drinks. At the moment, I prefer Monster Light, Monster Rehab (lemon and tea; the rest are inaccessible), Monster Khaos, (and I adored Monster Ripper), RockStar X-Durance (Blueberry, Quarana and Pomegrate), and RockStar SuperSours: Bubbleberry (again, the rest are not yet found here). ED Scizzo Light used to be good but it seems to have been discontinued. ED Green Light is a nice choice when I need a bottle but I dub it "kryptonite juice" since it's so bright green and especially synthetic tasting.

2013-07-16, 04:55 PM
Brio is the only soda that I acknowledge.

Mauve Shirt
2013-07-17, 05:25 AM
Either one, as long as they use real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup or aspartame.
Though I prefer aspartame to the corn syrup, cancer be damned.

2013-07-17, 08:09 AM
There isn't (http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/faq/ingredients/coca-cola-drinks-suitable-for-vegans-vegetarians.html). At least in the UK.

I'll try to write it in a form as not to drag this into a too political thing... From what I know this is due to the fact that in the UK actually is far ahead in terms of nutrition information and in certain cases far more healthier. Not just Germany but your Trafficlight Nutrition System was actively sabotaged in germany around 2 years ago.
And I don't know when it was but I know for sure that Fritz Cola, Club Mate and Sinalco are "Vegan".

And after tasting these more or less "independent" colas I have to say Coca Cola tastes worse than them for me...not as bad as Bionade Cola but bad non the less.

2013-07-17, 08:57 AM
Either one, as long as they use real sugar instead of high fructose corn syrup or aspartame.
Though I prefer aspartame to the corn syrup, cancer be damned.

you can taste the difference? that makes you more of a soda connosieur than me...

2013-07-17, 09:59 PM
There isn't (http://www.coca-cola.co.uk/faq/ingredients/coca-cola-drinks-suitable-for-vegans-vegetarians.html). At least in the UK.

...derived from mammals.

Oh come on, what sort of bug juice are they putting in my cola?

2013-07-17, 10:05 PM
Dr. Pepper > Coke
Coke > Pepsi
a good sarsparilla > Dr. Pepper
Jolt > all (currently not available)

Speaking of sodas no longer available, anyone ever have R.C. Premium Draft? Short run in the late 90s, but it was a very tasty rich cola flavor. Good stuff!

2013-07-18, 04:39 AM
Dr. Pepper > Coke
a good sarsparilla

how about Sioux City Sarsparilla?:smallwink:

2013-07-18, 04:56 AM
Well well....

Pepsi > Coke > Dr.Pepper , to me...


Cedrata (like Tassoni soda, a citron-flavoured soda) >Chinotto (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chinotto_(soft_drink)) == Ginger > Pepsi.

Here in Italy we've got some strange soda... and I actually like'em a lot more than the classical Coke/Fanta Orange/Sprite flavours.

2013-07-18, 08:15 AM
Dr. Pepper is about the vilest liquid I've ever tasted. So coke for me.

2013-07-18, 08:19 AM
Dr. Pepper is a bit better for crockpot pork due to the fruity undertones. Coke pairs well with a bit of worchestershire and some nice thick lumps of beef.

2013-07-18, 09:07 AM
Dr. Pepper is about the vilest liquid I've ever tasted. So coke for me.

ever the voice of reason

2013-07-18, 01:48 PM
Dr. Pepper is a bit better for crockpot pork due to the fruity undertones. Coke pairs well with a bit of worchestershire and some nice thick lumps of beef.

I... I have to try this... :smallconfused:

2013-07-18, 03:27 PM
Dr. Pepper is a bit better for crockpot pork due to the fruity undertones. Coke pairs well with a bit of worchestershire and some nice thick lumps of beef.
Both of these are true sentences, Coidzor speaks with wisdom here. Personally, I still prefer root beers for my crockpot pulled pork (IBC continues to be the best root beer I've found for such things).

Man, I miss that thread, with you and I and Keld. Where is Keld, anyhow? He still around?

2013-07-18, 04:11 PM
how about Sioux City Sarsparilla?:smallwink:

I'll drink it. It's not uncommon for me to have some around. I also often have HeySong because the asian grocery I go to frequently stocks it. But it's not my favorite.

A local grocery chain also has a surprisingly decent white birch beer, and even more surprisingly the diet tastes exactly the same. So that's fun too!

