View Full Version : "City of Light" (Solo Vampire: DA)

2013-07-16, 08:02 AM
Pre Game Info

Vampire Metaplot

Rough History- (And again, this is all basically bullet point summarized stuff, so feel free to ask for elaboration)..

Caine (as in Adam and Eve begat Caine and Abel) is the father of all Vampires (known amongst themselves as the "Kindred"). When Caine murdered Abel, God cursed Caine. (Reference Genesis 4:15: And the Lord said unto him, "Therefore, whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him seven-fold" And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.

Each vampire has a "Generation", which is to say the number of generations between themselves and Caine. Cain is the only vampire of the "First" Generation. All those he created are the 2nd, and so on. (The "lower" your generation and hence, the closer to Caine, the more powerful your vampire is, and the more respect they will usually be afforded by other Cainites. (another word for the Kindred, but not used colloquially).

Nobody has seen Caine in over a thousand years. Nobody knows if any of the 2nd Generation survived (there were reportedly only three, and rumor says they're all dead). The 3rd Generation (known as the Antediluvians) are scary. In fact, common vampiric lore says that someday, the Antediluvians will awaken and devour all of their childer) There aren't very many of these left, but they're basically gods. The oldest Generation that you will likely have met would be an exceptionally rare 4th Generation. Generations 5/6/7/8 are all considered "Elders". Anything past the 12th Generation, the blood begins to thin so much that there is concern that the 13th/14th Generations won't even be able to sire childer. (Depending on chargen, you will likely be somewhere between the 7-10th Gen range).

The Masquerade: This is the way that the Kindred hide from humanity. It is required of all vampires that they not "flaunt" their vampiric natures. Especially here in the late Renaissance, vampires the world over have seen the effects that the Inquisition have had on their ranks, and realize that their best chance of long-term survival involves the humans not realizing that they exist. In practice, this is something that all vampires need to take seriously, but.. Every vampire needs to eat.. Every vampire does NOT need to slaughter an entire orphanage in the bloodiest manner imaginable and then scrawl "Vampirez wuz heer" in blood on the wall..

The Camarilla: In 1450, a small number of Elders got together and formed the cadre of what would eventually become the Camarilla.. Technically, the Camarilla is all-inclusive, meaning ALL vampires belong to it. However, in practice, some are fervent believers, some are half-hearted conformists, and still others think that it's a load of crap and work to undermine the Camarilla openly or in secret. This is the equivalent to "the Authority" in True Blood.. They would have little direct influence on an individual vampires comings and goings. Instead, they set policy. There are Camarilla operatives tasked with different things, but enforcing the Masquerade largely falls into the hands of the individual Princes.

CharGen Info

Not all vampires are created equal. In fact, there are bloodlines, or "Clans", in the Cainite world. These clans are loosely organized (some better than others), but basically, to put it into D&D speak, it's sorta like your class, but not exactly.

There are 13 major bloodlines (and an unknown number of minor bloodlines). (I'm coloring the ones I'm "suggesting" in red, but feel free to ask for more info on the others, and we can look at those as well if you like. Clan actually means fairly little crunch-wise, but more fluff-wise. Largely the only crunchy thing that Clan dictates is the Clan Disciplines (Disciplines are the vampiric "blood powers")Please note that the Clan Disciplines are merely the Disciplines that are "cheaper" for you to start with. (Think of them as "class-skills", with the others being "cross-class")

Nature and Demeanor

Okay, so.. You will have a trait called Willpower. This is one of the more critical traits for your character, used in a number of ways. You will have a permanent rating, and a temporary rating. (The temporary rating can be equal to or lower than your permanent). As you spend Willpower (for automatic successes, to keep from going into a frenzy, to resist mental attacks, etc) your temporary rating goes down. Getting it back up is key!

The first way to do that is.. you receive 1 point of willpower every day. (You also spend one Blood Point every day just to power your existence, so it makes sense to do both of those at the same time every day).

You can also gain willpower by.. Finishing an adventure (known in Vampire as a "Chronicle"), achieving wild success at something.. Or.. Through Nature and Demeanor..

Everyone has two aspects to their personality. One, their Demeanor, is how they portray themselves to the world. The other, their Nature, is how they really are. Sometimes these coincide or are similar. Sometimes they're wildly divergent. I will send you an email (as there are several pages worth of Nature and Demeanor descriptions) with the list. You will need to select one for each (like I said, they can match if you want to, but very few people are that "honest").


Backgrounds are a little different. Unlike other abilities, Backgrounds cannot be improved with Experience points. They are, literally, your background.. (Actually, you can improve them, but not with experience points. You have to roleplay through any changes in Backgrounds) However, some of them are exceptionally helpful. You get 5 points as a base, and they cost 1 point per dot as freebie points.

Allies- Mortal men and women who support you. They aid you willingly. They're not always available, and aren't suicidal, but they are your friends. (Optionally, they can be other vampires or potentially even other supernatural beings). 1 dot would be 1 ally of moderate influence and power in the immediate community, whereas 5 is 5 allies, one of whom is a major force in an important institution and can provide aid from far away.

Contacts- People who are willing to provide your character with information, though they are unlikely to offer any service beyond that. Each dot represents a specific individual whom we should determine who/what they are. (example: Lucy the Madame.. Might tell/sell you information, but wouldn't fight for you or risk herself (that's what an ally would do). Each individual also has a "halo" of surrounding lower-grade connections. So, theoretically, Lucy might know other madames, or her girls, or her johns, and could connect you to the information you seek via that route.

Domain- Physical territory, almost always within a town or city that you control access to for the purposes of feeding (remember the 5th Tradition). Each level of Domain reduces the difficulty of feeding checks by 1 for your character and anyone else whom you allow in. One dot would be a single home or farm, up to a 5 point "ghetto district" or border garrison. A city such as Rome would require many hundreds of Domain points, just to give you a scale. **Optional Use** You can designate some Domain points to increase the security of your domain rather than the size. For example, you spend 3 points, and have a "marketplace", for instance, Or, you could spend 4 points, and one of them is designated to security, meaning that a) adds a +1 difficulty (penalty) to anyone trying to intrude, and a -1 difficulty bonus for you to identify and track intruders on the domain.

Generation- This measures the number of vampires between you and Caine. Most new Vampires created now are 12th generation. So, 1 point takes you to 11th, 5 points takes you to 7th. (at 11th generation you have a blood pool of 12, can spend 1/turn and your traits max out at 5. At 7th Generation, you have a blood pool of 20, can spend 4/turn and your traits max at 6, just to give you the two extremes. (I recommend at least getting down to 9th, as at that point you can spend 2 blood points/turn. It makes a big difference)

Herd- Herd is the deliberately derogatory term among Cainites for mortals who "readily let the character and the vampires friends to drink their blood". Motives vary widely, though.. Once a vampire latches on, the "kiss" as it were, both humans and vampires undergo a rapturous nearly orgasmic pleasure, and only someone with incredibly strong willpower will even fight back at that point. (Once a vampire latches on, it's usually game over for a mortal, the mortal just rides the lightning straight to hell, lol). It's difficult to give your herd orders, as they don't work for you (necessarily). It would be like.. well heck, just think True Blood.. The people go to Fangtasia and offer themselves to be fed upon. It's similar to that. But these are addicts to the experience of feeding, and are NOT allies or contacts. each level of Herd provides an automatic blood poitn per night that you choose to feed, in addition to the vagaries of regular hunting. 1 dot is 3-5 reliable vessels, up to 75-100 for a 5 pointer.

Influence- This measures the degree to which you can make your wishes count in MORTAL society. In most cases, you've acquired influence through persuasion, bribery, passing yourself off as mortal, etc. (Capping this at 2 to start the game, btw). Each level of Influence reduces the difficulty of relevant rolls by 1. Keep in mind this applies only to the field and area which you have influence. If you have influence in the clergy of Venice, it doesn't mean anything to the beer-brewers of Vienna. 1 dot would be significant in the affairs of a small city of parish, 3 would make you a force to be reckoned with throughout several counties, 5 makes you vastly influential, a power behind the throne of the Church, or behind more than one national throne.

Mentor- Most Cainites are largely left to their own devices after they are released by their sires. This background indicates that they take an interest in you, providing advice, aid and resources. a 1 pointer would represent a wise, but not influential sire, 5 is one of the most significant vampires of the age.

Resources- Valuable goods whose disposition you control. This could be actual money, but is more likely to be property, grazing rights, animals, tax claims, etc. 1 means that you can maintain a typical residence in the style of the social class you choose and seem unmiserly. 2 makes you a member in good standing of the community and can maintain a small staff of servants. (Would let you maintain a 1 dot existence even when not at home, for up to 6 months). 3 prominent an established with land and property and a reputation which grants you credit at generous terms. (You get the idea, lol).

Retainers- Servants and companions with personal bonds of loyalty to you. The might be ghouls (Umm.. mortals fed vampire blood.. They stop aging, are very strong, are subject to the Blood Bond, etc)

Status- This marks your reputation and position among Cainite society. 1 means that you are known, 2 respected, 3 honored, 5 revered.. (Capping this at 2 also)


This is the good stuff. You will get 4 to start (all chosen from your three Clan Disciplines). You can purchase more with Freebie Points (but they're expensive). And, when we determine how long you've been a vampire, you will get a certain number more to spend. (Do me a favor though, and try to stick to 3 and below to start on any one Discipline, although I could accept a single higher one potentially if it plays directly into your persona.

Your Clan Disciplines-
Auspex- A vampire with Auspex sees with the eyes of a god!
O- Heightened Senses- Doubles the range of hearing and sight. This happens at will and lasts as long as you want it to. Touch, smell and taste don't extend any further, but they are far more accute. Occasionally some vampires can even receive premonitions or flashes of empathy. This has a price. If this is active when something like a clap of thunder or a raging bonfire is heard/seen, it could actually blind or deafen you temporarily.

OO- Soulsight- Allows you to read auras that will, among other things, be able to tell you if someone is a vampire/werewolf/mage/mortal, and what mood(s) or conditions they are currently motivated by. (Fear, Lust, Depression, Love, Confusion, etc)

OOO- Spirits Touch- You can gain impressions and premonitions by handling items. "Who held this dagger last", with the more successes, the more detailed the information.

OOOO- Steal Secrets- You can speak without words or read a victims deepest fears. (mind reading). BTW, only works on vampires if you spend a willpower point. Will usually give you some impression or vision, rather than just saying "he's planning to kill Tiso Nomitus".

OOOOO- Farsight- Basically, this is Clairvoyance

Celerity- Ahh, the great equalizer.. For some Cainites, the mortal world moves in slow motion.. In times of stress, vampires with Celerity can move with amazing speed. Each point of Celerity you have allows one extra action in that round. You must spend one Blood Point per additional action you want for that round. (i.e., if you only have one point of Celerity, you can spend a Blood Point to get TWO actions that round, at the cost of one Blood Point. If you had 2 points of Celerity, you could choose to use 1 or 2, powering them with a Blood Point each, but you could have up to THREE actions that round. **Relevant** Normally, for someone to get more than one action in a round, they must SPLIT their dice pool. A vampire with Celerity gets their entire dice pool for each action.

Presence- This is the Discipline of supernatural attraction. With it, Cainites raise mobs, and sway opinions. It's subtle, and while it has disadvantages, it is one of the most useful Disciplines a vampire can have.. Some of these powers can be used on entire crowds at once. (different from Dominate in that Dominate only deals with one person at a time). Also, Presence transcends race, religion, gender, class and most importantly, generation. (some Disciplines don't work on your elders, but this one can). Presence can be resisted using Willpower points, but that's a temporary fix.

The major drawback is that it controls only the emotions. Reason and will are left intact, and you cannot give direct verbal orders to those affected (that's Dominate).

O- Awe- Very simple. Once you use this, those who are near you want to be closer to you, an intense and immediate attraction. Extremely useful in mass communication. doesn't matter what's said, the hearts of those affected will lean toward your opinion, and the strong willed will quickly find themselves outnumbered by the weak.

OO- Dread Gaze- This power engenders unbearable terror in it's victims. You basically just have to show the "mark of Caine", baring claws and or teeth, etc.. Any vampire can do this, but students of this Discipline are more insanely terrifying than mere sight can explain. Using this cows the target, reducing any dice pool by 1/success. Further, 3+ successes indicate that they run in fear. Also, can be used as an extended action to completely subjugate the target, so that they eventually just curl up on the ground and weep.

OOO- Entrancement- Turns others into your willing servants. They RETAIN THEIR CREATIVITY AND FREE WILL!! Dominate makes automatons, basically. These are more pleasant, but sometimes unpredictable. Successes dictate duration, with 1 being 1 hour, 5 being 1 year.. It makes the victim feel what they think is true and enduring devotion, and they (theoretically) heed your every desire and command (the way they see fit).

OOOO- Summon- You can call to yourself anyone you have EVER met, across ANY distance. The summoned one comes, perhaps not even knowing why, as fast as they are able. They know exactly how to find you, though not until they take each step. If the vampire moves, the summoned one goes to the new location. He is coming to YOU, not going to a specific place. (Please remember, if you summon someone to England who is in the Holy Land, it could literally take years for them to get to you, but by god, they're coming, lol.

OOOOO- Majesty- This power heightens the general Presence mystique a thousandfold. The beautiful become paralyzingly lovely, the hideous become positively demonic. You inspire respect, devotion, fear or all of the above in almost everyon who sees you. Serfs obey without thinking, free men treet you with the deference due to royalty, and royalty parley with you as an equal, at the very least. Under the power of Majesty, hearts break, power trembles and the strong-willed shake. (BTW, used this at a convention to very interesting effect. Ask me about it sometime).

NON-Clan Disciplines-

Dominate- This one is fun. With this gift, a vampire imposes his will on another, compelling them to obey comands or even re-writing their memory. Requires both eye contact and speech. **Important** It is completely impossible to Dominate anyone of a lower generation than yourself. They are completely immune. (This also means that, since you're 7th Generation, there is not an 8th+ Generation vampire on the planet that can Dominate you)

O- Observance of the Spoken Word- Think of the Command spell from D&D. A one word command which must be obeyed. You can place the word in a phrase, or even in normal conversation. As in, "I'm sorry Eric, but it's time for you to leave.

OO- Murmur of the False Will- In this case, clearly worded instructions are given to the target, who must immediately obey (alternately, you can give them instructions to be carried out later, similar to a post-hypnotic suggestion). You can give them commands, or you could even impose a concept or idea into their mind, as in "You are a brave warrior". The subject then includes this idea in their routine activities, acting on it as opportunity presents, and.. being brave.. You can only impose one set of instructions on a subject at a time. You cannot force someone to directly harm themselvees, nor can you force them to act contrary to their Nature. (You can't turn a Caregiver into a serial killer, for example).

OOO- Reveler's Memory- Remove or re-create memories. Nuff said

OOOO- Lure of Subtle Whispers- You can so thoroughly Dominate a subject so that you don't have to make eye contact or even be physically present to enforce your will. You basically create a perfectly loyal servant. however, they lose some of their creativity and imagination.

OOOOO- Vessel- Severs the soul from the body, allowing you to take over the vessel's body as though it is your own. While this power is in use the vessel is only dimly aware of the actions that her body takes, and her memories afterward have the quality of nightmares. (Think Lafayette in True Blood). Your body lies in torpor while you use this. Vampires cannot possess each other using this power.

Fortitude- Easily one of the most useful skills. This is preternatural toughness.. For each point you have in Fortitude, you get an automatic success on your rolls to soak Bashing and Lethal Damage. You can also, using ONLY your Fortitude, soak Aggravated damage from things like werewolf claws. But.. You can use Sta+Fortitude to soak damage from sunlight and fire.

Obfuscate- Another fun one! This one lets you hide or conceal yourself or your identity. (Auspex is used to see through Obfuscate, btw, if someone's Auspex is higher than your Obfuscate, they will normally see right through it).

O- Cloak of Shadows- Using shadows and concealment, you can hide yourself. You must remain under cover (sorta), though even standing behind curtains, or standing against a lamppost in a shadowy area will work. As long as you don't move, nobody will see you unless they have a higher Auspex than your Obfuscate

OO- Unseen Presence- You can move around and remain hidden. People simply ignore you, even skirting around you without realizing it. But don't call attention to yourself.

OOO- Mask of a Thousand Faces- You remain fully visable but change your appearance to fit a particular image. You can either invent an image, or make yourself look like someone. Your image doesn't actually change (that would be Viscissitude), but it's a vision superimposed over your body.

OOOO- Vanish from the Mind's Eye- You can disappear from plain sight. (generally causes quite a bit of a stir). Once you are out of sight, you can use Unseen Presence (or something else) to remain hidden or move around. (So, with this one, you can vanish right from in front of someone. With O and OO, you have to start out "hidden" and you can remain that way. With this one, you can "poof".

OOOOO- Cloak the Gathering- You can use your other Obfuscate powers on a group of people. For every dot in Stealth you possess, you can conceal an additional person.

Obtenebration- Mostly used by the Lasombra, they jealously guard this Discipline, making it difficult to obtain for non-clan members.

O- Shadow Play- You gain control over local ambient shadows. You can add a die to any Stealth or Intimidate rolls. You can also accomplish minor feats of shadowplay, including moving a persons shadow here and there, or leaving a looming shadow over another Cainites hiding place to make them think they are about to become discovered. They can also manipulate shadow so that they can see through it better. (Mortals are very disturbed by use of this power, prompting Courage rolls)

OO- Nocturne- Creates a cloud of unnatural darkness strong enough to completely obscure light and muffle sound. Does not extinguish fire, but does suppress the light completely.

OOO- Arms of Ahriman- You can turn the darkness into a weapon. You can draw tentacles from shadowed reaches and use them to attack your enemies.

OOOO- Nightshades- Simply put, this creates illusions made of shadowstuff.

OOOOO- Tenebrous Avatar- You can transform your body into an inhuman shadow.

Potence- This one is as useful as it is simple. This is Strength. For each point in Potence, you gain an automatic success on any strength check (including damage rolls). With one dot, you are basically assured to "pass" any strength check you ever take again. Now, you couldn't throw a car with 1 point of potence.. But you could sure as hell move it without a tow truck.

Protean- For millenia, Clan Gangrel kept this Discipline a secret, but others have unearthed it. Protean allows you to change your form and aid in your nightly hunting.

O- Witness of Darkness- See in the dark (but your eyes glow a visible red when you use it)

OO- Talons of the Beast- Extrude wicked claws a few inches long from your fingertips. These cause aggravated damage! Oh yes, and.. Wounds inflicted upon mortals by this power never quite heal.

OOO- Interred in the Earth- Creepy but useful. This ability allows you to slide into the earth and sleep there during the day. You can't be moved around once there, can't even be dug up. You are immaterial and merged with the soil.

OOOO- Form of the Beast- Transform into a wolf or a bat.

OOOOO- Body of Spirit- Turn yourself into mist (Gaseous Form, effectively)

Vicissitude Mostly used by the Tzimisce clan, this one scares Cainites almost as much as Dementation.

O- Malleable Visage- You can alter your own bodily parameters, height build, voice, facial features, hair, skin town, etc. Cosmetic and minor in scope, no more than a foot of height can be gained or lost. This is permanent!

OO- Transmogrify the Mortal Clay- Allows more drastic alterations, this time on others as well as yourself. Only flesh, muscle and cartilage may be transrformed at this point, not bone. Power is permanent on mortals, but vampires can spend blood points to "heal" it.

OOO- Rend the Osseus Frame- Allows you to manipulate bone in the same manner that they manipulate flesh. Enables you to warp a victim (or yourself) beyond recognition. The Tzimisce clan often use this to transform dogs and their mortal sservitors into Szlachta (monstrous war-ghouls). (Cainites wishing to "heal" these changes can do so, but the wounds act as though they are aggravated (difficult, time consuming and blood-intensive). BTW, the most fearsome attack possible with this power involves collapsing a victims ribcage, piercing her own heart with her own bones. (not that it kills vampires, but this does cause their heart to explode, taking have of their blood (aka vitae))

OOOO- Awaken the Zulo Shape Mufasa!! The vampire turns into the Zulo shape, a hideous 8 foot monstrosity increasing all Physical attributes by 3 (among other things)

OOOOO- Ascendancy of the Sanguine Humor- This one is weird. You can turn yourself into sentient vitae. You can do this all or part of yourself (each leg = 2 Blood Points, for example). It can be reconverted to the body part. If you're in this "form", you can't be staked, cut, bludgeoned or pierced (but you can be burned by fire or sun). You can move, oozing, up walls and under doors as though you were in Tenebrous Form.


Virtues are just what they sound like, the foundations of your characters moral outlook. Your Road lays out your sense of sin and redemption. Your Virtues underlie the road and govern how you see particularly challenging or threatening situations.. Something a bit strange.. With Virtues, if you have to make a check (because you've "sinned") and you succeed, it means that you are aware that you have sinnned, and you retain an awareness of having "failed". If you FAIL the roll, it means that your character is no longer troubled by a particular failing and this can mean the beginning of degeneration. (Yes, as you lose your morality and your humanity by the actions you take.. well, I'll let you find out, lol. )..

Conscience- Measures your commitment to the moral standards of your society. It's the extent to which you accept the tenets you grew up with, and the extent to which you feel shame for deviating from them.
O- Uncaring
OO- Typical
OOO- Ethical
OOOO- Righteous
OOOOO- Remorseful
(Please note that 2-3 is average for a MORTAL.. So if you have a Conscience of 4, it means that you are a bloodsucking predatory nightmare from hell who is actually more conscientious than most of the humans you're feeding from).

Self-Control- ***Important*** When your Blood Pool is lower than your Self-Control rating, you can only roll (A Self Control roll, that is) one die per point of blood you have.. Feeding is a very practical matter. This is how much control you have of your "Beast".. (that raving monster that craves constant violence and blood) It is your internal discipline, your ability to fight the urge to frenzy (trust me, you'll usually want to avoid frenzying, though it's going to happen from time to time). If, for example, you are completely full, sated, chock-full-o-blood.. And then someone one of your kitchen servants accidentally cuts themselves open with a knife.. This could prompt a Self-Control roll (if I'm feeling like a prick, anyway). You aren't "hungry" per se, but your instincts will tell you to feed. Self-Control is how well you resist your basest urges.

Courage- Measures the intellectual, moral and spiritual reservs that allow you to stand fast when you have the impulse to flee. Characters with high Courage still feel fear, but they're able to block it. (When confronted by Fire, the Sun, impending death, werewolves, etc, this trait helps determine.. will you frenzy? Will you run? Both? Neither?


A Road is a system of vampiric belief, the moral compass you use to deal with the Beast and preserve your sanity. This trait is from 1-10. The higher your Road rating, the more seriously you take the tenet of your beliefs, and the less prone you are to becoming a soulless monstrosity. With a higher rating, however, you become more sensitive to the sins that you must commit on a nightly basis. (Sucks, doesn't it? Low road means you're a monster, but you're on the path to damnation. A high Road rating means that you're more "ethical", but smaller and smaller "sins" will challenge you. But it's not always that cut and dried.. You'll see what I mean. (And you'll likely want to read more on Road at some point, they're pretty interesting).

Road Effects- Virtues- Whenever a certain Virtue is called into question (I make you roll a Courage Check, or a Self-Control check, for example), you may not roll more dice for the Virtue than you have dots in your Road rating. So, if you only have a Road of 2 (damn near a raging chaoshatekillbeast at that point) you can only roll 2 dice on Self Control, etc. You begin to succumb to mindless hunger and rage!

Sleeping- Vampires with higher Road ratings rise earlier in the evening than those with lower. Also, if forced to act during daylight hours,
your maximum dice pool on any action is equal to your Road rating.

Torpor- (umm, haven't covered this yet, but it's the looooooong sleeps that older Vampires go through. Think dragons. The older they get the longer they sleep? Same concept. Except other things can force you to torpor as well, including losing all of your blood). The length of time you remain in torpor (from days to centuries, technically) is based on your Road.. The lower your Road, the longer you slumber.

Aura- Each road carries an aura with it that you unconsciously project. The greater your Road rating, the stronger the aura is.. For example, followers of the Road of Kings have a certain aura of majesty around them, whereas a follower of the Road of Humanity seems more "normal", less like a creature of the night. BTW, this has little or no direct effect, it's only a vague impression. Very high or very low ratings (over 8 and below 4) impose a penalty or bonus to the difficulty of Social rolls associated with your aura, these modifiers can affect Social rolls used for Disciplines.

Road of Kings- These vampires believe that God placed vampires above humans. Cainites were the mortal herd, and had the divine right to rule. This Road tries to rule over the Beast as well as ruling over ones subjects. The Beast stands in the way of your destiny, representing all the dark impulses that drag a ruler down and lead to rebellion and betrayal. Most Princes follow this road. Strong elements of noblesse oblige in this one, with example "sins" being Neglecting your duty, breaking your word, showing weakness in front of superiors, etc.

Craig's Ghetto Vampire Sheet


{table=head]Physical|Dots|Specialty|Social|Dots|Specialty|Ment al|Dots|Specialty
Strength| | |Charisma| | |Perception| | |
Dexterity| | |Manipulation| | |Intelligence| | |
Stamina| | |Appearance| | |Wits| | |


{table=head]Talents|Dots|Specialty|Skills|Dots|Specialty|Knowl edges|Dots|Specialty
Alertness| | |Animal Ken| | |Academics| | |
Athletics| | |Archery| | |Hearth Wisdom| | |
Brawl| | |Commerce| | |Investigation| | |
Dodge| | |Crafts| | |Law| | |
Empathy| | |Etiquette| | |Linguistics| | |
Expression| | |Melee| | |Medicine| | |
Intimidation| | |Performance| | |Occult| | |
Leadership| | |Ride| | |Politics| | |
Legerdemain| | |Stealth| | |Seneschal| | |
Subterfuge| | |Survival| | |Theology| | |



||||Hurt (-1)||
||||Injured (-1)||
||||Wounded (-2)||
||||Mauled (-2)||
||||Crippled (-5)||


Perm Willpower
Temp Willpower
Blood Pool

2013-07-16, 08:03 AM
Reserved for ST

Uses for the Blood

Spend 1 BP when you awaken each night

Spend 1 BP to heal a level of bashing or lethal damage. This is a free action if you aren't doing anything else (a slow walk or horseback ride works too), but running and fighting aren't. You must roll Sta+Survival (diff 8) after spending the blood. If you fail, the blood is wasted, and if you botch.. Well. don't do that, it's messy.

Physical Augmentation-
Spend 1 BP to raise a Physical attribute by 1 for the duration of the scene. (Note: A "scene" is just like in a play. It could represent seconds, or it could represent days. A fight would be a scene, as would a meeting with the Prince, as would the journey over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house (unless a meeting, discussion, fight, etc broke out on the way, at which point that would start a new scene)).

You must declare that you're doing it at the start of your turn, but it's a free action. You can spend as many BP as you are allowed per your veneration (again, for you that's 2/rd at 9th gen), but you can raise each physical attribute to only ONE higher than your generation allows. (Your generation allows you to have attributes of 6, so you could boost your strength to a 7 for a single scene. You CAN pump it higher than that, (up to 10 total dots), but the excess only lasts for 3 turns (rounds) after you stop "pumping".

Doing this may produce peculiar manifestations. For instance, Blood boosted Stamina may include very noticeable changes when you taking damage, with tissues leaping closed and fountains of vitae coating burns and scars.

Feeding Others

Bite/Cut yourself in order to allow others to drink. Vampires drink this and add it to their Blood Pool (In Vampire, EVERYONE is a cleric, lol), mortals become ghouls (human or animal), more on them later if you're interested.

Spend a variable number of BP to hide the consequences of vampirism, warmed skin and breath, softened complexion, etc. A vampire may pass as human in all physical ways for a scene. Requires 8 minus your Self-Control BP (if you were on the Road of Humanity, this would only be 6 minus Self-Control).

Using Disciplines
Many Disciplines require an expenditure of at least one BP to power the effect

Road of Kings

As I was doing more thinking and reading on this, I realized what an interesting fit it is. First, the "Hierarchy of Sins" for the Road of Kings. What this means is that, under normal circumstances, if you violate any of the concepts "at" or "below" your Road Rating (Currently 7), you will have to make a roll to determine if you degenerate (lose a point in your Road rating). Among other (mostly minor) things, your Road rating determines how early and how easily you wake, how long you stay in involuntary torpor, and occasionally, it will (negatively) modify some die rolls if the rating falls low enough. That's the trouble with having this ravening Beast in you.. Occasionally, it will force or encourage you to break the precepts of your Road, which can eventually have a deleterious effect on your efforts.

10- Neglecting your duty
9- Treating a peer with disrespect
8- Treating an inferior like an equal
7- Breaking your word to a peer
6- Behaving shamefully in front of peers
5- Showing weakness in front of inferiors
4- Failing to answer a challenge to your honor
3- Treating superiors disrespectfully
2- Breaking your word to your superiors
1- Breaking a sworn oath

This Road utilizes noblesse oblige liberally. According to the Road of Kings, there are only two roles in life; master and servant. You are superior to mortals, made to rule. To master others, you must master yourself and your Beast. Only those who seize power gain it, and only those who use power keep it. Your word is your bond, for without it, you are nothing.

Most Cainite courts are set up in a manner pleasing to the adherents of the Road of Kings, though numerous Princes who do not follow this road exist. A feudal hierarchy exists among the Cainites of Venice, with the Prince having named three Dukes, who in turn each have three Barons, who in turn have a variable (and changing) number of vassal knights. (By the way, this doesn't exactly belong in the Road discussion, but it was relevant, so I added it here. I will also mention this in a more appropriately titled section elsewhere, as well as have more detailed descriptions of the major Cainites in and around Venice..

Notes and Thoughts on Alonzo

Some Comments or Details

With your 4 points of Auspex, whoo.. Remember, you don't normally have that "on" constantly, or you'd blind yourself every time you turned on the light, (an exaggeration, but you know what I mean). Loud noises, bright lights, strong odors, these can all cause problems to the "tuned in" vampire. That being said, your ability is so strong that there is very little you can't "notice" when using it. Two rules that make your life easier. (You lower your difficulties for Perception rolls by your Auspex rating. And, if the difficulty for a check is lower than the number of dice that you have to roll, it's effectively an auto-success. So, between your 4 points of Auspex reducing difficulties (most average difficulties are 6, lowered to 2, auto-success since you have 4 dice to roll), PLUS your Acute Sight and Hearing Merits, (lol, overkill much?), if it has to do with what you see/hear, virtually NOTHING escapes you. Auspex can also give flashes of insight, almost a preternatural warning, from time to time, so occasionally you may have visions/dreams, etc.

3 points of Celerity makes you more than a match for most Kindred. 3 Melee and 3 Firearms, combined with good Dex/Str abilities.. You're going to be hard to beat in a fight. It will burn through your Blood quickly, especially if you're maxing your celerity each round and potentially "pumping" your physical traits, but Alonzo is noone to mess with.

Something I noticed.. Choosing the Road of Kings changes one more thing about your character. Your Conscience trait changes to a trait called Conviction. (Effectively the same thing, but instead of measuring your commitment to the moral standards of society via your conscience, you have actively rejected them. Instead, the Road of Kings tells you that you are superior, and that you are born to lead, and.. largely.. that humans are food, but they are food that requires your adroit leadership. Sin, as it pertains to someone with Conviction, is less a touchy feely "that wasn't nice" emotion, and more of a failure to meet your goals. At a 7 on your road, you haven't quite reached the point (8) when it becomes a "sin" to treat an inferior like an equal, so you can still have "friends" from other social classes without it affecting you, but you're well down the path to detachment.

Clan Toreador in Venice:

At 19 Kindred, the Toreador Clan has the advantage of numbers, at least among those Cainites that are known of.

Margherita Satorino

Your sire. Margherita was born in the late 260's (A.D.), a wealthy patricians daughter. She was actually the director of social events for Maximian, co-Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. She held that post from the mid 290's and remained with Maximian (some say as a lover) after he stepped down and retired to his expansive villa in Dalmatia. Now, in Venice, (and as a Cainite), Margherita fills a similar role for the Prince of Venice. She is basically a social director, party planner, etc. Known for having a keen eye for detail, and a chameleon-like ability to fit in with virtually anyone, Margherita is renowned for her splendid affairs, often dipping into her own deep pockets when adding that "perfect" detail.

A master of planning and negotiations, there are many who say that, were she born a man, she would have been one of the finest generals the Empire had ever seen. A stickler for details and logistics, she is in a position to know most of what happens in Venice, and uses that information to build her personal "empire".

Reminiscent of Rome, she wishes for another Empire to rise (preferably Roman, as everyone else is far too uncultured to rule the world), but knows that she is not willing or able to attempt to bring it about.

She has taken you into her bed before, sometimes willingly, sometimes having to compel you. While your early years saw you gorging on her blood as often as anyone elses, you have "weaned" yourself from that particular behavior for the most part. As her trust for you grew, and honestly, her interest in you sexually waned, you were required to partake of the Blood Oath less and less. At present, you have not tasted her blood in over a decade, though she teases you regularly about it. If you're honest with yourself, you can admit that.. the more you DIDN'T want to go to her bed, the more she enjoyed it.

She doesn't require much of you these days. Any "event" she plans, you are of course required to attend, but that's only several times in any given year. Beyond that, she spends many of her evenings in Elysium, and can effectively be called a Harpy, with her connections and opinions being deemed relevant to one's social standing.

Margherita specializes in planting informants within the ranks of servants. She doesn't believe in directly controlling a noble (seeing that as somehow contrary to her moral code), but has no qualms about influencing those same nobles, usually from within their own power structures. She also has a special relationship with many of the "other" nightwalkers of Venice, the ladies of the night. On any given night, some of her finest "blood dolls" are available and on display at her manor. Very protective of these favorites, she only allows any of them to be "damaged" or killed when she is especially happy or desperate to gain something. (In general, if you show up at Margherita's home while she is there, the manners of a good hostess will require that she ask after refreshments for you.. And in Margherita's house, the refreshments are superb)


Jacopo Barilla, Lucrezia Ronzoni & Marsilio Fonzerelli

Jacopo is of the 7th Generation, and is the oldest Cainite in Venice. Jacopo was a Senator in the late Roman Empire, having been Embraced in Rome in the year 52 A.D. Spoiled, affluent, and completely detached. He owns more than half of the shipbuilding capacity in Venice, and is a major patron of the arts. He sponsors sculptors and purchases many of their commissions for placement around his villas (he has several)

He has one surviving childe (there have been others, including one that was killed recently in a duel) Lucrezia Ronzoni, a fabulously beautiful and talented singer (She's still active. Opera won't exist for a couple more centuries, but music was very popular, and Venice was one of it's strongholds). Lucrezia herself has a childe, one Marsilio Fonzerelli. They are lovers, attached at the hip (the mouth is more honest). He is the most exquisite and sought after nude model in Venice. Business is booming for him, and he not only stands for sculptors and painters himself, he has begun acting as an agent for other young hopefuls.

Jacopo Barilla

Lucrezia Ronzoni
http://cfc.bizspeaking.com/image/bizupdate_c7ad23cc56a3192e7b44291abf597887ce74142a .jpg

Marsilio Fonzerelli
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSme1tNZHvz90feUhKagzNRtOE2kWrOP dAGEAXMj0aIIR_1mT6W

Zand Farrekhzad and Viktoriya Yorich

Zand is Persian, and also of the 7th Generation, but was an older man (mid 50's) when Embraced around 700 AD. In life, and even currently, Zand is an architect, and specializes in stonework with hidden passages and mechanics. It is rare that he takes a commission these days, only being affordable by the nobility, who know him only as "the Builder". He is very serious and intense, almost unsmiling. He has a temper. His childe, Viktoriya Yorich is a Russian beauty. (to your knowledge, she has no exemplary skills other than being beautiful and diverting). She is a major patron in an underground gladiatorial combat enterprise, being surprisingly bloodthirsty and vicious herself.

Zand (in center)
https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTD19D1EbKtKTdCcEn56CraBIXRalaGF G-KlA1RT-83AjzRc9uk

Viktoriya Yorich

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTqOTH45y3xSwl6ZQnkkcH640RNdkHFd Coz6JmoqMzl1UWLA2ZX

Bernaldo Nunez and Matteo Pappardelli

Bernaldo, of the 9th Generation is from Portugal originally, and is a relative newcomer to Venice, having only been here for a few years. His fortune is in mercenaries, and he personally sponsors and hires out several companies. His passion is wine, specifically, wine laced blood. He has a huge "herd" of prime "vintage carriers", whom he has been known to compare to the particular "barrels" that traditional wine is made in. His childe Matteo Pappardelli is a superlative fencer and one of the deadliest blades in Venice. He is newly made, less than a year Embraced, and was a gift to Bernaldo from the Prince as a reward for services rendered.

Bernaldo Nunez
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQSDrKPOx4sgkvxNYPFcLTo_toBgC9pN SXImUvr9Tl9kRcrAZik

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Zhi Liang

Zhi is the agent for an influential Ventrue in Florence. You think he might be of the 11th Generation. He imports a lot of foreign art and ships it to Florence.


Christopher Lawrence

Christopher is.. was.. a painter, and indisputably talented. His sire embraced him so that he could become the greatest artist in the world. Unfortunately, when she was killed a few years ago, his inspiration died with her. Instead, he now finds new talent and sponsors them, rather than painting himself. Likely of the 9th Generation

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTwbtcBFvsZ3XXwlTidTawH_QrE1hsk2 JnTozq0KK69tcu8IG-B

Isabel de Fleurigny, Loreen Miskov and Pierandrea Abbascilla

Newly arrived from France, this 10th Generation enigma is very mysterious. She's fabulously wealthy, and has been buying up properties all over town. Her eldest childe, Loreen Miskov, came with her. Loreen was a courtesan in the court of Phillip II in the mid 1200's. Exquisitely lovely, and a fascinating conversationalist. Her second childe, Pierandrea Abbascilla was just accidentally made without permission, and was a common whore. Prince Yasmin has forgiven her, your sources tell you, because of an exceptionally generous "donation" to her pet cause, which is, herself.

Isabel -
https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR1rJDaS4E7RrS66aSPv0UxtAiIlfK9s 1t4_532w-VN4f5BCwR7lQ

Loreen Miskov
https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQUHG5UBOTrCjMcY2_5EqzF4_giExCLU TlHCCHKqAX_WQdR03f-

Pierandrea Abbascilla

Minor Toreador in Venice

Hirbod Parsi

Another Persian man, this one of the 11th Generation you believe. He is a patron of many arts, but music is his weakness, especially that of his homeland.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4sHEc4R3t4VkpkwOMIVtTyOyJAwmK4 aRE7nxFwvWV9_reFsY4

Paula Bellandi
Of the 13th Generation, if gossip is to be believed, Paula is a native Venetian, and runs a troupe of players and acrobats, though it seems to be a secret who her Sire is, as there are no 12th Generation Kindred known to be in Venice. She's known for "overdoing it" and losing control in a flurry of bloodlust.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTKD2SNzwWKn0AjkwXzh2KeY7cuwDt_l 5rNwBZksvjPE0KUoTD2CQ

Piero Bencivenni

A Friar of the Church, and likely of the 12th Generation he is a scholar of occult lore in the basements of the San Lorenzo church, where Marco Polo is entombed. He is nearly never seen outside of his library.


Anahita Avesta

Definitely of the 13th Generation (you were friendly with her now-deceased Sire, a kind and generous gentleman), Anahita is very religious, and has recently taken over a small nunnery, though for what purpose, you cannot say.

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ0GJZEmJzoZR46LKFNxazvOJYXjCrb_ JhEVqyhOncTGeutGEPu

Viktor Cruz
Also of the 13th Generation, but from Spain, Viktor was a young soldier in the 4th Crusade. He is over 200 years old, and is the result of a series of sires who Embraced large numbers of cannon fodder.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR_9lRt_gggYckYFWDMBE3CfBd_rvHYS ZW7Mg5smQsWUnH_Y4JW

Important Cainites in Venice

Prince Yasmin Jahandar
Prince: Yasmin Jahandar-7th Generation-Persian- Voluptuous and attractive, but not beautiful, Yasmin spent much of her unlife in Constantinople, moving to Venice sometime in the 1200's. Known to turn on her allies to save her own skin, Yasmin is not popular. A devout Atheist, she has recently fallen out of favor because of her role in the "Daystakings", a week long assault on the Kindred of Venice in 1491. (20% of the Cainite population perished, all told). A militant band of knights surprised and overpowered her not long into her reign, and she made an unholy deal to purchase her release. 30 Kindred (mostly neonates created solely for the purpose, but a few Elders were "accidentally" included as well)staked in their sleep and dragged out into the daylight to roast. Since then, Yasmin has been able to neutralize the knights, killing some, and recruiting the rest into becoming the cadre of a ghoul legion personally beholden to her. This does not sit well with the Primogen, and the other Lasombra in Venice are said to be gnashing their teeth as well.. privately, of course. In addition to granting unusually lenient permissions at recent Council meetings, attempting to secure favor with generosity, the remaining 8 Knights of the Sable Rose remain a wild card. Known to be extremely efficient killers that use coordinated attacks to confuse, isolate and eradicate their foes quickly and brutally. They are apparently loyal to Yasmin, and they might be the thread holding her there.


Prince's Knights

The Primogen

Amegran- Brujah - 7th Generation - Moorish - An angry scholar who wants to remove the churches influence, so that men of science can work in peace. A master engineer and stonemason, it was he that conceived and built The Redoubt, a massive underground complex sunk deep under his hilltop manor. He ceded his home to the Princes of Venice, current and future. It is in this place that most major events occur, far beneath the ground, beyond the prying eyes of mortals. It is said to be virtually impregnable when manned and defended.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTlZR6P53MHj4n3PL18MZEfAKEz5Gvoi EnyNZ5m6Mw7A8vPOeHr_Q

Francisco Caravello - Cappodocian- 8th Generation - Italian - An elderly man, Francisco was the premier medical practitioner of his age, having been a personal physician of Roman Emperor Anthemius in the 460's. Taken by the Cappadocians to further their knowledge of human physiology, Francisco still arranges for his discoveries to be circulated to mortal physicians.


Irmele Piber - Lasombra - 7th Generation - Germanic - A rare Germanic Lasombra, Irmele shares a sire with Yasmin. Irmele is quietly very disappointed in the Prince and it is rumored that she is gathering evidence of Yasmin's incompetence


Mahmoud Hooshang - Malkavian - 8th Generation - Persian - Calls himself by the nonsense title "Yawakei" Mahmoud. Spends most nights reading omens for people. Has an amazing reputation.. because he reads their minds and sees what they want, then he goes and makes it happen. Anyone who goes to him for a second time pays in blood, not coin. If Yawakei Mahmoud deems the request "wicked", the omen will still come true, but the petitioner will end up dead within a year (the fine print). If the request is of "divine" worth, Yawakei Mahmoud will make the omen come true, and then kill one of the petitioners enemies for them. Anyone coming to Yawakei Mahmoud for a third time is killed and eaten. Oh yes, occasionally he thinks he's god.. It's been deemed wise not to try to convince him otherwise.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRnOcXZNhFVCSQtHEm32EX0MhvbnRrym ENxNjyNqv_0Y9i5uIcoHQ

Clare - Nosferatu - 8th Generation - Germanic - Once a slave between rival barbarian bands, Clare was used as a plaything. Her eternally 11 year old body is a putrid wasteland of oozing bruises, boils and sores. Now, she craves playthings of her own. Claer goes to incredible lengths to stage elaborate (yet plausible) "accidents" against those she opposes. She rules over the Venetian Nosferatu with an iron fist (backed up by her incongruously immense physical strength) No Nosferatu in Venice will sell any information unless the request comes from one who is "favored of Clare". This "esteemed" status can be gained by giving Clare a "present and a story". That present is some abuser, some bully of women. They must be presented to Clare, along with a telling of their misdeeds. The more Clare enjoys the story, the greater your favor. Probably the most informed Cainite in Venice, but tight with her secrets. It is believed that noone has ever gotten to the truth when Clare wants it hidden.


Delphi - Tremere - 9th Generation - Greek - Delphi advises Baldemarus (the head of the Tremere Chantry in Venice), and advocates for his clans rights at all meetings. He attempts to bring one "free" piece of news or information to each meeting, as Clan Tremere's "homage" to the Prince.


Vasile Petrescu - Tzimisce - 7th Generation - Hungarian - Vasile and his entourage of younger Tzimisce care for the needs of Vasile's Sire, Collette de Carnavelt. While she cannot be bothered to personally attend any Council meetings, she will occasionally comply with the Prince's carefully worded requests. (300 years ago, Collette slaughtered the Prince of Venice and his entire Primogeniture, merely for the offense of starting the council meeting without her.. She could have seized the Princedom at that time, but she just couldn't be bothered. ).. Vasile and his fellows despise the Tremere, and oppose them at every turn, declaiming them as usurpers, charlatans and frauds. (it gets rather tiresome, actually. but, as long as Vasile is allowed to vent his spleen, Collette refrains from dismantling large portions of the city with her vohzd. (massive war-ghouls made up of multiple "donors". Truth be known, there are three types of people in Venice. Those who are afraid of Collette, those who LIE about being afraid of Collette, and those who don't know who Collette is.

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Don Antonio Castaneda - Ventrue - 8th Generation - Spanish - Don Antonio is the genteel leader of the Ventrue of Venice. Polished and polite, Don Antonio is very approachable, and respectful of other cultures. Don Antonio, and the Ventrue at large, like doing favors for people. If you need a loan, or a friendly voice on the Doge's Council, the Ventrue are usually there to lend their aid, for a price to be negotiated later.


Other Important Venetian Cainites

Vittorio Fellini - Brujah - 6th Generation - Italian - Spends much of his time in Torpor. Hails from around 300 BC (so he's over 1800 years old), he is likely the oldest Cainite in Venice. Very erratic and unpredictable, doesn't like rules, (think Russell Edgington from True Blood) and absolutely HATES when Rome (the city, the empire, etc) is mentioned. When Vittorio is awake, the murder rate in Venice spikes. Not only is he voracious by himself, he enjoys inciting huge melees by messing with peoples emotions. More than one miniature war has erupted on the docks between the sailors of two allied ships. Has a very clearly defined set of personal "laws". Basically, that means that he will support the Prince in enforcing any law that the Prince sees fit, so long as none of the laws apply to Vittorio. There's a double-standard there, but Vittorio really couldn't care less. This vampire is angry. All. The. Time.


Bjorn Suffiskson - Brujah - 8th Generation - Nordic - Warmaster of Venice - Bjorn maintains a force of ghouls who lead the princes forces in combat. Seems completely loyal to Yasmin. People suspect the Blood Oath. (Bjorn is the childe of Amegran)


Wang Mang - Caitiff - 10th Generation - Chinese - Runs a crew of burglars who typically steal from docked ships. A very traditional Chinese, bells, incense, opium, Mogwai, all that jazz.

Sir Rogerus d'Ambly - Caitiff - 10th Generation - Sir Rogerus was a disgraced knight in the English Court. Now known to be very courageous, very lusty, and very "for hire". Very polite and humble before his betters. Doesn't step outside the lines of good taste. (does like deflowering nuns, but that's on his own time).


Abascantas - Cappodocian - 11th Generation - Your Mentor - Abascantas was a Greek scholar and physician. Despite his high Generation, he is over 800 years old, from Byzantine Greece. He studies death, near death experiences, biology, etc. Knows more about poison and disease and their effects on mortal physiology than any Cainite in Venice. Abascantas is a pale, wispy haired man of middle years, with a healthy paunch, and his two front bottom teeth missing.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v71/Erasmas/original_zpsed88eda1.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v71/Erasmas/the-princess-bride-1987-movie-still-christopher-guest_zps2d4045a3.png

Gbemisola - Cappodocian - 12th Generation - African - Gbemisola is creepy. Has a fascination with the dead, and finds morbid scenes uproariously funny. Rumor has it, his romantic interests lie with the dismembered pieces of his practical jokes. (most other Cappodocians are appalled by his behavior)

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT1apQKg7o6zc_zHPxltvC81deZgpS_a hayOtOYqocX43eBF6in

Venerio lo Grato - Gangrel - 6th Generation - Pirate - Captain of the "Bloodletter", a feared galley that is only seen at night. (this is by intent, if another ship spots them during daylight hours, the Bloodletter gives chase and sends every man to their deaths.). The entire ship is crewed by ghouls (plus Gasparo Bianchi, also a Gangrel, of 10th Generation and is Venerio's first mate). The ship has been modified for their use. Venerio has a deal with Prince Yasmina, and only attacks NON-Venetian ships, and only after they have left the docks of venice (no incoming laden vessels). This causes hell for the foreign merchants getting robbed or killed on the return trip, and the mortal authorities are pulling their hair about it.


Gianfrancesco Conti - Lasombra - 8th Generation - Seneschal - Gianfrancesco is something like Prince Yasmina's right hand. Speaks for her when she is not present. He is also her lover, her biggest advocate, and her childe. Knows almost all illicit activity in the city. He's still performing damage control for his Sire's reputation


Luis de Morales - Lasombra - 10th Generation - Grandchilde of Gianfrancesco. A Spanish aristocrat, Luis is attempting to garner support for a Kindred knightly order, with himself as it's head.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRu1v_8SQE9SNJDTs1r98RD9cHBhgUsI KfmfsMG4B9gfd8guYX2

Omid Mokri - Malkavian - 9th Generation - Persian - Keeper - Omid is one part jester, one part soothsayer, and three parts crazy. Yasmina keeps him on her court, if only to keep him in her sight. Gives mass to empty churches on many nights, burns incense, "summons spirits".. Has correctly predicted two assassination attempts on Yasmina though, so she listens to everything he says, then filters it for sanity.

Dixus Petit - Nosferatu - 8th Generation - French - Scourge - The Scourge is a position within the Princes Court. It belongs to a person whose job and duty it is to enforce the Princes will (especially when the Prince can't be seen getting their hands dirty). The "sheriff" upholds the laws, in service to the Prince. The Scourge, on the other hand, is more likely to be outside the law, but also in service to the Prince. He is a behemoth of a Frenchman, having been a stonecutter by trade, and is immensely strong. Spends most of his time hunting for anarchs and usurpers, Ravnos and Baali. But mostly, he looks for dirt on the Princes enemies. Dixus is not popular among Venice's Cainites, but he is very loyal to Yasmina. Cadaverously thin, with horribly distended lips and fangs so large as to be almost comical. (normally, anyone Dixus feeds from dies from the massive wounds he causes).

Ogechi - Nosferatu - 11th Generation - You were present when Ogechi was made. A former African slave killed in a werewolf attack on a mainland town church. Ogechi was the indentured servant of the town magistrate, and was an excellent source of information . Specifically, he was an informant of Ige, another African Nosferatu in Venice. You came with a force of Cainites on the former Prince's orders (the former Prince was an extremely well thought of Ventrue, a unifier, well respected by almost all) to repel a werewolf attack on a town loyal to the Prince. Ogechi was found near death, and Ige Embraced him in a moment of impulse.

https://encrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSqttmHNAurpQXRWa1uqciXXpuHpTNPN 1_jVistCw57g_FgXXCW_w

Ikenna - Followers of Set - 8th Generation - Ethiopian - Absolutely stunning. Seems to know when people are looking for her (the Followers of Set, among other things, like to encourage dark and dangerous hobbies, pasttimes, lusts, etc). She always appears unexpectedly. Noone has ever survived an attempt to track her back to her haven.

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTSiQJTZDqOXURhH99O2a2zfP49hMoQV YXEyHw8HmOmrVs9b293LA

Baldemarus - Tremere - 9th Generation - Head of Clan Tremere in Venice. A blood-scholar of Celtic origin, pagan. Very mysterious, very hard to find, but the most accomplished Tremere in 500 miles.

Not a Vampire. This is the man that is trying to kill you..

https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkK0ChYZ7J35g20DvLIfiQWyAKmd6qb iRpcJlnwMjygk4GlWlomg

Library of Faces

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Effects of Vampire Blood on Mortals

A living mortal, if fed vitae, becomes instantly "ghouled". They stop aging at the cellular level, and will not age a biological day as long as they are fed Kindred vitae. Ghouls are still living beings, and heal at the natural rate. However, they are capable of utilizing their ingested vitae as Kindred do, to regenerate wounds more quickly than nature would normally permit. This even extends to the regeneration of severed limbs, provided enough vitae (a lot) is available.

So, if fed vitae while even the slightest spark of life remains, a mortal becomes a ghoul. If fed enough vitae (more than one point would be a start), she could (and would) begin regenerating, her bodies automatic processes being enhanced exponentially. A ghoul can also learn Disciplines. By nature of the blood, all ghouls receive a Potence score of 1. They can learn almost any Discipline, given time (and xp), but they find the "physical" Disciplines (Celerity/Potence/Fortitude) easier to learn than the more esoteric ones.

If the mortal is dead, however, and fed Vitae, a Childe is created, of your Clan and one Generation higher (weaker) than yourself. This is a HUGE breach of the Third Tradition. To quote it, "If thou creates another without thine elder's (meaning the Prince) leave, both thou and thy progeny shall be slain". So, pretty serious stuff.

Creating a ghoul without permission is also frowned upon, but Margherite would be the only authority you would need to create one or two, in most cases. The Prince does not allow large private "armies" of ghouls, (reserving the right herself to do so, however) but most Kindred have at least one. The penalty for creating ghouls without permission can vary wildly, depending on the situation. If you created a ghoul that somehow threatened the secret of the existence of Kindred, they would not be amused, and repercussions could be fatal. Finding out you ghouled someone to be your daytime agent, or protector, or even lover, would normally receive much less attention and would be localized with your Sire rather than any greater body.

Let me know if you have any questions, this is really just a high level overview.

2013-07-16, 10:06 AM
Reserved for me!

Alonzo da Catalano


Name: Alonzo da Catalano
Nature: Monster (Silent Killer variant)
Demeanor: Gallant
Concept: Aristocratic Assassin
Clan: Tareador
Generation: 9th
Sire: Margherita Satorino
Haven: Villa da Catalano

{table=head]Physical|Dots|Specialty|Social|Dots|Specialty|Ment al|Dots|Specialty
Strength|●●●●○|Strong Grip|Charisma|●●●●●|Captivating|Perception|●●●●○|K een-eyed|
Dexterity|●●●●●|Surefooted|Manipulation|●●●●●●|Smo oth|Intelligence|●●●○○| |
Stamina|●●●○○| |Appearance|●●●○○| |Wits|●●●●○|Combat Nerves|

{table=head]Talents|Dots|Specialty|Skills|Dots|Specialty|Knowl edges|Dots|Specialty
Alertness|●●●○○| |Animal Ken|○○○○○| |Academics|●●○○○| |
Athletics|●●●○○| |Archery|●●○○○| |Hearth Wisdom|●○○○○| |
Brawl|●●●○○| |Commerce|●○○○○| |Investigation|●●●●○|Shadowing|
Dodge|●●●○○| |Firearms|●●●○○| |Law|●●○○○| |
Empathy|●○○○○| |Etiquette|●●●○○| |Linguistics|○○○○○| |
Expression|●●○○○| |Melee|●●●○○| |Medicine|○○○○○| |
Intimidation|●●○○○| |Performance|●○○○○| |Occult|○○○○○| |
Leadership|○○○○○| |Ride|●●●○○| |Politics|●●○○○| |
Legerdemain|●●○○○| |Stealth|●●●●●|Hunt|Seneschal|●●○○○| |
Subterfuge|●●●○○| |Survival|●●○○○| |Theology|○○○○○| |

Obfuscate|●●●○○|Herd|○○○○○|Hurt (-1)|
Obtenebration|●●○○○|Influence|○○○○○|Injured (-1)|
Protean|●○○○○|Mentor|●○○○○|Wounded (-2)|
Vicissitude|●○○○○|Resources|○○○○○|Mauled (-2)|
|○○○○○|Retainers|○○○○○|Crippled (-5)|

Road of Kings|●●●●●●●○○○
Perm Willpower|●●●●●●●●○○
Temp Willpower|●●●●●●●●○○
Blood Pool|

Merits (-11):
Prestigious Sire (1)
Acute Sense [Sight] (1)
Acute Sense [Hearing] (1)
Reputation (2)
Nobility (1)
Manse (2)
Sanguine Humor (2)
Code of Honor (1)

Flaws (+10):
Ward [] (3)
Hunted [] (4)
Compulsion [] (1)
Prey-Exclusion [children] (1)
Overconfident (1)

I think I would like more information on the Lasombra, Toreador, and the Assamites (I know you said you didn't like them, but they seem like they might match an assassin character really well), please!

Alright... the Assamites have some really cool disciplines, but I definitely don't want the kind of trouble that they come with (from the sound of it). Instead, I think I will play one of the Toreador. But I can still take things like Obfuscate and Quietus, correct (just at a higher 'price')?

2013-07-16, 01:13 PM
Obfuscate, yes no problem. Quietus.. would require a very unlikely turn of events. The Assamites do not share that Discipline with anyone. So, if that was ever to have happened, it would be the culmination of a long and complex quest.

Toreador it is!

2013-07-16, 01:15 PM
Okay, cool! And maybe I will just have to track me down an Assamite and force him to teach it to me.

2013-07-16, 01:31 PM
I think my sire still lives within the city and we get along well enough, but have our own "circles" that may overlap more than I might like. I think she should be female and made me because she was taken with me (at the time) and wanted to keep me around (as well as 'young and beautiful' forever). But, the allure of newness eventually wore off and she moved on to sire others in the same manner. I think the fact that I am doing somewhat well for myself and have many lovers could make a ping of jealousy rise in her from time to time... but she never wants to outwardly admit it. And I go to her when I need her assistance/protection/guidance/etc... but refuse to bed her again (though maybe it has been commanded once or twice since).

How does that sound?

2013-07-16, 01:37 PM
BTW, a Toreador-assassin is not unreasonable.. First, their ability with Celerity makes them very potent, Auspex makes it easier to track their prey, and Presence can help in any number of ways, including using it to get past your target's guards..

I will put together a post on Disciplines shortly..

Quick Note: Most of the attributes on your character sheet are on a 1-5 "dot" scale.. Really need to send you a character sheet, but they're available online for review (just make sure you look at Old World of Darkness Vampire sheet, rather than New World of Darkness).. Anyway, so 1 Dot of Strength means that you're a 98 lb weakling, and 5 makes you Arnold Schwarzenegger. (Yes, it can go higher for supernaturals.. Hulk would be about a 15-20 on this scale)

You will receive 5 Dots to spend on Disciplines (split between Presence, Celerity and Auspex). You will also receive additional "freebie points" to spend on your character, and you can choose to improve Disciplines you already have, or gain new Disciplines. Once the game starts, though, you'll have to have someone actually "teach" you a new discipline. (Your point about "making" an Assamite teach you Quietus comes to mind).

We've already determined that you're not starting as a neonate, but I haven't decided how many additional points to grant you yet, but you'll be able to spread them to your taste.

2013-07-16, 01:54 PM
I think my sire still lives within the city and we get along well enough, but have our own "circles" that may overlap more than I might like. I think she should be female and made me because she was taken with me (at the time) and wanted to keep me around (as well as 'young and beautiful' forever). But, the allure of newness eventually wore off and she moved on to sire others in the same manner. I think the fact that I am doing somewhat well for myself and have many lovers could make a ping of jealousy rise in her from time to time... but she never wants to outwardly admit it. And I go to her when I need her assistance/protection/guidance/etc... but refuse to bed her again (though maybe it has been commanded once or twice since).

How does that sound?

Very interesting!! Okay, now.. Something you didn't know, lol.. (there's lots of that at this point)..

The Blood Bond

I have emailed you greater details, but the basic idea is this. If you drink any particular vampires blood three times (meaning three separate occasions), you will become "Blood Bound" to them. You've seen True Blood? "As your maker I forbid you" type stuff? Well, it's actually the Blood Bond, not the fact that they are someone's maker, that causes that.. It is possible (though unlikely) that an individual vampire HASN'T partaken of their sires blood at least three times. I'll leave this up to you. Also, if the most recent of those drinks was years ago, the Bond will have weakened somewhat

2013-07-16, 02:12 PM

I will definitely have been Bonded to her... though I think that the last time I drank might have been a decade or two prior (probably the last time that I was 'seduced' and bedded by her) - I see this relationship almost like an "ex that I am on decent terms with" kind of thing.

And... I am totally picturing Monica Bellucci for my sire! Lemme know if this works.


2013-07-16, 02:44 PM
Sure.. She can even dress like that if you prefer..

2013-07-16, 02:47 PM
Works for me! Elegance to the point of tacky kind of defines the Italian Renaissance.

Oh, also... what are the weaknesses in this rendition of vampires? Sunlight, garlic, fire, holy water, etc.?

2013-07-16, 03:34 PM
Sunlight and Fire, definitely. (indeed, these two things can cause you to Frenzy or Rotschreck, more to come on those later). Garlic, running water, needing an invitation to enter, holy water, and crucifixes are all irrelevant to most vampires. (Though you can choose to be vulnerable to these in exchange for more freebie points to spend elsewhere, but more on that later). Also, all vampires (except Lasombra) give off a reflection in mirrors.

However, True Faith trumps all. Someone with True Faith presenting a crucifix can do you some harm. Same thing with holy water, if the person using it has True Faith. Heck, someone with True Faith making a cross with their fingers can still affect you.

Stakes- Unlike other vampire lore, stakes do NOT kill vampires in this game. A stake through the heart, however, does PARALYZE the vampire until the stake is removed. Say a vampire gets staked to the wall during a fight. 50 years later, the body has all crumbled to dust, but the stake is still in the wall.. If the stake is removed, the vampire is reconstituted, (but after 50 years with no food, he'll definitely be in Frenzy and it will be a bad day for anyone there with him).

There are three types of damage in the game. Bashing, Lethal, and Aggravated. BTW, all healing requires an expenditure of blood. 1 for 1 for bashing and lethal, more details on healing aggravated wounds later. You can do it without effort if you are standing still and not doing anything else, but if you want to say, heal during a fight, you will have to make a roll to do so.

Bashing- Fists, clubs, short falls, and, for Vampires, bullets, are considered bashing damage. You have the ability to "soak" bashing and lethal damage, based on your Stamina, meaning that it would be very difficult for you to ever lose a boxing match, for instance. And bullets are only really dangerous to you if they hit you in the head (the damage is lethal then) Oh, and when a vampire takes bashing damage, you roll the damage, "soak", what you can, and then the remainder is halved. It's good to be dead.

Lethal- Knives, spears, swords, extremely long falls.. These are lethal damage. Still not too much of a threat to a Cainite, but it adds up.

Aggravated- This is where things get nasty.. Sunlight, Fire, Werewolf Claws, Vampire Fangs, getting put into a wood chipper.. These are aggravated damage, and even vampires have trouble with it. Healing aggravated damage takes time, and a LOT of blood.

2013-07-16, 03:39 PM
Makes good sense!

I think I will take the 'has to be invited in' weakness. It should work nicely with my character (hopefully I can get some sort of 'charm' ability).

2013-07-16, 04:06 PM
We'll hold off on that (invited in) for now. Selecting Merits/Flaws is one of the last things we'll do for chargen, and there's a pretty extensive list of them, so you'll want to take a good look at them. And, come to think of it, I don't think that IS a flaw, but if you want it for flavor, we'll put it in, no worries. (Many of the vulnerabilities that the common man believes about vampires have actually been spread by the vampires themselves. "Look, a reflection see!! I can't be a vampire".. "I can cross running water, see!". "I can hold a crucifix", "I love garlic"! etc. )

I still need to look for an online character sheet (don't think Mythweavers supports old world of darkness anymore),

Oh, I still owe you a list of disciplines, but before we go there.. I have something else for you. (I will be putting it in the first post, titled "Nature and Demeanor".

2013-07-17, 10:05 AM
Okay, at the bottom of the Original Post is my craptastic attempt at a character sheet, lol. Take a look and let me know what you think. See if it makes sense, or if you can think of any improvements.

Oh, and feel free to either use OOOO (O's) to show the dots, or you can just put in the number. (Strength OOOO vs Strength 4)

Remember, that for the Attributes, you start with one dot in each. Select Primary/Secondary/Tertiary (Physical/Mental/Social), and then distribute 7, 5, and 3 dots respectively.

For your Abilities, select Pri/Sec/Ter, and split 13/9/5 among them. (Please feel free to ask for elaboration on any skill you aren't familiar with, or want to know how it pertains. ) Please don't give yourself anything 5+ at this point (we will be adding additional Freebie Points as well as giving you a certain amount when we figure out exactly how old you are. It will be at that point that you can give yourself 5's and above.

I will edit the first post to enter Backgrounds (there aren't as many of those as there are Natures/Demeanors, so it'll fit in the OP. You will be able to spend 5 points on Backgrounds. (And then we'll get to Disciplines, Road, Virtues, Blood Pool, Willpower, etc). And for the record, personally, I think that Backgrounds are some of the more interesting abilities. They are very cheap to purchas (1 per dot) using Freebie Points, and I recommend them highly.

Hope you're having fun today! BTW, yesterday flew by for me because of this. Thanks for that, makes work easy/fun/fast.. (and I even got stuff accomplished, believe it or not, lol).

2013-07-17, 02:36 PM
Okay... check the character sheet in my initial post.
I think that I have everything that I am supposed to filled in, up to this point!
Let me know what's next!

EDIT: I added a name for my sire. Not sure if you had one in mind already or not, but I chose Margherita Satorino.

2013-07-17, 03:27 PM
Margherita Satorino it is!

Oh, btw.. love the dots on the sheet. Just a heads up, there don't need to be dots in the Health Levels section (Bruised, Hurt, Mauled, etc.) I probably should have created another section for that, but I was being lazy, lol.

Checked out your sheet, looks good (not too bright, is he, lol?).

Okay, lets figure out your birth date and Embrace date to determine your apparent age and your chronological age. That will tell me how many extra experience points you'll get to spend.

The next part is your Virtues, Road and Willpower. Then it will be time for Freebie Points, the experience points for your age, and Merits/Flaws (I love those, they are what really helps individualize your character). We're almost there! I'll update the OP with the info for this stuff. Let me know if you want me to move anything that ISNT in the OP into it.

2013-07-18, 09:47 AM
Thank you! Okay, I will adjust.

And hey, you gotta be bad at something. And my only other option would've been to put one point into each, which seemed boring. Besides, on a scale of 1-4 (since 5 was asked to be left out)... a 1 isn't all that bad.

As for dates, it seems that the firearm was fairly common (the Ottoman Empire had them as part of the regular infantry) by the 15th century. And the Italian Renaissance is defined as being between the 14-16th centuries. So, we maybe set the game sometime in the late 1400's? And I was figuring on being somewhere in the neighborhood of 300-400 years old (if that's possible). I guess then, I would have been born sometime in the 1100's and 'embraced' 20-25 years after that.

Okay, how many points do I get to spend on the Virtues (or how do I determine what they are set at)?

As for Roads, does my clan have any that are particular to them? The only ones that I can see working for my character (from those presented) would be Beast, or maybe Kings. And for this, I simply pick how extreme (from 1 to 10?) that I want to be, correct?

2013-07-18, 11:00 AM
Okay, the Merits that I am looking at are:
Blush of Health
Prestigious Sire
Acute Sense
Sanguine Humor
Code of Honor

2013-07-18, 11:27 AM
Late 1400's, check! I'll set a date shortly.

400 years old, check! You get 250 XP to spend, see spoiler below for costs. **note** Please do not use any of these points for Disciplines. For "older" vampires, there is a flat calculation for Disciplines, equal to the square root of your age, so you will have a (total) of 20 Discipline points to spread out, less the 4 you get for being a new character, so 16 additional Discipline points. )

Feel free to give yourself 4's and 5's with these points, but make sure that they match your character. Someone with a 5+ is EXCEPTIONAL, and it likely forms a good portion of the foundation of the character. So, if you're THAT good at something, make it integral to your character.

Once you're done spending these points, we get to consider Specialties!! (Anything you have 4+ points in among your Abilities and Attributes.. When you roll for actions, normally a 10 is just a 10. But, if it falls within your "specialty" the 10's become open ended. You keep the success, and roll the 10(s) again, continuing to accumulate 10's until they roll something else. For example, a specialty for Dexterity could be "nimble fingers".. So, any action you undertake that reasonably could be easier for someone with nimble fingers, you get to consider the 10s open ended. Others might include, Hard Hitting (for Str), or Pays attention to detail for Perception, etc.

Experience Point Costs

Like I mentioned before, Freebie Points and XP have different "costs" to purchase abilities. Your freebie points are spent using the scale I gave you before. Your XP gets spent as follows.

Attribute= Current Rating x 4
Improve Existing Ability= Current Rating x 2
New Ability= 3
Clan Discipline= Current Rating x 5 (but don't spend on these)
Other Discipline= Current Rating x 7 (ditto)
New Discipline= 10 (ditto)
Virtue= Current Rating x 2
Road= Current Rating x 2
Willpower= Current Rating

Conscience and Self-Control are added to make your initial Road Rating. (Freebie and Xp can be spent to improve it, though)

As far as Roads, probably the top 3 for the Toreador would be Humanity, Heaven and Kings, likely in that order.. They typically consider themselves too "civilized" to follow the Road of the Beast, and most aren't quite depraved enough to follow the Road of Sin. Also, the "typical" Toreador retains more of his affinity for mortals than most Kindred, though there are exceptions.

2013-07-18, 11:46 AM
Okay, the Merits that I am looking at are:
Blush of Health- This is actually the same thing as Sanguine Humor (I pulled from two lists, and this one crossed over. They are the same skill, but I like the fluff of Sanguine Humor better, so lets go with that one. (Heart beats, sneezing, etc)
Prestigious Sire 1 point- Can also engender jealousy or contempt from some other Kindred. But, you get the benefit of this even if your sire is dead, hates you, etc.
Acute Sense- This one should be clear
Reputation- We could determine what you have this reputation for
Nobility- At what level? BTW, this one will come with some responsibilities and obligations
Manse- Groovy, I'll leave it to you to describe, within reason. Considering your age, I would even accept anything "special" that you wanted to have had installed in your home. We'd just need to hammer out the details, ("working" or destitute, what are the special features of the house, do you have servants, etc..
Sanguine Humor- As mentioned above, this is a reworded (different book) version of the same ability. I will be basically giving you the benefit of both, as they overlap about 80%
Code of Honor- You would need to define this code. And it's not rigid like a paladin's code per se (though it could be) but should definitely impact your behavior

Awesome! I should have the Flaws put up sometime after lunch.

2013-07-18, 03:53 PM
Okay, and here are the Flaws that I am looking at:
Phobia (does the sun count?)
Pre-Exclusion [children]

Once I find out about these (like you expounded upon the Merits), then I will finalize them both. Road of Kings it is then.

And as far as the "points to spend", (outside of what the net might be from Merits/Flaws) I am looking:
16 additional points to spend on Disciplines
15 Freebie Points (at a cost of - Attributes (5), Abilities (2), Disciplines (7), Backgrounds (1), Virtues (2), Road (1), and Willpower (1))
250 XP (at the costs listed above; but not of Disciplines)

And Conscience and Self-Control both start at 0 and are raised with the aforementioned points, correct? Do I have everything right so far, before I start spending?

2013-07-18, 04:18 PM
Okay, and here are the Flaws that I am looking at:
Ward Now, realize that I will use this person against you from time to time or it would be a pretty impotent Flaw. On the other hand, they can also help you to the extent they are capable. So, we'll need to figure out who this is and why you protect them.
Hunted- This is an individual rather than an organization (that would be the Flaw Enemy). They will be competent and determined. They won't be popping up all over the place, but they will be there unless/until you are able to neutralize them.
Compulsion- Need to determine what you are compulsive about
Phobia (does the sun count?) Unfortunately, no, lol. ALL vampires are afraid of the sun. Also, fire doesn't count either. Think of the traditional phobias. You don't have to stick to those, (and some of those are pretty bizarre too, lol).
Prey-Exclusion [children] Are we talking small children (under 10) or are you including teenagers as well? Unless there's an obvious cut-off, there will be the possibility of you feeding on someone (she said she was 19, I swear!) that you don't want to, causing frenzy. Also, bear in mind that you despise OTHERS feeding from them as well. Be sure you're willing to take issue with anyone feeding on children (cuz a lot of vampires think they're Oh So Tasty, likely including your sire)
Overconfident- Hehe, be careful, this one can get you in trouble..

Once I find out about these (like you expounded upon the Merits), then I will finalize them both. Road of Kings it is then.

And as far as the "points to spend", (outside of what the net might be from Merits/Flaws) I am looking:
16 additional points to spend on Disciplines
15 Freebie Points (at a cost of - Attributes (5), Abilities (2), Disciplines (7), Backgrounds (1), Virtues (2), Road (1), and Willpower (1))
250 XP (at the costs listed above; but not of Disciplines)

And Conscience and Self-Control both start at 0 and are raised with the aforementioned points, correct? Do I have everything right so far, before I start spending?

Your Virtues (Conscience, Self-Control and Courage) all start with 1 dot, and you have 7 additional dots to spread between them.

Other than that, you're correct. And I'll want some kind of justification for any NON-Clan Discipline that hits 4+. There won't be a problem with it, but I want it to be, well, justified, lol. Once the game begins, all bets are off, and you can have anything you can convince people to teach you, but it might be bizarre for a young affluent nobleman to have 5 dots in Animalism, for example. Not impossible, but would need some kind of reason specific to the character.

You are correct about the remaining points and their costs. Please note that most "new" characters don't have the additional 250 xp and the 16 additional Disciplines, so part of the reason your chargen is a little complicated is that we're advancing your character and making him what is for all intents and purposes, an Elder.

The game year will be 1495, by the way. Venice is the printing capital of the world ( I know, right, whoda thunk it?), are a thallasocracy (maritime empire) of immense wealth and have recently peaked effectively. In the coming years, there will be a very slow fade from glory. Currently the population is approximately 180,000, making it the second largest city in Europe behind Paris, and easily the wealthiest city in the world.

I have begun determining who is who in the Kindred society of Venice, and once your character is done, I will also make your Sire and start determining who knows who and who is in charge of what in the city and surrounding areas.

Venice is a city of considerable religious freedom, and it's status as a center of commerce, art, learning, etc, make it a relatively diverse city. Many languages are spoken, and Moors and Arabs are fairly common.

Do you know if you were born in/near Venice, or are you transplanted from somewhere else. It has been 400 years, after all.

Oh, and.. don't forget, as a vampire of your generation (which might even get lower if you spend any more freebies on it), your Attributes (Str, Dex, Int, etc) can go up to 6. Further, I haven't yet hit on all of the uses for the Blood (should oughta do that for ya), but a vampire can "pump" their Physical Attributes using blood on a 1 for 1 basis. Meaning, If you have a strength of 4, you can boost that, up to the limit of BP/rd (for you, 2 at 9th gen)

Physical Augmentation- Spend 1 BP to raise a Physical attribute by 1 for the duration of the scene. (Note: A "scene" is just like in a play. It could represent seconds, or it could represent days. A fight would be a scene, as would a meeting with the Prince, as would the journey over the river and through the woods to grandmothers house (unless a meeting, discussion, fight, etc broke out on the way, at which point that would start a new scene)).

You must declare that you're doing it at the start of your turn, but it's a free action. You can spend as many BP as you are allowed per your veneration (again, for you that's 2/rd at 9th gen), but you can raise each physical attribute to only ONE higher than your generation allows. (Your generation allows you to have attributes of 6, so you could boost your strength to a 7 for a single scene. You CAN pump it higher than that, (up to 10 total dots), but the excess only lasts for 3 turns (rounds) after you stop "pumping".

Doing this may produce peculiar manifestations. For instance, Blood boosted Stamina may include very noticeable changes when you taking damage, with tissues leaping closed and fountains of vitae coating burns and scars.

2013-07-19, 03:47 PM
Okay... merits and flaws (explained and finalized).
Prestigious Sire (-1): This one should make sense. I like that thought of her having standing within both the mortal circle and the kindred. I very much see that my character will have gotten many of his behaviors from her and (somewhat inadvertently) still abides by them.
Acute Sense [Sight] (-1): Eagle-eyes. Good for assassin.
Acute Sense [Hearing] (-1): Ears of the fox. Also good for assassin.
Reputation (-2): Alonzo has a reputation for being a ladies' man and being carefree. He is a part of an old and wealthy family, so this is compounded. This is how he is seen by the world of the living. His reputation among those in the know, however, is laced with the tales of him being a discreet killer for hire.
Nobility (-1): A low-level position. Almost more of an honorary title than much of anything with true prestige behind it. I chose this more as a "comes with the family name" kind of thing.
Manse (-2): Called it the 'Villa da Catalano'. I imagine it as a pristine and well-kept 'modern' home filled with works of art and beauty. Fresh flowers are brought in each day from the small garden courtyard (complete with two fountains). There are many large windows and some open-aired balconies. And then there's the extensive wine cellar... with a hidden entrance into Alonzo's lair - which serves as both the place where he hides all of his assassin-related belongings and where he sleeps during the day.
Sanguine Humor (-2): Warm(-ish) body. For the ladies.
Code of Honor (-1): Stay your blade from the flesh of an innocent.- He will not kill children or those he has deemed as 'pure'. Hide in plain sight.- Live amongst the mortals and use them as needed, but never reveal your true nature to them and suffer any to live with the knowledge. Never compromise the Brotherhood.- Never betray those of your clan willingly. Avoid ever putting them at risk over yourself.
Ward [] (+3): I was thinking about it being someone that reminds him a lot of his wife (from when he was alive), but she is/was betrothed to another man. Thus, he could not bring himself to bed her or kill her (though he has come close to doing both, once each on different occasions).
Hunted [] (+4): Have fun with it! I love the idea of having a nemesis... maybe even one that has been hunting me for a long time and that I have managed to evade thus far!
Compulsion [Clean Kills] (+1): He doesn't like a sloppy kill. He likes it to be fast; over and done with before the target even knows what is going on. And he is meticulous about leaving any evidence behind.
Prey-Exclusion [children] (+1): He refuses to kill anyone that has not gone through puberty yet (I assume that a vampire might be able to tell... at the very least in females)? If not, then he uses his best judgement to tell.
Overconfident (+1): Him being a little cocky is a cornerstone to his make-up!:smallbiggrin:

Okay, I think I did my Disciplines correctly. I had 20 points in all to spend and they are all present and accounted for.

XP- I spent (249; +1 for Merits/Flaws Balance):
Intelligence - 1 to 2, 2 to 3
Stamina - 2 to 3
Dexterity - 3 to 4, 4 to 5
Perception - 2 to 3, 3 to 4
Manipulation - 3 to 4, 4 to 5, 5 to 6
Charisma - 4 to 5
Wits - 3 to 4
Strength - 3 to 4

Legerdemain - new
Commerce - new
Law - new
Alertness - 1 to 2, 2 to 3
Brawl - 2 to 3
Dodge - 1 to 2
Stealth - 3 to 4, 4 to 5, 5 to 6
Etiquette - 2 to 3
Investigation - 2 to 3, 3 to 4
Survival - 1 to 2
Politics - 1 to 2
Subterfuge - 1 to 2
Intimidation - new, 1 to 2
Firearms - new, 1 to 2, 2 to 3
Ride - 1 to 2
Seneschal - 1 to 2

Allies - 1 to 2

Courage - 3 to 4

Willpower - 4 to 5, 5 to 6

Freebie Points- I spent (15):
Law - 1 to 2
Subterfuge - 2 to 3
Ride - 2 to 3
Legerdemain - 1 to 2
Dodge - 2 to 3

Status - 0 to 1
Domain - 0 to 1, 1 to 2

Was born somewhat near Venice, in the northeastern reaches of the Italian Provinces.

Is that everything?

2013-07-19, 05:37 PM
Wow, very nicely done! Sent you a text about the Stealth score, but other than that, it looks very good.

Prestigious Sire- Your sire is one of the Primogen of Venice (These are the "elite" vampires that serve as the Prince's "council". (Think "Chancellors" from True Blood). Usually one member from each Clan (that the Prince accepts in his city) is designated as a member of the Primogen, ostensibly to ensure that each Clan has a voice in the city politics. She is well thought of and respected by most, and is the largest patron of aspiring artists in the city.

Your reputation stems in large part from two separate things. First, the ladies love you! But also, your carefree and youthful attitude and skill at wordplay/debate means that most Kindred don't consider you a personal threat to them. You're like the kid in high school that could "fit in" with nearly every social group, while belonging to none of them specifically. (Also, it doesn't hurt that your Sire is so affluent. Others sometimes defer to you merely to gain traction with her).

Nobility- "Knight" would be a suitable low-ranking title if you are so inclined. You may also have originally been a 2nd or 3rd son when mortal, and therefore you would still have been "noble", but without all those pesky responsibilities, lol. We'll need to figure out what your relationship is with the mortal nobility. Are you involved at all, do they know who you are, (or who you say you are?)

BTW, I noticed you have zero points of Resources.. Do you rely solely on your "income" as an assassin? Not a problem if you do, but will be difficult to maintain appearances (fine clothing, wine, the art you mention in your home, etc). No business interests? Without regular "commissions" that pay well, your home will slowly deteriorate due to lack of attention. It's hard, (but not impossible) to be a noble without assets.

Your one dot of Viscissitude was taught to you by a temporarily grateful (batcrap crazy and volatile) Tzimisce neonate who eventually went off the deep end and forced the Prince to call a Blood Hunt on him. Nobody (not even Margherita) knows you have this ability.

From whence comes your code of honor? Are/were you a member of an organization, or is this just Alonzo's personal code? And define "pure", as Alonzo sees it. Finally, when you say that you won't suffer any mortals who know you are Kindred to live, does this mean that none of the ghouls or retainers of other vampires are aware of you?

Not sure if it was clear or not, but you get all of those benefits from Sanguine Humor, warmer breath, skin less pale, heart beats, sneezing, etc.

Your Ward.. So, she is either betrothed, married or widowed. Are you friends? Or is this a "love from afar" situation? Is she aware of your feelings? Does she/would she return them?

Hunted- Your nemesis is mortal, and was actually one of your first "meals" as a vampire. You lost control and frenzied, killing the wife, and then draining the husband when he surprised you while you fed from her lifeless corpse. You thought he was dead. (He wasn't). He lives in Florence, normally, and has attacked or inconvenienced you nearly every time you've left Venice, but he seems to be afraid or reluctant to follow you "home". You're fairly certain he's a ghoul, because he's NOT Kindred, and yet he's still alive 400 years later. But where is he getting his vitae?

Compulsion- So, does Alonzo get frustrated if something prevents him from making a clean kill?

Who do you have in mind for your allies? I would be happy to figure it out, or you can suggest someone. (BTW, allies are normally mortals who know that you're Kindred, but given your reticence for mortals knowing, they might just think that you're a jaded noble. One of the allies will be low-ish power, no more influential than say, a mid level bureaucrat, a village priest, a not-unsuccessful merchant, etc. The other can be slightly more affluent or connected, a minor city official, a talented guildsman, a ships captain, a low-ranking military officer (lieutenant or captain equivalent).

Your character sheet shows one point of Domain, your breakdown shows 2. Your Willpower shows 8 on the sheet, 6 on the breakdown.

Is your Mentor your sire, or another Kindred? If another, what Clan and what is his/her connection?

With no points in Academics, we'll say you can barely read. Merchants have been known to bamboozle you when giving you change, especially if there is an exchange rate. You're exceptionally smart, but not educated. Perhaps you were precocious as a child and ignored your tutors, dazzling them with your wit and logic, but blowing off their lessons? You also would only speak your native tongue (either Persian or Italian, but not Latin)

We will need to set a number of specialties for you, including Str, Dex, Cha, Man, Per, Wits, Stealth and Investigation. (Will provide some ideas in spoiler below, or you can run some alternate ideas past me. Remember, you only get the benefit (rerolling '10's) if your action makes sense with your specialty. (if your specialty is "Strong Grip", it would help with grappling, holding onto someone/something, etc, but wouldn't help you do damage with a blade, for instance).
Str- Strong Grip, Broad Shoulders, Rocklike Fists, Lower-Body-Strength
Dex- Catlike Reflexes, Swift, Surefooted, Light Touch
Cha- Charming, Eloquent, outgoing, Captivating, Commanding, Inspiring
Man- Glib, Expressive, Cunning, Persuasive, Smooth
Per- Insightful, Attentive, Paranoid, Keen-eyed
Wits- Clever, Shrewd, Practical, Combat Nerves
Stealth- Prowl, Hunt, Hide, Lurk, Shadows, Crowds, Wilderness
Investigation- Seach, Prowl, Locate Informant, Monastery Records, -Shadowing

Doing some reading on Venice, and putting together some structure for the city. Let meknow if you have any questions!

And, jill and I will be out of town Saturday and part of Sunday, but feel free to text me or call if you like. (hey, if I'm super busy, I'll just ignore ya, lol).

2013-07-22, 10:30 AM
Okay, I need to refocus. There are a lot of questions in the air, and I don't want us to get confused. So, rather than post anything else at the moment, I will wait for responses to questions already posed. I've added a bit more to the initial two posts. So, when you've had a chance to review everything, shoot me the answers you have, and shoot me any questions as well. I know we can't teach you the entire ruleset prior to starting, so there will definitely be a learning curve, haha.

Anyway, let me know what questions you have. Tell me the things you feel you need to know more about before we start. And I will be putting together a post with the basic Cainite and Mortal demographics and dealings in/around Venice right now detailing a bit of who you know, and who does what.

2013-07-22, 12:31 PM
Okay, fixed Stealth. I believe that it gave me 10 points back, which I spent on Expression (0 to 2 [5 points]) and Academics (0 to 2 [5 points]).

And onto answering questions (and asking some of my own):
My Mentor- Okay, having it be someone other than my sire makes good sense. Could it maybe be the vampire who taught me either Obtenebration or Vicissitude? Or maybe it could be the same woman as my Ward?
As for what other information I would like to see... that's a difficult question to answer - a bit like asking a person staring into darkness what they would like to see. As long as the character is hammered down and you are comfortable with things, then I am ready to proceed. You will definitely have to guide me along the way (because I will most assuredly step out of bounds on something sooner rather than later), but I am okay with that.
What is a harpy in this game?
What are the inter-clan interactions like? If the prince is of a differing clan, does that cause issues with my relationship with him/her? Do I kill any members of a particular clan on-sight?
I think that's all of the questions that I found that didn't have answers yet. Am I right? What do you still need from me?

2013-07-22, 01:52 PM
Perfect!! With the Expression/Academics, that allows him to have actually had a traditional noblemans education, and makes him more eloquent, which I think will be valid for a 400 year old Elder like yourself!

You also, if you'd like, can read/speak Latin, and can choose another language to be fluent in as well.

The Harpies are the trend-setters of Cainite society. Self-appointed, these are the Cainites whose opinion matters to many "in the know". Basically, they are the Kim Kardashians of the Kindred world. Everyone wants to know what they think. So, the vacuous but connected Toreador "princess" could be a Harpy. They hang around at all the most elite events, seeing and being seen. (By the way, the name is something of a pejorative, and isn't a "title").

Your Mentor- I wouldn't use your Ward, because presumably, she's just a mortal whom you love from afar (or something, lol). The person who taught you Viscissitude is dead, however. The Lasombra who taught you Obtenebration would work, as would a Cappadocian named Abascantas who is actually older than you, but through an odd series of events is of a higher (further from Caine) generation. Originally a Greek physician, he is the leading expert on biology in Venice, and knows more ways to kill people than anyone you've ever met. He's something of a recluse, and was already in his 60's when Embraced. Something of a grandfatherly figure, but with no human "morality" as such, he's all about the experiments. (for some reason Count Rugen from the Princess Bride just came to mind).

Inter-clan politics are complicated. As a general rule, there is no clan that you would "attack on sight". For one thing, the Prince forbids that. For another, the Second Tradition prevents (theoretically) anyone killing someone that is their "elder", which was intentionally left vague. Now, the Tzimisce and the Gangrel would likely attack a Tremere on sight if they thought they could get away with it (lot of bad blood there, no pun intended). Almost anyone would attack/drive off a Ravnos (most Princes even condone this). The Followers of Set are universally feared and despised, but they're also the ones that have the "fun stuff" (more on them later, they play a role in the campaign). Plus the Settites usually have so much "dirt" on any individual that they don't dare act openly against them.

Now, the world is broken up into the "High Clans" and "Low Clans". The High Clans are considered more organized, more elite, more intellectual, etc. The members of the High Clans are the ruling elite. The High Clans include the Brujah, Cappadocian, Lasombra, Toreador, Tzimisce, and Ventrue Clans. There are exceptions, though, and for instance, many Tremere are important movers and shakers in society as well, for instance.

Ravnos are expressly forbidden entry into the Princes domain (the entire city and outlying area) on pain of being staked out in the sunlight. The Baali (devil-worshipping clan) would be the closest to "kill on sight" that you know of.

When the Prince is of a differing Clan (Ventrue hold the most Princedoms, likely followed by the Lasombra and the Toreador), of course it can cause friction. Most Clans are not particularly tight knit, including the Toreador. While there is a bit of Clan solidarity, most of the "artistes" of Clan Toreador are too caught up with their latest infatuation to go to war over Clan politics. (On the other end of the spectrum, the Tremere are extremely close-knit)

The Primogen of Venice do a lot to prevent outright war. Typically a Primogen is the Eldest vampire of a particular clan in a Princedom. (In Venice, there are a couple that aren't the Eldest, but they're still pretty old). They act as a sort of Council of advisors to the Prince. The Prince of Venice is fairly weak and unpopular, and has had to offer many concessions to the Primogen in exchange for their votes on his pet projects (Sounds like Congress, eh?). This "blood in the water" has local politics churning heavily, but nobody is overtly pursuing any acts of war. (acts of terrorism, that's another story entirely).

You are under no obligation to "love" your clanmates, nor "dislike" other Clans. If push came to shove, you'd be expected to side with your clan in most cases, but most things don't break down to clan affiliation.

And rather than drown you with tons more exposition, I'll just put together a post containing the most relevant details that I feel like I would be cheating you if I didn't share, and for the rest, we'll learn on the fly!

2013-07-22, 02:28 PM
Glad that was an easy fix! I will speak Italian, Arabic, and Latin then.

My Mentor - That makes good sense. I will have interactions with my Ward, and I was kinda picturing that she may be in love with me (though it may be forbidden, and possibly only because of my abilities granted by being Embraced). But I refuse to take it to allow it to go that far, because what I feel for her grounds what little tie to humanity that I just cannot fully give up. This is intention (as a player) and I am okay with Alonzo having inner conflict over this and his Road. As to my mentor... yes, Count Rugen... er, Abascantas! I am totally using a picture of Christopher Guest for him too... even if he isn't in his 60s. :smalltongue:

And the rest sounds great. If there isn't anything else that you need of me... then I think I'm ready to go!

Pictures I found where the costume even fits!


2013-07-23, 12:11 PM
Okay, last questions before we actually start

1. Your Manse Merit grants you the house, and also allows for a couple of servants. I'm thinking a Seneschal (the guy who pays the bills, orders the other servants, and doubles as a Butler type), a maid and a groundskeeper. Your thoughts?

2. Political aspirations? Are you actively engaged in the "court"? In other words, would you say that you are always present, sometimes present, or rarely present when the Prince holds court? (Happens at least once a week, often at the prince's abode, occasionally at the abode of one of his supporters or the Primogen, and rarely elsewhere).

3. I still need you to pick specialties for any Ability or Attribute of 4+. (I added a spoiler with an explanation and some potential options somewhere on here, lol).

4. Is Casa de Catalano set up to receive guests, and if so, mortal, vampire or both? (Your servants will of course have a small amount of food for their personal use, but I'm wondering if you keep your home stocked with more elaborate fare for guests)?

5. How "social" are you? Are you wanting Alonzo to be at the center of a social group of peers, or is he something of a loner?

6. Your "hobby" (killing people because it needs doing) aside, what are your thoughts on both the Traditions and mortal law?

7. You have been granted official hunting grounds on the Zattere quay of Dorsoduro (the southernmost sestiere, which is a subdivision). This is a shared hunting area, and there are approximately a dozen Kindred (all of whom you know on sight) who are allowed to feed here. It is a long street to either side of the quay, filled with large warehouses and interspersed with lower end craftsmans shops and manufactories. (Princes dole out these "permissions" as favors. The Jewish ghetto is open to anyone, however, on the northern side of the city in the Cannaregio sestiere. (by the way, did you know that the word ghetto actually originated in Venice)? If you are found hunting on someone elses grounds without having received their permission, you will have been guilty of violating the 5th Tradition (Domain), which would require you to be brought before the Prince for judgement, though this is more of a misdemeanor unless your offense is egregious, risks the Masquerade, or if you have already been censured by the Prince). Your hunting grounds are not too far from your home, the Dorsoduro quay being overlooked by a rising hill with several affluent guildhalls and homes of successful merchants and the like (this is where Casa de Catalano sits, the view from the southern end of the home overlooking the canal and the lagoon beyond it)

Grabbing some lunch, need to add just a couple more questions here.

2013-07-23, 04:15 PM
I am going to go ahead and answer these. I'll add the answers to the other pending questions when you slap them up!

1. I was thinking of calling it the "Villa da Catalano" and yes, I think that those should probably cover the bases. I assume that they all know that I am a vampire and that they are mortals? And they 'thralls' or whatever the equivalent term is?

2. I was thinking that any true political aspirations that Alonzo had probably died a long time ago. I see him as being very good at what he does and liking it perfectly fine that way. So... probably rarely (unless otherwise invited). I did, however, see my sire as being much more heavily involved... and probably part of the reason why I avoid it on the whole.

3. Working on that now. I could not find the list of recommendations, so I am plugging in things that I think fit. Please let me know what to fix!

4. Yes, both mortal and vampire. And I do keep my home stocked with niceties for visitors. My servants are instructed that when a visitor comes by during the day, the default answer is that I am away on business, but should likely be back any time now.

5. Very social. Yes, he is the life of the party, never wanting it to end. Men want to be him, women simply want him.

6. That they should be upheld, when possible. But sometimes, rules are made to be broken. Especially when they get in the way of doing the job that I have been hired to do. That being said, Alonzo is careful about picking jobs that simply violate mortal laws, rather than the Traditions.

7. Sounds good!

2013-07-23, 04:27 PM
Found it, it was a spoiler within a spoiler..

We will need to set a number of specialties for you, including Str, Dex, Cha, Man, Per, Wits, Stealth and Investigation.

Remember, you only get the benefit (rerolling '10's) if your action makes sense with your specialty. (if your specialty is "Strong Grip", it would help with grappling, holding onto someone/something, etc, but wouldn't help you do damage with a blade, for instance).

Str- Strong Grip, Broad Shoulders, Rocklike Fists, Lower-Body-Strength

Dex- Catlike Reflexes, Swift, Surefooted, Light Touch

Cha- Charming, Eloquent, outgoing, Captivating, Commanding, Inspiring

Man- Glib, Expressive, Cunning, Persuasive, Smooth

Per- Insightful, Attentive, Paranoid, Keen-eyed

Wits- Clever, Shrewd, Practical, Combat Nerves

Stealth- Prowl, Hunt, Hide, Lurk, Shadows, Crowds, Wilderness

Investigation- Seach, Prowl, Locate Informant, Monastery Records,Shadowing

2013-07-23, 05:16 PM
Awesome, thank you for the recap!
Okay, I have fixed all of those to fit with the examples provided.

Oh, BTW... my "Concept" section is still blank. What goes there?

2013-07-24, 11:38 AM
Your concept is just a 2-3 word synopsis of your character, as a roleplaying aid, I suppose. It has no further bearing on the game. So, Itinerant nun, or Old Soldier, or for example in your case "Serial Killer for Justice" or some such thing. I knew that you don't need the roleplaying help, so that's why we hadn't filled that in already.

There are over 100 Cainites in Venice. With a population that's nearing 180,000, Venice is near to bursting at the seams. Craftsmen, artists, sailors, and merchants ply their trades in this busy center of commerce and culture. You know most Cainites in the city by name (though admittedly you are unaware of some of the younger neonates). (**Note** In modern days, Cainite/Human ratio usually runs somewhere in the vicinity of 1:100,000. In the Dark Medieval, or in this case, the Dark Renaissance, that ratio is closer to 1:1000. That being said, Venice is the 2nd largest city in Europe in 1495 behind only Paris, and it also has a fairly secular history, and a penchant for defying Church decrees, so it is something of a haven for Kindred).

The Toreador are the most numerous Clan in Venice. The cities rich history, affluence, and even more relevant, it's long association with the worlds finest artists, architects and craftsmen makes this city almost a Mecca for them. I will be putting up a chart for you detailing some bare-bones info on the vampires you're familiar with. I'm doing that because you are over 400 years old, and even though you're personally not a "mover and shaker" (at least yet), you are an Elder, with a very prestigious sire. You either "know" or have heard of most of the Cainites in the city, as well as knowing at least the surface details of what they're into.

Coteries- In Vampire, the word coterie means the same thing that "party" does in D&D. It is the group of characters that adventure together. It's very similar here, though not many vampires "adventure" as such. But, vampires who socialize together or have long term friendly associations are also a "coterie". I mention this because in my chart of "who you know", it will detail whether or not a particular vampire is in a coterie (or more than one), or is a loner to the best of your knowledge.

I've been a total slacker in the evenings, haven't really even logged in. My bad, I need to get these games fired up!! BTW, kudos on the prayer to Torm. He heard you! (Thought about having some "sign" manifest that he liked what he heard, but thought that would be a bit much for a first prayer, lol.

Anyway, will likely edit more into this post shortly.

You are intimately acquainted (note that this doesn't mean that you like them, or vice versa) with every member of Clan Toreador in Venice, all of the Primogen and their childer, the Prince and his brood, of course

2013-07-25, 01:25 PM
Excellent, sounds great!
And thank you on the bit about the prayer!

I believe that I am ready when you are.

2013-07-26, 03:12 PM
This may be a big large, but how does this work for Villa da Catalano?


2013-07-26, 05:26 PM
Only if you're okay with it being a Renaissance duplex, lol. There can be an identical home (both of which are still very affluent, to be sure) on the back side of the building, so you would have effectively half of that floorspace to do your thing with.

2013-07-26, 06:54 PM
Clan Toreador in Venice:

At 19 Kindred, the Toreador Clan has the advantage of numbers, at least among those Cainites that are known of.

Margherita Satorino

Your sire. Margherita was born in the late 260's (A.D.), a wealthy patricians daughter. She was actually the director of social events for Maximian, co-Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. She held that post from the mid 290's and remained with Maximian (some say as a lover) after he stepped down and retired to his expansive villa in Dalmatia. Now, in Venice, (and as a Cainite), Margherita fills a similar role for the Prince of Venice. She is basically a social director, party planner, etc. Known for having a keen eye for detail, and a chameleon-like ability to fit in with virtually anyone, Margherita is renowned for her splendid affairs, often dipping into her own deep pockets when adding that "perfect" detail.

A master of planning and negotiations, there are many who say that, were she born a man, she would have been one of the finest generals the Empire had ever seen. A stickler for details and logistics, she is in a position to know most of what happens in Venice, and uses that information to build her personal "empire".

Reminiscent of Rome, she wishes for another Empire to rise (preferably Roman, as everyone else is far too uncultured to rule the world), but knows that she is not willing or able to attempt to bring it about.

She has taken you into her bed before, sometimes willingly, sometimes having to compel you. While your early years saw you gorging on her blood as often as anyone elses, you have "weaned" yourself from that particular behavior for the most part. As her trust for you grew, and honestly, her interest in you sexually waned, you were required to partake of the Blood Oath less and less. At present, you have not tasted her blood in over a decade, though she teases you regularly about it. If you're honest with yourself, you can admit that.. the more you DIDN'T want to go to her bed, the more she enjoyed it.

She doesn't require much of you these days. Any "event" she plans, you are of course required to attend, but that's only several times in any given year. Beyond that, she spends many of her evenings in Elysium, and can effectively be called a Harpy, with her connections and opinions being deemed relevant to one's social standing.

Margherita specializes in planting informants within the ranks of servants. She doesn't believe in directly controlling a noble (seeing that as somehow contrary to her moral code), but has no qualms about influencing those same nobles, usually from within their own power structures. She also has a special relationship with many of the "other" nightwalkers of Venice, the ladies of the night. On any given night, some of her finest "blood dolls" are available and on display at her manor. Very protective of these favorites, she only allows any of them to be "damaged" or killed when she is especially happy or desperate to gain something. (In general, if you show up at Margherita's home while she is there, the manners of a good hostess will require that she ask after refreshments for you.. And in Margherita's house, the refreshments are superb)

Jacopo Barilla, Lucrezia Ronzoni & Marsilio Fonzerelli

Jacopo is of the 7th Generation, and is the oldest Cainite in Venice. Jacopo was a Senator in the late Roman Empire, having been Embraced in Rome in the year 52 A.D. Spoiled, affluent, and completely detached. He owns more than half of the shipbuilding capacity in Venice, and is a major patron of the arts. He sponsors sculptors and purchases many of their commissions for placement around his villas (he has several)

He has one surviving childe (there have been others, including one that was killed recently in a duel) Lucrezia Ronzoni, a fabulously beautiful and talented singer (She's still active. Opera won't exist for a couple more centuries, but music was very popular, and Venice was one of it's strongholds). Lucrezia herself has a childe, one Marsilio Fonzerelli. They are lovers, attached at the hip (the mouth is more honest). He is the most exquisite and sought after nude model in Venice. Business is booming for him, and he not only stands for sculptors and painters himself, he has begun acting as an agent for other young hopefuls.

Zand Farrekhzad and Viktoriya Yorich

Zand is Persian, and also of the 7th Generation, but was an older man (mid 50's) when Embraced around 700 AD. In life, and even currently, Zand is an architect, and specializes in stonework with hidden passages and mechanics. It is rare that he takes a commission these days, only being affordable by the nobility, who know him only as "the Builder". He is very serious and intense, almost unsmiling. He has a temper. His childe, Viktoriya Yorich is a Russian beauty. (to your knowledge, she has no exemplary skills other than being beautiful and diverting). She is a major patron in an underground gladiatorial combat enterprise, being surprisingly bloodthirsty and vicious herself.

Bernaldo Nunez and Matteo Pappardelli

Bernaldo, of the 9th Generation is from Portugal originally, and is a relative newcomer to Venice, having only been here for a few years. His fortune is in mercenaries, and he personally sponsors and hires out several companies. His passion is wine, specifically, wine laced blood. He has a huge "herd" of prime "vintage carriers", whom he has been known to compare to the particular "barrels" that traditional wine is made in. His childe Matteo Pappardelli is a superlative fencer and one of the deadliest blades in Venice. He is newly made, less than a year Embraced, and was a gift to Bernaldo from the Prince as a reward for services rendered.

Zhi Liang

Zhi is the agent for an influential Ventrue in Florence. You think he might be of the 11th Generation. He imports a lot of foreign art and ships it to Florence.

Christopher Lawrence

Christopher is.. was.. a painter, and indisputably talented. His sire embraced him so that he could become the greatest artist in the world. Unfortunately, when she was killed a few years ago, his inspiration died with her. Instead, he now finds new talent and sponsors them, rather than painting himself. Likely of the 9th Generation

Isabel de Fleurigny, Loreen Miskov and Pierandrea Abbascilla

Newly arrived from France, this 10th Generation enigma is very mysterious. She's fabulously wealthy, and has been buying up properties all over town. Her eldest childe, Loreen Miskov, came with her. Loreen was a courtesan in the court of Phillip II in the mid 1200's. Exquisitely lovely, and a fascinating conversationalist. Her second childe, Pierandrea Abbascilla was just accidentally made without permission, and was a common whore. Prince Dominic has forgiven her, your sources tell you, because of an exceptionally generous "donation" to his pet cause, himself.

Minor Toreador in Venice

Hirbod Parsi

Another Persian man, this one of the 11th Generation you believe. He is a patron of many arts, but music is his weakness, especially that of his homeland.

Paula Bellandi
Of the 13th Generation, if gossip is to be believed, Paula is a native Venetian, and runs a troupe of players and acrobats, though it seems to be a secret who her Sire is, as there are no 12th Generation Kindred known to be in Venice

Piero Bencivenni

A Friar of the Church, and likely of the 12th Generation he is a scholar of occult lore in the basements of the San Lorenzo church, where Marco Polo is entombed. He is nearly never seen outside of his library.

Anahita Avesta

Definitely of the 13th Generation (you were friendly with her now-deceased Sire, a kind and generous gentleman), Anahita is very religious, and has recently taken over a small nunnery, though for what purpose, you cannot say.

Viktor Cruz
Also of the 13th Generation, but from Spain, Viktor was a young soldier in the 4th Crusade. He is over 200 years old, and is the result of a series of sires who Embraced large numbers of cannon fodder.

Told my son he could check something on the internet, so I'm going to pause here for now. I don't plan on giving you details on everyone in Venice. Just all of the Toreador, and then just the important folks of other Clans.

Important Cainites in Venice

Prince Yasmin Jahandar
Prince: Yasmin Jahandar-7th Generation-Persian- Voluptuous and attractive, but not beautiful, Yasmin spent much of her unlife in Constantinople, moving to Venice sometime in the 1200's. Known to turn on her allies to save her own skin, Yasmin is not popular. A devout Atheist, she has recently fallen out of favor because of her role in the "Daystakings", a week long assault on the Kindred of Venice in 1491. (20% of the Cainite population perished, all told). A militant band of knights surprised and overpowered her not long into her reign, and she made an unholy deal to purchase her release. 30 Kindred (mostly neonates created solely for the purpose, but a few Elders were "accidentally" included as well)staked in their sleep and dragged out into the daylight to roast. Since then, Yasmin has been able to neutralize the knights, killing some, and recruiting the rest into becoming the cadre of a ghoul legion personally beholden to her. This does not sit well with the Primogen, and the other Lasombra in Venice are said to be gnashing their teeth as well.. privately, of course. In addition to granting unusually lenient permissions at recent Council meetings, attempting to secure favor with generosity, the remaining 8 Knights of the Sable Rose remain a wild card. Known to be extremely efficient killers that use coordinated attacks to confuse, isolate and eradicate their foes quickly and brutally. They are apparently loyal to Yasmin, and they might be the thread holding her there.

The Primogen

Amegran- Brujah - 7th Generation - Moorish - An angry scholar who wants to remove the churches influence, so that men of science can work in peace. A master engineer and stonemason, it was he that conceived and built The Redoubt, a massive underground complex sunk deep under his hilltop manor. He ceded his home to the Princes of Venice, current and future. It is in this place that most major events occur, far beneath the ground, beyond the prying eyes of mortals. It is said to be virtually impregnable when manned and defended.

Francisco Caravello - Cappodocian- 8th Generation - Italian - An elderly man, Francisco was the premier medical practitioner of his age, having been a personal physician of Roman Emperor Anthemius in the 460's. Taken by the Cappadocians to further their knowledge of human physiology, Francisco still arranges for his discoveries to be circulated to mortal physicians.

Irmele Piber - Lasombra - 7th Generation - Germanic - A rare Germanic Lasombra, Irmele shares a sire with Yasmin. Irmele is quietly very disappointed in the Prince and it is rumored that she is gathering evidence of Yasmin's incompetence

Mahmoud Hooshang - Malkavian - 8th Generation - Persian - Calls himself by the nonsense title "Yawakei" Mahmoud. Spends most nights reading omens for people. Has an amazing reputation.. because he reads their minds and sees what they want, then he goes and makes it happen. Anyone who goes to him for a second time pays in blood, not coin. If Yawakei Mahmoud deems the request "wicked", the omen will still come true, but the petitioner will end up dead within a year (the fine print). If the request is of "divine" worth, Yawakei Mahmoud will make the omen come true, and then kill one of the petitioners enemies for them. Anyone coming to Yawakei Mahmoud for a third time is killed and eaten. Oh yes, occasionally he thinks he's god.. It's been deemed wise not to try to convince him otherwise.

Clare - Nosferatu - 8th Generation - Germanic - Once a slave between rival barbarian bands, Clare was used as a plaything. Her eternally 11 year old body is a putrid wasteland of oozing bruises, boils and sores. Now, she craves playthings of her own. Claer goes to incredible lengths to stage elaborate (yet plausible) "accidents" against those she opposes. She rules over the Venetian Nosferatu with an iron fist (backed up by her incongruously immense physical strength) No Nosferatu in Venice will sell any information unless the request comes from one who is "favored of Clare". This "esteemed" status can be gained by giving Clare a "present and a story". That present is some abuser, some bully of women. They must be presented to Clare, along with a telling of their misdeeds. The more Clare enjoys the story, the greater your favor. Probably the most informed Cainite in Venice, but tight with her secrets. It is believed that noone has ever gotten to the truth when Clare wants it hidden.

Delphi - Tremere - 9th Generation - Greek - Delphi advises Baldemarus (the head of the Tremere Chantry in Venice), and advocates for his clans rights at all meetings. He attempts to bring one "free" piece of news or information to each meeting, as Clan Tremere's "homage" to the Prince.

Vasile Petrescu - Tzimisce - 7th Generation - Hungarian - Vasile and his entourage of younger Tzimisce care for the needs of Vasile's Sire, Collette de Carnavelt. While she cannot be bothered to personally attend any Council meetings, she will occasionally comply with the Prince's carefully worded requests. (300 years ago, Collette slaughtered the Prince of Venice and his entire Primogeniture, merely for the offense of starting the council meeting without her.. She could have seized the Princedom at that time, but she just couldn't be bothered. ).. Vasile and his fellows despise the Tremere, and oppose them at every turn, declaiming them as usurpers, charlatans and frauds. (it gets rather tiresome, actually. but, as long as Vasile is allowed to vent his spleen, Collette refrains from dismantling large portions of the city with her vohzd. (massive war-ghouls made up of multiple "donors". Truth be known, there are three types of people in Venice. Those who are afraid of Collette, those who LIE about being afraid of Collette, and those who don't know who Collette is.

Don Antonio Castaneda - Ventrue - 8th Generation - Spanish - Don Antonio is the genteel leader of the Ventrue of Venice. Polished and polite, Don Antonio is very approachable, and respectful of other cultures. Don Antonio, and the Ventrue at large, like doing favors for people. If you need a loan, or a friendly voice on the Doge's Council, the Ventrue are usually there to lend their aid, for a price to be negotiated later.

Other Important Venetian Cainites

Vittorio Fellini - Brujah - 6th Generation - Italian - Spends much of his time in Torpor. Hails from around 300 BC (so he's over 1800 years old), he is likely the oldest Cainite in Venice. Very erratic and unpredictable, doesn't like rules, (think Russell Edgington from True Blood) and absolutely HATES when Rome (the city, the empire, etc) is mentioned. When Vittorio is awake, the murder rate in Venice spikes. Not only is he voracious by himself, he enjoys inciting huge melees by messing with peoples emotions. More than one miniature war has erupted on the docks between the sailors of two allied ships. Has a very clearly defined set of personal "laws". Basically, that means that he will support the Prince in enforcing any law that the Prince sees fit, so long as none of the laws apply to Vittorio. There's a double-standard there, but Vittorio really couldn't care less. This vampire is angry. All. The. Time.

Bjorn Suffiskson - Brujah - 8th Generation - Nordic - Warmaster of Venice - Bjorn maintains a force of ghouls who lead the princes forces in combat. Seems completely loyal to Yasmin. People suspect the Blood Oath. (Bjorn is the childe of Amegran)

Wang Mang - Caitiff - 10th Generation - Chinese - Runs a crew of burglars who typically steal from docked ships. A very traditional Chinese, bells, incense, opium, Mogwai, all that jazz.

Sir Rogerus d'Ambly - Caitiff - 10th Generation - Sir Rogerus was a disgraced knight in the English Court. Now known to be very courageous, very lusty, and very "for hire". Very polite and humble before his betters. Doesn't step outside the lines of good taste. (does like deflowering nuns, but that's on his own time).

Abascantas - Cappodocian - 11th Generation - Your Mentor - Abascantas was a Greek scholar and physician. Despite his high Generation, he is over 800 years old, from Byzantine Greece. He studies death, near death experiences, biology, etc. Knows more about poison and disease and their effects on mortal physiology than any Cainite in Venice. Abascantas is a pale, wispy haired man of middle years, with a healthy paunch, and his two front bottom teeth missing.

Gbemisola - Cappodocian - 12th Generation - African - Gbemisola is creepy. Has a fascination with the dead, and finds morbid scenes uproariously funny. Rumor has it, his romantic interests lie with the dismembered pieces of his practical jokes. (most other Cappodocians are appalled by his behavior)

Venerio lo Grato - Gangrel - 6th Generation - Pirate - Captain of the "Bloodletter", a feared galley that is only seen at night. (this is by intent, if another ship spots them during daylight hours, the Bloodletter gives chase and sends every man to their deaths.). The entire ship is crewed by ghouls (plus Gasparo Bianchi, also a Gangrel, of 10th Generation and is Venerio's first mate). The ship has been modified for their use. Venerio has a deal with Prince Yasmina, and only attacks NON-Venetian ships, and only after they have left the docks of venice (no incoming laden vessels). This causes hell for the foreign merchants getting robbed or killed on the return trip, and the mortal authorities are pulling their hair about it.

Gianfrancesco Conti - Lasombra - 8th Generation - Seneschal - Gianfrancesco is something like Prince Yasmina's right hand. Speaks for her when she is not present. He is also her lover, her biggest advocate, and her childe. Knows almost all illicit activity in the city. He's still performing damage control for his Sire's reputation

Luis de Morales - Lasombra - 10th Generation - Grandchilde of Gianfrancesco. A Spanish aristocrat, Luis is attempting to garner support for a Kindred knightly order, with himself as it's head.

Omid Mokri - Malkavian - 9th Generation - Persian - Keeper - Omid is one part jester, one part soothsayer, and three parts crazy. Yasmina keeps him on her court, if only to keep him in her sight. Gives mass to empty churches on many nights, burns incense, "summons spirits".. Has correctly predicted two assassination attempts on Yasmina though, so she listens to everything he says, then filters it for sanity.

Dixus Petit - Nosferatu - 8th Generation - French - Scourge - The Scourge is a position within the Princes Court. It belongs to a person whose job and duty it is to enforce the Princes will (especially when the Prince can't be seen getting their hands dirty). The "sheriff" upholds the laws, in service to the Prince. The Scourge, on the other hand, is more likely to be outside the law, but also in service to the Prince. He is a behemoth of a Frenchman, having been a stonecutter by trade, and is immensely strong. Spends most of his time hunting for anarchs and usurpers, Ravnos and Baali. But mostly, he looks for dirt on the Princes enemies. Dixus is not popular among Venice's Cainites, but he is very loyal to Yasmina. Cadaverously thin, with horribly distended lips and fangs so large as to be almost comical. (normally, anyone Dixus feeds from dies from the massive wounds he causes).

Ogechi - Nosferatu - 11th Generation - You were present when Ogechi was made. A former African slave killed in a werewolf attack on a mainland town church. Ogechi was the indentured servant of the town magistrate, and was an excellent source of information . Specifically, he was an informant of Ige, another African Nosferatu in Venice. You came with a force of Cainites on the former Prince's orders (the former Prince was an extremely well thought of Ventrue, a unifier, well respected by almost all) to repel a werewolf attack on a town loyal to the Prince. Ogechi was found near death, and Ige Embraced him in a moment of impulse.

Ikenna - Followers of Set - 8th Generation - Ethiopian - Absolutely stunning. Seems to know when people are looking for her (the Followers of Set, among other things, like to encourage dark and dangerous hobbies, pasttimes, lusts, etc). She always appears unexpectedly. Noone has ever survived an attempt to track her back to her haven.

Baldemarus - Tremere - 9th Generation - Head of Clan Tremere in Venice. A blood-scholar of Celtic origin, pagan. Very mysterious, very hard to find, but the most accomplished Tremere in 500 miles.

Still need to get to the important mortals.
Important Mortals in Venice

2013-07-26, 09:38 PM
Nah on the honkin' Villa... just that style then!

Also... where does my sire fit into the above?
And who is the Prince - is it Jacapo?

2013-07-29, 03:35 PM
In the post above, added some details about your sire (in the Toreador of Venice section), and the Prince and other important Cainites in the following spoiler.

I'll shoot myself if I don't get this game started now very soon, so you'll just have to learn the important mortals of Venice on the fly, lol.

2013-08-05, 11:13 AM
Don't know why it's been so hard to start this game up. (Yes I do.. Drama, for both of us.. )..

Important recent events in Venice

Okay, tried to do the "list" thing several times, but keep getting interrupted midstream, so..

1. There has been a sharp uptick lately in murders and abductions. Strangely, these attacks seem to largely center on fighting men, soldiers, mercenaries, knights, even nobles with a martial bent.

2. Mortal authorities are going berserk at this point. The Council of Ten is considering a city-wide curfew. The Church (actually, all of the religions) is getting suspicious, given the mysterious circumstances surrounding some of these abductions/attacks. Currently, they are preaching attempting to soothe the public, but sources inside the church (mostly Lasombra agents, some Toreador) say that the Patriarch of Venice (Tomasso Dona is the name, the position is basically equivalent to Bishop of Venice, but slightly "up-armored", as it were. ) is beginning to gather resources of type-unknown. The nobility is "circling the wagons", as their ranks have been especially hard hit by the abductions. Individual lordlings have been getting more and more forceful with their peasants, and there have been some skirmishes between the men-at-arms of individual houses against each other.

3. There have been a small number of raids on Cainite havens and businesses. Most of these have been by government officials, but there have been a couple of "vampire-on-vampire" attacks as well.

4. The vast majority (over 70%) of Venice's military strength has been deployed abroad. This includes over 90% of the naval strength and about 60% of the ground forces that are normally within Venice. The navy reports mild annoyance at persistent pirates.

5. Authorities report a new theft ring. They break into buildings after dark, pilfer whatever they like, and if caught, jump into the nearest canal, and do not surface.

6. The Doge has posted hundreds of soldiers at the docks. A tribute ship has recently docked, and it's goods are being transferred to one of the largest canal "barges" in Venice for it's final transfer to the Venetian Mint. Security is tight, as a vast sum of money is being brought in from other locations. Although it is unusual to get involved in such mundane matters, the Prince has commanded that this shipment be left entirely alone.

7. Numerous Kindred are reporting that their domain's (especially their feeding grounds) are being "poached" by Cainites unknown. This happens occasionally, but this is on a slightly larger scale than normal.

8. Numerous elders are requesting permission to sire childer. Again unusually, the Prince has relegated this to the Primogen. She has asked that they review the requests, and put forward a recommendation to the Prince for her perusal and approval. The question among the ancillae (established vampires that are NOT considered elders, but are also not considered neonates) involves whether the Prince is forcing the Primogen to handle this, or whether the Primogen have forced the Prince to let them.

9. The normally quiet Cappodocian clan are celebrating! A family of long-time allies and servitors, the Giovanni family, have been Embraced. It appears that these new Giovanni-Cappodocians have discovered an entirely new Discipline, similar to the Cappodocian discipline of Mortis, but different enough to be considered it's own Discipline. An oddity about these "Giovanni".. They all come from the same mortal family, and.. Whereas normally, mortal or Cainite alike, when a Kindred sinks his/her fangs into someone, the sensation is pleasant, even addictive, when the Giovanni feed, it is excruciating for the recipient. (This causes the Giovanni to normally kill first, then feed, as it is nearly impossible to feed quietly otherwise).

10. Rumor has it that the Prince has already increased her brood, though none are certain how many (if indeed, any) she has added. The most populat stories say that she has added three new childer, plus she has Embraced one of the mercenary Knights who caused so much recent trouble.

11. After the exodus of much of the military, the city is quiet for several weeks. Then, however, several bands of mercenaries arrive from elsewhere in Italy, led by landless Italian nobles known as "Condotierri".


Not sure if I mentioned this anywhere else. Elysium is any place (and often, several places) within a given Prince's domain which has been designated as "neutral" ground. No fighting, no altercations, Elysium is a place where Cainites (especially Elders) can relax and not be concerned with "stakes from the shadows". It's known to be a HUGE no-no to break the peace in Elysium. Typically, anyone who does break the peace has a Blood Hunt called on them, and they are hunted down and slain. (They're serious about Elysium being "safe". Currently, the Princes manor (and it's massive underground complex), the Basilica of St Mark, and the Palazzo Contarini del Bovolo (a brand new construction that has not been moved into yet) are all "Elysium". (I have sent you an email with a couple more notes on Elysium).

Strangely enough, I'm not finishing the day at work either, have to go sign some papers. But the next post I make on this game will be your initial "starting" post.

2013-08-05, 01:27 PM
Excellente... I can hardly wait to get this one started!

2013-08-05, 06:07 PM
Palazzo Contarini del Bovoro


2013-08-06, 12:43 PM
The exterior picture didn't work (the site doesn't allow hotlinking), but I looked up the building itself. So, I should be up to speed on that at least.

And I am ready whenever you are!

2013-08-06, 12:47 PM
That's weird! It worked for me last night when I posted it. (I even opened it back up to look at it to make sure).

2013-08-06, 12:57 PM
It was probably still cached in your cookies.

2013-08-06, 04:41 PM
March 1, 1495

All in all, Margherita must be pleased. 22 Kindred (including yourself) have attended tonight's soiree. Palazzo Contarini del Bovorro is a splendid venue! Margherita has arranged some sort of deal with the Senate to leave the palazzo vacant for several months while "architectural anomalies" are corrected. As such, not a stick of furniture had been added by the owner, whose business interests keep him near Thessalonica.

The early evening (perhaps 9 pm) is cool, a salty breeze blowing fitfully from the South, carrying the songs of an industrious Winter Wren. (Animals are as mad as humans.. Imagine a bird that builds multiple homes for it's mate, only to have her choose one and ignore the others). Lamps abound, many ripe with the aromatic scent of "Hungary Water" (rosemary distilled with brandy). Mortal servants abound, including some of Margherita's most choice "vintages". A soft flute-ballad wafts out of one of the inner parlors.

All told, 3 Harpies, the Tremere Primogen (that was a surprise, to be sure), and the Sheriff of Venice are in attendance. Not surprisingly, Toreador and Ventrue make up 15 of the 23 attendees, but your mentor Abascantas is here, along with his childe, Gbemisola. (Abascantas is said to have Gbemisola practicing the art of civil discourse, as his tribal African roots and slightly barbaric sensibilities often make "polite" company uncomfortable).

Most of the Kindred here are grouped in a cavernous lounge, thick carpets from Persia lining the floor, and fine, overstuffed chairs set in groups of about six, for easy conversation. You can hear a lovely soprano voice practicing the scales from several rooms away. That would likely be Lucrezia, a renowned vocalist and childe of Jacopo Barilla (who is also in attendance).

There is no particular agenda this evening, just an opportunity to socialize. Though this property has not been designated Elysium, the presence of the Sheriff appears to be keeping everything friendly, though this group is not particularly renowned for overt violence (though Jacopo is old and moody, and Neco Giordano is a swaggering explosion waiting to happen if his refreshments are laced with opium. And Rogerus D'Ambly.. Okay, you ARE dealing with immortal bloodsuckers here. The potential for violence is an occupational hazard) are both present. )

Margherita's Attendees:

I only noted Sires/Childer if they were at the party also
Jacopo Barilla / Toreador / 7th Gen / Harpy / Sire to Lucrezia
Neco Giordano / Brujah / 8th Gen / Sire to Katerina
Lucrezia Ronzoni / Toreador / 8th Gen / Childe of Jacopo,
Janus Geldmann / Ventrue / 8th Gen / Harpy / Sire of Nicole
Katerina Cataldo / Brujah / 9th Gen / Childe of Neco
Christopher Lawrence / Toreador / 9th Gen / Harpy
Delphi / Tremere / 9th Gen / Primogen
Nicole du Parc / 9th Gen / Sheriff
Giuseppe Quaranta / Ventrue / 9th Gen
Rogerus d'Ambly / Caitiff / 10th Gen
Luis de Morales / Lasombra / 10th Gen / Sire to Panfilo
Lisabetta Lombardi / Nosferatu / 10th Gen
Isabel de Fleurigny / Toreador / 10th Gen / Sire of Loreen
Abascantas / Cappadocian / 11th Gen / Sire of Gbemisola
Panfilo de Zurita / Lasombra / 11th Gen / Childe of Luis
Loreen Miscou / Toreador / 11th Gen / Childe of Isabel
Pietro Ravenna / Ventrue / 11th Gen / Sire of Paolo
Gbemisola / Cappadocian / 12th Gen / Childe of Gbemisola
Farangis Shamshiri / Ventrue / 12th Gen
Zorba / Brujah / 13th Gen
Paolo Sarno / Ventrue / 13th Gen / Childe of Pietro

Many of the attendees are personal friends of Margherita. This is definitely a less esteemed group than would be in attendance at one of her typical ordeals. As a matter of fact, this get-together is downright pedestrian in comparison. There is a small group clustered around Luis de Morales of Spain, as he is being instructed by your friend and mentor Abascantas on the rudiments of Chess. A throaty yet feminine laugh caresses your ears, and sets your pulse to racing, as it were. Margherita stands centered in front of a massive marble fireplace (unlit) demonstrating a new and complicated dance-step (that you know comes from village dances in the Balkans). She has a bevy of well-dressed ladies in attendance, including Katerina Cataldo, the Sheriff Nicole du Parc, and the Hungarian beauty Loreen Miskou. Wretched Lisabetta Lombardi is shrouded in a funereal veil atop a black velvet dress that hides every curve and bulge. (and in this case, that's probably a good thing).

Janus Geldmann is holding forth near the doors to the balcony, gesturing wildly and nearly upending the delicate flute of blood on the ornately carved tea table beside him. His loud, heavily accented voice is expounding on the virtues of good, solid swordsmen over loud, inaccurate and dangerous hand-cannons. His audience includes Delphi, who appears bored, Giuseppe Quaranta, who argues for the wider adoption of firearms in the Venetian military, and Farangis Shamshiri, who, like Delphi, looks disinterested.

Jacopo reclines in an overstuffed chair pulled away from all of the others. A nervous looking raven-haired child no older than 20 drips blood from her wrist directly into his waiting mouth.

Gbemisola, unfortunately, is on his hands and knees scrabbling on the floor in the center of another ring of unoccupied chairs. You've no idea what he's doing.

2013-08-07, 04:01 PM
Scanning the room, Alonzo takes in as much details as he could. Details were important in his line of work - all things in a proper place and in proper time. To ignore this dogma was to invite chaos, and thus trouble, into the cleanliness and order of the lifestyle that must prevail. He had risen out of the mud and mire of a village so far away in both time and locale that he barely even remembered its name. And look where he was now... the center of the world, at least artistically and intellectually speaking... which is really all that matters.

He forced a smile from his lips at the gregarious flounderings of several of these, his peers. Peacocks... the lot of them, he allowed himself to think. Though some are lovelier than others.

Spying Loreen Miskou across the room, Alonzo makes his way in her direction. She was already speaking with Margherita, whom he had avoided thus far this evening. And if he didn't greet her before it was all over, he wouldn't hear the end of it for at least a decade. Besides, the thought of annoying his sire by sweeping away the most beautiful of her captive audience was just too good to pass up.

As he approached, he stepped into the dance with Margherita, filling in the role of a partner without causing her to miss a beat. He finished with a flourishing bow and a crooked smile.

"Ciao, signorina Margherita. What a positively splendid party you have put together this night. You have truly outdone yourself."

2013-08-08, 11:08 AM
A forgotten detail

Clan Weaknesses: Each clan has one, and I don't think I mentioned it. For the Toreador, "beauty" can be extremely distracting. To briefly quote the main text, "all members of the clan are prone to distraction when confronted with a thing of beauty. When a Toreador encounters music, a piece of art, a person, or even an idea that meats that criterion, he may become fascinated with it and enters a reverie that may last for hours. The Storyteller decides what triggers this rapture, but the player is allowed to make a reflexive Self-Control (Diff 6) roll to resist it. Unless that roll is successful, the character remanins enrapt until the end of the scene or until the object of the reverie leaves their presence. While under this rapture, the Toreador may not even defend themselves, though an attack allows the player to make another Self Control roll.

I won't use this particularly often, as I will try to be objective about what Alonzo considers "beautiful". In general, I'm assuming that your character, being an Elder, being "advanced" in your Road, and having an exceptional willpower means that you will not succumb as often. (But, as your temporary willpower fluctuates, you may find that you are more susceptible).

All that being said, make a Self-Control roll (6) as you approach Loreen. An already beautiful woman, over the last couple of weeks, it appears that Loreen is exponentially more stunning than you recall.

(For example, if you fail to achieve any successes on your Self-Control roll, you will basically be stunned by Loreen's beauty, forced to stand there and gawk at her awkwardly until something happens to divert you. However, you can still (as usual) spend a point of temporary willpower to overcome it.

Last note, your amazing ability at Auspex can actually work against you in this sense. When your Auspex is "active", sights, smells, sensations become even more intense. You also don't want to have your Heightened Senses active when loud noises or bright lights occur.

Without missing a step, Margherita flicks her eyes in your direction, holds your gaze for a moment, and returns her gaze to Loreen. A tiny wry smile teases the corners of Margherita's mouth as she ignores you. Loreen, however, appears rather pleased that you have joined them. Alonzo! Che Piacere vederti! (How nice it is to see you). She has a wicked, almost predatory smile, and puts it to good use. Her cheeks appear flushed, and her hazel eyes sparkle golden in the lamplight. She claps delightedly as you match Margherita in both grace and style. It is at this point that your Self-Control roll comes into play.

Raspy Lisabetta contributes Perhaps next time, you can even dance to music.

A uniformed servant in the Purple and black livery of the Doge's private staff circulates around the room offering up delicate flutes of dark crimson, nearly black blood. Aged. Sometimes a "vintage" holds up over time, but you've found that it often loses something in the bottling. The servant is male, of middling age and expanding waistline, not nearly "pretty" enough to be one of Margherita's. Stopping before your little group, the man with salt-and-pepper hair bows respectfully as he proffers his wares. His eyes are distant, and you suspect that he has been Dominated to within an inch of his free-will. Your sharp eyesight catches a glimpse of a small burn-mark on the man's wrist, approximately the size of a cherry, barely visible in the gap between cuff and glove. You suddenly feel the sensation of motion, but know that you haven't moved an inch.

Your exceptional ability with Auspex occasionally manifests itself in visions, premonitions, etc. That just happened.

The cacophony is difficult to ignore, the voices are many, loud and varied in both their tone, message, and even language. The smell of leather and dung and salt and tar brush your nostrils, and a growing glow of orange-red can be sensed rather than seen. You see a hand holding the handle of a glowing common ships lamp, and the vision inverts itself. The hand is below the lamp, the lamp is upside down, moving, moving, then it is shattering. Something cloaked in darkness recoils wildly, dark brown cloak igniting with vengeful flames. Above the shouts of angry men, a shriek of agony rends your very soul. Splash

You come to your senses, the tray still held out for your perusal. Only seconds have passed, and the only indication that anything untoward happened is that one of Margherita's eyebrows twitch as she casts her gaze upon you once more.

2013-08-08, 04:04 PM
Alonzo spins towards Loreen and shows a melodramatic shock at her presence, as if he hadn't yet seen her.

"Signorina Loreen, il piacere è tutto mio! {... the pleasure is all mine!} Forgive me, I only just noticed your most radiant countenance. And when I did, you positively took my breath away and for a moment I did not know what to do with myself. However, I do believe that I know what to do with you later this evening!", he says, taking her hand and kissing the back of it as he bows.

The assassin's smile faded for an instant as the vision washed over him, before shaking it from his head and attempting to pawn it off as a distraction at Loreen beauty. Without giving him a third glance (since a second had already been given to ascertain details), Alonzo took a flute of blood from the servant before waving him away with a flickering motion of his wrist. Even if he wasn't going to drink the aged vintage, it would be rude to refuse such an expensive gift. He didn't care for it anywhere near as much as fresh blood - taken when it was still warm and it flowed like milk. The stuff that they insisted on drinking was much too cold and too thick for his tastes.

Okay, here's to hoping that I do this correctly!
(Self-Control) [roll0]

EDIT: Alright, with two successes that means that I passed very well, yes? I am going to go ahead and post my actions above. Please let me know if I need to amend them.

2013-08-08, 04:57 PM
Self-Control Roll
The "1" removed a success, but that still leaves you with 1, which is all you need for this particular test. (For some things, it will be an extended action, in which you need to accumulate "x" number of successes without a "failure" or a "botch".) So, her stunning countenance shook you, but you didn't fall into a reverie. Yay you!

Katerina titters excitedly, while Lisabetta utters a quiet ugh.. Your peripheral vision informs you that there is a slightly dangerous gleam in Margherita's eyes as you flirt shamelessly with Loreen, but there is still a small smile on her face, and she appears to master herself once more, and begins patting her hair back into place where her exertions shook it loose.

Loreen's accented Italian sounds very provincial, but you know that she was born the daughter of a Duke, and is both well educated and knows the finer things in life. You estimate that her tutor wasn't a native speaker of Italian.

The blood in your glass smells intoxicating, but it is indeed cold, which is a taste you never really acquired. Oft times, Margherita will arrange to warm the bottles by slaughtering a cow and inserting the bottle into an incision in the still warm body, but perhaps that was deemed unnecessary this time. (You've seen her do this with a human once as well, but Margherita claimed that the body cooled too rapidly, wasting her time and effort).

A pair of armed guards, uniformed members of Margherita's personal entourage poke their heads into the salon. You see Margherita notice them, nod, and tip back her wine flute and drain the last of it's contents. Mi scusi, she purrs. Alonzo, be a dear and keep my friends entertained while I attend to something droll. . She glides toward the door, taking up position in front of the guards as they fall in behind her, and she drifts out of sight.

OHO!!! A booming voice shouts with glee, as Gbemisola leaps to his feet, a small gray mouse caught by the tail between two fingers. He begins to lift it toward his mouth, when a gentle but firm Ahem, issues from Abascantas, who has looked up from his game. Abascantas looks mildly scandalized, but he gives the barest shake of his head, and inclines his head toward the door, at which point Gbemisola happily cups his hands around the mouse and scampers out the door, his footsteps heavy as they recede into the distance. The effete crowd gets a very good laugh from these antics, and you can tell that your mentor is clenching his jaw in embarrassment. I'm, ahhh.. having more trouble than anticipated in teaching him manners and etiquette, Abascantas offers to the room at large by way of explanation, and settles back to his game.

Lisabetta didn't laugh, but then, she never does. Katerina thought it was uproarious, if her almost-masculine guffaws are to be believed. For Loreen though, while she smiled widely and was facing in the direction of the scene, you don't believe her eyes wavered from yours in the least.

Walk with me, she asks, offering her arm. You can very nearly see the tongue in her cheek as she adds, I'd like some air.

2013-08-09, 10:33 AM
Now it was Alonzo's turn to ignore Margherita, as she discretely glowers as him. This... was going to be much fun indeed! He sipped of the proffered 'wine', if only to keep up appearances.

When his sire departed, he smiled and was cordial. Noticing Loreen's lack of wavering focus, he too kept his eyes trained with hers. Much fun indeed... Alonzo gleefully took the woman's arm and began to lead her away. As a parting shot, he called back to dreary Lisabetta, "Black is quite the fetching color..." He allowed this first bit a beat of time to ruminate as if a compliment, before finishing, "... in regards to the rays of the sun, that is. Perhaps, someday, you will see what I mean."

As he escorted Loreen across the salon floor, he paused only momentarily to offer a bit of advice on a particular move that Abascantas' opponent was about to make in grave error. And while the man was contemplating what had been revealed to him, Alonzo offered a knowing smile to his mentor in the way of an apology towards the spectacle that Gbemisola had just displayed. He knew the Greek was having trouble civilizing the brute and in truth, though he understood the reasons why he did it, Alonzo found it difficult to justify Abascantas' decision to embrace the strange man. He patted the older man upon the shoulder and left with Loreen upon his arm.

He lead them outside, onto the balcony that overlooked this district of the city. Looking out, he purposefully did not engage yet in conversation... allowing the younger vampire time to fell the tension rise and seeing how she might give in to her temptation when faced with such possible anticipation.

2013-08-09, 11:35 PM
Just a note.. I have added pictures to most of the Kindred you know. Still have some formatting issues, some spoilers to add, etc, but it's a work in progress. All of the pictures were working when I checked them. We'll see, lol.

2013-08-10, 01:09 AM
Excellent, they look great! Having the pictures helps me a huge amount... thank you for doing that. Incidentally, the one you used for Luis is actually the same person that I used for Alonzo (not a big deal, just pointing it out).

And yeah... he would be trying to kill me - but only because Alonzo slept with his gorgepus wife (that actor is married to Jennifer Connelly)!

2013-08-12, 11:21 AM
Lisabetta's eyes narrow ferally and a short his of dismay follows you as you walk away with Loreen on your arm. Still sipping from her glass, she leads you to an otherwise unoccupied balcony. The sounds from the party continue, muffled, but unabated. You can hear Lucrezia's singular dulcet tone as she begins a popular aria from the conservatory, whose acoustics are absolutely splendid, you are told. Her voice soars with passion and intensity, serving as the backdrop for your tete-a-tete with Loreen.

Her shining is pulled over her left shoulder, and the cream colored silk dress slashed with dark green covers her luxurious form in a very appealing manner. You chat, about this and that for a few moments, enjoying some genuinely pleasant conversation about, well, nothing in particular. Slowly, you detect the conversation changing course, as she deftly leads the conversation toward finances. She is, you realize quickly, overextended financially, having lost a great deal of money (and reputation) when a recent investment (she had funded a trading vessel that subsequently disappeared and is feared lost). Coyly curling her hair around her fingers in a most adorable way, she slowly guides you, not toward making her a loan, which is where your initial thoughts went, but rather to helping her to "persuade" a particular banker to extend her further credit. She has a couple more investments that she would like to make, but cannot without more capital.

Make a Perception/Subterfuge roll Diff 5 (btw, the default difficulty for virtually all rolls is 6. If I ever ask you for a roll, but don't specify the difficulty, assume that the difficulty is 6.)

The breeze on the balcony carries a chill, for what that's worth, as storm clouds approach from the north, outlined in silvery-white by the luminous gaze of the moon. Brief flashes of lightning can be seen in the distance, and your sharp ears (even without Heightened Senses active) can pick up the hint of distant thunder.

You hear a bit of applause as Lucrezia's voice subsides. Old Jacopo Barilla, in his slightly antiquated clothing that comes from the fashions of Spanish nobility of last century, joins you on the balcony, delicately wiping his chin with a pristine monogrammed handkerchief. Ah, signora Miskov, a pleasure! he drawls with a soft accent, bowing and kissing the proffered hand as a true genteel and proper nobleman. I hate to mention business during a social event, but you have not responded to my agents. May I have a word, in private, if you please? My pardon, Signor, I do not mean to deprive you of such lovely company, and assure you I will only require her for a moment. Offering her his hand without waiting for a response, it is almost expected when she twists her mouth in momentary irritation (or could it be indignation), then graciously accepts with a convincing smile.

As he leads her back into the villa, he pauses, turns, and says It would not do to leave you completely unattended and empty-handed out here, good Alonzo. I know how Margherita frets about you being alone. Please, allow me to bestow upon you the equally winsome company of my child Lucrezia.. He tilts his head to the side briefly, no more than a pair of seconds, when Lucrezia rushes to his side in a literal blur. Her sable eyes flash nearly black with some supressed emotion, quickly controlled, as she inclines her head to her sire. You called for me? she inquires with a honeyed tone. Flicking his eyes back at you, he says sharply Entertain him well, I'll only be moments.. He hands her his soiled handkerchief and leads Loreen away from you, her delicate and ladylike steps in glaring counterpoint to his careless stomping.

Dark eyes flashing yet again (the lightning, perhaps?), her full lips fold into a pleasing smile, and her deep (perhaps mocking?) curtsy ensures an eyeful of her particular feminine charms, of which she is particularly blessed. Well, she murmurs, it appears that neither of us gets to have the conversation we'd like today. Please thank your lady mistress for inviting me here today. It's been a lovely evening so far. She is obviously distracted, but is attempting to cover that with platitudes. Tell me, what do you know of mercenaries?

2013-08-12, 12:47 PM
Alonzo saw where this was headed with Loreen, and he could not say that he was too terribly disappointed when she was swept away by Jacopo. He had bowed respectfully to his much elder clan member, and added merely, "But of course."

When Lucrezia entered the balcony, he allowed his eyes to drink in everything that was offered to them, allowing her to even see his obvious adoration. Alonzo had bowed as well, and then taken her hand with a kiss. He approaches and stands beside her, leaning on the railway and looking out over the city.

"While I would not say that this is the conversation that I expected to have tonight, I cannot say that it is one that I do not 'want' to have. A conversation with an intelligent woman is always a welcomed grace in my opinion. And if you couple with it, that this woman has the voice and countenance of an angel... then you have my undivided attentions."

Business... business... too many of these beautiful ladies' thoughts dwelt where they should not during such a time as this! Regardless, Alonzo took the question in stride, "Men who sell their swordsmanship for coin? There may be something to it; provided that you can find one that is competent enough for the task. Especially now, as there is much work of that persuasion that needs doing... and many of the men that can perform such tasks have disappeared lately. Why do you ask, signorina Lucrezia... do the recent events cause you to worry?"


2013-08-12, 01:19 PM
Oh, just making conversation, she says lightly, her eyes cast toward the oncoming storm clouds. One often finds that men appreciate talk of.. swordplay. There is, perhaps, a double meaning to her words, but you are not certain. However, it just so happens that I have recently heard of a number of condotierri (Mercenary leaders, typically landless Italian nobles, 3rd sons, things like that.) who have been arriving with their troops, under cover of darkness, and dispersed throughout the city, never gathering either for formations or revelry. Those in the know say that none of them are under retainer, and.. she places you under the hot weight of her gaze, staring boldly at you in a very forward fashion, and the corner of her mouth twitches into a smile, I thought that perhaps we could trade.. information.. She deftly slips the flute of barely-touched blood from your fingers before you register the attempt, (not supernatural speed, just very graceful and the motion was entirely unexpected), and drinks delicately but deeply from it, nearly draining it. A tiny dribble of dark liquid can be seen at the corner of her mouth, which she then dabs away with a lascivious touch of the tongue.

And where, she adds with an affected pout,
is it that you think that.. "we ladies" thoughts should
dwell.. During a time like this, I mean?

And yes, the implication from that last couple of sentences is that she read your mind. Wasn't sure if that was clear or if you thought I oopsed with a continuity failure.

2013-08-13, 02:23 PM
"Swordplay has its... place.", Alonzo quipped back. He was interested in what information that she may have concerning the condotierri, and perhaps was interested in more than what else Lucrezia might have to offer him. He twitched at the drop of blood as it clung to the corner of her mouth, suddenly interested in the liquid that before had struck him as bordering upon vile.

Now she was playing Alonzo's kind of game. He decided... Loreen would have to be a conquest for a different evening all together.

"I have found that women do not need to wield a sword to be deadly. In fact, some may argue that the weapons they are born with are far more fatal when put to proper use."

He slid in close to her and reached out, caressing the back of her dress with his hand. He breathed his next words upon her neck, "I have a place that would be better suited for further exchange of... thoughts and information. My villa would be away from any prying ears and besides; who knows what other pleasantries we might be inclined to 'trade' as well."

Alonzo then pulled away from Lucrezia and moved back towards the balcony doors, making a move to leave. He held the crux of his elbow aloft, and it was obvious that he meant to leave the party itself.

EDIT: I did not make that connection at all! LOL... oops. Oh well, hopefully what I have still works.

2013-08-17, 01:48 PM
My dear Alonzo, I fear for your reputation, she counters playfully. And for mine. What would Marsilio say, she ponders, reminding you of her childe. They are known to be.. intimate.

Brow furrowed prettily, she turns to face you. I promised Margherita I would sing for her guests again later, she frowns. Tomorrow though. When the churches sound Midnight, I will be at your villa. You'll provide refreshments, and we'll talk. I'll tell you what I know of the condotierri, and you can share with me your knowledge of.. swordplay

Patting your extended arm by way of apology, she finishes, Perhaps by then you will be able to tell me why so many of the cities most puissant blades have disappeared or wound up dead lately, hmm? And with that she glides back into the parlor, her hips swaying enticingly as she went.

2013-08-19, 12:14 PM
Alonzo smiled and hung his head in mock dejectedness, adopting the look of a child who was told that he would not be allowed outside to play.

"As always, Lucrezia, you're gentlest touch commands obedience. A man who would refuse you any thing you would ask of him, would be the gravest of fools.", he said with a bow as she departed. He made certain to watch her as she walked away, once more allowing his eyes to play where his hands were not permitted.

He then put his mind to her question. If she wished to know why the skilled swordsmen in Venice were all disappearing as the price in exchange for whatever information she had about the condotierri... Alonzo had a lot to obtain before tomorrow evening. Was he not a skilled blade himself? Why was it that no one had so much as attempted to capture or kill him recently? Soon, perhaps... and then he would have his answer to that question. For now, however, he continued to wrack his brain, trying to think of anyone who might have knowledge that would alleviate him from waiting.

2013-08-26, 09:01 AM
As far as finding information, you have several means at your disposal. Most vampires act as a magnet for news, their varied interests ensuring that they pick up odd bits of information, especially within their specific purview. Information is currency to the Kindred, and the well-informed Cainite is often the most dangerous of his kind.

The Nosferatu are especially known for this. They are often the best-informed Cainites in an area, they share their information amongst themselves relatively freely, and are often willing to sell/trade what they know for favors, other information, dispensations, etc.

The Tremere and the Cappadocians are also known for being gossip-mongers, but these are more often specific to their fields of interest. The Toreador (and really any Cainite that spends much time at "court" (the Princes, of course) are also usually well-informed.

Also, different skills would assist. Specifically, you could use Investigation, Politics to a lesser degree, Allies and Contacts might have information you seek

As you stand on the balcony wracking your brain, several possibilities spring to mind. Lisabetta's foul kin will surely know all that there is to know about this, though their prices are often.. unexpected. Not always "high", per se, but sometimes.. onerous. Margherita may have heard something of this issue, but given the topic, she is a less reliable resource, as mercenaries wouldn't be high on her interest list. Jacopo is often well-informed, but Lucrezia is his childe. If she doesn't know, it stands to reason that he doesn't either (or does it?). Other possibilities here at the party include Janus Geldmann (a Harpy, they often know the juiciest tidbits), Delphi (the Tremere Primogen, though you would likely have to really be on your game to get a straight answer out of him, and.. Rogerus D'Ambly, who just happens to saunter out onto the balcony.

Rogerus is a bold man, bluff and stocky. His hair is thin on top, though he was likely only in his late twenties when he was Embraced. Moving with the grace of a warrior, it is obvious that he knows how to handle the slender blade at his waist. Rogerus inclines his head politely to you as he joins you at the balustrade, drumming his fingers lightly on the pale marble as he gazes out across the canal toward some late night revelers that can be seen and barely heard in a square some 100 meters from the base of the building. Fair evening to you, good Alonzo, he says cordially. I couldn't help but notice that you stand with empty hands, your prey having escaped you on both counts. He chuckles ruefully, a rich sound that pleases the ear. My fortune runs that way of late as well. Sometimes, its as though we are all the residents of an ant colony, and someone has just kicked our hill. And with the military and it's commanders gallivanting elsewhere, the shadow-tongues (his private name for sneaky and manipulative people) would have us seeing doom in our baths. Changing the subject completely, he glances at you and asks, Where did you learn that darling village dance? I've been told I dance like a soldier, all stomps and straight lines. You appear to have been born with music in your bones.

** Edited in**
You may also make any of a number of rolls (you can always suggest rolls to me, and virtually any ability can be combined with virtually any attribute, though admittedly, there won't be many occasions for you to make a Strength + Politics roll, for instance).

A couple that come to mind would be.. Charisma + Allies (to see what they know), a straight Intelligence roll, to determine what you "already" know, if anything, etc. You could use Investigation to start asking questions, etc. Let me know if you have any questions or would like some more data..

For now, you were largely unaware that significant numbers of condotierri were filtering into the city, and you were also completely unaware that warrior-types have been disappearing, so you'll have to dig for more information on that if you're curious.

2013-08-28, 12:36 PM
Alonzo smiled. He liked Rogerus; he always had - he was straightforward and simple to be around... not having to always be defensively aware of every slip of the tongue or unchecked glance. And even though he was a soldier at heart, he had a killer's instincts and seemed to favor swift deaths for those that were unfortunate enough to find themselves at the opposite end of his sword. That part, at least, was vastly different than many of the Kindred that chose a warrior's path; most being drawn to the work by the opportunity for brutality.

"Fair Rogerus, buonasera! Si... alas, even a hawk sometimes must return to his nest with empty talons."

When the subject turned to the dancing, Alonzo replied dismissively, "Dancing is no more than fighting; the weapons are not in your hands and usually your opponent is better looking! But it is of another matter that I would speak to you now, Rogerus. You mentioned the shadow-tongues and with what I am hearing about all of the fighting men, such as ourselves, disappearing at such an alarming rate... I am wondering what it is these doom-sayers might know. And if danger is on the horizon, then the hawk wishes to see it coming before it is upon him."

Intelligence+Investigation: [roll0]
Charisma+Allies: [roll1]
Manipulation+Mentor: [roll2] (Since Abascantas is a Cappadocian, which you said are gossip-mongers... I figured this might be a possible shot)
Manipulation+Investigation: [roll3] (trying to get info out of Rogerus)

I also just realized that we never picked who my Ward was!

2013-08-28, 03:43 PM
Things we missed

Yes, we didn't finish figuring out your ward, and.. It looks like we didn't figure out your allies either. I could see one post where I asked about them, but I don't think I ever brought it up again. Of course, there's always the chance I'm blind, lol.

We need to figure out who these three people are.

A note that your allies don't have to be Mortals. They could be (theoretically) anything. So, give me an idea of what kind of stuff you'd like them to be involved in.

You had mentioned that your ward was a woman that you loved, and, if I recall correctly, it was largely from afar, not consummated in any way. What is she to you, and why does she constantly need saving, lol?

That being said, I'll answer your last post, excluding any information pertinent to the answers of this post.

2013-08-28, 04:32 PM
What does Rogerus know about disappearing swordsmen?

You and Rogerus had never had difficulty getting along, and tonight is no exception. Laying his finger across beside his broad nose, he looks around conspiratorially before leaning closer and shares in a near-whisper. As to that, my talons drip with almost realized success. I know a lad, stalwart fellow, good blade in a fight.. He got himself carved from jugular to jiggly bits, and his blade never left it's scabbard. Happened three nights ago, in his fathers own stables! There's been more of that than I'd expect lately.

A magistrate I play cards with some evenings tells me that nearly 60 men have been reported missing in the last two months, warriors all. Seem to be split down the middle, about half are young recruits, to a man they have good skills with weapons. Often these have been disappearing from mercenary companies. That kind doesn't report too many crimes, and they don't have much legal standing, so the investigations don't go very far for em'. He looks around again, making sure that none have approached. You can sense, rather than see, that Rogerus is focusing on his senses for a moment. The other half, are nobles. Men, women, makes no difference, but each one has better than average skill with blades. Those, the authorities are tying themselves in bloody knots over. Four nobles have even been found dead, most in their bedchambers.

Like as not, it's not one of us. None of the bodies have been drained.

Relaxing, he grins. Makes ye wonder why all those hired blades have been crawlin' into town, eh? Some old friends lead those companies. Tell you what, you see if you can find out anything about the disappearances, and I'll see if any of those old turncoats will tell me who is hiring them. We'll trade information on the morrow, what say?

Technically, you get a reroll (for the specialty and the 10 you rolled), but in this case, 4 successes was plenty for the information he had.

You chat with Rogerus for a bit longer, until he excuses himself to go speak to the Sheriff, Nicole du Parc.

A visit with Abascantas

Later in the evening, Abascantas catches your eye. Conversations rumble gently in the salon, but your mentor sits alone at the chess board. With a glance, he invites you to be seated as he resets the board. He appears nearly recovered from an earlier embarrassment when his childe Gbemisola scampered around the salon with the corpse of a peacock tied to his head, it's brilliant plumage shimmering in the lantern light, head lolling lifelessly.

You play for a moment in silence, Abascantas playing with a deft, defensive minded style, always seeming to ghost away from your advances, leaving you empty handed. There is something, he begins lightly, on your mind. Pray divest yourself of the burden, that we might share its weight among us.

So prompted, you inquire as to your old friends knowledge of recent events. Surprising you with a bold attack, his only remaining bishop slashes out and takes your kings rook, though this move leaves the bishop vulnerable to a vengeful pawn. Do not believe Rogerus' suggestion. These disappearances are undoubtedly the work of Kindred. Think about it, between us all we control or know the doings of virtually every criminal and government enterprise in Venice. How then, would we not know if some outside force were moving our pawns, as it were? When your eyebrow shoots up in an unasked question, Abascantas chuckles. No, I wasn't listening to your chat. Rogerus has been loudly implying that this is mortal work to any who would listen. But know this. One of the nobles that was found dead turns out to be one of the Prince's own thralls. The Primogen are beside themselves, which, to be honest, can be rather amusing at times. Growing more serious, he studies the board intently. The mercenaries, though.. How curious that they begin to arrive in numbers just as some force or forces whittle their numbers? Sounds like simple supply and demand to me. It's your move.

You have a pleasant chat with Christopher Lawrence, who invites you to the opening of a new symposium hall three nights hence. Everyone will be there! he promises breathlessly as he winks at you and glides away.

Your Allies roll will need to hold until we determine who your allies are. The Int+Investigation roll, I'll let you keep it, but you need to tell me what you're doing to investigate. Were you, for instance, polling all of the parties attendees? Seeking out a stool-pigeon? Going to the library?

2013-09-04, 03:48 PM
Okay... finally getting back to this one! Apologies about the lengthy delay.

As for the Investigate roll - I was doing that to represent what I may have already found out before the party. After the party, I intend to hit the streets and see if I can't hunt down some answers...

Here are my proposals for the missing people!


Giadanna Maria Tiovanni

Again, she reminds me of my wife from when I was still a living man. She represents what small amount of humanity and purity that I feel is locked away inside of myself. I didn't mean that she constantly needed saving... just that I come to her defense if need be. Maybe she is married to someone who is away on business a lot and has many potential lovers that come around in the hopes to 'dishonor' her and I do what I can to prevent that (especially since I refuse myself the delight of doing so myself).


Alessandro da Santo Tucci

Very much into the latest anything - art, fashion, music, politics, news. Likes to be thought of as "ahead of his time".
Giuseppe Russolino

A man of the people, he understands the common man and stands for him in many regards. He knows the goings on in the mortal world.
Don Emilio Miguel Hernando Castillo

A Spaniard werewolf, implanted to Venice, he knows trade and the world of the lycans.

Business with Rogerus

Alonzo nods as Rogerus spills his information, smiling when he gets to the part about it not being one of the Kindred that is involved.

"Perhaps, that is exactly what whoever is involved wants us to think. Time and diligence will tell, my old friend."

Nodding in affirmation to trading more information come the next day, Alonzo bows to the man as he takes his leave. He wandered back into the soiree and made small talk until the spot opposite his mentor opened up.

A Visit with Abascantas

Sitting across from the Greek, Alonzo watches the man every bit as closely as he watches the board. He wasn't so much interested in the possibility of reading a tell from Abascantas... he knew he was no match for the older man at this game... but instead he watched him for signs of thoughts that dwelt on other matters.

Taking the undoubted bait, Alonzo moves his pawn diagonally and removes the white marble bishop from his square and places it beside the table with a gentle hand. "Although I cherish his friendship and particular skill set, I do not place all of my faith in the tactical mind of Rogerus. What worries me is not whether or not it is Kindred, but rather why is it that no one really seems to know what is truly at work here? This storm is only beginning, and I fear that we may all be caught up in it before it is through. And that is precisely why I intend to understand all that I can involving it before the first bolt of lightning strikes anywhere nearby."


""I wouldn't miss it for all the world in a basket!", Alonzo replies to Christopher Lawrence's invitation with a flourished bow.

2013-09-05, 09:55 AM
Young Sir D'Ambly (you find it amusing that a vampire with over 120 total years on this Earth can be called young) is useful, in his way. He is a bludgeon rather than a stiletto, formidable in combat, but largely a liability when rational thought or tact is required. He is loyal, and brave, but you are correct that he is not a "thinker".

Abascantas' face betrays little (though you can try a Perception+Subterfuge to see if there is anything more to "read into" Abascantas' words if you like). The game proceeds, beginning to lean in your favor slightly as Abascantas sacrifices both of his knights on successive turns, only coming away with one of your pawns for his trouble. You begin to get the feeling that he's setting a trap, but for the life of you, you can't see it. His remaining pieces are positioned well, but dispersed. (Wits+Subterfuge <this would be an opposed roll> would potentially give you an idea of his strategy). Occasionally snatches of conversation float through the salon to your ears, though you likely pay them only minimal attention.

"And then, if you can believe it, the savage actually pulled a second kitten out of the box, and.. The voice of Janus Geldman wafts past your ears, quiet and scandalized.

"You would do well to remember who your friends are, Jacopo" comes the sonorous voice of Delphi, the Tremere Primogen. And who they are not, he adds ominously. You realize that both of those worthies are standing directly behind you, observing the game.

Lisabetta's tortured voice rasps to Giuseppe as they wander past, heads together. I will put your proposal before my kin. It is likely that we can come to some accommodation"

Ward and Allies- Tell me what you think

Giadanna is the sole heir to a shipping fortune. Her late father paid you handsomely in years past to deliver messages in circles he could not be seen in. It was there that you saw his little girl. Unlike other common folk, she never seemed to feel the general unease that your kind often impose on Mortals, and her precocious nature endeared you to her, and her to you. When she was a teen, she secretly followed you from her fathers home to the roof of an abandoned building where you had "business". Your first notion that anything was amiss was when you heard her scream, heard a rough voice curse, and a pair of crossbow bolts sailed past your chest as you spun toward the noise.

The first of your two assailants, (both dark skinned men in roughspun and filthy clothing, heavily bearded) backhanded little Giadanna, sending her plummeting off the roof. Incensed by her certain death, you first made short and bloody work of the two assassins, then ensured beyond a doubt that your "business partner" (a Brujah dock-gang leader who had brought the ghouls that attacked you) met the Final Death. Venice authorities claim that it was the bloodiest and most depraved scene any of them had ever witnessed.

Miraculously, Giadanna had not perished. She clung to life, barely, when you reached her, but her spine and neck had been shattered, her lifes blood seeping from her head and mouth. You did the only thing you could do. You fed her your blood... A lot of your blood. As her body processed it and began to heal her most critical wounds, your own need for vitae was overwhelming. You very nearly frenzied and fed on Giadanna herself in your need. You fetched the bodies of your two hired assailants and drank them dry, not aware of the frightened eyes of Giadanna upon you as she opened them for the first time since her fall.

Since that day, Giadanna has been.. peculiar. Much of the time, she is normal, and doesn't seem to remember anything of that night. But sometimes, she is taken by periods of melancholy, and her dreams are often haunted by visions most foul. It is on those nights that you despise yourself and what you have become. For when she looks at you, remembering, you can see that she had been watching a monster.

Years later, after her father had peaceably passed on, and her brother drowned in a storm, she was the sole remaining member of her family. Still kind and somewhat naïve, Giadanna considers you her most trusted and vital friend. She tells you EVERYTHING, including the scandalous thoughts that a well-bred Venetian lady should never admit to and would have sent your pulse racing if you had one.. Her suitors are many and varied, most with designs on her fortune as well as her body. There are two whose corpses adorn the bottom of the Grand Canal, though Giadanna knows not of their fate.

Will be editing in the allies and the rest of the post, have a meeting.

2013-09-05, 11:45 AM
"Still... he has his moments.", Alonzo added flatly as he studied the board closely, trying desperately to spot the angle that the Greek was seeing that had thus far averted his perception. He pressed the attack, moving his rook forward to threaten his opponent's king.


However, his attention was suddenly diverted by the conversation taking place behind them. He had heard bits and pieces of nonsense all night long, allowing them to float in through one ear and out the other. This thing, on the other hand, he could not let go so easily. A Primogen threatening Jacopo Barilla... the oldest Cainite in Venice?! Alonzo allowed his senses to be drawn that direction while also attempting to read what might be behind the aggressive panic in Delphi's voice.

Perception+Subterfuge [roll0]
Wits+Subterfuge [roll1]
I would also like to ascertain more of the conversation mentioned above, though nonchalantly. I figure... this? I would also like to apply my Auspex Advantage (Heightened Senses) to this end, as well as the Auspex (Steal Secrets) on Delphi.
Perception+Alertness [roll2]

As for Giadanna - I love it! That should fit perfectly with what I had in my head concerning her.

2013-12-03, 02:01 PM
Jacopo and Delphi

There is a moment of brief light-headedness as you engage your senses, focusing on nearby sounds. You have honed your skills to such a degree that you can effectively filter our non-relevant background noises.

What you hear
You hear heartbeats, several of them, coming from the "live refreshments". All but one of these are racing, pounding out a staccato rhythm in your mind (The last is sedate and strong, in direct counterpoint to the others). You can almost feel the rippling of the breeze as it wafts in from the open balcony, feel the slight changes in pressure as thunder rumbles in from miles away. On the next floor, someone is tuning a stringed instrument.. badly.

Of course you can now hear all of the nearby conversations as though you were standing right next to the speaker. For the most part, you disregard this, choosing to focus on two particular voices, which are slowly becoming more distant, as though they are slowly moving away from you. And you, Delphi, begins a rich baritone voice not well suited to whispers, seem to have forgotten both your manners, and your history. Threaten me again little fang, even obliquely, and not even Baldemarus will be able to locate your remains. You would swear that you can hear Jacopo smiling as he speaks. The Prince herself, not to mention two, TWO of your own Elders owe me a Life Debt for my works during the Day-staking. Do you really think they'll grieve me over such a small thing as this? I'm the only one keeping Collette diverted, and don't forget that my grasp on her leash could "slip" at any time. Whom, I wonder, do you think she would be most interested in visiting if that were to happen, hmm? Keep your accusations and your empty threats to yourself lest we find out. A pregnant silence falls, and you realize that his last two sentences were spoken loudly enough for all in the room to overhear. Good day to you, Delphi, Jacopo finishes, by way of a dismissal.

Abascantas slides his beleaguered king to the right, behind a blocking pawn, whose space is in turn guarded by a waiting rook. I see you're getting better at dissembling, Alonzo, Abascantas murmurs with pride. I expected I would have two more turns before your assault came. But it would seem that you sensed blood in the water, and are now marshaling your forces. Good. Good. Did I ever tell you the story of when my father taught me to fish off the coast of Lypinos??

You cringe slightly at the incredibly loud POP in your left ear. It sounds as though an oak tree was just snapped in half right next to you, and it's all you can do not to clap a hand to your ear, as though to hold the pain in. Lisabetta glides out from behind your chair, funeral garb rustling as she moves away from you. Abascantas seems to be suppressing a smile. Made a friend, have we, he teases as she leaves the room.

2013-12-04, 04:49 PM
He attempted to give the dour Lisabetta what little pleasure in the way of a response as he could manage, gritting his teeth as his jaw clenched instead.

"That bottomfeeder has no friends; least of all me." Once she had gone from the room, Alonzo finally gave a look to see if he could ascertain what on earth had made such a ghastly-loud noise.

After this, he pulled his attentions back to the game... and his thoughts on what he had learned of the conversation upon which he had been eavesdropping.

Int + Subterfuge - [roll0]

I am attempting to find out what is causing Delphi such unrest. So... hidden thoughts, I suppose!

2013-12-05, 12:20 PM
Scouring the mind of Delphi
You extend your senses, isolating the singular mind of Delphi. You are well practiced at this art, and art it assuredly is. It is no easy feat to plumb the depths of someone's mind, much less the mind of a powerful and ancient vampire.

This requires significant concentration on your part, so, for the moment, you focus on the chess board, making it appear that you are concentrating on your next move.

Whereas minds are typically porous, easy to infiltrate through figurative "gaps" in their defenses, you find that you cannot find even the smallest hole to exploit in Delphi's thoughts. Typically, you can get something from even the strongest minds, but in this case, it is as though you hit a brick wall. There is no give, no elasticity to his mind. Perhaps you weren't focused enough before making your attempt, or perhaps, being Tremere, he has some sinister defense in place. It's even possible that merely due to his superlative intellect, his natural defenses were able to withstand your attempt. Whatever the reason, you come away from your efforts empty handed. Delphi's thoughts, at least for the moment, are as untouchable as the moon.

You don't give Lisabetta her due, Alonzo, chides Abascantas mildly. Ugly she is, and bitter from it, there can be no doubt. But I have seen with my own eyes the poor and sick foreigners she tends. Lepers, Jews, those broken in mind as well as spirit. And they would die for her. More to the point, they would kill for her. And of them, she asks for nothing.

Did you know that she was once the most celebrated singer in the courts of Hungary? That raspy and wretched voice is what remains of the most storied vocal abilities of this Age. Singers penned songs to her beauty, her grace, and her kindness. Men both noble and destitute vied for her hand, and a bitter clan war that had raged for generations ceased on her word alone. That "bottom-feeder", as you call her, was Embraced out of spite. Her father was a wealthy and powerful patrician, who angered a local Nosferatu Primogen in the city that was once Buda. Lisabetta was her father's pride and joy, and losing her sent him into a melancholy that killed him shortly thereafter.

You must remember, Alonzo, he adds, taking on a tone and cadence that he uses in his dissertations, that for most of us, being Embraced is akin to being born. No child has any control of the circumstances of their birth, nor of their appearance or talents. Lisabetta has had several hundred years to grow bitter about the harm that was done to her. Most shun her, which exacerbates her frustration and anger. Yet still she comes to these events, year after year, covered up as much as modern fashion will allow, bathed in perfumes to staunch the putrid odor her blood has cursed her with.

But why? I often wonder these things. Abascantas leans forward, and advances his queens knight-pawn to threaten your knight. You can take the pawn using a pawn of your own, though that would free his bishop to put your king in check. Or, you can escape with your wayward knight without drawing blood.

The evening begins to grow late, and the first guests begin to make their excuses and leave. Jacopo leaves first, with Lucrezia and Marsilio in tow. Roger leaves, he and the Sheriff's heads together as they confer while they walk. Loreen stops at the door, and most obviously waits until you make eye contact, at which point she pouts prettily, and tosses something into a vase next to the door before stepping gracefully out, holding her skirts up as she crosses the threshold, showing finely turned ankles.

Gbemisola is wandering around the room, licking the last drops out of everyone's flutes and goblets, much to Abascantas' chagrin. Snapping his fingers, your mentor makes an annoyed sound under his breath, and points to one of the exhausted vessels standing at the ready by the walls. Gbemisola remembers his dignity, sets down the glass he had been licking, and bows his head slightly in acquiescence. He strides to a young man dressed in Margherita's livery, and draws him into the adjoining salon for a late repast.

There are still a few conversations going on in the background, but it appears that the floodgates are opening, and most are making their way to coats and cloaks (hey, gotta keep up appearances).

We must finish our game quickly, as I have a letter yet to write this evening. Will I be seeing you soon?

2013-12-05, 01:47 PM
Abandoning the fruitless endeavor of learning something more from Delphi, Alonzo refocused his attention upon the chess match with his mentor. When he spelled out Lisabetta's story, some small amount of pity crept its way up through his being... but it didn't get far.

"Tragic.", he offered off-handedly and dismissively to the tale. Alonzo moved his pawn to take the offending pawn of Abascantas, not seeing the potential threat that his bishop posed until it was too late. He had been distracted from trying to gain information from Delphi and simply did not see the move. A grimace lit across his face as he pulled the black pawn from the board and set it aside. In all of the years that he had been playing the Greek... he had only managed to beat him three times - the last was over forty years ago. The man was clever and sharp, so Alonzo hardly minded losing to his old friend. When Abascantas began looking for an end to the game, he was hardly of a mind to argue the issue - his loss was imminent anyhow.

"If matters press, then we can always end prematurely. I am afraid that, likely, you would have me once again, at the end, dear Abascantas. We'll call it 'mercy' shall we?", the assassin tipped his king over in symbolic defeat and extended his hand - they always made sure the shake hands afterwards, to instill a friendly tone to their departure.

When his mentor asked about meeting again, he nodded, "I have business to attend to before dawn as well. But I will call upon you within the next few days and we can do lunch?"

2013-12-06, 10:39 AM
Mercy? Abascantas chuckles quietly. I wouldn't be surprised if some of the losses over the years haven't been to lull me into a false sense of security.

He takes the win graciously, grasping your hand with both of his, a gesture of friendship and fondness. Indeed, he agrees amiably. Perhaps by then, I'll have taught that brute something of dignity. You wouldn't believe how persuasive he is with the spirits of the dead! It's remarkable, I say. It's almost as if they see him as a friend, I've never seen anything like it. But enough about Gbemisola. He is a project, one that I fear I'll commit many years to before he's ready to be released on his own in polite society.

[COLOR="darkgreen"]Yes, call on me in the next few days, I believe I'll have something that you'd like to see by then. No, he adds with a dismissive wave of his hand, don't ask me yet. I'll not be the chef that promises a delicacy that his larder cannot provide for.

And.. I know how puissant you are with that blade at your side. But do be careful, Alonzo. The Doge's Council is in an uproar over the mercenaries and abductions, and they are implementing a curfew. Something stirs in the heart of the city, and I don't like the way it feels.

Be well. I look forward to our next engagement.

With that, he collects Gbemisola from the adjoining salon, and exits into the night after saying a few perfunctory good-byes.

2013-12-06, 04:47 PM
Intrigued, Alonzo let the matter rest at the behest of his mentor. He then embraced the Greek and kissed both of his cheeks in a customary departure among friends and family. He walked both of them to the door, giving a curt and polite goodbye to Gbemisola. The assassin could not understand what in the world had possessed Abascantas to take on such a project, but who knows... maybe Alonzo himself had, at one time, been a similar undertaking of Abascantas'. Was he truly ever so vicious and unrefined? He liked to think not, but these kinds of questions sometimes were better left unanswered.

As he shut the door behind them after they had gone, he discreetly attempts to recover whatever it was that Loreen had dropped into the vase nearby. Before long, regardless of what he found there, he wanted to leave this pompous gathering and be on his way.

2013-12-09, 05:07 PM
Margherita closes shop
Margherita sweeps back into the room, nearly knocking Abascantas off his feet as they meet in the doorway. Ever the gentleman, Abascantas backs away, bowing his head, his arm sweeping out in a gesture that says "After you". Your sire brushes past him, making some attempt at courtesy, though you can tell that she is preoccupied.

She begins ordering the servants that file into the room after her, and they begin to clean up with alacrity, and no small amount of fear. The last few guests begin to gather their things, and most approach Margherita to thank and applaud her for her fine evening's entertainment, though she pooh-poohs this, claiming that it was just a simple gathering.

Alonzo, dear! She seems to really notice you for the first time tonight. I trust you entertained my guests and ensured all were having a fine time while I was gone, yes? No, that stays here, you imbecile! It's obvious that she was referring to a heavily bearded porter that was rolling up a fine Oriental rug, but when Margherita succumbs to profanity and name-calling, you know that she is agitated. My love, ( she has called you that since before you were Embraced), will you do something for me? Her eyes soften, and the edges of her mouth twitch upward into the semblance of smile that, when unleashed, is truly dazzling. Her gaze is electric, deep brown orbs that seem to absorb light, and reflect eternity. You note that her impressive bosom is not far from realizing an unlikely escape from her bodice, as it is heaving as though she had run for miles (and, you know, had need to breath). It is obvious that she is trying to distract and/or seduce you, though it has been decades since she was this open and, dare you say.. desperate?

That oaf Jacopo drained Melitene, she begins with a fetching pout that accentuates her full, rouged lips. I have a late engagement, and.. I just haven't the time to do anything with her body. Could you? She asks this with as much guileless innocence as if she was asking you to chop some wood, or fetch a pail of water. I thought, she begins, her voice deepening a bit into a throaty purr, that afterward, you might want to come stay the night.. With me, she adds, almost girlishly. If she were still mortal, you'd swear she would be blushing.

**By the way, for the record, Melitene was a fantastically beautiful and agreeable Spaniard, in her early 20's. Margherita had found her servicing dockworkers, cuts and bruises all over her face from her pimp. Margherita took Melitene on, and sent you to "re-prioritize" her pimp's personality.

Loreen's Mysterious Missive

At some point before you leave, I think you intend to retrieve what Loreen left for you.

The vase is deep and wide, requiring that you bend and sink your arm to the shoulder in order to retrieve what she left. Make a Dex + Subterfuge roll to ensure you aren't seen fetching it.

Inside is a folded square of fine parchment, about 2 inches square, and scented with gardenia. You can tell that there is something solid inside it. I wasn't sure if you were going to open it immediately or wait, so I'm leaving the option to you.

2013-12-10, 02:49 PM
Once Alonzo recovered the gardenia-scented parchment, he tucked it into his vest and into a interior breast pocket. He would check it's contents later when he was more alone.

When Margherita came to him and made her requests known, Alonzo lowered his head in a small bow out of politeness to his sire. He had done things of this nature for her before, of course, and the first part of her demands (as that is what they really were) could hardly be refused by him.

"Of course I will take care of Melitene, my lady. It is a tragedy that such a beautiful fruit be spoiled in such a manner. I do not believe that I ever had the pleasure of... getting to know her. But, rest assured, dear Margherita, that your affections are not necessary as repayment for the task.", Alonzo offered as a decline to her second mention. He hoped that that would suffice and began moving towards where he assumed Melitene's body would be.

DEX+ Subterfuge [roll0]

2013-12-10, 05:05 PM
Alonzo walks to the door, which Gbemisola had never properly closed. Using this action as a shield for his true purpose, Alonzo closes the door with his right hand, while deftly reaching into the vase with the other, using his body to obscure what he was doing. He does this splendidly, never even touching the rim of the vase, nor causing any notice from those few left around him.

When you rebuff Margherita's advances (for that is certainly how she sees it), her eyes narrow dangerously, and her tone loses the girlish inflection. Her posture stiffens as you watch the near-instant transformation from "girl-with-suitor" back to the traditional "master-and-servant". Well, she says, haughtily.. That's fine then, Alonzo. By the way, she adds, turning away from you quickly, her long hair whipping behind her to fall in an ebony cascade down her slender back. Don't think I didn't see you practicing your wiles on that harlot Lucrezia, her voice fading slightly as she strides forcefully away from you toward the front door. She places her hand on the handle, opens it halfway, then turns, just her head, to face you. I expect that if you do not wish to share my bed that you'll not be sharing hers. I command it. With another annoyed toss of her head, she exits, leaving the door standing open yet again.

2013-12-11, 05:14 PM
What level of obedience does this "command" carry with it?
Am I physically/mentally compelled to follow it through?
Are there checks that I need to make to overcome it?
Are there societal ramifications for ignoring it?
Is it just gonna piss of Margherita (and only her) if I don't?
Or is it really just a strong suggestion?

2013-12-11, 06:12 PM
There is no "force" behind the command, she just stressed the word so that you knew she meant business.

She CAN (and has) compel you to do things against your will, but it requires the use of her Disciplines (specifically Dominate or Presence). Luckily for you, she doesn't like to be heavy handed with such things, as overuse of Dominate can cause a person to lose much of their free will and motivation.

The Blood Bond largely prevents you from taking any actions which you know or assume will cause her grief or harm, especially when reinforced regularly, but, as you say, you haven't tasted of her vitae in over a decade. The actual mystical power of the Blood Bond has been heavily diluted by time. It never actually "goes away", it is literally eternal, but the more time that passes, the weaker it gets.

IF she had used Dominate or Presence, yes, you would be able to attempt to resist.

Societally, if it became widely known that you regularly defied your sire's commands, it would look bad on both of you. You for being a poopy childe, and her for being a craptastic Sire. They would likely shake their heads and recommend the Final Death. But chances are that nobody else would ever know or find out if you did defy her, as she does not like to appear weak.

Alonzo is fairly certain that it was just a catty comment made because a) Margherita doesn't play well with others (that aren't her superiors or cadre of 'friends'), or share her toys, b) because Lucrezia is either "as" attractive, or slightly more attractive than Margherita, and c) because Margherita and Jacopo (Lucrezia's sire) don't get on.

So, it was a suggestion with teeth. If you went behind her back and defied her, and she found out about it, there would definitely be some form of retribution, but she's pretty unpredictable. Sometimes she might blow it off, but if the mood caught her wrong, it could go badly.

2013-12-12, 05:23 PM
Alonzo allowed Margherita to leave without saying another word, opting instead to roll his eyes once she had gone. His sire had to be a woman... an eternity of jealousy for his attentions only when it suited her the most - what fortune was his. His thoughts turned from bitter sarcasm to the task at hand, once again cleaning up someone else's mess.

He located Melitene's body, pale and serenely laid out upon a velvet lounge... almost like she was only sleeping. He stood over her and mulled through thoughts of how said it was when a promising life came to an end. So young... so beautiful... he mused in his mind at the corpse, reaching out from where he stood to touch her skin - a fraction of warmth still clinging to her discarded form. It wasn't much, but to one such as himself, Alonzo could feel even the slightest sign of life. He returned to the main room and gathered up the oriental rug that one of Margherita's slaves nearly mistook for one of her own. Then, he laid it out upon the floor in the adjoining room and placed Melitene within it. It was likely that the poor slave would catch hell for the missing decoration, but that was not of Alonzo's concern. He rolled the poor girl's body up in the rug and then threw it over his shoulder and made his way down the stairs to the lower floor of the building. Making his way to the waterline by means of paths less traveled, he searched out a gondola that was without a sentry.

2013-12-12, 05:47 PM
None of the servants are in the salon where you find poor Melitene.

You located Melitene's body, pale and left crumpled at the foot of a velvet lounge.. almost like she fell off of it while sleeping. Her silk shift is so thin as to be nearly transparent, and you can see a few ribs pressed hard against her skin. Apparently, she has not been well fed of late. You recall her as having a gymnasts form, not waifish and gaunt, but rather firm and well-muscled. You recall seeing her dance, once, her eyes lit with excitement, hair flying behind her in rapturous joy. You stand over her now, and mull through thoughts of how sad it is when a promising life comes to an end. So young.. so beautiful... you muse in your mind at the corpse, reaching out from where you stand to touch her skin- seeking to feel the last residual warmth that must still be clinging to her discarded form, the warmth that nature forever denies you now. It isn't much, but to one such as you, even the slightest spark of life was easy to note..

And so it is.. The faintest pulse, so weak that at first you are nearly positive you imagined it, but, feeling the area just above the bite marks (Jacopo was not delicate with his food, and a fairly large and ragged hole marks the sign of his hunger, ribbons of flesh stuck to her skin with dried blood) rewards you with proof. Melitene is fading, near death, but alive.

2013-12-13, 04:03 PM
He almost chuckled to himself when he first touched the young woman; even so feint a warmth felt like life to his touch... so far removed from life was he. Then, doubt washed through him like a cold wave on a night-soaked beach. It cannot be... he thought to himself and touched the girl again, then checking her pulse upon her ravaged neck proved that, indeed, it was true! The girl was still alive!

"Dammit!", he cursed his situation. If he left in search of permission to turn her into a ghoul, she would be beyond that course as an option. And doing so without it was likely to draw even further ire from Margherita - she was angry with him already. However, and he was doing her dirty work, so perhaps it was he who should take issue with her. Too much debate, Alonzo... do what must be done! He had argued with himself for long enough. Drawing a small, jeweled dressing dagger from his belt, Alonzo pulled back his sleeve and made a cut in his wrist. He then presented the wound to the gaping mouth of the dying Melitene and allowed the vitae to flow... giving enough that the assassin thought would be needed to bring the dancer back from the brink of darkness. He then withdrew his arm and attempted to close the gash.

2013-12-13, 04:20 PM
The wound on Alonzo's wrist closes as soon as you think about it. Before you, you witness a slow transformation, as color begins to return to Melitene's face, her breathing improves, and her eyes flutter open weakly. The raw wound on her neck closes before your eyes, the skin reknitting itself together, leaving bloodstained, but otherwise umblemished skin, which jumps with a shallow, rapid pulse. You have given her enough Shall we say, 4 Blood Points, one of which will sustain her as a ghoul for one month, the other three to be utilized in healing her. (Her only real injury is exsanguination, so your transfusion, as it were, just replaced about half of what was taken. (This still leaves her enough to survive, though she'll be weak and ill for a couple of days, and it leaves you enough that you don't have to concern yourself with Frenzy. . Too much more and you would begin to fear for your self-control.

Wha'? My pardon', Monsieur de Catalano,she begins, flustered, her hand reaching up to touch her throat and neck, coming away with a few drops of blood on it. I remember serving Monsieur Barilla, and... Her eyes well with unfalling tears as she looks at you and says, I.. I don't remember.. I think I grew too weak and passed out, I hope Mademoiselle Margherite is not angry with me.. I did well?, she stammers querulously. She sits up, and her hand flutters to her brow, and she sinks back to the ground, obviously dizzy.

2013-12-13, 05:22 PM
"Easy, fair Melitene... easy there...", Alonzo said, gingerly picking the girl up and placing her upon the lounge. He reclined her ever so slightly, as to better suit her condition. He stroked her hair back out of her face and smiled down at her. Reassuringly, he offered, "Do not worry, child. You did well enough; it was not you that was in bad form this night. Come... you will stay with me for a few days at Villa da Catalano until you have recovered."

Alonzo then rose and picked her up once more, cradling her in his arms and making his way towards the front door.

2013-12-13, 05:54 PM
She is firm and warm in your arms, her gaze steady upon your face. She seems torn between mild fear and moderate curiosity, but knows enough to keep her mouth shut for the nonce. The path to the front door is blessedly vacant, though you can hear Margherita ordering someone around upstairs. At the quay just at the edge of the property, two gondolas bob mildly in the canal, their polemen standing just dockside, chatting quietly, and passing a crock of some sort between them.

2013-12-16, 05:05 PM
He quickly set her down on her feet, and leaned her against a wall, supporting her weight with one arm as he did so... hoping that it would seem as if she were getting sick. Alonzo removed his cape with his other arm and then patted her on the back, adding a "There, there..." loud enough for the gondoliers to overhear.

He then wiped at her mouth with a handkerchief from his pocket and tucked it away, before scooping her back up in his arms and draping his cape over her in such as way as to hide the blood stains upon her neck and dress. Then, approaching the two men, he said plainly, "The lady and I go to the Villa da Catalano. Which of you will take us?"

2013-12-17, 10:32 AM
Your reputation precedes you. While not well known in all circles, gondoliers, of necessity, run into almost everyone in Venice, and you have been known to be generous in the past. This, combined with the fact that these men were hired by Margherita, (whose reputation and standing in town are beyond reproach), means that the men both step forward at once, until the older makes an odd hand gesture, at which point the younger man swallows what he had been about to say, and steps back.

Il primo amore non si scorda mai, murmurs the bearded man True love never gets old, gaps obvious in his wide smile.. Allow Bentiro to help my lord de Catalano and his lovely lady to enter my craft, he offers, scrambling nimbly down into his gondola and reaching back to assist if necessary. Thunder ripples ominously against the sky, and, and tendrils of mist are forming on the water. Looking up at the sky, your gondolier adds, A causa di nebbia, we must needs hurry. Due to the fog It will be rising, Signore.

With a word of parting for his fellow gondolier, Bentiro settles you and Melitene comfortably inside the small shuttered "cabin", which is open on both ends, but the sides can be opened or closed using, you guessed it, Venetian Blinds. A candle flickers fitfully in the rising breeze, and sits innocuously beside what appears to be a stoppered miniature amphora, (about 8 inches tall) known as an amphoriskoi, and one leaded crystal goblet. Inscribed into the weathered amphoriskoi is the phrase "Manus manum lavat", One hand washes the other, though your excellent visual acuity tells you that the inscription is new, while the vessel is ancient, probably dating to Ancient Greece, or Roman times at the latest.

A boy of perhaps 12 scampers onto the ship. You aren't positive where he came from, as you were settling the restless Melitene. His tousled black hair falls into his eyes as he stops abruptly, staring at you, until Bentiro gently cuffs the lad and nudges him toward the oar near the prow of the boat. My son, explains Bentiro apologetically. Apologies, Master de Catalano, he was answering natures call when you arrived. After checking to see if you are comfortable and secure, Bentiro casts off and the gondola bobs peacefully in the canal as both oarsman begin their graceful rowing dance.

Melitene can't seem to decide whether she is hyper or sedate. Your vitae works inside her even now to strengthen and fortify her, while her body still laments the lack of a significant amount of it's blood. Her natural fatigue wars with the "medicinal" qualities of your gift. Either way, it causes her to slur many of her words, as she thanks you for your kindness. She seems to realize that she was in some distress, but likely doesn't realize how close to death she was, nor the danger that she (and you) are potentially in.

Make a perception roll (roll two extra dice separately, just in case you roll any 10's, as your Keen-Eyed specialty can affect this. So if you roll a 10, use the first of your supplemental rolls to add to your original roll).

Only open if you received at least two (2) successes (6+ in this case)

Bentiro's craft travels smoothly and swiftly. Melitene, soothed by the gentle undulation of the boat slumps serenely against you, her head falling to your shoulder, and her breathing deepens. She is asleep, her warmth obvious even through layers of clothing. You are over halfway toward your villa, when Bentiro guides the gondola down a smaller side "street", which heads perpendicular to your original path of travel.

2013-12-17, 06:51 PM
"Molto bene.", Alonzo replies as he climbs into the gondola with the girl still in his arm, politely refusing Bentiro's assistance. It had been his experience that mortals were extremely put off by the chill of a Kindred's body, especially when not knowing what they were beforehand. Once inside the gondola's cabin, the assassin closed the blinds in order to minimize the amount of stimulating distractions that might pass by Melitene's eyes - the less, the better. He dismisses the man's apology about his boy relieving his facilities with a wave of his hand, indicating that it was of no trouble to him.

He had more important things to concentrate on; they needed to get off of the streets soon. The arrival of the fog, however much it concerned the boatman, was a blessing to Alonzo, for it would aid in masking their passing a bit more.

Good, she is resting... Alonzo thought to himself. He looked down at her peaceful face and allowed a small smile to play across his lips. She would be alright; perhaps they both would. And then, as if in ironic defiance to his thought, he noticed the gondolier's deviation. Slowly, from within the relative confines of the cabin, he withdrew the same dagger he had used earlier to cut his own wrist; keeping the weapon hidden for now. He let a moment pass before he asked calmly, "Bentiro? Why do you take this way?"

"Molto bene" - very good; wonderful.

Perception: [roll0]
Potential Bonus Dice: [roll1]

Sweet, reading now.

2013-12-18, 09:28 AM
Ah, Signore, there is no fooling you, eh? A woman, she came to me, just minutes before you emerged. She told me that, you would be getting the surprise, no? She ask me to take you to the Santa Maria dei Frari. She says, from there, you are to take the girl to a priest, ahh, his name is Father Benassi. This man, he will have more instructions for you, yes?

Bentiro says all of this conversationally, between smooth efficient strokes of his oddly shaped oar. Bentiro, he knows not to ask the questions, Signore'.

The city is quiet, save for the gentle lapping of water at the canal walls. Every so often, Alonzo hears normal night sounds. A cat yowling, a distant splash, even an argument in the guttural German tongue, coming from a tenement as you glide past. Thunder still rumbles ominously, but the rising fog masks sound and direction admirably. Melitene shivers once as a particularly chilly breeze is funneled into your 'cabin', mumbles something incoherent, and snuggles closer.

Only two hours remain until dawn. From your recollection, the Santa Maria dei Frari should be only a few more minutes, out onto the Grand Canal, the widest and deepest of Venices waterways. For such a bustling place during the day (you are told), it certainly seems deserted at night. The Doge's recent curfew has much and more to do with this, but even before that, the nights have always been quiet, the canals lightly travelled in the evening, except at festival times. For yourself, you carry in your pouch a warrant signed by an Under Captain of the Civil Patrol, granting you and your companions (left intentionally vague) an exemption from the curfew, courtesy of Margherita and her connections. Many gondoliers, of necessity, were also granted exemptions, but not all. For Bentiro, you see an exemption placard has recently been bolted to the ferro, the ornamental iron device on the prow of the ship.

Another few moments pass in relative silence, your cold steel waiting in your fist. Bentiro stretches his back, then bends slightly to peer into your cabin. My pardons, Signore de Catalano, but the lady, she a'gave me the bottle for you, the one on the table? She says, you will be most impressed with the vintage, no? She says, it is not for the likes of Bentiro, and gives us another to drink, but it's vintage is splendid also, he prattles happily. But perhaps, Signore did not know that it was set out for him. It looks old, this amphora, and Bentiro, he has never seen a seal the likes of this one, eh?

It's true, the seal on the amphoriskoi is unlike any you've seen. Most have been sealed with wax, as this one has been, but there is also fine wire filaments interwoven through the wax, and wrapped around the vessel. You think that perhaps the wires are silver, and they create an interesting symbol atop the jar, surfacing from beneath the wax cunningly to create a shape.


2013-12-18, 04:45 PM
"I did not ask to be taken to the Santa Maria dei Frari..., Alonzo spat out in frustration. He steadied himself for a moment and assessed his situation. He was no stranger to finding himself in a trap - it had been done many times before. But having Melitene here, and in the condition that she was in, was going to add troublesome banes to whatever he might possibly be called upon to do in order to escape it.

"Bentiro... this lady; what did she look like?"

As the man spoke, he broke the seal on the amphoriskoi and opened it... wafting it past his nose in an attempt to figure out what it was. He had a feeling that he knew already, but he wasn't trying only to find out what it appeared to be - the assassin knew that there were many ways to end a life and that a weapon through the heart was only one.

I would like to try a few things but am unsure as to what to roll exactly.

I want to try and determine if Bentiro is innocent in this scheme, as he claims.
I want to see if I know anything at all about this symbol and/or the contents of the amphoriskoi.

2013-12-18, 05:16 PM
Ahh, this is where the beauty of the White Wolf games starts to show up.. There are so many options!

If you're just trying to see if he's acting guilty.. Perception and subterfuge. This would potentially catch the "tells" that a person has when they prevaricate.

If you want to interrogate him, Manipulation and Intimidation (or empathy,
if you're going for a softer touch).

If you're trying to question him in a friendly way, and see what shakes loose you could go Charisma + Expression

If you're trying to win him to your "side", (if there are sides), or tongue-twist him into admitting something, you could go Manipulation _ Empathy/Expression/Subterfuge (again, depending on your approach)

That being said, you could employ your Steal Thoughts power again (this guy won't be as hard to read as Delphi, who is probably in the top 5 toughest minds to crack in Venice, lol).

Using Auspex (Heighened Senses), it's POSSIBLE (if you had Acute Olfactory I would give it to you) that you could SMELL the person that he had spoken to still. (I'd make you roll a straight Auspex check against diff 8 given that a few minutes have passed)

Using Auspex (Soulsight), you could read his aura, which would tell you his emotional state. (not foolproof, especially if he's a sociopath).

Using Auspex (The Spirits Touch), you could attempt to get a reading off of the amphora, which could tell you who had it prior to Bentiro, and possibly how it was made, by whom, when, what's in it, etc).
You could use Dominate and MAKE him tell you.

Using Auspex, Steal Secrets, (this guy won't be as hard to read as Delphi, who is probably in the top 5 toughest minds to crack in Venice, lol), you could probably read this guys mind like a book).

Using Dominate 2, Murmur of the False Will, you could give him a command, which he would be obliged to comply with. "Tell me everything you know about the person who gave this to you, etc).

You could use Presence 1, Awe. If it works, he will be terribly impressed by you and will bend over backwards to please you.

Presence 2, Dread Gaze, scare the **** out of him till he tells you anything

Presence 3, Entrancement.. Creates a sense of willing and just devotion to you, which would make him WANT to tell you.

Is that enough ways to uncork Bentiro's mind and lay out his thoughts on a platter for ya? (Vampires are good at this sh|t, man! )

As far as the amphoriskoi, You could make various rolls about Intelligence (for memory), with Occult, or Academics. I mentioned using Spirits Touch above. Failing that (meaning, you don't "already" know.. You could use your incredible investigation skills to find out. Or you could ask others about it.

Luckily for you, I'm not going to be a punk about the symbol. It's a symbol representing Scorpio (the constellation). Any other connection it has to what's going on here and now will have to be determined via RP. Alonzo knows what the symbol is, knows that it's used frequently by artists and astrologers, illuminators, etc. It's purpose on that amphoriskoi, however, he does not know at this time (I'll save ya that roll, lol).

2013-12-21, 11:55 PM
We're going to go with just trying to see if he's acting guilty.
Perception + Subterfuge [roll0]

And for the amphora, I am going to use Auspex (The Spirits' Touch)

2013-12-23, 01:53 PM
You fix your discerning gaze upon the older gondolier from the shadowy confines of your cabin, searching for discrepancies, oddities, or other warning signs that not all is that it seems. WIth 5 successes on this roll, plus Acute Vision, think Sherlock Holmes' level of perception. Truly, the things you notice with this roll are absurd.

Bentiro seems utterly calm, neither excited nor determined nor afraid. He hums a quiet wordless tune as he rows, and between strokes often looks up at the stars with a smile. He is spry for his age, with none of the obvious maladies that afflict the aged, and many of younger age. His skin is firm and smooth, with hands that, though callused, are supple and strong. His gaze is quick and merry, belying more intelligence than you would assume for your average gondolier, but not alarmingly so. His speech and diction mark him as an educated man, if not a scholar. His clothing is quite workaday, as may be expected, but is in excellent repair. His gondola is well worn, but notably well cared for. Cleaner than most, to be sure, with a slightly more elaborate cabin than is the norm, but not as grand as some. You can tell that his boat is excellently balanced, because though both you and Melitene are both sitting on the same side of the boat, it does not list at all, nor do you see any evidence of rot, warp, leakage or mold.

Bentiro's purse jingles softly when he moves, with the sound of numerous coins, though most of them sound like the tiny quartorolo, though you can hear the distinctive sound of a few denarius and grossi as well. For simplicity, I am using as Venetian coinage: The silver Grosso (plural grossi, also can be called a ducat), which is worth 26 silver Denari. One denarii is worth 4 Quartorolo. Hardly bulging, but the purse of a comfortable man. Not unreasonable for a successful and smart gondolier, especially one that catered to the wealthy as Bentiro did. He is unarmed save for a workmans knife sheathed in a simple but well made sheath at his side. There are two plain but polished cudgels hanging almost decoratively to either side of the cabin's open-air entrance.

Bentiro's respiration is normal, his eyes calm, no physical tics or other manifestations of guilt or anxiety. In short, nothing about this man seems threatening in the least, and he is going about his duties with the confidence and ease of a man just doing his job. Your senses are very clear. If anything sinister is in store for you, Bentiro knows nothing of it.

For The Spirit's Touch, you need to roll Perception + Empathy. The difficulty depends on how important the object was to the previous owner(s), the more precious, the easier it is to get an impression for it. Go ahead and reroll the whole thing, as I think you rolled your Auspex rating.

2013-12-23, 02:14 PM
That I did.
Rolling again:
Perception + Empathy [roll0]

2013-12-23, 04:06 PM
Alonzo settles back from his scrutiny of Bentiro to consider the odd little amphoriskoi. Bentiro and his son are busily rowing, Melitene mumbling happily in her sleep. You reach out and lightly touch the jar, and focus your mind, absorbing into yourself the residual sensations carried by even the most mundane objects.

In your minds eye, you see a table, well appointed, but not with food. Dozens of old bottles, jars, jugs, and other containers litter it profusely, all dust covered. You have the sensation of several people around you, but cannot see their faces or make out their identities. Pleasant music, hundreds of years old is playing softly in the background. Ornate glasses sit in various degrees of filled, their contents familiar to you as vitae, and likely very, very old vitae, given it's color and consistency.

Almost simultaneous with the table, you see a wrist and hand, chained with massive links to a thick table. A knife comes into view, and slices vertically up the forearm, opening up a small cut. The gash begins to heal immediately, but a thin metal tube is inserted into the wound as it closes. The tube is apparently hollow, as vitae immediately begins flowing thickly out, first in drops, then in a thin but steady stream. You hear cursing in a language you do not recognize, and the wrist thrashes, the hand clenching impotently. The blood falls smoothly into a small amphoriskoi, is filled to the brim, and the tube is smoothly yanked from the wrist, ending the flow. You hear a sucking sound, and lips smacking, and then the lid is placed on the amphoriskoi, to be followed by a wax seal, woven throughout with silver thread.

The scene shifts to the dock where you boarded this gondola. The person holding the amphoriskoi is definitely female, is wearing all black so as to cover all of her skin, and speaks in a rasping voice. Her mental state is calm, but slightly bitter. She is.. disappointed about something concerning the release of this container. It is only too easy to recognize Lisabetta's phlegmy growl as she entreats Bentiro to place this on the table in the cabin, and ensure that Alonzo de Catalano boards with his companion. You hear her tell him the alternate route to take, and the instructions to pass on concerning Melitene and the priest.

There is nothing more at this time.

2013-12-30, 02:28 PM
Realizing that it was Lisabetta that had both placed the vitae here, as well as paid the innocent gondolier to take him to Santa Maria dei Frari, set Alonzo immediately on edge. This was likely some elaborate plan by the insufferable cow to exact vengeance upon him for spurning her so publicly - How drab, he thought to himself. Still... he would have to tread carefully ahead, for there was no telling what the nature of this trap could be. Unfortunately, he was going to have to let it play out. Although he remained visibly relaxed from the outside, he kept his senses busy - eyes peering out into the darkness from where he could see, ears attuning to anything that sounded out of place for this time of the night.

If Lisabetta had sent people for him, they would not survive to see the rise of the next moon.

2014-01-07, 02:56 PM
You are on alert now, watching through the rising fog as Bentiro expertly guides the craft far to one side of the canal as another gondola approaches from directly ahead. You are nearly to the Grand Canal. You will not cross it, but rather head South for a few minutes, then turn back to the North, up a small artery, and you know that the Santa Maria dei Frari is only about a minute from that watery intersection.

The other gondola glides toward yours, the sounds of laughter rising from it's cabin. Two men, perhaps three, with the lilt of the Britain on their tongues happily slurring the words of a song as the boats pass each other with less than a foot between hulls.

"- Company with honesty,
is virtue vices to flee.
Company is good and ill
but every man has his free will.
the best ensue
the worst eschew
my mind shall be.
virtue to use
vice to refuse
thus shall I use me.

This appears to be the last or only verse, as they stop their rough harmonizing and chuckle loudly. Aye, Finn.. one of them jibes, yer like to a bullfrog wi' those pipes o' youren all rusty. 'Ave another pull, eh, and shut it 'fore we wake the bawdies! Another voice, this one the deepest-voiced of the singers chuckles, and you can hear noisy slurping from within the cabin as the gondolas clear each other's sterns. Their voices recede quickly in the fog, leaving your ears with only the gentle lapping of the current caressing the hull, turning to gentle slaps as Bentiro navigates into and down the Grand Canal.

Melitene murmurs in her sleep whimpering faintly and shivering, then mumbles 'va bene, Papa'
You feel Bentiro steer the gondola back off of the Grand Canal, and you know that your ride is nearly at an end. It will be only a moment, Signore, Bentiro politely shares. It seems you were expected, there is a man at the landing, waiting for you.

True enough, as you look toward the approaching dock, a small man in the modest robes of a monk stands bare-headed in the mist, holding a lantern to light the gondola's approach. In his other hand, he holds the end of a moderately thick hempen rope, which he tosses to Bentiro's nimble son, who ties the boat off almost before it can come to rest with a wooden bump against the small dock.

The small man ambles forward, his shuffle likely impeded by gout or the like. He is slender to the point of gauntness, but his tonsured head crowns a face split wide with friendly compassion. My son, he murmurs gently, if you could be kind enough to carry her to the rectory for me, I have the directions you seek. He stoops slightly to peer into the cabin toward Melitene. Ah, lei e' bella!. He looks to you openly and without guile. Verrai? Verrai =Will you come?

2014-01-07, 05:07 PM
Alonzo paid the gondola full of Britons as little attention as he could; tonight, at least, they were of no concern of his. If this had all been, in fact, arranged by Lisabetta Lombardi because of a simple slighting remark he had made at the party... she was truly well-connected to have been able to act so quickly. He eyed the amphora of vitae once again, allowing all of the pieces tumble about in an unoccupied corner of his mind.

As the gondola turned off of the Grand Canal, Alonzo too saw the lantern-bearer awaiting their arrival. When Bentiro noted that they were expected, the assassin muttered a, "Indeed. How surprising.", beneath his breath. Seeing a man of the cloth, he stowed away his dagger and gingerly picked up Melitene to cradle her in his arms once more. He then bade for the son of Bentiro, "Boy, pick up the vino, there, and hook it upon my extended finger."

When the boy picked up the amphora, there was a denari stashed away beneath it, Alonzo having put it there earlier. When the boy looked up at him, Alonzo merely winked and held out the index finer of his right hand, near Melitene's knees. He calls out a "Grazie.". Once he had the vitae, he stepped out of the gondola and faced the man with the lantern.

And then, quietly enough that the two boatmen could not hear, he told the lantern-bearer, "I know not what Lisabetta has put you up to or what is in store for me and this girl, but I give you my word... if you harm have part in bringing harm to her... you will rue this night. Am I absolutely clear?"

2014-01-07, 05:22 PM
The pleasant smile freezes, and is replaced by concerned alarm. Ha.. Harm? the old man seems not to know the taste of the word, so awkwardly it falls from his lips. Child, he begins, reaching his now rope-free hand into his robes and withdrawing a string of paternosters that he now begins to unconsciously rub. His bushy eyebrows are scrunched together in consternation as he regards you. have faith in the goodness of men. I seek to harm none, but only give respite and relief to those who ask. I was told only that a weary and ill girl would be brought to the rectory by gondola this evening, and that I was to lead her benefactor.. you.. to the bell tower. This is all I know.

His hand reaches out for your arm, as if to pat it or hold it. Please, if you would to follow me to the rectory to put this child abed. The fire has been stoked, and several sisters await to see her out of these damp clothes. You will see that nothing is amiss, my son.

2014-01-09, 04:52 PM
"There was no accusation plied to my words, priest; merely a warning. Heed it and no harm will come to you by my hands.", Alonzo made to follow the man, still carrying Melitene and trying to keep a vigilant eye open to whatever the night may hold.

"I have seen too much of the 'goodness' of men to place much faith in it at all. Who bade you to fulfill this task? A name could go a long way towards giving me this faith that you wish for me to undertake."

2014-01-09, 05:42 PM
But of course, the old monk agrees placidly. News of your coming was brought to me by a messenger in the employ of Belladonna del Oso, the lady wife of Fabrizio del Oso. Signore del Oso is a minor functionary of the Doge, and a devout man. Do you know him?

The old priest steals glances at you as you walk, and at Melitene. He guides you up a winding finely polished plank path through what is likely to be a lovely and flowery courtyard during sunlit hours, the frothy sounds of a large fountain arising from behind a hedge that nears eight feet in height off to your right. He passes a small intersection heading that way, continuing on to the rectory, a handsome stone house set beside and behind the church proper. Smoke wafts smoothly from the chimney, giving the cooling night air a pleasant aroma.

Father Benassi scurries ahead to open the door for you, and the smell of fresh baked bread mingles with the woodsmoke. Before you enter, you note that the fog is beginning to thin, and the breeze is picking up. You estimate that you have just over 90 minutes before daybreak.

The inside of the home is fairly spartan, with simple, well made furniture and few decorations, though crosses seem to dominate those that you see. A plump elderly woman in the garb of a nun hustles to your side as you enter, clucking mildly to herself as she lays the back of her hand atop Melitene's brow even before you stop walking. Father Benassi indicates that you should lay Melitene down on a small bed near the fireplace. As you turn to face it, the round nun has placed fingers the size of sausages to your forehead as well. At least this one, he has no fever, she mumbles to Benassi, but the girl.. Put her down, boy.. Down! Her voice is sharp and strong, and she doesn't raise her voice, yet it echoes with command. This woman is obviously used to getting her way, and she glares up at you and begins to tap her foot

Will you take bread and cheese with me, my son, the priest asks. It is poor fare for a man of your means, I am sure, but you are welcome to break your fast with me. Your lady will be safe with Sister Mary-Clarence until you return. Or would you prefer if I take you to the bell tower at once?

2014-01-10, 01:47 PM
"I am afraid that I have not had the pleasure.", Alonzo responds to the question about Signore del Oso - the name rang a bell, but he could not put a face to the name. But it was of little concern.

Alonzo places Melitene where he was asked and steps back from the nuns, to allow them to do their work. He knew that there was little point... the vitae in her would aid her healing far more than anything these mortal fools could do. But, he took the time (and the distraction) to probe each of their minds in order to see if either of them seemed to have foul intent towards himself or the girl.

As the priest continued on, trying to lead him away, Alonzo asked, "What is in this bell tower that you speak of? I do not have much time before I must be on my way, I am afraid."

I'm not sure if I roll for each individual or not, but I will just in case...
Priest - Perception + Subterfuge [roll0]
Nun - Perception + Subterfuge [roll1]

2014-01-10, 02:51 PM
Your perception normally allows for rerolling 10's, but your rolls are more than sufficient for this purpose. Also, if you have more dots (in this case, 7) than the difficulty would be for the roll (in this case, 6), it's my discretion as to whether you need to roll at all. Alonzo is a master at this sort of thing. So, I will take the rolls into consideration, and you can be fairly certain of your results in this case.

You lay Melitene down, and she shudders once, crying out a bleary Why, Signora? before falling still and silent once more. Her heart rate is obviously elevated, her breathing a bit more shallow than would be the norm, but you attribute that to the potency of your blood counteracting the fatigue and weariness of her near-death experience.

Benassi himself seems to be perplexed, though you see no signs of any sinister intent. He continues to thumb through his paternosters, his lips moving as he rapidly prays in silent.. Latin, you believe, which isn't strange. He doesn't appear to be expectant, nor is he jumpy, and he doesn't shy away from looking at you or show any overt signs of secretive intent.

Benassi answers you even while you turn your attention to the nun. Ah, nothing is "in" it, Signore, save the bell. But the messenger told me that you should be in the tower, and paying attention to the canal behind the church an hour before sunrise. The time nears, Signore. Del Oso, he is such a fine contributor to the church and it's charities, I don't often have need to fear his eccentricities. I know not what you are meant to see, but.. I do not ask questions, Signore. He gestures toward another door, this one likely leading into the church proper. I will show you the way, if you are ready.

The round old nun is even less challenging to read. She appears to have completely forgotten that you exist, and is focused on her task. In short order, she has checked the strength of Melitene's pulse, felt for her temperature once more, listened to the rise and fall of her chest, opened her mouth and examined her tongue, peeled open one eye to check her pupils, etc. In short, she seems to be competently ascertaining the basic health of her patient. Her motions are quick and decisive, and her high-pitched voice is comforting (you imagine this woman has a superb singing voice) and melodic as she mumbles quietly half to herself, half to the sleeping Melitene. All will be well, child, I will set you right.. How does your heart sound.. oh, fast as a rabbit is it.. Well, we shall settle that with an herb tea, won't we. Such a lovely thing.. Hmm, skin under her.. The old woman straightens sharply and peers at you intently, brows furrowed and eyes sharp and disapproving... Has this child been in a fight, Signore? You can see her gaze go from your face and neck to your hands. Was she set upon?

2014-01-10, 05:11 PM
"I am uncertain exactly what happened, but I believe that she was bitten by a snake... here.", he stepped forward to indicate the bite marks upon her neck. It wasn't entirely untrue; Jacopo was quite the snake, when he wished to be. And he certainly was for what he had done to this poor girl.

"I discovered her as I was leaving a party."

Placated about Melitene's safety and intrigued about what it was that he was supposed to witness from this bell tower, Alonzo gave in to the whims of the priest.

"Very well.", he said as he made to follow the man. This... could get interesting... Alonzo thought to himself.

2014-01-10, 06:04 PM
More to come, which will be edited into this post, but under normal circumstances, if a vampire licks a bite wound after he is done feeding, it closes without a trace. This is one of the ways that the vampires stay hidden, no corpses with obvious fang wounds. We'll say in this case that he was lazy after he fed, (and I believe I had mentioned that the wound was larger than normal due to his carelessness), and that some small wounds remain, which would lend credence to your observation and be believable as a snakebite. A BIG snake, given the distance between the marks, but not impossible.

2014-01-12, 04:59 PM
The old nun frowns dubiously, but doesn't challenge your statement, instead turning back to continue her care of Melitene.

Father Benassi leads the way out the side door, which opens to a small storage room, which has another door directly opposite it. He still holds the battered lantern to light your way, and you can see to either side of you a modest number of casks, likely oil and sacramental wine, as well as stacks of crates labeled "Candela". There is also an untidy mishmash of decorations, rusty candelabra and other implements which are all reasonable accoutrements of a church. The heavy oak door opens without a sound, and you find yourself in the nave of the church, furthest from the altar. The church proper is dim, but lit with candles, sporadically near the rear of the church, but the altar is nearly ablaze with them.

The multitude of tiny fires dance hungrily, almost ominously, and you have to close your eyes for just a moment to calm yourself. You are old enough, calm enough in yourself to recognize these as no threat to you, yet, all the same, you dislike being so.. surrounded by them. Luckily, Benassi is spry for his age, leather shoes creaking softly as he traverses both sets of pews, and leads you down the far wall. Near the front of the church, another, smaller door is opened quickly, and the old priest steps outside, and waits for you to exit before closing the door behind him. You are outside again, the breeze brisk, and the last remnants of fog are dissipating even as you watch.

A covered walkway runs parallel to the church walls, and you go less than fifty feet before he once stops at a small open archway to your left. The wan light of his lantern illuminate an old but sturdy staircase, winding it's way up and to the right around the room, while a pair of heavy ropes dangle, swaying gently in the breeze.

The messenger, he says for you to ascend to the top of the stair, and look down on the canal to the northeast. He did not say why, the priest chuckles nervously. Perhaps he, too, recognizes the strangeness of these instructions, but he still looks perplexed rather than alarmed or alert. If it's all the same to you, he adds, I will return to Sister Agnes to see if I can be of any assistance to your lady-friend. You should take the lantern, he offers, holding it out to you, the stairs, they are quite dark. Looking up, the bell-tower is quite tall, easily 100 feet high, significantly taller than the church itself, it's stout stone walls covered arbitrarily in moss and lichen. Not much further ahead, is another garden, though this one is more of the vegetable variety than the plants and paths and hedges of the one near the church entrance.

Your knowledge of the area tells you that there is a narrow, winding street on the opposite side of the church, with a small plaza overlooking the canal, with another small landing for boats. Several street vendors frequent it,selling knickknacks and other sundries, and several warehouses occupy the far side of the street, surrounded by old tenements which are placed haphazardly anywhere they could be thrown up.