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2013-07-19, 03:04 PM
It is a beautiful morning, with sun shining brightly and only several clouds gliding lazily across the sky. The waters of Varisian Gulf are coruscating with reflected sun, dazzling those that look too long into its depths. It seems the day will be hot, but fresh breeze coming from the sea is a true godsend, cooling a town of Sandpoint and allowing people to enjoy this magnificent weather.

With the town waking up, empty streets start to slowly fill with happy citizens and their mutual greetings. They all have their own chores and things they need to take care of, but nobody seems to be in an excessive rush. Everything looks like from a painting made by a truly skilled artist, with a ship on the horizon complementing this picturesque view. Both past and present worries of the town seem distant now, without any meaning.


The door leading to your cabin open with a long creak. It’s still quite early, and you just woke a few minutes before. Since there is not much for you to do on the ship, you can allow yourself a luxury of sleeping late. When you lift your head from the pillow you see wide, bearded face of captain Silas peeking inside. ‘We’ve arrived, missy. We’re finally in Sandpoint. Come and see for yourself’, he says with his hoarse voice. He always sounds as if he had one too many the day before, but you’ve never actually seen him drinking.

You eagerly dress up, gather all your possessions and follow the man to the main deck. When you emerge, you see the crew preparing to moor at a long pier. Behind it you see some warehouses, followed by rows of lovely houses and some kind of cathedral looming in the distance. The haven is surprisingly empty, as there is only one small vessel other than your ‘Sparkling Star’ and just a few people wandering here or there.

While waiting for the sailors to set the gangplank, you recall Shalelu informing you in one of the letters that Rusty Dragon is located somewhere near the harbor, but you can’t remember where exactly. No wonders, it’s the very first time you’ve travelled so far! Possibly someone local could guide you.


As usual, you greet the new day at your perch above the Rusty Dragon. You watch the people leaving their houses down below, heading towards their everyday duties. But what is your duty? That is the question you’ve asked yourself quite a few times already. People have their jobs, customers to handle, children to take care of. And you? All you have is a name, and that name is Ameiko. But what’s the meaning of all this mess? Alas, you are clueless.

You turn your head just to see a ship mooring at the southern harbor. That’s possibly a good sign for Sandpoint, not many merchants visited recently. And all that goblin attacks that occured in the past few days... Actually, ten gold pieces for a goblin’s ear sound like a bargain. Still, goblins are the last thing to worry about when heading into the Marsh, you know that well. Maybe some company wouldn’t hurt?


You wake up in your small apartment above the tailor’s workshop. No sooner than you open your eyes, something small and warm pat you on your shoulder, squeaking happily. That’s Ikelas, as always awake before you are, doing his ‘good morning’ ritual.

Even though the sun is relatively high already, you get up from your bed without any rush. Master Aldon, your employer, gave you a free day for the good work you did recently. He is a reasonable master. When Koya brought you to Sandpoint, he took care of you without too much hesitation. Of course, you have a talent that is invaluable in his business, but you are sure his kindness is something more than just a concern about the money you earn for him.

Eating some oatmeal with Ikelas flying joyfully above your head, you think how to spend your free day. With lots of ideas swirling in your mind, you go down, to the workshop. Quick nod to Aldon sitting behind his desk and writing something in the registry, and you are on the street, ready to enjoy this beautiful day.


You wake up suddenly with a frantic gasp. At first, you are confused - a second ago you only heard Umber’s shrieks and some kind of roars, and you saw blood, a lot of blood, and then everything was engulfed by flames. After a while, you realise that was just a dream, a horrible dream reminding you of that awful day.

You get up, still a little shaken. Putting your breeches and shirt on, you hear somebody climbing the stairs. When you are almost done, there is a firm knock on the door. After you open you see Ameiko, beautiful as always, in a stylish, crimson quilted jacket today.

‘You are awake, good. When you are ready, come down. There’s a lot of cleaning to do, and I saw a ship coming, so we may have some visitors today’ - while talking, she sees your distress and looks you in the eyes. - ‘Is everything alright, Thrane?’


You stand at the western end of a bridge leading into Sandpoint. To your right you can see a local graveyard and a huge stone cathedral. Looking at that magnificent building you immediately recognise Erastil’s mark at its southern wall. However, you realise the cathedral itself isn’t solely dedicated to your god, as you can see the symbols of some other deities as well.

In front of you and to your left are small houses and some shops. There is also a bakery somewhere here, as you can clearly smell a freshly baked bread. Two streets run deeper into the town with just a few people on each, one leading west and slightly north, persumably to the cathedral, while the other going south, probably to the town centre. You can’t see any warehouses here, nothing big enough to keep a chariot in, at least. What you know about human settlements would suggest searching somewhere nearer to the harbor though. You also remember a name of some inn where Shalelu sometimes stayed. How was it called, ‘Gasping Dragon’?

2013-07-19, 03:53 PM
Lukas takes a deep, satisfied breath as the door of the shop jingles closed. Little Ikelas, tucked snuggly away in Lukas's leather belt pouch, resonates Lukas' mood with a happy chirp as the slender young man sets out on a roundabout course for the cathedral.

Wishing a good morning to neighbors and customers as he crosses the town, Lukas stops to pick up a two bottles of beer. He makes a couple more stops, picking up some bread and cheese, and stops by the Way North to see if there is anything new in the collection.

Lukas looks around, enjoying the interplay of sunlight and shadows on the beautiful walls of Sandpoint's still-new cathedral.

"Well, there's no sense putting this off," Lukas chastises himself with a rueful smile and heads in to the cathedral to try to find one of the clerics of Desna to share bread, beer and conversation with.

2013-07-19, 05:12 PM
Thranes shoulder-length hair is slightly ruffled from just getting out of bed. His eyes does not light up the way they normally do from seeing Ameiko in the doorway and his mouth remains in a line. The half-elf's heart is beating faster than normal from the memories of the night before. He is wearing a plain white cotton shirt. It is presentable enough, but also light enough to keep on under armor. It got a string to tie the neck together, but the string is not tied at the moment, showing a bit of pale chest underneath. His pants are also cotton, but dyed blue, they are tightfitting showing off his slim limbs.

"Memories don't fade quickly. I am still dreaming about what happened. It's quite a change to adjust to for me." he says, though his train of thought continues in his head. Though it is not all for the worse, at least the beatings have stopped. Still, it was horrible what actually happened. He sits down on the bed to drag on his boots, sturdy well worn leather boots. "I am just missing my boots, I will be down shortly. Work sounds great, I need something to take my mind of what happened.

2013-07-19, 05:40 PM
Once the gangplank is set, Varandriel waves to the sailors and sets off. "Goodbye, and Desna send you safe travels!" Everything here is so different from Crying Leaf! Rougher, in a way, but vibrant and full of life. The weight of ages that so often burdens her kin is absent here. Now, where to find the Rusty Dragon? The elf hums to herself, thinking. Actually, I should see if they have a temple or shrine to Desna first so I can give thanks for the safe voyage.

"Alms for the poor, alms for the poor..." Varandriel looks up to see an elderly beggar sitting next to a wall, a begging bowl in front of him. She walks over and gives him a bright smile. "Good morning! Is there a temple or shrine to Desna in this town?" Her Common is accented but quite understandable according to the sailors.

"Another elf, eh?" He squints up at her with cloudy eyes. "Aye, the cathedral honors Lady Luck along wi' several other gods." Turning to point, the beggar gives her directions.

"Thank you, and Desna bless you!" Varandriel digs in her belt pouch; the voyage from Riddleport to Sandpoint cost much more than she and her fellow clerics expected, but she still has a few coins. She drops her spare coppers into his bowl, waves, and sets out for the cathedral.

The building is impressively large to her eyes. Older elves claim that ruined Celwynvian and the cities of Kyonin are more magnificent than anything the other races can build, but Varandriel has never seen any of those. She spots the butterfly of her patron goddess almost right away and heads for the altar to make a quick prayer of thanks.

2013-07-19, 07:12 PM
But where to start? asks Ril to himself, deciding that it is past time to start gathering more clues about his origins

Maybe there is something in Brinestump Marsh that I did not notice when I first woke up. reasons the ninja

But it would be better not to go alone. Maybe the new boat arrivals will carry individuals interested in hunting goblins in the Marsh? I better find out...

With a plan starting to hatch in his mind, Ril steps to the ledge of the Rusty Dragon's roof and boldly takes a step forwards.

As he fall, the ninja lets his mind go and is once again marveled at how his muscles begin to act on their own. His arms extend and, right after reaching a horizontal position with his legs find the perfect timing to kick against the wall of the inn and propel towards an adjacent building where his skillful limbs find handholds and footholds to break his fall.

Finishing his descent with a somersault, Ril lands softly in front of the Rusty Dragon entrance and casually dusts his clothes, clearly unaware that he just performed a death-defying stunt.

Walking into the inn, the ninja sits at his usual table in one of the corners. Although the location certainly grants Ril some privacy, the ninja had chosen the specific table for another reason: The acoustics of the inn allowed him to listen to most other conversations without being noticed.

Use diplomacy (for a total of 18 if take 10 is allowed) to gather information on other adventurers wanting to hunt goblins/approach the Marsh.

If a roll is needed [roll0]

2013-07-19, 11:59 PM
Ca'alash sniffs the air and his stomach rumble as waffs of fresh baked peasent bread enters his delicate nostrils. He hesitates, looking south, then west. In his heart he knows he has to go and pay homage to his patron. He nonchalantly walks on the westbound path, smirking, keeping his eyes open for a bakery.

If I see any bakeries on my way, I pick up two loafs and start eating one.

2013-07-20, 06:11 AM
When you land on the street you hear excited shouts coming from the end of the Market Street. When you turn your head you see a group of dirty teenagers pointing at you and probably arguing about something. With a quick shrug, you enter the inn.

It’s still quite early and not many people are actually inside. You spot a Varisian couple eating breakfast at another side of the room, two burly men at the bar, sipping from their mugs, and of course old Bethana, the maid. She’s surprisingly able for an elderly halfling, but time is a cruel master and with every year her light fades. That’s probably why Ameiko hired that assistant, Thrane, was he called? Strange boy, and some folks even say he’s involved in his house burning down!

While you take a seat at your usual table, you see Ameiko coming down the stairs. She is wearing a very fashionable outfit consisting of crimson quilted jacket, grey leggins, high red boots and some bracelets. Seeing you, she grabs a writing pad from the bar and approaches.

‘Good morning Ril. You’re up early as always, if only my employees could manage that!’ - She brushed away her fringe with a faint smile. - ‘Anyway, how can I help you today?’


She looks at you a while longer, saying nothing. After a while she nods with a sigh. ‘If you ever need anything, you know where to find me, right?’ Without waiting for your answer, she turns and starts descending the stairs, swaying her hips. You watch her as long as you can see her from your bed and resume dressing up. A handful of water from the bowl to spray your face, few strokes of comb to make your hair right and you are ready. Instead of going immediately downstairs, you stare through the window for a second, trying to calm down a little bit more.

From your room you’ve got a good sight at the Market Street, and a bit of harbor. At the Market Street are some women with empty baskets heading towards the market, to buy everyday supplies and two men struggling to carry a wooden log towards one of the magazines. At the other end of the street you can see a group of boys arguing fiercely about something and two young maids with a laundry.

After that quick glance you finally decide to go down, back to everyday’s life. You’d like to summon Kaiku, that, woman, if you could call her this way, but she probably wouldn’t be welcomed well by the customers. When you reach the main room you see just several clients, two of them, by appearance you can say they are probably merchants, eating at the far end of the room, two shipyard workers sitting at the bar drinking. At the corner you also see Ameiko talking to that silent guy who always walk with those weird swords.

When she spots you, old Bethana comes from behind the bar with a wide smile. ‘Thrane, lad! Good to see you. How are you today? You don’t have that weird lion with you? Where does it sleep anyway, I hope I won’t have a room full of fur to clean?!’ - She pokes you with her finger in the stomach, pretending to be mad. That poke was probably intended for your chest, but a little halfling can’t really reach that high. - ‘Anyway, I’ve got some shopping to do. Will you cover for me till I’m back?’


Walking through the town is certainly entertaining. At every step you see something new, something interesting and worth remembering, even if everything you see is just an ordinary life of plain citizens of Sandpoint. Sure you always wanted to travel, but only now when you left Mierani Forest your hunger to see the world’s wonders is truly awakened.

You freeze in place for a second, when a group of young boys start running around you. You quickly realise they are playing some game, with one trying to catch the others and you are just an obstacle they use. Kids, that something truly outstanding here. Back at home, there weren’t that many of them, and those few were strictly taken care of, taught everything they could need, educated both in the matters of body and mind. Not that the elves are excessively strict, they do value freedom. But children are too rare to let them run around like this. You can’t help but to smile seeing them having fun, though.

You cross nearly the whole town on your way to the temple. When you finally reach it, you see the old beggar was right, the cathedral hosts six gods indeed, that is Abadar, Desna, Erastil, Gozreh, Sarenrae and Shelyn. When you enter you can see that the building is as impressive from the inside as from the outside, but still pretty modest at the same time. You ask some man in robes for directions and after a while you are kneeling in front of Desna’s altar.

On your way back when you are done with your prayers, you see a middle-aged (as far as you can judge humans’ age) man wearing blue robes with symbols indicating he is a priest of Desna talking to a boy carrying a basket full of food. Seeing that, you hear a rumbling sound coming from your belly, telling you that you haven’t eaten anything today yet.


On your trip through the town you meet many neighbours and customers as they are heading towards their workshops, stores, market and other points of interest. One middle-aged matron even stops you telling you she's got a dress that needs mending, but all you can do is to just apologise and send her to master Aldon.

When you finally get into the cathedral with your supplies, Ikelas jumps out of your pouch and starts flying around, making circles above acolytes' heads. Even though she shouldn't do this, she's too admirable to be mad at her. Besides, the priests never complained about your visits.

After asking an acolyte about father Abstalar, you head towards the shrine of Desna. He is nearby the enterance indeed, looking curiously at something inside. When he hears your echoing steps he turns towards you, his face widening in a warm smile. 'Ah, young Lukas! How may I help you today? How may I quench the ever burning fire of your curiosity?'


You find a bakery indeed, with shelves full of different loafs, rolls, croissants and cakes. Everything look and smell delicious here, especially after the time you've spent on the road. Even towns have some adventages.

Fat lady standing near the counter looks at you with a grin after handling previous customer. 'Foreigner, ech? Welcome to Sandpoint, and don't let those filthy bastard goblins get you. Now, how can I help you?' - She looks at you suspiciously. - 'You have some coins, right? Coins, understand?' - she asks, pointing at her hand and making a gesture signifying money.

2013-07-20, 09:30 AM
Lukas grins when Ikelas takes to the air. The energetic little bat loves the soaring vault of the cathedral, and there is no danger to her here. She soars around the lofty architecture, zig-zagging here and there to gobble up unwary mosquitoes and flies.

Lukas returns the senior priest's warm welcome, "Good morning, Father Abstalar! I was hoping you could spare a few moments to help me with a moral quandary."
He tilts his head slightly, remembering why it took so long getting to the cathedral, "And I brought an early lunch for us! Can we sit and talk over a bit of bread and beer?"

The kind priest ushers Lukas toward a bench near Desna's alcove and takes a bite from the hunk of bread the young man offers him, "Now what is on your mind, Lukas?"

Lukas sits and uncorks a beer, handing it to Father Abstalar, and then lets out a short breath.
"You know about the goblins, with their new explosives, and how the whole town seems worried about another invasions?" Lukas asks rhetorically.

Father Abstalar nods for Lukas to continue.

"I feel like with my magic, I have the power to help prevent people here in Sandpoint from getting hurt. What's more, I feel like that having this power carries with it the responsibility to use it to protect as many people as I can," Lukas takes a drink of his beer and looks to the priest.

Abstalar nods again, "yes, Lukas, I believe there is an old saying about power and responsibility. What is holding you back?"

"I don't want to hurt anyone! I know goblins are cruel and insane, but setting out to murder someone seems abhorrent. How would that make me any better than the goblins? I want to prevent pain and suffering, not cause it!"

Abstalar puts a sympathetic hand on Lukas's shoulder, "I too have felt this internal strife that you now feel, my boy. You must weigh your actions against the greater good - how much good each of your actions might bring must be weighed against their potential for harm."

The priest straightens and looks the half-elf square in the eyes, "And I know this, Lukas. You are a good and gentle soul. There is no bloodlust in you. I am confident that your faith in Desna, and your own good heart will guide your actions to the path that the Starsong dreams for you."

Lukas thinks on this for a short while, staring up as Ikelas flits through the archways of the cathedral, "So you think I should go?"

Abstalar shakes his head, "I think you have the power to decide on your own. Thank you for the lunch, Lukas. It is so thoughtful of you to visit me today."

The priest rises, and gives Lukas another fatherly pat on the shoulder, before moving off to attend to his duties.

Lukas watches Ikelas for a while longer before getting up and looking around the Cathedral.

2013-07-20, 12:04 PM
Ca'alash smiles and winks at the lady, taking the appropriate coins from his pack. With a rich, warm voice he says :

“Oh dear! And here I thought I could gets away with a flirt and good looks! Was I so bad as to look like some Kellid ruffian ?”

2013-07-20, 04:15 PM
Varandriel's sensitive ears can't help but pick up on the conversation between the priest and the young man as she finishes her prayers. Hmm... come to think of it, I remember Shalelu talking about how goblins were a plague upon the land routes to Sandpoint. But that was some time ago, and those who have been to human lands say that they change quickly. Standing up and straightening her leaf-patterned scale armor, the elf approaches the young man. Those human eyes are so unsettling- just a ring of color around a black spot, roving around on a background of white! It seems that everyone except other elves have similar moving eyes, not like her solid violet orbs at all. It's still strange to her even after her journey to Riddleport and the sea voyage from there to Sandpoint.

The cleric shakes off her unease and smiles at the pale-haired man. "Hello! I'm Varandriel Maethrien, a cleric of Desna. I just arrived on the ship this morning." She offers her hand, blushing as her stomach growls. "I couldn't help but overhear some of your conversation with the priest. Are goblins a great problem for the people of Sandpoint these days? My friend Shalelu mentioned them on one of her visits, but I was a bit distracted at the time. Drow, you know."

2013-07-20, 05:04 PM
When you land on the street you hear excited shouts coming from the end of the Market Street. When you turn your head you see a group of dirty teenagers pointing at you and probably arguing about something. With a quick shrug, you enter the inn.

It’s still quite early and not many people are actually inside. You spot a Varisian couple eating breakfast at another side of the room, two burly men at the bar, sipping from their mugs, and of course old Bethana, the maid. She’s surprisingly able for an elderly halfling, but time is a cruel master and with every year her light fades. That’s probably why Ameiko hired that assistant, Thrane, was he called? Strange boy, and some folks even say he’s involved in his house burning down!

While you take a seat at your usual table, you see Ameiko coming down the stairs. She is wearing a very fashionable outfit consisting of crimson quilted jacket, grey leggins, high red boots and some bracelets. Seeing you, she grabs a writing pad from the bar and approaches.

‘Good morning Ril. You’re up early as always, if only my employees could manage that!’ - She brushed away her fringe with a faint smile. - ‘Anyway, how can I help you today?’

As soon as he sees Ameiko, Ril's eyes involuntarily rescan the room in search for any threats.

Miss Kaijitsu replies Ril politely with a small bow. As always, Ril wondered what it was about this woman that made him react in such manner. The ninja had decided to keep his... situation a secret from Amiko until he knew more himself.

I have been thinking of venturing towards the Marsh continues Ril, letting the inns owner make her own judgement of his intentions (most likely she'd think that he wanted part of the reward)

Have you heard of others having similar intentions?

2013-07-20, 09:03 PM
Thrane can't help himself but think that those hips look amazingly attractive as she vanishes from sigh. He weights the options for an against summoning Kaiku, on the one hand it will save him time when he does summon her later and he plans to summon her anyway but on the other hand she is quite unusual and would probably scare some people off.

Thrane greets Bethana with a wave and a smile. "Good morning Bethana, nice to see you. Kaiku does not like to sleep in houses so you don't have to worry about her messing up the inn. I guess I will cover for you. I don't have any great plans, can't just wander off adventuring on my own now can I? Will be interesting to see the new travellers, maybe some of them would want to band together to collect goblin bounty?"

Thrane heads around the inn and asks the verious clients how they are doing and if they would like anything more. Eventually he comes on over to Ameiko and the man with the wierd swords just in time to hear him mention something about intentions, and he can't help but interject. "What intentions?"

2013-07-20, 09:11 PM
Drow?? Lukas looks alarmed at the mention of the fell race.

The half-elven youth's cheeks flush under the full-blooded elf's inspection. A mental list of all the ways he doesn't measure up to a full elf flies though his mind.

Summoning his courage for decency's sake, Lukas takes Varandriel's hand in greeting and looks like he's trying to decide whether or not he's supposed to bow. Settling somewhere in between, he dips his head in deference, then returns his gaze to the elven woman's eyes. He raises an eyebrow ever-so-slightly at her rumbling stomach.

"It's a true honor to meet you, Varandriel. My name is Lukas. Lukas Endymion."

Lukas switches to the elven tongue out of courtesy and says, If you've just arrived, you must be hungry - I still have half a loaf of fresh bread and a bit of cheese that I can't finish. I'd be delighted to share them with you."

Whether or not the cleric takes him up on the offer, Lukas continues, anxious to answer her question and get to his own, "The people of Sandpoint are simple farmers and craftspeople for the most part. There are only a few great warriors among us - your friend Shalelu and Sheriff Hemlock, most notably.

"The people here will fight to defend their homes, families and neighbors, but if a large force of goblins invades, many good people will certainly die. I've only been here a few years, but this town has welcomed me in a way I would never have hoped for when I left home. Just the thought of some of them falling to a goblin spear twists me up inside."

Lukas truly does look pained. He goes on, "In any case, the goblins aren't usually much of a problem. However, the clan nearby has recently acquired a cache of explosive - fireworks, I think - and Sheriff Hemlock is rightly concerned that their newfound firepower will embolden the goblins enough to start raiding Sandpoint and its surrounding farms. He's offered a bounty on goblins - ten gold pieces per ear, and a full three hundred gold pieces for the head of their chieftain. I personally think the practice of collecting ears is abhorrent, but I do feel like I should be doing something to keep my friends and neighbors from getting killed."

Lukas blanches, realizing that he has yammered on entirely too long to be proper. He shuts his mouth and waits to see what the cleric thinks of the situation.

2013-07-20, 09:44 PM
Varandriel tries not to look too eager as she takes the bread and cheese, sitting down on the bench where Lukas and the other priest had been sitting earlier. "Thank you very much, Lukas," she replies in Elven. The cleric quietly enjoys her breakfast while he talks, thinking about how to reply. Eventually he runs out of words right about the same time she finishes the last bit of bread.

"I have never heard of collecting an enemy's ears to claim a hunter's boon. It sounds rather messy, but given the unique size and shape of goblin ears, certainly effective to prove the truth of one's words." She tilts her head, absently pushing a stray strand of red-gold hair out of her face. "You sound like a kind person, Lukas. But sometimes we must steel our hearts and do what is necessary to protect those who cannot fight. Remember, goblins are the get of Lamashtu, Mother of Monsters and Desna's sworn enemy; while it may be possible in theory for one to overcome the madness in its blood, not even the oldest and most experienced elves I have met have ever told such a tale."

Varandriel shrugs with a clinking of mail. "In Crying Leaf, those who patrol the forest for drow and other monsters are simply given goods such as food and arrows in recognition of their services, with more valuable things for those who defeat stronger enemies. The bounty on goblin ears looks to me like a human version of this; a reward for those with the strength and courage to fight for the safety of the community. After all, if one is out hunting goblins, one cannot be crafting or doing other things to earn a living."

She stands, offering him a smile. "But that is simply my opinion. This is my first time traveling outside the Mierani Forest, so I expect many things will be different here." Varandriel offers Lukas his basket, empty save for the bottles of beer. After her first experience with beer in Riddleport, the elf has vowed not to touch the stuff again unless she's dying of thirst and there is no water to be had. "Let us talk of something more cheerful! Can you tell me where the Rusty Dragon Inn is? Shalelu said that she stays there when she is in Sandpoint. If she's here, I would very much like to talk with her. And I need a place to stay, if it's not too expensive."

2013-07-21, 07:34 AM
Lukas listens intently to Varandriel as she makes her case, nodding seriously and clearly taking her words to heart. He is amazed at the difference in philosophy between a stationary village priest and a devoted warrior cleric of Desna.

"Thank you for your insight, Varandriel. I sometimes find it is the people who don't know me who give the best counsel," Lukas smiles shyly as pieces lock together in his mind.

He takes the basket back and brightens, "The Rusty Dragon serves a great lunch - I go there fairly often when I have a bit of extra coin. Why don't I show you the way. Their prices are reasonable and the food is miles above the swill they serve in the sailor's tavern near the docks."

