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2006-12-10, 06:41 PM
El Goonish Shive is good, isn't it? I mean, it's one of the few webcomics I'm addicted to.

But why there has to be so many romantic subplots?!

Is it there to annoy us hopeless single people out there? Is it a plan of world domination?


Eldritch Knight
2006-12-10, 07:58 PM
Because the artist is evil? I mean, if you think about it, webcomics take about 5 minutes to truly enjoy. If there are 1000 people who read the webcomic, that's over 3 days of work wasted. Thus, webcomic artists are attempting world domination by rendering the rest of the world nonproductive.

2006-12-10, 08:04 PM
You're still addicted? He is losing my meanwhile...I agree, it is good, I started reading this year(I think from reading this thread!) and read nearly through the whole archive at once, not even really noticing the art change. Strange development from gag strip to surreal plot- strange comic overall, but in a good sense. Fine done interaction between the characters.
But I'm somehow losing my patience with him. Now he has at least started with filler strips. Don't get me wrong, I understand there is a life outside, and I'm normally not a "he doesn't update regularly, I'm leaving" person but the whole last months felt like bubble gum pulled long more and more.
I can't really put my finger on it, guess it started with the birthday party. Confusing point is, I liked the party story and the different interactions, but still in the end I felt like the people he quoted in his comments :"Just get over with it"
And I'm very glad he is giving up Q&A fillers for now..honestly, the last one was totally unfunny, hadn't put smallest sign of smile to my face. Transgender thing is getting worn out now.

His new art style looked cool, but Grace was developing too much into a puppet for my taste..but that was a first impression, maybe it's getting better, how shall I know without him doing a strip?

Yeah, it's a big conspiracy :smallwink: I guess they all own adult phone lines besides their strips and want us lonely males to desperately call. As I'm sitting here at 2 am filling my lonely night time with posting, we see how it works.:smalltongue: (That's the reason I don't use any synonyms, I'm tired..eat my shorts, english teacher.)
Still, I like his romances, he's doing them in a nice, believeable way I think(like social interactions at all.)
..But that leads me to my (finally) last outcry: One thing that also annoyed me at Dominic Deegan: Why, WHY does the gay person in the cast HAS TO BE in love with the strip's hero?

So, finally done :smallwink: I really enjoyed El Goonish most of the time, that's why it bothers me so much.

EDIT: Huh, you started this thread? I'm really tired..But there once was an old thread about El Goonish Shive, that's the one I#m referring to in my post, of course.

2006-12-23, 07:25 AM
most all webartist's have these little breaks. I try and ride it out by finding another comic so I don't obsess.

I like the way Dan does the comic. Sure its slow when reading through updates but he's thinking of when its all done. When you look at a finished webcomic haven't you ever wished they lingered somewhere a little longer?

The Extinguisher
2006-12-31, 12:50 AM
Yar! Love it. Highfives all around!

2007-01-03, 04:18 PM
Updates! Updates! Finally!

So, a new story arc is coming. It's too early to say what it will be about, but let's throw in our guesses.

The Extinguisher
2007-01-03, 05:04 PM
Sweet, sweet updates.

But I shall never complain about me missing an update. And entire month without a story update. And I'm still hooked. He's that good.

2007-01-03, 10:04 PM
I'm hopelessly addicted myself, and celebrating at the fact the main story is now updating again!

2007-01-04, 03:28 AM
Why did I read this post?! Why did I give into the temtation and read comic number one... why was there a monster GOO that made me laugh!

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2007-01-04, 04:13 PM
Fate. Chance. Because it's that awesome. Think up some new questions, Jimbo-Yo, and get back to me. Avoid the traps. Dodge the freakish crossbow that removes Y Chromosones. Ask your pitiful questions. Get shot down in flames.

Now quit asking stupid questions and finish reading the bloody thing. Soon you'll be as hooked as the rest of us. It's like nicotine.

The Extinguisher
2007-01-04, 04:26 PM
Nicotine laced with cocaine.

2007-01-04, 04:39 PM
One year down four more to go... must keep reading

2007-01-05, 04:37 PM
Finished speed-reading this comic last night. Should I be concerned that Grace reminds me of my girlfriend? Both in personality and in the antennae.:eek: (The disdain against clothing, sadly, is not part of the comparison)

2007-01-05, 06:16 PM
Now, all EGS fans out there, admit it: you too thought that MitD was Grace turned evil, haven't you?

Shadow of the Sun
2007-01-05, 07:58 PM
Ummmm. No, I didn't. Oh so sorry.

2007-01-05, 10:03 PM
Neither did it...why did you thought that?

2007-01-08, 04:31 PM
Hmm, I don't really see the similarity in personality, though I could easily imagine the MitD playing Black and White 24/7.

2007-01-08, 04:36 PM
That girl on the new comic gives me the creps....she's a scary, scary girl....

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2007-01-08, 05:23 PM
I'm still going by my theories that MitD=Q and MitD=Beast Wars Megatron, Khantalas, or should I say... CAPTAIN JAMES T. KIRK!?


Yes, that child is horrific, Mal, and spouting a strange non sequitor, too.

2007-01-10, 11:40 PM
M'kay.... Creepy Little Girl just became a lot more creepy.

2007-01-11, 12:27 AM
I think creepy only tougchs the tip of her iceberg

2007-01-11, 02:56 PM
today's comic gave me a bad feeling, one i haven't got since i saw the picture of angry Lord Tedd...

I blame the girl, that scary, scary girl (or whatever it really is....)

2007-01-15, 09:53 PM
Wake up call, eh?

I had something to say about today's comic, but that will be open to misinterpretations. I hate misinterpretations.

2007-01-19, 10:01 AM
Well, in case you're wondering, hammerspace didn't work because Elliot didn't say anything offensive, simply frustrating.

I think.

