View Full Version : Echobluss, Lost Plane [IC]

2013-07-16, 11:04 PM
Newpeak city was many things. It was large- sprawling communities and businesses ran up and down the flattened hillside, lanes piled next to each other in an attempt at a grid-like pattern. It was amazing- buildings reached up to four stories tall, main roads were cobblestone, and there were deep gutters for all the waste. It was rife with a cosmopolitan citizenship, equal opportunity and rights for all who dwelled therein. It was silent- except for the distant howling moan of a mother who just lost their child.

A dog runs up the street, chasing imaginary mice- for even the rodents of this place have sensed the dread and moved on. Insects the size of rabbits chew their way through the gardens and plots of farmland surrounding the keep, leaving nothing but weeds and roots behind.

Wind sweeps up stale, molding bread and debris as it chases a lone messenger running down Main street. He passes by a blacksmith; his kiln has been cold for weeks. Past a bakery with its door torn asunder from looters, past a group of four covered bodies laying at the mouth of an alley. He runs with measured, practiced steps- the run of someone with a goal, not the run of one pursued.

He reaches Lostpeak Keep's outer stairs and takes them two at a time, never breaking his pace or stride. He had done this run countless times before. But, he thought soberingly, this will be my last climb of these damn stairs.

He darts across a courtyard of statues, through a grand hall with columns reaching up into darkness, and into a feasting hall that looked like it was designed for Cloud Giants. He runs past the towering chairs and into an antechamber, and through that into a series of halls. First left, second right, second left. He slows his pace, reaching the third door, and catches his breath.

In, out. In, out. He feels his heart racing, but he measures his breaths. Reaching up an arm sore from exhaustion, he knocks.


The Lostpeak Keep's current Statesmen's Chambers is a newer room in the massive, labyrinthine keep. It has windows along one wall that look more or less identical- something of a novelty inside the keep of growing stone. Inside the room are two tables, also of the shale, set into the shape of a T. At the head of the long table sits King Yronshod, dressed in armor from the finest white lions money can buy. To his left sits Kalgar, his cousin-brother, and to his right sits King's Regent Achamus Shihadeen. Sitting along the top of the T section are the Regent's Advisers; two elderly men, Ghaleed and Omek, the beautiful and young Cornelle, and a matronly middle-aged woman, Anusha.

Sitting along the stem of the T table is Ilfin Greenmantle, the human leader of a tribe of nomadic orcs; Breannah Aislinn, a contact of the Church of the Sun; and Ekaitz Stormcrow, leader of a small, elite band of mercenaries.

The room has remained virtually silent for the better part of an hour, staccato coughs echoing in the large room. The only voice heard was King Yronshod's, speaking to his cousin-brother about family matters- who married who, when family gatherings were planned, and other traditional family talk.

Finally, a knock at the door. The occupants of the Statesmen's Chambers sit up straight, brush off clothes, tidy their papers on the shale table in front of them. Two moments pass and the door opens. Entering and bowing immediately is a young man, probably no more than 14 years. He takes clipped steps forward and whispers into the waiting ear of Ghaleed. The elderly gentleman smiles while the boy speaks, and as the boy withdraws he places his hands gently upon the boys', shaking them warmly with a two-handed embrace. 'Thank you' he mouths, smiling again. The boy blushes and scurries from the room, closing the large door behind him. Silence fell across the room again.

"Well...? What news from General Tarnus? New Yuna? The Gates of the Twelve?" asks Regent Achamus.

Smiling briefly, Ghaleed waves a hand. "All in good time," he says brightly. "We have more important matters to discuss." His eyes turn to his left, eyes falling upon the pretty witch sitting next to him. "For instance, the reason we have guests at our meeting." His eyes move across the three strangers in their midst. "And how they're going to save us all."

2013-07-16, 11:45 PM
She offered a polite nod of acknowledgment to the elder gentleman, her smile as charming and subtly enticing as ever as she stood up so that everyone could better see her. She was small and dainty, with large blue eyes that clashed with her visible youth, the deep jewels holding the quiet confidence of someone who had seen the worst and best that humanity can offer many times over. There was a deep abiding sense of gravitas about the sweet-smelling dollmaster.

Those who were particularly observant might notice a small completely black cat curled up on the table spot in front of Cornelle, the bewitching sorceress dressed in elegant and stately if painfully old-fashioned clothes of various bright blues and whites, a red ribbon tied around her throat and hand reaching out to pet the small animal as she spoke precisely and gently, her voice feminine and soft "Your Highness, everyone, as you are no doubt aware we are in a time of crisis." she began her speech as she discreetly sized up the people on offering on the other side of the table.

"The wall which stands as the sole protector of Newpeak against the madness and brutality of the wilds is falling apart. The ancient wards upon it are weakening and cracking, their secrets beyond the magic and expertise of anyone we were able to contact." she paused for effect "If we do nothing, then within the month Newpeak shall be lost to the forest." she picked up the black feline, holding it to herself and stroking it gently, its purring now punctuating her words.

"As adviser to Regent Achamus, I have taken it upon myself to research into this matter and to develop new wards which may avert this catastrophe. This will only temporarily keep the wall standing, however it should buy this council time to seek a permanent solution to our woes." despite the dire nature of her report she remained calm and her voice even, her demeanor somewhat unnerving for one so young in consideration of the weight of the responsibilities she carried.

"To do so I will require certain rare reagents which can only be found within the savage lands beyond the wall. It shall be a dangerous journey but the fate of all people in Newpeak depends on it. I shall lead this expedition but I cannot do so alone." she smiled to the gathered people warmly, as if inviting their compassion "This is why you have been gathered here. Naturally, you will be well compensated for your trouble should we return with the needed ingredients." she then curtsied to everyone politely.

"Please help us." she pleaded, far too old to be too proud to beg.

Would they all be so cowardly as to allow a brave young girl to go alone into such peril?

2013-07-17, 12:04 AM
Ilfin stirred, a small movement that seemed somehow large. He moved deliberately, with the power and grace of an assured predator. He looks slowly around the room as Cornelle speaks, weighing each of the others in turn; sizing them as one predator would another. His deep brown eyes seem to peer into the primal depths of each person's soul, leaving their emotions raw before him.

As Cornelle finishes speaking, he addresses the table. "I speak knowing the forest. Cornelle's time is a good guess, but an equally good one would be but two weeks. The forest is strange these past few weeks, and dark monsters and abominations have stirred within. I have lost many of the tribe that follows me; among them two of our finest warriors. Hask and Ja'nul. "

He lapses into silence for a few minutes, a slight smile on his face, as of recollection. "We will indeed join you, fae-one. I have no wish to see such a fair city lost to the tumult and chaos of the jungle. I ask no payment for myself, but there will be one eventually. A favor, you call it." He pauses, rolling the strange idea around in his head. "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth. I will ask something in return from you some day, and thus balance will be maintained."

"What may I do to help?"

ginger ninja
2013-07-17, 12:08 AM
Brea leans back in her chair, listening to the witch speak and sipping at her mead. When Cornelle finishes she drains her cup and leans forward, her eyes narrowing in thought. "And what reagents would we be looking for?" She asks, not challenging the adviser, simply curious.

2013-07-17, 01:55 AM
Ekaitz waited silently while the waif made her plea, seeming unmoved, his face locked in its usual grim stoic expression. It was civilized people like these who took away his people and tried to enslave him, civilized people afraid of the jungle, a place he once called home; now they seek his help protecting them from it. Preposterous. As the girl finishes her request, he rises to his feet, the blackened adamantine links of his armor rustling about his massive frame.

"No," he declares, his booming voice echoes about the chamber. "We follow no one." He turns to leave, but there is a touch of hesitation in his stride, as if waiting for someone to challenge his exit, properly address his pride, and ask him properly for his aid, as befits one of his stature.

Sense Motive DC 20 (hunch)

You get the feeling that the idea of anyone else being above him offends his sense of pride. His use of "we" implies a sense of royalty; perhaps he is some kind of exiled or misplaced royalty of some kind? Being asked, in the presence of a king, to follow a girl into the jungle, is something he cannot abide, and refusing assistance is his way of regaining some measure of control in his mind. He might be more open to the idea of helping if asked in a different setting (i.e., not in front of someone calling himself King), or on different terms (without someone else claiming a leadership role over him during the planned expedition).

2013-07-17, 12:36 PM
"For this expedition, I require only protection. The hidden ways we will dwell to find the required reagents shall be thick with deadly shadows. Keeping them at bay will be your role as I guide us and harvest what we need." she explained to Ilfin politely, smiling gratefully to the wild man.

Then putting down her familiar as Brea spoke up, she nodded at her question thoughtfully, reaching to her satchel and pulling out a thick grimoire yellowed with age "They number three. We require the legendary roots of the crimson lotus, said to bloom only under the full light of the moon. We also will need the sap of an Eternal Tree, though the only one we know of is rumored to be found only in the deepest parts of the forest. And last we will need a starstone, found within the haunted chapel of one of the lost gods." she traced her finger along the page as she read each article and then closed the voluminous tome back up.

It didn't take long afterward for Ekaitz to stand and turn around, as if to leave "Wait, please." she called out to the wounded pride of great and towering man, putting on a mask of innocence "Is it not the prerogative of the truly great to be generous?" she asked of him gently, smiling charmingly as she did her best to sooth him "It is our time of greatest need. I beseech you, will you not lend us your valor and prowess in this task?" she humbled herself for his benefit.

"I will act as guide to this expedition, I promise I shall not seek to command where it is not my place to do so." she felt no small amount of disgust at such misplaced pride although her demeanor did not hint at her real impression at all.

2013-07-17, 01:11 PM
"More simply: If you do not help, it seems that there will be no one left that you will be in danger of following."

2013-07-17, 01:27 PM
Kalgar was a well muscled brown skinned man, tall and powerful, his newly acquired three headed Dire Ape cloak sat with one of its heads on his shoulders.

He spent the premeeting talking to his Lord King, brother-cousin King Yronshod, old family fueds being sorted, new weddings, wives being kidnapped, and newborn babes pretending to act like their mighty fathers.

"And then Chrun landed on his feet and squatted right then and there! Just like Arold did when he was younger afore Father! Oh and you should have seen Cherene, she was all red in the face like a baboons arse!"

He had the king laughing heartily just as the knock came to the door, whereupon he stopped laughing and sat erect, tall as a tall man will be in a chair at a table.

He watched the interaction with a silent unsmiling face, the dead, skinned Ape head sat mute on his shoulder, mouth stuck in a fierce visage of rage and power.

He merely nodded as the witch spoke, he had heard of her, as most of the people at the table had, she was a beast in a girls skin, her farts turned grown men into wiggling worms, her breasts shed blood instead of milk which she weened her devil cat on and her eyes could turn you into living rock...or so the tales went. He believed none of it, yet he knew something was amiss about her, you didn't harbor stories like that without a pinch of truth.

He looked to the others, Ilfin the wild man he could relate to, so much similar that one, he would have to watch him, as he seemed to be wilder than most men, like a true beast, barely holding his civility in check. He knew hardly anything of Brea, only knowing she had some way of the Sun god, he cared not, the Old Gods were dead and the new ones were created by man, for surely they couldn't exist in this world.

