View Full Version : Erathis; War Never Changes IC

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-15, 09:30 PM
It can be felt in the air. It can be tasted in the water. Smelled in the earth. Heard in the fires.The very land knows what is to come. It rembers the last time, not so long ago, a mere twenty-nine years, a time where many have lived in peace and safety.

But, the suriviors remeber. And they have held vigil, waiting, for the moment that is to come.

And now, this is the last year of the peace. The last year where the ground is not watered by blood, and Men and Mon alike create graves so vast you can walk for days, and still be standing over the dead.

You have made your way to the Eastern City of Alexandria, a bastion of both culture, learning, and the people of the east. It is here that the Pharaohs of the desserts have ruled, both human and Pharaohwack. It is here that is the recruiting ground for the young people who seek to prepare themselves for the days ahead.

You are but raindrops in the raging hurricane that is Erathis, and yet a single raindrop can have ripples that shake the foundations of the world itself.

2013-07-15, 09:41 PM
A teenage male sit next to a riolu, both in a meditative stance. He wears blue clothing and hat, similar to other aura guardians, but each one has uniqueness to it. The item that sticks out the most is a quarterstaff on his back. His eyes are closed, allowing the riolu next to him sneak behind him. When the Guardian opened his eyes, the riolu tipped the hat to cover his eyes. "Really funny, Halia."

2013-07-15, 09:55 PM
Shambling in from the north, a younger teenage male walks in; one eye twitching occasionally and mumbling inaudibly to himself. In his arms, a Minccino is seen, wriggling as if it wants to get away; he holds it closely, almost like a living stuffed animal.

"So....many voices. Voices..voices...so many voices..circling in my head!" He randomly blurts out, as a few people nearby jump and walk away from him. He comes to a bench near a meditating person and sits down, releasing his hold on the Minccino slightly as it seems to calm down after he lets go of the tight grip on the poor pokemon. The Minccino tries to calm him down by snuggling up to him as they sit, which seems to calm him down some as he watches and waits.

balian arcanine
2013-07-15, 09:57 PM
Maverick starts to walk out of the building in his dusty desert traveling garb and cloak, his Coual Galahad by his side. "So, my orders" Maverick thinks to himself, "find a team and fight evil, well that's vague. Might as well go do it by myself." Just as he says this, he notices a young trainer and his Riolu meditating. "Might as well start with him as anywhere" he groans to himself.

Walking up to the young man, Maverick stops, grunts, and says My name is Maverick, this is Galahad. He is a Coual, native to my homeland. That's a nice Riolu you have. What's your name, got any traveling plans? I'm looking for some traveling partnersto brave the evil of the wilds.

2013-07-15, 10:05 PM
The Guardian tips his hat back up and smiles. "I am Michael Medors, Aura Guardian and this is Halia. I have no plans right now, but if you are planing to fight evil, than look no further."

balian arcanine
2013-07-15, 10:14 PM
Sounds good and well met. Do you have any particular plans or destination, it matters not to me.

Maverick notices the agitated watcher, gives him a quick soldier's look over, and turns back to his conversation with Michael.

2013-07-15, 10:17 PM
"I thought you had an idea on where to go. I personally don't."

2013-07-15, 10:21 PM
As the two converse right next to him, the younger looking teenager seems to be caught in a conversation with his Minccino, the Minccino seeming to calm him down by talking to him. Eventually he breaks from his trance to see another person walk up.

"Huh..oh, hello...I thought I was alone on this bench. Did you say travelling partners? I would like to join in if at all possible!" He says, energetically, as his Minccino climbs onto his head and clings to the back of it.

balian arcanine
2013-07-15, 10:25 PM
Lets head North then, that's where the danger is, it is there people will need our help.

A calculating look follows this, trying to size the Aura Guardian up.

Speaking to the erratic one while still looking at Michael, Maverick replies, If you want to come, come, keep up, and don't loose your head.

2013-07-15, 10:32 PM
"North it is." the Aura Guardian got up. "I am looking forward to some action. I am bored out of my skull."

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-15, 10:40 PM
A lanky young man with hair the color and consistency of straw, wearing a set of scholar's robes and hefting a pack on his back out of which a few odd tools are sticking, is passing by; a Treecko perched on his shoulder looking alertly about it; a small twig with a pair of living leaves on the end clamped in its mouth. The teen pauses near the group, before nodding to himself. "Excuse me, but you said that you were headed North? Um, I know this is somewhat presumptuous of me, but would you be willing to take on another traveling partner? While I myself am not a warrior by trade, I do know a few things..."

2013-07-15, 10:40 PM
"Alright. You hear that Mihao? We're going on an adventure!" The Minccino wiggles happily as she settles into the teenager's arms. "Oh, before I forget, my name's Andre and this is Mihao." He says, as he follows behind the others...keeping a slight distance from them.

2013-07-15, 10:49 PM
"Name's Michael Medors, Aura Guardian. My riolu is Halia." he said as he motions to his pokemon. He turns to the newcomer "Some non-combat skills may be useful and you you do have that pokemon. so you are welcome to join us"

balian arcanine
2013-07-15, 10:51 PM
Sure, why not. Four is a solid number. I'm Maverick, and this is Galahad. He says pointing to his little desert lion.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-15, 10:53 PM
The teen nods. "Gideon, Gideon Faust. This is Tenchi." The grass-type was giving the other mon a critical once-over from his perch, before snorting and taking a resting pose. Gideon reached up and flicked him in the back of the head. "You'll have to excuse Tenchi's manners. As he has none."

2013-07-15, 11:02 PM
"Oh, that's fine. Most people say that I have no manners and I don't have many friends..." Gee, wonder why? "However, it's nice to meet you all."

Meanwhile, Mihao slips from his arms, and hops down to the ground. She takes this opportunity to get to know everyone a little better by scampering from person to person, and mon to mon before they set off completely. Even if this means climbing up somebody to do so.

2013-07-15, 11:04 PM
"You are not the only one whose pokemon has annoying habbits. Halia is prone to..." Michael noticed Halia was missing. He then closes his eyes, trying to see the strong aura of his pokemon. He notices her trying to sneak behind the Coual. "Nice try, Halia. As I was saying, she likes to pull pranks. some times it is a nuisance, some times it is funny."

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-15, 11:10 PM
Gideon takes Mihao using him as a climbing post easily, though once she reaches Tenchi she is summarily ignored in favor of the little mon spreading out its tail and soaking up as much sun as he can. "So, what is it that you all plan to find in the North? I have heard rumors of things happening closer to home that may need to be dealt with as well." Gideon has taken out a book bound in leather, with the words "tales of the North" stamped upon its spine, and flips it open easily. Which is actually somewhat impressive, as the book is about as thick as Tenchi's tail.

