View Full Version : [3.5e] Devil's Play - The Tears

2013-07-15, 08:28 PM
Stepping through Grazhyxx's portal feels for a moment like pushing through a wound - bloody, twitching, trying to close. Yet you emerge clean and unscathed... with a sudden, shocking splash of cold.

It takes a moment for your eyes to adjust from the eternal dull red glow of Avernus to the clouded night sky you have stepped into. As you scrabble to maintain footing in the four foot deep water, your eyes adjust back to the light of the mortal plane. You find yourself standing in a wide river, almost a hundred paces wide, and swiftly flowing to the south. Fortunately for you, you landed in a small pool sheltered from the majority of the current - a small tug is all that pulls at you.

From your current vantage, you hear scraps of sound of the wind. Voices. Faint, at a distance, but definitely voices. From the south. Peering that way, you spy the lights of what appears to be a decent-sized city, the docks of which are fairly well lit and which have well over two dozen barges tied to their moors. From your current position, the city appears about a mile away.

2013-07-15, 08:45 PM
Dabirtes hisses at the cold, he immediately takes wing and flies 60 feet into the air scouting the area as he does so. And telepathically messaging his newfound troops. "Get to the treeline quickly, I will scan from on high to see if our arrival was noticed."

Spot check anything moving, hostile or otherwise within sight, and any landmarks or places that would draw a Devil's interest. And Dabirtes has, as near as I can tell the ability to see through all darkness, including mundane and magical darkness.
Listen to attempt to hear any movement in the area, and to make out what the voices are saying

Whilst scouting from above he telepathically questions each of his companions "What are your skills? What form of combat are you most proficient? Are you capable of Magicks(anyone who says yes and only they get the following question)? Can you facilitate communications between myself and Zarabeth?"

2013-07-15, 08:57 PM
Near as you can tell, nothing sentient has reacted to your arrival. You spot a small herd of deer that appear to have been startled awake bounding away from your location, but aside from that nothing of note.

The sounds are really too far away to make out much beyond the occasional word. Most of the sound seems to be coming from a building near the docks, well lit and seemingly packed with people.

ginger ninja
2013-07-15, 09:05 PM

Down boy. Just because the pit fiend got his hands on my contract doesn't mean I'm going to obey you. Sindri projects to Dabirtes as she rises into the air herself, wrapping shadows around herself as she does so. But in the interest of not getting us killed when violence inevitably erupts, I am proficient in a variety of combat styles, and no, I am not a spellcaster.

Flying up 40 ft and activating Walk Unseen.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

Also, perception time.
Spot: [roll2]
Will Save (just in case there's illusions): [roll4]

2013-07-15, 09:10 PM

Boy does what he always does: exactly what he's told. I am fairly skilled in manipulation and deceit. I have access to eldritch powers and can form illusions as any pixie can. I have also been gifted with the ability to wield life-giving energy of unending supply. As you have seen I am also capable of animating corpses for short periods of time, I can also eat most magics. May my skills serve you well!

Incorporeal and invisible, the once-pixie floats to the tree line by the most direct route, passing partially through the ground and brush in his path without effort.

2013-07-15, 09:17 PM
"Stupid, childish mortal." Dabirtes mutters under his breath in Infernal. Re-establishing a telepathic link with Sindri "I see a well lit building full of people, and deer, what do you see?" Noting Boy's compliance, "At least one of the mortals knows it's place."

2013-07-16, 08:49 AM
Much as Dabirtes, you can make out a city about a mile away. The building looks to be a tavern - and not a genteel one; a sailors' tavern. As you watch, two of the patrons appear to be hurled through the saloon-style doors and into the muddy street, to a burst of raucous laughter from within.

2013-07-16, 11:20 AM
Rixuras swears softly as he sloshes through the water towards shore. First to hell, now a freezing river. This day couldn't get any better.

He gives an indignant snort when Dabirtes contacts him. WELL... whatever you are I am an educated and well read individual. I draw my powers from the divine and while I prefer not to I am more than capable of handling myself in a fight. And might I add... unless you are capable of changing your form you should let someone else speak for us.

ginger ninja
2013-07-16, 12:10 PM

I see a bar, and I need a drink. Sindri projects to Dabirtes before switching to her own telepathy and projecting to the others, So the little fool wants to be in charge. I don't know what you plan to do, but I have no intention of getting myself killed because some wannabe has a hard on for power. Do any of you have skills at questioning people?

2013-07-16, 01:09 PM
Dabirtes telepathically links with Rixuras again. "I am a Baatezu, a Spinagon more specifically. Who do you worship? And can you contact Zarabeth or any member of the other group? And while I have some abilities to alter my appearance, staying away from the prying eyes would be preferable" Zabirtes looks at Sindri with envy, linking with her mind again. "It would be a good idea to get information with your drink, I will remain outside withing earshot."

2013-07-16, 03:08 PM
Rixuras chuckles before responding to Sindri's telepathy. I can be persuasive if I need be.

When Dabirtes responds again:
I worship knowledge and the means that you can easily obtain it Baatezu. Zarabeth? I don't possess the means on hand but the others in our little group should be easy.

Looking at the buildings in the distance he pulls himself on the shoreline and adjusts his robes. He considers the area and where exactly they are.

Knowledge rolls!
Geography: [roll0]
History: [roll1]
Local: [roll2]
Nature: [roll3]

2013-07-16, 03:41 PM
Dabirtes sighs at Rixuras' response. He then flies towards the shoreline where Rixuras and Boy are, alighting on a branch above them. He then calls out in Infernal "Are you lot fluent in Infernal? Or will I only be able to communicate with you lot telepathically? And those questions apply for you too sneaky mortal."

EDIT: The edit was because I forgot to apply color.

ginger ninja
2013-07-16, 04:13 PM
You can speak to me in whatever language you want, but if you continue to treat me as a lesser or your minion then we are going to have problems. Sindri projects as she moves to the shoreline with the others. Somehow I doubt that our slaver is going to care much about the loss of a least devil as long we bring back what we were sent for. Treat me with the proper respect or we'll find out.

Just want to make double extra clear that all malice is IC, I like Dabirtes being a little prick personally.

2013-07-16, 04:53 PM
"I believe he would care more about me than any mortal trash like yourself. Make no mistake, I am the representative of the Nine Hells for our squad, and you are a slave, perhaps a valuable one, but a slave nonetheless. Respect is something to be earned, which you have not done yet."
Darbirtes then breaks the telepathic link and says aloud in Infernal, "Let us move on towards the building," he points towards it, "We need to begin gathering information, the sooner we accomplish our tasks the sooner we will be rewarded. I will remain outside with any others who feel like they would stand out too much. Those who go inside should find out our location and who is in power in the immediate region."

The back and forth is fun :smallsmile:
And good word choice with prick, he is very prickly :smallbiggrin:

ginger ninja
2013-07-16, 05:09 PM
And you think you're not a slave? That's almost cute.

Appearing before the others she addresses them in common. "This fool apparently isn't even smart enough to learn to talk to the people whose souls he wants. While I agree that gathering information is important, until he does something to actually demonstrate that he should be in charge I propose we do this a bit more informally. I could use a drink, would you care to join me?" As she speaks her form shimmers and she takes on a human appearance.

Activating the hat of disguise to appear like a human version of myself.
Disguise: [roll0]

2013-07-16, 06:44 PM

"I speak Infernal, Celestial, Common, Sylvan, and Draconic, should it please...whoever ends up leading our mission for Master. Would you like me to just fetch a patron and bring them outside? It's a simple matter to do so really, and shouldn't cause a fuss. I should also be happy to help alter one of our appearances should the need arise, just say the word!"

For those who can see him, the little servant begins drifting towards the indicated building silently.

Just gotta say, I'm diggin the vibes lol...also I've got 1 Permanent Image per day for disguise-ish purposes if anyone wants it. As far as offering to "fetch" someone I'm referring to just floating in all invisible-like, charming a bartender/waitress/comely wench, and telling him/her he/she needs to take a leak or something.

2013-07-16, 07:00 PM
"No though thank you for the offer Boy, I do not believe all of us should enter, someone should keep watch outside and it may as well be I. I cannot indulge in the vices available and magical disguise can fail, and my appearance would cause unwarranted attention beyond any of yours. No you go in, and gather what information you can, through what means you possess, keep it clean and quiet though. And remember to ask about who possesses power in the immediate region. I'll do a quick fly over the immediate area and then alight on the roof. Sindri has proven capable of contacting me should the need arise. Now let us be off!" Dabirtes then takes wing disappearing in the foilage. "I will follow you from above, despite your stealth and flying capabilities Sindri you would do well to act inconspicuous and remain on the road."

Stealth&move silently rolls

Move Silently

2013-07-16, 07:08 PM

Boy obediently continues towards the building planning to descend into it from the roof, floating near the ceiling to observe the room and look for a likely candidate to Charm and question.

EDIT: Editted slightly to allow for conversation before action

(Move silently is a moot point)
[roll0] (including the +40 for invisibility) <--- obviously I should've put ranks in hide, lol

ginger ninja
2013-07-16, 07:11 PM
"Boy, hold for a second if you would." Sindri calls after the little fairy in common. "Say you were to bring a patron outside for us to question in a private manner, how would you go about doing that?"

2013-07-16, 07:21 PM

Without breaking his "stride" the Boy replies, "I believe I will say something to the effect of "Step outside with me" and see where it goes from there!" A small amount of mirth and amusement creeps into his voice as though he's made a fine joke.

2013-07-16, 07:24 PM
Rolling his eyes at the banter Rixuras casts disguise self to appear as an old priest.

disguise roll

He comments in infernal as he hunches over as an elder man would. "I can speak your language so do not worry."

He then hobbles over to stand near Sindri.

ginger ninja
2013-07-16, 07:27 PM

"Then yes, let's do that. I much prefer intimate conversations to having to shout over the din of a tavern." Sindri says, still speaking in common, as she rises into the air and easily catches up with Boy, disappearing along the way.

Hide: [roll0]
Move Silently: [roll1]

2013-07-17, 08:33 AM
Once you have freed yourself from the muddy riverbank, travel to the city is both rapid and inconsequential. For those who have not taken to the air, a small path - obviously well worn, but secluded and currently unoccupied - follows the river all the way to the docks.

The closer you draw to the building, the louder and more raucous the noise from within grows. Heavy laughter, occasional cursing, and once in a while the heavy thudding sound of meat striking meat within - both times, followed almost immediately by a pair of scuffling figures being ejected out the swinging doors and onto the cobblestones outside. Strains of music, pipe music from at least two different players, echo from within as well - reasonably well played, but not fancy by any means.

About 20 minutes after setting forth, you arrive outside the building. Aside from one brief moment during which Dabirtes' winged form is outlined against the nearly-full moon overhead, the three moving stealthily arrive without incident.
Hooray for natural ones!
No one appears to have noticed your passage.

Rixuras, in the guise of an old priest, is the only one of you visible. All four of you, the remaining three hidden, are about 30 feet from the entry doors. Swinging over them is a sign, upon which is painted a fish of some sort with what appears to be a crude approximation of a fishhook dangling from its mouth. The building is flanked by two other buildings, both of which butt up directly against it (no alleyway); both are large, and have only a few windows at what appears to be second story level - although the interior is dark. Each has a large double-door facing the street, which is chained and locked with a large padlock.

Currently the street is empty of anyone but yourselves.

2013-07-17, 09:12 AM
"Sloppy Dabirtes, never impose your self in front of the moon, only the sun you moron."

<<Hrrm. Those buildings flanking the inn intrigue me. Change of plan, I investigate them while you three go into the inn. Unless another one of you wishes to accompany me? In any case I intend to maintain a telepathic link with one of the ones going into the inn.>>

2013-07-17, 10:24 AM
Doing his best impression of an old man needing a place to rest Rixuras leans against the wall, folding his arms as he looks back at the others.

