View Full Version : High Luck and High Adventure [Swords & Wizardry Core]

2013-07-20, 04:19 AM
Your travels have led you to the port town of Inman, where you are currently staying. Lodging is abundant, and also quite affordable in an establishment known as The Zestful Conjuress. Three Silver Coins for one night, and One Silver Coin and Fifty Copper Pieces for a more-than-decent meal? Unheard of!

Inman is an uneventful place, although - thank the gods - excitement is less than a day away, in several different directions!

The Fates have brought you together, and now you share danger - and excitement and lodging - as you use this part of the world as a launching point for what will no doubt be your legendary journeys. You awoke early one day, dressed in your battlegear, and departed The Zestful Conjuress...

Time of Day
It is 09:00, and you are in Inman, preparing to leave for your first adventure!

Lt. Tibbles
2013-07-20, 05:54 PM
Hadar offers a prayer to his deity asking for safe travels, fair weather, and safety for him and his new comrades in whatever challenges and foes that they may face.
After getting dressed and having his meal he waits outside of the Zestful Conjuress for the rest to arrive, once they do he says.

"Well for such a quiet town there's quite a lot of news and rumors buzzing around. We have a chance to do a lot of good around here if these stories are to be believed, where do you think we should go? "

2013-07-23, 10:14 PM
"Well, Halya, it's a nice looking town. And such friendly locals, too!" Looking around to other PCs. "So shall we all be setting out for glory, then? I've heard there's some pirates nearby. Who wants to go hunt them? Or should we first go find this Rumel lady, and befriend her?"

I don't let my hirelings have text color.
"Some of them may owe me money, let's be clear from the outset, be careful who gets smitten or turned to a frog."

Stands there looking very large and a bit shifty.

2013-07-24, 04:29 PM
The Previous Day

Yesterday Ivara arrived in Inman after a cramped, unpleasant journey aboard a ship - the first ship she had ever been on, and her first encounter with oceans or really any body of water larger than a pond. With Fenlivarr she wandered around town, absorbing the sights and sounds while enjoying the feeling of solid ground. She stopped back at The Zestful Conjuress, disappointed that she would be sleeping in a ship-shaped building oncemore, and that she would have to stable Fenlivarr. She looked at the postings on the walls before eating or sleeping and saw the following advertizement:

Want to Undo your bad fortune?

"Yes! I do want to reverse my ill luck."

Feeling directionless?

"Yes! I find myself in an unfamiliar milieu, with little inkling of neither north nor south."

Need a guiding light?

"Yes! I am lost in a metaphoric darkness, much like the one that the warrior-poet Amnarek found himself in following the destruction of his tribe."

Then go to the market and look for the booth with the silver and gold awning between noon and midnight!

"That sounds simple enough - I passed that very awning three times today. I shall find it quickly, and soon I shall have answers, guidance, direction, and illumination."

Today, Ivara is standing outside The Zestful Conjuress with Fenlivarr, her horse, and Undo, a torch-bearer/fortune-teller. He is not quite what she expected - misleading advertizing is an uncommon phenomenon amongst the Elves of Kelradim - but he seems canny enough. Now Ivara is 12 silver and 50 copper down for the count just for room and board for herself, nevermind Undo's fee. However, she did meet some new traveling companions at the inn. She responds to them both:

"Well, if we go hunting for pirates, shouldn't we need a ship? I'm much more inclined to find Rumel, if only to seek out what knowledge she has of the region." She pauses for a moment, and then continues, "However, perhaps these pirates have some sort of base on land that we could find with considerably less difficulty."

Lt. Tibbles
2013-07-24, 07:21 PM
"I suppose it would be prudent to to get a better bearing of the land first before setting out. Let's seek her out, she shouldn't be too hard to find."

If no one else has anything to do Hadar will proceed to start searching for Rumel by asking around, or go straight to her if he already know's where she is.

2013-07-26, 12:46 PM
"Yes, it should be simple to find where she is. I have already heard of her, and I've only been in town for a day, so she seems to quite famous."

Ivara will follow Hadar if he knows where Rumel is, and if not, she will ask around as well.

2013-07-28, 04:27 AM
It doesn't take much effort to find out where Rumel lives. As a matter of fact, it's actually pretty easy to find her, since the first person to be asked points the party in the general direction of her home, and describes it. "Up the hill to the north, it's the lighthouse." The young man points to the, well, lighthouse, and makes a gesture to indicate what a lighthouse might look like.

A very short trip later, and the party has found Rumel's home, a lovely structure known as a lighthouse! Upon knocking at her door, they are greeted by a very tall and powerfully built woman. Her skin is olive, hair brown with streaks of grey, and she wears a long coat. She looks down at the party, utterly confused as to their presence, and asks, in Common, "Can I help you...?"

Thank the gods, she seems more curious than irritated!

