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View Full Version : Strike Together, Swords as One (Heartbound, Base Class, PEACH)

2013-07-18, 12:08 PM
So this grew out of a game I'm in actually, designed to allow myself and another player to work a concept that D&D...is not particularly nice to when you want to get them to work. Those of you who know Circle of Life's Dualist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=210101) class will recognise some commonalities here, as well as some with BRC's Synchronised Swordsmen (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=110440) PrC. This is quite understandable, as we cribbed a lot of underlying ideas and themes from those classes to make this. And there is, I admit a few just-short-of whole cloth copying.

I hope that both those referenced above are happy with the use of certain features of their classes, and I thank them both for the inspiration they gave us in building this class into what it is. And now that I've got that out of the way, may I introduce the


"Individually, you are great warriors. And yet, you are only single warriors against us. We outnumber you."
- A Heartbound pair, speaking against a squad of soldiers.

The world sees many warriors that fight alongside other warriors. Most, it simply passes by, their minutes of fame coming and going as their skill waxes and wanes. Others rise to such heights that they become masters of their art, names rising across kingdoms and continents as bywords for mastery of their chosen weapons. But those are the stories of those who fight, even if they are part of a group, alone. And not one of them could be considered a Heartbound.

Heartbound are those whose skills – whilst formidable on their own – are geared towards reaching a state of total natural unity of purpose with a partner. They live, train, fight and bleed together, until acting as two parts of a single unit becomes not easy, but natural. Heartbound pairs seldom separate – and those who have been together long take active pains to prevent it – because together they are far more deadly than two single warriors.

Making a Heartbound
Well, first off, you're going to need to have somone to play the other half of the pairing. After that though, your primary stat is probably going to need to be Dex. The way the class is built, you're going to need a lot of Attacks of Opportunity to get the most out of what you can do. After Dex, Strength is a logical choice for helping with damage output and also to hit if you aren't using finesse weapons.

Con is important for hitpoints too, as you're a frontline combatant. After that, Int is perhaps your final port of call so that you can keep the skills for your maneuvers high.

Starting Wealth: As Fighter

Class Skill List: Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Escape Artist (Dex), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex), Use Rope (Dex), Martial Lore (Int)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Int modifier) x4
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 4 + Int modifier.


Hit Dice: d10
{table=head]Level|Base Attack Bonus|Fort Save|Ref Save|Will Save|Special|Maneuvers Known|Maneuvers Readied|Stances Known

+0|Partners, Beating as One +1|

+0|Bound, Reflexive Unity|

+1|Synchronized Beats, Improved Flanking 1d6|

+1|Back to Back, Flickering Blade|

+1|Twinned Vigilance (Evasion), Beating as One +2|

+2|Doubled Beats, Pincer Assault,|

+2|Improved Aid, Improved Flanking 2d6|

+2|Retaliatory Defence|

+3|We are Ours|

+3|Of One Mind, Beating as One +3|

+3|Improved Flanking 3d6|

+4|Tactical Awareness|

+4|Twinned Vigilance (Mettle)|

+4|Stepping to the Rhythm|

+5|Twinned Blades, Beating as One +4, Improved Flanking 4d6|

+5| |

+5| |

+6| |

+6|Improved Flanking 5d6|

+6|Of One Heart, Beating as One +5|

Weapon and Armour Proficiencies: A Heartbound is proficient in all simple and martial weapons, light and medium armour and all shields (except tower shields).

Maneuvers: A Heartbound begins play with two Maneuvers and one Stance drawn from the Diamond Mind and White Raven disciplines. Maneuvers are readied and recovered as a Warblade, and a Heartbound functions with an Initiator Level equal to its class level. Additional Maneuvers Known and Readied as well as Stances Known are gained as shown on the table.

Additionally, when a Heartbound recovers their readied maneuvers their partner recovers a single maneuver if they are sharing the same space. This maneuver cannot be used the same round it was recovered.

Partners: If a Heartbound is separated from his partner, or if the partner dies and cannot be resurrected, they may train with a new partner who has at least one level in Heartbound. However, if the partners are of different Heartbound levels, they only get the class features available to the one with fewer levels in Heartbound.

Beating as One (Ex): At 1st level, Heartbound begin to gain confidence in the presence of their partner. Provided they started the turn within ten feet of each other, both Heartbound receive a +1 circumstance bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. At 5th level this bonus increases to +2, at 10th it increases to +3, at 15th +4, and +5 at 20th level.

Bound (Ex): The bond between Heartbound is so close that seeing one injured is enough to inspire the other to acts of great heroics. Beginning at 2nd level, while a Heartbound is below half health, their partner gains a +2 untyped bonus to attack and damage rolls. If both Heartbound are below half health, the bonus increases to +4.

In addition, the Heartbound become so familiar with one another that they can communicate via a shorthand made up of expressions, gestures, in-jokes, and unfinished words. If they wish to communicate to one another, they may use this odd code. Heartbound understand each other perfectly, but anybody else must make a DC (10 + class level*2) sense motive check to understand them. Because the actual vocabulary is taken from some common language between the two partners, their cant does not qualify as a language, and spells such as tongues or comprehend languages provide no help in understanding their cant.

At level 9, Heartbound do not need to speak to facilitate basic communication between each other, non-verbal cues, intonation and expression being fully capable of communicating basic ideas like attack targets, planned movements and other things of this sort. Picking up on this communication requires a sense motive check against a DC of (15 + class level*2).

Reflexive Unity (Ex): Heartbound pairs move together in seamless coordination, their blades and bodies safeguarding the other against all attempts to harm them – and allowing them to safely exploit weaknesses in their opponents that most would call insane. At level 2, a Heartbound may choose either Combat Reflexes or Evasive Reflexes as a bonus feat, ignoring the prerequisites.

Synchronized Beats (Ex): At 3rd level, the Heartbound learn how to coordinate their movements such that they never act alone. When a pair of Heartbound make initiative checks, they both use the better of their two checks.

Improved Flanking (Ex): When two Heartbound of at least 3rd level flank the same target, both partner's attacks deal an additional 1d6 damage to that target. This damage increases by 1d6 for every three additional levels the Heartbound gains, to a maximum of 5d6 at level 19. In addition, when flanking with their partner, Heartbound act as a rogue of their class level +4 to determine if they can flank an opponent with Uncanny Dodge.

Back to Back (Ex): At 4th Level, two Heartbound learn to coordinate their movements such that they can operate in close quarters without getting in each other's way. Partners can occupy the same 5 ft. square, and are immune to flanking when they are doing so. In addition, whilst within their partner's reach, a Heartbound may sacrifice an attack of opportunity to make an opposed attack roll against a melee attack made against their partner. If their attack roll surpasses that of the incoming attack, it is deflected harmlessly away. Each Heartbound can only parry one such attack each round, regardless of how many attacks of opportunity they are entitled to in a given round.

At 10th level, whilst adjacent to or flanking with each other, they gain immunity to flanking and may switch positions as a free action once per round in place of a 5-foot step.

Flickering Blades (Ex): Heartbound quickly learn how to let their strikes flow from one target to another when they down an opponent, eventually reaching such unity that if one of them fells an opponent and strikes out at another, then so does their partner. At 4th level, a Heartbound gain Cleave as a bonus feat, ignoring the required prerequisites. At level 9, this improves to Great Cleave.

Upon reaching 15th level, whenever a Heartbound would gain an extra attack from their Great Cleave feat, their partner may make an extra attack as well.

Twinned Vigilance (Ex): Heartbound move together as one, their shared purpose granting them an ability to react to danger at odds with what would be expected of them. Given time, this unity also grants the Heartbound an almost unsurpassed resilience of body and mind.

At level 5, the Heartbound gains the Evasion special ability if they are aware of their partner. At level 13, they gain the Mettle special ability under the same condition.

Doubled Beats (Ex): At 6th level, a pair of Heartbound learn to, even as they attack, set up their partner for a second attack. Being struck in melee combat by one partner provokes an attack of opportunity from the other once per round. This ability is not triggered by attacks of opportunity.

Pincer Assault (Ex): At 6th level, Heartbound learn how to grant openings to each other against an opponent, even if their target would normally be immune to such tricks. If a flanking line exists between a pair of Heartbound and an opponent, they may ignore abilities that grant immunity to flanking. If one of the Heartbound strikes an opponent while flanking, the other doubles the bonus granted by flanking for the remainder of the round. Only one of the pair can benefit from this increased flanking bonus at one time.

Improved Aid (Ex): At level 7, when a Heartbound makes an aid another check to help their partner, the bonus increases by 2 (to a maximum of 4).

Retaliatory Defence (Ex): At 8th level, a Heartbound is able to defend against attacks in such a way as to make an opening for their partner. Attacking one partner in melee provokes an attack of opportunity from the other.

We are Ours (Ex): Heartbound pairs are linked in ways that defy conventional understanding, communicating through a mixture of body language, subtle cues and instinctively coded messages. But as a pair grows closer, they also learn how to use this dialect to help their partner. And eventually, the shared bond of their cant grows so strong that it protects a Heartbound from their partner if they fail.

At level 9 a Heartbound may, as a standard action, utilise their unique knowledge of their fellow to rescue them from enchantments. This ability grants the Heartbound's partner another save against all hostile mind-affecting effects currently in effect on her, doubling their Beating as One bonus to saving throws.

At level 17 any order to attack their partner whilst under such an effect is classed as both an action that goes against the Heartbound's nature and a self-destructive order, automatically granting a saving throw with bonus as above if it would not break the enchantment.

Of One Mind (Ex): At 10th level, a Heartbound pair have spent so much time and trained together so much that they have picked up talents from each other. A Heartbound may use the base saving throws or skill ranks of their partner. In addition, if one partner is aware of a foe, both partners are.

At 14th level, if one partner succeeds on a save to defeat an illusion, resist an enchantment, or see through a lie, both partners do.

Tactical Awareness (Ex): With enough practice, Heartbound can act together with lightning speed, taking advantage of the smallest openings. Beginning at 12h level, if an opponent moves into or out of a space threatened by a Heartbound pair, the movement provokes an attack of opportunity from both Heartbound, even if it normally would not (such as by being a 5-foot step or from a creature that passed a Tumble check to avoid attacks of opportunity).

Stepping to the Rhythm (Ex): While adjacent to each other, Heartbound of 14th level or higher may move together at the same time, expending movement for each as normal. While moving in this fashion, the Heartbound do not provoke attacks of opportunity unless they would both provoke an attack of opportunity from the same creature. In addition, if one partner fights defensively, or takes a full defense action, both partners receive the AC bonus.

Twinned Blades (Ex): At 15th level, Heartbound pairs reach a level of synchronization that makes them nigh-unstoppable in close-quarters. When they are occupying the same five-foot space, or if they are flanking the same foe, a pair may make a special full-attack action once per encounter. In this action, they both make full-attacks, alternating individual strikes (Partner A Attacks at his full AB, then Partner B attacks at his full AB, then Partner A does his second attack, and so on). If any attack deals at least two damage to a foe, then subsequent attacks to the same foe receive a +2 bonus to attack and damage. These bonuses stack for every attack that deals at least damage. (So, if Partner A's attack hits, then Partner B's attack receives a +2 bonus. If that hits as well, Partner A's second attack receives a +4 bonus).

At level 20, Heartbound gain another use of this ability per encounter.

Of One Heart (Ex): Heartbound of 20th level possess a bond that very nearly transcends physical capability. While their partner is above 0 hitpoints and can be detected, a Heartbound does not die to hitpoint damage, regardless of how much damage they take. Death effects can still slay them, as can death by massive damage. If their partner drops to 0hp or lower, the full force of the hitpoint damage taken instantly takes effect, almost assuredly killing them.

2013-07-18, 01:59 PM

I love all the flavor here, its unfortunate that it has to be beatstick all the time though. Maybe some PrCs?

2013-07-18, 02:57 PM

I love all the flavor here, its unfortunate that it has to be beatstick all the time though. Maybe some PrCs?

I have some ideas, although they're more AFCs then PrCs. Then again, nothing wrong with that. I'll see what I can do. Also, wow, I missed some really good things growing up.

2013-07-18, 05:51 PM

Here's actual audio and video from the show, it's an in-show AMV where they choreograph meticulously to be able to break both core's A.T. fields at exactly the same moment and so they are able to finish before their external power supply runs out when detached from the grid (hence the timer).

Choreography is generally the pinnacle of teamwork fighting in media, even when it's displayed to be improv.