View Full Version : Chapter 6: New things in pretty Packages

2013-07-16, 02:08 PM
Chapter 6: New things in pretty Packages

As Oakenstaff clutched his skull, it was obvious the man was in a lot of pain, from what you are not sure, and your questions for him, fall on deaf ears, or ears of pain.

He falls to his knees, blood welling out of his ears, eyes and nose, as he continues to scream. The captain of the guard standing by not knowing what to do, it was his first day.....

And then a waft of hot air seemed to move over everyone, a strong scent of aniseed followed it, the air whirred before you and your stomach flip flopped, you know this feeling....no you knew this feeling, before, when...in the past, the present, no the future, when you were in the future....

The air suddenly retracts, the smell gone, and the heat holds for a second in the center of the room, a visible sphere of radiant energy, which then bursts, splashing the room with its energy, the aniseed smell blasting your sense of smell once again, but this time almost four times as powerful.

And at the center of the room, with a gentle tender hand stands a woman, two books floating around her, near chest level, a small dragon sitting on her shoulder, her blonde hair floating on unseen air currents, changing subtly as she moved, he face a serene look of dismay and concern, presumably for Okenstaff.


Looking up she looks at you all and narrows her eyes, her familiar Dragon screeches as she does, and you feel a certain power being directed at you, she radiated it, pure malevolent power, a raw thunder head being pointed in your direction, only to dissolve as she looked at the others.

You could tell instantly, she was not to be messed with.

Once she looked at you all, she opened her mouth to speak but caught her self, thinking otherwise, you could see the nonverbal argument behind those pretty eyes of hers, deciding with the nod of her head she spoke.

"You are all wrong, you do not belong here, Go, and do not come back."

She said quite simply, and as she did, she snapped her fingers, both books shone with eldritch energy, lightning energy crackling up and over each one, her hands began to glow and the whole room became a tornado of color, a maelstrom of arcane energy, with her in the center, yelling out draconic words.

"Qe gethrisja de tenpiswo, tir ti confn spical, gethrisj ekess svaklar wux re de!"

And with the last word spoken you begin to fade from view, the whole dungeon, shackles, floor and ceiling ebb from view, pulsing with the droning of the arcane storm, you seem to fall, but no rushing of air or the feeling of the pit in your stomach rising, and then you are lying on a grassy field looking up at nothingness, a swirling smoky smog trying to get out.

Looking around you see all of your are lying on the grass behind the tower of the Mages, the tower is how it was, blasted and smoking halfway up, smoke still rising from it, strange arcane energies dancing at the top of it, you see the Guard who let Oakenstaff into the cell is with you, still unconcious.

As you kneel, your stomach flip flops and the bile rises, just as the castle in the distance, erupts, a loud *CRAKOOOOMM* reverberates through the city, as huge chunks of rocks and debris fall from the mountain and land upon the energy dome covering the city, it would seem that the Castle itself is shaking, moving somehow....

2013-07-18, 02:05 PM
"Where... where..." She stops for a moment and stares at the smoking ruins. "I guess the question really is, when are we? Back three days forward? Or... is this the change we've made in time?" Please no... is... Ralph...? Alyera chokes for a moment, and remembers Lucien and Ma.

"Are you two alright? Alive?" She shakes them both, and keeps praying feverishly. Why? Why? What happened!? What just happened?!

Using Divination, one of my new level 4 spells. I have a 77% chance of success, and the question is: 'what things changed in the last minute, relative to my perception?'

[roll0] >77 = success, <77=failure. I do know about whether or not I failed, unless there's some magic involved... :smalleek:

2013-07-18, 02:15 PM
Ma puts out a hand to steady herself as the ground rumbles. Slowly using her staff to help, she rises.

I'm here. Stop shaking...go to where you are from....how did she know we were from a different time? And I am glad they let us keep our stuff.

Once Alyera lets her go, whe glances to see that Lucien is still no longer stone and breathes a sigh of relief as she sees that he, and Cassandra were still there.

As the ground rumbles, she watches the mountain crumble.

I suppose one positive of the stupid shield is that it is keeping the mountain from falling in on us.

2013-07-18, 02:42 PM
As you cast your spell, asking your god to guide you it is only moments afterwards that you hear a deep baritone voice, smooth and steady, monotonous...

Though with time even lime will fade,
it is the winding of the stream that does not stop,
something from nothing cannot be made,
in your haste be careful lest you drop.

2013-07-19, 10:45 PM

The half elf stands up rather vigorously. He looks around, enraged. Before he could even react to previous situation, they were yet again yanked into who knows where. Or perhaps more precisely, as he seemed to notice where he was still, who knows when? Have they gone back into their own time? But if so, at which point?

'Gahhh!, dammit!" is all Lucien could manage to say. "Alive? I don't know. I don't care. What's the difference?"

He then draws his sword and slashes at a random object nearby to quell his burning rage and frustration.

2013-07-20, 12:49 AM
Anders opens his eyes slowly, rubbing his forehead. "What the hell happened?" He asks himself. As his mind refocuses, he crawls to his feet, pushing himself to his feet, grabbing his sword from the ground on the way up. Seeing the group freed, he points his blade at them. "All of you against the... wall" He realizes he has been moved outside, behind the tower. "W-what happened?" He asked, staring at the smoke rising from the tower and the rubble atop the energy dome.