The impressionable half-elf looks to the ceiling and whistles a few notes. Almost immediately a little blue gray bat flits down from the ceiling, circles once, and lands on Lukas' shoulder. Varandriel's sharp eyes notice that the little bat wears a teensy-tiny silver necklace and wrist cuff set that looks identical to the set Lukas wears. The bat nuzzles Lukas' jawline, then chirps a greeting toward Varandriel. Lukas delicately takes the little bat in hand and nestles her away in a finely-crafted belt pouch.

"This is Ikelas. She is very friendly and brave, but I keep her tucked away in town to protect her from hawks and cats. And because a lot of people get nervous around bats," Lukas notes with a smile, "shall we go? I'd love to hear of your voyage - I've never been on a ship!"

2013-07-21, 01:32 PM
Thrane heads around the inn and asks the verious clients how they are doing and if they would like anything more. Eventually he comes on over to Ameiko and the man with the wierd swords just in time to hear him mention something about intentions, and he can't help but interject. "What intentions?"

Ril looks up to the new arrival and evaluates the young man, who he knew to be one of the Rusty Dragon's employees. For a while the ninja had been concerned about the man's lingering looks where it came to his empolyer, but eventually had discarded the idea of Thrane representing any threat to Ameiko.

Intentions to travel to Brinestup Marsh replies Ril to the question asked Do you know anyone considering such trip?

2013-07-21, 02:02 PM
Thrane smiles. "I have been thinking about what to do with myself since what happened." The half-elf looks apologetically over at Ameiko. "I am sorry Ameiko, but I don't want to stay working here forever. The bounty on Goblin ears have given me ideas similar to your own. I don't belive we've been introduced before. I am Thrane Tuliux." Thrane holds out his hand to the stranger.

2013-07-21, 02:54 PM
Thrane smiles. "I have been thinking about what to do with myself since what happened." The half-elf looks apologetically over at Ameiko. "I am sorry Ameiko, but I don't want to stay working here forever. The bounty on Goblin ears have given me ideas similar to your own. I don't belive we've been introduced before. I am Thrane Tuliux." Thrane holds out his hand to the stranger.

Ril replies the ninja taking the man's hand (although for some reason his body felt that was an odd way to greet someone).

Do you know of any others? continues Ril, not correcting Thrane's assumptions of his motives We should form a group with other three or four members: large enough for safety but small enough to maintain mobility.

2013-07-21, 04:51 PM
Rusty Dragon, Ril and Thrane

'Good boy. And about that bounty, you remember what happened to the previous 'adventurers'? Anyway, that's your choice. I need to go, It'll take me just a second' - Bethana says to Thrane before leaving the inn, stressing the word 'adventurers' heavily. After that Thrane walks around asking the customers if they need anything, but everything seem fine, so he goes towards Ril and Ameiko.

She stands silently as you talk, eyeing both of you in turns. None of you can really tell what she is thinking at the moment, there’s not even a slightest trace of any emotion on her face. After biting her lower lip slightly, she speaks. ‘Well, I do not mind you trying to move forward with your life, Thrane. That is actually really good. But you would be a fool going there alone, or with a scant company.’ - She peeks through the window for a second. - ‘Mark my words, lad. The more, the safer. The safer, the better. And consider taking a priest of some sort with you, or at least somebody that can heal you when you need it.’ - She looks away again, this time for a bit longer. You don’t need to know her story to realise she is reliving a moment from the past. ‘Well,’ - She faces you again. - ‘ironically, you are in the best place to recruit some hotheaded youngsters to your team. If you want it, that is, and gods damn you if you don’t!’ - She squints at you, her lips one tight line. - ‘Now excuse me, I need to... I need to do something.' - With that words she departs quickly, heading towards her chambers. That sure was unexpected, for both of you.

Cathedral’s enterance, Ca’alash

The woman blushes slightly hearing your answer. ‘Not at all, not at all! I just thought... well, I thought someone as pretty and exotic can’t be from Sandpoint. And I was right, wasn’t I? Though you speak nearly without an accent. Better than most of the peasants here’ - She makes a wide sweep with her plump hand and flutters her eyelashes. - ‘ Now, what can I really do for you? On the house, of course.’

After that little incident in the bakery, you continue your journey to the church, nibbling the bread you got. Funny how some people react to a smile and witty comment. And that is true especially among humans. Well, that’s probably because you resemble them so much that some think you are one of them, at first. If it wasn’t for your hair and eyes colour, you would easily look like a human.

You keep walking a little unconsciously, thinking about this and that. After a few minutes you realise you have finally arrived, you stand in one of the cathedral’s door and in front of you, inside the building, stand an unusual couple. Tall elven woman, wearing an exceptional armor with scales resembling leaves, with red-gold hair and uncommon violet eyes. Her companion though wears no armor at all. You think it is a man, but you were unsure at first. Willowy, with a faint smile and nearly white hair, he could probably pass as a woman, at least at first glance. They stand on the doorstep, looking at you curiously.

Diplomacy roll in the bakery: (1d20+9)[22]

Cathedral’s enterance, Varandriel and Lukas

You exchange polite comments, both of you curious and willing to know a little bit more about each other. Lukas is still a little bit shy, as she is a full-blooded elf after all, and Varandriel knows too little about Sandpoint’s customs to take the initiative. But you don’t even leave the cathedral before your conversation start to liven up.

It’s Varandriel describing her journey on the ‘Sparkling Star’ when a tall shade stands on your way, right at the cathedral’s threshold. When your eyes adjust, you see a strange man. He’s wearing an unusual armor, heavy morningstar and a bow. What is the most unusual about him though, lays mostly in his silver hair and eyes and that he is eating a loaf of bread staring at you, but apparently not seeing you.

Lukas’s Knowledge:History check to recognise the armor: (1d20+5)[8]
Varandriel’s Knowledge:Religion (+2 bonus) check if she had ever heard about someone like that back in Mierani Forest: (1d20+6)[8]

2013-07-21, 06:08 PM
Thrane is glad to get a glimpse of her adventure life, yet at the same time he feels sad that she has such pained feelings about it. He wants to say something comforting, ideally make her open up more, but before he can do so she is gone. There will come another time. He thinks before turning back to the matter at hand. His bright future lies before him and he got to think about that if he wants to make the most out of it.

"I actually have a companion that can contribute significantly. She is not humanoid, yet thinks and acts for her own. I will introduce you to her later. What Ameiko says about healing is true. We will probably need it. I got my work here to take care off, at least until Bethana returns, but you can go over to the temple to see if there are anyone there who are looking for adventure? I have also heard that the tailor's apprentice knows some magic. Maybe he would be interested? I can talk to him once I get off from here. His name is Lukas. I will stay here until you come back. Who knows maybe someone wanting to go out hunting for goblins do show up through the course of the day?"

2013-07-21, 08:17 PM
Ca'alash keeps chewing on his bread and notices the leaf pattern on the armor. He stare intensely at it for a few moments, a puzzled look on his face.

Appraise check : [roll0]

“I'm sorry my gentle lady! Please excuse my rude manners as I was wondering if this was a genuine elven leaf armor ? I'd be thrilled if it was but it does look heavier than the descriptions I've read about it.”

2013-07-21, 11:01 PM
"Oh, how cute!" The cleric barely restrains a most undignified girly squeal at the sight of Ikelas. "She's got a tiny bandana! And jewelry like you have!" Varandriel coos at the bat, about to take off a gauntlet and stroke her when Lukas tucks his pet away. Oh well, maybe she'll have a chance later. "I don't see why people would get nervous around bats, they're gentle creatures that keep insects away."

She picks up her pack and slings it over her shoulders. To Varandriel, it feels more bulky than heavy what with the bedroll, although she would have been moving slower than usual without Desna's blessing of quickness. "I would be happy to tell you all about it when we get to the Rusty Dragon. Lead the way, Lukas!"

As they reach the door, a new arrival speaks up; a silver-haired man with a longbow and morningstar.

“I'm sorry my gentle lady! Please excuse my rude manners as I was wondering if this was a genuine elven leaf armor ? I'd be thrilled if it was but it does look heavier than the descriptions I've read about it.”
"Leaf armor? Oh, you must mean leafweave!" She shakes her head. "No, this is simply scale mail with a bit of decoration." Not that elaborate by Mierani standards, but Varandriel has already had a number of comments and compliments from other races. Evidently smiths in wider Varisia are content to make plain items without any embellishment at all; only apprentices or people working with materials like crystals that are naturally beautiful do that back home. "I'm Varandriel Maeneth, and this is Lukas Endymion."

2013-07-22, 08:58 AM
Ikelas preens and gives an extra cheerful chirp to Varandriel as Lukas tucks her away.

Lukas finally lets loose a wide grin when the elven cleric seems delighted by Ikelas. He feels a warm pulse of satisfaction and pride radiate from his familiar, and says to Varandriel, "I had some spare time and spare material, so I thought I'd dress her up a bit. She honestly seems to like it. I gave Ikelas a spiked collar once - to protect her from cats, but it just didn't suit her personality."

When the two of them notice Ca'alash and Varandriel introduces him, Lukas nods politely, feeling kind of like the welcoming committee for the church, "Welcome to Sandpoint. I'm glad to see you've found the bakery - I just stopped there a few hours ago myself. Can I direct you to anyone in the cathedral? I know most of the priests and lay clergy reasonably well."

Lukas peers as the newcomer's eyes and hair, trying to place where he has heard of eyes like that before.
Knowledge (The Planes) check [roll0]

Lukas blanches, realizing that he's running off at the mouth again, "Oh! I feel terribly rude - what's your name, traveler?"

Now that Ca'alash is closer, he can see that Lukas is definitely male, just very slender with almost no discernible musculature at all. The young half-elf wears a handsome burgundy vest over a long sleeved white shirt and dark brown pants, but even the best fashion efforts can't disguise that Lukas is about the skinniest adult male Ca'alash has ever met.

2013-07-22, 12:03 PM
Ca’alash’s smile broadens. He then switches to elven : « Ah yes, leafweave! I should have known. See, I’ve been raised amongst the elven people but unfortunately my training kept me secluded for long periods. Ironic for a servant of Erastil, don’t you think?»

2013-07-22, 12:39 PM
Thrane is glad to get a glimpse of her adventure life, yet at the same time he feels sad that she has such pained feelings about it. He wants to say something comforting, ideally make her open up more, but before he can do so she is gone. There will come another time. He thinks before turning back to the matter at hand. His bright future lies before him and he got to think about that if he wants to make the most out of it.

"I actually have a companion that can contribute significantly. She is not humanoid, yet thinks and acts for her own. I will introduce you to her later. What Ameiko says about healing is true. We will probably need it. I got my work here to take care off, at least until Bethana returns, but you can go over to the temple to see if there are anyone there who are looking for adventure? I have also heard that the tailor's apprentice knows some magic. Maybe he would be interested? I can talk to him once I get off from here. His name is Lukas. I will stay here until you come back. Who knows maybe someone wanting to go out hunting for goblins do show up through the course of the day?"

Very well, I shall look for him as soon as I have fed agrees Ril as he retrieves some of the bread he had stored from last night's dinner. Thank you

Ril then begins to eat his nutritious -although not very flavorful- breakfast. During the first week since he had woken up, the ninja had learned all too well how the body began to fail if it was not properly fed and had since taken precautions never to skip meals.

2013-07-22, 12:49 PM
Thrane looks on as Ril gets his own bread for breakfeast. "You know, we make delicious food here. Why don't you try some of our stew for example?" He says with a conflicted voice. One the one hand he does not think it is appropriate to eat food that you bring yourself in the inn, but on the other side he does not want to offend the guy who just offered to join in exploring brinestump marsh and hunting for goblins.

2013-07-22, 01:09 PM
Thrane looks on as Rin gets his own bread for breakfeast. "You know, we make delicious food here. Why don't you try some of our stew for example?" He says with a conflicted voice. One the one hand he does not think it is appropriate to eat food that you bring yourself in the inn, but on the other side he does not want to offend the guy who just offered to join in exploring brinestump marsh and hunting for goblins.

Ril looks at the young man for a while without responding, trying to understand the reason for his question.

Could it be that he was breaking some social covenant by not eating the man's food? The ninja was still not sure what all the proper ways to interact with people.

My apologies if I was impolite. replies Ril in a polite (although not very repentant) tone I was trying to be expedient in order to proceed with the search. I will eat whatever is available.

Anything else?

2013-07-22, 01:21 PM
Thrane masterfully hides his surprise at the question. "Don't worry about it. You can eat whatever you want. Still we don't even know if we are going to find anyone to journey with us yet and if we do get to go we are going to need all the strength we can get. Stew is both more filling and taste better than just bread, though there is some matter of personal taste of course. The food is already made by Bethana earlier." Thrane's stomach takes the opportunity to rumble. "Speaking of food, I am quite hungry myself. I will eat with you even if you don't want stew. You can think while I go do what I am actually paid to be here for."

Thrane goes around to the other patrons to check if any of them need anything, drink or food, and serves them if needed. Then he heads over to the pot hanging over the fireplace. It is giving off a nice smell of fresh stew, thick and meaty. He fills one bowl and brings it over to Rin. "So do you want, or should I just eat myself?

2013-07-22, 01:33 PM
Lukas' mouth quirks in amusement.

Heh... he probably didn't even hear me, he's so interested in Varandriel and her armor. It is pretty impressive handiwork, the tailor thinks to himself. He takes a step to the side so that he's not awkwardly standing side-by-side with Varandriel while she and the silver-eyed man converse.

While he listens to the newcomer and Varandriel talking, Lukas tries to remember what he knows about the faith of Erastil, and mentally kicks himself for not spending more time studying religions. He'll have to rectify that.
Knowledge (religion) check: [roll0]

2013-07-22, 01:44 PM
He looks consecutively at the half-elf then the elf. « By the way, I am Ca’alash of the Elkbow, divine hunter of Erastil. I hope you won’t judge me too harshly for my abysmal lack of manners. » He winks at both.

2013-07-22, 01:58 PM
Lukas waves away any notion of offense, "Nonsense, Ca'alash. You're new in town and there is a lot to take in. A moment's distraction is understandable.
"Are you on a holy mission? There's a shrine to Erastil in the far alcove of the Cathedral on your right. Otherwise, I was just about to show Lady Varandriel to the Rusty Dragon - my favorite spot in town for lunch. You're welcome to join us."

Ca'alash likely notices that Lukas wears a wooden butterfly symbol of Desna on a leather cord around his neck.

2013-07-22, 02:08 PM
Rusty Dragon, Ril and Thrane

While you eat, the door to the inn swing open, hitting the wall hard. Immediately after, two men get inside; quite short but well-built, in studded leather jerkins and with broad swords at their hips. Very similar to each other, they both have bushy mustaches as well; probably a father and a son. ‘Come now, peasants! Give me and ma boy a good chunk of roasted lamb, an two mugs of your best beer. And I swear, I won’t be that polite if I find a drop of water in it! Now, move, move!’ Nearly shouts the older man, tugging his mustache. In the meantime, the younger one watches everybody inside carefully, especially Ril. When he looks at other customers, they keep their heads low, the two shipyard workers only looking askance. Neither Thrane nor Ril have ever seen those two here before.

Lukas checks


Even though Camelia taught you a thing or two about other planes and their habitants, you can’t really recall anything about such eyes or hair, provided it’s not some kind of magic, or just a bleach.
Maybe an aasimar, or something like that? Not full-blooded probably, but that could be a trace at least.


Though Erastil is not your deity, he sure is quite popular among the people, here in Sandpoint as well. You could possibly associate him with farmers, and hunters? Maybe Koya or Abstalar could tell you more.

2013-07-22, 02:43 PM
Thrane goes around to the other patrons to check if any of them need anything, drink or food, and serves them if needed. Then he heads over to the pot hanging over the fireplace. It is giving off a nice smell of fresh stew, thick and meaty. He fills one bowl and brings it over to Ril. "So do you want, or should I just eat myself?

Thank you, let us eat together. replies Ril.

Eating next to someone felt rather odd for the ninja, but Ril savors the stew offered to him.

Rusty Dragon, Ril and Thrane

While you eat, the door to the inn swing open, hitting the wall hard. Immediately after, two men get inside; quite short but well-built, in studded leather jerkins and with broad swords at their hips. Very similar to each other, they both have bushy mustaches as well; probably a father and a son. ‘Come now, peasants! Give me and ma boy a good chunk of roasted lamb, an two mugs of your best beer. And I swear, I won’t be that polite if I find a drop of water in it! Now, move, move!’ Nearly shouts the older man, tugging his mustache. In the meantime, the younger one watches everybody inside carefully, especially Ril. When he looks at other customers, they keep their heads low, the two shipyard workers only looking askance. Neither Thrane nor Ril have ever seen those two here before.

Ril locks stares with the younger of the strangers, his face becoming completely expressionless as he assesses if the pair can pose any threats.

Thrane calls the ninja to his new companion without rising from his seat... yet. Let me know if you need help dealing with those two.

2013-07-22, 03:25 PM
Thrane offers up the bowl he got to Ril, together with the acompanying spoon. He then goes to get a bowl for himself. Just as he gets back to the table the door swings open and the people appears. He calmly sets down the bowl and face the people. A wide smile appears on his face and he says. "I am sorry to inform you, but we do not have roast lamb prepeared at the moment. Roasting lamb takes quite a while and it would not be done at this time of the day even if we did have it. The stew we do have is delicious though, made by one of the best chefs in town, the great Bethana herself. Would you like some?"

The half-elf calmly walks over to the counter and starts getting out mugs to fill with beer. I have seen the depths of human depravity already, your pety threats do not unsettle me. As he start tapping the beer he says. "I am afraid that all beer in the world is brewed based on water, though you can be sure we do not water it down. It's the good stuff." The tapping done he, puts the mugs onto the counter. "Please do find a table to sit, I will bring what you need."

Diplomacy: 22 (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showpost.php?p=15671244&postcount=68)

2013-07-22, 04:29 PM
Rusty Dragon, Ril and Thrane

The older man comes closer and puts his heavy arms at the counter, right in front of Thrane. ‘Delicious stew my arse! I’m a man, I need meat!’ Droplets of the man’s saliva land on your face. You may have been very polite and calm, but he still looks like a Delayed Fireball about to explode. He calms down a little at a sight of beer though. ‘Blast, whatever. If this hovel can’t even provide a decent food, we will take what’s available.’ He says a little quieter now and grabs the mugs. He and his silent companion sit down at one of the tables near the enterance.’But don’t you dare to make us have to wait, y’hear me, elven scum?’ He adds without turning. Also, you realise he didn’t bother to pay.

2013-07-22, 04:57 PM
Lukas waves away any notion of offense, "Nonsense, Ca'alash. You're new in town and there is a lot to take in. A moment's distraction is understandable.
"Are you on a holy mission? There's a shrine to Erastil in the far alcove of the Cathedral on your right. Otherwise, I was just about to show Lady Varandriel to the Rusty Dragon - my favorite spot in town for lunch. You're welcome to join us."

Ca'alash likely notices that Lukas wears a wooden butterfly symbol of Desna on a leather cord around his neck.

Varandriel chuckles. "Oh, I'm not a noble lady or anything. Just a cleric out to see the world!" She, too, wears the symbol of Desna. "Raised among elves, yet you worship Erastil? How unusual!" The majority of rangers back home worship the elven pantheon as a whole or Ketephys the Hunter, but there are always a few exceptions. Such is the way of elves; everyone is free to follow their own path as long as they don't harm the community by doing so.

2013-07-22, 05:34 PM
"Ah, I should have known better, Varandriel. I tend to err on the side of decorum when it comes to ordained clergy. It's a human habit I picked up in Magnimar," Lukas shrugs, as if shaking free from an old memory.

The skinny tailor turns his gaze back toward Ca'alash, very curious to hear the experience of someone so close to human who grew up around elves.

2013-07-22, 05:37 PM
Thrane gets a couple of bowls from behind the counter and fills them up with stew. "There is meat in the stew." He brings the stew over to the table, together with a couple spoons. He puts the stew down in front of the men and says. "That will be four copper for the food and another four copper for the way you have been acting. We like people to be friendly here so everyone can enjoy themselves." At the same time he is saying this, he motions behind his back for Ril to stand up and come. The air shimmers above his shoulder and all of a sudden a giant eagle lands there. The wingspan is as long as Thrane is. The bird bristles it's feather and gives out a shril cry.

Standard Action: Summon Monster I
Uses left 7/8

2013-07-22, 05:56 PM
When Thrane summons forth the giant eagle, an uncommon look of surprise graces Ril's face

I wonder what else he is capable of. He might not be as unthreatening as I first evaluated. thinks the ninja.

But that would have to wait for now.

After nodding to acknowledge summoner's gesture, Ril quietly gets up from his table and tries to approach the newcomers from a blind spot. As he moves, the ninja has to repress an instinct to unsheathe his weapons.

Better to avoid the use of deadly force if necessary Ril says to himself as he overpowers the urge with steely discipline.

Stealth check [roll0] to move close to the table, using Thrane's summoning as a distraction

2013-07-22, 09:09 PM
Ca'alash strikes a pensive pose and mumbles to himself. “Gasping dragon ? Rustling dragoon...”

His face suddenly lights up. “The Rusting Dragon! Yes, this is the place Shalelu used to visit! I'd be glad to follow you, if you would be so kind as to let me give a brief homage to patron, I'd be on my way soon.” He looks quizzically at his two interlocutors.

2013-07-22, 10:39 PM
Varandriel shakes her head at Lukas. "Don't worry about it, Lukas. One of the reasons I'm here is to learn about the customs of other races. If calling me 'Lady' makes you more comfortable, go ahead." She nods to Ca'alash. "As long as it's okay with Lukas, it's fine with me."

2013-07-23, 12:08 AM
Lukas shakes his head with a resigned smile and says to Varandriel, "no, no. This is definitely a habit I'd like to get out of. Koya has been working on me for years to try to get me to loosen up around new people. You should have seen me when I first got to town. I was a mess!"

He turns to the silver-eyed man and offers a friendly gesture toward the inside of the cathedral, "Ca'alash, please go on in. Lunch can certainly wait for Erastil."

2013-07-23, 03:50 AM
Rusty Dragon, Ril and Thrane

‘Woah! What’s that, are you some kind of a warlock?!’ The man shouts at the sight of an eagle coming out of the blue. The younger one flinches visibly, his hand going slowly towards his belt and his scabbard. Then they both turn their heads to a long creak coming from behind them, where Ril tries to approach silently. The older man frowns at the sight of an armed, and clearly trained in use of his weapons, man standing behind him. ‘Now, I didn’t say I won’t pay, right?’ He fumbles in his pocket and after a while six copper pieces land on the table. ‘That’s still more than it’s worth so be happy with that. Now begone, will ya? We want to eat in peace, without some weirdos standing above us.’ The man isn’t as perky now as a while ago, speaking much quieter as well. He clearly lost the will to fight, now only trying to save his face in front of his son.

At the same time Ameiko emerges from her chambers at the back of the inn. ‘What is going on here?’

Thrane’s intimidate check
(1d20+10)[17] Intimidating the rude man; +5 from charisma, +5 for eagle and Ril

Varandriel, Lukas and Ca’alash

Since the head of the cathedral, father Abstalar, is a cleric of Desna, and so is the majority of his acolytes, Ca’alash spends his prayer in silence, talking only to Erastil while kneeling in front of his altar. Sure, it’s possible to speak to a god on the road or in the forest, but it does feel good to pay a proper homage.

After a few minutes, you all gather in front of the cathedral again. The sun is a bit higher already, the town working in full swing. Merchants advertising their goods, craftsmen offering their services, citizens haggling fiercely and ever present children and dogs running to and fro. Since the cathedral is at the northern end of the town and Rusty Dragon is near the southern harbor, it takes you a while to get there, leaving you with plenty of time to talk.

2013-07-23, 04:59 AM
Thrane turns toward Ameiko. At the same time as he turns the Eagle disapears as suddenly as it came. "These men did not act very nice. Thankfully we were able to solve the problem without harm comming to anyone. Things are much more pleasant if everyone are good to each other. Right?" The half-elf looks towards the man who had spoken to ask for confirmation. Thrane picks up the money from the table then heads over to the table where his bowl is waiting. "Now, I am starving. I hope you don't mind me eating as well. That is, unless anyone else needs anything first? Have you eaten Ameiko?" He looks around at the other customers before sitting down to eat.

2013-07-23, 09:24 AM
As Ca'alash, Varandriel and Lukas walk toward the Rusty Dragon, Lukas takes the two newcomers down a mostly direct route that shows off the best streets and shops in town. He points out Savah's armory, then turns down High Street.

Lukas intends to take them past the Red Dog Smithy, then down Festival Street, toward the Market Street and the Harbor and finally arriving at the Rusty Dragon.

"So what has brought the two of you to Sandpoint?" he asks.

