View Full Version : Making people fail fort saves

2013-07-19, 08:14 PM
So say, you have a pretty awesome ability with a pretty good DC of around 20(fort) or so around level 10. Now its gonna work on pretty much everything with a low fort save just about all the time. However, by time you get to this level pretty much anything big and monstrous is going to have at least a +10 or so on its fort. So basically what I'm looking for are some cheap and easy ways to make things with high fort saves fail their fort checks more reliably. Lets say you have access to 0 and 1st level wizard/sorcerer spells(with a caster level=to character level).

2013-07-19, 08:25 PM
While I'm sure there are ways to do this, there's an easier solution. Don't cast fort save spells on monsters with good fort saves. Hit them with will or reflex saves instead.

2013-07-19, 08:46 PM
Its not a spell, basically to put it in simple terms I will be a lich without actually being able to cast spells higher than 1st level. Toying around with ideas for this splat book alchemist class, and he more or less has very little to do in combat, so I figured I would try and optimized the lich's touch attack. (class gains the ability to become a lich at 9th level, can gain 1st level spells at 10th level, well could gain them earlier and get 2nd level spells at 10th, or I can wait and be able to use fly at will as a supernatural at 7th if I do)

2013-07-19, 08:53 PM
You aren't going to get much of a difference at level 1 spells.

Can't see you doing much better than this: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/doom.htm

You could always get an item of Bestow Curse or better, but I'm sure there are more optimised things you could be doing with that kind of money.

2013-07-19, 09:02 PM
Cast something like Suggestion and Suggest that they allow the full power of the healing touch you're about to bestow upon them envelop them completely, without forcing their body to resist its purely good and righteous energy.
In short, force them in some way to willingly fail their save. Perhaps by targeting their weaker save.

2013-07-19, 09:07 PM
You could throw a lot of con damage poison at them. You're targeting fort in order to debuff fort though, which is a little silly.

Get a buddy? Hexblades are good at debuffing, as are Blackguards and Paladins of... Tyranny?

Find a way to add statuses to them? Sickened, for example, penalizes saving throws.

2013-07-19, 10:15 PM
Taking Bind Vestige and Improved Bind Vesting for Focalor lets you debuff saves.

2013-07-19, 10:49 PM
There's the Ability Focus feat (MM 303), Sudden Ability Focus feat (ToM 74), and the Veil of Allure item (MIC 145). And any CHA boost will help as well.

Of course, you could always pick up the saint template for both a boost to CHA and a boost to save DCs of your supernatural abilities. :smallwink:

2013-07-19, 10:58 PM
You could throw a lot of con damage poison at them. You're targeting fort in order to debuff fort though, which is a little silly.

Hey, it works for mind fog, right? Oh wait.

2013-07-19, 11:08 PM
Intimidate can make people shaken for -2 to all saves, including Fort. Best done by someone other than your lich unless it somehow has actions to burn.

2013-07-19, 11:39 PM
Yeah, get a debuff-focused minion. With a specialized build, you can easily give your enemies -10 or above to saves.

2013-07-20, 12:11 AM
Hidden Talent, Minor Creation, Craft Lotus Poison.

2013-07-20, 12:27 AM
Wand of empowered ray of enfeeblement. It won't lower the saves of anything big and monstrous, but it will ruin the day anything big and monstrous. Then you touch everything that isn't big and monstrous.