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2013-07-14, 02:53 AM
This is where I, the DM, use a thread entirely devoted to tracking battle conditions or other special issues concerning my Shattered Star campaign. (https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.php?653075-Shattered-Star-The-Asylum-Stone-IC)

The door is opened.

This twenty-foot square domed chamber contains a jury-rigged pair of low operating tables, complete with leather straps at both ends to hold the patients down.

Standing right in front of the doorway when it is opened is a creature with a terrible reek. It is a hideous patchwork made of equal parts troglodyte, duergar, giant spider, and giant rat, but with the lolling head of a half-shaved dwarf bearing a gaping trepanation to the side of its skull. It is alone.

Round One ...

R1T26: Ichibod is sickened by the smell, and thrown off by it, but he does recognize this creature.
It's a carrion golem, a construct. Constructs are animated materials, and in this case it is an animated group of dead parts of other animals. Carrion golems are the "poor man's flesh golem," the latter of which is a far more powerful monster. Constructs are normally mindless and can't be fooled by any magics which affect the mind, and they are immune to a vast array of physical attacks as well. They do not need to eat, breathe, or sleep.

Constructs have no strength of mind that steels their body, no living animation in that regard. Still, they are very tough, tougher the bigger they get. They are designed to guard or attack and thus are very capable combatants.

As with many golems, carrion golems are resistant to weapons and nearly impervious to most magics.
Ichibod, you are "sickened." What do you do?

Paxre on deck, The Scribe in the hole.

Ichibod: 26. Sickened.
Paxre: 22.
The Scribe: 19.
Natalya: 17.
Bessel: 16.
Clacky: 15.9.
Carrion Golem: 15.
Dorit: 8.

2013-07-14, 07:24 PM
Round One ...

R1T26: "It's a carrion golem!" Ichibod warns. "Watch yourselves. It is tough as hell and nearly immune to magic!"

Ichibod blasts it with a frost ray before diving behind the staircase. The force of the blast does nothing, as does the initial burst of cold. However, bits of the various pieces of patchwork corpses freeze and stiffen where they meet.

R1T22: Paxre, knows jack about constructs, other than what has been learned about Clacky. But "tough as hell" and "nearly immune to magic" is still pretty darn usefull information. Not sure if its bizarre physiognomy is vulnerable in areas or not, Paxre calls upon mystical training and martial skill to begin slashing the opponent to pieces while he blocks out the stench of the monster.
The first katana misses entirely as Paxre had to slightly duck Ichibod's spell. His first claw contacts for 11 damage, and the second one misses entirely in sacrificing for the first. His second slash with the katana smacks against overlapping pieces of flesh. It seems that as tough as they're supposed to be, and despite being walking objects, they still have "sweet spots" for the first strike.
Remember, Paxre's position was shifted post-Ichibod slaughter to take front-line with Dorit as first striker.
FAA: Katana, claw, claw, and spending 1 ki for another katana attack.
R1T19: "Wow," Speckled Antelope shrugs wearily as the stench overcomes him. "You actually stumped me on that one, Ichibod. And here I thought it was some bizarre amalgam undead."

"Good first blood, Paxre, and amazing flurry. It also tells me that it isn't invulnerable to a well-placed blow like this..." he says as his ranseur goes right at its 'heart.' But with the stench filling his lungs, he doesn't quite have the power to push it through.

And subsequently, he looks like a jackass for his braggadocio. :smallamused:

R1T17: Natalya, you are in the second rank behind Dorit. There's no room to tumble around the "Carry-On Golem" (though this is one thing you'd rather have in checked baggage. The only thing you could do actively is to tumble through its square to get behind it on the other side to flank, or to cast a spell. The first would be incredibly tough, but would be epic if you succeeded .... then again, you are a thief-acrobat. Then it hits you ... the reek is terrible and might just throw off your balance as you are sickened by the smell.

What do you do?

Bessel, you told Clacky to ready his nets, but really no other stimulus. Like a summoned creature, you can direct him first and then take your turn ... or vice-versa. Be thinking about that while Natalya acts.


Ichibod: 26. Sickened. Possible party foul.
Paxre: 22.
The Scribe: 19. Sickened.
Natalya: 17. Sickened.
Bessel: 16.
Clacky: 15.9.
Carrion Golem: 15. Slowed until R9T26.
Dorit: 8.

2013-07-15, 07:43 PM
R1T17: "Well, if casting on it doesn't help much how about this!" And with that, Natalya casts grease on the floor under the golem.

The good news is that the golem turns out to be just as prone to environmental effects as anyone else, as it falls to the ground.

The bad news is that the area under the golem ... aka, the epicenter ... flows out to include being under Dorit's and Paxre's feet. No matter, though. Dorit's warrior balance and bulk sets her well, whereas Paxre simply stands - totally nonplussed.

R1T16: Bessel/ Clacky?


Ichibod: 26. Sickened. Possible party foul.
Paxre: 22. Grease.
The Scribe: 19. Sickened.
Natalya: 17. Sickened.
Bessel: 16.
Clacky: 15.9.
Carrion Golem: 15. Slowed until R9T26. PRONE!!! Greased.
Dorit: 8. Grease.

2013-07-18, 05:15 PM
R1T16: Bessel assesses the battle and emphatically orders to Clacky: "Clacky: SLAM the 'Laying-Down Thing'. If it gets up, NET it."

R1T15.9: Clacky tries to obey the order outright, but there are a number of obstructions it needs to move past in order to get to its target. The allies let it pass and its weight and stability help it from losing its footing. It steps over to the other side of the golem and brings a double-fist down on the golem for 8 damage.

It is now the battle of the golems! :smallbiggrin:

R1T15.8: Meanwhile, Bessel takes a targeted admixture.[I/]

R1T15: The carrion golem manages to find purchase and stand, giving Speckled, Paxre, and Clacky AOOs. Clacky whallops it for 8 damage, Paxre gives a nasty cut for 16 damage, and The Scribe makes up for his humiliating beginning by piercing it with his ranseur for 9 mod damage. Until now, weapon attacks seemed to have been just fine. It seems, however, that Speckled's weapon, in addition to his being thrown off by the thing's stench, was lacking in power in getting to punch through, despite doing acceptable damage otherwise.

R1T8: Dorit, you now stand faces-to-face with this nasty thing. There is also a slick covering on the floor. What do you do?

Ichibod on deck, Paxre in the hole, followed by Natalya ...


Ichibod: 26. Sickened.
Paxre: 22. Grease.
The Scribe: 19. Sickened.
Natalya: 17. Sickened.
Clacky: 15.9. Greased.
Bessel: 16. Targeted admixture.
Carrion Golem: 15. (19:60). Slowed until R9T26. Greased.
Dorit: 8. Grease.

2013-07-31, 01:59 PM
R1T22: Again, before Paxre's great reflexes can muster, there is an ilk of darkness that washes the room.

R1T21: Paxre takes swing at the thing with his katana, missing. A claw, however, digs brutally through it to crit for 8 damage while the other claw misses as he shouts, "Hey, guys! There's some creepy flying thing in here!"

Darkmantle: 22. (16:24).
Paxre: 21.

Ichibod: 26. Sickened.
Paxre: 22. Grease.
The Scribe: 19. Sickened.
Natalya: 17. Sickened.
Clacky: 15.9. Greased.
Bessel: 16. Targeted admixture.
Carrion Golem: 15. (19:60). Slowed until R9T26. Greased.
Dorit: 8. Grease.

2013-08-01, 06:07 PM
R1T25: Ichibod shouts back "I'm sure you can handle it, or would you like me to try and put it to sleep?' while readying a spell."

Paxre answers, "I nipped it pretty good, but now even my eyes have trouble seeing in some effect that is like ink. It's little, flies around, and is like an octopus that just filled the air with that stuff. A hand would be nice ... y'know, for backup."

Ichibod, do you do anything?

Ichibod: 25.
The Scribe: 23.
Clacky: 23. Delaying.
Darkmantle: 22. (16:24).
Paxre: 21.
Bessel: 18.
Dorit: 17.
Natalya: 14.

2013-08-04, 08:22 PM
R1T25: Ichibod continues to shout, "Paxre, try drawing it out so we can see it!"

Ichibod readies his last magic missile to blast any enemy chasing behind Paxre.

R1T23: The Scribe delays.

R1T22.9: Clacky delays for orders.

R1T22: The creature smacks Paxre for 4 damage and holds him fast and constricts him for another 6 damage. Paxre's entire upper body is held.

R1T21: Paxre yells, "Help! Help! This think is squeezing me! *Cough, cough*"

R1T18: Bessel, what do you do?

Ichibod: 25. READIED ACTION!
The Scribe: 23. Delaying.
Clacky: 22.9. Delaying.
Darkmantle: 22. (16:24).
Paxre: 21.
Bessel: 18.
Dorit: 17.
Natalya: 14.

2013-08-05, 01:02 PM
R1T18: "Clacky, follow me!"

Bessel runs down the hallway towards Paxre's voice, pistol drawn, and Clacky follows. It takes the two of them a double move to get there, but he sees an area of murky darkness that even his own darkvision cannot fully overcome. He sees some general mass in the darkness thrashing about, but can't make it out.

The Scribe says, "Well, here we go. Paxre is the perfect enemy detection scout. Natalya, when you're ready. You have the torch."

R1T17: Dorit, what do you do?

Ichibod: 25. READIED ACTION!
Darkmantle: 22. (16:24).
Paxre: 21.
Bessel: 18.
Clacky: 18.9.
The Scribe: 18.8. Delaying.
Dorit: 17.
Natalya: 14.

2013-08-07, 06:13 PM
R1T17: Dorit goes to follow Bessel, weapon in hand, intent on protecting her party. But as she turns the corner down the hall, she has to trace the wall more slowly with her weapon. She still manages to bump into Clacky, but she's in darkness now.

R1T14: Natalya, The Scribe is waiting for you to go down with the torch. What do you do? I assume with the torch you have the mithral shortsword in hand.

Ichibod: 25. READIED ACTION!
Darkmantle: 22. (16:24).
Paxre: 21.
Bessel: 18.
Clacky: 18.9.
The Scribe: 18.8. Delaying.
Dorit: 17.
Natalya: 14.

2013-08-07, 08:10 PM
R1T14: Natalya follows the others, torch in hand and ready to cast mirror image if there's an enemy in the room. The torch sputters and goes dark, creating only a soft glow around itself, but now the room is dimly lit before lighting up this cross-passageway to normal light. Bessel and Paxre see just fine, but not because their darkvision didn't work. [The former just didn't have his bearings yet, and the latter had trouble seeing the two stealth-mongers.

Paxre seems to be mixed up by some type of pure black creature wrapped around his pure black clothing. If Natalya considers Paxre an enemy, then she just might have cast this spell anyway. :smallbiggrin: She casts her spell, and she senses that she strikes gold as the maximum images (5) whirl around an in and through her. There are now six-ish Natalya Vancaskerkins.

Now that everyone can see this fleshy, octopoidal web constricting Paxre...
Natalya: This squid-like dark-skinned creature is a darkmantle, a subterranian predator that attacks by dropping onto its prey. It is a magical beast (q.v.).
The Scribe: As above, plus - Though small creatures, darkmantles are strong for their size, and make natural grapplers due to their tentacles and cloak-like skin. Typically attacking by dropping from above, a darkmantle that misses will usually fly back up to the roof of its chamber and try again.
Bessel: As above, plus - As well as having a natural camouflage that allows them to hide easily in underground caverns, darkmantles can also cause darkness once per day. Darkmantles see easily through this magical darkness through the use of bat-like sonar, though this can be disrupted by the use of the silence spell. This would probably understand why Paxre's great stealth was of no use to him.
R1T13: The Scribe immediately follows behind and he stands next to Bessel. The Scribe and Bessel are now on the front line, followed by Clacky and Dorit, then Natalya. Ichibod is back the way you came.

"Perhaps," says the Scribe, "bombs would be a bad idea with Paxre in its grip. I don't think even your excellent bombardier skill can help. Of course, the way Paxre acted recently...." :smallamused:

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Ichibod, you handily played clearance breech to let the others bye, but now that there in you only see light around the corner. What do you do?

Ichibod: 25. READIED ACTION!
Darkmantle: 22. (16:24).
Paxre: 21.
Bessel: 18.
Clacky: 18.9.
Dorit: 17.
Natalya: 14. Mirror image (5).
The Scribe: 13.

2013-08-09, 11:19 AM
R2T25: Ichibod moves and nails the things with two magic missiles for no more than 6 force damage. It seems its spongy nature must minimize force.Or your crappy rolls have too be explained as something other than, well, crappy rolls.[/roll]

R2T22: The darkmantle continues to constrict Paxre for 5 damage.

R2T21: Paxre uses the pressing motion of the darkmantle, despite the pain, to "pop" himself. He stands on the opposite side of Speckled to flank.

R2T18/.9: [U]Bessel, you are next to The Scribe on the front ranks, Clacky is directly behind you, and you ended up (with Specks) face-2-face with this thing. What do you do?

Ichibod: 25. READIED ACTION!
Darkmantle: 22. (10:24).
Paxre: 21.
Bessel: 18.
Clacky: 18.9.
Dorit: 17.
Natalya: 14. Mirror image (5).
The Scribe: 13.

2013-08-11, 01:50 PM
R2T18/.9: Bessel takes a giant comedic step backward, keeping his eyes on this blasphemous mantle of darkness. He raises his pistol.

"You are one hideous spawn of-"

His finger squeezes. The pistol fires. The bullet hits. The darkspawn takes a solid 5 damage.

His shot fired, he calls back to the automaton, pistol still pointed at the darkmantle. "Clacky, net it!"

"THUMP!" and a net goes sailing, but Paxre wants no part of that and he forces himself and his opponent low as the net goes over head.

R2T17: Dorit, fancy guns and magic missiles and nets aren't working. What do you do?

Natalya on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...

Ichibod: 25.
Darkmantle: 22. (5:24).
Paxre: 21.
Bessel: 18.
Clacky: 18.9.
Dorit: 17.
Natalya: 14. Mirror image (5).
The Scribe: 13.

2013-08-22, 05:22 PM
Marching Order, N>S:
Dorit + Paxre
Hulya + Fenster
Bessel + Clacky
Ichibod + Natalya

This means that the backline is actually the front line. It is a 10-foot-wide bridge, so only two persons can stand side-by-side, and everyone is considered adjacent.

R1T22:Lockerbie closes 10' and bites at Ichibod, but misses. It is assumed that Ichibod has his bow out, and Natalya has out her crossbow. Ichibod is face-to-face with it. And Natalya's fwd-R-quarter.

R1T19: Paxre surrounds himself in a strange ink of darkness and darts in front of Natalya so that the ghoul is now surrounded to front, front-R, and R. Brast bites at him as he moves into place, but he can't get at the bouncing ball of blackness.

R1T16: Ichibod, relative positions. N=Lockerbie; NE>SE=water; S=Bessel; SW=Clacky; W=Natalya; NW = Paxre. Normally, shooting at an adjacent target provokes an AOO, but Paxre did just give you an opening when Lockerbie bit at him. What do you do?

Bessel on deck, Natalya in the hole.

Lockerbie: 22. (:63). Page 52. Will flee at 17 hps or less.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 16.
Bessel: 16.
Natalya: 15.9.
Dorit: 15.
Scribe: 12.
Fenster: 11. Page 16.
Clacky: 9.
Rezah: 7.
Hulya: Base 6.

2013-08-23, 10:36 AM
R1T17: "Big Green, stand down!" shouts Ichibod. "The Captain may be of aid, and his request is reasonable!"

Ichibod realizes that there is nowhere to make a simple step back, so he withdraws all the way to stand by the Scribe.I had to work with the desire to move away, and a withdrawal (a full round action that provokes no AOO from moving out of the first square) to a safe archer's position in the group was the best I could think of for this request.

Also, initiative was already rolled. I forgot that you and Bessel actually had the same init, so I changed yours to T17 since I already had you go.

Please put your speech in quotes. Thank you.
R1T16: Bessel shouts to Clacky, "Net the ghoul!"

He turns his voice to the half-orc. "We need his information! You can save your prejudices for later!"

Does Bessel do anything, or does he delay or ready? [This is the first time Clacky's initiative wasn't faster than Bessel's, so Clacky doesn't respond immediately on command.]

Lockerbie: 22. (55:63). Page 52. Will flee at 17 hps or less.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16.
Natalya: 15.9.
Dorit: 15.
Scribe: 12.
Fenster: 11. Page 16.
Clacky: 9.
Rezah: 7.
Hulya: Base 6.

2013-08-23, 12:30 PM
CORR: Ichibod is in the back next to Dorit.
R1T16: Bessel holds fast, waiting to see if Clack's net can subdue Lockerbie. The ghoul's knowledge about the further dangers in the Crow, combined with the insane ramblings of Atalatia about her mistress, seem to encourage caution over rashness.

R1T15.9: Natalya, what do you do?

Dorit on deck, followed by the Scribe ...

PositionsDorit + Ichibod
Speckled + Hulya
Fenster + Rezah
Bessel + Clacky
Empty + Natalya
Lockerbie + Paxre
Lockerbie: 22. (55:63). Page 52. Will flee at 17 hps or less.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. DELAYING!
Natalya: 15.9.
Dorit: 15.
Scribe: 12.
Fenster: 11. Page 16.
Clacky: 9.
Rezah: 7.
Hulya: Base 6.

2013-08-24, 01:08 PM
R1T15.9: Natalya not sure if reason or violence will win out here, decides to take a five foot step back and cast mirror image. It seems like the safe option. She realizes that a safe step would be a wet one. With nowhere else to go, Natalya once again warily casts her most powerful magic. The air in her area goes blurry as images of her doing exactly as she does shift and shimmer in and out and around and through each other, confounding anyone at trying to look right at her, as if you are seeing triple. (3 images).

R1T15-11.9: "Excuse me, Antelope," says Dorit, and she and Speckled time it so that he backs up and guards the back end and Ichibod, and Dorit can step up to restrain the half-orc. As Speckled steps back, he pulls Hulya to the side so Dorit doesn't have to reach across her.

Jolly Green, you get grabbed from behind by Dorit in her plate armor. She only has you with one hand, but the shield helps brace and .... Zounds! she's powerful.

R1T11: "Hey, bubs!" Fenster says with a drooling snarl. "'ere's one not done in by yer rottin' stink!"

He spryly pops over Bessel and tries to grab at Lockerbie, the former's hands held in open palm but with fingers at each hand pressed together, bent at knuckles, and looks like a cross between an open palm and a claw. His bizarre grab attempt fails.

Paxre looks on amused at the street swine with a mixture of confusion, amusement, and admiration. "Tiger Style. Who knew? Then again, you just proved how ineffective it is."

R1T9: (Assuming Paxre pointed at Lockerbie, as constructs don't know from ghouls or girls, which would not have done, considering the natch '20' on its role...) Clacky fires a net from its launcher which plops perfectly onto Lockerbie.

R1T7: Jolly Green, while you were not unaware of the two behind you, they both moved with excellent teamwork, and her fantastic speed and strength have you grappled. She has you bearhugged from behind, and despite her unbelievable strength, and a mass that surprisingly exceeds your own with pure brawn, this blonde-haired, blue-eyed beauty must be a terror against real enemies.Heh-heh-heh, look starting 8:43 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6mydonDiho).What do you do?

PositionsSpeckled + Ichibod
Hulya + Dorit***
Empty + JollyGreen***
Bessel + Clacky
Fenster + Natalya
Lockerbie + Paxre

Lockerbie: 22. (55:63). Page 52. Will flee at 17 hps or less.
* Netted by Rezah.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. DELAYING!
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 3 images.
Scribe: 12.
Dorit: 11.9. Grappling Rezah.
Fenster: 11. Page 16.
Clacky: 9.
Rezah: 7. Grappled by Dorit.
Hulya: Base 6.

2013-08-24, 08:00 PM
R2T17: IC hits the Captain with a blast of good old Disrupt Undead and yells "Captain Brast, stand down or I'll blast you right to the demon realms!!"

The cantrip only grazes him along the lower left jawline for 3 PE damage, equal parts necromancy, training, and magical force.The spell, PBS (which I added in, because it is a weapon-like spell), and your Havoc of the Society trait.
"Stand down?! You're the ones who started what wasn't necessary, but I will finish it!"

It is obvious that with the fire and other damage he's sustained, Lockerbie's ghoulish body is showing signs of more than just pustulated decomposition.

R2T16: Bessel, you delayed for the full round to get measure of the situation, but it's back around to you. What do you do?

Natalya on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...

Speckled + Ichibod

DimGray + Dorit/ JollyGreen***
Bessel + Clacky
Fenster + Natalya
Lockerbie: 22. (27:63). Page 52. Will flee at 17 hps or less.
* Only the 3d6 fireball remaining on his necklace of fireballs I.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. DELAYING!
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 3 images.
Scribe: 12.
Dorit: 11.9. Grappling Rezah.
Fenster: 11. (8:33). Page 16.
Clacky: 9. (20:20). Nets (4).
Rezah: 7. Grappled by Dorit.
Hulya: 6.

2013-08-25, 03:19 PM
R2T16: Bessel mixes the formula too quickly. The components for the formula were already too heated from the fireblast two seconds ago, and the pain from that blast numbed Bessel's nerve endings briefly. He lifts the vial above his head and slightly back, but his burned fingers don't quite measure the strength of the container well and he breaks it.

"FA-WHOOM!"It is significantly less powerful as the conflagration from the bead Lockerbie threw, but it is dangerous in its own. It is followed by a lesser flame sound and a "Zap-Pop!"Bessel: Despite critical, only 8 fire damage. But the blast of fame sets off the alchemist's fire and shatters the bottled lightning in his backpack. He takes another 5 fire and 2 electricity damage. Bessel is now in the yellow.
Dorit: 10 fire + 1 sonic. Dorit is now in the yellow.
Jolly Green: 6 fire + 1 sonic.
Clacky: 11 fire + 1 sonic . Clacky is very badly damaged.
Fenster: 11 fire + 1 sonic . Fenster drops.
Natalya: Moves so brilliantly so as to only take 1 fire. Bessel is now on fire, in the yellow, and probably squeak-screaming. Dorit is also in the yelow. Fenster screams in pain and falls. Clacky is critically damaged.

R2T15.9: Natalya, you are suffering some strong wounds, though not at yellow yet. Things just wet terribly, terribly wrong. Fenster, beside you, has fallen. Lockerbie is adjacent to you. What do you do?Not that it matters, but you may stand over a fallen body without worries about occupied space. I don't see why you would, though.
"Dorit!" cries the Scribe. "We are in the thick. Let the half-orc go!"

The Scribe is on deck, and Dorit is in the hole ... (P.S.: It is a free action to release a grapple.)

Speckled + Ichibod

DimGray + Dorit/ JollyGreen***
Bessel + Clacky
Fenster + Natalya


Lockerbie: 22. (27:63). Page 52. Will flee at 17 hps or less.
* Only the 3d6 fireball remaining on his necklace of fireballs I.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. ON FIRE!
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 3 images.
Scribe: 12.
Dorit: 11.9. Grappling Rezah.
Fenster: 11. (-5:33). Page 16. DYING!!!
Clacky: 9. (9:40). Nets (4).
Rezah: 7. Grappled by Dorit.
Hulya: 6.

2013-08-25, 09:14 PM
R2T15.9: Natalya's mind races, she sees that other bead and she does not want him to use it. Natalya goes for a tanglefoot bag, opening herself up to an attack. Lockerbie's jaws snap in, but Natalya's magic saves her as an image is taken away. That should be it, and she should be able to throw it just fine, but as she does so she is shocked by the ghoul's preternatural reflexes as he swings a claw at her hand to try to knock it away; even in that regard, such a move would open him up, but he seems to be crafty in his movements to disarm. This time, however, he simply misses, and Natalya still has one image remaining.

Natalya throws the bag at Lockerbie, which lands over him and even gets him stuck to the floor. Even that won't entirely stop him, and she gets ready to drop into the water if he goes for the other bead.

R2T12: Speckled moves forth to Bessel and readies an aid to help him put out the fire.

R2T11.9: Dorit, you are grappling Jolly Green, you are badly wounded, and Speckled asked you to let him go. What do you do?

Clacky on deck, Jolly Green in the hole ...

xxxxx + Ichibod

The Scribe + Dorit/ JollyGreen***
Bessel + Clacky
Fenster + Natalya


Lockerbie: 22. (27:63). Page 52. Will flee at 17 hps or less.
* Only the 3d6 fireball remaining on his necklace of fireballs I.
* Tangled by tanglefoot bag: -2 attack rolls, -4 DEX
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. ON FIRE!
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 1 image.
Dorit: 11.9. Grappling Rezah.
Fenster: 11. (-5:33). Page 16. DYING!!!
Clacky: 9. (9:40). Nets (4).
Rezah: 7. Grappled by Dorit.
Hulya: 6.

2013-08-25, 11:50 PM
R2T11.9: "Clearly, it's not me who's the idiot," Dorit hisses as she roughly releases the Half-Orc, the entire situation sending her into a fury.

She spits and gnashes her teeth on her shield in a foaming fury and bursts to stand over Fenster's body. But the movement and having to be careful over Fenster keeps her from landing her blow as the shield clacks off of Lockerbie's studded leather, even with his being entangled.Yup, even when applying barbarian rage to your shield.
R2T9: Clacky begins the self repair process for FH2. (That means fast healing 2, Tickle.) Clacky then shocks Bessel as one of its mechanical arms swings at its master with full force. Even on fire, survival instinct takes over and Bessel ducks well low of the swing. :smalleek:

R2T7: Jolly Green, you are unarmed and unarmored. There are many, many wounded on the field (one even dying, but he is a loathesome and base creature). On the other hand, the dangerous ghoul is still standing, despite damage beginning to show one him.

What do you do?

Lockerbrie Brast on deck, Paxre (wherever he is) in the hole ...

xxxxx + Ichibod

The Scribe + JollyGreen
Bessel + Clacky
Dorit/ Fenster + Natalya


Lockerbie: 22. (27:63). Page 52. Will flee at 17 hps or less.
* Only the 3d6 fireball remaining on his necklace of fireballs I.
* Tangled by tanglefoot bag: -2 attack rolls, -4 DEX.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. ON FIRE!
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 1 image.
Dorit: 11.9. Barbarian Rage til end R9T11.9.
Fenster: 11. (-6:33). Page 16. DYING!!!
Clacky: 9. (7:40). Nets (4).
Jolly Green: 7.
Hulya: 6.

2013-08-26, 07:39 AM
R2T7: Jolly retrieves the sword resting at his feet, etter in his hands than potentially lost to the water or the ghoul. Then, acutely aware of the dire situation unfolding around him. he closes his eyes and searches deep within himself. Focusing on that fire deep inside him that had originally blasted the Ghoul, he pleads, "If I am your child, Sarenrae, hear my prayers now..." Rezah utters to himself, almost inaudibly.

A blast of positive energy bursts out as before, but something is different this time. It is less dramatic, softer, and soothing. While having no effect on the ghoul, healing power courses through everyone.Bessel: 5 PE healing.
Dorit: 6 PE healing.
Fenster: 7 PE healing.
Ichibod: 7 PE healing.
Natalya: 5 PE healing.
The Scribe: 7 PE healing.
Jolly, himself: 10 PE healing.Fenster is now conscious, barely ...

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T22: Lockerbie pops off the last and smaller bead, and then goes to throw it, being wary of defense. He creates an opening and Dorit misses with her shield, and Natalya with her short sword. This time the bead erupts at Ichibod's feat. The burst of flame is strong, but not nearly like the first.Bessel: Save for 6 fire damage.
Dorit: Save for 2 fire damage.
Fenster: Saves, rolling on ground, for 10 fire damage, but stilll goes unconscious again.
Ichibod: Save for 8 fire damage.
Natalya: Evades, no damage.
The Scribe: Evades, no damage.
Jolly, himself: Saves with divine grace for 5 fire damage.
Clacky: Fails for 12 fire damage.Bessel is still on fire. Fenster is down again. Bessel and Dorit's wounds are once again growing.

And Clacky? Clacky erupts and explodes with flying metal and gears, and the main hulk of the destroyed clockwork servant falls into the water. :frown:

R3T19: Paxre, surrounded again in his cloak of darkness, appears behind Lockerbie, cutting at him while flanking with Dorit. Paxre's surprise and flank inflicts 11 damage, a brutal strike that is taking a toll on the ghoul. Two claw attacks by Paxre miss. Paxre then goes invisible again.

R3T17: Ichibod, what do you do?

Bessel (on fire with Speckled ready to put him out) on deck, Natalya in the hole ...

xxxxx + Ichibod

The Scribe + JollyGreen
Bessel + Clacky
Dorit/ Fenster + Natalya

Lockerbie: 22. (16:63). Page 52. CE1.
* Only the 3d6 fireball remaining on his necklace of fireballs I.
* Tangled by tanglefoot bag: -2 attack rolls, -4 DEX.
* Will flee at 17 hps or lesss.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. ON FIRE!
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 1 image.
Dorit: 11.9. Barbarian Rage til end R9T11.9.
Fenster: 11. (-9:33). Page 16.
Jolly Green: 7.
Hulya: 6.

2013-08-26, 09:11 AM
R3T17: "So be it!" yells Ichibod while firing another blast of energy at the Captain for 5 PE damage.

R3T16: Bessel, you are currently on fire and Speckled is standing by to aid you in putting it out.

Scribe readied, Natalya on deck, Dorit in the hole ...

xxxxx + Ichibod

The Scribe + JollyGreen
Bessel + Clacky
Dorit/ Fenster + Natalya
Lockerbie: 22. (11:63). Page 52. CE1.
* Only the 3d6 fireball remaining on his necklace of fireballs I.
* Tangled by tanglefoot bag: -2 attack rolls, -4 DEX.
* Will flee at 17 hps or lesss.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. ON FIRE!
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 1 image.
Dorit: 11.9. Barbarian Rage til end R9T11.9.
Fenster: 11. (-9:33). Page 16.
Jolly Green: 7.
Hulya: 6.

2013-08-26, 10:11 AM
R3T16: Bessel, crazed and on fire, screams, "CLACKY, NO!"

He whirls to the ghoul, draws his pistol, and pulls the trigger. Staring dumbfounded at his second horrible miscalculation of the last minute, and burning more and more. He takes 6 fire damage by not trying to put out the flame as the gunpowder erupts in his hand, destroying his pistol and causing 5 shrapnel damage. The shrapnel also blasts toward everyone else in his immediate area: Scribe (evades), Jolly (fails, 2), Dorit (fails, 5), Fenster (if alive, he takes 5), Natalya (evades).

Bessel topples over the side of the bridge into the water after his automaton. He is barely conscious, and though the fire dies out, he did a full dive into the water after Clacky.

R3T15.95: The Scribe takes out a potion, passes by Jolly, and jumps into the water after Bessel.

R3T15.9: Natalya, what do you do?

Dorit on deck, Jolly in the hole ...

xxxxx + Ichibod
xxxx + xxxx
xxxx + JollyGreen + Speckled (water)
xxxx + xxxx + Bessel (water)
Dorit/ Fenster + Natalya
Lockerbie: 22. (11:63). Page 52. CE1.
* Only the 3d6 fireball remaining on his necklace of fireballs I.
* Tangled by tanglefoot bag: -2 attack rolls, -4 DEX.
* Will flee at 17 hps or lesss.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. 10' below surface of water.
Scribe: 15.95.
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 1 image.
Dorit: 11.9. Barbarian Rage til end R9T11.9.
Jolly Green: 7.
Hulya: 6.

DEAD: Fenster.

2013-08-27, 03:01 AM
R3T15.9: Natalya scans the bridge looking for a good way to climb back up. Not seeing anything promising she sends a brief prayer to her goddess Calistria that she may bless her deception, and then Natalya casts ghost sound.

In a whisper like stormy winds a woman's voice echoes through the room, repeating. "My love, my Lockerbie, have you forgotten me?"

"Ha!" says Lockerbie. "Clever witch, but I know that is not she. If I had forgotten Liza Jane, I would not have asked you for these favors before your group attacked me."

R3T11.9: Dorit, you are currenty raging and flanking the entangled ghoul with Paxre. What do you do?

Jolly on deck, Lockerbie in the hole ..

xxxxx + Ichibod
xxxx + xxxx
xxxx + JollyGreen + Speckled (water)
xxxx + xxxx + Bessel (water)
Dorit/ Fenster + Natalya
Lockerbie: 22. (11:63). Page 52. CE1.
* Only the 3d6 fireball remaining on his necklace of fireballs I.
* Tangled by tanglefoot bag: -2 attack rolls, -4 DEX.
* Will flee at 17 hps or lesss.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. 10' below surface of water.
Scribe: 15.95.
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 1 image.
Dorit: 11.9. Barbarian Rage til end R9T11.9.
Jolly Green: 7.
Hulya: 6.

DEAD: Fenster.

2013-08-27, 04:15 PM
R3T11.9: Dorit growls and goes for the shield bash again, doing 8 (min) damage. 8 damage minimum? With a d4 weapon? Whuff! Scary barbarian. A lot of the ghoul's bones are heard cracking with that impact, but being immune to pain it doesn't seem to stop.

R3T7: Jolly (face it, that's your in-team nickname now), what do you do?

Lockerbie on deck, Paxre in the hole, Ichibod's turn already figured ...

xxxxx + Ichibod
xxxx + xxxx
xxxx + JollyGreen + Speckled (water)
xxxx + xxxx + Bessel (water)
Dorit/ Fenster + Natalya
Lockerbie: 22. (3:63). Page 52. CE1.
* Only the 3d6 fireball remaining on his necklace of fireballs I.
* Tangled by tanglefoot bag: -2 attack rolls, -4 DEX.
* Will flee at 17 hps or lesss.
Paxre: 19.
Ichibod: 17.
Bessel: 16. 10' below surface of water.
Scribe: 15.95.
Natalya: 15.9. Mirror image: 1 image.
Dorit: 11.9. Barbarian Rage til end R9T11.9.
Jolly Green: 7.
Hulya: 6.

DEAD: Fenster.

2013-08-28, 06:51 AM
Stuff. Year [roll0]

2013-08-28, 06:53 AM
Let's try again.

2013-08-29, 09:31 PM
"Ichibod!!" The Scribe yells, sounding the signal for those two.

R2T28: Speckled (both of them) point a wand at Paxre, but he just can't seem to get it to work. Natalya remembers that the only wand The Scribe has is the charm person one that was taken from the female derro.

Paxre shakes his head. "Ha! As soon as you pulled it out I knew what to expect."

R2T21: "You're not getting away!" she yells at Paxre. "I worked too hard at this."

What does Natalya actually do?

The Scribe: 28.
Natalya: 21.
Paxre: 17. Cloak of Darkness.

2013-08-31, 07:43 AM
R2T21: Natalya wants Paxre to hurt, so she casts magic missile for 7 force damage.Each missile does 1d4+1, which means two missiles at the same target do 2d4+2. Once you get some sleep and rest, you'll pop up to 5th level. And that means THREE missiles. If you blot them all at one target, that means 3d4+3 (an average of 11 damage).
R2T17: Paxre reflexively tries to block what he can't as he takes the arcane bolts in his forearm and chest. He's not sure which Speckled is real, but it seems the one in the hallway is the real threat, so he tries to acrobatically duck under his legs while drawing his katana. It isn't acrobatic enough as the real Scribe tries for a double fist-punch. Now, though, it's the Scribe who is even less acrobatic as he falls over the bedroll and whacks his head, stunning himself and prone.

Despite the easy target, Paxre has a rare insight of wisdom that standing around for revenge will only bring more enemies. He continues down the hallway, and zooms past Ichibod's cell.

R2T16: Ichibod lunges to his feet, and yells something in a language no PC understands, but that all recognize as Shoanti. Yes, even Jolly seems to remember something about the barbarians that live in the plains and mountains of a lawless, backwood frontier called Varisia.

He allows the silver arrows in his lap to fall, clattering to the floor as he snatches two arrows from the quiver he had re-slung over his back. He gets on his feet, takes a 5' step to the hall, and sees Paxre in the intersection to the cells. Though he has another arrow ready, he only gets the time to shoot one but it flies true and slices past Paxre's neck for 6 damage.You only got to shoot one arrow, because more than one attack is a FAA, not a SA.
MA: Stand.
5' free move to step out into the hall (the assumption was, for this to utilize you to best effect, for you to be right by the edge of your cell's open door.
SA: Shoot one arrow. Still a hit's a hit, and Paxre - especially now with his cloak of darknesss, is a good thing.As your hunter senses make you sense everything around, you see the Scribe just outside of his cell looking into it.

Everybody awakens to the sound of battle.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T28: The universe sought its balance with Critilope, and he is stunned and writhing on the ground, holding his head with both hands.

R3T21: Natalya, what do you? Paxre is out of the cell and went down the hallway towards the intersection. You would have to move 10' to get into the hallway.

Paxre on deck, and Ichibod in the hole.

The Scribe: 28. PRONE/ STUNNED til end R4T17!!!
Natalya: 21.
Paxre: 17. Cloak of Darkness.
Ichibod: 16.
Jolly: 13.
Dorit: 8.
Bessel: 7.

2013-09-03, 02:36 PM
R3T21: When Speckled Antelope and Ichibod defeated her and took the Shard of Pride, it was a mixed blessing. Shew knew its power, but she knew its curse as well. Under the influence of the Shard, she used a spell she used to use commonly with men and to get her way past guards (but only rarely): charm person. She had managed to charm a small enclave of sewer goblins to do her bidding as her 'honor guard.' And this is how she would take over Magnimar's underworld, rise up to the surface and take the city, then Varisia, then the continent of Avistan, and later ... the world. Yeah, right.

As a worshiper of Calistria, using a well-timed, well-placed charm would be nothing if she thought she could get away with it. But since that time she hadn't used that spell; not really, anyway. She couldn't put her finger on it before, but it slowly dawned on her recently that when pride falls, what is left is shame. Charm person was her most powerful attack spell; magic missile is more of a sting -- a deadly sting -- but a sting compared to other magics of its type. And why bludgeon an enemy when you don't have to make him your enemy?

She stepped into the hallway, directly through the illusion and 25' down the hall. She already remembered the battle training the group had undergone. Paxre was far too agile to be affected by her grease, but his mind proved weak again and again.

"Paxre," she addresses as she approached (10' behind Ichibod, 20' from Paxre), and then casts her spell. "The Scribe played this ruse. What you have is a forgery. The purses' theft gained you nothing but whatever he put into it. Just because you have been caught as a thief ... we've been through too much to kill you.

"Give us your solemn vow that you will never attempt to kill, harm, obstruct or in any way interfere or compete with the lives of those in our group and the quest we undertake for the Shard or the Star of Sihedron and any of those shards, nor shall you incite others to do the same. Swear it, or there is little I can do to help you."Paxre rolled a '2' on his save! :smallwink:
Paxre has tears welling in the big, oblong black pools that are his eyes. "I swear to this, and my curse as an oracle is that any oath sworn must be obeyed to my death; but this oath is broken if any of you in turn try - in any way whatsoever - to interfere with anything else I undergo just because you might not 'like' it.

"You of all people should understand what is happening here. Be careful of your lover, Natalya. He tried to give the Shard to someone he 'deemed most appropriate,' but Bessel and the group gave it back to him. He tried to name Ichibod as leader, but he and the group gave the Scribe (stupid name) leadership. What else will he give to himself through false humility?!"

"One more thing," he whispers to Natalya and Ichibod (as best he can with the distance), "but it must be the two of you you who discover this. Uncle gave me a powerful scroll to see past all veils and hidden mysteries. I read it while watching the Scribe work on his Green Peak Style. Get yourself a scroll of [I]true seeing and you will see what I have seen. He can be called the Scribe because Speckled Antelope is a Shoanti name, but you will see he is not Shoanti, Varisian, or Taldane. He is something else whose entire race served the very creatures that serve the darkness that gives me powers, power that comes from the Dark Tapestry and the horrors between the worlds in blackness endless.