Lt. Tibbles
2013-07-29, 12:57 AM
"Hello there, we're a party of adventures looking to do a bit of good in and around Inman, we've heard a bit about pirates in the area since you are in charge of the lighthouse have you noticed or heard of anything recently?."

2013-07-29, 02:53 AM
Rumel furls her eyebrows, still looking confused. "Well, uhh..." she searches. "There was the crew of The Dreaming Plunder, but they haven't been around since Wilbur Forz came into town and cleaned them out...twenty years ago, give or take. I can imagine sooner or later, some blowhard or the other - likely an affiliate or relative of a crew member - will come around these parts to make a name for themselves 'the easy way', or exact revenge...." The half-ogre shrugs. But then, a realization creeps across her face. "I wouldn't be surprised if it were soon, seeing as how if any of them had children, they'd be old enough to do just that, now... This gives me something to keep an eye out for. Thank you."

Rumel looks the party over. "Say, what brought you to my home, to begin with?"

Lt. Tibbles
2013-07-29, 05:53 PM
"We heard that you were very knowledgeable about the area and seeing as you had the best vantage point in the whole town, perhaps you may have noticed something.

We also heard of a rumor about a wizards tomb recently discovered in the foothills to the east, you wouldn't happen to have heard any information about that or perhaps know of somebody who would have that kind of knowledge?"

2013-07-29, 08:09 PM
Rumel ponders what she has been told. "I know as much about this place as the next person. Well, a little more about the stray cat problem that everybody else seems to be turning a blind eye to... But yeah, I'm flattered whoever told you I knew this place like you thought, said what they did, though."

"As for the tomb..." Rumel sniffs. "Well, that, I can actually help you out with. Sort of. I say 'sort of', because there are all sorts of different stories about it, and I haven't set foot outside of this town for five years."

"If anybody knows the truth behind the matter, it has to be the dwarves. What I've heard from them, is that there was a cave in after an...incident with some miners. When the dust settled, there was a chasm about the size of a ship, and an eerie light coming from above it. They had a priest of theirs perform some auguries, or divinations, or whatever, and discovered that part of the wreckage was the bottom half of a tomb that hasn't been touched since, well, only the Gods of the Depths know how long. They aren't particularly worried, because they've posted guards - and wards - near the chasm.."

"That's just what I've heard, though," Rumel stresses. "As far as other sources on this, there's..." She ponders. "Well, I feel a lot of the locals will just squawk about nothing. Provided none of you are able to perform auguries of your own, you could always ask somebody able to perform them to help you out, but those aren't always cheap. You probably know all about Fleur, but maybe the people at the nearby temple can help? Still, it's better than relying on word-of-mouth."

"If you don't have the funds for that sort of thing, you could always check with some local dwarves."

Once Rumel has finished, Undo interjects, "I know somebody that might be able to help! Last I heard, he was living around Galanperry. That's...one of the halfling towns out East. They call him 'Umberto the Ugly', but he's really a very nice guy!"

Rumel ***** her head. "Err, that might be a bit far, my small friend. Still, it's something, in case Fleur can't help, and you've all got a problem with worshippers of Aventernus."

Hadar Rorc
You know of Aventernus, having heard of him at some time in your past. He is a Lawful deity worshipped by many human communities. He is stern, and values justice and fair practices.
His worshippers tend to be goodly seafarers; primarily humans, halflings, and half-elves, though members of other races might worship him from time to time, or at least say a prayer to placate him.

Lt. Tibbles
2013-07-30, 06:14 PM
"Alright thank so much for the help we really appreciate it, if you ever need assistance with anything let us know." Hadar offers a polite bow before making his leave unless Rumel has anything to add. "Well I'm not sure about the rest of you but my pouch isn't exactly lined with gold, perhaps the temple would be our best bet or should we go to the dwarves?"

2013-07-30, 06:40 PM
"Yes, let's go bother the dwarfs! ... Halya, you do have Odie's leash, somewhere handy, yes? (He really, really likes dwarfs.)"

2013-08-01, 12:54 AM
Halya grunts. "Right here." The warrioress hefts the leash, and with ease, considering the dog's shiftiness, puts it on Odie.

Fortunately, during your stay here, you learned the names of all the watering holes. And most, if not all, dwarves love to drink.