2013-07-23, 11:18 AM
« You don’t mind if I go on in elvish? »

Ca’alash pursues. « I know I should have visited Sandpoint earlier in my life but fighting evil and injustice makes for a busy schedule. When I was not training in a secluded monastery, I was abroad throughout Varisia. Now I developed some interest in racing chariots. Not the actual race but rather the two-wheeled, one-horsed chariots that were popular some time ago. Now it’s mostly an underground phenomenon. The fact is I heard through the vines that a merchant here still had some for sale. I need to find him but I have very little information. »

2013-07-23, 12:18 PM
Lukas is perfectly happy to continue in elven and gestures for Ca'alash to continue. The elven language always feels nice on his tongue and his ears.

Lukas absently taps his lower lip as he thinks and then says, "Hmm... no one immediately comes to mind. I know what racing chariots are, but I haven't seen or heard anything about them here in town. I understand that Sheriff Hemlock used to be something of a thrill seeker before he settled down in Sandpoint. He might be able to point you in the right direction."

2013-07-23, 12:46 PM
Thrane turns toward Ameiko. At the same time as he turns the Eagle disapears as suddenly as it came. "These men did not act very nice. Thankfully we were able to solve the problem without harm comming to anyone. Things are much more pleasant if everyone are good to each other. Right?" The half-elf looks towards the man who had spoken to ask for confirmation. Thrane picks up the money from the table then heads over to the table where his bowl is waiting. "Now, I am starving. I hope you don't mind me eating as well. That is, unless anyone else needs anything first? Have you eaten Ameiko?" He looks around at the other customers before sitting down to eat.

The commotion averted, Ril quietly walks back to the table he had been sharing with Thrane, letting the summoner do the talking while the ninja resumed his monitoring duties.

2013-07-23, 09:26 PM
Varandriel looks from one man to the other, puzzled. "What is a 'racing chariot'?" Something with two wheels and one horse... "Is it like a cart? How does it stay up with only two wheels? That sounds awfully precarious."

2013-07-24, 03:01 AM
Rusty Dragon, Ril and Thrane

Ameiko comes very close to Thrane, glancing at the two newcomers. ‘Remind me, please, what for did I hire you here? So you can show them your fancy magic, or to bring them food and drinks, smile and keep everything clean?’ She hisses to your ear, making sure the customers don’t hear her. ‘I don’t know what exactly happened, but unless they had attacked somebody or destroyed something, you should have stayed calm, doing as they say. I know it’s hard sometimes, but they are customers! Now, I’ll take over. Eat your breakfast.’ She looks you in the eyes for a while before going to the counter. After two or three steps she turns again to you. ‘I’m... I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. I know your intentions were good, and you probably had a decent reason. It’s just... Och, this day is just crazy!’ She says miserably before going towards the customers.

Varandriel, Lukas and Ca’alash

You continue your journey through the town, having the opportunity to observe everything from up close again. It’s just as interesting the second time, or even more, since you’ve got a company now and Lukas is eager to describe even the slightest detail of the scenery. While you are talking and sightseeing like this, you soon spot an unusual building in the distance that can’t be anything else but the Rusty Dragon inn itself, with an impressive iron (and indeed quite rusty) dragon looming on top of its roof. You could safely bet that’s your destination, as it is highly unlikely there is another building in Sandpoint with such an unusual decoration.

2013-07-24, 05:35 AM
Thrane speeds up eating the meal, he does not like the fact that Ameiko feels bad about him talking back to the customers and he wants to talk to her. While eating he manages to ask Ril "Things like that eagle is just one aspect of my power. You will meet Kaiku later which is a more fulfilling outlet of it. I am not sure that it is not she who chose to give me the power to summon her rather than me making her come with my own power though. Tell me a bit about yourself too? I assume those swords are not for show at least?" Inside he thinks We can only benefit from getting know more about each other, though I am not comfortable telling him the truth behind what happened before the fire and this place would not be appropriate for it anyway.

After eating the half-elf heads over to Ameiko and pulls her aside behind the counter so it is not that easy for the customers to overhear them. He has a worried look on his face as he says, with concern in his voice. "What is gnawing at you? I did not mean to trouble you further. As I said they were not very nice, they insulted both me and the food. I did not actually threaten them in any way, hopefully the rest of the customers feel more at ease rather than unsettled by what I did."

2013-07-24, 10:12 AM
"And there it is, the Rusty Dragon," says Lukas as he points out the distinctive building.

He pats his non-existent belly in anticipation and says to his walking companions, "the food is really good; I think you're going to like it."

2013-07-24, 07:57 PM
Thrane speeds up eating the meal, he does not like the fact that Ameiko feels bad about him talking back to the customers and he wants to talk to her. While eating he manages to ask Ril "Things like that eagle is just one aspect of my power. You will meet Kaiku later which is a more fulfilling outlet of it. I am not sure that it is not she who chose to give me the power to summon her rather than me making her come with my own power though. Tell me a bit about yourself too? I assume those swords are not for show at least?"

Ril continues to eat quietly as he listens to the younger man explain his powers, occasionally nodding in acknowledgment.

After the summoner's question, the ninja pauses for a bit, deciding how to best answer (and how much to share)

No, they are not. In fact they are quite superb weapons.
replies Ril calmly as he slowly pulls out one of the blades to show it to Thrane

Can you see the slight bent in the metal? continues the ninja, pointing out to the corresponding part of the blade

That allows for sharper edges and the ability to deflect incoming attacks as opposed to stopping them dead on. And the extra weight in the pommel here gives the weapon a better balance...

Ril pauses for a moment.

How did I know that? the ninja asks himself, for he had no memories of learning about the specific characteristics of his weapons...

Realizing that he had stopped the conversation abruptly, Ril decides to change the subject

Besides that, I have some scouting and information gathering capabilities. The ninja then goes back to his food, indicating that his turn to share was over.

When Thrane goes to talk to Ameiko, Ril resumes his observation duties. Just in time to see three new arrivals at the inn.

The ninja watches silently, assessing the two men and the woman.

2013-07-24, 08:35 PM
Varandriel switches back to Common as they enter the inn; it seems only polite. "Ah, it does smell good in here!" The bread wasn't really enough to fill her up... but it might have to be enough, given that she has to rent a room and her purse will only stretch so far. If all else fails she can go hunting outside of town come suppertime. With the presence of goblins in the area, it's better to spend money on safe lodgings than on food.

The elf looks around at the various people in the taproom, smiling tentatively. "Hello! Who is in charge of renting rooms in this inn?"

2013-07-24, 10:38 PM
Ca'alash also witches to common : “ Do you think they have Brevoy trout with beef marrow fritters? Or perhaps Reefclaw cakes with roasted corn? Anyhow, I'd settle for the local specialty since I've never eaten here.”

2013-07-24, 10:42 PM
Lukas smiles at his new friends and waves to the people he recognizes in the Rusty Dragon.

"I brought some out-of-towners in for the best lunch in Sandpoint," the skinny tailor says with a friendly smile. Lukas has had an absolutely stellar morning, and his face shows it.

Lukas looks around for an empty table - or better yet, a table near someone he knows that has a few open seats.

2013-07-25, 01:48 AM
Thrane turns towards the door at the sight of new the new arrivals. He smiles, both to appear friendly and because he is glad these people are more friendly than the last batch. What is with everyone requesting so strange things today. He thinks before answering. "Welcome travellers, my name is Tharne and welcome to the Rusty Dragon. We have delicious fresh stew for you to taste. It is hard to have a lot of different dished prepeared since it is hard to conserve food in this heat. Just grab a seat and I will come with the food." He gets out another set of cuttlery and start filling them up for the newcommers. "Lukas, I was actually thinking to speak to you later. But first food. Do you guys want beer?" He switches to elvish, still not done filling up the bowls. "It's a pleasure to welcome you miss..." His words trail in the air for a moment as he does not know her name. "Rarely do we have beings such as you come visit, it's a honour." She does remind him on her mom which is bittersweet, he loves his mom, but at the same time he misses her. He wonders when he will see her again. He switches back to common. "We can talk about housing arrangements while you eat. You are even lucky enough to have the beautiful and amazing Ameiko to handle the matters directly." Finally done with prepearing the food he brings it to the table.

2013-07-25, 06:13 AM

‘They may be rude, they may insult you, the inn, me, whatever. That’s not what you do in return, as long as there is no damage done. Remember that, okay? End of discussion.’ Ameiko tells you. You feel that she knowinly ignored your question about her concerns.

The newcomers definitely look different from the previous ones. You recognise one of them, Lukas, with a bit of elven blood in his veins. He is an apprentice of a tailor, master Aldon. Enough to say, you see him from time to time in Rusty Dragon, coming either to eat, or to listen to the stories and songs in the evening, when there are more people filling the inn.

What you can say about two others, they are definitely from outside Sandpoint, probably from quite far away. The woman is elven, you are sure, but you can’t really say much about the man; although he has human features, his hair and eyes are silver, which is odd enough. Maybe an outsider's blood? That's not exactly how you would imagine an Aasimar, but who knows? He also wears a strange kind of armor you've never seen before and carries a morningstar, and a longbow slung over his back.

Back to the woman, her red-gold hair and deeply violet eyes can draw attention, too. She wears a beautifully crafted scale mail, with scales stylised to resemble tiny leaves. At her belt you can see a longsword and a dagger, followed by a bow at her back. They both look like they know what to do with their weapons.

(1d20+5)[21] Knowledge:planes check to determine Ca'alash's race

The newcomers definitely look different from the previous ones. You recognise one of them, Lukas, with a bit of elven blood in his veins. He is an apprentice of a craftsman of some sort. Shoemaker, maybe? No, that can’t be that. Enough to say, you see him from time to time in Rusty Dragon, coming either to eat, or to listen to the stories and songs in the evening, when there are more people filling the inn.

What you can say about two others, they are definitely from outside Sandpoint, probably from quite far away. The woman is elven, you are sure, but you can’t really say much about the man; although he has human features, his hair and eyes are silver, which is odd enough. He also wears kikko armor... that you’ve never heard about before, but you instinctively recognise it now. This armor usually consists of hexagonal iron plates sewn to cloth. He also carries a morningstar, and a longbow slung over his back.

Back to the woman, her red-gold hair and deeply violet eyes can draw attention, too. She wears a beautifully crafted scale mail, with scales stylised to resemble tiny leaves. At her belt you can see a longsword and a dagger, followed by a bow at her back. They both look like they know what to do with their weapons.

(1d20+0)[20] Custom intelligence (memory) check to recognise kikko armor.
Varandriel, Lukas and Ca’alash

When you enter the old building, you immediately see it’s very cosy, with two half-separated rooms with now mostly empty tables of different sizes. To your right you can see a counter with two people behind it and stairs, probably leading to the rooms. The inn is mostly empty now, with two people sitting next to the enterance and eating their meal rapidly, a lone man at the table in the corner in front of you, a couple further left of you, and two men looking like some kind of workers readying themselves to leave. The inn is decorated pretty nicely with some bright paintings and weird instruments hung on the walls. The fireplaces aren’t lit now, since all the light needed comes through the windows; however, you realise it must be wonderful here in the evening, when the sun hides behind the horison. What also catches your attention is a board with big ‘Help Wanted’ inscription and a few scraps of paper pinned to it.

You recognise the two guys leaving now as shipyard workers, but you don’t really know their names. The couple to the left are probably merchants, as you’ve never seen them before here, just as the two men next to you. The guy in the corner is Ril though, a strange guy sitting here pretty much every day. Of course you recognise Ameiko and Thrane as well, standing behind the counter.

While Thrane is filling the bowls, Ameiko comes to his side. ‘Come, let me help you’ She says while taking a tray with food from him and approaching new customers. ‘ Good morning Lukas, and you as well, miss, mister. Welcome to Rusty Dragon, the best inn in Western Varisia, famous for its excellent food, irreproachable service and the best stories you’ve ever heard or will hear, that’s a promise!’ She says with a wink and a broad grin, with one hand holding the tray and the other resting at her hip. ‘I am Ameiko Kaijitsu, and this is my trusted helper, Thrane. Feel free to ask about anything, we are here to help you, aren’t we? But for now’ - she says while placing the bowls in front of Varandriel, Ca’alash and Lukas - ‘ I’ve got for you a delicious beef stew with vegetables, fruit and spices, and all that covered in wine. That’s a receipe from a distant land of Osirion, I hope you’ll like it. And about the rooms, we can probably talk about it later, when your bellies are full. I'm sure we will come to an agreement. We also have a policy here - you tell us an interesting story about your adventures, we give you a discount. Now, enjoy your meal! Tell me or Thrane when you need anything else.’ She says before heading back to the counter.

Ameiko’s brief description, for those who haven’t met her yet

Ameiko is still pretty young, probably somewhere in her middle twenties. Average height, quite slim and pretty and moving with an uncanny grace, she makes an impression she doesn’t belong here. She often wears unusual garments, sometimes even outrageous for Sandpoint’s citizens. Today she wears sleeveless crimson quilted jacket, showing an interesting snake tattoo at her left shoulder and forearm, grey leggins, high red boots and a lot of bracelets on her wrists. She also likes exotic hairstyles. Her shoulder-length hair is black, except the two strands at her forehead, which are dyed white.

2013-07-25, 09:07 AM
"A beer would be great for me, Thrane. Actually, how about two beers and a light wine. And after lunch, let's talk." Lukas digs into his coin purse and comes up with enough for three lunches and a round of drinks, plus a respectable tip, then hands the coins to Thrane as the man heads back to the counter.

Lukas looks back to his companions at the table and says, "I just got paid yesterday, please allow me to cover your first meal in town!"

Lukas appears very proud to play host to such interesting newcomers.

When Ameiko arrives with the food Lukas greets her cheerfully and says, "this smells amazing, Ameiko! Can you help us? Varandriel and Ca'alash here are both friends of Shalelu. Has she been back in town recently?"

2013-07-25, 10:27 AM
Thrane fills up mugs and a glass with the drinks ordered. He is careful to fill them up fully, somewhat satisfied by the tip he got. He gets a tray and swings over to the table to deliver them. "Here you go." He says with a smile.

Thrane waits for Ameiko to answer the question about Shalelu and leave. While the group gets to eating he says. "I mentioned I was thinking of talking to you earlier. I've heard you know some magic. I was thinking about taking up the sheriff's offer to bring back goblin ears. With Ril here suggesting the same thing, it suddenly got more than a faint dream." He gestures at the man with the swords, "I was wondering if you would be open to the idea of going out Brinestump Marsh together with us. The more we are, the better. Though getting some sort of cleric to come with us would probably be nice as well in case some of us do end up wounded." Thrane is very eagerly talking about his idea. He has not been able to do much he has wanted before, being so suppressed by his father. This is finally a chance to follow his own choices.

2013-07-25, 12:29 PM
Ca’alash smiles. « Thanks you very much Lukas, this osirian stew smells wonderful! I’ll have goat milk with this, please. There’s more than enough wine in the sauce! »

2013-07-25, 01:13 PM
Lukas thanks Thrane for the mug, and takes a long drink as he listens to the other half-elf's excitedly described plan.

"I've been thinking along similar lines, Thrane. I'm not all that interested in taking trophies, but I want to do whatever I can to keep those goblins from hurting people here in Sandpoint," Lukas replies with Varandriel's advice from earlier echoing in his mind.

"Count me in - you and Ril will need someone to stitch you up after a fight. When were you thinking of leaving for Brinestump?""

Lukas looks across the table, flicks a meaningful glance at Varandriel's and Ca'alash's weapons and then asks, "would either of you want to come with us? The more fighters we have, the more likely it is that a suicide mission becomes a critical victory."

2013-07-25, 01:13 PM
Thrane smiles at Ca’alash for the compliment. "Thank you ser... Goat milk comming right up." He heads to the back door of the room and goes outside, bringing a cup with him. Moments later he comes back with a steaming cup of milk. "Here you go." he says as he puts the cup in front of Ca'alash.

When he comes back he waves Ril over and raises his voice. "Come join us Ril, Luckas seems interested in going to the swamp as well." He turns back to Lukas and says. "If we get paid for our work we will be able to buy better gear which might allow us to have an easier time protecting people in the future. Oh, and we still haven't had full introductions. My full name is Thrane Tuliux, may I have yours?" He look around at the two unknown people.

2013-07-25, 03:36 PM
Ril observes Ca'alash, his mind flashing with information about the man's kikko armor

Where would I have seen those armors before?

It would seem that his decision to find out more about himself was leaving the ninja with many questions and few answers

When he comes back he waves Ril over and raises his voice. "Come join us Ril, Luckas seems interested in going to the swamp as well." He turns back to Lukas and says. "If we get paid for our work we will be able to buy better gear which might allow us to have an easier time protecting people in the future. Oh, and we still haven't had full introductions. My full name is Thrane Tuliux, may I have yours?" He look around at the two unknown people.

Ril had been intently listening to Thrane's exchange with the newcomers. Could he be so fortunate as to encounter a full group of like minded spirits less than a scant hour before deciding to explore the Marsh

Or was it fate taking him back to where he woke for the first time?

Either way, the ninja would take this opportunity as it presented itself.

Following Thrane's invitation, the silent warrior approaches the larger table

I am just Ril says the ninja after Thrane introduces his full name

I wonder if I have a last name he wonders. But it had not been one of the three words he remembered when he first woke up.

As for when to leave: as soon as available. finishes the silent warrior in answer to Lukas' question

2013-07-25, 08:14 PM
"Thank you very much for the meal, Lukas." Varandriel nods her thanks to him, trying a bite. The flavors are foreign to her, but quite tasty. "Mmm, delicious. May I have some milk as well?" That sounds like a good alternative to wine or (gods forbid) beer. She tries another bite, listening to the conversation.

"What a coincidence, Lukas and I were just talking about the goblin threat to Sandpoint! I will come with you if you'll have me. My name is Varandriel Maethrien, and I am a cleric of Desna." The elf gives the group a little half-bow from her chair. What an interesting group of people! Perhaps we will learn more of each other during the hunt. Protect Shalelu's adopted village, earn enough coin to pay for her stay, and learn about this diverse group of other races; sounds like a good idea to her.

2013-07-25, 09:44 PM
Ca'alash gets up with a solemn face. He's a somewhat tall, athletic man in his early twenties. His silver hair is cut in a short mop-top fashion and he sports a thin, curly moustache of the same color. His eyes are a silvery grey and his pale complexion almost seems to glow the same way. His voice is rich and vibrant : “My name is Ca'alash of the Elkbow. I've been raised in Varisia and traveled it's dusty roads a bit, alas this is my first time in Sandpoint. As a holy hunter of Erastil I feel compelled to leave aside my current errands and offer my bow to this noble cause.” He marks a short dramatic pause and sits back.

2013-07-26, 04:29 AM
‘Och, that’s an interesting coincidence, two foreign Shalelu friends coming here the same day!’ Ameiko says with a smile. When she hears Varandriel’s name, she winks, focusing on her. ‘Varandriel Maethrien, you say? Aren’t you the one that used to send letters to Shalelu via Rusty Dragon? I’m fairly sure I saw your name on one or two of them. Anyway, Shal was here nearly two weeks before, but she didn’t mention any visitors. But if she knows you are coming, expect her here pretty soon.’ Intrigued by Varandriel and Ca’alash, Ameiko sits on one of the free chairs, deciding to stay with you for a while longer. When you mention going to the Marsh, she turns her head for a while, biting her lower lip. When she looks at you again, there is a barely visible smirk on her face. ‘Very well. If you want to go there that badly, I won’t stop you. Bethana and I will prepare some food for you, so you can survive for a few days. As for when you want to go, Thrane, the answer is whenever you want. Lukas, I can talk to Aldon as well, though I will understand if you’d like to do it yourself. But you should all be warned, Brinestump Marsh may not be as large as the Mushfens, but it sure is dense and tangled. Be careful, it’s easy to get lost there! Also, there ain’t no map of it, nobody’s ever seen a need for one, as there is totally nothing other than goblins there, and other weird beings, just as dangerous or even more. If anyone knows his way around the marsh, it’d be that old eccentric halfling Walthus Proudstump. You shouldn’t have a problem finding his shack if you follow the fishing trail from the Lost Coast Road.’ You hear the door open, and an old halfling lady comes in with a couple of bundles. Ameiko stands up, claping her hands. ‘I see Bethana’s back, great! Now, finish your meal and work out the details. I’ve got a work to do. Send Thrane to me if you need anything more.’ With that words, she rushes towards the halfling. They exchange a few words and disappear behind the kitchen’s door.

2013-07-26, 09:18 AM
Before Ameiko leaves, Thrane grabs hold of Ameiko's arm. "Thank you so much, it really means a lot to me. It has been a pleasure to be in your service." He gives her a very short bow out of appreciation.

The half-elf then turns toward Varandriel and says "I will get some milk for you as well. Then we can get back to talking. Do you want something Ril? Maybe one of Lukas' unclaimed drinks? Wait right here, I will be back to discuss our plans shortly." Thrane is practically skipping with excitement as he heads out to get some milk.

He returns not long after with another jug of steaming milk. "Here you go my lady." He sits down and opens up the conversation. "To figure out what we should do, we must first know what we can do. If everyone could say a bit about themselves that would be great. I can start I suppose. I've lived in this town most of my life, but after a fire in my parents' house I was left without a place to stay and without my family. I've been restless here at the inn since then. I want to go out see the world some day and maybe make a difference. Hopefully we can make a difference with regards to these goblins. As for what I can do, I got a bit of magic and with the help of that I can among other things call on a friend for aid. You have to meet Kaiku later, I would have found it hard to belive without seeing her for myself too. She is certainly not human, but not an unintelligent beast either. I am also a fair shot with my crossbow, which I am proud to say that I made myself." Thrane starts out his tale with a grim expresdion, but lights up as he gets to his dreams and he practically beams with pride at the mention of the crossbow he has made.

2013-07-26, 01:58 PM
Lukas is amazed at how fast plans to head out to Brinestump Marsh are progressing, and his sea-green eyes look a bit wide as the weight of what's happening hits him.

With a congenial nod, he pushes one of his unclaimed drinks over to Ril after Thrane brings it up.

After Ameiko's kind offer to talk to Master Aldon, Lukas shakes his head and replies, "Thank you Ameiko, but I had better have that talk with Master Aldon myself. I'll need to gather some traveling gear from my apartment anyway. Somehow I didn't think to dress for questing this morning."

Lukas listens to Thrane's opening words with interest. The tailor's apprentice thought he knew a bit about him because of how often he comes into the Rusty Dragon, but Thrane's speech proves to be quite enlightening. His interest is obviously piqued by Thrane's hints at Kaiku.

Seeing no reason that half-elf shouldn't follow half-elf, Lukas takes another drink and clears his throat. He seems a little nervous, but presses on, "I'll go next, I guess. I think all of you know me, at least a little bit - I'm Lukas Endymion. I've worked here as an apprentice tailor to Master Aldon ever since Koya Mvashti rescued me from some thugs a few years ago. I'm not strong, and I'm not really any good in a fist fight, but I'm pretty quick and not as fragile as I look -though I know that's not saying much."

Lukas looks around the table, as if trying to break past one more personal barrier, "And like Thrane, I'm something of a minor spell caster. I'm good at making people and animals fall briefly fall asleep, and I've learned how to heal people with magic. I can cast a few other minor cantrips as well. Oh - and I also have a friend who happens to be a bat."

Lukas opens his left belt pouch and pulls out a tiny little blue-gray bat who wears a pint-sized bandanna and a miniature silver necklace & arm cuff set that appears to match Lukas's own jewelry. The little bat looks pretty sleepy and she snuggles into Lukas' palm.

"This is Ikelas," he says as he gently lifts the little bat just barely over the table top so everyone can see her, and not accidentally hurt her in battles to come.

Ikelas the bat blinks open her drowsy eyes, looks around the table at the many people looking at her, and slowly raises one wing in a wave. She then gives a tiny squeak of a yawn and curls back up in Lukas' hand. He smiles and carefully tucks Ikelas back in her protective pouch.

"I don't want to worry any patrons by keeping Ikelas out in the open, but I imagine you'll see plenty more of her as we travel," Lukas says with an anticipatory smile.

2013-07-27, 03:57 AM
Ril merely shakes his head in response to Thrane's offer for drinks: The ninja wanted to keep all his wits about him.

As the conversation turns towards each other's past and abilities, the amnesic human once again realizes how little does he know about himself.

How can I speak about something I do not know? thinks the ninja. Will they still journey with me?

There is only one way to find out

"I can fight" says Ril to the others, pointing at his eastern styled swords "and I can act as a scout"

The silent warrior does not volunteer any information about his past and does not show any inclination to do so if further asked.

2013-07-28, 07:28 PM
Ca'alash speaks gravely : "Do we have a plan for this hunt?"

