View Full Version : Scribblenauts Unlimited

2013-07-14, 05:56 PM
What cool stuff have you guys done in it? I got it because it went on sale (Go, Steam Summer Sale!) and am proud to say that one of the first things I made was a "flying blue police box" *cough*TARDIS*cough*

2013-07-14, 06:08 PM
I'm hoping to have the money to get this one when it comes back around on the last day sale. I had a LOT of fun with a borrowed copy of there original (Gluing Cthulhu to the Large Hadron Collider may not solve many puzzles... but it is hilarious). Whats your opinion of it so far?

2013-07-14, 06:19 PM
I've only played around with it for like half an hour at this point, but my impressions so far...

The Good:
It's pretty amusing, including things like "Bad Poetry" damaging people

The Bad:
Creating a sousaphone actually creates a tuba. This bugs me.

The Confusing:
When a girl says, "I wish someone would give me something romantic like in the movies!", giving her a vampire does not help you get starite.

2013-07-14, 06:36 PM
It's fun, but sometimes I think I'm too literal-minded for this game... I did manage to save a boy from a pterodactyl by making it a vegetarian, though.

2013-07-14, 06:49 PM
Try a maddening bouncy ball. It's amazing how many fights I accidentally started with that.

2013-07-14, 09:33 PM
Try a maddening bouncy ball. It's amazing how many fights I accidentally started with that.

Chainsaws. I'm actually considering going back through, just to see how many problems can be solved with chainsaws. (I feel sorry for the guy who was operated on with a giant radioactive flaming chainsaw)

2013-07-14, 10:07 PM
Chainsaws. I'm actually considering going back through, just to see how many problems can be solved with chainsaws. (I feel sorry for the guy who was operated on with a giant radioactive flaming chainsaw)
A friend of mine has a similar plan, except with babies (http://www.twitch.tv/ultymoo/c/2056278).

2013-07-15, 01:37 AM
The Bad:
Creating a sousaphone actually creates a tuba. This bugs me.

They can't possibly include every single item ever made in the world--they had to release the game sometime prior to 2047. :smallwink:

2013-07-15, 02:05 AM
Exploding babies have many applications.

2013-07-15, 05:58 AM
First, overall game impressions:

It's hilariously fun. I think it's the only game I've played where I've actually laughed out loud. I haven't tried any mods yet, because last time I tried mods on a Steam game, it make the game not work at all, and I'm afraid to try to mod a game. I was a little disappointed though. Either I'm just not finding the right things, or background objects can't really be manipulated very much. For example, I saw a hummingbird, that was completely unrelated to any quest (but I could click on). Couldn't think of anything to do with it, but maybe I just didn't find anything for it. Also, no matter what you come up with to solve the puzzles, the resolution is always the same. I gave a kid a Game Boy at a restaurant to cure his boredom (because his girlfriend was sitting across from him. Nice values there...), and it solved the puzzle, but made a clown appear. I just wish the resolution would be more directly related to what you actually did.

Fun things I've done: not much so far, but here's what I remember:

There's a kid hiding in a locker until the bully outside is gone. So I made another bully to chase the first bully. It worked. A couple minutes later, the second bully came back, and started beating me. So I created a gun, and SHOT HER TO DEATH.

Zombie invasion in the fire house. Gave a guy a rocket launcher for defense. Because a guy who's job it is to know about fire safety, needs a device that causes explosions, indoors no less.

Speaking of the Game Boy ("video game"), if you click to "play" it, it turns the game into a black and white and hazy, ...well, Game Boy-looking game.

2013-07-16, 07:45 AM
It's fun, but sometimes I think I'm too literal-minded for this game... I did manage to save a boy from a pterodactyl by making it a vegetarian, though.

+ one billion!
I did the same thing to most of the puzzles in that part of the game

"What? You need an interesting dinosaur that wouldn't hurt the kids? HERBIVOROUS T-REX!"

2013-07-17, 04:01 PM
There's a tree, with a bird's nest and egg on it. The lumberjack wants to cut it down, the girl next to her doesn't. I didn't realize at the time, that you have to do both sides (reset the stage once you did one), so I was siding with the girl, and was trying to save the tree. I thought I'd give her a weapon to chase the guy away. An axe would suffice, right? Nope. Jack took the axe and chopped down the tree. Next time, I thought, "ok, that's his tool of choice, I'll give her something he can't use". So I gave her a gun. Surely he couldn't take the gun and chop down the tree with it. WRONG! He chopped down the tree with a GUN. I had to look up what to do here, and the walkthrough I found suggested a sleeping pill. It worked, but that's when I realized that my mind isn't good for this game. My brain is telling me, "why would he willingly eat that pill that some stranger gave him?" Oh well.

There's a dead woman, and she wants to be reunited with her husband, who is crying over her. I thought "she's dead, not like I can get a doctor and bring her back to life". So, if I couldn't save her, what do I do? Easy. Grab another gun, blow the husband away. As I'm doing it, I'm laughing at myself for thinking that that was a good idea. I mean, the husband doesn't know what his dead wife is thinking. As I come to realize that IT WORKED, I laughed even harder. Turns out, you CAN bring her back to life, but I think my way was funnier. And that's what this game is for, at least for me.

Next to those two, a boat was stuck on the top of a massive rock. I put out the fire, and then stuck a guy in the boat to drive it. But how to get it off the MASSIVE rock? Gotta blow it up someho.....dynamite! Yes, set the fuse, and run! Nope, didn't work. Ok, if dynamite isn't getting rid of that rock, what will? I consult my walkthrough. Here's what it suggested, and it worked: Create a basketball, throw the basketball at the boat to knock it off the rock. I reiterate. A BASKETBALL knocked a BOAT off a surface.

2013-07-17, 04:23 PM
My brain is telling me, "why would he willingly eat that pill that some stranger gave him?" Oh well.
There was a Jail Guard that wanted a a chair so he could give his feet a rest.

I suggested an Electric Chair.

It worked. Until he died.

Darth Credence
2013-07-17, 04:34 PM
I have made several vegan dinosaurs (not as many letters to type). I made a defibrillator to bring the woman back to life - I tried to get a voodoo priest to do it, but couldn't make it work. I used a rocket launcher to blow up the rock beneath the boat. Then the boat sank, so I had to tie balloons on it to raise it up before repairing it. Strangely, I couldn't use a repair kit to repair it, I had to actually give it an adjective of repaired.

I have fun with using different ways to fly. You can have whole lot of different wings, like bat wings or demon wings. I'm currently using a flying carpet to get around.

2013-07-17, 04:45 PM
I was thoroughly disappointed when it turned out that the game does not consider sucking it into a black hole to be a valid way of disposing of toxic waste.

2013-07-17, 04:49 PM
I have made several vegan dinosaurs (not as many letters to type). I made a defibrillator to bring the woman back to life - I tried to get a voodoo priest to do it, but couldn't make it work. I used a rocket launcher to blow up the rock beneath the boat. Then the boat sank, so I had to tie balloons on it to raise it up before repairing it. Strangely, I couldn't use a repair kit to repair it, I had to actually give it an adjective of repaired.

I have fun with using different ways to fly. You can have whole lot of different wings, like bat wings or demon wings. I'm currently using a flying carpet to get around.

So far, I've used wings (they're like angel wings), a witch's broom (it was hanging around in one stage), and a jetpack. The jetpack is the fastest I've found so far, and your running speed is even faster.

2013-07-17, 08:19 PM
I used a pegasus early on, but I eventually switched to Winged Sandals. Swift Winged Sandals, actually, for the walk speed boost.

2013-07-18, 05:46 AM
I've had a lot of fun with Vorpal things. Like a vorpal cake- it's actually one of the deadliest things in the game.

Not as deadly as the vorpal gazebo though.

2013-07-18, 02:40 PM
Sonic flying mustache is where it's at.

2013-07-18, 02:47 PM
I've had a lot of fun with Vorpal things. Like a vorpal cake- it's actually one of the deadliest things in the game.

Not as deadly as the vorpal gazebo though.

:smalleek: WE NEED TO MAKE IT LIVING! You know, to make the gazebo even scarier

2013-07-19, 05:49 PM
I usually give myself Fast Flying Tiny adjectives.

I solved the boat by making it Flying Repaired.

Solved the dead woman by using a Defibrillator...TO KILL HER HUSBAND. :smalleek:

I think I saved the bird by making the tree Indestructable?

Applying Fast, Slow, Hungry, and Tasty adjectives in various combinations to everything in the level is rather amusing too :smallamused:

2013-07-19, 11:34 PM
I know it's only Super Scribblenauts, but check this tool assisted run. http://youtu.be/ESwkulsgnBY

2013-07-20, 12:33 AM
So haven anyone of you watched playthroughs by two Swedish guy, one a bloodthirsty Viking with walrus companion and other a barrel hating twit with obsession with nsfw object.

Darklord Bright
2013-07-21, 02:39 AM
In all honesty, as fun as it is to mess with stuff, I'm kinda sad that it's so easy to 100% the game fairly quickly.

Pretty much all of the challenges can be solved in a fairly straightforward manner, and aside from a few bizarrely accepted solutions (On multiple occasions, the game allowed me to use living people as a food item simply by adding "Meat" or "Tasty" as an adjective. Amusing and disturbing all at once.) the game doesn't allow for many creative applications of the notebook to solve the actual puzzles. The game basically intends you to do very specific things no matter how you flavour them, with only a few stand-out puzzles here and there.

Luckily it solves this by allowing to use our notebook free-roam, which was always the best part of the other games. Just sitting around making and doing bizarre things is loads of fun, but I just wish the actual game parts were a bit more creatively rewarding.

It's also far to easy to solve most of the puzzles that involve getting past some sort of creature or hostile. On occasions where you can't just use an adjective to make yourself or someone else Invincible or make the other thing Impotent or Dead, the game still allows you to make yourself Bulletproof, Fireproof, Supersonic, Flying, and carrying a Minigun.

There's not a lot that can stand up to that.

On the bright side, I was able to make a custom Avatar that pretty closely resembles Cyban, my current on-site avatar.


2013-07-21, 03:43 AM
So haven anyone of you watched playthroughs by two Swedish guy, one a bloodthirsty Viking with walrus companion and other a barrel hating twit with obsession with nsfw object.

I've watched the second of those two.. I don't get the first reference/code though?

2013-07-22, 08:47 PM
I found out that the game accepts Ginormous as an adjective :smallsmile:

I also have a walking dolphin as a mount for absolutely no reason.

2013-07-23, 09:04 AM
There was a Jail Guard that wanted a a chair so he could give his feet a rest.

I suggested an Electric Chair.

It worked. Until he died.

I'm not the only one, score!

Mount of choice: a Flying Firebreathing Giant Guinea Pig :smallbiggrin:

Favorite ways to solve puzzles: babies and/or corpses

Janitor wants to clean up water in a subway? Thristy Baby

Girl needs something to comfort her? Cuddly Dead Cat

School Cook needs food ingredients? Tasty Edible Poisoned Corpse

Betweeen this game and Apples to Apples I'm convinced I'm a terrible person, despite what those around me may think. :smallamused:

2013-07-23, 06:37 PM
I'm not the only one, score!

Mount of choice: a Flying Firebreathing Giant Guinea Pig :smallbiggrin:

Favorite ways to solve puzzles: babies and/or corpses

Janitor wants to clean up water in a subway? Thristy Baby

Girl needs something to comfort her? Cuddly Dead Cat

School Cook needs food ingredients? Tasty Edible Poisoned Corpse

Betweeen this game and Apples to Apples I'm convinced I'm a terrible person, despite what those around me may think. :smallamused:

You gave the janitor a thirsty baby? I just made the janitor thirsty. :smalltongue:

2013-07-24, 08:13 AM
You gave the janitor a thirsty baby? I just made the janitor thirsty. :smalltongue:

If you couldn't tell from my posted solutions, I'm working my way through the games seeing how many puzzles I can solve with babies and/or corpses. I sometimes have to get terribly creative with the adjetives, but that just makes it all the more fun for me. I did solve the problem of the lonely succubus by creating a Flying Friendly Amorous Medusa though. :smallwink:

2013-07-24, 08:34 AM
If you couldn't tell from my posted solutions, I'm working my way through the games seeing how many puzzles I can solve with babies and/or corpses. I sometimes have to get terribly creative with the adjetives, but that just makes it all the more fun for me. I did solve the problem of the lonely succubus by creating a Flying Friendly Amorous Medusa though. :smallwink:

Oh, um... Sorry, I seem to have completely missed the line where you explicitly stated your preferences for puzzle solving. :smallredface:

2013-07-24, 08:58 AM
Oh, um... Sorry, I seem to have completely missed the line where you explicitly stated your preferences for puzzle solving. :smallredface:

I don't think I explicitly stated it, but yeah I have a rather twisted operating practice at times. Makes for entertaining games at least. :smallbiggrin: