View Full Version : Grandpre Academy - Tacocat [4E]

2013-07-18, 11:26 AM
This Thread is for Private questions, knowledge result and solo actions for Tacocat character.

Item Wish list (2013-09-27)
None so far

2013-07-18, 02:47 PM
WElcome to the game.

Now, lets talk a little about your character creation.

I use up to date rules (I have access to DDI builder - I might even let you temporary access my account so you can create your character- if that can help).

Here are the basic informaiton you need to create your character.

Level : 6
Class : Any leader class (the group need a leader)
Race : Any official race in DDI is legal (goblin is there).
Stats : I use the standard point buy system.
Alignement : Any non evil works. I use alignement very lightly, more as a basic guideline than actually strict code.
Starting wealth : You start with the basic rules of caracter creation for a level 6 character. You have 1 magic item level 7, one magic item level 6 and one magic item level 5 (note that you can take a lower level item if you wish for one of these slots, but you dont get any excess cash or additionnal item to compensate). You also start with the value of a level 5 magic item in cash (1000GP) that you can spend on anything you wish (be it rituals, magic items, mundane stuff, potion, etc.) and/or keep it as money to use during the game. Also, you can take any mundane item worth less that 10 GP for free (but dont abuse this please) as your staring basic gear.

Background :
I want a background (I do try to use them and create stuff of my own that fit with them). It can be as simple as what you wrote me about the goblin, or be more details : you call.

Private messages :
If you need to ask me something in private, do it here please (unless it really need to be private).
This thread also will be use to give you informations of the knowledge skill checks aor any information that only your character knows.
Also, solo mission might be held here on occasion.
Add this thread to your subscriptions.

OOC Thread :
OCC thread is used to ask me non private quesitons, talk with the other players. This is the OOC thread, subscribe to it (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=264202). You also should read the first post, which contain many of the game informations.

IC thread :
IC thread is use to post your character actions. here are the rules when you post IC.
First, you put a headed with your chracter name (so we know easyly who is speaking.
Use regular text for naration, choose a color for your speach (a different one than other players if possible and that can be easyly read).
Italic is used for inner thoughts.
I also personnaly bold my speach, but that is optionnal.
Anything else (not naration or speach) should be Spoilered.
The idea is to make it easyer to read for outsiders and make it cleaner.
You can check how the other post, they mostly respect these rules.
Here is the IC thread, but dont post in it until I tell you so. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=258882) Subscribe to it!

About your chracter idea.

... be a shame if you didn't have a replacement leader for your bard. :)

Hey again!

I heard from Arq that you might need a new leader after your next encounter for Grandpre. I know I kind of flaked out in the past with Malai, but at the time I was juggling a lot of issues with family and school that needed to come first. Now I'm finally past all that and I've returned to Giant and looking for games!

Arq's given me me a fair bit of info on your campaign (he can't keep quiet about it!) and I think I've cooked up a good character that can work. I've heard about the clan of goblins that do not want to be part of the conflict, the Snaketooth, Snake-something clan, and think that a shaman could work really well with the current party composition.

Tikka would be either a very healing or enabling focused leader, I have not decided yet. I would likely go with the more heal oriented version. Flavor-wise, she would worship or at least venerate the spirit of a great, swamp serpent. She's kind of a swamp-goblin, so I'm hoping that will fit in with the world. Personality wise, she's different from other goblins in that she has a rather bold attitude, some might even say brave (for a goblin). Likely she is either an outcast from her tribe with nowhere else to go, or wants to gain vengeance for her tribe and thus seeks out the infamous Ear-Slicers.

The only thing I'd need would be more info on goblins as PC characters, as I do not think I have access to the proper book/dragon magazine they may be featured in. I've found this homebrew that doesn't seem too outrageous or too different from the monster manual version ( http://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Goblin_(4e_Race) ) and would like to use that if no additional sources could be found.

Let me know what you think!


First, starting as a goblin might represent a challenge to incorportate the group, as Bolerum hold an artefact/intelligent weapon that want to slay all goblins and orc he meet. Still, this is temporary and Bolerum isnt compelled and can choose to ally with goblins and such. There is also Rikard who is a MUL (mix of human and dwarf) and did show sign of disliking the goblin race so far.
But if that doesnt scare you, I have no problem with you being a goblin/hobgoblin or any race for that matter.

As for your background idea, the hobgoblin clan the heroes are "allied " with is named : The Axe clan. So far, they have seen only Hobgoblins (as the clan only sent hobgoblin to the war) and they seem to have some honour (they actually do) as their clan live peacefully with an human community (protect them from the other goblinoids clans in the swamp). They have been enrolled forcefully by a strong alliance of many other clans to give their support to this war, and only came with the other goblins not to give the whole clans a reason to openly attack them (they can match any clan alone, but an alliance of all clan could beat them). While they mostly are hobgoblins, they do have a few goblins among the clan, so you could well be one of them. I actually envision you well to be a spy who have been infiltrated among the Snake Clan (the leading clan behind this war) many years ago and leak information back to the Axe clan when you have the chance. This way,I could even have you join the battle that is ongoing right now by having you turn coat and help the heroes as you see that they will obliterate the goblin alliance anyway - it is better to do that than get killed.
That would even help you gain "points" to be accepted with Bolerum and Rikard.

If the idea above interest you, tell me and we will work it out more in details. If you have some other idea or want to pick an other race, It is ok too, we will work out something.