The Cheap Club: A place for gamblers. The booze that is served here is strong, and the food hearty.
The Keen Artisan: Caters to the wealthier residents of Inman, and doubles as a dance hall.
The Enchanter's Wineskin: People rarely go here, and if they do, it is assumed that they are either a mage, interested in magery, or just weird. Undo was found around this place.
Zildor's: This place also comes to mind. In addition to the locals, the gnomes that make their homes where dwarves and elves meet come by here, for their owner is one of that mysterious race. There are accomodations for members of smaller races, as well as for the more regular-sized folks.
The Foolish Horseman's Festhall: Run by two brothers and their grandfather, and some say doubles as a fence. There are rooms, but they aren't the best quality...at least the spiders keep the roaches and other pests away.
The Graceful Brothers Dance Hall: A marvelous dance and festhall that caters to all types. Bards frequent this place more than any other place in Inman.
The Mirthful Midwife: Owned by a bear of a man from the North, this place also doubles as somewhat of a makeshift shrine. This colossus of a man, called Eardstapa, offers affordable room and board to infirm and injured adventurers.
The Chubbledy Kitty and the Chubbledy Puppy: This establishment is an excellent place to meet adorable stray cats and dogs! Anybody caught harming these adorable stray cats and dogs will be subject to the owner's mercy. Abundance of animals aside, this place offers excellent spirits.

Mind, dwarves can be found elsewhere in Inman, watering holes are just more likely than other places to have them. Or so you think.

Lt. Tibbles
2013-08-01, 06:41 PM
"Perhaps we should head over to The Cheap Club, that would seem like our best bet to meet up with the most dwarves, hopefully they'll be able to supply us with more information, what do the rest of you think?"

2013-08-06, 01:41 AM
You know that the Cheap Club is located on the Northwestern side of the town, sheltered from the sea by a small hill that it has been built into. There is a small garden in the front, tended by a halfling man with a couple of fingers missing, and a stitched-up face. The presence of facial hair - more than on most halflings - would suggest dwarven ancestry.

Lt. Tibbles
2013-08-06, 01:24 PM
Hadar strolls up to the bar taking a open seat and addresses the hairy halfling. "A mug of your hardest, cheapest ale, and I'll pay for whatever my friends are having as well, Mr...?"

2013-08-08, 06:50 PM
"Good wine for myself and my sword lady, please. The dog drinks beer."

Hadar strolls up to the bar taking a open seat and addresses the hairy halfling. "A mug of your hardest, cheapest ale, and I'll pay for whatever my friends are having as well, Mr...?"
"And thank you, Hadar."

2013-08-08, 09:44 PM
The halfling, who ran inside at the sight of guests, calls out behind a curtain. "'Ey, Rubella! Two 'good' wines and...two Flower Powers an' a beer fer our new guests!"

The establishment is fairly well-kept for being a gambling hall! The seats are such that anybody from gnome to "big human" size could fit comfortably on one, and there are several floral displays along the walls.
Three humans - two men and a woman - are playing a game involving slapping cards at one table. Two dwarves are plastered, and loudly reminiscing about old times with a halfling of Stout, who is completely smashed and laughing and shouting affirmations so loudly her voice is going hoarse.
Nine others are in this establishment: Two halflings of taller stock than the hairy one (and significantly cleaner of face), a fairly "normal"-looking halfling, one more human, a gnome, and two dwarves. Of course, four humans, a half-elf, and a big (very happy) dog are just adding to the colour...

Odie seems beside himself with joy at so many dwarves! He whimpers and "dances" on his feet for a minute, until a dwarven woman comes out with three tankards of a very strange-looking ale in one hand. The other hand carries a tankard of beer, with a bottle of wine lodged in a wooden cup maneuvered in between fingers. In addition to the normal smell one would take in while drinking ale, there is a flowery smell, which is pleasant, if not unusual.
The beer is, well, very much regular beer.
Odie licks the dwarven woman on her face, who laughs. "Down, boy! Down, down...just as friendly as Izhilem, used to come by here, I see!" She scratches the dog behind its ears. "Drinks're here, strangers!"

"'ll be three an' twenny silvers an' five coppers! Get anuhthing else fer ya?" The halfling man asks, eyes drifting to the dog, and smiling.

The halfling said "twenty-three silver coins and five copper coins", if you wish his babbling translated in "regular people talk".

Axharr - Earc na Ruadh
You hear the gnome say something to the solitary human...

"...kobolds have become a lot more aggressive since that incident in the mines. Just this week, I heard that no less than twenty made their way into my people's very tunnels! Stranger, still, they seemed panicked, and didn't fight back. One of our priests talked to the corpse of one, and it mentioned a 'shrieking phantom'. Might like to see what that's all about..."

Sub-Racial Profiling
Many of you are able to identify the subraces of the demi-humans in the establishment, owing to experiences.
Every halfling but the barkeeper and the loud, drunken female are of Stoutish stock. The barkeep...well, he honestly looks more like he's half-dwarven, and half-Stoutish.
All of the Dwarves in this establishment are of Hill Dwarven blood.
The Gnomish woman appears to be a Rock Gnome.
Two of the humans look to come from some mountain country, one is from the North, and another is of dark complexion, with green eyes.

2013-08-09, 09:52 PM
Earc na Ruadh says quietly to Halya, "Please keep an eye and an ear on that fellow talking with the gnome. Let me know of anything interesting you notice." More forcefully: "ODIE! Enough! Settle DOWN."