And then there was Ekaitz, the man thought he was owed more than he owed, prideful and arrogant. Kalgar shook his head and watched the man almost walk out, baiting anyone to counter him. Much like his children. Sighing he stood, he knew how to deal with children.

"You follow no one? HA, you are a follower, or else why are you here in the first place? you are no King! Even if you were, what king comes here with small band of thugs to another's table? You want respect and due course? You fail to even give those simply things to everyone here, go, we do not need you here."

2013-07-17, 02:40 PM
Ilfin raises an eyebrow at Kalgar's outburst "Why so...petulant? The man is proud. Not of himself, but for his people. There is no shame in that, and there is no shame in not wanting to be lead."

Turning to Kalgar, in the same, level tone, he says "I would welcome you and yours as comrades in arms as we escort this sorceress on her errand of need. We ask simply for your help, not for your servitude."

2013-07-17, 04:36 PM
Ekaitz stops and turns, his pride both tended and prodded by the various people gathered here. "I will help your people, so long as it is understood that we do so as equals," he says to Cornelle and Ilfin. Turning to Kalgar, he says "You put too much faith in the power of kings. I am what I am. The power I have is my own. What is a King once his kingdom is gone? Nothing. I have survived the loss of my people. Would your King be able to do the same?"

2013-07-17, 05:26 PM
Kalgar smiles as he turns and looks at him

"Indeed, what is a King without a kingdom, you should know, yes? I believe you said....nothing?" he looks at him with a cocksure grin, it is obvious he is baiting him, but there is something else under the words.

He stands and moves around the table, "While I do not talk for the King, I will be going along with this endeavor, it has merit, and the witch-woman might needs help," he pauses and looks to Ekaitz "And maybe someone needs to keep you inline." he says, obviously poking the bear again, he seems to enjoy it.

2013-07-17, 05:46 PM
Ekaitz's hands crackle with electricity briefly at Kalgar's provocations. He then begins to laugh, a deep, booming laugh that echoes through the chamber. "You wish to see how readily I can be provoked into violence. You will have to try harder," he says.

Sense Motive DC 20 (hunch)

The King line seemed to be off the mark, because it didn't rattle him at all. Whatever this man's history, he was not a King.

2013-07-17, 05:57 PM
At the obvious retaliatory threat of the energy crackling around his fists, Kalgars form shifts subtly, his features turn feral and strange, his hands turn into claws and then shift back again, and his teeth enlongate, only to move back to normal human teeth.

"Good, while I was hoping for a good fight, it proves better that you are not a fool." He looks to the witch-woman "I believe you have found what you needed, when do we leave?"

ginger ninja
2013-07-18, 01:47 PM
Boys. So fragile. Brea thinks as she watches the exchange between Kalgar and Ekaitz. When they settle down she stands and turns to Cornelle, the shadows taking just a little longer to slide off her features in the flickering light than it seems like they should. "My services in this are at your disposal, for without a city who will these two fine examples of manhood strut in front of to prove their importance?" She says sarcastically, gesturing to Ekaitz and Kalgar as she speaks. "But before we continue, I believe your sources on the crimson lotus might be missing something. In addition to the full moon, we will need something everlasting to make the flower bloom. Unless you have some way to find the flower when it is not blooming?" Much as before, the question is asked with simple curiosity, not as a challenge.

2013-07-18, 02:58 PM
"Something everlasting, you say? I am not...aware of any such thing. Perhaps the unnatural substance the mind-mages call quintessence, or one of their deathless men of gray skin... Really, though, any immortal might do, but such things are truly rare."

Quintessence and Elans, respectively.

2013-07-18, 03:01 PM
Kalgar smiles as the with-women insults his ego, he enjoyed this kind of verbal sparring, and found it refreshing, his family arguments became old very quickly.

He looked to them, eyebrows furrowed "Wouldn't a stone work?" he said simply.

2013-07-18, 03:03 PM
"No. Stones grow with heat and stress and then wither to nothing and die. Stones are not eternal."

2013-07-18, 03:14 PM
Kalgar nods in assent "Huh" he simply says, knowing he hasn't much to add to the idea of something eternal.

2013-07-18, 03:42 PM
She couldn't help but giggle at Brea's playful words, breaking into a sincere and radiant smile as she acknowledged her with sparse words "A vital consideration." she brushed a golden bang out of her young face, her icy blue eyes closing briefly at the following question.

"You are well-versed. You have studied the botanical compendium of Bartholomew the Elder?" she asked curiously, meeting Brea's gaze with the sort of intensity that was entirely unbecoming an innocent young lady, although despite this she remained warm and friendly. Getting close to her felt quite as if being a firefly being inexorably drawn to the deadly bonfire "I do have my ways. I promise you it shall not bring issue." she didn't satisfy her curiosity much.

Then standing on the tip of her toes and folding her hands together underneath her chin, she continued "If there are other concerns, I will take them into consideration. Otherwise, it is best if everyone retires for the day to rest and prepare for our journey. I must remain here to attend the council. I shall be available afterward if anyone has need of my private attention." she pulled her familiar back into her lap and sat back down.

"Oh and do meet at my cottage tomorrow. There shall be a few further matters to attend to then before we depart."

Bluff: [roll0]

Using it for the Innuendo aspect, that old 3.0 skill that was folded into it.

Directed at Brea: She's implying that she'd rather talk 'magical business' in private. Probably because the King and his family aren't huge fans of witchcraft.

ginger ninja
2013-07-18, 04:02 PM
Brea shakes her head. "I haven't had much opportunity to study books, my schooling has been ... limited so far." She says, taking note of the heat in Cornelle's gaze. "But I think you are correct about getting some rest. If I come across any other issues I will be sure to bring them to your attention."

Brea then sits back down and waits to see what the others have to say as she prepares to leave the hall.

Taking 10 on a Bluff check (total result of 20) to pass a secret message to Cornelle: Understood, I'll find you later then.

2013-07-19, 02:30 AM
Ekaitz Stormcrow

"Where is your cottage?" Ekaitz asks. He departs upon receiving a reply.

2013-07-19, 10:40 AM
Keeping her surprise private, Cornelle merely smiled gently to the agent of the New Gods "Is that so?" she then provided detailed instructions to her cottage to the rest of the room. It was somewhat easy to notice as the majority of the town avoided going anywhere near the building.

With that done, she waited for Regent Achamus Shihadeen to give them leave to go rest for now as she needed to attend to the daily business of the council. Although there was little news to be excited about, she had to recognize that the young courier had shown exceptional bravery in the execution of his duty. He was indeed worthy of praise and she did go to him to give it even as he showed a mixture of fear and awe at her presence as was common.

Heading to her home, with her familiar in tow, she watched the sordid state Newpeak was now in, her demeanor solemn and melancholy as she did so, eventually heading up a hill toward her cottage, smoke gently drifting from the chimney as she peered out at the immense wall protecting the small city. When she reached the door to her home, she peered around to see if Brea had chosen to take her up on her offer after all.

ginger ninja
2013-07-19, 05:15 PM
Brea is waiting at the edge of Cornelle's property when she arrives, leaning against the nearest wall nonchalantly with her arms crossed. She nods as the other girl walks up, "Unless I'm as dense as the skulls of our new friends, then I believe you wanted to have a chat with me?" She says, grinning slightly.

2013-07-22, 12:29 AM
"Did I?" Cornelle asked somewhat playfully, maintaining her demure and graceful demeanor as she continued on her way to her door. The cottage itself was rather homely if perhaps a bit somber in design, the thick carved oaken door opening into a room filled to the brim with antiques, relics, esoterica and sundry books. Only a fool could mistake this as the home of a normal young girl.

Despite this plethora of valuable occult lore there wasn't so much as a speck of dust, the entire place clean as a whistle. If Brea took the time to browse the selection of books, she would quickly recognize that they cover a wide variety of subjects with a strong focus on history and the occult. Many of them seem to be unique hand-written accounts.

"Make yourself at home." she moved to a small table, the polished dark wood showing her reflection as she sat in a chair. Though tall enough to host two floors, the entire place instead was a single one with an extremely high ceiling "Given the circumstances, I couldn't introduce myself properly." as she spoke gently, a tea set floated to the table, an unseen hand pouring the already steaming brew into a cup for Cornelle's pleasure "My name is Cornelle. It's a rare pleasure to meet a knowledgeable young lady in this day and age." she smiled pleasantly to her guest "Would you like some tea? Perhaps some cookies?" she offered politely.

The witch's demeanor and attitude was nothing short of the very soul of hospitality, however despite this the eerie aura that seemed to trail wherever she went did not diminish. In fact, it felt as if the wall themselves were watching the Dollmaster's guest like a solemn guardian.

ginger ninja
2013-07-22, 01:24 AM
Brea starts to follow the witch into her cabin, but stops short of the door. It's difficult to tell in the gloom, but she narrows her eye momentarily before shaking her head slightly. "I'm not going in there. There's juju I don't recognize covering it." She says plainly, "I've got a tent set up at the edge of town, or we can go for a walk and chat if you want, but as a general rule I try not to go into places with mojo bigger than mine." She finishes, smiling slightly and raising her eyebrows. She seems far calmer than her words would suggest, not so much afraid of the house as cautious in a new area.

2013-07-22, 01:34 AM
There's no escaping the feeling that Cornelle is disappointed to hear that. Perhaps she doesn't get to entertain guests in her house very often. "... very well." standing up calmly, she brought along the tea set and a plate of cookies, letting both float nearby with a few flicks of the wrists to guide them along. A particularly sharp eye might catch barely visible threads in such moments.

"I must admit I was hoping you might trust me, although in hindsight that was unreasonable of me." she commented wistfully as the door closed and locked itself seemingly on its own behind them "Might you introduce yourself now?" she motioned for Brea to follow as she made her way behind the cottage to a small garden of flowers, sipping from the steaming tea as she waited to see whether the cautious warlock would be satisfied with this compromise.

ginger ninja
2013-07-22, 02:03 AM
"Give it time. You've given me no reason to think I shouldn't yet, but I'm new here. Big cities take some getting used to." Brea says as she follows Cornelle into the garden. "Oh! I suppose I haven't done that yet. I'm Brea, uh, Breannah Aislinn."

When the two girls make it back into the garden, Brea finds a comfortable spot to take a seat, seemingly at ease in the night air. She takes a tea cup from the floating tray and leans back, sniffing and then sipping the brew. "So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about?"

I dunno how familiar with gaelic pronunciations folks are, but just in case, Aislinn is pronounced ASH-lyn.

2013-07-22, 02:13 AM
"Well then, Brea, might I offer you something to drink?" she offered once more if only to satisfy her own sense of hospitality, relaxing as she enjoyed the light breeze caressing her hair. The garden was rather pleasantly fragrant in the warm night, many of the flowers in bloom under the moonlight.

The brew was rich if a bit strong, altogether good quality stuff "To be honest, it isn't often I find an interesting young lady who shares my interest in magic. I was craving the conversation, hoping to discuss the trade so to speak." she chuckled daintily and sat herself upon a rock which had been shaped into a chair of sort "More specifically, what you've said about the crimson lotus is rare knowledge. Where did you learn of it?" she put away the cup of tea mid-air, leaving it to sit there for the time being as she gave Brea a knowing smile.

"That kind of expertise is no lucky guess."

ginger ninja
2013-07-22, 02:29 AM
Brea shrugs and smiles. "I've been wandering for a bit, picked up a few tidbits that way. Back home there was an old coot that tried to train me to be a priestess before he realized that I don't have the temperament for it, Brea pauses her just for a moment, smiling at a happy memory, and I like to read when I get the chance, but like I told you back at the hall, my schooling's been limited. I learned most of what I know hands-on or through the judicious application of magic. I expect you've learned more than a bit that way yourself." She says, giving the witch an inquisitive look. "I'm always happy to talk shop though, but I'm not sure how entertaining I'll be. Most of what I can do just kind of comes to me, it's not really something I can explain."

2013-07-22, 02:43 AM
"Yes, I can tell that you wouldn't have been happy living as a village priestess." she commented insightfully, turning her gaze up at the moon as she continued speaking "Surprisingly, I suppose I technically do have a formal education. I do so enjoy reading, I collect books that draw my interest. Write others for my own safekeeping." she didn't sound as if she were kidding about that part, brushing delicate fingers against a flower as she leaned a bit closer to smell it elegantly.

"There is a universality to magic that many do not fully grasp, really. Don't worry yourself, why don't you tell me what it is you can do then?" she invited her to tell more, her curiosity seemingly harmless enough.

ginger ninja
2013-07-22, 02:56 AM
"Clan. We didn't live in a village." Brea says, almost offhandedly. "I can't do too much, mostly just enough to get by. Fight when I need to, see a little magic, get along better than most in the wild."

Brea then tilts her chin at Cornelle, "What about you? Reading and writing obviously, but you got a few more tricks up your sleeve than you're letting on. Can't say I blame you of course, lot's of folks around, but how'd you get caught up being the adviser to some numbskull anyway?"

2013-07-22, 08:18 AM
The next day, Yronshod is taking a stroll through his keep. The only one with him is his cousin-brother, Kalgar. He sighs heavily as he walks.
"You know, Kalgar, I sometimes wonder about the people we let in here. Some are just so... rude. Conceited. Petty, and small minded. I barely spoke a word and yet they insisted on being contrary to 'my' opinions, challenging my intelligence. Is it so hard to believe that I," Yronshod strikes a pose, flexing his generous biceps and pectoral muscles, "am a genius?"

@EriktheRed, RFLS

You were each offered accommodations inside Lostpeak Keep. You have split one of the massive rooms that used to house soldiers. Half of the east barracks is for Ilfin and his orcish tribe, the other half for Ekaitz's small band of mercenaries. So far, no arguments have come to blows, and some of the orcs even accepted a mercenary in a game of sullied dyn- a popular trick-winning gambling game. The day arrived quickly, a strangely large amount of birds singing from within the city.

2013-07-22, 08:24 AM

Ilfin wanders about the city, doing what he can to help the sick and the dying, while his tribe relaxes in safety for the first time in....forever, quite literally. Late in the afternoon, after setting a broken leg on a child no older than four, he walks into the streets once more, strolling slowly and looking at the birds.

Few Heal checks:

And a Knowledge (Nature) on the birds:

2013-07-22, 12:06 PM
"Clan. We didn't live in a village." Brea says, almost offhandedly. "I can't do too much, mostly just enough to get by. Fight when I need to, see a little magic, get along better than most in the wild."

Brea then tilts her chin at Cornelle, "What about you? Reading and writing obviously, but you got a few more tricks up your sleeve than you're letting on. Can't say I blame you of course, lot's of folks around, but how'd you get caught up being the adviser to some numbskull anyway?"

"I'm certain that you're selling yourself short." she teased good-naturedly, moving her hand away from the flower as she provided Brea with her undivided attention once more "Naturally. Perhaps you would like to meet Marion early? She is my... bodyguard." she allowed an air of mystery to hang in the air.

"While I do not particularly care for King Yronshod's company, I do care about the plight of Newpeak. Serving as adviser to Regent Shihadeen was simply the most practical way to involve myself. Once the city is safe, I will leave it behind." she brought a hand to her chin "Do you find it odd?" she asked, curious for Brea's perspective.

2013-07-22, 12:52 PM

The birds are the local varietals, dark plumage and the size of two fists. Sleek, long wing span. Their melodies vary, but are usually pulsating trills. Their songs today are a little more frantic, hurried, as if they are gossiping about local goings-on. They interact in traditional avian ways-- chasing each other about, entire flocks leaving building edges and tree limbs even if only one is startled, swooping into the street to snatch up mice or debris.

But something about them seems off. You just can't place it.

ginger ninja
2013-07-22, 01:40 PM
"I'm certain that you're selling yourself short." she teased good-naturedly, moving her hand away from the flower as she provided Brea with her undivided attention once more "Naturally. Perhaps you would like to meet Marion early? She is my... bodyguard." she allowed an air of mystery to hang in the air.

"While I do not particularly care for King Yronshod's company, I do care about the plight of Newpeak. Serving as adviser to Regent Shihadeen was simply the most practical way to involve myself. Once the city is safe, I will leave it behind." she brought a hand to her chin "Do you find it odd?" she asked, curious for Brea's perspective.

"Sure, does Marion live with you?" Brea asks, setting her empty teacup back on the floating tray. "Makes sense enough I guess. I hear that the king's been getting pretty severe lately, laying down harsher punishments for small crimes and adding new crimes to the list." Brea trails off, not wanting to impose a political discussion on her host. "But no, I don't find it odd. You wanna do good, and you'll do what you gotta do to make sure you can. I'd like to think I'd do the same in your position." She says, her grin widening a little, "After all, us witchy women gotta pay for our brews somehow."

2013-07-22, 02:49 PM
"She does. After all, she's my most loyal friend." she answered enigmatically, moving her fingers slightly to draw the tray away and replace it with the one with freshly baked cookies on it "Please try one. It's been a while since anyone commented on my baking." she giggled softly, seemingly enjoying the company as she carefully and seriously considered Brea's words on the king's policies.

"I'm afraid this is all Regent Shihadeen's doing. I understand your point, but he acts only in Newpeak's best interest. If it weren't for his harsh actions, Newpeak would be almost empty already and completely doomed. It is difficult to fully appreciate the measure of such a dire situation, the lives and prosperity of this rare bastion of civilization rest entirely in his hands. As such whilst I do not approve of his choices, I feel it is best if I sit with the council to temper their desperation with hope and restraint." she didn't seem shy about explaining her reasoning to the warlock despite her youth, taking her concerns at heart and not giving her any bull**** about the harsh reality of the current political situation.

"... there was a time where I would have left everything behind, allowing the world itself to devour itself in a maddening frenzy while I sulked over my own misfortune. Eventually I looked up from this selfish daydream and saw only suffering and despair everywhere I looked and I was ashamed. I had the power to make a difference and so now I do what I must while I search for the man I seek." she shared openly enough, adding wistfully "I suppose in a way, I do this to sooth my own regrets. It's hard to give up on selfishness." she laughed weakly and then moved to stand, smiling warmly to Brea "You're a good young lady. You respect magic and others, and I appreciate that. Come, let me show you why they call me 'Dollmaster'." she complimented her guest and then wandered toward the house once more until she stood in front of the door, the portal opening on its own at her approach as if it was aware of her intention.

"Should I call Marion outside?" she offered politely.

ginger ninja
2013-07-22, 03:29 PM
Brea takes a cookie, along with a moment to absorb what Cornelle had said. When the other girl heads toward the house again Brea follows readily enough. "That might be best. I should probably get back to my camp at some point and if I go in there something tells me that you'll have me sleeping on some spare piece of furniture." She jokes.

2013-07-22, 03:55 PM
Ekaitz will also wander the city until it is time to meet up and head out.

2013-07-22, 04:12 PM
"Would that be such a dire fate?" she moved her hand up to lightly tap the nose of the much taller woman. Afterward the eternally young witch turned around and called out with both hands held to her face "Marion!" and at first her voice merely rang in the seemingly empty house.

Then a deep rumble shook the entire cottage, heavy footsteps approaching the gate until at last a vaguely humanoid figure of great stature appeared in the light of the moon, bent in unnatural ways as it crawled through the entrance to reach its mistress, standing to attention afterward with a similarly immense hammer strapped to her strong back. The masterfully crafted puppet is humongous at over sixteen feet tall all told, its features lovingly carved to give it a distinct if old-fashioned sort of beauty, its body clad in a dress in a style similar to the house servants of a bygone age "This is Marion, my masterpiece." the deadly marionette executed a curtsy for the benefit of Brea as if to welcome her, though its visage remained completely dispassionate and expressionless.

"She will accompany us on the expedition and protect us all. Isn't that right Marion?" the giant doll nodded emphatically as if to agree with the statement of its creator.

ginger ninja
2013-07-22, 04:53 PM
Brea jerks back out of habit when Cornelle's hand moves to her face. Once the initial shock fades she smiles again."I like the open skies." She says simply as the house begins to rumble. When Marion steps outside Brea looks up at her with undisguised curiosity. "I've heard of these. She's a golem, right? Is she intelligent?" She asks, examining the doll excitedly.

2013-07-22, 05:32 PM
"I once did too." she clapped her hands together afterward, a multitude of threads joined to her fingers if a puppeteer shimmering briefly as she does so "Not quite. She does not move on her own. It is a form of animation I have created myself, it allows me to guide any object using unseen strings of raw will." she kept it simple, not wanting to drown Brea in the details of her ancient art. She was after all the last Dollmaster alive given the lost magic used in the process.

"She is, after a fashion. She has grown more aware with time, I suspect one day she may grow her own sense of identity. I look forward to it." she spoke fondly, it was clear that she looked upon her masterpiece with an almost motherly affection, smiling with pride usually reserved for one's gifted child.

Closer inspection revealed the joints of the lifelike puppet and various interior clockwork mechanisms that likely allowed it to exert force comparable to that of even legendary giants.

ginger ninja
2013-07-22, 06:25 PM
Brea nods appreciatively. "I see. Well, she'll stick out like a sore thumb, but if she's any good with that hammer then I'm sure we'll all be grateful to have her along." Brea finally manages to tear her attention away from the automaton. "Thanks for the tea and cookies. If we both survive the jungle we should do it again sometime. But for now I think I should get some sleep." She says, glancing toward the edge of town as she speaks. "Big day tomorrow and all."

2013-07-22, 07:03 PM
"Sticking out has certain benefits. Many predators will stay at bay of creatures much larger than themselves." she seemed confident enough that Marion would be a credit to their party "I'm certain her hammer won't disappoint." she said looking directly at the enormous weapon.

"I'm glad to hear you enjoyed my cooking. I wouldn't mind your visit in the least either." she folded her hands over her waist, bowing slightly as if to say goodbye "I'll see you here tomorrow then." she then turned around and walked back inside along with her precious doll, the door closing behind the undying witch as she set to work on preparing everything necessary for their journey. Thankfully Marion could carry most of the supplies with her positively inhuman strength.