2013-07-15, 11:21 PM
"Yeah. Mihao likes to get in your face and she takes responsibility for things that she shouldn't." As he says this, the Minccino is seen staring at Tenchi, trying to cheer up the grumpy face with funny faces. "...Like that. She doesn't know when to quit, so, it's best to either ignore her or to set her down before she gets any bolder." He shrugs as he goes to collect her now.

balian arcanine
2013-07-15, 11:23 PM
Largely ignoring the goings on of the pokemon, for Galahad always made friends, Maverick continued the conversation.

Far to the North, or just outside the North Gate, it makes no difference. Fighting evil and helping good is what my plan was, if all of you are still good with that. Do you know of a particular place to start?

Meanwhile, Galahad WAS interacting with the other pokemon. He did a back flip over Halia, romped with Mihao, and returned Tenchi's cool gaze, all in turn. Maverick new Galahad well, and often let him loose to have his own experiences, not worried about his safety in peopled environments.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-15, 11:32 PM
Gideon lowers the shoulder that Mihao is perched on in order to let Andre collect her easily, while focusing on Maverick's question. "I've heard a few disturbing things from some of the apothecaries recently. Some of the shipments of plants they've received from the Sunkern Forest have been... tainted. Herbs that should have enhanced mixtures somehow turning them foul, or even toxic instead. If we could root out, if you'll pardon the pun, the source of the corruption, it would be a great help to the city as a whole. Plus if you're looking to help increase the size of your purse, the herbs there are generally worth quite a bit."

2013-07-15, 11:35 PM
"That sounds interesting. Count me in."

2013-07-15, 11:39 PM
Andre collects the Minccino in his hands, which Mihao gladly accepts and breaks off of her attempts...shooting Galahad a smile as she settles back into Andre's arms. "Sounds like a plan to me. We can kill two pidgeys with one stone; help the city and ourselves." Andre says as he stretches somewhat, the errant twitch returning to his face after awhile...but it doesn't seem to be effecting him much other then that.

balian arcanine
2013-07-15, 11:46 PM
A good place to start it seems. Being new to the area, I do not know the way to Sunkern Forest. Do any of you?

2013-07-15, 11:57 PM
"I know the way." A deep voice says. If they turned to look they would see that it was a tall young man that had addressed them. By his side was a serious looking Pawniard. He was sweating a little, looking like he had just finished working out. He walked over to them with a friendly looking on his face.

"I overheard you guys were going to the Sunkern Forest. I was actually headed there myself to try to root out the problem. However I didn't think about how dangerous it might actually be. I was just thinking I would have the advantage thanks to Pawniards unique typing." The young man scratches his head with a sheepish look when he finishes.

"So what do you say? Would you have more or do you want me to hit the road?"

(OOC: Sorry I'm so late. Didn't even think the IC thread would be up today.)

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-15, 11:57 PM
Gideon shrugs. "We could always ask."

He then turns and contemplates the newcomer. "If you know the way and are willing to lead us there, I see no reason why we shouldn't welcome you. The more the merrier in my opinion, and with your companion there we have a good number of different types of pokemon to cover each others weaknesses with."

balian arcanine
2013-07-16, 12:04 AM
Welcome, I'm Maverick and this is Galahad. Unless one of us has something to do before we leave, I suggest we get on the road, get as far as we can before dark.

To himself Maverick thinks, rubbing his chin with a small amount of worry "four kids and me, and all of us green. the gods help us"

2013-07-16, 12:09 AM
The young man nods his head and smiles at the invitation. "Thanks. Oh and nice to meet you. I am Antonio and the stiff beside me is Masamune." Masamune nods his head towards the other humans and pokemon before resuming his stance.

Antonio chuckles a little before he says, "I've got my supplies ready since I was going to head out today. So if you guys are ready as well then Masa and I will lead you to the forest."

2013-07-16, 12:09 AM
"Then lets get to it. I am Michael Medors by the way, an Aura Guardian."

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-16, 01:08 AM
"Gideon Faust, researcher and rookie archeologist."

2013-07-16, 07:47 AM
"Andre.." A slight pause as he thinks of a witty title, to make him fit in. "...Pokemon Psychologist. And this here is Mihao." He says as the Minccino gives a wave.

balian arcanine
2013-07-16, 06:01 PM
Well met everyone. It seems we are ready, Antonio, lead on.

After a bit of walking, Maverick asks the others, Who has travled before? Anywhere in particular? And where is everyone from; I am from a small castle town in the Inferno Desert, on the coast.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-16, 08:23 PM
Gideon shakes his head "While I am well-read, I've never really ventured too far from the city. Born and raised here."

2013-07-16, 08:43 PM
Andre sighed. "I traveled here from the east...but I am not much of a traveler." He says, not saying much more then that as he awaits the word to head out.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-16, 09:15 PM
An old man, overhearing the words "Travel" and "Sunken Forest", comes up to you. He is a helpful old man, if a long winded ramabler.

He gives a total of two options, each of which seems to have an half hour, and inculdes which places to camp, where the cheapest booze is, where the last pack of Burnfangs was sighted and other such information.

The first option, which he says is the fastest, but most risky, is to join up with a caravan going to Parhos, a route which heads through the dessert, through it stays out of the deep regions. From there, you would want to join a goup headed to Almains Deep, a mining town in the Burnguard mountians, but has had a few Burnfang sightings of late. From there, you would follow the river south by south-west to "Field of Red Cherry Blossoms", a Shogunamp feif. At the farming village of "Red Rice Town" you want to head west. Should only take a week or two.

The second is slower, but carries less risks. Head south along the Shavaanah with a caravan to Pireis, and then head south west to Belltower lake. Go around the northerm edge of the lake to Deepchime Abbey. From there follow Clearwater brook west, but never be within sight of the river after dusk. Or have a fire lit after dark. And make sure to buy the charms from the abbey. When you reach the Deepdrop Gorge, turn south-west and do not listen to any cries of help from inside the gorge. Its a trap. Last time someone went in, they came running back, and people saw something dragging him back into the mists. Should take at least two weeks, but is a bit safer with the proper precautions.

2013-07-16, 10:38 PM
Antonio was about to speak to the group when the old man came up to them. Hearing his advice Antonio was surprised at how knowledgeable he was. Had memorized the location on the map at home, but actually getting there was not all worked out. Tapping his foot he tried to think about what route to take when Masamune, using it's extendable blade, drew a number 1 into the ground.

Antonio looked down as he said, "You sure?" A nod was his answer before Masamune went back to his neutral stance. "Well guys Masa thinks we should take the first travel plan. How about the rest of you?"

