View Full Version : A Catchy Title [IC]

2013-07-15, 11:41 AM
Regardless of your reasoning, you find yourself in the port city of Kadar. It is a place of new starts, of beginnings, at least that’s what it says on the brochure. From the looks of it, the city has considerable wealth. Every street is lined with cobblestone, which in and of itself is a testament to its wealth, though as a breeze swirls through the city, you notice the lack of a distinct smell that permeates many larger cities. In fact, since arriving in the city, you haven’t seen any garbage, nor any refuse piles, which gives Kadar the feel of extreme cleanliness, borderlining on the obsessive.

In the most extravagant section of the city is its crowning jewel, the Kadar University. It is known across the island as the premiere establishment for higher ‘learning’, regardless of the field and/or interest. People from all across the island come to Kadar in a bid for being accepted into the University, though few are accepted, and it’s well known that you have to have connections to even be considered.

Typically, this section of the city is nigh impossible to enter, due to its extensive network of defenses, both mundane and otherwise, however, today the gates appear to be open, and a flood of people seem to be making their way there, many excited over what the open gates might mean, others just curious as to where all these people are going. The noise made by this crowd is nearly deafening, and can be heard throughout the city. It’s as if excitement itself is alive, permeating everything within the city.


At this point, you all are somewhere within the city, where and with whom I will leave up to you all. And what you do is up to you as well.



The two cities are named, the 3 villages are just the largest in the area, there are other smaller villages about if you need there to be...:smallcool:

Any information you need concerning the world, just ask around IC, I’m sure someone knows something...maybe...:smallbiggrin:

Oh, and if you prefer to just go exploring and not follow any hooks at all, please keep to the map above for the time being...fluffing the ‘small’ island is proving more of a hassle than I thought it would be...the large continent scares me now...:smalleek:

2013-07-15, 11:59 AM
To those in my group:

Stretching her plush girly arms (that happened to be about the size of small trees), Hellen looks around as if bored with the place and the cheep tacky walkways already. "Well this is disappointing." Looking at the sky she continues. "Well there's still daylight, do you lot see anything of interest?"

What others see:

Perhaps the most beautiful woman you have ever seen standing beside a Half Orc male of shorter stature, an an even shorter, more savage woman.

2013-07-15, 04:02 PM
Will Riser
"Such neatness. Such cleanliness. How do they do it ? It's magnificent ! The amount of people required to keep this place spotless must be staggering !" remarks Will as he strolls down a street, looking at the different buildings. Truly, the city of Kadar is something different, and paying for the journey here must be worth it based on first impressions.

As he walks, he notices people flocking in a direction. Deciding to follow them, he overhears other folk talk about the Kadar University being open to the public for the day, something sufficiently uncommon as to draw so many individuals.

An university is a place of learning, thus Will decides to visit it since the opportunity arised, forgetting all about searching for lodgings. "This must be my lucky day ! Wonder if they have a library open for the public?"

Anyone other than theterran:
A man dressed like an adventurer, with a considerably sized backpack hanging by one of his shoulders, his gaze jumping from one point to another as if in awe of the city of Kadar. He appears to follow the crowd towards the University.

2013-07-15, 11:55 PM
Walking calmly along the streets alongside the much taller woman, Xinessa's tall, slightly scrawny frame looked average in comparison. She glanced around the city as they walked, a scowl on her face half the time, when it wasn't filled with staring somewhat wide-eyed at the big city. It was certainly different from the port they'd departed from, lacking in stink and refuse, all of which served to make her a little more impressed by it, when she wasn't busy scowling at it.

Glancing up at her taller companion, "Big pushy crowd." was her response to the tall girl's query. A shrug of her shoulders suggested she had no idea whether that was 'of interest' or not.

2013-07-16, 01:28 AM
Taking her companion's suggestion as an innocently voiced complaint Hellen nods. Yes you're right, we came for an adventure, not to walk down streets and be jostled by crowds. With this she begins leading them through the large crowd of emerging peasants and beggars entering the city, pushing outward from the crowd into the fresh open air. "Now that's more like it, a fresh country road to endless fanciful ends." Hellen had always been one to take what she wanted, and at the moment that was a joyous journey with a prince of some sort at the end. One as handsome and magnificent as she herself. A little city like that couldn't hold a spark to something so dreamy. :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-16, 01:51 AM
The tall, black cloaked male wandered through the city, mostly taking a scenic route, to take it all in, after all, he had never been here before.
People brushed into him, and this greatly annoyed him, but it would have to be tolerable for now, he wasn't as strong as his father, and as such, couldn't burn it into the ground if it annoyed him.
"Mayhaps I can find something to eat, or maybe an Arcane library, perhaps.."-In Draconic.
He stopped, staring at the odd group, a female human, and two others.
This interested him, and he began to follow them...

