View Full Version : [3.5]Truename

2013-07-19, 11:47 PM
Well tonight i had a session and at the end of it we encountered a lich (we didn't fight it) and my question is can i use Trap The Soul on him if yes when i write his real name on the gem do i need to write his pre-lich name or after becoming a lich (maybe he changed his name)

2013-07-19, 11:54 PM
Generally speaking, you can't actually change your Truename, as it's effectively the name you're born with or the one that defines you in a fundamental, unchangeable way.

2013-07-19, 11:59 PM
Does trap the soul work on liches, i'd figure it would be bound to the phylactery.

You can change your truename in one of the TR fixes(Ryuda's?) But I doubt that the lich took truename levels and The forgotten prc.

2013-07-20, 12:07 AM
Does trap the soul work on liches, i'd figure it would be bound to the phylactery.

You can change your truename in one of the TR fixes(Ryuda's?) But I doubt that the lich took truename levels and The forgotten prc.

Well i read that their life-force is bound to the phylactery so i gotta double check with my DM about that.

2013-07-20, 01:50 AM
Trap the Soul (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spells/trapTheSoul.htm) is from the PH and was written before the Truelamer class, plus the spell does not reference a truename, only the target's name. So you can safely ignore truename stuff.

You may choose to research or divine the lich's name, before or after it entered undeath. Which name (if they are different) you will need to use is up to your DM. You will want to ask him and/or research the background of Trap the Soul in your game to learn which name you need. Traditionally the name used was the person's birth name given during some sort of ceremony. It is also possible that other great events and ceremonies can add to a person's name. But beware, in places where birth names are known to be magically useful smart parents will utter random syllables for a couple of minutes during the naming ceremony to protect their children. If a name takes three minutes to say then you aren't going to get to use it in combat.

The spell is a Conjuration(Summoning) with a Will save. Lich's are not immune to either of those so the spell will work if you can penetrate or bypass SR and the Will save.

Edit: The spell traps the creature's mind and body (including gear) in the gem. The phylactery will only interfere if you destroy the lich's body, which you are not doing.

2013-07-20, 08:17 AM
You can change your truename in one of the TR fixes(Ryuda's?) But I doubt that the lich took truename levels and The forgotten prc.
You can also do so with out-of-the-box truenaming: There's something called the Ritual of Renaming.

As mentioned, though, you don't need a Truename for Trap the Soul. Though I would expect that the Ritual of Renaming would serve to change the name needed for the spell, also.

There's also the question, what if the person who originally christened a child was a Truenamer, and christened the child in Truespeech? Would that serve to make Trap the Soul as difficult as any other True Name?

2013-07-20, 10:24 AM
A lich changing his truename wouldn't go unnoticed though. It would definitely count as a notable event, in which case something like Legend Lore would pick up on it and the caster would know to research a new TN. LL can even be used to help research his new one.

2013-07-20, 05:51 PM
A lich changing his truename wouldn't go unnoticed though. It would definitely count as a notable event, in which case something like Legend Lore would pick up on it and the caster would know to research a new TN. LL can even be used to help research his new one.

Good thing i am a lore master everybody in my group says Loremaster are bad they suck and now i will trap the lich and offer the crystal to Gruumsh :D

By the way my character has the power to form a bond Deities

Big Fau
2013-07-20, 05:55 PM
By the way my character has the power to contract Deities

That sounds like a horrible disease. Why would you do that to yourself?

2013-07-20, 05:59 PM
Good thing i am a lore master everybody in my group says Loremaster are bad they suck and now i will trap the lich and offer the crystal to Gruumsh :D

By the way my character has the power to form a bond Deities
Loremaster is pretty nifty. Bonus feat, UMD as a class skill.

2013-07-20, 06:36 PM
Loremaster is pretty nifty. Bonus feat, UMD as a class skill.

Going off topic now
I am planing to build a demiplane for myself and two friends are there any nifty ways to protect my plane from our Assassin and Black Guard

Big Fau
2013-07-20, 06:40 PM
I assume you will be using Genesis to do so, in which case I think there is an option in the spell to limit access.

Of course, you could just not tell them it exists. Only the Blackguard has a method of planar travel (Nightmare mount), and that isn't exactly reliable (since the mount can always just decide to take him on a one-way trip to Hell).

2013-07-20, 06:42 PM
I assume you will be using Genesis to do so, in which case I think there is an option in the spell to limit access.

Of course, you could just not tell them it exists. Only the Blackguard has a method of planar travel (Nightmare mount), and that isn't exactly reliable (since the mount can always just decide to take him on a one-way trip to Hell).

I was planing to use permanency to add wall of force,all the symbols and some other stuff so if they somehow pass trough the first barrier something will stop them

2013-07-21, 01:41 AM
I highly doubt the trigger object method would work on a Lich. Depending on what class it is (most likely a wizard) it is either familiar personally with the spell or just smart enough to not pick it up. If you just cast it or use sympathy to make him pick it up he gets a will save, which is probably his highest save as a caster.

The spell says that it traps the creatures life force(along with it's material body) inside the gem. The lich template specifically mentions that the Liches life force is stored in it's phylactery, and is therefore almost certainly out of Trap the Souls range(which is Short). I'd rule that the spell just fails, so I'd be careful with this.

2013-07-21, 09:28 AM
I highly doubt the trigger object method would work on a Lich. Depending on what class it is (most likely a wizard) it is either familiar personally with the spell or just smart enough to not pick it up. If you just cast it or use sympathy to make him pick it up he gets a will save, which is probably his highest save as a caster.

The spell says that it traps the creatures life force(along with it's material body) inside the gem. The lich template specifically mentions that the Liches life force is stored in it's phylactery, and is therefore almost certainly out of Trap the Souls range(which is Short). I'd rule that the spell just fails, so I'd be careful with this.
Trap the Soul's target is "1 creature", not "1 lifeforce". It doesn't target the lifeforce, so range isn't relevant. The lifeforce, wherever it happens to be, goes into the gem.