<<Well If we're just going to grab one and bring him outside I'll wait out here.

Listen check to hear anything interesting now that I'm closer.

2013-07-17, 10:39 AM

Missed your knowledge rolls, apologies. From what you have experienced so far, you don't have enough data to draw any conclusions/dig up any knowledge. I'll let you keep those rolls for when you get enough info to use them, if you wish.

From your current position ~30 feet from the bar, you can make out some scraps. Mostly singing - the language is common, and almost all the voices you hear are masculine. As you're listening you do hear two voices rising above the rest of the din:

Voice 1: "-heard me you scum sucking bilge rat. I said you're cheating."

Voice 2: "F*** you Trel. I don't need to cheat to whip your sorry ass...hey, get off me!"

Voice 1: "See! A damned card up his sleeve!"

[Several voices shouting at once, a muddled mess]

Voice 2: [panicked] "Look, it was an accident...I didn't mean...no, put that down!"

[A short scream, followed by a sudden hush before talking slowly resumes]

Voice 1: "-cking cheat".

A few moments later, the bouncer emerges from the tavern doors, dragging a moaning figure by the heels. He pulls the figure out about 20 feet from the door, near the edge of the nearest pier, and drops him unceremoniously on the ground. The figure writhes in apparent pain, clutching at his stomach, as the bouncer turns and starts trudging back to the tavern.

2013-07-17, 11:21 AM
<<Well that is fortuitous. Drag him into the trees and question him. I'm going to investigate the buildings now.>> Dabirtes then stealthily flies over to one of the second story windows of the building to the left of the inn and looks inside before checking it for traps and opening it.

Let us hope I don't get another Nat 1, and that I rolled all of these correctly.

Move Silently
Spot and listen checks(in that order)
Search one of the upstairs windows for traps or alarms(if interior isn't full of people)
If trapped Disable device check
Open Lock

2013-07-17, 12:42 PM

Slipping soundlessly up to the second story windows of the near building, you snag a hold of the ledge and perch, peering inward.

The interior is dark and full of shapes - stacks of crates and boxes, mostly. A few empty flatbed wagons are lined up near the doorway beneath you. A little movement catches your eye - a rat, big one, running along the top of one of the crates before sinking out of view on the far side.

You search the window before you, finding no traps. The window is a single pane, hinged at the top. The only lock appears to be a crude hook-latch on the inside, which you easily spring open.

2013-07-17, 01:24 PM

Ohhhhh which one did he mean? The bouncer or the meat-sack? The pixie floats over and hovers insubstantially above the man who was just tossed out of the tavern. "Hello, friend!" a voice comes out of thin air, "It hurts me to see you wounded in such a way, may I proved any assistance? I would be happy to cast a healing spell for you at no cost."

As an afterthought <<I would advise everyone to stay at least 10 or more paces away from me for the next little bit.>>

If the man accepts aid, I'm gonna hit him with Charm (Will save DC 27 or we're pals for a day), if he says no...I'm gonna hit him with Charm and ask him to reconsider :smallamused: After he's charmed I'll activate my Positive Energy Aura until he looks better but not perfect and suppress it again. If this is too much for one post, lemme know and I'll chop it down, no prob!

Rolls if needed:
[roll0] to convince him the Charm is a Cure and maybe prevent a save altogether.
[roll1] to keep from healing him past full HP somehow? I dunno.

2013-07-17, 01:31 PM
No worries on the amount of stuff done, that's fine

The man is lying on the ground, almost panting, eyes screwed shut from the pain. As Boy's incorporeal voice sounds, he jerks them open and twitches in surprise at the sight of no speaker.

The twitch brings on a fresh wave of pain, and he screams breathlessly again. "Please please please don't let me die help me help me help me."

Consider him willing to be zapped by your spell without save, and he is charmed.

For the heal, I'll call it a simple DC 15 to effectively manage the 'level' of healing you grant him before cutting it off, so you've made that. Let me know as a percentage how healed you want him to be. If 0% is dead, he's starting off at around 20% and bleeding out...so where do you want to top him off at?

2013-07-17, 04:57 PM
Keeping his distance as warned Rixuras folds his arms, clearly amused by the man's predicament.

<<Heh. Helping the gentle soul... let's hope we can get some use out of him.>>

2013-07-17, 06:53 PM

Once the beaten man appears to be feeling better, the Boy begins chatting with him in a casual, friendly tone as he suppresses his healing aura. "Tell me friend, what's your name? And what happened inside? By the way we should probably talk around the side of the building...don't want people thinking you're crazy and talking to yourself eh?" he laughs good-naturedly at the last bit.

2013-07-17, 07:30 PM
Dabirtes slips into the building and gives it a good once over from the air(am I correct in that it is only one floor with a very high ceiling?) looking for threats, more rats, or anything of use or value laying out in the open.

Another battery of spot and listen checks(from moving through the warehouse

After ensuring the building is clear Dabirtes begins searching the building more thoroughly, opening any crates that can be opened discretely.

Multiple Search checks if more are needed I will post in OOC

2013-07-18, 11:17 AM

The man looks down in astonishment a moment later as the puncture in his stomach begins to close. As you shut off your healing, the wound is closed shut but not gone - it is heavily scabbed and still looks badly bruised. But he is much improved from his previous state.

He stumbles to his feet at your request and begins limping towards the side of the building. "I...I'm Jeremy. We...we were playing. Cards. For money. I didn't have hardly any left, and two more days 'til our ship sets off again. So I tried a trick my brother showed me before I left home. But it didn't work. They saw and..." he shudders in remembered pain and stops talking for a minute.


You spy all told about fifteen rats scurrying around in the warehouse. Some of them appear to be finding things to eat, others are trying to work their way into crates (unsuccessfully until you start digging into them yourself) and two even get in a nasty fight in one corner.

The warehouse is basically one big, two-story tall room. Most of the crates are piled on the right side of the room as you are entering, and are set up in tiers almost like giant stairs - so that the tier against the wall is about 12 feet high, then the next about 10 feet, then 8, and so on.

You spy no traps, no signs of life beyond rats, nothing to concern you at this point so you begin prying open boxes. It takes a little effort, but you can work the lids free and behold the contents. The boxes are uniformly full of bolts of spun cloth; you open about a dozen, with no variation in the contents.

Except for two. Those two have bolts of cloth, but in these instances the bolts are hollow - a thin layer of cloth wrapped around a hollow wooden cask, just enough to hide their nature. But your search spied enough variations to pick out four total bolts that are not truly bolts of cloth.

2013-07-18, 12:52 PM

"Poor Jeremy...I have a friend who may be able to help you with your problems, I'm sure he could arrange to cure all your troubles with very little trouble at all, but he's away right now. If you would like to wait for him I will wait with you, friend."

<<We may have a grand opportunity to secure a soul for Master already!>>

Boy floats closer to Jeremy's shoulder, hovering just above him, "So you are a sailor? Hear anything interesting during your shore-leave about local figures of power or wealth? Maybe, since we're friends, I could help you get some spending money before you leave..."

2013-07-18, 02:28 PM
Dabirtes pulls one of the casks out of the box quickly, opening it gently and peering inside greedily.
This might hurt :smalleek:

Assuming it doesn't blow up in his face he loots it and the other casks(if they are of value) I can make rolls in the OOC if necessary to open them/identify him.

2013-07-18, 03:01 PM

Jeremy follows the sound of your voice placidly and unquestioningly. He does show strong emotion - greed mixed with hope - at the mention of money.

"Local figures of power? Well the Cap'n told us to steer clear of Cap'n Reynard's boys, and not to upset Constable Williams. That what you mean?"

Reflex save please, as the chest erupts in holy light.
Just kidding. Each chest is full of a powdery, pale yellow substance. While you don't know the exact designation without a roll - knowledge: nature or some such likely - it appears to be a narcotic.

ginger ninja
2013-07-18, 04:09 PM

Sindri watches as Boy questions Jeremy, keeping an eye out for any other activity nearby. <<This constable will probably know more. Probably not exactly where we need to look, but if they're any good at their job then they'll at least have a clue as to where we might want to look next. See if Jeremy knows where we can find this constable.>> She projects to the little fairy.

Checks to make see if there's anything else going on nearby:
Listen: [roll]1d2=24

Also, I forget earlier, but Sindri also has blindsense with a 30 ft. radius.

2013-07-18, 04:14 PM

Watching the area carefully, you see a few figures moving on the docks of some of the tied-up riverboats. At this distance, they appear to be sailors either holding a night watch or just wandering up from their beds to take in some air. None are very close (the closest is probably 300 feet away) and none appear to have seen any of you.

Other than that, the area is clear.

At this point Boy has successfully guided Jeremy off the street and into a side alley that is completely unoccupied aside from those of you that wish to be there.

2013-07-18, 04:16 PM
Rixuras continues to watch Boy question his new "friend". He keeps an eye out for anybody in the streets or alleys who may interrupt.

<<See what your friend knows about the city and the local area. It may be important to know where we are and who we may have to deal with.

When he mentions some names Rixuras ponders who they could be. They could be a potential threat or a source of some side profit.

If he tosses out a name for the region or at least the city I'm gonna use those knowledge rolls I made earlier.

2013-07-18, 04:23 PM
Dabirtes stashes all four casks into his Handy Haversack. He then checks back in telepathically with the others. <<Any progress on the interrogation? And what did you mean by opportunity to get a soul for the Master?>> He then repacks the cloth and secures the crate. He once more takes wing flying outside, landing on the windowsill, and closes the latch. Dabirtes then alights on the roof, looking around quickly and waiting for his companions response.

If the questions continue I'll slip into the other warehouse.
Spot from the roof.
Listen from the roof.

2013-07-18, 08:42 PM

"Hmmmm, Captain Reynard and Constable Williams...possibly! What can you tell me of each? I'm afraid I'm from out of town, I know nothing of this place or its residents, sadly. I would most appreciate it if you could enlighten me, friend!"

<<Apologies for leaving you all in the dark, Jeremy, a local sailor, was caught cheating at the tavern and beaten to within an inch of his life. He is destitute and possibly a ripe field to sew the seeds of revenge in, maybe even at the peril of his own soul! So far all he has mentioned when asked of people of power or wealth is that he was told to steer clear of Captain Reynard's underlings and not to anger Constable Williams.>>

Boy sends everyone directions to his current location, <<Feel free to some say hello to Jeremy if you wish, he should be fairly amenable to any of us. The location appears to be secure.>>

2013-07-18, 09:09 PM

In the interest of time, the other warehouse has more of the same. Different trade goods, but bulk items not worth much individually. No other boxes are found that have smuggled goods.


Jeremy shrugs. "'Dunno much really. Cap'n Reynard owns the River Queen, she's tied up over there somewhere." He vaguely gestures back towards the dock. "Cap'n says Reynard runs a pretty nasty crew though, so to stay clear o' 'em."

"Constable Williams, saw him once. He's an old guy, they say he's been workin' the docks here forever. He don't put up with much either. I saw him wrestle a guy near twice his size down, and he didn' break a sweat doin' it neither!"


As you are gathering around the edges of the city docks, a strange mental presense presses down upon your minds, momentarily overriding your thoughts.

<<I have a gift for you>> Grazhyxx's oppressive voice booms through your mind, condescendingly kind. <<A minor agent has become available, and will assist you in fulfilling your contract. I believe Dabirtes has worked with him before - Rynael. I'm sure you will find his presence a comfort. He will be arriving momentarily.>>

With a parting chuckle that bears more similarity to nails down a chalkboard than a laugh, Grazhyxx's presence vanishes from your mind.

