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2013-07-14, 01:54 AM
@Alex: You walk towards the palazzo gates as the lights from inside the manor far away give off a dazzling brilliance.

The guards stand at attention as you approach. Nobody is expected tonight, after all.

Roll a Spot and Listen

2013-07-14, 01:58 AM
Spot [roll0]
Listen [roll1]

As Alex walk's towards the palazzo gates he notices that all the lights seem to be on in the manner giving of a dazzling brilliance. Alex watches as the guards stand at attention from where they are and slowly makes his way around, keeping sure to stay out of there range of sight as he does so.

2013-07-14, 02:21 AM
@Alex: You try to stay hidden under a lamp post as the guards stand at attention some fifty feet away.

But where is she?

Hello, dervish...

You never even heard or saw her, but there she is, a monument to beauty. With a long black fir coat that nearly touches the ground and long black leather boots, a black corset and her hair up in a loose bun.

Siren is quick to take your arm.

"So, Father Anderson...where are we going. A confessional? I would hope not. I have been a very naughty girl. Who knows- I might even burn up the place."

Siren laughs as both walk down the street.

"So Alex... what's your thing? What do you do?"

2013-07-14, 02:34 AM
As Alex stands close to a burnt out lamp post looking around waiting for the woman know as Siren he almost jumps in the air as she appears out of nowhere. Not even a sound of the wind gave away her presence as she spoke her name for him. Good evening the Ruby of this city. Alex replies in return as he looks over her attire and a small smile appears on his face as he remembers he had rushed so much he had forgotten to change.

My arm quickly being taken I listen to Siren's voice seem to ring out in the night sky as she asked me where I was taking her and joking about how she had been a very naughty girl. It seems a lot of people think you are a bad girl my Ruby. Though they seemed to leave out the important parts I cared for. Alex said with a smile as he added. I was thinking on a roof though somewhere close to the stars. After all a beauty like you belongs among them. Alex says as his wings are exposed to her and wrap around her tenderly, yet also showing that he was in control as he knew she liked a show of strength.

Well I dance for one, and if you would allow me the chance I would love to do so at the ball. Besides that, not much. A few odds and ends. Mostly work on the information business and providing the muscle when it is needed. Alexander says before lifting her up into his arms and taking off into the sky looking for the perfect place to bring her, that would only bring out her beauty all the more and show her how much he cherished the time they were spending together. I much rather hear about you though my little Ruby, as I have heard many things today and it is hard to believe any of it could be true being here with you now. Alex said as he kissed her passionately for a few seconds before once more looking for a good area to touch down on.

2013-07-14, 02:47 AM
@Alex: As you lift Siren in your arms you spread your wings and take flight as the night wind loosens Siren's hair.

"My oh my, Alex...such a strong man. And clearly one who has access to the divine arts. A spell like this is not one easy to muster..."

Siren whispers into your ears.

"It must be very hard, right?"

She then laughs.

"The spell, of course. Very difficult."

You land on a tall roof and Siren holds on to you as you kiss her.

She's a passionate kisser, alright. Fierce. Natural. An expert.

She deftly releases herself from your grasp and stands on the edge of the roof. It appears that she has great control of balance, since any ordinary person would've fallen as the wind makes her coat flap against the wind.

"So you're a dancer... interesting. And you gather information. Even more interesting.."

Siren walks with her high heels along the border of the roof, spreading her arms wide and pretending to fall as she looks at you and laughs.

"I'm in no danger...as long as I'm with you, right?"

At the mention of having heard about her, Siren stands straight as the wind blows her cloak behind her. her hair now unraveled.

"And what is it you have heard, Alexander Anderson?"

2013-07-14, 10:14 AM
As his Ruby states that he knows the divine arts he shrugs his shoulders. I know a little, not that much really. To many books, so little time. Saying you have been to the land of my people I am sure you know what I mean. Tons of temples around, but we all love the arts much more. Alex says with a kind smile. And as she whispers into his ear Alex shakes his head and nods, It was not easy at all no. I wanted to make sure I was perfect for you though. Alex said warmly before landing on a tall roof.

As we land and Siren returns my kiss I know for a fact this can not be the same person that the crazy old man had been talking about or he had been lieing as she was filled with fire, but not an ounce of hate. Indeed I am a dancer, coming from the sea of sands you learn at a young age how to dance as I am sure you saw during your visit. As for information, yes people just seem to enjoy telling me the truth and what I like to ask them. Well most at least. Alex says as his mind goes to the man named Steiner and what he had said about the woman in front of him.

Alex watches as Siren dances across the edge of the roof in her high heals, with the wind blowing. No my Ruby you are not. Alex says letting her enjoy herself, though at the same time being ready encase she leaps off to make him prove his point. Some crazy old man said you were over 300 years old and pure evil. Trying to kill someone who called herself a goddess. But he never said why even though I asked him thousands of times. Alex says not lieing to her as he asks. So was it true?

2013-07-14, 03:48 PM
@Alex: Siren dances on the edge of the roof and stops as she looks at you as the wind brushes her autumn hair and her amber eyes fix on you.

"A three hundred year old man? Who was he? And me, pure evil?"

At the mention of a goddess, Siren's eyes catch a gleam of moonlight as a piece of roof under her heels cracks.

"A goddess? This old man mentioned a goddess..."

Siren walks a few feet away from you, always standing dangerously on the edge of the roof.

"Tell me, Alex..who was this man?"

Roll a Will save

2013-07-14, 08:33 PM
As Siren asks him who the man was Alex thinks for a second before answering. He said his name was Steiner, but did not claim to be this wandering minstrel. Alex says looking to Siren with a new interest.

Sense motives [roll0]

Well he called her a goddess, said that she refused to call herself one and that he trapped someone outside and something about protectors. Sounded like an old wives tale with you being some murderess fiend. I knew it was not true though, he would not answer a single question I brought up regarding you and thats how I knew. Alex said smiling, getting closer to her as the roof ad a small part of it fall off.

Will save [roll1] Immune to charm