2013-07-16, 12:37 PM
Xinessa pressed her lips together a bit thoughtfully as Hellen led her away from the city. Although she had business in the city, she also figured she needed money before she would get anywhere with that.

Of course, there was also the fact that she owed Hellen, which she considered a point of pride to need to pay back. "Don't really have any rations; we'll have to hunt for food if we're going to travel." Xin didn't know much about how to make money in a city herself, so traveling seemed like a logical answer; hunting, she figured, might produce some pelts to sell as well as food. Assuming, of course, they didn't run into some sort of trouble.

2013-07-16, 01:20 PM
Amshar wasn't too long in this city, actually he just arrived yesterday. Last few days he didn't do much besides not standing out and looking around the 'worse' parts of the city for a possible job opportunities, although no luck yet.

Today he walked through the streets and noticed the unusual crowd. He followed it, pushed by his curiosity and noticed the gates to University are opened. When he got closer he tried to ask a nearby person...

"What is it all about?" he asks simply in a melodic voice, speaking only slightly louder than the noise of the crowd.

You can see a scrawny, tall elf, with a very pale skin and dark brown, long hair, he looks young and... quite weak. He wears clean, but worn set of travelling clothes and sturdy leather boots.

2013-07-16, 02:38 PM
Hellen beamed, imagining all the greatness out there. Why, she could hardly wait, fresh bore seasoned with sage and oregano, black walnuts, honey, and just a touch of dark pepper. "Indeed, though I brought a few rations. In any case I think it best to wander about outside a while with all those urchins entering the city. After a time we'll probably return if neither of you mind?"

As her heavy bow pinched the skin around her shoulder in time with her step as she began to wonder why she hadn't pawned the bow by now. With the money she would have been able to start her own business and make more of a fortune then her farther ever had, and after that she could hire some servants back and a good silk and goose down bed.

Having exited the city, her eyes passes over the assembly once more before she shrieked in fright. Something terrible was following her! Was that what they called an "undead"? Sure nothing living could look so grotesque and deformed. She could only see the shout of the halfdragon protruding from the thick cloak, but already she dreaded to see any more. Hasty she draws her bow at the being, dropping several arrows to the ground in her haste. "Can... do you think it can... talk?" She asks her companions warily. Sure nothing so hideous could be sentient! It was like a twisted mage's pet monster from the tales, only small and pitiful there they were big and intimidating.

Note that Cha is presence, not just beauty, so not only but ugly, but pitiful is indeed the operative word. :smallwink:

2013-07-16, 03:24 PM
Elian grunted at his companions' suggestions "You've got me for a few weeks yet until you up your retainer. If we start making our own money, might just stick around for my share of the scratch."

2013-07-16, 05:12 PM
"The Kadar University is open for the public today. Apparently it's an unusual event and people don't want to miss it." Will says casually, not really noticing to whom he is answering, paying more attention to the different shops on the street than where he steps.

2013-07-16, 05:29 PM
Abslanoth backed away from the crazy person with a bow, why in the world did she think he was following her? She must be insane, truely. He merely stared at her, dark red eyes locked onto hers. He simply shook his head at the mortal, appalled at a Noble's child, thinking even one like he would not be able to talk. She held the bow in a manner that suggested she, possibly, and that was a stretch, knew how to use it. He smiled, revealing the twin rows of razor sharp teeth that graced his mouth, and flicked the long pointed tongue at her, before turning, and fading into the crowd.


I'm going to attempt to find something to fight, any goblin/beasties around that people need ridding of? I need the XP. :smallbiggrin:

2013-07-16, 05:35 PM
"Eww, it pointed at me... I guess that at least tells us it isn't sentient, or at least can't talk..." Still somewhat disturbed Hellen picks up her dropped arrows, and slings the nine foot long bow back over her shoulder. Boldly she leads her comrades along the main trail, wondering what sort of wonderful adventure might be in store for her.

