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View Full Version : Asking the GitP Hive Mind about a Hair Clip

Bulldog Psion
2013-07-16, 09:48 PM
Hi all, I'm on a quest for a hair clip, of all things, or at least a specific style of hair clip. So I'd like to pick your brains about this, on the off chance that someone knows about something like it.

My wife found it -- overseas, naturally -- several years ago. It's about 5.5 to 6 inches long, curved, and narrow. It's kind of thick in the center (though nowhere thicker than about 3/8") and is made out of plain, glossy brown plastic or some similar substance. There's a tight metal clip on the back that is very good for securing a slim ponytail, not one of those spacious clips that create a curtain of hair down the back.

My description skills really stink here. :smallredface:

But anyway, does anyone know of a good, 5 to 6 inch long hair clip with sort of rounded-pointed ends, a slim, plain body, and a tight-fitting metal clip to secure the hair?

(The brand have been from Poland. However, it's not necessary for it be specifically Polish, just as long as it's kind of the same in engineering.)

2013-07-16, 09:52 PM
Sounds like a Banana Clip (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.liketotally80s.com/images/banana-clip-01.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.liketotally80s.com/banana-clip.html&h=290&w=198&sz=9&tbnid=jt6FyFwNTHUabM:&tbnh=90&tbnw=61&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dbanana%2Bclip%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=banana+clip&usg=__uSKNfkYBnQoj0Wx6bQOVYmlf6P8=&docid=qcfs5EUN6m_rQM&sa=X&ei=wgbmUcu_DuKQyQHdgIGQCQ&sqi=2&ved=0CFcQ9QEwAQ&dur=1)to me. Were very popular in the 80's...

2013-07-16, 10:47 PM
I just use paper clips when I need to keep stray locks of hair out of the way.

Is it a thing kind of like this? I'm not sure if the thing I'm thinking of is the thing you're thinking of, but I don't know what the thing I'm thinking of is called, so I just found something that looks vaguely similar.
Edit: Or like this?

2013-07-17, 04:32 AM




Alternately, try alligator or duck-mouth hair clips on google search?

Oh! And I remember there being like, a tube or metal coil that the hair goes through as you lock a decorative spear into to keep hair tight. Also motorcycle shops sell what is basically a leather sleeve that you pin in place (similar to Noparlpf's image, but also a long, tube like version for long hair).

2013-07-17, 04:00 PM
The ones noparlpf posted are called barrettes (or French Barrettes), but the term also encompasses prettymuch any snap-fastening hair clip. The ones Siuis' pictured are called claw clips and the one described but not pictured is something like this (http://www.etsy.com/au/listing/119295222/the-viking-dragon-shawl-pin-barette?ref=sr_gallery_9&ga_search_query=barette&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_ship_to=AU&ga_page=3&ga_search_type=all&ga_facet=barette) (also called a barrette).

2013-07-17, 11:01 PM

Is what I first thought of (the biker one). Are we getting close?

2013-07-22, 02:35 PM
If you are looking for one that will keep hair in a round-ish pony tail, I'd go for one like this:

2013-07-22, 04:16 PM
*shrug* If you can draw it, it can probably be crafted.

2013-07-23, 09:36 AM
Sounds like a barrette - has a long metal clip the same sort of length as the plastic bit on top (which is quite often marbled) that has no spikes or anything. Noparlpf showed what it looked like from the top, and here's what the mechanism looks like:

http://myntra.myntassets.com/images/style/properties/Estelle-Women-Multi-Coloured-Flower-Hair-Clip_9be296f797b6ff01c4733072dbfc18ed_images_1080_ 1440_mini.jpg

Capt Spanner
2013-07-26, 07:14 AM
Wait? We're a hive mind? Surely the only way for us to become a hive mind is the forums some how have mi - There is no mind control, citizen. Go back to your fun.

2013-07-26, 08:07 AM
There are no bananas.

2013-08-01, 02:21 AM
I thought I'd ask Cleverbot;

Cleverbot: "Since I did not say that, I am going to draw the conclusion that the software that dictates your speech is flawed."

It seems he's not very good on hair clips.