The Extinguisher
2007-01-19, 08:38 PM
Has Ellen been trained in the art of hammerspace though?

There are still so many questions needed to be answers. We should start with the ones that make no sense.

2007-01-19, 08:43 PM
Of course. Elliot summoned hammerspace without training when he was turned into a girl. I think it's like elven low-light vision or something.

Men don't have anything similar, though. They don't even have the advantage of numbers. I can think of three boys in the birthday, and five girls. Not counting the duck. And Freddy.

2007-01-27, 09:21 AM
It gives me headaches. Pretty good story, nice art, but confusing. One could compare it to a massive car pileup. Confusing, gruesome, and somewhat appaling, yet you can't look away...:smallconfused:. I approve!

EDIT: Wow, backhanded compliment #8 today. I'm good at this.

2007-01-29, 01:22 AM
Of course. Elliot summoned hammerspcae without training when he was turned into a girl. I think it's like elven low-light vision or something.

And yet Sarah had to have Susan teach her to use it...

2007-01-29, 03:27 AM
I just tried to read through the archive, and honestly I just stopped after like 100 comics. I don't know... all of the "romantic" stuff seems really off-key and self-conscious. It sort of reminds me of that old anime, Tenchi Muyo- it just ends up overexaggerating the awkwardness of teenage sexuality without providing any real substance to the story. Sure, there's some random catgirl and shadowy badguys with vague motives, but they really end up as the backstory after all of the forced mushy crap.

Plus, far too many of the jokes relied on the stale old formula "Guy says something lewd to girl, girl suddenly gains super-human strength and beats the living snot out of the guy, hilarity ensues."

2007-01-29, 03:53 AM
I have been reading it for years, since before Grace defeated that... wossname? the flamey guy. I have to say, I still read it but I think it jumped the shark after that point. It hasn't really made me laugh in ages, and the plot is so bogged down in the romance and the number of main characters that I don't really remember the last time it moved forward. Every time something seems to approach resolution Dan jumps off and starts talking about something totally different, then forgets about that to focus on a party that has been going on for the last year of realtime or something. Pity, because it is one of the first webcomics I really liked. And because of that I will keep reading it on-and-off in the hopes it will return to the Glory Days.

2007-01-29, 05:26 AM
And yet Sarah had to have Susan teach her to use it...

Well, that just proves that Sarah isn't really a girl. Which makes that transgender party thing oh so creepy.

2007-01-29, 08:55 AM
Heh, I did theorise as at one point that Sarah had originally been a guy and that was what happened with her and Tedd. I was, of course, wrong. Ah well...

2007-01-29, 09:15 AM
Wait, I forgot about that. Sarah was turned into a cat by Tedd, right? Or was it something else?

2007-01-29, 09:28 AM
Turned into a catgirl, briefly.

2007-01-29, 09:30 AM
So, why was she not zapped, given the sheer number of physics and D&D cross-overs around?

2007-01-29, 09:36 AM
Good question that. For that matter why is Sarah the only character who seems to have no special skills or magical powers? Hardly seems fair... poor Sarah...

2007-01-29, 09:38 AM
Yeah, Wikipedia does mention that.

Well, I'm staring at Susan and Freddie right now. What do they have?

2007-01-29, 09:40 AM
Erm... Freddie?

2007-01-29, 09:41 AM
The cat. Wasn't he named Freddie?

Or was it Freddy? Or just Fred?

2007-01-29, 09:43 AM
Jeremy: The Creature Nature Never Intended.

2007-01-29, 09:46 AM
And the creature Susan hates with an unmatched passion.

So, why do these three characters have no special power or training -excluding hammerspace?

2007-01-29, 09:47 AM
Well, it's implied that Jeremy has powers above and beyond a normal cat, hence Tedd recomending his form for Grace when she wants to be more powerful.

Sarah... who knows...

...and who's your third character with no power?

2007-01-29, 09:48 AM
Susan. What does Susan have that I have missed? Besides being filthy rich?

2007-01-29, 09:51 AM
She has magic, but she's not as good at it as Nanese. They learned about it on a joint school trip to Paris, which is also how they know each other. If I remember correctly.

2007-01-29, 09:55 AM
Well, the greatest power in the Shive-rse was given to Justin.

The power of hair braiding!

All others shall bow before his majesty!

OK, I could add a poll for this, but that would eat my precious poll feature. So, I ask here: is Tedd narcissist, or just that girly?

2007-01-29, 09:41 PM
Why not a girly narcissist? That was the title of the comic in which he posed that question to himself.


2007-02-02, 03:58 AM
Tedd is scary today. But who cares, he's got the background of a Mad, Mad Scientist™.

2007-02-02, 11:36 AM
I've read the comic a long time, and it's great. I have both books, and they're great. This is one of my favorite webcomic, some others are Goblins, Dominic Deegan, Something Positive, Commissioned and of course, Order of the Stick.

2007-02-02, 01:02 PM
Ah, so that avatar _is_ Omega Grace. I was wondering...

The recent arc feels kinda sitcom-y so far, and with plans for multiple story arcs in the future, I wonder if the strip might not take that kind of direction.

2007-02-03, 09:54 PM
"Tedd's Back, baby"

i had to use a lot of self control to not fall into the floor (i was in college)...

now i just need a gig with Dr. Germahnn or Mr. Verres...

2007-02-19, 09:14 AM
Susan... silly, silly Susan. Don't you see? You're in a comic strip. Such moments are never private.

Vladia hair... heh heh.

2007-02-19, 09:44 AM
Susan... silly, silly Susan. Don't you see? You're in a comic strip. Such moments are never private.

Vladia hair... heh heh.

I think she'll look better with the colours inversed...am i right?

2007-02-19, 12:49 PM
She looks pretty awesome right now...

Amon Star
2007-02-20, 08:42 AM
Susan... silly, silly Susan. Don't you see? You're in a comic strip. Such moments are never private.

