View Full Version : [3.P] The Forests of Athenrai - an Eberron/Golarion campaign journal

2013-07-14, 10:53 PM
Hello, playground! Tomorrow, my Eberron/Golarion combination campaign begins in earnest, and I want to share some of the adventures that are sure to be had.

TO MY PLAYERS: Look at the username. If you recognize it, stay out! I'll mostly not be posting spoilers here anyway, but don't risk seeing something that might ruin something for you!

With that said, we just finished a campaign of two years (Rise of the Runelords+an extended epilogue) and are moving into a campaign of my own devising. My three intrepid players won through every obstacle (including the Test of the Starstone) and have all three been elevated to godhood.

A quick note on the campaign setting:

The basic concept is that a manifest zone to Golarion opened up in Eberron in the Thunder Sea (connected on the Golarion side to the area near the Maelstrom) around the time of the beginning of the Last War. The disruption of the Last War kept interplanar anomalies from the minds of most, but with the end of the war, trade, politics, war, scholarship, crime, and more are shifting back and forth across the planar boundary at an accelerating rate.

The PCs

As a note, I told all of the players that they need to begin the campaign in prison.

Drock - CG Half-Giant Aegis 2/Soulknife 1 (aiming for metaforge). Originally from a warlike Golarion tribe of half-giants famed for their armorsmithing and metalsmithing, Drock is one of tribe members who took up the mantle of the new god Adeyaka, an arcanist in life famous for the incredible suit of armor that he summoned to fight for him. Drock left for Eberron around a decade ago when he heard about the creation of Droaam - a true test of the strength of the arms and armor he could summon. Drock fought first for the Daughters of Sora Kell, and later as a mercenary for House Tharashk. With the end of the Last War, good mercenary work came harder to find, and Drock took a shady job protecting what turned out to be drug runners. Brellish guardsmen arrested the lot of the group, and Drock was imprisoned.

Xanaphia - TN Elan Binder 3 (possibly aiming for KotSS). [Unnamed] is nearing one thousand years old if she hasn't hit it yet; she was already quite old when she underwent her transformation, and the only two things she can remember from before her elan life are her children and her lover - an elf swordsman tragically taken from her that she remembers as Paimon. She binds him every day, and eventually hopes to be reunited with him (she's a little bit unhinged, if you haven't noticed that yet). She has most recently been working with an elan circle in Sharn that runs an inquisitive service. Xanaphia is a worshiper of Urgathoa, and always loves to find new experiences.

Romas - TN Oread Saurian Shaman Druid 3. Hasn't provided the most in-depth backstory, so I'll update this later.

First session is tomorrow, so posting this preliminary thread now.