2013-07-16, 11:07 PM
"The quicker the better. Besides, I'd like some action."

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-16, 11:45 PM
Gideon nods. "A faster approach works well for me, I'd prefer we be able to root out the cause before it's too deeply entrenched."

balian arcanine
2013-07-16, 11:55 PM
I am fine with the faster approach as well, however, I am curious why Masamune thinks so as well? If you are able to understand deeper meanings in discussion with him.

With out waiting for a response from Antonio Maverick quickly turns to the old man and with a nod says, Thank you for the advice good sir, it is much appreciated.

2013-07-17, 06:46 AM
"Yes, the faster option sounds like the best option." He says, as he and his pokemon give a nod. ""I think we should head out as soon as possible. I don't think anyone will disagree with me on that.." He says, as Mihao can be seen rummaging in a small side pocket of his backpack only to pull out an oran berry that she starts carrying in her paws.

2013-07-17, 08:20 AM
Antonio looks down at Masamune in response to Maverick's question. Upon seeing his trainer look at him Masamune mimes quick fighting motions and then flexes. Antonio nods for a second before looking at Maverick. I think Masa picked there faster option because there was a chance we may face Burnfangs in that town that was mentioned. He thinks it would be a good place to train up in case there is something going on in Sunkern Forest."

Masamune nods his head before looking over at Mihao. To the rest of the group it starts chanting it's name. The pokemon however understand perfectly. "Shouldn't you save that? This could get dangerous you know."

2013-07-17, 08:50 AM
Andre would understand it too. However, he wouldn't make it apparent until absolutely necessary, so, he feigns idiocy. "Uh...why is your pokemon chanting out of control like that?"

However, Mihao twitches an ear and peeks it's head over Andre's shoulder, responding with a sharp cry of it's name a few times. "Why do you think I'm holding onto it?! If it gets dangerous, I'm not relying on the crazy guy to feed me one!"

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-17, 11:36 AM
The group heads towards the gates, the cool morning not yet moved into the merciless heat of noon, and the city bustles with life. Merchents hawk their wares in the market, as children and pokemon run around, playing with each other. Several knots of apoctheries look worried, apprently hoping that the next shipment of herbs from the forest are not tainted like the last ones.

Asking directions, you come to the carvaners pen, where the hardy Camerupt are harnessed to wagons or bear bags. Asking around for the Caravan to Parhos, you are finally directed to Caravan Master Imman.

"So, you want to join the caravan though the sands to Parhos? We will of course discuss terms. If you wish to book passage as passengers, it will cost you $125, plus $10 a day for water. If however you wish to hire on as guards, well, to be honest, you do not seem to be much. Just been entrusted with your pokemon?"

He seems to think a bit, before a hint of a smile appears behind his veil.

"There is a simple matter, which should take no more then a few short hours to complete, that you may use to prove your credintials as possible guards. A rattata nest was sighted near the road, and as you know, they have the most alarming tendancy to have population explosions. Deal with them, and I will considering hiring you."

2013-07-17, 11:44 AM
"A rattata nest?" Michael asked rhetorically. "That sounds easy."

balian arcanine
2013-07-17, 12:28 PM
And upon completion we have a chance for work?

A good deal Maverick thinks to himself, though a whole nest could be troublesome just by pure numbers. He glances to Galahad to get his notion on the subject and gets and approving smile.

If that's the case, I think we have a deal, what say you guys? Maverick says turning towards his new compatriots.

2013-07-17, 01:14 PM
Antonio nods as he says, "Seems like a good deal. Masamune here has been just itchin' for a workout. plus I get to see what you guys can do. Sounds like a win-win to me!" Pawniard nods it's head as well, sharpening it's armblades in preparation for combat.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-17, 01:28 PM
Gideon nods as well. "It seems like a fair deal; though how we deal with them is up to us. If we can convince them to move on without simply killing them, that still counts; correct? I've no wish to murder a number of innocent pokemon simply because they may inconvenience you." Tenchi is nodding, and giving the Caravan Master an unblinking stare. It's rather unnerving, considering his bulbous yellow eyes.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-17, 01:33 PM
Imman shrugs.

"Kill them, convince them to move on, it does not matter much. We think they are eastern Rattata, as there have been no attacks, yet. But with the western mons slipping through, and the fact that they tend to drive rattata before them like a clawing, biting sea, you may understand why there is a need for caution. But, just a word of advice. While the rats may be weak, thy probobly will outnumber you. They tend to do that."

2013-07-17, 04:07 PM
Andre blinks. "Well, before we start slinging our pokemon around like lethal weapons, let's try to reason with them. I'd rather avoid unnecessary conflict, especially so close to town." He says, as he sets out down the path to look for the Rattata nest...determined to try and at least shoot for the peaceful option.

balian arcanine
2013-07-17, 04:42 PM
As Maverick walks along he lightly comments, A bit of a fight wouldn't be such a bad thing. It gives the trader knowledge that we can fight, gives the five of us a chance to work as a team before we start this potential job, and who knows, some of us might catch one.

Then more directly, Above all though, lets not be so set on negotiation that we are not prepared to defend ourselves.

2013-07-17, 05:30 PM
"Andre has the right idea, however, I try to reason with my opponents through intimidation. I don't mind diplomacy, but it isn't what I prefer personally. I like fighting, but needless bloodshed I don't like."

2013-07-17, 05:34 PM
Antonio nods as he says, "Right, we should try diplomacy if we can. Sorry if I sounded a little to eager to fight there. I sometimes get overexcited when I do things. People say that I tend to over do it. Besides if we do fight I didn't think we were going to kill them anyway. Probably just rough em up a bit so that they tried to settle into a different territory...That didn't sound much better huh?"

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-17, 05:50 PM
Gideon shrugs as he sets off after Andre. "While combat is not my preferred option Tenchi is both willing and able to defend himself and I should the need arise. As the nest wasn't indicated as being particularly dangerous, I feel that at least we should try the diplomatic approach. There'll be enough bloodshed in the days to come, no need to get started early."

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-18, 12:51 PM
As you walk along the road for an hour, the sun rises, and the heat increases, the sunlight sharp and strong. While not searing, the tempreture is increasing slowly, and it promises to be a hot spring day.

Leaving the path, heading for where the Caravan Master said the nest was, you come to a small ravine, with a large hole clearly visible. While it might be big enough for a human to fit through, and for two to be side by side, it would hamper movements, and you all have the sense of being watched.


There are a pair of rattata watching the group, hidden in the savanahs grass, lying in wait.


There are signs of something bigger then a rattata, though due to all the rattata tracks, it is not clear what it is.