"Beware what you give the Scribe. He is tragic, he is disciplined, he is even funny. But he is a walking lie whose existence is an affront to the gods. I know why he is as powerful as he is, and power wants more. Beware."

And with that, Paxre disappears around the corner. He is as fast as anyone in the group, and Ichibod knows that the little guy can cover 60' in a burst, he has a headstart, knows the terrain, and with having to try to track or take the time to pick up or cast light on something, Ichibod would only fall further behind.

Ichibod, do you accept the bargain as such, or do you go racing after him for blood? Your original intention of shooting him is disrupted by his leaving LOS. And by the time you would have to cast or pick up light, he would be past the next hallway and out of reach of an arrow, let alone the sight to see him.
Ichibod, with favored terrain (dungeon) = Batman
Paxre, ninja/ oracle of dark tapestry = Bane
For Natalya, who was so close to trying to kill him, realizes that ruse was her way to at last enjoy why her goddess is known as the Savored Sting. Now it is Paxre who will live in shame. And if there is truth in his having sworn this oath, there is nothing he can ever do about it. :amused:

The Scribe: 28. PRONE/ STUNNED til end R4T17!!!
Natalya: 21.
Paxre: 17. Cloak of Darkness.
Ichibod: 16.
Jolly: 13.
Dorit: 8.
Bessel: 7.

2013-09-18, 12:09 AM
Initiative has been rolled for everyone else ...
R1T28: Ichibod screams "Die you abominations!" and blasts enemy he sees on the altar with a wave of heat and flame that the party has yet to have seen before. It seems his powers are truly growing.Natalya recognizes scorching ray.The heat ray hits the monster straight on for 22 fire + 1 force damage.

R1T25: The Scribe drops his magical torch, takes out his bola, and tosses it at the shriezyx with fantastic accuracy and speed. It does a whopping 9 NL (max) damage! Even flat-footed, the eight-legs of the beast keep it from going down.

R1T22: One of the monsters pops down, 10' from Dorit and shoots a web at Ichibod, covering him. At first, the sticky goo on the web contacting his skin seems to deaden his nerves some, making him somewhat lethargic, but Ichibod is able to shake that feeling off ... but not the webs. The monster says something.

The Scribe calls out, "He's ordered the other two to web everyone, but to concentrate attacks on Ichibod!"

R1T21: Jolly, the spell that Ichibod cast upon the Scribe, this "cat's grace" is amazing! You figured that the academic had to have some moves on him to stay alive, but this spell allowed him to move like nothing you ever remember (well, not saying much) seeing, though these things come in a very close preternatural second. The damage from so simple a weapon was a hell of a lot more than you'd ever expect, but that's probably because of the speed he built up. Imagine what that spell could do for you, a real warrior!

With Ichibod hitting the shriezyx (you can't see the other two), there is a sense from Ichibod that somehow is related to Serafaim's tactical advice that you could really do better against the one over by the altar, but you don't have to listen to that. The assumption is that in the second rank you have buckler strapped and crossbow out (ready to drop and draw flail when needed, or to cast spell with one hand holding crossbow). Also, Serafaim gave an order (you don't have to listen to it, because who the hell is he to demand that, anyway?) to fight defensively to help the whole group.

What do you do?


HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace.
Shriezyx #2: 22. East.
* Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Jolly: 21. Detect magic.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (54:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 22 fire.
* Will be frightened to end R2T18.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen.
Serafaim: 12.
Shriezyx #3: West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.

2013-09-18, 01:30 PM
R1T21: Jolly pushes past Dorit and Serafaim, trying to get past the shriezyx that dropped down 10' from Dorit. As he moves past, the creature snaps its hideous jaws at him and bites him in his upper right thigh for 9 (max) damage with its powerful gnashing. Jolly vaguely feels some lingering pain where the green venom coated the bite, but he is too tough to give it much mind. Jolly gets to the altar, and with a truly inspiring overhand he lands it on the head of the creature for 14 damage. Something about the combination of Serafaim's inspiring position on the field matched with some intuitive tactic seems to have really helped Jolly to clobber the beast.

R1T18: The altar-beast almost cowered at the blast of fire, but as soon as Ichibod is webbed and it gets whacked by the now isolated Jolly, it skitters back 5' on the altar out of Jolly's range and shoots a web at him, coating him with perfect accuracy. The webbing on the now held Jolly is coated with the same green slime as was on Ichibod's webbing. Jolly feels that contact with it tries to numb him, but again he is too tough for such simple things.

R1T16: Bessel, what do you do? The nearer creature is 20' from you. The one that was on the altar and stepped back a little is now 35' from you.

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!!!
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace.
Shriezyx #2: 22. East.
* Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!!
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen.
Serafaim: 12.
Shriezyx #3: West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.

2013-09-19, 02:45 AM
R1T16: Bessel drinks another of his potions, and a brief warping of the air before him appears before disappearing.

R1T12: "An excellent strike, noble half-orc," rings Serafaim through his helm, "but at what cost?"

He calls out, "Push forward, but fight defensively to protect yourselves and others against their webs ... armor cannot do as well!"

Serafaim takes a measured stance and throws his mithral shortspear at the shriezyx on the altar, which bounces off of its very hard shell.

He then takes a sword from a sheath attached to his shield, one that none of you has ever seen. The sheath only required a mild curve, which made it look like it could have been a low-curve scimitar, but it is very obvious it is not.http://asset2.cbsistatic.com/cnwk.1d/i/tim/2011/07/14/Deadliest_Warrior_Weapons_0014_610x407.JPGHowever, unlike most swords that are made of metal, the entire blade seems to be made of some sort of nearly-transparent rock of some sort. As he draws it, it begins to hum softly and to glow green. The bottom of the hilt is adorned with a diamond that for some reason has a piece of metal embedded in the center. He steps forward, and is now L-FWD of Dorit.

R1T11: There must be a shriezyx to the west that the rest of the party didn't see, because now Seraphaim is covered in webbing.

"Poison webs!" he calls. "Be careful."

R1T10: Dorit ... there are three enemies on the field.
#1 The shriezyx at the altar, 30' from you. Serafaim's tactical skill gives you a bonus if you move past #2 (below), but you'd have to go around with your 20' speed and wouldn't get to that one. You can't charge the altar enemy because #2 is in your way.
#2 This one is 10' from you and would require you to step up to it, which is easy enough. If you do as Serafaim said and fight defensively, you both get a +2 competence bonus to AC in addition to the +2 dodge bonus for fighting defensively, but you'd suffer the standard -4 to attack rolls as well. Serafaim being entangled doesn't immobilize him, so he can still fight in this manner.
#3 This one is 20' over to your left.

What do you do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!!!
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace.
Shriezyx #2: 22. East.
* Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #1: 18. (43:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
Serafaim: 12. FD!!! WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #3: 11. West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.

2013-09-20, 07:39 AM
R1T10: Dorit stands up to be side-by-side with Serafaim, fighting defensively as suggested. She instantly sees how working in tandem helps both at once for defense. But she is so used to depending entirely on the raw strength of her armor and shield, with some shield training, and then going all out with offense, so this is new .. and unfamiliar territory. Of course, what doesn't help when you miss entirely is that these monsters are ridiculously agile.

R1T8: Natalya? Ichibod entangled behind you. Besel next to you, and Dorit and Serafaim 10' ahead with a monster in front of them. Jolly is (effectively or foolishly) keeping the one at the altar busy, some 40' away. What do you do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!!!
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace.
Shriezyx #2: 22. East.
* Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #1: 18. (43:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
Serafaim: 12. FD!!! WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #3: 11. West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.

2013-09-21, 05:40 AM
R1T8: Natalya drops the torch, draws her silver dagger and tries to cut Ichibod loose. Just as the last strand is proving too difficult, she looks around and notes the two more of the party webbed. With a firmness she manages to free him.

End Round One, Begin Round Two ...

R2T28: Ichibod, thanks to being saved by his damsel, feels no ill effects since the webs are gone nearly as quickly as they had come. What do you do? Still hammer the one at the altar?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace.
Shriezyx #2: 22. East.
* Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #1: 18. (43:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
Serafaim: 12. FD!!! WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #3: 11. West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength.
Atlatia: 9.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.

2013-09-22, 02:18 AM
R2T28: Ichibod thanks Natalya and moves behind the Champion in Bronze so he can cast enlarge person on Dorit and she'd have room to grow. Dorit grows to an amazing height of 12' 8" (and 2400 pounds), and in combination with Jolly's spell, her strength makes her a virtual juggernaut. Ichibod takes a defensive posture behind Serafaim.Note that "defensive posture" in this case simply means positioning and fluff, because to "fight defensively" you have to make an attack roll at some point in your turn. You probably knew that, but I just wanted to be sure.
R2T25: The Scribe sees the opening created by Jolly and charges the altar shriezyx, committing to the attack. The scribe's ranseur clacks to the side of its chitin.

R2T22: The shriezyx in front of Dorit steps 5' to the side in front of Serafaim, even though it is still easily in reach of the giant woman. It attacks the man with a bite and four claws, but except for one that was dodged, all attacks are stopped cold by his bronze armor.

R2T21: Jolly, you are currently webbed, meaning you are entangled (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Entangled). Your opponent is directly in front of you, and the hapless, polearm-wielding acadmic is to your LtR (Left Rear diagonal). What do you do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. CHARGED!
Shriezyx #2: 22. East.
* Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #1: 18. (43:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
Serafaim: 12. FD!!! WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #3: 11. West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.

2013-09-22, 05:28 PM
R2T21: Jolly attacks the same monster as before with the flail, but the webbing interferes with his ability to connect.Hey, just so I don't get confused, allow me to put in the penalties and bonuses for spells, effects, and the like. It took me a bit to figure out why you had a -2 penalty, especially when I was going to employ it again.

On the other hand .... for everyone ... fluff normal, rolls in spoilers. If you do want to be specific about bonuses and the like, not them somewhere in the spoiler with the attack rolls (or whatever is appropriate). For example, if Natalya wants to be sure she succeeds on an Acrobatics check, in spoilers with her Acrobatics roll, she could tell me that she uses her special ability.
R2T18: Responding in kind, Jolly's opponent bites at his face, a tooth with venom grazing him for 4 (min) damage. Jolly easily ignores the burning of the poison.

Two claws whip at the Scribe, and he bats one away while the other slashes his L knee for 6. A claw then connects with Jolly along his flail hand for 5. A final claw swipe at the Scribe and he plants the butt of his ranseur on the ground, slides down with both hands so his back is horizontal and a foot off the deck as the claw passes.

Jolly, that dodge - even unbalanced by his charge - seemed like a nearly impossible maneuver for an unarmored man.

R2T16: Bessel, what do you do? You still don't see #3 to the west, only the one on the altar and the one fighting Serafaim/Dorit. Do you move forward to the entrance of the door, or stay near the alcoves? What action do you take?

Serafaim on deck, western shriezyx in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. CHARGED!
Shriezyx #2: 22. East.
* Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #1: 18. (43:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
Serafaim: 12. FD!!! WEBBED!!!
Shriezyx #3: 11. West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.

2013-09-24, 10:56 PM
R2T16: Bessel mixes and throws a bomb at the monster fighting Dorit nearly dead on. He might have missed a truly critical strike were it not for some direction from Serafaim. The bomb does a whopping 42 fire damage and burning it badly!!! The creature shrieks in pain and fear and unthinking to its own safety, attempts to scamper to the west. Serafaim manages to nail it for 11 with his crystal sword, and the large Dorit clips it for the same. The thing makes it to the far side of the room and clambers up the wall.

R2T12: "Dorit, step forward to finish off the one at the altar. They don't have any hard protection against the creature's attacks .... Though I will admit you are more than I first surmised, scrivener!" calls Serafaim.

He rips out of his webs with brute strength and strides up to the altar to position himself to attack the one at the altar, leaving Ichibod and Dorit behind.

R2T11: The shriezyx on the floor to the west shoots a web at Ichibod, entangling him (again), though it is obvious it is terrified of him and the conflaration that hit its ally. (Bessel is unseen in the passageway.)

R2T10: Dorit, you are in the center of the room with Ichibod. With neither Serafaim nor Ichibod FD (fighting defensively) this round, you are no longer "holding the line." You have an easy charge to the untouched shriezyx west of you, or you can stride up to reach over and help to paste the one at the altar. You still have some intuitive connection that gives you some insight into attacks on the one at the altar. What do you do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. CHARGED! Altar.
Shriezyx #2: 22. East. (13:77). Took 42 fire.
* FRIGHTENED from Bessel's bomb.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (43:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.

2013-09-27, 02:45 AM
R2T10: Seeing three ganged on the one at the altar, it's about time someone got to the uninjured one, and Dorit's not about to leave a yet-again-webbed Ichibod exposed in the middle of the room. Besides, its high time these jumping, dodging, hard-shelled creatures get splattered. Dorit gnashes on her shield to get herself into a frenzy and in berserker rage charges the mid-room shriezyx with all of her might. Her sword crashes into the beast, just barely missing a vital area between large scales, but still doing a respectable 19 damage.
IA: Rage ... 30 STR!!! 20 + 4 (bull's strength) +2 (enlarge person) +4 (rage)!!!
FAA: Charge, with Power Attack, at reach. +2 attack, -2 PA.

EDIT: Rolled a nat-20, but the nat-6 wasn't enough to confirm.
R2T9: Popping out from the corner to the back of the party ... facing Bessel and Natalya, is ... Atlatia. No one noticed that there were only two derro instead of three above, and everyone forgot that Paxre stabilized one ... Atlatia. Bessel is taken totally by surprise, and unable to use his gunslinger's dodge, and the crossbow just barely manages to get through his thickened skin. He gets hit in the back of the right shoulder for 8 damage ... a sweet spot between bone and flesh. The area of the wound is very cold, but Bessel takes the bolt out and rubs the wound quickly enough for the frostspore poison to be warmed up enough to take no effect.

R2T8: Natalya, before you had to help Ichibod out of his webbing, you intended to cast mirror image on yourself. Do you still do this? You are side-by-side with Bessel. Do you focus on Atlatia and do something to help Bessel ... even if it is to cast your spell in readiness for attack? What would your move action be? In the main room, you only see the one shriezyx at the altar, which is getting attacked by Jolly, Serafaim, and the Scribe.

Ichibod on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. CHARGED! Altar.
Shriezyx #2: 22. East. (13:77). Took 42 fire.
* FRIGHTENED from Bessel's bomb.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (43:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (58:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.

2013-09-29, 04:29 PM
R2T8: Natalya casts mirror image on herself and draws her sword. There are now four Natalya's shifting in and out of each other (3 images + herself). She draws her sword and now holds her mithral rapier and silver dagger.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T28: Ichibod shoot a scorching ray at the bug on the wall. These things are supernaturally fast, but Ichibod's aim - aided by Serafaim - manages to hit the thing for a blistering 24 fire. The thing shrieks as its chitin cracks and splits and the monstrosity falls to the ground.

He shouts at the Derro “Flee Derro or you will feel the flames next!”

"Ichibod ..." says the Scribe. "We already established from Jolly's experiences that she doesn't speak Taldane, only Aklo. But keep chatting if it makes you feel better."SA was used to blast the shriezyx, and doing so was a great job. However, it takes a SA to take an action to detangle yourself. You can move at half-movement, but you'd still be entangled.

Also, "Common" language will be referred to hereafter as "Taldane," its proper name. I've always hated hearing "Common" with no proper name for the most widely spoken language. It always lacked flavor.
R1T25: The Scribe, seeing how difficult these things are to attack with their combination of hard shells and fantastic speed, takes a different tactic. He fights defensively alongside Serafaim if that is the continued tactic while also engaging tactical parries. But to that he does an acrobatic leap upwards and comes in with his ranseur from a height while faking the creature out. All of its speed is for naught, but the Scribe's weapon still misses.

"It seems that you are more than just an academic, Scribe," says Serafaim. "Fine dance moves, but they gained you nothing in the end other than keeping us aligned for defense, and perhaps Jolly as well if he is more careful."

R3T21: Jolly, you are wounded and entangled by webbing. What do you do?You have the Scribe next to you FD, with Serafaim next to him. You are entangled (look it up). There is no "5' free move" since 1/2 speed when entangled is effectively difficult terrain.
Shriezyx at altar on deck, Bessel in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. Altar. CE2. FD (+3, -4).
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (43:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (58:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).

2013-09-30, 12:04 AM
R3T21: Jolly strikes once more at the monster on the altar, clipping it for 4, his strikes being augmented greatly by Serafaim's leadership and that intuitive feel he seems to have.

R3T18: The altar shriezyx is truly focused on the paladin now, despite the Scribe and Serafaim's presence. Jolly gets a tooth scraped along his chest for 4 (min), and two claws (L thigh, L bicep) for a total of 10. One of the claws snagged into the armor momentarily, but retracted quickly. It seems that some of its attention is on Ichibod and its fallen.Jolly, you are hurting. Check your hit points.
R3T16: Bessel?

Serafaim on deck, Shriezyx on floor to west in the hole (out of Bessel's LOS).

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. Altar. CE2. FD (+3, -4).
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (39:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (58:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).

2013-10-01, 12:59 PM
R3T16: Bessel consumes another extract from his scarf. He then hunkers down and tries to keep Natalya's images between him and where he saw the derro disappear.

R3T12: Serafaim says, "Do not be so intent on glory, priest, that you forget your importance. Step back and heal yourself!"

Serafaim tries to swipe at the monster, but with the shriezyx' speed all he hits is air.

R3T11: The shriezyx on the floor hisses and screeches wildly, chatting in the ancient tongue before moving forth to attack Ichibod. Despite Ichibod's impediment, though, his heavy magical protection - combined with the fact that his opponent is afraid of this firecaster - only has the bite getting past the shield only to get stopped by mage armor.

R3T10: Dorit, Ichibod's aggressor is 10' from you (on the other side of Ichibod, who is in front of you) Either you can satisfy everybody's dream-come-true of flanking and splattering Ichibod, or .... :smallsigh: ... you can attack the monster at reach or some other similar tactic. :smallredface: What do you do?

Atlatia on deck, Natalya in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. Altar. CE2. FD (+3, -4).
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (39:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (58:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5. Shield. Invisibility.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).

2013-10-04, 06:03 PM
R3T10: Dorit attacks the target with sword, shield, and teeth. The creature dodges the sword, but the shield smashes into it for 16. More to show her ferocity, she snaps her jaws in mockery at the thing.

R3T9: Atlatia puts her palm, fingers up at Natalya and Bessel, and a shrieking noise is heard. Bessel takes 4 sonic, Natalya takes two sonic, both are stunned, and Natalya drops her weapons to the ground to hold her hands against her ears to try to block out the pain. (If Bessel had anything in his hands, he drops it as well.)

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T28: Ichibod, you hear this hideous cacophony of sound down the hallway, but you have your own monster to deal with that is adjacent to your webbed (entangled) self (and a Large Dorit behind you). What do you do?

Scribe on deck, followed by webbed Jolly ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. Altar. CE2. FD (+3, -4).
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (39:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield. STUNNED til end R3T9!!!
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (42:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5. Shield. Invisibility.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. Used sound burst.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).
***STUNNED til end R3T9!!!

2013-10-05, 12:06 AM
R5T28: Ichibod starts chanting the War Song of his tribe and blasts the bug in front of him with a Fire Ray!! He opens himself up for an attack by not focusing his power defensively, but his opponent misses wildly, nearly toppling. The monster is amazingly fast, but Ichibod is just able to get it, doing 9 fire. He then, as much as the webs allow, shifts back form the beast. It is too difficult to do so normally without provoking an AOO, but the monster had its chance with Ichibod's sorcery. He does manage to move to his R-Rt, giving Dorit a full opening to step forward to the monster if she didn't want to employ reach.

R5T25: Once again, the Scribe goes for an acrobatic leap, but the combination of the creature's prowess, power, and speed almost gives it a chance to bite at ... nothing, as the maneuver is actually a dupe. Its agility for naught, still its shell turns his ranseur.

R5T21: Jolly, you are webbed and facing the monster, but you also have some nasty wounds. What do you do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. Altar. CE2. FD (+3, -4).
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (39:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield. STUNNED til end R3T9!!!
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (34:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Mistress Khrysm: 10.5. Shield. Invisibility.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. Used sound burst.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).
***STUNNED til end R3T9!!!

2013-10-05, 01:51 PM
R5T21: Rezah retreats to the safest place near the Scribe and the Bronze Warrior, in a short diagonal behind Serafaim.

"It is no more than a flesh wound..." he grunts in contempt to the Bronze Warrior.

"You are too fine a vessel of your god's will in this world to be broken and sent to Sarenrae too quickly," says Serafaim. "And I know the shriezyx 10' behind you has too much else to worry about."

R5T18: The monster snaps its jaws at the Scribe while a claw clacks off of the bronze shield. In his last attack the Scribe committed to attack, and the second claw slashes across his belly for 5. The last two claws strike at the Scribe but he leaps over them.

R5T16: Bessel is still reeling from the sonic blast.

R5T12: Serafaim crits his opponent (1 pt shy of an uber-crit) with his glowing crystal sword for 35, and the glow of his sword goes away. The shriezyx is barely standing and wobbly.

R5T11: Not giving up its own safety for fear of the firecaster, it goes all in to attack the raging behemoth in front of it. In its entire sequence, only two claws manage to get past Dorit's super-size armor and shield, along her right intercostal and just inside her left shield arm for a total of 11.

R5T10.5-.3: A bomb appears from practically nowhere and hits Bessel on the back of the hand for 8 acid.

At the same time, Natalya feels a nasty bite at her ear for 3, and another equally painful bite on her buttocks for 3.

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (4:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (34:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield. Invisibility.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. Used sound burst.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).
***STUNNED til end R3T9!!!

2013-10-08, 01:25 PM
R5T10.3 (Cont'd): There is a numbing warmth spreading out through Natalya's hip-groin-legs, as well as her ear-head-torso-arms, and she falls. From Natalya's perspective, things go blurry and she falls in a dream-like, soft state.

Bessel and Ichibod (not Dorit, because she's too tall to see down the passageway), you see Natalya (and her images) drop to the ground as if fainting. It doesn't seem like a death-fall, but unconsciousness. Meanwhile, three creatures appear. The first is a wild-looking derro woman that looks like she is better outfitted than Atlatia, and her face is a form of beauty contorted by insanity lunacy; this woman appears right in front of Bessel. Meanwhile, hovering around Natalya's multi-imaged form are two creatures - half the size of Bessel himself - that look vaguely like this new derro woman; these little beasts both have blood in their toothy grins, and flap about on little bat wings.Because you read through Atlatia's readings, this fourth derro must be one she might have referred to once as Magister Khrysm.
R5T10: Dorit, you don't know the conditions of the hallway battle (other than the fact that there appears to be one) because of your height. But you do have your current opponent still threatening and willing to scuttle around to get to Ichibod.

What do you do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (4:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (34:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield. Invisibility.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. Used sound burst.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).
***UNCONSCIOUS/ SLEEPING!!! :smalleek:

2013-10-08, 02:25 PM
R5T10: Dorit stays where she is to makee the monster work harder to get to Ichabod and slice with her longsword, rocking it for 17.
Being in the center of the room, the best you can do is just stay where you are. Being 10' x 10', you cannot occupy a 5' square if other spots aren't clear. Basically, you are a big, dangerous tree to the shriezyx if it makes a move for the archer, but a means of hopping about with a chance of cover for Ichibod.
R5T9: Atlatia bounds forth to Magister Khrysm's side (Fr-L of Bessel), having drawn her short sword. She giggles and babbles in some mad language that you guess is Aklo, and her short sword seems to be poised to stab down on Natalya's head (or heads, in the case of the images), but completely aware of Bessel but looking nervously (and yet gleefully) down the hallway to the main battle).

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T28: Ichibod, one one hand you are webbed and are having to shuffle your entangled self around Dorit to keep the shriezyx from getting right at you without it opening itself to Dorit's fury. On the other hand, you can see 35' down the above-metioned seen. The passageway is now a haven for female derros, both normal Small-sized and now tiny winged ones as well. Atlatia, whom you recognize from the first battle is without a doubt poised to perform a coup de grace, though she might fail with Natalya's mirror image still running. However, it is obvious to you as well that Atlatia is not so focused, even in her madness to be oblivious to you ... so attacking is equally terrible.

And, oh yeah, you're still webbed. What do you do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (4:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (17:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. READIED COUP DE GRACE vs Natalya!!!
* Used sound burst.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).
***UNCONSCIOUS/ SLEEPING!!! :smalleek:

2013-10-09, 12:18 AM
R6T28: Ichibod shuffles further around Dorit, to put as much of her between him and the bug as he can, while still seeing Atlatia, whom he blasts with a triple shot of magic missile! Ichibod enjoys that microsecond of a successful shot when he realizes to his horror that the his spell didn't seem to do anything to it. :smallfrown: :smallconfused:

R6T25: The Scribe successfully fakes out the opponent, but as he stabs at the thing his ranseur gets caught in a nook on the top of the altar. It is too late for the once lauded "Crit-alope" to stop and as it stiffens it then pops up. He just manages to get his arm up in time to keep from doing real damage, but the metal haft rings his bell and dazes him. He suddenly seems to not be really aware of what is going on .... ...that keeps him from FA-speaking tactics. Oh, well.
R6T21: Jolly, you are behind the bronze warrior right now, and the dazed Scribe is to your RFt (Right-Front), with the shriezyx directly in front of him. You are still heavily wounded. You knew from your position before of the hallway battle, but once you got behind the Bronzo Bozo you lost the sightline so you are unaware of Natalya's current dire peril. Just as well, if you double-moved you would only just get there, meaning your focus is more where you are now. What do you do?

Altar shriezyx on deck, Bessel in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (4:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (17:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. In position to coup de grace Natalya.
* Used sound burst.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).
***UNCONSCIOUS/ SLEEPING!!! :smalleek:

2013-10-11, 03:53 PM
R6T21: Jolly looks to Sarenrae's power within and healing power courses through his shield hand to one of his wounds for 6 healing. He still looks battered, but this had to help.

Rezah then casts a protection from evil on the Scribe and attempts to brace him after the fumble. "Careful, Scribe."

R6T18: It is obvious from its ichor and its cracked shell and even some of its gooey white "meat shredding come out of various parts that the altar shriezyx cannot long last. Though still frightened of Ichibod in the center, it makes a last ditch effort to take something down with it ... and it may as well be the foolish, unarmed man that dinged himself in the head. For all of its viscious whirlwind of attacks, however, it seems that the man's incredible defensive prowess exists even in this state. While not as acrobatic, the Scribe seems to unconsciously slide just out of an attack here, and there, and a slight deflection from an unknown force or with his ranseur. It is as if he possesses a sixth sense. Ne'erthless, a claw slices across his belly for 7, just missing catching intestines for a crit.

R6T16: Bessel, things are looking grim on your side ... at least for Natalya. Magister Khrysm stands right in front of you, with her aklys threatening you ... and obviously outfitted as an enemy alchemist. Atlatia stands poised next to her ready to shove a short sword through your friend's skull. With the mild resemblance to Khrysm and Natalya going down, you figure that the little flying creatures in her square are two homonculi - magical constructs sometimes created by arcane casters to acts as pets, spies, and lab assistants, and whose bite contains a strong sedative.

You have no weapon in hand. If you stand back 5', you would be able to keep from being threatened by either derro, and the two homonculi are too small to threaten you (FL). The only thing that might vaguely help Natalya is that her mirror image is still going even though she is down. What do you do?

Serafaim on deck, Magister Khrysm and her homonculi in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Shriezyx #1: 18. (4:77. 9 NL). At altar. Took 33 fire.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (17:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. In position to coup de grace Natalya.
* Used sound burst.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor. Mirror image (3).
***UNCONSCIOUS/ SLEEPING!!! :smalleek:

2013-10-14, 03:35 PM
R6T16: Bessel grits his teeth, sets his jaw, and creates and throws a bomb at Atlatia, hitting her in the left upper arm for 18 fire, with the two derro missing with their AOOs.

R6T12: With a mighty blow, Serafaim does 19 (max normal) to the altar shriezyx, vanquishing it!

R6T11: Enraged and frightened, the shriezyx simply lashes out at Dorit. The monster bites into Dorit's right shoulder, but only a little bit gets through her armor for 4. Dorit's fury and large size, however, only serves to push through poison through her metabolism quickly, affecting her body before her body's resistance's can adequately defend, and she takes 1 STR damage. Only its fear keeps it from penetrating with its first claw; the second claw is such a miss it nearly overexerts itself; the third claw, again, can't get through because it is shakened. It is the last claw that tears the back of her last calf with a 13-crit.

R6T10.5-.3: Magister Khrysm stares at Bessel with hatred, sees he is unarmed, and her wrathful face turns into a cruel smile. She cackles softly and gives an order to Atlatia. Khrysm takes her time to strike down at Natalya, and an image disappears. Had Natalya's spell not been active, the leader's aklys might have caved in your friend's head.

The little homonculi follow suit, attempting coups des graces on Natalya. An image goes away with the first attempt, leaving only one image remaining. The gods are with Natalya, and perhaps she truly is destined for something, for her images are gone but she is unscathed. But, to reiterate, her images, her spell, is gone.

R6T10: Dorit, you are poisoned, though your vast strength easily shoulders the pain. You took some wounds, but not terribly. Your foe is now the last of the shriezyxes. What do you do?

Atlatia on deck, Ichibod in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (17:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. (18:36). In position to coup de grace Natalya.
* Used sound burst.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.
***UNCONSCIOUS/ SLEEPING!!! :smalleek:

2013-10-15, 02:05 PM
R6T10: Dorit attacks with a mighty blow, hoping to finish the thing off. A mighty blow it is that slams against its carapace .... but not enough to get through that hard shell.

R6T9: Atlatia raises her short sword high, and Bessel looks on helplessly as she clips into Natalya's head for 4.

Natalya, roll a Fort save vs DC 14. If you save, you live; if you fail, you die. :smalleek:

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (17:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. (18:36). In position to coup de grace Natalya.
* Used sound burst.
Natalya: 8. Mage armor.
***UNCONSCIOUS/ SLEEPING!!! :smalleek:

2013-10-19, 05:48 AM
R6T9: (Cont'd) ... At first, the base stab of the small short sword at Natalya's skull doesn't seem like a lot of trauma at all, but the derro's hate managers to push further and finally crack the brain casing and stick into the rogue-acrobat's brain. There is neither paralysis nor fear. It is a great mercy that she was not "poisoned" in pain, but rather her last feelings were of one going to sleep. Calistria will welcome her daughter.

Natalya was of a destined bloodline as a sorcerer. It seems her enduring destiny is completed - discover the Shard of Pride and begin an incredible quest that others will follow. Without Natalya's discovery, none of these deeds would ever have been possible.

The Scribe's role in the party has just changed: he is no longer the backup rogue, but the rogue. Fitting considering that the Shard effectively makes him the skill monkey anyway.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T28: Ichibod tries to blast the bug again with fire, but even 30' away he knows what just happened to Natalya. His unrequited love was just killed, and that distraction throws off his aim in trying to get his target. Once again, Ichibod's focus on offense gives him little chance to work at getting out of his webbing.

R7T25: The Scribe is still dazed.

R7T21: Jolly, you aren't quite sure of Natalya's status from where you are (and with Dorit partly blocking). The last shriezyx is only a 5' step away, at which point you'd be flanking with Dorit. That's if you take a physical route. Of course, there are spells and the like.

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (17:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. (18:36). In position to coup de grace Natalya.
* Used sound burst.

2013-10-20, 02:17 AM
R7T21: Jolly once again grips on of his wounds and focuses his divine energy through the flesh for 7. He then focuses clerical powers to channel positive energy at the living, healing himself, Dorit, the Scribe, and the enemy shriezyx for 10. He then takes a 5' step towards the shriezyx to flank with Dorit, shield raised and ready.

Jolly notices something behind him. The dog at the altar is still criscrossed bound - including through it - but some of its wounds have closed over the wire .... meaning that while you healed the wound, it is now even more impossible to free the creature when this is all over. That said, sometimes the best one can do for an animal in such despicable torment is for a merciful stroke. That can come later, though.

R7T16: Bessel, you know Natalya is dead. You are facing Khrysm is Ft, Atlatia FL, and 2 little flapping homonculi in the same square to L. What do you do?

Serafaim on deck, shriezyx in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (27:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. (18:36). In position to coup de grace Natalya.
* Used sound burst.

2013-10-20, 09:38 PM
R7T16: Bessel takes a five foot step back and launches another bomb at Atlatia. It hits her in the foot for 21 damage, and nearly blowing her leg off as she flies back some and falls ... unconscious or dead.

R7T12: Jolly, Ichibod, and Dorit had already felt some type of intuition where attacking to altar-shriezyx was concerned (even if their actual targets were others). It now seems that this intuition stems from Serafaim, whose commanding presence already helps everyone to fight a little better. He now backs orders. (How dare he.)

"Ichibod, this thing is too quick to go for the head; attack its thorax which is its swivel-point for its agility. Dorit, strike down at an angle and a curve to minimize its dodging. Sarenraen, excellent tactic to flank with Dorit; I recommend fighting defensively for your next strike .... better for Dorit to benefit than for you to likely miss for only a modicum of damage. Teamwork."

After the orders, he moves around to Ichibod, and the shriezyx bites at him and misses him as he goes by. "Everyone here. We have faced success against evil, but lost someone; let not this day be given our enemies for our own sorrow."

Since he moved around to the other side of Dorit and by Ichibod, the lone Bessel is not excluded and hears what the others do. All allies find something within themselves with Serafaim's words and gain 11 temporary hit points. This means that it not only can heal wounds, BUT ALSO can exceed your normal hit point maximum! :roy:Only Bessel and Dorit have any wounds.

R7T11: The shriezyx attacks Dorit with its panic, biting her in the L elbow for 7, and a claw slashes along her forehead for 4. She easily resists the venomous bite.

R7T10.5: Magister Khrysm thows out her hands to Bessel, and his eyes grow heavy and he yawns. His body relaxes.

BesselRoll a Will saving throw. Other than the physical effects of weariness, you don't know what she's doing - but she didn't cast a spell. Magister Khrysm still has an MA, but that won't be resolved until Bessel's save.
HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (27:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. (-3:36). DYING!!!!
* Used sound burst.

2013-10-22, 12:02 AM
R7T10.5: Magister Khrysm thows out her hands to Bessel, and his eyes grow heavy and he yawns. His body relaxes. Bessel shakes his head, trying to clear away the imposed lassitude. But try as he might, the ratfolk just isn't used to such magics, and this enemy was perhaps underestimated.

Bessel slowly lays down and begins to snore-squeak.

R7T10.4-.3: Magister Khrysm gives a cruel smile to her homonculi, who descend on poor Bessel to finish him off. The first coup de grace does 6 (max crit), while the second does 4.

Bessel ...roll two Fort saves. The first roll vs DC 16, and the second vs DC 14. That is the order of the rolls you will use. You have a somewhat even chance with both, but with two rolls that makes your situation more perilous.
HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Bessel: 16. DEX mutagen. Shield.
* Targeted bomb admixture til end R8T16.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (27:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. (-3:36). DYING!!!!
* Used sound burst.

2013-10-22, 05:16 PM
R7T10.4-.3: ... (Cont'd) The first homunculus tears across Bessel's chest to do a lot of physical damage, but without actually going deep enough to get an organ. The second one's tail, however, strikes down like a viper. Overall, it doesn't tear much flesh. It doesn't have to. The stinger pierces the sternum and hits the heart.

Bessel's body arches upwards a little at his chest and lower back, and then drops with a soft thud. He no longer snores.

R7T10: Dorit, your focus is still on this battle. You have no idea what is happening in the passageway as your attention is more on the shriezyx. The priest has set you up for a good strike(s) and your enemy is now flanked. What do you do?

Ichibod on deck, Jolly in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (27:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4.
Homonculi #2: 10.3.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. (-3:36). STABLE!!!
* Used sound burst.

2013-10-24, 10:51 PM
R7T10: Dorit lashes out at the remaining monster with everything she can, frustrated in her rage by it's refusal to die. Her longsword slams into its chitin forcefully, but just barely being able to cut through. Her shield and bite miss the monster entirely. Okay, to clarify. You'll note in your weapon block under "Special Properties" that there is a "[TWF]" ... this means that your normal attack bonus is listed in "Total Attack Bonus" and the [+8] means that when you choose to use TWF you only get a +8 to attack. That's why a single strike may or may not be tactically better than multiple strikes. The bracketed damage for the shield shows that in TWF you don't get your full strength as it is your "off-hand" strike (assuming the longsword is your primary).

There are two damage bonuses next to the longsword. The first is if it is wielded in one hand. The second is if it is wielded with two hands; you have more power behind your strikes with two hands, obviously.

Your bite does not affect the above in any way. However, since it is a secondary attack, it suffers a -5 penalty like any other "monster" with a natural attack. The only time this would be different is if you only bite and use no manufactured weapons, then your bite would be a +11 attack instead of +6 (while your strength is boosted right now). Likewise, if you use a bite with other weapons you only get half STR bonus (rounded down), just like the shield.

So, how was your attack sequence broken down, really?
Longsword attack '8' + 8 = 16
Flanking w/ Jolly 16 + 2 = 18
Serafaim's Commanding Presene 18 + 1 = 19
Serafaim's Coordinated Strike w members of his collective 19 + 1 = 20

By now you probably have bracketed that the shriezyx has a 21 AC. Powerful slam to chitin .... just not getting through. The bonus you lost from what you thought you had is made up in superior position and tactics (i.e. +12).

P.S.: Do not add in anything other than your paper's bonuses. I thought you might want to know what kind of bonuses you are sporting right now with the monster.

For damage, using your longsword one-handed, you would only have done '7' + 9 = 16, but Serafaim's commanding presence would've boosted that to 17. (Co-ord Strike doesn't affect damage.)

Serafaim = Force Multiplier. Everything tastes better with bonuses.
End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T28: Ichibod yells "Bessel!!" and blasts the first homoculus he sees with two magic missiles for 9 force, and the other one for 6 force.

R8T25: The Scribe is still dazed.

R8T21: "Sarenrite!" calls Serafaim. "Tactical suggestion. Don't try to attack. Everyone's better off thanks to you, and you have little chance of a good strike. Threaten as you are doing, but think of nothing but a wall of defense for yourself with that flail.

"Either that, or call upon your goddess to see if she can't lend your sword a powerful strike against this blight."The first suggestion was for something called "total defense" which would give you AC 23, but you'd have no attack. On the other side of the spectrum ... you could always do more than simply hack at monster but trust this goddess to lend you aid when you need it.
What do you do?

Serafaim on deck, shriezyx in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Altar.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (27:77). West. Shaken due to Ichibod's fire.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. Shield.
Homonculi #1: 10.4. (11:20).
Homonculi #2: 10.3. (14:20).
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Atlatia: 9. (-3:36). STABLE!!!
* Used sound burst.

2013-10-27, 10:08 PM
R8T21: Jolly says a quick and inaudible prayer to his Goddess before addressing the Shriezyx, "May you seek redemption in Sarenrae's purifying flames."

The tattoo of a sword on his arm glows and he winds up for an overhand strike with the flail. The power of his smite aids his weapon to the target. The shriezyx just manages to move to keep the blow from landing any serious damage, but it still deals 6.You may note on your sheet a damage change from d8+1 on the flail to d8. That's because I forgot that silver does a point less damage than most weapons.
R8T12: Serafaim looks at the heroes from the altar, and looks at the grim scene in the hallway. "The lady and the tinker have fallen beyond our repair. Please, heroes, do not judge me harshly for what will become of their bodies."