Rynael is now in the game, and may join the group at any point.

2013-07-19, 04:19 PM
As the cool night breeze blows over the docks, it carries with it the long distant echo of a trumpet as it sounds a clarion call. A patch of clouds hanging in the darkened sky briefly flash with light and the distant rumble of thunder, followed almost immediately by a flash of light from a nearby alley.

A winged, dark robed figure emerges from the alleyway, his emerald skin and glowing eyes apparent even in the din. His gaze falls upon the group, and he walks toward them, his form shifting into a less noticeable disguise. His ashen wings shift and flutter to become a cloak of grey feathers across his shoulders, his face blurs before resolving into that of an old, grizzled human, and his robe twists and curls into a battered suit of leather armor covered by a tabard with a symbol so faded, it is barely recognizable as the symbol of Heironeous. Despite the aged appearance of his new form, the figure carries himself as though he knows how to use the greatsword strapped to his back.

He strides confidently up to the group, wordlessly sizing up each individual. When he is 10 paces away, he stops, nods once, and in a voice like honeyed music he says, "Reinforcements have arrived. I am Rynael."

Anyone who has fought in the Blood War would recognize the trumpet call as indicating that reinforcements are on their way.

Dabirtes would recognize the grizzled warrior as a disguise (crafted with his Hat of Disguise) that Rynael often wore when trying to stay incognito.

Also, I don't think he needs to suppress his Aura of Menace or his Magic Circle Against Evil, as the worst they might do is cause any fiends to feel a bit uncomfortable.

ginger ninja
2013-07-19, 05:05 PM

<<Just announce our presence to everyone why don't you?>> Sindri projects to the newcomer. <<If you're actually here to help then try not to wake every soldier in a 10 mile radius, yeah?>>

2013-07-19, 05:18 PM
<<Just announce our presence to everyone why don't you?>> Sindri projects to the newcomer. <<If you're actually here to help then try not to wake every soldier in a 10 mile radius, yeah?>>

Rynael arches an eyebrow, "They would have to be very light sleepers, I should think." He gazes at Sindri for a moment before asking quietly, "Have you located our quarry yet?"

Sorry if it wasn't clear from the description, but the intent was for the noise to be faint. The flash of light from his teleport, not so much. And yes, he's kind of an a-hole just like the rest of they party.

Oh, he's also using Detect Evil to scan the party. I assume everyone pings as evil?

2013-07-19, 06:21 PM
"This helpful young man was just filling us in on the local area." Rixuras comments, gesturing to boy's "friend"

<<Flashy entrance, but try to avoid speaking about business eh? Who knows what else is around here.>>

2013-07-19, 09:08 PM
Dabirtes telepathically messages Rynael. <<Rynael, excellent it IS you. This looks to be an interesting assignment we find ourselves with, I assume Grazhyxx briefed you?>> He then looks at the rest of the party and messages Boy, <<Well? What is the human saying?>>

He then takes wing circling the building several times attempting to ascertain whether anyone noticed Rynael's arrival.

Move Silently

2013-07-19, 09:15 PM

<<He isn't of a terribly large amount of use it would seem, though he has mentioned a few possible leads: Constable Williams or Captain Reynard of the River Queen. The Constable may have better information and the Captain may be a potential holder of the gems we seek?>>

2013-07-20, 12:10 AM
At first, it looks as though Rynael is about burst into a righteous fury as he scowls while receiving the telepathic admonishments and the air near him begins to radiate divine power. But the moment passes almost as soon as it starts, the power vanishes instantly, and Rynael's face returns to his calm, neutral mask. He gives a single, quick nod. "The art of deception is new to me. And subtlety is not what my brethren and I are known for. I will take precautions in the future."

In response to Sindri and Rixuras, these thoughts are foremost in Rynael's mind, <<I am not concerned with alerting the mortals, fiendspawn. But my instructions were clear, and remaining inconspicuous is, apparently, a priority. I will do so. My ... apologies, for the noise.>>

When Dabirtes contacts his mind, <<This will, indeed, be interesting. It is unlikely to be a simple retrieval mission. The Tears of Beory are valuable gemstones in their own right, perhaps one of the wealthier mortals in this settlement is in possession of them?>>

Rynael doesn't actually have Telepathy, so he can't initiate any telepathic contact.

Also, Rynael is suppressing his Magic Circle vs. Evil for the time being.

2013-07-20, 07:20 AM

All seems quiet - no reaction to Rynael's arrival.

2013-07-20, 12:08 PM
Dabirtes links with Boy <<Another question for you Boy, has your "friend" told you where the Constable and Captain are? Also ask Jeremy which of the two will be more cooperative or which is friendlier.>>

Switching his focus to Rynael <<Rynael, when I am out in the open and the others guises are not active we should attempt to be as quiet and inconspicuous as possible. When all of your guises are up and I am hidden you needn't worry so much about stealth, your true appearance could in fact be a boon. The mortals would never guess that you are working with us. Also I believe this Sindri is overly combative and refuses to see me as the leader, she may cause trouble in the future. Rixuras has been mostly quiet, I don't have a good read on him yet, though he seems sensible enough. Boy is VERY subservient, he has the tendency to just go and obey orders so be careful what you tell him.>>

Switching once again to the whole group. <<Once we find out where the Captain and the Constable are we should get moving, if the Constable is closest we go straight there, but if the Captain is on the way we scout our his boat before moving to the Constable.>>

2013-07-20, 12:14 PM

<<The human says that the captain has a rather nasty dispositioned crew, and that the constable is an adept wrestler. He places them both at the docks, I'll see what else I can discover. Should we bring him along for a distraction to mask our movements?>>

"We might just go pay a visit to this Captain Reynard, he sounds like the type who would have a few gold pieces to spare yes? Is there anything else we should know about either him or the Constable should we run into them? Their tactics or rumors of their prowess, habits?"

2013-07-20, 02:16 PM
<<Sounds simple enough. I Say bring your friend along, he could be useful still.>> Rixuras stretches a bit, preparing to return to his hobbled gait once they move.

2013-07-23, 08:34 AM

Jeremy shakes his head helplessly. "Dunno for sure. Cap'n Reynard might be on his boat, or he could be at one of the other bars. Some of his crew was in there," vaguely gesturing at the bar that he was attacked in, "but not the Cap'n. The Constable tends to hang aroun' the Wharf Rat, since it's the most trouble."

2013-07-23, 10:03 AM
Perhaps it is a remnant of his former station, but in response to Dabirtes, Rynael's thoughts are laden with tolerance, <<Combative or not, I am certain Sindri has a vested interest in completing this task, as do we all. Do not push too hard, or your efforts will be counterproductive.>>

Rynael glances at Dabirtes and Sindri, then back to the rest of the group, "Perhaps the Captain's ship would be a good place to start? I do not think we would blend in well at a tavern."


Spells and effects currently active on Rynael:
Disguise Self - Hat of Disguise

2013-07-23, 12:46 PM
He projects his thoughts to everyone.<<Very well, we shall move towards the ship shortly.>> He then targets Boy specifically, <<Do you want to keep your new.... Pet? Or should we release or dispose of it?>> Switching to Rynael<<If she will not acknowledge a chain of command and obey orders she is no better than a demon. But you may be right, antagonizing her, while amusing isn't productive.>>

2013-07-23, 01:18 PM

Boy answers back cheerfully, <<I have no preference, though he is slightly indebted to us for me healing his injuries. He may be useful as a distraction or patsy when we search the captain's ship. If he will be a liability I can simply dispose of him, the decision is yours!>>

2013-07-23, 01:19 PM
Shrugging at his "leaders" order Rixuras adopts his old man walk and starts to follow towards the ship. <<Not that I don't appreciate the night air, what are we hoping to gain from this captain? Information to our prize?>>

2013-07-23, 03:03 PM
<<It sounds like he could also be an... ally of sorts. We will have to see how he measures up to what we have heard. But yes our priority for the time being is information about the Tears>> Dabirtes thinks towards Rixuras.

Switching towards Boy <<If you have good control over it you may keep it, just remember to feed and water it. I was thinking a frontal diplomatic type approach with the captain, which would require someone other than myself interacting with the captain, probably either Sindri or Rynael.>>

Targeting the entire group, Dabirtes says<<Let us go and find the captain now, we shall attempt peaceful conversation first, followed by whatever amount of force is required. This Captain could become an ally, or a valuable tool, so we should treat him as such.>>

2013-07-23, 03:56 PM

Jeremy guides you down the length of the docks, pausing momentarily to squint at the side of each ship as you pass. (Anyone who wishes to be stealthy as opposed to walking openly with Jeremy may do so)

After about 10 minutes, you come to a river boat - a little larger than most of the rest, with a rather shoddy paint job. Unlike most of the rest, this boat actually has a figurehead - a woman of indeterminate age, with a gaudy looking crown carved on her brow. Jeremy nods at the boat.

"There she is. That's the River Queen."

A couple of lanterns hang from poles amidships, casting some light on the deck. From your position on the dock, about 20 feet from where the boat is berthed, you can see two sailors standing near the bow. They seem to be conversing, as scraps of sound and the occasional word float on the gentle night breeze to your position.

2013-07-23, 04:46 PM
Dabirtes having remained hidden during the journey to the ship, continues to remain so, ascending even further above the party and making sure to keep away from light sources. He attempts to listen into the crew members conversation. And scans the ship intently, looking for any other active crew, or any lit lights.

Spot, looking for other crew, light sources on the ship, and are their any ships with Sails nearby?
Listen check to see if I can hear what the crew are talking about, or any out of place noises.
Move Silently

Dabirtes begins telepathically issuing orders, first to Rynael and Sindri<<Rynael, Sindri go introduce yourselves. Fake names, ask to speak to the captain about a business opportunity. If he asks about our employer say a cabal of wizards. That should make him hesitant to inquire further. Reveal nothing about Grazhyxx, and say we are interested in perusing magical gems and if he knows of any in the region. Flatter him, act subservient. If necessary I can cause a distraction. Feel free to change the story if you can think of a better one, just keep each other and the group apprised of the situation and what story you are going with if we need to continue this charade.>>

Changing his target to Boy<<Boy, I want you to move through the ship stealthily and invisibly, and find out how many crew are on board. Leave your pet here with Rixuras.>>

Switching targets once again, this time aiming at Rixuras<<You and I will stay outside, conceal yourself as best you can, we will aid them if needed. What kind of distractions are you able to create if one is required? And keep Boy's pet with you.>>

EDIT: Forgot colours.

2013-07-23, 06:10 PM
<<I don't have to many "distractions" prepared. It really depends on how big of a distraction you need.>> Settling into a comfy position near the alleyway Rixuras prepares to do some intel gathering as the others go.

Casting detect thoughts. Lasts 15 minutes as long as I concentrate. Focusing on the two on the ship and going for the third round affect, first and second just tell me there are intelligent beings here (no brainer) and how smart they are.

3rd round:
Dc 18 will save, if they fail I can read any surface thoughts that appear in their head for the duration of the spell as long as I focus on them.

2013-07-23, 06:44 PM

<<Happily done! Would you like me to disable any of them?>>

"Jeremy you should stay close to my very good friend Rixuras here, we're going to sneak on board and get you some just rewards!"

The pixie begins floating towards the ship and penetrates down into the hull. Once inside he activates his innate ability, searching for living creatures as he begins his exploration of The River Queen.

Also using Detect Thoughts, should last for 8 minutes, just sweeping for intelligent life, not going on to deeper concentrations. Fly speed is 30, he'll be sticking to ceilings, dark spots, and fading into bulkheads to avoid detection.

After his 8 minute are up, switch to Detect Magic. Any keys found shall be Mage Hand'd into his pouch, any magic item found shall be Identified with 1 minute of study.

