View Full Version : Running Grapple

Captain Kablam
2013-07-15, 01:50 AM
Trying to make a luchadore/pugilist type character. Cutting to the chase, I'd like to make it so I can do a spring attack type move where I initiate a grapple instead of just whapping the guy. Is there anyway I can make this happen?

2013-07-15, 01:59 AM
Getting Improved Grab (spirit Bear Totem barb 2) or scorpion's grasp feat will allow you to initiate a grapple on any foe you hit with a natural attack. So, you could work either into an unarmed spring attacker to bullrush them back, grapple them, and disengage to keep moving.

More effective though, may be a Swordsage, preferably unarmed variant, who specializes in the Setting Sun and Tiger Claw disciplines. All you jumping and throwing needs in one nice neat little package. Though Setting Sun works off of Trips instead of Grapples if that matters.

2013-07-15, 03:57 AM
If you're grappling, you can't then run away...unless you mean carrying your grappled opponent with you, in which case I don't know of any rules for that.

If your group uses ToB, then yeah, go with an unarmed swordsage and have fun. Otherwise, take a level of monk (grabbing improved grapple), with the rest being a Str domain cleric - you'd probably want to be a half-orc for the bonus strength.

2013-07-15, 04:36 AM
If you are in control of the grapple you can release it as a free action and exit your opponent's square into any adjacent square. So you can grapple someone, damage them, and release it all in one attack action.

2013-07-15, 06:37 AM
If you are in control of the grapple you can release it as a free action and exit your opponent's square into any adjacent square. So you can grapple someone, damage them, and release it all in one attack action.How sure are you about that? Unless you take the -20 you too are considered grappled which means you have to win an opposed grapple check to break the grapple if your opponent does not want to let you go. SO yes, round 1 you may get away with this, but the second time you try it expect them to hold on.
This means that unless you have the strength to drag them (see improved grab) you cannot move away, therefore you could not perform a spring attack which means you did provoke if the oppnent has reach etc...

2013-07-15, 11:39 AM
If you are in control of the grapple you can release it as a free action and exit your opponent's square into any adjacent square. So you can grapple someone, damage them, and release it all in one attack action.

This is not how it works. Yes, releasing a grapple is a freeaction, if the opponent lets go, otherwise it's an opposed check. Moving away is still a move action, and you'll likely provoke an AoO.

Bear totem barbarian is the way to go, get a monks belt when you can.

2013-07-15, 01:26 PM
If you are in control of the grapple you can release it as a free action and exit your opponent's square into any adjacent square. So you can grapple someone, damage them, and release it all in one attack action.

Remember that in 3.5, there is no such thing as being "in control" of a grapple. This is something that held my group in quite a bit of confusion until we realized it wasn't true. I think the thought was a carry over from when I played 2nd ed.

Fouredged Sword
2013-07-15, 01:41 PM
One could be a whirlpounce barbarian and charge to initiate a grapple, then use your first attack inside the grapple to move the grapple.

Attack 1 -touch attack to grapple
Attack 2 -Opposed grapple check to move grapple
Attack 3-> damage

I would do this as a goliath totem rager as you get grallion arms for silly grapple checks.