View Full Version : Serial Killer Build Optimization

2013-07-19, 10:02 AM
I need help finalizing the build for my next character. What I'am trying to achieve is an intellectual murderer inspired by the NBC television show: Hannibal

So I have several roleplay goals.
1) Relies on intelligence and many forms of deception.
2) Blends in with society's upper class with a iron clad alibi
3) Kills people whenever it suits him and without any remorse what so ever, often leaving the bodies in some gruesome display (or no body at all) with no evidence left behind.

For race, Im thinking Human or Changling.
So far these are the classes I'm working with.
Factotum>1, Swashbuckler>3, Factotum>1, Duelist>5(maybe more) Undecided>10.
I'm thinking of dipping into Kensai and Swordsage but only 2 levels of either one. But Im not sure when to take those levels if any.

I havnt thought two much on feats but anything that makes an easier sneak attack would be good.
For stats I'll pump Int, Con, Cha, Dex, Str, Wiz in that order of priority I think.

I have access to all 3.5 supplements other than Dragon Magazine (my DM has blocked use of Iaijutsu focus)

This is my first post so cheers =)

2013-07-19, 10:30 AM
Cheers on the concept, it's a great one. Straight factotum and into chameleon might work better than a bunch of dips, though I'll never discourage someone from taking swashbuckler. A feat that immediately pops into mind is knowledge devotion, which would let your highly educated self benefit from all that book learning on the battlefield. A possible dip might be cloistered cleric for one level, and swapping all of the domains for their devotion equivalents. Look into skill tricks as well; I forget what book they're from, but wotc did publish them in an online article that should be easily googleable. The ones that come to mind are the knowledge and social tricks, that make bluffing easier by letting you recover from failed checks.

Now that I think about it, actually, knowledge devotion might make your swashbuckler dip even more useful, as it could eventually double the damage output of the intel-> damage ability.

Be sure to also look at regional feats from faerun. They are easily refluffed to any setting, and I know for a fact that there are several that would not only fit the flavor of this character, but actually work to benefit it mechanically.

Edit: as far as making sneak attack easier, I don't think tere are any worthwhile feats, just off the top of my head. By the time this becomes a concern, you should have easy access to magic and weapon crystals (mic) to negate the most common sneak attack immunities

2013-07-19, 10:55 AM
Cheers on the concept, it's a great one. Straight factotum and into chameleon might work better than a bunch of dips, though I'll never discourage someone from taking swashbuckler. A feat that immediately pops into mind is knowledge devotion, which would let your highly educated self benefit from all that book learning on the battlefield. A possible dip might be cloistered cleric for one level, and swapping all of the domains for their devotion equivalents. Look into skill tricks as well; I forget what book they're from, but wotc did publish them in an online article that should be easily googleable. The ones that come to mind are the knowledge and social tricks, that make bluffing easier by letting you recover from failed checks.

Now that I think about it, actually, knowledge devotion might make your swashbuckler dip even more useful, as it could eventually double the damage output of the intel-> damage ability.

Be sure to also look at regional feats from faerun. They are easily refluffed to any setting, and I know for a fact that there are several that would not only fit the flavor of this character, but actually work to benefit it mechanically.

Edit: as far as making sneak attack easier, I don't think tere are any worthwhile feats, just off the top of my head. By the time this becomes a concern, you should have easy access to magic and weapon crystals (mic) to negate the most common sneak attack immunities

This is helpful, thanks for the tips. Although I dont know what Book Chameleon or knowledge devotion is in I will look for them. I most assuredly will be taking skill tricks (from complete scoundrel) the question remains if I should take the related feats.
I can see how avoiding the Kensai and swordsage levels for more levels of Factotum is a viable choice but my question is: are you also saying I should forgo the levels of Duelist?
Thanks again!

2013-07-19, 11:42 AM
Having some method of Alternate Form is much better. Changeling is the easiest way (and hence Warshaper boosting), but I like the Alter Self at will as a Slime Lord. Not only do you get a Touch which paralyzes people at Will, but a Charm Gaze Attack based off Charisma; either ask the DM to shift it to Int, or take the form of a Visilight (need to be an outsider) and use Assume Su ability to just steal Charisma through their grapple on a helpless foe), and you're in. Combined with requiring Disguise as a Class Skill, if you take City Slicker Feat to get Disguise as a Class Skill, you get it with Forgery as well. Fake your own Alibi, Charm those who don't believe you, take the form of whatever you're in the company of (and have another face), written alibi's off people, and the ability to automatically cause a Paralysis before killing them with your x4 weapon.

Gwazi Magnum
2013-07-19, 11:50 AM
I think most of the good stuff has already been covered, there's not that much I know of that I can add.

But you might want the feat Craven, add your character level to your sneak attack damage.

Basically Level 5 character = +5 sneak attack damage, Level 10 = +10 etc.
Plus since it's a flat out number bonus and not a dice addition it will multiply on critical hits.

And on that topic, try to focus on high critical hit ratio.
It makes sense that a serial killer would aim for the vitals.