2013-07-19, 06:39 AM
i've actually never had sarsparilla
that is not something they have in france, i hope to get some when i go to america next week

2013-07-19, 05:26 PM
how about Sioux City Sarsparilla?:smallwink:

I mentioned it back on page two. but everyone pretty much ignored me.

Cat Dungeon
2013-07-19, 07:36 PM
Gotta go with the Fanta. Because simply saying its name causes people to get that song stuck in their heads. (You're hearing it in your head right now aren't you?:smallwink:)

2013-07-19, 08:15 PM
I'll crack a six with you, TheThan, doubly so if you have some of the old cans (I swear they taste better than the bottled stuff!)

And grimbold, depending on where you end up it might not be too hard to find. Enjoy your trip!

Howler Dagger
2013-07-20, 09:16 PM
For me, Dr. Pepper, unquestionably. I only drink Coke when I go on vacation outside the U.S.*Pepsi is disgusting.

*Am I supposed to do a double period here?

Cat Dungeon
2013-07-20, 09:28 PM
For me, Dr. Pepper, unquestionably. I only drink Coke when I go on vacation outside the U.S.*Pepsi is disgusting.

*Am I supposed to do a double period here?

Nah, the only instance you use multple periods in a row is with an ellipsis.

2013-07-21, 04:26 AM
And grimbold, depending on where you end up it might not be too hard to find. Enjoy your trip!

i'll see if i can get my friends to find me some in advance...

2013-07-22, 10:39 AM
Gotta go with the Fanta. Because simply saying its name causes people to get that song stuck in their heads. (You're hearing it in your head right now aren't you?:smallwink:)
There is a Fanta song?
(I don't watch TV, commercials are rarely seen in my world except on the radio or before films in the theater)

Diva De
2013-07-22, 12:48 PM
Dr. Pepper wins. Good talk, guys.

2013-07-22, 04:10 PM
There is a Fanta song?
(I don't watch TV, commercials are rarely seen in my world except on the radio or before films in the theater)

there is
its rather catchy and annoying :smallannoyed:

2013-07-25, 02:42 PM
While I pretty much don't drink soda anymore (and when I do I almost always dilute it to about 30% strength) I distinctly remember liking Dr. Pepper, where Coke was pretty mediocre. With that said, I seem to remember some varieties of Pepsi in Thailand that easily outclass both - something by the name of Pepsi fire in particular.

With all that said: Microbrew ginger ale is about as good as it gets.

2013-07-25, 07:08 PM
I'll crack a six with you, TheThan, doubly so if you have some of the old cans (I swear they taste better than the bottled stuff!)

It’s nearly impossible to find it out here at G.I. Joe Headquarters. But I’ve located one place that sells classic and vintage colas. I can get it there, I doubt they have the cans though. I’ll have to go down there and take a look.

The popular cola to drink out here is Pepsi. Unless you're into gamer culture, then it's Mountain Dew.

2013-07-26, 06:08 AM
had some sarsparilla
that stuff is indeed excellent :smallbiggrin:

it tastes like liquid lifesavers...

2013-07-26, 07:06 AM
It’s nearly impossible to find it out here at G.I. Joe Headquarters. But I’ve located one place that sells classic and vintage colas. I can get it there, I doubt they have the cans though. I’ll have to go down there and take a look.

The popular cola to drink out here is Pepsi. Unless you're into gamer culture, then it's Mountain Dew.

Joe!! Joe!! (I loved the comic and the animated series):smallsmile:

An Enemy Spy
2013-07-30, 02:06 PM
Not a huge fan of Coke, but Dr. Pepper is the reason babies cry when their born. They know they've been brought into a world where that horrible drink exists.

2013-08-01, 02:35 AM
Mexican Coke will always be my one true love. Go Coke!

This. Raised in Atlanta. Required by law. :P

2013-08-01, 03:47 AM
Dr. Pepper over Coke by far. Root beer (of any variety), Mountain Dew, or most any other non-cola else over both. Birch beer is especially good, if hard to find.

Canada Dry Ginger Ale > Root Beer (A&W tap) > Mountain Dew > Dr. Pepper > Coke

I love good Ginger Ale...
You... you have so much to learn... Canada Dry is about the worst ginger ale I've ever tasted. Northern Neck is particularly good, but hard to find outside of northern Virginia. Maine Root is good and can be found in a lot of those weird food places with lots of organic stuff, like Wholefoods or Wegmans. Gosling can be found in ABC stores.... There's just a whole host of ginger ales out there, and practically all of them are better than Canada Dry. That is, if the ginger taste is what you're after.

There is a Fanta song?
(I don't watch TV, commercials are rarely seen in my world except on the radio or before films in the theater)

You lucky, lucky bastard (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGJThbZWPGg)...
Was the closest thing I could find in a short time.

2013-08-01, 04:59 PM
Gotta go with the Fanta. Because simply saying its name causes people to get that song stuck in their heads. (You're hearing it in your head right now aren't you?:smallwink:)

Reading through the thread. I like both depending on my mood. Not so much which is better, as which variety of each is better:

I always prefer those made with cane sugar to those made with HFCS. And to those who asked earlier, yes you can taste the difference.

When it's cold and in a glass container, the cinnamon comes out more, in my experience.

Coca-Cola is my preferred soda/pop/soft drink, by quite the long shot (never Pepsi. Ever). I don't usually spend the extra money for Mexican Coke, however...

Dublin Dr. Pepper (alas) and Mexican Coke are (were) the top choices, but very expensive. (Dublin is no longer allowed to bottle Dr. Pepper so I'm not sure if/where you can get cane sugar Dr. Pepper easily).

HEB natural Cane sugar Cola and Dr. B are my next choices. Thanks to their using cane sugar. They taste pretty close to original coke and Dr. Pepper, and are very inexpensive ($2.97 /12 pack).

Regular coke and Dr. Pepper come in third.

There aren't that many different varieties. America uses High Fructose Corn Syrup. Other countries use cane sugar because they don't have to kowtow to Iowa's corn lobby.

Cane sugar costs more to make and is mostly imported into the country, HFCS is cheaper to make, is made here, and has a longer shelf life. From a straight financial point of view it made sense for them to start using it. There's always been a rumor that the whole "New Coke" marketing issue was created solely to justify the switch. In April 1985, they release "New Coke". There's such a backlash that in July 1985 they release the old coke as "Coke Classic", but they've made the switch from sugar to HFCS. So if you were drinking coke prior to April 1985, you were drinking cane sugar coke. After July 1985, you were drinking HFCS coke (assuming you were drinking from new batches).

Gotta go with the Fanta. Because simply saying its name causes people to get that song stuck in their heads. (You're hearing it in your head right now aren't you?:smallwink:)

I hate you so much right now…… :smallfurious:

Quick! What trumps the Fanta song?

2013-08-01, 05:10 PM
Quick! What trumps the Fanta song?

I believe this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxvlKp-76io) is the standard option for beating ear worms.

Xuc Xac
2013-08-02, 12:19 AM
Cane sugar costs more to make and is mostly imported into the country, HFCS is cheaper to make, is made here, and has a longer shelf life. From a straight financial point of view it made sense for them to start using it.

HFCS is cheaper because corn is cheaper. Corn is cheaper because Iowa gets massive subsidies for corn. The reasons for that are political. Just watch what happens in a presidential primary season. Iowa always picks candidates first and an early lead is an insurmountable advantage. No one wants to turn Iowa against their party.

2013-08-07, 08:12 PM
I just drank a Sioux City for the first time yesterday... If this is soda, what have I been drinking? :smallconfused:

2013-08-07, 08:22 PM
I've been a Dr Pepper fan since I was 6 and my family was driving through Tennessee on our way to Disney World. The waitress at a diner we stopped at asked

"Would you like another Dr. Pepper, sugar?" in a drawl that I remember to this day

2013-08-07, 08:22 PM
I believe this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxvlKp-76io) is the standard option for beating ear worms.

Eh, I'd say this is the ear worm champion (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e_cwWP5Qf1k).

As for Coke vs. Dr. Pepper, I'd say it comes down to whether I'm eating something with it, and what that something is. Coke has a bolder flavor that stands up to food better, so it would be my pick if I'm having it as part of a meal, particularly heavy foods like burgers. Dr. Pepper, on the other hand, has a distinctly subtler blend of flavors that works well either by itself or with lighter fare, so that would my preference if, for example, I'm at the movies.

2013-08-11, 05:37 PM
I made the horrible mistake of tasting Dr. Pepper last week. Nobody told me it was all cherry-ish! I hate that! :smallyuk: Then again, I've come to realise I don't really like any kind of cola drinks anymore... I'll have coke when it's handy, but would much rather drink anything else.

2013-08-11, 06:09 PM
I was raised in a household that solely drank Pepsi. So when I don't have the option I grab Dr. Pepper. I love the cherry flavor that accompanies it :)

Coke burns my throat. And makes me burp a lot.