As Odie reluctantly settles to his "dignified" down stay, ears up, paws crossed, and tongue hanging out ... Earc swishes the wine between his teeth, and scans the room. He's looking for blatant magic.

Please describe the gnome and the human, in detail. And consider this a trial run of at-will detect magic.

Lt. Tibbles
2013-08-10, 02:20 PM
Hadar hands his coin over for the drinks, nefore picking up his own, drinking deeply from the glass."Thank you so much, very appreciated, actually i was wondering if you heard any news from Nuragrim."

2013-08-11, 07:00 AM
Hadar hands his coin over for the drinks, nefore picking up his own, drinking deeply from the glass."Thank you so much, very appreciated, actually i was wondering if you heard any news from Nuragrim."

Earc waits to hear whatever the halfling has to say, and waits longer until he will not be obviously telling a secret. Then he says to Hadar,

"The gnome over there with the human fellow says, there is a shrieking phantom driving the kobolds into the gnome mines. I told Halya to keep an ear and an eye on them both."

2013-08-11, 07:37 AM
Halya has heard the conversation, as well. She looks at Earc na Ruadh, and nods, sipping very slowly from her drinking vessel...as much to keep from getting drunk too fast*, as to listen carefully.

"Nuragirn?" The propietor asks, scratching his chin. "Can't say..." He is cut off by Rubella.

"Yeah! Heard of a nasty incident, there! Some group of miners went in unpermitted, brought a bunch of mages with tools to bend the earth to their will! Heard they were looking for rare metals, and stones. Problem is, the earth bent in the wrong direction, came down on 'em." The inn falls silent, but for one last, loud "THUNK!" frm the table with the card-playing humans, followed by an oath from one of the men, and snickering from all three. "Also came down on a rather weak section of some more earth, and opened up a big chasm! Always a good idea to mine a place after getting blessings from the Gods of the Depths. No telling what'll happen, otherwise." As she speaks, she scratches behind Odie's ears.

"My brother heard different frm a survivor of that incident!" Pipes a dwarf. He is clearly spoken. "He said that there were no tools involved, but for the mages, Gods rest their souls! They used some sort of sorcerous shout that weakened a known dangerous area! Things would not have happened as they did, if they had used tools as you suggest!"

"The only 'sorcerous shout' I've heard of that could do that would have to be the kind used by war-wizards..." One of the humans pipes.

The propietor looks exasperated, and Rubella looks as if she has more to say, eager to fan whatever flames have been spread. Helping others has never been so noisy in the past!

Axharr - Earc na Ruadh, Halya
Detect Magic: There is, indeed, magic afoot in this place! Each person capable of using magic can sense magic in a different way -- some by smell, others by seeing auras, and others still with their ears or throbbing or other indescribable sensations. Concentration will "narrow things down".
Abjuration: There are no abjuration auras, effects, or spells present.
Conjuration: There are no conjuration auras, effects, or spells present.
Divination: There are no divination auras, effects, or spells present.
Evocation: The gnome's necklace radiates evocation magics.
Illusion: The gnome's clothing radiates illusion magics; but for the necklace that she wears, she is practically covered in illusion magics! There is also an illusory presence on the suit of scale armour that one of the dwarves wears.
Necromancy: Ye GODS, the aura around one of the dwarves' weapons and his suit of armour - he appears to be a warrior of some sort - is overpowering!
-There is an aura present around the red-faced and giggling halfling's neck, or more specifically, her amulet.
Transmutation: The card-playing human woman's satchel radiates transmutation magics.
Universal: Well, there's a really faint and indeterminable aura on the box that the cards the three humans are slapping on the table came in.

Gnome & Human: The gnome is a little over three feet tall, and has styled, blonde hair. Her eyes are blue. She wears clothing of red and orange, with strips and beads hanging from odd places. Asymmetrical earrings adorn her ears.
The human has a dark complexion, with green eyes, and long hair worn in a topknot. He appears to be some sort of scholar, given his mannerisms. His cloth, too, betrays his position as a scholar.
They appear to be speaking of the cave-in that happened recently.
The human inquires about the nature of this shrieking phantom, and the gnome says that the shrieking noise seems to originate from a new, almost infinitely black abyssal area. She suggests that it might just be some sort of underground creature's mating cry, for all her kin know. The human is nonetheless alarmed about this, and says that he would like to use his magic to pry.

This conversation took place "between posts", so they weren't whispering quietly WHILE EVERYBODY ELSE WAS SHOUTING ABOUT THINGS THAT HAPPENED. Or in between your guyses asking a question because you're, like, you know, being helpful and Rubella getting a kick out of all the rumors.

* - Real life advice from a relative, folks! Water and sips. And eats. 'Specially important if you're a lightweight, like me.