2013-07-16, 06:31 PM
Elian wasn't satisfied. He hefted his club in his hand. He placed it upon his shoulder, it looked relaxed but the club was at the ready. He wasn't very good with the thing, but it was less useful hanging from his belt.

He moved a hand down to pat his companion. The beast clacked it's beak several times, it could sense Elian's unease. It wasn't sure if there was going to be a fight, but it attempted to spook the stranger off.

"If you wish to speak with the stranger, you might do well to speak first. Otherwise, let us be off. Every minute spent idle is time wasted for you."

2013-07-16, 06:35 PM
"Perhaps. In any case you're right, we should be off." Still the thought that haunted her most was that there may be others just as hideous to cross their path in the future. Once more she began to wonder why she hadn't sold the bow.

2013-07-16, 06:35 PM

Abslanoth began to wade through the crowds, alert, attempting to hear anything resembling comments about any creatures threatening, or perhaps, a Goblin encampment that needed to be rid of.. If he heard none, he would go to a tavern, and ask the barkeep if he had heard anything about a Dangerous monster near the city.

2013-07-16, 10:18 PM
@Lexin / Bayar

"...and the gates hasn't been opened since as far back as I can remember" added a small boy who looks about 11, walking nearby. "It must be big news, they've invited the entire city!" he says excitedly before the crowd swallows him up again.

And glancing around, it does appear that close to the entire city is coming.


Wading through the crowd, most people are talking about some announcement to be made, or the gates of the University being opened for the first time since anyone can remember. The shear excitement of the possibilities of what that could mean have pushed any talk of monsters from their heads.

You approach three separate taverns, and all appear to be locked tight.


(OOC - I'm assuming you 3 will stick together, and that Hellen is the leader of the party, continue below...otherwise...lemme know :smalltongue:)
You leave the city by the main gate to the east. You notice that once outside the city, there is not a soul in sight. It appears everyone has gone to see what's going on at the University.

You trek east following the road for a short time, (knowing absolutely nothing about this place might I add:smalltongue:) until the road turns north. Continuing east, you set forth into the grassland.

As the noonday sun shines high overhead and the gentle breeze causes the long grass to sway, you note a homestead, still quite a distance away, but in this flat land, it's quite easily spotted over the miles of grass.

2013-07-16, 10:26 PM
Hellen draws two fresh plump figs from her pocket and, giving one to each of her companions along with a mug of fine wine, and a mug for herself, she decides it's time to sit and decide on a proper course of action. "So, who feels inclined to continue, and whom to visit that abandoned shack?"

To clarify, anything made with plank boards or mortar, or without proper continuous maintenance looks abandoned to her. :smalltongue:

2013-07-16, 10:31 PM
Elian looks at the hut. "Might not abandoned. Grew up in desert, we made house much like this. Seem folk go inside though. Might be reason for. We go back find out more, we go on. Not care, just try not let you die."

Elian eats the offered food. "Nasty food. We need fresh stuffs. Maybe hunts. Should make sure okay with authority first."

2013-07-17, 02:14 AM
Xinessa nodded a bit at Hellen as she offered a bit of her rations, and bit into the fig eagerly, savoring the taste as long as it lasted; the last time she'd eaten was back before they left the ship, whatever the crew had seen fit to serve.

"There might be someone at the shack that can direct us to...something." Xin wasn't really sure what they should be directed to, but given what few stories she'd heard about 'adventuring', which was what it sounded like Hellen was intending upon, people basically randomly wandered into trouble and got rewarded for it. That sounded good to her.

2013-07-17, 06:41 AM
Hellen shrugs, rising, and brushes some dirt from her dress. Announcing that the idea "Sounds like a plan." she begins to lead them towards the homestead.

2013-07-17, 09:16 AM
@Hellen and Co

Approaching the homestead, you realize in what poor shape it's in. Of the fence that once surrounded it, only the posts remain. What you guys was once a chicken coup, or some other shed of some kind is now nothing but a pile of rubble. Of the house itself, the roof looks ready to collapse, and in fact has in a few places. The front door appears to be missing completely. Everything is as overgrown as the untouched grasslands you've been traveling across, giving you some idea of how long it has been this way.

As you're surveying the wreckage that was once someone's home, you hear growling coming from somewhere in amongst the overgrowth.

2013-07-17, 09:21 AM
Seeing nothing, but hearing the growl, Hellen continues leading the party towards the house. After all there were always monsters before you met the prince, and the Bush-Jumping-Knight theory said that everything would be all right. Curious who might, as her bodyguard had suggested they might, live there.