He points his crystal sword down the hallway and says, "Derro witch! You and your creatures must face heaven's wrath!"

Erupting downwards from the ceiling is a great conflagration. The derro witch takes what cover she can and suffers 7 fire, which barely hurts her. On the other hand, the two flying monsters splatter in a waxy goo, slowly burning, and Atlatia's body catches fire ... as does Bessel's and Natalya's.

Serafaim then moves in position next to the shriezyx in such a way as it would have to take the "long way" to get away from Dorit.

R9T11: The shriezyx is now focused on the half-orc with smiting power. Despite the burst of fire in the hallway, it no longer appears to shiver but is braced for its demise with ferocity. It snaps with its jaws and some power pushes its teeth away. The first claw misses but the second grazes Jolly's L upper arm for 4. The third thwacks him in the chest for 5, and Jolly blocks the last with his shield.

R8T10.5: Magister Khrysm takes out a potion and disappears from sight.

R8T10: Dorit? I imagine you're going to try to continue flank on the shriezyx? A single focused longsword strike (+ bite), or less accurate TWF (two-weapon fury)?

Ichibod on deck, the Scribe in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED! Center-room.
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite active vs Shriezyx.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (21:77).
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (79:86). Shield.
* Bombs (5:8). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2); Invisibility. Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-10-28, 09:40 PM
R8T10: Dorit, not knowing the fate of her fallen comrades, focuses her skill into a single cut with her longsword. Her flanking position with Jolly brings her sword right into position for a whopping 17. The shriezyx can't possibly endure much more.

End Round 8, Begin Round 9 ...

R9T28: Ichibod, with Magister Khrysm invisible, you don't know where to target. The only enemy you can target right now would be the shriezyx .... which, as you enjoyably know by now, is vulnerable and frightened of fire. What do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Jolly in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite active vs Shriezyx.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (4:77).
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (79:86). Shield.
* Bombs (5:8). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2); Invisibility. Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-10-29, 10:03 PM
R9T28: Ichibod shouts "Die Already!" at the bug and shoots at it with a fire ray, but his anger (and the fact that he is still entangled in webbing) throws wide his aim.

R9T25: The Scribe finally comes to his senses.

R9T21: Jolly? Smite?

Serafaim on deck, Shriezyx in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite active vs Shriezyx.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Shriezyx #3: 11. (4:77).
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (79:86). Shield.
* Bombs (5:8). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2); Invisibility. Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-10-30, 09:53 PM
R9T21: Once again, healing energy from Jolly's hand courses into his wound to heal it entirely. Despite the webbing, holy power guides his flail to strike into the thing's skull deeply for 12, and yet it does not fall. In fact, it gives a truly ferocious shriek in its death throes.

R9T11: The helmed head of Serafaim gives a slight tilt to the side, probably curious how this thing still stands. He mirrors Jolly's attack with an uppercut for 19 (max) damage. The shriezyx's guts explode over everybody like so much gooey lobsterration. The holy smiting power leaves Jolly.

"We still have the witch to handle, but well done here. Let's finish this."

R9T10.5: As if to punctuate the point, Ichibod is suddenly hit in the head with something, and then his face stings, then burns ... searing, searing burn. It is only after a few seconds of pain that Ichibod realizes that it wasn't fire, but acid .... 13 acid. There is also a splash that affects Dorit (didn't save, 11 acid) and Serafaim (saved, 8 acid). Jolly and the Scribe were out of range of the splash.

Magister Khrysm appears 10' from Ichibod, right at the exit of the room (hallway behinder her). She takes out a flask, and has an aklys in hand for a weapon.

R9T10: Dorit, witch-bitch 15' from you. You could move past Ichibod to threaten her directly which would put Ichibod behind you ... but the others wouldn't be able to get at her. Otherwise, you come around the right side (your facing) of the exit to attack her diagonally. (And it's reach that allows you to worry not about attacking diagonally across an obstruction.)Going straight limits others, but you are in her face with Step Up.

Going from the side gets everyone involved, but by the time anyone else begins to fill the hole, your large size keeps you from being able to use Step Up.What do you do?

Ichibod on deck, Scribe in the hole ...

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!!
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (79:86). Shield.
* Bombs (5:8). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2); Invisibility. Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-10-30, 11:55 PM
R9T10: Dorit comes around the side; they may as well finish her off quickly since Dorit can't block the way of the witch's tricks. Her blow is deflected by the magister's quality leather armor.

End Round 9, Begin Round 10 ...

R10T28: Ichibod? You are still webbed and she is 10' from you. What do you do? There is no 5' step because your speed is halved from the webbing.

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. DAZED til end R9T25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!!
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (79:86). Shield.
* Bombs (5:8). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2); Invisibility. Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-10-31, 03:01 PM
R10T28: Ichibod yells "Die you misbegotten child of a drink blind whore!" - and he attempts to cast scorching ray but the webbing affects his movements and he loses the spell.
Entangled here (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Entangled).

I rolled your Concentation check since you didn't. '5' is a fail.
You get geeked on missile fire more than melee-ists because not only do you suffer a normal -2 to attack rolls, but you also suffer the -2 effective penalty to attack rolls due to your -4 drop to DEX.

Entangled annoys most others, but for a combination magic-missileer guy, it double sucks. I think we've just found Ichibod's kryptonite.
R10T25: The Scribe moves past Jolly and gets to Ichibod. From reach, he hooks around her wrist and pulls it forward. So as not to be harmed, she instinctively releases her hold on the vial. She is unharmed, but the (likely potion) vial smashes onto the stone floor and breaks. She has a look of shock follwed by seething fury.

R10T21: Jolly, up until now you've had enemies at close range so other than throwing off your attack some the webbing hasn't bothered you terribly. Now, however, it would take you 20' of real distance to get to melee with the enemy, which really means you would have to double move (as if having to travel 40'). This means you would close but be unable to attack. Do you close to threaten? Do you move and take another action? Do you attempt to get the webbing off of you; and if so, do you try to wriggle or rip out of the webbing? or, do you astound us with another action?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!!
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (79:86). Shield.
* Bombs (5:8). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2). Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-10-31, 07:03 PM
R10T21: Jolly moves 15' towards the witch, putting him just behind Ichibod. He says another inaudible prayer to Sarenrae before addressing the Derro, "The Goddess of the Sun does not favor you this day, witch."

He then speaks eldritch words. Normally, even a priest trained in combat casting might have failed in using the movements to call forth heavenly power. But so great is Jolly's unwavering sense of faith and inner calm that he just manages to move his arms as necessary to cast the spell. As he finishes, a fiery, incorporeal scimitar erupts from the air a short distance in front of the Derro. It swings and clips the magister in the head for 5 force.

R10T12: Now every ally feels that strange connection to Serafaim that Dorit and Ichibod felt fighting the shriezyx earlier. The bronze warrior, after a slight pause when this strange intuition occurs, moves forward 20' to stand such that Khrysm is to his FR. He gives commands to the group for normal bonuses, and also so they coordinate their attacks. Everyone now not only feels that strange connection to Serafaim, and by extension to everyone else, but there is an inkling of insight that will help each work to overcome the enemy.If you haven't figured it out by now, while Serafaim is a good warrior, he is a warfare force multiplier. Everyone is now part of a group that is somewhat intuitively bound together to perform a task; in this case, it is a "coordinated strike" which is just a sexy way to say insight bonuses to attack, in addition to his commanding presence for attack/ damage bonuses.

GO TEAM HEROES! (That's you guys, by the way.)
R10T10.5: Magister Khrysm steps back 5' out of reach of the Scribe and Serafaim, and such that Dorit can't step up to her (especially with Serafaim in the way). She mixes and tosses a bomb at the priest that brought forth the spectral scimitar. The bomb hits Jolly in the gut for 11 acid, but a greater amount washes over onto Ichibod for 19 acid and the Scribe manages to dodge entirely. Dorit takes a whalloping 21 acid, and worse, the party's muleback cords dissolve! The one to truly take the worst of it, however, is Serafaim. His bronze helm and red plume start to sizzle and bubble and melt; by the time he is able to pop it off of his head, he has taken 23 acid.

R10T10: Dorit, the derro-bitch just wreaked havoc in the party. She stepped back out of your LOS but based on Serafaim's movements she only made a 5' step. With your allies in their current positions, you can't even get behind Serafaim to attack at reach. What do you do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite vs Magister Khrysm.
* Spiritual weapon til end R13T21.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (74:86). Shield. AC 25!
* Bombs (4). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2). Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-11-01, 10:08 PM
R10T10: "Everyone behind me." Dorit waits for the others.

End Round 10, Begin Round 11 ...

R11T28: Ichibod, what do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Jolly in the hole ..

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite vs Magister Khrysm.
* Spiritual weapon til end R13T21.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (74:86). Shield. AC 25!
* Bombs (4). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2). Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. DELAY!!!
* Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-11-01, 10:40 PM
R11T28: Ichibod finally wriggles out of the bulk of the webbing. He still has plenty of webbing and goo on him, but mainly to make him look "embattled" as he is no longer entangled. He has full movement (MA) available. Does he move more than just 5', or does he move over behind Dorit? (or something else?)

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield. WEBBED!
The Scribe: 25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite vs Magister Khrysm.
* Spiritual weapon til end R13T21.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (74:86). Shield. AC 25!
* Bombs (4). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2). Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. DELAY!!!
* Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-11-01, 11:36 PM
R11T28: ... Ichibod then zips to the west and behind Dorit.

R11T25: The Scribe looks next to him at Jolly. "Go ahead. She's going to put her down. Go and heal somebody behind her but clear from her LOS."

The Scribe backs up 5' ... which will still give Dorit room to come in when she does. He takes out his bola, twirls it, and tosses it at Khrysm. It nails her 8 NL (max) and she sprawls on the deck. It doesn't knock her out, but pisses her off more.

R11T21: Jolly, you are webbed/ entangled. What do you (attempt to) do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield.
The Scribe: 25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite vs Magister Khrysm.
* Spiritual weapon til end R13T21.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (74:86, 8 NL). PRONE!!!
* Shield. AC 25!
* Bombs (4). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2). Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. DELAY!!!
* Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-11-02, 01:29 AM
R11T21: Jolly moves out of Dorit's way towards Ichibod (15') then attempts to free himself from the webbing. With brute force he almost makes it, but it still confounds him.

R11T12: Serafaim takes a 5' step to stand next to the tripped derro. He puts power into an overhead swing at the prone witch and hits her in the left upper arm for 16.

Dorit, everyone except for Serafaim moved back, and he moved next to her in the p-way. Moving fully to cover the passageway entrance to this altar room is a move action, so you only get one SA (attack). What do you do?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield.
The Scribe: 25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite vs Magister Khrysm.
* Spiritual weapon til end R13T21.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (58:86, 8 NL). PRONE!!! (-4 to AC)
* Shield. AC 25!
* Bombs (4). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2). Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.
Dorit: 10. DELAY!!!
* Bull's strength. Enlarge person.

2013-11-03, 04:23 AM
R11T11: Dorit steps up, roaring her fury at the Derro witch as she strikes her in the lower left arm with her longsword for 17. The derro is tough, though; she definitely seems like she is feeling her wounds now, but it looks like she's got a lot of fight in her as well.

As for Dorit, her recent exertions diminishes her rage. She gives out a long breath as she recovers the massive longsword that now sees much weightier than before. Her movements are a little sluggish, and she begins to feel that her wounds are worse than she noticed as she is now in the yellow.

R11T10.5: Magister Khrysm judges the position of Dorit and Serafaim to her own prone form and she carefully concentrates. She touches her aklys and the light in the hallway - despite the torch that Natalya carried - is now dim. The light in altar room diminishes as if from a shadow cast by the portal of the hallway. Dorit and Serafaim see her try to stand in this light, which throws Dorit off, but not Serafaim. He crits deep into her lower back near the hip for a whopping 42! She stumbles, as if she might stagger to her feet, and then she falls.

End Round 11, Begin Round 12 ...

R12T28: Ichibod wheels up and into the dim light spilling into the altar room and just behind Dorit. He only gets one shot, and he takes it before he even fully realizes what has happened. She is laying on her side, and the arrow hits her in the side of the chest along the ribs for 4.

R12T25: The Scribe delays his actions to see what the others do ... "She's down, but she seems to tough to be dead. Any ideas?"

R12T21: Jolly, you are webbed. You were verbally informed as above, but otherwise have no indication she is down. What do you do? Advocate for justice served locally to the creature who dies in the light of the sun? or, something else?

HEROES: +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls if Serafaim seen.

Ichibod: 28. Mage armor. Shield.
The Scribe: 25. Protection from evil.
* Cat's grace. Altar.
Jolly: 21. WEBBED!!! Smite vs Magister Khrysm.
* Spiritual weapon til end R13T21.
Serafaim: 12. Altar.
Dorit: 11. FATIGUED til end R14T11.
* Bull's strength. Enlarge person.
Magister Khrysm: 10.5. (-5:86, 8 NL). DYING!!! Dead @ -18 hps.
* Shield. AC 25!
* Bombs (4). Used invisibility spell.
* Potions: CMW (2). Acid (4).
* Run @ 12 hit points.

2013-12-10, 06:19 PM
R1T18: Gek'k delays, hoping to time his assault with Dorit's.

R1T17: Lilim, you are 30' from this thing, standing aside Rezah. What do you do?


Gek'k: 18.
Lilim: 17.
Ichibod: 10.
Dorit: 6.
Akima: 5.
Rezah: 4.

2014-01-08, 10:11 PM
R1T14: The black kiss boy is momentarily stunned by Scribe's sudden strike. He steps forward and finds his attack easily blocked.

R1T13: Jasper's mind manages to keep hold. He's been in this position before. He tries to protect himself as best as he can.

R1T9: Teofilo, seeing this evil casts spiritual weapon. A longbow of force appears and fires a spirit arrow, hitting him for 6 force.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

Black Kiss Boy #3: 26.
Black Kiss Boy #2: 22. (30:36).
Alianium: 17.
Black Kiss Boy #1: 14. (17:36).
Jasper: 13. (13:36). Total defense. AC 17.
Teofilo: 9.
* Spiritual weapon vs #3.

2014-01-08, 10:32 PM
R2T26: The pissed off pesh-head turns and snarls at Teofilo. "Oi! Pretty boy, gonna' take more than that."

He charges and his fine club slams against the minstrel's mithral breastplate without effect.

R2T22: The thug on Jasper glances his chest, but his drug-heightened strength does 4.

R2T17: Th Scribe takes out his bola and throws it while blocking both AOOs from his opponent. The bola slams against the thug's cracked leather armor, but doesn't quite hurt him.

R2T14: For all of his attacks, Scribe's thug just can't get through his defenses.

R2T13: Jasper continues to be totally defensive.

R2T9: Teofilo steps over to the beaten down street prophet to keep him on his feet. He heedlessly casts his healing spell, but not before the opponent he was near hits him with his club for 5 in the R shoulder. The thug over Jasper swings as well but misses wildly. Teofilo's spell provides 17.

End Round 2...


Black Kiss Boy #3: 26. (30:36). Charged.
Black Kiss Boy #2: 22.
Alianium: 17.
Black Kiss Boy #1: 14. (17:36).
Jasper: 13. (26:36). Total defense. AC 17.
Teofilo: 9.
* Spiritual weapon vs #3.

2014-01-08, 10:54 PM
Begin Round 3 ...

The spirit-bow hits his target for 5 force.

R3T26: Thug #3 snarls and again charges Teofilo but the supernaturally fast minstrel ducks.

R3T22: Thug #2 slams his club against Jasper, whose padding just manages to absorb the blow.

R3T17: "Excellent, junior!" Alianium calls to Teofilo. He steps back 5' and stabs Thug #1 in the chest for 19. The man gurgles and falls unconscous.

R3T13: Jasper hoots and jeers at the thugs. "You cannot stop the saviors, fools!"

He takes a 5' step to the side for safety and casts shield of faith on his protector (Teofilo).

R3T9: The spirit-bow fires force at its target and hits the thug in the gut for 7 force. Teofilo, though facing the thug, maintains his unenviable position to protect the poor prophet. He defensively develops electrical energy and is about to throw it at the thug, who lashes out with his club. The club slams mightily into Teofilo's armor, but Jasper's spell saves him from harm. The bolt hits a thick part of the thug's armor so only 4 electricity conducts through.

End Round 3 ...


Black Kiss Boy #3: 26. (14:36). Charged.
Black Kiss Boy #2: 22.
Alianium: 17.
Jasper: 13. (26:36). Shield of faith spent.
Teofilo: 9.
* Spiritual weapon vs #3. Shield of faith +2.

Black Kiss Boy #1: 14. (-2:36).

2014-01-08, 11:11 PM
Begin Round 4 ...

R4T26: "Gargh!" the thug shouts after that jolt and the hit from the spirit-bow. He gives fully into the throes of his drug but his club only clips Teofilo's R thigh for 4.

R4T22: "You wanna protect the maggot?! That's fine. The Night Stalkers will take us Black Kiss Boys here with no problem after wiping the streets with you. Just wait your turn."

He gets around the unarmed priest and hits Jasper in the R elbow for a whopping 9 (max) damage while at the same time setting Teofilo up for being flanked.

R4T17: Alianium sees the possible peril his junior is in, and charges the badly wounded thug, slicing through his R forearm for 16 and dropping him. He charged, but attacked at an angle so his weapon still threatens the last thug.

R4T13: "No! my friends, despair not, for this darkness might take me but not you." Jasper steps around to the side of Teofilo, but still threatened. He defensively casts CLW on Teofilo to fully heal him.

R4T9: Teofilo takes a little bit of concentration and the spirit-bow retargets and hits the remaining enemy for 5 force, the firt strike on his enemy. Teofilo steps back, and this time shoots an icicle dart at the thug for 6 cold.

End Round 4 ...


Black Kiss Boy #3: 26. (-2:36).
Black Kiss Boy #2: 22. (26:36).
Alianium: 17. Charged.
Jasper: 13. (17:36). Shield of faith spent.
Teofilo: 9.
* Spiritual weapon vs #3. Shield of faith +2.

Black Kiss Boy #1: 14. (-2:36).

2014-01-08, 11:48 PM
Begin Round 5 ...

R5T22: The thug steps to face off against Jasper again. "Not getting by me, worm!"

He swings, but the efforts of his drug-fueled body catch up with him as he misses and is exhausted.

R5T17: Alianium darts forward, dropping his halberd he spins back-to-back to the thug, looping arm-to-arm in a gou grip and pressing against him for 7.

R5T13: Jasper backs well off and giggles and points to the enemy, held in the grasp of the tall and powerful helper. "Now you will taste the pain the Golden Warriors will visit upon the darkness!"

R5T9: The spirit-bow winks out of existence. Teofilo steps back a little more, takes out his beautiful lyre and begins to play. Soothing energies flow over Jasper, healing him entirely.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T22: The weak man struggles feebly to escape.

R6T17: The Scribe tries to switch to a pin, but loses his hold entirely.

R6T13: Jasper hides behind the minstrel.

R6T9: Teofilo sends forth an electric bolt which the thug dodges.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T22: The thug, in his bleariness, sees only his target and stumbles towards him, but not before Scribe pivots around on his left leg, facing the man; steps in with his right foot and holds and twists the man's R wrist with both hands, and then presses the man's body at the same time over his L hip while twisting arm and wrist. All for max 10 damage. Bones crack and tendons are ripping.

R7T17: Scribe continues for another 7.

R7T13/9: Jasper does nothing and Teofilo protects him.

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T22: With herculean effort, attempting to expend the last of his strength, the man twists himself over the hips entirely, throwing off Scribe's hold-balance and the man is released. He goes to leave as Scribe grabs at him again. The man stumbles 15.

R8T17: Scribe will not so easily let a lawbreaker go. He bounds after him. Knowing that the man is demoralized and broken, he uses takes his R wrist and does 7 NL to knock him out.

The others are checked and are stable, and the guards are called and haul them off to Avensoar.


Black Kiss Boy #2: 22. (2:36). Exhausted.
Alianium: 17. Charged.
Jasper: 13. (36:36). Shield of faith and cause fear spent. TD.
Teofilo: 9.
* Spiritual weapon vs #3. Shield of faith +2.

Black Kiss Boy #1: 14. (-2:36).
Black Kiss Boy #3: 26. (-4:36).

2014-01-16, 08:27 PM
The water isn't really surging any, so Gek'k is able to swim simply enough. However, Ichibod is not a swimmer by any means. He grew up on the Storval Plateau, not near any major body of water where swimming would be a normally useful skill. It takes him a half-minute to overcome the near panicking of the sense of drowning, even though he is protected by his spell. This is the first time he has ever immersed himself this fully in water this deep. Finally, when he fails he goes under. Another few seconds before he ultimately eases into what his spell provides. He does what he best can do so as to be efficient ... he simply allows himself to sink to the bottom.

The murky water is not easy to see through, the sun helps a little. They only have about 10' of vision before concealment; and another 10' before total concealment. (This includes the effect on darkvision ... it's not about light, but particulates.) It is a little easier for Gek'k to see the dark hulk and there is seaweed all about. Meanwhile, Ichibod is kicking up all sorts of muck that now cut vision to 5' and total vision beyond that; but by that time he sees the wreck and is close to a lot of seaweed. Ichibod looses his dagger in hand to begin cutting seaweed to gather; Gek'k has a harder time since he is smaller and has to try to rip seaweed by hand.

Ichibod senses something .... different ... and he shift his dagger to a wary-combat stance while looking about as best as he can in the murky near-dark.

S1T24: A thin figure in ragged clothes stretches out with bony claws, and Ichibod is now face-to-face with the animated skeletal remnants of a dead sailor (judging by the clothes). Ichibod's reflexes save him as the horror misses.

S1T23: Another one now swipes at Ichibod from his PQ (port quarter), missing.

S1T19-17: A skeleton comes to Ichibod's SQ (starboard quarter), and then another two to his P and S (port and starboard). The second claw slashes our ranger for 2.

The skeletons almost simultaneously seem to **** their heads ever so faintly; what makes it eerie (beyond, of course, dead men walking whose flesh was eaten away by undersea scavengers) ... is that they all do this at the same time. :smallamused:

S12-11: Two skeletons come in from Ichibod's PA and SA (port aft and starboard aft), but this time they don't attack wildly with their claws. Rather, they start trying to grapple Ichibod! :smalleek:

S10: Appearing behind Ichibod ... which means Ichibod is now surrounded on all sides (3D) is a skeleton with a barnacle-encrusted rapier. He stabs at Ichibod but misses.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T24-23: The skeleton in front of Ichibod grapples him. The next skeleton tries to help but can't quite get into the tussle to help his bony buddy.

R1T20: Gek'k, you hear a whirry and violent motion of water a little bit from you, and down ... probably right next to the hull of the ship. (You actually got a look at the backplate which (barely) read Imprake.

What do you do?


S1: 24. (8:8). B.
S2: 23. (8:8). PQ.
Gek'k: 20.
S3: 19. (8:8). SQ.
S4: 18. (8:8). P.
S5: 17. (8:8). S.
Ichibod: 13. Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
S6: 12. (8:8).
S7: 11. (8:8).
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (29:29).

2014-01-17, 11:10 PM
I want both of you to make Swim checks with each round of any type of combat action.
R1T20: Gek'k swims down toward where he thinks Ichibod is and sees the creatures swarming him. He attempts a strike underwater, using elemental fist, hoping to use the cold aspect to hamper the movements of the creature assaulting Ichibod, if not, the extra force is always welcome. It is only because Gek'k is swimming above the bones that he is able to get a good downward punch for 3 to Ichibod's grappler. The cold fist provides a rime around the struck area.

R1T19-17: One skeleton can't get a grab on Ichibod, and another grabs some of clothing but can't get wholly through. A third skeleton, however, adds to the dogpile and Ichibod is now pinned.

R1T13: Ichibod wildly attempts disrupt undead in panic, dismissing thoughts of doing so defensively. He gets by several claws for 7, and he can't maintain the attack.

R1T12-11: Two skeletons get a total of three claws in on Ichibod for 14.

R1T10: The skeleton with the rapier thrusts at Gek'k but the grippli easily dodges.

End Round One, Begin Round Two ...

R2T24-23: The grappler on Ichibod loses its grip. The next skeleton does a double dive of claws into the beleaguered ranger for 7.

R2T20: Gek'k. Ichibod is vastly overwhelmed. You've always heard how horrifying the real undead were. Despite the picturesque mockery of an illusion of an undead created (possibly) by Akima, seeing the swarming effect of skulls and claws in action is frightening. There's no way Ichibod can stand much more than this. And you positively know that you just can't affect enough to make as much of a difference. In what you read of the Scribe's writings, skeletons were ridiculously easy kills in the Crow.

This is nothing like that. They move with purpose and tactic.

Gek'k, the situation is truly dire, even if you can manage to get out of there. What do you do?


S1: 24. (5:8). B. Hit by Gek'k.
S2: 23. (8:8). PQ.
Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
S3: 19. (8:8). SQ.
S4: 18. (8:8). P. Grappling Ichibod.
S5: 17. (8:8). S. Pinning Ichibod.
Ichibod: 13. Grappled by S1/4. PINNED! by S5.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
S6: 12. (8:8).
S7: 11. (8:8).
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (29:29).

2014-01-18, 01:56 PM
R2T20: Gek'k, despite the overwhelming nature of the situation, is not willing to leave a companion behind. There is no time to call for help. He swims down to Ichibod and tries to grab hold of some part of him not being swarmed. He flails around in the water above the skeletons, not finding a good point of helping him out.

R2T19.9: Teofilo shouts and points, "Blood in the water!"
He dives into the water.

Ichibod, Gek'k, there is a bright , but you don't know the source. Two skeletons shatter while another 4 take severe holy damage. The skeleton with the rapier, however, only takes 5 positive and it doesn't seem to hurt it that terribly. Ichibod is still being grappled by one of the skeletons, but he is no longer pinned.

The group on the beach likewise sees a bright flash, but actually vaguely see a humanoid shape surrounded by that flash, with the underwater burst of light seeming to reach the ship. That momentary light also brings everyone's attention to blood that has trailed up to the surface of the water, along with some disturbing of the surface.

R2T19: Below, a skeleton manages to claw Ichibod (6, max), but the second claw is just barely held at by by mage armor.

R2T18.1: The Shelynite summoner concentrates and several reefclaws appear above the area near the shipwreck. "Go!" she calls, "swim down and dispose of any undead."

Ich/Gek, a whole group of silver-and-gold sheened reefclaws (Ichibod, that's not right), dart down. The whole area is a flurry of snapping claws. All of them seemed to trail a little bit of holy energy within themselves on the attack, but only one got through with 3 to one of the skeletons.

R2T18: The skeleton grappling Ichibod loses its grip. Ichibod is free.

R2T17.9: Rezah, what do you do? You are fully in armor.

Dorit on deck, Ichibod in the hole.


S2: 23. (5:8). PQ.
Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
S3: 19. (1:8). SQ.
Hulya: 18.1.
Reefclaw#1: (:20). S2. Smite used.
Reefclaw#2: (:20). S3. Smite used.
Reefclaw#3: (:20). S4. Smite used.
Reefclaw#4: (:20). S6. Smite used.
S4: 18. (5:8). P.
Rezah: 17.9.
Dorit: 16.
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
S6: 12. (2:8).
Lilim: 11.9.
S7: 11. (1:8).
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (24:29).

2014-01-19, 07:21 PM
R2T17.9: Rezah defers until someone (or something) comes within spellcasting range and line of sight.

R2T16: Likewise, it would practically be a death sentence if Dorit went wading out in heavy armor.

R2T13: Ichibod attempts to swim up to the surface. In the attempt, Ichibod gets scratched in the head for 3 and the belly for 4 from AOOs. He tries too hard to swim too quickly to pass by Gek'k and doesnt get anywhere.

R2T12: The skeleton to Ichibod's right slashes him along the calf for 6 and the neck for 3.

Gek'k can tell that Ichibod can't take another loss of blood, the water is so thick with it already.

R2T11.9: Lilim, a whole lot of blood on the surface of the water. There was some before, but now there is a lot. You don't know if that is a mix of Ichibod's, Gek'k's, or those summoned reefclaws.

What do you do?


S2: 23. (5:8). PQ. AOO.
Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
S3: 19. (1:8). SQ. AOO.
Hulya: 18.1.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). S2. Smite used.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). S3. Smite used.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (:20). S4. Smite used.
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). S6. Smite used.
S4: 18. (5:8). P. AOO.
Rezah: 17.9. Delay.
Dorit: 16.
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
S6: 12. (2:8). S. AOO.
Lilim: 11.9.
S7: 11. (1:8). SA. AOO.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (24:29). Aft. AOO.

2014-01-23, 11:34 AM
R2T11.9: Lilim calculates that those on land that cannot swim can protect Hülya in her stead, while "haunted waters" would not likely create blood. Her allies are in trouble and without any solid magic. She gets into the water and makes an accelerated swim, passing Teofilo on the way. Lilim ends up about an estimated 10' from the thrashing, bloody, muddy mess.

R2T11: The skeleton to Ichibod's SA (stbd aft) double slashes across the ranger's right elbow, not normally a deadly place, but so many places across his body are torn, that this (10) wound is less pain. It is actually a warm sensation while the rest of the world is cold. The Shoanti is overcome, and Gek'k sees him go limp. The grippli may well be the last ally to have seen the heroic ranger live.


R2T10: The skeleton with the barnacle-encrusted rapier attacks Gek'k this time. As well as it seems to use that sword, and marking him as significantly more combat capable than its brethren. But Gek'k's defenses are practically possible to overcome. The skeleton looks to the other ones, and there seems to be a sudden and instantaneous shift in the other skeletons' focus ... on Gek'k.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T23: One of the skeletons attempts to grapple Gek'k with one of its claws, but a full-power fist destroys it from the grippli destroys it.

R3T20: Gek'k, Ichibod just hangs there, on his feet, but bent over in a sort of expanded, vertical fetal position. There are 4 normal skeletons, and then the other skeleton with the rapier. There are also 4 reefclaws zooming about - normally a problem for a tasty thing like yourself, and yet these smaller predators are focused on creatures that have no meat to eat.

What do you do?

Teofilo on deck, a skeleton in the hole ...


Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
S3: 19. (1:8). SQ. AOO.
Hülya: 18.1.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). S2. Smite used.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). S3. Smite used.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (:20). S4. Smite used.
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). S6. Smite used.
S4: 18. (5:8). P. AOO.
Rezah: 17.9. Delay.
Dorit: 16.
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
S6: 12. (2:8). S.
Lilim: 11.9.
S7: 11. (1:8). SA.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (24:29). Aft.

2014-01-25, 02:13 PM
R3T20: Gek'k, heedless of the danger, reaches down to grab Ichibod's limp body and drag it to the surface. He easily deflects two claws and the rapier, and grabs around Ichibod's wrist, but with no ground leverage he finds he is unable to pull even the thin man's weight. He does see that next round he might grab at some kelp to pull himself and Ichibod up.

R3T19.9: Gek'k sees another humanoid form that swims in next to another that he notices was there. There is a burst of light from the new one. There seems to be some motion from Ichibod. He is now only disabled (but still flat-footed)

R3T19: A skeleton claws at Gek'k, but he deflects them.

R3T18.05: A reefclaw swims over to the captain and attacks well, getting through the latter's light shield and breastplate, but is not able to crack the captain's bones as well. There are more attacks and counters with the reefclaws, and one of the skeletons is destroyed.

R3T17.9-16: Rezah and Dorit continue their delay.

R3T13: Ichibod, you are disabled, but you are conscious. You are no longer flat-footed, and there is a battle raging all around you with skeletons and reefclaws. Holding you around your right wrist is Gek'k.

What do you do?

Lilim on deck, a couple of skellies in the hole ...


Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
S3: 19. (1:8). SQ.
Hülya: 18.1.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). S3.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (10:20). S4.
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). Needs a target.
S4: 18. (2:8). P. R3.
Rezah: 17.9. Delay.
Dorit: 16.
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
Lilim: 11.9.
S7: 11. (1:8). SA. AOO.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (24:29). Aft. AOO.

2014-01-25, 11:26 PM
R3T13: Ichibod puts his all into swimming up and past Gek'k. The skeleton to Ichibod's SQ reaches up and tears deeply and shreds into Ichibod's left calf (5) and Ichibod falls unconscious again, but with more blood.

R3T11.9: Lilim is one of the humanoid forms that comes into view out of the silt that Gek'k recognizes. She is holding her breath so she doesn't try to cast a spell underwater, and yet she manages to shoot forth a spatter of acid underwater but it doesn't hit the captain.

R3T11: Gek'k deflects two claws from a skeleton.

R3T10: The captain turns to Lilim, the two pinpoints of light flaring in a seemingly sentient anger. He steps forth 5' towards her and stabs her in her right upper arm, but only 3 damage gets through, some of his forceful stab being something he has to push through.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T20: Gek'k. Ichibod started to swim but was instantly dropped again. You intuitively released your grasp to let him swim. You would have to climb the kelp with only one hand, and that is just too much for you to try to do by yourself, because with the leverage of holding onto the kelpie's hair you can't lift Ichibod one-handed. There are three normal skellies left surrounding Ichibod's body, and Lilim is giving you a break by taking up the captain's focus 5' away from Ichibod .... leaving you out of range of his sword.

What do you do?

Teofilo on deck, a skeleton in the hole ...


Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
S3: 19. (1:8). SQ.
Hülya: 18.1.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). S3.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (10:20). S4.
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). Needs a target.
S4: 18. (2:8). P. R3.
Rezah: 17.9. Delay.
Dorit: 16.
Ichibod: 13. DYING!!!
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
Lilim: 11.9.
S7: 11. (1:8). SA.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (24:29). Aft.

2014-01-26, 11:12 PM
R4T20: It's becoming rapidly apparent that he can't drag Ichibod up with the undead still active and grasping. Gek'k maintains a good posture in the water and punches one of the other skeletons and attacks with a fist, smashing and destroying the one that was to Ichibod's SA.

R4T19.9: Another burst of healing energy: 6 to Ichibod (now conscious) and the wounded reefclaw, and fully healing Lilim.

R4T19: Still operating on its last set of orders, the skeleton to Ichibod's SQ misses Gek'k with one, but the grippli has to really work hard to deflect the other.

R4T18.05: In the next wave of reefclaw attacks, the final two normal skeletons are destroyed, and two follow the captain.

Hülya, Rezah and Dorit delay unless they can name an action.

R4T13: Ichibod, once again you have regained consciousness (1 hp). You can't see, though. You see Gek'k's small silhouette directly above you, and here something to one direction, but the water is filled with upturned bottom and (your) blood. You do recognize you are in no danger, and correctly guess that the reefclaws - too organized - must be summoned by Hülya (two are near you, swimming in circles above you).

What do you do?

Lilim on deck, the last opponent - the captain - in the hole ...


Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
Hülya: 18.1.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). Needs target.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (16:20).
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Rezah: 17.9. Delay.
Dorit: 16.
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
Lilim: 11.9.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (24:29). Aft.

2014-01-28, 03:22 PM
R4T13: Ichibod swims for shore, grabbing any seaweed he may swim by on the way. He pulls on what he can to ascend more quickly. He makes it to the surface of the water, 30' from the shoreline.

Rezah, a very badly wounded Ichibod pops up to the surface, 30' from the shore. Do you do anything?

Dorit and Hülya were delyaing, though the former likely doesn't have a means of helping right now.

Lilim is in the hole ...


Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
Hülya: 18.1.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). Needs target.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (16:20).
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Rezah: 17.9. Delay.
Dorit: 16.
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
Lilim: 11.9.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (24:29). Aft.

2014-01-28, 11:20 PM
R4T12.9: Rezah moves towards the edge of the water in Ichibod's direction to make sure he is within range. He focuses on the warmth of the afternoon sun and, using his body as a conduit, channels the sun's warmth outwards towards Ichibod. It only heals a meager 7, but mainly because the sun reflects off of the murky water.

"If anyone has a rope, throw it to him!"

R4T12.8: Hülya concentrates and calls out, "Madhu, I call upon you and your kith!"

No less than five small swirls of water form into a humanoid shapes, each with a vaguely silvery-rainbowed sheen. They work together and push Ichibod up fully onto the shoreline.

Ichibod is now prone on land next to Rezah.

R4T11.9: Lilim, you are squared off face-to-faceless with the captain. Gek'k is 10' away and up a little, there are two reefclaws nipping behind the captain, and all of the lesser opponents are gone. You don't see any more than that, though it seems that Ichibod made it upwards without harm.

What do you do?

Dorit, feel free to jump in if you want to end delay for any reason.

The Captain on deck, Gek'k in the hole ...


Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). Needs target.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (16:20).
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Dorit: 16. DELAY!!!
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
Rezah: 12.9.
Hülya: 12.8.
Lilim: 11.9.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (24:29). Aft.

2014-02-01, 02:38 AM
R4T11.9: Unable to cast a spell underwater requiring her voice, Lilim simply goes with a favored standby as she goes to send forth a spatter of acid. The captain gets in a stab before she finishes her attack, and hits her in her right hand for 4 mod. She is nonplussed, and a jet of acid shoots forward to lightly sizzle the captain for 4 acid.

R4T10: The tiefling is attacked by the rapier again, but her powerful breastplate proves true.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T20: Gek'k, you are 5' above the floor, and the captain is 15' from you (though you would have to settle to the bottom since the reefclaws are attacking the captain from above. What do you do?

Teofilo on deck, reefclaws in the hole, Dorit can end her delay and take her action ...


Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). Needs target.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (16:20).
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Dorit: 16. DELAY!!!
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
Rezah: 12.9.
Hülya: 12.8.
Lilim: 11.9.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (20:29).

2014-02-02, 10:50 PM
R5T20: Gek'k swims down to the lake bed and approaches the captain from behind but realizes that he moves no faster with his feet on the ground than in general. He just makes it to the captain's back.

R5T19.9: Teofilo just barely comes in view again of Lilim, though Gek'k sees a faint humanoid form become more of a noticeable silhouette swimming from behind Lilim. A brilliant flash of light from the humanoid lights up Teofilo's features. The captain manages to use his shield to diminish some of the positive energy, but still takes 6.

R5T18.05: The reefclaws swirl and attack the captain from just above him. One of them actually nips and latches onto the captain's right shoulder and is attached.

Dorit, you are still in delay status. Ichibod is badly wounded, but the heavy-hitting magic healer is on the beach. Do you do anything?

R5T13: Ichibod, you are prone one the beach - bloody, beaten, and (RP only) exhausted. But at least you have a big handful of kelp. Do you do anything?

Rezah on deck (and feel free to name an action), Hülya in the hole, and Dorit still in delay ...


Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). Needs target.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (16:20). Grappling Captain.
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Dorit: 16. DELAY!!!
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
Rezah: 12.9.
Hülya: 12.8.
Lilim: 11.9.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (14:29). Grappled by RC#3.

2014-02-04, 01:09 PM
R5T13.1: Rezah helps Ichibod to his feet, channeling divine energy throuh his hands and into the ranger as he does (3). "What happened down there?"

R5T13: "Thank you. I overestimated my skill at swimming, and managed to drop into a nest of undead. If not for our companions I would likely have joined them."

R5T12.8: Hülya moves over to the two and nearly cries at Ichibod's many wounds. Perhaps if it was one large wound, that might be something she could better deal with, but the ranger is torn to pieces. She casts an arcane version of CLW, granting 12.

R5T11.9: Lilim, you are face-to-face with the deadly skeletal captain, the last of his bony crew, and you are flanking with Gek'k while Hülya's celestial reefclaws circle above the captain. You have noted that his overall physical protection is quite capable, meaning that spells/ touch attacks are likely the best option. What do you do?