2013-07-28, 10:40 PM
Varandriel takes a drink of her milk. "I am Varandriel Maethrien, a cleric of Desna and native of the Mierani Forest. I can channel the power of Desna, I'm a fairly good healer and skilled with sword and bow... sword moreso than bow, to be honest." She laughs, trying to cover up her embarrassment. Really, who ever heard of an elf that wasn't a good shot? Even elven wizards usually have good aim with their spells. But not Varandriel. She carries the bow more for hunting than for use in the heat of combat. "Shalelu has taught me a few things about wilderness survival, although I'm hardly an expert."

When the question of plans comes up, she just shrugs. "I am a stranger to this place. Ameiko's idea seems like a sound one, though."

2013-07-28, 11:52 PM
Ca'alash whispers to Varandriel in elvish : "Oh, so you know my sister ? Why didn't you say so before?"

2013-07-29, 12:42 AM
"You are the brother of Shalelu?!" Thrane exclaims, though in common for everyone's benefit. He is visibly excited. "Shalelu has been protecting this town for years. It would be an honour to travell with you Ca'alash. I would not have guessed you were her brother by looking at you two." Thranes eyes are shining, like the sun reflecting off the sea on a sunfilled day.

He calms down a bit and says. "We should probably talk to the sheriff as well. He probably got some ideasof what is out there. Other than that I don't have many great plans myself. What Ameiko said did sound sensible. We have to remeber to bring enough food drink and amunition. Who knows how easy it will be to come back once we go out?"

Take 10 on perception to overhear the whisper for 19.

2013-07-29, 09:17 AM
If he overhears Ca'alash's whisper, Lukas raises an eyebrow,
Listen check: [roll0] but otherwise pretends not to notice. He takes a long drink of beer.
Immediately after, Lukas struggles mightily to keep from spitting out his beer in shock when Thrane spills the beans with gusto.

At this point, Lukas looks pretty amused by everything going on.

"Alright, so it sounds like we have the first vestiges of a plan forming. We'll have to find this... [Lukas tries and fails to hide his juvenile entertainment] Proudstump fellow," he says, hoping he never learns exactly how the halfling got his last name.

Lukas continues with a battery of questions, "Thrane, how long do you think we'll be out in the marsh for? Three days? Ten? And Ameiko's right - the marsh is rife with goblins. What are we calling our win condition? Is it killing the goblin chief? Is it destroying their fireworks? Are both necessary for victory? Or are you thinking of wiping out the whole tribe?"

"I think the crux of our mission is to destroy the goblin's will to fight. A ... what is that called? A surgical strike. I think we need to be very careful do just enough harm to the goblins so that they despair and retreat into the depths of their marsh.

"If we instead cause too much harm, the survivors will likely feel so desperate or enraged that they feel they have no choice but to attack the outlying farms to kill as many people as they can before they are being wiped out. I don't want to unleash a retributive strike from a bunch of goblins with nothing to lose.

2013-07-29, 12:55 PM
Then let us gather supplies and meet with Proudstump. suggests Ril We can decide our course of action at Brinestump Marsh once we have gathered information and scouted the terrain.

Unless someone has any questions for him, Ril remains silent until Ameiko returns with food for the group. The ninja uses the time to ponder about how to best combine the goblin hunt for his own search for answers about his origins.

2013-07-29, 01:08 PM
Thrane thinks for a bit before speaking with a calm concern in his voice. "I honestly have not been all that much into the marshes. There are after all rumored to be goblins and more dangerous things out there. Definatly under a week to explore the place, maybe half a week? Walthus will definatly be able to tell us more.

We do indeed have to be careful about how we aproach this. Though I am not sure how well it can be planned. Goblins are supposedly good at hiding so if we try something fancy we might end up being the ones who are surprised. We should try to stick together if we can. Hopefully we can spot them before they can see us though. My eyes are quite sharp." A piercing blur gaze, the color changing slightly dependng on the light, from icy light blue to the dark blue of deep sea.

"I need to get my armor on get my things as well Lukas. Let me go up to get dressed then I can guide our companions to the sheriff and you can meet us there. Tell me what more you have discussed when I come back down." Thrane stands up and nods at the group.

Instead of going back up, Thrane heads through the door to the kitchen first. There he sees Ameiko and Bethana. He goes over to Ameiko first and grabs her arm softly. "Thank you for taking care of me this time, both of you. You've really helped me out." His head turns towards the halfling. "I don't think you've heard Bethana, but I am heading out to the swamp to deal with the goblin threat together with Lukas, the tailor's apprentice, and some other people I met today. I want to go make more of a difference in the world." His eyes switch over to Ameiko, "I am sorry for leaving you like this. Hopefully we will still have a good relationship after this. I will be sure to check in first thing when I come back. I don't know when I might get to see you again though." The half elf move to embrace Ameiko in a hug. After lingering slightly longer than necesarry he goes down on one knee and turns toward Bethana and offer out his arms for a hug. Once they are done embracing he says. "Wish me luck. Hopefully we will be able to deal with the goblin threat swiftly and come back to you safe and sound." He smiles, obvious optimism on his face. He stands up again to wait for their response.

2013-07-29, 04:13 PM

‘Yes yes, Ameiko told me everything already. You have no conscience, forcing me to prepare so much food for all of you!’ Bethana threatens you with a wooden spoon. You sigh, amused. She always try to be snappish, but she has such a great heart. You’ve never actually seen her harming even a fly. ‘But you are a big boy and won’t get into any trouble, right? Other than chasing goblins, that is. And believe me, if you get hurt, I will be your biggest concern, not them! Ha!’ She makes a wild swing with the spoon again. After you hug her she adds: ‘Now, go prepare, whatever you mean by that. You don’t want to wade through the marsh in the night, do you?’

When you grab Ameiko's arm she stops packing provisions into bags, looking cautiously at you instead, but doing and saying nothing. When you try to hug her though, she tenses, makes a step back and firmly puts a hand on your chest, stopping you. ‘ Don’t... you don’t have to thank me for anything.’ She says with a wry smile. ‘And don’t worry, we will manage. Gods know, we did just fine before you came to Rusty Dragon. Anyway, we are nearly done here, we will leave the bags near the rear exit so you can grab them when you are ready. You should have enough food for three days, possibly more if you are saving.’ She then turns to continue slicing long strips of smoked meat. ‘I wish you luck. I know you can take care of yourself, but there’s never too much of that. Make sure you get back here in one piece, ech?’ She adds glancing at you over her shoulder.

2013-07-29, 09:56 PM
Ca'alash replies to Thrane in common at a regular volume : “Yes, she is my older sister although by my looks you can fairly deduce I was adopted. I've grown among elves, they found me when I was this high.” He places his hand at a height of two feet, more or less.

He listen carefully while Lukas, Ril and Thrane each suggest a course of action. Just as Thrane gets up, Ca'alash asks : “While I'm all for a good hunt, wouldn't it be more reasonable to see why the goblins are attacking rather that just wipe them out. Perhaps we can parlay, and if that fails we'd only need a few key victories to pacify them.”

Before anyone can reply he adds : “Anyhow, as Ril already pointed out, we'd better wait until we've gathered the proper intelligence before we decide what to do.”

2013-07-29, 11:58 PM
The elf nearly does a spittake into her milk when Ca'alash states that Shalelu is his sister. Seriously? But he isn't even half-elven! Adopted... ah, that makes sense. Varandriel still wonders why she never met him, as Crying Leaf isn't all that big. A question for later.

"Parley with goblins? Surely you jest!" She shakes her head, pushing a stray lock of red hair behind one pointed ear. A follower of Erastil should know better; goblins despoil nature and raid settlements, both of which the devotees of Old Deadeye are sworn to protect. "Well, it sounds as if we have decided to consult the halfling Proudstump before taking further action, which is quite sensible. I am ready to leave as soon as I finish my meal. All of my belongings are here." Varandriel gestures to the pack and bedroll lying beside her as she takes another bite of stew.

2013-07-30, 01:03 AM
"This past month you have been like family to me. In some ways this has been better than what I used to have." Thrane says with a sad smile, obviously thinking about his family, but also how he was never allowed to do what he wanted, how his father punished him and how his mother was almost too quiet to show affection. He does miss his sister though. "You do have my thanks, from the bottom of my heart. I hope you will one day accept them."

With a final wave Thrane turns toward the stairs to go up to his room. Not even a hug. I do wonder what plauges her, maybe she lost someone close to her but now she is afraid to let someone else in because of the pain she felt from losing someone? No matter, we each have our own secrets. I did not really tell her what happened with between me and my father. Maybe one day we will be able to open up? Though for now we will be separated. Lost in thought, Thrane finally gets to his room.

Before starting to pack though, he sits down on the floor in lotus position with both hands on his knees and closes his eyes. He empties his mind of all the thoughs of the things around him and instead imagine what he wishes was there. At first, it is just an eloganted shape in his mind, then it starts gaining color, a dusty yellow. He starts chanting her name under his breath Kaiku, Kaiku..." The shape rapidly gains paws, the color gains texture like fur and a maned head appears. Finally the head gains detail, that of a beautiful woman, though when she smiles, he teeth are pointed and not flat. Once the last detail is finished in his mind, he opens his eyes and there she is before him. The large creature jumps at him, enveloping him in a hug and making him fall over. "That took you long enough Thrane. Didn't I say that you should not go without me unless you have to? Still I am glad to see you." Thrane unfurls his legs and moves his arms to embrace the outsider. "I am happy to see you too Kaiku." He hugs her tight though his strength is no match for hers. "Today is a great day, we are going out on an adventure, we finally get to make a difference. I found a bunch of people who agreed to join me togo track down the goblin bounty." Thrane slowly releases his grip and roll out from under Kaiku and stands up. "It's all well and good to make yourself stronger and more able to handle challenges in the future by preforming tasks, but don't fool yourself into thinking that little things like chasing down a small group of goblins matter in the long run. It's good that we are finally doing something though, we've been staying here for too long." Thrane starts putting on his armor, a shirt of cured brown hide, still with hair attached, probably made out of the fur of a bear. He gets a bit sad look on his face as he says "Still I am a bit sad about having to leave Ameiko behind. Maybe we can convince her to travel with us in the future?" He gets gets various things from a chest next to his bed and stuffs then into a sack. His tools for making weapon, some writing stuff and other things he think might be useful on the trip. Finally he ties the sack onto Kaiku's back using a long rope. He goes over to the window and looks out over the town. This place has brought me many things, pleasure and pain. I am going to miss some things here. Still, it is not like I am leaving forever. He checks around the room one final time before picking up his crossbow, bolts already attached to his belt and starts heading down to the others.

2013-07-30, 10:42 AM
Lukas considers for a few moments, then nods, "Nothing I've read of goblins suggests that they're in any way capable of reason, and the past goblin attacks here in Sandpoint show that they're quite bloodthirsty and willing to kill and torture defenseless people at the slightest provocation.

"I don't revel in bloodshed and I don't look forward to killing anyone, but these goblins are a threat to a community that has been very kind and welcoming to me. I don't think parley is worth it, and it will just give the crafty creatures a chance to flank us. We'll be badly outnumbered. We'll have to be direct and stick closely to our mission."

Lukas finishes the beer he's been nursing and absently cleans up his spot at the table with a handkerchief, "I'm going to head back to the shop and let Master Aldon know I'm going to be gone for a few days. He's not going to like it, but I doubt he'll forbid me to go. In any case, I'll meet you at Sheriff Hemlock's office in about an hour. Once we're all back together, let's set out to find the halfling guide."

He gets up from the table and says, "I'll see you all soon. I'm looking forward to taking this challenge on together."

Lukas then leaves the Rusty Dragon and heads back to Master Aldon's shop, his mood less light than it was when he set out this morning, but he walks with a... hmm... a sense of purpose.
It feels incredibly good to have a purpose, Lukas decides. The empathic resonance from Ikelas echoes his feeling.

Lukas heads up to his apartment, changes into more suitable traveling clothes and packs his hiking gear from back when he left Magnimar. He then heads downstairs and waits until there are no customers in the shop so that he can talk with Master Aldon.

He takes two deep breaths to steady his nerves and then finds a seam that needs hemming. Working on the seam, he clears his throat and says, "Master, I need a favor. I'd like a few more days off, and seeing as we're not all that busy right now, this week seemed like a good time."

He continues, as Master Aldon looks up at him, "I've been talking with some people my age, and we think we can help Sandpoint. I think that together, we can put an end to the goblin threat. And they need me. Some of them are strong warriors, but they're going to get hurt - I can heal them and I think some of my other magic might be useful as well. And I truly think this is worth the trip - if the five of us can keep the goblins from being able to attack helpless farmers and travelers, it's no longer a question for me."

Lukas awkwardly shifts the weight of his heavy pack (heavy to him, anyway) and looks around the shop before asking, "So... can I go?"

2013-07-30, 10:42 PM
Ca'alash takes a swig of goat milk and replies calmly : “Varandriel, I'm not saying to ally ourselves with the critters. It's just that deciding here and now to exterminate a whole population before even offering them a chance to surrender does feel wrong. Perhaps there's something driving them out of their usual stinkhole. Perhaps there's a greater evil behind all this, who knows ? We could learn a few thing on their goals and strategies. Until we go there and assess the situation we cannot assume they all deserve a death sentence. Would you execute a criminal without a proper trial ? Would Desna approve this ? Evil has to be crushed, yes and yes, but there a rules for this. You cannot have justice without some amount of order.” He then takes some more stew with a delighted grin stamped on his face.

2013-07-31, 03:48 AM

You walk through the town absently, passing by and not paying attention to anything, unless someone adresses you directly. You woke up not long ago just to live another simple day, but in this short time everything suddenly changed. It seems you have a goal now, and not an ordinary one. Slightly amused, you think you could maybe soon pose as a Sandpoint hero, just like Shalelu!

After a few minutes you reach the workshop. When you go upstairs, master Aldon sends you a curious glance, but says nothing, talking to the customer right now. It doesn’t take you long to pack indeed, you are not going to the end of the world after all. When you go back down, the two matrons you’ve seen there before are nearly leaving already with two similar baskets of garments. Aldon sits behind his desk looking at you with his arms crossed. ‘Now tell me, you’ve met ‘em today right? Since I dun know any ‘strong warriors’ from Sandpoint. How can you know ‘em then? Trust ‘em, sleep when they take watch? What if they are just some kind of ruffians, trying to get ya out of the town? And ev’n if not, how can you gauge their skills? They could be green, with swords stolen from da’s chest, playin heroes.’ He says after listening to you. ‘I’m not yar father, so you will do what you want. But if you one day regret your decision, remember my words. Now, do you need anythin more from me?’

Rusty Dragon

Ca’alash and Varandriel keep on discussing how the goblin problem should be handled, with Ril sitting back, listening. The sun is moving higher on the sky, slowly approaching noon. More people come to Rusty Dragon, even if it’s still too early for a dinner, as the inn is pretty popular among the folks here. Pretty much every newcomer looks at you curiously, especially at Ca’alash, as he is the most distinctive of you three, but nobody interrupts you. Soon after new customers appear, Bethana comes out of the kitchen to greet and serve them. When she heads back towards the kitchen door, she stops at your table. ‘Come now, everything seems ready and waiting for you. We’ve stashed the food near the rear exit, pick it up when you leave. Thrane will know where!’ She says hastily before moving on. After a while you see Thrane descending the stairs in a hide armor and with a strange creature at his side: a lion, but with a human’s face! A murmur rises among the customers, two of them even leave quickly, but other than that nobody takes any hostile actions towards them.

2013-07-31, 08:30 AM
Lukas nods as Master Aldon talks, his brows creasing in concern. The thought hadn't even entered his mind that Varandriel or Ca'alash might be anything other than what they presented themselves as. Why would anyone go through the trouble to deceive me and join a goblin hunting party? It just doesn't make sense.

The apprentice bows his head in deference and says, "I deeply appreciate your concern and insight, Master, but two of these men have been in Sandpoint for quite some time - Ril and Thrane from the Rusty Dragon. The third is an elf woman - a cleric of Desna who introduced herself at the Cathedral this morning, and the fourth is a man whose honor I almost instinctively do not question. I have a good feeling of purpose about this."

A playful smile twinkles up in Lukas's eyes then and he laughs, "and if it all goes horribly, I only need to run faster than the guys in heavy armor. Thank you for allowing me to go, Master Aldon. I'll be back to mess up grommet holes before you know it."

"I don't think there's anything else. I'm going to fill up my water before we leave town, and Ameiko at the Rusty Dragon is making sure we have enough food for the road."

Lukas starts out the door, then quickly walks back to Master Alodon and gives him a very strong handshake that he clasps with both hands, "See you soon, Master. And thank you for allowing me this chance."

With that, Lukas is out the door, heading toward the Sheriff's office.

2013-07-31, 09:48 PM
As Thrane emerges from the stairs, Ca'alash stands up, stretches and yawns. “I wonder what's holding Lukas. Did I understand correctly or were we supposed to meet him elsewhere?” He then addresses Thrane directly : “Bethana said there was food for the road in the stash near the rear exit. I guess you know where this is ?”

2013-08-01, 12:11 AM
Varandriel gasps as the lion-woman follows Thrane down the stairs. She must be friendly, or the man wouldn't look so relaxed around her. "Oh my! What manner of being are you? I've never heard of anything like you before!" Clearly, the elf is delighted by this new development. Humans and half-elves are all very well, but a lion-person! How exciting! "Oh, where are my manners? I'm Varandriel Maethrien. Are you coming with us to hunt goblins? You look quite fierce, I'm sure you'll do splendidly!"

2013-08-01, 12:59 AM
Thrane calks out the people who are getting up to leave as he come down. "Don't leave, she is not dangerous, at least not unless you mean her harm. Do sit down good people, we are leaving again shortly anyway." Then he walks over to where Varandriel is calling out for him. The Half-Elf's face splits in a wide grin as he says. "This is Kaiku. Let's go outside to get ready. We will indeed meet Lukas elsewhere." They Thrane leads them through a rear exit to where the food is waiting. Once they are outside the earshot of people Kaiku says. I am indeed Kaiku, it's a pleasure to meet you Varandriel Maethrien. I heard about you guys from Thrane." The lion thinks tto herself Well, from his mind anyway. Before she continues. "I am indeed comming with you. Someone gotta make sure Thrane does not do anything stupid." Thrane's face redden slightly at that comment. "This is the friend I was telling you about. Now let's find somewhere to put this food." Thrane starts putting the food into the sack at Kaiku's back. "We are meating Lukas to speak with the sheriff."

2013-08-01, 04:34 AM
Garrison’s enterance

You all arrive at the Garrison’s enterance without problems, with Lukas waiting for the rest for maybe two minutes. The stone building in front of you is actually a small fortress, built in the times that there wasn’t so safe here. Now it serves double duty as local barracks for around a dozen watchmen and twice as many other servants and experts, and a jail, located in the underground wing. The building looks pretty impressive and very solid, but definitely doesn’t make as good impression as the cathedral. But then, it was built to defend, not look pretty, after all. At the opposite side of the street you can see a back wall of a town hall.

When you all gather and enter the garrison, you see a small room, with just a few desks, a door behind them and a corridor on your left. There are no decorations here and everything seems very crude, with massive stone walls enclosing around you. But again, there’s no need for anything else. There are some citizens talking with the officials at the desks, but one of them soon leaves and the clerk waves you over. When you approach, he asks: ‘Come now, some unfamiliar faces! Wit’the way you look, I bet y’wanna get some coins for those green bastards’ ears, ech? Gimme what you’ve got, I’ll count ‘em.’

2013-08-01, 06:54 AM
Lukas had been looking rather serious, but he relaxes and smiles when this traveling companions arrive. He greets them warmly and waits for the clerk with them. Lukas looks at Kaiku with amazement and introduces himself to the obviously sentient creature, "it's an honor to meet you. I'm Lukas Endymion. You can expect a lot of questions from me down the road. Let me know if I ever become bothersome."

"We don't have any trophies yet; our group plans to set out today. We were hoping to meet with a certain Walthus Proudstump on our way toward the goblin camp. Could you or anyone here tell us how to find him? We want to make sure our mission is as successful as possible," replies Lukas.

Lukas has changes clothes. The half-elf now looks even more slender than before with close-fitting brown canvas trousers and a similarly-fitted dark green long-sleeved shirt with a 'V' neck that proudly displays his wooden holy symbol of Desna. His has four leather pouches and a simple dagger hanging from his belt, and a sling of woven leather is wrapped around his wrist. The jewelry he was wearing earlier in the day is no longer visible, and he shifts the weight of a simple traveler's pack on his narrow shoulders.

2013-08-01, 01:50 PM
The clerk looks at you carefully from above his glasses. ‘What?! Why then, why are you wasting my time? Gods below, there ain’t no stinking Walthus here! Why did you even think y’can find him here? He lives at those nasty swamp, so go there if you need a chat with him. Coming to the garrison, ha!’ The man seems really agitated. After several more invectives murmured, he waves his hand at you. ‘Begone now, will ya? Unless you have something serious to do here, not just annoying hard working people.’

2013-08-01, 02:55 PM
Ca'alash looks surprised. "What seems to be the problem with this Proudstump fellow ? We were told to seek him but if he's a shady character I'd prefer to be warned beforehand."

2013-08-01, 03:06 PM
Dumbfounded by the irritable clerk's reaction, Lukas looks at his companions, "Uh... I guess this guy's busy. Alright, I was hoping for more detailed directions, but I... I think I remember Ameiko saying to just follow the fishing trail from the Lost Coast Road. Should we just set out that way, or did you want to meet at the garrison for another reason, Thrane?"

2013-08-01, 03:20 PM
When Thrane comes out with the lion-like figure, Ril's hands immediately shoot towards his blades. Realizing this was the "associate" Thrane had spoken about, the ninja lets go of his weapon, but he is left with the left with the nagging sensation that there was something about the eidolon's outsider nature that resonated within him.

Wordlessly, Ril moves to where the provisions are. Considering the physical prowess of most of his new companions, the ninja displays his physical prowess and carriers the heaviest bundles.

Once at the Garrison, Ril attentively examines the structure. For some reason, his eyes were always searching for escape routes.

Let us just leave suggest the ninja in a low voice after the clerk becomes flustered.

2013-08-01, 05:39 PM
Thrane introduces Kaiku to Lukas before heading into the building. "This is Kaiku, the friend I was talking about."

Once inside he follows with the others, though at their confusion he whispers "We came here to see the sheriff, not the halfling!" almost hissing. He raises his voice, though careful to keep it calm as he says. "We would like to see Sheriff Hemlock. Could you tell us where we can find him. To succed at your mission we need as much information as we can get." He even manages to put on a smile despite the flusteredness of the clerk.

2013-08-02, 02:34 AM
'With your decisivness, I doubt you'll ever fall one goblin, lest their leader. But that is not my concern, is it? And if you wanna see chief, go along that corridor and take a right turn. He should now be supervising the folks sparring. But that animal is not going anyway further into this building!' The man points at Kaiku.

If you follow the directions, the corridor leads you along the bare stone walls, with just several doors here or there. After the turn you hear the sound of clashing steel, and several more paces later you enter a room with some hay dummies, racks with several practice weapons and some protector gear. In the middle you can see half a dozen people paired and fighting, with a tall, bald man in a chainmail standing aside and watching, with his arms at his hips. He clearly isn't Varisian, and both Lukas and Thrane recognise him as Sheriff Belor Hemlock.

2013-08-02, 02:46 AM
Kaiku slowly rears herself on her rear legs and lazily put her paws onto the counter before saying in a deep female voice. "Animal you say? I don't identify myself as such. Why am I not allowed to enter?" A big grin on her face shows of her sharp teeth in her otherwise very human face. The mirth does not reach her big brown eyes though, they are sharp with a slightly curious expressoin.

2013-08-02, 03:08 AM
'Listen, kitty. Whatever you are, and whatever you consider yourself to be, you won't get in, understood? And that's because I say who's in, unless you guys want to get a shortcut into the jail first. I can assure you, Sheriff will talk to you then, sooner or later. So swallow it, no animals in the garrison, even those trained to talk!'

2013-08-02, 03:45 AM
Thrane gets a slightly exasperated look on his face, though he manages to maintain a calm look on his face. "Of course we don't want to go to jail, but it is not like it is better that she stays here rather than comming with us. It's not like she is going to run rampant through the building and we would rather prefer to not be separated. Please?"


2013-08-02, 04:05 AM
'Hmmm.' The clerk frowns, thinking. 'I certainly don't want it here... Aight, but one condition. I see it's got a rope around its chest or whatever. You use it as a leash and hold it like if your father's life were dependant on this, and if I hear it walked freely, there will be consequences. That's my final word, now move along! I have more people to talk to, and I bet with no less absurd cases! Go, Go!' The man motions you forward. There are some people behind you indeed, waiting for their turn and watching your group curiously.

If you follow the directions, the corridor leads you along the bare stone walls, with just several doors here or there. After the turn you hear the sound of clashing steel, and several more paces later you enter a room with some hay dummies, racks with several practice weapons and some protector gear. In the middle you can see half a dozen people paired and fighting, with a tall, bald man in a chainmail standing aside and watching, with his arms at his hips. He clearly isn't Varisian, and both Lukas and Thrane recognise him as Sheriff Belor Hemlock.

2013-08-02, 06:58 AM
Thrane takes a lose end of the rope going around Kaiku without a word before he starts walking in direction pointed, waiting for the others to join him. "Well, that could have gone smoother." He says to the others as they walk. "Pfft, Animal." Kaiku snorts out in response.

When they reach the room Thrane's face brights up in a big smile and he waves at the man standing aside with his free arm. "Good day Sheriff Belor Hemlock! How are you?" He goes closer and lowers his voice to a normal volume. "We've decided to go out and help you with the goblin problems, but we figure that talking with you about it first could only help. Is there any information on how to go about it or how they act that you could provide?"

2013-08-02, 09:08 AM
Lukas nods to Belor Hemlock, "hello, Sheriff Hemlock."

After Thrane asks about the goblins, Lukas also chimes in, "Are there any tactics you'd suggest against the goblins that have worked well in the past? You know, aside from 'shove sharp object into goblin, repeat as necessary?'"

2013-08-02, 11:24 AM
Ca'alash casts a disgusted look at the clerk and follows the rest of the group.

2013-08-02, 03:50 PM
What an unpleasant person! Varandriel frowns, decidedly unimpressed with this aspect of Sandpoint. Why is this man making life difficult for those who would protect the roads to his town? As she passes Kaiku, the elf leans down to whisper to the lion-person. "Well, I don't think you're an animal!" With that she follows Lukas and Thrane to the room the clerk pointed out.

At least the sheriff's fighters look fit and practiced. Varandriel would rather practice outdoors, but perhaps this room is set up so that even the novices among the fighters can practice in all weathers. It takes experience to land a blow properly in freezing rain, mud, and/or snow. She remains silent, allowing the locals to talk.

2013-08-02, 03:52 PM
Ril follows the others with a mix of respect for Thrane's diplomatic abilities and outrage at the clerk's reaction (once again, for some unkown reason Ril himself felt a connection with the outsider and could not completely process his own emotions).

Once the group reaches the sheriff, the ninja's eyes dart towards the training men and analyzing their movements.

If possible, Ril will use this information to either correct or praise some aspect of the training going on

EDIT: Looking at that roll, I don't think he sees anything beyond "they have weapons"

2013-08-02, 05:16 PM
Sheriff turns towards you when he hears your greetings. He glances quickly at all of you as if gauging your skills, looks at Thrane briefly and than gives Kaiku a longer look. ‘Good day to you. Umber’s boy, am I right?’ He asks Thrane as you approach, nodding his head in a greating. Without waiting for an answer, he continues. ‘Good day to you as well, whoever you are. Forgive me my ignorance in the matters of magic, but are you some kind of Thrane’s familiar?’ He asks Kaiku. ‘No offence, but you see, we’ve some strict rules here, meaning you shouldn’t probably be here. Not that I’ve got anything against you, but the code, you understand, right? Town’s security and stuff. We usually don’t allow here anything not human-like, or being magical. But since you are here already, there’s no point in ordering you to leave, I suppose.’

He shouts some commands to his trainees and gives them some tips before continuing. One man spots Kaiku and drops his sword, pointing at her instead just to get a swing right to his head from a woman he was fighting. ‘Curses! Brian, are you alright? What did I tell you, never get distracted during a fight! Now get up, pick that sword and show me you know how to use it, lest I’ll tell in the tavern today you got beaten by a girl!’ Hemlock shouts. That's surprising how much this man can say during such a short period of time; you didn't even manage to say a word since he started talking.

He then turns towards you again. ‘See, and that’s another reason why you shouldn’t be here. People can react in many ways. As for your question, Lukas, that’s exactly the tactic I was about to recommend. Put the pointy side into goblin’s guts, will serve you well. Heck, always worked for me!' He hits his chest proudly with a fist. 'As for how you’re gonna handle the Licktoads though, it is entirely up to you, not me. I just wanna see results. Go loud and flashy, maybe they’ll scatter and flee. Sneak around, get the leader silently, then hope they turn on each other. Use some fancy magic, maybe they die of a heart attack. I can’t say what will be the best for you, all I can say they are cowardly little creatures, and if you give ‘em the opportunity, they will use any dirty trick. Also, you should move quickly and spend as little time out there as you can. The swamps are dangerous, and who knows what lurks there. The fishermen were talking about that Soggy River Monster again, and I’m starting to think there’s something more into it than just booze and toxic fumes.’

2013-08-02, 08:02 PM
Thrane is still holding the rope that goes around Kaiku's chest, right behind her forelegs. Though it's Kaiku who speaks up first. "I am not a familiar, though we do share a connection that is somewhat similar. It was magic that brought me here, but I am not exactly magical myself." Kaiku understands what a familiar is from Thrane's thoughts. Apparently Lukas got a familar in his beltpouch. Kaiku turns her head to look towards where Thrane thinks the familiar is. Thrane picks up the word. "How are we going to meet with you if we can't go here then?" The half-elf then surveys the combatants. "As for them, sounds like they could do with the practice of having distractions. It's not like an enemy is going to bother making sure there are no distractions before attacking you, rather the opposite. Thanks for your advice on dealing with the goblins. We have to trust in our own skills, but no matter how we do it, we have to be quick about it and not let them get the chance to trick us." Thrane smiles and is happy. He feels good that he managed to get something from what was said despite Hemlock saying that they could accomplish the task in whatever way they see fit.

2013-08-02, 09:14 PM
Lukas watches the guards practice and considers various strategies as the Sheriff words blur through his ears.

"Sheriff Hemlock, has anyone turned in a bounty yet, this season?" he asks politely.

2013-08-03, 01:43 AM
After the other questions are answered, Ril interjects an interrogation of his own

Are these reserves? asks the ninja, pointing at the practicing guards.

2013-08-03, 05:28 AM
The Sheriff frowns and sets his gaze on Thrane. ‘Listen, lad. What I do with my boys is my business, and you’d better take care of your tongue and brains, because I clearly see you're not using them properly right now. This’ - He points at Kaiku - ‘ is probably the weirdest being in the whole Sandpoint, so it is understandable why people react how they react, epecially since we don’t have many visitors like that. And your lovely warrants it’s not dangerous are worthless, because it clearly is, or can be. And see, when you’re paying someone a visit, you need to adjust to his laws or don’t visit him at all, like it or not. It won’t happen here, but one day you may find your four-legged friend dead with several bolts in its hide, just because it entered the wrong room and did the wrong move. And I tell you what, there will be nobody responsible for this but you, since you hadn’t bothered to take proper care of it.’ He moves closer, standing now just a step from Thrane and looking down at him. ‘And heed that lesson boy, because I’m not saying that to make you angry or whatever. You should understand this world is not revolving around you, so try to be a little more humble. And about visiting me? Cailean’s blessing, lad, I assume you can survive five minutes without your companion, as I've clearly seen you walking around without it. And if not, just stay outside with it, not that your friends will get lost here. Och, and one more.’ He says before turning towards the rest of the group, giving Thrane an extraordinarily piercing gaze. ‘I won’t even ask what role did it take in your house’s burning.

To answer the other questions, nobody’s came back with the ears yet, but one group headed towards the Marsh earlier today indeed, or so I’ve heard. And yes, those people here are something of a reserve. See, they are not guards but militia, grabbing their swords only in case of great emergency. They’ve got a duty to come here and hone their skills at least once a week. Nothing fancy, but that’s better than nothing. And in fact there is not enough trouble in Sandpoint even for our dozen, thank Desna.' He says without the frown that creased his forehead while talking to Thrane; he probably doesn't have a high esteem about the half-elf right now.

2013-08-03, 07:07 AM
Lukas gives Kaiku and Thrane a sympathetic look, knowing that this must be a terribly uncomfortable moment for both of them. He carefully puts a hand on Thrane's shoulder and says, "I think that's more than enough information for our quest. Let's go."

He takes his hand away and says to Belor, "thank you, Sheriff Hemlock. I'm sorry for making a disturbance - I think we're all a little nervous about this hunt in our own ways. When we return, I imagine we'll be more careful about how we're affecting the people around us."
Diplomacy check to smooth things over a bit: [roll0]

2013-08-03, 08:02 AM
Thrane lets sadness shows on his face. He does feel somewhat sorry even if he thinks the sheriff overreacted. "I am sorry. Of course disturbances can be dangerous. I hope you did not get hurt Brian." He says with apologetic smile towards the man who got hit. "We will try to pay more attention to the people around us in the future. Maybe you should have stayed outside after all Kaiku." He looks towards his companion. "I hope I would be able to protect myself, but I will be more careful in the future. I do not want to end as a pincushion. Thank you sheriff. Kaiku says.

They both turn to leave on Lukas' urging, glad to get out of there after the tounge leashing from the sheriff. Kaiku is keeping her face natural, but Thrane looks like he is a bit disappointed in the result of his actions.

Diplomacy Aid another to Lukas from Thrane [roll0]
Diplomacy Aid another to Lukas from Kaiku [roll1]

2013-08-03, 09:57 PM
Varandriel winces, both at poor Brian and the sheriff's resultant tongue-lashing. She thinks Kaiku is more interesting than frightening, but she's seen much stranger things when the wizards of Crying Leaf decide it would be fun to summon extraplanar beings in public, or have a spontaneous illusion duel, or experiment in golemancy and have the result act as a city guard... apparently the arcane arts are much less common in Sandpoint. She gladly follows the pair outside. Let's get moving already!

2013-08-03, 10:11 PM
Lukas breathes a little easier when everyone is outside again. He checks his pack, his sling and knife and once again tightens the various straps and buckles on his person.

When the group looks all set, Lukas says, "all set? Let's be on our way!"

When everyone is good to go, Lukas heads for the Lost Coast Road and the fishing trail Ameiko mentioned.

2013-08-04, 12:50 PM
Before you leave, Hemlock turns towards Thrane again. ‘Don’t get me wrong, Thrane. I’m not mad at you or anything, and I sure remember how it is to be young, but that’s my job to keep everybody safe. So take care of yourself and the others out there, will ya? I don’t like losing citizens’ He pats Thrane on the back, strong enough for him to take an additional step forward or two. ‘Good luck!’ He adds before heading back to his duties.

You follow the Lost Coast Road without any trouble as it is usually quite safe, at least that close to Sandpoint. It leads you through low hills south of the town, along the shore and through Ashen Moor right to the Brinestump Marsh. You haven’t met anybody yet, though it is said the guards are patrolling the road now.

Standing at the border of the swamps, you can feel it is like another world; civilisation, farms and towns, lovely plains and small hills all end here, and from now on all you can see is a tangle of some swamp plants, reeds and nettles below the cypresses, oaks and willows, going as far south as they can, stopping at a high cliff at the southern end of the Marsh. The thin mist that’s crawling near the ground doesn’t help either, giving the wetlands a little eerie look. And you haven’t entered it yet...

Without much problem you find that Fishing Trail, or actually a New Fishing Trail, as the older one, now not used, goes a little further south. But finding and following are two different things, as you all see the descriptions of the marsh weren’t exaggerated. You have problems even following the overgrown trail, not to mention how hard it would be to wade through the bushes. But it is said this road goes to the hut of this halfling Walthus, and since the fishermen use it regularly, it is probably the safest and easiest trail in the whole wetlands. The question, however, is: will it lead you to the goblins?

2013-08-04, 01:41 PM
Thrane looks around the eerie landscape and shudder slightly. This is it, finally we are out here to fight for real. Not just to go on a trip and watch the serene landscape but actually to track down the creatures and kill them. Having second thoughts? I thought you wanted to do a difference? We will kill what deserves to be killed. Nope, just musing over the reality of the situation.

Having finished their internal conversation Thrane looks back to his companions. "So we are finally here. Let's find this Walthus, he supposed to live further up the trail. I have not actually spoken to him, but have heard about him before. He is supposedly somewhat eccentric. We should keep our eyes open in case we actually run into the goblins already, or something else living out there." With that Thrane starts walking along the trail, letting Kaiku move in front of him. His crossbow is filled with a bolt and in his hand already, taking no chances with the wilderness. The clear blue gaze is roaming the surrounding marsh, trying to spot anything that appears out of place.

Perception to look around:[roll0]

2013-08-04, 06:42 PM
The mud and water here is going to be an absolute nightmare to get out of Varandriel's scale armor at the end of the day. Oh, what I wouldn't give for proper mithral instead of steel! But she hadn't proven herself worthy of mithral back in Crying Leaf, and now she will have to save up a good deal of coin to buy the quintessentially elven armor in the outside world. Ah, well. Very few worthwhile things in life are easy.

Sword in hand, the cleric does her best to recall Shalelu's lessons in survival. She never actually had to use the ones pertaining to wetlands before, but trees are trees and paths are paths wherever you go. Varandriel hums a cheerful tune under her breath as she tries to determine which twists and turns belong to the New Fishing Trail.

Survival check to follow the trail, if necessary:

2013-08-04, 09:58 PM
Ca'alash suddenly snaps out of his daydreaming to find the group heading for the grassy wetlands. He somewhat recalled the exchange between the Sheriff and his companions. He walks up to Kaiku and in a a soothing tone say : “I am very sorry for all this trouble that could have been averted. Humans have... a narrower vision than the older folks. You have to take this with a grain of salt. I mean, the leash and all. We should be laughing about it because in another place, it could have been the other way around.” He winks and smiles.

As they are walking, he looks left and right for signs of anything unusual. His hands aren't the steadiest but his eyes are as sharp as adamantine, perhaps aided by some uncanny force.

Perception check : [roll0]

2013-08-04, 10:54 PM
Out in the wild at last, Lukas opens his pouch and scoops up little Ikelas. He whispers to her, "We're finally out where you can be comfortable. See if you can spot anyone or anything that might mean us harm. Come back the moment you see anything dangerous."

Ikelas takes wing and flies off in a wide circuit around where the group of humanoids and Kaiku is walking. She darts this way and that through the air, snatching the occasional snack of opportunity as a few unlucky insects cross her path.

Lukas stretches and breathes deep before unwrapping his sling from around his wrist and checking his pouch of sling bullets. His sharp eyes probe the ground cover suspiciously, but his mood is light.

"So friends," he says with good cheer, "Onward to a fateful meeting with Mr. Proudstump?"

Lukas spot check: [roll0]
Ikelas spot check: [roll1]

2013-08-05, 12:44 PM
Ril's eyes narrow at the Sheriff's mention of Thrane's house burning and the implication that the Kaiku had something to do with it. The more the ninja learned about the summoner, the more he worried that he could -most likely inadvertently - become a danger to Ameiko

Could my mission have been to keep an eye on Thrane's powers to threaten Ameiko the ninja wonders to himself, trying to put the few pieces of his past together. But why now and not before? I'll have to find out how long has it been since Kaiku first appeared

But Ril decides not to press the issue for now. He would be searching the Marsh for answers soon enough. Besides, Ril would be with Thrane away from Ameiko over the next few days, so no need to make a non-inminent danger a present one.


On the road, Ril also approaches Kaiku to offer his support.

Know that, for as long as we are associated and you act honorably, my blade will support you against any enemy. says the ninja to the eidolon, not realizing that his hand had lightly touched the center of his forehead in the process.

If anyone has some ranks in knowledge religion, this would remind to one of the gestures done by good-aligned outsiders to signal a promise made in good will


Once at the group reaches the Fishing Trail, Rill adds his own eyes to the others

Aid another to the others [roll0]

I will try to act as a scout around our path as we move forwards offers Ril to the others

If everyone agrees, Ril will try to walk close to the group while using stealth

2013-08-05, 02:13 PM
With a decision to stick together, you move forward without fear in your hearts, eager to face this challenge. The trail leads you slightly down and the flora seems to bloom everywhere around you, making an impression of a huge beast crawling here and there, with crooked claws of thick vines extended towards you, ready to snatch careless victims. Even though it is only slightly after the noon, you soon start to walk in the deep shade of impressively tall trees growing here, without many sunbeams reaching down there, to you. Vision to your sides disappear nearly as fast, with Sog's Bay at your right hand being visible just a second longer than the cliff, which is south-eastern frontier of the wetlands in front of you and slightly to the left.

But you are determined to cope any difficulties the Marsh can throw at you, the ones you can chop down with a sword, and those much more dangerous, because outwardly invisible - difficult terrain, treacherous footing, poisonous plants, heat, insects. The latter ones are literally everywhere, swarming around you, biting, sometimes even crawling under your clothes or armor, and there is probably nothing you can do about it but to finish your business here as soon as possible and retreat to Sandpoint. So you move onward as fast as you can, even if it is not the most impressive speed. There is also a strange feeling accompanying you; the swamp seems hostile, the air is heavy and damp, the fog keeps crawling around your ankles and sometimes strange voices pierce through the sound of your boots squelching and slopping the mud below you; either sudden movement in the canopy above or a sound of something heavy wading through one of the numerous creeks of Soggy River or something completely different, which you can’t even properly describe.

After crossing one of such creeks near a ruined bridge, dripping muddy water and holding your gear high above your heads so it doesn’t get wet, you hear a strange, eerie low growl and rustling of leaves coming from your left. In addition Varandriel lets a soft gasp as she spots two weird and soggy three-toed footprints slowly filling with water, just like if something big was passing by recently.

2013-08-05, 04:00 PM
Lukas sends an empathic warning to Ikelas; trouble!

"Did... did you guys hear that?" he whispers to the group.

He quickly loads a bullet into his sling and takes a step back, watching out for whatever weird creature just made that noise. Lukas adopts a defensive posture, ready to spring away from spears, swamp monsters, or anything else that comes flying out at him.

Lukas is fighting defensively: -4 to attacks, +2 to armor class

2013-08-05, 08:43 PM
Ca'alash crouches down briefly and studies the footprint. “I usually hunt in forests and mountain, this certainly is not my terrain of choice. This does not bode well. I fear we are the prey rather than the hunter.” He readies his shield and weapon, a grim look on his face.

Survival check for the tracks : [roll0]

2013-08-05, 08:52 PM
Ril silently nods at Ca'alash's warnings, deferring to his expertise.

With a smooth motion, Ril unsheathes both of his weapons and readies himself for any attacks.

Let us adopt a more defensive formation suggests the ninja, tactical intuition surging from deep within mind Kaiku, Varandriel, Ca'alash and I will form a square. Thrane and Lukas will be at the center

2013-08-05, 10:59 PM
Glad for the option to not be eaten first, Lukas carefully steps into the formation that Ril suggests. He looks around with wide and nervous eyes and reflects to himself, it's always the moments before the pain that you know is coming that's the worst. Once you know what shape the beating is going to take, you can steel yourself and move forward. But waiting? Waiting is terrible.

2013-08-06, 12:08 AM
Varandriel nods sharply, stepping into position. "I'm not quite sure what left that track, but this does not bode well." Violet eyes stare into the mists and underbrush as the elf strains her senses. It could be an herbivore... but she rather doubts that.


2013-08-06, 12:54 AM
When Ril talks to her Kaiku she turns her head towards him, her face parted in a big smile full of sharp teeth, for a moment not looking very human with the obvious destructive capabilities present there. "Thank you. As long as you have good intentions towards Thrane I will protect you as well. My teeth and claws are as sharp as your sword." She lifts up one of her front paws and razor sharp claws spring forth, as if to show him what she is capable off.

At the sound from the bush Thrane reaches towards Kaiku to touch her and starts murmuring a phrase in elvish. "Tymeananyan anirilan
amirenyir e irecw wailm" A barrier springs forth around Kaiku's body, a shining layer of power, almost as if she is covered in a thick layer of oil. "Who knows what this might be? It does not sound like a goblin, we should continue moving but stay on our guard." Kaiku takes a step closer to where the sound came from she is the closest to the source of it.

Spell Mage Armor, duration 1 hour.

2013-08-06, 05:06 AM
Even though swamps aren’t Ca’alash’s domain and the footprints are nearly gone now, he can say it’s probably biped and making huge steps, as you can’t see any more footprints around you. What’s more, it was possibly quite heavy and the diversed depth of the print indicates that, whoever left it, was probably hunched, or just leaning forward heavily. After two more seconds the prints disappear completely under the muddy water.

After a few careful steps forward in your new defensive formation the growl repeats, but a little bit quieter, again in the bushes to your left. You also realise the other sounds of the marsh disappeared, replaced by a strange sense of tension, like in some kind of anticipation. However nothing jumps at you just yet, and sharp Varandriel’s eyes allow her to have a glimpse of something quite big and pale white, moving deeper into the woods.

Thrane, Lukas

It doesn’t immediately jump to your minds, but after Ca’alash’s expertise and Varandriel’s discovery, you both realise the descriptions fit quite well to the mystical ‘Soggy River Monster’ the fishermen like to talk about. For most, it’s just a story made by bored old men to spice up the even more boring art of fishing. However in the past few years four or five people disappeared from Sandpoint indeed, and some claim it’s the Soggy Monster who is responsible for that.

According to those stories, the monster is pale, roughly humanoid with legs bending like those of a dog who dresses in rags and hunts along the Soggy River.

2013-08-06, 06:05 AM
Lukas' jaw drops open as he experiences a rare moment of cognitive dissonance. Recovering, he murmurs in amazement, "it's real... I had dismissed the stories from the start. But it's real.

With a glance to Thrane and a nod, Lukas explains to the rest of the group, "that huge creature perfectly matches the fishermen's tales that we villagers had waved away as stories spawned by drunken boredom. The fishermen call it the Soggy River Monster, and say it's responsible for almost a half-doven mysterious disappearances over the last few years.
"It's moving too quickly through the mire for us to catch, but I
think Sheriff Hemlock would be grateful if we investigated the creature once we've finished our business with the goblins."

He continues to nervously look in the direction of the monster's path and says, "but I think for now we should count our blessings and press on."

2013-08-06, 11:53 AM
Ca'alash doesn't look impressed. "Our hunt has just begun and already we're sidetracking? This could be an ogre or perhaps worst, a giant or some kind trollish creature out of our league. I am not afraid, I'll fight it if we must, but shouldn't we focus on the goblins first? Anyhow, we don't know if this fellow is indeed the Soggy River monster or if has any responsibilities regarding the disappearances. Unless you think this has something to do with the Licktoads, I suggest we push forward and don't go out of our way to cross his path."

2013-08-06, 02:08 PM
Thrane tenses with apprehension as he feels adrenaline start pumping through his body at facing danger. "We already crossed its path." A small pause before he continues. "But yes, we did not come out here to hunt the Soggy River Monster. We should be on our guard so it does not turn on us and make us into some of its victims, but otherwise continue on our way. We can get vengeance for the fallen at some other time. Maybe Hemlock will put out another reward for it when we come back?"

Kaiku snorts "Killing it now would have been simpler. We have no guarantee that we will see it again and it did make some people disappear. You are all too cautious. Still, I will abide by your decision." Still, she does not make any more to jump further of the path and continous walking with the rest of the group. Careful to keep Thrane on the other side of her compared to where the monster was.

2013-08-06, 11:53 PM
Ca'alash looks pensive for a moment, then answers Kaiku's apprehensions with a mischievous smile : “You might be rigth... What if we approach this so called monster and use it against the goblins? If he's sentient and receptive we could convince him to join our hunt.” He looks at Thrane, Lukas and Valandriel. “If he's not, you might have a way to magically coerce him. Or we can just beat him into submission. We could kill two birds with the same stone.” He pauses. “If all else fails, do we have enough rope or chains to drag him along?”

2013-08-07, 06:30 AM
Lukas gives Ca'alash an incredulous look, as if the man had suddenly grown tentacles from his ears, "you have an odd sense of humor, Ca'alash."

He breaks formation and starts to walk up the fishing trail a few paces before turning to say, "Seriously though, let's not get bogged down by getting eaten or dismembered by trolls or whatever that giant thing is. Fighting goblins will be a good first trial for our group. Let's not get ahead of ourselves by chasing after some giant-kin bog beast in its home territory. Maybe once we've figured out how to fight effectively as a team we can take on more dangerous foes like the Soggy River Monster."

2013-08-07, 03:21 PM
Ril remains silent while the others suggest plans of action, using the opportunity to learn more about each of this new companions

Ca'alash and Kaiku are confident. Lukas iand Thrane are more cautious. the ninja tells to himself, committing this information to memory.

Considering the options, Ril decides to fall on the side of the oracle and the summoner

I agree with hunting the goblins first. They are more numerous and easier to track down, making them a better target. Going after the monster first could mean running into the goblins when we are already wounded. The converse is less likely.

But let us continue in our defensive formation and let us keep your eyes open for any other unexpected dangers.

2013-08-07, 06:20 PM
Thrane slowly shakes his head in disbelif, though neither his face nor his tone look offended nor offensive as he says. "If we manage to beat it into submission we are probably better off killing it. Both so it does not get the chance to harm others and also so it does not turn against us when we finally do encounter the goblins." Thrane turns towards Lukas. "How do you know the monster is more dangerous than the goblins? Goblins can be as smart and devious as humans, we have to be wary so we don't fall into any traps they might have put out for us."

2013-08-07, 06:28 PM
Lukas' left eyebrow raises as he considers Thrane's point on goblin intelligence, "A fair point. But one I'd rather not conduct comparative tests on in an uncontrolled environment. Let's deal with the goblins first, then tackle the unknown."

Lukas steps back into formation, just in case any particularly crafty goblins are interested in using him for target practice.

"Shall we continue onward? I'm anxious to make it to Prodstump's home before night falls, and I'd rather we didn't give our cunning goblin hosts too much opportunity to plan a welcome for us."

2013-08-08, 02:42 AM
After the ‘encounter’ with Soggy River Monster, you keep following the trail without any additional excesses. After a while the normal sounds of swamp’s life return to your surroundings, and even though they are disturbing and a little spooky themselves, you are pretty sure there is nothing like Soggy Monster lurking behind nearby bushes. It seems he went away, either because he didn’t spot you, didn’t want to attack an armed and cautious group, or he just doesn’t like to pick steel armor scales from between his teeth.

After an hour or two more, meaning it’s well into afternoon already, the twisting and turning trail leads you to another bridge, intact this time, spaning over Soggy River creek. Behind the bridge path goes south a little longer, then turns west and finally north-west, towards Sog’s Bay. Plants here seem less tangled, as if someone took care of it, bringing a tiny bit of civilisation here. Probably you are nearing this Proudstump’s house after all.

Soon enough you see that’s true, as the trail leads you up to a swampy lagoon. The open ocean is visible just beyond these shallow waters, while an old two-story building, its walls soggy with moss and its roof sagging with age, sits on the lagoon’s eastern shore.

2013-08-08, 01:34 PM
Ca'alash seems to concentrate, looking intensely in the direction of the building.

Detect evil on the house and it's surroundings.

2013-08-08, 01:51 PM
Lukas smiles, glad to see the ocean again. He calls to Ikelas and the cheerful bat zig-zags down to him, her belly full of swamp bugs. "It might be best to hang out in your perch on my pack, little one. I'm not sure how friendly Mr. Proudstump is to winged mammals," he cautions her.

Ikelas bobs her head and flitters around behind Lukas, expertly finding her fabric-shrouded perch on the side of his traveling pack.

Lukas looks out a the house and is surprised to find that it's considerably larger than he had envisioned. The tailor's apprentice smiles and says, "I was afraid that we wouldn't all fit in the door. It looks like we won't need to worry about that particular problem. Shall we go say hello?"

2013-08-08, 03:09 PM
Yes, but be careful. The owner might attack us before we have had a chance to identify ourselves. replies Ril cautiously

2013-08-08, 05:06 PM
"A good point, Ril. Hopefully Mr. Proudstump will at least hear us out, though." Varandriel sheathes her sword, hoping that that will make her look a little less threatening. "Shall we approach? I am rather curious about the type of person who would live in this place." The marsh has its own beauty, if you squint a little and ignore the bugs, but it's so wet!

2013-08-09, 08:43 AM
"Alright. Let's go see who we're dealing with," Lukas says, "I'm the least physically imposing maybe... wait, does height bother halflings? Maybe someone else should make our first impression."

He looks at Ca'alash and Thrane, who up until now have been pretty good with words.

How in the world am I the tallest and the skinniest in the group? Lukas thinks self-consciously.

2013-08-09, 01:41 PM
Thrane studies the house carefully Wow, things surely don't keep well in the swamp, I wonder how long the house has been here. Certainly not inviting. He looks with a bit surprise at the others. "You guys worry way too much. He is a halfling, not a gobling. We should be pleasant, not guarded, that way we are more likely to learn something useful. Also it is much more pleasant for everyone involved." He puts on his best smile and shouts out. "Walthus Proudstum! Are you home? We come from Sandpoint with greetings. My name is Thrane."

2013-08-09, 02:18 PM
You stand in front of the house, which may be a little worn, but is still quite impressive taking into consideration it was raised in the middle of a swamp, and this swamp in particular. The facade of the building is pretty simple, with one solid wooden door and a pair of windows with shutters closed tight, and no decoration other than some vines slowly working on embracing the whole building.

When Thrane steps forward and takes a deep breath to shout his greeting, he has the slight impression of movement behind one of the shutters, but nothing really happens immediately after he speaks up. One or two minutes pass by and you all start to think whether the halfling is at home, or even if he does live here indeed, but then all of the sudden the door swing open and a little man stands at the threshold.

At first glance, he looks like a typical halfling; short and lithe, obviously agile, with small head surrounded by a quite ruffled brown hair, with big brown eyes looking at you curiously. He’s wearing plain woolen shirt and leather breeches, his feet shod in tiny leather shoes. However, closer examination reveals he is also tired, very tired and probably injured, though you can’t judge how badly from that distance.

He gazes at each of you in turn carefully, with his left hand still on the door’s handle, as if ready to close it immediately after he spots any danger. After a while he finally says with a high pitched, melodic voice ‘Welcome, travellers. What brought you here, who are you? Not many tall ones come here, y’know.’

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTdBSFmcKc6qtCUObGKwweGGywQrzVNj K1IdRLTZtd_sv1QMFmBnQ

2013-08-09, 03:03 PM
Lukas makes sure that his sling is re-wrapped around his wrist so that it looks like a leather bracelet. He steps closer to the halfling, concerned that the man seems hurt.

Lukas replies to Walthus, his tone friendly and casual, "Ameiko told us to look for you, Mr. Proudstump - she says no one knows more about the swamp and who lives here than you. We're trying to track down a pack of goblins that the Sheriff thinks might be getting ready to attack caravans and some of the outlying farms."

"Are you okay, sir? If you don't mind me saying so, you look like you've had a hard day. If you've been injured, Varandriel [Lukas gestures to the elven woman] and I might be able to help."

Perception check to look for any sign of bleeding or obvious injury [roll0]
Untrained Heal check to spot the obvious [roll1]
Diplomacy check to not insult the man [roll2]

2013-08-09, 03:57 PM
Ril remains silent while the others talk, carefully observing the halfling. Not seeing any signs of open hostility, the ninja tries to look for cues that might indicate nearby perils or a possible ambush

Sense motive vs Proudstump and Perception looking for any hidden dangers

2013-08-09, 05:01 PM
Varandriel steps forward, obviously concerned. "Oh my! I would be happy to help, Mr. Proudstump. Are you injured? I can call upon Desna to heal you." They will most probably need her spells when they find goblins, but it just doesn't sit right with her to not offer healing when someone needs it. She also knows the more mundane aspects of healing; between that and Desna's touch she can get a wounded person stabilized and on their feet enough to get to safety.

2013-08-09, 07:13 PM
Thrane is concerned for the poor wounded halfling, Still I am a bit worried that any resources spent here can't be used against the goblins. I am glad the descision is taken out of my hands as I am not sure I would make as noble choice as Varandriel. Kaiku's thoughts echo back in his mind. Pha, of course it's a waste. Still we don't want to offend her sense of honour. Switching his thoughts back to what they actually come for Thrane speaks out as Varandriel aproach the halfling. "It must be difficult to live her in the swamp. Undoubtly you have learned a lot about what to do or not to do out here. It would be very nice if you could share some of this knowledge with us. We need every bit help we can get to get rid of these goblins without any of us going down." Thrane swipes his hand towards the swamp. "This area is foreign and intimidating, being able to understand and master this terrain is impressive." Thrane turns his head back towards the halfing, eagerness and curiosity gleaming in his eyes.

Aid Another Diplomacy(or is this a new roll to ask the question?): [roll0]

2013-08-09, 07:18 PM
Ca'alash, still concentrated, scans around the house and back from where they came for any evil presence.

2013-08-10, 05:06 AM
Walthus’s eyes widen a little when you mention goblins, then he sets his gaze at Varandriel when you offer her healing abilities. The feeling that he might be injured was correct, as you can now clearly spot some purple-yellowish bruises when his wide sleeves slide down to his elbows and a piece of material torn out of his breeches near his left ankle; he also favours that leg a bit.

Mr Proudstump remains silent for a moment again as if thinking about something, then says, ‘Och, yes yes, I do know a lot about the marsh indeed! Maybe the most, now that the hag is nowhere to be seen!’ He turns his head left and right as if looking for something, then he faces you again. ‘Goblins? Yes, evil little creatures! You do the right thing, you know? But you need to hurry, yes, hurry I say. They are planning something big, really big!’ He jumps with excitement, then winces when he lands on the injured leg. ‘I fear they may attack the tall ones outside, maybe the farms you mentioned! You can find their village south and east of here, behind another creek. Or you can follow the pathway, the one more to the east, but whatever you do, you must not hesitate!’ He stares at each of you in turn, his gaze finally setting at Varandriel. ‘Could you really heal me? I was runnin’ off a giant snake from here, and the poison, it is still in me. Bad, really bad snakes!’

You don’t really see anything outwardly dangerous. At least not more than in the whole marsh. The halfling seems to not possess any weapons, unless hidden somewhere, but his attire isn’t really suited for concealing swords or daggers. The thick bush surrounds you all, so in fact an ambush would be possible from any direction, but you can’t really search each clump of grass to make sure nobody’s there.

When Walthus mentions the encounter with a snake, you recall you’ve heard from someone he actually kept snakes, as pets. That sounds strange though, so maybe it wasn’t true and just a gossip.

When you move forward to scan the surroundings of the house you sense something strange from the halfling. Like if your ability to detect evil beings wanted to signal something, but then gave up. It repeats when you are around thirty feet from him, a sense of some strange kind of evil that then dies out. Your power has never behaved this way before, it was always either evil or not. This time, however, your magic doesn’t seem to be able to make up its mind.

2013-08-10, 09:45 AM
Thrane gets quite wary at the odd behaviour of the man. Why is he in such a hurry to make us go hunt goblins? It's not like we weren't planning to do it anyway. What will happen when we delay? Still he does not figure it out immediately.Yes, it's wierd. Let me see. Kaiku tilts her head to the side and take to studying the man. While the two of them study the man Thrane speaks out. "Healing poison is quite hard. Let me check out something" He starts waving his hand in front of him and mutters. ""Manka eller ai templa e yamen sina."

Spell Detect Magic: If there is an aura Knowledge Arcan [roll0]
Sense Motive for why he wants them to be in a hurry/why he is so excited from Kaiku [roll1]
Sense Motive aid another(pointing out things Kaiku might miss) from Thrane: [roll2]

2013-08-10, 11:06 PM
As long as Walthus doesn't fight or flee when Thrane casts his spell, Lukas steps forward and puts a hand up to Varandriel. "Please, allow me, and save the power of Desna for her friends and foes. My simple abilities should be more than enough to ease Mr. Proudstump's pain."

"With your permission, sir?" Lukas asks Walthus, indicating that he wishes to touch the man's injury.

If Walthus agrees, Lukas gestures and lays a hand on the halfling's leg, intoning , "Gyda grym o waed a chysgod cyfuno - gall cnawd anghofio poen ac yn cael ei adfer!"

Lukas casts "Cure Light Wounds on Walthus, restoring [roll0] hit points to the halfling.

2013-08-11, 12:56 PM
Ca'alash asks the halfling : "Sir, are you better now ? I think that if my companions all agree, we'll heed you warning and as soon as you'll be in a satisfying state of health, we'll be heading off."

2013-08-11, 01:22 PM
Ril approaches Thrane and speaks softly to the summoner

I don't think he is lying. And we should move soon: Every moment we spend out here in the open we could be spotted, giving the goblins notice of our group and lowering our chances to stop the attack in the people of Sandpoint.

The ninja leaves Ameiko's name unspoken, but Ril has observed Thrane for long enough that he knows the summoner will understand and agree with the ninja's priorities.

Once the halfling is healed, Ril addresses all the group

Which path should we take? Without any other information, I say we take the eastern pathway, since that would most likely be their least defended border.

Any other opinions?

2013-08-12, 03:13 AM
Walthus tenses a little when Lukas approaches him, as if unsure, run or stay. But he decides to stay calm, allowing Lukas to touch his injured ankle. After the healing he cautiously bends his leg, then hits the ground beneath, testing its strength. When he sees it's mobile and working again, he suddenly tilts his head and starts giggling oddly, giggle quickly turning into vicious cackle.

Before you can even say something you see a strange rippling effect moving over halfling's skin and all of a sudden he disappears. Now in his place you can see a wrinkled, hunch-backed humanoid creature with mottled brown-and-red flesh and a spherical head with no true face - only a crooked slit from which a rasplike tongue periodically lashes and licks.

Most of you are taken by a surprise, but ever vigilant ninja and used to evil enemies and vicious ambushes paladin react fast enough to draw their weapons and act even before this monstrosity, as it needs some time to fully transform.


Proudstump's initiative: 6
Team's initiative: 17

Able to act in a surprise round: Proudstump, Ril, Ca'alash


2013-08-12, 12:49 PM
Ril is once more surprised about his own body: By the time his mind had processed the monstrous transformation, his hands had already retrieved one of his weapons out of the scabbard and his legs were propelling him against the foe.

Trusting his instincts, the ninja turns the weapon point first (supporting the pommel with his other hand) and tries to pierce the monster through.

But at the very last second, Ril trips upon an unseen rock on the floor, causing him to stumble and stab the floor instead.

I double check with Norandil, and Ril can charge and attack during the first round
[roll0] (0 BAB + 4 STR + 2 Charge) (add +2 if flanking)
[roll1] (6 STR)

Hp= 11/11
AC= 15 (4 armor + 3 Dex - 2 charge)

2013-08-12, 01:08 PM
Ca’alash’s face takes a fierce expression as he shouts: "Vile creature of deceit! Prepare to answer for your own actions!" He moves up to the opponent and circles around to his chosen position, keeping the enemy at a distance with his shield. The paladin then swings his spiked weapon in a swift and dramatic arc.

Attack roll: [roll0] (not counting flanking)
Damage roll: [roll1]

2013-08-12, 03:15 PM
The peculiar monster who just a second ago was a friendly-looking halfling shudders under the blow of a spiked morningstar. His long tongue lashes out towards Ca'alash with a weird hissing, but then his... hand darts towards Lukas's head.

That powerful blow should make the half-elf reeling, but instead he finds himself held by this monstrosity, his jaw and neck snatched by filthy claws, warm blood, his own blood, he realises, trailing down below the clothes, his white shirt quickly growing red.

Attack (1d20+5)[15]
Damage (1d4+1d6+1)[7]

2013-08-12, 03:34 PM
Let him go! yells Ril, his voice full of anger.

Recovering from his fall, the ninja now tries to slash at the creature's arm hoping to free Lukas

If possible, 5ft step to get flanking (although, the way I understand the battle map, this might not be possible)
Standard: 2-handed weapon slash
[roll0] (add +2 if flanking)
IF flanking [roll2] damage

Hp= 11/11
AC= 17 (4 armor + 3 Dex)

2013-08-12, 03:42 PM
Thrane picks out something from one of the bouches at his belt. His face is calm as he holds the thing in front of him. It appears to be a lump of yellow-grey fat. He moves slightly so he can get a clear line to the creature as he chants quickly "Oilcc weaml el aeym illala el anira vmaillaa" The little clump vanishes witha pop and suddenly a mass of green goe appears underneath the door and where the monster is standing. Slightly oily texture it manages to stay well above the wet ground.

Kaiku roars into action "Dieee!" An all too human scream from a face twisted with fervor. She splashes up water and dirt from the wet ground as her massive body lunges forward towards the creature. Two hundred pounds of pure muscle launches into the air and jumps at the creature as it grabs lukas. The movement under the golden fur is impressive as the massive feline pounces forward. Claws glinting from her front paws as they swipe at the creature when she rears up on her hindlegs. Her mouth filled with sharp teeth aims for the creature's throath. Her momentum catches the unbalanced creature perfectly flipping it over as she attempts to rip out it's throath with her teeth. Her sharp teeth sink into the creature, spraying blood all over her humanoid face.

HP 10/10
AC: 16
Standard Action Grease, underneath the creature, try to avoid getting it under the others. DC 17 reflex to stay upright.

Edit: The creature does indeed fall, making it prone for Kaiku's attack.

HP: 10/10
AC: 14
Full round action: Charge with pounce
Attack Bite[roll0](If flanking add +2, if prone another +4)
Damage Bite [roll1]
Critical Confirm Bite[roll2]
Critical Damage Bite [roll3]

Attack Claw1[roll4](If flanking add +2, if prone another +4)
Damage Claw1[roll5]
Critical Confirm Claw1[roll6]
Critical Damage Claw1[roll7]

Attack Claw2[roll8](If flanking add +2, if prone another +4)
Damage Claw2[roll9]
Critical Confirm Claw2[roll10]
Critical Damage Claw2[roll11]

2013-08-12, 05:05 PM
Lukas groans in pain and horror as he feels his life draining away. But... but I helped him!? Why is this happening?

Desperately, Lukas spits out, "Disgyn i hunllefau!" and makes a strange motion with his right hand. The words thrum with power as they leave his pale, cold lips.

Lukas invokes a hex of slumber on the monster, Will DC 17, duration 1 round.

2013-08-13, 02:31 AM
The monster falls under the Kaiku's charge combined with a grease spell making odd sounds, his tongue licking off his own blood from Kaiku's face. He does not let Lukas's face go, though. Even as the witch uses his powers, he is dragged down to the ground as well. The monster keeps flailing with his free arm, seemingly resisting the hex, but he is severely injured already; Kaiku's claws and teeth made a good job.

2013-08-13, 03:43 AM
Varandriel lets out an Elven curse, racing toward the house and her fallen comrade. "Hang on, Lukas!" Skidding to a halt just behind Kaiku, the cleric chants a quick prayer of healing in her native language. Her hand glows faintly with the radiance of Desna as she reaches out to touch the wounded man.

Moved to Y13. Switching out Magic Weapon for Cure Light Wounds on Lukas.

Healing: [roll0]

2013-08-13, 06:26 AM
Tumbling to the ground, Lukas's stomach sinks as the creature resists his slumber charm. No no no no, not like this, his mind recoils.

Ikelas flies free of Lukas's pack perch and flutters around, trying to distract the monster so Lukas can get away.

Desperately, Lukas tries to wriggle free of the monster's horrid grip.

Ikelas aid another: [roll0]
Lukas grapple check to escape: [roll1]

2013-08-13, 09:50 AM
As the creature falls prone, Ca'alash takes a step over him and positions himself in the doorway. He waits for an openning as the foe wiggles on the ground and brings down the morningstar as hard as he can while taking care not to hit his ally.

Attack roll: [roll0] (including flanking bonus)
Damage roll: [roll1]

2013-08-13, 10:30 AM
Ca'alash, while trying to position himself better, falls to the effect of Thrane's spell and falls down. However, his deity probably leading his hand, he manages to strike the beast in its head with a popping sound and droplets of its blood flying in all directions.

Heavily injured and cornered, the monstrosity keeps fighting. Surrounded now there is no hope it can flee, and so it attacks Lukas, seeing him as the most vulnerable of the group, his claws rending boy's chest from left clavicle to below his ribs.

attack roll (1d20+1)[14]
damage roll (1d4+1d6+1)[4]
Lukas also loses one Constitution point for being held for one full round

2013-08-13, 12:58 PM
Berating himself for his inability to connect a hit, Ril continues his attack.

5' step to where Ca'alash was standing (so everyone else cam move out of the door providing cover)
Attack again

Hp= 11/11
AC= 17 (4 armor + 3 Dex)

2013-08-13, 02:54 PM
Struggling on the slippery surface, Ca’alash tries once again to end the threat that’s grabbing Lukas.

Attack roll: [roll0] (+1 BAB, +1 STR, +2 Flanking, -4 Prone)
Damage: [roll1]

HP 12/12
AC 16

Condition: Prone (-4 to-hit, -4 AC vs Melee, +4 vs. Ranged)

2013-08-13, 03:14 PM
His thrust a little bit more clumsy than one could expect from someone of Ril's presence, it finds its target nonetheless, piercing the chest and, if it even has any, the heart of the monster.

It lets Lukas go, its hands start clawing the ground around him, his whole body begining to shake, what quickly turns into agonal convulsions, with thick blood seeping from its wounds only for Ca'alash's morningstar to bring an end to this dance of death, crushing its skull. After a second, it ceases any movement, lying motionless where it fell, at the halfling's house doorway.

2013-08-13, 03:35 PM
As soon as the creature stops moving, Ril straightens up and unsheathes his second blade with deadly determination. The ninja then steps into the hut, carefully searching for any enemies that might attack the prone Ca’alash or the injured Lukas


2013-08-13, 05:10 PM
Thrane waves his hand as he runs over to where Lukas, the monster and Ca'alash has fallen. The goo dissapears, slowly dissapating into thin air, leaving no trace that it has been there except for everyone laying sprawled on the floor. "Lukas, are you ok?" He shouts out as he gets closer. Kaiku got her face and paws full of blood from the creature. She turns her head away from the others and shakes it to get the worst of the blood off it. She then goes over to some vegetation and cleans out the worst on it onto some leaves. "That was messsy, but at least we are all still alive. A shame we could not reveal him for what he truly was before he struck." Thrane continues "I sensed no magic from it, so it must have been some sort of inate ability to transform. We should check out what is in the house. Though be careful. Who is to say what might be in there with a creature like this living here?" He follows after Ril carefully, looking around inside and trying to hear if he hears anything unusual.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-08-13, 05:33 PM
Lukas winces and groans, not even trying to get up yet. He presses a hand over his chest and casts the last spell of healing that he had prepared for the day, "Gyda grym o waed a chysgod cyfuno - gall cnawd anghofio poen ac yn cael ei adfer!"

The blood stops flowing from his chest and the second wound scabs over. Lukas suddenly realizes that his neck is no longer a ragged mess, though he still feels exhausted and weak. He looks up at Varandriel and says, "Thank you - I think I'd be dead if you hadn't spent some of Desna's power on me."

"I think I'll be alright, Thrane. Thank you."

He carefully sits up and apologizes, "I'm sorry everyone - I shouldn't have trusted my eyes so much - I didn't realize we were dealing with a shapeshifter. I expect the real Walthus is long-since dead."

2013-08-14, 12:18 AM
Varandriel smiles at Lukas, although her violet eyes are concerned. "Think nothing of it, Lukas. There's nothing for you to apologize for; we got Mr. Proudstump's name, description, and location from the sheriff, and he did not act hostile at first. Who would think 'shapeshifter' upon approaching someone who was supposed to be an ally, or at least not an enemy?" It looks like his own healing magic has taken care of his wounds. Next step, then.

Drawing her sword, the elf follows Ril and Thrane into the house. If they're lucky, the creature was keeping the real Proudstump captive. If they're not... well, maybe the halfling kept a diary or journal.

Guess I'll roll Perception too.

2013-08-14, 06:33 AM
Those of you that start to explore the building don't find anything special at first, just a normal house full of mundane stuff and some equipment that can be useful in the swamp, like mosquito nets and such. Soon enough you find a garden, a separate 'room' filled with an underbrush, and, confirming what Lukas has heard, some snakes. You see that quite a few bushes were crushed, just as if somebody tumbled over them; you also spot some dead serpents and stains of blood on the leaves and ground. Taking into consideration the thing you just defeated, that's probably a place where it assaulted Walthus.

But you don't have enough time to search the house properly, without even going upstairs or examining the garden closer, when you hear a weak, quite frightened as far as you can tell, voice calling from the upper floor. 'Hello? Is there anybody there? Please? Anybody at all?'

2013-08-14, 07:24 AM
Lukas smiles at Varandriel's understanding and finally gets up. He looks closely at the terrible, dead monster, trying to puzzle out what in the world it was, and how he might detect such a thing in the future.

Knowledge Nature Check [roll0]
Knowledge Planes Check [roll1]
Knowledge Arcana Check [roll2]

After a little while, he follows the rest of the group into the house, looking around when he hears the worried voice of who he hopes is the real Walthus.

Perception Check [roll3]

2013-08-14, 09:32 AM
Ca'alash carefully rises up on his feet. As he follows the others inside and sees the snakes in the garden, his face light up. "The creature must've been bitten by the snakes. We could have juste waited for him to collapse from the poison and save poor Lukas the pain."

As he hears the voice, he goes back inside and looks for stairs or ladders, cautious for an ambush or other foul play.

Perception: [roll0]

EDIT: Forgot to color my speech.

2013-08-14, 02:29 PM
Hearing the pleading voice, Ril also tries to find a way upstairs.

2013-08-14, 02:34 PM
"Walthrus is that you?" Thrane calls out as they hear the voice. He then continues a bit lower before the others can get upstairs. "Careful we don't know if he somehow is affected by the shapeshifter. Also why would the shapeshifter keep him alive? It might be a trick." Wary of danger Thrane let's Kaiku follow after the others and she relays what she hears to him through their bond.

2013-08-14, 02:58 PM
As soon as Thrane answers the question, the sounds of light steps come from the antechamber, where the stairs are situated. While you go up, an ill-looking halfling, resembling the one that monster impersonated at first nearly perfectly, comes down. He is barely two steps from the upper platform when he spots you, and then he collapses with a long sigh, close to falling down, and starts weeping with a relief. 'Och my, och my! Seven gods and godesses, am I to be spared, eventually? Is this a salvation, or are them like him, more monstrosities to hunt poor Walthus? No, please, that can't be, can't be!' After that, his wails grow even louder and less comprehensive.

2013-08-14, 03:05 PM
Ca'alash concentrate intensely as he did before, looking at the would-be halfling.

Detect evil at the little guy.

2013-08-14, 03:23 PM
We are not like that monster. replies Ril in a neutral voice that is so matter of fact that leaves no room for doubt.

Lowering his weapons (but not sheathing them), the ninja continues

And we are not here to hurt you. But how can we know YOU are not another of those creatures? Your resemblance has already been stolen...

[roll0] to calm him down and reassure him we are not enemies
[roll1] to see if he is not a monster

2013-08-14, 03:24 PM
Kaiku spots Walthus comming down the stairs and relays the message to Thrane. He is here, or at least something that looks like the monster we just fought is here. Thrane takes a step towards the door and calls out for the others. "We found him, though he does not appear imprisioned, but rather free and weak." Kaiku waits silently for Thrane and the others to come. If I speak out, he is likely to be just as scared as from seeing the monster. I am not exactly a normal human. When thrane finally arrives he keeps his face calm as he directs a stern gaze at Walthus. "Can you prove you are actually Walthus? We just faced a horrible creature that looked just like you. It appeared weak to lull us closer. Do you have any way to show us that you are yourself?"

2013-08-14, 03:37 PM
The paladin snaps out and goes to help the halfling. He speaks softly to the rest of the group: "This should be the one we are looking for and not another hell-spewed shapeshifter."

2013-08-14, 03:40 PM
Lukas follows where the rest of the group is going, but hangs back when the (hopefully real) Walthus shows himself.

Worried about another trick and the halfling's suggestion of more of the shapeshifting creature, he scans around the room with his hand on his belt knife. Lukas keeps quiet, sensing that Ril has a good handle on things.

Ikelas returns to Lukas' shoulder and puffs herself up to look as fierce as possible in order to defend her half-elven charge.

2013-08-14, 03:48 PM
The weeping goes on quite a bit longer, the man obviously in a shock, or some other trauma. After a while, especially when Ca'alash approaches to help him get up, he finally speaks, sobs interrupting every now and then. 'Wait, what... what do you want from me? How, och how can, how can I prove I am myself? I, I can't!' He stammers.

2013-08-14, 04:23 PM
Thrane thinks for a bit then takes a step closer. "I got an idea. This should not work if he is not normal. It won't harm you." He gets out a small dot of whool from one of the pouches at his waist and chants "Wilja ires eyan." The dot swells and moves rapidly towards Walthus' head, surrounding it for a brief moment before disapearing. "If it works he should be unresponsive for a couple seconds." Thrane studies the halfling closely to see if the magic has any effect.

Daze: DC 15 vs Will

2013-08-15, 12:48 AM
Varandriel sighs, sheathing her sword. "If there were two shapeshifters here, it would be just plain silly for them both to take the same shape!" Ca'alash is helping the poor halfling stand, and she would just be redundant at this point. Instead, the cleric steps forward to look him over. He seems a bit ill; is it something that she needs to address right away, or will some rest and food set him right?

Heal check to see what's wrong with him:

2013-08-15, 02:24 AM
Halfling's eyes widen, so they are now big and round like eggs, ready to jump out of the sockets. 'What, what are you doing?!' He shouts in a shrill voice, pointing at Thrane. 'Why are you doing this to me, what is it?! Some kind of magic? YOU WANT TO KILL ME! ARRGHH!' Clearly terrified, he tries to escape Ca'alash's hands and run away, somewhere into the upper floor.

(1d20+3)[15] Escape artist if anyone tries to stop him

You see he's got some bruises and claw marks, but the main problem would be a blood loss

2013-08-15, 07:30 AM
Sympathizing with Walthus' terror from the shapeshifter, Lukas speaks up, "Varandriel is right. It is extremely unlikely that multiple creatures would assume the same shape. Our terrified friend is almost certainly the real Walthus Proudstump. Now the trick for us is not giving him a heart attack."

Lukas scans around the lower floor of the house for anything that might be reassuring to the halfling, like booze or food.

Perception check [roll0]

2013-08-15, 09:44 AM
Ca'alash does not try to restrain the halfing. Instead, he uses a soothing tone to try and reason him. "Calm yourself, little one. We are not here to harm you. We just defeated the creature that attacked you. You are safe now. We're on your side and we have means to heal you."

Diplomacy: [roll0]

2013-08-15, 10:49 AM
At Ca'alash's words the halfling suddenly halts, well into the room already, heading into another one, to whatever hideout he can have there. He slowly turns, panic still in his eyes. 'You did? Do you speak truth? He was big, and strong...' He then slowly nods, gaze set on paladin. 'I trust you... But I do not trust him!' He points at Thrane 'He wanted to cast some magic at me! Keep him away from me, can you? Please say you will keep him away! And that beast too!' Easily enough you all understand he is not talking about the defeated monster but Kaiku, bloody dots still visible on her face and fur surrounding it.

2013-08-15, 11:57 AM
Ca'alash looks at the hafling in a motherly way. "You may not know this but this malefic creature - the one who attacked you - was somekind of shapechanger. We came here looking for you at the suggestion of Ameiko Kaijitsu and thus were ambushed as the monster took your appearance to deceive us. My friend Thrane here," he gesture towards his ally, "just tried to detect if this was another trap laid upon us."

2013-08-15, 12:10 PM
Trusting Ca'alash (and realizing that the group would not get any further with the halfling if he was still terrified of them), Ril decides to sheathe his weapons.

Thrane says the ninja to the summoner in a low voice Maybe you can ask Kaiku to wait downstairs? I'll keep an eye on him, but his is almost hysterical

We will not hurt you. Ril repeats to Walthus We are here to investigate the Marsh and the reports of a possible goblin attack. We came here for information

Just supporting Ca'alash. Let me know if I should roll anything.

2013-08-15, 03:01 PM
Now that the halfling has calmed down, Lukas steps forward and gestures to his bloody, ragged clothes, "I understand your fear, sir. The monster that had trapped you had ripped me from throat to belly not five minutes ago. I would be dead for sure if Varandriel did not channel the power of Desna to close my wounds. She is a powerful healer, and can undoubtedly ease your pain if you are willing."

"How long had you been the prisoner of this monster?"

2013-08-16, 02:08 PM
Thrane thinks to the pair of them. We can't be sure he is not a shapeshifter, but as they say, it's unlikely that there are two of them. Stay around, but out of sight I suppose. Thrane moves towards the door while Kaiku moves out of the room so she is not visible, though through the link with Thrane she is ready to storm back in at moment's notice. Thrane does his best to not let his worry show on his face. He worries for the halfling, but more for his companions who might be surprised yet again.

2013-08-16, 03:06 PM
With Kaiku outside and Thrane away enough from the halfling, he slowly calms down. In fact, nearly as fast as he panicked just a moment ago, he now regains control. He takes an embroidered handkerchief out of his pocket to clean his running nose. 'I ain't no prisoner, sir. He... it... ambushed me, when I was attending to my snakes, and without them I wouldn't be standing here, I am sure. Got me enough time to hide here, upstairs. I believe you came just in time, before he sniffed me out. It was a matter of time, I see it now. Better to run into the marsh...' Still a little shaken he adjusts his clothes and tidy it as much as he can with just his hands and pretty dirty handkerchief. 'Och, what a mess! But, where are my manners! I am Walthus, Walthus Proudstump, and this is my house. I don't usually let strangers in, but you saved me, so I can make an exception. Just don't touch anything you don't need to, okay? Come down now, I'll cook something and answer all your questions. Och, I could eat my whole storeroom right now!' He moves downstairs, but then he sees Kaiku hiding outside the room. He then turns to Thrane. 'Now mister. Is it your companion? If yes, I must insist it stays outside. I do not feel comfortable near... not entirely humanoid being right now, y'know.' After that he resumes his walk to the kitchen and starts to take out some boxes out of the cupboard. Smell of something tasty quickly fills the air.

2013-08-16, 05:48 PM
Kaiku answers for herself, a deep voice, but definatly female "I am sorry that you feel that way. Some amount of gratitude would be nice after taking down your assailant. Whoever have gotten gratitude after helping others? Oh yeah, only normal people. The blood on my face is not there because I eat innocent babies. Speaking of which, do you have anywhere I can wash off this blood? I am Kaiku by the way." Kaiku does not make a move towards the outer door but instead looks definatly after Walthus.

Thrane does make an attempt to smooth over the situation though, his voice gets pleasant as he says. "Hey, I am sure you are both stressed. That thing was dangerous, it can drive anyone over the edge. Take a few moments to cool down yourselves and I am sure you will be able to better assess the situation." He then bows towards Walthus, an apoletic smile on his face. "I am sorry for using my magic on you. It does no permanent harm. I just wanted to verify that you are not another of those creatures." His tone remains pleasant and the smile remains on his face despite him thinking inwardly. Though I did not confirm that he is fact humanoid. He might still be a shapeshifter, just one who realized we are too many to face head on and instead waits until we fall asleep.

2013-08-16, 09:18 PM
While Walthus busies himself in the kitchen with suspicions over Kaiku, Lukas looks down at his ragged clothes in dismay. He doesn't have time to stitch a new outfit, but perhaps a bit of sorcery will do.

The tailor's apprentice steps into another room, out of Walthus' sight and direct earshot and begins one of his simplest, easiest spells with quick looping gestures over his shredded shirt.
"Yn cael eu hadnewyddu rhwygo brethyn," he intones, hoping the binding effect of the spell is enough to restore the integrity of his garments.

Lukas casts mending on his clothes.

When done, he looks at his clothes with a dubious eye, and then looks up at his companions nearby, "That'll have to do for now. Do you think Walthus will mind if we stay here tonight?"

2013-08-16, 09:34 PM
"That'll have to do for now. Do you think Walthus will mind if we stay here tonight?"

It's probably best if either you or Ca'alash ask replies Ril

Although that does seem the wisest choice since we have expended most of our healing already, I fear that the goblins might use that time to attack Sandpoint. the ninja wonders out loud, clearly torn between pragmatism and his principle of eliminating any threats to Ameiko.

2013-08-16, 10:16 PM
"You're probably right," Lukas agrees, "if I don't rest tonight, I won't be much us tomorrow, and I think I can prepare better spells for goblin hunting than I did for my day off today."

Lukas heads back into the kitchen, mouth watering at the delicious smells, and says to Walthus, "Mr. Proudstump, would you please allow our group to stay the night here? We can make sure that no more strange creatures attack, and also recuperate from our fight with your assailant."

2013-08-16, 10:32 PM
It's understandable that the halfling finds Kaiku frightening after what he's been through. Varandriel isn't about to say anything about the matter right now, though. The lion-woman is obviously touchy about being feared and Varandriel will probably be traveling with this group for a while yet. Instead, the elf follows Walthus into the kitchen. "My name is Varandriel. It's a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Proudstump, although I wish it was under more pleasant conditions." She smiles. "If you have any wounds, please let me know; I can still call upon Desna a few more times before nightfall. Would you like any help in the kitchen?" Everything is halfling-sized, but Varandriel can probably manage.

2013-08-17, 02:20 AM
Hearing Kaiku's answer, Walthus halts and faces her, frowning. 'My. House. My. Rules. So either kill me and seize it, or adjust.' He sniffs, then makes a generous face. 'But I see, outside can be dangerous, especially at night. You can stay in the antechamber. I'll send you a bowl with water, just clean after yourself.' Turning to Thrane, he says, 'And you, no more magic thrown at me. In fact, no magic in this house. I don't like it. I don't trust it.'

He then leads you to a dining room with normal-sized table, so you can all sit comfortably. The room seems a little dusty, probably not used often - and no wonder, this house is actually pretty big, especially for one lone halfling. Not many furniture here either. Table, six chairs, a couple of shelves, a cupboard with some strange flower in a pot on top of it and a bit gloomy painting hanging on one wall beside a window. After wiping the table clean, Walthus disappears in the kitchen.

When both Lukas and Varandriel follow him into the kitchen, he turns around and fends you off with a wooden spoon. 'Curses! I'm fine here, I don't need help. You big ones usually can't cook properly, either! You lack our exquisite taste! So wait patiently, I will take care of everything.' Then, to Varandriel, 'Thank you lass, but no magic. I will be fine. Now, shush! Go!' When you are about to leave, he calls you again. 'Wait! Take this bowl to that lion-girl, and don't spill a drop on my floor!'

After a few minutes he comes to join you in the dining room. ' Waiting for a rice, we have some time to talk.' Unease clearly creasing his face, he comes to Lukas. 'Now, I see your attire isn't in a perfect shape... Though you somehow helped it a bit.' He eyes Lukas suspiciously. 'Anyway, I thought you might like my cloak. It's my lucky one, I hope it will be for you as well.' Unclasping his burgundy cloak with a deep hood, he hands it to Lukas. Short, halfling-sized piece of material suddenly stretches to the size adequate for half-elf's height. 'Och right, there's some magic in it as well, I guess, though I don't know what and I don't want to know. It was just lucky for me, that's all.' He then scrambles onto the free chair. 'And to answer your previous question, yes, you can stay here. I don't have beds for you, but it will probably still be better than out there.' He waves his hand towards the window. 'Now, any more questions?'

2013-08-17, 02:35 AM
What do you know about the goblins in the area? We have heard they are planning an attack on Sandpoint, so anything you might now on their numbers, tactics or weaknesses would be useful to us replies Ril, always keen of acquiring information

2013-08-17, 10:33 AM
Ca'alash clears his throat. "The creature tried to send us to the south-east of here. He said this was the location of the goblin's village, betond anothe creek, and they were preparing an assault on Sandpoint or the farms on the outskirt. Is this correct ?" After a brief pause he adds: "And he mentioned a hag, what's the story ?"

2013-08-17, 01:10 PM
Lukas accepts the halfling's cloak gratefully and his eyes go wide as it enlarges to fit him, "It's beautiful, Walthus. I'll take very good care of it for you, and hope that it brings us your luck!"

Lukas' sharp eyes dart over the stitching and lining of the burgundy cloak, taking in the original maker's patterns and choice of cut, "I've always wanted to see a magical garment, to understand what is different about the thread and material and design choices that allow it to change size and shape. Someday I hope to craft such a beautiful thing myself!"

He pulls the cloak around his shoulders and affixes the clasp with a peaceful smile, "Thank you so much, Walthus. For this, and your kind hospitality."

2013-08-17, 02:54 PM
Varandriel accepts the bowl of water, stepping into the antechamber where Kaiku is waiting. "Here you go, Kaiku. Good job in the fight, by the way!" She sets the water down within easy reach. "Do you need any help cleaning the blood off your face?" Cats usually don't have a problem getting clean, in her experience, but Kaiku might not want to groom herself in normal feline fashion. Which begs the question of how she maintains her fur... perhaps Thrane brushes her lion-parts? So many questions, so few ways to ask them with any semblance of tact.

2013-08-17, 04:18 PM
Thrane looks at the cloak. "Interesting. Maybe it does more than just change shape? Let me see if I can figure out what kind of magic it holds. If we know you might be better able to use it." He takes a step closer to Lukas and waves his hand towards him, his fingers moving swiftly up and down almost as if playing an instruments. "Waananyan amirilan silllam eo silveny anirela ela."

Kaiku reluctantly goes into the antechamber away from the others. I suppose there is no reason to upset him more than necesarry. You do have to stay the night here after all. As Varandriel aproaches her she smiles. "Thank you Varandriel.Help is welcome I suppose. Everything is more pleasant if you do it together." She walks over to the water and puts her face down into it to make herself wet. "My paws are not the best tools for cleaning, though I usually make do with what I have. If I had arms like you, things would be easier."

Spell:Detect Magic, keeping the spell for at least 3 rounds to identify auras...
Knowledge Arcana, for the cloak, I assume that at least got an aura[roll0]

2013-08-17, 10:25 PM
"I imagine so." The elf kneels down next to Kaiku and digs around in her pack, coming up with a length of clean bandage. "All right, hold still for a bit." Using the bandage as a makeshift washcloth, she gently washes the blood off. "There you go! There's still some in your hair, I'm afraid; that's going to need a real bath with soap." Varandriel rolls the bandage back up, putting it in the 'needs washing' side of her pack.

Armor jingles as she gets back to her feet, leaving her pack with Kaiku; the halfling's dining room will be crowded enough without it. She makes her way back to the rest of the group, slipping into a seat next to Lukas.

2013-08-18, 04:29 AM
'What, Licktoads assaulting Sandpoint? Nonsense! Who told you that gibberish?' Walthus snorts with amusement. 'True, they were a bit agitated lately, acting somewhat braver. If you can ever call goblins brave, you see. But I assure you, they don't have the numbers to attack a town of this size, some farms at best. I try to avoid their part of the marsh, but I'd wager there are two, three dozens of them. Maybe less, maybe more, who knows? Och, and they got fireworks, somehow. Maybe from that shipwreck south of here, along the shore, but if so, I'm surprised the fireworks are still usable. The wreck seems very old. Maybe you would like to examine it yourself.' Halfling remains silent for a long while, glaring at some unknown point in the wall opposite him. Then, he suddenly shakes his head.

'Surprisingly, the direction you got from that monster is correct. You could possibly swim across the creek, but it is one of the major ones, so with all your armor' he looks at Varandriel and Ca'alash 'It can be difficult. Or, you could take the Fishing Trail back to the Lost Coast Road, follow it south and pick the Old Fishing Trail. It will lead you right into the goblins' village, as I guess that's what you want.' He then turns his head to Ca'alash. 'The hag, you say? There ain't no... Och hag! Right!' He hits his forehead with an open hand. 'Megus! Yes, there is a witch living here. Or was. I don't know, I don't see her very often, thank gods. She has, or had, a hut somewhere on the south-western part of the marsh, on the other side of the Sog's Bay. But since she is a witch, I advise you stay away from her. I wouldn't be surprised if this monster here was her work!'

When Thrane gets up and starts to cast a spell at Lukas's new cloak, Walthus jumps to his feet. Frowning and with hands clenched into small fists, he nearly shouts. 'WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT MAGIC HERE?! NO MAGIC! STOP IT, NOW!'

For now (1st round) you can only know that there is an aura emanating from the cloak

2013-08-18, 10:25 AM
Thrane stops his casting. His hand stops their movement and he stops chanting. His face gets hard as he looks directly at the halfling. "As I said, I am just trying to figure out what it does. Do you have anything to hide? I will stop my casting for now though."

He sits back down, clearly not comfortable with the situation. "Back to the matter at hand, if you will allow Walthrus. " Thrane nods at the halfling "Do you have a map of the swamp? I am sure we would be able to navigage easier if we knew where everything was in relation to everything else."

2013-08-18, 12:27 PM
'That's what YOU say! How can I be sure what magic trick you do right now? And why should I trust you, if you don't trust me?! "Trying to figure out what it does", "do you have anything to hide?" Is it how you thank for gifts? Shelter, food? Tfu, mixed blood it is, no denying! Do whatever you want to do with it when you leave, that's not my business anymore, but as long as you choose to stay here, I don't want to see or hear ANY magic, is that clear?'

Without any more words he goes into the kitchen. Few minutes after he comes back with a wide tray full of bowls filled with steaming vegetables mixed with brown rice and possibly fish, all this covered in thick sauce. He puts one in front of everybody along with wooden spoons, then he struggles onto his chair again.

'No, I do not have any map of that sort. I'm not sure there even exist any. See, there is nothing of value here to tall ones like you, so nobody bothered. I don't need it either, I have my house here, my snakes, a garden, all I need. I don't usually go much farther away, maybe only to Sandpoint for some supplies every now and then, but then I use the Fishing Trail. If you have anything particular in mind you could try asking me, but I can't promise I will know every answer.'

While you rest in the antechamber, the halfling comes to you, carrying a wooden bowl. 'Gods take me if I know what the ones like you eat, but looking at your... rear parts, I thought fish will be a safe bet. There is a sauce and spices alright, and some vegetables in it as well, but not too many, in case you don't like them.' He puts the bowl in front of you. 'Enjoy, and, try not to mess up my floor or walls.' He says before heading back into kitchen.

2013-08-18, 04:44 PM
Thrane eyes the food carefully, then takes a spoonfull. After finishing that he says. "What trails are there through the marsh? Are there any other ones other than the fishing trail and the old fishing trail? If so where do they go? Are there any other landmarks we should be aware off?" He takes another spoon of the food, noticing how hungry he is, he digs in.

Kaiku eyes him carefully as he comes in. "Thank you, fish will do. I do like quite spicy food actually and I can deal with vegetables, a bit of variance is best. I can understand your skepticism towards me staying here, but I still think it is a bit wierd for you to act like that after we saved you from that shapeshifter." As the bowl is put in front of her she bows down her head to smell it. A long coarse pink tounge comes out of her mouth to taste it. "It's nice, of course I will avoid making a mess, I am not a wild beast."

2013-08-18, 06:11 PM
What do you know about the swamp monster? asks Ril, trying to gather as much information as possible of the area Is it real, or could it have been the shapeshifter using it as a disguise?

2013-08-18, 08:24 PM
Ca'alash pips in : “And while we're on the subject of the shapeshifter, do you know of any reasons he came and attacked you ? Was this a simple burglary or do you have enemies that might want to hurt you ? Did he say anything ? It would be a shame if he had some allies that could come back here.”

Just in case he tries to weasel out of a straight answer.
Sense Motive check: [roll0]

2013-08-19, 03:26 AM
'Well, I must say I don't know about any other pathways here. The beasts don't need them, so there are pretty much fishing trails only. Och, Megus could have a trail for her own, but I doubt that. What use of this? But as I said, I don't visit her part of the marsh. And other landmarks?' Walthus shrugs. 'The trails, goblins, my house, shipwreck, Megus, and whole lot of insects. That's pretty much all.'

He then turns to Ca'alash and stares at him for a while, disbelieving. 'Burglary? Enemies? Allies? Cailean's breath, don't be foolish! What enemies can I have here? Y'think what, this swamp is thriving with civilisations? I came here for a reason, you know! And I don't see why you ask about the reason it attacked me. Like hells I know motivations of such things, but I tell you one thing - such abominations just like to kill, and I don't think he wanted to borrow some sugar.' Another snort, halfling looks at Ca'alash as if he was mentally ill before turning to Ril.

'Again, why do you people think I know a damn about that... shapeshifter, right? For me, it is monster, monstrous monstrosity, monstering around the marsh! All I want from such things to stay away from me, that's all! And what swamp monster do you refer to? Not that we have aplenty of them here!' The halfling seems exasperated again.

2013-08-19, 04:52 AM
"Okay, okay, let's all just calm down. The prospect of shapechanging enemies always set allies on edge in the histories, and I see it's doing the same thing here. We're all on the same side in this. Walthus clearly has already told us all he knows about the shapeshifter, and any more magic performed in his house would be beyond rude. Everyone take a deep deep breath and remember we're guests here, whatever the circumstances," Lukas is a little exasperated with everyone's behavior toward the obviously (to him, anyway) victimized halfling, and though he's doing his best to be diplomatic, his voice has more of an edge than he intended.

He breathes out a long, tired breath and says, "let's just get ready for bed and try to decide whether we should continue after the goblins, or head out for the shipwreck. Personally, I'm for continuing our original plan, and then swinging around west to see if this witch, Megus, is still around. It might prove to be a very enlightening visit, but I'd rather not have the Licktoads at our backs when we go calling on a witch."

2013-08-19, 12:05 PM
Ca'alash is unmoved by the halfling's harsh comments. "Now, now, Mister Proudstump, there’s no need to get confrontational. We only want to be as thorough as possible in our investigations. I was worry for your safety, if this is foolish enough for you then so be it."

He finishes his plate calmly. "I think we should get some sleep. Tomorrow will bring it's share of challenges so we might all want to be at our best. Mister Proudstump, would you be so kind as to show us to our sleeping quarters ?"

2013-08-19, 04:09 PM
Now that the goblin threat did not seem as imminent, the ninja had a calmer mind and was considering a more tactical approach to the situation.

Before we rest, I had one last question chimes in Ril, not particularly chastised by the halfling's correction, but at least having dropped that line of questioning How far away is the shipwreck you mentioned? Maybe we could explore that today and then confront the goblins tomorrow, once we have learned if they are obtaining ammunition from the shipwreck or not.