2013-08-19, 04:10 PM
Hey, sorry about the delay. I got sick for a while after returning from vacation and writing was... kind of not something I was up to. @_@

I've given my goblin shaman a bit more thought since we last spoke and can definitely work with the information so far. I figure with that information, Tikka could definitely defecting from her clan. The way I see it, she was the apprentice to one of the high shamans of the Snake clan when they were approached with the offer to join our villain's (I understand he is a human mage? Let me know if I'm wrong) forces with the promise of power. Power great enough to wipe out or conquer the other clans. The high shamans convened to seek a vision from the snake spirit regarding this potential alliance. They received one of great destruction that they believed would be left in their wake. After that, they decided to join our villain. However, Tikka was skeptical about joining up with a pink-skin and decided to investigate. She rolled the bones, performed other small rituals and sacrifices and each time she found signs of bad omens. She was silenced by her master each time until he threatened her to pursue it no longer on pain of death. But Tikka has a surprising amount of gall for a goblin and eventually invoked a vision from the snake spirit on the eve of a great battle. It was like the elders said, great destruction everywhere, until she looked closer and saw that it was her clan that was destroyed. Tikka tried to warn the other shamans one last time, advise them to flee and abandon their new master, but her master would have no more. He had Tikka imprisoned and prepared to be a sacrifice to the snake spirit in case he needed it this night.

Aaaaaand that could be where Tikka comes in. Let me know if that works. I'm currently having a dilemma over which type of shaman she should be, though!

2013-08-21, 03:14 PM
Ok, I am not sure I understand everything you mention above, mostly when you say about your vision that your clan was destroyed ( was it the Snake clan or the Axe clan?)
Since you mention defecting about your clan (I assume you meant the Snake clan - which is the heroes main enemy).
The thing is I dont get why you would go agianst your clan, as you seem to care about your clan (you try to stop your masters to rpevent your clan destruction - I asume here that you meant the high shaman from the snake clan). Unless that you meant that you foresaw the Axe clan being destroyed and tryed to convince your own master from the Snake clan to change their plans for the sake of your own clan. I am just not sure lol.

Anyway, I'll try to clarify a few things about the story that your character would know.

First, there is many race and clans implicated in the war, most of which comes from the Black Marshes (on the other side of the Neck Peaks mountain range).
Here are the implicated clan with some details.

The Snake Clan (Green Snake Tattoo):
A goblin tribe, with a few hobgoblin and bugbears, which is considered the strongest of the Black Marshes and live and control most of the middle ground near the human city of Villenoire. While the Hobgoblin Axe clan might be able to overpower them in direct combat, the Snake clan are ruling and have most of the other clans under their relative control. While they are strong in numbers, their biggest strenght comes from political power, which is what prevent other strong forces like the Axe clan to overthrow them. The clan is lead by a strong goblin named Brookla. The main warchief is named Gramliz.

The Axe Clan (Axe over a shield): An hobgoblin tride the lives in the southern-east part of the Black Marsh. They doesnt minggle much with other tribes from the marsh, except for trade. Since they are known to be strong, most clan leave them alone and doesnt dare to go after them or their claimed lands. They also live in peace the the human town nammed Trannec in their area and actually have some peace treaty with them : The Axe clan protect them from the Marshes enemies (which include other goblin tribes) and the Town does trade with them granting them access to good from the civilised/human lands.

The blue fang clan (A blue fang neckless) :
THe is a medium sized clan living in the northern part of the marsh. They are considered the right arm and very loyal of the Snake clan. This gives them a lot of benefits out it.

The Viper Clan (two red dots on their necks) :
A small goblin tribe from the marsh that is allied with the snake clan. They have some independance, but do obey the snake clan without any questions when they are orders.

The Greenish ones (A green stain on they armor/clothing) :
A medium sized goblin clan living in the marsh western part. They also have some independance, and might complain when ordered around, but they they do give their support to the snake everytime they were asked.

The Scythers (a white hand on their armour) :
This is an orc clan from the Ter'yav forest which decided to join the Snake clan war. While they rarely interact with the Snake clan, they did accept to join them on this war.

The eatters (no symbol) :
This is an ogre clan that lives in the Neck Peaks on the Black Marsh side. They dont usually interact with the Snake clan, but they also were offered lot of food out of it so they accepted to join in the war.

The Black tongues (A burnt split tongue on their body)
This is a lizardflok clan from beyong the forest to the east of the Marsh. They doesnt have contact with the snake clan usually, but they have brought to the snake clan to help by the mage himself who helped Brookla plan this attack.

The Hammerlord clan (an hammer painted over their clothing)
This lizardfolk clan live in the southern part of the marsh. They actually controls it and live peacefully. Their clan is quite large and since they are far from the snake clan territory, they are mostly left alone. They have been approached to help in the war, but they declined the offer and havent suffered any retribution yet.

Here is the mains inforamtion that your character would know.

1 - Brookla (Snake Clan chief) plotted with some human mage to plan this war. While you did saw the man face ona fe occasion, you have no idea who he is. You know that Brookla ambition here is to take over the peninsula control and make it his own realm.

2 - The human mage is the one that opened the magic portal (teleport) that let all the goblin armies across the Neck Peaks mountains into the Bord-Eau area to attack the Peninsula quickly without risk of reteliation). Brookla sent his warchief on that mission (to quickly beseige the city and take control of the area).

3 - The plan for Gramliz was to isolate the few town and protective fort and stole their food without killing too much citizens (so what will be lef tof their food dimnish quickly). They were to prepare for Fort-Du-Col assault and buld up defense around the magic portal and harash the humans (burn their farm, kill those daring to go outside, etc.)

4 - After 9 days, an other warchief with some other goblin forces (and few giants, harpies and stuff recruited on the way) would march on Fort-Du-Col and with Brookla from inside the peninisula, they did a pincer attack and took over Fort-Du-Col.

5 - A group of heroes which the golbins named "The Ear Slicers" ((beacuse they cut they defeated enemies ears)) twarted many of the goblins plans. They whiped the snake clan which were building a small defensive fort in the forest. They killed many patrolls, in the forest and in the fields. They prevented a possible alliance with a werewolf clan on the Peninsula. They delayed and killed a large part of the goblin army and seige engine that was meant to take Fort-Du-Col. They were present to defend Fort-Du-Col, and while they failed to stop the goblins, they did some decent damages there again. They stole back many food taken from Bord-Eau.

6 - The human manage to rise up an army and repel all the clans back toward Fort-DuCol. The Snake clan learned a few days ago that the humans are coming to take back Fort-Du-Col, and have been preparing for it.

7 - Now, a few of the less loyal clans (except the Blue fang) are starting to feel dissatisfied with this war, mostly becasue of the heavy lost they suffered (from the heroes ). While the Snake clan still is in control, they hold over the situation isnt as strong as it used to be.

Now, did you wish your character to be part of the snake clan, or being a spy for the Axe clan infiltrated within the snake clan? I still think the latter would be better and easyer for you to join up with the heroes (as they already are allied with the Axe Clan).

If you go, most of your idea can remian the same, but it still would require some mininum tweaking to work.

I'll await your call on this.

2013-09-05, 11:09 AM
NOt sure if you still are interested. but I could have you enter the battle this round if you are ready?

2013-09-15, 12:11 AM
Sorry, still interested. I've just had a bout of family drama that needed to be taken care of.

Now, I wanted Tikka to be part of the Snake clan. She was a high shaman's apprentice. When the high shamans when to consult the snake spirit regarding their pending alliance with the human mage, they saw a vision of great destruction. The high shamans thought it meant that their enemies would be destroyed, but Tikka had a bad feeling. Tikka performed a vision on her own and saw the vision they saw, but when she looked closer she saw that it was HER clan that would be destroyed by allying with the mage.

That's the problem with visions, they're really vague and can be interpreted however you want (especially if people have certain ambitions).

So Tikka spoke out against the alliance and the war, saying that she had seen the correct vision and that it would mean doom for them all. She was regarded as crazy, a spy, a traitor or some combination of the three. She feels hurt and betrayed by her clan to the point of hatred and will execute the snake spirit's will against them if she has to. Her dislike for the goblins and human that ruined her life could be what brings her together with the current heroes.

Hope this helps clear things up! :smallsmile:

2013-09-15, 10:03 AM
It could work without problem.
As you see you exposed your idea, they treathed you of being crazy, humiliated you and punished you for speaking against your high shaman. They might even have imprisonned you for some time (part of the punishment), but in the end, when the humans were gonna attack the fort ,they needed your power and freed you expecting you to keep working for your clan.
Could that work for you?
The reason is, if you still read my game, you'll note that I've had a goblin shaman who turned against the snake clan last trun... that could easyly be you and you could jump in anytime (once you are ready).
Note that while this is a shaman (because of spirit), you would still be free to be any other class you wish. I actually did that for many reason (I needed to balance thing a little for the players and it was a good opportunity to give you a spot to enter).

if you dont like it, I'll have you be imprisonnned somewhere in the keepto be found later.

2013-09-15, 03:33 PM
I was planning on being a shaman, so the class is spot-on, however I don't have a sheet made up right now. Having a bit of trouble deciding what kind of shaman I want to be (Int secondary and slightly more Striker-ish, or Con secondary and slightly more Defender-ish).

So, the rescue option sounds good. Maybe the shaman that turned tail can put in a good word for me? :D

2013-09-15, 03:44 PM
Ok,well if you manage to put up a sheet soon, tellme, you can take over. otherwise yeah, I'll have him put on a good word for you.

2013-09-15, 03:54 PM

Also, about character creation, are Themes allowed?

2013-09-15, 04:05 PM
yep, but you must make it fit your character(find some reasonfor it ;)

Once your character is ready, tell me. If it isnt too late, oyu can take control of the shaman on the board. otherwise, I'll simply have him tell the others about you.

2013-09-15, 04:11 PM
Unfortunately, no sheet just yet, but there'll be one incoming soon!

2013-09-26, 04:37 PM
Are you still interested?
I am asking because I want active players, and in all honesty, I am starting to wonder if you will have/take the time to reply and keep updated to follow the group.

It have been 11 days since you last replied here, so I have no idea if you are getting ready to play. While I hate to put pressure on players, I think it is best to put it now, rather than later and having you leave because of it after all the introduciton work is done.

Also, while I can easyly have the traitor goblin speak up for you and have the heroes find you in jail, I still think you should get your character ready to join in the battle as that goblin (it would make your integration to the group softer and other more inclined to trust you in the long run). Unless it really bother you adn you really want to be jailed, you could even simply take the roleplay after the battle as the goblin shaman. The powers I used as him during the battle are irrevelant to what power you will have (I used basic stuff anyway). Even if you decide to go something else than shaman class it doesnt really matter.

In any case, I'd like to know where you are on creating your character, so we can work out details before this battle ends and to be sure you are ready to be introduced.

I still think there is many round left, but at some point, I'll do a wrap up (once it is clear they have won and cannot really suffer casualties anymore). Bascily, the end of the battle is quite variable on many things, can be next week or in three.

2013-09-26, 10:26 PM
Hey there, sorry it's been so long, there's just been a lot of stress at my job this month since we fell behind on some reports but I have been keeping up with the threads.

I was able to finally decide on what shaman I wanted Tikka to be, and I have her sheet ready (with the exception of mundane items, which I figure were probably taken from her and she will buy/ get/ borrow some later).

I'm ready to join the group in either of those instances. Honestly, whatever works best and whatever you think will help me integrate into the group better is okay by me. I can either escape and join the fray now or be rescued later.

Here's Tikka's sheet: http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheetview.php?sheetid=636690

2013-09-27, 09:23 AM
Sheet looks good.

For items, remember that you also start with 1000 GP (the money value of a level 5 item), which you can spend as you wish (can be some other magic items.

For mundane items worth less than 10 GP, you can take wathever you want (as long as you are reasonable). Aslo, if you dont take enchanted weapons/armor, you can take the mundane basic armor/weapons you are gonna use for free (even if they cost more than 10 GP).
Consumables (potions/achemical/ritual components) need to be bought. Still, you have 1 healing potion (heroic tier) for free at the start.

You can finish your itemisation later, but dont wait too long please. I am kinda loose on items and stuff, and as long as you dont want some expensive food/wine/room, I dont really care about having you pay for basic stuff. I also dont really keep too much track of food and water (you still should cary some), which I assume you replenish with the spare change you get from adventure as you get to town. The reason you should still have some listed on your sheet is in case it becomes revelant (lie you ending up in desert.... water will become relevant).

Now, if you feel ready to enter the game right now, this is simple enough.

There is two easy option :
1 - You simply are the Gob leader on the map (the one that started to help the heroes a few round ago). You would enter the battle right now (on the next Gob Leader ini count. Story wise, the High shaman had you release from the prison thinking you would help them (the human are coming to slay you all after all) and you hid your hatred looking for a good moment to betray.

2 - You are imprisonned in the keep when the battle started. Since they needed the mens to fight, you have been left alone there and after some time/effort, you managed to finaly break out. You would enter the battle coming out of the keep door on the high wall (L-18). It would let you overlook the whole battle and you owuld be separated from the heroes at first, but you'd had a good chance to help them quickly. This option will have your join in next turn (you should roll your own ini).

While you could wait for them to find you, those two way let you actually help them and help you gain some trust from the start by your actions.

Assuming you choose one of these two action, you will start the battle with one healing spirit power only (you expended the other either to heal the others - sooner during the battle- or to heal yourself when you escaped the prison - you had been beaten by the other a little) Other than that, you are fully operationnal. You also start with 1 AP only (the others gained one during the battle. you did not).

Also here is a few more details for you that I forgot or that became revelant now that I fully know/understand your background :

About the Axe clan : The fact that they allied with the human of Trannec is only a rumor to you(you dont know for sure since you chose not to be a spy of their clan acting as a spy into the Snake clan). One thing is sure, the Snake clan does really trust them. They invited them int this war mostly to have some more troops, but also to make sure they also splitted their force not to try anything against the Snake clan while most of their army is away.

About the Gob leader (which turned tail)... if you choose option 2 to enter the game : That goblin is part of the Snake clan shamans and a strong one too, ranked 3rd, with you being 2nd and the high shaman being 1st. When you started to speak against the high shaman visions and everyone turned against you, shunned you, treathed you of a fool and stuff, he did go along with the majority. Still, yesterday, he was to one brining your some food and he asked you why you did that and talked against the high shaman. While he never said anything, and you surely were not really kind to him because of the betrayal feeling you had, you did realise later that there was some compasion in the way he acted/what he said, making you wonder if he did agree with you or something.

About the high shaman : You dont see him, on the map, but he fell before the heroes even came out of the keep, crushed by a catapult boulder. If you chose option one, you already know that, otherwise, you'll simply find his corpse after the battle.

About the goblin "good quality dwarven made weapons" : The heroes might talk about the fact that the golbin have dwarven made weaponry. You know that it is the human mage (the one that opened the magc portal) that brought them to your clan. You arfent sure what was the deal to gain them (it is your clan chief Brookla that mostly dealt with the mage). You do know it is a drawf and an human that delivered them, and they left without taking anything in exchange.

2013-09-27, 09:32 AM
Also, for the purpose of letting me easyly deal with my turn, I need this small summary filled out. I resolve my attacks using these numbers sinc eI cannot easyly access myth-weaver sheet most of the time(so if you have some conditionnal bonus to anything there, add them in brackets beside them)

This is Ashe infos... change them for yours.

Ini : +7
HP : 55/55
Surge value : 13
Surge/day : 7
AC: 25 (+1 if oath is Bloodied)
Fortitude : 16 (+1 if oath is Bloodied)
Reflex : 20 (+1 if oath is Bloodied)
Will : 20 (+1 if oath is Bloodied)
Passive Perception: 27
Passive insight : 17

Basic attack bonus/damages/effects (for OAs) : +12, 1d12+8 damage
Effect: I shift 1 square and slide the target 1 square into the space I occupied.

Default Action when players unavailable : DELAY
Laguages : Common, Elven
Resist : 5 Poison

The basic attack is in case something trigger an Oa from your (so if you have something special you can do/use as basic attack ,list it there.

Also, the Default action is what I'll do when your time is up (after 18-24 hours once your turn comes up). It can be delay, or some basic attack. Note that this is what 'Ill do if I have no other information from you, but you can always tel me you dont have time to post and give me other instructions for a specific turn.

If you have other interesting feature I should know (I think you have some bonus you give to allies while they are adjacent to your spirit) add it in there.

2013-09-27, 01:46 PM
After what happened this round, you probably would be better taking off the option 2 lol.
Gob leader took quite a beating so far... you'd start dazed and with 38 damage taken... still possible, but it is your call.

2013-09-28, 09:31 AM
Okay, getting on my default moves now. You're probably right, option 2 would probably be best.

2013-09-29, 09:57 AM
Your inin : [roll0]

2013-09-29, 11:13 AM
Ini : +5
HP : 49/49
Surge value : 12
Surge/day : 8
AC: 19 (Spirit Companion has +2)
Fortitude : 17 (Spirit Companion has +2)
Reflex : 19 (Spirit Companion has +2)
Will : 20 (Spirit Companion has +2)
Passive Perception: 22
Passive insight : 22

Basic attack bonus/damages/effects (for OAs) : (if provoking from Spirit Companion) Spirits Fangs, Wis vs. Ref, +10, 1d10+6
(if provoking from Tikka) Melee Basic Attack, Str. vs. AC, +5, 1d8+2

Default Action when players unavailable : Delay
Laguages : Common, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven
Resist : None
Conditional Modifiers: Stalker Spirit- Any ally adjacent to your spirit companion gains a bonus to damage rolls against bloodied enemies equal to your Intelligence modifier (+3).
Staff Expertise- Does not provoke OA's for casting adjacent to an enemy.

2013-09-30, 11:15 AM
Ok, well I've entered your character this round.

It is Bolerum's turn now.

After him, I'll play a few monsters, then it will be your turn (You play on T turn - I'll put your full name in on your turn.

You can report right now adn say hello to the toher in the OOC thread now.

Once it is your turn, you should post some description of your character and all and play your turn in the IC thread :

You enter the game fully operationnnal, with 1 Action point, but you have only one of your healing power available (Spirit healing) instead of 2 (you used one on yourself) and one healing surge used.

On the map you are in M-18 (the icon named T).

I am not sure you have been following the battle so far, but this map is a little complex. You shoudl read the map section to find information you need, but here is some important details around you to help you figure it out.

It is a fort.you just walked out of the keep onto the high wall (30 feet high = 6 Squares up). The darkest grey represent the mountains.
The medium grey is the highest part of the keep that you walked out of (it is surrounded by a yellow line so you can see it easyly - C-24/L-13). The door you walked out from is behind your character between L-18 and M-18.

The light grey area is the top of the lowest part of the keep (where you actually are standing upon - M-24/O-8) which is even leveled to the keep west wall (C-26/V-25). The blue line delimit all that area that is 6 squares (30 feets) higher than the main ground.

The red-brown squares are platform 5 square high (25 feet high) where the giant were (P-24/S-23). This area is reachable from your position (simply jump onto the platform (1 square down).

The rest of the area is mostly on the ground (P-22/AA-8) is the main ground.

Note that every one in a Green box is consireded an ally of the heroes.

Also, in case you wonder, the orange shaded box and the red shaded box in the keep are the inner corridor of the keep. The red one is the one you came out of (the 3rd floor - 30 feet high in the keep), while the orange one is on the main ground (main floor - 0 feet high). I added them ot the map since there is door leading in there where the heroes can see. So while you are i na square oranged, you should ignore it since you are not in the corridor of the main floor , but outside on the roof of the lowest keep part.

Now, if you look, there zombie you see close to you (ZZZ 22 and ZZ 20)) are actually on the top of the main keep 20 feet higher than your position (you dont even see them).

You do see Jieung in M-25 (an exotic human) who is fighting with some goblin archer squad. He is on the wall, on the same level you are. You can simply walk on the wall from the top of the keep you are on as they are on the same height and likend toggether.

You do spot BN 1 on the 25 feet high platform. You know that one to be the Snake clan necromancer. A powerful mage who can rise undeads. Actually, he is probably the one who punished you (totured you) as it is in his job description (and he do like doing that) if you need a good reason to attack him:smallbiggrin:. BN 1 seem battered (bloodied) and he is the closest enemy you have right now. AS long as you stay on the keep roof, remember than you are 6 square high (so you can use power that have less that 6 square reach on anything on the main ground - this include your heals). So you have to either jump down (30 = 3D10) or use the ladder or stairway to go down) You actually can go to P-23 (need 6 square of movement tough from your starting position) and you'll be 5 square off the ground from there - and even leveled with BN1 :smallbiggrin:)

If you have quesiton, ask away...

2013-09-30, 11:19 AM
Also, I found out this image to represent you that I found is quite fitting (made an Icon out of it).
If you have an other one, I'll glady change your icon...

2013-09-30, 12:57 PM
Cool! Probably take me minute to get caught up on the map, but I'm sure Arq can help me figure it out if I'm lost. Or everyone can yell at me. That works too. XD

But I'm pretty sure I'm gonna kill that necromancer! :smallmad:

2013-09-30, 01:24 PM
Well, we will see about that :smallbiggrin:
But I am giving you a good reason to.. and that shall make you win some good points with the toehrs (as since he enter the battle, he rose two dead giants back to life... one of whcih just hit hard Rikard)

Dont worry, if you make a false move, I'll tell you.

One thing I forgot is the magenta shading on the ground = corpse = difficult terrain.
Also, the small circle on the platform = rocks (giant ammunition) = difficult terrain.

2013-09-30, 01:54 PM
BTW, how much damage do I need to do to your companion to destroy it? And how much does it do to you want I destroy it?

Also, what color do you wish to take for speach? Try to take something that can be read easyly please.. different from others is better too :)

2013-09-30, 02:04 PM
A total of 13 (10 + half level) damage needs to be done to the Spirit Companion in a single hit (even in multi-attacks, from what I've read) in order for it to be destroyed. When it is destroyed, Tikka takes 8 damage (5 + half level).

As for speech, uhm... how about this brown color?

EDIT: Also, the spirit companion is a snake. In case that needed to be said. XD

2013-09-30, 02:22 PM
yep, I guess for the snake spirit :) I have an snake icon ready for that already.

Color is fine

I am not sure when Bolerum will play, but you may start to figure out your actions (I really doubt Bolerum will be able to really do something that affect your map...and al the rest mostly affect stuff out of your reach :smalltongue:

2013-09-30, 07:42 PM
Okay, uhm, looking at the map (which is turning out to be kinda complicated for someone just jumping in n_n') and where I am... I wanna get down to the main fray and start beating on that necromancer. But, uh, apparently I'm 50 feet up (in yellow)? How would I get down?

2013-09-30, 07:52 PM
nope, you are 30 feet up (6 square up).
BN1 is 25 feet up (5 suare up)

to get to the necromancer with you speed of 6, you can move to P-23 (going down onto the platform with him) and you'd be also 25 feet high (5 squares).

If you want to attack him, you can charge him, use some range magic and or other stuff to him. You actually can range attack him without any penalties from any squares in the O line (being on the edge of the roof- and you keep cover from him being higher). The advantage of going on the platform for you is that you are in range to use your heals on those on the main floor if need be and you get closer to the giant ladder in R-22/S-22.

2013-09-30, 07:55 PM
You are within the blue area BTw (30 feet high)..

The orange area is another thing...