Dorit in delay, the captain on deck, Gek'k in the hole ...

EDIT: One of the reefclaws has attached to the captain, which gets in the way of his movement.


Gek'k: 20. Above Ichibod.
Teofilo: 19.9.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). Needs target.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (16:20). Grappling Captain.
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Dorit: 16. DELAY!!!
Rezah: 13.1.
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
Hülya: 12.8.
Lilim: 11.9.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (14:29). Grappled by RC#3.

2014-02-06, 10:26 PM
R5T11.9: Lilim plants her feet in the silt, moving them side to side to sink in just a little. She swings her right arm across to try to catch the captain with her forearm - a strange manner of striking. She continues to do a full spin with her arm extended, and as the captain thinks this might be a slow attack coming around again, Lilim uses that momentum to scrape his left elbow for 2 mod.

R5T10: The captain tries a power strike to get the reefclaw off of his shoulder, but that is too tricky for him.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T20: Gek'k, what do you do? You are flanking with Lilim, reefclaws all around, and the captain has one of them weighing him down at the shoulder.Yes, you would still have to make a new Swim check for the round for stabilizing for a good strike.

Teofilo on deck, reefclaws in the hole, Dorit on delay ...


Gek'k: 20.
Teofilo: 19.9.
Reefclaw#1: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Reefclaw#2: 18.05. (:20). Needs target.
Reefclaw#3: 18.05. (16:20). Grappling Captain.
Reefclaw#4: 18.05. (:20). Old Captain.
Dorit: 16. DELAY!!!
Rezah: 13.1.
Ichibod: 13.
* Air bubble, mage armor, shield.
Hülya: 12.8.
Lilim: 11.9.
Old Captain Linus Halfclasper: 10. (12:29). Grappled by RC#3.

2014-03-18, 06:14 PM
Gek'k moves into the vegetative barricade, with Dorit behind him and Lilim behind her. The first two don't feel well at all, but are made of iron will. What they aren't made of is fire-resistant material.

S1T14/9/7: Three humanoids with dull grey hides pop out from behind a hiding place and throw vials towards Gek'k. Actual targeting doesn't seem important, though. The vials burst open and fire - alchemist's fire - lights the oil or whatever fuel was placed on the wood and the whole 15'-long section goes up in flame. Gek'k takes 5, Dorit takes 4, and Lilim takes 11 fire.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

The first 15' of the corridor is on fire, and includes Dorit, Gek'k, and Lilim. Everyone outside the smoke belching out of the cave doesn't see much more than that, even with the lights.

R1T26: Gek'k, a troglodyte had come right up in front of you, with another two in line behind him. You are standing in fire, your opponent in front of you is not. You are sickened (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Sickened). What do you do?


Sickened = –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Gek'k: 26. Sickened.
Teofilo: 22. Sickened.
Lilim: 20.
Hülya: 15. Sickened. Light: flute.
Trog1: 14.
Ichibod: 13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.
Dorit: 10. Sickened. Light (Lilim): shield.
Trog2: 9.
Trog3: 7.
Rezah: 4.


2014-03-22, 01:48 AM
R1T26: Gek'k, despite his nausea, strikes out repeatedly at his aggressor, hoping to land a debilitating, bleeding blow. His second strike blasts the things shoulder, and in a short time Gek'k pulverizes the reptile-man.

R1T22: Teofilo, takes out the wand of mage armor Hülya with it. Nothing happens. Not even a fizzle.

R1T20: Lilim steps back out of the fire, next to her mistress, and launches 2 magic missiles at the rear troglodyte for 8 force.

R1T15: With Lilim already having been wounded previously, Hülya casts CLW on her for 6 healing.

R1T13: Ichibod, what do you do? The troglodytes will have both concealment and light cover from your position as a result of the fire and the brambles. What do you do?


Sickened = –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Gek'k: 26. Sickened.
Teofilo: 22. Sickened.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20.
Hülya: 15. Sickened. Light: flute.
Ichibod: 13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.
Dorit: 10. Sickened. Light (Lilim): shield.
Trog2: 9.
Trog3: 7. (12:20).
Rezah: 4.


Hülya + Lilim

2014-04-02, 11:20 AM
R1T13: Ichibod pulls out the Shard of Greed and triggers haste on the three in front, and if possible on Hülya and himself. The power of the Shard of Greed, in seeking to take victory quickly for the spoils, pulls from Ichibod's life force to affect Gek'k and Dorit, then Hülya and Lilim, skipping Teofilo and Rezah, and finally himself.Like a wand or scroll, you still have to take out the shard to activate its power.

For the affected, time seems dilated as the world suddenly seems to move more slowly around them.

R1T10: Dorit, there is the strangest sensation. You are still sickened, and yet your heart pounds and your temples thrumb, and the world seems slower about you. You are standing in the fiery brush, but Gek'k just made an opening for you by dropping a troglodyte. It will allow you to step forward out of the fire and in front of the next opponent. What do you do?


Sickened = –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Gek'k: 26. Sickened. Haste til R6T13.
Teofilo: 22. Sickened.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20. Haste til R6T13.
Hülya: 15. Sickened. Light: flute. Haste til R6T13.
Ichibod: 13. Haste til R6T13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.
Dorit: 10. Sickened. Light (Lilim): shield. Haste til R6T13.
Trog2: 9.
Trog3: 7. (12:20).
Rezah: 4.


Hülya + Lilim

2014-04-02, 01:35 PM
R1T10: Dorit swiftly lurches forward out of the fire and attempts to compose herself for an accurate slice on her foe. But her condition, send her slice low to the trog's left foot, practically severing it as she does 13. She has a mind to attack again, but even with her lightning speed she finds herself unable to get in a second shot.Even with haste, any move action means only a standard action remains - not a full attack action. The extra attack from haste still only comes from a FAA.
R1T9: The trog hisses in pain as he drops his javelin, and he attempts a counter-attack, trying futiely to get past the metal encasement that is her armor.

R1T7: The trog in back throws a javelin at Gek'k, who does little to sidestep as it still sails by ... clattering on the deck and beginning to burn.

R1T7: Rezah shakes his head, managing to get a glimpse of the trog in the back. The priest casts a spell and a ghostly scimitar appears above the trog and slams down and dings him for 2 force.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T26: Gek'k, you are still in the fire, and Dorit just took the spot in front of you that would have you stepping safely out. She is fighting a badly wounded trog, and behind that one is a moderately wounded one. What do you do?

Teoflo on deck, Lilim in the hole ...


Sickened = –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Gek'k: 26. Sickened. Haste til R6T13.
Teofilo: 22. Sickened.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20. Haste til R6T13.
Hülya: 15. Sickened. Light: flute. Haste til R6T13.
Ichibod: 13. Haste til R6T13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.
Dorit: 10. Sickened. Light (Lilim): shield. Haste til R6T13.
Trog2: 9. (7:20).
Trog3: 7. (10:20).
Rezah: 4. Spiritual weapon vs T3.


Hülya + Lilim

2014-04-02, 02:51 PM
Dorit actually did two points less damage because she is sickened.
R2T26: Gek'k musters his resolve, intent on leaving the flames behind him and, like a green, minuscule, croaking phoenix, he launches himself over Dorit's head in a superb somersault (the only acrobatic attack of his art), intent on landing behind the last Trog and striking his foe with a vicious single strike. His fist hits directly into his back for 4. While a spot-on strike, the Gek'k's sickened condition keeps him from having the focus to cause hemorraging.

R2T22: Teofilo, despite his ailment, begins playing a sweet tune that provides succcor for Dorit. Her wounds magically knit and she is no longer wounded.

R1T20: Lilim casts a spell and sends an ar of fire to the lead troglodyte. The first one is entirely immolated with a hissing scream for 26 and he drops. The flame bursts through him and into Gek'k's opponent for 9. That one drops to, but it is not nearly as dramatic a conflagration as the first.

Combat Ends ...


Sickened = –2 penalty on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saving throws, skill checks, and ability checks.

Gek'k: 26. Sickened. Haste til R6T13.
Teofilo: 22. Sickened.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20. Haste til R6T13.
Hülya: 15. Sickened. Light: flute. Haste til R6T13.
Ichibod: 13. Haste til R6T13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.
Dorit: 10. Sickened. Light (Lilim): shield. Haste til R6T13.
Trog3: 7. (-3:20).
Rezah: 4. Spiritual weapon vs T3.


Hülya + Lilim

2014-05-21, 01:04 PM
R1T19-16: Three of the four troglodytes spin around and throw javelins at Dorit (10' away). One just barely is kept from getting through her armor. Those three then pull their clubs.

R1T10: Gek'k, what do you do?

Dorit on deck ...


T1: 19.
T2: 17.
T3: 16.
Gek'k: 10.
Dorit: 9.
T4: 0.

Teofilo: 22.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20.
Hülya: 15.
Ichibod: 13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.

Trog3: 7.
Rezah: 4.


Entrance: 1 Trog dead, another at -3.

2014-06-06, 01:01 PM
R1T10: Gek'k moves towards the fourth troglodyte and readies an attack should it make any moves to.

R1T9: Dorit steps forward and does a NL shield slam at the first trog, but she's not quite used to the movement.

R1T0: The very sluggish last troglodyte drops its javelin, and begins to move towards Dorit with its hand ready to bring out its club when it suddenly takes a blow to its left elbow for 6, and blood begins to pour for 1. Gek'k then appears.

Ichibod, battle has started in the next room ...

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T19-16: One of the trogs moves to help his suddenly beleaguered compatriot. It is one of its finest swings, but where Dorit is a juggernaut, Gek'k's still is just as handy at keeping him from harm.

The other two focus on Dorit. One misses entirely, but the other swings as valiantly as its other fellow, but its weapon hits metal plate.

R2T9: Dorit whallops her first foe for 9 NL with the shield, followed by a 5 NL smack with her sword. Trog 1's head is wringing, but it is still standing.

R2T1: Gek'k? You now have two opponents, including the one you actually injured. What do you do?


T1: 19. (20:20, 14 NL)
T2: 17.
T3: 16.
Dorit: 9.
Gek'k: 1.
T4: 0. (13:20). BLEED!!

Teofilo: 22.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20.
Hülya: 15.
Ichibod: 13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.

Trog3: 7.
Rezah: 4.


Entrance: 1 Trog dead, another at -3.

2014-06-21, 09:20 AM
R2T1: Gek'k focuses two punches on the injured trog, devastating him for 13 and the bleeding makes him drop.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T19-16: One of Dorit's two opponents makes a Hail Mary 1 point with a claw against her, whereas Gek'k notices a claw come close to him.

R3T9: Dorit looks to her small, green companion, confused. "I thought we were trying to subdue them, not kill them Gek'k. You were onboard with that, I thought."

The claw was just a tiny sting, and she manages to stay the course for herself. She clobbers her first opponent for 10 NL, and knocks him out. She then whallops the other one for 8 NL.

R3T1: Gek'k, one opponent on you. What do you do?


T1: 19. (20:20, 24 NL). KO'D!!!
T2: 17. Gek'k.
T3: 16. (20:20, 10 NL). Dorit.
Dorit: 9.
Gek'k: 1.
T4: 0. (-6:20). BLEED-3!!

Teofilo: 22.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20.
Hülya: 15.
Ichibod: 13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.

Trog3: 7.
Rezah: 4.


Entrance: 1 Trog dead, another at -3.

2014-07-08, 10:52 PM
R3T1: "My apologies Dorit, I inadvertently reverted to my normal style." Gek'k strikes out at his opponent's pressure points, but this time with the intention to incapacitate, rather than slay. A chest followed by a stomach punch, and the next punch or two should drop him.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T17-16: The heroes easily block the trog's attacks.

R4T9: Dorit's shield bash is off kilter, but her longsword smacks her opponent along its arm for 6 NL.

R4T1: Gek'k?


T1: 19. (20:20, 24 NL). KO'D!!!
T2: 17. (20:20, 14 NL). Gek'k.
T3: 16. (20:20, 16 NL). Dorit.
Dorit: 9.
Gek'k: 1.
T4: 0. (-12:20). BLEED-3!!

Teofilo: 22.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20.
Hülya: 15.
Ichibod: 13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.

Trog3: 7.
Rezah: 4.


Entrance: 1 Trog dead, another at -3.

2014-07-08, 11:11 PM
R4T1: Gek'k hopes to finish the fight quickly, as Dorit seems (to him) to be tiring. He strikes out again desperately at the trog before him. The first strike alone is enough to make him fall, but Gek'k's second fist catches him as he drops.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T16-9: Dorit and her opponent trade parries, but her shield connects for a whopping 12 NL, throwing her opponent back and down on the ground, KO'd.

"Help the fallen one," she says to Gek'k.


T1: 19. (20:20, 24 NL). KO'D!!!
T2: 17. (20:20, 25 NL). Gek'k. KO'D!!!
T3: 16. (20:20, 16 NL). Dorit.
Dorit: 9.
Gek'k: 1.
T4: 0. (-12:20). DEAD!!!

Teofilo: 22.
* Rolled '1' today on UMD with wand of mage armor.
Lilim: 20.
Hülya: 15.
Ichibod: 13.
* Mage armor[/I]. Light: scabbard of dagger.

Trog3: 7.
Rezah: 4.


Entrance: 1 Trog dead, another at -3.

2014-09-09, 10:46 PM
R1T20: Lilim, what do you do?

Lilim: 20.
Trog1: 17.
Gek'k: 14.
Trog2: 11.

2014-09-11, 09:04 AM
R1T20: "Battle," says Lilim simply to those hanging back. "They want to warn someone named Uggilo."

Lilim charges one of the troglodytes and whips it with her tail for 8 NL.

R1T17: CORRECTION!!! The trog who gave the order and was hit swings as best he can, whumping Lilia in the belly. Her mitral breadboard soaked up most of the impact, but her charge practically through her onto the club for 6. She has slowly been accruing wounds, bit by bit.

R1T14: Gek'k moves to the second, unengaged trog and casts his net at the creature, easily entangling the reptilian humanoid next to him.

R1T11: The entrapped troglodyte simply puts his claws into some of the holes and tears outwards, and he then bites at Gek'k valiantly though he monk manages to use what is left of the rope to deflect him (Jackie Chan style) before he drops the destroyed net. [It's important to note that the mage armor boon Ichibod gave him has since expired.]

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: With phenomenal reflexes, Teofilo flies in and above to the ceiling. He plays his lyre, and Lilim is healed of 12. She only has the lightest bruising remaining.

R2T20: Lilim?


Teofilo: 25.
Lilim: 20.
Trog1: 17. (20:20, 8 NL)
Ichibod: 16.
Gek'k: 14.
Hulya: 11.
Trog2: 11.
Dorit: 10.
Rezah: 8.

2014-09-12, 10:58 AM
R2T11: Hulya steps over behind Lilim to see what's happening in the room but doesn't do anything.

R2T10: Dorit moves in to take a tactical position on the other side of the cave mouth than Ichibod.

R2T8: Rezah?


Teofilo: 25.
Lilim: 20.
Ichibod: 16.
Gek'k: 14.
Hulya: 11.
Dorit: 10.
Rezah: 8.
T3: 6.
Sulgesh (T4): 0.

2014-09-17, 05:12 PM
Gek'k finds himself feeling ill and overcome by the stench and he is sickened (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Sickened).

Surprise Round ...

The pebbly texture and coloring of troglodytes make them perfect for hiding against rocky terrain, and a troglodyte appears next to Gek'k ... surprising him. The grippli monk's training takes over and some. He takes the first claw for 6, barely blocks the second, but easily moves into a rhythm against the third. Rezah, on the other hand, is nonplussed by the smell. He is a half-orc that was born and raised in a city with more than its fair share of rotten sewage and garbage, and his own heritage steels against the stench. Speaking of steel, his protection is made of brawny metal, and despite some solid attempts the troglodyte that attempts to attack him fails to connect.

A big troglodyte wearing the same spiraling tentacle symbol has a big pet monster by his side. He yells out in Taldane with a hissing accent, "You dare to attack me?!"

He looks to the pet monster and sends it to attack the little one (Gek'k). The big troglodyte (presumably Uggilo), then casts a spell on himself.Bull's strength

25: Teofilo, Ichibod
15: Hulya
10: Gek'k: Gek'k, these monsters inhabit the swamps, and they are called log-lizards .... very powerful and dangerous animals. Civilized long-shanks refer to them as crocodiles.

Lilim and Rezah ... these Large monsters are long and powerful looking, with oversized mouths that look like they could bite a man's leg clean off! What the hell is this thing?!
The long reptile speeds forth to charge Gek'k with its powerful mouth and bites him for 11. Though it looks like it could snatch him up, the grippli is badly hurt but manages to keep from getting held in its mouth.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round 1 ...

R1T21: Teofilo takes out a wand and tries to cast on himself, but he is too sick to focus.

R1T20: The big reptile looks like it should have been lumbering, but its surprising sprint and now its reflexes are surprising. Gek'k's monastic training blocks the bite, but then the log-lizard whips its tail to hit Gek'k squarely for 13! Gek'k is now in the yellow.

R1T17: "Gods dammit!" Dorit curses, her great fortitude failing her once again as she succumbs to the stench. She steps up to the troglodyte fighting to Rezah's side. "Anyone else notice these guys are tougher than the last bunch?"

She gives in to a battle rage. She swings with her shield, but she fails spectacularly .... enough to lose the rest of her attacks this round.

R1T16: Ichibod concentrates and something happens to the party .... except for each of you, the world around you seems to slow down.

R1T15: Gek'k's trog grazes him for 5 with a claw, but things are getting dire for the little guy. Likewise, a claw scratches Rezah for 6.

R1T14: Hülya whispers "Gek'k" in concern. She bravely steps past Lilim to her side, and defensively casts CLW on him for 12, a great boon for the wounded grippli.

R1T8: Uggilo casts a spell on his warhammer.Weapon of awe (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/w/weapon-of-awe)

R1T7: Finally, Lilim gathers her wits. Hülya is to your L, a trog FL, and Gek'k in front. The large lizard thing takes up the space behind both in front of both Gek'k and Rezah. Uggilo is 45' from you. What do you do?


Teofilo: 21. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Crocodile: 20.
Dorit: 17. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Ichibod: 16.
Trog 1: 15.
Trog 2: 14.9.
Hülya: 14. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Uggilo: 8. Bull's strength.
Lilim: 7.
Gek'k: 6. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Rezah: 4.

2014-09-18, 02:25 PM
R1T7: Though it is clear that Uggilo might be the "cut the head off the snake," she has enough of an idea of teamwork that she can't let her allies get chomped on for her own glory. Let him cast his spells, she thinks. They will help, but we will overwhelm him.

She assesses the threat, and sees that while these troglodytes must be the toughest honor guard, that lizard is crazy dangerous, though she can't get to it right now. "Any idea what that thing is?"

Lilim calls upon the dark magics of her heritage, not bothering to cast defensively, and brings forth a glowing blue energy on her hand. The martial artist reaches forth to touch the troglodyte to touch him for max (9) damage and 1 STR.

Lilim's magic doesn't equal Rezah's or Ichibod's in either scale or focus. However, the training she received at the war magic monastery, in combination with her genius, can put more power into an offensive than usually possible for a sorcerer of similar power. In the case of this spell, she manages to channel more freezing pain into the troglodyte than might be possible by any other mage, Havocs of the Society (such as I chibod) included.

The touch is nearly flawless, and in addition to the chill, the humanoid takes 1 point of Strength damage. The blue energy still surrounds Lilim's hand, ready for another strike.

Gek'k, you were in real trouble, and you still from solid damage, but nonetheless back in the green. Log-lizard in front and R front of you, trog L of you, Hulya to L, Lilim behind you, Rezah to your R.

R1T6: Gek'k strikes out against the trog adjacent to himself, channeling his ki through his body for extra speed. He does not attempt to strike non-lethally now, it is obvious that any guards in this proximity to Uggilo would be his most fanatic followers. His fists fly at a speed that surprise even himself, and the ki within him has a snowball effect; he can't quite stop his own inertia and nails the troglodyte for four strikes, instantly killing him.

"Ware the crocodile!" he calls to his allies.

R1T4: Rezah, you are blocked from closing on the leader by the monster lizard and the troglodyte, which is a stronger tribesman than you have fought previously. So your targets are the monster lizard or the (presumably) evil troglodyte. What do you do?

Teofilo on deck, crocodile in the hole ...


Teofilo: 21. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Crocodile: 20.
Dorit: 17. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Ichibod: 16.
Trog 2: 14.9.
Hülya: 14. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Uggilo: 8. Bull's strength.
Lilim: 7.
Gek'k: 6. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Rezah: 4.

2014-09-20, 06:49 PM
"I had him," says Lilim flatly to Gek'k. "That could have been better used on the monster."

"Save your magic for slowing down the lizard. I have more powerful attacks than that," Gek'k retorts.

R1T4: Rezah is blocked from closing on the leader by the monster lizard and the troglodyte, which is a stronger tribesman than he has yet fought. So your targets are the monster lizard or the (presumably) evil troglodyte. Rezah strikes at the lizard with a fine cut for 9. He recognizes his ability to use this speed to his advantage and follows up that cut with another, cutting through its thick hide for another 4.

"These are tight quarters. Focus on slaying one foe at a time!"

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T21: This time, Teofilo is successful, and the tell-tale shimmer of shield is briefly hums on him.

R2T20: With a critical wound, the crocodile gives something like a low, strange growl and bites at Rezah, but the paladin saw this coming and blocks its teeth with his scimitar. The tail likewise swings around at him, but thuds against the half-orc's armor.

R2T17: Dorit steps past Hülya and the crocodile swings its head but she puts up her adamantine shield as she moves past, and the great reptile breaks a tooth. Dorit continues to zoom at amazing speed, despite wearing full plate and gets right up to Uggilo. She cracks him good with Inge Daygrabber (her shield) for 10.

R2T16: Though it is a chestnut of battle advice, Ichibod is always one to want the glory. "The lot of you concentrate on the crocodile, while Dorit and I take care of the cleric!"

He casts a spell and a beam of fiery heat begins to speed towards the cleric, but the high speed of his world vice the world around him rebounds on him and creates a static discharge that does 6 electricity. Ichibod, understandably, is perplexed.

R2T15: The troglodyte on Rezah desperately tries to get past his armor but fails.

R2T14: Hülya steps back 5' and casts a spell in Celestial and invokes the name Zilakhrahn! Appearing behind the enemy crocodile is ... another crocodile! This one has faint gold piping around its dark green scales, and there is a mild glow that surrounds this one, its muscles far more powerful than the other one. The summoner commands it to attack the enemy lizard, and with a flank the bite is quite successful, for 13; the tail slap isn't able to bludgeon past the thick hide, however.

R2T8: Uggilo shrieks in wrath, steps back 5' from Dorit, and casts a spell. A force-hammer appears above Hülya and swings down at her, but she ducks out of the way.

R2T7: Lilim, focuses and just manages to touch the now thrashing crocodile with her spell for 7, and even its great bulk cannot quite save it from the soul-chilling effect.

R2T6: Gek'k, what do you do? You have flanking on the crocodile courtesy of the gold-tinged one. This once-great and fearsome enemy looks to be little able to continue.

Rezah on deck, Teofilo in the hole ...

Teofilo: 21. Sickened til end R10Tx. Mage armor.
Crocodile: 20. (6:39). Broken tooth, -2 attack with bite for 2 minutes. -1 to STR.
Dorit: 17. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Ichibod: 16.
Trog 2: 15.
Hülya: 14. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Zilakhrahn: 13.9.
Uggilo: 8. (58:68). Bull's strength, weapon of awe.
Lilim: 7.
Gek'k: 6. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Rezah: 4.

2014-09-22, 08:46 AM
R2T6: Gek'k turns his attention to the log lizard now, and again brings his monastic focus into his attacks; with his first strike, his fists seem to bleed acid. His first attack swings incredibly wide, and he has to plant his feet on the ground and dig in to keep from falling over (he is now flat-footed). The acid don his fist spatters off the remaining acid tiny bit of acid onto Lilim (who seems unaffected). Though sickened, this strange burst of speed and the crocodile on the other side is what he needs to just punch into the croc on the second attempt, doing 9 damage. The snout cracks and blood spurts out, and before the dying monster even flatly flops onto the ground, Gek'k hits it for another 5. This time, having dedicated his ki, Gek'k's FOURTH attack does another 5 damage. Though not truly dead, the creature has a great many shattered bones and internally and externally is bleeding profusely. Gek'k realizes that he wasn't able to focus on dealing as much force to the beast because of the effects of the troglodyte stench, but the effect is the same: the log-lizard has been vanquished.

R2T4: Rezah, you are face-to-face with the last troglodyte guard. The crocodile is dead, and a very obviously celestial crocodile that was summoned by Hülya remains, the latter of whom is being attacked by a spiritual weapon. The cleric chieftain is in combat with Dorit in melee, and Ichibod ranged. What do you do?

Teofilo: 21. Sickened til end R10Tx. Mage armor.
Dorit: 17. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Ichibod: 16.
Trog 2: 15.
Hülya: 14. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Zilakhrahn: 13.9.
Uggilo: 8. (58:68). Bull's strength, weapon of awe.
Lilim: 7.
Gek'k: 6. Sickened til end R10Tx. Flat-footed til end of R3.
Rezah: 4.

2014-09-23, 04:42 PM
R2T4: "May the light of the Dawnflower purify your soul!" Rezah roars at the troglodyte standing before him. With a flourish of his blade, he strikes out twice at the beastman before him. Golden flaming licks limn his sword and himself, and his tattoo is more noticeable. His scimitar cuts deeply into the trog's left calf for 9, before Rezah spins the scimitar around and pulls a draw cut across the back of the trog's left shoulder for 7. This is not nearly enough to drop him, but to cause him to reel nonetheless.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T21: Teofilo, seeing the battle going well, and feeling ill himself, holds back.

R3T17: Dorit slams down her sword with what force she can muster, but she ends up notching her sword badly against the holy power of her opponent's weapon, and sword takes 6 damage (ignoring hardness). This only makes her more furious, but her shield swings are almost as wild and Uggilo manages to dodge and deflect them. She is so wild, that she nips at him, and actually draws blood (1) on his right shoulder.

R3T16: Ichibod curses to himself and simply fires a volley of three arrows at Uggilo. The first shot nearly staples Ug's left foot for max (7), the next hits into the thick hide but not far enough, and Uggilo dodges the third.

R3T15: In pain and anguish, the troglodyte guard futilely tries to get past at the meaty half-orc inside the can and behind those holy flames.

R3T14: Hülya tries to carefully cast a spell, but is too harried by the force-hammer, so she has Zilakhran change opponents. The golden girl gator now glows herself in a variety of rainbow colors and with its own fury turns and she bites for 12, with Uggilo firmly held in its mouth. She then spins and turns and Uggilo takes another 15 and he is prone in Zilakhran's death roll.

R3T8: Uggilo screams angrily and a wave of dark energy surges outwards from him. Dorit's wild mind protects her and she takes 4 negative energy damage; his own trog guard takes 10, nearly dropping him. Hülya takes 3, Zilakhran 7, Lilim 4, Gek'k 4, and Rezah 3. Teofilo and Ichibod are just back enough to be unaffected. Gek'k is now beginning to again feel the effects of damage. The mage armor is the only thing that finally protected the spiritual weapon from again hitting Hülya.

R3T7: Lilim?

Teofilo: 21. Sickened til end R10Tx. Mage armor.
Dorit: 17. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Ichibod: 16.
Trog 2: 15. (2:28).
Hülya: 14. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Zilakhrahn: 13.9. (took 7).
Uggilo: 8. (23:68). Bull's strength, weapon of awe.
Lilim: 7.
Gek'k: 6. Sickened til end R10Tx. Flat-footed til end of R3.
Rezah: 4.

2014-09-24, 06:24 AM
R3T7: Lilim says softly to Gek'k, "Give Rezah the honor of his kill while we end the cleric."

She sidesteps back away from reach of the guard, and casts her old standby. Three bolts of force streak unerringly to Uggilo to strike for a total of 10 force. One might get the feeling that the combination of Hülya's and Lilim's attacks are more than just happenstance, but rather trained teamwork of set-em-up/ knock-em-down. That time together and teamwork are beginning to show now.

R3T6: Gek'k, what do you do? It would take a move action to get to the grappled Uggilo, meaning you have one attack; or, you could take a 5' step into the place Lilim was and blast away at Rezah's opponent.

Rezah on deck ...

Teofilo: 21. Sickened til end R10Tx. Mage armor.
Dorit: 17. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Ichibod: 16.
Trog 2: 15. (2:28).
Hülya: 14. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Zilakhrahn: 13.9. (took 7).
Uggilo: 8. (13:68). Bull's strength, weapon of awe.
Lilim: 7.
Gek'k: 6. Sickened til end R10Tx. Flat-footed til end of R3.
Rezah: 4.

2014-09-25, 02:00 AM
R3T6: Gek'k nods and moves to Uggilo, heeding Lilim's advice. It feels unnatural, leaving an enemy alive and to his back, but in the end he decides to trust his companion.

At the trog cleric, he again channels the elements of the four winds into his strike, breathing deeply into his stomach and chest, pulling strength from his Bodywrap of Mighty Strikes. This time, his fists crackle and spark with electricity, and he drives one forward in a powerful ki strike.

CORRECTION: Uggilo gets slugged by the mighty blow ... and yet, even grappled it doesn't seem to be enough to past his leather armor and incredibly thick hide.

R3T4: Rezah, you're are orco-y-troggo right now. What do you do?

Teofilo: 21. Sickened til end R10Tx. Mage armor.
Dorit: 17. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Ichibod: 16.
Trog 2: 15. (2:28).
Hülya: 14. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Zilakhrahn: 13.9. (took 7).
Uggilo: 8. (13:68). Bull's strength, weapon of awe.
Lilim: 7.
Gek'k: 6. Sickened til end R10Tx. Flat-footed til end of R3.
Rezah: 4.

2014-09-26, 08:03 AM
R3T4: "FOR GREAT JUSTICE!" Rezah roars as he continues to hack at the lizardman before him. The first strike cuts cleanly across the chest for 8, but before the troglodyte can fully fall to the ground, Rezah cuts the creature's left arm off at the bicep and there is arterial spray.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T21: Teofilo continues to stay well back.

R4T17: Wiith Uggilo at a severe disadvantage, Dorit's rage is like an avalanche. She clips the priest in the jaw for 7 and he reels in the croc's mouth, snaps with her own maw, then slams him a second time, but this time for a crunchy 13, enough for Uggilo to be a rag doll in Zilakhran's mouth.

R4T16: Though still keeping aware of the chamber, Ichibod's focus is now on the entrance and beyond, just in case.

R4T14: The crocodile looks to her lady, and Hülya pauses for a second, and then slowly and solemnly nods her head. Zilakhran performs a definitive coup de grace on the evil priest, just in case.

Combat Over ...

Teofilo: 21. Sickened til end R10Tx. Mage armor.
Dorit: 17. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Ichibod: 16.
Hülya: 14. Sickened til end R10Tx.
Zilakhrahn: 13.9. (took 7).
Lilim: 7.
Gek'k: 6. Sickened til end R10Tx. Flat-footed til end of R3.
Rezah: 4.

2014-10-04, 08:03 PM
Surprise Round ...

His first two shots bounce off of a fungus' hard cap, which rather surprises Ichibod.

Round 1 ...

R1T19: As Ichibod hesitates to reassess the hardness of the fungus, one proves itself quite fast - if not on movement, then at least on reflexes. It moves 5' through the dense fungus, 10' away from Ichibod. A tentacle lashes out and smacks against the fence.

R1T16: Another one closes 5' through the thick, moldy undergrowth. The tentacle gets through the fence, and Ichibod's force armor stops it.

R1T13: Ichibod orders the group back 10' so he can have some fallback room. He fires two more shots, with both fungi swinging at him, and again one comes close to smacking through his magical protection. He double-nails one for 15.

R1T8: Another fungus moves with the other three and attacks.

The party backs up for Ichibod, though he can only move 5' to get a shot because of the curve of the hallway, as this is effectively Ichibod's show. In time, it will be noticed that for as much shooting Ichibod makes, his quiver doesn't deplete of arrows.

Round 2 ...

R2T19: The first moves up and swings wildly such that it is flat-footed.

R2T16: The next moves up and hits the mold on the floor to splatter all over itself.

R2T13: Unfortunately, as Ichibod was readying his shot, that goo splattered on him and he reflexively turns ... with his bow ... and fires, accidentally grazing Gek'k's head for 3. "Sorry." Just not Gek'k's day.

He spins for his second shot for 8.

R2T8: Misses.

R3T19: Wild misses, and it threatens no squares for several rounds.
R3T16: Misses.
R3T13: Seeing his first target tied up, Ichibod switches to a more active target for 13 total.
R3T8: Misses.

R4T16: All miss.
R4T13: 16 total damage to one.
R4T8: Miss.

R5T16: Miss.
R5T13: Both of Ichibod's arrows bounce.
R5T8: This fungus' tentacles get entangled with each other and other local, normal tall stalks.

R6T16: Miss.
R6T13: One arrow hits for 4.
R6T8: This fungus frees itself.

R7T16: Miss.
R7T13: Double bounce.
R7T8: Something seems to be wrong with this one.

R8T19: The first fungus finally manages to be ready to attack.
R8T16: Miss.
R8T13: 14 w/ both arrows, finally destroying one.
R8T8: Miss.

R9T19: This one's tentacles smacks the other fungus standing for 2.
R9T13: Arrow graze for 3.
R9T8: The fungus just hit attacks its own, with three tentacles landing and doing 7. In addition, where the third strike landed, there is a nasty rotting point on the lead fungus.

R10T19: Now a fungus-on-fungus counterattack. Three tentacles hit for 4, but its target doesn't rot.
R10T13: Ichibod now just watches the fun, waiting for last fungus standing, and he delays ...
R10T8: Only one tentacle lands for 2, but the first fungus looks like it is about to collapse.

R11T19: Two max hits from the weakened fungus to the sickened one for 8.
R11T8: The last fungus tears into the leader ferociously, tearing it to shreds, and it no longer seems sickened.
R11T7: Ichibod's shots miss.

R12T8: Miss.
R12T7: Miss.

R13T8: One of the fungus' tentacles overextend and causes some of the fibrous material to open and vital internal fluids to slowly seep out for 1.
R13T7: Double shot for 11.

R13T8: Miss. Bleed 1.
R13T7: One arrow for 8.

R14T8: Miss. Bleed 1.
R14T7: Double shot, and the thing appears disabled.

Ichibod just watches the fluids seep out of it as it slowly slumps to the cavern floor.

Violet 3: 8. (0:44). 1 Bleed.
Ichibod: 7.

2014-10-04, 08:41 PM
Surprise Round ...

Having looked up at the same time as he recognized the threat, Teofilo is not surprised. Rezah, wary of the creatures that live in the protection of the dark, likewise has his wits about him.

Surprise-T19: Rezah, you see two spider-like creatures whose front legs end in immense, grasping claws. Its mouth sports a huge pair of vertical mandibles. One of these 5-foot-legspan monstrosities is speeding down the wall and right towards you, while the other is heading towards Hülya. What do you do?

Gek'k: 26. !!!
Ichibod: 24. !!!
Rezah: 19.
Lilim: 18. !!!
Solifugid 1: 12. >>> Gek'k.
Teofilo: 11.
Hülya: 10. !!!
Dorit: 9. !!!
Solifugid 2: 8. >>> Rezah.
Solifugid 3: 6.

2014-10-07, 09:46 PM
Surprise Round ...

Having looked up at the same time as he recognized the threat, Teofilo is not surprised. Rezah, wary of the creatures that live in the protection of the dark, likewise has his wits about him.

Surprise-T19: "Sarenrae, grant us your Light! Rezah beseeches his Goddess.

Surprise-T12: One of the creepies pounces at Gek'k, but actually manages to sprain one of its claws for 1 DEX. Phew.

Surprise-T11: Teofilo flies up in the air while taking out a wand, and casts shield on himself.

Surprise-T8: Rezah's opponent pounces and bites him in the helm for 8, and also claws him for 5. Luckily, that prayer spell helped bring down the damage, though the thing's ferocity carried it through the armor.

Surprise-T6: Then comes a third solifugid Rezah didn't see that charges the celestial commander. Her protections and Rezah's spell means only one claws gets through (L-lower arm) for 4.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round 1 ...

R1T26: Gek'k. You have a Nope right in front of you. What do you do?

Ichibod on deck, Rezah in the hole ...

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19.
Lilim: 18.
Solifugid 1: 12. >>> Gek'k. 1 DEX damage 13 (12).
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Hülya: 10.
Dorit: 9.
Solifugid 2: 8. >>> Rezah.
Solifugid 3: 6. >>> Hülya

2014-10-07, 11:32 PM
R1T26: Gek'k lets out a battle cry that could, to those who might be listening for that sort of thing, sound like the frightened squeal of some small animal about to be eaten.

He then tries to punch the everloving hell out of that thing before him.


He triple-punches it, his hand flaring once with flame, and doing a hefty 25 and 3 fire and it begins to bleed from the second two punches that landed on the same spot, bug guts slowly spilling out.

R1T24: "One scorching ray, coming up!" calls Ichibod. He casts his spell at the one attacking Hülya, and somehow Fire-Arrow misses. :smallsigh:

R1T19: Rezah, what do you do, engaged with your own horrible beast as you are?

The next enemy on deck with be solifugid #1 ... the one that has been pounded, sprained, and bleeding.

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19.
Lilim: 18.
Solifugid 1: 12. (36:64, DEX 13 [12], 1d4 bleed). Gek'k.
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Hülya: 10.
Dorit: 9.
Solifugid 2: 8. >>> Rezah.
Solifugid 3: 6. >>> Hülya

2014-10-10, 03:17 PM
R1T19: Rezah briefly clutches his wounds and they immediately begin to disappear (6). He then strikes out at the Nope in front of him with his trusted blade, but only barely manages to hit the thing, though the prayer helps it do a little more for 3.

The next enemy on deck with be solifugid #1 ... the one that has been pounded, sprained, and bleeding.

R1T18: Lilim? Your lady is in trouble. What do you do?

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19.
Lilim: 18.
Solifugid 1: 12. (36:64, DEX 13 [12], 1d4 bleed). Gek'k.
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Hülya: 10.
Dorit: 9.
Solifugid 2: 8. (61:64). Rezah.
Solifugid 3: 6. >>> Hülya

2014-10-10, 07:14 PM
R1T18: As a Blackjacket, unless otherwise stated Lilim is always next to her charge. Lilim does not back away from but concentrates and then lets loose with an arc of acid to cover the Nope-ifugid on Hülya. The monster easily sidesteps so only some of the acid splashes on it for 9, but that still is quite a shock.

R1T12: Gek'k's opponent has an opening in its carapace with ichor oozing out for 3 bleed. It snaps and slashes at Gek'k, but the grippli manages to get out of the way as much by abject terror as his monastic training.

R1T11: Teofilo merely floats above the battle out of the way, observing the goings-on like any dispassionate, reportorial PFS chronicler(-to-be).

R1T10: Backed up against the broken statue, and with nowhere to go that the creature could not reach, Hülya has to concentrate carefully has she plays, but she her beautiful playing on Evren-Tutku creates a total of 2 images that blur in and out of her position until her real form is unidentifiable in its placement.

R1T9: Dorit freaks out, and then moves over to attack the one on Rezah. She is currently panicking, er, raging with full power. She slams it for 18 with Inge Daygrabber.

R1T8-6: The same Nope bites and slashes at the two heavily armored warriors in futility. The one facing the girls bites at Hülya and only gets an image. A claw crits Lilim in the chest for 7 mod, but Lilim immediately posts defensive posture to block the second claw.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T26: Gek'k, what do you do?