2013-07-17, 01:09 PM
Hearing the growling, Xinessa tensed up a bit and readied her buckler, reaching for the morningstar at her side and keeping it handy just in case, as she approached considerably more cautiously than Hellen seemed to be doing.

2013-07-17, 01:15 PM
Amshar shrugs and follows the crowd... mostly because there was almost nothing else he could do at the moment... almost.

He looks around trying to see if there is any suitable target for some practical pick-pocket exercise...
Spot [roll0]
... he would continue looking around for a while though...

2013-07-17, 02:28 PM
@Hellen & Co

Roll me some spot checks :smallwink:


You look, but, oddly enough, everyone in the crowd seems to be peasants.

@Everyone in the City going with the crowd (which I think is everyone in the city at this point)

Entering the gates, the first thing you notice is the shear volume of people crammed into the pavilion, much like sardines. In fact, as the last remnants of people push their way into the pavilion, 'wiggle' room becomes something of a luxury.

Other than the gate you came through, and the doors into the University proper, there is no way out of the pavilion. Milling about, you begin to look about the pavilion

((Spot checks, and any relevant knowledge check,architecture and nobility come to mind (though you might think of another), you want to attempt as well :smallwink:))

2013-07-17, 02:35 PM
Amshar sighs quietly as he sees no potential for easy coin. He follows the crowd till he gets inside the gates, he looks around...

Spot [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcane) [Any symbols?] [roll1]
...I don't see any use for Kn (The Planes) ...

2013-07-17, 02:39 PM

Helen slides her bow loose into her palm.
spot [roll0]
listen [roll1]

2013-07-17, 03:38 PM
"Please, don't push, there's no need to rush." That was sadly wishful thinking in the sea of people.



For spotting stuff, noticing anything possibly arcane, notice anything about the university's arhitecture, to notice anything possibly religious or to see if there are naturey things around.

2013-07-17, 04:47 PM
[roll0]As she readied her weapon, Xinessa herself growled just slightly under her breath, keeping her eyes peeled as she looked for the source of the growling.

2013-07-17, 09:43 PM
Spot [roll0]
Nature Knowledge [roll2] (whoops, bonus should be 2) Attempting to identify creature by its growl

OOC: Does my AC react to the growl as something dangerous (using its scent ability to "identify" the beast).

2013-07-18, 02:59 PM
@Hellen and Co.

(Note you're roughly 200ft from the old fence posts at this point).

The grass around you is roughly 3ft high, and the breeze is blowing off toward your right, causing the grass to sway in that direction. Nearby one of the posts, the grass starts shifting in the opposite direction of the wind. You notice that this folding grass appears to be moving toward you.


You're unable to discern anything arcane about the structures. However, you do notice that the architecture here seems to be different from the rest of the city you've seen. It looks older, more distinguished and well thought out, while for all the cleanliness of the city outside this place, that part now seems haphazardly thrown together.

@Everyone in the City

A loud SLAM echoes through the pavilion. As you look around again, you realize that the sound was the gate slamming closed.

Soldiers, either unseen before now, or newly arrived are currently ringed around the outside of the pavilion. From your vantage points, you cannot tell if their weapons are drawn, but it does not appear that any are currently engaged in anything other than staring into the crowd.

The sheer volume of the crowd could overwhelm these soldiers, though in these tight quarters, should it come to that, you don't know how it would turn out.

As the crowd begins getting restless, someone points up toward a balcony overlooking the pavilion. Two men stand there, one dressed in fairly ornate blue robes with a hood pulled up over his head. The other in gleaming chainmail, which a cloak of blue flowing behind him. They look out over the crowd, just watching, almost as if they're waiting for something...or someone.

2013-07-18, 03:18 PM

Waiting on map Like a princess!

Aron Times
2013-07-18, 06:41 PM
Oblivious Aron Times is among the last to enter before the gate abruptly closes. He is currently on leave from his IMPORTANT DUTY of guarding his Laird, Lord, Bigwig McBigshot whose name escaped him as of this moment, even though he had served loyally for years already. Lord <insert lord's name here, since the DM hasn't confirmed what his name is yet> would be surely displeased to learn that his LOYAL BODYGUARD, Aron Times, forgot his name so soon after getting to go on leave from his IMPORTANT DUTY.