Here I removed it to make it cleared ;)


2013-09-30, 08:31 PM
Okay, that definitely helps. I'll have to get down there at some point though, since my heals have a range of 5

2013-10-01, 06:31 AM

As I said, if you get on the brownplatform, you are 5 square fro the main floor,whch let you use your 5 square range power reachthe ground bellow

2013-10-01, 08:20 AM
BTw, do you have any other questions?
I ask mostly since you did not reply Ic yet.

As a reminder, note that 'Ill put you on delay around 5PM east time today.

2013-10-03, 09:27 AM
Since you were not there from the start - and could not have seen the fight evolve and you dont really have an idea on how much damage the enemies took, I'll let you know this (not that you can necessary affect all of these) :

BN 1, GrWolf 1, HBM and GA 51 are in very bad shape (took a few hit since they was bloodied)
BB 11 and GC 15 are bloodied, but still in decent shape (just got bloodied or took one hit after being bloodied)

You should also know that the Z are zombies minions under BN 1 control (if they are within 5 square of it) . AS mentionned in the monster status, Z are in full control, ZZ are dazed and ZZZ are dazed and Slowed.

You also know that HBM, B Leader and BN 1 are "leaders".
Also, Gramliz is the Snake Clan warleader, which is in charge of the goblin army.

2013-10-03, 10:13 AM
Also, if you need to go to the main floor you can use the giant ladder in R-22/S-22 to move down. Note that it is difficult terrain so each square you go down use 2 movements (10 movement total to reach the main floor). You could an acrobatic DC 10 skill chekc to negate the difficult terrain though (by sliding down on the ladder), but failing it by 5 or more = falling.

2013-10-03, 12:24 PM
Cool! Thanks for the crash-course on all the enemies! It REALLY helps!

2013-10-03, 12:42 PM
Can I hop off the side to P -22? I'd like to get to the ladder, but the necro and the warrior are in my way and I'd provoke from them.

2013-10-03, 01:10 PM
Well you can go from Q-23 (elevation 5 - on the platform) to R-22 (elevation 4) directly, which at least prevent the Oa from GC 15, but you'd still grant an Oa from BN1 (if he is still there/alive) when you moved down to elevation 3 after.
If you dare an Atheltic check DC 15, I'd even let you prevent the OA From BN1 (by going climbing under the ladder)... but note that a failure by 1 to 5 points means you cant make it under and pass above (granting the OA), but a failure by more than 5 = falling)

An other thing I forgot to mention is my Heroic Respite rules.
It is something I created to make huge battle (containing waves of enemies or just too much enemies - like in this case). They already got two such respite before you enter the battle (from killing the two giant). I usually key these event on big threaths or key enemies.

The way it works is simple, when someone kill a creature I designated as a trigger, everyone can immediatly spend an healing surge if they wish(and have any left... poor Antione) and they regain an encounter power they expended of their choice (or one possible usage if it is a power with multiple like your healing spirit power),. Also, heroic respite count as encounter completed... which make player reach milestones after 2 and gain the benefit associated (more AP and stuff).

2013-10-03, 01:13 PM
Oh, I just realised what you meant with P-22... you wanna climb down theer? well yeah, there is a pillar (rough tree log) holding the platform there. if you wanna dare it, you can try to climb there (Atheltic DC 15).. that way you are sure you get no OA.... but note that it will take 10 movement (unless you havea climb speed - it would be 5 in that case) to get to the ground (and that you are considered to be climbing there (you arent on the giant ladder)

2013-10-11, 09:03 AM
Passive insight (18+) the other goblin shaman speaks and look at Tikka (IC 3 - Post 912)

The goblin was obviously gonna say who he worked for, but he changed his mind as he remembered that Tikka was there. It is obvious that he doesnt fully trust her and that she is not directly allied with him. She probably did not even knew that he was a spy.

You had no idea he was a spy (nor who he can be working for - though you probably can guess by all the option I gave you to join the game).

Feel free to react anyway you wish :smallsmile:

BTw, I might give you information here as discussion goes on (mostly stuff that you should know when quesiotns are asked) and feel free to ask me details about stuff you think your character should know (you still have the details I gave you up there to help you.
We are probably gonna be roleplaying a "what do you goblins know and can tell us to help us" scene.

2013-10-16, 09:43 AM
Pasive insight on Brell answer (IC 3 - Post 919)
The way and tone Brell talk about your interpretation of the omens reading, you get the impression that he isnt surprised you were right. You actually get the feeling that he might have known about the defeat as well, or maybe that he beleived you. Still, if he did agree with you somehow, he did not support you when you opposed high shaman views.

2013-10-16, 12:03 PM
BTW, since I dont think you really have access to any magic/ritual that would support the vision seeing stuff in your background, let just say that it is some sort of primal ritual the high shaman, Brell and you could do toggether to have a vision of future events. Some sort of big ceremony known to the high shaman.

It involved some sacrifice (of yourself (you own blood), your friends/clan (slay a snake clan goblin) and your enemies(slay some human prisoner - villager from Villenoire)). In the end, it let the 3 of you have a vision of the future about your question.

2013-10-19, 12:36 PM
I think you've got enough information in my previous post in here (details and stuff about your past) for you to answer Bolerum.

If you want to describe hi, he is middle aged (brown hair with small touch of grey), brown beard, brown eyes. He doesnt have any feature that would make him easyly recognizable (no scars, tattoos or stuff that you've seen -but he wore a full robe and cloak... only really sawa his face and hands... and he bore no real symbol on his cloathing. He is a pretty bland fellow.)
He wore a regular grey robe with a black cape.

He was called "Brown" by your clan chief.
You would recognize his face if you've see it for sure ( a good point for them to take you in their group :smallsmile:).

Hew also casted the magic portal that let the armies get into the ruins in the Green Forest. (level 8 link portal ritual)... so he is kinda powerfull.

If you have questions and thing you need clarifying. Ask.

2013-10-22, 01:42 PM
Alone With Flammemorte (From Ic 3 , post 944)
As Bolerum, Rikard and Brell leave the inn, you find yourself alone with Flammemorte. While the mage doesnt really act in an intimidating way, her passive face and cold voice can be slightly unsettling. She look at you, pull out some sheets of paper and motion for you to sit at her table. She says, going directly to the point,

"Alright, lets start from the begning, I want to know everything you know about your old clan, its affiliation in the black marshes, the reason and motivation for this war and the implication of that human mage. Everything, but let's start with the begining : Tell me about the Black Marsh goblin clans."

The mage look at you, waiting.

Ok, we dont have to roleplay all this explanation (which would be long as she will question you a lot to bring her knowledge of the goblins trides and stuff to get herself up to speed), at least not if you will answer her questions. I assume you tell her everything unless there is something you'D wish to hide her... in which case we will roleplay that part and some skill check might be needed. So if you answer fully to all these bellow, simply narate so, otherwise tell me which one you wanna lie/deny answers to Flammemorte. Note that she does really ask anything personnal in all these 10 points, but she goes in details about them.

Here is what she will ask about (to you best knowledge of course) :

1 - The story of the snake Clan.
2 - What Tikka knows about the other clans.
3 - Who leads and what relation is there between the clans.
4 - The snake clan outside allies (humans and stuf)
5 - What brought Brookla to want to go to war
6 - What was the Snake clan goal in coming here.
7 - Everything you know about the human mage.
8 - Where the drawven weapon came from.
9 - What you know about the Axe clan
10 - How your shaman future seeing ritual works.

As I said, if you are ok with telling the mage what you know, I'll narate and move the roleplay to an other level (I dont think it is worth it to roleplay all this information gathering as Iam the one who gave it to you lol).

Also, please, during this roleplay here, use spoiler for non roleplay sutff and quesitons - like I am doing.

2013-10-23, 01:46 PM
Ok, you are back with everyone in the main thread right now.

We still have to actually roleplay this scene here that will give you information and stuff, but you still can talk Ic as well.

Note that Flammemorte will surely offer you to work for her, and that she expect the heroes to as well in trying to find out who is behind the goblin attack. She suspect someone else to be pulling the strings. So she was planning to send you with the heroes (where ever they decide to go). you have the advantage of having seen Brown (and two of his allies) and you may recognise them if you meet them). And note that she sees more this as collaboration than you actually working for her (AKA you are relatively free to do as you wish)

All this will be roleplay in here, as I say you may gain more informations and some special offers during that roleplay, but this is the general way Flammemorte will offer you.

2013-10-23, 02:40 PM
Passive perception on the gloves Ashe ask about (IC3 - Post 964)

You recognise these gloves. They belonged to the Snake 2nd warlord named Brask.

2013-10-24, 02:37 PM
Okay, Tikka will probably tell Flammorte all those things with the exception of her clan's seeing ritual. Those secrets are still hers to keep, or so she feels.

2013-10-24, 04:01 PM
When you tell Flammemorte that the ritual is something you consider personnal, the mage stay silent for 20 seconds, her face completly devoit of emotions making it really hard to guess how she really feel about it, then she says,
"Alright, that was only personnal curiosity anyway."
The mage takea few more notes, concluding her report, sign the sheet and put it aside.

She then look at you and say,
"So, you want to enact revenge on the mage who misguided your old clan. As I said, I can help you do that. That mage is linked to these events, and I have to investigate them. How about we collaborate? This will further both our goals. Well you actually did agree, and you did you part admirably by answering my questions, but that was for Bord-Eau. What I have in mind is a collaboration between you and I. I still have to investigate for the city, and this is part of this offer, but I also have personnal matters that may or may not be linked to all this. And I'd like someone I can trust on the case. So do you think we can collaborate?"

2013-10-25, 08:53 AM
you have no idea where Brask got his gloves.. he always had them as far as you know.

2013-10-29, 02:23 PM
Just in case my rambling was not clear. I kinda expect we will roleplay your terms with FLammemorte as initiated in the post above :smallwink:

It will feed you information and you might learn more about the mage personnality and possibly even more.

2013-10-30, 03:22 PM
((Ah, sorry, derp, been trying to keep up with the main RP!))

Tikka scratched her chin, thinking about the mage's offering. The goblin had little to lose at this point and everything to gain. "So long as you sure it lead to finding mage who destroy clan, Tikka do anything, kill anything. Snake spirit spare Tikka for reason. What you think of, Flamey-mage?"

2013-10-30, 03:50 PM
The high mage nod,
"I cannot realy promise you that you will find Brown himself right away, but chances are high that you will end up facing him eventually. At the very least, the investigation I run will uncover who did use the Snake clan, and thus cause all the trouble you've got involved in, be it Brown, or someone else. Once we find who it is, he will have to be dealt with accordingly..."

The mage pause, taking a feel on how Tikka react to this, then add,
"I'll be blunt, as you'll learn I mostly am. I plan on having the heroes, Antione and his crew, among other contacts I have, investigate on the some of the possible leads we have. I think you'd be a good addition to their group and could help them. Beside, while I do trust them, I am a practicle person who do not leave anything to chance. So I'd like you to be my safety net here. I wont ask you to spy on them per say, but to be attentive and if you get the feeling one of them might personnaly implicated in all this and possibly working for the enemy, I'd like you to report this information to me. What do you say, do we have a deal?"

2013-11-01, 07:20 PM
Information on Chest of Never :
As Flammemorte speaks with the heroes about something named the Chest of Never you dont make the link right away, but you get the impression you've heard this before.

After a few moment, you remember where you've heard it, from one of the goblin elder, Sage Herssol. He liked to tell of a tale about some powerful afterfact that could grant unlimited power. He was kinda obsessed about it, from what you know. The high priest also told you that Herssol asked many time to get future seeing and consul spirits rituals for quesitons about that thing.