Vladia hair... heh heh.

She looks better with her hair like that, IMO. Mind you, I think she looked hotter as Man-Susan.

Also, I also think that Susan and Vladia have a lot in common, and that if they ever met they would either get on famously or hate each other.

2007-02-20, 08:45 AM
Mind you, I think she looked hotter as Man-Susan.

OK, let's stop and think about that comment for a while.

Which reminds me...

"I'm wearing a skirt and I have boobs, I am not going to think about my manly image now."

Always a killer.

2007-02-20, 12:59 PM
Is Tedd narcissist, or just that girly?
I'm going to go with both.

2007-02-20, 02:42 PM
OK, let's stop and think about that comment for a while.

Which reminds me...

"I'm wearing a skirt and I have boobs, I am not going to think about my manly image now."

Always a killer.

hence my current situation, i shall be taking this one...this a good excuse..


Amon Star
2007-02-21, 05:03 AM
OK, let's stop and think about that comment for a while.

If you mean that Susan would consider what I said to be a Hammerable offence, then you're probably right. Anyway, Elliot thinks she would be happier as a man, for some reason.

2007-02-21, 07:03 PM
Good god, this comic sounds incredibly lame.

2007-02-21, 07:07 PM
*bangs Gri with the power of hammerspace*

OK, my gender doesn't fit. But come on, this is G-B Week, that should be universal at the moment.

The Geomancer
2007-02-21, 07:40 PM
Props to Khantalas for the awesome grace avatar.

I love El Goonish Shive, it in my top four favorite webcomics (Dominic Deegan, EGS, A Modest Destiny, and of course OOTS). It strikes me however that El Goonish Shive is a comic I enjoy much more reading through the archives then actually checking for updates (which I do anyways).

I love seeing how much the art improves throughout the strip. The beginning are is passable, but the currant art is very very good.

2007-02-21, 08:04 PM
I dont get it. How can you be the wrong gender for hammerspace? Do women in this comic store hammers in their vazhine?

2007-02-21, 08:11 PM
Ok, Gri, sit down. Let me tell you a tale long passed from mother to child for generations. And resist the urge to ask how I learned this story.

In anime, female characters have the magical ability to summon huge wooden rice mallets out of nowhere to smash them on men that offend them. These injuries, while painful at the time, are only temporary and have no bearing on the plot.

So don't mind when I smash mine on you...

*summons hammerspace*

The Geomancer
2007-02-22, 09:37 PM
If hammerspace is only in anime, then how do you explain these terrible bruises on my head?

2007-02-23, 04:51 AM
Well, anime is a synonym for, um, wherever you live. Women there have hammerspace.

Besides, if everything else fails, you can always go to France and learn magic.

2007-02-23, 09:23 AM
I went to France and I didn't learn magic. Unless 'learning magic' is some kind of euphemism...

Amon Star
2007-02-24, 07:55 AM
I went to France and I didn't learn magic. Unless 'learning magic' is some kind of euphemism...

Did you remember to have an encounter with an Elf-like Immortal? That appears to be a part of the process, unless my theory is wrong.

2007-02-24, 09:14 AM
I went to France and I didn't learn magic. Unless 'learning magic' is some kind of euphemism...

...kinky!! :smallamused:

2007-02-24, 02:43 PM
Yeah and in anime(hentai, same same) men tend to rape women, what's your point? :smallconfused:
Hammers, rape.
Feels like I'm in mother-russia again. ಠ_ಠ

Lord Fullbladder, Master of Goblins
2007-02-24, 03:58 PM
Hammerspace follows a much reduced variety of the InfiniPack device that appears in most pre-1999 animation. That is, you can pull whatever you need out of the nothingness behind your back.

The most notworthy example of this is the old Timon & Pumbah cartoon, which contained within it one epidsode in which they explain this strange phenomenon--whilst plummeting to they're deaths, eventually averted by pulling parachutes from behind them through luck-of-the-draw (they tried for parachutes, and got the parachutes on the 80th try).

Hammerspace is simply the result of years of research and development on the same phenomenon, though diluted to being gender- and item-specific.

Anime works also, but I always liek my explanations better.

Following January, 1999, the InfiniPack vanished for the most part from the face of animation. This did not affect a good deal of shows, the more serious ones with greater plot and such, who did not use the device, but destroyed the lives of more animated animated characters. (*chuckle*) I theorize that this is when major scientists began experimenting with the Device, eventually leading to it's dilutation.

Amon Star
2007-02-25, 05:23 AM
Yeah and in anime(hentai, same same) men tend to rape women, what's your point? :smallconfused:
Hammers, rape.
Feels like I'm in mother-russia again. ಠ_ಠ

Hentai may be anime, but all not all anime is hentai. And hammerspace only appears in the more light-hearted anime anyway, so it has no connection with what you said.

2007-02-25, 10:48 AM
Hentai may be anime, but all not all anime is hentai. And hammerspace only appears in the more light-hearted anime anyway, so it has no connection with what you said.

Hentai is anime but not all anime are hentai. Hammerspace appears in some anime but not all. Hammerspace can appear in hentai, but does not have to. Wait did you have a point? Thought so.:smallconfused:

2007-02-25, 10:51 AM
I've posted a poll! Hooray!

The Extinguisher
2007-02-25, 02:48 PM
What about Justin and Elliot?

2007-02-26, 02:49 AM
I am the obligatory jerkass voicing my negative opinion about this webcomic:

I don't like it. The author is falling into CRFH Disorder, plus the gender-switches have been used so much for no reason now that it is not cool or funny to see it anymore, it's just annoying.

Thanks for listening and g'day.

Amon Star
2007-02-26, 07:42 AM
Hentai is anime but not all anime are hentai. Hammerspace appears in some anime but not all. Hammerspace can appear in hentai, but does not have to. Wait did you have a point? Thought so.:smallconfused:

I get the impression that you were implying that all anime was Hentai. That's just one of my buttons. If you weren't, I apologize.