Lt. Tibbles
2013-08-13, 07:42 PM
Hadar offers the bartender a look as if to say he's sorry for causing the commotion, but then turns back to Earc. "A Phantom? That is troubling the undead are not to be trifled with, and if it's pushing the kobolds into the innocents homes that just makes matters worse." Hadar considered the news for a moment before asking Rubella. "Did they happen to uncover anything with that cave in? I heard talk that it was some sort of tomb."

2013-08-13, 08:00 PM
Gnome & Human: The gnome is a little over three feet tall, and has styled, blonde hair. Her eyes are blue. She wears clothing of red and orange, with strips and beads hanging from odd places. Asymmetrical earrings adorn her ears.
The human has a dark complexion, with green eyes, and long hair worn in a topknot. He appears to be some sort of scholar, given his mannerisms. His cloth, too, betrays his position as a scholar.
They appear to be speaking of the cave-in that happened recently.
The human inquires about the nature of this shrieking phantom, and the gnome says that the shrieking noise seems to originate from a new, almost infinitely black abyssal area. She suggests that it might just be some sort of underground creature's mating cry, for all her kin know. The human is nonetheless alarmed about this, and says that he would like to use his magic to pry.

* - Real life advice from a relative, folks! Water and sips. And eats. 'Specially important if you're a lightweight, like me.

Earc says quietly to Hadar, "I think I want to speak with the human wizard, the one talking with gnome lady about the shrieking phantom from the dark abyss. Thank you again for the drinks, let me know when you're dry and I'll get the next round.

Also, can you smell the death magic on that dwarf's armor over there? Creepy."

Earc gently tugs Odie over to the wizard and the gnome, halting at sufficient distance that the dog can't put his chin on the table and drool or steal a sip from someone's mug. "Odie, down. ... down ... good boy! ... Hello, my friends call me Red. How are you this evening? ... I thought I heard you talking about a shrieking phantom, naturally, I'm curious. But maybe I misheard?"

2013-08-19, 04:56 PM
The gnome narrows her eyes, and looks the mage up and down, unimpressed. "Been eavesdropping, have we? We were talking about a phantom, have you got any information?"

The human's eyes widen in shock at his friend's words, and he looks from the gnome to the mage.

2013-08-19, 05:24 PM
The gnome narrows her eyes, and looks the mage up and down, unimpressed. "Been eavesdropping, have we? We were talking about a phantom, have you got any information?"

The human's eyes widen in shock at his friend's words, and he looks from the gnome to the mage.

Well, that's an interesting response. Not unexpected but not the friendliest. Someone wants their problem to be a secret and doesn't want any help?

"Oh, I am sorry. it's a general topic in the room right now, that's why your words caught my ear so easily. That and the references to phantoms and dark abyss which are right in my spell tower if you know what I mean... Well, really, not to polish my own wand, but I did graduate early from the Hovering Cottage and perhaps you know what that means?" oh I certainly hope not.

" Any way, simply charming to meet you and I look forward to someday seeing you in person, more clearly...there's something about the lighting in here, isn't there?" this a reference to the enchantments all over the gnome's clothing.

2013-08-24, 03:39 AM
The gnome curls her lip, but keeps her temper in check.

The robed human with whom she is speaking sits with his mouth open in shock and amusement, and his eyes wide at the gnome's words. When he collects himself, he speaks. "A pleasure to meet you, Red! I am Feneral, and this is Caerka. Please, excuse her manner." Indeed, Feneral seems accustomed to the gnome's chaotic moods. "You express an interest in the cave-in?" He narrows his eyes, as if thinking, and looks the mage and those he came with, over. "You and yours appear to be adventurers true. Clearly, your interest is not casual mongering of rumours."

Despite the human's words, Caerka does not seem to much care, until Feneral says, "It certainly is hard to find somebody interested in local matters who is capable of helping, is it not, Caerka?"

Caerka blinks, and realization creeps over her face. "Oh. Y...yeah! Siddown, siddown. I, uhh...we can fill you in, if you're not just fishing for information to go spit at every Thomas, Richard, and Harold." She gestures to the nearby seats, and nods at Earc na Ruadh. While her eyes are averted, Feneral rolls his eyes at the gnome.

Lt. Tibbles
2013-08-28, 02:32 PM
Drinking from his mug and listening to the other's stories Hadar turns to Rubellla and ask's her.

"Did you happen to hear if they uncovered anything? I've heard talk that it was some sort of tomb."

2013-09-07, 02:46 AM
Rubella nods. "Well, that's as far as anybody can figure, yeah... I've heard that the tomb..."

The dwarf pauses when the drunken halfling seems to fly off her handle, laughing so hard that she passes out. Rubella sighs, as do the halfling's companions.