But since he wasn't on his IMPORTANT DUTY today, Aron felt that he could loosen up a bit and not carry his big, manly sword. That he left at home, and by home, he meant his chambers in his liege's manor. He didn't even bring his full complement of three backup daggers, so confident was he in his safety within these walls. But still, he brought one, and one would be more than enough to fend off RUTHLESS RUFFIANS with his skill in swordplay, daggerplay, knifeplay, whatever it was called. That and his magic. He had his trusty spell component pouch secured by a chain to his belt, the better to keep it from getting stolen by thieves.

Upon seeing everyone else look up, Aron also looks up and sees the MEN IN BLUE. It's probably nothing, thought the SMART AND DEFINITELY NOT STUPID swordsman sorcerer, and he continued walking to his destination.

2013-07-19, 03:21 PM

Amshar shifts uneasily.
I sure hope they aren't looking for me...Hopefully this old rat doesn't have friends among these mages.
He thinks, but, just to be sure, he tries to hide behind closest peasant so the observers don't have line of sight.
Hide [roll0]

2013-07-19, 05:15 PM
"Well this is awkward. Wonder what's this all about ?" Looking upwards, Will spots the two important looking men. The one in chainmail might be the robed figures bodyguard ? Or some form of high ranking law officer perhaps ? The blue-robed person seemed the one more important.


Knowledge Religion [roll0] to determine if the blue-themed clothes might indicate a possible religious group.

2013-07-19, 07:22 PM
Xinessa was far from the best hunter in her tribe, but she knew that the obvious threat was often the distraction; she kept scanning the area, glancing to either side of the group as she tried to spot any further enemies, and strained to hear the slightest noise from a different direction.

OOC: Holding position as it approaches, while keeping an eye and ear out for any others trying to sneak up on the group.

2013-07-21, 04:10 PM
Hellen & Co

Battle Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiMtZD1cVjB7dGdKMFNJcFR6cUQ1ZXVmZjFON25vM FE#gid=0)

You're not under initiative yet..so if you want to be, you might should roll it :smallwink:

City Dwellers

I'll get an update for you guys tomorrow.

2013-07-21, 04:23 PM
Hellen calls out to the moving grass. "Hello? You there, in the grass, tell us that you're not a ferocious beast that needs to be slain, or we'll kill you." Or at least she was pretty sure that's what a real adventurer would say... :smallconfused: She was a bit new to this, but growling and hiding in bushes or grass generally didn't mean handsome well mannered knight. In fact, it often meant the mage's carnivorous pet set on dominating the world with it's 82 maws and 36 clawed tentacles. Still she figured she should give the miniature monster a chance to declare itself a sentient and peace loving mage's pet before doing anything rash.

Free action: speak
Move action: draw bow&ready arrow
Standard action: readied to shoot it if it moves so much as 5' closer without declaring it's intent. (Yes that means I'm shooting at the 5' mark, not after a full move action. :smallwink:)

2013-07-21, 10:29 PM
Sensing a fight about to break out Elian readied himself. He grabbed out his sling and bag of pebbles. He loaded one and began to twirl it, readying his shot. He looked down at his companion, the beast stared back up at him blankly. He looked at the beast. "best ready yourself little one, this may go south quickly. Do not flee unless I do. The dinosaur chuffed at him. Elian always took that to mean the thing understood. Truth be told it had been a pain to train the beast what little he had. He doubted it understood the words, but he felt it knew the intent.

2013-07-22, 02:15 PM
Xinessa took a step forward, to come up even with Hellen, readying her morningstar. Whatever was moving in the grass was well out of range of anything she might do, so she simply prepared herself in case it managed to close the distance surprisingly fast, leaving the ranged action to her better equipped companions.
Misc. Action: 5-foot step to F-11.
Standard Action: Ready an action to attack with her morningstar if the thing comes within range.

Yeah, Xin's got no ability to do anything at a 215 foot range; her only useful spell in this situation works up to 25 ft at her level, so up to you guys until it comes close.

2013-07-23, 07:48 AM
Hellen & CO

((I should note that the 3ft tall grass you're in is "rough terrain", so you all move at half speed :smallwink:))

What ever it is, does not acknowledge your call, and continues advancing. (Map updated)

City Dwellers

They do not seem to be of any religion you are aware of.

After a few moments of growing unrest within the crowd, another emerges onto the balcony. He is arrayed in a vibrant robe, with colorful stripes running the length of it. Immediately the crowd grows quiet.