2013-07-21, 08:59 AM
Ma looks at the guard. "Really?" She shakes her head. "I don't know why you got sent back - forward - with us. Put up your sword before you get hurt."

She sighed. "Do you want the long version or the short one?" She puts a hand to her head.

2013-07-21, 11:58 AM
He continues looking at Ma at the end of his steel. "T-the short version..." He eyes the others to make sure they aren't trying anything.

2013-07-21, 06:39 PM
Alyera shrugs. "I'm gonna let Ma take this one... good to see you back, by the way." She stops for a moment, and throws her arm around the woman, holding her tight for about half of the description. Finally, she squeezes one last time, and steps back. Time, date. If we're post-spell, the clocks won't be running right... maybe find the resistance? I forget what it was we were even trying to do...

Last I remember, we were trying to find the Cleric of Orcus, because the pirate was already dead. That's when I had jumped out the window, and you guys chased.

2013-07-22, 07:47 AM
Ma returns the halflings hug and then sighs and sits back down.

"Okay...to recap. Mages were trying to do something...ended up blowing themselves up and casting a forcefield around the entire bloody city. Dead people started rising - becoming zombies. Some of whom just did what they were told but there are some with green glowy eyes that seem to have a will to act on their own. We'd been given a clue that there was a pirate dude who knew something but when we got there pirate dude was dead. Then we got sent back in time...and apparently now back - foward?- in time?"

She glances at Alyera. "Do you think we're early enough in what passes for history to see if said pirate is still dead or if he's alive and we can talk to him?"

She glances back at the guard. "Oh, and there is a cleric of Orcus involved somehow. Put your sword down, son. It's not like you could take all of us." She waves her hand at the group.

She thinks for a moment. "Let's see. I'm Moraine Collins, but folks just call me Ma, this is Alyera and the one venting his frustration on the air is Lucien. The quiet one - at the moment - is Cassandra."

She glances around. "Did I forget anyone or anything?"

2013-07-22, 10:28 AM
"It's worth a shot," Alyera states back. "I'm just wondering who that woman was, and how she plays into things... oh, and whether or not we've changed how it happened, you know. I mean, the explosion I don't remember from last time... so is this a new chance to change the future?"

2013-07-22, 12:20 PM

"Yeah, put that sword down, or I'll be venting on someone else," is all the half elf could say in his state. He looks at the seeningly clueless chap and his blood begins to rise to his head once more.

"Frickin idiots like this one get to live so cluelessly while the rest of us die trying to save their collective sorry asses! Raaaagh!"

He strikes at the ground before sheathing his blade as he tries to suppress the memories of the ones they have lost, but ultimately gives in as another stream of warm liquid streaks down his cheek.

"You forgot Ralph. And Has. And Annalyn."

2013-07-22, 12:45 PM
Ma pulls herself up and walks over to Lucien. Placing a companionable around on the half-elf, she offers a hug.

Over his head, she looks the Guard. "Aye, and those we've lost...Hasni, Ralph, Annalyn, who has died and come back twice, I think. Slade, Jon and Saffron are lost to us as well I fear."

2013-07-22, 01:30 PM
Anders is confused, as anyone would be. He lowers his sword slightly. "Lets say I believe you for a second. What now?" He sheathes his sword finally and rests against something. "Quite the adventure you've been on." He sighs looking up at the dome around the city. "They never prepared me for any of this."

Seeing Lucien cry, he stares blankly at the ground. "I'm... I'm sorry for your loss."

2013-07-26, 02:44 PM
As you all stand and talk at the base of the ruined tower, you fail to see something creep up on you.

A familiar giggle can be heard, however slightly faint, as if it was being muffled.

Looking around all of a sudden, you can see the wall to the tower has been knocked over, most likely by the blast that started this whole thing, underneath one of the walls you spot 2 little eyes.

Upon closer investigation, you see a familiar face. Her eyes are a beautiful gold speckled blue and no less mesmerizing as before.

Underneath the rubble is the little girl Ma and Alyera had seen before, and once again, she was giggling, holding in her mirth with her hand over he face.

"Oh you people are SOoooo Funny!" *teeheehee*

She attempts to control herself and barely manages, "Come" she says simply, with a big grin on her mouth "Someone has been waiting for you!"

2013-07-26, 02:54 PM
Anders turns around, raising his blade once more. As the giggle rings into his ears, he looks back to the others. "You... you know her?" He's completely confused and now unsure what to think. He had just been reassigned to the tower, and already so many things had happened. He moves where he can see all of them, eyeing each one carefully, untrusting still.

2013-07-27, 12:56 AM

Lucien hugs Ma back tightly, shedding his tears without holding back. Perhaps he had been wishing for a figure like Ma, whom he could cry on, or talk about those things he was simply too shy to discuss with my father. He was able to adjust with the loss of my mother, but the void she left in his life, perhaps it could never be filled in, no matter how responsible and caring his father was. He cries like so for a few seconds, not caring for anything else.

When he feels his chest lighter, he lets go and whispers "Thank you" to Ma, just in time to hear the strange voice and the giggling, to which he immediately spins around.

"No, no I believe I do not," he answers the guard's question as he draws his blade.