Ichibod on deck, Rezah in the hole ....

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19. S-2.
Lilim: 18. S-3.
Solifugid 1: 12. (33:64, DEX 13 [12], 1d4 bleed). Gek'k.
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Hülya: 10. Mirror image (1).
Dorit: 9. S-2. Raging/ PA.
Solifugid 2: 8. (43:64). Rezah/ Dorit.
Solifugid 3: 6. (55:64). Hülya/ Lilim.

2014-10-11, 05:01 PM
R2T26: Gek'k, focused entirely on the foe before him, strikes out yet again, reserving his monastic energies for this assault. He still utilizes the deep breathing technique afforded by his bodywrap for his first strike, though, hitting twice for a total of 17.

R2T24: Ichibod doesn't say anything this time, and just casts magic missile at the same so there's no chance of missing. Three arcane bolts strike the Nope for 9 force.

R2T19: Rezah, what do you do?

Lilim on deck, Gek'k's opponent in the hole ...

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19. S-2.
Lilim: 18. S-3.
Solifugid 1: 12. (16:64, DEX 13 [12], 1d4 bleed). Gek'k.
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Hülya: 10. Mirror image (1).
Dorit: 9. S-2. Raging/ PA.
Solifugid 2: 8. (34:64). Rezah/ Dorit.
Solifugid 3: 6. (55:64). Hülya/ Lilim.

2014-10-13, 10:23 AM
R2T19: Rezah makes a fine slice on his opponent for 6.Tickle has a job interview .... Good luck, buddy! ... and has asked me to take over his character(s) until after that.
R2T18: Lilim, you and your charge are fighting one, and she only has one image left. You know that is a power from her flute she can only use once a day. What do you do?

Gek'k's oozing and whoozing opponent on deck, Teofilo in the hole ...

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19. S-2.
Lilim: 18. S-3.
Solifugid 1: 12. (16:64, DEX 13 [12], 1d4 bleed). Gek'k.
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Hülya: 10. Mirror image (1).
Dorit: 9. S-2. Raging/ PA.
Solifugid 2: 8. (28:64). Rezah/ Dorit.
Solifugid 3: 6. (55:64). Hülya/ Lilim.

2014-10-13, 02:35 PM
R2T18: "Mistress, withdraw, and I'll keep its attention focused on me!"

Lilim slams her forehead down onto the monster, and then brings herself back with her claws coming up in an vertical arc. She thuds her head a little painfully on the monster's carapace, but not enough to really sting or anything. Her first claw carves for 8, though the second grazes along the outside.

R2T12: Gek'k's :roach:, though dripping for 3 bleed, manages to score a claw on the little guy for 7 (max) in her L shoulder.

R2T11: Teofilo observes ...

R2T10: Hülya, trusting her friend, withdraws.

R2T9: Dorit slams it with her shield for 8.

R2T8-6: A Nope goes full force at Dorit and fails. The other slashes Lilim along her L tricep for 1 mod.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T26: Gek'k?

Ichibod on deck, Rezah in the hole ...

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19. S-2.
Lilim: 18. S-3.
Solifugid 1: 12. (16:64, DEX 13 [12], 1d4 bleed). Gek'k.
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Hülya: 10. Mirror image (1).
Dorit: 9. S-2. Raging/ PA.
Solifugid 2: 8. (20:64). Rezah/ Dorit.
Solifugid 3: 6. (47:64). Lilim.

2014-10-13, 03:55 PM
R3T26: Gek'k strikes again and again, wishing more than anything to reduce this chittering mass of NOPE into it's base components, which seem to comprise of chittering, bubbling masses of slimy nope. Its exoskeleton is cracked and goopy in many parts, but poor base instinct drives it ...

R3T24: Ichibod sends a bolt of arcane energy to each of the Nopes. One hits Gek'k's for 3 force, and that thing is STILL standing. The others hit for 2 force (Rezah's) and 5 force (Lilim's).

R3T19: A textbook crit by Rezah does 12, and Dorit can probably finish hers off.

R3T18: Lilim is up.

The gooey Nope is on deck, with Teofilo in the hole ...

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19. S-2.
Lilim: 18. S-3.
Solifugid 1: 12. (1:64, DEX 13 [12], 1d4 bleed). Gek'k.
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Hülya: 10. Mirror image (1).
Dorit: 9. S-2. Raging/ PA.
Solifugid 2: 8. (6:64). Rezah/ Dorit.
Solifugid 3: 6. (42:64). Lilim.

2014-10-15, 11:06 AM
R3T18: Lilim spins around to catch it with her outside spinning heel for 10, and then double-thrusts with her claws with one getting through its shell for 6.

R3T12: Gek'k's opponent looks like it's going to go for another attack on the lil' gecko, until it appears that its gnashing of mandibles and slashing of claws are merely death throes. It seems the blows Gek'k constantly landed on it has caught up to it.

R3T11: Teofilo observes.

R3T10: "Come Tzukkiz!" calls Hülya. "Come from your hallowed industries to fight chitin-to-chitin!"

As she finishes calling, a giant ant the size of a pony, but with gold trim around the main segments on its thorax, comes into view on the opposite side of Lilim. In Celestial Hülya commands the ant to attack. With flanking via Lilim and some faint glow around it bites into the Nope for 11 (max) damage. The stinger then just barely hits, but hits brilliantly, for 5.

R3T9: Dorit continues her rage-slam and pulps her bug.

R3T6: The smaller solifugid turns on the large ant, shrieking and snapping wildly and in pain, and bites it for 7.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R4T26: Gek'k?

Ichibod on deck, Rezah in the hole ...

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19. S-2.
Lilim: 18. S-3.
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Tzukkiz: 10.1.
Hülya: 10. Mirror image (1).
Dorit: 9. S-2. Raging/ PA.
Solifugid 3: 6. (10:64). Lilim.

2014-10-16, 03:35 PM
R4T26: Gek'k continues pummeling the Nope until it is reduced to a quivering mass of goo and chitin.

Then he throws up a little in his mouth.

R4T24: Ichibod shoots a fire ray at the last monster and hits it for 6 fire, and it still manages to continue.

R4T19: Rezah, there is one Nope remaining, and it is barely hanging in their. It is flanked by Lilim and Hülya's strange, summoned, giant ant. You can get in there and get in a last strike if you want. What do you do?

Lilim on deck, Teofilo in the hole ...

Prayer on party will last til end R5T19.
* Boon = +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
* Bane = -1 luck bonus to same rolls for the enemy.
Gek'k: 26.
Ichibod: 24.
Rezah: 19.
Lilim: 18. S-3.
Teofilo: 11. Shield til end R10T11.
Tzukkiz: 10.1.
Hülya: 10. Mirror image (1).
Dorit: 9. Raging/ PA.
Solifugid 3: 6. (4:64). Lilim.

2014-11-18, 10:20 AM
The group sludges on through the swamp, and is likely to get to Brooäk, Gek'k's home village, by tomorrow. There really isn't any marching order, nor can there really be in the shifting and mixed terrain of the Mushfens, and the armored turtle known as Rezah really slows things down.

Somewhere in the afternoon, the Scribe suddenly splashes out of the waist-deep water wildly to a small, muddy hillock. "Snake's nest! A lot of small snakes coming this way. Out of the water!"

R1T17: The water teems with wriggling figures which come onto the hillock to surround and attack the Scribe. No single of the tiny snakes bite very deeply, but all told he still takes 3.

R1T15: The Scribe shlops back 10' and then thrusts his ranseur through as many as he can. He manages to kill one or two, not nearly enough. "Don't let the numbers fool you! You can still cut and smash enough before they give up the fight."

R1T14: Rezah, you are the one who slows everyone in the party. In your armor and in this terrain, you move a whopping, shlopping 5' per MA .... 10' a round. The good news is that to try to get to the more stable ground, the snakes are right next to you. On the other hand, you are now closer by 5'. There is no free 5' step. What do you do?

Venomous Snake Swarm: 17. (:55).
The Scribe: 15.
Rezah: 14.
Gek'k: 11.
Teofilo: 11.
Lilim: 8.

2014-11-18, 01:19 PM
R1T14: "Rezah smash!" He aims for the center of a writhing mass of snakes. The little buggers are so quick. Simply because there's a mass of them, he manages to cut one down, but is otherwise ineffective.Yup, your modifiers are, as updated on the sheet, correct.H
R1T11: Gek'k, you happen to be on the other side of the mass of snakes, seeing as with your size you are desperate to get from high ground to high ground. They are right next to you. Unlike the others, you move about the swamps as easily as dry land. If you wanted to move, you could move around to the back end of the hillock on the other side of the tree and across a mossy log to the next little islet. The snakes are too tiny to get in AOOs. Or, you could stand your ground and pound away. What do you do?

Venomous Snake Swarm: 17. (:55).
The Scribe: 15.
Rezah: 14.
Gek'k: 11.
Teofilo: 10.
Lilim: 8.

2014-11-19, 10:48 PM
R1T11: Gek'k strikes at whatever snakes he can, pounding on 5 hp worth.

R1T10: Teofilo says as frost forms around his webbed hand, "Snakes are cold-blooded creatures."

He reaches out .... and other than a few flurries from his hand, absolutely nothing happens.

R1T8: Lilim, you are 15' away. What do you do?

Venomous Snake Swarm: 17. (50:55).
The Scribe: 15.
Rezah: 14.
Gek'k: 11.
Teofilo: 10.
Lilim: 8.

2014-11-22, 04:31 PM
R1T8: Lilim shoots a probing attack at the snakes, flinging forth her own ray of ice and cold for 5 cold, freezing a snake in place, and hurting another one or two that came in contact with that one.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T17: The snakes, angered by the impact, move towards Gek'k. They are tiny enough (with no reach) that Gek'k is able to get a weak shot in for 4, enough to kill another snake. They swarm him and all of the various bites do 5, but Gek'k seems totally nonplussed by the fact there are so many and all around him. Perhaps this is because this is a common swamp encounter he's dealt with before. But with five bites there is another issue as Gek'k suddenly writhes in pain, losing 2 CON from poison! :smallfrown:

R2T15: The Scribe judges angle and thrusts through a mass of the snakes for 15, and then does it again for another 15. Many snakes were skewered in this, with a snake or two barely squirming in their death throes on the points of his ranseur, and the swarm is noticeably diminished.

R2T14: Rezah, Gek'k is being swarmed. What do you do?

Gek'k on deck (note the change to CON and hps on your sheet), Teofilo in the hole ...

Venomous Snake Swarm: 17. (15:55).
The Scribe: 15.
Rezah: 14.
Gek'k: 11. Poisoned til max of R8T17.
Teofilo: 10.
Lilim: 8.

2014-11-23, 05:12 PM
R2T14: Rezah holds off for now, not wanting to accidentally strike the frogman in the tangle of snakes, especially since there doesn't seem to be that many left.

R2T11: Gek'k, your weakness, even with monastic training and the tough external training of the martial arts taught you at the Society, has been internal fortitude. Now, being poisoned, it seems to be a cascading effect as you take another 1 CON. Your body is getting weaker and weaker, and so too is your ability to withstand the poison flowing through your system. The snakes are all over your lower body right now, hissing and biting. What do you do?

Teofilo on deck, Lilim in the hole ...

Venomous Snake Swarm: 17. (15:55).
The Scribe: 15.
Rezah: 14.
Gek'k: 11. Poisoned til max of R7T17.
Teofilo: 10.
Lilim: 8.

2014-11-24, 04:24 AM
R2T11: Gek'k realizes he needs to get out of this mess. He leaps straight up into the tree above him, spending a ki point to add to his elevation and hopefully add to his speed in his escape, while his natural ability as a grippli aids him in sticking and climbing the tree.

R2T10: Teofilo tries again tries to freeze some snakes. Air condenses into sharp particles of ice that he shoots into the snakes for 8 cold.

R2T8: Lilim?

Snakes on deck, the Scribe in the hole ...

Venomous Snake Swarm: 17. (7:55).
The Scribe: 15.
Rezah: 14.
Gek'k: 11. Poisoned til max of R7T17.
Teofilo: 10.
Lilim: 8.

2014-12-23, 09:26 PM
For all of his stealth, Kerrano's nose does him little good. The massive dire weasel slinks through the water before it launches a deadly assault.

Surprise: The weasel launches out of the mud to bite Kerrano in his left calf for only 8, Kerrano's preternatural senses helping him from the full blunt of the surprise attack. What he can't do is shake the Scribe off his leg and takes blood drain for 3 CON.
R1T26: Continuing to hold on, Scribe does 13 as he shakes violently and blood drain of 3 CON. With the massive loss of blood, Kerrano is already feeling weak.
R1T12: Needing as much help as he can, the Kerrano shifts to his weretiger hybrid form, and tries desperately to tear himself from the massive weasel's grip, but to no avail.
R2T26: Though the Scribe maintains his hold, his bite is not enough to cause more physical damage. However, he is still firmly attached and draws 4 CON from the weretiger assassin.
R2T12: Again, Kerrano is desperate and scared, and instead of trying to free himself, the Chelaxian is willing to go to blows; but, as powerful as he is, he is no warrior and his opponent's lithe and long body just keeps rolling and twisting out of the way.
R3T26: The hold is maintained, but again no damage. As before, though, having been attached previously still allows him to draw blood for 4 CON. Kerrano is almost drained.
R3T212: Truly terrified for his life, Kerrano - who is no stranger to biting and holding with his own teeth - again tries to escape, but again fails for feeling faint of blood.
R4T26: This time, perhaps because Kerrano is becoming lethargic, the Scribe tears open into the leg for 4, and does 3 CON. The blood loss is enough to kill him while Kerrano gives out a cry.

2015-01-04, 03:01 PM
Scribe's stealth for 1st roll: 23
2nd roll is to hear the cry in the distance
3rd roll is to notice the approaching hunters

[roll0], [roll1], [roll2]

[roll3], [roll4], [roll5]

[roll6], [roll7], [roll8]

[roll9], [roll10], [roll11]

[roll12], [roll13], [roll14]

2015-01-15, 03:57 PM
Round One ...

R1T13: The Scribe springs upwards to slam his head into Lilim's chin, snapping her head back some, to do 10 mod NL.

"Why are you sneaking around, Lilim, and trying to steal my weapon as I sleep?" The ... naked ... Scribe asks.

R1T10: Lilim, what do you do?

The Scribe: 13.
Lilim: 10.

2015-01-16, 05:10 PM
R1T10: "Rezah, Teofilo, Fallon ... wake up! We have our killer!" Lilim calls.

Lilim breaks out of the resin with a physical power rivaling that of the mighty Dorit. "It was always too good. Why the hell did you come back to us so soon after you found out your identity? You are like a small god, being as strong, fast, and smart as any of us. Now, I understand why. You're the lycan! You're the one that killed Kerrano, and now those two men that were with Helgath's crew. Now I know why Akima mentioned the possibility of us being on the dinner table!"

She steps back a few feet from the Scribe.

Everyone easily awakens.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T26: Something happens to Lilim, her muscles growing heavy and eyelids getting heavier, but she gathers her will together and throws off the effect. It appears that the Scribe might have been dealing with something similar.

R2T21: Teofilo bolts up and stands and picks up his lyre.

R2T20: The cousin, already skittish, gets up and grabs his bow and quiver. "What's going on! What's going on!"

R2T14: The son does the same and shouts, "It's come back fer us!"

R2T13: "Ho! Everyone to the north end of the island!" calls the Scribe. He shakes his head. "No, Lilim, but you are the dangerous one within the group. You are a member of a house not truly of this quest. And of that house, the lord is a follower of a humanocentric religion, and his wife is a caller of creatures from the heavens. How they managed to be foolish enough to accept a scion of a truly sadomasochistic race ... one which daily reveals your inner evils, is only proof of your alien witchery. The Shard of Greed has affected you, and it isn't enough."

With incredible speed The Scribe moves forward into the space provided and turns his body with a bent-elbow handstand. He kicks his feet over his head to strike Lilim in her throat for 6 mod NL. He swings back to both feet and his had darts forth, badly, with his fingers extended but sort of squished together along with his thumb to create the illusion of a break, but he slams his fingers right into Lilim's mithral breastplate under her blackjacket. He hisses faintly in pain. He then spins so he kicks Lilim in the back of the head with the sole of his foot for 5 mod.

R2T12: "An ambush from the water!" says Brand to Gek'k, Rezah, and the cousins. He bolts across in a double-move. He manages to move at a speed that almost rivals that of Gek'k, and he gets around to the back side. He has his bow, and looks sort of confused. "Gek'k, Rezah? You better hurry to figure this one out!"

R2T11: Helgath gets up with his bow and says, "Yessiree, that thing cain't get from us now y'all's here. Sun's comin' up and we gonna' avenge our boys! Giddap, woman!"

R2T10: Lilim, it comes down to your strength and endurance vs. the Scribe's speed and tactics. He's hit you in the chin for a serious blow, the neck, and the head. He's not fighting to kill (yet), but he did just press those heritage buttons. Thing is, for all of your physical power everytime you've sparred he's always had just a hair more combat experience and his defenses are nearly impossible to overcome and you always lost. You focused more on destructive spells, and sort of reached a plateau on unarmed combat. To make matters more interesting, you are very sure that while you didn't hear any casting, that was definitely an attempt to put a powerful sleep enchantment on both of you.

What do you do?

R2T8: Gek'k hears the shouting. "Well this is certainly..."

Gek'k rushes to the other side of the island.

"Nothing can ever be straight-forward, can it...?" he mutters to himself as he moves.

R2T7: Kurna gets up and grabs her bow.

R2T2: Rezah hears the shouts and sees Brand and Gek'k bolt. [I am going to assume...] Rezah likewise heads back there in his heavy armor, drawing his scimitar as he goes. He, too, sees a very naked Scribe (though with a ring, a circlet, and boots) squared off against Lilim. You smell that Lilim is bleeding, and the Scribe smells particularly of swamp water as if he had just taken a bath in the lagoon.


Fallon: 26.
Teofilo: 21.
Cousin: 20.
Son: 14.
The Scribe: 13.
Brand: 12.
Helgath: 11.
Lilim: 10.
Gek'k: 8.
Kurna: 7.
Rezah: 2.

2015-01-17, 03:50 PM
End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T26: A young girl's mellifluous voice is heard from the top of the hut as Fallon flies overhead. She casts a spell. "Scribe, let's find the truth of this. Stand down and let us figure out what is what, okay?"

"A charm?" demands the Scribe incredulously. "Really? You could have just asked."

R3T21: Teofilo instantly takes to the air. He plays his lyre and Lilim is healed of her bruises. "I'll just keep playing to heal one another until this is resolved."

R3T21: "Resolved, hell!" yells the redneck cousin who shots his bow at the Scribe and misses.

R3T20: "Kill him while he's in human form!" yells the son who likewise shoots.

R3T13: "What you say kills the heart of me," says the Scribe. "But your voice carries sincerity. Allow me the dignity of getting dressed and we shall talk this out .... without charms."

He grabs his robe and puts it on.

R3T12: "Gek'k, it's your call," Brand says with a dagger readied to be thrown.

R3T11: "No, monster. Yer killin' days is done." Helgath fires two arrows which are dodged with great agility.

"Who in the Nine Hells are these guys?! Stop shooting!!"

R3T10: Lilim, what do you do?

Gek'k on deck, Kurna in the hole ...

Fallon: 26.
Teofilo: 21.
Cousin: 20.
Son: 14.
The Scribe: 13.
Brand: 12.
Helgath: 11.
Lilim: 10.
Gek'k: 8.
Kurna: 7.
Rezah: 2.

2015-01-23, 05:17 PM
R3T10: With no skill at figuring out others, just in destruction, the tiefling monastic steps back another five feet and readies magic missile just in case The Scribe tries to do anything stupid.

R3T8: Gek'k decides the best thing he can do here is punch some swamp hicks, so an actual dialogue can occur. He moves to Helgath.

heh...Swamp hicks, he thinks.

"Put the bow down before I break it. With your face."

If the hick does anything other than putting the bow down, even speaking, Gek'k will hit him. As hard as he can.

R3T7: Kurna shoots an arrow at the Scribe, who in turn makes a quick dodge to the side. Lilim doesn't see the arrow in time to understand what the Scribe is doing, so she let's loose with a barrage of force bolts at the Scribe that all land for 11 force. She is one of the few people whose skills can overcome all of his fancy dodging.

R3T2: Rezah, all heck is breaking loose. If you close on anyone, it would take a move action, but the ground is muddy enough that if you tried to charge anyone you risk falling. Obviously, tons of options available, but just wanted you to understand the aspect of movement.What do you do?

Fallon on deck, Teofilo in the hole ...

Fallon: 26.
Teofilo: 21.
Cousin: 20.
Son: 14.
The Scribe: 13.
Brand: 12.
Helgath: 11.
Lilim: 10.
Gek'k: 8.
Kurna: 7.
Rezah: 2.

2015-01-26, 06:37 PM
R3T2: No time for diplomacy, Rezah casts a very quick spell and yells, "EVERYONE JUST STOP! THE SCRIBE ALREADY SEEMED LIKE HE WAS ABOUT TO BACK AWAY!"

Though Brand and The Scribe seem to be unaffected by Rezah's incredible Intimidation (23), Fallon, Teofilo, Gek'k, Lilim, and the crew of Duck Dynasty instantly stop.

Fallon looks like an admonished child, and Teofilo simply is impassive. The cousin and the son in no way want to anger the scary half-orc in the full plate armor.

R4T13: The Scribe does stop, but gives Lilim the staredown. She doesn't back down, and it appears to be a contest of wills right now. The Scribe looks like he could pounce on her any minute, until his body suddenly relaxes and he drops to his knees, wearing nothing but his skirtted bottom and a bare chest. "I surrender until we determine the absolute truth."

Brand grabs rope and moves over to the Scribe to tie him up (though has not done so yet). Helgath, Lilim, and Gek'k are still in a state of mild stop-shock from Rezah. (I also rule that this is enough to ruin Gek'k's readied action.) Kurna likewise does nothing, shocked that the monster gave himself up so easily.

Rezah ponders the Scribe's actions for a moment. "Nobody here holds your honor or the warmage's above reproach. I sense no evil from you, Scribe. This must be what we discussed. Teofilo, you and I must pray on this." He nods to Brand to continue.

The Duck Dynasty backs off, not sure what to do. Helgath holds his hand to Kurna, as if to advise her to just hold off on saying anything.

Gek'k, Lilim, Rezah, what do you do as Brand finishes tying the Scribe with his hands behind his back?

Fallon: 26.
Teofilo: 21.
Cousin: 20.
Son: 14.
The Scribe: 13.
Brand: 12.
Helgath: 11.
Lilim: 10.
Gek'k: 8.
Kurna: 7.
Rezah: 2.

2015-03-08, 01:08 PM
Gek'k, the frogs are facing you, and now so is the boggard chieftain. There is no doubt that you are being directly observed and no longer concealed. What do you do?

Gek'k: 24.
Daghop: 12.1.
Giant Frog #1: 12.
Giant Frog #2: 10.
Giant Frog #3: 6.

2015-03-17, 11:28 PM
"Chief Daghop," says Gek'k with an attempt at hidden timidity. "I bring my friends not to attack, but to declare that we, too, want to see the Gray Maidens punished. They turned Mama Beballa against you, and if you help join the remaining troglodytes ...."

"Tired of words. Attack!!" yells the chieftain. Well, it makes sense ... Gek'k is the only one who speaks the language, and he is the least equipped for the task of diplomacy. As can be seen. Besides, it's likely they respect strength over diplomacy.

R1T29: "Don't breech-fight!" cries The Scribe. With truly superhuman reflexes he passes Gek'k and to the side, stabbing overhead of a frog to get a warrior at reach to just barely stab into its warty upper left arm for 22.

R1T23: Fallon, likewise with great reflexes flies in and gets 10' in the air. She casts a ray of frost at a boggard who stands mouth agape at the sudden onrush. It gets hit right in the neck for 13 cold.

R1T22: Gek'k, the way to warriors is blocked by three giant frogs (medium size, but that means they are intimidatingly bigger than you). What do you do?

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1.
Fallon: 23.
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor.
Giant Frog #1: 20.
Brand: 17.
Boggard #1: 14. (14:36).
Boggard #2: 13.
Boggard #3: 13.
Giant Frog #2: 12.
Teofilo: 11.
Lilim: 10.
Giant Frog #3: 9.
Rezah: 7.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon.

2015-03-18, 04:32 PM
R1T22: Gek'k closes the moves diagonally next to the Scribe, striking out at the first, his fists a blur of violent force, enhanced by his monastic training. His first strike moves so quickly that trails of flames form that hits it for 4 + 7 fire. His body wrappings then glow lightly as he focuses martial power into them and punches with a bone-cracking 10. And with his mystic training, he launches yet another attack that drops the giant frog, leaving it to bleed out on the cavern floor.

R1T17: Brand, with short sword and dagger in hand, zooms past everyone, even between two warriors to come around to stand to the side of the chieftain, but the latter is already prepared and as soon as the smaller comes in arm's reach he swings with his warhammer, which just clangs off of Brand. Brand, for his part, stabs Daghop in the side of the head after he swung down and was low, hitting for a suprisingly powerful (for such a small guy and a small weapon) for 7.

R1T14-12: The boggard badly wounded by the Scribe lets out a loud, terrifying croak. Though it is in front of the ranseurer, Fallon in the air seems to be visibly shaken by such a horrid noise. Another charges the hole left by the fallen frog, but the Scribe tries to thrust forward to hit it as it does so. He has a bad grip, and the haft slides forward a foot and it is an awkward hold. Meanwhile, its attack with its morningstar hits with a crit to Gek'k's left knee that does 11. Yet another boggard lets forth a loud croak; even with Rezah's inspiring aura Teofilo is shaken this time. A frog 10' to Gek'k's right shoots forth its tongue to grab him, but the little monk is too fast for it.

R1T11: Despite his fear, Teofilo flies in and up next to Fallon. He moves his hand in a pattern and shoots an icicle down at one of the warriors and hits for 6 cold. Not only does it seem that he has some skill at ranged attacks, but his comfort and confidence in the air seems to help negate some of the fear he is feeling.

R1T10: Lilim, what do you do?

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1.
* Weapon deals NL damage til end R4T13.5. MA can fix grip and end this.
Fallon: 23. B1 scared her: shaken til end R3T14.
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. (:89). Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor (21, 19 when raging).
Giant Frog #1: 20. (1:22).
Brand: 17.
Boggard #1: 14. (14:36).
Boggard #2: 13.5. Steps up to engage Gek'k.
Boggard #3: 13. (30:36).
Giant Frog #2: 12.
Teofilo: 11. Shaken by B3 til end R4T13.
Lilim: 10.
Giant Frog #3: 9.
Rezah: 7.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon.

2015-03-19, 11:41 AM
R1T10: Concentrating on the Shard of Greed, the bearer of this artifact allows the flipside of the power to emerge ... generosity. Her life force is only enough to sustain five of the seven members of the party. She enhances the Scribe, herself, Brand, Rezah, and Fallon so that time slows down around them.

R1T9: A giant frog hops a little to the side to get to the bouncing morsel with its tongue, but with its best attack the frog just can't get to the little grippli 10' from it.

R1T7: Rezah, the world is in a strange haze around you .... not enough to truly effect your vision, but enough for you to judge efficiency of movement. You can get to any frog up ahead (but you can't charge because Gek'k/ the Scribe are in front of you 15' away) and still attack with movement and it still won't feel like a full hustle. What do you do?

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1.
* Weapon deals NL damage til end R4T13.5. MA can fix grip and end this.
Fallon: 23. B1 scared her: shaken til end R3T14. Haste til end R6T10.
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. (82:89). Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor (21, 19 when raging).
Giant Frog #1: 20. (1:22).
Brand: 17. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #1: 14. (14:36).
Boggard #2: 13.5. Steps up to engage Gek'k.
Boggard #3: 13. (30:36).
Giant Frog #2: 12.
Teofilo: 11. Shaken by B3 til end R4T13.
Lilim: 10. Haste til end R6T10.
Giant Frog #3: 9.
Rezah: 7. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon. Haste til end R6T10.

2015-03-19, 10:08 PM
R1T7: Rezah rushes forth at twice his normal, armored combat speed to interpose himself between Gek'k and one of the giant frogs. He compensates for the movement to ground himself, but allowing his scimitar to retain its momentum as it back cuts to almost hobble the frog, and doing an amazing 19, nearly dropping the thing with one stroke.
You can only get an extra attack when performing a FAA. Using a MA of any kind means you can only perform a single attack, as with any SA. You still can make a 5' free move when using a FAA. So, the fluff is that either you have extended your movement, or the acceleration and necessary deceleration requires compensation that even though there is some time, you need that to right yourself before committing to the one attack.

As always, this is an extra attack in a FAA sequence, and haste (and the like) never provides an extra action .... ergo, no casting a second spell.
R1T6: The last of the boggard warriors steps over beside its fellow that is facing the ranseurer with the bad grip, and it lets out a loud croak of its own, but with no apparent effect.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T29: The Scribe steps back 5', adjusts his grip, and then thrusts forth his ranseur into the chest of the boggard in front of him for 18 (max) damage and dropping it.

R2T23: Scared, Fallon casts a spell (shield) on herself.

R2T22: Gek'k, Rezah to your left, and a boggard in front of you. Rezah's position and the Scribe are both blocking giant frogs from tongue lashing you. What do you do?

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1. Haste til end R6T10.
Fallon: 23. B1 scared her: shaken til end R3T14. Haste til end R6T10.
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. (82:89). Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor (21, 19 when raging).
Giant Frog #1: 20. (1:22).
Brand: 17. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #1: 14. (-4:36).
Boggard #2: 13.5. Steps up to engage Gek'k.
Boggard #3: 13. (30:36).
Giant Frog #2: 12.
Teofilo: 11. Shaken by B3 til end R4T13.
Lilim: 10. Haste til end R6T10.
Giant Frog #3: 9. (3:22). Rezah.
Rezah: 7. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon. Haste til end R6T10.

2015-03-21, 12:27 AM
R2T22: Gek'k adjusts his stance and forms more fire around his fist. He throws forth a single powerful blow in the monster's stomach for 8 + 7 fire. So fast is his strike, though, that he is able to piston forth another strike, though the body wrap's magic has already been expended with the first strike. This time, it is simply a fist that lands at the same place on the boggard's gut for 7, and likely starting internal hemorrhaging.

R2T21: This time, Chief Daghop gives forthe a terrifying roar ... as much a croak as the others, but more intense, but one which definitely puts him into a rage. Despite feeling some inspiration from Rezah, even Lilim jumps at the sound is unsteady. Fallon screams in fear, and Teofilo is taken aback with his green-tinged face losing color.

R2T17: Brand is all over and around Chief Daghop. It is as if the little mithral clockwork is trained (or loves) to fight bigger opponents. He jumps and clips the chief in the head with his short sword for 7, comes low to stab him in the left lower arm with his dagger for 4, a stab with his short sword is blocked by armor, but Brand compensates and comes back for a crit in the chief's lower spine for 13, and it is obvious that it has affected him more than just that. The chief lets out a howl of pain and anguish! Meanwhile, Brand speaks, and though made of metal, there is a sense that he really enjoys his "work." His voice doesn't sound right, though, making squeaking and crackling sounds, and no one has a clue what he is saying ... if anything.

R2T13.5-12: Gek'k's opponent can't catch the hasted grippli. Another boggard moves in on the Scribe's forward right side, but the Scribe's acrobatics foils it, even as the Scribe deflects a frog's tongue.

R2T11: Absolutely terrified of these opponents, especially that chief, Teofilo flies back into the tunnel and down that path.

R2T10: Lilim, make no mistake, the battle may seem to be going your way, but these crazy frog creatures and their madness are terrifying. You are shaken (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Shaken), but no opponent is next to you. What do you do?

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1. Haste til end R6T10.
Fallon: 23. Haste til end R6T10. FRIGHTENED til end R4T21!!!
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. (58:89). Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor (21, 19 when raging).
*** Wounded lower spine til end R4T17.
Brand: 17. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #1: 14. (-5:36).
Boggard #2: 13.5. (13:36). Gek'k. 1d4 BLEED each round!!!
Boggard #3: 13. (30:36). The Scribe.
Giant Frog #2: 12.
Teofilo: 11. FRIGHTENED til end R6T21!!!
Lilim: 10. Haste til end R6T10. SHAKEN til end R6T21!!!
Giant Frog #3: 9. (3:22). Rezah.
Rezah: 7. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon.

2015-03-21, 03:04 PM
R2T10: Though a warmage, Lilim has no desire to get too close to anything, and not being much of a spell-archer she targets the one opponent not physically engaged, the frog 15' away from her that tried to tongue the Scribe. She casts a spell, and a searing beam of heat seeks the amphibian and burns it for 18 fire.

R2T9: The frog is badly, badly burned, but a barking command from the chief and the thing manages to continue. It bounds towards Lilim in wounded-animal anguish. But as it moves past the Scribe, he spins and kicks it for 8, dropping it.

R2T7: Rezah, you are squared off against a very badly wounded frog. What do you do?

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1. Haste til end R6T10.
Fallon: 23. Haste til end R6T10. FRIGHTENED til end R4T21!!!
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. (58:89). Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor (21, 19 when raging).
*** Wounded lower spine til end R4T17.
Brand: 17. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #1: 14. (-5:36).
Boggard #2: 13.5. (13:36). Gek'k. 1d4 BLEED each round!!!
Boggard #3: 13. (30:36). The Scribe.
Teofilo: 11. FRIGHTENED til end R6T21!!!
Lilim: 10. Haste til end R6T10. SHAKEN til end R6T21!!!
Giant Frog #3: 9. (3:22). Rezah.
Rezah: 7. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon.

2015-03-24, 08:37 PM
R2T7: Rezah seeks to put the "guard dog" out of its misery, but his first attack is miserable and skips off of the warty hide, but the second attack entirely disembowels the frog, cutting it instantly and arterial bleed gushing out, and all of the giant frogs are down. He steps back and to the side so that he is now cattie-corner to Gek'k's bleeding boggard.

R2T6: A boggard steps to Scribe's side and is easily blocked.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T29: The Scribe steps back 5', leaving a gap open for the boggard that moved up a little bit ago to have 10' space to Gek'k. The Scribe hits the one that was in front of him for 14 in the chest and then the groin for 13. The boggard is barely on its feet, but he hits it a third time for 15 in the chest and it falls.

R3T23: Fallon, like Teofilo screams in terror and flies down the tunnel from which you came.

R3T22: Gek'k, you have a bleeding boggard in front of you (and no others adjacent). What do you do?

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1. Haste til end R6T10.
Fallon: 23. Haste til end R6T10. FRIGHTENED til end R4T21!!!
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. (58:89). Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor (21, 19 when raging).
*** Wounded lower spine til end R4T17.
Brand: 17. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #1: 14. (-5:36).
Boggard #2: 13.5. (13:36). Gek'k. 1d4 BLEED each round!!!
Boggard #3: 13. (-12:36).
Teofilo: 11. FRIGHTENED til end R6T21!!!
Lilim: 10. Haste til end R6T10. SHAKEN til end R6T21!!!
Rezah: 7. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon. Scribe's side.

DEAD: Giant Frogs (3).

2015-03-24, 09:31 PM
R3T22: Gek'k smiles predatorily as he closes to strike the last boggard, focusing all his energy into the single attack into the side of its chest for 6 + 5. To the boggard's nearly dying credit .... it still stands.

R3T21: Chief Daghop takes a mighty swipe and slams it into Brand's right elbow with a loud, CLANG!! Brand looks at him, and in the clockwork mithral face, there is a look of smugness. He says something with the same strangness of sparking from his mouth, but with the language being slow, ponderous, and sounding like metal plates laboriously scraping together. It only takes the time-span of one word, though.

R3T17: Brand says something else, but gesturing to himself with his blade. This time instead of using just his short sword, Brand stabs him through the chief's left arm for 7, cuts along the neck with the dagger for 5, seems to miss with his short sword, but only to stab him powerfully in the right calf for 8 (max).

R3T13: Gek'k's opponent bleeds enough (3) that his vision grows cloudy and he drops to his knees, drops his morningstar, then slumps over slowly.

R3T10: Lilim? Only one boggard standing, on the far side of Scribe. After that, it's the Chief being fought by a mithral dervish that is just bedeviling the hell out of the ever-increasingly raging bogg. What do you do?

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1. Haste til end R6T10.
Fallon: 23. Haste til end R6T10. FRIGHTENED til end R4T21!!!
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. (38:89). Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor (21, 19 when raging).
*** Wounded lower spine til end R4T17.
Brand: 17. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #2: 13.5. (-1:36). Gek'k. 1d4 BLEED each round!!!
Boggard #3: 13. (-13:36).
Teofilo: 11. FRIGHTENED til end R6T21!!!
Lilim: 10. Haste til end R6T10. SHAKEN til end R6T21!!!
Rezah: 7. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon. Scribe's side.

Stable: Boggard 1 (-5).

DEAD: Giant Frogs (3).

2015-03-25, 08:59 PM
R3T10: Lilim tosses a splatter of acid at the boggard fighting the Scribe and misses.

R3T7: Rezah, what do you do?

Last boggard on deck, The Scribe is in the hole ...

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1. Haste til end R6T10.
Fallon: 23. Haste til end R6T10. FRIGHTENED til end R4T21!!!
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. (38:89). Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor (21, 19 when raging).
*** Wounded lower spine til end R4T17.
Brand: 17. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #2: 13.5. (-1:36). Gek'k. 1d4 BLEED each round!!!
Boggard #3: 13. (-13:36).
Teofilo: 11. FRIGHTENED til end R6T21!!!
Lilim: 10. Haste til end R6T10. SHAKEN til end R6T21!!!
Rezah: 7. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon. Scribe's side.

Stable: Boggard 1 (-5).

DEAD: Giant Frogs (3).

2015-03-30, 12:18 AM
R3T7: Appreciating the clockwork's desire for one-on-one combat, Rezah briefly considers letting him continue. It is more important, however, that the infidel be dispatched and let duels be duels. Rezah charges the chief since the other boggard is besieged by enough of Jolly's allies, and his scimitar is fouled briefly in Chief Daghop's very fine hide armor.

R3T6: The boggard is easily blocked by teamwork parrying from a dizzying spin from the academic and hard swishing blocks from Gek'k.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T29: The Scribe sidles around to get some distance to the last boggard guard while making sure Gek'k is free enough. He stabs deep through the humanoid's left knee and the latter gives out a loud croaking cry of pain as he suffers 32, dropping it instantly and he folows it up with a thrust to its stomach for 17. The wide tines of his ranseur are obviously caught in its stomach and he rips his weapon out. The obviously spitted thing goes flying, against the same side wall as you entered, and the Scribe has to step on a long string of intestine to extricate his weapon.

R4T22: Gek'k, there is only the enemy - the chief. From your vantage, the most direct route would be to move right up to Jolly's right and the chief would be to your FWD-Left. What do you do?

Chief Daghop on deck, Brand in the hole ...

The Scribe: 29. Boggard #1. Haste til end R6T10.
Fallon: 23. Haste til end R6T10. FRIGHTENED til end R4T21!!!
Gek'k: 22.
Chief Daghop: 21. (38:89). Use advanced template. +2 to all rolls. +2 natural armor (21, 19 when raging).
*** Wounded lower spine til end R4T17.
Brand: 17. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #2: 13.5. (-1:36). Gek'k. 1d4 BLEED each round!!!
Boggard #3: 13. (-13:36).
Teofilo: 11. FRIGHTENED til end R6T21!!!
Lilim: 10. Haste til end R6T10. SHAKEN til end R6T21!!!
Rezah: 7. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #4: 6. (23:36). Hit by Fallon. Scribe's side.
Stable: Boggard 1 (-5).