The larger tracks belong to a Raticate, probobly the boss or leader of the rats.

2013-07-18, 12:59 PM

do I get a bonus for using the aura to see?

2013-07-18, 02:21 PM

C'mon work this time!

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-18, 02:44 PM

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-18, 02:48 PM
Gideon holds out a hand to signal a stop. He mutters to the group in a sotto voice so as not to be overheard; "We're being watched. Two Ratatta, over there. And there are signs of something larger having come through the area as well. May be a Raticate; may be something else. Be on your guard." As he says this, he's bent over as if fixing his shoelaces. He stands back up then. "Sorry about that," he says in a normal voice, "I didn't want to get left behind."

2013-07-18, 03:56 PM
Michael unsheathed his quarterstaff and assumed a defensive stance. Halia also kept her guard up.

2013-07-18, 05:22 PM
Andre blinks as he hears the news and stops a little bit behind Gideon. Letting Mihao down, with explicit orders to stay right beside him, he casually skims the area as he looks around at the tracks, and the cave as he waits to see what happens next.

balian arcanine
2013-07-18, 06:46 PM
wis roll: [roll0]

Upon hearing his friend, Maverick pulls the spear from his back and sets in a defensive stance, Galahad noticing and joining in.

Everyone be ready, they are fast creatures.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-18, 09:45 PM
Minuties pass, and nothing happens. Either they are sentries, or they are waiting for something else.

2013-07-18, 09:49 PM
Andre looks back at the others. "Well, this isn't getting us anywhere. Anybody have a plan B other then sitting here?" While he talks to the others, he secretly tries to gain some insight by trying to introduce himself in terms that the Rattata would understand..just not verbally.

Channel: [roll0]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-18, 09:55 PM

You make contact with the rats mind. And you almost fall over in hunger. A terrible yearning, an appitite that cannot be sated, the urge to gorge yourself untill you litteraly explode.

And then it passes.

'What does the prey/not-prey/mabye-prey want with nest fangs-in-meat?'

The Rest

One of the Rattata suddenly moves out of hiding, and rushes down into the nest, chittering and squeling loudly.

2013-07-18, 10:04 PM
Suddenly, Andre leans forward, clutching his head for a brief moment, with a soft cry of pain, but then returns to standing position like nothing has happened. He sees the other rat run into the nest, and realizes he does not have much time, so he cuts right to the chase.

'Me and my friends have come here with a request for you and yours.' Andre says, silently communicating with the rat that he supposes did not move. 'One of the caravan masters have come across your kind near town trying to steal food. He has sent us to ask you if you would please move your nest further away from town and leave them be? If you promise to move, I will not attack you. My friends..I'm not so sure of. I can try and talk them out of it, but I cannot promise that they will comply seeing your friend run into the nest screaming bloody murder..'

balian arcanine
2013-07-18, 10:05 PM
Ever diligent to his training, Maverick stays in his defensive stance.

Galahad, ever on cue, stays in a defensive stance as well, but starts to growl in his throat as a warning, "we won't attack first, but if you attack us..."

Friends, steady, they seem to have another agenda beyond full scale attack, lets continue to wait defensively until the proper time, if that occurs, well....

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-18, 10:12 PM

Amusement and scorn can be felt through the link, and the sense of hunger grows, as if you have not eaten for many days, as if a feast was placed in front of you, and you could not touch it.

'Let them come. We serve Eater-Of-All-Flesh, and your meat would be a great offering! Come, and feed the horde!'

It's mental voice is layed with something else, and the flashes of hunger tend to spike when it is present.

2013-07-18, 10:18 PM
Andre twitches slightly, as he tries to push it out of his mind. He blinks, and he follows up before he completely loses it.

'Eater-of-all-flesh? You don't mean...' A sharp flush of the same presence makes Andre cry out in pain, as he twitches and clutches his head, his mind feeling like it's being stretched. '...He-Who-Wishes-To-Revive-Them?' He manages to get out, as he tries to get at least some clue to what they're talking about as the madness eats away at him.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-18, 10:24 PM

'The-Eater-Of-Souls-Who-Dead-Devours! The-Horned-Rat! Dead, he hungers still! We serve not-much/ruluctuntly The-Black-Consuming-Flame. Can you feel it human? Can you feel his divine hunger? Feast, and join the horde!'

2013-07-18, 10:30 PM
Andre clutches his head, crying out: "NEVER! YOU WILL NEVER GET ME TO DO THAT! I AM DONE NEGOTIATING WITH YOU! BRING IT ON! He screams, cutting off all communication with the rats. "Wipe them out! Empty their nest! They don't deserve to live..no, no, no..they deserve to die! Every. Last. One of them!" He spouts, crazily, as he starts babbling and nearly dives into the nest headfirst.

Mihao just sighs and facepalms, showing the Pawniard what she has to deal with every day with a dramatic gesture of her paws in a 'Tada! I told you he's crazy!' motion.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-18, 11:36 PM
Gideon has a forlorn look on his face; while Tenchi has softly padded down his body, and then taken up an odd stance in front of his trainer. His paws raised as fists; he thumbs his snout in the direction of the rodent a single time; the twig in his mouth tipped to one side like a cigar.

balian arcanine
2013-07-19, 12:48 AM
Maverick hangs his head quickly at Andre and grumbles to himself, Well there goes his peace, and a unified game plan. Oh well, what must be, must be. Galahad, with me!

Maverick then walks forward defensively to assist (or whatever may become of him) Andre, Galahad advancing with him at his back.

2013-07-19, 12:50 AM
Antonio runs forward to help as well, Masamune following him. "Be ready Masamune." Masamune nods, putting the 'crazy guy' out of his head for a moment. He does however give a sympathetic nod to Mihao as his trainer puts a readying hand on his sword.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-19, 12:58 AM
Five rattata burst from the ground in the middle of the group, their chittering sounding...... hungry.

K, have trainer hp, pokemon speed, SDef & Def and hp in spoilers. And no, they do not know dig, but they do have some tunnels.

balian arcanine
2013-07-19, 01:03 AM
Maverick Hp:76
Dex: 14 (mod of 2)

Def: 6
SpDef: 5
Spd: 9

Bloody hells Maverick mutters under his breath.

Then louder for the coual Galahad, about face, Intimidate (lowers atk stat by one of all non friendly pokemon)

2013-07-19, 01:33 AM
Antonio draws his blade as he says, "Okay, it's go time!"

Antonio Hp:68
Dex:11(mod of 0)

Masamune Hp:23

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-19, 02:41 AM
"Tenchi!" It's as much an order as it is an alarm, while the researcher scrambles away from the mon.