"Lush... Anyways, I was told that it was the tomb of a wizard who fleeced us about a millenium ago, give or take. I hear it was the son of a demon! Came when we needed him the most, and cleared all of the ogres out of a cave we emptied out about a millenium before that. 'Cept it turrns out he didn't quite..." The dwarf shrugs. "We didn't know any better, though, he was all wit and charm, and helped us make so many wonderful things. Humans, and even half-elves, came to learn under him. Everybody was happy, even us dwarves!"

"Didn't last. Turns out those apprentices he was taking? The most talented of the humans were being bred with some ogres he kept, as well as some..." Rubella shudders. "Dark elves. Some of the apprentices were sent back as spies, their eyes replaced with seeing things! Those, I hear, he also had dig bodies up for his other experiments." One might notice that the tavern keeper is standing behind Rubella with his arms crossed, and rolling his eyes, but Rubella is really into her story. "The gods told us what was happening, though. They told us that this wizard was no friend of ours, and that we should take action. So, we did, and not a moment too soon! The families and friends of his apprentices went mad and started to kill at random!" She gestures wildly. "And then...!"

"Belly!" The tavern keeper interrupts Rubella's account. "The boy wants the truth, not some idjit stories! 'Less he wants to fish out the truth..." The tavern keeper gives Hadar a look, as if to say, "Do you really want her to continue?". "Dark elves...here! Hah!"

2013-09-07, 07:20 AM
The dwarf woman is loud enough, Earc has no trouble hearing her. He chuckles, sliding into a chair between Feneral and Caerka and taking a short grip on Odie's leash. {quietly} "Well, I won't tell anyone anything she won't. Which would be anything she doesn't know. I hear necromancy, and artifacts, and something like a ... what they call 'em? lich."

Earc carefully studies the faces of his table mates, scritching his fingers in the tangly fur between Odie's ears to keep the smelly beast quiet. He also crosses his toes in hopes that there will be no repeat of the room clearing episode that happened when Odie drank pumpkin ale the previous fall.

Unless a tablemate interjects, Earc quietly continues "So, vaunting aside, you can see that I'm a bit tougher stuff than your average young mage; when spells run dry, I rely on old Bonebreaker." (here he jiggles his staff a bit) "With Odie and Halya by my side, we're a stern team to face. Not to mention the cleric, a simply electrifying partner. ... HI, HALYA! Please, sit down and meet another lovely lady! And her friend." Earc rises to offer his swordmaid the chair.

2013-09-09, 05:09 PM
"I haven't a reason to doubt you, Red," Feneral smiles again. Caerka purses her lips.

Halya lifts another seat, and then sits to meet Caerka and Feneral. "Halya." Odie, meanwhile, has taken to resting his chin on the table, and looks calmer than he did before. Tail notwithstanding.

Caerka and Feneral greet themselves to any newcomers to the table.

With regards to Rubella's campfire storyteller performance, and Red's take on things, Caerka says, "What she says has been put together from the most consistent accounts of that time. There was an exile some centuries past; whether she was an alu-demons or a lich, is not known. She did gather a lot of apprentices, and do all sorts of things that would make a Paladin quake. Before she was able to make anything of her plans, she was brought down when adventurers looking for something that she'd stolen from a ruler back where she came from decided to intervene. Her laboratory was converted into a tomb for her, and..."

Halya and Undo look at each other, their expressions of dread, at the mention of "alu-demons", much less liches. "My version was better!" Rubella barks.

Caerka's eyes flare, but she holds her temper. "Have you got a map? I can mark a likely location of the tomb for you, if you're interested. Can't really advise going headfirst into such danger, but it's your life. Also can't say whether or not that shrieking phantom is related...I sincerely hope that's just something that the cave-in woke up."

Earc na Ruadh, Ivara of Kalradim, Halya, Undo

You search your memories as you hear mention of alu-demons. You recall that they are the offspring of succubi and human men, and often sent to the Prime Material Plane to seduce men into demon worship.

Lt. Tibbles
2013-09-10, 12:19 PM
Hadar considered her story while he mulled his mug over. "Well even the most grandiose of stories all still have some truth behind them, please continue.

2013-09-17, 04:45 AM
"Thank ye kindly!" Rubella says. The tavern keeper looks defeated, at this point, and goes back to what he was doing - bringing meals to the three humans playing a card game.

"As I was saying, the loved ones of a great many former apprentices began to act strangely. Attacks, killings, and the like. Then, it stopped. A group of adventurers came to us, carrying the body of our 'friend'!" The dwarf pauses. "Of course, uhh, why we didn't burn the body, I don't know. Nonetheless, we put it in a tomb. It looks like the tomb's been disturbed, though, and the dead don't like to be awakened!" Her eyes are wide, and she nods.

One of the patrons at the bar says, "I heard the wizard's experiments were all destroyed!"

Another says, "Nay, they scooped up the mad one's body in the night and made it a tomb!"

Rubella nods at the boozy storytellers, and looks at Hadar. "That's what happened."

Really, imagine Rose Nylund from The Golden Girls nodding when she tells a story.

Lt. Tibbles
2013-09-18, 07:47 PM
"Ah I see...Well then! This was all the information I needed to hear if there is even a chance that the dead or something worse has been disturbed down in that tomb is enough to warrant an investigation in my book. What's the fastest way to get to Nuragrim?"

Hadar finished his ale and ordered one more, he was set on journeying to the Wizards Tomb and laying whatever was down there to rest.

2013-09-21, 07:07 AM
The extra ale was poured for Hadar by Rubella, and a patron - one of those who attested to Rubella's accounts - took a spare piece of parchment out of his bag and scribbled a very rough map of the area for Hadar.

"Nuragirn is there..." The man said, pointing to what should pass for a mountain. "Road's an obvious route to it, but there's by sea, and shortcuts abound. Don't suggest going through the majority of the shortcuts, though, hear tell there's orc-folk there."

Lt. Tibbles
2013-09-23, 04:57 PM
Orc's you say? Hmm...have they been in the area long?

Hadar considered their options orcs could be a problem if they were planning to reach Nuragrim unharmed perhaps taking a boat would be a better (if not more expensive) bet, he'd wait to speak with his partner's before making up his mind though.

2013-09-23, 07:13 PM
"Let's take the road. Worst case we will slay some orcs and gain some wealth. Best case, we will make orc friends to help us chase the shrieking ghost."

Lt. Tibbles
2013-09-23, 07:40 PM
"Sounds like a plan, let's leave right away from what we've heard I'd like to get to Nuragrim as soon as possible no telling what havoc could be wrought with undead on the loose."

2013-09-29, 07:13 PM
Halya looks skeptical. "Pay me double, every day from we first see danger, til we're back here. You can owe me triple if'n I'm injured or slain."

Odie thumps his tail.

2013-10-04, 12:50 AM
"'Hear tell there's'..." A customer sitting next to Hadar, a halfling, clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes at the other halfling. He starts, but the woman cuts him off. "A-bah-bah-bah, I'm telling a story, here. There are orcs." The male frowns. The female appears to be a fisher of some sort. "They had the pleasure of bumping into a band of them on the way here from Benar." She points to the three humans playing cards. "A little while before you came in, they did, and they had a story to tell about their trip here, and how they took one of those shortcuts, and ran right into a group of orcs. They also requested the assistance of a healer..."

The male starts again, but the halfling is quick to cut him off. "Not... Now! These folks actually want to make a difference around here, and I, for one, want to help them make the right decision." Again, the male frowns. And takes a sip of the indescribable concoction in his hand. The fisherwoman halfling looks at the map, and nods slowly, mouthing things to herself. "Yeah, everything checks out, here. Just keep to the roads. They're not necessarily as guarded as you all might be used to, but with orcs in the deep wilds, bandits haven't really got anywhere to hide."

Ivarra and Undo appear to have left some time ago, after having a brief conversation with other patrons.

2013-10-07, 12:04 PM
Olo meanders into the Cheap Club bright and early, though he certainly does not feel bright due to the early-ness of the hour. The trek from his village was not a savory one and he would certainly not wish it upon his worst enemy; OK, maybe his worst, but certainly not on anyone else.
Taking not of the others gathered in the club already, Olo makes his way to the bar and waits for the strange hair-covered halfling tending the bar to come over and take his drink order.

2013-10-07, 05:26 PM
Myrleena arrived hungry for knowledge about the Wizard's demesne. What was it again? she thought. Nutragrain...no...Nurglevain? It's Nuragirn mistress a voice sighed in her mind. Ah yes, Nuragirn, my thanks Khelzarondi.

Adjusting her armor, making sure she revealed just enough skin, she surveyed the manure pit that tried to pass itself off as a town, looking for a place to rest her head, with contracting lice.

2013-10-08, 09:23 PM
Halya sees her first, and she chuckles, kicks Earc under the table, and takes a swig from the bottle of wine. "You or me, boss?" she winks, gesturing with the bottle toward the door.

Earc's eyes widen as he smiles, biting his lower lip. "Oh how I hope, ..... mmm. NOT SURE." as his mage-trained eyes assess Myrleena's presence. Nodding to Halya, and putting one foot gently on Odie's shoulders, he rises to greet the newcome beauty.

Hey guys, where are the new character sheets?

2013-10-12, 01:29 AM
The hairy halfling at the bar regards the newcomer amiably, as Rubella is in the middle of yet another lengthy story, this one directed at the friends of the unconscious halfling. "Welcome, friend! There's space for you wherever you like!" He gestures to open spaces, which are, well, quite numerous!

He sees Myrleena, and also gestures for her to enter. "Welcome, welcome! So many new faces here, today!"

