View Full Version : Main Quest help

2013-07-16, 06:12 PM
Ok so i kinda fibbed, i dont need tips i would just like some suggestions or just to hear what you think of this quest. The BBEG is a goblin, yes im dead serious. Hes a Large Half Fiend Goblin named Grond, who dual wields a Spiked Chain and a Heavy Flail, and hes prbly gonna have a bunch of levels of fighter, havent picked a PrC for him yet. He has 3 lieutenants; Verack (goblin), leader of the Rat clan, he is a Sorcerer who specializes in Illusions and trickery, Rat Goblins are your standard goblins as well as Shashyf goblins from KoK, they are the cannon fodder. Gorock (bugbear), leader of the Wolf clan, he is a Fighter/Lion Totem Barbarian/Cavalier who rides a Worg, the Wolf clan is the elites of Grond's forces and his outriders. Finally there is Kark (hobgoblin) leader of the Spider clan, he is a Rouge/Assassin, and the Spider clan is the assassins of the army.

Grond is searching for the Twilight Hall, an ancient ruin that contains the Fountain of Twilight, a well of incredible magical energy. Now to get in Grond needs the Crystal Scepter which gives the wielder incredible power as well as allowing them to "control"* the Fountain.

I actually know what the Scepter does, when the wielder isnt linked to the fountain it will allow him to fire a bolt of a random energy type every 1d4+1 rounds that does 2d4 d6 damage.

If the are linked to the Fountain, it has the above power as well as a +4 Deflection bonus, as well as the ability to once per day summon 2d4 max HP Twilight Archons (5 HD ghosts that can fire a ray of electricity that deals 3d6+3)

This is what i have, if you think of anything cool id like to hear about it.

EDIT: Wolf clan goblins stand up straighter than other goblins and have a +2 Str, and Spider clan has a Climb speed equal to half their land speed.

*control is not guaranteed, no gurantee that the wielder will not spontaniously combust.

2013-07-16, 06:25 PM
Any plan where the BBEG might spontaneously combust right after accomplishing his plan might need rethinking. Epic anti-climax when the BBEG blows himself up. I'll comment more in a bit.

2013-07-16, 06:39 PM
sorry, i meant that more as a joke lol he will be fine he just doenst actually have much control over the fountain, he just points the power at a target and it slams into them, so hes basically wielding it like a giant club.

2013-07-16, 07:18 PM
Alright, I like the theme. Goblinoids are classic, and often underplayed as solely being mook-worthy.

Some details that might be worth working out (maybe you have already but didn't mention it...in which case, many pardons):

1.) Grond demands the allegiance of a great number of allies. Is he the first to rally these clans, or part of an ancestral regime that has had this power for some time? Who are their normal targets for looting/pillaging/slaughter? Do they have rivals or traditional enemies?

2.) What culture gave rise to the Fountain of Twilight? Are they still around? What defenses does it have? Any secret powers/drawbacks of the Fountain that Grond isn't aware of?

3.) Who told Grond about the Fountain? Was their info reliable? Ulterior motives?

4.) Who else is after the Fountain and likely to show up and complicate things?

I'd like to pitch you a subplot about one of the leaders of the other clans planning to overthrow Grond at a key moment. This traitor might even approach the party (directly or indirectly) and attempt to make some kind of limited alliance with the party members.

2013-07-16, 07:30 PM
1.) Grond demands the allegiance of a great number of allies. Is he the first to rally these clans, or part of an ancestral regime that has had this power for some time? Who are their normal targets for looting/pillaging/slaughter? Do they have rivals or traditional enemies?

He rallied them himself, mainly on daemonic power. They usually attack surrounding human or dwarf villages.

2.) What culture gave rise to the Fountain of Twilight? Are they still around? What defenses does it have? Any secret powers/drawbacks of the Fountain that Grond isn't aware of?

The culture that created it has been destroyed for several millennium, so no they're dead lol It has Twilight Archons defending, probably a few golems, also giant magic lasers. And he has almost no idea what it does, its a font of magical energy that he plans to tap into to increase his own power so he can conquer more territory.

3.) Who told Grond about the Fountain? Was their info reliable? Ulterior motives?

Grond found out about the Fountain in a different ruin.

4.) Who else is after the Fountain and likely to show up and complicate things?

The party, who is working for a wizard who's only interest is the historical significance the tower holds, and no im not joking lol
EDIT:I just thought of adding an evil High Elf and his followers. He's and elven lord who believes that the "lesser races" have corrupted the world and must be enslaved or destroyed by their "superiors" *cue nazi music*

I'd like to pitch you a subplot about one of the leaders of the other clans planning to overthrow Grond at a key moment. This traitor might even approach the party (directly or indirectly) and attempt to make some kind of limited alliance with the party members.
I am intrigued as im all for villain double crosses and Kark would be just the one to do it.

2013-07-16, 08:35 PM
Finally there is Kark (hobgoblin) leader of the Spider clan, he is a Rouge/Assassin, and the Spider clan is the assassins of the army.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Oh, you've gotta add THESE (http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/dnd/20070504a). They would make great Spider Clan lackeys.

2013-07-16, 08:41 PM
oh those are awesome, totally using them