Gideaon HP: 52
Dex: 10 (Mod of 0)

Def: 4
Sp Def: 6
Spd: 9

2013-07-19, 06:54 AM
"Finally! End them! I want nothing to do with them anymore!" The babbling continues, only this time it's supplemented with crazy giggling.

Andre's HP: 52
Dex: 10 (Modifier of 0)


HP: 29
DEF: 4
SPD: 10

2013-07-19, 01:19 PM
HP: 52
Dex 14 (+2)

Ability: Inner Focus
HP: 23
DEF: 4
SPD: 7

Michale looked over to Halia. It would be their first real fight. "You ready, Hallia? he said. Hallia nodded.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-19, 09:37 PM
Gideon looks intently at one of the Ratatta that popped out of the hole, hoping to gauge its strength.

(Using Frantic Research+)

"Tenchi, use your tail and Pound that one!" He points at the closest one.

balian arcanine
2013-07-19, 10:00 PM
Galahad the biggest one, on the left, Tackle!

As the Coual rushes forward to attack his target, Maverick holds his spear in his left hand, reaches for a pokeball with the right, and throws it at the freshly attacked Rattata.

galahad: tackle
acc check 3:[roll0]
dmg phy:[roll1]

maverick: pokeball

2013-07-19, 11:26 PM
"Mihao, follow suit and use your tail!" He calls out as Mihao follows after Tenchi to put the hurting on the rats. Namely, the nearest one.

Pound (AC 2): [roll0], [roll1]

2013-07-20, 12:30 AM
HP: 52
Dex 14 (+2)

Ability: Inner Focus
HP: 23
DEF: 4
SPD: 7

Michael and Halia charged. "Quick attack closest one that is alive." he said. While Halia did so, Michael struck at the one next to it

Michael (AC4) [roll0]

Halia (AC2)[roll2]

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-20, 01:33 AM
If any of them are still up, Tenchi will preform mop-up duty on the closest one.


2013-07-20, 03:43 AM
Masamune, attack the one farthest from the group with scratch!" Antonio held himself ready for if any of the Rattata tried to attack him.

Pawniard scratch accuracy(AC2):[roll0]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-21, 09:36 PM
With a red ding, one of the Ratta is captured. The others take various fates. While three of the others are merely knocked out from where they were struck, Tenchi apparently kills the last one, its skull caved in with a sicking crack.

But the ground rumbles again, and even more leap out!

[roll1] Appears on 9

Four chittering Rattata have taken the place of their fallen nestmates, and seem ready to tear into you... but there is still time for you to strike.

balian arcanine
2013-07-21, 11:28 PM
In response to the new attackers, Maverick reassumes his defensive stance and yells Galahad, the left most one, tackle!

The Coual rushes forward, ever eager for combat.

acc 2: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

2013-07-21, 11:45 PM
Antonio grits his teeth as he pulls out his pokedex to scan the pokemon. Maybe it had info on how big it's nests usually were. In the meantime, "Masamune use Scratch on the rightmost one!"

Masamune brandishes his arm blades as he charges the chattering mammal.


2013-07-21, 11:57 PM
Andre groaned. How many of them are in there?! "Mihao, to the left! Everyone, if more pop out, we might be in trouble. Who knows how big this nest is.." He says, as Mihao runs to the left, smacking up another rat with her tail.

AC 2: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-22, 12:08 AM
Pokedex; Rattata, the Vermin tide. A single rattata is weak and easy prey. However, they are never encountered alone, the smallest recorded number being a mere ten rats.

When they gather to form nests, they gather in truely massive numbers. The smallest nest on record was a considerible thirty rattata, but several burrows have reached or surpassed the thousand mon point.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-22, 01:55 PM
Gideon looks somewhat sickened by the death of one of the Ratatta, but steels himself. They attacked first. This is self defense. He will scan one of the Ratatta with his own pokedex though.

"Tenchi, take the last one!" Tenchi nods, zipping forward to smack the last Ratatta standing with his tail.


2013-07-22, 05:17 PM
Michael (AC4) [roll0]

Halia (AC2)[roll2]

Michael watched as the newcomers arrived. "Good, I was afraid this would be to easy. Same orders Halia." Michael Leaped forward and swung overhead in a jump attack

balian arcanine
2013-07-23, 07:14 PM
Unaware of any foes left maverick looks around saying, Everyone, stay alert, I doubt that's all of them. Galahad, at my ten.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-23, 08:43 PM
[roll1] on 7+

More chitter rates leap from below, and one moves faster then the others, its teeth sharp, and looking to Bite the noble Galahad.

AC-2 [roll2]
DAM- [roll3]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-23, 08:49 PM
But, you see somrthing bigger emerge. A Raticate, but with a pair of massive twisted horns coming from its head. With a screech, it greatly unerves all but Galahad and Mihao.

But Andre feels a probe into his mind, feral and savage, an attempt at a forced link. Before he can regain his senses, he is forced to utter a few short words.

"Prey, you have disturbed nest Fangs-In-Meat. You will be offered up as Sacrifeasts to the Horned Rat! Come and Feed the Horde!"

balian arcanine
2013-07-23, 09:31 PM
After seeing the heavy attack that Galahad took, and the larger number of enemies that his team faced, Maverick knew it was his turn to join in. He darted forward to spear a Rattata up in the air, yelling Galahad, the biggest one now! In response, the Coual rushes forward to tacke the Raticate into the ground.

acc 4: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

acc 3:
dmg: [roll2]
thought it might be time to add in improved attacks +

balian arcanine
2013-07-23, 09:33 PM
my bad, acc roll for galahad
acc 3: [roll0]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-23, 09:45 PM
As the spear and mon slam into the Raticate, it chitters and laughes. Maverick soon feels what Andre felt, as the invasion is swift and brutal.

Prey, your bones shall crack, and we shall hunt down your kin to make a sacrifeast of them for this insult!

With a pain filled screech, a sense of overhwelming hunger strikes both trainer and mon alike, threating to consume all thought, all reason, all movement.

Trainers, make a CON 12 check or be paralyzed. Mons must make a DC 10 intelligence check or be paralyzed. If you o rhey eat something, its removed.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-24, 04:00 AM
Gideon is trying to stay well away from the seething pack of rats, even as he shouts, "Tenchi, go for the leader! If we take him out, maybe they'll scatter!"

Using my last Frantic Research+ for the day on the Horned Raticate.

Tenchi's Pound Attack

2013-07-24, 02:17 PM
Michael glares at the Raticate. He now knows why his companion said they deserved to die. The dark powers must have a hand in this. He gripped his quarterstaff and sent out a wave of Vacuum force before their special move is activated. Both Michael and Hallia were unefeccted. Hallia moved in to attack the monsterous raticate.