2013-07-27, 10:22 AM
"She's with the resistance." Alyera says, matter of factly, before realizing that he probably doesn't realize there's a zombie apocalypse. "We can just follow her and then explain it later?" She doesn't wait for his response, instead, she embraces Lucien. "Missed you, Luce."

Group Hug!

2013-07-31, 04:00 PM
The little girl stands forward and you see her for the first time that any of you can remember, she is a small lithe little thing, which her hands covering her mouth, as if holding in her mirth physically.

She moves over to Ma, pauses and suddenly hugs her with some force, the touch and sudden embrace shocks Ma, but less so than the strange feeling that emanates from the little girl, a strange mixture of cold and warmth worm through you with small tendrils that reach throughout your body.

She withdraws as suddenly as she hugged you and runs off, not looking back at anyone she finds a whole in the cracked cobblestones and disappears from sight.

You all look at each other shocked, what just happened? And then you all move with sudden speed, knowing that someone was actually waiting for you, but not sure who. The little girl seemed genuine and you all didn't want to loose her, some strange sense of chivalry forming in the back of your mind to protect her from the ravishes of the city. Not realizing that she perhaps is much more capable than you are at it.

You all scramble to find the hole, and descend the darkness to catch a glimpse of the little girl taking off through the sewers.

Alerya and Ma both sigh audibly while the others take off after her, both women mutter some warning about the "water", and to take care around it before following.

The little girl runs off with the grace of a cat, avoiding and twisting around dripping water, jumping over puddles, and tip-toeing over rubble with out disturbing a stone.

You all however, are not as dexterous, only Lucien is able to keep up, and avoid falling, but even he does not go unscathed, not fully understanding the mentioning of the water, he heads straight through a plume of water, and is burned for it, the strange cursed water, leaving red marks all over his face and head, the others who are behind him avoid it due to his reaction.

After what seems to be close to half a bell, you finally find the little girl, stil breathing easy, and standing at the edge of an open cavern, she knocks twice on the cavern wall and the image of the open cavern fades away to a cavern filled to the brim of working people, scaffolds line the walls, draped with canopies providing privacy for what look like makeshift homes, babies cry, mothers fuss over their children, the smell of something frying lingers in the air, where there was nothing before.

Your nose says frybread, possibly sourdough, but you can't be sure...and meat, some kind of meat being sauteed with garlic and onions, your stomach begins to growl at the smell, but the girl runs off again, weaving through the crowd as easily as the rubble of the city sewer systems.

You manage to lose her, but moments after you do, she is walking behind another person you remember, Ralphs father, Edward. He walks up to you and smiles wide:

"Wow, I thought it would take longer! Welcome back, I hope everything went as well as planned? Come, we have much to discuss!" He leads you all on, not even noticing the obvious void in the party and Anders appearance with you all.

Moving swiftly he moves to an ante chamber and beckons you to come, inside are two others, both are elves but very different, one is a simple elf, with rough hands a leather apron, he seems to be anxious to leave or go, or to do something. He looks as the group arrives and he beams wide as he sees his son for the first time in perhaps a few weeks.

"Lucien! My Son! I was worried...worried you were...nevermind, nevermind, come here, give your father a hug!"

The other is a female elf, almost wild in nature, old by human standards, with gray hair and a green scorpion sitting in her lap, she looks up as you all approach but doesn't stand to greet you all, merely smiles.

Edward lets La'ron embrace his son with a smile and nods to them, he motions to the newcomer "This is Lady Jezelda, once she heard of what you were doing she wanted to help, it is not coincidence she showed up only bells before you did, I think she would be a sizable help to you and your group."

He stands, folding his hands behind the small of his back, he looks at your group and for the first time since meeting you, he checks your faces, seeing you for the first time. "I bet you must be hungry? I shall call for food," he waves his hand at someone who hurries over "Bring some food for our friends please." he whispers, as the man hurries off. Turning back he smiles again "Where is Ralph, I don't see him with you?"

2013-08-01, 02:20 PM
The lean elf rises gracefully to her feet. The small scorpion scuttling back into the long and sweeping dress that hung from her thin frame. Giving a short curtsy to the party she brushes some of the long grey hair away from her face tucking the long silken strands behind the two jewelled tiaras that hold most of the mass of hair back.

I am the Lady Altheal... Jezelda now I guess. The last I saw of the manor it was crawling with those undead monsters and I fled. Since then I've been helping as many people to safety as I could find with meagre skills..." she pauses to gesture at a small pack with a rapier and shortbow lying atop it. "Master Edward here found me hiding in a dog kennel of all things and brought me here where I've been trying to help ever since. He has mentioned you once or twice."

Looking at them she smiles again and proffers to her pouch - "I have some small skill at healing if you are injured. Its one of the many things I have been doing to help here. Is it true that you know of what caused this vile cataclysm?"

2013-08-01, 03:17 PM
Alyera is only too happy to find a distraction, and she manages to talk and think at the same time.
This world will die. Who will kill it?
"We've got some knowledge of the situation, yes...
Ralph... Why'd you have to go? Smiling and kind and straightforwardly honest... Why was it you?
"There was some sort of magical accident when the mages cast a spell... we don't know terribly much other than that. Oh, and there are some areas of the city outside the forcefield, unaffected... so help might be on the way. Might be."
There wasn't any help for Ralph, was there? Just... just... bleeding... Suddenly, she breaks down. Can't hold it in for a moment longer, knowing.
You failed him, too. Probably.
"HE'S DEAD, ALRIGHT!?!" she chokes, eyes wet, and starts to cough. Not a single tear can escape, and neither can words. Alyera just slumps against a table, coughing and coughing and coughing, gasping for more and more air. Dead.

It's like that for a few minutes, and she stays down, slowly tracing a piece of wood with her finger. We're all gonna die. But you could kill for him.

2013-08-01, 04:55 PM
Anders moves over to Alyera, not sure what to do, he rests his hand on her shoulder. "Just breathe..." He sighs. "It'll be okay."

2013-08-01, 07:18 PM
Ma blinks. All the ways she had been trying to think to answer Edward's questions flew out the window. As silence fills the room.

She walks up to the other side of Alyera and puts a hand on her shoulder. But her eyes are on Edward, Ralph's father.

"Alyera's right, I'm sorry to bring this news." Her eyes blink rapidly. "Ralph has indeed died. He died trying to rescue his girlfriend." She glanced at Lucien still wrapped in a hug with his father, "Perhaps when the crisis is over, Lucien can tell us the rest."

2013-08-02, 01:22 AM

Lucien follows the little girl as closely as he can without trying to leave the others' line of sight. He is silent for most part with the occasional 'hup' when exerting himself on jumps. Even the burning water does little to solicit any loud reaction from him.

When at last they arrive at their destination, Lucien looks around and tries to make sense of his surroundings. He recalls the underground lair of the resistance, but it doesn't quite look the same, much less the atmosphere. However, when Ralph's father appears in view, he more or less thinks he is in the same place.

But another feeling, a much more stronger one emerges at the sight of the man and he fails to react properly. He can feel the tension rising among them, and is vastly relieved when he sees the all-too-familiar figure of an elf in a leather apron, failing to take note of the other elf present.

He runs and hugs his father silently. He is happy, but deep inside he is torn. Beside their happy reunion is the outburst of Alyera and Ma pointing at his direction for explanation. Ultimately it falls upon him to tell the good man he had just lost a son. And he was there and he couldn't do anything at all.

Who the hell tells a father he has just lost a son? And he doesn't even get a body to bury. Why did it have to be him standing there and not Ralph?

Lucien falls silent, and unconsciously his hug tightens around his father's body. He would have to answer eventually, but he looks away and waits for the question from Edward himself.

2013-08-02, 02:56 PM
The witch steps back as the woman's scream about Edward's son dying echoes around the cavern. She reaches out with a long and delicate hand to offer a token gesture of sympathy before the other woman envelops her in a comforting hug.

Jezelda rests her hand on Edward's shoulder "I am sorry for you loss. Gods bless him and keep him safe from harm." The small prayer done she turns to her pack "Could I make some tea maybe - help settle a stomach and we can talk calmly about this..."

as she looks around she freezes - the young elf greeting his father a stark contrast the destruction of a Father's heart going on a few paces from her. Not for the first time during the this crisis she felt a sense of relief that her path in life had left her far from her fellows and the possibility of finding a mate to spend her life with. She was not sure she could cope with the sort of heartache it seemed to cause. Though for humans... maybe it was different. The scant blessing of the shortlived who's emotions burned bright like a flash in the pan.

2013-08-06, 02:38 PM


Edward froze, his eyes grew wide and his breath slowed, his pupils suddenly shrank back, to tiny pin pricks and his forehead crinkled.

You could see the beginnings of a tear, but it vanished with a blink as his eyes steeled and determination resolved upon his face.

Sighing he nodded "It was as I thought," he said somberly, sitting down he seemed to suddenly become exhausted "tea?, yes, yes, please some tea." he motions to the elf.

His head bows down and his hands hold his head, as he thinks about it.

Sighing heavily, he stands, slowly this time. Looking to Luciens father, he nods and smiles "It is time, I am afraid they have things to do" he says, Lucien's father nods, and squeezes him again, "It's time I leave, know that your mother and I are proud of you, no matter what happens." he smiles once more and walks off to leave.

After he has left, Edward looks to everyone, sorrow deeply lining his face, "I have dire news, and I know you all must needs hear it, for you are all tangled up in these...crazy events somehow. The Castle is rising from the bedrock, it is slowly going upwards," he shrugs "Not sure how, no one has ever heard of such a thing, we all think it is magic, some side effect of the curse that has befallen us all," he moves to walk, looking back to make sure you all follow him, "I had to hand out the remainder of that gear you all looked over, but more came in and I kept a hold of some of the choicest gear, I'll let you look it over and then you can meet my guide, hes waiting for you near the castle."

He stops and looks to you all as he comes to another alcove with several weapons, armor and other magical items.

"I'm not sure whats going on, I don't know how or why you all are intertwined, but you are, I know this, you need to get on that castle, you need to stop whats happening, you need to end this."

In the alcove you see the items, obviously magical in their appearance.

A magical sword (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/specific-magic-weapons/sun-blade) lies on a chair, larger than a Longsword and detailed with sun motifs and light shards, its blade streaming and lined with mythral up its steel shaft, creating a coalescing effect rendering the sword to be dazzling to look upon.

Next to it is a staff (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/staves/staff-of-dark-flame), leaning upon the chair made out of several bones that have been warped together and twisted, the bones are unrecognizable other than the fact it is indeed bone. Metal sigils line the bone all over, etched into the very bone, sigils of power, fire and unlife are shown in a conglomeration of powerful draconic runes.

On another chair lies a circlet, which is lined with a dark red metal and deep garnets along its center, made from an alloyed Mythral and Starmetal, its surface shimmers with an eldritch power.

Circlet of Eldritch Power
+2 Int & Wis circlet [skill:Use Magic Device]
Grants +1 DC to special abilities/spell like abilities
Grants Eldritch blast 2d6 as per the Warlock ability(3rd CL) and one lesser Invocation chosen after wearing it for 24 hours.

Along with the circlet is a roughly hewn spear (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/specific-magic-weapons/heartswood-spear) which looks no more than a stake cut freshly from a tree.

And a intricate dagger (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/specific-magic-weapons/spirit-blade), with a wailing banshee as the hilt carved from dragonbone, the blade itself is tinged with blue.

On a chest is a belt, it is carved from several planks of wood, which seem to resemble scale mail, forged together by rings of golden iron, each plank is carved with leaves and the images of treants and dryads fighting of orcs.

Belt of the DeepWoods
+4 Con & +2 Str belt
+2 Nat armor
1/day you may turn into a giant sized oak tree for up to 12 hours. You gain Fast healing 20 when in sunlight, lose all natural healing, modes of movement and speech, you become a plant and gain all the abilities of a plant creature, including being immune to critical hits and sneak attacks. However, you are vulnerable to fire and take 150% damage from all sources of fire. You look and feel like an oak tree and automatically pass any check to disguise yourself as such.

And the following:

+2 Breastplate
+1 Balanced Chain shirt
+1 Padded armor of greater shadow
Banded Mail of Luck (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-armor/specific-magic-armor/banded-mail-of-luck)

+1 Light steel shield
+1 Bashing Heavy steel shield
+1 Mythral Buckler

+1 Keen Scimitar
Lesser Holy Heavy Mace (+1d6 vs evil)
+1 Flaming Cold Iron Dwarven Waraxe
+1 Returning Dagger

7 x potions of haste
5 x potions of Cure Moderate wounds
2 x potions of shield
1 x potion of Protection from Acid

Wand of Cure Light wounds (23/50); 5th CL
Wand of Magic Missiles (49/50); 6th CL
Wand of Vanish (13/50); 4th CL

2 Javelins of Lightning (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/magicWeapons.htm#javelinofLightning)

Ring of Protection +2
Ring of Evasion
Ring of Jumping
Ring of Shooting Stars (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/magicItems/rings.htm#shootingStars)

All items are identified in a scroll to the right.

2013-08-08, 02:10 PM
Jezelda looks sadly at the distraught father as she kneels down and pulls out a small kettle and some leaves and soon has the kettle bubbling noisily away. "Be at ease Master Edward. I know nothing can replace your son but look around you. Life still goes on and these people need you now. You are father to them all."

Still concentrating on the tea she proffers around the small pot. "Would anyone else like some tea?"

As Master Edward proffers towards the piles of magical gear Jezelda coughs nervously. "May I join you. I have some powers that may assist you and this horrid plague that has beset the city has wounded me deeply as well."

My treasure requests :smallwink:
1 x CMW potion and Haste potion
- Shall I carry the CLW wand? I can use it?

Stuff in order...
Tiara of Warlockness
Ghost touch dagger
Ring Shooting stars

2013-08-08, 03:13 PM
Alyera remains curled under the table, ignoring anyone else.
You know the only way to fix it.
Quietly, she began to take a few glances towards Ralph's father. Poor man. Poor, poor, man.
He's just a symptom. The house needs to be torn down.
Maybe it's not that bad...? He might recover...
Only after it's torn down can it be rebuilt.
Where was the voice? That beautiful, comforting, commanding voice was gone. She couldn't hear the insistence, and she didn't know what to do. So she just sat and cried. Cried for a long while.

2013-08-12, 01:09 PM
Ma listens as Edward shares his insight. She nods and then walks over to Alyera.

She gently puts her hand on the crying halfling's shoulder. And then kneels down beside her. "It's alright, Alyera. You couldn't have saved him. We can't always win...in fact, it seems we are often losing. But we can't give up hope. We may be tired, but we are not weak." She flushed as what seemed to be a platitude fell from her lips. "That sounded horrible." She blinked. "Alyera, We need you."

Having spoken her piece, she nods to herself and then stands up and walks over to the alcove. Picking up the sheet of paper, she reviews the items.

"Alright." She says, "Thank you, Edward, I am sure we can use all of this. She glances back at her companions. "I suggest we each take the potions of haste and cure. I would be most interested in the staff...of course, and the ring of protection." She sets the list back down and steps to the side to wait for the others to make their choices.

Then suddenly as if having a thought, she walks over to Lucien. "Lucien, I'm not sure if these would help you..." She pulls off a pair of gloves, black with a spiderlike motife, running through in silver thread. "They are not much help to me but they do seem to add a bit of dexterity to those more roguish skills."

2013-08-12, 11:38 PM

The young half elf is reluctant to let his father go. He figures he never knows when or if he would ever see him again. But then he stops and lrts go, nodding as the elder elf says his goodbye; on the corner of his eye he could see Edward, and so he feels another pang of guilt and shame. How could he act so selfishly now?

And besides, if there was someone who's more likely to die between him and his father, he reckons it would be him.

Moving on wordlessly to the stockpile of equipment, he takes whatever he sees he likes, then proceeds to pack them up and check on his other gear. He also silently thanks Ma for her gloves and wears them immediately.

"I'm all set to leave when everyone's ready."

I'll just leave the finalization of what he gets OOC.

2013-08-13, 09:55 PM
Alyera responds somewhat to Ma, and stands near her as she half-heartedly kicks through the pile of goods. She does take a few things, slipping them on in clumsy silence.

-Potion of Shield, Haste, and CMW
-Wand of CLW, unless someone else wants it.
-Belt of the Deep Woods.
-Ring of Jumping

2013-08-20, 09:24 PM
As you finish gathering the gear and putting on your new armor, placing new weapons in sheathes after practicing with them for a few slashes in the air, you are all ready to move out.

The little girl comes back, giggles at the old elf woman and runs off again, you all expect this and manage to keep up with her, this time it takes about an hour or so of going through tunnels, sewers and even wading chest deep through some pitch black water, only to realize the water was actually black like tar. She seems to take pity on you all and slows down considerably, either she is getting used to you, or something else, who knows what the little imp was thinking?

At last you come to an entrance of rubble that leads upwards, the light outside is dark, but you can feel the emanations of the castle, or whatever is happening to it and you know you are close.

She leads you up, its difficult going, and many of you have to avoid falling debris, but you all manage it.

Up above is another elf, this one looks like a warrior and is glad to see you.

http://units.wesnoth.org/1.10/pics/core$images$portraits$elves$transparent$captain.pn g

Looking around you see you are within the castle walls, the castle seems to be vibrating almost, as if it was wresting free of the surrounding mountain...

Pime, you've been waiting for about 2 hours and have been ordered to accompany them, help them with what ever you can. The castle has been shaking the whole time you have been waiting, and all undead have fled the area...

2013-08-21, 02:51 PM
Jezelda straps on her new equipment. The tiara jostling amidst the other ones. Fondling the new ring she looks up as they reach the other elf. Switching eleven she speaks smoothly "Greetings. What has brought you to this place? How have you survived this misadventure"

Looking around at the others. "Are we ready. Do we need to make any preparations?"

I cast Mage armour

1 x CMW potion and Haste potion
- Shall I carry the CLW wand?

Tiara of Warlockness
Ghost touch dagger
Ring Shooting stars

2013-08-21, 08:23 PM

"Let us move," Lucien replies. Turning to the other elf, he asks. "What do you know of the castle?"

Pime Taradox
2013-08-22, 04:52 AM
"Victor Torre, acting captain of Cloud cities' mage guard, at your service."
With a short salute, the warrior begins his report.

"Of the castle I know two things - it is affected by a powerful magic disturbance, and currently not inhabited by the undying. I suggest we either leave its perimeter immediately, or investigate whatever phenomenom is threatening to destroy its structural integrity."

Upon hearing a familiar tongue, he smiles briefly and states: "I was assisting my charge from the mage's guild in surviving whatever catastrophe has befallen the upper echelon of Cloud Cities' arcanists, and the subsequent fallout. This morning, I was ordered to await and assist you in your mission, while Elianas talents were required elsewhere.

As to the means of survival - I have found that teamwork, clear communication and rapid retreat, when necessary, are quite sufficient when dealing with most crises."

The elf glances briefly over the assembled group, then to the little girl for confirmation that everyone is present. His stance relaxes ever so slightly, a minor tell of relief that the uncertainty of waiting alone in a dangerous environment is over, and his mission can proceed without further delay. At the same time, he gauges the appearance, equipment and demeanor of his new charges - apparently, at least the elven woman addressing him was a mage of some sort, judging by her lack of visible armor and the spell component pouch at her hip.

OOC: Okay, I'm finally active in game! No time to fetch fancy equipment from wherever you guys came from, but that's okay for now. I suppose any long tales and introductions will have to wait until we have some peace and quiet.

Since Victor is prone to hearing mages talk alot(OotStaff cavaliers are mostly silent bodyguards that physically ward their assigned charges, impress/intimidate people, and serve at social functions. However, they are not mages, and as such, of little importance, almost beneath notice), I'll try a couple of Knowledge checks to see if Victor "does" know anything about the shaking castle and/or further details of the mission.

Knowledge(whatever applicable):
[roll0] Modifiers: arcana/religion/nature +15, history +12, everything else +7

2013-08-22, 10:15 PM
Anders followed behind, watching them all closely, when he heard 'acting captain' he paused. "Excuse me, acting captain of what now?"

Andddddddd........ He's back. I have returned from my unannounced hiatus with my emotional distress gone and my heart pieced back together.

Pime Taradox
2013-08-23, 03:40 AM
"The mage guard. An order of warriors sworn to protect and aid any registered magic-user of Cloud city upon request, assist in research and retrieval of rare spell components or materials for crafting.

Unfortunately, the explosion that killed the higher ranked mages of the city similarly decimated the command structure of our order, leaving me in control of what few resources we have left. At present, my comrades are clearing certain areas of the city and building barricades to contain the undead threat.

Usually, I'd offer you registration forms and invite you into the guild hall, but the recent events lead me to believe that now is an inopportune time."

The elven warrior briefly unclenches his spear-hand before renewing his grip, his posture unchanged and his expression steady. Perhaps elven longevity does assist in maintaining patience under pressure, even though the shaking castle and ominous magical pressure didn't help to calm his nerves.

2013-08-23, 02:37 PM
"Well, as Captain of the Guard of the Tower of Mages, I'm afraid I have something to say about your interim position." He steps forward, trying to assert his authority.

2013-08-24, 10:18 AM
Alyera stands at the back, almost clinging to Ma. She stands silently, awaiting whatever these two strange men decide.

2013-08-24, 11:55 AM

The young half elf sighs and steps forward, intentionally passing in between the two men.

"Let's go, Ma, Alyera, Miss. We do not have time to waste." Lucien says without looking back.

2013-09-07, 12:42 PM
AS the others leave the two posturing men, they soon realize there is not much to do and both sheepishly follow the them.

The girl had vanished, gone to the winds somewhere else in the city by now.

Moving on you see the shaking from the castle is causing some serious issues, the mountain that protects the city on 2 sides is dropping boulders and rocks the size of houses onto the dome, luckily, for once, it prevents them from smashing down into the city.

Although it does nothing for all the present buildings, most have been knocked down in this area, and it is a veritable rubble field you must navigate through, it's not hard to find an sewer line, reinforced by the dwarven guild in recompense for the trade to the city, the filth gone from it for decades as the rich quarter doesn't use the sewer system, instead they employ magical means of disposing of their "garbage".

For once the lush citizens of the city help, as you are able to navigate the tunnel easily through the rubble, crumbled buildings and masonry rising up to the tunnel, some overhanging as you walk, shaking as if it were to drop any moment, and indeed, you run through that section with haste.

You are making good time, the castle is less than a few hundred yards away when you hear a voice.

"Well, that took a while, thought I was going to be standing here all day!" a gravely voice echoes along the tunnel,


followed by a more raspy
"Bwahaha, I told you they would come, Didn't I!"

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXb3yksbqlXfKW2Z3663Iq9IApSJ87Q p7_aq-BAz22EKcWdUKG

followed by another much deeper feminine voice, one with authority and meaning.
"Hush now, they are probably wondering what is going on, we should see to their needs" she says with an evil smile.

She cants her head to the side while looking at everyone with an especially annoying grin "We are to kill you, fight if you want, but it will only prolong it!"



Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmXqpmZ4Kwx2dDdROVZFT3BDQWptMGtFUnVXMUpsb Wc&usp=sharing)

Perception checks vs DC 33

You see some movement on the walls of the tunnel

I rolled Init already, go ahead and act.

2013-09-07, 02:54 PM
Jezelda skips along behind happily alongside the others. "It will be good to see what the true cause of these strange and unusual events will be. I am curious how you came to be involve....

Her light speech dries up as the trio of threatening characters idley threatens her with death. She tsk's under her breath before muttering in elven "How terribly rude! I do so hate interlopers in my business" and without a moments pause reaches up to her necklace of silvery stars, one of them coming loose as she flicks it at the hulking brute in the centre...

Throw a 4d6 fireball from my necklace at the big brute (B1) in the middle to catch all 3. [roll0] fire damage Ref DC14 for half

2013-09-08, 06:18 PM
Alyera shudders for a moment, and then regains herself.

"Alright... We need to... do something." You have no clue what you should do, huh?

PRAY. A simple enough command, and what could go wrong? I... just... everything is so wrong right now. Ralph is dead, the world is dying, and I feel like it's about to get to everyone else I love. So I guess, what I'm trying to say is... make it stop. Stop those people, stop them from attacking, maiming, and killing those I love. These around me.

Casting Archon's Aura, DC 22 Will Save. Any hostile creature within 20' must make the save or take a -2 to Attacks, Saving Throws, and AC for the duration of the spell (or until it hits me with an attack).

Pime Taradox
2013-09-11, 01:17 AM
"One round of protection detail coming up..."

Victor half-mumbled to himself, concentrating on the three challengers with furrowed brows.

He couldn't quite place them at first, but nonetheless moved to protect the self-proclaimed 'captain of the tower' who had invoked rank but mentioned neither names, orders or any other cues to back his claim.

"Stick together, everyone! No blade or claw shall pass my guard today."

Barking orders with practiced ease, the elven warrior smiled as he noticed the subtle, unconscious shifts in the stance of his allies. Teamwork was, as always, the key to victory. He didn't quite know who was a spellcaster and who was not, but this encounter would likely reveal more about his new companions than any conversation.

Seconds passed, he focused again on his current enemies, determined to keep his promise and turn aside any attack within his reach.

Standard action: Inspire Courage +2 +2 competence to weapon atk/dmg rolls, +2 morale to saves vs charm/fear
Move action: Rapid Tactician(Shake it Off) combined with Put your Heart into it!(1d6). Everyone gets Shake it Off (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/feats/general-feats/shake-it-off-teamwork) as bonus feat for 6 rounds. As long as you stand adjacent to at least 1 ally, both get +1 to all saves. If you stand next to two allies, you get +2 to all saves, etc...
Also, everyone gets 5 Temp HP for 10 minutes.

Free action: 5'-step from C17 to C16, adjacent to Anders Varik.
Any physical attack directed at Anders(melee or ranged) can now be deflected as free action from Victor, who can grant +9 AC vs a single attack. Victor cannot guard himself in this manner.
Swift action: Nothing.

2013-09-15, 09:29 AM

"Great. More weirdos. Let's do this!"

Lucien takes his longbow from his shoulder and nocks and arrow, drawing the string backwards and aiming at one of the three. But before he unleashes his missile, he remembers to up his defense, and concentrates. After a few seconds, his image wavers and becomes distorted.

Move Action: Draw lonbow.
Standard Action: Invoke Blur.

2013-09-17, 02:47 PM
Jezelda's fireball blossoms between the trio and the womans smile shifts into a snarl of anger, "How dare you!" she snaps, turning to the others "Kill them! Kill them now!" she yells out, furious with anger.

Alerya casts her protective spell, warding the group from threat, while Victor moves closer to protect his new found wards.

Lucien readies for combat...


Map (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmXqpmZ4Kwx2dDdROVZFT3BDQWptMGtFUnVXMUpsb Wc&usp=sharing)

The trio moves forward, the two outer ones seem to run while the woman in the middle strides forward with ease...

2013-09-17, 03:30 PM
Standing near the dashing Captain Jezelda smiles at him, whispering "I don't think I'd like these folk to get much closer to us" before she languidly waves her hand and the walls on either side of the enemies seems to writhe and twist before vast srands of messy sily shoot between the two walls coating the trio of enemies and inhibiting their movement. "Now we can just shoot them I guess!"

Web centred on B1. Affects all 3. Reflex DC16 to avoid.
If fail grappled.
The area is all difficult terrain (so no charging :smallsmile:)

2013-09-17, 06:38 PM
Alyera leaps into action, and starts to move forward, careful to keep her allies in the area as best as she can. As the halfling runs, her prayer glides behind her, the words forming, as if real, and glowing in protection around the friends.

Casting Prayer and moving to I13, OR casting and then moving as far up as everyone else does. I make sure everyone is within a 20' radius of me. Wherever that is on the map, cool.

PRAYER: Does not offer a saving through, is affected by Spell Resistance.
+1 (Luck) to Attack, Damage, Saves, and Skills, -1 for all enemies to the same rolls (including damage rolls!:smallbiggrin:). It's a 40' burst, so hopefully it'll be a little farther-reaching.

TACTICS: My debuffing will be most useful if we somewhat-close with these folks, and get into melee range. -3 is pretty harsh. Also, I don't have long on Prayer... But I can re-cast it pretty often. I have 3/5 Level 3 spells left, so that's a plus.

Prayer: 7/7 Rounds
Archon's Aura: 69/70 Rounds

2013-10-01, 08:08 AM

With the trio dispersing to avoid getting caught in another area attack, Lucien observes them and tries to pick which one seems to be the most dangerous. He then notices that while the two to the left and right were having a hard time moving forward, the woman in between seemed to be not affected at all. Training his bow on the middle of the three, Lucien lets fly his arrows.

Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]
Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage: [roll3]

2013-10-02, 06:02 PM
Jezelda casts her spell and entombs the trio in the webbing, but unfortunately her plan to 'shoot' them is mussed up by the very spell she cast.

Alyera casts another spell and begins intoning her protection among the group, staying with them to cover everyone as best as possible.

Victor remains by Anders side, intent on keeping to his oath of protection.

Ma readies an attack at anything getting closer than they should.

Lucien shoots an arrow at the construct looking one, not able to even see the others, hitting him in the arm, he grimaces and yanks the arrow out, leaving a small wound.

Anders seeing the web form over them sees his chance. He begins summoning a small sphere of flame and launches it at the trio, blasting them in a conflagration of heat and fire, burning the webbing causing it to stick and burn even more.

DC 18 Ref for half


Only one is able to avoid the worst of the blast, while the others are left with burnt skin and smoking clothes, the fireball was effective, so effective that all but one of the foe are barely standing.

Your joy in their defeat is short lived however, as a quick whisp of light shoots around them, turning them corporeal one at a time like sand in a wind and taking them along with the whisp of light back up to the castle.

And in a flash it was all over.

Wow, underestimated you all.

They are easily startled but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers

You see the castle before shaking and moving like a fidgety little child.

2013-10-02, 06:26 PM

Without blinking an eye, Lucien hangs his bow back on his shoulder and presses on.

"Let's keep moving. We want to cover much ground before those three come at us again, or worse, call out back up."

2013-10-05, 06:31 AM
Jezelda watches as they turn and run away, the motes of light confusing her. She turns to the others with a smile, Well that was easier than i expected. Lead in please captain of the guard.

Falling in behind the others she smiles pleased and frogs along gracefully.

2013-10-05, 09:22 AM
Alyera nods, and steps lively behind them. "What do we about the castle...? It's not looking very good." She points to the quivering mass. "Do we get closer to figure it out, or not risk the danger?"

2013-10-05, 11:19 AM

Lucien stops and looks back.

"Of course we move forward!" Lucien says in a voice louder than he used to, prompting him to stop and breathe deeply.

"...sorry...anyway it's what we came here for. And if this thing crashes, we won't be able to get away safely anyway."


"Let's just get this over with."