As for the Hammers, I think there funny. Though I've never seen them outside of EGS. I didn't really have I point with mentioning them, though your "Mother Russia was in very poor taste.

I've posted a poll! Hooray!

YAY! Another Poll.

I voted for other, because I couldn't decide. It's like asking me to pick a favourite EGS character. They're all so good. I was tempted to go for Susan & Jeremy because it would be funny, but I decided against it.

The author is falling into CRFH Disorder.

I have to ask. What's 'CRFH Disorder'?

2007-02-26, 08:17 AM
What about Justin and Elliot?

Well, there is also Tedd & Ellen, Female Tedd & Elliot, Will & Gill and bunch of other stuff that could have been there. However, five options really limit the poll.

2007-02-27, 06:01 PM
I have to ask. What's 'CRFH Disorder'?

Well, if it has something to do with not updating for a period of time, then EGS has it chronically. As good as the webcomic is to read, it's much better in the archives than having to wait for each installation.

That doesn't mean I don't check it every day it _should_ be updating, mind you.

2007-02-27, 06:11 PM
I have to ask. What's 'CRFH Disorder'?
"College Roomies From Hell" Disorder, also known as First and Ten Syndrome.

Amon Star
2007-02-28, 07:00 AM
Well, if it has something to do with not updating for a period of time, then EGS has it chronically. As good as the webcomic is to read, it's much better in the archives than having to wait for each installation.

That doesn't mean I don't check it every day it _should_ be updating, mind you.

Well, it's quite understandable about update problems, even if it is frustrating. Anyway, Dan has stated that he considers the archives to be more important than the latest updates.

"College Roomies From Hell" Disorder, also known as First and Ten Syndrome.

Well, unless Indon is right, I'm none the wiser.

2007-02-28, 11:31 AM
It means it started out as a humor strip, and is now trying to be too dramatic, or something along those lines.

2007-02-28, 01:59 PM
Eh. EGS has gone from comedy to drama to comedy to drama... and is probably swinging back to comedy at the moment.

I suspect they'd need to make up a new websnark-catchphrase for it. Something involving a pendulum.

2007-02-28, 02:07 PM
Shive Pendulum Principle?

I've already named the "homosexual male friend falls in love with the heterosexual male lead" situation "Justin Tolkiberry Syndrome".

Anyway, forget about comedy, I want to know more about the creepy little girl.

2007-02-28, 02:07 PM
Wait, there's no female form Justin and male form Susan as a choice?

Am I the only one thinking the female forms of the males are hotter than the original females apart from Nanase? IMHO Female Ted > Nanase > Female Justin > Anybody else.

2007-02-28, 02:09 PM
Female Ted being hotter than Nanase doesn't tell us much.

What about female Elliot?

2007-02-28, 03:12 PM
As I said, top three are female Ted, Nanase and female Justin. Female Elliot is somewhere behind, actually pretty far.

The Extinguisher
2007-02-28, 09:49 PM
ElfLad, that's actually Cerebus Syndrome if I'm not mistaken.

2007-02-28, 09:51 PM
Am I the only one thinking the female forms of the males are hotter than the original females apart from Nanase?

That makes sense, given that the ray was designed by Tedd, and thus people affected by it will tend towards being hotter (in Tedd's perception, and he seems like a man of good taste... well, some of the time...) so, a man whose been zapped will be more likely to be hot than a woman, who has to deal with what nature saddled her with (Venus Form excepted, of course).

2007-03-01, 01:03 AM
ElfLad, that's actually Cerebus Syndrome if I'm not mistaken.

Cerebus Syndrome is when a webcomic shifts from non-episodic humor to more story-line driven and dramatic, yes, but the difference is that the new product is arguably good.

CRFH Disorder/First and Ten Syndrome is when a webcomic shifts from humor to drama, but the adaption leaves it a horrible shell of its former self.

The Extinguisher
2007-03-01, 01:34 AM
Considering I like EGS and what it's become kind of fits under arguably good. I can argue that it's good.

Seriously, how do you base it on? Is there a scale that I don't know about?

2007-03-01, 02:58 AM
though your "Mother Russia was in very poor taste.

I resent that. ಠ_ಠ

2007-03-01, 07:09 AM
Considering I like EGS and what it's become kind of fits under arguably good. I can argue that it's good.

Seriously, how do you base it on? Is there a scale that I don't know about?
The fact that I feel barely any humor in it anymore and its being replaced by a bizarre, overly-complicated, and completely drawn out storyline about romance that thinks its unique because it switched around the genders of the characters.

Amon Star
2007-03-01, 11:42 AM

Cerebus Syndrome is when a webcomic shifts from non-episodic humor to more story-line driven and dramatic, yes, but the difference is that the new product is arguably good.

CRFH Disorder/First and Ten Syndrome is when a webcomic shifts from humor to drama, but the adaption leaves it a horrible shell of its former self.

Well, that all down to personal opinion. I like the direction EGS is currrently because of the pathos it generates and I still find it funny. A better form of humour to be honest than when it first started, at least in my opinion.

I resent that. ಠ_ಠ

It you're from Russia, then I apologize.

2007-03-11, 12:56 PM
we have all been twisted by this comic which is why we keep reading it as stated:
"expert claims EGS warps minds"
best line ever.

2007-03-11, 01:04 PM
Hmm, six panels after her debut I already want to slap Nanese's mother...

Amon Star
2007-03-12, 11:43 AM
we have all been twisted by this comic which is why we keep reading it as stated:
"expert claims EGS warps minds"
best line ever.

I was warped and twisted already. It's why I love it so much. To quote :belkar:, "I'm home!"