Con check [roll0]
Int check [roll1]

If I can attack

Vacuum Wave (trainer)
[roll2] accuracy check
[roll3] damage

[roll4] acc check
[roll5] damage

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-24, 02:27 PM
As the energy and Hallia tore into the Horned Raticate, it screams out as its organs are pulped. But no sooner does it collapse, barely breathing, do the remaining rattata focus on it. Even the ones lying in wait near the burrow entrace rush forward, and they all leap on the horned thing.

Before your eyes, twenty more rattata swarm out from the tunnels, tearing each other apart, eating one another, a swarming carpet of fangs. At the very last, one Rattata is left, gorged on the flesh of its fellows, with little nubs of bone beginging to grow on its head....

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-24, 02:31 PM
Giedeon is sickened, and enraged by this senseless slaughter. "Tenchi, take it out! There's no room in this world for that kind of evil!" The Treecko, looking grim, leaps forward, bringing his glowing tail down heavily on the Horned Ratatta.


2013-07-25, 01:52 PM
"Mihao, don't listen to them! Keep up the attack!" Andre says, as Mihao scampers towards the Horned Rattata.

AC 2:[roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

balian arcanine
2013-07-25, 08:51 PM
After quickly shaking off the shocking sound, Maverick takes in the gruesome sight before him.

Once realizing what is happening with the last Rattata thing, he commands Galahad to attack again Galahad, hit the last one before it gets too strong.

The Coual rushes forward and slams into the morphing creature with a powerful Tackle.

Acc 2: [roll0]
Dmg: [roll1]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-25, 09:01 PM
As Galahad and Mihao slam into the rattata, it is broken to a bloody pulp, its skull crushed, and what seems to be a few organs forced outside of it.

For a breif second, everyone experiences hunger pangs, as if they hadn't eaten in days, before it suddenly disappears.


The hunger had an underlying sense of melevolant distain. The voices are speaking of hunger and loss, of the unbreakable stride of entropy. How all that is shall be consumed by the void.


A great show seeped out of the rattata. It had no physical shape, not in the normal sense. Rather, it was the shadow of a concept, an idea. You have gazed on something terrible, for you have seen a shard of the void, an open unending pit that does not exist, and draws everything in around it like a black hole.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-26, 07:34 AM
"It's not over yet. We beat the boss, but unless we clear out the nest in its entirety, another one of those... things," Gideon shudders, "Will just evolve to fill the gap. We have to wipe them all out. And that means... we have to go into the main nest itself. The teen does not look enthused by this thought, and neither does his partner; who has taken a nearby swatch of grass and carefully begun cleaning the gore from his tail.

2013-07-26, 08:58 AM
Andre shudders at the thought for a moment, before sighing. "As much as I HATE to admit it...he's right. If we just sit here, they'll continue to get new leaders after each one is slain. I guess we're going nest diving.." He says, with disdain, as Mihao rapidly cleans her tail off and, borderline obsessive-compulsively, cleans off Tenchi's tail as well to save him the effort.

balian arcanine
2013-07-26, 05:35 PM
Agreed, it must be done. Does anyone have a direct plan of action besides head first? At he least one of us should watch our backs as we go. As he speaks, Maverick cracks his neck and stretches his arms, loosening himself up for the next attack. Galahad finds some sand and rolls around in it, refreshing his coat from the fight that had just occurred.

2013-07-26, 05:55 PM
Masamune cleaned what little blood there was on his blades off as Antonio placed his sword back in his sheath. He looks warily at the burrow as he says, "I personally recommend fire considering the Dex said that the smallest of these things housed as many as 30 of those suckers. However we wont know if we get them all that way. So I would recommend Masamune and Galahad take point, that is if Galahad has the intimidate ability.

Ratta are primarily physical attackers. So if Galahad can cut their attack power Masamune can weather their blows thanks to the fact their not very effective."

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-26, 09:55 PM
"I saw at least twenty more Rattata leap into that... that feeding frenzy. Couple that with the ones we'd already taken out, and provided that this is a small nest, then we may be looking at only a handful. But to that end, I suggest that our strongest physical attacker take the lead, while our strongest defensive mon," here Gideon casts a significant look at Masamune, "brings up the rear. Tenchi can climb on the walls and support either of them from the center at a moment's notice."

balian arcanine
2013-07-26, 11:05 PM
Sounds like a solid plan. Galahad, you have the point, Tenchi and Mihao have your flanks, Masamune and Hallia have the wall. Some of us might follow you in. Remember, team work and safety, any questions? As Maverick is appointing the already basically decided roles, he points to each pokemon in turn just to make sure each knows its role.

He then looks back to his fellow trainers, Now, any other plans, or are we ready?

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-26, 11:10 PM
"I was under the impression that we'd all be going in. If for no other reason than to ensure that our mon have backup. And three of us have weapons as well; though admittedly we're likely going to be on our hands and knees. The tunnels are probably only large enough to accommodate the leader; though with those horns it had, that gives us a bit more clearance than a common Ratatta warren would. Now then, shall we go?"

2013-07-27, 07:04 AM
"We might as well get this over with. The longer we wait, the worse off we'll be I suppose..." Andre said, with a sigh as Mihao circles Tenchi for a moment before scampering over to the entrance of the warren, peeking in while she waits for her trainer.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-27, 11:41 AM
Gideon nods, before opening his pack and removing a hardhat with a small, but bright light on it, and strapping it on. "At least we won't be completely blind down there."

2013-07-27, 01:27 PM
As his companions were talking, Michael was staring at the dead rattata "Ya seeing this, Hallia?"

balian arcanine
2013-07-27, 03:51 PM
Ok, is everybody ready? Maverick looks around to each of his companions quickly gaging readiness to enter the nest.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-27, 04:03 PM
Gideon flicks on the head lamp. "Ready as I'm going to be. Let's finish this." Both trainer and mon's mouths are set in grim lines.

2013-07-27, 04:16 PM
Michael doesn't respond. He only stares near the rattata. "A void shard."

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-27, 04:40 PM
Gideon snaps his fingers in front of Michael's face a couple of times. "Michael, you alright?"

2013-07-27, 04:54 PM
Michael looks at Gideon at replies "When we killed that thing, I saw something in the Aura. A shard of the void, which is bad."

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-27, 05:45 PM
"And you can ruminate on that after we finish clearing out the nest. I understand this is something that's important, but it's not something that we can do anything about at the moment."