This barkeep is no Hairfoot, he's half-dwarven, and half-Hairfoot! A very rare specimen, indeed! ...represented mechanically, for players, as a Dwarf or Halfling.
He seems to have been raised around halflings, whatever the case...

2013-10-15, 05:23 PM
Earc fully rises and approaches the newcomers, gesturing for Odie to stay and glancing back for Halya to follow.

"Hello, you look nearly as out of place as I. People call me Red."

2013-10-18, 09:22 AM
Olo orders a tall glass of Stout ale, knowing that only Halflings and Dwarves have the art of making stout ale and given the barkeep's upbringing he was sure to have the best available. Turning to the man, a slight smirk catches the corners of his mouth. He flourishes a bow and says, "My name is Olo Hillocks; but my friends simply call me trouble."

2013-10-24, 06:25 PM
Having few options, everything seemed dingy and dirty, she entered the bar and surveyed the interior. Halflings, she disliked the dirt eaters, but they had their place. Regardless of her tastes, she must make do.

She found the man who approached her and a nearby dwarf, irritating in his openness. Intrusive and rude.

Red he called himself. Ignoring Red 's remarks, she sat at the bar, waving the dirt eater tending it over in the hopes it could pour wine correctly.

"Wine, white and chilled, please," Myrleena sighed.

2013-10-25, 02:18 AM
"Very well!" The hairy halfling chimes at his two new customers. He considers calling out to Rubella, but shakes his head. "The ties that bind..." He sighs, almost resentful. He disappears behind the curtain, and retrieves Olo's ale and Myrleena's wine; the former is in a very fine-looking tankard, while the latter is in a plain, but respectable goblet.

"Are one or both of you are interested in the Tomb that everybody and their mother's on about?"

Fluffenstuff - Myrleena, Olo
Ye gods! Myrleena knows this wine to be of a variety that should not by any means be available in such a place as she is at! It is of her people's make, sure enough, but...
A sip of it is all that it takes, and her knowledge of magery and her age tell her that this is a wine made by the elves of Clan Arilys. Clan Arilys counts the odd priests of the Seldarine among its members. As she has heard the tale, the acolyte priests of Clan Arilys tend the grapes, priests of Hanali Celanil begin the process of wine-making, and senior priests of Labelas Enoreth bless the bottles on every holy day to the Elven God of Longevity.
In any case, how this halfling...or is he a dwarf? Maybe he's just inbred...came to have this drink in his stock is left to the elf's imagination.

Olo knows this ale to be of decent quality! It's worth every Copper, and certainly worth giving to an unwitting human lad or lass who insists on drinking the Stout Folk's Stouts. Much kinder than the rum of dubious origin that he had the "pleasure" of tasting a few whiles back, as was given to him by a pirate...

2013-10-25, 07:37 AM
Rebuffed, Earc glances back imploringly toward Halya, who elbows him with a grin as she eases past.

"Please excuse my employer's coltish manners," she says sweetly to the sinisterly attractive woman before her. "My name is Halya, and I am a professional killer. We have heard of a dangerous tomb, haunted by a shrieking ghost, and 'Red' and his new friend Hadar have impetuously decided that they'd like to traipse through it. There might be treasure, or ancient magic, or just grim and painful death. Would you like to come along?"

2013-10-28, 09:59 AM
Tankard in hand, Olo glances between Earc and the barkeep; a smile creeping across his face and a glint forming in his eye. "A tomb you say? Oh do tell."

2013-11-07, 07:53 AM
Myrleena picks up the glass with graceful elegance and sips. Her eyes open wide in shock, which she immediately forces behind her mask of indifference. It can not be....how could a filthy dirt eater get his hands on this....

Lost in her thoughts, she feels a prick on her back as Khelzarondi lightly stings her with his tail pulling her back into the moment.

"A tomb you say?" She overhears the dingy dwarf reply.

I thought you may be interested in this mistress, seeing this is why we are here.

Yes..yes... Thank you.

Turning around Myrleena smiles feigning ignorance. "A tomb? There are so many tombs. What marks this one special?"

2013-11-11, 01:37 AM
"As far as I can tell, this tomb has the dwarves of Nuragirn in a tizzy because of some lights coming from an exposed part of it," the barkeep shrugs. "Local legend holds that it's the tomb of - take your pick - a sorcerer, a necromancer, a high priest of gods-know-who, a demon princess, or an elven prince. I won't argue that some sort of spell-slinger inhabited a cavern at one point, and there's no doubt magic to be found, but after my twentieth Winter, I just tuned things being said about the tomb out. If you were to ask Rubella," he points to his assistant, "She'd weave a tall tale for you that even a bard couldn't hope to top. If I were in your footwear, I'd just piece together the consistent bits of information you might hear. If you're really dead set on plundering Whoever's Tomb, and want all the facts, have a word with a mage, if you aren't able to use divination magics."

He pauses, and points to Khelzarondi. "Would your friend like anything?"