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2013-07-17, 06:24 PM
OOC Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=292898)
OOC Thread II (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?352138-Serpent-s-Skull-(OOC-II))
Recruitment Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=290250)

2013-07-17, 06:34 PM
Souls for Smuggler's Shiv

Excerpts from the journal of Alton Devers – First Mate of the Jenivere

Gozran 14th, 4710: Captain Alizandru Kovack, an old friend of my father's, hired me on as his first mate. Were it not for Melithon's recommendation I assuredly wouldn't have landed such a high title. It was years ago, but the boatswain, Steffin Vaier, served with me once before, I wonder if his word aided. Regardless of the circumstances which bring me to the Jenivere. I'm quite eager to get back to sea again. The trip will take us from Magnimar, through Cheliax, past the Eye, through the Shackles and the Mwangi expanse, ending in Eleder. It will be nice to finally see the ports in Sargava, for I've never had the chance. Although, I cannot say I look forward to sailing past the Eye again.

Gozran 22st, 4710: We've left Magnimar and and I've at last met all of the crew. Our navigator, Daxtin, seems like a right enough fellow. He's a halfling, but from the crow's nest I suppose height doesn't matter. Two passengers joined us as well. There is Ieana, a Varisian scholar, quiet and rather pretty in a bookish sort of way, she says she is on her way to study ruins in Sargava. From what I've heard of the Sargavan wilds, that dainty lass best have a horde of guards lined up. Then as we were preparing to head out, this Gelik fellow comes charging aboard. The gnome quickly booked passage to Eleder, at first he tried to offer the promise of tales and songs for his passage, Captain Kovack might have consented too, but he seemed in such a rush to get out of sight that in midst of his negotiation he just threw a handful of coins at the captain and charged below decks. I hope whatever is chasing him doesn't come back to bite us.

Gozran 31st, 4710: We docked in Kintargo today. As far a Chelish cities go, it is pretty calm. That usual tension isn't there. Or... at least it doesn't leak onto the shore.

Desnus 2nd, 4710: I am glad to be out at sea again, even if we are headed to Pezzack. We took on another passenger - an older man, looks like a strong fellow. He seems pensive, but I certainly wouldn't want to incur his wrath. On the bright side, Gelik is living up to his self-proclaimed reputation as a comedian. Eiver even shot soup out of his nose during the gnome's unflattering impression of Ventia. Hopefully, she doesn't hear about it. That woman's temper is legendary.

Desnus 9st, 4710: We've been in Pezzack one day now. I can't wait to leave – the Hellknight presence makes this place feel like a sealed kettle about to burst. A half-orc claiming to be a bounty hunter named Groddik booked passage for himself and his prisoner all the way to Eleder. The captain asked if the man was dangerous. Groddik laughed and replied, “more than you can imagine.” Must be paying extremely well because the captain is taking him anyway. He insists the murderer will be sufficiently manacled and chained, but this makes me more than a little nervous.

Desnus 11st, 4710: I never thought I'd wish to be back in Pezzack. Groddik's prisoner, Taorn Jedderis, is so draped in chains he looks like a Kyton. The malice from his eyes makes that tableau fit far too well for my liking. Apparently, he is some monk from a vile cult of murders. He is being transported to face judgement at the hands of his former order near Eleder. On the plus side, the captain demanded that Groddik hire a jailor to guard the brig for the journey. He did, but this fellow Rymar seems a little thick witted to me. Gelik is going to perform soon. Maybe he'll cheer me up.

Desnus 16st, 4710: Groddik, the bounty hunter is a lot of fun. Eiver, Gelik, Groddik and I have been playing cards every night. I swear Gelik is cheating though. I haven't seen Ieana in days. Rumors have started that she is a Chelish agent. Preposterous. Mallin insists he heard some sort of hooting in the cargo hold. No one else has though.

Desnus 18th, 4710: We are in Corentyn for a week. It's only a bit better than Pezzack, but it will be good to get some shore time. I'll explore the City of Nine Forts. Maybe I won't even have any Hellknight trouble.

Desnus 24th, 4710: Another prisoner and another bounty hunter! Is the Captain mad?

Desnus 26th, 4710: I confess, Jask Derindi is a whole different breed than Taorn. The man seems quiet, perhaps penitent. I conversed with him briefly – he was polite and well-spoken. His eyes seem calm, not just eager to kill again like Taorn. Three other passengers boarded in Corentyn. The first is young man with a pet hawk. He seems polite, but the size of the patient hawk is rather unnerving. The second is another young man with hideously scarred arms. There is something disconcerting about him. The last one seems to be a prideful son of some noble. At first I dismissed his bravado as bluster and nothing more, but that impression didn't last – he has a way about himself and I'm certain he can hold his own in a fight. Not only did he bring his horse aboard, but it shares his quarters, even eats with him! The captain agreed to all of this under a steady stream of coin. Between the prisoners, the hawk, the horse and that hooting Mallin keeps bringing up, I am wondering what this ship is becoming...

Sarenith 1st, 4710: Servin, the bounty hunter who caught Jask, is a nice fellow. I witnessed some bounty hunter posturing I think. Although Servin is a bit older, it seems Groddik has a lot more experience, or maybe he just brags better.

Sarenith 4th, 4710: Last night, Ventia walked in on Gelik's impression of her. I took three of us to tear her off of his throat. The Captain smoothed things over, but Gelik hasn't come out of his cabin since. Mood is dour... his jokes would be a welcome release. More rumors have started about Ieana, this time that she's the Captain's lover. They both have been rather reclusive of late, but I swear he spends most of his time arguing with Daxtin about the course – and how best to get around the Eye.

Sarenith 6st, 4710: Ilizmagorti. First time I've ever been here. The Captain said he's flat out missed touching down here before, apparently it's rather hard to find. It turns out Daxtin actually has a map of Mediogalti Island! Wouldn't tell us where he got it though and insisted that we not mention it again. A pretty young red-head named Sasha boarded. She seems rather glum.

Sarenith 10th, 4710: For some reason Sasha's cheered up, she's actually a rather bubbly character. I wouldn't have ever guessed when she boarded. She is either completely unflappable or completely oblivious to Garrat's advances. When he crudely proposed they “bump uglies,” she shoved him hard into Rambar and cackled madly for fifteen minutes – I can't imagine a more literal response! Also, Ventia had an accident fell from the rigging and sprained her ankle rather badly. Brought Gelik out of hiding at least. Servin offered to fill in for her on rigging – I couldn't believe anyone volunteering for that role, let alone a paying passenger. Apparently, he has experience on a ship.

Sarenith 14st, 4710: The winds have gotten bad. It is raining constantly. The Captain is starting to regret not listening to Daxtin's route. I am too.

Sarenith 17st, 4710: The Eye... Gods the EYE! Everyone is sick. I can't even sleep.

Sarenith 22st, 4710: Ollo. I never thought I'd be so thrilled to touch down in the Shackles. I may need the whole week for the nausea to wear off. Mallin still won't shut up about that hooting.

Sarenith 28st, 4710: Ollo is a pretty fun place. I admit, I can see what the pirates see in it. Another passenger, a woman, Kara boarded and is moving to Port Peril. I heard both Ieana and the captain never even got off the boat. Maybe there is some truth to those rumors. I wouldn't have guessed either was the others type – but hostiles waves make strange bedfellows.

Sarenith 31st, 4710: Quent is even better than Ollo. If it weren't for all the looting and violence, I might try my hand at piracy.

Erastus 3st, 4710: Taorn escaped somehow! Groddik brought him down, but the madman almost strangled one of the crew. He's been bound tighter with ropes and chains. He assures the captain it won't happen again, but I think every last one of us blames Rymar. I can't recall the last time I've seen the man sober.

Erastus 6st, 4710: Port Peril is a bit rougher than Ollo and Quent combined. I can't say I'm a fan. Kara left. Shame, she may be a pirate, but I was starting to enjoy having her around. Another piratess, Aerys Mavato has booked passage to Eleder. We leave tomorrow.

Erastus 8st, 4710: Garrat made a lewd suggestion to Aerys. I was about to step in on her behalf, but she broke his nose faster than I ever could have. Steffin and I just laughed, Garrat got what he deserved as far as I'm concerned.

Erastus 14th, 4710: We are at Bloodcove. Aerys has hardly come out of her room except for meals – she brought enough rum to pass every day in a stupor. Giving Rymar a run for the title, but at least she isn't working. Ieana and the Captain spend every day in her quarters. With Ventia back on rigging, Gelik has been reclusive too. Sasha, Groddik and Servin at least are about.

Erastus 17th, 4710: We've taken on another passenger. A Tian man, he has the look of one whose spent a long time as sea. I think he's younger than his gray hair suggests. He used to work for Aspis, but I haven't got much more information from him. He seems to be another recluse.

Erastus 21th, 4710: The Captain is acting very strange. He has been muttering to himself a lot and waiting on Ieana like he was her servant. He seems a different man then when we set out. I suppose a woman can do that to you though. Or it could be this heat. The temperature is rising higher every day. I don't foresee myself finding much enjoyment in the Mwangi weather...

Erastus 25th, 4710: Senghor, Rambar tells me it is his home. This is the last stop before Eleder. I have to admit, the journey has gone pretty well.

Erastus 27th, 4710: Today I found three stowaways in the hold! In Senghor, we unloaded a lot of cargo, much of which we've had since Magnimar. I guess they ran out of places to hide... There is a young half-elf who reminds me a bit of my little cousin. I had trouble getting a straight answer out of him, but he boarded in the Shackels somewhere. Then there is a young man with a half starved appearance. He claims to have boarded in Kintargo! The hooting Mallin kept hearing must have been his ape. How he remained hidden so long, I don't know. I'd throw them in the brig, but it is already full – and I wouldn't shove them in with Taorn anyway. Just a few days of travel left. I'll have them treated as passengers. One good turn and all that.

Arodus 1st, 4710: Daxtin swears we are off course, the Captain dismissed his claims as nonsense. Daxtin has proven himself time and time again to be an outstanding navigator, so I was a little worried. However, he admitted that he's never been down in Mwangi! The Captain's made this trip a hundred times, so I trust his judgment. Should be just three or four more days to port!

Arodus 3rd, 4710 - early evening

Groddik laughs heartily, “I swear it was a dozen pirates if it was one!”

Gelik quips, “ah, so it was zero then.” Groddik's gaze turns sour for an instant, but his laugh resumes almost immediately. Groddik dwarfs everyone in the room with his broad shoulders and layers of muscles, at almost seven feet, the man must weight over three hundred pounds without a drop of fat on his frame. He wears a loose shirt and trousers, the man seems out of place out of his armor. He is always in good spirits, though – a perpetual grin plastered on his half-orcish face. It makes sense - if the rumors are true, his bounty is about to make him a very rich man.

Servin chuckles softly to himself as he shuffles the deck of cards. A tall man of middle age, his brown hair is receding and thinning at the top, but his body fits like a much younger man's. He dresses well in clothes that wouldn't be out of place on a noble gentleman, not a young fop, but rather the stern father. He clacks the deck on the table, “so, who's in?”

Sasha slams her left palm, the hand missing its pinky finger, onto the table with a devious smile, “me, me! I'm in!” The woman from Ilizmagorti has tousled red hair, bright green eyes which seem to constantly hunt for trouble and wears loose clothing which complements her carefree attitude.

Eiver Sall, one of the riggers (and arguably a compulsive gambler), passes a flirtatious smile to the red-head, but it is missed, “well, I'm in as well.” The lanky half-elf rigger has red-hair of his own, but never wears it as naturally as Sasha.

Alton Devers, the first mate concedes, “Gelik, I know you'll try to rob us blind, but I've got a pay day coming.” The man's youthful narrow face often sports a grin under his black hair. The slightly sparse beard betrays his youth, but it accents the Varsian's personality well. He's effectively been the Captain for most of the journey, ever since Kovack has become reclusive.

Groddik adds his palm to the table just as Gelik proclaims, “it's rather tiring to rob all of you every night, but as we are about to sample one of Rambar's delicacies, I think I'll have energy to spare.” The skinny gnome is sharply dressed with a well trimmed blonde goatee. He is always jesting, his mouth taking him to trouble before sense can intervene.

The boatswain, Steffin, a burly man who you have never seen vocalizing anything shy of a shout, enters screaming even louder than usual, “Eiver, Ventia – where in the hells is Ventia? Mikka, go find Ventia... NOW! Eiver, a storm's coming, take the sails down! Mikka! Find the navigator, tell that halfling to get in the nest! We need eyes - his. The rest of you crew get your slop and get down to oars, we may need em' if it gets rough!”

Eiver scowls as the crew lines up to get the 'delicacy' Rambar is about to serve, “damn, well... guess I'm out. Not climbing up there on an empty stomach either.” He cuts to the front of the line and scarfs down his pale stew on the way out.

Servin looks to the other passengers, “well, anyone else want in?”

2013-07-17, 09:25 PM
Gael Baendor sits composedly on one of the side tables, politely shaking his head and smiling while declining Servin's gambling offers.

The young man, with his piercing green eyes and his long black hair tied in a ponytail, certainly cuts a handsome figure. Interestingly, Gael has managed the somewhat daunting task of staying well-kept despite the rigors of a prolonged voyage. Since no servant is travelling with him, the only explanation is that the traveler is used to look after himself.

Gael is dressed in blue robes that cover everything below his neck but his hands (although he does not look uncomfortable wearing them since they seem to have been picked to withstand the heat). When asked about his peculiar choice of wardrobe, the man had explained the apparel as precautions due to his "sensitive skin".

As always, Gael's pet hawk is by his side, in this case perched on his shoulder. At no point of the trip has Gael been seen without Fier -for that seems to be the hawk's name- being in the same room. From time to time, when left to his own devices, Gael can be seen talking to the hawk. Although he is usually very circumspect about his conversations, the ship's close quarters have revealed that the conversations mostly consist of the young man explaining things to the bird as if it was a human.

Gael spares a glance towards the druid and his ape, once again wanting to ask Tok'sang if he is able to communicate with all animals, but repressing the impulse. If the shaman was able do communicate with the hawk and found nothing out of the ordinary with him, it would mean that Fier's mind was completely gone. On the other hand, if his brother was still there and Tok'sang found about his transformation, it would bring unwanted attention to Gael's mission.

It's the definition of a lose-lose situation the sorcerer reminds himself.

The boatswain's call and the ensuing activity in the mess is seen by Gael as a blessing in disguise: Nothing keeps despairing thoughts at bay as finding something useful to do with yourself.

Fier, stay here calls the sorcerer to the hawk, indicating for the bird to move to move from his shoulder to the back of the chair.

The bird squawks but complies.

Standing up from his table and walking up the line of sailors (not holding any plate or utensils, making it clear that he does not intend to cut in the line), the young man calls to Rambar Terillo.

Can I help? says the sorcerer to the cook as he pulls back his sleeves We are all in this together, and I'd rather have well fed sailors manning the oars.

If possible, will take 10 on Diplomacy for a total of 20 to make the request.
If a roll is needed: [roll0]

If Rambar agrees, Gael will take 10 in profession(cook) for a total of 15 (used as aid another or separate action, whatever is more appropriate)
If a roll is needed: [roll1]

Caught up in the moment, the sorcerer does not seem to realize that pulling back his sleeves has revealed his so-far covered forearms, displaying a series of intricate tattoos that seem to spell words in an unknown language.

2013-07-17, 10:45 PM
Caerwyn stands with the air of a snake uncoiling itself, reaching into one of his multitude of pockets and retrieving a handful of coppers, almost shiny, and one silver piece. He pretends to scrutinize them for a moment, tossing a copper into the air and snatching it back in midflight."I'll try my luck." His blond hair, dirty in both color and status, is tied back into a ponytail, though a few strands hang in his face. On his chin, one can see he has the faintest traces of pale stubble - far too little, for a man hiding in the hold of a ship for so long. Pointed ears and stormy almond-shaped eyes clearly spell out his elven heritage for all to see.

He wears a long-sleeved linen tunic, patched at the elbows with faded blue cloth, over baggy gray pants that look to be made with more pockets than bare cloth. They are wrinkled, but relatively clean. His boots are cracked dark leather, stained with salt. His clothes shift slightly, and a bird's head pokes out of his pocket, feathers mottled in light and dark brown, sand and driftwood. It blinks its storm-gray eyes at the rest of the players, then ducks back down into its pocket home. A muffled grumbling emits from Caerwyn's general direction as he places his coins on the table and takes a seat.

Getting discovered in the hold had not been one of his best moments. At least Devers was a merciful man. Caerwyn had seen Taorn escape at entirely too close quarters for comfort, and if he had been thrown in the brig, he probably wouldn't have made it out except as a fine mince. Not that he had anything against mince, really. Mince was good. As long as it wasn't him.

Tok'sang - now there was a name that you needed a mouthful of gravel to pronounce - and his ape had been nearly unbearable. The two stowaways had chosen to tacitly leave each other alone, though as the cargo dwindled there wasn't much choice in the matter. Who brought a foul, shrieking, ape on board a vessel when running away? Honestly. The rest of the passengers and crew, once he'd had a chance to meet them at least, weren't nearly as bad. Actually, that could be considered a good point of getting found. He quite liked Sasha and Gelik, for what he knew of them.

Caerwyn flashes a smile at no one in particular and leans forward slightly, hands resting on the edge of the table. "So, what's the game?"

Throwing in 1 sp, 6 cp. Why not?

Preemptive Profession(gambler) check: [roll0]

2013-07-18, 11:01 AM
Erid stands in the corner of the gambling den, looking like quite the guardsman as he watches what he likes to think of as the most exciting thing to happen on the ship. He doesn't choose to join in himself, though. Lost a few too many games twenty years ago, and had a few stories to tell about it, too, but he's more than happy to watch the other passengers and the crew make their own mistakes and their small victories. He knows it might make him seem like an old grognard in the eyes of some, but he's gotten to know them well enough to not have insults hurled at him so much.

Being on the ship for over two months tends to do that to a man. Even if they didn't like him, though he gave them no reason not to, they'd have had to get used to his presence in some way or another. He's most often found lurking around areas of the ship with his eyes closed, taking in the atmosphere, or scribbling down things in his journal. When somebody isn't busy, he approaches them to share a few words of conversation, but not much more than that. And he makes sure to steer clear of the more dangerous passengers on the Jenivere, though he suspects he has less to fear than a lot of the people on board.

And such a thing could be told just by looking at him, even if he isn't quite as bulky as some of the other members of the ship. Even he'd looked twice when he first came across the mountain of a man that Groddik is. At the very least, he seems well-groomed, having shaved his beard off when the weather started getting worse, and cutting his otherwise lengthy golden locks down to a simple thick ponytail sprouting from the back of his head. He's clearly a handsome man who takes care of himself, his good health having held back the grey hairs, his set of grooming utensils keeping him clean, and his daily training keeping his muscles toned and ready for any heavy lifting. But the wrinkles are still there, marking his face with maps of past experience. Although often hooded, his blue eyes stand out the most; always watching, always taking in what's around him, as though to bury it deep inside.

And it's impossible to find the man without an armory strapped to him. He leaves all of his equipment behind in his room, except for his weaponry, his journal, and the outfit he wears through the day. A long robe covers his muscular limbs, light and airy to keep away the heat, and hides the thick brown leather he wears beneath, but strapped in the right places so as not to be too intrusive. He likes to be ready for surprises, is Erid's excuse, and he's more than capable of darting through the water, even if he'd rather avoid it. Water isn't good for any kind of armor, but at least leather won't give him a death sentence, like the house that a few others on board chose to wear.

Erid briefly considers offering his aid to Eiver, but figures that he'd probably take up too much of the halfling's space. Instead, the older gentleman settles on watching the gambling. It ought to kill a few hours, and keep him awake should the storm cause more trouble than expected.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-18, 12:52 PM
Orazio leans on the railing, his face twitching a bit as his burned hands feel the silky smoothness of the wood. In his mind he begins cataloging everything he'd done to pass the time. He'd filled up one journal and had to buy another one, organized his cabin 27 times, meditated exactly one hour every morning for the entire month, and had had 0 drinks of alcohol, instead utilizing his magic to create cool, clean water to drink.

He stretches a bit, inadvertently showing off his handsome physique, unusual for a scholar, many noted. His black hair is tied back in a pony tail, and his beard is a well-trimmed goatee. His garb is loose and light, perfect for the place he was headed for, and so white it almost shines in the sun, a start contrast to the normal blacks and dark reds favored by the average Chelaxian.

He scans the other passengers with a critical eye, bristling a bit at the stowaways being allowed to just walk around on deck because of the fullness of the brig. In his mind, was stowing away not a crime too and should it not be treated as such?

Honestly, only Konrad was the one he'd confided anything in. Since they'd boarded together and shared the same cabin before Orazio's constant cleaning and organizing became annoying. He barely acknowledge the offer to gamble, waving it away lightly with his hand.

2013-07-18, 10:01 PM
Tok'sang looks quite out of place in the boisterous assembly, as he observes the proceedings in silence and ignores calls to join the play. He frowns, his eyes darting left and right as if he's constantly on the lookout for danger and preparing for flight at any time - an attitude in keeping with his general demeanor ever since he was removed from between the stacks of cargo a few days ago.

These people sound kind enough, for all the talk of robbery. At least it's a card game they're betting on.

The stowaway from Mwangi is a powerfully built youngster, already taller than the average Zenj. On top of this strong, yet lithe body is a round head with soft features, the faintest hint of youngish beard, and short stubs of wiry, black hair. His dark, wide and dreamy eyes betray a hint of sadness; a thoughtful observer may think this is a young man who's experienced suffering and hardship, making him mature much faster than his years could ever account for.

His badly worn-out, beige-colored outfit made of coarse cloth doesn't fit his muscular frame very well; a too-short sleeve sometimes lets appear a birthmark, vaguely resembling the jaws of a crocodile, the size of two fingertips, on the inside of his left forearm, nearly white and highly visible on his otherwise very dark skin.

Since he was pulled, none too gently, from his hiding among the cargo, and the First Mate generously admitted him with the status of, shall we say, most-favored-rate passenger, the young Zeng has mostly kept to himself - and to his inseparable ape, a youngster like him, although one might wonder which of the two is the most uncomfortable in the company of free-wheeling men and women.

All along, his main occupation has been to go on deck for the better part of every night, watching the stars with seemingly endless fascination. Meanwhile, he's only talked very briefly to any of the crew or passengers. He's given a wide berth to the three well-off men with Chelish features and accoutrements, especially two of them who seem well-armed enough to be important people. He's looked with curiosity at two other passengers, who seem to keep animals and care about them as much as he does his own best friend, Mo'o. One, his fellow stowaway, a half-elf, doesn't seem to care much for him, but he has a small bird hidden in his pocket - interesting. And the other, the young one in the blue robes, is keeping a hawk, talking to him frequently, more so than he himself does with Mo'o, in fact.

Could it be that it was given to him by the spirits ? Not likely. There's all sorts of ways to keep an animal...

Since he became a passenger Tok'sang changed his spells slightly:
Niv 0 : replace Purify Food and Drink with Know Direction.

2013-07-18, 11:44 PM
Rambar glares at Gael suspiciously as he pour another ladle full of a pale gray broth possessing some vegetable-like chunks into a bowl before handing it to one of the crew. The heavy-set man is known for his looks, and not because they're good. His face looks like a cross between a rat's and a toad's. After a long glare, he finally says with a scowl, “one ladle of soup each.” He grabs another ladle from the mess, wipes it on his smock and continues filling bowls with the stew.

Caerwyn had seen them play cards before – he's even caught a few of their tells. The always play the same six card poker game - Varisian rules. Gelik is good – he might actually be cheating. Servin is an easy read. Alton is a cautious, but he is not a bad player. Sasha is a little unpredictable, but she's not terribly good. Groddik almost never seems to fold – he doesn't seems to care about the money, he just wants to know if he has the best hand. On top of that, the reckless way Servin deals poses opportunities for an aggressive gambler.

"Varisian poker," Servin proclaims tossing a single copper to the table before he begins to deal out the cards. The other four add in their own coin.

@CaerwynFor the game, you will be dealt six cards and make the best five card hand out of them. Initially it is a copper ante and then betting goes around. Caerwyn will reliably know if Servin is bluffing or if he has a good hand. With the others he may have a guess – most to least likely that his guess is correct: Groddik, Sasha, Alton, Gelik. Since he knows the tricks, Caerwyn can also try to cheat and grab a seventh card to use with a sleight of hand check (if he wants to).

2013-07-19, 12:03 AM
"Fine by me." Caerwyn tosses in a copper of his own, rolling his eyes internally. It was always Varisian poker with this lot. He wondered if they knew any other games at all. And why Servin kept proposing a round if he was so damned bad at the game. At least some of the players had skill. It would be an interesting distraction, if nothing else. Something to while away the long days at sea.

2013-07-19, 12:39 AM
Konrad enters the galley a little late for dinner, having spent the better part of the afternoon below decks. There was no need to ask what he had been doing, apparently, the Chelish chevalier considered the company of his horse superior to honest working sea men and the rabble of passengers which made up his fellow cabin mates. Or at least, that was the scuttlebutt around the crew, when they bothered to gossip about the self-styled scion of house Holstein. This was in part because of his generally surly brooding which did little to spark attention, and that he was about as intimidating a specimen as a pureblooded human could be. Only Groddik managed to dwarf him in terms of sheer brawn and girth, but despite being a hand and a half shorter than the half-orc manhunter he was one of the only members of the crew who could measure up in more metaphorical stature. The only other man aboard as broad abeam as he was that Erid fellow, though in Konrad's humble opinion he didn't carry himself nearly as well in the face of others.

For Konrad's part, he didn't give what most of the crew thought of him much mind. This whole voyage at sea had him on edge, and while he was not about to admit it to himself or to anyone else, the reason he spent so much time in the lower holds with Harbinger was the settling effect the steed's company had on his nerves (as much as his stomach). The constant bustle of the ship, and him without much part in it had him feeling listless, and without lists to ride up and down or a proper sparring partner or room enough besides to properly swing a weapon, he was denied his usual outlets. Meals were easier though, and he preferred not to miss them. The assembled passengers and conversation gave him something to focus on, even if he did not enjoy games of chance.

Presently, he wore a pair of dark wool breeches and navy tunic without the usual undershirt given the stuffy atmosphere of below decks. Condensation and a hint of sweat beaded at his limbs and on his forehead as he reflexively ran his hand back away from his temples to smooth back his hair as he pulled up a seat near the gambling table. It was not his custom to play games of chance, and risking money in such a way had little appeal to him, but he had been slowly learning to appreciate the strategy behind the other players. It did make him something of a looming presence over the shoulders of the players though, but then, maybe he enjoyed setting them on edge as he was.

The other passengers and their zoo were of a different sort of interest to Konrad, not so pertinent, but then he had expected Harbinger to be the only animal aboard the ship not for slaughter. He had yet to decide if the presence of these other creatures was a boon, as much as he had to make up his mind about their masters. Certainly Harbinger didn't seem to pay the other creatures much mind, but then, he relied on his steed's instincts as much as he did his own, and he did not treat them like common chattel or stock animals, but neither did he as he would competitors in the lists. Konrad had considered asking one or two of them about it, perhaps the fellow with the hawk, even if he didn't look much like a falconer. Orazio was the only one he'd as yet shared much talk with, both having something of a similar predilection for this journey to Eleder, though Konrad could only guess if the man's family was in as bad a way with the Thrune government as his own parents had been. He'd kept his past to himself thus far, and respected the other man's privacy as well.

Presently, Caerwyn's bet held his attention as he began to ladle the thin soup into his mouth, swallowing quickly so as to be done with what passed for a meal on this ship.

2013-07-19, 11:20 AM
Servin dealt out the six cards to each of the six players. Gelik glances at his cards then studies the players before tossing his cards to the center. "It seems fortune has decided to rob me instead. To the victor goes my ante," he adds with a flourish and bow, rendered awkward by his seated position.

Sasha grins wildly and tosses four coppers into the pot. She is up to something, whether bluffing or holding the perfect hand, you couldn't guess. Groddik tosses his own in as well. His cool smile betrays his cards - a better player would probably fold with what he has.

Alton stares at Sasha's expression quizzically. He then looks at his own cards and mutters that he folds while tossing them in. Servin proclaims "I'll raise you three coppers!" The glint in his eye and twitch of his lip informs you of his poor attempt at a bluff.

@Caerwyn: I'll give the cards in form <value>-<suit> Value = 2-10, J, Q, K, A; suit = H, D, C, S, i.e. 4-H is four of hearts J-D jack of diamonds.
Caerwyn's Cards: A-H, A-C, K-D, Q-C, 8-D, 7-S
Attitudes: Servin - Crap; Groddik - Okay hand; Sasha - no idea; Alton - no idea; Gelik - no idea

Aerys Mavato and Ishirou Yokata, two of the other passengers, wander into the common area, presumably following the smell of the soup. They collect their bowls and wander toward the card game.

Aerys comes over to watch. She is a pretty woman - with mid-length, raven-colored hair, tanned skin, always in tight-fitting leather armor and a tricorn hat - but all attempts to hint at that fact have resulted in bloodied noses and black eyes. She has a swagger to her step and her blue eyes are glossy and bloodshot - it would seem she's been at her personal supply of rum again. "Deal me in next hand," she commands as she takes a place at the bench and places some coppers on the table.

Ishirou approaches as the woman takes her seat. He is a rugged Tien man with a grayed ponytail and thick gray beard. Years spent sailing under the sun have left his skin weathered making him look like an older man, but other indications suggest he's barely into his thirties. He maintains his equipment well and is never without his well-crafted katana, which he treasures. He simply watches the game as he consumes his soup.

Rambar turns to Gael after the crew gets served, "bring bowls to the others."

2013-07-19, 07:59 PM
Despite the less than warm acknowledgment by Rambar, Gael sets of to the task of feeding the sailors with a surprisingly good mood, smiling kindly at the sailors as he hands them their food.

From time to time, the sorcerer glances towards the hawk, although it is not clear if that is motivated by worry of the bird doing something or something being done to the hawk.

Someday, I will return you to you normal state Gael promises silently to Fier during one of his glances

Rambar turns to Gael after the crew gets served, "bring bowls to the others."

Sure thing. the sorcerer replies amiably as he grabs a nearby tray and loads up on soups.

Walking up to the gambling table, Gael notices that they are in the middle of a hand, and decides against interrupting deciding to approach the other passengers first.

Gael start by silently handing a bowl to Erid, wondering if the older man had seen much travel during his life, but not wanting to interrupt his observations of the game.

Next the sorcerer approaches Orazio. After some consideration, the young sorcerer picks up the soup that seems to have the most homogeneous distribution of vegetable-like species, having picked on the man's preference for order.

Finding Tok'sang next, Gael cannot help but notice that there is a certain... sadness to the man as he observes the card game.

Do you need an extra serving for your friend? asks the sorcerer in a somewhat quiet voice as he refers to the druid's ape companion. It was apparent that the man was slightly worried that the offer would get him into trouble (either an insult to Tok'sang or the cook getting mad), but Gael was not going to let other people's important companions go hungry if he had anything to say about the cooking.

Reaching Konrad, the sorcerer approaches respectfully. Although the cavalier did sometimes seem... intimidating (and a little bit of a bully), Gael could not help but admire Konrad's ability to assert himself. Since Gael's usual role at home as a peacemaker had always made him more prone to negotiation than conflict, he was always impressed by those that could clearly state what they wanted.

I'm not sure if you heard, but there might be a storm coming... You know, in case you need to make sure that your horse is alright.

Next comes Ishirou, and similarly as with Erid, Gael decides not to interrupt the man as he watches the game.

Finally Gael reaches Aerys, as always experiencing mixed feelings of interest due to her... clear appeal with a growing need to reprimand her for drinking so much. Thankfully, both tendencies seemed to come out as a zero sum, and the sorcerer hands Aerys her food quietly.

With everyone but the players fed, the young Baendor waits silently by the table waiting for the game to be over so he can finish distributing food.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-20, 12:15 AM
Orazio accepts his soup with a curt nod and an equally curt "Thank you."

He sips the soup carefully and wipes his mouth with a napkin, ensuring not a single stain.

2013-07-20, 02:42 AM
Caerwyn takes another look at his cards, watches Alton and Gelik throw their cards in. He shrugs noncommittally, and tosses in the seven coppers. Servin's hand was as worthless as his poker face. He could probably beat Groddik - pair of aces wasn't a bad hand, technically. Sasha was confusing. Would he lose? Eh.

He takes a distasteful look at the meager pile of coins in front of him and adds another handful of coppers from his pocket to his reserves before throwing his own coins in. "Call."

Add another 10 coppers to my pile and throwing 7 in, leaving me 1 silver and 9 coppers to play with.

2013-07-20, 06:31 AM
As Gael approaches him, Tok'sang's reaction is one of complete bafflement. Wide-eyed, he opens his mouth once, twice, before finally managing a lame answer in an unsteady voice.

"... ... Thank you ... Yes, please... That is kind... "

He takes the proffered soup, passing it on to Mo'o first. The hungry ape isn't used to cooked food and even less to hot food, but a few reassuring signs from Tok'sang encourage him to try it. Tok'sang takes the precaution of adding cold water to lessen the temperature, and the ape accepts the meal without much fuss.

Only then does the young Zenj take his own bowl and gratefully wolf it down.

How long has it been since anyone talked to me so kindly ?

2013-07-20, 09:03 PM
Servin grimaces as every player calls his bluff in succession. The instant Groddik calls, Sasha exclaims without provocation, "I have a pair of nines and a pair of twos!" Groddik frowns and tosses his pair of tens away. Servin grumbles that he had nothing. Beating out Caerwyn's aces, Sasha collects the 34 copper pot with glee.

As Gael delivers the meals and Servin starts to deal the next hand. The captain - the actual captain, for once - enters the galley followed by Ieana. Ieana is a bookish Varisian woman with green eyes and auburn hair. She is certainly pretty and consistently dresses in fine, yet not terribly flashy, clothing. She is almost always seen - when she is seen at all - poring over an assortment of books, journals and personal notes. Her research is on some ruins near Sargava, but she has confided little else in anyone but the the captain.

The captain, Alizandru Kovack, is a tall Chelish man, with dark eyes and sharp dress. His head is shaved, but he has a thick goatee of black peppered with gray. He's always been friendly with passengers and strict with crew. Of late, his interactions with both have been sparse, with the notable exception of Ieana, with whom he is always discussing her research agenda.

On this evening, he beelines for Alton Devers, who rises. "Alton, I come to congratulate you. This has been an excellent voyage!" He sets down two shot glasses and begins to pour a clear orange-brown liquid from a small decanter. An aroma of vanilla, oak, caramel and strong alcohol waft into the air. He pushes one to Devers and raises the other, "you've been a fine first mate - the best I could have asked for." Alton grabs his own glass as the captain continues with a smile, "to many more voyages together, I hope." They toast and down their shots. "You may be needed for this storm in a bit, but for now, enjoy your game."

"Thank you, sir," Alton almost chokes the words out after downing the intense liquor. The captain departs with Ieana tailing behind. Alton coughs a few times as he pulls in his cards. The card players turn back to their game.

Ishirou half opens his mouth a few times before he finally speaks to those just watching, "why do none of you join in these games?"

2013-07-20, 10:22 PM
Konrad observes Gael's deferential approach with a pitiless but ambiguous eye before returning his gaze to the card table. The man's deference made him tolerable, but Konrad's contempt for weakness threatened to assert itself at his apparent meekness. Combined with his cloying concern for that oddness of a hawk he kept, and his unsolicited advice regarding his horse, Konrad had to bite back that he should mind his own business, but the bowl of soup he was already accepting would have tasted the worse for it.

"Harbinger seemed to have smelled this storm coming even from down in the hold, and is calm enough besides so long as the crew have the sense not to try and approach him during the storm." He commented, not caring to say the calming effect the horse had on his own nerves about the potential heaving and swaying the ship would no doubt endure in the storm. "He's steady in battle, facing down charging foes and larger beasts than he, what should a storm trouble him? What about your own creature, do stormy skies mean a trouble for those who call them home?"

He eyed the creature then Gael, still attempting to puzzle out why exactly he kept the thing so close. He'd tried a hand at falconry, knew more than a few nobles who enjoyed and lauded the sport, but to him it was rather letting the bird do all the work. Gael kept his though more the way he kept Harbinger, which if odd, gave them a bit of common ground. Without really thinking about it, he'd let himself fall into a conversation over that plank, whatever else he thought about the man.

The captain now had made his presence known though, and Konrad was always sure to offer him a respectful nod. He may not be highborn, but he was a commander of men (if not soldiers) who fought for their lives against the elements, and worse. He was more willing to offer Kocack's station its due more than most who called themselves 'lord'. More, given the respect and discipline he commanded from the crew of the Jenivere; His stern reputation was well earned and reminded Konrad of the master at arms of the Hellknight keep which had been his proving grounds.

Ishirou though now was questioning him, if not directly, and Konrad had hardly paid the man a second glance. He was a commoner, a foreigner, and a man who did not seem to lend himself to any such station or role or function, thus a man hardly worthy of his time. His question though gave him pause, even if it was only due to the manner in which he delivered it, guarded, hesitant. "Stakes wagered in coin are . . . to easy." he said with all the confidence of a man who had never had to truly worry himself with matters of money, yet faced the fear of death enough not to tremble in the face of it.

2013-07-21, 07:55 AM
Erid accepts Gael's offer of stew with a small nod and a smile to show his gratitude, before letting the fellow continue his round. He might be a bit more wary about food offered from people who were, despite his time spent, unfamiliar, but he trusts that nobody would be silly enough to poison their entire crew for the sake of a few stranger who they bore no grudge. He's never met anyone else on board before, to his knowledge, at least, and that lets his heart rest in a steady beat. All the wisdom to be found in the philosophy of trusting strangers. He sips away the stew slowly, just to make sure he doesn't upset his stomach with a sudden influx of boiling water.

With the arrival of Alizandru and Ieana, his attention is drawn away from the game of mostly little interest to him. While the techniques of the players are suitable enough, and with seemingly little cheating, it's fairly boring compared to a view he could acquire from atop the deck. If he were the kind to be interested in the personal lives of others, he might be questioning the time that the Captain has been spending with the woman of knowledge, but such things are normally only the business of lovers, at least in his eyes. The only justification he can think of for shoving his nose into the fact of all their time spent together is the potential for them planning something that couldn't bode well for the passengers of the ship.

With Ishirou's sudden question, Erid shrugs his burly shoulders and shoots a smile at the man. "Gambling isn't my bowl of soup."

2013-07-21, 08:52 AM
At the captain's entrance, Tok'sang must muster all his willpower not to show any outward signs of panic. He instinctively lowers his head and doesn't move, doing his best not to attract notice. Sensing his friend's sudden tension, Mo'o adopts an immobile, silent stance. Does the captain know about his first mate's decision to let us in? Would he approve?

When the captain makes his exit, he relaxes, only briefly reflecting on Alizandru's behavior. Isn't he supposed to be the ship's master? Strange to leave all the commanding to someone else, then breeze in for two minutes just to give congratulations.

He listens into the exchange between Ishirou and Konrad, and the Chelish knight's haughtiness only confirms his initial impression : This is not one to be messed with. With luck, he would not pay any attention to slaves running away if they weren't his, but who knows?

2013-07-21, 07:57 PM
Gael leaves Tok'sang with a small smile, happy to have bee able to show kindness to someone that seemed to need it so.

" What about your own creature, do stormy skies mean a trouble for those who call them home?"

Damn it! How can I be so stupid! the sorcerer berates himself. In his attempts to distract himself from the reasons of his voyage, Gael had brought attention to those same very reasons in Konrad's queston about Fier.

"My hawk is a rather young and domestic specimen, so as far as I keep an eye on him, he is content to stay by my side." replies young Baendor, choosing his words to avoid lying (for any lie could be exposed and bring even more attention to the bird)

"Your concern for my toils does you and your house credit." finishes the sorcerer, knowing that to be the appropriate diplomatic response for a Chelish Knight, even if it was unclear if Konrad was actually concerned.

Ishirou half opens his mouth a few times before he finally speaks to those just watching, "why do none of you join in these games?"

Even if the tiniest bit of Fier is still there, I will not set a bad example for him by gambling away the resources we will need once we reach Eleder thinks the sorcerer to himself, but he was done bringing attention to his relationship with his familiar.

With Ishirou's sudden question, Erid shrugs his burly shoulders and shoots a smile at the man. "Gambling isn't my bowl of soup."

"Same here" says Gael, using the older's man clever quip as a shield to justify his own actions.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-21, 11:20 PM
Ishirou half opens his mouth a few times before he finally speaks to those just watching, "why do none of you join in these games?"

Orazio sighs. He hoped nobody would talk to him now. He really wasn't in the mood. But then, he was never in the mood. The minute he opened his mouth to anyone it seemed the judgments started to come. But this time they'd come unbidden, so he'd answer them briefly and concisely.

"Because, good sir, it seems the Lady of Graves has cursed me with the worst luck in the world. Cards are never in my favor, no matter the hand I'm dealt."

2013-07-21, 11:20 PM
Ishirou nods with understanding at the replies, finally he says, "gambling always struck me as being a reckless endeavor - a soup worse even than this," he adds, frowning at his empty bowl. Though little was said, the man continues, "I appreciate learning of your perspective. Have a good evening," he nods respectfully before he departs, heading back to his cabin.

Aerys joins the game. Sasha takes the next hand for 26 coppers with a full house. Caerwyn's careful strategic betting with the dead man's hand (pairs of aces and eights) earns him 45 coppers. Alton wins the next hand with a straight reeling in 31 coppers.

@Caerwyn A net 23 copper gain.

Groddik unnaturally segues a conversation into another excuse to flaunt his blade. Every two or three days, he gloats about the magic scimitar, displaying it proudly, sometimes slicing through a potato in midair. The man is a braggart, but his size and prowess seem to support his grandiose claims.

Gelik and Aerys are raising on one another in an intense stand-off when the inebriated woman folds suddenly. She pulls in her remaining money as she stands. "I don't feel well. I'll be in my cabin." As she just lost a big hand, no one protests the woman's sudden departure. Caerwyn collects his own winnings and heads back to his small cabin with minimal comment.

Servin draws in the cards and starts to deal the next hand. Then Sasha burps loudly, rises and states, "I feel... no... too..." The boat lurches, the red-head swoons and drops to the galley floor. You feel dizzy, sleepy, confused. Rambar, the cook, collapses unceremoniously to the ground with a clatter of pots. Gelik's head drops to the table. Servin tries to rise, but stumbles and falls to the ground.

Alton stands as the vision blurs. He is moving toward something, but its not in view. Too much effort to turn your head... it's hard enough to keep your eyes open. Groddik jumps to his feet with a roar and draws his scimitar. His gait is labored, responding poorly to the jilt of the ship, but he keeps his feet. He charges into the blackness consuming your vision. The world fades away leaving little behind. You hit the ground...
The smell of lacquered wood...
A muffled scream half remembered...
A waft of blood and bile....
Pressure on your sides.....
Salty air......
Sparse squawking....
A soft clacking across sand...

@Erid & Gael "WAKE UP! OH GODS, WAKE THEM UP! DAWNFLOWER, IF YOU CAN HEAR ME, PLEASE WAKE THEM UP!" The fervent screams echo across the sand. Eyes open to a clear blue sky, a blazing sun and a picturesque beach. A turn of your head reveals Servin as the source of the cries. His right leg is badly injured, a splintered shaft of wood seems to have been driven through his upper thigh. Other passengers lie on the beach as well. You see Gelik, face down in the sand. A blond woman you believe to be one of the swabs, Mikka, slumped near him. Konrad, Orazio, Tok'sang and his ape Mo'o all lie on the beach as well. Some of them are beginning to stir. Both Erid and Gael are awakening. Fier circles above Gael.

However, the beach has more than just those you know. A half dozen crustaceans with sizes ranging from a badger to a mastiff, move predatorily along the coast and up the sands. They all possess a pale orange color and the look like lobsters with long, barbed, flexible tails. Some barnacles cluster on the carapace of the larger specimens. One encroaches Servin, who is desperately swinging a piece of flotsam at the creature trying to ward it off. The other five are moving up the beach toward your position.

OOCAll PCs and NPCs are prone. All PCs/NPCs except for Gael, Erid and Servin are still unconscious. The only gear, weapons, etc, that you have is what you explicitly mentioned having on your person in your first post (very small things which you think would have been in your pockets are there too). The rest of your gear is nowhere in sight. (Don't worry, you'll get it all back... eventually... maybe). Everyone can feel free to read the section for Erid and Gael. They will have a similar experience when they wake.

It is Erid and Gael's turn. Then the sea scorpions will go.

MAP - Round 1 https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7517332/DD/Beach_rnd1.png

S1-6 - Sea scorpions
All PCs and NPCs are prone
Shallow water on map is difficult terrain

2013-07-22, 01:48 AM
A blur that's all too familiar covers Erid's vision, a pulse in his skull that reminds him of its presence even through his waking seconds and reminds him that he's only one man. It's something he has to remember, lest he one day go insane. His head twists to the side at the sound of yelling, spotting the scene of wreckage and destruction that lies across the field of a battle yet to happen. Possibilities want to run through his mind at who could have done such a thing, but they're unimportant for the moment; what matters is that everyone is in danger of being killed by these sea creatures, without a chance to defend themselves or make the choice to not be reckless. He isn't going to let that happen.

The burly man quickly pulls himself to his feet, swallowing any nausea that might remain as he hefts his greatclub to both balance himself and prepare for some sea-creature smashing. He can only be grateful for the fact that he's always been armed and armored on the ship, as it might soon be about to save some lives. Glancing over the field of battle again, he isn't sure whether to help waken his companions or the screaming man. His shouts would wake them up, and if not, it's because their body is still recovering from some very likely damage. No amount of shaking would help wake them from that.

All of Erid's focus began to build within his heart, reaching out all over his body and tightening every muscle to a fine point as he focused the memories of his anger into a burst of adrenaline in the name of saving the people around him, the only way he'd really be able to help. His eyes focused in a hateful glare on the creature only a few feet before him, his greatclub is drawn backwards and slammed forwards against its carapace.

Move Action to stand from Prone, Free-Action to draw weapon during, Free Action to enter Rage and Standard Action to attack S1.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Rage Rounds: 1

2013-07-22, 11:57 AM
Gael's first reaction upon waking up is to look for Fier. It is only after he can see the familiar circling over his head that the sorcerer can begin to take inventory of the situation.

What are these things? Gael tries to remember some of the tropical fauna books his parents had left...

Knowledge Nature

But no matter what they were, the creatures were clearly hungry and had decided to make a meal out of the unconscious members of the group.

Could he afford to expose his powers in front of the others? Since the accident, he had kept his powers a secret, not knowing how others would react to them (since Gael himself did not know what they were or where they came from). On the other hand, could he save any of them without using the aid of magic?

From the corner of his eye, the sorcerer watches with amazement how Erid plunges into battle, choosing to fight instead of retreating.

Ashamed of himself for wasting precious moments hesitating, young Baendor closes his eyes and concentrates, connecting his soul to the mysterious powers that inhabit within him since the artifact was triggered.

When Gael opens his eyes, the emerald color of his irises is now also infused with a golden halo. The sorcerer's body then begins to glow with a red light that can be seen even from underneath his robes.

Ras Bayl! yells the sorcerer as he points to the foe closest to Orazio.

A small pillar of fire erupts at the designated spot out of thin air.

Move: Stand up from prone
5ft step to D6
Readied action: If any enemy enters F7 or F8, cast Burning Flash (3d4 fire damage) on F7, F8, G7, G8, ideally trying to catch two or more of the crustaceans in the blast.

[roll1] (Ref DC 16 for half)


Lvl 1 spells: 4/5

2013-07-22, 01:15 PM
@GaelThese are clearly one of the smallest varieties of dangerous eurypterids, aka sea scorpions. They have a poisonous sting which causes muscles to lock. It is an unpleasant experience for humans, but generally not deadly.
Erid's club obliterates the eurypterid, spraying its viscera across the sand and leaving a larger replica of a squished common spider husk in its place.

Gael waits until some of the beast move forward before blasting them with his magical flames. Both of the creatures he catch incinerate in a popping sound leaving only a charred husk and glassy residue on the sand.
S2 reflex: [roll0]
S4 reflex: [roll1]

Tok'sang and Mo'o both stir, the former awakening even as a sea scorpion attacks. His claws miss, but the stinger connects. It feel like little more than a bee sting, but the poison was injected. Two others swarm Erid and try to take down the large human. The largest of the beasts misses, but the other catches him with claws, but the pinchers don't even draw blood.
S2 L claw: [roll2] Dam: [roll3]
S2 R claw: [roll4] Dam: [roll5]
S2 Tail: [roll6] Dam: [roll7] + poison (fort DC 10)

S3 L claw: [roll8] Dam: [roll9]
S3 R claw: [roll10] Dam: [roll11]
S3 Tail: [roll12] Dam: [roll13] + poison (fort DC 10)

S5 L claw: [roll14] Dam: [roll15]
S5 R claw: [roll16] Dam: [roll17]
S5 Tail: [roll18] Dam: [roll19] + poison (fort DC 10)

S6 L claw: [roll20] Dam: [roll21]
S6 R claw: [roll22] Dam: [roll23]
S6 Tail: [roll24] Dam: [roll25] + poison (fort DC 10)

OOCNo damage surprisingly. Tok'sang needs to make a fort save to shrug off the poison. Tok'sang and Mo'o can now act in addition to Erid and Gael.

MAP - round two


S1-6 - Sea scorpions
All PCs and NPCs are prone (except for Erid and Gael)
Konrad and Orazio are still unconscious
Shallow water on map is difficult terrain

2013-07-22, 01:33 PM
Despite the wave of exhaustion caused by the spell, Gael is glad to see that his magic was able to eliminate two of the creatures.

But his victory is short lived, for other foes keep advancing.

Although his first instinct is to help the fallen Tok'sang, the sorcerer realizes that his powers will be better used in helping the outnumbered Erid.

Ras Bayl! exclaims the sorcerer once more, this time commanding his powers against the sea scorpions facing the older man.

Burst Burning Flash (3d4 fire damage) to G3, G4, H3, H4

[roll0] (Ref DC 16 for half)


Lvl 1 spells: 3/5

2013-07-22, 01:39 PM
The satisfying blow of his club against the creature's shell lets Erid know that he need not change his tactics just yet; for the moment, they seem to be an enemy that should be easily dispatched, so long as he maintains his focus and doesn't underestimate them. The burst of flames not far away reassures him that another of the ship's passengers has survived, which would be a comfort, where his adrenaline not rushing so thoroughly, practically forcing his arms to swing.

The blows that the creatures make in return mostly merely scrape the old warrior's armor, and his fancy footwork does the rest, as he takes one step backward, flourishing his greatclub, only for it to be swung down upon the scorpion between him and the sea.

Standard action, attacking S5.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Rage Rounds: 2

2013-07-22, 09:25 PM
A sharp pain in his right ankle is what it takes to wake Tok'sang up. Opening his eyes, he finds himself in a completely different place, the feeling of sand against his cheek, a sea breeze in his nose, his head madly spinning from the aftereffects of whatever substance was in the... soup ? He looks around, only to find the sea scorpion nearly over him, lunging for another blow.

"AAAH ! Help !" he yells, in surprise as much as in fear. His whole body recoils from the creature, he briefly considers hitting back, but he feels some numbness in his leg already. Trying to dodge any new blow, he stands up, unsteadily, on his feet. His cry awakens Mo'o, whose sharp natural instincts are readily apparent as he instantly springs to his feet, then, at a sign from his master, comes to his side.

Standard action: Total defense.
Move action: Stand up.
Free action: Handle Animal DC10 [roll0] to ask Mo'o to defend him.

Move action: Stand up.
Standard action: Move to E10.

HP 9 (1 non-lethal damage) Dex 14 (1 damage)
AC12 while standing up from prone, then 16 for the rest of the round.

HP 9 AC 14

2013-07-22, 10:22 PM
Erid's blow falls even as the tail swipes at him. His club crushes into the beach beside the creature, throwing up a cloud of sand, but the sea scorpion is unfazed. Almost simultaneously, Gael's unleashes another burst of flame around the creatures who clack and writhe at the onslaught, one of them curling up in death.

Tok'sang rises and Mo'o too. The vermin attacks Tok'sang as he stands, lashing out with the spike of its tail, but fails to connect.

Orazio awakens to the scene unfolding on the beach. Servin still screams and shakes Konrad with his bloody hand, spreading blood all over the man's shirt, but bringing him to consciousness.

The remaining vermin lash out again, seemingly undeterred that their easy meal seems a more difficult feast than assumed. Although not a single claw or spiked tail is able to connect with their quarry.

However, a seventh sea scorpion emerges in the shallows. Though the same coloration, this vermin is twice the size of the next largest eurypterid. Its carapace is encrusted with layers of barnacles, mussels and even a starfish. Seemingly drawn by the struggle, it scuttles toward the shore where its meal awaits.

S3 reflex: [roll0]
S5 reflex: [roll1]

S3 L claw: [roll2] Dam: [roll3]
S3 R claw: [roll4] Dam: [roll5]
S3 Tail: [roll6] Dam: [roll7] + poison (fort DC 10)

DEAD S5 L claw: [roll8] Dam: [roll9]
DEAD S5 R claw: [roll10] Dam: [roll11]
DEAD S5 Tail: [roll12] Dam: [roll13] + poison (fort DC 10)

S6 Tail (opportunity): [roll14] Dam: [roll15] + poison (fort DC 10)
S6 L claw: [roll16] Dam: [roll17]
S6 R claw: [roll18] Dam: [roll19]
S6 Tail: [roll20] Dam: [roll21] + poison (fort DC 10)

OOC: Konrad and Orazio are now awake. If any need a weapon, a makeshift flotsam club or quarterstaff is in easy reach. Tok'sang needs to make his second fortitude save (DC 10).

Map - round three:

S1-6 - Sea scorpions
S7 - Bigger sea scorpion
All PCs and NPCs are prone (except for Erid, Gael, Tok'sang and Mo'o)
Shallow water on map is difficult terrain

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-22, 11:30 PM
Orazio sees the sea scorpion mauling Tok'Sang and begins waving his hands and chanting. A multi-colored mark appears on his forehead and colored fire begins emanating from his forearms. He looses this fire on the beast.

Orazio casts burning hands in a cone towards S6. Where should I position myself so I don't burn Tok'sang too?

2013-07-22, 11:39 PM
Looking around, Tok'sang is encouraged to see he isn't the only one left stranded on this beach. Two of the other passengers seem to be holding their own quite well against the unexpected assault. He pauses for just a short instant. Had he be alone with Mo'o, flight into the reassuring shadows of the forest would have been the best option. But here ?

Let's help each other rather than have everybody get killed on their own.

His newfound resolve is tested, however, and he grinds his teeth, as he feels the effect of the beast's poisonous sting going higher into his leg.

At least, it missed me this time. Must take it down, before the big one comes to shore !

He sidesteps the scorpion, signalling for Mo'o to do the same on the other side, before both of them attack in concert - Mo'o with tooth and claw, and Tok'sang with a vigorous kick aimed at the creature's underbelly.

Free action, Handle Animal to signal Mo'o that he should flank before attacking [roll0] (DC10)
5-foot step to F8
Standard action, Ready attack when Mo'o is in flanking position. Unarmed Attack, flanking [roll1] damage[roll2]

5-foot step to F10
Full attack, flanking
Claw #1 [roll3] damage [roll4]
Claw #2 [roll5] damage [roll6]
Bite [roll7] damage [roll8]

HP 9 (1 non-lethal damage) Dex 13 (2 damage)
AC 11

Fort save for round 4 [roll9]

HP 9 AC 14

2013-07-23, 12:53 AM
With the burst of fire nearby, Erid blames the surprise of seeing a potent magical display from the corner of his eyes for having missed the scorpion. At least the thing died quickly, and there is only the arrival of the far larger creature to worry about. Rather than dig his greatclub up all over again, he twists its angle further and jabs it against the nearest sea creature with all the strength he can muster.

Standard Action to attack S3.

Attack: [roll0]
Damage: [roll1]

Rage Rounds :3

2013-07-23, 02:31 AM
Already exhausted from having cast twice in a row (a feat he had only accomplished once before) Gael watches in horror as the larger sea scorpion emerges to join the battlefield that the beach has turned into.

Fortunately, all the other survivors were now awake and were finishing off the first wave of vermin. If only he cold give his allies more time...

I guess the time for secrecy is rather past. the sorcerer thinks to himself

"I'll try to slow down the big one!" calls Gael to the ship's survivors "Try to use that time to finish the others!"

Tral Dom! yells young Baendor and this time the flash generated underneath the sorcerer's robes is not crimson, but pitch black.

Following the incantation, ethereal chains begin to manifest and solidify around the large sea scorpion, trying to hamper the creature's movements.

Cast selected cramp (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/variant-magic-rules/words-of-power/effect-words/cramp) on S7

Fort DC 15 or speed is reduced by half (to a minimum of 10ft)


Lvl 1 spells: 3/5

2013-07-23, 05:41 PM
Tok'sang finally shakes the effects of the poison, but its effects do little to hinder the joint effort of Mo'o and he beating the sea scorpion into pieces after Orazio's flame burns it. Erid swings his great club hard into his own burned aggressor, whose carapace yields like an egg shell under the force of the blow.

The larger beast in the shallows struggles as the muscles in its legs catch, its motion toward the beach stunted by Gael's magic.

OOCS7 Fort save: [roll0]

@ChaosLord29: Still round 3, but waiting on Konrad's action.

2013-07-24, 07:35 AM
Konrad, still in a daze, rises to his feet confused. Servin's screaming distracting his attention.

The labored movements of the eurypterid prevent it from getting far ashore. Howeve, even from a distance, its tail lashes out toward the unarmored Konrad, but fails to connect with the stinger at this range.

ActionsS7 Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1] + Poison (DC 12 or ([roll2]) con damage)

OOCAs ChaosLord didn't act for a while, I used his turn to stand Konrad up. It is round 4, everyone may act. Tok'sang is cured of the poison, so no need for saves.

Map - round four https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/7517332/DD/Beach_rnd4.png

2013-07-24, 07:42 AM
Erid takes in a deep breath at the sight of each opponent slain, save for the large creature approaching all too swiftly and lashing out at the companions he'd found himself with on the ship. He locks his eyes with whatever the creature has as their equivalent and hefts his greatclub once again, feeling its weight and balancing it just so as his boots dig into the sand, his muscles tense, and he charges towards the giant shell. He does not yell or scream in rage, just charges at the creature with all of his strength behind his swinging weapon.

Charging. Power Attack. Targetting S7.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Rage Rounds: 4

AC: 11

2013-07-24, 08:53 AM
Tok'sang sees Erid charging the sea scorpion with abandon and is tempted to do the same. However, he stops in his tracks, looking to his right at Orazio and Gael before he jumps into the fray.

More fire ?

Delaying to give others a chance to unleash their magical fire unhindered. After they act, Tok'sang will take a 5-foot step to G7, hopefully a flanking position with Erid, then attack.

Unarmed strike, flanking [roll0] damage [roll1]
Mo'o will follow (Handle Animal [roll2]) to F7
Claw [roll3] damage [roll4]

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-24, 04:05 PM
Orazio notices Tok'sang's hesitation, and instead begins chanting something different. As he does so, the multicolored fire returns, but this time like a hole opening in the ground before him. When he finishes, a gigantic rat appears to scuttle out of it.

Orazio points at the remaining eurypterid as the flames vanish, leaving the rat behind.


Orazio casts summon monster I to summon a dire rat.

2013-07-24, 06:02 PM
Erid's club smashes in the body of the sea scorpion, severing its head from its tail and leaving a lifeless husk behind. No more of the beasts emerge from the shallows. The beach would be silent were it not for Servin's whimpered cries. He clutches his badly wounded leg and seems to be using all of his focus just to staunch the bloodflow.

Mikka stirs. The young, blond, green-eyed sailor has well tanned skin and is dressed in an efficient leather suit with many pockets, a style useful to sailors. She sits up and looks around in terror, surveying the chared husks and smashed beasts. Clearly confusing, but making no sound. She seems to be in shock.

Gelik, on the other hand, rises to his feet and surveys the scene. He almost immediately sets about a magic spell to clean his garments, "I do hate sand... I swear – it gets in everything," he adjusts his pants uncomfortably. "Well, this is quite a mess we are in - these scorpicrab guts are everywhere. Thanks for that. I, for one, swear to never drink again. Until I find some at least... Now, Servin, why ever did you shove that in your leg?" He says even as a white light effuses the wounded man. The bleeding subsides, but the foreign body is still in place.

OOCGelik's CLW: [roll0] on Servin

@Archpaladin: Unless you have some reason for summoning the rat after battle, you can keep the spell slot.

2013-07-24, 08:22 PM
As the large sea scorpion falls, Gael's rush of adrenaline disappears and the sorcerer has to muster all his will to not fall to his knees out of exhaustion

I had never been able to call fire twice in a row so quickly, let alone follow it up with the binding spell thinks young Baendor to himself Is this because I'm learning to use this power, or is the power somehow... growing?

And is something similar happening to Fier? worries the man, his thoughts invariably turning to his little brother.

Somehow feeling Gael's distress, Fier stops his flight and lands carefully on his brother's shoulder, his proximity calming the sorcerer

One thing at a time

"Is anyone else hurt?" asks Gael to the others with sincere worry in his voice despite being a total stranger to them.

Not seeing any injured besides Servin, Gael brings a hand to his temples and massages the last bits of dizziness away while he puts his thoughts in order

"Alright, says the sorcerer in a more composed tone I'm going to go ahead and ask the questions in everyone's mind

Where are we? How did we get here? And what in the Nine H... Gael stops himself from cursing while giving a side look to his familiar happened to the Jenevere and the others?

And more important of all, should we stay here ? I would not want for more sea scorpions to show up while we figure things out. "

2013-07-24, 09:24 PM
Konrad awakens and stands to watch as Edrin charges headlong with a makeshift club into the surf and crush the oversized arthropod into gooey pieces, muddying the gentle tide with chum. Surveying the beach he takes stock of the other members of the passengers and crew who share his fate in apparently having been stranded here. "We are marooned, either as the result of the storm or intentionally." he declares in response to Gael's questions, before stalking into the surf, and picking up one of the bits of driftwood, eyeing it as well as the bit in Edrin's hand. "I won't hazard a guess as to where we are, but as for where the Jeniever is . . . " He indicates the pieces on the beach before looking to Servin and Mikka, "Either of you care to confirm that the ship is all around us?"

Suddenly, a look of panic crosses his features. He quickly takes stock of his person, looking for whatever might be on him. Finding the small silver signal whistle in his tunic pocket, there is a momentary sigh of relief on his features before he takes a deep breath and sounds it, a high pitched keening filling the air. He then looks around furtively, before calling out. "Harbinger!" He whistles with two fingers in his mouth then sets his lips to the whistle once more.

Perception check to scan the beach and treeline, looking for anything of interest, but particularly hoofprints or Harbinger himself.

Signal whistle and his shout are the 'Come' command for Harbinger.

2013-07-24, 10:34 PM
Tok'sang was preparing to risk an attack against the scorpion's long claws, but the powerful charge from Erid makes the point moot. He nods silently at the older man, impressed.

He then turns towards Mo'o, places his hand on the still trembling ape's shoulder in a reassuring, thankful gesture. It's over now. Thank you, my friend. We never fought together before... But this first time might not be the last.

Surveying the beach, the young Zenj notices the still wounded Servin. Frowning at the ugly aspect of the splinter buried inside the closed wound, he kneels close to him, and looks at the damage closely, muttering : "Let me see."

Without touching anything, for now he just attempts to assess how risky it would be to just remove the splinter from the man's leg.
Heal check [roll0]

2013-07-24, 10:40 PM
Konrad looks about and sees no sign of Harbinger. He does see the imprints of each person's body from when they were dragged to the beach from the water. Additionally, a single set a tracks, look like human footprints, lead away from a single one of these drag marks and into the jungle.

Looking out on the water, there is definitely a lot of floating debris. You seem to be situated in a cove, as on either side a beach can be seen walling in the water. Pieces of boats, possibly including those of the Jeneviere are scattered about the beaches. Off in the distance about half a mile following the beach to the left, you see a very badly damaged ship shored amongst jagged rocks. It looks to be the Jeneviere.

Servin seems to still be in a fair amount of pain. In Tok'sang's examination, he can see several things. The splinter is a two inch by one inch by one foot jagged shaft of wood that has been driven through his thigh. He has lost of lot of blood. Gelik's healing helped the wound, but he can't walk with it in there. Removing the shaft is essential. In Tok'sang's professional opinion, it likely won't kill him as long as the wound is promptly healed over to stop the bleeding.

Mikka just stares listlessly into space.

IGNORE [roll0]

2013-07-24, 11:05 PM
Tok'sang addresses the fallen man. "Don't move, it would hurt more."

He stands up, facing Servin. "I'm going to remove this, but after that, more healing will be needed, to stanch the blood. Can you help with that ?"

2013-07-24, 11:45 PM
Konrad waits a long moment then looks down at the signal whistle blankly, his face blank and pale as some sheer granite cliff. Glancing from the tracks, then back towards the wreck of the Jenivere he seems torn for a long moment. "We should see if we can get to the ship. We'll need whatever supplies might have survived the crash, and any clues as to what happened to us will be there too." And gods be good, Harbinger as well.

Surveying the survivors who are here, he takes note of who looks fit to travel and who not. Stalking over to Mikka, he puts a hand on her shoulder, firm, but not forceful, attempting to rouse her from her catatonic state. "Mikka, isn't it? Do you know where we are? Where could the course of the ship have taken us? Remember the ship, remember your duties."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-25, 12:17 AM
Orazio abandons the spell as soon as he sees that the sea scorpion is dead. He heads over and watches Tok'sang diagnose Servin.

"I can close his wound with a spell, if you wish."

2013-07-25, 07:06 AM
With the battle over, Erid allows his rage to slip away and release the incredible tension that has built up in his muscles, and all the stress he has had to put them through for the sake of everyone surviving. And, glancing back across the beach, as his weary arms re-strap his greatclub to his back, Erid is content in the knowledge that nobody had truly suffered from the assault by the sea creatures, and that he has had a big part to play in making sure that they all survive this encounter, at least. He takes a deep breath, runs his hand through his shaggy blond hair, and catches Konrad accosting one of the shellshocked survivors of their shipwreck.

Despite the fatigue that runs through his body after exerting himself so thoroughly during the battle, Erid can't stand for the sight of somebody harassing another in such a vulnerable state. From what he'd seen of Konrad on the ship, he seems like just the type to do it, but he'd let it slip by all those times, because it wasn't his duty. But he didn't fight off those crustaceans, along with the fine help of a few of his comrades, just to have them suffer at the hands of a bully. Giving a respectful nod back to Tok'sang, he heads towards the two.

Erid's burly form comes to the side of Mikka and the Konrad that invades her personal space and questions her about things she can't possibly be aware of yet. Folding his arms, Erid speaks firmly to Konrad. "Give her some time to recover. We are in no rush, and your interrogation will do Mika no good." Despite his massive distaste for the man's actions, he doesn't lay a finger on him, or remove the hand that molests Mikka's shoulder. He will pay Konrad that much respect, at least.

2013-07-25, 08:25 AM
Looking up to see Orazio standing close, Tok'sang answers: "That would be great, thank you. I should be able to take this out, but, see... the wound has closed over it now. Would you have a knife with you ?"

I didn't have much to lose, but what little it was stayed on board. His meager possessions were in his small sack, and he now owns nothing but the wet, coarse cloth on his back.

2013-07-25, 09:59 AM
Konrad using her name seems to snap Mikka out of her trance a bit. "The ship... my duties?" Her eyes widen as she motions off to the distant beach, "the ship is destroyed! DO YOU WANT ME TO GO TAR THE DECK?! I haven't the faintest clue where we are - no more than a few days from Senghor... MAYBE!!! Who knows how long we were out?! Daxtin said we were off course! DAXTIN WAS ALWAYS RIGHT!!!" Her fluster rises to shouting, "NOW, WE'RE ON A BEACH! IN THE JUNGLE! WE'LL BE EATEN BY JAGUARS!!! OR DINOSAURS!!! OR WORSE!!! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!! WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE!!!" She transitions to hysteria as her vocalizations descend into a disturbing laugh-cry.

Gelik seems to be coping with the situation in his own way, "well, a knife I don't have. I have a sword... somewhere? Might be on the ship? That stake looks wedged in their fairly well, but I'm sure a well-muscled individual like yourself could yank it out. Probably won't be a pleasant experience for dear Servin, but ... well, I suppose that's something we should all get used to," he says as he swats a mosquito on his neck. "Ugh, wretched creatures. I had forgotten why I avoided jungles."

@Tok'sang and OrazioGelik's assessment of the wound seems correct.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-25, 11:07 AM
Orazio checks his belt to see if someone had removed the dagger he kept in it while he was unconscious.

I know, I know, I didn't mention this in my posts, but I figured everyone wore a knife in their belts like I see at every Ren Fest. :smallannoyed:

2013-07-25, 11:11 AM
Konrad stands silent under Mikka's sudden outburst, stern and unyielding despite her mounting panic. He pays no more attention to Erid's words, content to give the man a brief glance, no more than to convey that he should leave the handling of these matters to someone of experience. Once the poor woman's rant tapers off into hysterics, his hand on her shoulder shifts to grip her like a vice and turn her to face him as his other hand rises to give her a short, but firm backhanded slap. "We are not going to die." He says stoically, looking her in the eyes.

"There are enough of us, and we are strong enough to face whatever beasts might be on this island. Once we get to the ship we can get supplies, and weapons, and charts, and can begin building a signal or beacon." His fiery eyes bore into Mikka's frightened orbs as he speaks with a slow, tempered intensity. "We are going to survive, and we are going to do so, because no one is going to panic, do you understand me?"

Intimidate check to cow her, if not calm her.

2013-07-25, 11:22 AM
"You stupid bastard." Erid mutters loud enough for everyone to know that he isn't trying to hide it, as Konrad attempts to intimidate the woman into obeying him immediately after she was panicking. More fear has never been the proper way to get people to calm down. Still, he has suffered enough disrespect to not give much of a damn when people with inflated egos attempt to put him down, but he will not support allowing somebody to assault others. That just crosses a line that he isn't happy with.

Despite his fatigue from the fight, Erid glares down at Konrad and draws the greatsword from its straps across his back. He holds it firmly in his muscular hands, his stance reminiscent of his military training as he threatens the Chelish fellow with its blade. "Step away from her, right now. If you lay another finger on any of these survivors, I will cut you down. I will not tolerate a bully." He informs the man without fear in his voice or even anger; he's just laying down the ground rules.

2013-07-25, 12:40 PM
The verbal rant and smack delivered by Konrad definitely hurts Mikka's mood more than helps. Mikka chokes out between sobs as she crawls away from Konrad, "I guess I don't even need to worry about the dangers of the jungle because there are plenty right her!" She doesn't say anything to Erid, but she does crawl to a place where the armed man is positioned between her and Konrad.

Servin looks worriedly at Tok'sang. He is pale, but clearly recognizes that the object can't stay where it is. He nods and says resolutely, "alright. Let me know when you're ready."

OOCOrazio does not have a knife, but a dagger. If a knife was on his sheet, I'd allow it certainly. From the SRD: "A dagger is a blade that is about 1 foot in length." This length is significant enough that one might not carry it around with them to go to dinner.

2013-07-25, 12:48 PM
Erid's comments regarding his parentage do little to phase Konrad, given how long his parents have been dead to him, but the sight of the burly man drawing his greatsword makes clear his challenge, however misguided his protective sentiments might be. Pushing Mikka aside, and firmly enough to land her on the sand, Konrad rounds on Erid and a slight smirk plays across his features as he settles into a balanced stance and reaches for the sword at his belt . . . which is not there. Shock is written on his features as he remembers keeping all his weapons and his armor stowed in his cabin, and presently he wears nothing but the tunic and breeches and boots from their supper. Slowly, he rises to a standing position, his fixing on Erid's as he grinds his teeth and wrestles with how he might respond to the man as yet unarmed.

"And I will not tolerate being threatened by the likes of you." Konrad said, crossing his arms before him, standing tall and resolute before Erid. "I am a knight, and the patriarch of house Holstein, and this," He indicated Mikka, "is a sailor derelict in her duty. Were Captain Kovack here, or the Bosun, I have no doubt they would agree with my assessment, and seeing as they are not, it must fall to someone to ensure duty is not forgotten. She might well have suffered more at the hands of the bosun's whip, but given the circumstances, I see know reason to unduly injure any of our fellow survivors. Do you?"

Without waiting for a response, Konrad turns his back on Erid and strides towards the wounded Servin, staying out of their way but close enough to be heard. "Orazio, Tok'sang, when your finished removing the splinter I recommend we leave him in Mister Gelik's care, he seems to know what he's doing. We should search the beach for any more survivors and supplies which may have washed ashore on our way to the wreck." His tone leaves no question as to his expectations for them to obey. To him it is the clearest course of action, a matter of fact as it were, and glancing around at the others, spies the sorcerer. "Gael, you come as well."

2013-07-25, 01:00 PM
A smirk of his own plays across Erid's lips as the moment of shock plays across the supposed knight's face, as he realizes that he's lost everything that gave him his power. He takes no pleasure from humiliating others, but always finds amusement in the words of those who build themselves far too high, claiming to conquer all things, and being brought low by something as simple as a shipwreck. A disaster, yes, but not one nearly so vital as could have happened, or might happen. He listens patiently through Konrad's posturing, his hand still on his blade, although he worries for the woman crawling behind him for protection.

As soon as Konrad makes it clear that he has no intent of allowing a response, Erid takes a few steps back to kneel beside Mikka. He wouldn't try to force her to take any action, or get her to talk. He has no weaponry that he's confident somebody not used to combat could use, but he has something in the form of an arrow from his well-stocked quiver. He draws a single arrow from it and lays it beside Mikka, for her to use as a weapon should the bully approach her again.

Finally allowing himself to rest for a few moments, to shake past the fatigue, Erid moves ten feet away from Mikka and moves to sit down, folding his legs before him and taking in a few deep breaths. As he sits, he removes his journal from the pocket of his outfit and silently sighs at the result of the shipwreck, leaving the writing blurred and unclear. Hearing Konrard's orders, he stays silent, and waits for another of the party to acknowledge his presence. He would prefer to stay and defend the survivors, although he is probably the most apt to search the beach and swim out a little farther for floating debris.

2013-07-25, 01:31 PM
This is the last thing we need Gael thinks to himself as the shouts force him to stop searching the nearby debris for anything that could be useful for the haggard group.

Fortunately, his usual role as a mediator between his younger charges and their friends have given Gael some experience in dealing with squabblings of this kind.

I think it is a sound plan, Konrad says the sorcerer in a conciliatory tone as he moves halfway between the cavalier and the barbarian But, as you have surely noticed, Erid is our only armed combatant right now. Surely we would all be safer if he also came along

Gael was choosing his words careful as to not insult the knight by calling the older man the most capable combatant (although that would seem the case after he made such quick work of the large sea scorpion). And, although he was not fond of it, Gael was not below using some subtle manipulations

After all, we need to make sure that we can protect anything precious to us that was left at the Jenevere

Approaching the stranded sailor and Erid, the sorcerer also kneels next to the woman.

Mikka, it's okay to be scared young Baendor says in a soothing voice, as the one you would use with a child

But as you can see by the dead sea scorpions, we can handle our own. And we will use those abilities to protect you.

Saying that, Gael turns to his familiar.

Fier, you stay here with Servin, Mikka and Gelik says the sorcerer slowly to the bird as he points out to the appropriate people as he says their name Warn them if anything gets close

Understanding his brother's command, Fier takes flight and starts circling around the area. Gael watches the bird go with a mixture of pride and fear in his face.

Turning back to Mikka, the sorcerer goes back to his previous attempts at calming the woman

For now, just stay here with Gelik and Servin. I cannot do much for you now, but I can at least give you some guarantees of safety.

Diplomacy. If take 10 is allowed, then a total of 20. If roll is needed

Having done as much as he could for the sailor, the sorcerer offers an open hand to the barbarian

Erid, we need you. says Gael simply I'm not sure what is there, but I know that we will be at great risk if you don't come along.

Will you join us?

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-25, 01:44 PM
The verbal rant and smack delivered by Konrad definitely hurts Mikka's mood more than helps. Mikka chokes out between sobs as she crawls away from Konrad, "I guess I don't even need to worry about the dangers of the jungle because there are plenty right her!" She doesn't say anything to Erid, but she does crawl to a place where the armed man is positioned between her and Konrad.

Servin looks worriedly at Tok'sang. He is pale, but clearly recognizes that the object can't stay where it is. He nods and says resolutely, "alright. Let me know when you're ready."

OOCOrazio does not have a knife, but a dagger. If a knife was on his sheet, I'd allow it certainly. From the SRD: "A dagger is a blade that is about 1 foot in length." This length is significant enough that one might not carry it around with them to go to dinner.
Not finding the dagger, Orazio nods to Tok'sang.

"You're the physician here, sirrah. I figure we're going to have to hurt Servin a little more before I can heal him. I'll follow your lead."

2013-07-25, 02:16 PM
Konrad nods in response to Gael, but then eyes him coldly as he suggests Erid's presence in addition to his own. "You expect me to keep him in good company after he's threatened my person, and unarmed?" He shakes his head then turns to Erid glaring vehemently.

"No, I will require a show of good faith before I'm content to trust him with our safety. What do we know of this man other than he is some half-Varisian mongerel who likes to take his sword to sup amongst peaceable folk? What can we think but that you are a common sellsword at best, and a jumped up outlaw at worst." His words are cold and full of venom, but he betrays no open hostility. "If I would take much for me to accept him into my company as a man-at-arms, let alone a sworn sword of my household. But if he is to come with us, that is the only way I would accept."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-25, 02:25 PM
"Konrad, shame on you. We're stranded on a deserted island. Rank and family are pointless here. This "half-Varisian mongrel" may be the only thing standing between you and a yard of sharpened steel in your midsection someday. Treat the man with respect and you'll get respect in return. Otherwise you'll find yourself quite alone."

2013-07-25, 02:36 PM
Erid slips away his journal as the others come to his attention, and he notes silently that Gael seems like a man of sense before Konrad's response comes and further solidifies his status in Erid's mind as a man too tied to values he believes are important. He stays sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, not minding the supposedly superior position this puts the other survivors in, as he listens to the words of both entirely different men. In truth, he would gladly accompany them, though he would worry about the health of those they leave behind with but an animal to defend them.

With the words of Orazio, another smile creases the older man's face. One who knows when to let go of things when they turned to the domain of another who cared nothing for their ways. Civilization is all well and good, and has done him no harm, but its purpose is lost on an island. Even were it to be important, a new one would need to be established, and it is likely to lack any form of hierarchy to begin with. Too few numbers for such a thing. But Erid's thoughts go no further than that, as his interest has never been in politics, and his grasp of such is still weakened by his amnesia.

He lets the Chelish teenager finish his words, though he thinks that only actions will serve as proof of concept for Konrad, and gives a nod of his head. "Agreed. I will not swear any form of fealty to this gentleman," He gestures towards Konrad, "And, if I am to join you, it shall only be as an equal. If not, my blade is better spent in the defense of those who sheltered me from the sea for two months."

2013-07-25, 04:55 PM
Gael takes back his outstretched hand immediately after Konrad starts demanding fealty from Enrid, knowing that the knight had just reinstated the impasse between him and the barbarian.

Starting to lose his patience, the sorcerer is about to begin arguing with Konrad, but he is beaten to the punch by Orazio. Since the oracle had expressed Gael's sentiments perfectly, the sorcerer is able to calm down and once again assumes his diplomatic tone.

Konrad, the more time we spend arguing about this, the larger the chances that the Jenevere and ALL her contents, which most likely include Harbringer, sink into the ocean. Gael repeats, this time without any subtlety to his argument of why should Konrad cooperate

At this point, the sorcerer turns to all other cast-aways, looking at every other survivor in the eye

We are in an unknown location with unknown dangers. Like it or not, all we have is our words and each other.

So let us all work together.

Konrad, says the young Baendor to the knight with a still polite yet more assertive tone Enrid should join us since it is in all our best interests.

Enrid, Gael says to the older man while offering him his hand once more although misguided, Konrad was attempting to help Mikka by trying to stop her from panicking and maybe endangering herself. We need your strength to fight any other monsters, and you'll have a better chance of protecting the sailors if you come with us, since we will need supplies to survive. So please, take my hand and come with us

Orazio, Tok'sang it'd be best if you also come with us too. Your healing abilities might be needed if we find other survivors.

Servin, Mikka and Gelik: the three of you stay here and wait for us. Fier will warn you if anyone approaches.

The sorcerer waits for a while to see if any of the others disagrees with his stated plan

2013-07-25, 05:32 PM
Konrad glares at Orazio, then back to Erid, then finally at Gael while he gives his pretty little speech. His teeth grind and his brow furrows but finally, he slumps his shoulders and turns his back on them, making his way down the beach towards the wreck of the Jenivere, pausing to wash the sand from his hands in the surf and running them through his hair to wet down the unruly curls and wipe the sand from them as well. "I will do what is necessary, if only to prove that order and law have a place here, however inconvenient it might be for anyone else." He looks pointedly at Orazio. "I do not consider the matter settled however." the Chelish knight turns to face Erid.

"You threatened me, and I expect you to offer due recourse at the first opportunity. You will make obeisance when you feel appropriate, or else when I have retrieved my sword . . ." He turned his back again. "The matter will be settled either way." And begins to make his way along the beach his thumb tracing the outline of his signet.

2013-07-25, 06:09 PM
The friendly attitude from Gael seems to calm the woman significantly - at least her sobs slow for the time being.

Gelik looks horrified and interjects, "listen here! My possessions are on that ship as well - I'm not going to entrust you to find them all. Even if I did, were a score of those lobspions to emerge from the depths, I'm not about to fend them off. I'm flattered that you think I'm well equipped to deal with that, but I am unarmed and... well... I'm very short. I am coming with you. There is plenty of driftwood and lashings - I suggest we construct a stretcher for dear Servin." The gnome grabs a large plank of wood and starts to drag it toward the wounded man.

2013-07-25, 06:38 PM
Erid sits in silence as the events unfold around him, listening to their words and getting to his feet once Konrad has left, as he keeps his eyes out at sea, before turning to look towards those who remain once again. "Misguided or no, I will not tolerate bullying from anyone." He re-affirms, although he holds no hatred in them, he feels it a necessary precaution before somebody attempts to take control over everyone and ends up dying for it. By his hand, if necessary. "But you need not worry; I will not instigate any confrontation."

With Gelik's objection, Erid gives a firm nod. "Gelik is right; we cannot leave one man to defend everyone here, especially when none of them are combatants, even if an army is required elsewhere. Though how we could construct any form of stretcher, especially with Mikka still in shock, is beyond my ken." With those words spoken, he lightly touches Gael's bicep to gather his attention without invading his personal space too much. With that gesture, and if the man follows, he leads him out of earshot of the rest of the group.

"If I am to be honest with you, which I think will be crucial for this group to work, I am very concerned for Mikka, and I do not believe we should allow Konrad near her. His talk of obeying ones duty and knowing ones place buts an uneasy feeling in my stomach," He places a muscular hand on his own midriff to signify this. "In regards to his presence around females." He narrows his eyes, hoping that the mage will understand his meaning. "Do not misinterpret me; my own mother is a warrior, but the majority of women present are noncombatants, and I do not feel they could adequately defend themselves against a soldier, such as Konrad, should he decide to take what he feels is his from them."

2013-07-25, 06:49 PM
The friendly attitude from Gael seems to calm the woman significantly - at least her sobs slow for the time being.

Gelik looks horrified and interjects, "listen here! My possessions are on that ship as well - I'm not going to entrust you to find them all. Even if I did, were a score of those lobspions to emerge from the depths, I'm not about to fend them off. I'm flattered that you think I'm well equipped to deal with that, but I am unarmed and... well... I'm very short. I am coming with you. There is plenty of driftwood and lashings - I suggest we construct a stretcher for dear Servin." The gnome grabs a large plank of wood and starts to drag it toward the wounded man.

These people are worst than Fier and his little friends!!! thinks Gael, slightly exasperated that people were using well-intentioned plans as excuses to get frisky

Master Gelik, replies the sorcerer as he moves to help the gnome - while trying to stop this new problem to blow into another full scale conflict - the proposed plan only meant to keep you out of harm's way: Sea scorpions are carrion vermin by nature and would be unlikely to approach again now that we are no longer unconscious.

I'm not sure what I said about sea scorpions was true or not (although it surely seems like it!). If necessary, take 10 for Bluff for a total of 19
Rolled OoC. Bluff = 15

And we are not sure if there will be other creatures lurking on the way to the ship or inside of it, hence I though it would be safer for you to stay. says the young man with earnest concern: Although the gnome could heal, he had not shown any fighting capabilities against the sea scorpions

But, if you'd rather come with, we can all go: There is safety in numbers. But please don't overexert yourself

Like usual, if a diplomacy check is needed (although I don't thinks so here), take 10 for 20. If roll is needed
Diplomacy=30 (See OOC)

2013-07-25, 07:09 PM
While he looks around for ways to help the unfortunate Servin, Tok'sang listens to the growing conflict between the two big men, hoping they will not come to blows.

At least, most of these people, Chelaxian or not... They seem to genuinely care for others. Except, of course, this one there... He shivers all of a sudden, as certain tones of voice and postures remind him of friends and rivals of his former master.

Seeing the gnome and the young, well-meaning sorcerer prepare an improvised stretcher, he lifts his hand.

"Don't. Please. This will be bad if we drop him or if we need to run, or fight again."

He's not at all sure Gael is correct about the sea scorpions.

Knowledge (Nature) to check if he knows anything about these creatures of the sea (he's from an inland tribe after all): [roll0]

Also, Sense Motive to assess if Gael is winging it or knows what he's talking about: [roll1]
"We need to take this out, first. Otherwise he'll never be able to walk." He turns towards Erid, a trace of timidity in his voice. "Er... Sir... Would you mind letting me use this big blade of yours ? Unless you have something shorter, that would be... er... easier. I need to re-open the wound, see."

2013-07-25, 08:12 PM
With those words spoken, he lightly touches Gael's bicep to gather his attention without invading his personal space too much. With that gesture, and if the man follows, he leads him out of earshot of the rest of the group.

Gael nods to Erid, indicating that he will join him as soon as he is able to discuss whatever is worrying the older man.

Once Tok'Sang explains that his efforts are not actually helping poor Servin, the sorcerer excuses himself and then meets up with the barbarian.

"If I am to be honest with you, which I think will be crucial for this group to work, I am very concerned for Mikka, and I do not believe we should allow Konrad near her. His talk of obeying ones duty and knowing ones place buts an uneasy feeling in my stomach," He places a muscular hand on his own midriff to signify this. "In regards to his presence around females." He narrows his eyes, hoping that the mage will understand his meaning.

Gael's face grows pale when hearing Erid's concern. The young man was old enough to know the call of flesh (even though he himself hadn't had much chance to... fraternize with the opposite sex while looking after Fier and Allanor), but he had not grown jaded enough about the ways of the world to have even considered Erid's implications.

"Do not misinterpret me; my own mother is a warrior, but the majority of women present are noncombatants, and I do not feel they could adequately defend themselves against a soldier, such as Konrad, should he decide to take what he feels is his from them."

If... if it comes to that... Gael stammers, his usual composure completely gone We will... I will lend you...

The sorcerer takes a deep breadth and forces himself to calm down. Once he is more composed, the young Baendor faces the older man squarely

If it comes to that, I will do everything in my power to stop him, no matter the risk

The promise made, Gael's conciliatory instincts take over

But let's hope it is not what you fear: Konrad might just be acting up since he cannot find his horse, Harbringer. I think that his mount is very dear to him, so maybe he's just misplacing his anger. says the sorcerer as he looks up to where his familiar is circling, giving the impression that he is equating his own relation with Fier to the one the knight has with his steed.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-26, 12:36 AM
Orazio listens to the conversations and nods.

"It seems Pharasma's sent us no end of ill luck this day. We need to get in front of this situation and fast. I agree the first step should be to fix Servin up. After that, I suggest we get out of the open before we begin exploration to find the ship. I understand we can't afford to antagonize one another over this, but finding our gear or animals will be useless if something should swoop out of the forest upon us. Swooping is bad."

2013-07-26, 10:52 AM
Mikka, who has calmed significantly since Konrad left, rises and walks over to Tok'sang. She hands him a small knife. "I'll want it back when you're done," she shudders and walks away to stand by the water.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-26, 11:28 AM
"Well that settles it. Let's get Servin patched up."

2013-07-26, 12:46 PM
Still kneeling at his patient's side, Tok'sang gratefully accepts the knife from Mikka. He then turns back to Servin. "I won't lie. This is going to hurt. A lot. Without the knife, it would have been much worse, if that helps."

Addressing Orazio, he adds: "There may be several small splinters. Please don't use your healing magic before I have removed everything from the wound. Otherwise we'll have to do it over again later", he adds, glancing in Gelik's general direction. Sometimes, well-meaning people can be just like the bear who was the gardener's friend, in Dad's old stories. The thought of his father brings a pang of pain to his chest, as it often does.

"All right, here we go. Orazio, please hold his leg tight for me, make sure he doesnt move."

He waits for everybody to be in position, then carefully re-opens the wound all around the piece of wood inserted in Servin's ankle, going all the way in, until he finds the pointed end of the splinter. Then he gently pulls it out, not paying attention to Servin's cries, nor to the renewed bleeding, trying to clean everything inside as quickly as possible. Satisfied that he's removed every bit of wood, he straightens up, signalling Orazio to go ahead with his spell.

Heal [roll0]

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-26, 01:10 PM
Orazio does as he's told, holding the leg down and wincing in pain as he watches. It's evident this is the closest he's ever been to injury or medical practice. Then, when Tok'sang give the signal, he begins waving his blackened hands over the injury and chanting. The sigils on his forehead and hands return as multicolored fire once again spreads from them. But Servin notices this feels different. It has a cold and clean feel to it, not like a fire should. What's even more amazing is that the injury closes very rapidly, and there's a feeling of wholeness not even the most skilled surgery could reproduce. There's not even a scar.

"You should be fine now, Servin. Maybe a little pain if you put pressure on it, so don't overdo running and walking, but walk you shall."

He turns to Tok'sang.

"That's amazing what you pulled off there. If I'm ever hurt I know who I'll want as my doctor. I don't believe we've been introduced. We met on the ship, and you know my name, but I don't recall catching yours."

Orazio naturally casts cure light wounds on Servin, healing [roll0] damage.

2013-07-26, 02:33 PM
"Thank you... Sir. I am Tok'sang, I have learned to help people... before." He hesitates a bit, before going on.

"And, I am grateful for your help. Without you, he might have bled to death. I wasn't prepared for ... anything like this," he says, looking around at all the litter on the beach. Picking up a piece of tattered cloth, he wipes the blood off the knife, before he hands it over back to its owner. "Thank you, Mikka."

Turning back to his patient, he asks: "How do you feel ? Do you want to try walking a little ?"

2013-07-26, 06:22 PM
Mikka silently takes back her knife.

Servin rises and tests the leg. It is shaky, the leg is still badly damaged, but there is no longer a gaping wound and he can walk, albeit with a limp. "I feel okay. Thank you. All of you." He still looks pale, the blood loss weighing heavy on him. He finds a piece of driftwood to use as a crutch and is able to move at reasonable speed.


The group heads down the beach toward the ship, finding no salvage of interest beyond the sort that was at the tip of the cove. The beach quickly shrinks eventually becoming a narrow, jagged strip of rocks. It is rough going, Servin struggling the most, but traversable.

Nearer to the wreckage, the extent of the destruction becomes clear. The back third of the ship is completely missing, sheared ragged splintered boards suggest where it must have been crushed against a rock, the weight of the rear mast likely finishing the job. The rest of the ship must have entered with speed - perhaps on a swell. The boat's bottom was torn up by sharp rocks until it wedged itself between the cliff and a large rock on which it now rests. The shore falls quickly into the deeps here. Even with years of competent labor, the vessel could never sail again - it would be easier to start an entirely new vessel from scratch. Hopes of reconstruction are further made irrelevant as the constant battering of waves will surely tear the derelict free eventually.

Fragments of the Jeneviere's only lifeboat churn in the nearby waves. Part of the lifeboat’s bow still lolls about in the surf, attached to a protruding timber by a thick rope, as if someone had moored the boat to the wreck.

OOCTo access the boat, you could climb the cliff (climb check) or swim through the waves (swim check).

2013-07-27, 03:42 AM
Gael looks at the remmanants of the Jenevere and the lifeboat attached to them.

Someone else might have survived! Should we call to them? says the sorcerer to the others, and he looks like he is about to hail the boat.

But suddenly, a dark thought crosses Gael's mind

Maybe it is not a good idea: Whoever is there might have something to do with us falling unconscious. We need to be careful and get to that ship concludes young Baendor.

Scanning the situation in front of him, the sorcerer realizes that his... lack of physical skills might impede his arrival to the shipwreck.

Should we climb? suggests Gael to the group in general it is not much, but I found some rope: we could use it to help each other

2013-07-27, 04:11 AM
Erid gives Gael a nod as their conversation finishes to let him know that he understands, despite wanting the conversation to be about preventing such an event, rather than punishing somebody after it has happened. He would just have to be personally more vigilant than the others, if it comes to that, and then he would gut whoever dared to do such a thing. As they begin walking, with every survivor in tow, he wonders where his rage in this matter comes from; the women in his life and never suffered as such, and any who might have gone into danger were all warriors, of a sort, in and of themselves. Perhaps it's living among civilians that has gifted him with this more mundane worry.

The trip along the coastline gives him more time to think, though it largely consists of centering himself for the dangers ahead and what he might have to do to survive. Their initial trip has been a failure, but that's no reason for him to not be able to draw something of value from this new journey the group is taking upon their shoulders. He's aware that considering a reputation would be considered selfish in something like this, but sets it up as a goal for the end of the tunnel; survival isn't enough of a goal to carry anyone through fighting for their lives. It would just leave them beaten husks with no care in their hearts, whereas hopes beyond reaching civilization could keep them in good spirits and drive them in a way that isn't hopeless.

Being forced to take in the shipwreck does Erid no good, but, even then, he sees it is no time to pray for those who may have died. It is time to save those who may yet live. "I should be able to clamber across the cliff and secure a rope." Erid offers upon Gael's suggestion. "Any who are not confident climbers should perhaps stay here, else they fall to a far more grisly fate because of an unnecessary risk."

2013-07-27, 06:53 AM
As they walk along the beach towards the wreck, Tok'sang comes to Gael's side and leans a little towards him, addressing him in a low voice so as not to be overheard by others.

"With respect, Sir, I know you only meant to calm the girl's fears, but really, you don't know the first thing about those animals here. Please don't do that again. It might lead people into danger, and believe me, there's enough of that already."

Arriving by the shipwreck, he contemplates the extent of the disaster. He guesses the group's hopes for survival, certainly, are conditional on finding some remaining equipment, food, water, anything, in there.

"I can climb." He doesn't bother to make the obvious point that Mo'o can, too.

2013-07-27, 09:48 AM
Gelik looks at the wreckage and assert, "there is bound to be rope on the ship." Mikka nods in agreement as the gnome says this. "Once you're up, it shouldn't be hard to find."

Servin laughs - but a despondent sort of laugh - before he says, "I'll wait here. If you can get my sword and armor from my room, I'd be much obliged. I can't use it now, but it will be needed later." The man then adds, "actually, any weapons or armor you find should be collected. We may need them later."

Whoever is climbing or swimming, make a climb check.

2013-07-27, 09:58 AM
Tok'sang silently nods, then starts to cautiously ascend the slippery rock, followed by Mo'o.

Climb [roll0]
Mo'o doesn't need a check (I think).

Status : Dex 13 (2 damage), HOP 9 (1 nonlethal)

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-27, 10:25 AM
Orazio gulps as he sees the state the ship's in, and more importantly, what will need to be done to get to it.

"I'll risk climbing. I'd rather not put my fate in Gozreh's hands a second time."

Climb: [roll0]

2013-07-27, 11:28 AM
Konrad surveys the wreck of the Jenivere, grinding his teeth but otherwise doing nothing to convey his inner turmoil. "I agree that climbing would seem to be the best option." He says to the assembled group at large, doing his best not to say so pointedly. Taking a moment to make sure his boots are free of debris, he begins his ascent, for the first time thankful that he is able to do so unencumbered.

Climb: [roll0]

2013-07-27, 11:37 AM
Watching the others go first, Erid takes the time to remove his armor and use the straps for his weapons to keep it in place on his back, but freeing his limbs from any restrictions it would have granted. Luckily, his outfit for warm weather consists of a long, flowing robe, so nobody has to make any complaints about nudity as he removes it.

With that done, Erid begins to follow the others.

Climb: [roll0]

2013-07-27, 05:45 PM
Mo'o, Tok'sang, Orazio, Konrad and Erid begin to climb. The ape effortlessly scales the cliff, ascending it as if it were no more than a casual stroll. Tok'sang mirrors his friend's movements well. Orazio, however, puts all his weight on a handhold that gives way, he plummets into the raging sea below. The powerful currents toss him about and batter him a bit, but before long he is clutching a rock and scrambling to shore - astonishingly uninjured.

Perhaps flustered by Orazio's fall just a few feet ahead of him, Konrad barely makes it to the boat, nearly joining the oracle in the wave. Erid, however, is almost as graceful as Mo'o in his ascent - even with his armor and weapons.

Upon reaching the upper decks from the cliffs, several things become apparent. First, a very long rope is coiled around the foremast, an unwound portion of it could surely be extended to the beach below. Second, three winged reptiles have positioned themselves at the top of the central mast, staring down into the crow's nest - they look to be waiting for something. Rigging leads up to there, but it is unclear how the reptiles may react. Third, an anxious whiny is emanating from the stairs leading to the decks below.


Okay, you are on a map and using combat rounds for actions for the time being.

Rope to Allies: From D-E3-4, it is two standard actions to unfurl the rope and throw it over the side (after which, Orazio, Gael and NPCs can climb the rope with two move actions.

Predators in the Nest: From D-E9-10, climbing to the crow's nest will require climb checks and take at least four move actions (with the exception of Mo'o who has a climb speed and can make it with two move actions).

Frightened Whiny: F9 leads down to the galley and passengers quarters, below that is the crew quarters and rowing deck.

B-G1-5 is raised 10 feet above B-G6-10. B6,G6 are stairs. Between C-F 5&6 is a railing. D6 has a door which you know leads to the captain's quarters.

Also, the ship actually cuts off around B-G13/14, but I didn't feel like extending the map.

2013-07-27, 06:52 PM
Somewhat uncomfortably finding himself side by side with the two fastest-tempered members of the group, Tok'sang observes the surroundings and ponders what to do first.

Someone alive downstairs, that's good. Hopefully, that person can wait a little. I don't like the look of these animals... Dinosaurs of some kind, what are they doing up there ?

Finally, he decides that allowing more allies on board is the most urgent thing to do. He walks toward the foremast and starts retrieving the rope.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-27, 11:53 PM
"STORM AND SALT!" Orazio cries as the rock gives way and he drops into the water. He pulls himself out of the water choking and sputtering curses to every god and his mother in frustration.

"And my journey to the colonies is off to a great start," he says as he finally reaches the shore and straightens himself up, trying to recover some dignity.

"Now you know why I don't gamble."

2013-07-28, 02:21 AM
Seeing Orazio's near-death experience, Gael decides to be a little more cautious and waits for one of the other members of the group to throw a rope he can use.

Following his companions' line of sight, the sorcerer is also able to spot the winged reptiles. Quickly assessing the situation, Gael calls to the others.

Wait for a moment until I make it up there and catch my breath says the sorcerer I think I can obstruct the creature's view and gives us some cover to reach the lower portions of the deck

Double move to climb rope
Attempt at identifying the creatures

2013-07-28, 05:51 AM
"I support that idea wholeheartedly." Erid replied at the mage's mention of using something to obstruct the view of the creatures; removing his armor is all well and good for maneuvering the landscape, but he wouldn't want to do such a thing while a fight is likely to break out. He does possess a ranged weapon, at the very least, so their advantage of flight would be mitigated. His comrades could even use the lower decks for cover from the sharp beaks of the creatures, assuming they weren't infested by equally vicious creatures. Or not vicious at all; his knowledge of such things is somewhere in the range of none to zero.

The whiny from below the decks gives Erid something less of a hope than it gives the others, suspecting it is the horse brought on by Konrad, rather than anyone they could care for. Assault a victim, get your horse alive. A strange way the world works, indeed.

2013-07-28, 09:22 PM
The sound of the whinny from below the deck has Konrad scrambling over the the railing and making due haste down towards the below decks, taking minor note of scaly avians in the rigging. Such small creatures are hardly of concern for him, and or anything else in the rigging. "Save your spells, such pests are unlikely to gives us trouble so long as we do not give them reason to think us a meal. Even then, I doubt they'd follow us below decks, and that's where we need to go."

He makes his way forward, towards the stairs below decks, keeping an eye out for a boarding pike or belaying pin he might be able to use for a weapon till he can get to his cabin. All of that is secondary to getting down to the hold and to Harbinger. The charger was no doubt a match for any of those lobstered vermin, but should anything else more threatening have taken up residence, he wanted to be prepared.

Double move to reach F9 and get below decks, heedless of the ptera-things and a perception check to see if there's anything useful as a weapon in plain sight. [roll0]

2013-07-28, 11:12 PM
As Tok'sang begins unfurling the rope, Konrad charges below decks. At the top of the stairs, he can see what is causing such a commotion. Three large eurypterids have cornered Harbinger. Their threatening posture attempting to force the horse to choose - fight or plunge twenty feet to the jagged rocks below. Alton Devers, the first mate, rests near the base of the stairs - dead.

A shouting and banging comes from a door that has a table and bench wedging it shut. "UGH!!! OPEN THE DOOR, YOU STUPID HORSE!!!" This was Aerys's room.

Caerwyn finally awakens in his small room on the Jeneviere, feeling a little hung over, but otherwise in sound condition. He won a fair bit of copper gambling. It felt good. He can hear the distant sounds of shouting, and Konrad's horse is making a racket, but otherwise... things are fine.

OOCHarbinger is at half HP to emulate the combat rounds until now. He is under Konrad's control again (as much as an animal companion normal is). Several nearby benches could be swung awkwardly as a greatclub. Random small objects could be thrown.

MAP - Above Deck

Okay, you are on a map and using combat rounds for actions for the time being.

Rope to Allies: From D-E3-4, it is two standard actions to unfurl the rope and throw it over the side (after which, Orazio, Gael and NPCs can climb the rope with two move actions.

Predators in the Nest: From D-E9-10, climbing to the crow's nest will require climb checks and take at least four move actions (with the exception of Mo'o who has a climb speed and can make it with two move actions).

Frightened Whiny: F9 leads down to the galley and passengers quarters, below that is the crew quarters and rowing deck.

B-G1-5 is raised 10 feet above B-G6-10. B6,G6 are stairs. Between C-F 5&6 is a railing. D6 has a door which you know leads to the captain's quarters.

Also, the ship actually cuts off around B-G13/14, but I didn't feel like extending the map.

MAP - Below Deck

H = Harbinger
A = Alton
A = Aerys
G = Unknown dead
R = Unknown dead
S1-3 = Sea scorpions

Orange stuff are benches, tables or countertops. Red are doors (all actually closed). Brown are walls (impassable unless doored).

All passenger rooms are to the left
B-D1 = Orazio's Room
E-G1 = Konrad's Room
B-C2 = Caerwyn's Room
F-G2 = Toksang's Room
F-G3 = Servin's Room
F-G4 = Sasha's Room
F-G5 = Unclaimed Room
F-G6 = Erid's Room
C-D6 = Gael's Room
B3-4 = Groddik's Room
C4-5 = Unclaimed Room
D4-5 = Gelik's Room
B5-6 = Aerys's Room

Ishirou's and Ieana's Rooms were both on the back of the boat. Crew rooms are down one floor (where G9 leads).

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-28, 11:35 PM
Orazio waits for the rope to be lowered before trying to climb again.

2013-07-29, 05:19 AM
Tok'sang hears the commotion downstairs, and rushes to finish unfurling the rope.

I guess this is round #2 and he will be done this round.

Also, I belatedly got it : whiny <> whinny. English can be tricky that way.

2013-07-29, 06:14 AM
With others having already handled the rope, Erid does little keep his hand on his weapon and stand nearby the hanging object, prepared to catch it should it slip under the weight of the one climbing it. Better to stay with the group with genuine concerns for the safety of others, especially if what his notes had said about spellcasters was true; and there is no reason to think otherwise. Even were they only pests, they could make mincemeat out of a spellcaster attempting to weave spells, and disrupt them in the case of real danger, like what likely lurks below the decks.

He's confident in the safety of anyone still alive, however, by virtue of the fact that if they were going to die from quick exposure, it would have happened already, and if it is from long exposure, they have plenty of time to make sure the healer is aboard.

2013-07-29, 01:17 PM
"Wait!" tries to call Gael as he sees Konrad rushing downstairs.

Damn it! curses the sorcerer inwardly, repeating to himself the same argument he was making earlier to Erid in order not to lash out at the knight.

As soon as Tok'Sang sends the precious climbing aid, the sorcerer puts all of his energies into climbing on top of the deck.

Standard action to climb (1 of 2 needed to reach the top)

2013-07-29, 09:41 PM
Caerwyn awakens, rubbing his head. That had gone well, though the pleasant buzz of alcohol had faded into a hazy hangover. He stretches and picks himself out of bed, finger-combing the worst tangles out of his hair. Yeah, he could definitely live with the rest of the journey being like this. Although the horse was beginning to get on his nerves.

"Wakey wakey, moron! The boat goes into big rocks and you here sleeping like a baby." Caerwyn raises a hand with a sigh, not even bothering to look. A moment later, the sharp talons of a certain irascible little bird clamp onto his fingers. "Nice to see you too. What's going on now?"

"Boat is in big rocks and the finding man is dead and the drinking woman is trapped in her room and horse and bugs and-" He cuts off the bird with the press of a finger to its beak. "I get it. Stop babbling." And here he was thinking that it would be a nice little cruise.

Caerwyn shoves the bird back into his pocket, ignoring its scratches as it releases his hand and its muffled cries of "But he is dead!". He shakes out his hair and steps out of his room. Time to join the fray.

Moving to E5 and drawing a dagger.

2013-07-30, 12:31 AM
Konrad spies the amphibious vermin harassing the charger the instant he gets to the bottom of the hatchway, and his hand immediately moves to the signal whistle at his neck. Without his barding, the beasts claws have scored multiple marks along Harbinger's flanks, and Konrad's mind turns to their vicious stinger's. 'Where are that Mwangi mystic and his ape when they're needed . . .' is all the passing thought he has time for before Harbinger makes eye-contact with his master, his dark eyes reflecting not panic or fear, but mirroring Konrad's own vehement thirst for vengeance. Before his lips even meet the signal whistle, the massive warhorse charges headlong into the trio of clamoring sea scorpions, hooves flashing as the steel of his shoes crush and smash apart their carapaces like so much eggshell. Their claws once more rake across his hide but the steed is heedless of the pain and danger as he wheels around in front of Konrad, and in a flash, Konrad is once again where he is most at home, despite having to duck his head not to slam it against the combing of the ship's hull above.

Patting down Harbinger's mane, he speaks in a relaxed, almost honeyed tone, smiling for the first time since awakening on the beach. "The next time we sail anywhere, you're getting your own cabin." He says, before nodding to Caerwyn, wordless, but still smiling.

2013-07-30, 09:07 AM
Undeterred by Harbinger's flurry of hooves, the eurypterids surround Konrad and his mount. The bulk of the creatures attack Konrad - although only one claw connects. However, one continues at Harbinger, viewing the beast as his rightful meal, and grasps the beast's side with both claws, tearing two symmetric wounds and causing the horse to lose consciousness.

ActionsS1 Tail vs Konrad: [roll0]+1=12 Damage [roll1] + DC 12 Fort poison or [roll2] Dex Damage 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)
S1 L Pincher vs Konrad: [roll3] Damage [roll4]
S1 R Pincher vs Konrad: [roll5] Damage [roll6]

S2 Tail vs Konrad: [roll7]+1=10 Damage [roll8] + DC 12 Fort poison or [roll9] Dex Damage 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)
S2 L Pincher vs Konrad: [roll10] Damage [roll11]
S2 R Pincher vs Konrad: [roll12] Damage [roll13]

S3 Tail vs Harbinger: [roll14]+1=9 Damage [roll15] + DC 12 Fort poison or [roll16] Dex Damage 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)
S3 L Pincher vs Harbinger: [roll17] Damage [roll18]
S3 R Pincher vs Harbinger: [roll19] Damage [roll20]

OOC: Also, I made a mistake on damage last round. I rolled d3+1 instead of d3. Harbinger should have been at 3 HP, placing him now unconscious at -1 HP. That is unless with mounted combat you can make a successful ride check to negate one of the hits (leaving him conscious at one HP). Also, in the future ChaosLord, please specify which two spaces you want the Konrad/Harbinger combo to occupy. If Harbinger falls, you can decide which space to be in.

MAP - Above Deck

Okay, you are on a map and using combat rounds for actions for the time being.

Rope to Allies: From D-E3-4, it is two standard actions to unfurl the rope and throw it over the side (after which, Orazio, Gael and NPCs can climb the rope with two move actions.

Predators in the Nest: From D-E9-10, climbing to the crow's nest will require climb checks and take at least four move actions (with the exception of Mo'o who has a climb speed and can make it with two move actions).

Frightened Whiny: F9 leads down to the galley and passengers quarters, below that is the crew quarters and rowing deck.

B-G1-5 is raised 10 feet above B-G6-10. B6,G6 are stairs. Between C-F 5&6 is a railing. D6 has a door which you know leads to the captain's quarters.

Also, the ship actually cuts off around B-G13/14, but I didn't feel like extending the map.

MAP - Below Deck

H = Harbinger
A = Dead Alton
A = Aerys
G = Unknown dead
R = Unknown dead
S1-3 = Sea scorpions

Orange stuff are benches, tables or countertops. Red are doors (all actually closed). Brown are walls (impassable unless doored).

All passenger rooms are to the left
B-D1 = Orazio's Room
E-G1 = Konrad's Room
B-C2 = Caerwyn's Room
F-G2 = Toksang's Room
F-G3 = Servin's Room
F-G4 = Sasha's Room
F-G5 = Unclaimed Room
F-G6 = Erid's Room
C-D6 = Gael's Room
B3-4 = Groddik's Room
C4-5 = Unclaimed Room
D4-5 = Gelik's Room
B5-6 = Aerys's Room

Ishirou's and Ieana's Rooms were both on the back of the boat. Crew rooms are down one floor (where G9 leads).

2013-07-30, 11:10 AM
The onset of the wounded but still voracious sea scorpions leaves Konrad no further time respite, as he digs his heels into Harbinger's sides, spurring them both into action against the verminous foes. Konrad reaches downward to retrieve a piece of ruined timber for a club, even as he guides Harbinger to avoid the pincers of their enemies, and return their attacks in kind.

Occupying F,10 & F,11;

Mounted Combat Defense (Immediate Action): [roll0]
Ride Check to guide mount with knees(Free Action): [roll1]
Retrieve improvised Greatclub (Move Action)
Konrad Attack against S2: [roll2] (Damage: [roll3])

Harbinger Full Attack Action against S1:

Bite:[roll4] (Damage: [roll5])
Hooves:[roll6]; [roll7] (Damage: [roll8]; [roll9])

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-30, 12:27 PM
Orazio attempts to climb the rope, hoping there won't be a repeat of his great fall.

2013-07-30, 12:34 PM
Still checking on the three pterosaurs from the corner of his eye, but also worried about the loud noises coming from the lower deck, Tok'sang throws the rope overboard towards those who stayed below.

What are they looking at ? What if there's someone unconscious up there ?

He turns to Erid: "Sir, I'll see if we can avoid fighting these above. Can you please take care of what's going on below ?"

He walks towards he mast, muttering a little ditty in a low voice, in a language Erid doesn't recognize.

"Esprit de l'alizé
Donne moi le langage
Que ces ętres ailés
Entendent mon message"

Then he raises his voice, addressing the pterosaurs in a series of high-pitched, bird-like chirps, all the while making signs with both arms, pointing towards the site of the recent battle.

"There's much easier food you can find, right over there. Big juicy sea scorpions. They're dead already. You just have to help yourselves."

Standard action: Cast Speak with Animals.
Using Comic Sans to indicate animal language.

2013-07-30, 12:41 PM
Erid, still holding the rope to make sure that Orazio doesn't take a nasty tumble back into the rushing waters below, shakes his head at Tok'sang's request. "If Konrad wishes aid, he will ask for it himself." He says firmly, though his eyes remain soft to let the man know that he's open to negotiation, though it seems as though he's more concerned with working some surely druidic magic on the little lizards that perch far above them. The actions remind him somewhat of a familiar companion, though he keeps the memories at the back of his mind, for the moment. Handling the situation at hand is more important.

2013-07-30, 12:54 PM
Those were nasty-looking buggers. Caerwyn returns Konrad's friendly smile with a jerky, nervous, nod of his own. How the man could even begin to grin at a time like this was beyond him. He moves closer to the battle anyways, edging down the corridor. "Remind me again, how does it go?" he whispers out of the corner of his mouth. Magic was cool. Tended to impress, at least a little. Needing tutoring from a sparrow with an attitude problem? Not so much. "Strachaz-"

"Got it got it shut up now. Well, definitely no hiding that anymore. He was beginning to be rather convinced that the bird had never heard of whispering in its life. That was going to be fun to explain when this was all over. "Gimme a second...." Caerwyn's words are frantic in pace, reminiscent of dark places and crashing waves. He recoils back, then shoves out, aiming at the scorpion not being savaged by hooves and/or clubs.

Move to E9, casting Cause Fear on S3.

2013-07-30, 01:22 PM
Gael finishes climbing the rope and lands rather gracefully (considering his heavy breathing) onto the deck. As soon as the sorcerer is upright and balanced, his trusted familiar lands on his shoulder.

"Thank you" says Gael to Erid as he notices the man's efforts to secure the rope.

The sorcerer's eyes and ears then turn to Tok'sang as he emits bird-like noises.

What is he doing? Could he be communicating with the rhamphorhynchuses? thinks the young Baendor as he subconsciously casts a glance in Fier's direction.

But the hawk was way ahead of his master and begins to craw a couple times.

You are funny! says Gael's bird with what can best described as child-like joy Before... I thought you talked funny... like Brother does... but now I hear you!

I'm Fier, and I'm seven!! declares the bird proudly Are you a friend of my big brother?

"Fier! Shh!" interrupts Gael, afraid of either interrupting the druid's concentration or that his sibling would reveal more than he should.

Gael closes his eyes, trying to hear any sounds coming from below-decks.

Finish climbing rope
Move so Orazio can fit (let's say G3)

2013-07-30, 06:09 PM
The pterosaurs tilt their heads quizzically at Tok'sang when he calls up to them. After some soft chittering amongst themselves, the birds fly off in the direction the druid indicated.

@Tok'sangBefore the pterosaurs leave, one calls out, "thanks, got dull waiting for this one to die." Tok'sang notices the tip of a small boot jutting up just above the edge of the crow's nest.

Downstairs, Konrad's maneuvering spares Harbinger for the moment. The charger fails to connect with any of his attacks, but the cavalier's awkward weapon smashes the sea scorpion into bits.

Caerwyn's spell is well delivered, but the creature appears to lack the basic mental faculties essential for complex emotions like fear. The vermin doesn't react to the magic at all. From his new position, he has a clear view of the bodies. The cook, Rambar, lies dead, it appears his neck broke - perhaps in the crash. To the other side Groddik lies dead. He, on the other hand, sits in a pool of his blood, the source of which originates from his gut.

The remaining scorpions press the assault. One connecting Konrad's leg with one its pinchers, the other striking Harbinger's flank with the needle at the end of its tail.

ActionsImprovised club survival (breaks on a 1): [roll0]

S1 Tail vs Konrad: [roll1] Damage [roll2] + DC 12 Fort poison or [roll3] Dex Damage 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)
S1 L Pincher vs Konrad: [roll4] Damage [roll5]
S1 R Pincher vs Konrad: [roll6] Damage [roll7]

S3 Tail vs Harbinger: [roll8] Damage [roll9] + DC 12 Fort poison or [roll10] Dex Damage 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)
[S]S3 L Pincher vs Harbinger: [roll11] Damage [roll12]
S3 R Pincher vs Harbinger: [roll13] Damage [roll14]

MAP - Above Deck

I did not update this map.

Rope to Allies: From D-E3-4, it is two standard actions to unfurl the rope and throw it over the side (after which, Orazio, Gael and NPCs can climb the rope with two move actions.

Predators in the Nest: From D-E9-10, climbing to the crow's nest will require climb checks and take at least four move actions (with the exception of Mo'o who has a climb speed and can make it with two move actions).

Frightened Whiny: F9 leads down to the galley and passengers quarters, below that is the crew quarters and rowing deck.

B-G1-5 is raised 10 feet above B-G6-10. B6,G6 are stairs. Between C-F 5&6 is a railing. D6 has a door which you know leads to the captain's quarters.

Also, the ship actually cuts off around B-G13/14, but I didn't feel like extending the map.

MAP - Below Deck

H = Harbinger
A = Dead Alton
A = Aerys
G = Dead Groddik
R = Dead Rambar
S1-3 = Sea scorpions

Orange stuff are benches, tables or countertops. Red are doors (all actually closed). Brown are walls (impassable unless doored).

All passenger rooms are to the left
B-D1 = Orazio's Room
E-G1 = Konrad's Room
B-C2 = Caerwyn's Room
F-G2 = Toksang's Room
F-G3 = Servin's Room
F-G4 = Sasha's Room
F-G5 = Unclaimed Room
F-G6 = Erid's Room
C-D6 = Gael's Room
B3-4 = Groddik's Room
C4-5 = Unclaimed Room
D4-5 = Gelik's Room
B5-6 = Aerys's Room

Ishirou's and Ieana's Rooms were both on the back of the boat. Crew rooms are down one floor (where G9 leads).

2013-07-30, 06:57 PM
Gael opens his eyes as he hears the sounds of battle below deck.

Those our sounds of battle downstairs! calls the sorcerer to the others. We must go now to help them!

From the corner of his eye, the young Baendor sees the pterosaurs move and, after turning his head towards the crow's nest, he realizes that the reptiles are no longer a threat.

This is our chance! says Gael as he moves towards the lower deck.

Erid, I know you don't like Konrad, but there might be other survivors too! argues the sorcerer to the older warrior without turning back.

In the midtime, his hawk calls once more to the shaman
Big brother Gael, of course! replies the bird to the question posed to him.
Once he senses his master bolting towards the lower decks, Fier bds Tok'Sang farewell Sorry, mister, I have to go! Big brother told me to always stay by his side so no more accidents happen!

Sprinting so fast through the stairs that Fier decides to leave his perch at his brother's shoulder, Gael reaches the bottom to find the knight and his mount under the attack of more eurypterids.

Without stopping to think about his own exhaustion, Gael calls once more upon his mysterious powers and summons another burst of fire

Ras Bayl!

Move to F9
Standard: Cast Burst Burning Flash (3d4 fire damage) to E12, E13, F12, F13
[roll0] (Ref DC 16 for half)


Lvl 1 spells: 2/5

2013-07-30, 07:29 PM
Caerwyn swears, loudly, as his spell utterly fails to do anything. He steps up, reaches out and out some more. Not the time for subtlety. His blond hair unfurls, descends, and keeps going, reaching out to throttle the nearest scorpion even as he flings the dagger in his hand at the vermin. He can feel the edges of a headache coming on already, for a variety of reasons. Behind him, the mage - Gael - runs down the stairs, blazing rather all too literally. Caerwyn was seriously beginning to wish he'd gotten on a different boat. "I don't suppose any of you'd care to explain what in the world is going on?" he asks with a strangled sort of laugh.

5 foot step to E10, then Full Attack S1. If S1 is down, S3 is still in range. Threw the dagger. Yay.

[roll0] [roll1]

2013-07-31, 11:51 AM
The young Mwangi sees the pterosaurs depart with pleasure.

Less useless killing, and less danger for us all.

Hearing Fier address him, he looks at the hawk in complete surprise. He craws back, without thinking : "Really, seven ? You're a tall hawk for your age..." Realizing this probably makes little sense to the bird, he goes on : "Who's your brother, little one ?"

He presently notices that indeed, someone must be in the crow's nest, someone alive, but barely, if the pterosaurs are to be believed.

Momentarily interrupting his chat with the hawk, he turns to Mo'o and utters a very different set of sounds, much more like the cries of the monkeys in the jungle: "Friend, there's someone wounded up at the top of the mast up there. Can you climb to the crow's nest and bring him back to me so I can heal him ?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-07-31, 02:11 PM
Does Orazio make it up the rope?

2013-08-01, 06:24 AM
With Orazio having climbed up the rope, and the other members of their group comfortable with not making a fool out of themselves by attempting to climb when they clearly had no skill in it, Erid decides to allow the rope to use the anchor its owner had provided it with. He's briefly unsure of what to do, so he decides that his time is best spent in the company of the ape that climbs the crow's nest. He stands neat the center of the deck, to avoid any nasty surprises that could send him flailing into the water, and watches Mo'o climb.

2013-08-01, 08:32 PM
Konrad swings his impromptu club around in a wide arc as Harbinger wheels and dances in place, on the deck, seeking to crush the verminous arthropods beneath hoof or splintered spars all but heedless of their needled tails and scything claws! The burst of flame, courtesy of Orazio, draws his attention for but a moment, before Caerwyn curses and launches himself into the fray as well. "We're reclaiming the ship!" he proclaims boldly, even as he ducks beneath the combing for Harbinger to rear and neigh, bringing his hooves down hard towards the skittering sea scorpion. "Or anything of value left on it, or of it anyway." He concedes, before striking out to impale the Scorpion to his left with the splintered end of the club.

5 foot step to occupy E, 11 & F, 11
Mounted Combat Ride Check (DC 16); Conviction spent for two rolls: [roll0]; [roll1]
Konrad Attack against S1: [roll2] (Damage: [roll3])
Harbinger Full Attack against S3: Bite [roll4]; Hooves [roll5]; [roll6] (Damage: Bite [roll7]; Hooves [roll8]; [roll9])

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-02, 12:03 AM
Once on the ship, Orazio surveys his surroundings, and then follows the lead of the others below deck.

2013-08-02, 12:26 AM
Gael burns the two scorpions. Caerwyn moves in, his hair grappling the tail of one before throwing his dagger into it its head. Konrad and Harbinger smash the other. All the creatures lie dead at the feet of their assailants. Aeyrs continues to pound on her door.

Mo'o, ignoring the rigging, shimmies half way up the mast with a prowess only achievable by an ape.

2013-08-02, 11:23 AM
Caerwyn retracts his hair almost all the way back to normal, holding up one lock with disapproval. "Ugh. Bug bits." He lets go and kneels down to pick his dagger gingerly out of the scorpion's head, wiping off the goop that seemed to be attendant with throwing sharp objects into heads. "Reclaiming? Reclaiming's good," he replies to Konrad. Well, it meant that 'big rocks' probably equated to a horrible crash, but yanno. People. We. So some survivors. He looks over at Aerys' cabin. "Someone should probably go help her out. Things of value, right?" Groddik's corpse draws Caerwyn's eye involuntarily and he stands and walks down the hall, entering the late bounty hunter's room. "Gotcha."

2013-08-02, 12:38 PM
As the ruckus downstairs calms down and he can't hear calls for help, Tok'sang confidently concludes that whatever happened there is no longer a threat to the group. He just waits to Mo'o to come back down, hopefully carrying a survivor and not a corpse.

2013-08-02, 03:40 PM
Gael sighs with relief as the sea scorpions are eliminated without any further casualties. Releasing his hold on his powers, the sorcerer's eyes immediately search for any fires that might have started due to his spell: The survivors would need every resource they could retrieve from the Jenevere, and a burning ship was not exactly the best place to scourge for materials.

If there is any fire
Seeing some small flames, the young sorcerer once again calls upon his powers

Tral Orif! exclaims Gael as a faint light blue light emanates from underneath his robes).

Immediately, thin layers of frost begin to cover the wood surrounding the fires, eventually extinguishing the flames.

That taken care of, Gael assesses the situation.

We'll explain more later says the sorcerer to Caerwyn (not trying to think too hard about how his hair had come to life on its own. After all, how could Gael judge someone else for strange powers?) but we are stranded at an unfamiliar location. We are looking for other survivors and provisions so we can hold out until we figure out what to do next.

Prioritize food, weapons and tools over just gold! calls Gael to the half elf as he walks away, seeing that Caerwyn was already in full... reclaiming mode (Gael has to remind himself that the circumstances were too dire to call it looting)

Next, the sorcerer turns to knight and his steed.

Konrad, it might be best if you take Harbringer above deck. Orazio or Tok'sang might be able to heal him suggest Gael, noticing that the stallion had been severely wounded in battle. We can take care of this floor. But please come back when you are able: we might still need your sword arm when we go to the lower holds when searching for survivors

As if on cue, the sorcerer hears the sounds coming from Aerys' cabin.

Aerys! calls Gael to the Half-elf woman as he begins to pull the table and bench from her door We will get you out of there in a moment! Are you hurt?

Not sure if a roll is needed for this (I sincerely hope not). Gael has a STR of 13, which means that he can pull up to 300lbs off ground and push/drag up to 750lbs.
If a roll is necessary [roll0] (+1 if it is a STR check)

2013-08-02, 07:10 PM
It takes only little effort for Gael to pry the table that got wedged between Aerys's door and the wall out of its place. Once done, the sharp woman strides out of her room, her eyes bloodshot and the stink of rum thick about her. "Thanks," she utters to Gael, though there doesn't seem to be much gratitude in it, more impatience. She curses under her breath as she takes in the three corpses. "How many others survived?"

Caerwyn loots the dead man's room. There is a polished suit of fine chainmail, but with the size of the former owner, it is unclear whether it would fit worse on Konrad or his horse. His footlocker contains a expertly crafted dagger with an ivory hilt, along with two other, more mundane, blades. A pile of coins and a small ruby reside in a small leather pouch.
8 pp, 51 gp, 17 sp, 15 cp
A ruby worth ~200 gp
Masterwork chainmail (fits no one without a resizing)
Masterwork dagger
2 daggers

It takes Mo'o longer than Tok'sang would have guessed, but eventually the ape begins his descent with a halfling held tight. At the bottom, Tok'sang recognizes the man as Daxtin, the ship's navigator. A vile gash crusted with dried blood streaks across his forehead, and the left side of his face and chestnut hair is coated in blood likely from the same wound. In truth, it doesn't look fatal, though it could have been days before he'd wake on his own. Lying in the crow's nest, exposure would have taken him eventually. A hemp rope is tied tight around the halfling's waist - the other end was very recently chewed off by Mo'o.

Gelik ascends the rope as well, and finally clambers onto the deck. "Oh, the navigator! What a delight! Now, where did I put my things..." the gnome scurries below deck toward his room.

2013-08-02, 08:01 PM
Gael has to summon most of his willpower not to start scolding the woman for both her inebriated state and ungrateful attitude.

There are more important things thinks the sorcerer

We don't know yet. So far, you are the tenth person. But there might be more says the young Baendor, not realizing he had counted Fier among the humanoids.

Gael turns toward the others.

We first need to check the lower holds for more survivors. After, we will check the too s systematically.

Can anyone detect magic? asks the sorcerer, remembering the mercenary's magic sword and hoping the group could find that and other treasures that would help with the survival of the group.

2013-08-02, 08:05 PM
"If you want food, loot the kitchen! 'Course, I wouldn't exactly call that food..." Caerwyn yells back over his shoulder. He slides the gem carefully into a hidden pocket of his clothes, leaving the coins behind. Groddik had to have some money on him. Big rich bounty hunting man like that. Of course, the gem was the most valuable thing in the bag. They didn't need to know that though. "Really? Thinking about coin at a time like this?" Damned link letting it hear his thoughts. Damned bird not knowing when to close its mouth. "Can it," Caerwyn snaps. The bird obediently falls silent, though he can practically feel its disapproving glare. Yeah, no, definitely leaving the coin.

Next thing. Big thing. Really big thing. "Oy! Big man! Your horse need some armor?" He throws the massive suit of chainmail aside and lifts out the daggers instead. Shiny.

Taking the daggers in one hand and the money bag in the other, Caerwyn heads back to the main room with a triumphant grin. "Who's here that's still wanting for a blade? Got a few of them. Armor's still back there if you want it, but I wasn't joking when I said it's sized better for a horse than a man." He waves the daggers around like a fan, flinching slightly as one blade comes entirely too close to his skin for comfort. Carefully repositioning them into a more holdable formation, he quickly changes the subject. "There was some coin too, of course. But since it's not that important...." He hangs the bag from his belt with an exaggerated motion, fully expecting it to be ripped away. It didn't matter. Let them have their petty coin.

Untrained Sleight of Hand to hide the ruby: [roll0]
Includes +2 bonus from outfit.

2013-08-02, 08:34 PM
Konrad eye nods in ascent to Gael's suggestion, he dismounts from Harbinger and runs a hand over one of the shallower cuts along his flank, causing the charger to shudder involuntarily. "Just as soon as I've retrieved the gear from my own cabin." He replies just before Caerwyn tosses to him the suit of chainmail. Scrutinizing the oversized mesh of interlocking steel ringlets he lifts it up and drapes it over Harbinger, but only to store it.

"I've better armor in my cabin, and Harbinger already has a suit of his own, but I'll hold onto it in lieu of those daggers. Oh, and don't be so quick to pocket that fancy knife the bounty hunter was always bragging about." he arches an eyebrow at the man. "I'd wager it's worth a fair penny, and gold will be as important as anything if it comes time to have to barter passage off this rock. If you'd prefer, I can keep track of any gold between the two of us, since these others don't seem as interested . . . " Proffering his hand, Konrad's tone makes it clear he's rather insistent on an equal share in whatever is found.

Rather than wait for an answer though, he decides it best to make sure he at least still has what he started with, and rounding them makes for his own cabin to procure his armor, weapons and whatever remains of his personal effects from the wreck.

2013-08-02, 09:15 PM
Caerwyn reaches into the stolen money pouch... and he's gone. So much for fair share, then. "Fine with me. Fair's good. I'll just go see about the rest of the stuff. Down there. See about things." Honestly, hanging around at Alton's corpse made him uncomfortable. He'd kind of liked the man. Barely even looking, he swaps the scorpion-brain dagger for Groddik's shiny one, then puts the three ordinary ones back into his backpack. Horse man could come for his loot later. "I'll be right back." He flashes a grin at the sorcerer, the drunk, and the new arrival on the stairs, then very nearly bolts down the next flight to see. See whatever there was down there. Loot the rooms. And knife those creepy prisoners in the face. That too. Bounty be damned, he was not dragging those two crazy bastards to the authorities in godsonlyknewwhere. He'd spent too long in close quarters with them already.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-03, 12:08 AM
"I have a knack for sensing magic," Orazio offers when Gael asks who can cast spells to detect it.

He looks about the innards of the ship at the damage, to see if they're in danger of it breaking apart while aboard.

Would a Survival check work?: [roll0]

2013-08-03, 12:23 AM
Tok'sang takes the unfortunate navigator from Mo'o's surprisingly gentle hands, to have him lie on the deck in as comfortable a position as he can find. He checks the wound, finding it unlikely to be fatal, and tries his best to revive the unconscious halfling. He says another few phrases in his mystic language,

"Esprit de la source
Fais couler ton eau vive
Que ta fraîcheur douce
Sa conscience ravive"

and a few drops of water appear at the young man's fingertips, soon increasing to a gentle flow straight out of his hands, which he uses to clean the wound with soft, precise moves, before he slowly pries open the halfling's mouth to give him to drink.

Casting Create Water.
Heal [roll0]

2013-08-03, 01:23 AM
Wait! calls Gael after Caerwyn There might be more enemies below decks!!

They are not like children, they are worse!!! thinks the sorcerer as he sprints after the witch to the lower holds.

2013-08-04, 01:23 AM
Caerwyn and Gael head below decks to the crew quarters. Halfway down the stairs the damage is evident. The floor of the deck is torn and shredded - planks are twisted, sundered or completely missing. The benches here are fastened in place, and although many used to be there, only three oars sit with the tips just protruding from the ship. In a few uneven places, puddles linger - mere vestiges of the torrents which raged here when the ship broke. What bodies rowed were dragged out to the open sea - many likely screaming into waters that couldn't care. In trying to guide the ship to safety, the crew drowned. Those who didn't pass out from the poisons met Gozreh at his favored realm. Not a body remains, but the aura of death clings to the air.

Above, Daxtin instinctively swallows the water Tok'sang provides, which helps his condition significantly. With either a few days of rest and care or magical healing, he will likely be as good as new. Orazio decides that the ship seems stable enough. Short of a major swell, it should sit comfortably for a few days.

Konrad and other retrieve all of their supplies, as well as ransacking the abandoned rooms.

Below decks, aside from your own things, you find:
- 50 meals worth of food stuffs
- Flint, steel and tinder
- 5 uses of expectorant (can start a fire even in the worst rain).

Servin's Room:
- Longsword
- Dagger
- Heavy crossbow (x5 bolts)
- Heavy steel shield
- Chain shirt

Sasha's Room:
- Masterwork rapier
- Chain shirt

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-04, 02:48 AM
Deciding things were okay, Orazio checks his cabin for supplies.

2013-08-04, 04:54 AM
Seeing that Daxtin is now in a more stable condition, Tok'sang goes below deck, in search of Orazio.

"Sir, it's not presently urgent, but if you can provide more healing, it would be good for Daxtin."

He then goes to retrieve his modest possessions, and gather as much foodstuffs as possible for the days ahead. Finally, he examines the corpses for clues as to the cause of their death.

Heal checks to analyze the bodies.
Alton [roll0]
Groddik [roll1]
Rambar [roll2]

2013-08-04, 08:03 AM
Orazio collects the rest of his gear from his room.

Tok'sang examines the three bodies in turn. The wounds on Alton - deep narrow punctures, scrapes and blood blisters, as well as the excessive pallor, even in death, on his skin indicating a venom - strongly suggest that he was killed by the eurypterids. His lingering temperature suggests he died within the hour, perhaps even shortly before you arrived.

Groddik and Rambar have both been dead much longer, but it unclear how long ago. The burly half-orc has several gouges in his flesh which look to have been delivered by a blade. Across his stomach is the killing wound, a deep cut horizontally across his stomach. Oddly enough, he also has four puncture wounds on his shoulders that don't match with the eurypterid stinger. Rambar, on the other hand, has some bruising on his skull and a broken neck. From his final position, you'd guess the bruise and broken neck both came from his crashing into the wall.

The cargo hold where Tok'sang and Caerwyn long made their homes was once below decks separated from the crew who were rowing only by a partition. Though some of the cargo may wash up on shore, for the moment it is lost, taken by the sea. The same can be said of Ieana, Ishirou, the prisoners and whoever or whatever else had been in the back third of the ship.

OOCEveryone can assume they've replaced their own gear.

2013-08-04, 01:49 PM
A wave of relief nearly as satisfying as discovering Harbinger alive and well washes over Konrad as he finds his weapons and armor where he'd left them in his cabin. Taking up his sword, his lance, his cavalry hammer, he checks each one in turn for sides of rust and water, resolving to oil and dry them as soon as they get off this miserable wreck of a boat. Retrieving his equipment, he comes out to Harbinger, stacking and collecting them together in his saddle bags meeting Caerwyn and Gael."Food, supplies, enough equipment to build a camp as soon as we find an appropriate site. Has anyone seen about discovering where we are yet? Surely the captain had some record of our course or at least charts indicating where we could be now . . "

2013-08-04, 02:39 PM
Caerwyn just stares at the water, gripping the railing of the staircase. If he had still been down there... if he hadn't been discovered... all those dead people.... He begins to laugh, shaking his head, locked arm and stiff grip more or less the only thing even keeping him upright. "Well, this day just keeps getting better and better."

He pivots and charges back up the stairs, nearly crashing into Konrad on his way down. "You really don't want to go down there. It's a real mess," he says, stepping past the other man carefully. "Food's good. I like eating. No idea where we are though. Searching the captain's cabin sounds like a decent plan. Can't hurt, anyways." He heads up to the deck of the ship. Mostly to find the captain's cabin, but also just to see where they are.

2013-08-04, 04:48 PM
A silent Tok'sang follows Caerwyn and Konrad on the deck, towards the captain's quarters. At a sudden inspiration, he steps up, gives an intent look at his fellow survivors while putting a finger on closed lips, and cautiously places his ear to the door.

perception [roll0]

2013-08-04, 06:27 PM
Tok'sang hears nothing but the groans of the ship.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-04, 11:42 PM
Orazio rejoins the others.

"You seem concerned, Tok'sang. Is something wrong?"

2013-08-05, 01:45 AM
"I wonder what we will find inside. I can't hear anything threatening though. Let's see."

He attempts to open the door.

2013-08-05, 12:26 PM
Maybe it was the rush of adrenaline wearing out, but seeing the desolation in the lower deck drives home to the so far calm Gael both the sadness of having lost so many lives and the severity of the situation all the survivors were in.

He could vaguely hear Caerwyn and Konrad on the background, but their voices were distant. For what felt like an eternity, all the sorcerer could do was to stand and stare at the scene while fighting cyclic impulses of nausea, ire, and desperation.

Suddenly, Gael feels a reassuring weight in his shoulder. Seeing Fier reminded the sorcerer that he had to make it through this wreck of a situation (pun only slightly intended) not only for himself, but also to return his brother back into a human.

Just like you told Fier and Allanor countless times, don't mope about what is already broken and work on what you can do to fix it the young Baendor tells himself First I need to get my own gear

With resolution in his heart and a specific task to do in his mind, Gael goes to what used to be his cabin and retrieves his belongings and heads above decks. Seeing that the others are about to investigate the captain's quarters, the sorcerer joins Tok'Sang and Orazio.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-05, 01:04 PM
Orazio greets Gael as he arrives.

"What was going on down here? I heard the sounds of battle when I got aboard, but I apparently missed whatever fight was happening."

2013-08-05, 01:35 PM
Orazio greets Gael as he arrives.

"What was going on down here? I heard the sounds of battle when I got aboard, but I apparently missed whatever fight was happening."

There were more sea scorpions attacking two more survivors, Caerwyn and Aerys, and Konrad's horse. . replies Gael looking at the floor briefly, the mention of the creatures reminding him of Tok'Sang earlier call on his bluff and making Gael feel slightly embarrassed (well, at least the shaman had realized the good intentions behind his lie).

Fortunately, we were able to kill them without any casualties. But Alton, Groddik and Rambar were not so lucky... continues the sorcerer with a sad voice.

After that, we searched the ship and have not found any other dangers yet. finishes the young Baendor, worried that the captain's cabin might break their very recent peaceful streak.

2013-08-05, 01:48 PM
The heavy oak door sticks, warped from years at sea, but a harder shove grants access to the captain's quarters. The room contains a large and comfortable looking bed, a heavy ebony desk - which was overturned in the crash - with several drawers, a door into what you guess is a supply closet, a heavy footlocker bolted to the floor and a gaping hole in the wall where the jagged cliff scraped into the side.

Closer examination reveals that, in addition to a dozen identical outfits the captain always wore, the closet is full of tools and supplies - including a block and tackle, three large canvas sheets, two fishing nets, two bullseye lanterns, twelve flasks of lantern oil, a grappling hook, 150 feet of hemp rope and five shovels.

The upper drawer of the desk contains a large brass ring with over a dozen keys attached, several ink wells and pens, a small flask of pungent brandy and various assorted rocks with interesting colors and patterns, but little to no market value. The middle drawer contains several maps, a large one marking the entire planned trajectory of the Jeneviere, as well as several smaller maps, detailing specific regions. The bottom drawer is locked and does not respond to the keys.

The lock on the heavy footlocker, however, does. It contains a well-crafted dagger, a suit of leather armor, two flasks containing a hazy white fluid, a holy symbol of Nethys, a small pouch which appears to be a spell component pouch.

2013-08-05, 02:09 PM
Gael looks through the cabin's belongings and exhales with relief as he sees the canvas sheets and the shovels

These will be very useful when making a camp says the sorcerer to the others

Not knowing what to do about the potions or the drawer (he had never learned neither about alchemy nor lockpicking), Gael turns his concentration to the maps, trying to see if he could parse where the Jenever had crashed...

After his examination, Gael proceeds to ask the other survivors if anyone knows how to pick a lock, going through the ship as necessary to make sure he has asked everyone.

2013-08-05, 08:31 PM
Konrad nods in ascent as they enter the cabin, leaving Harbinger outside with his gear and the assorted equipment foraged from the other cabins. "No other threats no, but a goodly amount of supplies." Konrad adds to Gael's explanation for Orazio. "Once we've finished with the captain's cabin we should assemble it on the deck and divvy up who can best make use of what."

Once the Captain Kovack's cabin is opened, Konrad strides inside, having fastened his scabbard to his belt around his tunic, hand on the hilt, wary of whatever might be inside. A quick review reveals no dangers though, and several useful items aside. "Indeed they shall." he murmurs in agreement to Gael, hefting several of the spades himself in preparation for adding them to the other items Harbinger carries. Though he had lived his whole life in his family's aging manor in Westcrown, and by no means enjoyed the privileges of the truly wealthy and prestigious of the Chelish elite, he had wanted for nothing, and now awaited testing himself against the elements and nature with a certain amount of relish. His skeptical of course wondered how long that would last, but for now he was content to approach the matter with renewed enthusiasm.

The captain's footlocker containing some personal effects, and some which don't strike him as so personal to the captain, he examines them for both worth and any indication of belonging.

Appraise Check on contents of Footlocker (Dagger, leather armor, potions, holy symbol): [roll0]

2013-08-05, 10:16 PM
Caerwyn examines the room in a rushed, erratic, manner, moving around seemingly at random. He stares out the hole in the wall of the cabin, critically examines the block, tackle, and fishing nets before wadding them into one great tangle and throwing them in the general direction of the door, puts on one of the captain's jackets, snatches up a couple of the pretty rocks, pops the cork out of the brandy bottle and inhales the scent of good alcohol. Gael's question about the drawer derails Caerwyn's chaotic exploration and he spins to face the other man, nodding vigorously and very nearly spilling brandy on his new jacket. "I can do locks. I'm good at locks."

Caerwyn's hair extends from his shoulders to his belt, locks of hair picking up thin little metal tools and reaching down to begin fiddling with the locked drawer. Meanwhile, his hands jam the cork back into the bottle of brandy, carefully wrap it in one of the captain's nice white shirts, and put it away in his backpack. Only then does he, quite abruptly, drop to his knees and begin examining the stuck drawer more intently, working at the lock with suddenly single-minded focus and entirely too many functional appendages.

Focus on looting the room or flip out because dead bodies and being stranded and this was SO not the plan. Personal loot from this room: Captain's jacket, nice white shirt, bottle of brandy, two pretty rocks. I think Caerwyn will almost always sneak something from the loot, but it will pretty much never be the most valuable item.

Let's see about this lock, shall we? [roll0]
EDIT: Can I just take 20?

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-05, 10:21 PM
Orazio's stomach turns as he sees Caerwyn's unique...talent.

"Um...and you are?"

2013-08-05, 10:44 PM
"A survivor. Name's Caerwyn." He makes a face as the tools go in a way he didn't like much. "Blasted lock!" Kovack's jacket hangs a bit too loose on his skinny elven frame, and doesn't really go with the rest of his mussed and faded clothing. He swaps out one of the bent metal tools in his hair for another and continues talking, too focused on unsticking the damned lock to do something so trivial as pay attention to a stranger's discomfort. The guy hadn't started panicking in earnest or yelling, so Caerwyn figured it was probably alright. "Ex-stowaway. I'm glad Devers is-" he breaks off, frowns, and corrects himself. "Was a perceptive and merciful man, else I'd not be standing- well, kneeling, but you get the idea- here right now. You?

2013-08-05, 11:27 PM
It takes several minutes, but eventually, with tools and hair, Caerwyn is able to unlock the drawer. Upon opening it, it reveals a bottle of fine brandy - the same contained in the smaller flask, a darkwood model of the Jenivere in a glass bottle, a small coffer containing 338 gp, Alizandru Kovack's journal and a long leather satchel that holds a dozen potions: four potions appearing to contain the same hazy white fluid as the two in the footlocker, a potion with an opaque white fluid, four potions with a clear blue liquid, one flask with a thick yellow syrup that flows only a little more quickly than honey, a thin, yet opaque ochre liquid, and a pleasant smelling purple juice.

@KonradKonrad can tell that the dagger is valuable, the craftsmanship in the blade and hilt gives it a value of at least 250 gold. The holy symbol does not appear to be particularly valuable - probably less than 10 gp. The leather armor is typical. As for the potions, Konrad does not know what they do, so he doesn't know their value or lack thereof.

@GaelGael hadn't paid much attention to the details of the trip. On the large map detailing the whole journey, there is little between Senghor and Eledar. It could be that you've crashed anywhere along the coast. However, a close up map of the Desperation Bay reveals a small island that is only labelled as "Danger - Avoid."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-05, 11:46 PM
"A survivor. Name's Caerwyn." He makes a face as the tools go in a way he didn't like much. "Blasted lock!" Kovack's jacket hangs a bit too loose on his skinny elven frame, and doesn't really go with the rest of his mussed and faded clothing. He swaps out one of the bent metal tools in his hair for another and continues talking, too focused on unsticking the damned lock to do something so trivial as pay attention to a stranger's discomfort. The guy hadn't started panicking in earnest or yelling, so Caerwyn figured it was probably alright. "Ex-stowaway. I'm glad Devers is-" he breaks off, frowns, and corrects himself. "Was a perceptive and merciful man, else I'd not be standing- well, kneeling, but you get the idea- here right now. You?

"A passenger. Call me Orazio. I didn't mean to stare. It's just...rare to see magic like that."

2013-08-06, 12:14 AM
"Nice to meet you, Orazio." Caerwyn's hair returns to normal, snapping back with little cracking sounds as he methodically empties the drawer. "And you can stare if you want. I don't mind." He wraps up the bottle of brandy next to the flask and puts it back into his bag. Balances the ship-in-a-bottle on the overturned desk. Pulls out the satchel, examining every bottle in turn. Opens the coffer, eyeballing the amount of coins in there. Tosses the platinum coins from Groddik's room in. Shuts it again with rather excessive force. "Oy! Horse man! Your share's in here. Lots of coin. Shiny. Mostly gold, little platinum. Should be more than enough to equal the daggers." He shoves the box in Konrad's general direction, and picks up the little dark book in the drawer, opening it to a random page. Aha! This might help. He holds it up to draw attention. "This one's Kovack's. Diary or something. Someone read it, maybe? I want to see if I can figure out these potions."

Caerwyn sets Kovack's diary on the nearest leg of the overturned desk. Without any more fanfare or sudden distraction, he snatches up the entire satchel and moves to the bed, sitting down hard on the nice mattress. He picks out one of each type of potion. Cloudy white, linen white, glassy blue, golden syrup, orangey liquid, perfumed purple. He fishes in his pocket for the now rather mussed bird, and sets it on his shoulder, close to his ear. Carefully, he lifts up each potion in turn, examining the color and the texture of the liquid contained within. Opens it up to smell. For some, he takes one of his little metal tools, dips the very end into the potion, and licks it. For others, he dabs a drop into his hand and rubs it with the tip of his finger, trying to get a feel for the texture. After he's done, or at least can't figure out any other way to test it, he closes the bottle again and sets it down. At the end, he washes out the aftertaste of mixed potion and metal with a long swig of Kovack's brandy, holding it in his mouth and savoring the taste before swallowing.

Trying to identify all the potions. Includes Alertness bonus from That Bird.

Hazy White: [roll0]
Opaque White: [roll1]
Clear Blue: [roll2]
Thick Yellow: [roll3]
Thin Ochre: [roll4]
Pungent Purple: [roll5]

2013-08-06, 02:32 AM
"Konrad, you blaggard." Replies 'horse man' to Caerwyn's offer of the sack of coins, but he grins and clearly means it in good fun, "My name is Konrad, and my horse is Harbinger."

He reaches out his hand to take the sack of coins, proffering the dagger in the other, and weighs them both in hand before handing it over. He then puts an eye to the rest of the gear assembled hear in the cabin, particularly the potions, and then the spades & canvas, as if similarly weighing their potential weight against the bag of coins in his hand. "Assuming all parties to have an equal share in this venture," he says, "I imagine we should divvy up whatever supplies we have found on deck, in full view of our partners. However," he lets the word hang in a moment, looking from Caerwyn to Orazio and back again, "I'd be willing to forego my own share in all but a bit of the food for myself and Harbinger, in exchange for equal worth in coin. It's up to you all of course what you consider most valuable, but should I die with full pockets, you're of course free to claim it all anyway."

Putting up his hands, he shrugs, "That is though a matter I think best discussed once we have taken a full inventory." he looks rather pointedly at Caerwyn and all that his prehensile hair and affinity for locks seems to suggest. "For the moment, I'm more interested in the Captain's journal, and those charts, and what they might reveal about where we are in the first place."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-06, 11:33 AM
"I have a great interest in unusual kinds of magic. I seek it out in an attempt to understand my own condition."

He picks up the journal and starts thumbing through it, focusing mostly on the last few entries. He wondered if there was some indication as to where they'd been around that time that may explain their current location. With his luck, however, it was likely they were on that island on the map marked DANGER!

"What good is money to you out here, Konrad?" Orazio asks, not looking up from the book. "Let's get off this wreck before we start worrying about who gets what."

2013-08-06, 12:12 PM
"What good is money to you out here, Konrad?" Orazio asks, not looking up from the book. "Let's get off this wreck before we start worrying about who gets what."

"Coin is worth whatever people are willing to pay for it. In this case, you say the gold is worthless, and the spades and canvas and fishing gear just the opposite; so you should have no complaints about me taking my share of the Jenivere's bounty in coin, nor, when I choose to claim it." Konrad replies, with all the haughty respect of a taxman.

2013-08-06, 12:26 PM
Initially, the entries in the journal are almost absurdly businesslike, reliably entered like clockwork once every day – sometimes more often when storms, ship conflict, or port activity demanded. The information is delivered as data concerning the running of the ship, transfer of cargo, conflicts on board – the man provided no insights, personal views or opinions. However, near Ilizmagorti on the journey, the context of the entries changed.

Entries from Kovack's Journal
Sarenith 1st, 4710: Prisoner Derindi is behaving well. Passenger Grottian is on friendly terms with several of the crew. Passenger von Holstein's derogatory treatment of others and atypical treatment of his horse does not seem to be affecting ship morale adversely. Should continue to monitor his behavior in case it does becomes a problem. Navigator Jallisal remains confident that he can get us to Ilizmagorti and around the eye.

Sarenith 2nd, 4710: Morale is good. First Mate Devers is engaging with passengers congenially. This behavior should be encouraged as long as it does not extend to the crew.

Sarenith 3th, 4710: Passenger Aberwhinge and crewman Saias had an altercation this evening. Saias has been advised that she will be left at the next port without pay if further altercations ensure. Aberwhinge has been advised to avoid and certainly not provoke Saias further. Morale seems lower, but not a cause for concern.

Sarenith 4th, 4710: The report of ape-like hooting in the cargo hold seem to be unfounded. Navigator Jallisal remains confident we will arrive in Ilizmagorti tomorrow. Several crates will need to be unloaded.

Sarenith 5th, 4710: Our journey to Ilizmagorti was successful. Navigator Jallisal's predictions were on course. Three crates from E.K. Shipping Co. of Pezzeck unloaded. Six crates from Veris and Sons Shipping of Corentyn unloaded. No complications.

Sarenith 7th, 4710: Passenger, Sasha Nevah - destination Eleder for 12sp,3cp – paid in full. Six crates of cargo loaded from I.I. Shipping destined for Bloodcove. Two crates of cargo loaded from I.I. Shipping destined for Eleder.

Sarenith 9th, 4710: Passenger Nevah and crewman Braddock engaged in a minor altercation. No action was needed. On a personal note: Passenger Surtova's company the past few days has been delightful.

Sarenith 10th, 4710: Crewman Saias fell from the rigging. Her injuries are not life-threatening but inhibit duty. Passenger Caan has experience and offered to fill in for her on rigging duty. Passenger Surtova is by far the most beautiful woman in all of Golarion.

Sarenith 12st, 4710: Ieana is perfect. Every day is a joy, even with the winds of the eye. I think the storm is romantic. With a little rain, perhaps she'll see the romance too and focus on me instead of her books.

Sarenith 14st, 4710: Happy at sea with the woman for me, Ieana Surtova my one true love-a
Needs some work...

Sarenith 17st, 4710: Ieana and I are both sea sick. I'm trying to take care of my love, but it is hard when I am so ill too.

Sarenith 21st, 4710: Ieana blames me for her sea sickness. I tried to blame Daxtin, but she wouldn't listen. Doesn't she know how much I love her?!

Sarenith 25st, 4710: It's been days, Ieana won't leave her studies. I want to take her out somewhere in Ollo to show her my love, but she won't listen...

Sarenith 30st, 4710: I think I'll get flowers for Ieana in Quent, I bet she'll love that.

Erastus 3st, 4710: One of the prisoners escaped and Alton and the passengers wouldn't shut up about it. My love for Ieana is more important than this nonsense! I've made it very clear to Alton that he can do all the captain things and I will just focus on Ieana.

Erastus 8st, 4710: Several members of the crew keep looking at my Ieana. I hinted to Alton about this – Steffin was nearby, I think he wants her – so I spoke in code. I think Alton will put a stop to this.

Erastus 10st, 4710: Alton did nothing!!! The crew is still after her – some of the passengers too. I bet Alton wants her. Him and Steffin must be teaming up against me. I won't be fooled. I will have the last laugh.

Erastus 12th, 4710: I've been bringing my love her food. To keep the crew away, I've been locking the door to my cabin for her safety. She still doesn't know. Away from the eyes of the crew they will forget her beauty and... oh, how could any ever forget her beauty! I'll have to protect her. I must!

Erastus 19th, 4710: Alton is trying to steal her. I know it! I wish there would be some accident and he'd disappear. Perhaps it is time to consider having an ''accident'' at him... I shall speak with my love about this.

Erastus 29th, 4710: It had been days since my true love last blessed me with her attention, but today she requested that I set course for Smuggler's Shiv. The island is death, but my love for Ieana transcends death. We shall go there.

Arodus 1st, 4710: That navigator won't shut up! He can't foil our plans. Ieana and I will rule Smuggler's Shiv. She will be the queen and I her king. I had hoped the crew could become our subjects, but something may need to be done about them instead...

Arodus 2st, 4710: Ieana and I prepare for our journey. I'm not happy about it, but she insists we bring one other. She decreed it would be Alton. I was afraid they had a covert romance, and by watching Ieana ever second of every day I could prevent them from speaking, but they must have been seeing each other when I slept. It pains me that I had to sleep. She insists I am her true love and Alton will be just a servant. Perhaps he can die in the crash. It would be better that way.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-06, 12:37 PM
Orazio's eyes widen as he reads the journal. This was more than simple bad luck, this was an intentional plot.

"Oh sh*t! This was no accident. Everyone, let's get these supplies off the ship and then convene for a meeting. I think everybody should hear this."

2013-08-06, 12:39 PM
Tok'sang watches the proceedings with somewhat bemused interest and curiosity. The curiosity and interest are for Caerwyn's impressive display of hair manipulation, which is quite an education for the young Zenj. Bemusement is with respect to the whole discussion of sharing and value of the goods found aboard - nothing could be more alien to the apprentice shaman from the tribe by the great river. He's kind of relieved when he hears Orazio's remark as to the value of money in their present circumstances.

At least, something said, that makes sense...

Snapping out of his reverie, he steps towards the map and journal. Here's something that could help them find out where the ship met its doom.

"No accident, yes. That much is clear. Smuggler's Shiv... I don't know these parts, never heard of the place. Sir Orazio, do you think you could revive the navigator ? His life is no longer at risk, but he wouldn't wake. He certainly can tell us more about here... Obviously a very dangerous place, according to these notes."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-06, 12:40 PM
"Take me to him. I should have enough strength to cast at least one more spell before the day is done."

2013-08-06, 12:54 PM
Tok'sang leads Orazio towards the place on the deck where he left the unconscious Daxtin after he had mended him a little.

"At this rate, tomorrow I will have to ask the spirits for healing powers as well. The burden of taking care of so many of us shouldn't fall entirely on you, Sir."

2013-08-06, 01:01 PM
Gael's hands instinctively begin to reaccommodate his slightly tattered robes as he hears Orazio talk about "unusual magics" and "conditions". Logically, the sorcerer understood that the other survivors had already seen him use his powers several times, so there was little point in hiding the strange glyphs carved in his skin. But Gael had spent the better part of the last six months keeping his magic and Fier's condition a secret, and he not longer knew even how to begin approach the subject.

It might be a good idea to talk to Orazio in private. We seem to be in the same boat thinks the young Baendor, smiling at his own joke as he stands next to the oracle and also tries to read the captain's journal.

But his reading is abruptly interrupted.

When Caerwyn starts talking about "shares" with Konrad Gael looks at the witch with a shocked expression. The sorcerer is rendered speechless for long enough for the knight to respond and his response was not encouraging(although he at LEAST talked about including all survivors)

Do they not understand how dire our situation is!? thinks an aghast Gael, his shock quickly turning into anger...

The sorcerer takes a deep breath and forces himself to calm down. Fortunately, it would seem that Orazio had a similar opinion

"Konrad, Caerwyn calls the sorcerer to the two "entrepreneurs" in a calm voice we might ALL have a better chance to survive if we all share all resources. If we start dividing up what little we have, every other survivor might be missing a fundamental tool for survival. We are all stranded together, so we should all work together to get out.

But I agree with Konrad, this decision should be made with everyone present once we have all the resources and information available" Gael adds in an attempt to keep the peace.

The sorcerer then turns back to the journal, just in time to see the last few entries...

If the oracle had not cursed so aptly, Gael might have done the same, Fier present or not.

"Orazio is right. Let's help the other survivors out and take everything we can use. I don't know about this "Smuggler's Shiv" but I bet it is in this "Danger" area" says the sorcerer pointing at the appropriate map.

Following his own advice, Gael starts to carry anything that might help with survival from the cabin out to the main deck.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-06, 01:24 PM
Orazio takes the journal and goes to the other people still on the boat.

"We need to get everything we can off this boat, now. We're in a lot of trouble here. I'll explain once we're all gathered."

2013-08-06, 02:45 PM
Konrad is wary of both Gael's flustered talk of equal shares in survival, and Orazio's sudden urgency for them to leave the ship, but nods in acquiescence, if only for the sake of settling the matter for the moment. "Let's get on deck then, Everyone takes as much as they can carry of what's here and then we'll have to see about a way to get Harbinger off the wreck as well."

2013-08-06, 03:56 PM
"Didn't think fancy boys like you swore." Caerwyn comments idly at Orazio's retreating back. He stuffs the potions back into their bag, slings the satchel over his shoulder, and runs out to the deck. The glass clinks together as he moves. "Captain's got some nice stuff! Healing, mostly. Healing's good, right? You need some of that for Daxtin?" he asks, depositing the satchel next to the unconscious halfling. "Ooh, he doesn't look too good. Try one of the white ones. Cloudy, not whitewash-y. Should help fix him up."

He stands and heads back in to the captain's cabin, working with Gael to pile everything outside the door. He's not using his hair anymore - it's quite tiresome, really, after a while. "It's just coin, you know," he points out to Gael as he folds up the canvas and moves it outside. He returns for the shovels and to make more comments. "Makes him happy to have it." He has to make two trips for the shovels. "Don't see why Konrad can't keep the coin. Not like there's any stores out here for him to buy stuff at." He shoves the ruby a little deeper into his pocket and hefts the rope. There was a lot of rope. "Chainmail - don't think anyone can use it, not without some serious messing. Some daggers. Whatever there was in the other quarters. Hey, you said there were ten survivors? Who are they?"

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-06, 06:11 PM
"Let's get OFF deck, Konrad. I don't want to spend another minute on this ill-starred wreck."

Orazio approaches the navigator and kneels next to him. He begins the chanting again, and once again, the multicolored fire emanates from his burnt hands, enveloping the navigator and restoring vitality to him.

2013-08-07, 01:49 AM
Orazio's growing discontent and insistence at abandoning the Jenivere post haste grate against Konrad's nerves, but with little reason to argue or make a fuss, he does his share, seeing to it that he and Harbinger are as loaded down with whatever of value is left on board as possible, making for the upper deck and subsequently the railing, examining the best way to get himself and his steed back to the beach.

"If there's enough rope, I believe I can convince Harbinger to be lowered down without too much fuss. In fact . . . " he considers for a moment, examining the available canvas and line and spare timber lying about them. "I'll admit I've never done it myself, but if we could rig up some sort of harness or pallet, we could use it to move down the supplies as well. Anyone feel up to that?"

2013-08-07, 02:32 AM
Tok'sang keeps an eye on Daxtin still, hoping that the halfling regains enough consciousness so he won't have to be carried off the wreck of the Jenivere. He also hears the discussion between Konrad and Orazio.

"Sir Orazio, I understand we need to go on land and find our way, but why the haste ? Is there an immediate danger ?

We should make sure we've salvaged everything we can use later, and that everybody can get down safely. This horse here is in no shape to just jump into the sea, I wonder how we are going to lower him down. Also, there's the matter of the dead, and the rites we owe their spirits. We can do that on the beach, but first we must carry them down."

2013-08-07, 11:08 AM
Under Orazio's healing fire, Daxtin stirs. He calmly opens his eyes, sits up onto his elbows and looks around - taking in the wrecked boat, the high cliffs and the jungle above. "Gods, this is the Shiv!" The halfling jumps to his feet and starts pacing - panicked. "I told the captain, I told him we were off course. Where is the captain?" He looks back at the wreckage, gulps and his tone grows somber and concerned, "how many survivors?"

OOCSwimming without gear, might be more realistic for Harbinger. from the lower decks one can simply walk into the water.

2013-08-07, 11:28 AM
"We have found no trace of Captain Kovack, but from the damage to his cabin, to the rest of the ship, there is every indication he was lost to the sea, along with most of the crew. The bodies of Mr. Devers and Rambar Terillo were found on board, the rest are unaccounted for. Myself, the passengers you see before you, and crewmen Mikka Cadan are all that seem to have made it ashore at present." Speaking in a cool, collected tone, Konrad hopes not to alarm Daxtin any further than this talk of 'the Shiv' seems to.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-07, 01:07 PM
Tok'sang keeps an eye on Daxtin still, hoping that the halfling regains enough consciousness so he won't have to be carried off the wreck of the Jenivere. He also hears the discussion between Konrad and Orazio.

"Sir Orazio, I understand we need to go on land and find our way, but why the haste ? Is there an immediate danger ?

We should make sure we've salvaged everything we can use later, and that everybody can get down safely. This horse here is in no shape to just jump into the sea, I wonder how we are going to lower him down. Also, there's the matter of the dead, and the rites we owe their spirits. We can do that on the beach, but first we must carry them down."
"I don't know Tok'sang, but if what this diary says is true, someone may be watching the ship at this very moment. I'd rather not be a sitting duck. And please don't call me Sir. I wanted to leave the trappings of nobility behind in Cheliax."

2013-08-07, 01:59 PM
Ha. If we can walk into the sea, then it's another thing altogether.

"We could be watched ? Let's leave quickly, then. But let's not leave the dead, or anything useful behind. I think there is a way..."

Tok'sang turns to Konrad, a little reluctantly - it's clear to everyone that he's very uncomfortable around the Chelish nobleman for some reason, and it takes him a considerable effort to overcome his unease.

"Er... Sir Knight... would you mind loading... er... Harbinger is the name, right ? I mean, loading him with the bodies, as well as the heavy things, like the food reserves ? I can ask the spirits to make sure he'll cross the water safely."

2013-08-07, 02:15 PM
Konrad's steely gaze does little to offset Tok'sang's apprehension, and he bites back the impulse to demand the cowering shaman to be out with it already, waiting for him to finish before saying. "It would be a slight to relegate either Harbinger or myself to burial detail." He declares, but after a moment's pause, continues, "However, as I'm not inclined to condemn any soul to a watery grave if it can be helped, and given the circumstances it would seem there is little alternative. As for your spirits . . ."

Considering a moment, Konrad has always been skeptical of the worth of magic outside of tangible enchantments to arms and armor, but the Tok'sang and his ape have proved more than simple tricksters or charlatans with their skills and abilities thus far. "Make whatever obeisance you believe will be necessary on Harbinger's behalf, and you will have my gratitude when we reach the shore."

He nods in acquiesence and makes to begin loading down himself with as much gear as he can carry, and Harbinger likewise, beginning with the bodies.

I'll take up to the maximum for a medium load and the same for Harbinger, that's a combined 419lbs of gear and corpses between the two of us.

2013-08-07, 03:11 PM
Tok'sang approaches Harbinger with much less caution and a much easier manner than he does the horse's master. Softly touching the stallion's mane, he intones in his weird language:

"Esprit de la rivičre
Fais de lui un poisson
Ainsi il sera fier
De nager tel un thon"

As he chants, Harbinger's hooves slowly turn into large flippers, and his tail becomes a long, supple tail fin.

Turning to Konrad, he adds: "Don't linger, though. This will last more than enough for him to reach the shore, but not much longer."

Casting Touch of the Sea. Harbinger gets a Swim speed of 30, along with a +8 bonus to Swim checks if one becomes necessary. He can take 10 on such checks, and run in a straight line while in water. Duration: 1 minute.

2013-08-07, 03:56 PM
He stands and heads back in to the captain's cabin, working with Gael to pile everything outside the door. He's not using his hair anymore - it's quite tiresome, really, after a while. "It's just coin, you know," he points out to Gael as he folds up the canvas and moves it outside. He returns for the shovels and to make more comments. "Makes him happy to have it." He has to make two trips for the shovels. "Don't see why Konrad can't keep the coin. Not like there's any stores out here for him to buy stuff at." He shoves the ruby a little deeper into his pocket and hefts the rope. There was a lot of rope. "Chainmail - don't think anyone can use it, not without some serious messing. Some daggers. Whatever there was in the other quarters. Hey, you said there were ten survivors? Who are they?"

Gael looks at Caerwyn with surprise. Making Konrad help would help everyone's survival, and the witch had just shown that there was a simple solution to how to achieve such cooperation. Could the half-elf be merely putting on an eccentric act to cover a more insightful nature?

The sorcerer is about to list the survivors when he realizes his previous slip in counting the survivors. Gael turns to the closest bundle and begins to make a knot around it to earn time while his mind races frantically.

Fortunately for the sorcerer, Daxtin's loud awakening gives him a solution to his problem

The other ten survivors are Konrad, Erid, Orazio, Tok'Sang, me, Gelik, Mikka, Servin, Aerys and Daxtin. Gael points out to the appropriate people as he says the names, careful not to make distinctions in the order between passengers, crew members and stowaways. With you that makes us eleven

After a bit more of work, the sorcerer hears Konrad's request for help and Tok'Sang's opportune aid. Looking at the steed, Gael sees some of the great gashes left by the sea scorpion attacks. Young Baendor had never been fond of seeing animals hurt (even less so since Fier's transformation), but even more than that, the sorcerer realizes that Konrad would be extremely unstable if something were to happen to the steed on his way to the shore.

Konrad calls Gael to the cavalier as he approaches both knight and steed. Before the two of you go, we should heal Harbringer: His wounds seem rather deep and the sea water might bleed him out on his way to the coast.

Always making an effort to have his words match his actions, Gael retrieves one of the potions found in the captains' cabin and gives it to Konrad.

In case that Orazio has exhausted his healing abilities.

2013-08-07, 04:54 PM
Konrad is initially cautious as Harbinger begins to shy away from Tok'sang, snorting impatiently and defensively as he is inclined to when those beside Konrad feel inclined to get too close to him. The Chelish knight however moves his hand to the charger's mane, just next to Tok'sang's and is astonished as the changes that occur as a result of his spell. Initially, he feels a sense of dread at seeing his companion in such a bizarre state, but the knowledge that the changes are temporary, and the obvious benefits are enough to illicit a small smile from the man. "I'll be damned . . . he looks fit to ride down a dragon turtle." Konrad says, clapping Tok'sang on the back as Harbinger gives a somewhat changed whinny before diving into the surf, laden with supplies and their fallen shipmates, awaiting the signal from his master to head to shore.

Though initially unsettled by the changes himself, Harbinger feels the newfound strength and agility that flows through him as he takes to the water, giving a spirited splash of his new tail, sending up a spray of surf towards the onlookers on the deck of the ship.

2013-08-07, 06:16 PM
Caerwyn nods along with the list of names. "Eleven living. Could be worse. Could be less." He plucks the potion out of Gael's hands. "The healer guy. Orazio, you said? He got it." His voice drops to a whisper. "Also, between you and me, the horse isn't so important right now - and don't tell Konrad I said that." The final half of his sentence, loud as ever, is punctuated with a stern finger. Caerwyn bends to pick up two of the bundles, one in each hand, and carry them over to the edge of the ship next to the shore. "Let's get this stuff down to the beach. We can make trips." A loud splash from the water snatches his attention and he drops the bundles to stare over the crooked railing.

He turns his head this way. That way. Nope. Definitely almost certainly not hallucinating. Pity. That would have made so much more sense. "Konrad?" he calls, loud enough to be heard below decks. "Your horse seems to have an alarming amount of fish on it! In it. Attached. Something going on down there?"

This entire post was written on the assumption that Konrad, Tok'sang, and Harbinger went down to the lower decks to gather bodies and such before casting Touch of the Sea. It seems like it'd be a better idea to walk the horse into the water rather than to throw it off the side of the ship and hope for the best.

2013-08-07, 06:50 PM
Laden with gear and towing dead bodies, Harbinger swims through the surf and easily gets to shore. The survivors use the rope to transfer everything of value that remains from the ship to the coast line. Gear in hand and off of the boat, a moot convenes.

With everyone gathered, Servin begins, "it's well before noon, but there are several things we need to think about right now. We have food for now, enough for a few days... maybe. We need shelter though. With these tools, we could get one set up in a few hours-"

"Not here though," Daxtin interjects, "tide is still coming in. This will be underwater in an hour."

Servin continues, "we can drag the gear back to the coast where the rest of us awoke, then. At the beach, there was a set of tracks. Someone had went into the jungle before we awoke. It is likely another survivor. The jungles there would be a good place for shelter, but looking for another survivor should be the top priority."

Aerys adds, "setting up shelter for this many would take half the day! If we want it ready by sundown, we need to start now! We can't waste time looking for phantoms."

Servin continues, "if we must sleep on the ground tonight, so be it."

Daxtin pales and retorts with shock and horror, "NO! NO! NO! This is the Shiv. If half the stories are to be believed, we'll be eaten alive by the jungle denizens and starved cannibals. If the other half is to be believed, we'll be eaten alive by the countless dead who prowl the shore. We need to set up a shelter - that's the only option!" A fog of gloom descends on the group as Daxtin speaks of what he knows.

Mikka looks sadly at Daxtin and asks, "what if it were you out there?"

Gelik laughs, "hah! I would never have awoken on the beach and immediately walked away from the the wreckage of the ship! Whoever it is can take care of themselves! I don't see why the bad choices of one individual should get the rest of us killed!"

"Maybe, they had a good reason. We don't know, but we shouldn't leave them to die!"

2013-08-07, 07:20 PM
Erid lets out a sigh as the rest of the group begins to convey on the subject of what their actions should be for the day. Not because he believes he has nothing to say, and he's sure his aid would be useful no matter which choice the group goes with, but because he's certain that it's going to lead to Konrad spouting of things about leadership and attempting to bully the survivors around. Once he was back to the beach, and with his own gear reclaimed, the large man re-dressed himself in armor and joined the rest for conversation about what should follow, standing near the edge of the group and watching their surroundings. It would do nobody any good to become the victim of a surprise attack.

Reflecting on the possibilities with himself, Erid can come to no decisive conclusion. Setting up a shelter would provide the group with far greater means of defending themselves, and potentially save more of them in the long run, but the person who wandered away could provide far greater aid. Depending on what their reasons for leaving the majority of the group were. Ideally, some method of splitting up the group could be used, but it's likely to leave both groups just vulnerable enough for neither task to succeed. There is the matter of the companions of his fellow former passengers, especially the bird, who would be excellent scouts in searching for the missing person.

"I am willing to lend my aid to whichever group needs it the most. Whether that's defending my fellow survivors, or finding the lost one." Erid adds to the conversation, just to remind the others of his presence.

2013-08-07, 09:30 PM
Caerwyn sits down on a bundle, elbows resting on his knees. "That. Is a worse idea than any other proposed thus far. Leaving half the people down here on this beach - have you no heart? Here's my plan. We go into the forest. All of us. And yanno why? 'Cause no one's coming. He punctuates his words with short, sharp, gestures. On the ship, Caerwyn was a scatterbrain, but now he seems completely focused on this one issue. "No one goes to the Shiv - not unless they're crazy, and dear Orazio's reaction to seeing that journal makes me strongly suspect that a certain someone involved was in fact, a complete lunatic. And even if they did show up for a dashing and heroic rescue, they'd crash on the rocks, and they'd die, which, correct me if I'm wrong, would rather hinder their ability to save us." He looks into the dark and rather forbidding forest, fingers digging into this thighs. His jaw is set and determined. "So! The way I see it, we've got two options. Follow those footprints and maybe find a way to civilization or build ourselves a nice little hideaway and get real comfy on this piece-of-crap coastline, because you won't ever be leaving."

You can't leave until you take the first step.

Rolling Diplomacy to convince others of the rightness of the plan: [roll0]

2013-08-07, 10:30 PM
Servin nods in agreement at Caerwyn's comments, but Daxtin laughs, it's another one of those grim, humorless, rapid exhalations you've been hearing so much of. "I have no illusions about a rescue, but that doesn't mean I want to be eaten. There is no civilization here. None. The only people are cannibals. Maybe going into the forest will be the best place to put it, but we need to make a shelter. We need to make it defensible, we need to be ready for when they come. Otherwise, we will ALL die. Whether in the belly of a beast, a man or a ghost - we will die."

Aerys looks to Caerwyn, then Orazio, "what is this business about a lunatic?"

2013-08-08, 12:15 AM
"A lunatic, like someone who would lead us here on purpose", replies Tok'sang. "That is what you meant, Orazio, didn't you, when you said this was no accident ? It could be a good idea if you updated all of us about what you read in the Captain's journal." Orazio can readily notice how the usually dour young Mwangi warmed up to him, since he said he wanted to forget about his Chelaxian nobility.

"About what to do next, I agree with Caerwyn, splitting the group would be bad, if this place is as dangerous as Daxtin says. But following straight into the forest, with some of us wounded and tired, is no better. Going after someone who may well be just that lunatic... Whoever that was, he... she... left the ship, without looking to help anyone left alive on board. Left the dead to rot in place, too."

"I think we should first install a strong shelter for the night, and stay together in case anything else attacks us. Also, we must take care of the dead. Their spirits are trapped and restless, we must release them, let them be one with the spirits of the forest, the wind, and the sea, and be at peace with us. Besides, if we leave them in the open air, they will soon smell, and attract more hungry animals."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-08, 12:35 AM
Orazio takes a deep breath as the argument dies down and he holds up the journal at Tok'sang's request.

"It was Captain Kovack that brought us here. Near the end of his journal here the entries indicate he became obsessed with one of the passengers, one Ieana Surtova. The last entries are mad rantings about how she and him will rule this island together. The crash of the Jenivere seems, at least from my perspective, to have been deliberately staged by the captain as a way of disposing of those he perceived as romantic rivals, or obstacles to his plans. I don't like jumping to conclusions before having all the evidence, but I'm wondering if the drugged meal and drinks right before our waking up on this island were part of those plans too, whether they were a failed attempt to dispose of us, or a means of keeping us from interfering with the crash as it happened, but leaving us alive to serve him and Surtova afterwards, I don't know."

He turns to the surviving crewmates, Daxtin in particular.

"I presume you noticed changes in the Captain's behavior before this occurred? There's a definite pattern in the language he uses in this journal, very business-like and laconic. When he starts mentioning Surtova however, the notes become a lot more personable and reveal more of his inner thoughts. It seems she was complicit in these plans, so I have two theories on the nature of these events. Either she seduced the captain and manipulated him into doing this, or worse...that she manipulated him into doing this through magic."

2013-08-08, 12:26 PM
Daxtin frowns and snatches the journal from Orazio. He thumbs through it and his face grows more dour. Mikka speaks up while he reads, "Mr. Devers and Mr. Vaier were basically running the ship by the end of it. Everyone thought the captain and that passenger were intimately involved. I can't believe he would try to kill us though!"

Daxtin finally looks up from the journal and hands it back to Orazio, "dark magics can do bizarre things to the mind, Mikka. The captain was twisted by it - there is no other explanation. I've sailed with the man three times before this. He's always been level-headed, even-tempered and wise. Claiming those deranged ramblings came from the same man seems so ludicrous that were I not standing on this Gods-forsaken island myself I would never believe it. Those last few days, he ignored my advice, defamed my credibility and sabotaged the voyage. Good men and woman are dead because of him."

Servin segues back to the decision at hand, "and I refuse to let another die! If we were to all work together, I am sure the eleven of us could get a camp up within an hour. Either splitting up or all of us heading into the jungle after the footprints are both viable options, but I cannot callously let someone die in the jungle."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-08, 12:37 PM
"I agree. A camp would serve as a fortified base of operations while we explore the island and attempt to rescue whoever we can, as well as to keep watch for any passing ship traffic that might get us off the island. I'll volunteer to go with the scouting band once the camp's set up, if only so my ill luck doesn't doom the camp to mishaps. I'll need to rest after the camp's set up, though. I'm almost completely spent in terms of my magic, and without that I'm all but useless in a fight."

2013-08-08, 02:01 PM
Konrad allows the assembled survivors to rant and talk, while he takes his time seeing to Harbinger, using what he has on hand to clean his wounds and brush out his pelt, clean his mane, and then see to the assembled gear they brought and making a quick tally of it's overall worth. He makes use of the potion given to him by Tok'sang to restore Harbinger's vitality as well, reminding himself to repay the Mwangi in kind at the first opportunity. With the options before them more clearly laid out, he moved to rejoin the conversation at large, "All my impressions of Captain Kovack during the early part of the journey were of a stern and decisive man, not easily swayed by anything as disposable as Ieana might have offered him. If she then was responsible for ensorcelling him, it may be that it was in fact her machinations that have brought us to this place, not his. Either way, our first priority should be a defensible camp, and then to find some means of rescue. It would be no good to go mucking about in the jungle to find someone who may have wondered in half-mad or of their own volition, without somewhere to bring them back to where all of us would be able to rest and recover from the venture. If we divide our attentions now, we will suffer for it later." He finishes with a curt nod before turning to face the bounty hunter directly.

"Mr. Servin, surely a man of your profession knows that it does little good to track someone down unless you have somewhere productive to go and keep them once you have?" He speaks calmly, then leans in close, a fiendish glint in his eyes, "Though I admit, I would be equally eager in your position to retrieve a bounty I had already caught once, rather than loose them to the predations of whatever the Shiv might hold for us."

Then, striding partly away from the group, indicates the height of the beach and trees. "I recommend we dig out a trench and tie down the canvas near the tree line. Once that is done, we can see about felling the trees for some proper shelter. The treeline provides cover from either side of the cove, but is still visible from the sea, and means not having to drag the timber any further than we have to. Once that's begun the trench becomes a naturally defensible position, augmented with stakes, and whatever other traps or alarms we can manage." His voice is calm, collected, as if his was the only course of action worth taking and delivered as if to a war council on the march or preparing for some siege.

Diplomacy to try and convince Servin that building camp should be the top priority: [roll0]
Bluff to try and get him to confirm Konrad's suspicions that it's his bounty that has escaped into the jungle: [roll1]

2013-08-08, 02:44 PM
Gael considers the situation for a while before talking, himself torn between trying to rescue one more survivor and setting up camp that would ensure everyone's safety.

How about a compromise? the sorcerer suggests to the others after hearing the dissenting opinions We take TWO hours to follow owner of those footprints and all of us go together. We should consider that whoever walked out of the beach first might have either saved most of us or has some information we do not have about the Shiv.

After that, we return here and set up camp, leaving us four hours to do so. Our tools should remain safe here. Mr. Daxtin , I think that delaying making our camp for two extra hours might not be unreasonable to search for another survivor and learn about our situation

Diplomacy on Daxtin

When making the camp, I think we should keep it to the bare minimum for shelter and slightly emphasize the defensive aspects: It is likely that our starting location might not be the best, since we have no source of clean, fresh water.

Gael looks at all the other survivors one by one

We are all in this together. If we are going to survive this, we must all be willing to risk our lives for one another. If we think only of ourselves, we are signing our own death warrants.

Trying to finish his speech in a positive not, the young Baendor adds

But we can do this! We have mighty warriors among us to protect us, skillful healers to cure us and powerful magics to ward us. We WILL survive against all odds and we will get out of this cursed island!

Spend a conviction point in a diplomacy check to improve NPC morale. (priority order: Mikka > Daxtin > Servin > Gelik > Aerys)

2013-08-08, 05:40 PM
Caerwyn grins slowly, morale apparently raised by Gael's point. "Yeah. Except one bit. Like you said - there's no fresh water here. No point in coming back if we need to go out again. So we take everything with us. Go find fresh water and the survivor, in that order. Who's got the maps? Lemme see them for a bit." Once he gets a hold of the map, he realizes quickly that he has no idea where to begin. He frowns at it, chewing on his lip pensively and spinning the map in different directions before finally setting it down with a sigh. "Alright! Someone who can read this thing, tell me. Where's the Shiv on this thing, and where's our destination?"

2013-08-08, 09:55 PM
Servin frowns at Konrad, "I resent your implication. Frankly, I believe Jask Derindi has drowned. If you must know, I suspect the tracks belong to Sasha. She is the only one who was certainly in the galley before I passed out whom I have seen no sign of." Several seconds pass before he adds, "and she's the only person on the ship who I can imagine waking up on a deserted beach and immediately deciding to take a stroll into the jungle. Regardless, camp is secondary. Gael, you're idea is good, but I suggest we bring the gear and march for four hours. Same results, but we have a better chance of finding the survivor and water."

Aerys warms to Gael's suggestion as well. "I think we follow the tracks. You are right, Gael. And Caerwyn. We could probably make camp quickly if we are all doing it."

Daxtin snatches the maps from Caerwyn. He starts muttering as he sifts through them, "well, there is no close up... here is where it should be... Ah, here, 'Danger: Avoid" - this speck in Desolation Bay is the island, Smuggler's Shiv. The shape is all wrong though. Hmmm... well from memory... I think we'd be on the north shore." Daxtin sketches the island in the sand.

North is indicated to be up on the diagram.

2013-08-08, 10:27 PM
Gael has to fight a sigh of relief as he hears everyone coming to some sort of agreement: It would not do any good to show that, despite his pep talk, the sorcerer had still harbored some concerns about the group being able to function together.

We might make it, after all thinks the young Baendor as he silently nods at Caerwyn in appreciation to the witch's support to his proposed compromise.

Indeed, carrying everything with us is an even better idea! Gael says in agreement to Servin, Aerys and Caerwyn And I agree with Servin's suggestion to search for as long as we can while still being able to make a camp. I have some rudimentary knowledge of how to do so and I have some personal equipment that might help, but I'll defer to the others' expertise of how long we can push our search.

Alright! says Gael to everyone as he smiles affably and brings his hands together in a single clasp Let's carry as much as we can while not impeding mobility! Priorities should be the food, tools and weapons, but we should be able to carry almost everything we have recovered!

In OoC terms, let's assume that everyone carries up to the maximum of their light load

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-09, 12:21 AM
Orazio gathers up his share of the equipment, eager to get this task done so they can hunker down and prepare for the worst.

2013-08-09, 10:07 AM
Looking at the faces around him, Tok'sang notices the effects of Gael's strong speech.

He's giving them hope... and unity. That's just as a important as shelter... Still, they shouldn't rush headlong into danger without being made aware, first.

Loath to deflate the group's rising mood, he tries to choose his words with caution.

"Well spoken, Sir Gael. Yes, we have it in us to survive. I lived most of my life in the jungle, and I know it's possible to survive, even thrive, if we care about each other and listen to each other. Respecting that someone else may know better about certain things, or perform certain tasks better, that is important, too." His steady, serious gaze wanders from Orazio to Gael as he says this.

"For my part, I can say a few things. The jungle has more dangers than the beach, we need to walk with caution and be ready for surprises at any time. Night is the most dangerous of all, we must have shelter ready, and guards posted, before the light falters. Do not worry about fresh water: As long as the spirits respond favorably to my call, we will not be lacking."

He pauses. "Also, precise orientation would help...

Esprit de l'aquilon
Guide mes pas prudents
Vers le septentrion
Et non aux quatre vents"

He points: "North is this way.

And finally... Before we go, we have to set the spirits of our three unfortunate fellow travelers free."

Casting Know Direction

2013-08-09, 11:59 AM
Gelik snorts at Tok'sang's last comment, "already done! In case you haven't noticed... they're dead. Their spirits can go wherever they damn well please. If you mean to waste all of our time with burying them, then you've got to prioritize - living over dead. Living first, lest we all join them."

Daxtin chimes in, "I have to agree. We must be pragmatic. It may seem cruel, but this is a brutal place. If they make a meal for some beast, well, that is one beast that won't be looking to eat us tonight." Mikka starts to sob softly at that comment.

Servin nods in agreement as he gazes at the rising sun, "in the hours we'd spend digging the other survivor would move even further away, possibly die, and our own efforts to build shelter would get pushed back even further into the evening. We can't let concern for the dead risks the lives of the living."

OOCEven with the flotsam on the beach, building a pyre sufficient for three bodies will take hours and require using jungle wood as well. The jungle is full of green wood mostly and would take time to search. The expectorant would help, but all of it would be likely needed.

Digging a big hole would be considerably faster, but still take 2-3 hours even with five people working the shovels.

2013-08-09, 12:22 PM
Caerwyn can tell there is another issue almost brewing, and interrupts to make his point. "You could always put them on a floaty bit of wood and shove it off into the sea. Quicker than digging. I've seen it done for a few before." He doesn't mention that the piece of wood tends to be a small canoe set ablaze, though his gaze does slip to the broken lifeboat bobbing in the waves. "I'd hope that's enough to set their spirits free or however you want to put it. Else there must be an awful lot of ghosts haunting the shores back home." Some of them, people he'd not want to meet again any time soon.

2013-08-09, 01:34 PM
Konrad snorts in derision at Gelik, Daxtin, and Servin's comments on the treatment of the dead. "And I suppose you won't mind if we abandon your bodies to elements should you have the same misfortune to keel over." He looks pointedly at each man in turn, his fingers drumming unconsciously against the hilt of his sword out of habit.

"How we treat our dead is what separates us from beasts and savages, so unless you're suggesting that the rights we extend to one another out of courtesy and honor are to be disposed of at earliest inconvenience . . ." His eyes narrow and he draws himself up to his full height, "I suggest you think this through in another way. Leaving the bodies here to decompose would attract just as many scavengers, and perhaps worse to where we are, not to mention the stench and rot and the filth that are every bit as dangerous to us without proper medicines. If you're suggesting we drag them into the jungle with us and leave them after a few hours march, then you can carry them yourselves and hope you can drop them once some jungle beast decides the corpse you carry is just an appetizer. I'll be riding Harbinger, his duties as beast of burden are at an end, and if I have to stay behind and burn all three bodies myself, you'll be that much worse off."

Slightly more disposed towards Caerwyn than the previous three, he lets the edge out of his voice, if not the icy demeanor in which he delivers it. "If that's the case we wasted our efforts in removing them from the ship, where they would surely have received the same treatment. Besides, I'd hate to draw out more of those scorpion things by chumming the waters. Burying them potentially draws the same risk if the beasts of this island can sniff them out. Burning them is the best option, and since we intend to be felling lumber and chopping trees as it is, I see no reason why the scrap lumber shouldn't make a proper pyre."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-09, 01:51 PM
"As much as it surprises me to say it, I agree with Konrad. Besides, the bodies won't decompose well buried in the sand anyway. I'll volunteer to maintain the pyre, even, as like I said, I won't be much use in the search party without my spells to call upon."

2013-08-09, 02:19 PM
Tok'sang looks at Gelik straight in the eyes, but keeps the most biting retort inside his head. Can't take proper care of the wounded, won't take proper care of the dead. Makes sense.

"In Cheliax, or wherever you come from, Sir, it may be that the dead are left to be eaten by crows, and nothing happens to their kin. I don't know about other places. But here is close to where I was born. Here, if the spirits of the dead are not released, they take revenge on the living, and let me tell you, their revenge is harsh. It is their next of kin's duty to make sure the spirits don't come back to haunt the living. We were on the Jenivere for weeks with these dead... Alton, here, he could well have had me thrown into the sea. He let me take a place on board, a place I didn't earn. So, I am his next of kin presently."

His Mwangi accent gets even thicker as he raises his voice, but his conviction is all the more apparent for it.

He acknowledges Konrad's and Orazio's support with a nod, and addresses them next.

"In these parts, I suggest the rites of my people could be appropriate. What matters is not so much how the bodies are disposed of, but how the spirits are let go. I can take care of that. Once the spirits are free of the body, the corpses will go back to the earth, or the sea, or the sky, one way or the other. I think Caerwyn's suggestion would work, if we can just make sure the bodies stay at the bottom of the sea so they don't attract scavengers to our camp."

2013-08-09, 02:36 PM
Daxtin looks incredulously at Konrad while he speaks. He nearly interrupts, but lets the noble finish before he speaks, "of course the bodies will attract scavengers! Attract them to where we aren't. That is a good thing! Our camp could be set up miles from here if we follow the tracks. There must have been dozen on the boat lost to the waves, some of them will surely wash up on shore - would you have us scour the coast for each and every dead body?"

"And yes, if it stops this nonsense, you certainly have my permission to leave my body behind if I keel over. It seems far better that we make decisions that help us stay alive than to condemn us all to death just to secure our corpse. We can't afford the time. Either we abandon one of the living - likely to their own death, if it hasn't come already - or we abandon building a shelter for the night - in which case, no one will be alive to bury us in the morning. If you want to waste a few minutes tying them to a slab of driftwood, go ahead, but then we leave."

2013-08-09, 03:19 PM
Caerwyn sighs. They had been doing so well... He rolls his eyes, strongly resisting the urge to smack one of the two idiots now keeping the entire group here. "Split up and we might never find each other again. We don't have time to gather wood like that, not if we want to get going at all. And we do want to get going. We need to find a way off this island and the answer's not on the coast. Ieana did something to Kovack, we're in agreement about that, right? That's why we're here. Well, then the other question, the burning one, is why here?" He stands with a grand, sweeping, gesture, encompassing almost the entirety of the visible coastline. Dark trees, sandy shore, black rocks, footprints into the beyond, the wreckage of the ship that had brought them not quite far enough. "This place, this entire worthless little island. They didn't even draw it right on the map! Yet here we are, apparently at the whim of one Miss Ieana Surtova. And we didn't exactly make a nice stop here. We crashed straight into the spikiest bunch of rocks on the coast. Buncha people dead. Even Ieana herself, most likely - cosmic irony at its finest I have to say. So then we have to ask, what's on this island, and why's it so important that she bewitched the captain, risked her own life, for a chance to get at it?"

He begins heading down to the shore to find wood for the float. For the dead. To get Tok'sang to stop yapping about spirits. Make Konrad and Orazio stop wanting to stick around Scorpion Bay. He could deal with their anger. Not like it'd be new, really. "Split the stuff from the ship," he calls back as he walks. "Fair-like. Weapons, armor, survival stuff, whatever. You want it, you claim it here, and you carry it out when we go. I've got better things to do than squabble about this."

2013-08-09, 03:58 PM
He begins heading down to the shore to find wood for the float. For the dead. To get Tok'sang to stop yapping about spirits. Make Konrad and Orazio stop wanting to stick around Scorpion Bay. He could deal with their anger. Not like it'd be new, really. "Split the stuff from the ship," he calls back as he walks. "Fair-like. Weapons, armor, survival stuff, whatever. You want it, you claim it here, and you carry it out when we go. I've got better things to do than squabble about this."

Konrad gives Servin a dismissive 'feh' and turns his back on the man, still hardly convinced that they should go about risking their lives in the jungle before they have any where to fall back to. Caerwyn's suggestion however strikes him as the most immediately sensible, and he proceeds to gather up sufficient food for himself and Harbinger for the next day at least, a shovel to compliment his own gear. Once finished he proceeds to strip off his tunic and breeches, unabashedly on the beech before retrieving some lighter and more breathable underclothes from his saddlebags, and following them with his breastplate, greaves and vambraces. His helm he leaves off for a moment while he straps his massive cavalry hammer to his back using a leather harness, to which he also attaches his sword. His shield slung on one arm, and his lance dug into the sand, he proceeds to load harbinger up with the remainder of his gear and swings himself into the saddle, retrieving his lance to rest across one shoulder. "If we are to leave, let us leave all the sooner then."

2013-08-10, 06:13 PM
The funeral preparations take several minutes. Alton Devers and Rambar Terillo are each laid to rest upon their own large board, tied on loosely with several scraps of rope and rigging loose on the shore. The massive bounty hunter is spread across several boards thatched together. The eleven gather at the beach in silence as Tok'sang prepares the last rites for the deceased. The ritual is somber with the gathered's moods ranging from dour to grim. After the dead receive the appropriate blessing, the plank are lined up to be pushed into the bay.

Before they are sent to their final destination, Servin breaks a moment of silence, "these three men were our companions on the waves. Alton was a good young man keeping a crew running despite the efforts of the deranged captain. From Groddik's wounds, I'd guess he died fighting - what I know of the man would lead me to guess that was how he wanted to go. I didn't know Rambar as well as perhaps I should have, but he told me once he was from Senghor. That isn't far from here, so I'm glad you've returned close to your home."

Gelik then speaks, "I too only knew these men for several months at sea. Our defacto captian Alton saved my life once when that apish rigger," Gelik turns to Mo'o, "no offense - tried to strangle me. Groddik was utterly predictable at cards - I'd offer to return some of your losings, but not only would that be a breach of character, but you won't need it where you are going. Rambar was a truly exceptional cook, by far the worst I had ever encountered. For the rest of my life, I can count myself blessed at knowing food shall never taste so foul as what I've been subjected to these last few months. May peace find you in the beyond."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-11, 12:48 AM
Orazio steps forward and begins a sonorous chant, tracing a spiral on his chest with two fingers as he does so. Those familiar with the Osiriani language recognize it as a prayer to Pharasma.

"O, Pharasma! All-Seeing Pharasma! Alton Devers, Rambar Terillo and Groddik Grottian have entered the gates to your realm, and we ask that you deem them worthy. Their spirits are brave ones, and their souls are honorable ones. O, Pharasma! All-Seeing Pharasma! As you take their measures, and weigh their hearts as they stand before you, know that they were loved by many, and will be remembered by all. Pharasma, welcome Alton Devers, Rambar Terillo and Groddik Grottian and deem them worthy of entrance, that they may walk through your realm, and be under your protection for all eternity. O, Pharasma! All-Seeing Pharasma! Watch over Alton Devers, Rambar Terillo and Groddik Grottian as they bow before you. So let it be..."

Italics in this case meaning it's in a different language than Common.

2013-08-11, 09:32 PM
With words and prayers given, the dead are pushed into the cove. The three corpses drift in the waves upon their planks. One by one, the survivors walk away from the scene.

"Take five meals a piece and whatever else you can carry," Aerys says as she pulls her own backpack over her shoulder. Servin limps after with a makeshift cane.

Tok'sang takes the lead. The trail cuts directly through the colorful Mwangi flora of the dense jungle. The footprints are easy to follow through the soft fertile earth. However, even under the canopy, the blazing sun and thick humid air make for unbearable heat. Howling monkeys, buzzing insects and calling birds keep the lush forest at a persistent din.
Everyone make a DC 15 Fort Save or 1d4 NL heat damage (-2 if you are wearing light armor, -4 for medium armor -6 for heavy armor)
After about an hour pushing through the jungle, the markings of the trail become erratic. Some dried blood spilled across a few plants, some yellow fluid splashed across others. The footprints signal how the dancing fighter moved until they come to rest at the carcass of a hunting spider the size of a full-grown man. It is slumped against the brush, half a dozen wounds criss-crossing its face a dried fluid marking the blades tracks. The bootprints then continue moving south in the direction you were heading.

2013-08-11, 10:04 PM
Gael remains silent as Servin and Gelik speak (making an effort not to scold the gnome for speaking ill of the dead) and fully immerses in his own thoughts as Orazio begins to sing.

Oh Fier, the young Gael thinks, glancing as his polymorphed brother for an instant I hope I did not bring you to your grave

Gael was not a very religious man, but at this point he turns to Golarion's pantheon for help

To whoever is listening prays the sorcerer silently to any gods that might be observing (and hopefully NOT enjoying) the survivor's tribulations Please let me get out of this island and save my brother. If after that you want to claim my life, I will consider it a bargain well struck

Once the service is done, Gael grabs his share of the food (regretting he is not stronger and cannot help carrying other supplies) and waits until the rest are ready to follow after the mysterious survivor.

As the group progresses through the jungle, Gael is grateful to have been taking the advice written in his parents' journals and chose to bring clothing suited for high temperatures. But even the most adequate gear is not enough to keep a city dweller at ease in the jungle, and soon the sorcerer feels the effects of the heat.

[roll0] (Includes +2 bonus from hot weather outfit)

Gael observes the aftermath of the fight, looking at the spider's corpse

I don't know much about combat, but could the fighting style narrow down who the survivor could be? asks Gael to the others Nonetheless, we should press on. Whoever this is, they might have been hurt and poisoned by the spider.

2013-08-12, 12:09 AM
Caerwyn has no pretty words to give, so he remains silent, head slightly bowed, as others speak blessings, or at least statements, about the dead. When they are done, he helps push the corpses into the waves. Only after most everyone else has taken what they want does he climb back up the shore, claim his share of the food, the potions left behind, a now somewhat sandy shovel.

He walks with the group through the jungle, occasionally stopping to strip bunches of berries off the vines, sniff at a fungus, taste the tip of a leaf. Some he keeps. Some he throws back into the undergrowth. Some he eats, raw from nature, often with a bit of dirt on it. He doesn't talk much as they walk, and occasionally pauses to wipe the sweat off his brow. The heat has clearly taken some toll on Caerwyn, but that doesn't stop him from continuing to scrounge and gather an eclectic helping of presumably edible substances. At the very least, the half-elf had tasted the majority of what he now had, and didn't seem to be in overly bad shape.

At the sight of the spider, he stops, poking at its corpse with the tip of his boot. "Well, our survivor is definitely armed and capable. Mind you, I'm not entirely convinced that's a good thing, but it's certainly something. Also," he adds, plucking a leaf and twirling it idly in his hand, "whoever it was definitely got at least scratched. There's blood here. Dunno how much that'd slow them down, but it's something to consider. And some other stuff...." Caerwyn frowns, then decides to test his hypothesis in the most direct way possible - slicing another gash into the spider's carapace.


I'm hoping that, since it's dead, no checks need to be made. Just confirming that spider blood is yellow. If it's not, we have issues.

2013-08-12, 12:23 AM
Konrad stays astride Harbinger for the short time in which the dead are pushed out to sea. Once the words are spoken, he draws his sword and nods in salute, but does not wait to watch the bodies be carried away by the tide. Having been raised in Cheliax, amongst the faithful of Asmodeus (as much as tradition and law require) he had something of a skewed view of such services, since training with the Hellknights and his experience with the inquisitors had left a foul taste in his mouth even in the best of times. At least Asmodeus was not so amorphous or intangible a deity as some of these others being venerated; for whatever else others might say about the worship of devils, they could not say it was ineffectual, not if the Thrune Dynasty was any sort of a marker to judge by. Still, it had never sat well with Konrad, the idea of obeisance to some capricious or insidious deity in exchange for power, however seemingly lasting.

The worship of Asmodeus had been the first trapping of his old life Konrad had shed, after his parents and their own insufferable machinations. Though he had been wont to simply exchange the Prince of Devils for some other deity, in traveling to Corentyn the mercenary captain of the caravan guards had impressed upon him the value of deference, if not worship, to the divine, and taught him what might be learned of Gorum, the Lord in Iron. The god of those who lived by will and might, who sought to conquer all challenges, it was comforting to Konrad, to be able to think on all those who shared in Gorum's implacable, eternal struggle like himself, whenever his sword or lance or hammer were in hand. These thoughts passed through his mind, carrying him as much as Harbinger into the steaming jungle, with what horrors they yet knew. 'As worthy a test as any to the Lord in Iron.' he thought, as they passed the massive spider, and he admired the swordplay which must have gone into such a battle.

2013-08-12, 09:32 AM
Tracing symbols of death, life and freedom in the sand, burning a few conveniently found dry algae for fragrance, and chanting the rites takes Tok'sang only a few minutes.

"You were our brothers, if only for a few days. Be our brothers still, watch us, and help us, when you are in the netherworld."

As he helps pushing the bodies away to sea, he can't help but reflect, sadly, that he never dared coming to Alton to say his thanks; now he's reduced to thank the first mate's body instead.

May your spirit fare well, and be as generous as you were in life.

He then dons the leather armor, attaches one of the daggers to the belt, fills his sack with his share of the food and some of the items the group agreed to carry.

Leaving the details to the joint OOC list.
With Mo'o close by his side, the young Zenj leads the group into the jungle, easily following the tracks; but the stifling heat takes its toll, both on Mo'o and his friend.

Witnessing the battle scene, he comes to the same conclusion as his comrades: The survivor must have fought and prevailed, but a some cost.

"This may have slowed him down, and the smell of blood may have attracted more animals. We must make haste, but with caution. We don't know what we will find. I think you should remain a fifty paces behind me, and we all try to be as silent as possible."

He proceeds, trying to make his step light, and keeping his ears open.

Tok'sang - Fort save [roll0] (damage [roll1]) (includes -2 for leather armor)
Mo'o - Fort save [roll2] (damage [roll3])

Tok'sang - Stealth [roll4]
Mo'o - Stealth [roll5]

Tok'sang - Perception [roll6]
Mo'o - Perception [roll7]

Edit: Not the greatest rolls ever...
Status: Tok'sang HP 8/10 (2 NL); 2 Dex damage - Mo'o 5/9 (4 NL)

2013-08-12, 04:37 PM
Agreed, we should move on... says Gael as he considers sending Fier to look for a survivor

It is very dangerous the sorcerer tells himself but it might make the difference between life and death for someone.

Turning to his familiar, Gael once again adopts the very exaggerated sign language and slow speech he had used to communicate with the Hawk Before

Fier. Fly south for a bit. says the sorcerer, pointing in the appropriate direction Then come back. Warn if you see anyone else. Avoid dangers

Understanding the commands, Fier takes flight, returning after about five minutes of scouting


When the hawk returns, Gael can feel anxiety coming from Fier.

There is most likely danger ahead the sorcerer calls to the others everyone be careful

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-12, 05:12 PM
Orazio remains quiet, but collects his share of the gear and follows.

He looks a bit green as he sees the spider carcass.

2013-08-12, 06:26 PM
Preparing for danger, they set out from the area where the spider lay dead. The oppressive midday heat is clearly affecting the survivors. Sweat coats their bodies and drenches their clothing. With each breath of the thick humid air comes a wish that it would be sundered by a breeze, but such relief never arrives. The effort of pressing onward grows harder with every step - even thought becomes difficult.

Blessedly, the tracks remain easy enough to follow, the occasional drop of blood only helps matters. However, the tracks make a sharp turn to the east at the base of a steep cliff which rising high above the canopy. An accomplished climber would be able to scale the ridge, but its vertical nature would make it a challenge for all but Mo'o.

Under the blazing sun, they follow the tracks to east. Eventually the tracks intersect a small game trail and follow along it. Tok'sang studies the path and follows the boot prints...

"Oh! Hi there!" an enthusiastic voice cries out from ahead. A glance upwards about ten feet reveals Sasha hanging by one foot from a knotted vine - the remnants of an old trap. Her face is now redder than her hair - possibly from both the heat and the blood pooling in her head, but the rest of her skin looks quite pale. Her loose-fitting, blood-soaked shirt hangs clumped about her shoulders exposing several bloody punctures and lacerations across her stomach. Her excitedly waving arms are similarly damaged. A small sharp blade lies abandoned on the ground beneath her.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-12, 06:54 PM
"Tok'sang, I don't suppose your simian companion could render her some assistance? We should probably get her down before we question her."

2013-08-12, 07:28 PM
When he sees who it is that has survived, Caerwyn grins. "Sasha! Fancy seeing you in this place." Caught in a trap, clearly made by some sort of sapient. This cannibals notion that Daxtin had was suddenly a lot more worrying. "Hang on a bit, we'll get you down. And we brought your things - well, some of them anyways."

2013-08-12, 11:50 PM
Sasha's unflattering predicament coupled with her upside-down grin and undue enthusiasm make for an interesting combination. "Wow! Am I ever glad to see all of you! Thanks for bringing my things! Where'd you find them? Wait... you want to question me? Why would you do a thing like that?! Although... I guess I am questioning you... seems fair! Come on, help me down... pleeeeeeeease!!!"

To rescue Sasha:
A DC 15 disable device check to reverse the trap and lower Sasha gently or she falls for 1d6 damage
A DC 20 climb check to climb up, cut the rope and lower her gently or both fall for 1d6 damage
A DC 10 climb check to climb up, cut the rope and deal 1d6 damage to Sasha or fall for 1d6 damage

(Mo'o doesn't use tools so he can't do it)

2013-08-13, 12:13 AM
The begging screeches of Sasha are all that is required for a lever to be pulled in the elder barbarian's mind, his eyes narrowing in focus as they rest on Sasha resting up above them. A young woman trapped and helpless, begging to be saved by somebody, but, most importantly, by the people that she's putting her trust in. The thought rings all to clearly in Erid's mind, though he's certain, despite his memories of Marian being hazy and unclear, that she wouldn't have screamed helplessly. That doesn't mean that she could have used his help any less, and it doesn't mean that he's going to stand back and allow anyone else to suffer, while he has a chance to stop it.

Forgetting the troubles that have plagued him since being forced to scramble onto the island, Erid tosses away the robe that covers his muscular form and shields it from the heat to reveal the studded armor that lies beneath, and the biceps that bulge with his focus; as though the sinew is trying to break free of his skin. His nimble fingers snatch one of the daggers kept in his Pathfinder's kit, which had served him well through many years, and clenches it between his teeth.

Silently, Erid leaps at the rough surface that Sasha finds herself hanging from and uses his muscular limbs to latch onto it. He climbs it as gracefully as Mo'o might have, his pure strength tugging him upwards with every tug of his broad arms, until he reaches the height of the trap that Sasha hangs from. He offers her no words of comfort, but wraps one arm around her and uses his other to slice the rope that keeps her trapped, pushing off from the surface as he does so. In the few moments of falling, he wraps his arms around her bloodied stomach and twists their position so that he will collide with the ground, his muscular form shielding her from gravity.

Erid uses Rage to boost his Climb modifier to +10, then takes the third option.

"A DC 10 climb check to climb up, cut the rope and deal 1d6 damage to Sasha or fall for 1d6 damage."

He takes the fall damage for her, assuming that's what the bolded part means.

Please tell me how many rounds of Rage were used.

2013-08-13, 12:42 AM
"Wait, what are you... AAAAH!!" Sasha shrieks momentarily, failing to process Erid's quick motions as he cuts the rope, grapples the woman, flips her about and allows her to land on top of him.

Sasha hops up very shakily, "whoa! That was kind of fun! Thanks, Erid!" Her legs are unsteady, and her face quickly pales to match the rest of her body. She swoons momentarily and steadies herself against a tree, there is something clearly not right about her motions. "I had thought one of you drugged me and threw me overboard," she says as she collects her kukri from the ground. "I guess not... or maybe you had a change of heart? Do you know where we are?"

Two rounds of rage were used. Erid takes [roll0] damage.

For his heroism in rescuing Sasha, Erid gets a +5 to diplomacy checks to influence her attitude for 24 hours.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-13, 01:13 AM
"Smuggler's Shiv. Short version, the captain went head-over-heels in love and/or lust with one of the passengers, developed delusions of grandeur, had us drugged and crashed the ship. When I said question you, all I meant was we're looking for other survivors, and hoping you might have seen some of the others. Three of the crew and passengers, Alton Devers, Rambar Terillo and Groddik Grottian, we already know are dead. We gave an impromptu funeral for them and sent them to the deep."

2013-08-13, 10:16 AM
Caerwyn slings his pack off his shoulder and rummages through it until his fingers close on glass. "Here. Drink this. And some of this as well," he says, handing her his healing potion and the flask of brandy. "You look like you need it. And take off your shirt." He pulls the nice shirt out of his bag, then abruptly realizes what he just said. Blood rushes to his cheeks. "I mean, ah, I've got a shirt here. Spare shirt. That you can wear. Should have brought more than one, but that can't be helped now. Wouldn't let a cat have kittens on a bloody rag like that." He seems to be determined to look at anything except Sasha. In one hand, he holds up the aforementioned item of clothing, which was, while very wrinkled, considerably cleaner than Sasha's own shirt. And less ripped, for that matter.

"Er, who's got that rapier? And the chain shirt? Those are Sasha's, I do believe."

2013-08-13, 11:18 AM
Gelik mutters, "save the potion, we may need it." He steps forward and lends a healing touch to Sasha. In spite of some of her wounds closing, she still looks horridly pale and can barely walk.
CLW: [roll0]
Sasha accepts the brandy and takes a gulp. As she holds it out to Caerwyn, Aerys snatches it from her hand and gulps some down as well before returning it. "Ah... I really needed that," the half-elf says with a grin.

"Thanks," Sasha says as she changes her clothes unabashedly. "Smuggler's Shiv, huh? I've heard of it. Wait... let me get this straight... the twelve of us are trapped on this infamous island renowned for dangerous wildlife... bloodthirsty cannibals... hordes of zombies... and we get to survive here?!"

"...get to...?" Mikka mutters confused.

Now fully clothed and armored, Sasha throws her arms up in a celebratory cheer, as she proclaims loudly, "this is going to be great!!! Danger around every corner, a beautiful jungle setting, struggling to survive day to day... this is a perfect vacation paradise!!! Kind of makes me feel silly for going looking for a tavern though..." Most of the survivors just gape at her, utterly speechless.

2013-08-13, 11:19 AM
Tok'sang looks at Erid's heroics, his mouth half open in astonishment; a feeling that's confirmed, twice over, from hearing Sasha's incredible perspective on the situation. Here's someone we want to have as a friend. The only thing will be to make sure he stays alive... He'd make a good pair with that girl, it looks like they share a taste for crazy risk taking.

2013-08-13, 11:34 AM
Konrad is grateful for his helm's visor keeping the look on his face hidden as he watches Erid's ridiculously overwrought act of 'heroism' in retrieving the damsel in distress, if a woman as carpricious and clearly lethal as Sasha could ever be considered such a thing. Not caring to speculate any further on the older man's intentions in such a matter, he is keen to observe Caerwyn's stuttering offer of fresh clothes and a drink, which strike him as eminently more honest in intention. Deciding to alleviate the boy's embarassment, he guides Harbinger forward and opens his helmet's visor to speak.

"We took notice of your bladework with the spider back there." Konrad says, his tone even, respectful, "It'll be good to have another sword hand back at camp to keep watch and guard. Assuming we wouldn't prefer to stick around here for whatever set that trap?" Wheeling Harbinger around he nods to Gael, Toksang, Caerwyn and Sasha in turn before riding back towards Sevrin at the entrance to the clearing.

"It seems you were right in that our assistance was necessary. I look forward to your continued expertise in setting up shelter now that we have what we need." Konrad says, his voice cool, but without the usual edge of haughty aloofness.

2013-08-13, 12:37 PM
Erid lets out a soft groan as he pulls himself back to a sitting position, tucking his dagger back into his kit and taking a brief moment to check over his body for any signs of injury gone unfelt. Finding little but a few tender spots on his back, he pulls himself back to his feet and slips on his robe once again, listening to the conversation emerging from the rest of the group. He's unsurprised by most of their words, except for the half-elf tanking the brandy, and reserves himself with the knowledge that one more person is safe for the time being. And even his fatigue from the burst of adrenaline would fade away in a few moments.

"Would anyone object to eating the horse?" Erid asks the others present in the clearing, after Konrad has decided to leave.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-13, 12:51 PM
"Even if Konrad were dead I wouldn't allow it. Honestly I think Harbinger's more agreeable than he is. Besides, I prefer lean meats, like poultry and fish."

2013-08-13, 12:56 PM
"If Konrad were dead, I'd be content." Erid replies to the man nearby, making sure that not of his weapons were damaged in the fall as he takes another glance around the area. It couldn't hurt to be be extra-careful in a place like this.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-13, 01:01 PM
Orazio shakes his head.

"Don't judge him too harshly. He's never left Cheliax before, doesn't know how respect is earned, not granted. He'll learn. He just needs time. I know how it is. I had cousins like him that became great heroes...and some who became great villains. I'm hoping with a little guidance he won't become the latter."

2013-08-13, 01:04 PM
"Thanks! ...but I think I may be out of commission for a few days," the sorrow in her voice, almost a pout, is quite genuine. "The venom of the Mwangi giant hunting spider is a latrotoxin and severely affects muscle action. I want to fight, but I can barely lift my arms. It makes for a pitiful thrust," she illustrates the slow motion with her blade - still maneuvered gracefully though. "I'll help, but I don't know how much of it I'll be. Were it not for the poison, I would have just untied the vine, but I honestly couldn't even sit up..."

At Erid's comment Gelik, Mikka and Sasha all burst into laughter.
"That'd be several days worth of horse jerky for all of us."
"He'd have trouble being so pompous seated on the back of a rug."
"I'm sure a fellow like him would manage. May even have an especially dignified rug-riding hat in those saddlebags."
"Maybe we should wait and see how the hunting goes first," Sasha adds with a grin.

However, at Erid's second statement, Servin frowns, "Orazio's right. I don't like his attitude either, but he will be useful. Pompous city-bred noble like him doesn't know the danger a jungle poses. I think a few days from now he will be cowed. I sincerely doubt that he'll be more trouble than he is worth in the long run."

2013-08-13, 01:14 PM
"Paradise," Caerwyn echoes with a small laugh. He wipes his face with the palm of his hand. "That's certainly another way to look at it." He takes the now far too empty flask of brandy from Aerys with a glare to match her grin. It goes back in the bag along with the unused potion, and he reminds himself to not fill it up later. "It's an old trap. Might be that none would come back to check it. Anyway, we still have some time to walk, and there's a trail here. Following it might help us make a bit more headway before we have to make camp."

2013-08-13, 01:32 PM
The sound of laughter gives Konrad enough pause to wheel round and observe Sasha, Gelik, Mikka, able to find at least some humor in their situation. Generally unfamiliar with the experience of being laughed at behind one's back, he ***** his head to one side in his helm, but Harbinger gives a whinney, and rears back around, directing his attention more fully to the group assembled. A motley band they look, that much is certain . . . but more than a few of them are hardy and handy enough and have made it clear. Servin's advice and experience are likely to continue to prove valuable, Sasha's abilities with a blade are obvious, and between Tok'Sang, Caerwyn, Orazio, and Gael their are more than a few useful abilites between them. Aerys at least seems a stoic sort, and while grating, Gelik is hardly more than an annoyance at worst. Leaving . . .

"Erid . . . and Mikka . . .", He thinks to himself, narrowing his gaze to stare coldly first at the ships surviving deck hand, and then on the rugged and burly man, 'She's a liability, at best. But if Erid sees it as his place to be her protector, it may serve to keep her safe and him out of the way. Who knows, maybe he'll even earn himself a noble death in her defense at the hands of some of these cannibals or undead we have yet to see.' That thought comforts him some, but doesn't change what has already passed between them.

"If the trail leads to whoever set it, it might be an opportunity to rid ourselves of a potential threat, here and now while we are already out in force. However," Konrad turns towards Servin, "We do have some wounded, and were our efforts to result in more, we still have no camp or shelter in which to care for them. What do you say?"

2013-08-13, 01:43 PM
Gael was flooded with relief once he sees that the group had not been too late in saving Sasha. He was trying to see if there was anything he could do to bring down the woman, but before any ideas came to him, Erid had solved the situation in a rather selfless manner, followed by Caerwyn's (pleasantly surprising) care for Sasha's condition.

"That was very brave" says the sorcerer to Erid, approaching the older man and offering a hand for him to stand up.

Things seem to be coming together. thinks young Baendor to himself

And of course that's when Erid makes the comment about horse meat that could send both heavyweight combatants into a direct collision course. Not to mention that it was giving the other survivors a dangerous line of thinking when it came to the animals under their care, a serious threat to Fier.

"That's just asking for..." begins to say the sorcerer when the rest of the group starts to laugh. Realizing that it was best to take the comment as a joke, Gael tries to help diffuse the situation (fortunately, Orazio and Servin were already working on that too)

"We all need to adjust and work together says the sorcerer calmly in support to the mercenary's and oracle's points. Besides, the mobility provided by a mount could make a big difference while we explore the area."

Sasha's attitude seems to border on the insane, but Gael was happy to see that at least one of the survivors is not on the verge of a breakdown.

"Sasha" asks the sorcerer, ignoring for now the woman's vast knowledge of poisons since this is a good opportunity to change the topic of conversation before Konrad overheard the previous discussion "did you see any other survivors? We don't have much time to spare before we have to make camp, but if you suspect that anyone else is nearby, maybe we can look for them..."

As the knight returns, Gael answers his question while speaking to everyone
"If there are no other known survivors, I agree with Caerwyn: Finding a place to camp - preferably with fresh water - has become our priority. The game trail might lead us to water, so I suggest we follow it for as long as we can.

But Konrad also brings a good point: we should advance cautiously, since there might be other dangers through this road. "

2013-08-13, 02:46 PM
Sasha sighs, "not a soul. Err... do goats have souls? I did see two goats. And that spider. And some macaws. But no survivors. Or taverns."

Servin listens to Caerwyn, Konrad and Gael. "Shelter, I think. We would just be scrabbling idly in searching for more survivors without any leads. Attacking at this point would be risky. Sasha can barely stand, I'm not doing much better. You and your horse are both wounded. The game trail may lead to water, but I'm not certain of that. Daxtin, do you know anything about where we are?"

The halfling, who had been sulking at the back of the group, shakes his head 'no,' but after a moment he points north and little east, "that way should lead us to the ocean," then points to the south-west, "the cliffs that way, which we past coming in, may make for good shelter, at least we shouldn't get surrounded and the sun won't be bearing down on us directly after midday. This trail leads southeast. It's been a while since I've seen my map, but I don't remember any rivers on the northern half of the island. We may want to make camp sooner than we can find water."

2013-08-13, 03:19 PM
Sasha's comment illicits a rare smirk and laugh from Konrad, "Your confusion is warranted, I think. I've seen sorts in taverns that could pass for goats judging by their hygiene, and the matter of their souls I would say was equally circumspect." Without knowing that he himself had been the subject of their jests a mere matter of seconds ago, it might appear remarkably good humored of him.

Daxtin's and Servin's exposition brings him back around to the matter at hand though, "I would remind you, Gael, there are those in our party who can conjure clean water, though I understand the desire not to be wholly reliant upon magic. If water is not an issue for the present, then the cliffs might make a fine camp site, since shaded from the sun. However, they seem rather exposed to the elements otherwise, should their be a storm or squall and given our proximity to the Eye . . . Would not the cove where we washed ashore provide similar cover?"

2013-08-13, 03:46 PM
It may acknowledges the sorcerer to the cavalier with a nod, glad that the knight was in a good mood and making suggestions for the benefit of the whole group.

I have very little knowledge on this area, so my vote just goes to what our experts Gael gestures at the rest of the group, making a point to include both Konrad and Erid in the process. suggest

The sorcerer's eyes then turn to Tok'Sang, silently seeking the wisdom of the one member of the group that has actually survived in a jungle.

HP=9/9 (0 NL)

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-13, 05:14 PM
"Konrad, I don't think we'll have to worry about the Eye. It's pretty far to the north compared to this place."

2013-08-13, 09:28 PM
"Konrad, I don't think we'll have to worry about the Eye. It's pretty far to the north compared to this place."

Konrad shrugs, "I know little of nautical matters, but since the consensus seems to be that if half the rumors about this Shiv are true, it's some place we don't want to be, then there are certainly enough rumors and legends about the Eye to make it a place we'd best not be near. Though only one that matters to me at present is that the Eye of Abendego will inevitably spawn storms which devastate the mainland coast, and might very well swallow up an island like this for gods only know how long."

2013-08-13, 10:21 PM
Aerys gives Konrad a perplexed glare, "what cover is it that the cove would provide from a storm? If anything, the cove would have the added danger of a squall sending a rogue wave to destroy our entire encampment. A typhoon certainly brings plenty of those."

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-13, 10:56 PM
Konrad shrugs, "I know little of nautical matters, but since the consensus seems to be that if half the rumors about this Shiv are true, it's some place we don't want to be, then there are certainly enough rumors and legends about the Eye to make it a place we'd best not be near. Though only one that matters to me at present is that the Eye of Abendego will inevitably spawn storms which devastate the mainland coast, and might very well swallow up an island like this for gods only know how long."

Konrad, the Eye's been around for over a century. There's been no sign it's getting bigger or any evidence to suggest it can spawn "daughter" hurricanes. I don't know much about nautical matters either, but what you're suggesting sounds like drunken Shackles superstition."

2013-08-14, 06:23 AM
Tok'sang silently, and somberly, listens to the group's banter. The jokes - or are they ? - about Konrad and his horse fail to amuse him, and he doesn't partake in the laughter. Stupid. This man is dangerous, as soon as he finds himself in a position of power, they won't laugh so loud anymore. Should I give the slip to the lot of them? Some are decent folks... For now, probably better to seek safety in numbers.

Hearing the various views on where to make camp, he thinks of the possibilities, based on his own experience living in the jungle.

Knowledge (Nature) to try and form an opinion over where is best, and fastest, to settle for camp.

"Wherever we camp can't be very far from here, or we'll drop down from this heat. Here, let everyone take some more water..." He goes around the group, conjuring more water as needed for people to drink or splash on their faces.

2013-08-14, 06:47 AM
"Indeed." Erid concurs with Orazio, both preferring to trust in either his own or Tok'sang's experience in surviving nature, or the knowledge of those who understand the area, than the conjecture of a bully everybody seems to be condoning. "I would be careful about challenging Konrad, Aerys. He has a habit of assaulting those who question him."

2013-08-14, 10:48 AM
"I know some good drunken Shackles superstitions," Caerwyn comments. "Most of them involving the Eye tend to go something like 'it's alive, it's a sea monster with a thousand mouths and ten thousand teeth in each, it's a portal to Abaddon or Hell or the Abyss', so on and so forth. Though weather in general can be quite nasty, really. And some people do blame bad storms on the Eye and occasionally, butterflies. Never quite understood how that worked." He takes his empty waterskin and fills it with Tok'sang's offered water. As soon as it's full, he gulps down some. Not all of the water quite makes it into his mouth, and rivulets flow down from his chin to drip on his shirt. He doesn't seem to care. "Ah. That's a lot better. Also, may I make a suggestion? Let's not spend another two hours walking back to the place we just tried to get away from. I thought we had this discussion already?"

2013-08-14, 11:04 AM
Konrad huffs in response to both Aerys and Orazio, his shoulders hunching and then slumping as he dismounts from Harbinger and removes his helm, the better to speak directly to his complaintants. "You've never heard of the Eye spawning smaller storms, and I've never heard of a speck of an island named for a knife where the dead walk in droves, cannibals lurk in every thicket, and worse plagues those unfortunate to be shipwrecked there. So between the two of us, we would appear to 'know' nothing for certain. If someone, anyone, here could prove that their was a better place to set up camp than this very spot, I'd be more than willing to start directly, but as it stands, I'd rather we start making time to where we know at least their are no immediate threats beyond the inclement weather."

He finishes, rather pleased with himself for not losing his temper, his tone even and cool and his face betraying little but necessary courtesy. It is at that point however which Erid's comment catches him offhand, and he immediately rounds on the man, fixing him with a steely glare.

"That is the last time I will suffer your insolence, Erid. Do you intend to continue to hide behind jibes and cowardly remarks forever? Or only now that I am similarly armed?" He turns to regard the remainder of the party gesturing at Erid, "I will have it out before the rest of you who do not know. This blaggard drew on me, unarmed as I was, when first we found ourselves on the beach," Then turning back towards Erid, "And I would have what he begun finished between us."

Konrad settles into a fighting stance, hand not quite resting on his sword hilt.

2013-08-14, 01:01 PM
Caerwyn looks from Konrad to Erid to the rest of the group. Proud horseman, reckless warrior, scared survivors - and Sasha, who was about as far from scared as one could get. "Is that so? Well, I say go on and get it over with. Just after we deal with this whole shelter thing. Priorities and all. I know I've met a few that deserved a good beating, and sometimes it ends up working out for the better of all participants." And most of the rest of the time it wrecked all relations between them, but that was another issue and more or less a given in any case when your solutions involved stabbing the other guy.

2013-08-14, 01:10 PM
"And I would do it again." Erid states calmly, following Konrad's announcement to the group that portrays him as the villain, rather than the defendant of a traumatized victim. "I saw a soldier assaulting an unarmed and traumatized civilian, and I leaped to her defense. I would do the same for any who are in danger, and against any ignorant bully."

2013-08-14, 01:53 PM
Konrad grinds his teeth, not so much angered by Erid's words as his refusal to respond to his challenge. "Do you take me for some common sellsword? A vagrant man-at-arms? I am no one's soldier, and I do naught but which is necessitated by honor and duty." Konrad spits the word venomously eyes locked on Erid.

"I am a knight, and a lord besides, and if it is her you were defending," He nods his head vaguely in Mikka's direction, "Take up your weapon in her defense once more, or else admit that you are a coward who is as like to threaten the unarmed and unarmored as you make me to be."

2013-08-14, 02:00 PM
"Honor?" Erid scoffs at the wording of Konrad's challenge, though makes sure that he's prepared to defend Mikka should the cavalier make a move towards her. "What is honor, without virtue? You are naught but a man hiding his crimes behind the guise of a word he does not understand. I see plenty virtuous in defending the weakened; and nothing virtuous in subjugating them beneath the fist of a tyrant. Which is what you are quite clearly painting yourself to be."

"As for your challenge, I am not a fool who believes that strength of arms is strength of philosophy. Consider your own brutishness, before you challenge mine. Mikka, in no way, allowed you the position of her superior; that right belongs to the Captain and those he deems worthy of it. You were not given this right; no matter what other position you may hold, and thus, have no right to punish her for her actions.""

A sigh escapes from the older gentleman's lips. "And if I knew you would take my defense as a challenge of might, it would have been too much trouble to even try it." he adds, a slight amount of sarcasm in his tone.

Archpaladin Zousha
2013-08-14, 02:12 PM
"That is QUITE enough!" Orazio barks.

"I've been trying to defend your actions to keep the peace, Konrad, but you continue to antagonize those whom you SHOULD be helping, and when you feel slighted you wish to settle it with battle rather than acknowledging when you may be in the wrong or letting the matter slide. You are by no means the leader here, nor is anyone present. I've seen men like you before, all the time. I lived in Cheliax too. I grew up there. Hell, you may have even met a few cousins of mine. But this isn't Cheliax, nor is it even Sargava. Duty and honor mean nothing here. Only survival. And that means we must put aside politics and grudges to ensure we all have a chance of getting off this rock alive. If you're going to continue to stand apart from the group because of your petty pride, then you'll quickly find yourself abandoned to the island, which will more than likely kill you. No one is going to care whether you acted with honor here on the island, nor are they going to care that you did your duty. So give it a rest, calm down, and apologize for your aggressiveness."

Then he turns to Erid.

"And don't think for a minute that this absolves you of blame either. Konrad's anger at you stems largely from your own unwillingness to let a grudge go. Yes, he acted out of line, but so did you when you mockingly brought up the idea of using Harbinger for food while he was out of earshot. You deliberately aggravated him. While I have no doubt of your dedication to helping others, we all need to get over ourselves and work together. Besides, you make no attempt to see things from Konrad's point of view, never thought anything beyond the brief description of "bully." Did you ever think he may be as scared as all of us are? That he may be trying to cope with that fear the only way he knows how?"

He pauses and grabs his head, clearly suffering from a headache.

"Gods and now I'm rambling. Let's just get a camp set up for the night and we can organize ourselves in the morning after tempers have cooled and spells are replenished."

He takes some of Tok'sang's offered water and drinks deeply, frowning in frustration, feeling despite the rant no one was going to listen to him anyway.

2013-08-14, 02:19 PM
BOTH OF YOU STOP! yells Gael, placing himself between the two combatants as he raises both hands.

This has gone long enough! Both of you are acting like children! continues the sorcerer, his patience exhausted If the two of you want to attack each other, you will have to kill me first, because I swear I will roast whoever throws the first punch!

So you either stop now and learn to cooperate with each other and the rest of us until we get out of this Gods-forsaken island, or you leave right now and take your chances with the jungle!

Before Gael has a chance to continue, Orazio also jumps to the discussion, his reasoning along the same lines as the sorcerer's

At the oracle's mention of the camp, Gael lowers his arms

Orazio is correct. We are setting camp now at the cliffs. We can decide our next step after we have made a secure location and recoverer

2013-08-14, 03:29 PM
Orazio and Gael's words barely register with Konrad as he focuses his full attention on the subject of his feud, the sorcerer and oracle but flies buzzing at the edge of his senses for all their talking over Erid's own words is worth. At the mention of the captain, something in Konrad's elaborate sense of duties owed and allowed stirs, and his hand flinches above the hilt of his sword as he carefully considers, time seeming to slow around him till all at once he stands up straight, looks Erid clearly in the eyes, and moves both hands back to his helm, clutching it under his arm.

"Very well." He says, all other emotion drained from his voice. "You are not wrong, Erid, and I accept your resignation in good faith."

It is a simple statement, but for Konrad carries all the considerable weight of the his personal commitment to honor and order. As such, Erid's admission regarding a 'challenge of might' is to his mind a satisfactory retraction and thus a fulfilling appeasement of honor. With one matter left to resolve . . .

Helmet off and now considerably less imposing in stance and demeanor, Konrad takes the necessary strides to put himself directly in front of Mikka and makes a short but formal bow at the waist, inclining his brow past her eye level as is only appropriate, despite the inconvenience it puts him at due to his height. "Crewmen Mikka, I apologize for my presumption of authority. It was not my place to chastise you, especially in such harrowing circumstances."

The Chelish chevalier then rises dons his helmet once more and swings into the saddle, taking point at the head of the trail. "Tok'sang, if you or Daxtin would guide us back towards the cliffs, I believe we are overdue for establishing an encampment."

2013-08-14, 03:38 PM
Erid stands by with a passive glance as Konrad makes his response and apologizes to Mikka for his interference of her personal rights, a small smile coming to his lips as the issue is resolved to his satisfaction. If nothing else, something good has been accomplished, and he can set his mind to the situation at hand without distractions. Including lending his considerable survival skills to the group, along with Tok'sang and his ape.

With that resolved, Erid turns to the two members of the group who had yelled and ranted at them, a playful sparkle in his eyes. "Yelling was quite an overreaction, don't you think?" He teases them, hoping that his tone would let them know that he considers the matter settled, for the time being. "And I quite agree; let us be off." He re-checks his robe and prepares to follow either leader back to their destination.

2013-08-14, 06:07 PM
Having pointedly avoided Konrad ever since he had slapped her, Mikka takes a fearful step back as Konrad approaches. A wince and lean further convey her terror as he bows at her. She looks confused and suspicious, exactly like a wounded animal receiving affection from its assailant. She glances to Erid, the Servin, then simply nods. When Konrad backs away, her shoulders slump and she sighs as if a great crisis were just averted.

"About time..." Daxtin mutters. The halfling, as angry with the group as he may be, is not so obstinate that he dallies in this task. He leads the group of survivors southwest to where he claims the cliffs to be. Within fifteen minutes, the group stands in the shadow of the rock wall. A few minutes walk to the southeast locates a perfect spot - slightly raised ground and a mild depression in the rock face yield an ideal location for shelter from wind and sun. Then, they begin to build.

It is quickly established stochastically that Tok'sang is the authority on jungle survival. Whether he desired it or not, it doesn't take very long before the entire group is deferring to his wisdom on the subject. Under his direction, the construction of a defensible campsite gets underway.

Just as the clearing starts to take shape, the afternoon sky darkens. A frantic rush for dry wood transpires just before the rain comes. At first it seems a blessing, the cool drops a release from the oppressive heat moments before. But it is relentless. Within minutes, the broad leaves above mean nothing. Small channels form and rush past the outskirts of nascent camp. The water soaks through everything... but the work must go on.

An hour passes before the skeleton of the camp is complete. Canvas tents that Mikka waterproofed with rubber tree sap surround a stonewalled fire pit. Piles of dry wood and fronds that produce smoke when burned reside in a small dry alcove. Many additional large logs have been gathered for use as needed and sit in the pouring rain.

Sighing relief and surveying the area with hands on his hips, Servin proclaims, "well... it isn't particularly luxurious, but it should do for us. We only have a few hours before sunset. If we all work together, we can probably get one or two improvements made to the camp."

Normally, PCs and NPCs (with an attitude of Indifferent or better) who spend the day at the camp can make an effort to make life safer or better for the other castaways. Each NPC can fill two different roles based on their talents. For the camp this first night, everyone will work together to fill only TWO of the roles. There are five assignable roles:

Defender: A defender works to set traps, shore up a shelter’s walls, and see to the safety of the campsite. The first time in a day that a wandering monster or hostile creature attacks the campsite, the defender’s traps inflict 2d6 points of damage - the damage is divided equally as possible among all attackers. Each additional defender assigned to a campsite increases this damage by 2d6.

Entertainer: An entertainer helps to raise hopes for rescue—each entertainer grants NPCs a +2 bonus on Will saves to increase morale made each morning.

Guard: Guards keep watch, set alarms traps, distract or frighten off wandering beasts, stifle the fire if need and generally try to protect the camp. Each guard reduces the chance of a wandering monster attacking the camp during the day or night by 5% (minimum chance of 5%).

Hunter: Each hunter can provide enough food and water for eight Medium creatures per day.

Medic: Each medic reduces the chance of being exposed to disease by 5% and increases the number of hit points healed naturally during a night’s rest in the camp by 2.

Defender: Sasha, Mikka, Daxtin
Entertainer: Aerys, Gelik, Daxtin
Guard: Aerys, Servin
Hunter: Sasha, Servin
Medic: Gelik, Mikka

2013-08-15, 10:56 AM
Despite his inexperience, Gael does his best to make himself useful while the group is setting up camp. As the work progresses, the sorcerer finds himself working next to Sasha, and the young man cannot help but see some of the still fresh scars on the woman's arms

Hey! says Gael as cheerfully as he can muster, although his voice still shows concern. How are you feeling? Are your arms feeling any better?

Reaching into his belongings, Gael retrieves one of the items he had purchased for this trip under the advice of his parents' traveling journals.

Here. Have one of these. They are supposed to keep insects away... I'm not sure if it would work against such a monstrous spider as the one that attacked you, but it will definitely keep the smaller ones away. Use it if you see any bug that might look poisonous: you are already weakened, and I want for all of us to get out of this island alive.

Offers one vermin repellent to Sasha
Diplomacy check to improve her attitude

2013-08-15, 04:23 PM
Sasha snatches the bug repellant from Gael with a grin. She opens it and sniffs, her face contorting as she recoils away. "Blegh! What wouldn't this stuff repel?! Thanks a lot, though! I'm sure I'll find a use for it!"

After some debate, the group decides to split up and devote some effort to shoring up the camps defenses and some to treating wounds and making for a more restful night. The former group creating a palisade from the excess logs, tying thorny vines across strategic locations and making some traps from bent saplings and sharpened sticks. The latter group collects broad sponge-like leafy plants that can serve as bandages, a gourd-like fruit and root of an orchid which when ground together make for an antiseptic poultice, small white berries that are reputed to act as a mild anti-toxin, soporifics herbs to help the wounded rest and the fronds of a fragrant fern that repel insects when burned. It was tough work that neglected other ways to help, but come sunset the camp is more defensible and the wounded should be in good hands. Before sunset, the rain slows to a drizzle before vanishing.

2013-08-15, 06:07 PM
Gael smiles back at Sasha, glad that he could do something to help out the other survivors.

I wish that these powers could heal instead of destroy regrets the sorcerer to himself with a small sigh But dwelling on it won't help us, so I need to remain positive and do what I can to help

With this glass-half-full frame of mind, Gael continues helping out, concentrating his efforts in collecting healing supplies (some of which he had read about, but would have never recognized without the guidance of Tok'Sang).

Once the camp is up and the survivors are getting ready to eat some dinner, Gael reaches into his belongings and retrieves a rather large cooking pot. Filling the container with water from the still pouring rain and bringing it to a boil, the young Baendor then adds some cooking herbs he found while searching for berries.

It's not much Gael calls to the others, pointing to the rather weak broth and making a motion with a spoon that he is willing to give some to whoever may want it but it's warm and it will keep us hydrated

Take 10 to profession(cook) for a total of 15 to try to improve dinner as much as possible (although I understand if circumstances do not allow for this).

2013-08-15, 09:55 PM
Tok'sang witnesses the latest altercation between Erid and Konrad. Throughout the shouting match, he maintains a stony face, but with a great deal of tension beneath - he's preparing to pounce whenever any of the two, both dangers to the group, initiates a fight. When Gael announces he will unleash his magic against the first who strikes, he gives the most imperceptible nod of approval.

Fortunately, thanks to reasoning so tortuous he can't start to grasp their meaning, the two hotheads manage to find a gentleman's agreement - sort of an agreement, suitable to some sort of "gentlemen", presumably.

Without further ado, he approves of Daxtin's suggestion for a camp site, and gets to organize the set-up and the gathering of wood, herbs, foodstuffs an miscellaneous helpful materials from the jungle. The work is hard, the heat is tough, then the rain is worse. But he is on familiar ground, and finds himself useful, his skills respected and his advice listened to by others, total strangers until a few nights ago. By the end of the day, the young Zenj surprises himself, feeling like the slightest hint of a smile on his own face. In spite of the dire circumstance, this is the most content he has been, ever, since that fateful day of his initiation.

Only when the sun sets can he take a breather, and only then does he really notice the state of weakness Sasha is in. He comes to her and looks more closely at her wounds and the limpness of her arms. "My apologies, Miss. This poison has really weakened you, I can see that clearly. You're in no shape to fight, should any other creature attack us." He hands over a small flask.

"Drink this, it won't cure you fully, but it should help. We have only a few of these, and they can't be replaced, so I can give you only one."

Giving Sasha a potion of Lesser Restoration
[roll0] Str points healed.

2013-08-15, 11:29 PM
Sasha accepts the potion with a smile, "thanks a lot! All of you are so nice!" She looks at it skeptically, but chugs the vial anyway. Within moments, she looks visibly improved - standing straighter, limbs no longer limp, a flush returning to her skin - and a grin spreads from ear to ear, "WOW! I feel so much better! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! YES!!!! This is going to be the best camping trip EVER!!!"

By the firelight, several of the survivors gather to partake in the meal that Gael prepared. Gelik dives in eagerly, after a few slurps of the soup proclaims, "ah, it has been so long since anything resembling flavor has touched my tongue! I," he stands to give a bow, "thank you, Gael. It is a small consolation - but one I am very grateful for - that the tragic end to my voyage on the Jenivere brings with it an end to months of bland food."

"SCRIIIEP!" A sudden chirp-like screech shatters the growing levity. Before eyes can even turn face the noise, a winged beast swoops from a tree and bites at Konrad who was tending to Harbinger. The beast passes without stoping, rises above the encampment and perches about twenty feet up on a ledge in the cliff face.

The stunned campers look to face the creature, which is only one of five who have gathered on the cliffs. One of only five watching with hungry eyes reflecting the firelight, but with an added greenish hue. One of only five with broad beak lined with two rows of sharp teeth. Even by the dim combination of moon and firelight, the vibrant purples, pinks and greens of the perched pterosaurs are easily visible. They vary somewhat in size, but all are much larger than the rhamphorhynchuses that planned to eat Daxtin on the Jenivere - even the smallest has a wingspan over ten feet. The particular dinosaur that swooped in first has bloody scratches on its wings from hitting the thorny vines stretched between trees above the camp.

"Look at them! They're so cute!" Sasha cries with delight.

ActionsDefender damage: [roll0]

D1 Attack vs Konrad (FF AC 18): [roll1] Damage: [roll2] DC 12 Fort poison or [roll3] Str Damage, 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)

Due to initiative: Erid, Caerwyn, Konrad and Tok'sang may go now. Then the pterosaurs will go, then everyone goes. Gael and Orazio had lower initiatives than the pterosaurs, so they will go later.

NPC statusSasha: HP 8/19
Aerys: HP 17/17
Gelik: HP 16/16
Servin: HP 10/20 - NL 1
Daxtin: HP 12/12
Mikka: HP 14/14


D1-D5: Sit on rocks 20 ft up (D1 did the initial swoop)

2013-08-16, 04:21 AM
Tok'sang is greatly enjoying the meal, the best he has had, by far, in fact the first decent one in nearly a year, when the brutal interruption reminds him of where they are stranded.

Jumping his feet, he silently curses his oversight : He has been so busy during the day, that he forgot to craft even a crude sling for use at range. Bereft of weapons, he rummages in his bag to extract one of the fishing nets found in the captain's room, deploys it, and prepares to react to the next attack.

Move action, take net out of bag.
Ready action to try and entrap any attacker. This is likely an improvised weapon, so applying a -4 to the roll.


Tok'sang (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=609941)
HP: 10/10 (0 NL, 2 Dex dam) AC: 13, 11 Touch, 12 Flatfooted
Saves: +3 Fortitude, +1 Reflex, +7 Will
Spells: 1st: 1/3

HP: 9/9 (0 NL) AC: 14, 13 Touch, 11 Flatfooted
Saves: +3 Fortitude, +6 Reflex, +1 Will

2013-08-16, 11:01 AM
Caerwyn is not nearly so elated at the new arrivals as Sasha. He curses, quite vividly, in a blurred mix of harsh Shackles-barroom Common and burbling Aquan, and draws a dagger. "Focus your fire on one at a time! Start with the wounded and go from there!" He takes the lead himself, staring coolly up at the bloodied pterosaur. His eyes go lightning-white, then slowly return to normal.

Move action: draw mundane Dagger
Standard action: Evil Eye (-2 AC) targeting the wounded one.

Caerwyn (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=609728)
HP: 8/8 (0 NL) AC: 13 (Touch 13, Flat-footed 10)
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +4
Spells: 1st: Hypnotism, Dancing Lantern

2013-08-16, 12:43 PM
Konrad gratefully accepts the soup from Gael, mentioning "Considering the last meal we had aboard the Jenivere, I have full faith in your cooking, and I'm not just saying that because I think things couldn't get any worse." It may have been an attempt at a joke, but Konrad's over wrought courtesy robs the statement of any humor, though it at least doesn't sound like a threat or one of his more arrogant statements.

It is punctuated however, by the sudden diving swoop of some sort of winged reptile while Konrad sees to Harbinger while eating his soup. The remaining contents of the bowl spill on the ground, and Harbinger rears into the air as Konrad swears and reaches for his sword, now comfortably at his side and not likely to leave any time soon. 'Oh, so it is worse . . .' He thinks to himself as he observes the flying menace, grateful at least that whatever it is appears to bear no resemblance to a dragon. 'What did they call those scavenging bird-lizards on the ship? Dino-rhampy-ptero-saurrs?'

It makes little difference as he swings himself into the saddle and rides towards the entrance to their little camp, drawing his lance from the saddle to protect the opening and give him some room to swing apart from the thorny net overhead.

Move action to occupy I & J, 11, drawing my lance as a free action. It has reach, though I'm not sure the bearing that has on attacking flying foes.
Ready a standard action to attack the next foe who comes into range.

AC 21; HP 11

AC 21; HP 6

2013-08-16, 02:11 PM
As soon as he notices that everyone is put in danger, Erid draws one of the many weapons at his disposal; in this case, the bow and arrow that he's not particularly skilled with, but has had enough training to use it comfortably. Rather than entering into focus, like his last few encounters with danger, he's rather confident from the start that they should be able to defend themselves adequately.

Attack "the wounded one".

Move action draw bow, free action draw arrow, standard action attack.

Attack: [roll0]

Damage: [roll1]

Erid Alfsigr (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=609612)
Male True Neutral Human (Half-Chelish Lastwaller) Barbarian (Breaker), Level 1, Init +2, HP 11/15, Speed 30ft
AC 15, Touch 12, Flat-footed 13, Fort +5, Ref +2, Will +2, Base Attack Bonus 1
Greatsword +6 (2d6+7, 19-20/x2)
Greatclub +6 (1d10+7, x2)
Ogre Hook +6 (1d10+7, x3)
Studded Leather (+3 Armor, +2 Dex)
Abilities Str 20, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 15, Cha 14
Condition None

2013-08-16, 02:56 PM
Terror erupts in the camp as the reality of the situation dawns of the survivors. In an instant, Daxtin disappears. The unarmed halfling slinks off to some corner out of sight, and seemingly out of the mind's of the beasts. Gelik pulls back his own bow, nods to Caerwyn's command and fires at the wounded beast simultaneously with Erid. Both arrows thunk into the beast's chest and it drop, tumbling onto the tent below.

Sasha draws her rapier and steadies herself. Mikka stares in horror as whatever illusions of safety she had crafted crumble. The same Shackles-barroom common explicative leaves Aerys's lips as she fumbles for her bow. Servin, grabs for his heavy crossbow, and begins to load.

NPC Actions:
Daxtin: move into a tent
Gelik Attack: [roll0] Damage: [roll1]
Sasha ready Attack: [roll2] Damage: [roll3]

NPC status:Sasha: HP -1/19
Aerys: HP 17/17
Gelik: HP 16/16
Servin: HP 10/20 - NL 1
Daxtin: HP 12/12
Mikka: HP 14/14

At the spray of arrows, a loud "SCRIIIEP" erupts from all of the pterosaurs as they lunge forward. All charging targets, seemingly at random. The narrow vines of thorns tearing the their pterosaur bodies as they move.

Sasha swings at the creature as it moves in to strike, but her effort is half hearted as she doesn't want to harm the adorable creature. However, the beast's jaws clamp down on her neck hard and falls limp to the ground bleeding heavily. Gael receives a wound nearly as catastrophic, but it does not drop him. Both Aerys and Tok'sang are attacked as well, but neither beast can connect to either of the adjacent fighters. Tok'sang throws the fishing net at his thrashing attacker and the net manages to ensnare it. However, it's clear the fishing net won't hold the powerful creature for very long. After their attacks, the four living beasts perch precariously atop the nascent shelters, still trying to bring down their intended prey.

Enemy Actions: All charge: D1 moves C8-G9; D2 moves B9-E10; D3 moves B15-F13; D4 moves C16-G13; D5 moves D17-G14

D1 is DEAD D1 Attack (Servin): [roll4] Damage: [roll5] DC 12 Fort poison or [roll6] Str Damage, 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)

D2 Attack (Gael): [roll7] Damage: [roll8] DC 12 Fort poison or [roll9] Str Damage, 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)

D3 Attack (Sasha): [roll10] Damage: [roll11] DC 12 Fort poison or [roll12] Str Damage, 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)

D4 Attack (Tok'sang): [roll13] Damage: [roll14] DC 12 Fort poison or [roll15] Str Damage, 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)

D5 Attack (Aerys): [roll16] Damage: [roll17] DC 12 Fort poison or [roll18] Str Damage, 1/round for 4 rounds (save ends)


D2-D5: are perched ~10 feet off the ground (within 5 feet of your attacks - unless you're Gelik).
D4 is entangled until the end of it's next turn (since a fishing net isn't really the same as a net)

Sasha (red S) is down, bleeding.

2013-08-16, 04:35 PM
Gael smiles warmly at the positive response that his cooking had on the other survivors. It was for that very reason of sharing a quiet moment of joy with others that the young Baendor had made an effort to learn to cook. More than anything, when all of this was over, the sorcerer wanted to be able to once again have a meal with his younger brother.

It would seem the Shiv did not take kindly to daydreaming.

Gael tries to gather his magical energies, but the enemies are too fast. Before he realizes it, the sorcerer finds himself screaming in agony as he feels his flesh being ripped by the pterosaur. The pain is worsened by the overwhelming sensation of weakness that washes over the young Baendor as the poison tries to take effect.


Eventually, the creature pulls away, but in doing so it leaves a deep gash through the sorcerer's clothing, exposing the secret he had tried so hard to conceal: The young's man flesh is covered with dark tattoos shaped like words and intricate patterns.

Gael looks around and sees the chaos of the battle. Most of the creatures were clustered together. If only he could get some room to gather his power...

I need space! calls the sorcerer blindly to the others as he backs up, hoping that they would make room for him.