Sage in the Playground
2007-03-12, 09:21 PM
I liked it at the beginning. I like it now. Fiction is not good OR bad. It is the tastes of the individual. Like how BoBoBo WHATEVER made it across the seas. In my mind, its the the worst piece of crap EVER. It is naught nut a string of random clips with the main characters in them. Absurdest humor done every 5 seconds is not appealing to me, as it loses its main element, surprise. But it isn't my place to judge, as people like it, and isn't my place to decree what is or isn't funny. Or interesting.

In addition, Nanase's mom annoyed me too.

The Extinguisher
2007-03-14, 06:20 PM
I'm not liking Nanase's mom.

I mean, heaven forbid her GPA drops to a 3.9, or gasp, a 3.8.

2007-03-14, 06:21 PM
It may drop to 3.99.

Heavens preserve us, that'd be horrible.

2007-03-14, 06:23 PM
...what is a GPA?

2007-03-14, 06:24 PM
Grade Point Average. Basically, it's how well someone does in American universities. And in my college.

Sage in the Playground
2007-03-14, 06:42 PM
And high school.

2007-03-14, 06:44 PM
Bah, what do I know about American high schools?

2007-03-17, 06:52 PM
I can feel an "awwww!.." moment coming...


Also, friendly bump. Come on, EGS lovers! Show some lovin'!

And hatin' for the "two story one filler every week" routine Shive considers adopting!

2007-03-17, 06:54 PM
Awwww, indeed.

I must remember to hug my sister...

2007-03-17, 07:32 PM
That was a REALLY cute comic. I hope we get to see a little bit more interaction with her sister.

Also, one thing that is always interesting when introducing EGS to somebody, is that I refuse to explain it first. Whenever I do, I always start sounding schizophrenic. I just hand them my hard copy of the first two books, and convert a new person! :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-17, 07:35 PM
Is there something in the Nanase - Ellen relationship I don't see?

I mean, Jeremy - Susan, people! It's got the break-ups, it's got the make-ups, the intensity, the drama and the puppy face!

Yes, I was serious when I put the option there.

2007-03-17, 07:38 PM
Is there something in the Nanase - Ellen relationship I don't see?

OMG teh lesbians!!!!!111one! Probably.

2007-03-17, 07:41 PM
Gah, I'm used to them. I don't have any around me, but I just don't see the thing that makes it special.

And why don't gay guys get any special treatment? As a straight man I demand there be a gay guy romance thingie voted more than Ellen - Nanase romance thingie!

No, Justin - Elliot doesn't count. They aren't a couple yet.

And speaking of which, why did you vote for them?

2007-03-17, 07:52 PM
Girls don't react the same way to gay guys as guys do to lesbians because... well, the male reaction to lesbians makes no sense.

My reaction to lesbians, however, makes perfect sense. Think about it...

Also I just like that storyline. I appreciate the confusion they both feel.

2007-03-17, 07:57 PM
But, come on. It makes even less sense because, well, you're you.

And does this break the "gay person is in unrequited love with the lead character, who is in love with someone else" rule? Because, well, technically, Ellen is the lead of EGS, being a female Elliot and all.

EDIT: Agreed 110% on the usual guy reaction to lesbians.

2007-03-17, 08:14 PM
But, come on. It makes even less sense because, well, you're you.

...pardon me?

And does this break the "gay person is in unrequited love with the lead character, who is in love with someone else" rule? Because, well, technically, Ellen is the lead of EGS, being a female Elliot and all.

She's not really Elliot anymore though...

2007-03-17, 08:18 PM
...pardon me?

I have tried wording it differently so it would make sense. Doesn't work.

Don't push me.

2007-03-17, 08:20 PM
I'm sorry, but I really have no idea what you're talking about.

2007-03-17, 08:23 PM
At this point, neither do I.


Is that a devilish duck of some sort? *runs*

EDIT: When in doubt, call the duck (who inexplicably gets more action than me).

The Extinguisher
2007-03-17, 08:36 PM
Khantalas, I'm ashamed. It's a demonic duck.

Maybe I'm just desensitzed to homosexualality because I go to an art school, but I don't have the typical "OMG teh lesbians!!!!!111one!" reaction to the "teh lesbians."

That's why I voted for Jeremy and Susan. Best romantic subplot. Ever.

I laughed so hard when I read the "Dammit, I can smell the delicious cookies from here"
Also. Aww...

2007-03-17, 08:37 PM
See my sig, first spoiler. Realize why I don't use that d-word.

2007-03-17, 08:39 PM
Personally, I really like the Ellen - Nanase thing just cause Nanase is my favorite character, and I REALLY want to see something good happen for her.
As far as how I see lesbian relationships, I don't really care, it registers on about the same wavelength as normal relationships do. Person A is attracted to Person B for reasons X, Y, and Z. The gender doesn't really matter to me there.

2007-03-17, 08:41 PM
My favorite character is Tedd.

I have my reasons.

2007-03-17, 08:42 PM
BTW, Thanks for pointing this thread out to me Khantalas. Yay for EGS discussions! :smallbiggrin:

2007-03-17, 08:46 PM
No problem. Just try to keep it at the top, despite the Strip Slaying thread.

And love Tedd (in a non-romantic way, if you aren't interested in males - oh, who cares, it's Tedd).

Shadow of the Sun
2007-03-17, 10:26 PM
Oddly enough, while I voted for Ellen+Nanase, Justin is my favourite character. I didn't go OMG The Lesbians111, because I am like Justin in that regard *cough*. I chose Ellen and Nanase because it has had the longest build up, it is surprisingly the most believable without being boring, and it is just an interesting element to the story.

2007-03-17, 11:15 PM
I choose Tedd+Grace, they're my favouritr character's after all...

2007-03-18, 01:31 AM
I have only recently discovered El Goonish Shive, but quickly ran through the archives, and am now up to date.

It certainly explained a few of the avatars that I have seen around here! :smallbiggrin:

As for relationships... Tedd and Grace followed by one not appearing on the poll - William and Gillian. Possibly the least threatening Greys that I have ever met.