From what you know, Herssol was not originally from your clan, but submitted and joined the Snake clan when his original clan, which was ruling the plains north of the Neck peaks, was conquered by the Snake clan many years ago. That happened before you were even born, but from what you understood, Herssol was already spreading his tale about the Chest of Never. What ever information that spurred his obsession was found before he joined the Snake clan.

Sorry I should had given you this information at the first mention of the Chest of never..... just forgot lol. Also, Flammemorte still is expecting your answer to her latest offer.

2013-11-01, 10:25 PM
"Yes, yes. Tikka can watch the pink-skins for Flamey-mage," the small creature said impatiently, the intricacies of human culture taking a droll toll on the goblin. "And Tikka get revenge and freedom from head-on-pike treatment from the pink-skins, yes?"

2013-11-04, 09:34 AM
Flammemorte reply,
"Dont worry for your safety, at least not from me or any autority here. You still should watch out, as we cannot control everyone and you race did cause a lot of greif here. And you shold be abel to get your revenge out of this, as I plan to remove this unknown threat."
The mage take a sip of wine and say,
"I'm glad that you'll keep an eye on them. I trust most of them, but there is some I am unsure of. To show my gratitude and how much this cooperation and you being my eyes out there is important to me, I'll craft some magical item for you. I am a generous person to those who collaborate with me, as I can be ruthless to those who defy me."

The mage take a small pause and say,
"I am not sure where Antione and his friends will want to go investigate, but make sure you keep your eyes and your hears open for an human mage named Zigoto. He have blond hair, well mostly white now, with blue eyes. So unless he was using magic to disguise himself, he is probably not the mage you've seen, but he could be one of his associates. I suspect he might be behind all this, possibly the mastermind pulling the strings, but I have no clue why. He is dangerous and you better not face him in battle, as I dont think you could defeat him, even with the others help. If you see him, either stay away or pretend to be friendly or something."
The mage pull out two scroll from her belt pouch.
"I assume you have some decent knowledge of arcane magic and can use these two sending rituals well enough. If you get some solid proof or suspicions on any of Antione's crew or get important information on Zigoto or who ever manipulated your clan, use them to communicate with me."
The mage look at Tikka for a few second, then add,
"Any questions? Thing you might want to know either on the mission I am about to give Antione and his friends or on anything else. I do know a lot of things."

You can start to look for an item of your choice up to level 9. She will create it for you as token of good faith for your alliance. It cannot be a rare item ... if you dont know if it is rare or not, I'll check in the builder (there isnt many rare items anyway).

Also, I assume you are not lying to her... that you really intend to be her eyes watching over the others.

2013-11-05, 09:20 AM
More info on Herssol :
Last you've heard of him, he was going into the Green Forest, that was weeks ago. You assume him to be dead (that is a good call) since to your knowledge, the humans killed the goblins there.

You can describe him to the others :
He was a song user kinda like Monique. He had no hair, with light green skin and brown eyes. His nose was almost completly flat as if he've hit a wall. He always wore some purple outfit with a dark blue cloak. He always had writting kits with him and wore a signet ring (the one that did the seal on the letter). He also always carried some sort of lute that he pretenteded to be magical.

Actually, looking at Monique, you realise that the lute she is carrying kinda look like the one Herssol is using. (if you look more closely, you'll note that it is actually Herssol lute :smalltongue:)

2013-11-07, 02:32 PM
Did you decide what item you wanted Flammemorte to create for you? Level 9 or less.

2013-12-10, 11:49 AM
Level up time... please update this bellow.

Also, you did not tell me which item level 9 or less you asked Flammemorte to do before leaving ... she offered you to make you one such item.. or did you refuse it?

Ini : +5
HP : 49/49
Surge value : 12
Surge/day : 8
AC: 19 (Spirit Companion has +2)
Fortitude : 17 (Spirit Companion has +2)
Reflex : 19 (Spirit Companion has +2)
Will : 20 (Spirit Companion has +2)
Passive Perception: 22
Passive insight : 22

Basic attack bonus/damages/effects (for OAs) : (if provoking from Spirit Companion) Spirits Fangs, Wis vs. Ref, +10, 1d10+6
(if provoking from Tikka) Melee Basic Attack, Str. vs. AC, +5, 1d8+2

Default Action when players unavailable : Delay
Laguages : Common, Goblin, Draconic, Dwarven
Resist : None
Conditional Modifiers: Stalker Spirit- Any ally adjacent to your spirit companion gains a bonus to damage rolls against bloodied enemies equal to your Intelligence modifier (+3).
Staff Expertise- Does not provoke OA's for casting adjacent to an enemy.
Spirit Toughness : 13 damages need to be done in a single hit to destroy it. Tikka takes 8 damages when it is destroyed.

2013-12-19, 01:07 PM
Hello Tacocat,
I am not sure of the reasons, but you havent been replying much lately.
I dont know if you lost interest, are real busy in real life, have trouble keeping pace (to read the posts in OOC/IC) with the others or any other possibility, but you havent been keeping the pace I asked when I first spoke with you (check/post once a day each day of the week). You have been far from that for some time now and I waited hoping it was temporary, but I kinda get the feeling it wont be now.

If you have some real life issues that are temporary (and you know when you will be able to resume posting with regularity), I'll allow you to remain in the game. But if you really lack time, lost interest or something, well I'll ask you to step down and retire your character.

I am sorry if I seem picky, but I have 4 other players that are motivated (and have been going on this game for some time now) and I dont want to loose them. They are patient and did not ask me to talk to you yet, but at this point I think I should,. The reason is that when I asked them if I should take a 5th player to replace Psiclone, their primary concern was to get a player that would be reliable and post with regularity.

If by the January 3rd I dont get a reply, 'Ill asume you are MIa and announce it officially to the other players.

((I'll also send you this in a PM))

2014-01-03, 12:34 PM
Alright, I'll take over your character and assume you are Missing in Action.
I am sorry, but I think you should retire from this game at this point and 'Ill take over your character..

If you come back and have interest and more time to invest, talk to me here and we will see.

Take care.