DEAD: Giant Frogs (3). Boggard #4.

2015-03-31, 12:20 AM
R4T22: Gek'k, moves to the optimal position and strikes the chief in the stomach for 8.

R4T21: In a fury he swings at this newcomer but Gek'k is too quick for him.

R4T17: Brand only steps to the side 5' to now flank the chief with Gek'k. He is now truly a dervish ducking and and around and back to position. His fighting style is entirely adapted to making use of a flanker while fighting bigger opponents. Instead of fighting with just the short sword, he now includes the dagger. He thrusts with his short sword deep into its the little abdomen for 12, slashes across the inner tendon of the left elbow for 12 with his dagger, then climbs up the chief's already lower spine with two vertebrae out, and he then - having mounted the chief - stabs straight down into the brain pan. The chief's eyes grow quite wide and he begins to quiver. He then begins to buck and shake in death throes, with Brand holding onto his sword as a rancher breaking a horse. Finally, with a crack Brand is thrown clear. He tumbles into a tight ball of mithral before popping up into standing position a few feet away, as the chief finally just face-plants onto the ground.

Combat Ends ...

One Boggard bleeds out to death, and unless anyone stops him, Brand perfoms coup des graces on all boggards.

Any questions?

The Scribe: 29. Haste til end R6T10.
Fallon: 23. Haste til end R6T10. FRIGHTENED til end R4T21!!!
Gek'k: 22.
Brand: 17. Haste til end R6T10.
Boggard #3: 13. (-14:36).
Teofilo: 11. FRIGHTENED til end R6T21!!!
Lilim: 10. Haste til end R6T10. SHAKEN til end R6T21!!!
Rezah: 7. Haste til end R6T10.

STABLE: Boggard 1 (-5). Boggard 2 (-2).

DEAD: Giant Frogs (3). Boggard #4. Chief Daghop.

2015-04-07, 02:43 PM
R1T30: The Scribbler's long manages to squeeze through the hole it created. It/He is now facing the party and giving a hissing growl. For those who knew him as Speckled Antelope before the visual curse was lifted, you now see why his "fake look" as Speckled Antelope was as it was. The hair patterns on this massive mustelidae's body are similar to the coloring on Speckled Antelope's skin (but looks better and makes more sense as an animal). The only thing different is that his eyes are still violet, instead of he original brown.

R1T27: Fallon instantly takes flight to the top of the cavern ceiling. "What do we do? What do we do?!"

R1T24: Gek'k, you are faster and can attack several more times, but his geometric defense and still-admirable agility often usually bring striking a blow difficult for either of you. You have spent your life in combat form, so you are more practiced, but his raw strength and durability gives him an ability to outlast most. Then, counter that as well with the fact that with your body-hardening exercises you can shrug bits of NL damage here and there to do quite well. Simply put, you often spar to a draw.

Now, it is hard to tell what might happen if you actually come to blows. His teeth are far more deadly, and his great size probably yields significantly greater power and durability. You don't really know anything about lycanthropes beyond the part that everyone knows: harmed by silver weapons. There are three ways this is likely to go. First, Scribble turns around and runs deeper back into the tunnels, perhaps to feed on troglodytes. Second, this group of humanoids facing off against it with the bright light. Third, try to get past you to somewhere outside the caves. But as a combatant The Scribe was already a bipedal monster with a mind. The gods only knows what is in front of you now.

*** Power of Faith til end R10.
The Scribble: 30.
Fallon: 27. Delaying.
Gek'k: 24.
Brand: 21.
Rezah: 16.
Teofilo: 10.
Lilim: 5.

2015-06-15, 02:11 AM
And so, Lilim begins to slowly and systematically sizzle the first. The entire roofing structure is destroyed (the majority of it not dissolved so much as the supports being destroyed and the rest falling to the "floor), and most of the wall - enough to see into. The hut does indeed seem to be partially submerged, but with living area for a boggard or two built on a weak shelf above the mud.

The second, however, has a boggard popping up out of the mud in front of what is likely its hut. It practically steps from the mud onto the trail with an incredible ease. In its hand it bears a muddy knife. It is not quite as ready as it would like to be, with the sleepy not fully removed from its semi-mudcaked eyes.

Surprise Round ...

T27: Fallon, who is flying around bored overhead, must have seen the bubbling first from her aerial view (about 20') away. She flies down to over the roof of his(?) hut and shoots him right in the groin with a cold spell for 13.

T26: Alianium moves such that he is now 10' from the boggard and stabs it through the left shoulder for 16.

T25: Gek'k, it will take you 10' along the path to get to the boggard. What do you do?

Fallon: 27.
Alianium: 26.
Gek'k: 25.
Lilim: 21.
Brand: 12.
Rezah: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Boggard #1: 1. (7:36).

2015-06-17, 03:04 PM
T25: Gek'k moves 10' down the path to the boggard and strikes. The boggard barely stands.Bleeding comes from landing two or more blows.
T21: Lilim, the boggard, barely alive, is 15' from you and is threatened by Gek'k. (Alianium threatens it, but at reach.) What do you do

Fallon: 27.
Alianium: 26.
Gek'k: 25.
Lilim: 21.
Brand: 12.
Rezah: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Boggard #1: 1. (0:36). DISABLED!!!

2015-06-21, 04:20 AM
The next hut, on the other side, also has a boggard coming out of the bog with an attempt at stealth. There is practically no need to move, and the Scribe simply stabs with his ranseur with a fine low shot to the creature's left foot, and then follows that up with a critical pierce right to its cheek for, at which point itt drops immediately and begins to bleed out. There was no "battle."

The party finds the same Gray Maiden masterwork dagger caked with filth in this boggard's hands, and the same action is done to it. The party is now closest to the largest hut in the village.

Gek'k, what do you want to do?

The Scribe: 30. !
Gek'k: 20.
Teofilo: 18.
Fallon: 14. !
Lilim: 14. !
Brand: 12.
Rezah: 5.
Boggard: 4. !

DEAD: Boggards (2).

2015-06-26, 10:49 PM
The entire boggard village has been a patch of firm ground built on the shores of a larger pond, with the huts in muddy parts and the paths good walking paths even for humans (even though muddy, but not enough to affect speed). The party already passed part of something that looked like a village square and firepit that was unlit, but just a little bit further down the path is a 10-foot-diameter pit filled with muddy water mars the area. A fence of sticks surrounds the hut, and sharp wooden stakes have been attached to the fence to point inward, making any attempt to climb out of the pit treacherous indeed.

The sizzling begins again at the hut directly across from the large one. A boggard slinks out from near that one, and Brand and Lilim fail to notice.

Surprise Round ...

Fallon focuses her skills on ambush against the boggard and casts a ray of frost, hitting it in the head for 23 cold, plus an extreme case of brain freeze (sickened). It came up right next to the Scribe, so he does a spinning roundhouse to its stomach for 16. It is down. Continuing slaughter of village.

Fallon: 25.
Alianium: 18.
Gek'k: 11.
Rezah: 10.
Boggard: 7. (14:37). Sickened til end R5T25.

2015-06-26, 11:14 PM
This time, sneaking out onto the far northern path, seemingly to have escaped the devastation from the southern hut's destruction, a boggard is only barely noticed by the Scribe, Fallon, Lilim, and Teofilo. It is 40' across very difficult terrain.

Surprise Round ...

Fallon flies up 10' and 20' forward and shoots at it with her frost ray to hit it in its left hand for 20 cold. It drops the morningstar in pain and discomfort. For the first time EVER, the Scribe goes wuxia. Since trying to get a running start would just land him in the muck, he makes a leap without a running start. He leaps up and forward 6' high into the air while traveling 24' feet. In the air he uses a one-arm hold of his ranseur's mid-pole at his waist to look like a human helicopter as he grabs his bola. The instant he softs land more than halfway across the bog section he tosses his bola at it for 9 NL.

Lilim, what do you do?
Fallon: 26.
The Scribe: 24.
Lilim: 20.
Teofilo: 15.
Boggard: 8. (17:33, 9 NL). SICKENED until end R2T26.

DEAD: Boggards (4)

2015-06-29, 04:16 AM
The good news is that the boggard flies end over end and skips along a sapling until its corpse gets mangled into a shrub. The bad news is that unlike the less ostentatious battle cantrips, magic missile creates a distinctive sound. Distinctive and loud enough to wake up the rest of the village, and they start coming out of their huts ... but no longer surprised.

Round One ...

R1T27: The Scribe does some fancy, spinning low-head/ high kick that doesn't land as it thwacks off the central boggard's hide. He adjusts his style to note be so acrobatic and foot-dependent (as he normally is when unarmed) due to the shifting mud underneath him. He tries a knife hand, but nearly slips in the mud. Still, something within him continues this incredible volley of attacks. He then does a straight punch to the boggard's neck for 13.

R1T25: There's no chance of ambush, but Fallon definitely can get the first strike. She barely hits her target after adjusting for The Scribe, and that same boggard then gets iced in the foot for 11 cold.

R1T20: Rezah ... finally. You can do something! The only enemy you can see from your vantage is a giant toad that just popped up from a hut and onto the path in front of a rather shocked Gek'k. What do you do?


Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20.
Brand: 19.
Giant Toad.
B2: 17. (9:33).
B3: 14. (33:33).
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
B1: 7. (33:33).
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (32:33).

DEAD: Boggards (4)

2015-06-30, 07:41 PM
R1T20: Rezah says a prayer to Sarenrae, asking for her blessing in the fight to come. The heroes feel the fire of passion in their bellies, even as any enemies near Rezah feel their own battle anger waning.

R1T19: Brand takes out his dagger carefully, his metallic eyes whirring and changing but never losing his gaze of his target. He takes careful aim and throws his dagger at the giant toad for a whopping 25, badly wounding it. He then steps forward next to Gek'k.

R1T18: Despite Brand's aggression, the squishy body with the delicious scent has the giant toad focused on Gek'k. Amazingly, it actually manages a bite on the nimble monk's right shoulder for 5.

R2117-14: The badly wounded boggard desperately slashes at the Scribe while another appears from around the southwest to appear next to the giant toad and facing Gek'k.

R1T10: Gek'k, you are facing a boggard and a wounded giant toad. What do you do?

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
Giant Toad. 18. (8:33).
B2: 17. (9:33).
B3: 14. (33:33).
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
B1: 7. (33:33).
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (32:33).

DEAD: Boggards (4)

2015-07-10, 10:10 PM
R1T10: Gek'k punches the ever-loving stuffing out of the giant toad, and it drops.

R1T9: Teofilo flies 10' to the and down 5' so he is 5' above the ground and surrounded by heroes. He casts CLW on Gek'k to heal him completely.

R1T8: Popping up from the water is a boggard with a bow. Gek'k ducks one arrow as the other goes wide. It definitely has cover out there. It is 45' south of Gek'k, and just over 10' away from the water's edge.

R1T7: There is a loud and terrible croaking sound north towards the Fallon-Scribe skirmish.

R1T6: Lilim, look at the map. You don't see B1 or B3. What do you do?

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
B2: 17. (9:33).
B3: 14. (33:33).
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
B1: 7. (33:33). Croaked.
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (32:33).

DEAD: Boggards (4). Toad Companion.

2015-07-14, 07:08 PM
R1T6-4: Lilim moves 15' east to be on the other side of Rezah. She casts a spell and a bridge of fire leaps in an arc from her fingers to the boggard to the east by the water. His eyes open wide as he stands in shock as the flames burn him. His leather armor pops and curls and the crude fasteners burn away, destroying his protection. He is terribly scarred and burnt, but he comes towards the group with a savage and wild look and hops right up to Rezah, heedless of his own pain.


It is a terrifying death croak. Rezah's stalwart nature keeps everyone from feeling too uneasy, but it is still a sight to see.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T27: The Scribe thrusts deep into his opponent, dropping it. Another similar belly thrust to the opponent to the NW for 13, though that one hadn't yet been wounded.

R2T27: Fallon sends forth a ray of frost at the same opponent to do 2 cold.

"We really need to get you something better than that, you know," the Scribe calls up to her. She simply smiles with a big grin and shrugs demurely.

R2T20: Rezah, a very badly burnt boggard with no armor is brandishing its morningstar and filthy dagger right in your helmeted face. What do you do?

Brand on deck, a boggard #3 in the hole ...

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
B2: 17. (-6:33). DYING!!!
B3: 14. (21:33).
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
B1: 7. (18:33). Croaked.
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (4:33). Croaked.

DEAD: Boggards (4). Toad Companion.

2015-07-14, 08:29 PM
R2T20: "The fire has cleansed you! You will now stand before Her Light, free from your mortal coil!" Rezah bellows as he lashes out with his scimitar, clipping its head for 3, but not. quite. dropping. him.Stop adding, please. The +2 is on your sheet for one-handed. Yes, I know you get +1 for your prayer spell, but if I have a bunch of bonuses/penalties, I want to know what is coming from where.

R2T19: Brand shoots at Rezah's opponent and it drops. He then spins and shoots and hits the other boggard for a severe critical of 9, and the boggard is stunned and drops his morningstar and dagger.

R2T10: Gek'k, what do you do?

Teofilo on deck, archer in the water in the hole ...

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
B2: 17. (-7:33). DYING!!!
B3: 14. (12:33). STUNNED til end R8T19!!!
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
B1: 7. (18:33). Croaked.
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (1-633). Croaked. DYING!!!

DEAD: Boggards (4). Toad Companion.

2015-07-15, 04:05 PM
R2T10: Taking the cue from Rezah and Lilim, Gek'k strikes at B3 with a furious fist of fire, hoping to drop him. He nails him right in the head for 6 + 6 fire. The boggard is stunned and disabled, but still standing.

R2T9: Teofilo flies up a little (10') and zooms south to the water's edge, where he lets loose with an arc of lightning at the archer in the water, hitting it in the chest for 6 electricity.http://i1357.photobucket.com/albums/q755/lostsole31/Mama%20Beballa_zpseqvwxlxa.jpg
R2T8: She counters with a croak that is louder than the others, but the young undine remains stalwart.

R2T7: Fallon dodges a sticky tongue from her opponent.

R2T6: Lilim? What do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Fallon in the hole ...

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
B2: 17. (-7:33). DYING!!!
B3: 14. (0:33). STUNNED til end R8T19!!!
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
B1: 7. (18:33). Croaked.
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (-6:33). Croaked. DYING!!!

DEAD: Boggards (4). Toad Companion.

2015-07-15, 10:59 PM
R2T6: Lilim throws a scorching ray at the boggard by Gek'k, blowing a hole clear through its chest as it drops.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T27: The Scribe does a solid 14 on his first strike to the last boggard's left arm, but then comes around in a twirling spin with a crippling blow to the boggard's chest for a crit of 33. Just as Lilim's fire blasted a hole in one boggard, so has the Scribe's ranseur skewered through its chest. The boggard slowly slides down the handle .... the Scribe might need to take some time to clear his weapon.

R3T25: Fallon flies down to the south, 10' behind Teofilo (and at the same 10' altitude). She concentrates and swings her hands out in an arc towards the archer in the water and pixie dust spreads all around the enemy. The archer starts to droop, but then shakes its head and seems to be fully back in the game.

R3T20: Rezah, only one enemy boggard remains ... the archer with cover in the water, 55' SSW from your position. What do you do?

Brand on deck, Gek'k in the hole ...

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
B2: 17. (-7:33). DYING!!!
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (-7:33). Croaked. DYING!!!

DEAD: Boggards (6). Toad Companion.

2015-07-18, 01:51 AM
R3T20: Rezah moves around the unknown pit and down some. He then draws on his unwavering faith and bellows in a commanding voice, "HALT!"

To everyone's surprise, the archer in the woman stands there, seemingly a little confused.

R3T19: Brand zooms down and slightly SE along the trail so as not to get mired in the swamp, and he shoots at her. The arrow slices through the side of her neck for 9 before the bloodied missile passes along into the swampy waters.

R3T10: Gek'k, the dark green is swamp, and the light is trail, but that doesn't matter to you since your people are bred to walking on this terrain. The problem is that what is mid-height for the boggard would have you submerged if you want to swim out to meet her ... and fighting underwater is something you don't do well. What do you do?

Teofilo on deck, the archer is halted, and Lilim is in the hole ...

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
B2: 17. (-8:33). DYING!!!
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8. HALTED (COMMAND) til end R4T20!!!
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (-7:33). Croaked. DYING!!!

DEAD: Boggards (6). Toad Companion.

2015-07-20, 12:13 AM
R3T10: Gek'k moves to the edge of the water, drawing Kohaku-Ren as he approaches the shore. Testing its balance, he grasps the hoop in his left hand as he hurls the edged bronze at the female boggard. Trailing licks of flame the weapon just barely manages to keep from falling into the water, but just barely skips across the boggard's studded leather armor.

Also, the verbage on the Kohaku-ren is confusing on the charsheet. Am I able or unable to use Elemental Fist through it as a ki-focus, such as in this situation?YES! :smallsmile: That's exactly the type of thing for which Kohaku-Ren was created.
R3T9: Teofilo focuses quietly and throws his hand to shoot an arc of lightning at the boggard but it goes wide, too wide for any use.

R3T8-6: Rezah's yelling halt must have worked; she isn't attacking, only defending. Lilim, what do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Fallon in the hole ...

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
B2: 17. (-8:33). DYING!!!
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8. HALTED (COMMAND) til end R4T20!!!
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (-7:33). Croaked. DYING!!!

DEAD: Boggards (6). Toad Companion.

2015-07-21, 05:11 AM
R3T8-6: Up until now, Lilim's fire spells were only as powerful as scorching ray and the like. Her annoyance with this lone archer in the water really has her peeved and she puts all she can into throwing a mote of far enough behind the boggard so as not to hurt her allies. A small mote of flame licks well overhead and lands just above the water, exploding in a blossom of heat. The magic was within her, but seeing that she can finally bring it forth is a beautiful surprise. She manages to just lower further into the water to keep from getting the full blast, taking only 12 fire.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T27: The Scribe hustles through the swampy center and onto the path up to Rezah.

R4T25: Fallon moves around in a circle overhead to come back to her position. Once there, she concentrates quietly and focuses on the water well past the archer. Swamp grasses and the like creep up in an 80' diameter (with she 5' behind the northernmost track. The grasping roots and vegetation end just before the water's edge, leaving Gek'k clear (barely). More with power than agility, the boggard manages to keep from getting wrapped up.

R4T20: Rezah, what do you do? Getting into the water by the enemy will just put you in danger of being entangled. The Scribe is standing right next to you if that matters at all.
She neither spoke, gestured, nor used a druidic focus or divine effigy, but you recognize the effects of the druid/ ranger/ shaman/ plant domain spell known as entangle. This is probably some fey power she has (aka, SLA).
Brand on deck, Gek'k in the hole ...

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
>>>ENTANGLE in place!!!
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
B2: 17. (-8:33). DYING!!!
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8. HALTED (COMMAND) til end R4T20!!!
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (-8:33). Croaked. DYING!!!

DEAD: Boggards (6). Toad Companion.

2015-07-26, 04:05 AM
R4T20: Rezah casts a spell, and a floating, translucent scimitar appears above the archer and hits her for 10 (max) force damage.

R4T19: Brand fires two arrows that both hit for 19.

R4T10: Gek'k, what do you do? Recognize there is an entangling field of underwater roots and vegetation that writhes right up to the water's edge.

Teofilo on deck, archer in the hole ...

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
>>>ENTANGLE in place!!!
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (-8:33). Croaked. DYING!!!

B2: 17. (-8:33).

DEAD: Boggards (6). Toad Companion.

2015-07-26, 05:46 PM
R4T10: Second verse, same as the first... With a flick of his wrist, Gek'k retrieves the thrown Kohaku-ren and sends it sailing again at the boggard in the water. Sadly, as per the past, it missed. Second verse, same as the first...

R4T9: Teofilo sends a lightning arc that hits the archer for 6 electricity.

R4T8: The archer gives a hissing croak and fires twice at Teofilo with one of the arrows making a clear exit on the very side of his stomach for 13.

R4T6: Lilim, what do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Fallon on deck ...

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
>>>ENTANGLE in place!!!
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (-8:33). Croaked. DYING!!!

B2: 17. (-8:33).

DEAD: Boggards (6). Toad Companion.

2015-08-03, 11:17 PM
R4T6: Lilim fires off another ray of heat that erupts poorly at her hand. She just manages to pull her hand away from the flash of the spell effect and so does not burn herself.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T27: The Scribe takes out a wand and points it at the archer. And nothing happens. This seems to happen to him a lot when he uses items with which he has not had specific training or an affinity.
:smallsigh: That's several wand fails and at least 2 scroll fails in his career. He's tied for top in the group for UMD, right up there with Fallon (and a point behind for Teofilo ... this latter who makes this a focus of his studies and career), but he has had some terrible luck. Now I know why Ichibod left his own wands (sans shield) with Teofilo. Regardless of "numbers on a sheet", fishlips knows how to get the job done.

R5T25: The archer continues to wriggle out of any holds of the vegetation coming up out of the water. Fallon looks at the Scribe quizzically. "Was something supposed to happen?"

By total irony and without knowing that his wand is the same spell as the one she is casting, the flying fey girl sends forth an enchantment. "If I release the plants and my friends stop shooting at you, are you willing to do the same? You're outnumbered, outmagicked, your people lay dead or dying. Let us meet a truce."

*** PRAYER: Allies gain a +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks, while each of your foes takes a -1 penalty on such rolls.
>>>ENTANGLE in place!!!
Alianium: 27.
Fallon: 25.
Rezah: 20. Prayer til end R6T20.
Brand: 19.
Gek'k: 10.
Teofilo: 9.
Mama Beballa: 8.
Lilim: 6.
B4: 1. (-9:33). Croaked. DYING!!!

B2: 17. (-8:33).

DEAD: Boggards (6). Toad Companion.

2015-08-14, 01:09 AM
The pit isn't really deep, but the width and thickness of the sidewalls give it that impression. Lilim peers down into the soggy, muddy pit below.

Rezah exclaims as he does, and The Scribe stands aside him to clap him as a brother-in-arms. "The Bastion of Solku! My, but I had forgotten. Days are rolling into ----"

There is a great noise, like the mixture of a croak and a burbling roar!

Something is splashing around in the pit.

Round One ...

R1T29: The Scribe quickly recovers from his being upstaged into whatever speech he was about to make and he moves up to the pit and readies his ranseur to attack through the fence.

R1T25: Gek'k, you are 20' from the edge of the pit, what do you do?

The Scribe: 29. Readied!
Gek'k: 25.
Fallon: 24.
Teofilo: 22.
Brand: 17.
Bogwid: 16.
Rezah: 15.
Lilim: 6. She doesn't know what this is.

2015-08-17, 03:48 PM
R1T25: Gek'k hangs back, figuring that if the thing is stuck in the pit, it's stuck in the pit.

R1T24: "Bogwid!" shouts Fallon with no attempt to heal disgust. "It's an aberration with a disgusting smell that can make mighty warriors tremble. Stay back!"

Her wings deftly hover at an altitude of 40' and instead of casting a spell, it looks like she is about to but is waiting for something as she gathers something from her pouch (including what seems to be a feather).

R1T22: Teofilo flies up next to her to get a view of what's below. His flight is effortless compared to her otherwise adroit, winged flight. He casts a spell on himself and becomes invisible.

R1T17: In a movement to hard to see, Brand's short sword and dagger are in his hands. He hunkers down some so that he might not be the first one noticed when whatever comes a-calling.

R1T16: Tentacles come up and wrap themselves around a portion of the pit's fence to pull it up and rip parts of it away, though it does look it hurts itself for 2 in tentacles for doing so. And then, it comes up and shows itself. The Scribe, instead of thrusting straight on, makes this fantastically improbable calculation and stabs so that the side tines catch along a piece of the fence; the ranseur hits with unparalleled perfection while snapping the spike off and lodging it well into the creature even while the Scribe recovers from the thrust. The area of the main body of this vile thing is heavily damaged for 40 and 2 bleed. Brand pops up and makes a single precise strike for 21. Fallon casts her readied spell, throwing what appears to be a tiny pie at it and using her other hand in a tickling motion with her feather. The bogwid rolls around ridiculously - "prone" - and its many tentacles flailing about. There is a terrible stench coming from the thing. The Scribe and Lilim save, and Brand is unaffected (which, as a construct, is to be expected).

R1T15: Rezah, the monster is 15' from you. This nightmare shambled along the ground on eight muscular tentacles - before falling and rolling around, affected by Fallon's magic - that leave behind a clear viscous residue stinking of putrefaction. Its amphibian skin is moist, green-black, and covered in warts and protuberances. On its back, dozens of fistsized pustules shift and pulsate with nauseating vitality, like sentient oily bubbles threatening to burst.
What do you do?

Lilim on deck, Gek'k in the hole ...

Gek'k: 25.
Teofilo: 22. Invisibility.
The Scribe: 16.5.
Fallon: 16.3.
Brand: 16.1. Hiding. Readied to attack.
Bogwid: 16. (7:70). 2 bleed on each turn. HIDEOUS LAUGHTER til end R9T16.1.
Rezah: 15.
Lilim: 6. She doesn't know what this is.

2015-08-21, 02:22 PM
R1T15: Rezah puts in a full charge with a battle cry to the Dawnflower, but as soon as he gets within 10' the revolting aura so that when he finally gets next to the creature he barely even swings so much as keeps from wretching.

R1T6: Lilim, what do you do?

Gek'k on deck (it rhymes!), Teofilo (invisible) in the hole ...

Gek'k: 25.
Teofilo: 22. Invisibility.
The Scribe: 16.5.
Fallon: 16.3.
Brand: 16.1. Hiding. Readied to attack.
Bogwid: 16. (7:70). 2 bleed on each turn. HIDEOUS LAUGHTER til end R9T16.1.
Rezah: 15. Sickened.
Lilim: 6. She doesn't know what this is.

2015-09-07, 01:55 AM
R1T18: Teofilo calls beginning, and opponents are 10' distant. Rezah's comes at him right away with a leaping attack that brings her down with a high strike, and Rezah's armor shudders - just having barely withstood the initial assault.

R1T17: Gek'k, you are 10' from your opponent. What do you do?

Lilim on deck, Rezah in the hole ... Since each of you have your own combatant, all of you state your actions.

Rezah's Boggard: 18. (45:45).
Gek'k: 17.
Lilim: 14.
Rezah: 7.
Gek'k's Boggard: 4. (45:45).
Lilim's Boggard: 2. (45:45).

2015-09-08, 08:29 PM
R1T17: Gek'k flashes Kohaku-ren at his opponent in a flurry of attacks, each successive blow seeming to encourage him to greater and greater speedsThe first nails her left foot for 9, the second across her belly for another 9, but on his third while planting and doing a pivot Gek'k's left foot feels sprained at the arch as his weapon goes wide

Oh gods that third strike is certainly a wild card... Gek'k lightly sprains his left foot for 1 DEX. Even with that pain, Gek'k refuses to allow himself to falter and a loud crack of lightning fires a jolt as he redoubles the wound onto his enemy's left foot for 8 and 4 electricity.

R1T14-7: Lilim casts a spell on herself, covering herself in blue flames that are thin and wispy. Rezah casts a spell on himself and his jawline looks a little sharper and more defined.

R1T4-2: Gek'k's badly wounded, bleeding opponent croaks in anger. Even with his mental training, and the inspiration of Rezah's unflappable demeanor, Gek'k knows fear. Lilim is not so impressed. Her opponent charges her but the morningstar skips across her armor.

End Round One, Begin Round Two ...

R2T18: Rezah's opponent jumps up and comes down with a terrible attack that the paladin easily deflects with an overhead circle defense.

R2T17-7: Heroes, what do you do?

Rezah's Boggard: 18. (45:45).
Gek'k: 17. Left foot sprained for 1 DEX. Shaken til end R3T4.
Lilim: 14. Fire (chill) shield til end R7T14.
Rezah: 7. Bull's strength.
Gek'k's Boggard: 4. (15:45). 1d4 bleed/ rd.
Lilim's Boggard: 2. (45:45).

2015-09-11, 03:53 AM
R2T17-7: Gek'k flurries again with Kohaku-ren, this time conserving that last bit of energy, not wishing to overextend again. His first is a brilliant pierce and tear into her right quad for 21 and follow-up bleed of 2. That was enough to drop her right there, and with a few more spins and massive bleeding there is little doubt she is dead. Lilim rips three arcane bolts into her opponent for 14. Rezah trades blows blows with his opponent and gets her right across the very lower abdomen for 14 (his holy power raging through him) and then continues out, up, over, and back the same way to cut into her tricep for 14.

R2T2: Lilim's opponent misses wildly, smacking herself on the side of the head by the ear, though not for any apparentt effect.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T18: Having doubled over some from Rezah's attack, his opponent comes low with a sweep that nails Rezah for 13.

R3T17-14: Gek'k, do you interfere with the others' combatants, as if three-against-three? or, do you hold back as if there were three invidual one-on-one duels?

Lilim on deck, Rezah in the hole ...

Rezah's Boggard: 18. (17:45).
Gek'k: 17. Left foot sprained for 1 DEX. Shaken til end R3T4.
Lilim: 14. Fire (chill) shield til end R7T14.
Rezah: 7. Bull's strength.
Lilim's Boggard: 2. (31:45).

2015-09-18, 01:08 AM
R3T17-14: Gek'k steps back, breathing lightly, allowing his allies their battles. Lilim only just gets the side of her opponent's chest with 9 fire from a beam of heat. Rezah channels holy energy through his hand into his wound to heal all his wounds before committing fully to his assault. He cuts across her shield to get her in the arm. As she raises her shield in pain and reflex to protect the wounded area, she leaves her abdomen exposed. Rezah cuts across with a nasty wound across her belly and she falls.

It is now only Lilim and her opponent.

R3T2: The boggard slams her morningstar to deeply into the ground, but she is faster than her kin and twists it quickly enough that it does not get stuck.

R4T14: Lilim?

Rezah's Boggard: 18. (-4:45).
Gek'k: 17. Left foot sprained for 1 DEX. Shaken til end R3T4.
Lilim: 14. Fire (chill) shield til end R7T14.
Rezah: 7. Bull's strength.
Lilim's Boggard: 2. (22:45).

DEAD: Boggard.

2015-09-19, 04:42 AM
EDIT: There was no shield, but it was her "shield arm."
R4T14: She is not happy with her own spells as something deep within Lilim wants to feel the boggard's bones break under her fists. She lashes out with tail that smacks against the boggard's chest. It doesn't hurt her target but does halt the boggard enough to set up for the claws that dig for a total 14, but still not dropping the wife.
R4T2: The boggard misses again.

R5T14: Lilim?

Rezah's Boggard: 18. (-5:45).
Gek'k: 17. Left foot sprained for 1 DEX. Shaken til end R3T4.
Lilim: 14. Fire (chill) shield til end R7T14.
Rezah: 7. Bull's strength.
Lilim's Boggard: 2. (8:45).

DEAD: Boggard.

2015-10-25, 04:33 AM
Gek'k's muscles bulk up to provide him with strength equivalent to the Scribe and Brand, while Lilim is now imbued with the prowess of ancient heroes of Sarenrae and Kelesh.

R1T25: Fallon opens it right up, throwing faerie dust that covers two of the columns that happen to be w/in 10' of each other; floating, glittering particles of this magic powder are thickly suspended in the air, further revealing the cracks and outlines of the columns. Of particular note, both of those columns' pairs of eyes are covered over with thick bits of the colorful particles, seemingly obscuring what passes for vision.

R1T24: The Scribe rushes forth to one of the unaffected columns and practically rips the column out of its mount as he puts it in a grapple for 4 mod as the marble skin resists most of his power.

R1T18: Rezah, you are about 20' to either of the two unaffected columns, and 30'/ 40' to the other two. You don't know the effect Fallon used, so there is the chance you might become blinded if you step into the latter area. What do you do?

*** Glitterdust til end R5T25.
Fallon: 25.
The Scribe: 24. CC1.
Rezah: 18.
CC1: 17. (46:50). The Scribe.
CC2: 16. (50:50).
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength.
Brand: 10.
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks).
CC3: 1. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!

2015-10-27, 09:22 PM
R1T18: Rezah concentrates on the area around him, which includes the four columns, but he does not detect any golems.

R1T17: Scribe's column fails to escape his grapple.

R1T12: Gek'k, what do you do?

*** Glitterdust til end R5T25.
Fallon: 25.
The Scribe: 24. CC1.
Rezah: 18.
CC1: 17. (46:50). The Scribe.
CC2: 16. (50:50). DELAYING!!!
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength.
Brand: 10.
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks).
CC3: 1. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!

2015-11-01, 07:10 PM
R1T12: Gek'k moves right up to the column engaged with The Scribe. With a punch he does 3 mod, but it is so hard that he takes 7. It was a painful lesson, but a useful probe.

R1T10: Brand reaches out his hand and makes a gesture to the unattended, unmoving column and there is some mechanical noise that comes from him, but nothing appears to happen.

R1T9: The column, in response, fully animates and steps forth right up to the metal halfling and with its bizarre two-headed guisarme slashes twice. Brand gets nailed once, but his mithral body appears to have been too tough to actually cut into, as if he were wearing the finest plate armor.

R1T7: Teofilo moves behind Rezah and says, "Sarenrae may be your sword, but allow Ylimancha to be your shield!"

He casts shield of faith and places it on everyone's favorite Jolly paladin.

R1T5: Lilim, you saw Gek'k hurt his fist significantly more than the damage he caused the marble woman, yet you are filled with the prowess of scions gone by. What do you do?

Blinded columns on deck, end of round, and Fallon in the hole ...

*** Glitterdust til end R5T25.
Fallon: 25.
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18.
CC1: 17. (43:50). The Scribe, Gek'k.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. CC2.
CC2: 9. (50:50). Brand.
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks).
CC3: 1. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!

2015-11-03, 03:20 PM
R1T5: Lilim charges Brand's opponent with a leaping forearm smash that does 5 mod, while at the same time doing a whopping 10 mod to Lilim. Wow, that was enough to crack the thick exodermal "sleeve" and bruise the bone. It had tried to hack her as she came in .... changing grip to extend the two-headed guisarme, but not a chance.

The first six seconds of the battle have passed, and yet the fairy-dust-blind columns have done nothing.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T25: Fallon flies up behind Lilim and casts a spell on her that increases her lung capacity, supercharges her heart, and gives some density to her musculo-skeletal structure.Lilim (only), you recognize the spell as bear's endurance. Wow, with spells, shard, and personal power, that makes you a 24 STR, 24 CON monster. Too bad your base damage on unarmed is on a d6 without benefit of "two-handed" strength adder.
R5T24: The Scribe's column is too clumsy to escape his grasp, and he grapples it for 5 mod, and then uses that hold to spin in, but for no additional damage.

R5T18: Rezah, you are not engaging any columns. What do you do?

The Scribe's grappled column on deck, Gek'k (same opponent) in the hole ...

*** Glitterdust til end R5T25.
Fallon: 25.
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes. Grappling CC1.
Rezah: 18.
CC1: 17. (38:50). The Scribe, Gek'k. Grappled by The Scribe.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. CC2.
CC2: 9. (45:50). Brand, Lilim.
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes.
CC3: 1. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!

2015-11-12, 01:47 PM
R5T18: Rezah engages the nearest construct (the one with The Scribe and Gek'k) with his mithral rapier. It is a glancing thrust that skims off the smooth, marble "hide."

R5T17: The column woman tosses off the Scribe successfully, readying its double-guisarme for its three opponents.

R5T12: Gek'k calls upon the power of cold to make the column's hide brittle with his strike, wailing away with a ki-infused flurry for mod 2 (2 cold), 4, 5, and 4. But Gek'k doesn't even realize his injuries, compounded again and again. He looks at his broken fists, which took a total of 47!!! Gek'k is badly bleeding after this, and he steps back 5 feet.

R5T10-9: The mithral halfling realizes that brute force will only wreck his own weapons. He drops them and tries to grab the column, easily ducking and latching onto it. His pistons and hydraulics can be heard in trying to squeeze, and he manages to cause cracks and the like for 4 mod. It shakes wildly, but fails to throw Brand off.

R5T7: Teofilo plays his lyre and Gek'k is healed for 12.

R5T5: Lilim, Brand is grappling your opponent. What do you do?

*** Glitterdust til end R5T25.
Fallon: 25.
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (21:50). The Scribe, Gek'k, Rezah.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. Grappling CC2.
CC2: 9. (41:50). Brand, Lilim. Grappled by Brand.
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes.
CC3: 1. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!

2015-11-13, 02:01 PM
R2T5: Lilim casts a spell and an arrow of acid speeds into the column for 8 acid and continues to sizzle.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T25: Fallon delays ...

R3T24: The Scribe moves back in for another grab but is rebuffed twice.

R3T18: Rezah, what do you do?

Scribe/Gek'k/Rezah's opponent on deck, Gek'k in the hole ...

*** Glitterdust til end R5T25.
Fallon: 25. DELAYS!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (21:50). The Scribe, Gek'k, Rezah.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. Grappling CC2.
CC2: 9. (33:50). Brand, Lilim. Grappled by Brand.
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes.
* Check for 2d4+4 acid damage to CC2 for rounds 3 and 4.
CC3: 1. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!

2015-11-17, 11:12 AM
R3T18: Rezah will focus on the light of Sarenrae and channels 14 PE outward towards only his allies, healing Lilim and giving Gek'k some respite.

R3T17: The column attacks Gek'k and hits him in his left knee with its stony double-headed guisarme for 11.

R3T12: It's not Gek'k's strong point, and not part of his training, but the grippli notices that grappling the columns hasn't caused The Scribe or Brand any pain. He moves in to grapple, deflecting the column's AOO and wraps around the enemy and squeezes for 3 mod.

R3T10-9: Brand tries to keep his hold but slowly looses his grasp. The column counters and slams Brand hard in his left knee (what is it with hitting small guys in left knees?) with a resounding clang but it just wasn't strong enough to power through the mithral casing.

R3T7: Teofilo continues to play his lute to heal 12 on Gek'k.

R3T5: Lilim? What do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Rezah in the hole, Fallon is delaying ...

Rezah, feel free to take your action now as well ...

*** Glitterdust til end R5T25.
Fallon: 25. DELAYS!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (18:50). The Scribe, Rezah. AOO used. GRAPPLED by Gek'k!!!
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1. Grappling CC1.
Brand: 10.
CC2: 9. (33:50). Brand, Lilim.
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes.
* Check for 2d4+4 acid damage to CC2 for rounds 3 and 4.
CC3: 1. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!

2015-11-27, 01:14 AM
R3T5: Lilim opens herself up and likewise goes to grapple the column. The column cuts well past her armor but the tiefling's hard skin almost gives to the blow ... almost. Lilim now grapples the column for 4 mod. The spot where she hit with the acid arrow sizzles for a mere 2 acid (min), but against these opponents every little bit counts.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T25: Fallon continues to delay ...

R4T24: The Scribe goes to capitalize on Gek'k's hold and starts a dogpile, though he just barely manages a hold as well, doing 1 mod. He then continues on maneuvers to do another 2 mod.

R4T18: Rezah, what do you do?

That column on deck, Gek'k in the hole ...

*** Glitterdust til end R5T25.
Fallon: 25. DELAYS!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (15:50). Rezah. AOO used. GRAPPLED by The Scribe & Gek'k!!!
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1. Grappling CC1.
Brand: 10.
CC2: 9. (27:50). Brand. GRAPPLED by Lilim!!! AOO used.
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes.
* Check for 2d4 acid damage to CC2 for rounds 3 and 4.
CC3: 1. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!

2015-11-30, 03:59 PM
R4T18: Rezah touches Gek'k to fill him with health and vitality (7 via lay on hands).

R4T17: The column isn't strong enough to get rid of The Scribe and Gek'k.

R4T12: Gek'k does 2 mod and tries to wiggle around further but loses his hold and is no longer grappling.

R4T10: Brand latches onto the column; though grappling he is unable to squeeze hard enough to damage it.

R4T9: In turn, that column shrugs off both Brand and Lilim.

R4T7: Teofilo continues to play his lyre to give Gek'k 12.

R4T5: The last bit of Lilim's spell sizzles her opponent for 7 acid. Lilim, you no longer have a grip on the column. What do you do?

Fallon delaying, The Scribe on deck, Rezah in the hole ...

*** Glitterdust til end R5T25.
Fallon: 25. DELAYS!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (13:50). Gek'k, Rezah. GRAPPLED by The Scribe!!!
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1. Grappling CC1.
Brand: 10.
CC2: 9. (20:50). Brand, Lilim.
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes.
CC3: 1. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). BLINDED by glitterdust!!!

2015-12-09, 12:01 AM
R4T5: Lilim comes in for another grapple, and just barely manages a hold, but it's still enough to squeeze for 5 mod.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T25: Fallon continues to delay, and in the meantime, the remains of her golden fairy dust go away.

R5T24: The Scribe continues to put the squeeze on the column but can't get through the stone, and on the second attempt he loses his hold.

R5T18: Rezah, what do you do?

CC1 on deck (Gek'k, Rezah, Scribe), Gek'k in the hole ...

Fallon: 25. DELAYS!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (13:50). Gek'k, Rezah, The Scribe.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1. Grappling CC1.
Brand: 10.
CC2: 9. (15:50). Brand. GRAPPLED by Lilim!!!
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes. Grappling CC2.
CC3: 1. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!

2015-12-14, 03:15 AM
R5T18: Rezah attacks the column twice. The first hit looks like it would have been good, but the stone is too tough for the slender blade. The mithral blade, likewise, is too supple and strong to be damaged.Note that you have two attacks with a FAA.

R5T17: The column counterattacks but Rezah blocks with his shield.

R5T12: Gek'k ... you, Rezah, and the Scribe are attacking a column. Hitting it is just asking to shatter your hands (again), so grappling has been the order of the day, even though you aren't that skilled at it. What do you do?

Brand on deck, 2nd column (grappled by Lilim) in the hole ...

Fallon: 25. DELAYS!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (13:50). Gek'k, Rezah, The Scribe.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10.
CC2: 9. (15:50). Brand. GRAPPLED by Lilim!!!
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes. Grappling CC2.
CC3: 1. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!

2015-12-14, 04:46 AM
R5T12: Gek'k goes in to grab the column again (AOO missed) and holds for 1 mod, but loses his grip on the second attempt.

R5T10: Brand latches onto his opponent and with two tries manages to do 1 mod.

R5T9: "She" fails to get out of the Brand-and-Lilim squeezathon.

R5T7: Teofilo continues to play, and Gek'k's hands have fully knit (and he is full health).

R5T5: Lilim, you and Brand currently have a grapple on your opponent. What do you do?

Fallon (delaying) on deck, The Scribe in the hole, followed by Rezah ...

Fallon: 25. DELAYS!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (14:50). Gek'k, Rezah, The Scribe. AOO used.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. Grappling CC2.
CC2: 9. (14:50). GRAPPLED by Brand & Lilim!!!
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes. Grappling CC2.
CC3: 1. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!

2015-12-14, 08:44 PM
R5T5: Lilim continues to hold, but tries to change the business end of her squeezing to her vulturine beak. Not only has it been growing some, but it instantaneously grows in length to be a terrifying vulture-like beak and she latches on and crushes with her beak for 10 mod (max), and the column crumbles at the bite point, and major cracks go all throughout it. The column looks like another good hit or two might finally destroy it.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T24: The Scribe goes in for another hold and squeezes for 4 mod; maneuvering to continue damaging keeps his hold, but he doesn't squeeze hard enough the second time to do anything.

R6T18: Rezah, Scribe has a good hold on the column for you. While you aren't doing much (so far) to the thing, it does look like it can't take too much more of this. What do you do?

CC1 (Scribe, Rezah, Gek'k) on deck, Gek'k in the hole ...

Fallon: 25. DELAYS!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes. GRAPPLING CC1.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (10:50). Gek'k, Rezah, The Scribe (grappling). AOO used.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. Grappling CC2.
CC2: 9. (4:50). GRAPPLED by Brand & Lilim!!!
Teofilo: 7.
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes. Grappling CC2.
CC3: 1. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!

2015-12-18, 05:33 AM
R6T18: Rezah stabs the held column. The point hits but does no damage, but the rapier flexes uncomfortably with the strength of the mithral just barely holding the damaging quality of the column in abeyance. He hits again more carefully, but while no chance of dinging the blade it is also an ineffectual graze.

R6T17: The column fails to escape the Scribe.

R6T12: Gek'k adds to the grapple and does 5 mod (max). He keeps his hold as it is, instead of allowing a chance of loosing the hold on a second.

R6T10: Brand squeezes for 2 mod.

R6T9: The column manages to escape Lilim's grasp (only just), but not Brand's.

R6T7: With Gek'k now fully healed, Teofilo floats there, delaying ...

R6T5: Lilim, Brand has ahold of the column. What do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Rezah in the hole ...

Fallon: 25. DELAY!!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes. GRAPPLING CC1.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (5:50). Gek'k, Rezah, The Scribe (grappling). AOO used.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. Grappling CC2.
CC2: 9. (2:50). GRAPPLED by Brand!!!
Teofilo: 7. DELAY!!!
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes. CC2.
CC3: 1. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!

2015-12-19, 12:59 AM
R6T5: Lilim almost splattered Brand with acid, but misses both.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T24: The Scribe grapples for 1, and then looses his grip.

R7T18: Rezah, the column is ungrappled. What do you do?

Column 1 on deck, Gek'k in the hole ...

Fallon: 25. DELAY!!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes. GRAPPLING CC1.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (4:50). Gek'k, Rezah, The Scribe (grappling). AOO used.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. Grappling CC2.
CC2: 9. (2:50). GRAPPLED by Brand!!!
Teofilo: 7. DELAY!!!
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes. CC2.
CC3: 1. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!

2015-12-24, 11:06 PM
R7T18: Rezah trusts in the power of mithral over stone and attacks again. The first hits ineffectually, but the second hits for 2 mod; it doesn't seem like a lot, but at this point he gouges out a large chunk from it. This thing should go down with one more good hit.

R7T17: The column counterattacks with a blow to Rezah's left shin for 9.

R7T12: Gek'k, Rezah's gouge of stone from a rapier gives you some hope that the thing should go down. What do you do?

Brand on deck, CC2 in the hole ...

Fallon: 25. DELAY!!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
CC1: 17. (2:50). Gek'k, Rezah, The Scribe. AOO used.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. Grappling CC2.
CC2: 9. (2:50). GRAPPLED by Brand!!!
Teofilo: 7. DELAY!!!
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes. CC2.
CC3: 1. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!

2015-12-26, 05:59 PM
R7T12: Gritting his teeth, Gek'k puts his energy into a strike with his fist in the gouged section. It gets right into the spot, blasting the section, sending cracks throughout, and ice forms in the cracks, further shattering the column from the inside out! He manages to withdraw quickly enough to only take 9, but only one active column.

R7T10: Brand just tries to maintain the hold, doing no damage.

R7T9: The column manages to shrug off Brand with its superior size and leverage.

R7T7: Teofilo never stopped playing his lyre, it's just that he didn't infuse it with healing magic. But he does so again and Gek'k once again is fully healed.

R7T5: Lilim, this last column is free. What do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Rezah in the hole ...

Fallon: 25. DELAY!!!
The Scribe: 24. CC1. Shield of faith for 5 minutes.
Rezah: 18. CC1.
Gek'k: 12. Bull's strength. CC1.
Brand: 10. Grappling CC2.
CC2: 9. (2:50). GRAPPLED by Brand!!!
Teofilo: 7. DELAY!!!
Lilim: 5. Heroism (incl +2 skill checks). Bear's endurance for 5 minutes. CC2.
CC3: 1. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!
CC4: 0. (50:50). NON-THREAT!!!

DESTROYED: Caryatid column (1).

2016-01-11, 03:18 AM
Rezah, you spin around to find that both of the columns that hadn't acted before just stepped down off of their mounts. As you are processing this, they both seem to look right at you and ignore you as they turn inwards to the teams in the room to the team that moved further into the room first - and is closest - Fallon and Lilim. They thud over to stand right in front of the two women and the columnar maids have their double-headed stone guisarmes horizontally held out in front of them as if to stop the girls from moving further, but they don't attack. It would take you 20' to get to the girls if you go there. Rezah, what do you do?

CC1: 17.
CC2: 13.
Rezah: 3.

2016-06-01, 11:30 PM
Begin Round One ...

R1T31: Sinxia, what do you do?

Sinxia: 31.
Teofilo: 21.
Rezah: 20.
Fallon: 16.
The Scribe: 12.
Lilim: 5.
Erima: 3.

2016-06-04, 04:11 PM
R1T31: With absolutely unbelievable reflexes, Sinxia steps back to get a little distance in preparation for Sorshen's retaliation, firing two shots into the newly awakened Runelord for 15 total.

R1T21: Teofilo gains 10' height above Sorshen, and seems ready to play something on his lyre ...

R1T20: Rezah, it would be a 5' step to move next to the sarcophagus where Sorshen is sitting upright. This is considered "prone," but is offset by the fact that she has cover. Your scimitar is assumed to be out and shield readied. What do you do?

Sinxia: 31.
Teofilo: 21. READIED to countersong anything Sorshen might do!!!
Rezah: 20.
Fallon: 16.
The Scribe: 12.
Lilim: 5.
Erima: 3.

2016-06-08, 04:55 AM
R1T20: Despite possibly being the one to spur The Scribe to his committed action, the half-orc Sarenite holds his action.

R1T16: Fallon fires off a quick ray of frost at the surprised Runelord, hitting her in the chest for 2 cold. "What the -- ?? I hit her perfectly where I wanted to, and that's it?"
Erima, you know people pretty well, and even though Fallon can be surprisingly tricky, she really seems shocked that she only did what you happen to know is about average for such a simple cantrip, making it more confusing as to why it should be a surprise to Fallon. What the heck was she expecting?

R1T12: The Scribe's burns into Sorshen. "Runelord Sorshen, I am Alianum; Last Prince of the Principality of Shazarahnil of Ancient Azlant; Son of Prince Azaavelnis; Only Child to Princess Ardrimme. With the ancient ranseur Xin-Rithux - Doom of the Hateful - you shall not revisit your witchery upon this land! Your reign has ended!"

To back up his dire pronouncement, his first strike is a critical into Sorshen's right upper arm for a whopping 36 as both weapon and master focus all of their hatred against the ancient witch. Yet so wild is his parry-dodge-spin that he throws himself entirely out of sorts on his second attack that he appears dazed.

R1T5: Lilim, what do you do?

Sinxia: 31.
Teofilo: 21. READIED to countersong anything Sorshen might do!!!
Rezah: 20. DELAYING!!!
Fallon: 16.
The Scribe: 12. DAZED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Dazed) til end of next turn. FRA required to gather composure.
Lilim: 5.
Erima: 3.

2016-06-10, 01:44 AM
R1T5: Lilim casts a spell, she seems to be interrupted by something in her throat, but it is revealed to be part of the effect of the spell when she finally hocks out a nasty, sizzling loogie at Sorshen's eyes. Sorshen sees it too late when it hits her full in the face, practically melting her layers of skin and getting in her eye to blind her while doing 29 acid!

R1T3: Try as she otherwise might, Sorshen screams terribly in excruciating pain from the acid and the blindness! Sorshen/Erima, it might just be because you woke in a new body, but your reflexes seem diminished ... you are responding slower than before, and you couldn't duck away from that acid. You are blind, and you are sitting upright in a sarcophagus. Sorshen/ Erima, what do you do? Please provide me with any inner-monologue that is going on (despite things happening so very quickly), even if it is instinct, and no matter how "obvious" it might be.

Sinxia: 31.
Teofilo: 21. READIED to countersong anything Sorshen might do!!!
Rezah: 20. DELAYING!!!
Fallon: 16.
The Scribe: 12. DAZED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Dazed) til end of next turn. FRA required to gather composure.
Lilim: 5.
* Acid spit currently on Sorshen. She'll take 14 acid R2T5, and then 7 acid R3T5.
Erima: 3. Taking acid spit damage, and BLINDED til end R3T5!!!

2016-06-10, 06:32 AM
R1T3: Raising her hands, Sorshen desperately tries to say, sprinkled with the pain of acid eating her face and in as neutral a manner as possible given that terrible pain: "Very well, I surrender. But you better be quick to heal me, else you're going to kill your prisoner, Rezah... I wasn't aware we were supposed to attack unarmed people, though."

There is indeed no weapon to be seen here. Of course, when history's greatest enchantress is involved, such things would be silly, no? Especially when everything she said after "surrender" seemed to take on an almost otherworldly quality. (Think "the Wyrding way" of the nuns from DUNE.)

Rezah ... you've been delaying. What she says is a perfectly reasonable suggestion.So much so, in fact, that you failed your save against the suggestion. Even if you can think of counter-arguments as TickleMeTemplar, Rezah - even with his amazing Will save - is affected by this. Do ... not .... meta.Feel free to take your action if you post before meemaas. He who posts first wins in doing their action.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T31: Sinxia, Sorshen just doomed herself by using obvious enchanting magic; well, obvious to you. You note with your trained eye reading people that Rezah seems favorable to what she said. Acid is eating away at Sorshen's face, and she's right, if not healed she will die. It's a race against the clock to end her quickly before your fellow Sarenite's soul and the party's lives are put in peril to the power of a prestidigitator who is plying her will on the paladin. What do you do?

Sinxia: 31.
Teofilo: 21. READIED to countersong anything Sorshen might do!!!
Rezah: 20. DELAYING!!!
Fallon: 16.
The Scribe: 12. DAZED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Dazed) til end of next turn. FRA required to gather composure.
Lilim: 5.
* Acid spit currently on Sorshen. She'll take 14 acid R2T5, and then 7 acid R3T5.
Erima: 3. Taking acid spit damage, and BLINDED til end R3T5!!!

2016-06-11, 01:05 AM
R2T31: Sinxia sighs and pulls one last arrow, aiming it dead for Sorshen's heart softly. She spoke calmly as she did. "You made one mistake Sorshen. I might have spared you if you didn't try to enchant my comrades. Now DIE!!!" With the last word, she raises her voice in anger, letting the arrow loose as a sudden gust of wind launches out behind the arrow, propelling it even faster than the first one. While not in the proper center of the heart, it still is in center of chest for 15.

R2T21: He hadn't done anything before, Teofilo finally acts. From his higher vantage he throws down an arc of lightning that hits Sorshen in the belly. Finally, the Runelord clone falls back in her sarcophagus as her entrails are splattered within and the acid eats into her face and working to what's behind it. It's unknown if that (and the continuous acid) has finished her off or if she is not quite dead.

R2T20: Rezah, Sorshen's suggestion (and thus your adherence) still holds, and the need for healing is dire. What do you do?

Fallon on deck, The Scribe is dazed, Lilim in the hole ...

Sinxia: 31.
Teofilo: 21.
Rezah: 20. DELAYING!!!
Fallon: 16.
The Scribe: 12. DAZED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/gamemastering/conditions#TOC-Dazed) til end of next turn. FRA required to gather composure.
Lilim: 5.
* Acid spit currently on Sorshen. She'll take 14 acid R2T5, and then 7 acid R3T5.
Erima: 3. Taking acid spit damage, and BLINDED til end R3T5!!!

2016-06-17, 11:09 PM
The assumption is that Sinxia is assisting Rezah somehow ...

Everyone hears rustling in the sarcophagus! :smalleek:

Standing to her full height of an even 6' (a little taller than Erima was), and with a fantastic build with womanly curves that brings her to about 135 lbs., is perfection and beauty like you never really had the chance to notice before. It is Sorshen, again, but this time on her feet (standing in the sarcophagus). She is completely naked. Her raven-black hair and green eyes are like anything you have ever seen before.

But everyone in this group is hyper-vigilant, none having relaxed their guard! They killed her once and Lilim destroyed the body, but here she is again.

Sorshen lifts her hands and she looks like she is about to cast a spell.

R1T24: The Scribe, dumbounded, recovers quickly. He steps forth a little, but still at a distance of 10'. He makes a terrible thrust to her right knee (just above the sarcophagus' upper edge) for 15, but everyone sees that something isn't right. It's a stunning thrust in itself, but that thrust should have done ... more. His second strike is to the side of her head; for this strike, it seems like he connects with the tip, and yet has to "push through" a little to draw blood for 16. Obviously using every bit of martial prowess and focus he thrusts yet again into her right forearm for 13.
Not only do you have natural armor, but that first knee strike most assuredly should have been a critical hit ... and yet unlike in the first battle you take the pain of a great blow, but not a critical strike.
R1T23: Sinxia .... what do you do? You are 10' from Sorshen. You put your bow away (or down) to assist with funerary rites.

Scribe: 24.
Sinxia: 23.
Sorshen: 22.
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 10.
Teofilo: 10.
Rezah: 2.

2016-06-22, 09:48 PM
R1T23: Sinxia grabs her bow and knocks an arrow, waiting for the perfect moment to strike, speaking a litany of her god to grant her the power to smite the Runelord.

R1T22: Erima, you have never seen or heard the spell Sinxia just cast as she now has a bead on you. And yet, you recognize the spell for what it is, it's mechanics, and what is capable of doing. It is litany of righteousness (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/l/litany-of-righteousness). Interestingly enough, if you were the Runelord Sorshen and you were evil, this arrow would be even more deadly, and illusory auras (such as misdirection) and thinks like mind blank just can't stop fate from knowing the truth. Also, the caster of the spell knows when their magic does more damage (and therefore recognizes that their target was, in fact, evil) so the result of the damage isn't "hidden" from the caster [Sinxia, if she shoots.]

What do you do?

Scribe: 24.
Sinxia: 23.
Sorshen: 22.
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 10.
Teofilo: 10.
Rezah: 2.

2016-06-23, 05:48 PM
R1T22: Even with her new-found toughened skin, what was a terrible thrust is enough for his thrust to just manage to hit the clumsy woman's attempt to step over the edge of the sarcophagus, just getting her lower belly. But with catching her there, he is able to thrust in for 16. Sorshen, though now badly wounded again, manages to step out and over and down. Now out of the Scribe's reach, Sorshen-Erima gathers her rage and begins to cast a spell but is cut short when Sinxia's arrow hits her just below center-neck for 12. Sinxia recognizes that Sorshen suffered no additional effect from the holy power of her litany. Although her spell is broken by the arrow hitting her, Sorshen smiles in a predatory way and shouts, "Is that proof enough for you?"
Stepping out of the sarcophagus and down on the ground was difficult terrain, so it was a MA ... which is why Scribe tagged Erima. No casting defensively while bloodraging makes sense.
Sinxia holds her hand up to her comrades, as if asking them to hold. "My magic can't have failed. Either you're not Sorshen, or there's a lot more to what's going on than we know. Unless...Scribe? Do you know of any ways to fool my spell? And you!!!" She keeps her bead on Sorshen. "Hands in the air, no magic of any kind, and just stay put. I won't hesitate to gut you if I think you're up to something funny."

"I doid't recognize your spell," admits the sage (sheepishly).

R1T20: Lilim, you don't know what spell Sinxia has cast, so you don't know the implication of her having been affected by it. What do you do?

Scribe: 24.
Sinxia: 23.
Sorshen: 22. RAGING!!!
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 10.
Teofilo: 10.
Rezah: 2.

2016-07-01, 01:11 AM
R1T20: She doesn't admit not knowing the spell, but can tell something has definitely changed. She keeps her face taut and says to Sorshen, "Go ahead. Wiggle your finger, speak an arcane word, or do anything my twitchy spell-finger interprets as a threat. I won't keep your body parts in a single spot this time - dissolved in acid or not."

R1T2: Rezah draws his scimitar and readies his shield.

End Round 1, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T24: "Everyone, stop!" shouts The Scribe. Though he is not "flat-footed" he doesn't have his ranseur pointed at Sorshen's heart anymore. "The Runelord of Lust might be enraged if her plans went awry, but to actually tap into primal rage seems entirely against the control needed by an archmage."

"You, whomever your are in Sorshen's body, identify yourself."

R2T23: Sinxia, what do you do?

Sorshen on deck, Lilim (readied with an attack) in the hole ...

Scribe: 24.
Sinxia: 23.
Sorshen: 22. RAGING!!!
Fallon: 10. READIED TO ATTACK!!!
Teofilo: 10. READIED TO ATTACK!!!
Rezah: 2.

2016-08-25, 05:14 AM
There must have been a flaw in the first arrow Sinxia shoots. The wooden shaft shatters right in front of her face and gets pieces of wood in Sinxia's eyes - enough to blind her (no damage). Operations take a right quick halt there as Sinxia tears up and Rezah works to help her flush her eye of this embarrassing development.

Sinxia, your eyes finally clear. What do you do?

Sinxia: 31.
Fallon: 27.
The Scribe: 25.
Rezah: 18.
Glass Golem: 13. (118:150).
Lilim: 12.
Teofilo: 10.
Erima: 3.

2016-09-02, 10:04 PM
Lilim ... it's a big glass statue.

Begin Round One ...

R1T31: Having recovered, Sinxia sends two arrows at the glass statue. Both arrows hit and shatter, but also do some damage to the statue.

R1T13: And of course, because life can't be simple, the glass statue steps down from the shallow pedestal. It moves off the island and onto the water. Not, mind you, into the water, but it advances walking on the water as if it were land. It comes to within 10' of the boat, and "she" looks dangerous. As she swings one of her limbs at Sinxia, the PCs boat can't help but notice that this thing has more damage on it than just what Sinxia's two arrows did, but not enough time right now to analyze.

Though out of reach of any melee weapons the PCs have (10'), her limb comes down at Sinxia, slamming her in her upper left arm for 8. While it is a bludgeoning attack, it breaks the skin enough that she suffers 5 bleed.

R1T12: "Glass golem!" calls Fallon to the PCs' boat. "I don't have anything better to tell you than that to tell you, but I do have something that'll get it."

Fallon casts a spell and a little tart flies at the golem, bounces off its hide, and flies back to hit Fallon square in the face! She is utterly shocked by this, and starts to laugh hysterically and falls into the boat laughing (and useless).DM: "BWA-AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHHHHAAAAA!" Really, one of the best goofs, ever.
R1T11: The Scribe looks down into the boat and shakes his head, not even trying to figure out how this just happened, or why she tried to drop a mind-affecting spell on a golem.

"Yeah ... bloody wounds it leaves, and can reflect some spells at the sender. You need adamantine weapons to fully affect it, and cold hurts it," he calls over. He poles the boat over next to the PCs boat and hands the pole to Teofilo.

R1T10: Rezah lays hands on Sinxia for 8 and stops the bleeding.

R1T9: Lilim, what do you do?

Sinxia: 31.
Glass Golem: 13. (97:150). Can't use spell reflection again until end R4T12.
Fallon: 12. Affected by her own hideous laughter til end R7T12!
The Scribe: 11.
Rezah: 10.
Lilim: 9.
Teofilo: 8.
Erima: 3.

Sinxia, poling Boat #1


Scribe, poling Boat #2


2016-09-03, 03:12 AM
R1T9: Perhaps its the sudden shifting about of the boat on the water, but Lilim tries to cast a spell carefully and it fizzles.

R1T8: Teofilo, inches to the back of the boat since The Scribe gave some range, and then tosses a magically-formed icicle at the golem, hitting it for 8 cold. It's a big lumbering thing, however beautiful it might be, but it seems to be affected suddenly by the heavy mass of glass of which it is constructed, severely impeded in its movement.

R1T3: Erima, you are 10' from this thing and it is attacking from reach over the water, so you really can't "step forward" without going into the water. What do you do?

Sinxia: 31.
Glass Golem: 13. (89:150). Can't use spell reflection again until end R4T12. SLOWED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/slow) til end R4T8!!!
Fallon: 12. Affected by her own hideous laughter til end R7T12!
The Scribe: 11.
Rezah: 10.
Lilim: 9.
Teofilo: 8.
Erima: 3.

Sinxia, poling Boat #1


Scribe, poling Boat #2


2016-09-07, 12:06 AM
R1T3: Erima's mind flood with knowledge of the glass golem .. it's strengths, weaknesses, how it's built, exactly what it's capable of, and so forth. Given that Erima had no previous arcane knowledge, and now has encyclopaedic knowledge of ... well, constructs in general but the glass golem specifically is a bit overwhelming. A word comes to mind, though Erima knows not why: "Ashimantallu."
End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T31: Sinxia, the thing is 10' from you, but it has reach. What do you do?

Glass golem on deck, Fallon laughing hysterically in the hole ...

Sinxia: 31.
Glass Golem: 13. (89:150). Can't use spell reflection again until end R4T12. SLOWED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/slow) til end R4T8!!!
Fallon: 12. Affected by her own hideous laughter til end R7T12!
The Scribe: 11.
Rezah: 10.
Lilim: 9.
Teofilo: 8.
Erima: 3.

Sinxia, poling Boat #1


Scribe, poling Boat #2


2016-09-08, 03:10 AM
R2T31: Sinxia growls a little. "Why does it have to be Adamantine?" She draws out a pair of regular arrows and focuses on her target, using the knowledge Fallon and the Scribe called out to target it's weaknesses with her shots (for a total 34 mod), but not before getting hit in her left upper leg for 16 (and the wound is now bleeding).

R2T13: It comes at Sinxia with its other limb and pounds against the Sarenite inquisitor, this time hitting her in left lower arm for 17.

R2T12-11: While Fallon continues to laugh hysterically at the bottom of the other boat. He focuses on being defensive and picks up his ranseur even as a glass limb comes down and smashes part of the gunwale of their boat, taking on a little water.

R2T10: Rezah shifts his scimitar to his shield hand and converts stone shape to CSW to give Sinxia 17 healing.

R2T9: Lilim, what do you do? The Scribe apparently made it use its AOO for this new round, so unless it is a construct with something like Combat Reflexes or a like ability, you should be good.

Teofilo on deck, Erima in the hole ...

Sinxia: 31. 1d8 BLEED!
Glass Golem: 13. (55:150). Can't use spell reflection again until end R4T12. SLOWED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/slow) til end R4T8!!! AOO Used!!!
Fallon: 12. Affected by her own hideous laughter til end R7T12!
The Scribe: 11.
Rezah: 10.
Lilim: 9.
Teofilo: 8.
Erima: 3.

Sinxia, poling Boat #1


Scribe, poling Boat #2


2016-09-09, 01:41 AM
R2T9: Lilim thinks about what she knows about golems in general, and what she can observe (or has observed thus far) with the glass golem, and decides brute force is the way to go. She tail whips the thing to put a crack in it for 7 mod, and her right claw does 2 mod.

R2T8: Teofilo pays his lyre, and Sinxia receives 12 healing.

R2T3: Erima, what do you do?

Sinxia on deck, golem in the hole ...

Sinxia: 31.
Glass Golem: 13. (55:150). Can't use spell reflection again until end R4T12. SLOWED (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/s/slow) til end R4T8!!! AOO Used!!!
Fallon: 12. Affected by her own hideous laughter til end R7T12!
The Scribe: 11.
Rezah: 10.
Lilim: 9.
Teofilo: 8.
Erima: 3.

Sinxia, poling Boat #1


Scribe, poling Boat #2


2016-11-21, 12:45 AM
Begin Round One ...

R1T27: The Scribe moves up and opens the northern half of the gate (inwards), moving just to the side and then releasing the gate door (which is now wedged at his back and part of the non-doored-gate) and threatening a general area with his ranseur.

R1T21: Fallon moves in as the Scribe, but opening the southern half of the gate, and likewise completing the arc of the gate so that it is also held at her back against the metal bars of the "fence".

R1T19: Sinxia, what do you do?

Everyone else can state their action as well.

The Scribe: 27.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 25.
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength.
Fallon: 21.
Sinxia: 19
Teofilo: 12.
Lilim: 7.
Erima: 6.
Rezah: 5.

2016-11-25, 03:45 AM
R1T19: Sinxia draws her bow and knocks an arrow, and then moves into the room carefully.

R1T7: Lilim moves in 10', and gives her description of what she sees.

R1T6: Erima, what do you do? The map follows. Assume you're in any empty square there.

The Scribe: 27.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 25.
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength.
Fallon: 21.
Sinxia: 19.
Teofilo: 12. DELAYING!!!
Lilim: 7.
Erima: 6.
Rezah: 5.

2016-11-29, 08:00 AM
R1T6: Drawing her axe, Erima enters the room as well, placing herself in front of her allies (specifically, in front of the archer Sinxia_ in order to intercept any potential threat.

R1T5: Rezah follows her lead and moves in next to her (in front of Lilim).

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T27: The Scribe moves to his left to take a visual line down range on the northern section of the room. "I just barely see him behind the northeastern column!"

R2T25: Spellcasting is heard from the other end of the chamber. "He just cast invisibility!" The Scribe warns. "He's a spellcaster, but his body and movements tell me he's a warrior-type as well. Be careful, people, he could already be anywhere."

R2T21: "I might have something for him then," says Fallon. "I recommend nobody go into the northern or southern corridor."

"Very well," says The Scribe. "Sinxia, fall back next to Teofilo and ready a shot downrange for the first time she shows himself."

R2T19: Sinxia does so, making sure to be in that minimal profile stance she favors when using her bow. She readies a shot...

R2T12: Teofilo, likewise, seems to be readied to do something ...

R2T7: Lilim, what do you do?

Erima on deck (you may post), Rezah in the hole ...

The Scribe: 27.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 25. Current position: LL corner of 2nd column from left, lower.
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Invisibility!!!
Fallon: 21. Faerie fire readied!!!
Sinxia: 19.
Teofilo: 12. DELAYING!!!
Lilim: 7.
Erima: 6.
Rezah: 5.

2016-11-30, 09:41 PM
R2T7: Lilim holds her spot, delaying and keeping alert.

R2T6: Erima, what do you do?

Rezah on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...

The Scribe: 27.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 25. Current position: LL corner of 2nd column from left, lower.
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Invisibility!!!
Fallon: 21. Faerie fire readied!!!
Sinxia: 19.
Teofilo: 12. DELAYING!!!
Lilim: 7. DELAYING!!!
Erima: 6.
Rezah: 5.

2016-12-06, 08:07 AM
R2T6: Not seeing her opponent, Erima delays. "Anyone able to dispel that?"

"Not I," says Lilim.

Sinxia laughs. "I think we've made it clear that my knowledge of magic is minimal to null. That is beyond my abilities."

R2T5: Rezah casts a spell on himself, then falls back to the gate where Scribe first came in, standing next to Fallon to block exit out to Sinxia and Teofilo.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T27: Scribe steps forward to the right, into the central section, where Sinxia had been, but otherwise delays. "I smell him, he's nearby."

R3T25: The Scribe suddenly bolts across to the other side of Lilim. "No you don't," he says to the air incorporate. "He's right in front of me! I think he's trying to get position to take out our lightly armored caster-folk."

R3T24.5: Another second later, and Rezah, Erima, Fallon, and Lilim hear someone chanting right in their midst!
You recognize the spell displacement was just cast ... interesting since it really doesn't work if one is invisible. This guys is cautious, despite being heard while invisible!
R3T21: Hearing the invisible man's voice, Fallon steps to the side (now in the south corridor) and casts a shield on herself.

R3T19: Sinxia, you don't see the target, but you heard him easily enough; and seeing the response from others all looking "inward" you think you can guess where the man is now ... the square surrounded by Rezah, Lilim, Erima, and the NW column. What do you do?
Lilim, and Erima are delaying and may take their actions now. Teofilo on deck, Lilim in the hole ...

The Scribe: 25. DELAYING!!!
Gnaeus Gnaru: 24.5. Current position: LR corner of LL column.
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Invisibility!!!
Fallon: 21. Shield.
Sinxia: 19.
Teofilo: 12. DELAYING!!!
Lilim: 7. DELAYING!!!
Erima: 6. DELAYING!!!
Rezah: 5.

2016-12-08, 08:09 AM
R3T19: Sinxia draws back on her arrow and launches it dead center into the space she believes the enemy to be in, drawing upon her martial talents to give her shot an extra gust of speed, but it passes through the space and clips the column and north.

R3T18: Erima will enter rage and try to hit that foolish man, slamming into something twice for a considerable amount both times.

"He's prepared himself for when we'll see him again!"
First, the AC was a holdover from when I forgot to clear from your last rage. Raging, it is -1 with your bloodrager ability.
Teofilo seems to be readying his lyre for something ...

R3T7: Lilim, what do you do?

Rezah on deck, The Scribe in the hole/ delaying ...

The Scribe: 25. DELAYING!!!
Gnaeus Gnaru: 24.5. Current position: LR corner of LL column.
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Invisibility!!! Displacement.
Fallon: 21. Shield.
Sinxia: 19.
Erima: 18.
Teofilo: 12.
Lilim: 7. DELAYING!!!
Rezah: 5.

2016-12-11, 11:26 PM
R3T7: Lilim casts true strike. She does NOT do so defensively, however, the invisible assailant does not seem to take the bait as she is unmolested in the spell's casting.

R3T5: Rezah casts protection from evil on himself. He is likewise is not attacked.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T25: From his position to the south, The Scribe attacks over Lilim with his ranseur and there is a terrible cry of pain as The Scribe crits the invisible attacker for 18 + special (unseen, so unknown). Despite the spattering blood and an excellent follow-through attack, The Scribe's second attack still misses.

R4T24.5: The invisible man suddenly appears with multiple wounds - one of which is a nasty wound at his right ear that is actively bleeding (1 bleed) - even as his rapier is buried into Erima's chest for 19 + 15 electricity. With a second attack, his electrified rapier strikes her chest again for 19 + 5 electricity. Erima is barely on her feet. He then sidesteps NW, out of all but Rezah's reach (or LOS for archery).

R4T21: Fallon doesn't close, but casts a protective spell on herself.Bear's endurance.
R4T19: Sinxia, Erima - who was badly wounded before - looks barely on her feet now. Meanwhile, Shirtless McContractshot moved just north and you would have to step into the room to target him again. His square is the one marked "GG" just north of the gates.

Erima (look at your current hit points) on deck, Teofilo in the hole ...

The Scribe: 25.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 24.5. PA (-3, +6).
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Invisibility!!! Displacement.
* Arcane Pool empowers rapier with shocking burst til end R14T24.5.
* Hit right in the ear by The Scribe: suffered 1 INT damage and 1 BLEED!!!
Fallon: 21. Shield.
Sinxia: 19.
Erima: 18.
Teofilo: 12.
Lilim: 7. True strike.
Rezah: 5. Protection from evil, +2 deflection, +2 saves.

2016-12-14, 06:30 AM
R4T19: "Like Hell am I going to let you kill my comrades!!!!" Sinxia yells as she moves to the space that the enemy had invisibly occupied before he struck Erima and retreated. She lets one hand off her bow, pours all her focus on him, draws upon some of her martial training, and swings her gauntlet at him with a powerful attack, some amount of magical energy releasing from it to infuse Erima's wounds. She swears she should have hit him, but at the moment of impact it seems he is 2' from his perceived position.

R4T18: Erima crosses around the column and comes in from the other side. Despite her state, Erima keeps swinging at him with her axe and missing, not really paying attention to her wounds. "I'm not gonna let you take me down, even if I shouldn't be standing right now."

R4T12: Teofilo steps just into the room and the minstrel plays his lyre. His lyre gives Erima 12 healing.

R4T7: Lilim, you currently have true strike cast. What do you do?
Rezah on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...

The Scribe: 25.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 24.5. PA (-3, +6).
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Displacement.
* Arcane Pool empowers rapier with shocking burst til end R14T24.5.
* Hit right in the ear by The Scribe: suffered 1 INT damage and 1 BLEED!!!
Fallon: 21. Shield.
Sinxia: 19. Ki-driven deadly strike driven thru end R8T19.
Erima: 18.
Teofilo: 12.
Lilim: 7. True strike.
Rezah: 5. Protection from evil, +2 deflection, +2 saves.

2016-12-15, 01:25 AM
R4T7: With a glimpse into the assailant's movements and displacement, Lilim casts a scorching ray at the swordsman. The ray of heat hits him where his upper left lung would be, but instead of burning a hole clear through him ... nothing happens. It did seem to hit him, but it didn't seem to do any damage.

R4T5: "By Dawnflower's fiery sword," pronounces Rezah, "you shall see yourself in hell this day!"

Rezah's scimitar glows and he cuts low at the man's left knee, hitting him for 15, but missing with his second attack.

End Round 4, Begin Round 5 ...

R5T25: The Scribe moves up around the back line and behind Erima. From behind her his ranseur reaches past to do what would've been a perfect disarm ... but the man's apparent place shifts again.

R5T24: A palpable sense of doom is felt from the man (Erima doesn't feel it). Sinxia almost falters, but she sees the inspiring, divinely-enhanced swordsmanship of the paladin and her heart is buoyed. The man casts a spell defensively as part of his swordwork and is successful, then attacks Erima as arcane energy surges down its length as he stabs Erima in her chest for 13 + 3 electricity + 8 untyped. Meanwhile, his wounds close up by 8, which includes stopping the flow of blood from his ear.

"Death to the impostor!" he shouts triumphantly.
He cast vampiric touch. This guy is a magus, and a superior combatant with unbelievable strength.
Erima, when he hits you, your body and mind do not seem to have any will to live, whatever anger you might tell yourself. Erima falls without any noise, scream, or flailing. It is as if a cord holding up a bag was cut and severed and she drops to the ground, eyes open and lifeless. :frown:

R5T21: Fallon doesn't cast a spell but does wave her hands towards the swordsman. Nothing happens.

R5T19: Sinxia, your ki-driven deadly strike is currently active. Erima dropped, and being somewhat of an expert in death, hers was something quite unsettling. Not because of its violent nature. You have PTSD enough from your past where that is concerned. No, it was the actual death itself that was like a machine shutting off and coming to an instantaneous stop. There is no doubt from her death-mask, which is eerily neutral despite the rage which filled it minutes ago, that she is dead. What do you do?

Teofilo on deck, Lilim in the hole ...

The Scribe: 25.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 24. PA (-3, +6).
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Displacement.
* Arcane Pool empowers rapier with shocking burst til end R14T24.5.
* Hit right in the ear by The Scribe: suffered 1 INT damage.
Fallon: 21. Shield.
Sinxia: 19. Ki-driven deadly strike driven thru end R8T19.
Teofilo: 12.
Lilim: 7. True strike.
Rezah: 5. Protection from evil, +2 deflection, +2 saves. SMITE: +4 attack, +6 damage, +4 total deflection AC.

2016-12-18, 07:04 AM
R5T19: Sinxia stops moving for a second, shocked at the loss of yet another comrade....this one for the second time in the same day, before snapping back to her senses to the fight at hand. She slides backwards out of his reach and imbues her bow with Saranrae's might, launching several arrows at him, a cold rage filling her thoughts. Her first arrow skips off of some unseen forcefield in front of him, but the second arrow finds its mark in his upper chest for 21.

R5T12: Teofilo shoots a small arc of lightning at the dhampir, but misses.

R5T7: Lilim casts a spell, and four sizzling bolts of energy unerringly find their target and make the man sizzle for a total 20 acid.

R5T5: Rezah smites the magus' .... left foot ... for 16, and the second attack misses.

End Round 5, Begin Round 6 ...