Either use a keen weapon or get Improved Critical.
Weapon being Scimitar if you don't need the full out blade approach, or get a Kukri if you want to stick with a kind of knife.

2013-07-19, 11:59 AM
Why aren't you taking Assassin? Alter self is a 2nd level spell for them, their spells and death attack are both based on Int, and with a Factorum/Swashbuckler build it should be pretty easy to qualify for the class.

I made a character for an evil campaign with a similar concept, though more monstrous in nature. I built a Draegloth Assassin/Drow Judicator (Forgotten Realms: Underdark). Didn't even have to take a single level of another class to qualify, just four ranks of Disguise as cross class.

Best attack combo I came up with was using DJ's War Strike with Poisoned claws, taking a penalty for Awesome Blow, and doing a Death Attack. Hitting meant a fort save versus poison (normally used Con damage), then versus War Strike for another 2d6 Con, then Death attack. Even if they made all the saves they still took d8+5d6+18 and were knocked down.

That was at 17th level though. But long term goals are important.

2013-07-19, 12:26 PM
Yes, I would skip duelist. Chameleon is from race of destiny. Skill trick feats are okay, I don't know if they are worth a feat slot. However! I believe complete scoundrel has a 3 level prc called uncanny trickster that over 2 of its levels lets you advance all of the features of any class, while also improving your skill trick versatility. In this way you can get away with 1 level of swashbuckler and still get the int to damage. Knowledge devotion and all the other domain feats are in complete champion. If you go with the cloistered cleric, you could take trickery and animal (or really any other) domains, and swap them for the associated devotion feats. Trickery especially fits your character, and there has been a lot of theory crafting done on how trickery devotion has very powerful, less obvious uses - check out the various domain handbooks for more on that. The reason I suggest animal devotion is because of its inherent versatility, but that's all you in terms of how you see the character working.

As for assassin, a one level dip wouldn't be terrible, but alter self is low enough to stick on an eternal wand or two and never worry about again.

2013-07-19, 01:14 PM
But you might want the feat Craven, add your character level to your sneak attack damage.
And on that topic, try to focus on high critical hit ratio.
It makes sense that a serial killer would aim for the vitals.

This is a great idea. I was aiming for a keen weapon. I was thinking something more like an elven thinblade.

Why aren't you taking Assassin?
Im not a fan of the Assassin death attack, mostly on how the DC is based on class level and not character level. I've read some discussion on the other forms of death attacks granted by character classes and come to the conclusion that its never worth investing in.

However! I believe complete scoundrel has a 3 level prc called uncanny trickster that over 2 of its levels lets you advance all of the features of any class, while also improving your skill trick versatility. In this way you can get away with 1 level of swashbuckler and still get the int to damage.
This is awesome. I will defenetly be looking to make this happen. Thanks for pointing it out. I toaly overlooked the Uncanny Trickster.

Im at work now, but later in the day I'll make sure to add a repost of my final build choices for all to enjoy and critque :smallsmile:

Gwazi Magnum
2013-07-19, 02:14 PM
This is a great idea. I was aiming for a keen weapon. I was thinking something more like an elven thinblade.

It's your character, use the weapon you want to use.

The critical hit suggestion is more cause it reflects your character idea than being mechanic advice anyways.

2013-07-19, 05:15 PM
Fey'ri ranger 5/mortal hunter 10

Darth Stabber
2013-07-19, 07:58 PM
Im not a fan of the Assassin death attack, mostly on how the DC is based on class level and not character level. I've read some discussion on the other forms of death attacks granted by character classes and come to the conclusion that its never worth investing in.

Death attack is a fluff ability, the class has several much better abilities, the continued sneak attack and poison related bonuses are cool, and the limited tailored spell progression is key draw. You are effectively trading 2 skillpoints/level for casting, which is frequently better than more rogue levels. This doesn't mean that assassin is good, but it's not bad. Death attack is bad, so don't use it, but just because one ability is crap doesn't mean the rest of it is crap.

With all that being said, I recommend factotum/chameleon, adding other stuff will diminish your returns.

2013-07-19, 08:03 PM
Have a look at "Spoons McGee", an Assassin from the Iron. Chef competition based around it. It was essentially throwing around DC40 Death Attacks from 30ft away on the other side of a wall to the target, and putting poison in peoples drinks/food.

Pretty sweet.

2013-07-21, 02:42 AM
This is the build I'm looking at now.

(3)Factotum, (3)Swashbuckler, (5) Cabinet Trickster, (9) Factotum
...and for feats: Improved Initiative, Weapon Finesse, Persona Immersion, Knowledge Devotion... but after that I'm not sure.

Looking at this class/feat order, can anyone help me pick the last 3 feats I should take?
And I know this build may be sub-optimal, but it really fits the flavor of what I'm after. Still I'm always open to any suggestions on how to tweak it.


2013-07-21, 03:59 AM
Taking font of inspiration 4 times will give you 10 inspiration points to spend every encounter.

Edit: you are also eligible to take a familiar through the obtain familiar feat. Raven is very versatile and, as far as I remember, is the only one that talks without any special tricks.