"Greetings! booms the voice of the main around the pavilion. He pauses for a brief moment himself, looking about as if amazed by his own voice booming around the pavilion.

"I am afraid I bring you all sad tidings. Our good King Ahbak is dead. He was found murdered in his bed this morning.

With this, some in the crowd begin to murmur, others begin to cry and moan.

"We have one suspect in custody, but his accomplice has fled. Any persons who can bring this man to justice will receive free tuition to Kadar University, for life."

With this, the crowd grows very excited, and were it not for the amplified voice of the man, you would have stood no chance in hearing the rest.

"Witnesses claim he fled across the bay, into the keep."

And at that statement a collective groan went up from the crowd, though the man continues on, not missing a beat.

"Anyone interested in seeing justice done just speak with Captain Griff down at the docks. Until a replacement can be found for the King, I personally will be taking over the day-to-day running of the city, and as such, the port is officially closed to all traffic until this culprit is caught."

And with that statement, the man exits from the balcony, followed closely by the other two.

2013-07-23, 07:56 AM
As it steps 5' closer Hellen looses a shot, and as she does so, gasps in pain, the heavy bowstring snapping back against her plush white forearm causing her aim to shift. She knew she should have forced that lich to let her take her vambraces. It hurt, but she forced herself to ignore that looking to see i she had hit anything.
[roll1] over 50 is win

2013-07-23, 12:39 PM
The Dragonspawn turned, shuffled out, heading towards the docks, trying to find a "Captain Griff"

2013-07-23, 01:49 PM

Amshars listens to the message and sighs with relief, they were not looking for him, not this time at least... the king was dead, so what would there be a party or something?
So, no party... but a chance to get into university... Learning magic... sounds fine.

He turns to one of the closest commoners, pokes him with his long, bony finger and asks.
"What's so bad about this whole keep?"

2013-07-23, 01:58 PM
Elian took aim at the center of the "beast". He kept aiming, with a readied shot, until it closed into optimal distance.

2013-07-23, 02:07 PM
@Hellen & Co

Whatever it is continues toward you. (I would say you guys could close the gap...but apparently not :smallwink:


The man turns, looking surprised.
"Nothin' much, if'n ye gots yerself a death wish. Ain't noone what goes there ever comes back. Dat feller's prolly dun dead already." Then the man shrugs, like it's no big deal, and follows the crowd out.

@City Dwellers

Upon the end of the speech, the gate opens back, allowing access to the city at large

2013-07-23, 02:10 PM

"Thanks" he says absent minded.
Amshar shrugs, he already lived through many occasions, where he was sure to die.
Why not try again?

He walks to the docks, if the Captain doesn't convince him well enough, he might find another job there...

2013-07-23, 02:21 PM

Hellen continues firing arrows as it advances, stepping slowly deliberately back as it does. Slowly blood begins to trickle down her string from her forearm, dripping softly onto the grasses below.
Since this'll take a few rounds I may as well throw up a few attacks and dike, you may as well jump in whenever. (list a distance I suppose) :smalltongue:
That way we can get to the part where we find it's a large mute that didn't mean us harm, but whom is now consumed by mighty rage and wishes to beat us to death with an ax... or a bunny. :smalltongue:

Attack before it finishes it's move this round

Attack after it finishes it's move this round

Attack after move next round

Attack the round after that

And one more for luck to see how far terran takes this. :smalltongue:
Sorry if this throws you guys off a bit, jut that difficult terrain and archery at a longer range seems to leave you guys out a bit. :smalltongue:

Aron Times
2013-07-23, 03:34 PM
Aron saw an opportunity to be a VALIANT HERO by avenging the King's death. He makes a beeline for Captain Griff at the docks to volunteer his services. No, wait, he goes to his liege first to ask permission to volunteer for the hunt. And so, Aron goes to his lord's manor, wherever that may be.

WHAT? The King is dead? On the same day Aron went on vacation? What an OUTRAGE! Does Aron have to DO EVERYTHING BY HIMSELF? "Ugh, idiots," he says to himself, as he makes a beeline for Captain Griff at the docks. After that, he'll have to retrieve his equipment (and his trusted mule, Jack the Mule) from his quarters in the royal manor.

2013-07-23, 03:56 PM
City dwellers
"So, this third man is actually the leader. The first two might be the military commander and the head advisor ? Court Arch Magus ?"

"Wait, the king is dead ? Hell of a time for me to come to this lands. Still, I suppose they might need all the help they can get. I'll have to search for a local monastery, see if I can secure lodgings. Afterwards, I'll have to gather some information about what exactly happened to the king and about the Keep. Depending on that, possibly a supply run."

All this William uttered while looking around at the King regent and his entourage.

"Right, monastery. Where would that be...Excuse me sir, do you happen to know where I could find a monastery that might offer shelter for the night ?" he asks a nearby person.


Gather information: [roll0]

2013-07-24, 09:42 AM
Elian and Co

Elian attacks:

AC attacks:
Poison Spray (DC 12 Fort)
[roll10] min 1
[roll12] min 1
Poison Spray (DC 12 Fort)

2013-07-24, 10:34 PM
Hellen & Co

I went ahead and fast forwarded 3 rounds and it just ended it's turn where it stand on the map here (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiMtZD1cVjB7dGdKMFNJcFR6cUQ1ZXVmZjFON25vM FE#gid=0)

Elian's AC hasn't sprayed yet, though when Elian's first shot landed, you heard a yelp, as the thing paused before continuing on. Nothing else seems to hit it. Need more spot checks :smallbiggrin:

Everyone rearrange how you want to be in 3 turns, then I will continue with the AC spray and such.


"I dunno 'bout no mon'stry" replies the man.
"...though if yer needin' a place ter stay, dem folk in tha temple might oblige ya."

@Those heading to the docks

Wading your way through the crowds exiting the pavilion, you slowly make your way toward the docks, and somehow (as if by GM fiat :smallcool: ) manage to all end up arriving at roughly the same time. Finding where Captain Griff is located winds up not being terribly difficult, as with the docks being closed indefinitely, there's really no one around but a two soldiers standing watchfully outside a guard post. They eye you as you approach. It is then you realize that you are alone on the docks, apart from two others that seemed to have ventured here as well (the other two PCs).

"The docks are closed to civilians, please head back into the city proper." says one of the soldiers, blandly, almost as if he's repeated this line many times this day.

2013-07-24, 11:11 PM
Elian and co

[roll0] Spot Check
[roll1] Knowledge:Nature (if it helps)
3 Rounds of attacks: Nonlethal. Attempting to knock out.
[roll4] 50+ is "hit"
[roll7] 50+ is "hit"
[roll10] 50+ is "hit"

2013-07-25, 01:45 AM
Frowning slightly as whatever was hiding in the grass came closer, Xinessa growled slightly under her breath, a deep bit of rumbling for a moment as she heard whatever it was yelp at one of the sling stones from Elian hit it, and yet it continued approaching; if it didn't turn tail and flee, it was probably not a domestic creature, she assumed. She still glanced to the sides periodically, watching to see if there was anything else trying to surround the group, as well.

OOC: Continuing to ready to attack if it comes in range.

2013-07-25, 01:47 AM
OOC: Weird, the roll didn't take and I can't seem to edit it in.

2013-07-25, 06:01 AM

Hellen frowns into the grass [roll0]
Her wrist having a large red band running down it here her bow sting had struck, maintains her quiet dignity.

2013-07-25, 11:33 AM
theterran ... and I suppose others near the dock guards

The scrawny elf walks closer to the guards, stares at them with a mocking expression and finally answers:
"They told a different story in the city center... something about meeting the Captain and asking for the job. Is your job stopping the volunteers?" he asks quietly, his confident voice ill fitting to the appearance.

2013-07-25, 04:56 PM
City group ?
OOC: Hope I didn't broke anything by opening the dock spoiler, but I guess I was going to go there anyway. If I ****ed up, I'll edit the post.

"Thank you, sir. I guess I'll look for the monastery later, for now let's check on the captain."

Strolling down to the docks, Will is surprised by the scarcity of people wanting in on the action. Surely getting admission to the university was worth trying to find a possible assassin's cohort. Upon being stopped by the soldier: "I... err, we are here for an audience with one Captain Griff. About finding an accomplice to the King's murder ? That apparently fled to a keep ?" he says, seeing as someone else was too interested in the just quest.

2013-07-29, 07:33 AM

A wild dog appears out of the grass


and you promptly knock it out. (hope you're happy :smalltongue:)

It gives one last yelp before passing out, and you notice two more 'somethings' coming toward you.

Battlemap Update (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AiMtZD1cVjB7dGdKMFNJcFR6cUQ1ZXVmZjFON25vM FE#gid=0)

Those @ Docks

The guard eyes the elf, then smirks. "Actually, that's exactly my job. It was an ill considered announcement by the Dean...errr...should I say Steward of Kadar. We feared that every fool in the city would be turning up, though I'll admit you are the first, oddly enough. I guess thoughts of the Keep actually scared some sense into them." comments the guard.

As Will strolls up and requests the same thing, the guard gives you all a discerning eye, then nods, mostly to himself.

"Well I reckon we should let someone try, and you all have the look about you saying that you might have actually seen some fighting outside of a bar...or at least could handle yourself in a real fight, regardless."

He nods to his fellow guard and they each take a step away from the door, allowing you access into the guard house.

2013-07-29, 07:51 AM

Exhilarated at having done her part to fell this wild beast, Hellen demands once more that the things in the grass halt and name themselves least they be attacked. If they continue forward Hellen will continue firing her bow, her aim still ruined by the bow string snapping against her forearm with every shot.

Attacks after 5'
After it crosses the little tic mark on the map I get +1 to hit. :smalltongue:

Anywho pretty odd way to do combat, though I suppose there's not much more to do considering we can't see anything for the longest while :smalltongue:











2013-07-30, 07:17 PM
"Wild dogs?" She queried, once the one emerged from the grass and got promptly knocked out. She frowned thoughtfully as she saw two more heading toward them. She gave a shrug, reasoning, "Must have been starved if it kept coming after being shot with your arrow and slings." Xin readied her weapon again; if the dogs were still coming, she figured they were probably hungry enough to attack anything and there wasn't much choice in taking them down.

2013-07-31, 01:48 PM
docks group

Amshar stares at the guard for a while, then looks at others that gathered there as volunteers, shrugs and goes in with a smirk on his face.

Aron Times
2013-08-01, 10:23 PM
Aron Times
The Docks

Aron walks up to the captain in charge of the investigation and introduces himself. "Good morning, captain. My name is Aron Times, and until very recently, I was His Majesty's personal bodyguard." Hopefully, his status as the KING'S SHADOW would open some doors. "On the first day of my vacation, His Majesty is killed by unknown conspirators. I suspect that whoever they are waited until the King was unprotected from the time I left to the time the replacement arrived to strike." Aron had ZERO EVIDENCE for this speculation, but he was a LOYAL RETAINER to the ALMIGHTY KING and that had to count for something, right?

2013-08-02, 02:04 PM
Group on the Plains

A loud whistle permeates the air, and the two unknown things in the grass head back toward the house.

Group at the Docks

You step inside the door, and there's a man busy reading a piece of parchment. As you enter he waves at you to have a seat while he continues reading. You look, but realize there are no chairs other than the one he occupies behind the desk.

At Aron's proclamation, he raises an eyebrow, and glances up, glances down at the parchment, then up again.

"So, I'm assuming you'll be wanting the reward then will ya?" the captain says, addressing Amshar.

2013-08-02, 02:27 PM
Hellen calls out to the homestead. "Do you feel like identifying yourself now, or are you going to send your attack dogs on us once more? Truly a terrible way to greet brave adventurers."

Taking 10 on diplomacy to sound commanding, noble, pompous, and like I have all the right in the world to do whatever I happen to be doing. (mechanically does nothing, but 13 to stick a number to it all the same. :smalltongue:)

2013-08-02, 03:03 PM
Elian wanders over to the unconcious beast and scoops it up in a hand. he carries it gingerly. "This one not dead. Me merely knock out. Mayhaps be good for us now."

2013-08-03, 05:35 AM

"Yes I will. That's the point here, isn't it?" he says with a wide smile and slightly mocking tone.
He doesn't care about the 'sit' motion nor about the lack of chairs.
"A reward after and information before, to be precise..."

2013-08-05, 08:57 AM
Frowning a bit as she heard the whistle, it made Xin suspicious - if the dog had an owner, why hadn't someone responded to Hellen's initial challenge, and why had they let the dogs come out and get shot?

After a few moments, she ducked slightly into the grass, although she had no real expectations of making herself hard to spot. She waved at Hellen slightly, saying, "Aught to move up a bit for a closer look, but keep some distance still." She began to do as she herself suggested, beginning to move toward the building cautiously, keeping an eye and ear out for any indications that she was about to be attacked.


2013-08-26, 01:41 PM
"Yes, information about this Keep, and about the accomplice would be great to have. "