2013-07-27, 06:34 PM
"Down the hatch!" Andre says, as his Minccino scampers over to the right side and Andre bends over to crawl into the warren... when everyone is ready of course.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-27, 06:37 PM
As you venture down into the revine, and go into the ranid gloom of the nest, a silence falls over you. It is not an opressive silence, but rather a tense silence, as if something is watching you. As you head deeper, breifly looking into side tunnels that turn into small sleeping nests, empty for the moment, you at last emerge into the main room. Silent as before, the watching feeling grows stronger.

A small glimmer catches your eye in a side chamber, just 5 meters to your front left.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-27, 06:49 PM
Gideon pans his headlamp over the area, making sure to cover the entirety of the main nesting area. After that, he'll train the headlamp on the glimmer in the side chamber.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-27, 09:02 PM
With closer inspection, and as your light turns on it, the light flickers, then quickly disappears.


It was a litwick.

2013-07-27, 09:39 PM
Michael and Hallia closes their eyes, switching to using the Aura to see in the darkness.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-27, 09:40 PM
Gideon considers what he just saw...


"Guys, there's at least one Litwick down here..." He gestures in the direction of the side chamber.

2013-07-27, 10:23 PM
Antonio looks over to the light that flickered and disappeared.


"Really? I didn't see anything, but I'll take your word for it."

balian arcanine
2013-07-27, 10:42 PM
A Litwik. Hm, we should hold off being hostile towards it until we deal with the rest of the Rattata. Are either of yall gonna try to speak with it though? Maverick directs his question towards Michael and Andre.

He as yet knows very little about mystical powers that they seems to posses and it would be good to learn as much as he could early in their journey in case it came in handy when the group got in trouble.

2013-07-27, 10:46 PM
"If I had the training, I could read its surface thoughts, but I don't."

balian arcanine
2013-07-27, 11:14 PM
Maverick ponders for a moment before askingWell, do you have enough training to keep an eye on it while we look for the Rattata? It would be best to leave it be for now I think.

If that's agreeable to the rest of you then lets continue.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-28, 08:46 PM
The only aura nearby is that of the litwick, which seems to be guarding something in the room.

But Andre trips over what he first assumes to be a rock. Picking it up, he stares into a human skull, detached from the rest of its body.

All of your eyes are noew seem to be drawn to the altar, revealed in a small pit in the middle of the room.

Formed from the picked clean bones of those the rattata and raticate devoured, several skulls are notable. Fralliagtor, Lombre, Wailmer, and Blastoise, it is a shrine seeming built from the bones of water type pokemon.

The whole thing forms the skull of a rat with great horns, and it seems to be watching you, balefully.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-28, 09:36 PM
Gideon's face contorts into a grimace of disgust. "We need to destroy that thing. And lay the bones of those poor mon to rest."

2013-07-28, 09:53 PM
"Looks like were in the clear unless the Litwick is going to attack us, I detect no other Auras. So, yes, destroy that unholy relic."

balian arcanine
2013-07-28, 10:01 PM
Attack plan? We could have all the pokemon attack at once to try to get a big hit and we watch for an ambush, or we could take turns at it. What do yall think.

Maverick, while he knows of other battle strategies, thinks that these would be the two most likely to succeed and so presents them to the group. As he speaks, he swings his spear pointing to various spots in the room for defensive spacing.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-28, 10:08 PM
"I think those of use with weapons should knock it apart That way the mon and the rest of us can keep watch for a possible ambush, and we don't risk destroying the skulls of these poor mon. They deserve a respectful burial."

2013-07-28, 10:12 PM
"Hallia and me can keep watch by using the Aura to see like I am doing now so we won't get ambushed."

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-29, 12:35 AM
Gideon nods, waits for Michael and the others to take their places, and then reaches forward, making sure to keep his hands covered by the sleeves of his robes, and yanks the skull closest to the center of the horrific effigy's forehead as he can reach out of place.

balian arcanine
2013-07-29, 04:38 PM
The work started, Maverick starts pulling bones out of the sculpted collection as well, his spear stuck straight up in the ground beside him.

2013-07-29, 05:38 PM
Antonio sticks his sword into the ground as well as he gets to work, taking bones gently out of the pile and setting them respectfully on the ground.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-29, 08:24 PM
As you remove the bones, a black light flashes in the altars eyes. One of the pokeballs on Maverick's belt, holding a rattata begins to violently shake. Blackening, the Rattata breaks out of the ball, and seeks to bite it's captor, who dares commit sacrilige against its god.

Bite AC 2 [roll0]
Damage; [roll1]

As it breaks, the litwick peeps out of its room, and through the aura, Michael thinks its... happy and slightly nervous?

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-29, 09:14 PM
"Sorry Maverick. Tenchi, take it out with Pound!"

The Treecko is almost a blur as it dashes at the Ratatta, lamp-like eyes half-lidded as its tail glows softly. It leaps, and swings around, bringing its tail to bear on the rabid creature's body...


balian arcanine
2013-07-29, 09:22 PM
Feeling the sting of the teeth in his leg, Maverick turns his face, grabs his spear, and slams it down into the possessed Rattata, mere seconds after it has just been hit; all while yelling Galahad, Tackle, statue.

As his spear pierces the rat, simultaneously the Coual rushes headlong into the bones.

Maverick attacking possessed rattata
acc 4: [roll0]
dmg: [roll1]

galahad attacking bone statue
acc 3: [roll2]
dmg: [roll]2d8+16

balian arcanine
2013-07-29, 09:24 PM
dmg rerole: [roll0]

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-29, 09:31 PM
As the spear enters the rattatas skull, Galahad slams into the altar, scattering the reamianing bones. But then it comes.

Little fleshlings, little creatures. You struggle, but you still feel me. You have been in my shadow all your lives. Even now, I stalk you, waiting. You have won nothing, as a child who can see nothing may break a sandcastle on a beach, and so think to destroy the sands themselves. Soon enough, I will feast apon you, soul and flesh alike. In time, I devour all.

It is filthy, like oil on muddy, bloodstained water, a darkness with neither bound, shape or form. It does not hate, it does not feel malice, it does not feel at all. It is the eternal darkness of entropy, of the downward spiral of all things.

Even as the dark presence leaves, the very air seems brighter, fresher, and the cave is more... homey, if one ignored the bones and rat filth.

2013-07-29, 09:55 PM
Michael was about to act against the rattata, but it just died and the spirit spoke. Once it was finished, he replied with a zeal in his voice. "And just as sand can be flooded over by water, which is a source of life, dark beings like you will be overcome by the power of the Aura, which runs in all life, for so long as there is Aura Guardians to protect the weak and destroy those who would exploit or destroy them, evil will never triumph and good will prevail. If we can't kill you, we will imprison you."

Michael then diverted his attention back to the litwick, his eyes still closed.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-29, 09:55 PM
Gideon is madly scrubbing at his arms. "Arceus above, what was that?!" He scoops up Tenchi, who doesn't resist, actually trying to snuggle into his trainer's warmth. After taking a moment to compose himself; Gideon will cautiously approach the side cave that he'd spotted the Litwick in.

"Hello? We're not here to hurt you. We simply had to clear out these... unfortunates. I'm simply curious as to what's in here, so please don't attack." So saying, he'll shine his headlamp into the alcove.

balian arcanine
2013-07-29, 10:01 PM
The pain in his leg makes him grimace once before it dies off. Once recovered Maverick says mumbling and somewhat to himself Well that's one great shadow, anybody got any idea what it is? Creepy as he**, and probably from he**. And since the only thing that attacked us is now dead, we better start looking around to see if there is anything useful.

As he starts to walk around looking he grumbles kicking bonesGalahad, help me find stuff.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-29, 10:02 PM
The Litwick is trying to block anyone from entering the room. When you try to enter, it flares up, and tries to look threatening. Using its flame, it etches out a brief message on the floor.


It seems that the litwick is a loyal mon, carrying out the last orders of its fallen trainer. It seems thankful that you avaenged her though.

2013-07-29, 10:05 PM
Michael didn't move forward. He spoke calmly "We just want to help. You can trust me. I am an Aura Guardian."

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-29, 10:13 PM
Gideon bows deeply to the little pokemon. "Your loyalty to your mistress is admirable my friend. Are her remains in the chamber you guard? If so, then we can take them to someone who can inter them for a proper burial, as we intend to do for these unfortunates." He gestures at the remains of the unholy "alter" they had just destroyed. "I give you my word; we mean no harm. Please, let us help your mistress find peace."

balian arcanine
2013-07-29, 10:24 PM
Seemingly unable to find anything, tired of looking, and with conversation happening with the Litwick, Maverick walks that direction. He sits with his back against the wall with his eyes closed and Galahad in his lap and says They are right little one, we mean no harm. We are good people just trying to help those in need.

2013-07-29, 11:30 PM
Andre finally finds his way into the same room of everyone else, thanks to Mihao leading him though the tunnels. When he comes in, he sees the group over a ruined alter. "Aww..I missed all the fun!" He says, dejectedly, as he sits down near the others, Mihao curling up in his lap as he listens to the conversation.

2013-07-30, 10:04 AM
Antonio looks at the Litwick sadly as he interprets what happened. To lose it's trainer and guard this room for who knows how long. While he has sadness in his eyes there is also admiration as he nods in agreement with what the others say.

Masamune nods to Litwick with eyes of understanding as well as a bit of pride that it would so stalwartly carry out it's trainers last orders.

Grimsage Matt
2013-07-30, 10:23 PM

The names ring no bells, perhaps they were eggs from two of the dead mons whose bones made up the altar. In any event, the litwick has offered something that bears consideration. If you promise to take care of its friends legacy, it'll go with you, addmitidly to watch over them, but it might not be able to protect and take care of the hatchlings on its own, and you seem decent enough.

balian arcanine
2013-07-30, 10:42 PM
Don't worry little one, we will bury your friends.

Maverick stands back up as Galahad rolls off of his lap. He walks to a nice spot in the cave and starts to dig, his Coual following his lead. I got this grave, lets figure out who does what with the other two graves and the actual burial he says to his companions.

Tempest Kitsune
2013-07-30, 10:54 PM
"We will help you my friend." Gideon and Tenchi begin to dig graves as well; Gideon's excavation tools allowing him to quickly dig out plots for each of the skulls that had made up the "alter".

Grimsage Matt
2013-08-02, 08:45 PM
After you burry them, the Litwick shows you into the chamber. In a little nest on the left side of the room are three eggs that for the most part indicate a Tortidile, with a hint of a squirtle.

On the right side is a mostly intact bookshelf, with several scrolls and intricate looking tomes. Near the back is a safe, wrought from the stone.

balian arcanine
2013-08-02, 09:15 PM
We hope we have done your compatriots well, Little One, Maverick says to the Litwick once the burials are done.

Once inside the chamber, Maverick gives a quick look at the books before deciding that others in his group would have far greater use of them. He does notice the safe, but decides that for his share he would rather take an egg. Once he has made up his mind he says to the group, Our little friend has blessed us. We have books, eggs, and a safe. I think those that could use the books properly know who they are. Myself, I would greatly appreciate having one of the eggs for myself. As to the safe, well, who knows how to get into one?

Tempest Kitsune
2013-08-03, 12:30 AM
Giedeon will carefully look over the tomes and the safe, before inspecting the eggs. "My friend, we shall endeavor to honor your friend's legacy and that of your trainer. You have my word that these young ones will be well cared for." He looks over at Maverick, "I would like to have one of the eggs as well, if this is possible. And yes, if anyone can crack open that safe, that would be greatly appreciated."

Grimsage Matt
2013-08-09, 04:51 PM
Many of the tomes are written in the runic script favoured by mystics and psychics, and mostly deal with the weather and weather related information. In addtion, there are several scraps of a Rainmaker cantrip, not enough to learn its secerts, but enough to possibly intrest a young psychic or one intrested in learning of the psyschic arts.

The safe, which is more of a walk in closet with a lock, was not locked. It would seem that while the Litwicks Mistress was able to activate the wards in time, she was mostly taken unawares. Inside is a staff marked with the symbols for rain and water, and a few hooded cloaks.


Staves can be used by anyone with an INT of 12 or more.

DC 18/ 12 If Psychic

It is a rainmakers stave, with a agument that allows it's wielder to use Water gun for 2HP.

Scroll Scraps

[roll0]/4 Fragments

Tempest Kitsune
2013-08-10, 06:43 AM
Gideon will look over the scrap of parchement, and the stave, and shake his head. "While I'm sure someone more familiar with psychic abilities would be able to make out what these are for, I'm afraid that at best I find them to be curios. It appears that our littler friend's mistress was a Psychic or Mystic with at least some talents related to water and weather though." He carefully stows away the scrap of parchment in an oilcloth pouch to keep it protected, and then looks over at the Litwick. "Do you have a name that we may call you by? It's rather rude of us to simply say "hey you" all the time, especially if you plan to travel with us in order to look after your friends' legacies." He'll gently pick up one of the eggs, cradling it carefully.

Grimsage Matt
2013-09-09, 04:30 PM
With the eggs safely in Gideon's, Maverick's and Antonio's backpacks, the litwick bobs over your shoulders. Walking back to town, it is closer to the blistering heat of noon then when you entered the nest.