2013-08-19, 04:39 PM
Lukas tilts his head slightly to the side, considering, "That's... actually an excellent idea. Aside from the possibility of an ambush, would there be any downside to checking it out tonight?"

Lukas looks around the gathered group to see if anyone disagrees.

2013-08-20, 02:47 PM
'Well, it can be around two hours across the marsh, if you know where to go that is. But if you don't mind getting your feet wet and an occasional stumble, you could follow the shoreline and save some time. Granted, that may not be the most comfortable way, as the footing can be treacherous and all, but you can tell that about this whole marsh, right? And this way there is less chance for you getting lost or running into something nasty.' Walthus frowns again looking at each of you in turn; it's a wonder he is not totally wrinkled by now. 'Now, I say less likely! You can still go down there somewhere, and I won't be the one to take the blame, right? You invite it on yourself going that deep!

Now,' he says standing up, 'I close the house around the eighth bell or so. You are late - you'll find everything locked up dead, and I'm not easy to wake up, so I suggest you double time both ways. When you are back, the ground floor is for you, make yourself comfortable wherever you think you find a bit of softer wood. No more questions? Good. You can go on your quest now, I think I need a rest. Ugh, I still don't feel all that good...' He waves his hand at you while going to the stairs. Then he suddenly turns around with one hand on the railing. 'And when, if, you are back, make sure you clean or at least take off your shoes before entering, lest you will be cleaning whole house before going anywhere tomorrow!'

2013-08-20, 04:01 PM
"Going to the shipwreck sounds like a good idea. If the coastal route is less likely to have us run into dangers I am all for following that." Thrane stands up from his chair and starts looking around. "Let's clean up here and get going. We got not time to waste if we are going to make it back in time." He starts carry his plate and whatever else he can manage back to the kitchen.

2013-08-20, 10:05 PM
Lukas scoops a little more food into his mouth and pounds down his drink at Thrane's signs of hurry. For a guy so skinny, he certainly doesn't seem to have any problem eating.

"I'm ready - let's be off so we can all get a good night's sleep. Thank you for the delicious dinner, Walthus!"

2013-08-21, 01:22 AM
"Thank you, Mr. Proudstump," Varandriel echoes. She finishes the last of her supper- quite good, the older elves' opinions of halfling cookery are well deserved- and helps to clear the table. "The dishes can wait until after we get back. A bit of scrubbing never hurt anyone; climbing around wet rocks in poor visibility is another matter entirely." The cleric figures that she'll be able to see just fine, as will the half-elves. They have two humans along, though... well, probably humans. She has some suspicions about Ril.

Dishes sorted out, Varandriel exits into the antechamber. "We're going back out again, Kaiku! There's a shipwreck nearby that may be the source of the goblins' fireworks." She picks up her pack and fastens it back in place.

2013-08-21, 06:29 AM
'Coastal route', how Thrane called it, turned out to be anything but a route. In fact it's just a patch of sand, from about one foot wide to maybe three feet at widest points, regularly covered by murky water of Sog's Bay and in some places muddy rivulets coming from the marsh. It's a wonder how those stunted trees and thick bushes managed to grow up that close to the bay, which was connected with salty waters of Varisian Gulf after all. The journey ahead of you will be far from an enjoyable stroll on the sea side some could imagine, but at least will be straight forward and without the need to cut thick vines and leaves before making a single step.

You struggle this way for about a quarter of a mile, and turn left, into the wetlands, as Proudstump instructed you before you left. Nearly immediately after that you can see a wreck you've been looking for several hundred paces in front of you. From this distance you see it is in a pretty bad shape, though in its days it probably was quite neat and snug little caravel.

2013-08-21, 09:14 AM
Again, Ca'alash has a flash of intense concentration on his face as he looking at what once was a fully functionnal vessel.

Detect evil on the ship and then the surroundings.

2013-08-21, 12:45 PM
Lukas is a little sad to see a once-pretty ship laid low, but is more intrigued about its origin and contents.

"Ikelas," he whispers to the little bat, "Get some altitude and let me know if you notice anything we should watch out for."

Ikelas chirps her assent and takes to the sky.

Ikelas's perception check: [roll0]

2013-08-21, 01:09 PM
Kaiku smiles at Varandriel as she informs her of what she had already learned from her bond with Thrane. "Thank you Varandriel. You are always so nice to me. She is pleased that the woman cares to inform her. Clearly not everyone are as wary of strange beings as that halfling.

Once outside they have not walked far before Thrane stops to examine Lukas' cloak. "Let's see if I can find out more about the cloak now." Thrane has a disarming smile as he waves towards Lukas. "Waananyan amirilan silllam eo silveny anirela ela."

As they get further Thrane says "Sorry about riling up the halfling so much. I should have expected that someone might react that way to Kaiku and magic." His voice is quite dissapointed, mostly in his lack of grace in dealing with the man. Don't let what he said affect you. You were not in the wrong. He is not a nice man. To threat us that way after we saved him, not nice at all.

Once they arrive near the wreck Thrane studies it carefully. "Well we are here finally. Look out, we might run into goblins who have lingered near their throve. I am a bit excited and anoxious at the same time about what we might find." He got a wary look on his face. Kaiku simply looks fierce, though not angry or agitated.

Knowledge arcana after casting detect magic for three rounds: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]
Kaiku Perception [roll2]

2013-08-21, 01:33 PM
Ril finished his food at the halfling's house and prepared himself for the new task at hand, maintaining his weapons and checking that his armor was still properly secured.

As the group marches through the sandy mud, the ninja remains silent, immersed in thoughts of his fighting capabilities and his body not cooperating properly during the fight against the shapeshifter.

Had he been wrong in his assumptions about his fighting abilities?

When the group reaches the shipwreck, Ril unsheathes both swords and looks around for any signs of enemies or hazards

2013-08-21, 03:43 PM
Just as Varandriel thought, picking her way along a marshy coast in full armor is not fun. At all. But the most difficult journeys are said to be the most rewarding, and it just would not do for a priestess of Desna to complain about the hardships of travel, so she keeps her mouth shut and soldiers on. Maybe Lukas knows prestidigitation. He's nice enough that he would probably cast it on my armor when we get back to Proudstump's house.

The shipwreck is a sad, lonely-looking thing. Old, abandoned structures provoke a feeling of melancholy to many elves; so much of their history lies deserted and crumbling away, rather like this ship. Varandriel sighs, remembering the ruins in the Mierani Forest, the reminders of a beautiful and glorious world that she will never see. Enough of that, self. Don't turn into one of the elders who mope around all day and can't see the future through the shadows of the past! She shakes her head and begins investigating the area for footprints or any other signs of humanoid activity.

Perception: [roll0]

2013-08-21, 04:29 PM
When you approach the ship, you can clearly see the black hue is not dirt or mould, or some other knar that could crawl over the wreck since it's in the middle of the wetlands. No, the ship was burnt, and recently - probably somewhere during the past few weeks. It's hard to judge precisely in such a strange environment; a day could seem like a week, and a week could seem like a day. But one thing is clear - the ship is all charcoal now, without anything of any value on it. You can't really explore the below deck without a risk of collapse, but a peep through a big gap in a starboard and main deck assures you there's nothing to look for there either.

Neither the surroundings tell you anything, all too muddy to maintain any prints, though you probably don't need them to know that somebody had to be here to set fire. Not likely it was an accidental ignition, not in the swamp. Just when you gather again to head back disappointed by what you've found (or rather what you haven't found), both Varandriel and Thrane call in surprise nearly simultaneously, pointing at a chunk of planks near the stern. When you all look up to examine the ship once more, you see a scorched and barely visible writing on one side, probably the ship's name: Kaijitsu Star

No evil here
Faint Abjuration aura
When you tilt your head to see whatever the others found out and read those words, suddenly a flash of light bursts in front of your eyes covering everything else and your ears are filled with a strange hum.

After a tiny bit of a second you see the ship again; this time it's not burnt, though some parts rotted and fell, the pitiful rags that are everyting that left from the sails hanging on the masts and many holes adorning the boards. You see clearly two words engraved in the wood: Kaijitsu Star. Broad grin comes to your face, your gloved left hand makes circles on the hilt of your sheathed wakizashi, with the other one in your right hand, thick blood sliding down the edge and dripping on the leaves. Extraordinary luck... And the quarry is close indeed. I'm coming... With that thought you spin on your heel, you moves blurred, and you leap into the wilderness, confident, your blade outstretched in front of you.

Then you stand in front of the ship again, though it's burnt now and you hear familiar voices around you. You realise your vision took just a second or so.

2013-08-21, 05:25 PM
What had just happened? Ril's first reaction after the vision is to crouch back into a fighting position and look around.

Could it be an enemy's illusion? Or was I correct in my assumption that returning here would give me more clues? the ninja thinks to himself for a few moments that seem to stretch for hours.

Not seeing any foes, Ril realizes how suspicious he must look to his allies

"My apologies, I though I heard something" lies the ninja, sheathing one of his swords.

Ril looks at the second blade, seeing his own reflection in the polished surface. Whenever he looked upon himself, the ninja had always had the impression of being in front of a silent, impartial judge that knew more than the accused in front of him and planned to hold him to the highest standards.

Not this time though.

This time, Ril meets his own gaze and finds it filled with the bloodlust. He could feel murderous impulses pulsating in the hand still holding a blade.

He felt like a hunter.

This feeling once again reminds him of the vision. Who was the prey at hand? Was he hunting the goblins in the area, or was there something else, something darker in his motives?

Before he can continue with that line of reasoning, Ril is overwhelmed by a sense of duty: Save Sandpoint, protect Ameiko. This sensation (which could be best described as an external command) quickly steers the ninja's thoughts and convinces him that he must have been after the goblins all along.

We should be returning to Proudstump's house calls Ril to the others, renewed purpose in his voice there might be some credibility to the idea of the goblins obtaining some type of explosives. The battles ahead might be difficult. We should recover our strength.

Following his own advise, the ninja starts walking away, never realizing that his left hand was tracing circles on the hilt of your sheathed wakizashi.

2013-08-21, 06:41 PM
Varandriel gives Ril a disbelieving look. "Ril, we just got here! There's still enough sunlight to investigate further. What would be the point of coming all the way out here only to turn back without learning anything but the ship's name?" She shakes her head, a bit disappointed in him. "If this ship has anything to do with Ameiko Kaijitsu, then we should try to find out what that might be."

With that, the elf slowly makes her way along the hull, looking for any cargo or a way into the wreck. Perhaps the Kaijitsu Star had a safe or strongbox inside with its papers, something strong enough to survive the fire.

2013-08-22, 02:59 AM
The shipwreck does not look stable presses Ril, wanting to get out of that place as soon as possible we could injure, if not kill ourselves by going in. We will need all our energies against the goblins tomorrow.

After that threat is eliminated, we can come back and investigate more, if necessary. offers the ninja in a conciliatory fashion, though still clearly wanting to get away from the shipwreck.

2013-08-22, 09:00 AM
"The Kaijitsu Star," Lukas repeats with a creased brow, before turning to Thrane, "Isn't Ameiko part of the Kaijitsu family - her family had a fancy house in the south of town, right? I doubt that it's coincidence that this ship bears their name. I wonder if they know it's missing... and if they do, why they haven't asked for help recovering the ship and its cargo."

The wind blows a bit and Lukas is suddenly reminded of his new cloak and Thrane casting something at him. Odd that he didn't say anything about what he saw.

"Oh, and Thrane, did your magic tell you anything about Proudstump's cloak? It's not cursed or anything, is it?"

Desna above! I hope the cloak doesn't slowly transform me into a halfling. That would be awful! Lukas shudders, considering the horrifying possibility of spending his days at butt-height to the rest of the world. Ugh, and with disproportionately huge, hairy feet! He shudders again.

2013-08-22, 04:19 PM
Thrane looks over at Lukas, only now remembering what he discovered. "The cloak gave off an aura of faint abjuration, so I don't think it is going to transform you, that would be transmutation. Hopefully it is some enchantment ment for protecting you. Sorry for not having told you sooner." He looks a bit embarrased about the incident.

"I am afraid we can't learn much more here. No tracks in the swamp and it is not safe to investigate the vessel. Ameiko's last name is indeed Kaijitsu." Thrane's face brighten up at the mention of Ameiko's name. "She might know more about how the ship ended up here. It would be nice to find some memento to bring her, but I am not sure we can find anything that would serve that purpose here. Maybe we can look a bit around the area in a wider circle to see if we find anything? We should have for that before turning our noses back to Walthus. Ril?" Thrane motions the party to investigate a bit further from the ship.

Honestly I would have prefered a playback where we respond to posts that are not the latest as long as they are after our previous one, but this works too...

Perception Thrane [roll0]
Perception Kaiku [roll1]

2013-08-22, 04:28 PM
Let's look around agrees Ril, realizing that the group will not leave immediately but let us be quick: sleeping in the open swamp would be too dangerous for us.

2013-08-23, 04:30 AM
Alas, increasing the perimeter of your search brings you nothing interesting. If anyone was here recently, he was skilled enough in moving around the swamp not to leave any trace, like broken twigs or crushed leaves. The only thing you find that is worth mentioning is big jute sack and a bit of hemp near one of the trees east of the wreck. There's a hole in the sack's bottom, that's probably why someone left it behind.

2013-08-23, 09:35 AM
The paladin sniffs the air, left, right. He shakes his head. "Well, I don't think well get anything more here. We'll have to follow another path to the east or go back. I think it would be safer to resume tomorrow."

2013-08-23, 04:06 PM
Thrane nodds with a slightly disapointed look on his face. He had hoped to find something, anything they could use in fighting the goblins or to get to know more about them. "Yes, if we want to get back before Walthus closes his doors we have to leave. Looking at random is unlikely to bring us much luck anyway. I suggest we follow the old fishing trail tomorrow though. The way we came should still be the safest route on the way back. Let's hope no dangerous creaturs chose to wander onto our path." He looks slightly worried at the thought, his earlier optimism somewhat diminished by the downer of not finding more than a burned a wreck and a name on this small venture. Kaiku doesn't let he spirits get down from the futile search though. She is still as alert as ever as they start heading back to the halfling.

2013-08-23, 05:04 PM
Varandriel sighs, disentangling her red-gold braid from an armor scale on her shoulder. "How very disappointing, I was hoping there was some grand secret here. Let us go, then." Maybe they'll be able to find a way into the wreck next time. The others are right, though, she does not relish the thought of sleeping outside in the swamp when the halfling's house is available.

2013-08-23, 09:55 PM
Lukas happily goes along with the crowd. Seeing the wreck of ship was pretty interesting, and his sharp mind is busily at work concocting ideas about what might have happened.

"Well, no harm done," Lukas says with good cheer, uplifted by Ikelas's happy cartwheels through the air as she hunts down juicy bugs, "We know more about the area and have learned that the goblins aren't hiding out in the old ship, and haven't set up a second camp in a place that would have been fairly defensible. I think that counts as good news and time well spent."

2013-08-24, 01:34 PM
Tired by this eventful day, you manage to reach the hut in time without that much of a struggle. Soaking wet, slime and bits of wet plants clinging to you and an unpleasant smell rising from your bodies, you see the halfling actually looking out for you, despite his earlier claims he would not hesitate to close the door were you late. He may be harsh, but he clearly is sincere, even if a little weird. Don't mention it though, he will never admit it!

'Now, who comes here. You're lucky, I was about to close! And a minute later, you know what would happen. Now, get yourself cleaned at least a bit before entering, there are barrels full of water behind that corner. ' He points at one side of the house. 'By the way, did you find anything interesting there?'

2013-08-24, 03:44 PM
The shipwreck has been burnt replies Ril, seeing no harm in updating the halfling about the land where he lives So your theory that the goblins raided it for supplies could be correct

Turning to the rest, the ninja adds

I agree with Thrane that taking the old Fishing road might be the best approach. We should rest and leave first thing in the morning.

2013-08-24, 05:15 PM
Thrane says "Thank you for waiting for us Walthus. My armor is going to take a while to clean, but it has to be done to keep it good." As he walks over to the barrels to wash himself and his gear. I suppose you can go backfor now. I can't keep you here while I sleep anyway. Thrane thinks. I prefer staying with you, but I guess you are right. Not having to clean up all the mud is actually kinda nice. I will see you tomorrow. And with that Kaiku is gone. She was with them one moment, the next one she is no longer there.

2013-08-25, 01:23 AM
"Unfortunately we had to leave before looking for a way inside the shipwreck, else we would have been too late coming back." Varandriel eyes the barrels of water, wrinkling her nose slightly. I shall make sure to prepare create water tomorrow. She really can't blame Walthus for not wanting them in his house in their current state, though. "I must clean my armor as well or it will get mud all over your floor and the point of bathing before entering will be lost. I will do so as quickly as I can, but it does take some time." The elf walks over to the barrels and removes her muddy scale armor, revealing a simple purple and dark blue tunic and trousers underneath.

Such a pity that the halfling will not allow any magic here! I'll start cleaning my armor the old fashioned way and ask Lukas and Thrane if they know prestidigitation once Walthus goes to bed. Distaste for bathing in barrels temporarily put aside- Desna never said travel would be easy or comfortable- Varandriel manages to get herself reasonably clean. That done, she moves on to her armor. Mud and dirt under all those little bits of metal... this is going to take a while.

2013-08-25, 07:02 AM
'Och well. No traces for you then? A pity.' Walthus shrugs his shoulders and goes back inside, emerging again only to lock the door when you're all cleaned up. It's surprising how refreshing that can be, even if the water comes from barrels and isn't the cleanest itself either, like everything in this gods-forgotten part of the world. And as some of you know, Brinestump Marsh is nothing compared to Mushfens further south.

After all that, Walthus leads you to show you the rooms on the ground floor, as that's where you can rest this night. He doesn't have any spare beds or pallets, and even if he had, it would be halfling-sized. However, he prepared a bundle of blankets for you, another sign he did expect you to come back. With a last warning not to enter his garden, as some snakes still dwell there, he goes up, wishing you a good night.

Maybe there was a bit of mockery in that, as you soon discover the nights in the swamp are anything but calm. Distant screeches, closer growls, sounds of splashing water, something big and scaly rubbing at the building's corners, frantic knocks at the shutters and much more. Each of you was waked up at least once, and possibly even more. When you traversed the bushes, everything seemed so alive in its own manner, but now you can understand it was nothing compared to the nightlife. It must've been a wise decision to come back here for the night.

When you finally wake in the morning, the halfling is somehow on his feet, everything that needed cleaning shining, first rays of sun coming through the windows illuminating your sleepy faces when you get up yawning. Bowls of hot and wonderfully smelling rice with apples and cinnamon await you already.

After the breakfast and all the morning preparations and last words with the halfling host, you head back to the Lost Coast Road, following the New Fishing Trail, the one you used to get to the halfling. This time, however, you don't have to wade through the river, as Proudstump provided you with a tip: that creek is shallow a dozen or so meters upstream. Even though he is not leading you, those tiny bits of advice make your life here much easier already.

While on the Lost Coast Road, you follow it south and soon see another pathway branching off to the marsh. It is in a much worse condition, overgrown, but also a little bit drier and the bridges are intact here. Somewhat familiar with the swamp by now, you manage a good time and you are near the main southern creek of Soggy River, not far from the southern cliff either. As far as you know that's exactly where you should expect the goblins and indeed you soon stumble over the traces of their activity in the region. Heaps of refuse and bones, fallen trees, footprints, but no goblins themselves; everything seems very calm, or maybe anticipating.

Soon enough you come to a clearing and you can see a filthy village-fort surrounded by a crude wooden palisade sitting atop a low hummock of solid ground. A wooden gate in the north wall of the pallisade lies in shambles on the ground. Nearby, a large, algae-filled pool on the northeastern side breaks the palisade and allows you a clearer view into the village's interior, which consists of a collection of ramshackle huts connected by wooden walkways, all built on thick wooden stilts. Again, there seems to be no move in the village.


I include map for convenience, bear in mind your characters do not know the inside layout. You are somewhat north and a bit east of the fort, unless you leave the trail earlier.

2013-08-25, 10:21 AM
At Wathus' place, Lukas gratefully accepts the halfling's continually-impressive hospitality, and is happy to cleanse himself with the provided water. Before he nods off, he and Ikelas commune together outside under the stars, with Lukas watching the bat's seemingly random flight patterns through the darkened sky and nodding as if gaining insight.

Lukas prepares his spells at dusk.
Cantrips: mending, message, stabilize
1st level: cure light wounds, mage armor, enlarge person

In the morning, Lukas eats a hearty breakfast, packs his gear and thanks his host, "Walthus, you've been a good friend to us, despite the unfortunate circumstances. I'm glad to have met you."

On the road, Lukas seems surprisingly at home. He's certainly no ranger, and definitely not a seasoned traveler, but it is clear that Lukas loves the outdoors and exploration. Here and there he points out beautiful things in the forest, or remarks on the complexity of certain plants.

In front of the Licktoad's village, Lukas looks around suspiciously, "I don't imagine that they all cleared out because of our reputation, and they're probably not all still asleep. In the old stories, this would be the perfect prelude to an ambush. Be on your guards!"

Perception check, looking for hidden goblins and traps: [roll0]

Lukas looks to the better armored warriors in the group and says, "I have a spell that will temporarily grow one of you to twice your size and add some strength in combat. It doesn't last long, but I suspect it would be decisive in a fight. Who should I cast it on if we find ourselves in pitched battle?"

2013-08-25, 11:02 AM
Thrane is not the first to wake up in the morning and when he sees that Walthus is awake he gets a bit worried about what he is to do. Without getting up he closes his eyes again empties his mind of all the thoughts. Instead he imagines what he wishes was there. At first, it is just an elongated shape in his mind, then it starts gaining color, a dusty yellow. He manages to refrain from saying anything, not wanting Walthus to know that he is doing something magical. The shape rapidly gains paws, the color gains texture like fur and a maned head appears. Finally the head gains detail, that of a beautiful woman, though when she smiles, he teeth are pointed and not flat. Once the last detail is finished in his mind, he opens his eyes and there she is before him, standing over his sleeping gear. He looks a bit worried around at the others, wondering what they think about her appearing out of thin air like that, before starting to get on his clothes and armor. Kaiku herself heads out to the same antechamber she waited in the first time. While dressing Thrane says "Hope I did not starlet you by having Kaiku appear like that."

At breakfast Thrane smiles as he taste the food and says "It's a wonder you are able to produce such food out here. So nice. Thank you for what you have done for us, despite our differences."

Thrane is a bit wary about wandering the swamp. The landscape is quite different from what he is used to. Still, he thinks that it's nice to experience some variance and if one can get past the uncomfortable parts of the terrain it's actually beautiful.

Thrane stops before they can get more than a glimpse of the village. "We can't just rush in. If we can see them, they can probably see us as well. We need a plan for what we are going to do. I think trying to talk to them like Ca'alash suggested earlier is foolish. It will just give them opportunity to strike at us when we don't expect it. Still, I am not sure a frontal assault is best either." Both he and Kaiku are careful to keep their eyes on what little they can see of the village and the surrounding land.

Perception Thrane: [roll0]
Perception Kaiku: [roll1]

2013-08-25, 12:05 PM
All through the night, Ril relives the vision he had at the shipwreck over and over. When he is woken up from his uneasy reverie, it takes most of the ninja's self restrain not to go for his weapons.

Before eating, Ril steps outside and goes through a series of training maneuvers, the familiar exercise clearing his mind from the dream, although the ninja notices that his muscles are instinctively remembering more complex maneuvers than usual, possibly indicating the conection between the two aspects.

After his workout, Ril eats quickly and in silence. He then prepares his equipment and, after only mumbling a "thank you" to their halfling host.

Once the group reaches the village, Ril examines the fortifications intently, trying to find an alternative way in.

Rolling perception, focusing on the states of defense and the height of the walls

How tall do you think those walls are? calls the ninja to the others? Maybe Lukas's spell could be used to enlarge one of us, who could then lift the rest up, giving us the benefit of a non-direct tactical attack.

As for using the spell in a fight, being larger might make using both blades more difficult, so I'll pass.

2013-08-25, 05:45 PM
When the first stars come out, Varandriel kneels on the least muddy patch of ground next to Walthus' house that she can find and begins her evening prayers to Desna. If she absolutely cannot be outside at starrise the goddess will understand, but mud, snakes, insects, and unidentified wildlife are not a good enough reason to pray indoors. Most halflings have at least a cursory knowledge of Desna and her religion; hopefully Walthus won't give her any grief for staying out for an hour at nightfall.

Breakfast is as tasty as dinner was, without the drama of unauthorized spellcasting. Varandriel thanks their diminutive host as they prepare to leave, asking Desna's blessing upon his home. It's a simple prayer and ritual, in which she walks around the house three times singing a hymn in honor of her goddess.

When they reach the goblin village, the cleric joins her comrades in examining the walls. "Goblins are not known for frequent maintenance of what they build. If we're lucky, we might find a gap large enough to slip through, or one that we can widen with a bit of effort."