View Full Version : (3.5) Help me judge the difficulty of this custom encounter

2013-07-18, 12:54 AM
Hello gitip, first time poster, long time lurker, and newbie DM here looking for an assist in challenging my players without accidentally killing them.

First, the party details. This is our high downtime evil campaign. The metaphorical gang wamted to start a real, make believe gang. Ive allowed all official and homebrew-per-review content, and the players have returned the favor with the following builds:
(note: everyone is playing an la1 race)
The party face: a level 2 marshall focusing on being passable at ranged combat and making epic level diplomacy checks that caused me to immediately nerf diplomacy to something acceptable to all parties. In combat he usually opens with an assured success demoralize.
The party tank: a low op goliath crusader.
The party caster: a level 2 hexblade. Not much of a threat to anyone yet.
The party wild card: a high op dvati swordsage. Front loads damage like a beast, but nearly killed himself in the last encounter with a natural 1.
The skill monkey: a low op spelltheif. So, technically there are no casters in the group yet. Also, for the purposes of the encounter Im asking for help evaluating, the spellthief may not be present due to real life obligations (its always last minute, so delaying the game is not an option).

So, to summarize, its an ecl3 party of melee characters wildly varied in optimization. Its probably more accurate to refer to them as ecl2.5, however, since only the dvati and goliath have drastically affected.combat due to racial characteristics, especially the dvati. One final note: most, if not all, of them have the flaw that gives -4 to spot. This will be important.

The encounter:
Encounter -- gnome manhunter

10 str
17 dex
16 con
13 int
10 wis
6 cha

27 hp
30 speed
13 ac
3 init
6 fort 6 reflex 1 will
7 attack, -5 grapple

Comp longbow 1d6 x3 165 range

Endurance, track, pbs, far shot, rapid shot, skill focus hide, weapon focus, noncombatant, vulnerable


20 hide, 13 move silently, 9 spot

Ive only listed the relevant skills of the enemy. Surely in straight combat they could take this wimp down, but this is a *hard* campaign. The premise is that the party will Stumble upon an arrow filled half minotaur dungeoncrasher hiding behind his cart full of fine plunders. When the party is in sight he will yell for them to take cover, and i will tell them to roll initiative. Both the bull and the gnome will have their intiative prerolled to keep them on their toes, though this will count as a surprise round in the partys favor. Whoever doesnt take cover or hit the deck during the surprise round is likely to get shot with an arrow as soon as its the gnomes turn. Knowing the marshall, its likely to be him as he tries to diplomance his way into the minotaurs stash.

This is where my difficulty in evaluating this encounter lies: the only way i see it being any sort of challenge is if the gnome is two range increments away and sniping while hiding. Maybe one and a half, at least. I see a few ways of surviving this poacher for the group, but Im very much antirailroad when it comes to game running. I guess what im asking is, how likely is the described party to survive this kind of encounter with zero party death if they decide to rush into the line of fire, normandy style? I would allow just about any roleplay solution to work in their favor, but my concern is that the first arrow coming from an unseen enemy in the distance will lead to a head on assault. Any suggestions for improving their survival odds are greatly appreciated. Remember, the highest spot check in the group is likely to be a 1 or 2, so location discovery would likely be limited to the gnome developing an allergy to dm fiat and letting out a loud, poorly timed sneeze when someone is in range to reasonably hear it.

Thank you!

2013-07-18, 01:00 AM
I highly recommend you replace the composite longbow with a crossbow. Crossbows do less damage and crit for less damage, which makes it less likely you'll accidentally kill a party member. EDIT: Crossbows are also more gnomish.

Make sure the players are aware of how much cover whatever they hide behind provides. Anything Medium-sized should provide total cover and block attacks, while anything narrower (like a tree) should only grant +4 cover. They should also get the usual AC modifiers for kneeling or lying down (+2 or +4 respectively).

Remember, Spot has a -1 penalty per 10 feet of distance. At two range increments this sniper rightly ought to be nearly impossible to find. Listen has similar penalties, but a character should be able to assess his general direction whenever he reloads with a successful check. In this situation, I would mention they hear a clicking sound every shot, but leave it up to the players to decide to track him on sound. A repeating crossbow might actually be better for this purpose, since he would only have to reload after several shots.

The spellthief will probably get the idea to use stealth, which is one possible solution for this encounter. Once he has pinpointed the sniper he can either attack him on his own, or inform the rest of the party where he is. Once that happens the gnome is as good as dead, he can't run very fast. Perhaps you should give him a mount tied up three rounds distant (plus one round to mount it and cut the rope).

2013-07-18, 01:17 AM
The clicking idea is brilliant. And yes, it never crossed my mind that a natch 20 with compbow would be the equivalent of a headshot. You likely just saved a life.