The Auld Grump, ooh look - a post....

Amon Star
2007-03-18, 08:02 AM
Going back to the schedule change that Dan suggested, I have no problem with it. The fillers are always fun, and I especially want to see Round 2 of Tedd vs Noah.

As for the romantic plots, well, I still say they're all good. And Justin isn't in love with the main character, he's in love with Elliot.

2007-03-18, 10:03 AM
As far as the fillers go, I absolutely love them when they aren't sketches. I'm a little bit more ambivelent when it is a sketch though.

Whenever I introduce somebody to EGS, always make sure to tell them to click the ALL next button, because the fillers are such high quality. My favorite filler was when grace was introduced to caffeine and lots of sugar, so she became a blur. I'm sure that is not quite right, but I love it anyway.

What is everybody else's favorite filler?

2007-03-19, 05:44 AM
I didn't go OMG The Lesbians111, because I am like Justin in that regard *cough*.

You mean your family name is Tolkiberry and your geek powers immunize you to lesbians?

Shadow of the Sun
2007-03-19, 06:09 AM
Ummmm, no. Nice dodge, however.

2007-03-19, 06:13 AM
Dodge? What dod-

*ducks and rolls to evade the bullet coming at his eye*

Oh, that dodge.

Amon Star
2007-03-19, 12:25 PM
What is everybody else's favorite filler?

This one. (http://www.egscomics.com/Filler/d/20041231.html) I can't wait for Part 2.

2007-03-19, 12:46 PM
I don't read old fillers. Does that make me a bad person?

I do read EGS : NP, though.

2007-03-19, 02:10 PM
My favourite Filler? can't remember..

i'll look it up once i have enough time to scan through all the archive

2007-03-20, 09:55 AM
Okay, since I asked, here's my list of favorite fillers:
http://www.egscomics.com/Filler/d/20060301.html : Gargoyle Nanase
http://www.egscomics.com/Filler/d/20050201.html : Dan installs ram
http://www.egscomics.com/Filler/d/20031012.html : Ellen versus Sensorshep
http://www.egscomics.com/Filler/d/20020818.html : Grace on a sugar and caffeine high!

And Khantelas? Yes, you are a bad person. I am assigning you the penance of reading the filler archives and laughing a lot. Then you'll be better! :smallbiggrin:

Amon Star
2007-03-20, 01:58 PM
So, anyone know if magical fairy flight can resist the gale force wins of a sneeze? :)

I knew that Nanase would find Ellen sleeping and use her Fairy Tail Attack. I didn't predict where the Dole would be though, or the sneeze. Either way, funny comic. I loved the EEP!

2007-03-22, 11:24 AM
I bet Nanase has commitment issues. She is just the right type for that.

Amon Star
2007-03-23, 11:50 AM
I bet Nanase has commitment issues. She is just the right type for that.

I wouldn't say that. She was very committed to making her relationship with Elliot work, and she wasn't even attracted to him. However, she may act like she has those issues due to her fear of her mother finding out about her orientation.

2007-03-23, 02:09 PM
What is everybody else's favorite filler?
The EGS Files (http://www.egscomics.com/Filler/d/20060326.html). For some reason I really like William and Gillian.

William: I could run for President!
Gillian: You'd lose of course.
William: Oh yes, by a landslide.

The Auld Grump

Amon Star
2007-03-24, 06:32 AM
I've said it before and I will say it again. Hedge is Badass! Even with his owl problems.

2007-03-26, 09:38 AM
I've said it before and I will say it again. Hedge is Badass! Even with his owl problems.


Sorry, couldn't resist beign me...:smallbiggrin:

2007-03-26, 09:39 AM
Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!

The bane of Hedge: anti-climactic owls.

EDIT: Malmagor, why don't I still have your character? Time flies like an arrow, dude! Fruit flies like a banana. Not time.

2007-03-26, 09:44 AM
Hoot! Hoot! Hoot!

The bane of Hedge: anti-climactic owls.

EDIT: Malmagor, why don't I still have your character? Time flies like an arrow, dude! Fruit flies like a banana. Not time.

i'm limited to 2 hours of pc per day, and i'm using the college computer to check e-mails....what reminds me, i should be studing for a exam that i have in a hour...:smalleek:

Gotta Go. i'll try to advance it tonight.

Amon Star
2007-03-27, 06:56 AM

Sorry, couldn't resist beign me...:smallbiggrin:


Anywho, unto today's comic. Nanase looks SO cute in the first panel. I couldn't stop myself from going ARRHH! I hope Ellen remembers what she said here, about being happy sharing Nanase's closet. (http://www.egscomics.com/d/20060208.html)

Roll on Thursday!

2007-03-27, 11:37 AM
OK, following the advice of Cardinal, I've decided to read the fillers.

This (http://www.egscomics.com/Filler/d/20040213.html) is funny.

2007-03-31, 07:45 AM
Yeah, yeah, bump post, but...

How did Nanase do that? Does a fairy form have that much strength? Is she like a Super Bird?

Shadow of the Sun
2007-03-31, 08:00 AM
Probably something to do with a combination of anime martial arts and surprise. 'Cause anime characters inexplicably get superhumanly strong via the power of love. Or, to igve another theory: What the hell- things just happen.

2007-03-31, 08:36 AM
Come to think of it, we've never had any indication about how strong Nanese's Fairy form is. It's possible that it's just as strong as she is in human form (i.e. the strongest regular character with the possible exceptions of Grace and Elliot).

2007-03-31, 10:13 AM
*Nevrmore, the official EGS Grump, sits in the corner, waiting for someone to ask him why he is such a grouch.*

Shadow of the Sun
2007-03-31, 10:18 AM
*asks Nevrmore obligatory grump question*

2007-03-31, 11:20 AM
OK, following the advice of Cardinal, I've decided to read the fillers.

Yeah! Glad you read the fillers. EGS is pretty much the only comic that I will specifically read the fillers, and at times prefer them to the actual story.

Yeah, yeah, bump post, but...

How did Nanase do that? Does a fairy form have that much strength? Is she like a Super Bird?

Hmm, I was just assuming that her fairy can just move that fast.:smallbiggrin: Or we can just go for the all purpose explanation in EGS: "It's magic!"(especially when its nanase:smallwink: )

2007-04-01, 12:00 AM
Hey, just wondering, I've discovered EGS, and am loving the archives. I recently came across this bad boy (http://www.egscomics.com/d/20030306.html), panels 3-5 of whom would make a great sig. But tell me, I would like to know if the site would allow me yoinking its artwork for my forum signature? I ask this because I've already gotten a warning from using the Giant's work as an avatar, and would like to know beforehand.

2007-04-01, 12:10 AM
You could go ahead and ask, but Dan doesn't seem to mind. Just take a look inside the forums: Practically everyone in there has an EGS avatar. You could even sign up and ask someone to avatar-ize the image (it's probably even been done before).

Just be sure you're clear it's not your own work.

2007-04-01, 12:15 AM
Well, it's actually gonna be a sig. The Kobald Scholar is my Avatar, baby! But I will make sure to credit my sig to the comic, and a link as well. My god, that is a sweet image though. Even cooler since I've read the manga and know what "Trespass in my soul" means (and what it means for the guy that trespasses, heheheh)

In other news, I LOVE this comic!

2007-04-01, 12:58 AM
*asks Nevrmore obligatory grump question*

*bonks SotS on the head with a foam bat*

2007-04-01, 01:24 AM
*Nevrmore, the official EGS Grump, sits in the corner, waiting for someone to ask him why he is such a grouch.*

Good question. Not being a grouch, that's an innate quality, but as to why someone would be an EGS grump.

Aside from being kid-gloved around on the EGS or Mayhem forums. Everything's nice and polite there, of course, but if you act too pissy, the displeasure of the regulars is made quite palpable nonetheless (and they really have nobody to flame there otherwise).

2007-04-01, 01:35 AM


P.S. I really like saying the word grump. Teehee!

2007-04-01, 02:52 AM
P.S. I really like saying the word grump. Teehee!

Ah, ha!

Also, how does one sass into oblivion? Some sort of syrupy drowning?

2007-04-01, 07:46 AM
So, any particular reason for the grumpiness, or is it just a general curmugeonly attitude?

2007-04-01, 05:02 PM
Because I don't like EGS, that's why. Harumph.

2007-04-01, 05:07 PM
Hrm, so, be there a reason for this grumpy dislike, or is it like your dislike of Dominic Deegan?

2007-04-01, 06:04 PM
Dominic Deegan I make fun of. EGS I grump at.

If...grump were a verb.

2007-04-01, 08:00 PM
Hey, just wondering, I've discovered EGS, and am loving the archives. I recently came across this bad boy (http://www.egscomics.com/d/20030306.html), panels 3-5 of whom would make a great sig. But tell me, I would like to know if the site would allow me yoinking its artwork for my forum signature? I ask this because I've already gotten a warning from using the Giant's work as an avatar, and would like to know beforehand.

Well, you might want to take a look at the avatars that dan has made himself. http://www.egscomics.com/avatars_big_chibi_halloween.htm

Also, I think you might like this one in particular: http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w160/decostmj/justin_chibi_yugi.gif.

Plus, as Mewtarthio said, lots of people will be thrilled to make a new avatar for you in the forums.

BTW, my avatar is from the page I just mentioned.:smallsmile:

2007-04-02, 02:22 PM
Because I don't like EGS, that's why. Harumph.

What? An individual who doesn't love and adore this webcomic?

*shocked gasp*

2007-04-02, 02:56 PM
Well, you might want to take a look at the avatars that dan has made himself. http://www.egscomics.com/avatars_big_chibi_halloween.htm

Also, I think you might like this one in particular: http://i175.photobucket.com/albums/w160/decostmj/justin_chibi_yugi.gif.

Plus, as Mewtarthio said, lots of people will be thrilled to make a new avatar for you in the forums.

BTW, my avatar is from the page I just mentioned.:smallsmile:Darnit! Too.... Cute...! Must.... resist.... losing.... Kobold Scholar...! Can't.... hold... on....!

Also, ye seem to be forgetting that I plan to turn that sixth panal into a Sig, not an Avi. I'll use chibiyugi for an avatar, and the sixth panal for a sig, if all goes well.

Edit: And it has! Yay for new visual stuff!

Amon Star
2007-04-02, 04:29 PM
Does anyone know what wrong with the EGS website? Every time I try to load it I get the Page Not Found message.

2007-04-02, 05:26 PM
Does anyone know what wrong with the EGS website? Every time I try to load it I get the Page Not Found message.

Are you sure that you are going to http://www.egscomics.com/? I just tried it to check and it worked fine for me.

Amon Star
2007-04-02, 05:51 PM
Are you sure that you are going to http://www.egscomics.com/? I just tried it to check and it worked fine for me.

Yep, that the address I'm using. I even followed the link you gave. Same thing. Server not found. I thought that maybe Keenspot was down, but if you can do it, I just don't know what it could be. I don't seem to have any problems with anything else on the Internet.

2007-04-02, 06:01 PM
Yep, that the address I'm using. I even followed the link you gave. Same thing. Server not found. I thought that maybe Keenspot was down, but if you can do it, I just don't know what it could be. I don't seem to have any problems with anything else on the Internet.

Nope, same thing happens to me. Same thing with all the other Keenspot comics, as well.

Amon Star
2007-04-02, 06:06 PM
Nope, same thing happens to me. Same thing with all the other Keenspot comics, as well.

Hmm. I wander what's going on? anyway, I'll have to deal with it in the morning, if the problem is still there. Goodnight everyone.

2007-04-02, 06:29 PM
Actually, I think it caught my cache when I tried it before. I just went again about a minute ago, and even pinged it and nothing came back. Weird.

2007-04-03, 08:39 AM
when was this i'm not having any problems?

also one quick question why aren't you discussing this in the keenspot forums
and to nevrmore if your'e gonna be a grouch why take part in the disscussion?

2007-04-03, 08:43 AM
It was yesterday, far as I can tell. It's better now.

And this forum has threads for a bunch of _other_ comics, EGS needs to compete, you know.

Amon Star
2007-04-03, 10:59 AM
*Snip* also one quick question why aren't you discussing this in the keenspot forums *Snip*

They were down as well. But everything seems to be working at the mo.

2007-04-03, 10:00 PM
when was this i'm not having any problems?

also one quick question why aren't you discussing this in the keenspot forums
and to nevrmore if your'e gonna be a grouch why take part in the disscussion?

Actually, I discuss it on both forums sometimes. I just haven't been active over there in a while. :smallbiggrin:

Amon Star
2007-04-04, 04:43 PM
Actually, I discuss it on both forums sometimes. I just haven't been active over there in a while. :smallbiggrin:

You should come back. We need all the Bunnies that we can get at the moment.

2007-04-05, 02:34 AM
A bunny suit. A green, scary bunny suit.

At least Shive knows how to work with contrast.

2007-04-05, 12:09 PM
You should come back. We need all the Bunnies that we can get at the moment.

I, for one, can't ever really go back...

...Mayhem'd eat me.

2007-04-05, 10:21 PM
I a one forum person...i would stop posting here if i like it there...

also, i just saw Ego Slayer's sig, and to have a Bunny avatar....meh, it can wait, i don't want to bother Ceika right now... besides, i'm still hoping to have some time to learn to do avatars...

Amon Star
2007-04-06, 06:18 AM
This is an official warning. Evil Overlords United (http://eou.comicgenesis.com/) are a threat to all comics. As we speak, they have turned there gaze upon the fantasy genre. We must unite all comics to oppose this threat. Spread the word. Vigilance is the answer.

2007-04-06, 10:49 AM
was that a joke and you what people to read it or were you being serious?

i stand corrected.
i wonder if there's a way to warn them?

Amon Star
2007-04-25, 12:12 PM
Why has no one posted here for awhile? Has the EOU got you all, or have you just gone off EGS?

2007-04-25, 12:15 PM
I'm here. I just can't think of anything to say.

Except that uryuom looks strangely and disturbingly hot.

2007-04-25, 12:39 PM
I'm here. I just can't think of anything to say.

Except that uryuom looks strangely and disturbingly hot.

Why can't you people see she has a tail!

2007-04-25, 12:42 PM
I have a tail, dammit! See my avatar!

2007-04-25, 01:10 PM
Agent Wolf would have like, a heart attack if he saw Omega Grace.

It'd be _really_ bad if everyone just pretended like she wasn't some wacky-animal-lespuko-thingy...

Amon Star
2007-04-26, 12:44 PM
I'm here. I just can't think of anything to say.

Except that uryuom looks strangely and disturbingly hot.

QFT. The Uryuoms are one of my favourite things about EGS.

Agent Wolf would have like, a heart attack if he saw Omega Grace.

It'd be _really_ bad if everyone just pretended like she wasn't some wacky-animal-lespuko-thingy...

That would be so funny to watch!

2007-04-26, 09:27 PM
I have a tail, dammit! See my avatar!

You have beter; THREE tails!!! THREE WHOLE BLOODY TAILS!!! TH- *faints*

Amon Star
2007-04-28, 06:12 AM
Today's Filler was funny, though I would rather have Justin saying that to me.

BTW, for those of you who care, Agent Bunny has been officially PWNED!

2007-04-28, 09:41 AM
Today's Filler was funny, though I would rather have Justin saying that to me.

Who wouldn't?

...wait a minute...

Amon Star
2007-04-29, 05:04 AM
Who wouldn't?

...wait a minute...


Khantalas, has your gender changed? You've been playing with a CMD, haven't you.

2007-05-16, 04:14 AM
OK, I'll never be easy and off-guard around people that say they're bored anymore.

Also: Yay, update!

2007-05-16, 09:12 AM
Hey! Other EGS fanpeopledudethings!

....That's all I have to say. GO EGS!

2007-05-16, 09:31 AM
oh, what fools these mortals be....
ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!
...i'm bored.

i i find myself with an unusual sympathy for Chaos...he/she/it rocks...with major rockers on rock rocking chairs!!! :smallbiggrin:

OK, I'll never be easy and off-guard around people that say they're bored anymore.

Also: Yay, update!

that means you weren't already?...:smallconfused:

Amon Star
2007-05-17, 09:02 AM
The "I'm bored" line was hilarious, what with it following on from the manic laughter.

Here's a question. If you were in Magus' situation, what would you call TCCOC if you weren't aloud to use Chaos? I would go with Amorphia. What about everyone else?

2007-05-19, 06:00 PM
"Dennis", purely because that's my "I don't know what your name is" thing.

2007-05-19, 06:02 PM
That floaty black thing that won't free me.

Or Dan. Or Rachel. Depends on what gender it sounds like.

2007-05-21, 10:40 AM
Here's a question. If you were in Magus' situation, what would you call TCCOC if you weren't aloud to use Chaos? I would go with Amorphia. What about everyone else?

C-train, or something else I would think would have the potential to annoy it.

2007-09-14, 12:08 AM
Whoo! I'm really liking seeing Susan starting her fight at school. She looks really cute in todays first panel. Also, the title of "Baby Seal Susan: No Clubbing!" was just perfect.:smallbiggrin: