View Full Version : [PF] Creating Loyal Minions

2013-07-16, 03:53 AM
I'm working on a character concept, but I realized a slight problem in it. In order for it to work, I'd need to inspire Follower like loyalty in a number of high level primarily antogonistic NPCs. I've looked into various ways and I've come up with very little. Diplomacy says that attitude adjustments can wear off in a few hours, Charm only lasts a limited time (plus I'm sure at least a few things I want loyal are immune to enchantment or mind-affecting), Simulacrums aren't the same, and Dominate limits functionality.

The best I've come up with so far are a Mirror of Opposition to make an 'evil' clone of the target and team up with the clone to kill the original, but that has the issue of not being a particularly great plan and the mirror is a weakness. Or Create Spawn, ex. Vampire. The problem with that being I'm not sure if my GM would be OK with me being a vampire.

So, Playground, I ask you. How would you make loyal minions out of high level NPCs (So Leadership won't cut it) while letting them otherwise retain agency? Is there any way, be it spell, magic item, or feat, to get a power similar to Create Spawn? Something that allows the user to have absolute loyalty/obedience from the subject while allowing it to otherwise remain independent. The lower level this can be done the better, but I'm just concerned with how it can be done right now, rather than when.

2013-07-16, 06:23 AM
First thought would be geas, but that's probably not up to snuff for your purposes. Alternatively spells allowing you to twist there personality (i.e. mind rape) could work though may not be accessible at your level. Making simulcrums of your opponent is an option I've seen used, though it lowers their effectiveness. You could try to go summoner plannar binding route but that would again be limited for your purposes.

Sorry, no books on hand but I feel like there are further options. Curious to see other's solutions.

2013-08-15, 02:24 PM
And with the rise of Mythic, I have my answer. Intelligent Undead only get the first save with Mythic Command Undead.

2013-08-15, 03:34 PM
dominate person will snag you a bunch of 'loyal minions'

put magical lineage and extend on it, so you don't need to refresh it so often.

you could have all the major players in a large city under your control.

if you want to snag undead with it or other creature types, there are various sorcerer bloodline arcana, which can help with that.

2013-08-15, 03:45 PM
Honestly, this sounds like a really risky concept to me in a lot of ways.

How will this affect the rest of your party? Or the GM, for that matter? You might have plots that just can't be solved by making friends with the big bad guys. More than that, there's roleplaying considerations to consider--if your entire concept is based off of turning people to your side, then it seems to me that the roleplaying aspect is going to be way more important than anything else. Unless you just want to use a lot of Charm Person spells.

2013-08-15, 03:51 PM
Just do like 99% of most modules do... charm someone repeatedly over a long period of time til they become "brainwashed" and follow you without the magic