And with that night gave way to morning and soon enough Cornelle found herself sitting on a comfortable chair with her massive battle-doll kneeling behind her, waiting for everyone's arrival. She'd pass around large plates with buttery croissants for those who accepted her offer of them, the dishes moving through the air seemingly on their own.

2013-07-23, 12:59 AM
Morning reaches Newpeak, the sun dancing over the edges of the great wall and Lostpeak Keep. The small band of brave adventurers gather at the witche's cottage which remains shadowed until well after noon.

Buttered croissants are offered around. King Yronshod, dressed in ornamental battle armor, joins you in Cornelle's front garden.

"Are there any supplies you require?" The king asks, looking to each of you in turn. "Anything in my armory is yours for this quest; anything to help in this endeavor."

His eyes linger on Cornelle, silently weighing her, judging her. His eyes slowly move off of her and land on Brea, where they remain until she answers.

2013-07-23, 01:14 AM
"As a matter of fact, I do your Highness." she met the monarch's eyes as he weighted her, the powerful sorceress having already made her mind on the man long ago, her polite smile revealing nothing of her feelings. Yet no matter how often the King tried to appraise Cornelle he could never shake the feeling that she was something great and dangerous.

Her loyalty so far had been beyond reproach however.

"Here, I have a list of supplies. I have already gathered what I could myself." she offered the list to the man. It is written in a clean and tidy script and seems to be mostly a large amount of various mundane supplies "Marion can carry most of this for us." she then offered by way of explanation as to how she intended to carry it all.

The list is really all sorts of mundane adventuring gear. Didn't really feel like making a huge exhaustive list, especially for a 'D&D superhero' type game. Hope that's 'kay. It'd be stuff like chains, rope, ladders, lanterns, food, etc. Since Marion's carrying capacity is so insanely high, that's really not a consideration for Cornelle.

Let me know if you'd rather do this some other way.

2013-07-23, 01:23 AM
"Of course." King Yronshod barely glances at the lists. "I will send for these items right away. They will be placed in front of the Stoneworm Gate."

"Kalgar, cousin-brother, friend and trusted council..." Yronshod turns to his wildman kin. "I have a request for you. Please, carry my sword. It is the namesake of my lineage. If you happen across one of the fabled enchanted springs, please dip it in. My oracle claimed it needed only two more before being blessed enough to be Named."

Knowledge (History) and (Arcana) checks to know what's what here.

ginger ninja
2013-07-23, 01:36 AM
Brea wanders up to the cabin in the morning, her clothes from the night before traded out for a shimmering mail shirt and a hunting knife strapped to her hip. She nods at Cornelle as she arrives, snagging one of the pastries from the floating tray and taking a moment to enjoy it before acknowledging the others.

Brea meets Yronshod's gaze with an amused smile. "I think I've got everything I need. I try to travel light." She says, adjusting her pack as she does so. "Unless you know something about the jungle that you'd like to share?"

Knowledge (History): [roll0]
Knowledge (Arcana): [roll1]

2013-07-23, 02:42 AM

Ekaitz arrives at the cottage on time. He is impressed by how well maintained the structure is, but it doesn't show on his face. Neither does he seem at all fazed by the golem. He does sample one of the croissants, which he doesn't seem to like very much, but he doesn't do anything crass such as spitting it out. He does pull out a few apples and offers to share them.

Or some other fruit. With a +10 survival, a few pieces of fruit should be a pretty simple thing to accomplish.

2013-07-23, 07:45 AM

Ilfin gratefully accepts the apple; he seems bemused by the croissants and by the offer of arms and armor. It's hard to tell which was more off-putting to him.

"My lord, I would ask that my tribe be allowed to stay here. They will do their part within the city, and they get so very few chances to rest."

2013-07-23, 05:09 PM
Kalgar walked slightly behind and to the left of his king-Cousin, he strolled through the gardens, they reminded him of home, and almost put the yearning for a mate into his loins, but he shrugged it off as easy as before, he was still young and spry, and he felt it also.

"You know, Kalgar, I sometimes wonder about the people we let in here. Some are just so... rude. Conceited. Petty, and small minded. I barely spoke a word and yet they insisted on being contrary to 'my' opinions, challenging my intelligence. Is it so hard to believe that I," Yronshod strikes a pose, flexing his generous biceps and pectoral muscles, "am a genius?"

He smiles and nods in assent "Of course, as am I a Lord High God" he stops to pose, flexing his calf muscles and pointing towards the lords chambers "This way sire!", the two burst out laughing and move to the chamber for a meal.

Sharing a meal they laugh and jest about family matters for most of the day, trying to outflex and one up the other through out the evening, come the next day, they are somewhat hung over from Cacti-wine and joojoo juice, a potent combination.


"Of course." King Yronshod barely glances at the lists. "I will send for these items right away. They will be placed in front of the Stoneworm Gate."

"Kalgar, cousin-brother, friend and trusted council..." Yronshod turns to his wildman kin. "I have a request for you. Please, carry my sword. It is the namesake of my lineage. If you happen across one of the fabled enchanted springs, please dip it in. My oracle claimed it needed only two more before being blessed enough to be Named."

Kalgar nods and bows slightly, "My King, I will take this blade and dip it in the spring, on my honor and my Families!"

He takes the blade and wraps it up, placing it upon his back, the only thing present, except his loincloth and his gigantic three headed pelt, which had quickly become his favorite item in the world.

He takes several buttered croissants and devours them, trying his best to banish the banging feeling in his head from the night before.

2013-07-24, 01:26 AM
King Yronshod bids you safe journey and returns to the Lostpeak Keep. As a group, you work your way through the nearly-deserted streets of Newpeak towards the Stoneworm Gates to the east.

The massive doors of oak and stone are slowly opened as two teams of five men turn massive wheels to draw it open. The doors groan with effort, their hinges rusted and warped beyond recognition. The gateway is parted only wide enough for each of you to squeeze through, and is shut hastily after you pass through.

Immediately beyond the wall of Newpeak is a vast, towering jungle. It grows upon dozens of fast-moving rivers hidden below feet of tangled vines, and hills and valleys create a treacherous journey indeed.

You know that at least two of the reagents you require grow near the heart of the jungle, due east from where you stand. However, lacking maps of any value leaves you to your own judgment.

Survival checks as you begin your journey. Knowledge (Geography) can be used in place of Survival if you wish to Aid Another.

2013-07-24, 01:52 AM

Ekaitz seems more at ease in the jungle than in the city, and is readily able to make a path eastward.

Taking 10 gives me a 20 survival.

2013-07-24, 09:56 AM

Ilfin, too, seems to relax as the doors slam shut behind them. He draws in a deep breath and sighs contentedly.

I can't access mythweavers right now, so if someone would add his survival mod to [roll0] this, that would be great.

2013-07-24, 11:50 AM
Standing in front of her fearsome bodyguard as the large doors closed behind their intrepid troupe, Cornelle didn't waste much time getting to work on various preparations that were an absolute necessity for their travels.

"I will weave a tapestry of magic and fate between us all through which I can harness my art, it will allow me to share it with you all." she explained though she needed neither their approval nor their agreement to create it, her hands tugging at threads of destiny and raw magic, weaving it all together in a tapestry only she could really see. Of all her companions, Brea was most likely to appreciate the profound understanding of the nature and flow of magic on display here.

Once she is satisfied with what she's weaved, she took hold of both her runestaff and rod, channeling the former's magic into the latter's and then pouring it all into the tapestry, letting it radiate outward to all her guards. An unseen wall of force surrounding every member of their group then.

Then satisfied that she is ready to depart, she would approach the wild man called Ilfin as she felt he was most qualified to guide them through the jungle and offer him her advice, various travelogues and a woefully outdated map floating around them both as she explained exactly where they were going.

She weaves her Eldritch Tapestry, including in it every PC, Marion and her broom. She then casts Greater Mage Armor through it on everyone, Extended with her rod. Should last until they decide to rest.

She's keeping Bull's Strength in her tapestry through Quiescent Weaving.

And lastly she takes 10 on Knowledge (Geography) for a total of 24 to help Ilfin guide them.

Ilfin's Survival check is incidentally 31 with that roll. (Without aid another)

2013-07-24, 02:28 PM
Once outside, Kalgar takes a knee and puts a hand to the dirt, grabbing a handful he lets it fall, he watches the dirt fall and nods in assent.

"Tis a good day to be out, but we best be getting a move on, those beasts can smell us miles off, movement will add to the time it takes them to find us."

He looks to the others and stands, "are you wanting to track, or shall I?" he asks the other wildman, but he sees the man is already scanning the area and smiles, waving his hand dismissing the question.

He looks up and flexes his muscular arms, joints popping and cracking. "I shall be in the sky, watching over you, when we go into the undergrowth, I shall come and join you." with that, he quickly morphs into an eagle, his hands changing and merging together, feathers sprouting and growing, and in a matter of seconds he has changed form and leaps off to the air, finding an air thermal and riding it up.

ginger ninja
2013-07-24, 08:16 PM
Brea watches everyone's preparations as she takes her own bearings and weaves a bit of magic of her own. When Kalgar morphs into an eagle she smiles. "Looks like you and me aren't the only ones with a bit of witchcraft." She says to Cornelle as she rises into the air herself, though she stays close to the ground.

Survival: Taking 10, gives me a result of 21

Activating Warlock's Flight and flying 5 ft. above the ground.

2013-07-24, 11:37 PM

Ilfin continues to look around for a moment, and then, seemingly without any change at all, his beastlike nature shows through on the surface. Claws grow from his hands and bare feet, fur sprouts from his back, and his skin hardens, the faint outline of scales visible. He sniffs the air, and then with a gesture, sets off, deep into the forest, bounding like a dog, or perhaps...a wolf.

"Come! I will lead you to the Eternal Tree!

The foliage closes around his bounding form, only to be parted seconds later by his head poking back out, cocked at an angle.

"Well? What do you wait for?"

2013-07-25, 10:46 AM
You manage to make your way through the jungle, though slowly, for several hours. Soon the canopy begins to drop and the jungle floor swoops downward under several feet of underbrush. Kalgar begins to fly low, between the trees and under the canopy. It's incredibly slow-going; it's hard to find solid footholds, hard to see where you are going, and hard to take steps when you continually get caught be the brush.

That is, those without Woodland Stride get stuck and slow way down. You're traveling at about 10ft per round for a walk, and 20ft for a forced march. Like I said, really slow.


Ilfin hears something up ahead- rustling of movement, a grunt, and a footfall. A few steps later, the rest of the group can hear it too. Another few steps, and Iflin thinks he spots something between two trees, about a hundred and fifty feet away. Brea sees a flash of movement a few trees over from where Ilfin did. From the sounds and the movement, some of you determine two creatures are fighting up ahead- and they haven't spotted you yet.

2013-07-25, 12:04 PM
"Can't argue with that." she answered Brea demurely, her broom moving around so she could sit on it and then lifting off the ground, following close to Marion as she traveled through the air, unwilling to exhaust herself needlessly. She did talk with Brea however, using the opportunity to discuss their respective methods of flight.

Some of them are slowed down by the wilds, which was hardly unexpected. For the time being it was best if they pressed on until sunset, then they would make camp.

At least that was the plan until they were interrupted by a distant confrontation, the sharp-eyed witch bringing her hand to her forehead as if a visor as she rose higher in the air on her broom to get a better look at the situation.

Take 10 on Perception for a total of 31.

2013-07-25, 12:17 PM
Kalgar swoops down down, weaving in between trees, and pulling up sharp as he descended, stalling his speed as he did so. His body shifted one more time, and as he landed he landed on the soft padded feet of a great hunting cat, one lithe and strong, he looked back at the slow moving ones with feline eyes narrowed and bounded off.

At the sight of something moving he edged forward in hopes of seeing or smelling what it was.

My default stance is Hunters Sense, which gives me Scent.
Currently in Predator form.

2013-07-25, 02:20 PM
There are two types of creatures in a small clearing beyond the trees. One looks to have the body of a massive frog or toad and a head of a mutated bull. Two brown tentacles sprout from its shoulders, and plumes of purple smoke rise from its nostrils. There are three frog-bodied creatures.

The other creature looks to be similar to a massive centipede, but it too has about a half dozen tentacles whipping about. Two of the four worm-like creatures are flat and hard to see through the undergrowth, but two have their front halves erect. Under mandibles, you see a vaguely humanoid face- only it has two mouths and no nose. Each mouth is lined with rows of razor-sharp teeth, like those of a putrid shark. Their eyes are black orbs and seem to pop out now and then. The creatures are shrieking in a whooping, cackling way- they seem to be communicating.

Kalgar is unable to identify the creatures.

Cornelle, however, knows the following:

Frog Creatures:

Called Froggons. Related to Gorgons, their breath can turn organic materials to stone. It is also a potent poison, and if inhaled too much can cause a petrification effect that starts in the lungs and works its way outward. They are fast and able to leap very far, and are excellent climbers. They can breathe water and air and are extremely resistant to acid and poison. They are more intelligent than most animals, but not by much.
If you add Collector of Stories to first check:

You've heard a story of a man killing a Froggon in seconds by dousing it in oil and lighting it aflame. Allegedly, these creatures are very vulnerable to heat and fire.

Worm Creatures:

These creatures, called Tenebrous Worms, harness a poisonous acid in their gullet that converts materials into shadows. They are terrifying in low light and shadows, but are weakened when exposed to bright light or pitch darkness. They are pack hunters that communicate by wailing and screeching at each other.
If you add Collector of Stories to second check:

If they are touched or attacked in melee, long needle-like protrusions stab out from their body, similar to a sea urchin. These bristles also deliver the deadly shadow-acid, so attacking them in close quarters is dangerous indeed.

Kalgar, being lower to the ground and able to see the two worm creatures laying flat, sees that they are quickly turning to stone.

2013-07-25, 02:37 PM
There's really nothing to be gained interfering with this. She does her best to get Kalgar's attention wordlessly, signing for him to come back toward the rest of the group as she lowers her broom back to the gathering of adventurers, explaining to them quietly what she knows of the strange beasts in some detail, especially the part about the Froggons being vulnerable to flames.

"It might be best to try to circle them and avoid a confrontation, they're distracted with each other so it would avoid us the trouble. If any of us were petrified by the Froggons then there's nothing I could do to help." she warned seriously, then looked around to see whether others were in agreement with her assessment "We could also fly over them, with my magic that wouldn't be too difficult." she added if they weren't too keen on trying to walk around the fighting monsters.

2013-07-25, 03:15 PM

Ekaitz nods in agreement.

ginger ninja
2013-07-25, 03:48 PM
"Makes sense. I don't think any of us have a desire to get into a fight unless we have to. If we do have to fight the worms I can put them into pitch darkness though. Of course, that might limit our options unless everyone can see in the dark." Brea says, looking toward the conflict.

2013-07-25, 04:34 PM
Kalgar sees the creatures but is unable to identify them, having not seen their like before.

He sees the silent communication and pads back, tongue hanging out.

He sniffs the air as the witch speaks, explaining what the creatures are.

"Indeed, we should move around them." he says, half growling through his canine teeth, surprisingly in perfect common.

2013-07-25, 06:44 PM

I suppose we shoud go around, yes... Far around. Come. I will take you.

Ilfin begins to skirt around the creatures, guiding the group around them.

Stealth: [roll0]

2013-07-25, 06:57 PM
"Very well. Since everyone is in agreement, we'll go with my plan." she said, reaching to a scroll case she carried on her person as she continued speaking "Typically, we wouldn't be able to avoid them. Froggons are notoriously ill-tempered and territorial to the point of suicidal madness. They would use their sharp sense of smell to hound us to the very ends of the world itself." she unfolded the parchment on which were written many sigils of divine power "Thankfully, I can conceal our smell and make our passage leave not the slightest disturbance for them to track us by." she stated with a wry smirk.

"Let's put as much distance as we can between ourselves and the foul-tempered beasts nonetheless." and with that she read from the scroll, directing its magic toward their entire group.

Afterward, she followed Ilfin's lead, given that she trusted him best to guide them in the right direction.

She's going to read her Pass Without Trace scroll. It explicitly works even against Scent. So we should be golden.

I'm glad I bought a bunch of low level utility scrolls now.

2013-07-26, 03:06 AM

Ekaitz moves after them, as carefully as he can, although being unobtrusive is not something he is good at.

Failing my stealth roll: [roll0]
Perception to see when it takes notice: [roll1]

ginger ninja
2013-07-26, 03:13 AM
Brea follows the others around the skirmish, quickly catching up with Ilfin (assuming he's going slow enough for the others to keep up) and keeping an eye out for anymore trouble.

Stealth: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

Still flying, but just high enough to avoid the difficult terrain issues.

2013-07-26, 11:18 AM
Kagar nods his feline head, bobbing it up and down.

"Agreed, we should be careful, they were talking about turning them into stone, very strange, we should give them a wide birth I think."

Again, half growling as he spoke, he licked his front leg clean and looked up at the sky squinting before running off.

2013-07-26, 07:27 PM
As a group, you attempt to skirt the conflict between the wild animals. With Cornelle's magic in place, the undergrowth pops back to its position after you pass it. The creatures in the clearing do not react to your stealthy movements, too distracted by the violence around them.

You are almost finished a wide semi circle when the final worm is turned to stone. Two of the froggons are still mobile, and each let out loud, ribbiting belows of triumph. From somewhere in the jungle ahead of you, a terrible, gutteral roar answers theirs, and the trees begin to tremble around you as unseen but massive footsteps approach.

2013-07-26, 08:04 PM

Ilfin has had enough. He is, above all, a predator, and sneaking around, metaphorical and sometimes-literal tail between his legs does not suit him. With a guttural, draconian roar, he shifts, tail sprouting forth, his head elongating, teeth glistening.... His hide toughens, grows scales rapidly followed by feathers, and his legs elongate, growing more powerful. He lets loose another bellow as a secondary pair of arms grow out from his chest. Snorting, he paws the ground, glancing back and forth at his allies before he begins to charge his challenger.

Standard: Wildshape into an Allosaurus. 2 claw attacks, bite, pounce, rake. +6 Str, -4 Dex, +6 nat armor.
Free Action: Rage/Feral Trance. +4 Str/Dex/Con, +2 Will.
Move Action: Use Morphic Body to grow a second pair of claw attacks. These are 'only' at 1d8 for damage dice.

Going to charge in the direction of the whatever-it-is if he gets a chance next turn. Also, holy crap I did not realize the damage potential I'd built in to this guy.

2013-07-26, 09:29 PM
"No. Don't!" Cornelle hissed out as the wild man she had thought to be possessed of greater temperance began to shift his form to something more suitable to a bloody confrontation, the guttural roar that soon followed the transformation sealing their fate. They might be able to run but not with her having to persuade those who might feel otherwise that this battle was best avoided.

"Tsk. How foolish." as a Dollmaster, she was used to making dozens of split-second decisions at once, the elegant witch still sitting on her broom letting the words of ancient magic flow from her lips. Her arcane gestures a flurry of motions as she breathed her will into the very fabric of magic, letting her tapestry give it shape and send it outward toward those who's threads of destiny she had gathered into one and imbuing them with unearthly speed and prowess.

At the same time a veritable menagerie of strange dolls crawled out of an immense satchel carried by Marion, the strange constructs each holding embedded upon their respective foreheads a watery gem that shone dimly with arcane power. They converged upon Cornelle, gathering around her in a circle to protect and guard their mistress even as she held her hands aloft slightly, getting a feel for the invisible threads binding her to Marion.

"If everyone wants to see my deadly show, so be it." she stated laconically, watching from her vantage point over the battlefield as a ringmaster might over a prized circus performance.

Swift Action: Cast Nerveskitter on everyone through the Eldritch Tapestry.

Move Action: Unleash Quiescent Weave, casting Bull's Strength on everyone.

Standard Action: Cast Haste on, you guessed it, everyone.

Cornelle's Initiative: [roll0]
Marion's Initiative: [roll1]

Everyone gets: - +5 to Initiative checks
- +4 enhancement bonus to Strength.
- +1 AB, +1 to reflex saves, +1 dodge AC and one extra attack at full BAB whenever they make a full attack.
- +30 feet to all movement types that doesn't stack with other magical movement enhancements.
- +6 armor bonus to AC. (Greater Mage Armor still active)

Marion puts herself in position between Cornelle and whatever is making all that ruckus.

Also, how big are Froggons? As big as Marion?

2013-07-26, 11:22 PM

Ilfin is gone now, subsumed by the spirit of the forest, the beast within. His head is full of roars and bellows, all urging him to do one thing. "Destroy the intruder...."

He charges into the brush, three tons of screaming primal fury, aimed right for the creature crashing through the jungle. He connects....

Ilfin immediately charges, and, with an 80 foot movespeed and Woodland Stride, should reach the approaching whatever-it-is in the next round. When he meets it, he...well, it should look like someone set a blender to puree, took the jug off the blades, and threw it into a pile of meat and entrails. Here we go:


Unarmed Strike: [roll0]
Unarmed Strike: [roll1]
Claw: [roll2]
Claw: [roll3]
Claw: [roll4]
Claw: [roll5]
Bite: [roll6]


Unarmed Strike: [roll7] + [roll8]
Unarmed Strike: [roll9] + [roll10]
Claw: [roll11] + [roll12]
Claw: [roll13] + [roll14]
Claw: [roll15] + [roll16]
Claw: [roll17] + [roll18]
Bite: [roll19] + [roll20]

Critical Confirmations:

Unarmed Strike: [roll21]
Unarmed Strike: [roll22]
Claw: [roll23]
Claw: [roll24]
Claw: [roll25]
Claw: [roll26]
Bite: [roll27]

Critical Damage:

Unarmed Strike: [roll28] + [roll29]
Unarmed Strike: [roll30] + [roll31]
Claw: [roll32] + [roll33]
Claw: [roll34] + [roll35]
Claw: [roll36] + [roll37]
Claw: [roll38] + [roll39]
Bite: [roll40] + [roll41]

For reference, Ilfin has a 15 foot reach (should only matter for AoOs).

EDIT: Total of 217 damage, if all attacks hit.

EDIT EDIT: Was wrong about how Str is applied to attacks. Damage is actually 187 if they all hit. All claw and bite attacks are reduced by 6 damage.

ginger ninja
2013-07-26, 11:22 PM
"Idiot child." Brea mutters as Ilfin charges off into the underbrush. She then rose higher into the air and moves forward, a spearlike beam of eldritch energy forming in her hands as she does so. When Brea's far enough away from the group not to catch them in its area of effect she makes a simple gesture with her hand, causing a sphere of darkness to erupt from a nearby tree, catching herself in its area of effect.

Flying up to just below the canopy or 30 ft. off the ground, whichever is lower. Also moving to the over the spot that Ilfin was when he transformed and targeting the nearest tree with my darkness invocation.

Darkness creates pitch darkness, but it is not supernatural darkness for the purpose of darkvision and the like, it's got a 30 ft. range, but since it has the same area as the darkness spell it's gotta be cast on a tree that's closer than 20 ft. to Brea to catch her in the area of effect. She's not catching anyone else in its area of effect currently.

2013-07-27, 12:44 AM

Ekaitz watches as the group splits off in different directions, some charging off into the jungle, some taking to the air. "Very well then. I shall cover the terrestrial angle." He gestures imperiously with one hand, commanding the jungle to entangle his foes, and then takes a defensive posture with his shield and trident.

Casting Entangle on the froggons. DC 17 Reflex save or be entangled and stuff.

Quick Summary

Area is Difficult Terrain (all squares count as 2 for movement).

Creatures in area make a Reflex save.

Fail = entangled
Success = may move as normal
Any who enter the area make Reflex save immediately.

Fail = entangled and movement ends.
Success = may move normally
Any who remain in the area at end of casters turn must save again.

Can attempt to break free as a move action by making Strength or Escape Artist check vs. DC of the spell.

Entangled Condition Summary
Move at half speed
Cannot run or charge
–2 penalty on all attack rolls
–4 penalty to Dexterity.
Must make a concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell (or lose the spell).

2013-07-27, 07:21 PM
Ilfin, bloodlust and primal instincts sending his mind racing past the boiling point, surges forward at an incredible speed, bounding between trees and boulders, sweeping aside vines and bushes, searching for the intruder.

The rest of the team snap out lightning-fast decisions; an orb of darkness appears above the team; the froggons behind you are wrapped in a growing mass of thorny vines; and a half-dozen two-foot-tall dolls leap from a bag around Cornelle's shoulder, forming a defensive perimeter around their master.

Froggons' Reflex Saves [roll0], [roll1]

As Ilfin is charging forward, he comes across the creature with the immense howl.


A massive two-headed monkey is racing towards you. Easily more than twenty feet tall, this creature has thick, black fur over a bright red hide. Its eyes are massive orbs of swirling darkness, its snouts and mouths almost comically over-sized. Surrounding the creature like a carapace of twisted armor is a tree, growing into and through the frightening creature. Coming up behind the ape heads is a massive tree trunk, ending in a canopy of twisted vines. Every piece of wood and bark is black. As you look above the wide-eyed-apes' heads, you see the tree growing through it has a face as well- the tree's empty eye sockets and tar-dripping maw only fuels this creature's mad advance.
As it sees you, it misses a step, and flies into a panicked fury. It comes screaming at you, arms flapping around limply.

Basically imagine a terrifying man-monkey with two heads, huge sized, with a darkwood treant dripping acidic tar from every inch of it wrapped around it like sickening, mutated symbiotic armor of doom.

For everyone

Ilfin has taken two turns, some of you have only taken one- once you all get two rounds of prep time, you each get an action before the (almost) not identified creature goes.

2013-07-27, 08:16 PM
Cornelle only took a brief moment to survey the battlefield and weight her options, her attention lingering on the petrified tenebrous worms and the opportunity that represented. Whereas she had no power over flesh, stone was an entirely different sort of story. Smirking privately, she rose higher so she could get a clear line of sight to the defeated monsters.

"I hope you all freak the hell out." she muttered darkly to herself, her frustration showing in that regard as unseen threads of raw will extended forward like hungry snakes, leaping at the speed of thought and then latching to the hollow shells of her former enemies, turning them into her willing minions as she animated the new statues, now rigid limbs once more moving as she guided them wordlessly to turn on the Froggons. "Hehehe..." a sinister chuckle escaped her lips as she took no small amount of pleasure in the irony of it all.

She could be rather vindictive when miffed, her attention briefly focusing elsewhere as she brought to bear her magic to further ward those within her tapestry against their enemies, expressionless Marion lifting her giant hammer silently as she readied herself to go wherever her mistress commanded.

Move Action: Shift her Animate Object spell-like ability around. Keep it on Marion but add four tenebrous worms to her minions. They won't benefit from her tapestry, but they DO benefit from her Dollmaster class features. You know how that works, you can select the extra Creation Points yourself if you'd like, I don't mind.

Standard Action: Cast Conviction on everyone in the tapestry.

Everyone gets: - +5 to Initiative checks
- +4 enhancement bonus to Strength.
- +1 AB, +1 to reflex saves, +1 dodge AC and one extra attack at full BAB whenever they make a full attack.
- +30 feet to all movement types that doesn't stack with other magical movement enhancements.
- +6 armor bonus to AC. (Greater Mage Armor still active)
- +3 morale bonus to all saving throws.

Marion can charge 120 feet. Is she within range of the monkey monster?

Can Cornelle see the monkey monster with a [roll0] for her Perception check?

If so, she makes a Knowledge (Nature) check to identify it: [roll1]

2013-07-28, 01:29 AM

Ekaitz glares briefly at the vines, mentally chastising them for failing to fully ensnare his foes, and then hefts a javelin in his hand, clearing his mind and visualizing its path before throwing it at the non-entangled froggon. The javelin crackles with the power of the storm as it leaves his hand, flying towards the froggon.

Didn't realize he had two turns, so would not have readied the trident yet. Quickdrawing a javelin instead, and using Bullseye Shot to get a +4 to hit (move action), and Deadeye Shot for -2 to hit, +2 damage.
To hit: [roll0]
Damage [roll1]piercing damage + [roll2]electricity damage.

Crit Rolls (20/x2):

Confirmation Roll: [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4]piercing damage +[roll5]sonic damage

ginger ninja
2013-07-28, 04:02 AM
Not wanting to leave Ilfin to face the big ape alone, Brea moves forward and causes another sphere of darkness to erupt from a nearby tree.

This is assuming I can't get close enough to attack and that we're in prep time still. If that's the case:

Move Action: Fly Forward 60 ft.
Standard Action: Use darkness on another nearby tree to hopefully maintain any concealment I might get from it.

Also, If Brea gets to a point where she can see the big ape then she will attempt to identify it and activate her Knowledge Devotion, I'm using collector of stories on this roll:
Knowledge: [roll0]
If relevant knowledge is Arcana, Nature, or Religion then add +22
If relevant knowledge is Dungeoneering, Planes, or Local then add +17

If I'm wrong and I can get Brea close enough to get into combat then lemme know and I'll adjust my actions accordingly.

2013-07-29, 12:41 AM
From Brea's vantage point, she can see the creature as well. Marion also spots it, but will not be close enough until next round to attack it.

Ekaitz scores a nasty hit on the un-entangled froggon. Their buggy eyes look wide, wider than you witnessed before, and they are attempting to flee away from the source of the bellow to the east.

The froggons will not attack any of you. Their fight-or-flight instincts kicked in, and they are high tailing it.

I will use that full attack you rolled for Ilfin in the next round when you rush the creature and attack.

Brea has line of sight and line of effect.

Marion can charge next round as well.

Kalgar, nearly unseen in the underbrush, is skirting in a circle around the attacker, hoping to flank with Ilfin.

Begin Combat Turns.

Ilfin's attack will go through, and Kalgar will move in for a single attack. The rest of you may act.

2013-07-29, 01:15 AM

Ekaitz moves after Ilfin, looking to get a vantage point on the creature. If he does, he hurls a javelin at it, which bursts with lightning as it leaves his hand.

Not using Deadly Aim or Bullseye Throw. Will use Bullseye Throw for +4 to hit if I don't have to move more than 5ft to be able to attack.

To Hit: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]piercing damage and [roll2]lightning damage.

Crit: 20/x2

Confirm: [roll3]
Crit Damage: [roll4]piercing damage and [roll5]sonic damage

2013-07-29, 09:27 PM
With the Froggons fleeing heedlessly into the jungle, their threat was at an end. With them out of sight and their caravan trackless and scentless they wouldn't be able to bother them further down the road. As such, despite her animosity, Cornelle tugged at the strings of the now servile tenebrous worms, sending them toward the strange abomination they were facing to attack it, even as she moved closer along with her retinue to attempt to ascertain what it is exactly they are dealing with.

While she does this, she directly takes control of Marion, sending her forward with perfect timing and guiding her every movement as she rushed to the monkey-treant beast, smashing into it with her similar stature and crushing it under the weight of her deadly body, the graceful doll far heavier than she actually looked and quite capable of holding down even such a great monster underneath her foot.

Move Action: Get closer to the action so she can identify the monkey monster. Her Knowledge (Nature) roll was 33.

Standard Action: Use her Dollmaster's Mage Hand to Aid Another Marion.

Marion charges the creature with her slam attack.

Attack roll: [roll0]
Damage roll: [roll1]
Crit confirm: [roll2]
Crit damage: [roll3]

If she hits, she gets a free grapple attempt: [roll4]
If she manages to establish a grapple, she does her Constrict damage: [roll5]

2013-07-29, 11:34 PM
Ilfin rips into the twisted monster, pieces of flesh and bark spilling away from it. As he does so, a javelin made of lighting smashes its hide sending sparks flying off of it. Marion joins the fray as well, slamming a massive double-fisted assault into the creature's right-side head.

Opposed Grapple: [roll0]

Kalgar sweeps in from behind, unseen by the gibbering monster, and pounces upon it, teeth and claws slashing furiously.

Bite: [roll1], Damage [roll2]
Claw 1: [roll3], Damage [roll4]
Claw 2: [roll5], Damage [roll6]
Will roll potential crit conirmation in OOC if needed.

Perception DC 20

The creature's hide is remarkably resilient, and several of the attacks that dealt bludgeoning damage seemed to do nothing, while the lightning from Ekaitz's javelin seemed to only infuriate the creature further.

It takes half damage from bludgeoning attacks, has Electricity Resistance, and has DR versus piercing

@Ginger Ninja and Danakir

The creature is unlike anything you've ever seen. You see a two headed monkey, massive in size, like some primal ettin; and growing around it and in it, like a horrific parasite, is a plague-ent; a treant diseased from negative energy to the point of being nearly undead. This creature, whatever it is, is not normal. Brea gains a +3 to attack and damage from Knowledge Devotion, while Cornelle and her minions gain +4.

ginger ninja
2013-07-29, 11:57 PM
Brea sneers at the monkey-monster, quickly eyeing it for weaknesses. As the others move in Brea darts out of her sphere of darkness and rushes at the beast, lashing out with her energy spear as soon as she's able.

Swift Action: Assign Ape Beast as my Duelist Focus.
Full Round Action: Charge and Stab (all attacks are touch attacks)-
Attack 1: [roll0]
Spell Resistance 1: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Spell Resistance 2: [roll4]
Damage 2: [roll5]

Haste Attack: [roll6]
Haste Spell Resistance: [roll7]
Haste Damage: [roll8]

2013-07-30, 01:00 AM

Ekaitz frowns as he observes the difficulty his attacks have at piercing the creatures hide, and endeavors to try harder, unleashing a flurry of strikes.

Using Deadly Aim and Rapid Shot. Assuming within Point Blank Shot range.
To Hit:
1.[roll4]piercing + [roll5] lightning
2.[roll6]piercing + [roll7] lightning
3.[roll8]piercing + [roll9] lightning
4.[roll10]piercing + [roll11] lightning
Crit: (20/x2)

1. [roll12]
2. [roll13]
3. [roll14]
4. [roll15]
1.[roll16]piercing + [roll17] sonic
2.[roll18]piercing + [roll19] sonic
3.[roll20]piercing + [roll21] sonic
4.[roll22]piercing + [roll23] sonic

2013-07-30, 11:06 AM
Monkey Monster
This happens before Ekaitz's second attack on it

The ape abomination, eyes wide and foam dripping from its two tooth-lined maws, flies into a whirling frenzy of claws, teeth, and powerful slams from the two treant arms on its back.

Its claws attempt to shred Marion, its mouths bite at Ilfin, and its slams rain down onto Kalgar.


Against Marion:
Claw 1: [roll0], [roll1]
Claw 2: [roll2], [roll3]

Against Ilfin:
Bite 1: [roll4], [roll5]
Bite 2: [roll6], [roll7]
For each bite that hits, make a fortitude save.

Against Kalgar:
Slam 1: [roll8], [roll9]
Slam 2: [roll10], [roll11]

Percetion DC 25 (Cornelle and Brea get +5 for being higher in the air)
You can see the hide of the creature, bark and flesh alike, knitting back together. The creature is regenerating faster than anything you've ever seen.

2013-07-30, 01:28 PM
Bits and pieces of woods splintered and flew from Marion's inert form, the powerful claws managing to gouge deep but the strange doll neither slowing down nor knowing any fear as it pressed on with its assault, relentless now that it had closed in the distance and could fully focus its attention upon the vicious beast.

While this happened, Cornelle did her best to hurry up her newest minions along, wanting them around both for distraction and to give Marion some space to back off if necessary. For the time being, she could tell that this creature wasn't to be taken lightly.

And so with a few judicious words the form of all her allies blurred, the people she protected seeming to be standing in multiple different spots at once. This should buy them plenty of time.

Noticing its strange regeneration, she took note that she'd have to see whether she packed any alchemist fire next.

Standard Action: Displacement on everyone.

Move Action: Look to see if she remembered to pack any alchemist fire in her pack.

She's getting the tenebrous worms to hustle it up already.

Perception: [roll0]

Knowledge (Dungeoneering): [roll1]

Marion herself is going to put down the hurt and Full Attack.

Hammer Attack #1: [roll2]
Hammer Attack #2: [roll3]
Hammer Attack #3: [roll4]
Slam Attack #1: [roll5]
Slam Attack #2: [roll6]
Slam Attack #3: [roll7]
Damage #1: [roll8]
Damage #2: [roll9]
Damage #3: [roll10]
Damage #4: [roll11]
Damage #5: [roll12]
Damage #6: [roll13]
Crit Confirms: [roll14]
Crit Damage:

She gets one free grab attempt for every slam attack that hits. If she hits with the grab, she gets to constrict it.

Possible attempts: [roll26]

Constrict damage: [roll29]

Can Cornelle make any sort of Knowledge check to determine whether or not it would be vulnerable to Ray of Enfeeblement?

Everyone gets: - +5 to Initiative checks
- +4 enhancement bonus to Strength.
- +1 AB, +1 to reflex saves, +1 dodge AC and one extra attack at full BAB whenever they make a full attack.
- +30 feet to all movement types that doesn't stack with other magical movement enhancements.
- +6 armor bonus to AC. (Greater Mage Armor still active)
- +3 morale bonus to all saving throws.
- 50% miss chance against all attacks.

2013-07-30, 06:38 PM
Fort saves:

Ilfin snarls as the beast...the thing tears chunks out of his flesh, and responds in kind.

Swift: Move essentia into Cobalt Rage


Unarmed Strike: [roll2]
Unarmed Strike: [roll3]
Claw: [roll4]
Claw: [roll5]
Claw: [roll6]
Claw: [roll7]
Bite: [roll8]


Unarmed Strike: [roll9]
Unarmed Strike: [roll10]
Claw: [roll11]
Claw: [roll12]
Claw: [roll13]
Claw: [roll14]
Bite: [roll15]

Critical confirmations:

Unarmed Strike: [roll16]
Unarmed Strike: [roll17]
Claw: [roll18]
Claw: [roll19]
Claw: [roll20]
Claw: [roll21]
Bite: [roll22]

Critical Damage:

Unarmed Strike: [roll23]
Unarmed Strike: [roll24]
Claw: [roll25]
Claw: [roll26]
Claw: [roll27]
Claw: [roll28]
Bite: [roll29]

2013-07-31, 05:35 PM
Kalgar roars in defiance as the creature-tree slams down upon him, causing damage to the proud warrior.

He raises his hackles and leaps upon the beast, tearing and biting like a wild beast.




ginger ninja
2013-08-01, 03:01 PM
Already in the fray this time, Brea unleashes another flurry of attacks with her spear.

Full Round Action: Full Attack (Once again, all touch attacks)-
Attack 1: [roll0]
Damage 1: [roll1]

Attack 2: [roll2]
Damage 2: [roll3]

Haste Attack: [roll4]
Haste Damage: [roll5]

2013-08-01, 04:36 PM
The creature stumbles under the torrent of attacks. Ekaitz's onslaught seemed to be entirely ignored, while Marion's and Brea's were barely bypassing the creature's flesh. Kalgar's claws ripped into the bark-like skin of the creature, sending its jabbering howls into wails of pain. Finally, as Brea unleashed upon it again, twirling and stabbing with a spear glowing with undiluted energy, the creature slumps forward, half lunging, and falls unconscious. You can still see the creature stitching its wounds together- and now that it is face down in the undergrowth, you can see the plants around the great creature doing their part as well- tiny tendrils of roots and streams of pollen begin to drift over the unconscious, two-headed monkey. Soon, the plant life around the monster begins to brown, and slowly wither and die, as if its presence is poisonous to the land itself.

2013-08-02, 04:19 AM

Seeing the creature is still healing, Ekaitz turns to the bane of many plant creatures: fire. "Being of flames, come forth to destroy this, my enemy." In response to his command, there is a burst of flame, which holds a vaguely humanoid shape, and begins to burn the fallen creature.

Swapping Hold Animal for Summon Nature's Ally II, and summoning a small fire elemental. If fire is what we need, the fire elemental's coup de grace (for 6 turns):

[roll0] bludgeoning, [roll1] fire
[roll2] bludgeoning, [roll3] fire
[roll4] bludgeoning, [roll5] fire
[roll6] bludgeoning, [roll7] fire
[roll8] bludgeoning, [roll9] fire
[roll10] bludgeoning, [roll11] fire

It also catches fire, since it can't make a Reflex save due to being unconscious, so will burn for 6 rounds, + [roll12] rounds after the elemental dissipates.

[roll13] fire.

More importantly, if fire pierces its regen, the regen is turned off for the turn, so everyone can do lethal damage to it.

I'll be surprised if fire actually works though.

2013-08-03, 12:09 AM
The fire elemental pounds away on the abomination of animal and tree, and it quickly lights on fire. It burns the diseased tree to ashes, and the blistering hide of the double-headed monkey monster burns as well as it can. The creature is very, very dead. A sudden silence falls over the forest around you, as the fire slowly pops and spits. Nothing approaches the flames.

You continue on, nursing your wounds, for what seems like hours. You take a few short breaks to stretch legs and rest joints. A few sips of water and a few bites of food and you are off again.

A few hours before dusk, you come to one of the first breaks in the jungle floor. Without warning, the ground drops out, and the treeline peters off for a few hundred feet. You've come to the top of an outcropping, and a cliff, sheer and deadly, angles below you. Down, a few hundred feet below you, the jungle resumes. To each side, the cliff veers off into jungle-obscured nothingness. You must either find a way around the sheer cliff, or work your way down.

2013-08-03, 12:58 AM

Ekaitz will begin to climb down, ready to call on his magic if he must.

Taking 10 gives me a 15, which is enough for a typical cliff face. If something knocks him off the cliff, he'll cast Cloak of Winds and fly the rest of the way down with his Storm Ride class feature.

2013-08-03, 11:42 AM
With their foe defeated, Cornelle would have used her aptitudes as a Dollmaster to fix the damage on Marion within a few moments, repairing her so fast that it could only be described as another act of magic.

Later when faced with the sheer cliff, she rode her broom down with little problem, watching those who couldn't do as she in case they required assistance of some sort.

2013-08-03, 12:29 PM

Ilfin begins the climb down, ready to morph into a bird should he fall.

Climb: [roll0]

ginger ninja
2013-08-03, 03:17 PM
Brea floats gently down the side of the cliff, staying near the climbers in case something decided to attack them, but far enough out that they won't take her with them if they should fall.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-08-05, 04:15 PM
You work your way down the cliff, slowly to avoid causing a fall or landslide. Brea is flying near the cliff edge, about twenty feet away, staying close to the climbers. Ekaitz and Ilfin work their way down the sheer cliff handhold by foothold. Cornelle and Kalgar soar to the bottom to ensure there is no ambush or creature waiting for them once the climbers settle.

Cornelle and Kalgar reach the bottom, under a thick barrier of tree leaves, and search around the base of the cliff for a few moments. They find only a few large snakes nearby, but shoo them away easily enough.

Once satisfied the massive snakes were gone, Cornelle and Kalgar fly up, above the thick canopy above them, to see how the rest of their party was faring.

There weren't there.

@Brea, Ilfin, and Ekaitz only

As you are climbing down the cliff, and Brea is flying nearby, a tumbling stone falls far to your left. Brea angles herself out, craning her neck, squinting, trying to identify what caused the noise.

As she looked back, Ilfin and Ekaitz were gone, She glances around, looking for them, when a long, thin tendril whips out of a crevasse in the cliff's stony face and wraps around her leg. Immediately, the limb goes numb, and small barbs dig into the leg. The tendril, gray and strong, starts pulling her towards the stony face of the cliff. Moments later, she's pulled into a hole hidden behind vines, to face two pillar-shaped abominations. Dozens of wrist- to finger-thick strands lash in the air. Some already have Ekaitz and Ilfin, wrapping around them, attempting to pin them. Two great maws open on the nearest side of the gray pillar-shaped, barnacle-like monsters, and one massive eye opens slightly above that.

Dungeoneering Check DC 22

These creatures are evolved Ropers. I will give more info based on your results.

Each of you make fortitude saves, DC 25. Failure causes you each Strength damage:
Brea takes 5, Ilfin takes 2, and Ekaitz takes 3 from the numbing poison of the creatures.

2013-08-05, 05:01 PM

Ekaitz grabs ahold of the cliff face, and the roper's vines slip away from him.

Activating Freedom of Movement. [roll0] Climb check to hold onto the cliff face (I need an 11 to not fall).

edit *phew*

Know: Dungeoneering [roll1]

2013-08-05, 11:38 PM

Ilfin yells in pain, his body rippling in agony. Immediately, he begins to change, body growing outwards in all directions. This time, he stays roughly human, but...not. Fur covers his body, and he's sporting a second set of arms. With a howl, he

Free: RAGE!
Move: Morph into a Girallon.
Standard: Attempt to break grapple. [roll0]

2013-08-06, 11:13 AM
Ilfin, Brea, and Ekaitz can go first, then the Ropers, then Cornelle and Kalgar

Ilfin thrashes around, morphing into a four-armed gorilla, attempting to break the hold the ropers have on him. However, their strands hold tight, barbs digging into numbed flesh and fur.

2013-08-06, 11:40 AM
Kalgar rides a thermal up in a slow and lazy looping fashion, his wings moving under the hot air, the snakes were a good omen, less powerful monsters where preferable to larger ones, making it quicker and easier for them to travel.

He only hoped....

Where had the others gone?

He scanned the cliff face looking for any sign of them.

He currently has scent

2013-08-06, 12:35 PM
Chasing away the snakes had offered no difficulty, which suited her just fine. What didn't suit her in the least however was the fact the rest of the caravan had vanished out of sight during their brief excursion, the witch on her broom frowning as she scanned the cliffside, privately wondering where the others had gone.

Perception: [roll0]

ginger ninja
2013-08-06, 04:36 PM
"Let go of me!" Brea shouts, glaring at the roper holding on to her. Hopefully she then flies out the hole she was pulled through and down towards the others.

Standard Action: Use Stunning Glance on the roper holding Brea, DC 21 Fort save of be dazed for 1 round.

Move Action: If the roper fails its save then flying out the hole and down the side of the cliff face, trying to get enough distance between me and it that it can't rope me again. If the roper passes its fort save then I'm ****ed.

Also I got a 34 on my Knowledge: Dungeoneering roll in the OOC thread, what does Brea learn about these things?

2013-08-07, 11:19 PM
Brea and Ekaitz manage to slip free of the strands, and Ilfin is likewise dropped as the roper loses its focus, dazed for a few moments. The other Roper uses its strands to propel itself forward, bringing it into biting range of Ekaitz.

[roll0], [roll1]

Knowledge Checks

DC 15:
Ropers can reach over thirty feet with their tentacle-strands, but even the thinnest blade can cut them in twain.

DC 20:
Ropers are exceptional hunters, and can often hide in plain sight when surrounded by rocks.

DC 25:
Ropers are very vulnerable to Fire and resilient against Electricity.

2013-08-08, 12:37 AM

Ekaitz loses his grip on the cliff face as the roper strikes him, but he does not seem worried as he plummets. He calls on the winds to carry him aloft, and powerful winds wrap around him, and he seems to be carried by them, back up into the air.

Casting Cloak of Winds. As a Storm Lord, he can fly under the strong winds created by the spell, in addition to the spell's normal effects.

2013-08-08, 03:57 PM

As the creature lets go of Ilfin, he grabs onto the cliff face, roaring and swinging around to attack. He shreds into the roper, claws and teeth bloodying it.

Yay attack routines!


Unarmed Strike: [roll0]
Claw: [roll1]
Claw: [roll2]
Bite: [roll3]
Claw: [roll4]
Claw: [roll5]


Unarmed Strike: [roll6]
Claw: [roll7]
Claw: [roll8]
Bite: [roll9]
Claw: [roll10]
Claw: [roll11]

Crit Conf:

Unarmed Strike: [roll12]
Claw: [roll13]
Claw: [roll14]
Bite: [roll15]
Claw: [roll16]
Claw: [roll17]

Crit Damage:

Unarmed Strike: [roll18]
Claw: [roll19]
Claw: [roll20]
Bite: [roll21]
Claw: [roll22]
Claw: [roll23]

2013-08-09, 09:22 AM
The cry draws Cornelle's attention to the right area, the witch frowning as her flying broom carried her closer, a few quick motions of the hands and whispered words creating an unseen shield around her companions to ward off their attackers, even as she sent the mindless petrified tenebrous worms she had kept from their last encounter to aid them, the monsters of stone slithering along the cliff toward the tunnels.

Move Action: Gets closer so she can watch what's going on.
Standard Action: Cast shield on everyone.

Tenebrous worms try to get in range of the ropers and if they can will attack them.

Knowledge (Dungeoneering): [roll0]

Everyone gets: - +6 armor AC.
+4 shield AC.

2013-08-09, 01:37 PM
The roper, not ready for the onslaught, is shredded. It falls back a little bit, leaving its ally to deal with the prey fighting back.

The crevasse is not deep, but is covered in thick vines and foliage.

2013-08-10, 05:48 PM

Ilfin jumps quickly at the second one, hoping to kill it before it, too, is able to retreat.


Unarmed Strike: [roll0]
Claw: [roll1]
Claw: [roll2]
Bite: [roll3]
Claw: [roll4]
Claw: [roll5]


Unarmed Strike: [roll6]
Claw: [roll7]
Claw: [roll8]
Bite: [roll9]
Claw: [roll10]
Claw: [roll11]

Crit Conf:

Unarmed Strike: [roll12]
Claw: [roll13]
Claw: [roll14]
Bite: [roll15]
Claw: [roll16]
Claw: [roll17]

Crit Damage:

Unarmed Strike: [roll18]
Claw: [roll19]
Claw: [roll20]
Bite: [roll21]
Claw: [roll22]
Claw: [roll23]

Holy cow my attack rolls are pathetic.

2013-08-12, 09:11 AM
The roper's stone-hard hide repels most of the attacks that Iflin's onslaught consists of. It reacts violently, bringing its massive jaw to bear on Iflin.

Attack [roll0], Damage [roll1]

2013-08-12, 09:47 AM

Ekaitz flies back up to the crevice, carried aloft by the winds that envelop him, hurling what seems more lightning that javelin at the remaining creature.

Move action to fly up to regain line of sight. Using Deadly Aim.

[roll0] tohit
[roll1] piercing damage, [roll2] lightning damage

Crit (20/x2)

[roll3] confirmation
[roll4] piercing damage, [roll5] sonic damage

ginger ninja
2013-08-13, 02:42 AM
Brea steps back and centers herself, summoning her energy spear and launching a pair of attacks against the creature that grabbed her.

Swift Action: Duelist's Focus on roper.
Free Action: 5 ft. step back.
Free Action: Summon Eldritch Beam
Full Round Action: Full Attack (both touch attacks)-
Attack 1: [roll0]
Overcome Spell Resistance 1: [roll1]
Damage 1: [roll2]

Attack 2: [roll3]
Overcome Spell Resistance 2: [roll4]
Damage 2: [roll5]

2013-08-13, 11:04 AM
The roper shrieks in pain, the sound high and tinny. This allows Kalgar and Cornelle to zero-in on their location.

The attacks from Ekaitz, catching it off-guard, Brea, her eldritch energy scouring its hard carapace, and Ilfin, whose attacks scrape at the same outer shell leave the creature panting and panicking, attempting to seek escape. It obviously did not expect its prey to be so efficient.

In moments, as it attempts to flee, you put it down, rending its body in twain.

It tries to move away, but provokes. It doesn't have much HP left, so I just ended it. I'll push the flow of the story a bit more.

The group works its way down the cliff edge, coming to rest at the bottom of the sheer wall. The jungle is much quieter down here- the wind can't seem to reach it at the moment.

2013-08-13, 02:58 PM

Ilfin stays in his Girallon form, grunting softly. However, he once more plunges into the brush, although perhaps a little more warily this time.

Perception: [roll0]
Stealth: [roll1]
Survival, in case he needs to get his bearings again: [roll2]

2013-08-13, 03:07 PM

Ekaitz walks behind the Girallon, his cloak of winds whipping through the branches around him, until it eventually fades after a few minutes.

2013-08-15, 08:34 PM
As a group, you travel on for another few hours, until the jungle thins out and the ground rises into a series of sparsely-treed hills. At the peak of one of these hills, you can see over the canopy of the majority of the forest. Surrounding you is a circular cliff-edge- it's as if you are inside a massive, expansive crater. To the east the jungle becomes dense and drops further. To the north east is the tower and upper wall of what looks to be castle in ruins. To the south east are a series of super-tall, gargantuan hoodoos.

Cornelle is fairly sure that each of these locations hold a single ingredient.

2013-08-16, 11:57 PM

Ilfin shifts back into his normal form, extra arms merging into his body, teeth shortening, and hair disappearing as he becomes human again.

"It is...dusk now. We should stop for the night, I think. The animals of the forest can get unusually active at night, and I don't want to be downhill from everything."

2013-08-17, 01:15 AM

Ekaitz will begin looking for a campsite, and will volunteer to take the middle watch.

Druid casting, so don't need uninterrupted rest.
Survival: [roll0]

2013-08-20, 04:53 PM
A decent campsite is found, and the lot of you rest without issue.

As dawn breaks, so too do the clouds overhead. A light rain begins to fall, and as you finish packing up food wraps and bedding, it begins to drop in earnest. The rainstorms are not unheard of in this part of the world, but the thick rain has fog accompanying it and is hampering vision further than a few hundred feet.

Which location do you head towards?

2013-08-20, 05:12 PM
Ekaitz flies up into the storm, above the fog, unhindered by the driving rain, and keeps an eye out from above.

Using Storm Ride to fly in the storm.
Perception [roll0]
Stealth [roll1]

2013-08-21, 11:07 AM

"Well, given the rain Mother Nature has blessed us with....I think perhaps the cover of those hoodoos would be best."

2013-08-22, 09:02 AM
You head towards where you remember the hoodoos being. You travel in a tight group, those able to fly circling about keeping an eye out. Ekaitz, however, was unhindered in any way. With his help, you do not get lost, even though the party begins to veer too far south on a few occasions.

The jungle is strangely quiet. After a few hours of travel, you encounter the first hoodoos, tall and rough.

After twenty or so minutes, you find the primary field of them, and locate the deep ravine that contains the river.

Rumors of a cave network nearby boast the likely location of the ingredient.

2013-08-23, 01:11 AM

Assuming the rain has kept up, Ekaitz will fly down the ravine, keeping 10 feet away from the walls, looking for any cave entrances or the like.

[roll0] Perception

2013-08-24, 08:27 AM
Ekaitz, able to see through the fog and drizzling rain unhindered, locates a hidden cave entrance. It is about a hundred feet into the ravine, only a few dozen feet above the raging river.

2013-08-24, 10:21 AM

"I have found a cave entrance, but flooding may be an issue if the rain keeps up. It is very close to the waterline."

2013-08-26, 09:57 AM

"That should not be a problem for us, yes? It might even be fun." Ilfin smiles a toothy grin, teeth seeming almost fang-like for a moment.

2013-08-26, 02:07 PM

"Yes. Let us leave the ladies to explore aboveground while we investigate." He then lands in the mouth of the cave.