Some rolls if they're needed:

A scout, I am....not so much lol

How big IS this ship we're talkin' about...in roughly cubic feet...say, hypothetically....more/less than 100 cu ft?

2013-07-23, 09:27 PM
Messaging Boy<<No, for the time being finding out their numbers should be sufficient.>>

Switching to message Rixuras. <<Very well, I will create a distraction if one is needed. What types of clerical magic are you proficient in anyways? Necromancy? Inflicting curses?>>

EDIT: I keep hitting submit reply JUST as I remember to add colour.

2013-07-24, 10:36 AM
Rynael looks to Sindri and says, "Shall we?" He casts a few spells prior to approaching the riverboat, and then strides up in his disguise.

"Ho to the River Queen! Permission to come aboard." Rynael stands at the gangplank, but heeding Dabirtes' words, starts with the cautious approach and doesn't board until given permission.

Spells currently in effect on Rynael:
Disguise Self - Hat of Disguise (CL 1)
Divine Insight - 10 hour duration or until discharged, CL 10
Extended Magic Vestment - 20 hour duration, CL 10
Extended Greater Magic Weapon - 20 hour duration, CL 10

2013-07-24, 10:49 AM
Rixuras rolls his eyes as he explains. <<My... proficiencies are divination and some illusions. The issue is I was unprepared for my sudden change in vocation. Most of my prepared spells for today are for personal use.>>

2013-07-24, 01:37 PM

About half the boats have one mast. The rest appear strictly oar-powered. No sails are up, however.

As for the conversation, they appear to be having a rather animated discussion about a prostitute that one visited earlier that night.


You sense a total of 10 life forms aboard the boat. The two on deck, four in the crew quarters (sleeping), one in a closed cabin on the deck (which you cannot enter without opening a door or window; if you wish to try, let me know), and three cats.

The layout of the boat is as follows:

The deck is mostly empty except for the small cabin and the mast. Everything else is below decks. There is a small hatchway with a set of stairs going down (open) and a set of closed double doors in the deck near the bow (closed).

Immediately down the hatch is a narrow corridor, running down the length of the ship almost exactly in the middle. On the left appears to be the crew quarters - a bunch of hammocks slung seemingly at random throughout the room. There are a total of 14 hammocks.

The right side has two separate rooms. One is the galley/eating area, and is empty. The other is behind a door that you almost miss - the door is flush with the wall, and disguised to be hard to see. Behind it is a small room with four cages. The cages are empty, but judging from the dried spoor have been used before. A key hangs from a wall hook, which you pocket.

At the far end of the hallway, a pair of double doors open into the ship's hold. Another set of stairs descend to the second deck, which is the entirety of the hold. The double doors from the deck are located directly above you. The hold is mostly empty at the moment - just containing ships provisions.

Overall size of the boat, it's about 90 feet long by 18 feet wide.


Thus far, the thoughts of the two are not very deep. Lustful thoughts about a local prostitute at the moment. When Rynael hails the boat, a flash of reflexive fear spikes through both minds and a thread of a thought along the lines of "The captain would kill us if he knew we weren't watching good". Based on the quality of the thought, the use of the term 'kill us' is not figurative. They really believe he would kill them as an example.


As you hail the boat, the two figures standing by the bow visibly jump in surprise. They turn in unison and look over the railing down at you. The one on the left cries out, "Who goes there?" in a voice touched by just a hint of surprise and fear.

2013-07-24, 02:33 PM

As you hail the boat, the two figures standing by the bow visibly jump in surprise. They turn in unison and look over the railing down at you. The one on the left cries out, "Who goes there?" in a voice touched by just a hint of surprise and fear.

Rynael looks at Sindri, then back to the men as he lowers his voice to the point that he can still be heard without shouting. He motions his hand towards Sindri, "Opportunity", then motions to himself, "and Profit. We would like to discuss a business proposal with your captain." He is careful to keep his stance and voice non-threatening, and gives the men a crooked smile.

Spells currently in effect on Rynael:
Disguise Self - Hat of Disguise (CL 1)
Divine Insight - 10 hour duration or until discharged, CL 10
Extended Magic Vestment - 20 hour duration, CL 10
Extended Greater Magic Weapon - 20 hour duration, CL 10

2013-07-24, 02:43 PM

The two look at each other for a moment, uncertain. Finally the one that spoke before speaks again:

"The Cap'n don't like to be disturbed. Come back in the morn'."

Make me a diplomacy check to convince him to risk the Captain's ire.

2013-07-24, 03:04 PM

The two look at each other for a moment, uncertain. Finally the one that spoke before speaks again:

"The Cap'n don't like to be disturbed. Come back in the morn'."

Make me a diplomacy check to convince him to risk the Captain's ire.

Rynael grins at the man and says, "How does that old saying go? Opportunity only knocks once? There is profit to be had, and your captain is not the only one we can go to."

Diplomacy Check: [roll0]

Spells currently in effect on Rynael:
Disguise Self - Hat of Disguise (CL 1)
Divine Insight - 10 hour duration or until discharged, CL 10
Extended Magic Vestment - 20 hour duration, CL 10
Extended Greater Magic Weapon - 20 hour duration, CL 10

Aura of Menace and Magic Circle Against Evil are currently suppressed.

2013-07-24, 04:01 PM

<<Are you there, Leader? Can you hear me? I have the following to report...there is one area I haven't ventured into just yet, where shall I return to when I am finished?>>

@Dabirtes from Boy:

You sense a total of 10 life forms aboard the boat. The two on deck, four in the crew quarters (sleeping), one in a closed cabin on the deck (which you cannot enter without opening a door or window; if you wish to try, let me know), and three cats.

The layout of the boat is as follows:

The deck is mostly empty except for the small cabin and the mast. Everything else is below decks. There is a small hatchway with a set of stairs going down (open) and a set of closed double doors in the deck near the bow (closed).

Immediately down the hatch is a narrow corridor, running down the length of the ship almost exactly in the middle. On the left appears to be the crew quarters - a bunch of hammocks slung seemingly at random throughout the room. There are a total of 14 hammocks.

The right side has two separate rooms. One is the galley/eating area, and is empty. The other is behind a door that you almost miss - the door is flush with the wall, and disguised to be hard to see. Behind it is a small room with four cages. The cages are empty, but judging from the dried spoor have been used before. A key hangs from a wall hook, which you pocket.

At the far end of the hallway, a pair of double doors open into the ship's hold. Another set of stairs descend to the second deck, which is the entirety of the hold. The double doors from the deck are located directly above you. The hold is mostly empty at the moment - just containing ships provisions.

Overall size of the boat, it's about 90 feet long by 18 feet wide.

I'm lazy and stealing your type-work, lol. Boy gives a full report on what he finds.

2013-07-25, 09:15 AM

The two sailors look at each other again. Anyone listening to thoughts can overhear a nearly simultaneous consideration of what their captain would do to them if they cost him an opportunity at gold.

"All right," says the one that spoke previously. "I'll go wake the Cap'n. But you better be good for it or he'll take it out of your hide!" A little bluster to go with a weak intimidation attempt, to make you a little anxious and more receptive to the Captain's demands: [roll0]

The sailor heads back to the cabin (Boy/Dabirtes I assume are in position to see) and knocks on the door. A short conversation ensues, and a moment later a man steps out and approaches the railing.

The first impression you have is big. Not fat, but broad of shoulder and barrel-chested. The man, human by appearance, sports a thick bushy black beard and is wearing just a simple white shirt and trousers. A cutlass is hanging from his belt.

Anyone with detect magic running:
His cutlass is magical, as is a gold signet ring on his right hand.

He glares over the railing at the two of you on the dock, and growls "I'm Captain Reynard. Whatever you've got to say had better be worth disturbing my evening."

2013-07-25, 12:20 PM
He glares over the railing at the two of you on the dock, and growls "I'm Captain Reynard. Whatever you've got to say had better be worth disturbing my evening."

Rynael bows his head to the captain, "Good evening Captain Reynard. You are even more impressive than your fearsome reputation makes you out to be. Word has it that you and your crew are the toughest around, and that nothing of worth escapes your notice. My employers are interested in acquiring certain goods, and anyone providing information or services leading to that end will be well-compensated." Rynael reaches into his belt and retrieves a pouch filled with 50 gold pieces. He holds it up and jingles it before tossing it up to the captain, "This is yours simply for listening to what I have to say. It is nothing compared to what my employers are prepared to pay for valuable information and assistance. Is there somewhere we can discuss the details in private?"

Spells currently in effect on Rynael:
Disguise Self - Hat of Disguise (CL 1)
Divine Insight - 10 hour duration or until discharged, CL 10
Extended Magic Vestment - 20 hour duration, CL 10
Extended Greater Magic Weapon - 20 hour duration, CL 10

Aura of Menace and Magic Circle Against Evil are currently suppressed.

2013-07-25, 03:16 PM
Smirking at the goons baser thoughts Rixuras changes the focus of the detect spell to the captain. He readjusts to find a more comfortable position, giving boy's friend a passing glance to make sure he hadn't wandered off. << I do have one prepared spell that may be useful in this situation; if we're forced to dispose of the captain I can question his corpse for any information he knew.>>

2013-07-25, 04:29 PM
Linking with Rixuras<<That may prove useful. Though I would rather it not come to that. He would be more value alive.... At least until we can get a contract devil anyway.>>

Switching to Rynael.<<Excellent job, if something should go wrong we will be but a few moments away, and you needn't obviously lie if you don't wish it. Partial truths are much more effective. And undetectable to magic to boot. Just remember, do not mention our employer, and unless you absolutely have to don't mention our exact objective.>>

Contacting Boy<<Excellent job! This is very good information. Return to the deck for now, we shall see how diplomacy fares before our next course of action.>>

2013-07-25, 06:55 PM

<<I shall be up shortly...I have one section left to explore. The captain appears to be devoid of enchantments aside from a gold ring and his cutlass, by the by.>>

Boy floats right past the captain into his cabin and begins poking his head into containers and furniture, under the bunk, through the walls, everywhere some hidden compartment could conceivably be hidden, using Detect Magic the entire time.

Once his inspection is complete he will rise back to the decks to rejoin his partners.

2013-07-27, 01:00 PM

Captain Reynard snatches the purse out of the air as you loft it up to him, disappearing it into a hidden pocket somewhere near his belt. He frowns thoughtfully for a moment.

"I'll hear what you have to say, but if this is some trick you'll find me in no mood for such games. Boys, toss our...guests...the ladder."

The two sailors throw a rope ladder over the side for you to climb up, and Reynard turns back toward his cabin with a jerk of his head, clearly indicating you to follow him.


The cabin is fairly small, but spacious for a boat of this size. There is one window - a small porthole about two feet wide, circular. It is filled with a thick glass.

Inside the rest of the cabin is a bed (an actual bed rather than a cot), a desk, and a chair. The desk is covered with papers - at a glance, they look like shipping documents, contracts for portage, charts, and other such items. Shoved under the bed is a large sea trunk, with a thick heavy padlock on the front. To your sight, it appears to be spelled.

2013-07-27, 02:36 PM

Curiouser and Curiouser... Boy's curiousity overcomes him and he attempts to negate the magic he sees on the chest.
As many times as it takes!
If any effects are dispelled, the original caster takes 1 point of damage per spell level dispelled. This could get interesting on a meta-game note. :smallamused:

2013-07-29, 09:25 AM

Your first attempt dispels the only spell on the chest.

Under the assumption that you will open it, inside are several bags full of gold, and one of assorted jewelry - none magical, but a miscellaneous assortment of pretty wildly varying quality and design.

As you finish your investigation, you hear heavy footsteps on the deck heading in the cabin's direction...

2013-07-29, 10:55 AM
Captain Reynard snatches the purse out of the air as you loft it up to him, disappearing it into a hidden pocket somewhere near his belt. He frowns thoughtfully for a moment.

"I'll hear what you have to say, but if this is some trick you'll find me in no mood for such games. Boys, toss our...guests...the ladder."

The two sailors throw a rope ladder over the side for you to climb up, and Reynard turns back toward his cabin with a jerk of his head, clearly indicating you to follow him.[/SPOILER]

Rynael climbs the rope ladder and hops on board. He follows Captain Reynard into his cabin, and waits for the door to be closed before speaking up. "You seem to be the sort of man who wants to get straight to business, so let us get right to it. My employers are looking for gemstones of great value. Gemstones that are magical in nature are highly preferred, and will bring the most reward. Purchasing them via legal means is not a viable option, as acquiring them at a ... discount will mean a larger share of the rewards for both you and myself. Given what I have heard about you, I am hoping that you are the sort of man who stays informed on rumors about such valuables. Also, if you and your crew would be interested in helping to acquire them, that would naturally entitle you to a larger share of the profits." Rynael gives the Captain an even gaze and says, "What do you say, Captain Reynard. Shall we become rich men together?"

2013-07-29, 11:23 AM
Rynael (and Boy if he's lurking in the room):

Reynard crosses to his desk and sits down, propping his feet up casually on a stool set nearby for that purpose. He looks up at Rynael and ***** an eyebrow.

"An interesting proposal. Tempting. Very tempting. To come to me, out of the blue as it were, with a chance at easy money. Most captains would accept without thinking twice.

"But I didn't get here by taking stupid risks. So that leaves us one question." He reaches down and slowly draws his sword from its sheath.

"Who sent you? Was it Braxas? Sounds like the kind of clumsy trap that fool would try to set."

2013-07-29, 12:38 PM
Dabirtes flutters around the captains cabin, attempting to get a telepathic link with Rynael and Boy(if he is still in there)

OOC: Assuming he does... And Boy is still there... And he sees the Captain witha sword drawn. Lot of assumptions here.

Linking with Rynael <<Keep talking Rynael, Boy is in there with you and I can support you if necessary.>>

Switching to Boy.<< Support Rynael if a fight starts, otherwise remain hidden.>>

Switching to Rixuras.<<Prepare yourself, combat may be unavoidable. They are both in the captains cabin.>>

OOC:If he can't link with Boy or Rynael.
Dabirtes looks for a crack in the captains cabin where he can hear what is going on through.
Dabirtes telepathically links to Rixuras as he is doing this. <<I've lost contact with them, they both entered the captains cabin, ready yourself in case this goes badly.>>

2013-07-29, 12:47 PM
Sighing at the prospect of fighting Rixuras stretches before walking closer to the pier, keeping up the guise of an old man he looks about at the ship and the area around. To assess who may notice if a fight breaks out.

spot: [roll0]

<<If I must. Do I need to keep this discreet?>>

2013-07-29, 12:52 PM

Assume you have established telepathic contact with both Rynael and Boy, and Boy is providing you a running narrative unless otherwise noted by him.


The primary witnesses would be the two sailors on the bow. They are still there, occasionally looking back at the captain's cabin anxiously. Glancing around, you see a couple of sailors on other boats standing similar watches. They aren't looking at you, but any outbreak of activity would draw their attention.

2013-07-29, 01:13 PM
"An interesting proposal. Tempting. Very tempting. To come to me, out of the blue as it were, with a chance at easy money. Most captains would accept without thinking twice.

"But I didn't get here by taking stupid risks. So that leaves us one question." He reaches down and slowly draws his sword from its sheath.

"Who sent you? Was it Braxas? Sounds like the kind of clumsy trap that fool would try to set."

Rynael holds his hands up in a non-threatening gesture and tries to look surprised and a bit afraid, "I don't know who this Braxas is. And if I gave you the impression that this was easy money, then I was not clear." Rynael licks his lips in a nervous manner and then plays his gambit, "in truth, I was looking to hire you and your crew as information gatherers and, if necessary, disposable muscle. The money would still be good, but some of your crew would almost certainly be killed in the acquisition of any well-guarded jewels. I ... should have been up front with you about that. Would ... would a higher cut of the profits be a sufficient apology?"

Rynael is readying an action to cast Hold Person should the Captain decide to try and run him through.

Rynael isn't lying at this point, he's actually telling the complete truth here. He really does want to hire Reynard and his crew to help locate and steal the Tears. :smallbiggrin:

If a Diplomacy roll is needed here, Rynael will absolutely expend his Divine Insight bonus to make the roll as awesome as necessary.

Diplomacy Check (If needed) (+15 from Divine Insight): [roll0]

Spells currently in effect on Rynael:
Disguise Self - Hat of Disguise (CL 1)
Divine Insight - 10 hour duration or until discharged, CL 10
Extended Magic Vestment - 20 hour duration, CL 10
Extended Greater Magic Weapon - 20 hour duration, CL 10

Aura of Menace and Magic Circle Against Evil are currently suppressed.

2013-07-29, 01:25 PM
Rynael et al:

Reynard frowns, but your words (and diplomacy check) seem to have swayed him somewhat. He slowly slides the sword back into its sheath.

"I...see. Perhaps I was mistaken. Your offer is very generous; perhaps we can work together.

"My crew is not much for sneaking about on rooftops, if that's the kind of dodge you have in mind. The boys are more of the smash-and-grab variety. If that's what it comes to, we can talk. But for now, how about we keep our business limited to information?

"You mention you're looking for magic gems. I've sailed these rivers and the Nyr Dyv for near ten years, so I may have some o' the information you need. 'Fore I can answer you though, I need to know two things. Are you looking for specific gems, or just anything magical? And are you limiting your search to Free Borough, or are other cities on your list?

"If I know somethin', or if I can find out, I'll set the price. If it's good for you, we'll do business."

2013-07-29, 03:29 PM
Rynael nods at the Captains words and appears to be considering his response while he mentally consults Dabirtes (and anyone else listening in), <<It may be worthwhile to tell this Captain Reynard exactly what we are looking for. I cannot keep him waiting on a reply long, what do you suggest?>>

2013-07-29, 04:32 PM

Boy continues to give information across the telepathic link as it comes, leaving nothing out, including his description of the contents of the chest. At the sound of footsteps and his fore-warning, <<I shall stand ready>>

He slips into the floor decking beneath the chair at the desk and listens intently. <<Our instructions were to reveal nothing! Would you like me to Charm the captain so we can convince him the quest for the Tears is his own?>>

2013-07-29, 07:44 PM
Dabirtes voice fills both Rynael and Boy's heads.<<Our instructions were to exercise discretion. Give him a rough description and do not name them, 7 perfectly clear identical gemstones, one larger than the rest, work it in that you are working for a cabal of very powerful mages. Lord Grazhyxx made it clear that we need to be wary of alerting the Celestial realms, I doubt this one has much contact with those realms but I will remain hidden just to be safe. And if need be Rynaels true appearance could aid us. Boy would you please continue watching over their exchange. And both of you make sure this captain isn't trying to deceive us. If he is lying or trying to set us up I want to know as soon as possible so we can eliminate him and his crew. Just to be safe of course. >> You both feel Dabirte's delight at the though of eliminating the Captain and the crew. He isn't exactly trying to hide it.

2013-07-29, 10:58 PM
"You mention you're looking for magic gems. I've sailed these rivers and the Nyr Dyv for near ten years, so I may have some o' the information you need. 'Fore I can answer you though, I need to know two things. Are you looking for specific gems, or just anything magical? And are you limiting your search to Free Borough, or are other cities on your list?

Rynael sits back and says, "As wizards are wont to do, my employers did not share the specifics of what they wanted the gems for. My instructions were to deliver to them magical gemstones first, and any high value non-magical gemstones would be considered a nice bonus. I have heard rumors of a few enchanted gemstones, but I do not know what is true and what is false. The first is a pair of rubies the size of a fist that apparently have power over fire. The second is a set of seven perfectly clear gemstones, all identical save for one which is larger than the others. And the third is a string of coin sized stones threaded upon mithril. If the rumors surrounding any of those are true and they are in the area, I am certain my employers would be most interested in those specific stones." He stops to consider for a moment before replying, "I am not limiting my search to just Free Borough, any rumors of such stones in the neighboring cities may be useful. Any claims located beyond that, however, may be too far to investigate."

2013-07-30, 08:44 AM
Rynael et al:

Reynard leans back in his seat, his face a blank mask.

"I see. I will have to make some inquiries to confirm older information, but I can help you. I can provide you with the locations of at least one of the items you mentioned within 24 hours, and likely several other possibilities that you did not.

"As to my price. Gold is always of interest, but I have something else in mind. You already heard the name: Braxas. He's been a thorn in my side for years. He's a stupid brute, but he has powerful friends; friends that would tear me apart if they thought I killed him, which is the only reason he's still breathing. But if he were to...meet an accident at the hands of someone else, someone clearly not me, they would have no cause to come after me."

Reynard arches an eyebrow at you. "What say you? Take care of my problem and I'll help you with yours."


He matched the save number on your detect thoughts, so you don't read much from him; but since it was a tie, I'll give you a little bit of info leaking out.

The gemstones controlling fire leak no information, but on the clear gems you sense recognition; likewise for the mention of a mithril necklace. When he mentions Braxas, you sense a surge of intense hatred.

2013-07-30, 12:28 PM
Rynael takes a moment to think, <<Those terms sound agreeable to me, though killing this Braxas may be an issue if he has powerful allies. What do you think?>>

2013-07-30, 01:06 PM
Dabirtes relays the captains offer to Rixuras. His thoughts then fill the parties minds. <<The offer sounds promising, as does his information. Make it obvious you are communing with someone else, and say your masters accept. That should keep him of balance and hesitant to cross us. Make sure to find out where this Braxas is, his occupation, his combat capabilities and any forces at his disposal.>>

2013-07-30, 01:18 PM
<<He knows something about what we're looking for and one of the other items mentioned. At least something similar. Helping him or forcing the information out of him should get us what we want. It may not hurt to see what this Braxus fellow knows as well. They seem to have no love lost between them.>>

2013-07-30, 02:46 PM
"As to my price. Gold is always of interest, but I have something else in mind. You already heard the name: Braxas. He's been a thorn in my side for years. He's a stupid brute, but he has powerful friends; friends that would tear me apart if they thought I killed him, which is the only reason he's still breathing. But if he were to...meet an accident at the hands of someone else, someone clearly not me, they would have no cause to come after me."

Reynard arches an eyebrow at you. "What say you? Take care of my problem and I'll help you with yours."

Rynael tilts his head as though he is listening to something far away before smiling and nodding to Captain Reynard. "My employers find your proposal acceptable. I will need to know more about Braxas, particularly who and where he is, what he does, what manner of defenses he has at his command, and how you wish him to die. Information on these powerful allies of his will also be of use."

Rynael levels an even gaze at the Captain. After a brief moment, his gaze softens into something almost resembling concern, "Know this Captain Reynard. My employers are fair, but vengeful. While I am certain that they would care little if I were to perish, their ambitions are not to be trifled with. If this is some manner of trick, you will incur their wrath."

2013-07-31, 09:27 AM
Reynard holds your gaze for a long, tense moment, then drops his eyes slightly to break the stare. "My word is good. You can assure your employers of that."

"Braxas owns a knacker's shop on the east side of the city, but that's a front; his real money is in boosting and moving goods in and out of the city. He's a nasty brute, been in more than a few scraps for blood and come out clean each time. He's got a gang that runs with him, a bunch of thugs with about as much brains as he has - but they do have muscle to spare.

"As for his allies, Braxas has ties to the Brotherhood in Greyhawk city. Far enough away that they aren't helping him day-to-day, but enough of a reach that crossing them is unwise for me. The local boys have been keeping him and the Brotherhood from getting too much of a grip on the business here, but it's a dicey situation.

"He's got some fair defenses o' his own as well. I've heard he's got a wizard on retainer, and a small group o' personal bashers from Greyhawk city that watch his back."

Reynard smiles mirthlessly. "Still up for the task?"

2013-07-31, 10:29 AM
Reynard smiles mirthlessly. "Still up for the task?"

Rynael nods solemnly, "It is the price you have set, and I must see it met or die trying. I will return when the deed is done."

Rynael stands to leave, and mentally asks Dabirtes, <<Do any of you require more information than what we have already received? Also, does Boy need me to hold the door open for a moment so he can leave undetected?>>

2013-07-31, 01:23 PM
(once Rixuras gets forwarded the info going to throw a knowledge check on the Brotherhood)

History: [roll0]

2013-07-31, 01:28 PM

You recall the Brotherhood is a rather large association of criminal elements in Greyhawk city. It's existed for the better part of a century, and in the past decade or so has begun expanding its influence into other countries. The reason for this change to expansionist behavior is not known.

On a regional scale, they are considered pretty dangerous and have associates capable of dealing with enemies - assassins, rogue magi, and such are counted among the members.

2013-07-31, 01:45 PM
Dabirtes forwards the information to Rixuras, then links back to Rynael.<< A physical description would help, all mortals look squishy to me. And where does the wizard reside? I would rather kill him first.>>

2013-07-31, 02:47 PM
At the door to the cabin, Rynael pauses and asks, "Do you know where this wizard of his resides? And could you describe Braxas so that I might know him when I see him?"

2013-07-31, 02:58 PM
Reynard says "Not sure on the wizard. He's a reclusive fellow; only ever seen him with Braxas. Couldn't even give you a good description on him, he tends to wear hooded robes.

"As for Braxas, he's a big brutish fellow. Nearly a hand taller than most men - call it 6 foot 5. Best marker for him is probably his tattoo. It's a snake-and-dagger on his left arm, pretty distinctive. Never seen one quite like it before."

2013-07-31, 06:43 PM

When the meeting with Reynard is finished, Boy leaves the room behind Rynael, a little more cautiously than he entered, by sliding through the surface of the floor. The once-pixie's heart thumps like a hummingbird in his chest at the thought of getting one step closer to accomplishing his Master's goals.

2013-07-31, 06:56 PM
Reynard says "Not sure on the wizard. He's a reclusive fellow; only ever seen him with Braxas. Couldn't even give you a good description on him, he tends to wear hooded robes.

"As for Braxas, he's a big brutish fellow. Nearly a hand taller than most men - call it 6 foot 5. Best marker for him is probably his tattoo. It's a snake-and-dagger on his left arm, pretty distinctive. Never seen one quite like it before."

"Thank you for the information. I would keep my distance from the east side of the city, if I were you. It may even be beneficial for you to be seen elsewhere when this happens, so that the shadow of guilt passes you by."

And with that, Rynael leaves the cabin, clambers down the rope ladder, and walks towards the eastern side of the city. Once out of sight, he tries to make contact with Dabirtes and the others to plan their next moves.

2013-07-31, 10:40 PM
Dabirtes resumes communicating with the group<<Well, time to plan our order of attack, I will strike from a distance peppering foes with arrows. What are your preferred methods of attack?>> As this is going on Dabirtes flies over the rest of the group, keeping pace with them.

2013-07-31, 11:40 PM

Boy floats along after Rynael, responding to Dabirtes <<Oh I tend to avoid direct confrontation, though I suppose I would be more effective at short ranges, I could also make a mess of things at close range if time is not a factor, and turn fallen foes against standing foes.>>

2013-08-01, 10:07 AM
In response to Dabirtes, <<I have always preferred to take the battle directly to my foes. Spell and sword are my weapons, and of them I prefer sword.>>

2013-08-01, 12:02 PM
Rixuras sighs as he follows. <<I can fight in close quarters if I must. Most of the spells I have prepared today are for personal use anyways.>>

2013-08-01, 09:53 PM
Linking with the group. <<Let us move quickly, the cover of night will aid us far more than our enemies. We will form a more detailed plan at the location, but it seems like after any enhancements you casters can cast I will begin hostilities with a volley of arrows and attempt to draw the attention of as many as possible. While there attention is focused on me I would like it if you could eliminate the wizard. Without a spell caster we should be more than capable of slaughtering any remaining hostiles. The plan will probably have to be altered in some form or another to suit the specific situation. I believe I will disguise myself as a Cherub for the duration of the engagement. Though that would make it suspicious if I cackled>> He continues musing the pros and cons of appearing as a small baby faced angel and shooting people for the remainder of the journey.

2013-08-02, 08:57 AM
You obtain directions to the butcher shop owned by Braxas without difficulty, and move through the darkened city streets in that general direction. The streets are quiet and mostly empty, as it is late in the evening now - close to 3 AM. A couple of times you see a drunk staggering down the road, apparently oblivious to your passage.

After close to half an hour of walking, you arrive at the shop. It's located in a less pleasant quarter of the city; the streets are narrow, the houses cramped and crowded, and the lamp lights mostly burned out/untended. The shop itself is wedged between two storehouses, with a sign bearing a hog's head hanging above the front door. It's a single story structure with two windows in the front.

(As all of you made successful spot rolls on my die) You all see a flicker of movement within the shop, although there appear to be no lights burning within.

The movement is two humanoid figures moving past the window. It looks like they're carrying boxes as they move past. You see them for just a moment then they're gone, having moved deeper into the building and out of your field of view.

2013-08-02, 11:35 AM
Dabirtes links to Boy<<If you would be so kind as to enter stealthily and invisible and report on the interior.>>

He then switches linking to Rynael and Rixuras<<We will allow Boy to enter first and see what there is to see, his invisibility should keep him safe. And if not well, we can charge in and see what damage we may cause.>>

Dabirtes then goes and alights on the roof looking for a chimney into the store and keeping in contact with the party, prepared to relay necessary information.

2013-08-03, 01:05 AM

Boy dutifully makes his way into the shop through one of the windows, doing his best to remain unseen despite his invisibility. He keeps his ability to detect magic active just in case something isn't what it seems.

<<I saw two figures pass by the window carrying boxes a moment ago, while I'm checking the area...if I should encounter someone...may I....>> a bubble of dirty pleasure makes its way through the telepathic link as visions of carnage begin floating through the floating pixie's floating head.

Detect Magic will be active without concentration, Boy should be silent without a roll but here's a couple dice rolls if they're needed (assuming you don't use your own, which is ok with me either way)


If it matters, he's got darkvision 60ft and superior lowlight vision. He'll do a methodical circular sweep of the building.

2013-08-03, 09:04 PM
<<I believe I will disguise myself as a Cherub for the duration of the engagement. Though that would make it suspicious if I cackled>> He continues musing the pros and cons of appearing as a small baby faced angel and shooting people for the remainder of the journey.

Rynael prepares himself for battle, and alters his appearance to that of a lightly armored thug with an eye patch. When Dabirtes communicates his thoughts on a disguise, Rynael responds <<Such a disguise would draw undue attention to our actions, assuming anyone survives our onslaught. Would it not be better to try something more inconspicuous?>>

He watches the store from an alleyway across the street, ready to teleport into the building at a moment's notice.

Rynael casts Divine Insight (leaving him 1 remaining).
Spells currently in effect on Rynael:
Disguise Self - Hat of Disguise (CL 1)
Divine Insight - 10 hour duration or until discharged, CL 10
Extended Magic Vestment - 20 hour duration, CL 10
Extended Greater Magic Weapon - 20 hour duration, CL 10

Aura of Menace and Magic Circle Against Evil are currently suppressed.

2013-08-05, 01:04 AM
Landing on the roof, Dabirtes calls upon his inner powers, disguising his appearance. He takes on the appearance of a wizened looking, heavily scarred halfing wearing a rather large pack. Attuning his mind to Rynael's he remarks,<<True enough. I was entertaining the idea of making the group appear as a number of holy beings coming to exact vengeance upon a criminal enterprise, though that too would draw attention.... I will find my fun later.>> Re-attuning his mind to Boy's <<Let us see how many there are and where they are before we have fun.>>

Disguise check, +10 from disguise self SLA

2013-08-05, 12:06 PM

Quietly moving in through a window, you are in the public front of the store. A counter, the surface scarred from countless knife slice marks, stands between you and an open doorway in the far wall.

Peering through the doorway is a packing room. The room is large, and mostly empty - two work tables with a heavy metal grate in the stone floor between them. The smell of old blood and meat scrap hangs heavy in the air. A small hallway opens in the far wall, and from your location you can see it leading to an exit out into the back street - but it is closed and barred from the inside.

The three walls - to your left, right, and in front of you - each have two doors set in them. The doors are metal, and are all closed. There is no sign of the two individuals you spied through the window.

2013-08-05, 01:25 PM
Rixuras nods at his orders. Finding a comfortable place he leans against the wall to observe the store from the outside.

2013-08-05, 06:49 PM

Boy reports <<I see nothing of significance so far, but a there is a barred and locked door. I shall investigate as far as I can.>>

Boy attempts to look through the door, if it is less than 5ft thick.

2013-08-08, 08:42 AM

The barred door leads only to a back alley. There is no activity out there.

Under the assumption that you will similarly check each of the six metal doors: five open into meat lockers. The sixth opens into a narrow passageway, from which you can hear murmuring voices. A dim glow shines down the passageway, coming from a room about 15 feet beyond your current position.

2013-08-08, 01:57 PM

<<It would appear our quarry are all bunched into one neat little basket!>> Excitement floods through the telepathic link as Boy sends directions to Dabirtes revealing which door has the voices behind it. As he sends the instructions he approaches the sounds and light, wishing to get close enough to hear what is going on and get a head-count while the others close the net around them.

2013-08-08, 02:42 PM

Slinking silently down the corridor, you quickly spy your quarry: four humans loading up several crates with something you can't quite make out at this distance. They are dressed as laborers, unarmed and unarmored. The room they are in is approximately 20 feet by 30 feet, and has a large opening in the floor at the far side - a trap door, standing open.

Two other humans, looking bored, are standing at the trap door. Unlike the others, they are armed with battleaxes and wearing chainmail. No tabard or other mark of affiliation is visible. As you watch, two of the laborers haul a crate over and begin lowering it down into the open trapdoor via rope and pulley. A deep voice echoes up from beneath, "Be careful with that, idiots."

2013-08-08, 02:54 PM

Unable to help himself, Boy decides to cause a bit of mischief, hoping to stall their prey and bring any who may be lingering nearby into the open. Perhaps a little confusion to put them off-guard until the others arrive...

<<There are four nothing-men, two armed men, and a supervisor that I can detect at the moment in this back-room, moving crates down a trap-door. Now would be a good time to strike!>>

The once-pixie falls into the center of his in-born magic, bending reality just a smidge. At his quietly barked command, the pulley bursts apart as the crate is being lowered.

Baleful Utterance on the pulley to break it as they're lowering the crate. Attempting to keep the verbal component as quiet as possible.

2013-08-08, 03:50 PM
Dabirtes swiftly moves to a window quickly inspecting it for traps, before disarming any he finds, unlocking the window and then moving silently through the building to Boy's location.

Disable Device if needed
Open lock
Move Silently

Dabirtes still looks like an old halfling by the way.

Quickly attuning to the others Dabirtes rapidly informs them of the situation, relaying the directions Boy gave him. <<You two strike first, once you engage them in melee I will render support.>>
Switching to Boy<<Remain undetected if possible, attempt to find their escape route and dissuade them from going through it. The other two will initiate melee then I will strike.>>

2013-08-08, 04:44 PM
Swearing in Draconic at his orders Rixuras moves towards the window, readying his mace and shield as he goes. As he goes through the window (still looking like a crotchety old man) he bolsters himself with his divine power.