R6T25: With one attack the Scribe disarms the dhampir of his rapier, but he wildly misses with his second attack.

R6T24: The dhampir simply steps on his rapier, not picking it up, and concentrates (defensively). He and his rapier disappear from view.

"What now?" asks Fallon, delaying.

R6T19: Sinxia, what do you do?

Teofilo on deck, Lilim in the hole ...

The Scribe: 25.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 24. PA (-3, +6). Disarmed!!!
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Displacement.
* Arcane Pool empowers rapier with shocking burst til end R14T24.5.
* Hit right in the ear by The Scribe: suffered 1 INT damage.
Fallon: 21. Shield.
Sinxia: 19. Ki-driven deadly strike driven thru end R8T19. Bane active.
Teofilo: 12.
Lilim: 7.
Rezah: 5. Protection from evil, +2 deflection, +2 saves. SMITE: +4 attack, +6 damage, +4 total deflection AC.

2016-12-21, 11:19 PM
R6T19: Sinxia growls once again and yells out at the enemy. "You coward, get out here and fight me like a man!!!!" As she yells, she attempts to cast a spell of her own, defensively, readying herself for the obvious next attack. That first attack spell fails, however. She then casts a spell non-defensively that is much faster to cast, and her bow has a sort of creaking sound coming from it. (Lilim recognizes bowstaff (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/b/bowstaff).)

R6T12: Though it seems obvious, nevertheless Teofilo plays his music, aiming his power to see if it will help at all with Erima. It does not. She is truly dead, it would seem.

R6T7: Lilim casts ice aegis, covering her body in a thin layer of protective ice.

R6T5: Rezah, still protected by divine energies, walks 20' to the east and sniffs the ear carefully. He then points. "He's in this room." A little more sniffing. "Probably behind that column, there," he says while pointing to the southeastern most column.

R6T4: Fallon looks across the way fom her position and says, "He's right! There he is!"

She casts hideous laughter to the unseen corner, charging her spell with a little extra oomph, but no laughing is heard.

End Round 6, Begin Round 7 ...

R7T25: The Scribe darts past Sinxia to the south, and the sound of his ranseur hitting a force screen is heard.

R7T24: The sounds of an incantation begin but seem to be interrupted.

R7T19: Sinxia, your ki-driven deadly strike is still active. Bane is active. Bowstaff has been cast on your staff. What do you do?
Teofilo on deck, Lilim in the hole ...

The Scribe: 25.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 24. Disarmed!!!
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Displacement.
* Arcane Pool empowers rapier with shocking burst til end R14T24.5.
* Hit right in the ear by The Scribe: suffered 1 INT damage.
Sinxia: 19. Ki-driven deadly strike driven thru end R8T19. Bane active. Bowstaff til end R12T19.
Teofilo: 12.
Lilim: 7. Ice aegis.
Rezah: 5. Protection from evil, +2 deflection, +2 saves. SMITE: +4 attack, +6 damage, +4 total deflection AC.
Fallon: 4. Shield. Bear's endurance.

2016-12-23, 07:53 AM
R7T19: Sinxia moves to try and cut off the enemy's escape, and once in place swings her magically enhanced bow, in an attempt to strike him down where he seems to be, but she misses.Concerning that hysterical attempt at pure munchkin legalism, I have two things.
1) Bowstaff allows the longbow to be used in melee as a quarterstaff ... not as a bow, because bows are not melee weapons and you don't get round-clock feat usage like you would a thrown weapon. If you also had special abilities with a quarterstaff, it might work.
2) ...

R7T12: Teofilo steps forward a little so he can target the man with an icicle (which misses).

R7T7: Lilim moves down to a point 10' behind The Scribe, and lets loose an acid spatter at the bad man and misses.

R7T5: Rezah crosses directly down to the south wall and then forward a few feet - enough to not be right in front of The Scribe. With his smite he seems to overextend on a low slash when it's realized he makes a back draw cut on the right thigh. It's a deep cut that does 14 and is enough to drop the dangerous man.

Fallon delays ...

End Round 7, Begin Round 8 ...

R8T25: The Scribe covers the man with his ranseur ... just in case.

R8T19: Sinxia, what do you do?

Teofilo on deck, Lilim in the hole ...

The Scribe: 25.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 24. Disarmed!!! DYING!!!
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Displacement.
* Arcane Pool empowers rapier with shocking burst til end R14T24.5.
* Hit right in the ear by The Scribe: suffered 1 INT damage.
Sinxia: 19. Ki-driven deadly strike driven thru end R8T19. Bane active. Bowstaff til end R12T19.
Teofilo: 12.
Lilim: 7. Ice aegis.
Rezah: 5. Protection from evil, +2 deflection, +2 saves. SMITE: +4 attack, +6 damage, +4 total deflection AC.
Fallon: 4. Shield. Bear's endurance.

2016-12-27, 02:38 AM
R8T19: Sinxia attempts to coup de grace the dhampir with her bowstaff, but she is fooled by the displacement.

R8T7: Lilim spatters the man with 10 acid. He may or may not be dead now.

R8T5: Rezah steps over to the man and attempts to coup de grace him by beheading him ... and is successful.

Combat Ends ...

Now what?

The Scribe: 25.
Gnaeus Gnaru: 24. Disarmed!!! DYING!!!
* Bear's endurance. Bull's strength. Displacement.
* Arcane Pool empowers rapier with shocking burst til end R14T24.5.
* Hit right in the ear by The Scribe: suffered 1 INT damage.
Sinxia: 19. Ki-driven deadly strike driven thru end R8T19. Bane active. Bowstaff til end R12T19.
Teofilo: 12.
Lilim: 7. Ice aegis.
Rezah: 5. Protection from evil, +2 deflection, +2 saves. SMITE: +4 attack, +6 damage, +4 total deflection AC.
Fallon: 4. Shield. Bear's endurance.

2017-01-13, 02:51 PM
Surprise Round ...

S30: Sinxia, with truly inspired reflexes and senses you are able to act first. Nobody seems to notice that the columns might be alive/animate/whatever. This is a surprise round, so you only get a single action, not a full round's worth of actions. That action is either a standard or a move action. Free actions are allowed. You may not make swift actions.The column in question is the one 10' from you. I put an "X" through the first one since that doesn't seem to have any special properties.

Sinxia: 30.
Fallon: 26.
TS2: 24. (70:70).
Teofilo: 24.
TS1: 18. (70:70).
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. (70:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9.
Rezah: 4.

2017-01-16, 03:46 AM
S30: "They're alive!!!" Sinxia yells out as she readies herself, gripping her bow tightly and casting a spell on herself.You guys are forward-motion exploratory, and you don't use your hands for anything else. It makes sense you have your bow out.
S24: Before the one on the first column even unseats itself, one of these things comes skittering around the corner and moves right up to Erima. The thing has six metal-jointed legs and a large humanoid head made from polished marble and two glowing green eyes.
S18: The one at the lead column skitters to the ground (a 5-foot free move) and its eyes flash as a bolt of green shoots forth and hits Erima squarely.

>>> Erima, roll a Fort saving throw vs. a DC of 12 or be paralyzed!

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30.
Fallon: 26.
TS2: 24. (70:70).
Teofilo: 23.
TS1: 18. (70:70).
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (70:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9.
Rezah: 4.

2017-01-16, 04:15 PM
Erima feels her muscles begin to seize, but she fights off the effect.

End Surprise Round, Begin Round One ...

R1T30: Sinxia, because of the "inert" column to your forward-right, both marble heads have some cover against your missile fire (not total cover). You would have to adjust your position. You are pretty sure you heare more skittering down the hall as well.
I'm having trouble with photobucket right now, so I'll just FB you the picture.

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30.
Fallon: 26.
TS2: 24. (70:70).
Teofilo: 23.
TS1: 18. (70:70).
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (70:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9.
Rezah: 4.

2017-01-20, 09:09 PM
R1T30: Sinxia starts to move, drawing upon the magic of her past life to move skillfully past the enemies, till she gets to a point where she has a clear shot to one of them without drawing their ire for trying. At that point, she sees the other one further down the hall, and launches her shot at it, trying to hold it off while the others fight.

R1T26: Fallon casts shield. She then takes to the air, flies down the hall while getting out her new rapier, and landing behind Sinxia.

"Thanks for the cover," she smiles, knowing that it is not the samsaran's desire to be a bulwark for anyone. She then calls out, "Thassionian Sentinels - marble sentinels in the vernacular - it's a good bet that whomever they serve knows we're here now. These guys communicate with a master."

R1T24: The sentinel facing off with Erima grazes her left elbow for 5 (min) with a claw.

R1T23: Teofilo stays where he is and plays his lyre, healing Erima.

R1T18: The sentinel 10' from Sinxia fires a bolt at her and misses.

R1T16: The Scribe moves down from the corner and is behind Erima, and thrusts into the lead sentinel for 15.

R1T15: TS3 shoots a green bolt at Sinxia and hits her in the left foot.

Sinxia, roll a Fort save vs. paralysis.

R1T13: Lilim, what do you do?

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30.
Fallon: 26. Shield.
TS2: 24. (55:70).
Teofilo: 23.
TS1: 18. (70:70).
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (70:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9.
Rezah: 4.

2017-01-22, 08:16 PM
The pain in Sinxia's left foot is intense and radiates immediately throughout her entire body as she is now paralyzed! :smallfrown:

R1T13: With Sinxia obviously in trouble, Lilim is going to personally invite AOOs from TS1 and TS2 - with TS2 getting a piece of her right buttocks as she runs by for 2 mod - as she shoots along the northern edge of the hallway and then come around that second column to stand between TS1 and Sinxia. She has too much experience with magic-resistant constructs and it didn't look like The Scribe's cold iron weapon was slowed down, so she is going to take that big vulture-beak of hers and crunches onto TS1 for 14.

R1T9: Erima, what do you do?

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30. PARALYZED til end R7T15!!!
Fallon: 26. Shield.
TS2: 24. (55:70). AOO Used.
Teofilo: 23.
TS1: 18. (56:70). AOO Used.
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (70:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9.
Rezah: 4.

2017-01-24, 02:57 AM
R1T9: Her axe in hand, Erima quickly utters a word of anger, then swings at nearby the walking head, just barely getting through its materials on the first strike to do a mighty 26. Her follow-up swing doesn't break into its material to do any damage.

"Where is your masterrrRRRRR!"

R1T4: Rezah spends his entire turn chugging down the hallway and past Sinxia to get between her and TS3.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T30: Sinxia, you are paralyzed. Is there anything your PC can/ will do at this time, or are you pretty much stuck until the paralysis wears off or is lifted?

Fallon on deck, TS2 in the hole ...

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30. PARALYZED til end R7T15!!!
Fallon: 26. Shield.
TS2: 24. (55:70). AOO Used.
Teofilo: 23.
TS1: 18. (56:70). AOO Used.
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (44:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9. RAGING!!!
Rezah: 4.

2017-01-24, 09:34 PM
R2T26: Fallon flies up and over and down on the other side of TS3 and stabs it in a specific part of its armature for 23, and hampering its speed by half.

R2T24: TS2 slashes Erima twice for a total 15.

R2T23: Teofilo continues playing his lyre to give Erima and fully heals her wounds.

R2T18: TS1 attacks Llim (missing).

R2T16: The Scribe stabs TS2 for 15, and again for another 15.

R2T15: The partially hampered sentinel slashes Fallon along her left upper intercostals for 3 mod ... it would be more, but her fey heritage protects her against normal weapons.

R2T13: Lilim, what do you do?

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30. PARALYZED til end R7T15!!!
Fallon: 26. Shield.
TS2: 24. (25:70).
Teofilo: 23.
TS1: 18. (56:70).
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (44:70). Half-speed til end R3T26.
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9. RAGING!!!
Rezah: 4.

2017-01-25, 08:38 PM
R2T13: Lilim is going to go medieval vulture-kyton tiefling on the construct's ass. She hits with tail and claws for a total of 26.

R2T9: Erima, you are currently raging. What do you do?

Rezah on deck, Sinxia paralyzed, Fallon in the hole ...

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30. PARALYZED til end R7T15!!!
Fallon: 26. Shield.
TS2: 24. (25:70).
Teofilo: 23.
TS1: 18. (30:70).
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (44:70). Half-speed til end R3T26.
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9. RAGING!!!
Rezah: 4.

2017-01-26, 08:33 PM
R2T9: Seeing the danger she is putting The Scribe in, Erima's split-second mind figures that to force the axe by strength won't work so she in turn twists the axis of her body at the torso to turn aside the axe, swooping high over Scribe's head and way down low as Erima made a 3/4-turn and is now in a low crouch. With incredible potential energy built up, she spins back the other way but along the low line to slam into the sentinel for a crushing blow, finally destroying it!

R2T4: Rezah crits the TS3 where the head meets the armature for 12. He then cuts/crits the same exact spot for 8.

Round 2 Ends, Round 3 Begins ...

R3T26: Fallon attacks and TS3's cutting claws catch her rapier and almost direct it back into her foot, but with a backwards somersault she escapes damaging herself. Meanwhile, the construct recovers its balance and its movement (if it bothered) is no longer hampered.

R3T23: Teofilo delays ...

R3T18: TS1 slashes Lilim on her left hand for 9 (max) ... despite their small size, they are tremendously powerful.

R3T16: The Scribe rushes forth, too close for ranseur attack, and makes an axe kick for 8.

R3T15: TS3 skitters a few feet NE and gives Rezah a full attack, hacking into the paladin's left foot for 9.

R3T13: Lilim, what do you do?

Erima on deck, Rezah in the hole, Teofilo delaying ...

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30. PARALYZED til end R7T15!!!
Fallon: 26. Shield.
Teofilo: 23. DELAYING!!!
TS1: 18. (22:70).
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (24:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9. RAGING!!!
Rezah: 4.

DESTROYED: Thassilonian sentinel (1).

2017-01-26, 09:33 PM
R3T13: With dread power, Lilim obliterates TS1.

R3T9: Erima, fighting is heard around the bend to the east and west. What do you do? You are currently raging.

Rezah on deck, Fallon in the hole ...

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30. PARALYZED til end R7T15!!!
Fallon: 26. Shield.
Teofilo: 23. DELAYING!!!
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (24:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9. RAGING!!!
Rezah: 4.

DESTROYED: Thassilonian sentinel (1).

2017-01-27, 06:12 AM
R3T9: Rushing through her allies, Erima seek a better view of the battleground, then, seeing some of those creatures still standing, hacks at it for 23. This thing should be destroyed, but the most minor pieces of machinery and mortar keep it moving somehow.

R3T4: Rezah steps a few feet south and hits it with the scimitar. The damage I am not bothering to roll is immaterial. It only had one hit point remaining!
Combat Ends ...

Sinxia: 30. Divine favor til end R10T30. PARALYZED til end R7T15!!!
Fallon: 26. Shield.
Teofilo: 23. DELAYING!!!
The Scribe: 16.
TS3. 15. (1:70).
Lilim: 13.
Erima: 9. RAGING!!!
Rezah: 4.

DESTROYED: Thassilonian sentinel (1).

2017-01-27, 07:08 AM
"DEMONS!" shouts The Scribe as he and Fallon (and Erima on the back end) get past the portion where they can now see to the south.

Begin Round One ...

R1T31: Sinxia, you notice them now. Some 30 or so feet away are three creatures: two stand side by side and are like goat-headed men, the other is a man flying 20' off the ground with bat wings. The goat-men carry halberds, whereas the flying creature carries a scimitar.

Sinxia: 31.
Lilim: 22.
The Scribe: 19.
Teofilo: 18.
Fallon: 14.
Incubus: 12. (112:112).
Erima: 11.
Rezah: 6.
Schir #1: 4. (60:60).
Schir #2: 3. (60:60).

2017-02-01, 07:16 AM
R1T31: Sinxia will move into the room, stopping at the back of the room, drawing her bow as she does. She will call out in a clear voice at the demons. "Judgement shall strike you down!!" As soon as she finishes, she launches a single arrow at the flying one, the arrow unerringly focused on him. It hits the flying man in the elbow for 11 mod, obviously slowed by demonic resistance, but Sinxia's deceptive maneuver and pinpoint targeting enough for the demon to drop its scimitar. Yup, forgot to add the bonus for the magical bow, sorry. Updated
R1T22: Lilim, what do you do?

Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle.
Lilim: 22.
The Scribe: 19.
Teofilo: 18.
Fallon: 14.
Incubus: 12. (101:112). Disarmed!!!
Erima: 11.
Rezah: 6.
Schir #1: 4. (60:60).
Schir #2: 3. (60:60).

2017-02-04, 01:43 PM
R1T22: Lilim moves to cover Sinxia. She then concentrates on the power in the Shard of Greed to give her allies more time to do what they need to do. All except for Teofilo feel the world slow down around them a bit while they remain just fine.

R1T19: The Scribe makes a quick assessment, focusing on the goat-headed demons but especially on the one a little to the west. "The two on the ground are demons called schirs! Foul-tempered even among their own kind, they suckle on their halberds - coating them in a disease called gray pox."

The Scribe moves forth 10' to the SE and attacks G1 (Schir #1). He ventilates his opponent with a crit for 27 + 1 bleed.

R1T18: Teofilo moves to where he can see the battle. He casts admonishing ray at the flying demon but the spell fizzles when it hits him.

R1T14: Fallon, flying at 5' altitude 5' , comes in to attack G2 with Silverfang. She stabs down to hit the thing in the upper chest for 9 mod, much of her precision being resisted by the monster's hide.

R1T12: The flying demon lands by his scimitar, picking it up.

R1T11: Erima, you feel yourself flush with even greater confidence than you had before. What do you do?

Haste on all heroes (except Teofilo) til end R7T22!!!
Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle.
* Ki-Rin style vs. G1
Lilim: 22. Shard of Greed's haste til end R7T22.
The Scribe: 19.
Teofilo: 18.
Fallon: 14. 5' altitude.
Incubus: 12. (101:112).
Erima: 11.
Rezah: 6.
Schir #1: 4. (32:60). Suffer 1 Bleed/ round (Heal DC 20)!
Schir #2: 3. (51:60).

2017-02-06, 05:10 AM
R1T11: Brandishing her axe and sprinting with all her new-found speed, Erima charges in, ready to turn the demons into fiendish meat for 22 mod.

"I'm pretty sure they still hate me!"
First, yes, sheets are updated for haste. As always, I am responsible for marking modifiers; players for reminding me. Modifier during a raging, power attacking charge is +18, 1d12+21, not +22 damage. (STR +8, +4 [2-hands], +1 [magic] +2 [rage] + 6 [PA]).

You can't charge G1 because Teofilo spoils the required straight-line charge, so I had you charge G2, instead.
R1T6: At incredible speed for a warrior in full plate, Rezah comes around the corner and is on G1. He smacks his opponent hard with his cold iron scimitar, but not enough to cut through.

R1T4-3: G1 backs up and to the side and attacks Rezah with his halberd but is blocked. G2 likewise steps back and attacks Erima and hacks into her right shoulder for 10 with his halberd.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T31: Sinxia, what do you do? If you take a FAA, you get an extra attack from the haste in addition to all other bonuses.

Haste on all heroes (except Teofilo) til end R7T22!!!
Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle.
Lilim: 22. Shard of Greed's haste til end R7T22.
The Scribe: 19.
* Ki-Rin style vs. G1
Teofilo: 18.
Fallon: 14. 5' altitude.
Incubus: 12. (101:112).
Erima: 11. RAGING!!! Charging/ PA.
Rezah: 6.
Schir #1: 4. (32:60). Suffer 1 Bleed/ round (Heal DC 20)!
Schir #2: 3. (29:60).

2017-02-20, 02:53 AM
R2T31: Sinxia will slip back into her combat stance, and let loose a flurry of arrows into G1, the schir she perceives as most heavily wounded. The first arrow skims off the demon's hide. With the second shot Sinxia fully misses, and barely keeps ahold of her weapon, but she quickly adjusts her grip for her third shot and it hits true as the arrow pushes past its abyssal resistance and into the schir's side of the neck for 8 mod.

"Sinxia!" calls The Scribe. "A lot of demons have allergies to cold iron, just like a lot of demons are affected by silver. Try those arrows next time."
Your sheet is now updated for expenditure of arrows, as well as the current effects of judgment and haste (as well as rapid shot).
R2T22: Lilim, haste was a good call. What do you do?

The Scribe on deck, Teofilo in the hole ...

Haste on all heroes (except Teofilo) til end R7T22!!!
Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle (+2 attack rolls, figured on sheet).
Lilim: 22. Shard of Greed's haste til end R7T22.
The Scribe: 19.
* Ki-Rin style vs. G1.
Teofilo: 18.
Fallon: 14. 5' altitude.
Incubus: 12. (101:112).
Erima: 11. RAGING!!! Charging/ PA.
Rezah: 6.
Schir #1: 4. (24:60). Suffer 1 Bleed/ round (Heal DC 20)!
Schir #2: 3. (29:60).

2017-03-22, 03:45 AM
R2T22: Lilim casts a spell on herself and moves up to engage G2.

R2T19: The Scribe focuses on his internal power some and then attacks. He hits G1 right in the groin for 15. His second attack actually crits the schir in the skull, chipping the bone fully as he pierces his weapon through its brain-pan for 18. The Scribe withdraws his cold iron weapon and the monster falls. Spurred on by mystic energy he continues his attack against G2, but the demonic hide stops his weapon.

R2T18: Teofilo casts a spell on himself and turns invisible.

R2T14: Fallon floats back a few feet out of range of the goat-demon, then focuses her attention (literally) on the demon that flew down to pick up its weapon, but nothing happens.

R2T12: The winged demon takes flight, deftly flies up 10' in the air - right by the 15' high celing - and just barely out of the reach of The Scribe's ranseur.
You hear a voice in your mind telling you to go out to the water's edge to intercept the "other demons."

Roll a Will save against the suggestion.

Clarification: Not your turn to act; just a need for a saving throw.
R2T11: Erima, you are currently raging (and power attacking) and the party is enjoying haste (sheet is updated). What do you do?

Rezah on deck, schir in the hole ...

Haste on all heroes (except Teofilo) til end R7T22!!!
Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle (+2 attack rolls, figured on sheet).
Lilim: 22. Shard of Greed's haste til end R7T22. True sight until end of R3T22.
The Scribe: 19.
* Ki-Rin style vs. G1.
Teofilo: 18. Invisible.
Fallon: 14. 5' altitude.
Incubus: 12. (101:112). 10' altitude.
Erima: 11. RAGING!!! Charging/ PA.
Rezah: 6.
Schir #1: 4. (-9:60). Suffer 1 Bleed/ round (Heal DC 20)!
Schir #2: 3. (29:60).

2017-03-25, 02:22 AM
R2T11: Letting her anger guide her moves, Erima keeps hacking the remaining demon into the ground, using the burst of speed to ensure a short fight. She just keeps wailing into it, gore and viscera flying everywhere!
Your sheet is updated for your rage. If you add anything that is not on your sheet, make sure you state what it is in the spoilers, please. I just put in a spot for Power Attack, to include current attack/ damage bonuses from rage, etc. Still, this thing is - as PSinger described - dead.
R2T6: Rezah, not able to reach the flying demon unless he were to go to crossbow (and dropping his shield), prays loudly to Sarenrae for victory.Prayer
End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T31: Sinxia, what do you do?Haste and your judgment are calculated on your sheet. Leave other calculations to me, please.
Lilim on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...
Haste on all heroes (except Teofilo) til end R7T22!!!
* Prayer on heroes til end R8T6!!! ... +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle (+2 attack rolls, figured on sheet).
Lilim: 22. Shard of Greed's haste til end R7T22. True sight until end of R3T22.
The Scribe: 19.
* Ki-Rin style vs. G1.
Teofilo: 18. Invisible.
Fallon: 14. 5' altitude.
Incubus: 12. (101:112). 10' altitude. Not affected by Rezah's prayer.
Erima: 11. RAGING!!! Charging/ PA.
Rezah: 6.
Schir #1: 4. (-11:60, death at -15). Suffer 1 Bleed/ round (Heal DC 20)!

DEAD: Schir #2.

2017-04-09, 02:42 AM
R3T31: Sinxia draws a cold iron arrow from her handy haversack and fires it at the flying demon, hitting it in the right shoulder for 19.
Retrieving a stored item is a MA. Sheathing a weapon is likewise an MA, and for which I would accept as the action "line item" for putting arrows from hand into your quiver. I'd say no more than five at a time could be grabbed. That's not the issue.

The issue is that your stated two MAs would be interrupted by a SA - the act of shooting the demon (i.e., making an attack). It takes two hands to hold a bow (including the one ammunition to be used for that shot), so you would have had to dump the arrows onto the floor except the one used. Once on the floor, I WOULD have you - at least in battle - deal with only being able to pick up arrows one at a time. In the end, and given that you had the caveat in spoilers, it was about drawing a special arrow and shooting it. That was most in line with what you really wanted to do ... mainly, getting an effective piece of weaponry and hitting the demon with it.
R3T22: With her aim supernaturally enhanced, Lilim brings forth purest acidic power and launches two rays at the demon before stepping north a few feet. Both hit, but only the first one does any damage (4 mod acid).

R3T19: The Scribe quickly makes an analysis regarding the demon. "It's an incubus. Sonic best, fire useless; resistant to all else. Cold iron or good."

He moves past Lilim to get right under the demon and then attacks with his reach weapon to hit for 15.

R3T18: Whispered into Sinxia's ear is Teofilo's voice, who must be standing behind her (remember, he is invisible). "Tell me the command for your pack, and I'll make sure you have ammunition ready."

Sinxia, do you let him know the command word for your haversack?

Haste on all heroes (except Teofilo) til end R7T22!!!
* Prayer on heroes til end R8T6!!! ... +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle (+2 attack rolls, figured on sheet).
Lilim: 22. Shard of Greed's haste til end R7T22. True sight until end of R3T22.
The Scribe: 19.
* Ki-Rin style vs. G1.
Teofilo: 18. Invisible.
Fallon: 14. 5' altitude.
Incubus: 12. (64:112). 10' altitude. Not affected by Rezah's prayer.
Erima: 11. RAGING!!! Charging/ PA.
Rezah: 6.
Schir #1: 4. (-11:60, death at -15). Suffer 1 Bleed/ round (Heal DC 20)!

DEAD: Schir #2.

2017-04-19, 02:16 AM
R3T18 (Cont'd): Sinxia mentions the command word to her haversack and several arrows come out and are positioned near the top of the quiver (but not yet in).

R3T14: Fallon easily slides west 5' (while still 5' in the air) to keep out of reach of the incubus. She takes out that tale-tell little feather and tart and throws it at the demon, easily burning through its spell resistance, but it is still a monster of great will and does not fall for cheap spell-humor.

R3T12: The incubus tries to acrobatically fly safely past The Scribe's attack area and fails, and is hit by the man for 16. Still, it flies past and gets right overhead of Sinxia, channeling its malice into a deadly strike ... only to fail ... and then fly back up to a height of 10'.

R3T11: Erima, you recover from the last charge you had made. You are currently in a rage. There is no way to reach the flying incubus with your axe. What do you do?

Rezah on deck, Sinxia in the hole ...

Haste on all heroes (except Teofilo) til end R7T22!!!
* Prayer on heroes til end R8T6!!! ... +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle (+2 attack rolls, figured on sheet).
Lilim: 22. Shard of Greed's haste til end R7T22.
The Scribe: 19.
* Ki-Rin style vs. G1.
Teofilo: 18. Invisible.
Fallon: 14. 5' altitude.
Incubus: 12. (48:112). 10' altitude. Not affected by Rezah's prayer.
Erima: 11. RAGING!!! Charging/ PA.
Rezah: 6.
Schir #1: 4. (-11:60, death at -15). Suffer 1 Bleed/ round (Heal DC 20)!

DEAD: Schir #2.

2017-04-20, 06:22 PM
R3T11: Sighing for a long second, Erima stops boiling, throwing an angry gaze toward the flying man. "Come down there if you dare!"
I think you must be working off of old data. You're Intimidate score is significantly higher. Also, you dropped Bear's Whatsit long ago for Hurtful ... now that you're immune to fear.Despite being a demon, the incubus looks visibly shaken!

R3T6: Rezah, seeing what this battle is likely to become, drops his scimitar and looses his shield to the ground. He then takes out his masterwork crossbow.

End Round 3, Begin Round 4 ...

R4T31: Sinxia, what do you do?

Lilim on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...

Haste on all heroes (except Teofilo) til end R7T22!!!
* Prayer on heroes til end R8T6!!! ... +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle (+2 attack rolls, figured on sheet).
Lilim: 22. Shard of Greed's haste til end R7T22.
The Scribe: 19.
* Ki-Rin style vs. G1.
Teofilo: 18. Invisible.
Fallon: 14. 5' altitude.
Incubus: 12. (48:112). 10' altitude. Not affected by Rezah's prayer. SHAKEN til end R6T11!!!
Erima: 11. FATIGUED til end R7T11!!!
Rezah: 6. Shield/ scimitar on ground. Crossbow in ground.
Schir #1: 4. (-12:60, death at -15). Suffer 1 Bleed/ round (Heal DC 20)!

DEAD: Schir #2.

2017-04-24, 09:50 PM
R4T31: Sinxia takes arrows from Teofilo's presumably waiting hands (located right by Sinxia so it is as easy to draw as any ammunition) and starts launching them one after another at the Incubus, hoping to take it down with extreme prejudice. He hits the demon all three times for a total 47! Extreme prejudice, indeed. Somehow, someway, the thing is still in the air.

R4T22: With 18 force from three magic missiles, the thing falls to the ground, with Sinxia just barely ducking out of the way.

R4T19: The Scribe takes a 5-foot step and performs a coup de grace on G1 for good measure.

R4T18: Teofilo appears after having drilled an icicle into the skull of the incubus to make sure that it is dead.

Combat Ends ...

Haste on all heroes (except Teofilo) til end R7T22!!!
* Prayer on heroes til end R8T6!!! ... +1 luck bonus (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/basics-ability-scores/glossary#TOC-Luck-Bonus) on attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, saves, and skill checks.
Sinxia: 31. Judgment [Justice] active til end of battle (+2 attack rolls, figured on sheet).
Lilim: 22. Shard of Greed's haste til end R7T22.
The Scribe: 19.
* Ki-Rin style vs. G1.
Teofilo: 18. Invisible.
Fallon: 14. 5' altitude.
Incubus: 12. (-17:112). 10' altitude. Not affected by Rezah's prayer. SHAKEN til end R6T11!!!
Erima: 11. FATIGUED til end R7T11!!!
Rezah: 6. Shield/ scimitar on ground. Crossbow in ground.

DEAD: Both schirs.

2017-06-30, 03:49 AM
Erima maintains a guard position at the set of double doors to the north you came in. Fallon and Rezah are in the alcove to the west. The Scribe and Teofilo are studying the walls to the SE. Sinxia is at the SW corner of the lower platform, and Lilim had made a circuit around the outside of the smaller platform and steps on top to the east. No sooner does she do this, four spherical creatures made mostly of mouth burst forth from the gray flame with definite hostile intent!

One immediately bites at Lilim. One zooms west down that alcove towards Fallon and Rezah and gets stabbed by her for 7 before it bites Fallon ineffectually. A third pops out to attack Lilim (likewise not really hurting her despite success). Still a fourth zooms out to charge The Scribe, only for him to turn to face it at the last second and block it with the haft of his weapon. All of them are Tiny, and 10' off the ground.

Begin Round One ...

R1T24: Sinxia, an ever-gnashing maw, filled with row after row of mismatched teeth, dominates this frightful creature's orb-like body.
These are cacodaemons, the lowest form of daemon that populate the plane of Abaddon. As such, they are outsiders - extraplanar creatures that have learned to fight and survive mental horrors, combat with others of their kind, and using their small size to escape many dangers. That size is a detriment to them, however, as relatively speaking to other outsiders, they are not that hardy.

As daemons, even these least forms have quanitifiable abilities. They are neutral evil creatures that eat souls and thrive on ruin. They are usually immune to acid, death effects, disease, and poison. Most also have some resistance to cold, electricity, and fire. Many daemons can summon others of their kind. Most daemons only develop verbal skill in reading and writing Abyssal, Draconic, and Infernal, as most of them possess the innate telepathy so common to the fiends of the lower planes.

Cacodemons have an ability to ingest the spirit of any recently slain creature, and from that create a soul gem that is useful for healing itself. It is this useful ability that keeps many of these hateful beasts alive in the lower planes for they are kept as pets by more powerful daemons who use this ability to create what amounts to a currency among the Lower Planes.
Sinxia, you only see three from your current vantage point. The one that attacked Erima to the north had to charge to get to Erima in a surprise round and still attack. What do you do?

Sinxia: 24.
Scribe: 23.
C1: 22. (33:33).
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 15.
C2: 14. (26:33).
Teofilo: 11.
C3: 10. (33:33).
Rezah: 9.
C4: 6. (33:33).
Erima: 5.

2017-07-04, 03:30 AM
R1T24: "Cacodaemons!" shouts Sinxia. "Lowest of the daemons of Abaddon, NOT demons from the Abyss. Immune to acid, resists else except sonic. Don't know about weapon resistance. Also useless? Death spells, disease, and poison."

Recognizing the size and speed of these things, Sinxia asks Sarenrae for justice that these most base corporations of pure evil be destroyed. She then capitalizes on the fact that C4 is a little off-balance (hopefully) after the charge and shoots that one with a normal arrow to probe resistance, hitting it for 5 mod and a second arrow for 4 mod. "Mild resistance to magical weapons, normal metal!"
Judgment for a +2 bonus to attack rolls. Sheet updated.
R1T23: The Scribe wheels around quickly to face the flying mouth. He sidesteps to the southwest and spins his ranseur in a dizzying way until he finally thrusts for 20 mod. This thing is barely flying, badly wounded now. "Resists cold iron, too! Holy weapons if you have them. Someone try mithral or silver if you have the opportunity."

R1T22: C1 bites at Lilim, missing.

R1T20: Lilim steps the the SW. Just before she defensively casts her spells, she calls out: "Erima! Incoming!" A blast of water shoots forth from her palm to throw C1 back 4 squares worth of power into C3 as C3 is likewise thrown back three squares. C1 is on the ground, C3 is now a little further north (and still flying). C1 took 5 mod from the impact.Botting for PSinger since he is busy...
R1T15: Lilim can see Fallon tumbling around and drawing her rapier. She flanks her opponent with Rezah while drawing her rapier and stabs her opponent for 24. From the down the hall we hear Fallon shout, "We have a winner with mithral, so go with that or silver!"

R1T14: To which she adds to that, "Yup. This one is dead!"

R1T11: Teofilo flies up to a height of 10' and casts a spell that whomps C4 for 11 NL, knocking it out as it drops to the ground.

R1T10: C3 disappears from sight.

R1T9: Rezah double moves into the room and onto the middle dais.

R1T5: Erima, 15' from you is one of these "cackle-demons," prone on the ground (C1). The platform doesn't inflict a movement penalty, but it does do just enough to keep you from doing a charge. What do you do?

Sinxia on deck, The Scribe in the hole ...

Sinxia: 24. Judgment: Justice (+2 attack rolls).
Scribe: 23.
C1: 22. (28:33). PRONE!!!
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 15.
Teofilo: 11.
C3: 10. (33:33). Flying directly over Lilim.
Rezah: 9.
C4: 6. (4:33, 11 NL).
Erima: 5.

2017-07-08, 02:31 AM
R1T5: Erima steps right up to face the closest cacodemon squarely, and brings her axe into it full bore for 19 mod (max), cutting deep into it as it gives a hideous shriek.

End Round One, Begin Round 2 ...

R2T24: Sinxia activates her Haversack, pulling a single Silver Arrow out of it and aims carefully at the cacodaemon Erima just whomped. She fires her single shot, a gust of wind propelling it into the target in an attempt to knock it to the ground. Unfortunately, the prone nature of the thing gave it a more slender profile and Sinxia misses.

R2T23: The Scribe coup de graces C4. He then moves closer to Lilim, but also by the prone C1.

R2T22: C1 now disappears.

R2T20: Lilim, what do you do?

Sinxia: 24. Judgment: Justice (+2 attack rolls).
Scribe: 23.
C1: 22. (9:33). Invisible at ground level.
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 15.
Teofilo: 11.
C3: 10. (33:33). Flying directly over Lilim.
Rezah: 9.
Erima: 5.

2017-07-10, 03:00 AM
R2T20: Lilim figures that while the one near her is unknown, the one that just went invisible hasn't had time to move. She steps around the gray flame to the left and up to where she last saw it. She curb stomps where she believes it to be, but doesn't hit anything.

R2T15: Asking folks to point out where it last was, Fallon double moves into and around the room to possibly flank with Lilim.

R2T11-10: Teofilo flies up to a height of 10' off the ground, and readies a spell.Appearing just above Teofilo is a cacodaemon (unwounded) that bit against his armor. Teofilo turns to face it and his readied spell goes off - an intense beam of empyreal light that hits the daemon squarely for 13 untyped.

R2T9: Rezah moves over by Erima and stabs with the mithral rapier where Lilim had attacked, but not apparently hitting anything.

R2T5: Erima, what do you do?

Sinxia: 24. Judgment: Justice (+2 attack rolls).
Scribe: 23.
C1: 22. (9:33). Invisible at ground level.
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 15.
Teofilo: 10.1. 10' altitude.
C3: 10. (20:33). 15' altitude.
Rezah: 9.
Erima: 5.

2017-07-19, 03:42 AM
R2T5: Erima swings her axe at the ground ... and hits it.

End Round 2, Begin Round 3 ...

R3T24: Sinxia draws another Silver arrow from her Haversack, and launches it square into the Cacaodemon that attacked Teofilo, hoping to end it easily. It hits well and hard, but doesn't quite kill the daemon.

R3T23: The Scribe drops his ranseur and tries to grab where he thinks the invisible monster may be. Sure enough, he seems to wrap his arms around .. something.

R3T22: The daemon comes into view as it is in The Scribe's grasp, trying to bite at him.

R3T20: Lilim, what do you do? You are currently flanking with the Scribe.

Fallon on deck, Teofilo in the hole ...

Sinxia: 24. Judgment: Justice (+2 attack rolls).
Scribe: 23.
C1: 22. (9:33). GRAPPLED by Scribe.
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 15.
Teofilo: 10.1. 10' altitude.
C3: 10. (2:33). 15' altitude.
Rezah: 9.
Erima: 5.

2017-08-02, 02:09 AM
R3T20: Lilim tears into the cacodaemon held by The Scribe. Her two unarmed strikes do 14 mod total, but Lilim bites her own tongue for 1 bleed. Still, despite the embarrassing ending, the thing is beaten into unconsciousness and bleeding itself, and The Scribe drops the thing on the ground.

R3T15: Fallon speeds forth up and into the air towards the last. At just 5' below its height she practically spears through it with her rapier, and lets the thing fall off and drop to the ground, dead.

Rezah coup de graces the one at The Scribe's feet for good measure.

Combat Ends ...

Sinxia: 24. Judgment: Justice (+2 attack rolls).
Scribe: 23.
Lilim: 20.
Fallon: 15.
Teofilo: 10.1. 10' altitude.
Rezah: 9.
Erima: 5.

2017-12-12, 02:17 AM
[I will be using initiative even though combat isn't officially joined, to determine the order of when people can act...]

Round One ...

R1T23: Sinxia, what do you wish to do? Do you wish to just go into combat, or to try some type of subterfuge (or recommend the same)?

Sinxia: 23.
Fallon: 22.
Erima: 22.
The Scribe: 21.
Teofilo: 13.
Lilim: 9.
Rezah: 9.
Mochtau: 9.
Monitor Lizard #1: 8.
Monitor Lizard #2: 6.