Move action, moving towards and through the open window (if i have the move), readying my weapon and shield as I go. Once I hit the end of my move, casting Divine power on myself.

Divine Power
Base attack becomes equal to my character level, +6 enhancement to strength, temporary hit points equal to my caster level.


2013-08-09, 10:49 AM
Rynael draws his weapon and follows Rixuras through the window. <<This will be much like that raid on Acheron several years ago, Dabirtes. I suspect these mortals will scatter in much the same way when we descend in force upon them. Good hunting, and keep your aim true.>>

Spells currently in effect on Rynael:
Disguise Self - Hat of Disguise (CL 1)
Divine Insight - 10 hour duration or until discharged, CL 10
Extended Magic Vestment - 20 hour duration, CL 10
Extended Greater Magic Weapon - 20 hour duration, CL 10

Aura of Menace and Magic Circle Against Evil are currently suppressed.

2013-08-09, 12:09 PM

You hear a sudden string of curses from the area beneath the trap as the pulley shatters, dropping the box down and following swiftly after it. You hear a splintering crunch of wood breaking, followed by a splash of something large hitting water.

"WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON UP THERE?" roars the voice you heard before. The guards are distracted, looking down into the pit.

Move order as we move into initiative:

Dabirtes is through the window and at the entry of the passageway that Boy discovered. He can hear the cursing and shouting echoing down.

Rixuras and Rynael are behind him, call it 5 feet from the passageway entrance.

Boy is still hiding in the packing room. The two armed guards are looking down the trapdoor. The four laborers are edging away, back towards the passageway with an expression of fear on their faces.

It is Dabirtes' action.

If you move down the passageway and wish to be stealthy, toss in move silent/hide checks.

2013-08-09, 03:55 PM
Dabirtes hesitates, waiting for Rixuras to act.

Move order:

Rynael is up.

2013-08-09, 04:12 PM
Rynael stalks quietly down the hallway, ready to strike the first foe that comes into view.

[roll0] -Move silently check.

2013-08-09, 05:13 PM
At the end of his move action, Rynael will be entering the packing room. The two guards are about 15 feet away, and the four workmen are within striking range.

2013-08-09, 06:04 PM
At the end of his move action, Rynael will be entering the packing room. The two guards are about 15 feet away, and the four workmen are within striking range.

Stepping into the room, Rynael lets his aura flare to life, and holds his ground to keep anyone from fleeing through the door he just entered by cutting them down.

Rynael readies an action to attack anyone attempting to flee through the door. He is going to charge a guard next round if they don't move to engange.

Aura of Menace (Su): A righteous aura surrounds archons that fight or get angry. Any hostile creature within a 20-foot radius of an archon must succeed on a Will save (DC 20) to resist its effects. Those who fail take a -2 penalty on attacks, AC, and saves for 24 hours or until they successfully hit the archon that generated the aura. A creature that has resisted or broken the effect cannot be affected again by the same archon’s aura for 24 hours.

2013-08-10, 10:18 AM
A bell-like sound echoes through the room as Rynael's aura flares to life, washing over the rest of the room. The four laborers and two guards all go white, with the laborers letting out shrieks of fear at his sudden appearance.

All fail saves

The guards act next, but are surprised and do not attack. One yells out, "Boss! I...intruder!" Both heft small shields and draw weapons, readying their defenses.

Move order:

Rixuras is up, then Dabirtes with his held action.

2013-08-10, 12:56 PM
Smirking at the fear of the workers and guards Rixuras follows behind Rynael.

No move silently, standing behind Rynael and readying my standard action to attack one of the guards if they close.

2013-08-12, 01:55 PM
Dabirtes sprints forward and nocks two arrows, as soon as he gets in range he looses both arrows, one at each of the guards. The entire time he is cackling wildly.

Making use of my 40ft land speed thanks to scout and greater manyshot
Attack on Guard 1

Damage on Guard 1
plus an extra if good aligned(doubtful I know but just in case.)
Attack on Guard 2
plus [roll3] if good aligned.

2013-08-12, 02:02 PM

Seeing things well in-hand on this floor, Boy floats down to see what is going on below. He surveys the area quickly and:

If he sees no people/nothing of interest he floats back up.

If he finds someone who isn't an obvious ally, he attacks.

30ft perfect fly speed, using a move to get below the floor. If someone's there to attack he'll Eldritch Blast them.


2013-08-14, 08:35 PM

You loose a pair of arrows, each finding its mark in a chink in the guards' armor. They grunt in pain, but don't appear substantially harmed.


Floating down through the trap door, you see...

It opens into a wide sewer. Immediately below is a raft, almost filling the waterway of the sewer and loaded with boxes. The top is covered with splintered wood and rigging from the makeshift crane that you brought down from above.

The closest person you see is a massive man, shirtless but his torso encased in a steel breastplate, carrying a rather nasty axe. You fire your eldritch blast reflexively at him, but at the last moment before impact it bends away from him and sizzles into the stinking water below.

You also see four laborer types on the raft, and six more guards as the two in the room above.

After Boy's action, the remaining laborers in the room will scream and run for the trap door. Two of them leap into the area beneath, disappearing from everyone's sight but Boy's. The other two are preparing to leap as well.

Round 2


The man you fired at curses as the dark energy narrowly misses him. He digs a large hand into a pouch at his belt, pulling out an amethyst about the size of a golf ball. Under his breath (but you can make out), he mutters "Reveal, reveal, reveal". The amethyst flares briefly, and he looks in your direction. A cruel smile spreads across his face as he looks at you. "Well well, what have we here..."

Move order:

Rynael's action.

2013-08-15, 09:28 AM
Seeing that Rixuras now has the door covered, Rynael hefts his greatsword and charges the guard to the right of the trap door, bringing his blade downward in a massive chop intended to bisect the guard completely.

Charge attack (power attack -2, charge +2): [roll0]
Damage(+12 from Strength, +2 magic weapon, +5 Holy Warrior feat, +4 Power Attack): [roll1]

Spells currently in effect on Rynael:
Disguise Self - Hat of Disguise (CL 1)
Divine Insight - 10 hour duration or until discharged, CL 10
Extended Magic Vestment - 20 hour duration, CL 10
Extended Greater Magic Weapon - 20 hour duration, CL 10

Rynael's AC has dropped to 31 from 33 because of the charge.

Aura of Menace is currently active.
Magic Circle Against Evil is currently suppressed.

Edit - Crit confirm roll is in the OOC thread.

2013-08-16, 11:11 AM
Rynael charges forward, and brings his sword overhanded in a mighty sweep. The guard manages to bring up his weapon to partially deflect the blow, but not enough to prevent it from biting deeply into his shoulder with a spurt of blood.

Critical did not confirm

The guards act next, and both swing at Rynael - twice each.

Guard 1 attack 1: [roll0] Damage [roll1]
If necessary, crit confirm on 35/36: [roll2]

Guard 1 attack 2: [roll3] Damage [roll4]
If necessary, crit confirm on 30/31: [roll5]

Due to the amount of damage the second guard has taken, I'm applying a one-round -2 to his attacks for his shaken nerves.

Guard 2 attack 1: [roll6] Damage [roll7]
If necessary, crit confirm on 33/34: [roll8]

Guard 2 attack 2: [roll9] Damage [roll10]
If necessary, crit confirm on 28/29: [roll11]

Rynael takes a strike from each guard, but manages to parry the second; a total of 20 damage.

The guards below in the sewer all snatch up crossbows and load them, looking up and aiming at the hatch above you. They don't appear to see you, though.

Move order:

Rixuras, then Dabirtes, then Boy.

2013-08-16, 12:30 PM
Rushing forward Rixuras strikes at the wounded second guard with his mace.

+2 attack for charging
[roll0] damage roll [roll1]
if crit:
[roll2] damage roll [roll3]

2013-08-16, 02:55 PM
(Assuming that you mean the guard Rynael slashed with his sword) Rixuras charges forward, swinging his mace overhand. The guard tries to throw himself to the side, but the injuries he has taken have slowed him just too much...and Rixuras's mace strikes home with an audible crack of bone.

The guard slumps to the ground, dead.

Move order:

2013-08-16, 07:03 PM

Boy makes a series of quick gestures with his hands, ending with an inaudible snap followed by him pointing at the gem in the bigger man's hands. His voice is a whisper of wind in the man's ear "I don't think so, my good man." as he floats past, and down into the flooring that makes up the raft. Once seated inside the planks the once-pixie flashes a wicked grin for none to see as he releases a burst of soothing pleasant warmth.

Forgot to roll the 1d4 for suppressing a magic item (I'm making a huge assumption that it's a gem of seeing with a CL of 10, making the dispel DC 21?

Action-wise, using a standard to cast Voracious Dispelling on the gem the man in the breastplate is holding, move action to move into the floor, remaining adjacent to the air, then stop suppressing his Positive Energy Aura. Everyone in 10ft gains FH 1, and if it puts them over their full normal HP, they need to make a DC 20 fort save each round :smallamused:

2013-08-16, 10:39 PM
Dabirtes grins in his halfling guise as the guard goes down. He connects to Rixuras' and Rynael's minds and gives them a quick command. <<Let us finish this one quickly and support Boy.>> Dabirtes then unleashes a volley of arrows at the remaining guard.

Attack 1
Damage 1
Attack 2
Damage 2
Attack 3
Damage 3
Attack 4
Damage 4

2013-08-19, 12:43 PM
Two of Dabirtes' arrows strike home, throwing the guard to the ground with a spray of blood.

Boy, a clarification required on your action:

If you take the proposed action, you will pass within melee range of the gem-holder to get into the raft. Without me telling you the impact of your casting, you will risk potential AOO if he can see you.

Additionally, once within the raft your hold will be a bit precarious; it's basically a flat surface and no real 'underneath', so you'll be hanging on from below. That's doable, but may require checks to maintain your position if the raft got bumpy.

2013-08-20, 01:47 PM

You attempt to suppress the gemstone, which displays no reaction. After the initial flash, it reverted to looking like an ordinary, large gemstone.

As you float down towards the raft, the man holds steady...then once you are in range, spins and swings his axe viciously at you.

Battleaxe attack: [roll0] Critical confirm on 41-42 [roll1]
Damage: [roll2] + [roll3] electrical damage

The axe slices into Boy, missing his throat by a hair's breadth.

By my count, critical did not confirm. After DR, you take 12 damage

Boy manages to continue on into the raft, avoiding further attack for now. Unleashing his aura, the area is bathed in powerful energy.

2013-08-20, 01:55 PM
At the end of the round, the remaining porters from the room above leap through the trap, diving onto the raft below.

There are a total of six porters. As Boy's aura washes over them, they each begin to glow with unnatural light.

There is a sudden, unnerving sound.


*pop* *pop* *pop* *pop* *pop*

Moments later, all that remains of the porters is a spray of fine red mist.

2013-08-20, 01:58 PM
Round 3:

At the beginning, the axe wielder begins to look a little pale. A faint glow begins to emanate, then suppresses.

Fort save successful

He growls and leaps off the raft, back to the walkway on the side of the sewer.

"ELENIAAAAAAAAAAAA", echoes loudly throughout the sewer as he shouts. Those in the room above can hear it as well.

Move order:

2013-08-20, 04:29 PM
Rynael steels himself for trouble and peers into the trap door, looking for the bellowing man. He then disappears and reappears down below with a flash of light and a distant crack of thunder.

"Hold coward!", he shouts, "Your death is at hand!"

Rynael is going to Greater Teleport down to the walkway (5' away from the shouting man) if he can see it, or the middle of the raft if he can't.

Question for Auroc, does the man match Braxas' description?

Current HP: 103/123

2013-08-20, 05:13 PM

He does indeed, tattoo and all.

You can see well enough to teleport 5' away from him. Before you teleport as you glance down you note that there are six guards armed with crossbows. They don't have a chance to shoot you at just a glance down, but when you reappear you will be targetable by at least 3 from a position next to Braxas.

Just FYI to give you all info pre-teleport if you still wish to.

2013-08-20, 05:39 PM

He does indeed, tattoo and all.

You can see well enough to teleport 5' away from him. Before you teleport as you glance down you note that there are six guards armed with crossbows. They don't have a chance to shoot you at just a glance down, but when you reappear you will be targetable by at least 3 from a position next to Braxas.

Just FYI to give you all info pre-teleport if you still wish to.

Cool, I figured Rynael will be eating more than a few crossbow bolts. He'll just have to rely on his Aura of Menace and his current AC (33) to see him through.

He's in full on "kill 'em all" mode, he's not going to stop for some crossbow bolts. :smallbiggrin:

2013-08-22, 02:13 PM
Rynael appears. Moments later, several sharp twangs of crossbow bolts being released sound through the sewer.

Three guards fire heavy crossbows at Rynael:

Guard 1: [roll0] Crit confirm on 32/33 [roll1]
Damage: [roll2]

Guard 2: [roll3] Crit confirm on 32/33 [roll4]
Damage: [roll5]

Guard 3: [roll6] Crit confirm on 32/33 [roll7]
Damage: [roll8]

Two guards remain covering the opening with crossbows. The final will drop his crossbow, heft the greatsword leaning next to him, and move forward to stand alongside Braxas and attack Rynael

Guard 4: [roll9] Crit confirm on 33/34 [roll10]
Damage: [roll11]

Every blow manages to miss Rynael, although a pair of the bolts come a bit too close for comfort...

Move order:
Braxas' Guards
Laborers - all deceased

2013-08-22, 02:34 PM
Peering down the hole where Ryneal teleported he grimaces in disgust at the sight and smell of the sewers. When he sees the crossbowman however it changes into a malicious grin.

"Well it's been awhile since I've had a chance to cast this..." Reaching into his robes he produces his divine symbol as he casts his spell, finishing by pointing at the group.

Casting flamestrike aiming for the group clustered together, if I can nab the ones 10ft further I will (spell has a 10ft radius on the epicenter).

reflex dc 21

[roll0] half fire half divine

2013-08-22, 02:57 PM

The pixie-shade rises up out of the raft with a wicked grin of grandiose amusement painted all over his face. "Why do you run, man-thing? Do you not wish to bathe in my radiance for eternity?" His voice takes on a sadistic tone, as though a possessing creature were speaking through the Boy the others have been traveling with all this time. "You should know this, man-thing: Until your blood is spilled, that sensation you feel will not abate, and you will eventually end up just another chunk of flesh on the wall. IT IS INEVITABLE!" His voice crackles harshly off the stones and water. He flies suddenly towards Braxas, in a heartbeat their eyes are an inch from eachother. "See your doom, man-thing, hahahahahaha" he softly taunts the man, with his hands placed as though resting on Braxas's cheeks.

Figured it was as good a time as any to bring out some crazy. Move action to fly from the raft to Braxas's face, standard action to ready a counterspell against the mage that Boy is sure is coming.

Boy heals another 5hp from FH, his aura is still active, so anyone in 10ft gains FH 1 with a DC 20 fort save each round their current HP remains higher than their max normal.

In case it's needed:
[roll0] to identify the spell just for fun, not needed when using dispel magic to counterspell (DC is 15+ Spell lvl)
[roll1] (DC 11+Caster level)
EDIT: Oh to be able to trade those die rolls, lol

2013-08-23, 09:29 PM
Dabirtes moves to the edge of the pit and nocks two arrows at once loosing them at two different crossbowmen.

Aiming at the pair of Xbowmen farthest from Rynael using greater manyshot and skirmish.
Attack 1
Damage 1
Attack 2
Damage 2

2013-08-24, 10:39 AM
Dabirtes' first arrow pings off the crossbowman's breastplate, but the second strikes home with unerring accuracy - slicing into the bowman's neck. Blood sprays the stone walls of the sewer as he tumbles into the dirty water with a splash.

Boy performs his action, rushing up on Braxas.

Enemy status update:

Braxas - unharmed
3 crossbowmen grouped together - covered in burns of varying severity
1 crossbowman solo - unharmed
1 swordsman - unharmed


Braxas snarls and takes a reflexive step back as Boy rushes forward, bumping against the sewer wall. He pales slightly, but shows no other ill effects of Boy's aura.

Successful save

"Stupid pixie," he growls. "I's not me blood that's spillin today," as he swings his axe at Boy in a flurry of short, lethal arcs.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crit confirm on 41-42
Damage 1: [roll1] + [roll2] electrical damage
If hits: 50% miss chance, lands on an odd number: [roll3]

Attack 2: [roll4] Crit confirm on 36-37
Damage 2: [roll5] + [roll6] electrical damage
If hits: 50% miss chance, lands on an odd number: [roll7]

Attack 3: [roll8] Crit confirm on 31-32
Damage 3: [roll9] + [roll10] electrical damage
If hits: 50% miss chance, lands on an odd number: [roll11]

The first strike slices a shallow cut across Boy's midsection, but the second hammers home into Boy's chest with a snap of tiny ribs. Fortunately for Boy, the momentum of being knocked aside under the force of the second blow causes the third to miss wide.

By my count, 4 damage after DR for the first attack and 28 after DR for the second - total of 32 damage.

Braxas lets loose an evil sounding laugh as the tiny pixie's blood sprays. "Shoulda known better than to mess wit' someone too big for ya, little fairy."

Move order:
Braxas' Guards
Laborers - all deceased

Rynael, a question:

I can't research right now, but offhand do you know how you react to Boy's energy field? Do you need to make a fort save for being full health within the aura, or is it just your natural environment and you don't need to since you're an angel?

Will double check later today.

2013-08-24, 02:46 PM
Rynael, a question:

I can't research right now, but offhand do you know how you react to Boy's energy field? Do you need to make a fort save for being full health within the aura, or is it just your natural environment and you don't need to since you're an angel?

Will double check later today.

That's actually a good question. It lists "any lawful good aligned plane" as their origin plane (Rynael was a former Trumpet Archon for Heironeous, so he'd probably be native to one of the celestial realms). I don't think that renders me immune to Boy's trick, and if you want to retcon the damage Rynael already took, it's likely Rynael would have to make saves or die while near Boy.

I may have had Rynael act a bit differently if that's the case (I was assuming Rynael was injured), but what's done is done, so let me know if the save is necessary (if he fails, Rynael is destroyed, and as an outsider, he can only be brought back with Wish or Miracle).

If it is relevant, here is Rynael's Fort Save: [roll0]

Edit - Yep, that figures. Well, let me know what your ruling is Auroc.

2013-08-24, 03:58 PM

Let's retcon our retcon and put the damage back on. In the grand scheme, the amount is insignificant and it has a greater impact on your action choices to remove it than to leave it.

I'll research the healing issue and have a ruling probably tonight for going forward.

So fast heal 1 from the damage you took previously, and proceed from there.

2013-08-24, 05:24 PM

Let's retcon our retcon and put the damage back on. In the grand scheme, the amount is insignificant and it has a greater impact on your action choices to remove it than to leave it.

I'll research the healing issue and have a ruling probably tonight for going forward.

So fast heal 1 from the damage you took previously, and proceed from there.

Fair enough, I'll need to be sure to stay well clear of Boy while he is a healing time-bomb of doom in the future. :smallbiggrin:

In the interests of keeping things semi-consistent, do you want to ignore Rynael's DR for this fight? Or should we carry forward with it in play?

The healing power from Boy begins stitching up his wounds, and Rynael extends his hand towards Braxas. He utters a few words of power, clenches his fist and bellows, "I said hold, Braxas!"

His spell completed, Rynael strides forward, his blade held ready for a deadly blow. "Your minions will avail you not."

Concentration check to cast on the defensive (DC 17) if necessary: [roll0]

Casting Hold Person on Braxas. Will Save, DC 21 or be paralyzed. Each round on its turn, the subject may attempt a new saving throw to end the effect. (This is a full-round action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity.)

Then moving to be adjacent to Braxas.

Rynael's current hp: 104/123

2013-08-27, 03:25 PM

Your DR applies going forward.

Oh, and Braxas appears to have failed his save. Or at least, shows no reaction at all to your approach.

The guards move next. The one immediately adjacent to Rynael will attack him.

Attack 1: [roll0] Crit on 36-37, Damage [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2] Crit on 31-32, Damage [roll3]

The three guards that fired last round will reload their crossbows this round.

The last guard, who has not yet fired his crossbow, will fire back at Dabirtes.

Attack: [roll4] Crit on 32-33, Damage [roll5]

However, the guards' resolve appears weakened by the sudden pillar of flame that burned their comrades, and all fail to strike their targets.

Move order:
Braxas' Guards
Laborers - all deceased

2013-08-28, 01:22 PM
"I should have prepared more of those..." Rixuras grumbles before he opens up his robe, unfurling his wings and revealing his armor underneath. Without a second thought he drops into the opening, seeking to land amongst the crossbowman.

Dropping down, using my wings to cushion the fall and guide me next to the crossbowman (assuming they can't AoO me with their crossbows). Clunking the closest one, preferably one that reloaded. If I provoked from the one guard (if braxus did fail his save) that is carrying a melee weapon, eh I have a 28 ac.

attack roll:
[roll0] 20 + 3 from knowledge devotion

damage roll:
[roll1] 11 + 3 from knowledge devotion

if crit:

2013-08-28, 04:54 PM
Seeing Braxas wounding Boy Dabirtes snarls. He then forces his thoughts into Braxas' head. << FOOLISH MORTAL! YOU DARE HARM MY MINIONS!?!?!? PREPARE YOURSELF FOR YOUR JOURNEY TO THE NINE HELLS!>>
He then looses a volley at Braxas.

Full attack, all arrows aimed at Braxas, not entirely sure if melee penalty applies or not so just subtract it if it does.
Attack 1

Attack 2
Attack 3
Attack 4
[roll] 1d20+18
Damage 1
Damage 2
Damage 3
Damage 4

2013-08-28, 08:16 PM

His battle-craze fueled by wounds he hasn't felt in ages, Boy seeks blood. Seeing Dabirtes's focus on their mark, the pixie seeks out fresh meat.

His banshee-like wail echoes off the stone walls as he floats down the direction Braxas shouted earlier. Boy echoes Braxas's call with his own, "ELENIAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"

As his call reverberates down the sewer corridor a blazing white beam of light comes forth from the small ghostly figure streaking straight towards Rynael.

Move action to fly 30ft down the middle of the sewer calling Elenia's name (not attempting to avoid an AoO), standard action to fire a positive energy ray at Rynael. Boy heals 5hp from Fast Healing. His 10ft positive energy aura is still active.

[roll2] rounds

If it comes up, Boy has 10 cold resistance, 5 fire resistance, 25 Spell Resistance, and a second 25 spell resistance vs negative energy (not sure how you'd want to rule that, no preference from me)

2013-09-05, 10:56 AM
"Your end is here Braxas. May you find peace in the next life." Rynael brings his sword in a sweeping horizontal arc at neck level to Braxas, aiming to decapitate him cleanly and quickly.

Coup de grace attempt, full power attack. Auto-crit damage is 2d6+38 +40(power attack) = [roll0].

Assuming he survives the damage, he needs to make a Fort save DC 96 or die.